A FEDR ALCOHOL FOD YN WENWYN? Gall diodydd alcoholaidd, o'u hyfed yn synhwyrol ac yn gymedrol, roi pleser i lawer. Fodd bynnag, mae llawer o bethau, os cymerir gormod ohonynt, yn gallu bod yn ddigon gwenwynig i ladd. Mae Alcohol yn un ohonynt. Os bydd unigolyn yn yfed gormod o alcohol ar ddim ond un achlysur, mae risg o niwed difrifol neu hyd yn farwolaeth. Yn anffodus, mae 'na bobl sy'n gwneud y camgymeriad hwn bob blwyddyn mae gormod o drychinebau yn digwydd o'r herwydd. Ond faint o ddiod sy'n ormod? MAE'N DIBYNNU AR FAINT, PWYSAU, RHYW, CYFANSODDIAD A FFACTORAU ERAILL YR UNIGOLYN Fodd bynnag, os yw dyn cyffredin yn yfed potel o wirodydd neu gyfatebol ar y tro, byddai hynny'n ddigon i'w ladd. Os ydych yn fychan neu yn fenyw - neu'r ddau - gallai hanner hynny fod yn ddigon i'ch ladd neu i beryglu eich bywyd. To find out more about how the effects of alcohol and to find out how many units you can drink safely, log on to drinkaware.co.uk SUT MAE PERSON GYDA GWENWYN ALCOHOL YN EDRYCH? • Bydd wedi mynd i lewyg. • Bydd yn anodd os nad yn amhosib i'w deffro. • Bydd y corff yn cau i lawr ac felly bydd y croen yn oer ac yn llaith. • Byddant yn anadlu'n araf ac yn swnllyd. • Efallai y bydd canhwyllau'r llygaid yn fawr. • Efallai y byddant wedi bod yn chwydu. • Efallai eu bod wedi gwlychu eu hunain - neu waeth. MAE'R YMENNYDD YN RHEOLI EICH ANADLU, EICH CALON A THYMHEREDD EICH CORFF. MEWN GEIRIAU ERAILL, MAE'N RHEOLI SBARDUN A THERMOSTAT Y CORFF. OS BYDDWCH YN YFED GORMOD, DAW EICH TROED ODDI AR Y SBARDUN, MAE'R THERMOSTAT YN TROI I FFWRDD AC MAE'R CORFF YN ARAFU TAN Y BYDD RHYWBETH YN STOPIO - FEL EICH CALON. Mae yna berygl arall yn gysylltiedig gyda'r effaith ar y stumog. Mae cyfogi pan nad yw'r ymennydd yn gweithio'n iawn yn golygu bod perygl gwirioneddol o dagu i farwolaeth. Hyd yn oed yn waeth, gall taflu i fyny yn y cyflwr hwn olygu bod nerf yn adweithio sy'n stopio'r galon - yn gelain. Os bydd y ddwy effaith hyn yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd mae modd i rywun farw o dagu ar ôl cael dos llawer llai na sydd ei angen ar gyfer gwenwyno uniongyrchol. FFONIWCH 999 GWNEWCH • GALW AMBIWLANS • SICRHAU BOD CEG Y PERSON YN GLIR A'I FOD YN GALLU ANADLU • TROWCH NHW AR EU HOCHR SUT FEDRAF OSGOI GWENWYN ALCOHOL? • CADWCH NHW'N GYNNES • GWYLIWCH NHW GWNEWCH • Yfed yn gymedrol • Yfed yn araf • Yfed dwr neu ddiod ysgafn rhwng diodydd alcohol • Bwyta gyda eich diod SUT MAE ALCOHOL YN LLADD? Mae yfed gormod o alcohol ar y tro yn cael effaith ar y corff mewn ffyrdd a all fod yn beryglus: mae'n creu iselder yn yr ymennydd ac yn hambygio'r stumog. Beth i’w wneud mewn argyfwng PEIDIWCH Â • Yfed gormod • Yfed gormod o ddim nad ydych yn gyfarwydd ag ef • Yfed diodydd nad ydych wedi eu gweld yn cael eu cymysgu • Yfed i ennill bet neu gystadleuaeth • Peidiwch â gadael i yfed mewn rownd eich gwthio i yfed mwy nag ydych eisiau CYSYLLTIADAU DEFNYDDIOL GWASANETHAETH 'AGAIN' - GRWP HUNAN CAMDDEFNYDDIO GYMORTH SYLWEDDAU Priordy Dewi Sant YMDDIRIEDOLAETH GIG Allt Richmond GOGLEDD ORLLEWIN Caergybi Cymru Ynys Môn Prif Swyddfa LL65 2HH Yr Hen Feddygfa Ffôn: 01407 761611 Castellfryn Star, ger Gaerwen LLINELL GYMORTH Ynys Môn CYFFURIAU AC ALCOHOL Ffôn: 01248 718030 CYMRU Ffacs: 01248 718031 DAN 24/7 e-bost: smsreferals@nww- 0800 6 33 55 88 tr.wales.nhs.uk Alcohol Concern www.alcoholconcern.org.uk CAIS - ASIANTAETH CYFFURIAU AC ALCOHOL LLINELL GYMORTH Llawr 1af CYFFURIAU AC ALCOHOL Canolfan Penllyn YNYS MÔN Caernarfon Ffôn: 01248 722580 Gwynedd PEIDIWCH Â LL55 1NN SAMARIAID Ffôn: 01286 671005 5A Llys Onnen • EU GADAEL AR EU PENNAU EU HUNAIN Ffacs: 01286 675312 Parc Menai e-bost: Bangor helen.roberts@cais.org.uk Gwynedd www.cais.co.uk LL57 4DF • RHOI COFFI DU IDDYNT - NA DIM ARALL • CEISIO GWNEUD IDDYNT GERDDED O GWMPAS Ffôn: 01248 674985 ALCOHOL ANONYMOUS Canolfan Lôn Abaty CHILDLINE Lôn Abaty 0800 1111 Bangor Gwynedd LL57 2EA Ffôn: 01248 354888 Ffacs: 01248 370215 CAN ALCOHOL EVER BE A POISON? Alcoholic drinks, when enjoyed sensibly and in moderation, can be a source of pleasure for many. But many things taken to excess can be poisonous enough to kill. Alcohol is one. The fact is that if a person drinks large amounts of alcohol on one occasion, there is a risk of serious injury or even death. Unfortunately there are people who make this mistake every year - too many tragedies occur in consequence. But how much is too much? IT DEPENDS ON THE PERSON’S SIZE, WEIGHT, SEX, GENETIC MAKE-UP AND OTHER FACTORS. However, it is clear that if an average male drank a bottle of spirits or equivalent at one time, it would be enough to kill him. If you are small or female - or both - you may die or come close to death on half that amount. To find out more about how the effects of alcohol and to find out how many units you can drink safely, log on to drinkaware.co.uk HOW CAN ALCOHOL KILL? Alcohol drunk in excess at one time affects the body in two ways that can be dangerous: it depresses the brain and it irritates the stomach. THE BRAIN CONTROLS BREATHING, THE HEART AND BODY TEMPERATURE. IN OTHER WORDS, IT CONTROLS THE BODY’S ACCELERATOR AND THERMOSTAT. IF TOO MUCH IS DRUNK, THE FOOT COMES OFF THE ACCELERATOR, THE THERMOSTAT IS SWITCHED OFF AND THE BODY WINDS DOWN UNTIL SOMETHING STOPS - SUCH AS YOUR HEART. Add the second effect, the stomach irritation, and there is another danger. To vomit when the brain is malfunctioning means that choking to death is a real risk. Even worse, vomiting in this condition can trigger an instant nerve reflex that stops the heart - dead. If the two effects work together, a person could die from choking after a much smaller dose than is needed for direct poisoning. WHAT DOES A PERSON WITH ALCOHOL POISONING LOOK LIKE? • The person will be collapsed. • They will be difficult or impossible to rouse. • The body will be winding down so the skin is cool and clammy. • The breathing is slow and noisy. • The pupils of the eyes may be wide. • There may have been some vomiting. • They may have wet themselves - or worse. HOW CAN I AVOID ALCOHOL POISONING? DO What you should do in an emergency USEFUL CONTACTS NORTH WEST WALES NHS 'AGAIN' SELF HELP TRUST SUBSTANCE GROUP MISUSE SERVICE St David's Priory Corporate Base Richmond Hill The Old Surgery Holyhead Castellfryn Ynys Môn DO Star, Nr Gaerwen LL65 2HH Ynys Môn Phone: 01407 761611 • CALL AN AMBULANCE Phone: 01248 718030 Fax: 01248 718031 WALES DRUG AND ALCOHOL • SEE THAT THE PERSON’S MOUTH IS CLEAR AND THAT THEY CAN BREATHE e-mail: smsreferals@nww- HELPLINE tr.wales.nhs.uk DAN 24/7 • TURN THEM ONTO THEIR SIDE (THE RECOVERY POSITION) CAIS DRUG AND ALCOHOL Alcohol Concern AGENCY www.alcoholconcern.org.uk Dial 999 0800 6 33 55 88 1st Floor • KEEP THEM WARM Canolfan Penllyn YNYS MÔN DRUGS AND Caernarfon ALCOHOL HELPLINE • WATCH THEM Gwynedd Phone: 01248 722580 LL55 1NN • • • • Drink moderately Drink slowly Space your drinks with water or soft drinks. Eat with your drinks DON’T • Drink to excess • Drink too much of anything with which you are not familiar • Drink drinks you have not seen mixed • Drink for a bet or a competition • Let drinking in rounds or “shouts” push you into drinking more than you want. DON’T • LEAVE THEM ALONE Phone: 01286 671005 SAMARITANS Fax: 01286 675312 5A Llys Onnen e-mail: Parc Menai helen.roberts@cais.org.uk Bangor www.cais.co.uk Gwynedd LL57 4DF • GIVE THEM BLACK COFFEE - OR ANYTHING ELSE. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS • TRY TO WALK THEM ABOUT Abbey Road CHILDLINE Bangor 0800 1111 Phone: 01248 674985 Abbey Road Centre Gwynedd LL57 2EA Phone: 01248 354888 Fax: 01248 370215 CAN ALCOHOL EVER BE A POISON? Alcoholic drinks, when enjoyed sensibly and in moderation, can be a source of pleasure for many. But many things taken to excess can be poisonous enough to kill. Alcohol is one. The fact is that if a person drinks large amounts of alcohol on one occasion, there is a risk of serious injury or even death. Unfortunately there are people who make this mistake every year - too many tragedies occur in consequence. But how much is too much? IT DEPENDS ON THE PERSON’S SIZE, WEIGHT, SEX, GENETIC MAKE-UP AND OTHER FACTORS. However, it is clear that if an average male drank a bottle of spirits or equivalent at one time, it would be enough to kill him. If you are small or female - or both - you may die or come close to death on half that amount. To find out more about how the effects of alcohol and to find out how many units you can drink safely, log on to drinkaware.co.uk HOW CAN ALCOHOL KILL? Alcohol drunk in excess at one time affects the body in two ways that can be dangerous: it depresses the brain and it irritates the stomach. THE BRAIN CONTROLS BREATHING, THE HEART AND BODY TEMPERATURE. IN OTHER WORDS, IT CONTROLS THE BODY’S ACCELERATOR AND THERMOSTAT. IF TOO MUCH IS DRUNK, THE FOOT COMES OFF THE ACCELERATOR, THE THERMOSTAT IS SWITCHED OFF AND THE BODY WINDS DOWN UNTIL SOMETHING STOPS - SUCH AS YOUR HEART. Add the second effect, the stomach irritation, and there is another danger. To vomit when the brain is malfunctioning means that choking to death is a real risk. Even worse, vomiting in this condition can trigger an instant nerve reflex that stops the heart - dead. If the two effects work together, a person could die from choking after a much smaller dose than is needed for direct poisoning. WHAT DOES A PERSON WITH ALCOHOL POISONING LOOK LIKE? • The person will be collapsed. • They will be difficult or impossible to rouse. • The body will be winding down so the skin is cool and clammy. • The breathing is slow and noisy. • The pupils of the eyes may be wide. • There may have been some vomiting. • They may have wet themselves - or worse. HOW CAN I AVOID ALCOHOL POISONING? DO What you should do in an emergency USEFUL CONTACTS NORTH WEST WALES NHS 'AGAIN' SELF HELP TRUST SUBSTANCE GROUP MISUSE SERVICE St David's Priory Corporate Base Richmond Hill The Old Surgery Holyhead Castellfryn Ynys Môn DO Star, Nr Gaerwen LL65 2HH Ynys Môn Phone: 01407 761611 • CALL AN AMBULANCE Phone: 01248 718030 Fax: 01248 718031 WALES DRUG AND ALCOHOL • SEE THAT THE PERSON’S MOUTH IS CLEAR AND THAT THEY CAN BREATHE e-mail: smsreferals@nww- HELPLINE tr.wales.nhs.uk DAN 24/7 • TURN THEM ONTO THEIR SIDE (THE RECOVERY POSITION) CAIS DRUG AND ALCOHOL Alcohol Concern AGENCY www.alcoholconcern.org.uk Dial 999 0800 6 33 55 88 1st Floor • KEEP THEM WARM Canolfan Penllyn YNYS MÔN DRUGS AND Caernarfon ALCOHOL HELPLINE • WATCH THEM Gwynedd Phone: 01248 722580 LL55 1NN • • • • Drink moderately Drink slowly Space your drinks with water or soft drinks. Eat with your drinks DON’T • Drink to excess • Drink too much of anything with which you are not familiar • Drink drinks you have not seen mixed • Drink for a bet or a competition • Let drinking in rounds or “shouts” push you into drinking more than you want. DON’T • LEAVE THEM ALONE Phone: 01286 671005 SAMARITANS Fax: 01286 675312 5A Llys Onnen e-mail: Parc Menai helen.roberts@cais.org.uk Bangor www.cais.co.uk Gwynedd LL57 4DF • GIVE THEM BLACK COFFEE - OR ANYTHING ELSE. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS • TRY TO WALK THEM ABOUT Abbey Road CHILDLINE Bangor 0800 1111 Phone: 01248 674985 Abbey Road Centre Gwynedd LL57 2EA Phone: 01248 354888 Fax: 01248 370215 CAN ALCOHOL EVER BE A POISON? Alcoholic drinks, when enjoyed sensibly and in moderation, can be a source of pleasure for many. But many things taken to excess can be poisonous enough to kill. Alcohol is one. The fact is that if a person drinks large amounts of alcohol on one occasion, there is a risk of serious injury or even death. Unfortunately there are people who make this mistake every year - too many tragedies occur in consequence. But how much is too much? IT DEPENDS ON THE PERSON’S SIZE, WEIGHT, SEX, GENETIC MAKE-UP AND OTHER FACTORS. However, it is clear that if an average male drank a bottle of spirits or equivalent at one time, it would be enough to kill him. If you are small or female - or both - you may die or come close to death on half that amount. To find out more about how the effects of alcohol and to find out how many units you can drink safely, log on to drinkaware.co.uk HOW CAN ALCOHOL KILL? Alcohol drunk in excess at one time affects the body in two ways that can be dangerous: it depresses the brain and it irritates the stomach. THE BRAIN CONTROLS BREATHING, THE HEART AND BODY TEMPERATURE. IN OTHER WORDS, IT CONTROLS THE BODY’S ACCELERATOR AND THERMOSTAT. IF TOO MUCH IS DRUNK, THE FOOT COMES OFF THE ACCELERATOR, THE THERMOSTAT IS SWITCHED OFF AND THE BODY WINDS DOWN UNTIL SOMETHING STOPS - SUCH AS YOUR HEART. Add the second effect, the stomach irritation, and there is another danger. To vomit when the brain is malfunctioning means that choking to death is a real risk. Even worse, vomiting in this condition can trigger an instant nerve reflex that stops the heart - dead. If the two effects work together, a person could die from choking after a much smaller dose than is needed for direct poisoning. WHAT DOES A PERSON WITH ALCOHOL POISONING LOOK LIKE? • The person will be collapsed. • They will be difficult or impossible to rouse. • The body will be winding down so the skin is cool and clammy. • The breathing is slow and noisy. • The pupils of the eyes may be wide. • There may have been some vomiting. • They may have wet themselves - or worse. HOW CAN I AVOID ALCOHOL POISONING? DO What you should do in an emergency USEFUL CONTACTS NORTH WEST WALES NHS 'AGAIN' SELF HELP TRUST SUBSTANCE GROUP MISUSE SERVICE St David's Priory Corporate Base Richmond Hill The Old Surgery Holyhead Castellfryn Ynys Môn DO Star, Nr Gaerwen LL65 2HH Ynys Môn Phone: 01407 761611 • CALL AN AMBULANCE Phone: 01248 718030 Fax: 01248 718031 WALES DRUG AND ALCOHOL • SEE THAT THE PERSON’S MOUTH IS CLEAR AND THAT THEY CAN BREATHE e-mail: smsreferals@nww- HELPLINE tr.wales.nhs.uk DAN 24/7 • TURN THEM ONTO THEIR SIDE (THE RECOVERY POSITION) CAIS DRUG AND ALCOHOL Alcohol Concern AGENCY www.alcoholconcern.org.uk Dial 999 0800 6 33 55 88 1st Floor • KEEP THEM WARM Canolfan Penllyn YNYS MÔN DRUGS AND Caernarfon ALCOHOL HELPLINE • WATCH THEM Gwynedd Phone: 01248 722580 LL55 1NN • • • • Drink moderately Drink slowly Space your drinks with water or soft drinks. Eat with your drinks DON’T • Drink to excess • Drink too much of anything with which you are not familiar • Drink drinks you have not seen mixed • Drink for a bet or a competition • Let drinking in rounds or “shouts” push you into drinking more than you want. DON’T • LEAVE THEM ALONE Phone: 01286 671005 SAMARITANS Fax: 01286 675312 5A Llys Onnen e-mail: Parc Menai helen.roberts@cais.org.uk Bangor www.cais.co.uk Gwynedd LL57 4DF • GIVE THEM BLACK COFFEE - OR ANYTHING ELSE. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS • TRY TO WALK THEM ABOUT Abbey Road CHILDLINE Bangor 0800 1111 Phone: 01248 674985 Abbey Road Centre Gwynedd LL57 2EA Phone: 01248 354888 Fax: 01248 370215 CAN ALCOHOL EVER BE A POISON? Alcoholic drinks, when enjoyed sensibly and in moderation, can be a source of pleasure for many. But many things taken to excess can be poisonous enough to kill. Alcohol is one. The fact is that if a person drinks large amounts of alcohol on one occasion, there is a risk of serious injury or even death. Unfortunately there are people who make this mistake every year - too many tragedies occur in consequence. But how much is too much? IT DEPENDS ON THE PERSON’S SIZE, WEIGHT, SEX, GENETIC MAKE-UP AND OTHER FACTORS. However, it is clear that if an average male drank a bottle of spirits or equivalent at one time, it would be enough to kill him. If you are small or female - or both - you may die or come close to death on half that amount. To find out more about how the effects of alcohol and to find out how many units you can drink safely, log on to drinkaware.co.uk HOW CAN ALCOHOL KILL? Alcohol drunk in excess at one time affects the body in two ways that can be dangerous: it depresses the brain and it irritates the stomach. THE BRAIN CONTROLS BREATHING, THE HEART AND BODY TEMPERATURE. IN OTHER WORDS, IT CONTROLS THE BODY’S ACCELERATOR AND THERMOSTAT. IF TOO MUCH IS DRUNK, THE FOOT COMES OFF THE ACCELERATOR, THE THERMOSTAT IS SWITCHED OFF AND THE BODY WINDS DOWN UNTIL SOMETHING STOPS - SUCH AS YOUR HEART. Add the second effect, the stomach irritation, and there is another danger. To vomit when the brain is malfunctioning means that choking to death is a real risk. Even worse, vomiting in this condition can trigger an instant nerve reflex that stops the heart - dead. If the two effects work together, a person could die from choking after a much smaller dose than is needed for direct poisoning. WHAT DOES A PERSON WITH ALCOHOL POISONING LOOK LIKE? • The person will be collapsed. • They will be difficult or impossible to rouse. • The body will be winding down so the skin is cool and clammy. • The breathing is slow and noisy. • The pupils of the eyes may be wide. • There may have been some vomiting. • They may have wet themselves - or worse. HOW CAN I AVOID ALCOHOL POISONING? DO What you should do in an emergency USEFUL CONTACTS NORTH WEST WALES NHS 'AGAIN' SELF HELP TRUST SUBSTANCE GROUP MISUSE SERVICE St David's Priory Corporate Base Richmond Hill The Old Surgery Holyhead Castellfryn Ynys Môn DO Star, Nr Gaerwen LL65 2HH Ynys Môn Phone: 01407 761611 • CALL AN AMBULANCE Phone: 01248 718030 Fax: 01248 718031 WALES DRUG AND ALCOHOL • SEE THAT THE PERSON’S MOUTH IS CLEAR AND THAT THEY CAN BREATHE e-mail: smsreferals@nww- HELPLINE tr.wales.nhs.uk DAN 24/7 • TURN THEM ONTO THEIR SIDE (THE RECOVERY POSITION) CAIS DRUG AND ALCOHOL Alcohol Concern AGENCY www.alcoholconcern.org.uk Dial 999 0800 6 33 55 88 1st Floor • KEEP THEM WARM Canolfan Penllyn YNYS MÔN DRUGS AND Caernarfon ALCOHOL HELPLINE • WATCH THEM Gwynedd Phone: 01248 722580 LL55 1NN • • • • Drink moderately Drink slowly Space your drinks with water or soft drinks. Eat with your drinks DON’T • Drink to excess • Drink too much of anything with which you are not familiar • Drink drinks you have not seen mixed • Drink for a bet or a competition • Let drinking in rounds or “shouts” push you into drinking more than you want. DON’T • LEAVE THEM ALONE Phone: 01286 671005 SAMARITANS Fax: 01286 675312 5A Llys Onnen e-mail: Parc Menai helen.roberts@cais.org.uk Bangor www.cais.co.uk Gwynedd LL57 4DF • GIVE THEM BLACK COFFEE - OR ANYTHING ELSE. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS • TRY TO WALK THEM ABOUT Abbey Road CHILDLINE Bangor 0800 1111 Phone: 01248 674985 Abbey Road Centre Gwynedd LL57 2EA Phone: 01248 354888 Fax: 01248 370215
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