HOW TO WRITE LETTERS THAT HOW WIN BUSINESS BUILD TO COMMAND THAT BRING PERSONAL LETTERS ATTENTION, ORDERS" A ACTUAL 247 VITAL RESULTS, GATHERED 1,200 ACTUAL W. FOR POINTS LETTERS A. SHAW THAT RESULTS BRING OUT LETTERS COMPANY, 43-44, Shoe LONDON Lane, E.G. LTD. SIRE, DETHE LING HAND- AND LETTERS MAKING OF PUT LETTER" BROUGHT HAVE TO COMPLAINTS INQUIRIES, LECTIONS" HOW INTO TOUCH STIR COL- 3RLF YRL CONTENTS I PART YOU WHAT YOUR MAKE CAN LETTERS DO Bead the Rules PAGB CHAPTER I. THE PART THE II. THE TONE OF III. THE IV. A OF BUSINESS A MUST Do LETTER The V. How TO START VI. How TO AROUSE VII. How TO HOLD VIII. How TO CREATE A 6 11 LETTER 15 CONTENTS AND 22 II THE OF BUSINESS ITS ELEMENTS " PAST ELEMENTS IN LETTER BUSINESS A MAKE-UP WHAT PLAYS LETTER BUSINESS LETTER SingleAim LETTER ATTENTION " 30 INTEREST INTEREST DESIRE 38 EXPLANATION " ARGUMENT " 44 AND PROOF 50 IX. PERSUASION 68 X. INDUCEMENT 66 XI. SUMMARY CLIMAX AND " PART HOW TO MAKE A The XII. NEWS CLINCHER PERSONALITY XIV. " You 73 III LETTER Man-to- Man A PERSONAL MESSAGE Message VALUE XIII. THE THE 84 92 " ELEMENT .101 200057O CONTENTS PART COLLECTION, IV Sell ROUTINE AND COMPLAINT, LETTERS Satisfaction PAGE CHAPTER XV. XVL ACCOUNTS COLLECTING How LETTERS ROUTINE XVIL DEVELOPING XVIIL EXHIBIT A AND 121 "PARAGRAPH" THE SYSTEM 131 .. LETTEB FOLLOW-UP SERIES 139 REPRODUCED LETTERS ACTUAL OF 110 COMPLAINTS ANSWER TO LETTER BY PAGE FIGURE . of bad L An example II. An example of ILL An average IV. The margins and type arrangement margins and type arrangement correct V. A good letter,showing how VI. A letter that VII. A letter VIII. IX. holds and further an and replyto inquiry, showing how cleverlyembodying follow-up that XII. A follow-up showing typicalfaults XVL XVIL same, The A XIX The A same be may 69 71 76 corrected propositionput in real " you XVHL and rewritten sales letter in which " interest from 77 mutual ground to 79 letter,lackingpersonalityand specific appeal. same 63 inquiry brought results good letter,leading the reader the buying point A poor an 65 inducement A XV. proof 65 XI. A 33 won stimulated letter XIV. be 41 A The 26 interest X. XIII. man-to-man 96 ... 97 talk the seller's interest crowds out the 104 element letter rewritten good commercial 19 27 may correctlyusing argument reply to . corrected attention A poor letter,showing too brief A . typicalfaults sales letter,showing letter rewritten same 18 from the buyer'sviewpoint. collection letter . 105 . . 113 I Part CAN YOU WHAT MAKE LETTERS YOUR Read \WO the kinds of DO Rules letters cross every desk. One" the way other The the draws the A eye the Make them each You stand ; creation. letters out reader's the routine mind's a drawing, bridge. do principles,read into " convinces. of careless conscious your can goes appeal strong letter springs from model, like the architect's builder's " basket. grips, sways, product of formality logical,human eye, other and waste-paper " is the Ore ink paper, of the work. " make morning it "if the you magnetic them " make dominate post. will master rules, put the yourself the Letter Part The WHAT is the important most of your Plays in Business business What ? keeping you possible? Run every-day work indispensable. You The you cannot hung desk is the your and you are back put you in touch morning picture of what as your medium with that the other elements make business your mind the essentials in your over your and lay your fingerupon the one most miss first claim have in touch individuals' and -"concerns in the transaction plays the goods, collectingyour greatest part in sellingyour accounts, factor on up " It's the it. each attention your your business hat and drawn morning's post. again with in the whirl the newspaper the world You letter. morning your run after chair through of business. to it It has of your own affairs,just has laid before you a mental did yesterday. run dispose of each of those and policyof your business dictate. of your Through the medium repliesand your letters to others you buy and sell,you give directions, own counsel and advice, you cover a thousand subjects Now you take your turn letters as the purposes and you LETTERS PART THE you direct a business all through the medium policyover has been business to has that growth contributed business letter. Letters " desk. And letter. the last eration genthan any other development in one it has 7 own your of the business " IFTHERE PLAY more development of the rightletters are no longerthe been the " of solicitation and stereotyped paper mediums breathingpersonalities, acknowledgment. They are living, with all the capabilities and characteristics of the mere behind men fortyyears Some the them. that idea human business and as into a letter,after all,was that it possibleto was could interest business letter,as well a somewhere, conceived ago someone, be woven into a personalmessage ; that but a personalmessage talk to a man a thousand words that you would use if he in the same miles away sat beside your desk. tance That discovery, developed,has of itself dissolved disof business men placedthe inter-relationship a basis of courtesy and intimacythat nothing else upon could have accomplished. And, what is more tant, imporit has made mous possiblethe transaction of an enorbulk of business at an fraction of insignificant what personalhandling of it would have cost. Three million pounds in sales made by one house last year entirely by post that is a specific example of results. and " THE letter is a universal is the that transaction " of business. of every business, and It is an phase of a business. servant department and business implement two and men are whenever requiredfor men It of every axiom of business any communicate with POSSIBILITIES 8 OF THE other in business, the letter is the first and each Analyse the departments and business, and opportunity Too see where many " you have not overlooked letters could have been where business think men simply consists As mail. now you activities of your own letters and then use find whether and on a letter can in that of business uses business some used. spondence corre- answering the morning's of fact,that is the matter of the insignificant JL most medium. common go LETTER least and most letters. in the first placein all the be used activities of it to use selling your goods. You can the letter is in sellgoods directly to buyers; used rightly, than a personalreprerespects a better medium many sentative certainlyit has all the advantages in cost. A sales letter entails no heavy travelling hotel expenses, bills,and entertainment charges; a penny stamp Nor does it cool its carries it to the lengthof the land. " heels in the outer to reach conjure methods the courtesy of the post laysit upon office and the chief within ; when repeatedperhis desk. It follows up persistently sonal that calls would be impossible.It is a salesman says no more and desires. no less than It makes no the merchant false or facturer manu- no representations, It is the promises that cannot be honoured. perfectservant of the user. If you sell your goods entirely through salesmen to the trade, there never was a sales force so good that it business with the help of letters from could not get more verbal the house. order to for your You can send bring him into goods. You can dealers in order to arouse letters to the the retailer's write consumer shop letters to their interest in in enquire your present to pushing your PART THE goods,and to your goods. new You PLAY LETTERS 9 retailers in order to get them to carry letters to keep in touch with can use keep them informed of your trade lers selling arguments ; and the travelbe trained to keep in touch with the districts between calls by means of to your travellers, conditions and new themselves dealers in can their letters. If you are a manufacturer to the trade, or wholesaler the letter will find customers, both and consumers dealers,for you in remote profitably go. If you to keep your customers etc. For are where towns travellers cannot retailer, you a informed the letter is not can use letters lines,bargains, direct salesman, but it is of new only a also a supporterof personalmethods of selling. In fact, your correspondencemay be serving the the simplestneeds of routine acknowledgment of orders,the notification of goods dispatched yet a letter " " never tialities goes out of your office that does not have potenof business getting. If you stop with the acknowledgment of the notification,you opportunity.Go beyond and talk to the man. over your letter throughhis eyes, shift yourself attitude,consider letter. Do that a what you would few times, and you do if you will soon miss an Look at into his got be that dering won- why you didn't rub the machine finish off your attitude correspondencelong ago, take the man-to-man and talk business through the post. There's a placefor real letters in every business. The business letter is the biggestopportunityfor pansion ex- that you have to-day. Employed intelligently, it will find you customers, it will sell your goods,or help your salesmen sell them, will make your known wherever But the post penetrates. the business-winning letter must name be the product POSSIBILITIES 10 of the most OF THE LETTER analyticthought. If it is to be created with all the serve as that you before you would it must care man, sales- a would traininga salesman permit him to sell your goods. If your argument is to convince, be planned logically is to it must description ; if your it must be clear ; if your appeal painta mental picture, be a real appealwith it must for action is to get results, know real inducement. You must your readers' point exercise in and of contact OELLING aim is your only letters there. of departments in many business where letters play their part. If you sell in securingcredit credit,then the letter is a necessity ^ on information one concerningnew customers ; and when you it is the effective collection to collect your account letter that bringsin the money inexpensively. come No firm and Nowhere more do can having are business some tactful and than necessary in without takes mismaking some complaints from customers. carefullyconstructed letters making adjustments and in handlingcomplaints. to your office concerningpricesand Inquiriescome goods ; orders are received,remittances are sent to you, In every case etc. an acknowledgment is necessary ; and there are ways that means of making this a letter, letter and the penny stamp that carries it bring back manifold returns. Likewise when you are the buyer and enquirer,the remitter or complainer,again letters are requiredthat shall not be weak and ineffective but 100 there are new employes to be per cent, efficient. Then engaged whose references are to be investigated.In a dozen other quarters do through letters. you carry on your affairs CHAPTER of Tone The has IF there that has growth, business business been letter. II Business a development one contributed it has Letters " in the than more the been Letter last tion generaany other to development rightletters are " no of the longer of solicitation and stereotyped paper mediums They are living,breathingpersonalities, acknowledgment. and characteristics of the with all the capabilities the men mere behind them. letter is Getting this personal tone in a business of showing a personal interest in the largelya matter If you his affairs. and customer are writing a sales letter,emphasize the benefit he will derive from owning the article you are offering. If it is a collection letter, make him difficulties deserves of his fair,and considerate you are that he has shown he until, of course, feel that no " consideration. In plaint,not only adjust the in full,and desire to satisfyhim you reallyvalue his patronage. of an order, put a letter answering acornbut show difficulty, your a him make If it is little warmth an realise that ment acknowledg- into your thanks. POSSIBILITIES 12 In the OF simplerforms LETTER such of letters, the acknowledgment as orders,it is not difficult to show of interest,for there a THE few cordial words it is only a here and of matter this personal dropping there in the letter. In the complex forms, however, such as the sales letter, gettingthe righttone will requirea specialeffort. In the first placeyou must learn to look upon each more of your customers being of one " individual,not an thousand a same matter. as way every time he He makes no attempt to WE He his letters formal not are " and arguinghere must know adapt the of the thingin a certain his letters to in the mass, men sees thus he cannot individuals,and seeingthem making have says the same writes about the different classes of readers. not abstract an latter is the attitude correspondent.He old-school as all of whom men characteristics. The same the as help impersonal. that you all your " the correspondent customers for that is obviouslyimpossible in a personally, largebusiness cern. con- If it were for you to do this,and then if possible would dictate a personalletter to each customer, you would have the ideal conditions for carryingon you business correspondence. But since this ideal is unattainable, you must are create a must find a typicalindividual substitute to whom for it " your you letters to be written. The firststep in this process of creation is to recognise the fact that men fall into certain broad classes each of which has certain generalcharacteristics. Then group accordingto these classes. There are your customers various available means for determiningto which one belongs. His trade or profession, any given customer and the section of country in which he lives will give TONE OF idea. Then BUSINESS THE LETTER 13 judge from his letters,or you may salesmen may get information from your travelling know him, or you may form an estimate from a some you who study of his former information is not This your house. difficult to secure, and the added dealingswith effectiveness of your letters will more than repay for the extra trouble involved in gatheringit. you in a certain class, Now, having placed the customer try to visualise a typicalrepresentative an average of that class. Most man publicspeakerssingleout some person, or perhaps two or three persons, in that audience, and gauge the effect of their speechon the audience by the effect on them. An editor often has in his mind one and conhe knows reader whom siders particular One publication he writes. typicaland at whom such a reader as a critic, and the attitude of the uses other subscribers toward the magazine is judged by his attitude. Likewise, a well-known house-keeping magazine is tested out on who is, of course, one woman, of the part she playsin shapingthe policyof unaware the paper. These people are selected as typicalof the class for whom the speech or the magazine is intended. So the business-letter writer who would get the personal tone in his correspondencepicks out a typical It is usually of each class of customers. representative whom he knows some one personally; and as he writes, " " he has this man's by the face before him imagined effect selected HAVING ifhe to him upon your his and tests his letter representative. "average" man, now talk face to face with you in your office. Imagine him there,and then try to talk to him in the meaninglessjargon of the old-stylebusiness as letter. Try were the old formulas, " I beg to advise," " In 14 POSSIBILITIES replyto your valued favour," and a hundred Can you imagine yourself talkingto them. blood OF THE LETTER others like a flesh and language? Then don't use it in your letters. You cannot express personalinterest in such stereotyped,impersonal language. Write naturally. Use words that mean something definite. man Strive for In in such an easy ridiculous conversational tone. the and beginning of the letter avoid worn-out such as, In reply to your meaninglessexpressions, esteemed favour of 12th inst. we beg to advise," or Your valued letter of 15th ult. is at hand and in reply would say." These strike the wrong note at the start; we they can't convey any feelingof personalinterest. If of a letter,do it to acknowledge the receipt you want The cataloguefor which you wrote on naturally; as, the 10th is being sent to you to-day,"or We were sorry to learn from your letter of 7th that the goods were they reached you." Do not damaged when him. "advise" a or Begging beg to inform man, honourable business attitude among is not a dignified Avoid all such conventional men. phrases. " *' " " " " the old-fashioned,complimentary close, LIKEWISE, beg remain," "Hoping hear from you to " soon, we to arrangement will be satisfactory to you, we are," is hopelesslystilted and impersonal. Many letters one might almost say the majority do not need a complimentary close. Finish what you have If you think someto say, and then sign your name. thing a is needed, make more carry your statement shall await We of personalinterest. your message that confident We are reply with interest,"or you will have no further trouble with this order," are very or Trustingthat this " " " " different in tone from the stock cited expressions above. III CHAPTER The Make-up THE first estimate of a business correspondentis A of his letter. business Business a based who man makes man Letter of an known un- the appearance is familiar with the on form of a letter is quick to notice ordinaryconventional the accepted standards. His first any departure from of unusual impulse upon receivinga communication shape or arrangement is to criticise. It breaks away from the routine his notice it attracts of ; it clothes or service, or and that a any obtrudes in the house other itself upon his attention ; peculiarsuit of odd design,a unique table object of every-day familiarity same way as a forms. departs from the accustomed It is undoubtedly true that on the occasions rare effects of such changes are pleasing. But it is also true that the generallyobserved of business forms, especially been letters, have accepted for certain well-defined after practical reasons experimenting. He who adopts standards should do so cautiouslyand for cause new ; use otherwise he may expect the same criticism that falls to adopts the unusual in dress or manner. For practical the size of a sheet of business purposes, stationeryshould be approximately 8 by 11 inches ; even though it vary an inch or two, in either dimension, it him who OF POSSIBILITIES 16 should observe THE LETTER proportions.This size has been established by no singleauthorityor group of and a correspondent authorities, may vary it as he will ; a man wrote a message an once on stamped oyster shell, of time, delivered hi the course it,and the postalauthorities, it to the addressee. But the standard envelope is 3| by 6| inches in size,and a sheet about 8 by 11 inches folds into it very convenientlyand is handled more quicklyand safelyby the post office than smaller envelopesthat may get lost in sorting; the miscarriage of small, odd-shaped envelopesused for sending out has caused more personalcards and announcements than one social faux pas. is convenient Furthermore, a sheet of these proportions about these to handle and to file. And observe the safe and as sane business usage, houses generally envelopesand preferredto the For legaldocuments, school of originality. oyster-shell manuscriptsand other largersheets,largerenvelopes, also of standard size,are provided. sheets size and of standard business letter should EVERY stationery with " be written sent out on be written on letterhead. business a side of the sheet only,and business It should should be an A copy leaves the office. Either the time are and address of envelopewith the name printedon the flapof the envelope. that should be kept of every communication hi the sender one form a carbon the letter is written copy may be made (sixgood copiesmay at be the average typewriting simultaneously on machine, althoughonly one is usuallyrequired)or a from the sheet after it letter-press copy should be made is signed.Both forms have been acceptedby the courts In the average office, as legal copiesof correspondence. made 18 POSSIBILITIES OF LETTER THE LETTER HEAD OATE "NAME: AND JTT: VJTLE I] in the arrangement of a business errors This form illustratescommon letterhead too near top of sheet;ragged letter: margin at left too small; and address margin at right;date line extendingbeyond margin; name graphs of addressee do not balance with date line;salutation too high;paraof bottom at page. crowding not clearly indicated; OF MAKE-UP NAWIE LETTERS 19 'AND ADDRESS BODY OF LETTER m CO i'AP I iMi i"ft T ARV business letter, showing the approved type balance: margins at top and sides uniform;paragraphsin the body may be indicated by indentations of firstlines or by double or triplespacingsbetween paragraphs. For convenience as well as econoicy" business letters now have usuallyonly single spacingsbetween lines." A good arrangement of a one-page ^ POSSIBILITIES 20 equipped. not so and the the effect. a The uniform more The OP more THE even it is to the margin should LETTER the rightmargin is left margin, the better be about one or one and half inch in width. margin at the bottom preferablygreater than the The should not be smaller and margins. Should it be smaller,the page will at once appear cramped for space, into the readingmatter will be reallyrunning over as blunder that is as noticethe margin a typographical able on typewritten as on printedpages. the paraThe spacing between the lines and between graphs side " of the tastes letter may to suit vary somewhat of the individual althoughconsiderations of a business a tend practicalnature Both economy, most few generalprinciples. of convenience and purposes for instance, a letter should be as compact in words and not take up two business space of the Even when of a of for both possible, it should to establish letters are hi mechanical sheets if one a production " will " line from letter is short,it is advisable to uniformity, use Hence serve. singlespaced only typewriterseparates one as single a another. for purposes singlespaces only. of each paragraph usuallyindented THEfromfirstline each the machine five fifteen points is to business house should on " tation exactlywhat this indenshall be in order to secure spondence. uniformityin its correInstead of indentingthe firstline,some cerns condesignatethe paragraphs by merely separating them by several spacings, and typewritingthe firstline flush or squarelyupon the left margin. The best practice, these to embody both of methods, however, seems and the average business letter usuallyhas its paragraphs separatedby a spacing two or three times as establish MAKE-UP LETTERS OF great as the spacingsbetween 21 the firstline the lines and paragraph is usuallyindented. It is good business to have all the letters issuingfrom house of similar appearance. form one They should be unitypographically hi spacings,margins, forms of portant imsalutation,addressing.And no one item is more in in securingthis uniformitythan similarity In recognition the colour of the typewriter ribbon. of furnish their typistswith this fact,most concerns now ple Purribbons that are bought in lots and kept in stock. ribbons are perhaps the most popular,not only of the " because used blend well ingredients impressionon the paper. THE the chemical the colour is bold but also because address at on the the and give a smooth, envelope,to top of the which letter should durable the salutation correspond form, should exactly or in slightlycondensed and these lines may have the lines double-spaced ; either be flush at the left edge or successively indented, towards the right. slopingdownwards Any radical departurefrom these forms should be if the various items of the made cautiously, especially address are separatedfrom each other. The address, like a paragraph,is generally read as a unit as a single, either " distinct idea. The closer the address conforms to the velopes readilyare the engenerallyacceptedforms, the more handled by the post office and with less danger of delay or loss. the stamp there is a Even of affixing in the matter best position There is one rightand a wrong way. that is attractive instead of slovenly. And it is a two of energy waste to use even halfpenny stamps when one. penny you ought to have used a single CHAPTER What Do" Letter Must and Contents a '"INHERE A the place of would do, it a a verbal the the follow must does and follow just as It must one. it must salesman must sale written win a steps of If it is man good salesof procedure in does in making line a audience an that once exactlyas he talks face to face with when be built,certain do what for itself the sale which contain. salesman a it is to sell,and to whom man a letter must which elements Its Elements principlesupon successful business invariable making basic certain are every to take IV is with gained it the salesman his prospect, leading gradually,tactfullythrough certain definite actual signingof the order. up to the processes and For this reason sentence paragraph that every him goes into one being there. of your The letters should sole aim of non-essentials simply detract It is the easiest thing a have letter is to from in the a for reason get action, and its directness. world to write a letter rambling from one topic to another without getting anywhere in particular. But the good letter and he goes straight writer has a definite end in mind to that it over goes a definite route. CONTENTS AND ELEMENTS 23 writinga letter as you would preparingan thingsyou important speech. There are a thousand might say, but only ten are vital. Think of as many as fine Conto the few. to begin with, then sift them you can ing to those pointsand drive them home, knowyourself Go about the effect that each the end /CONSIDER ^-^ and have its relation to to reach. want you should the now good sales-letter. It must through certain steps. It must be the principles of salesmanship. It logically upon ceed contain 1. and probased must : The opening,which prompts him the reader's attention wins to go farther into the letter. which terest and explanation, gain his inDescription in his mind. by picturingthe proposition 3. Argument or proof,which creates desire for the tages. article you have to sell by showing its value and advan2. 4. of Persuasion, which thinkingby his needs 5. extra 6. and The to order his need for of it which now. gives him a or particular buying. climax, which and to your way showing the adaptationof the article to Inducement, reason the reader draws prompts him makes it easy to act at for the reader once. may be taken, hi fact,not only as the basis of the successful sales-letter but of every good business letter. For a collection letter is only a form of These elements salesmanshipon settlement paper " of his account. you And are a a sellingyour man replyto a complaint OF POSSIBILITIES 24 is but another field of the whole Over are you " LETTER THE satisfaction. selling your man correspondencethe same ciple prin- applies. always appear in the exact order indicated, nor always in the same portion, probut they are there they must be there if the letter is to carry the rightimpressionto the reader's of perA collection letter may consist largely mind. suasion with a striking climax. The replyto a complaint be principally letter may explanation. The sales-letter follows the outline most closely naturally ; and as it has to play by far the largest spondence come part in business correOf course these elements may not " it is the sales-letter and should be given chief these TAKE them with talk. You its construction that attention. elements by one and compare ing a good salesman's sellthe be surprised to find how closely and how simple a matter it is to up one cross-sections of will follows parallelism after all,once write a good business letter, you learn that of talking it is merely a matter to your man on paper. First,you must get the attention of the reader. You do this in a number of ways tence by an opening senmay his curiosity, or paragraph,for instance,that arouses statement that hits some of or one by a striking his own terest or desires. This initialinproblems,difficulties, the part of the man addressed is absolutely on " essential to the success of the letter. No matter how well your case maybe stated in the body of the letter, or how strong your close,your efforts will be lost if the opening does not start the recipient reading. Followingthis attention-winning opening,the good letter runs into the description and explanation, directly POSSIBILITIES 26 fcetr Common- We haT8 teen building so, opening we preeume Te Stereo- typed wish ex- pressions glancing of If Does not should prices you actually Oaet interest interested glad of bs and Trusting of Prompts no to obtain serve those you. goods, we an opportunity to are confident they quote will approval. your ehare we catalogue. can you in are mitting trans- supplies and equipments. abilities our plies. sup- we power 1917 our this template con- if of that of entire find you and need you mill erect through idea some in kinds and and te adriae all machinery Enclosed 3y will to for furnish can that informed new factory, a you Headquarters ment argu- LETTER Sir: place No THE OP your from you you business will let at early and an us have hoping we date, a we may are action Tours faithfully. typicalsales letter, filled with stereotypedexpressions and absolutelywanting in personalityand real sales talk. of general solicitation It follows and a commonplace form that it would give no the addressed to reader was impression him personally. It does not proAs a whole the letter is purely commentary. pose The in offer or one thing. specific only positivestatement the entire letter is that a catalogueis enclosed. It does not interest Here is the a reader his arouse or He desire. has no for reason answering it. The to win opening sentence lacks the directness necessary "we "and There is too much not attention. enough "you." "we and desire Such expressionsas "we notice," "no doubt" " a nd detract from directness. to inform you are superfluous It is a mistake the catalogue. He to suggest that the reader should be asked to go " over " glance through it carefully. Instead " if he is opportunity to quote discounts interested,"the letter should actuallywin his interest by playing particularfeature of quality,service or price and up some showing how the goods will meet his needs. The close is simply the mildest suggestion, inspiresno action of and offers an soliciting no Notice how The inducement the same for the reader matter opening appeals is handled directly to The his attention. by picturingan undesirable him how to avoid it. to second situation answer. in the rewritten the reader's paragraph he may wins letter needs, his face and : pelling com- interest showing ELEMENTS AND Sir. Dear will plant You Attention 27 CONTENTS for the new be soon are you wanting supplies erecting. won And Interest aroused obtain will there under- standing that goods been probably in plant needs meet Beginning install to sure be all. up You how much you quicker put your could you could get where some- that equipment somo have would needs. your is That argument if ferent dif- alterations; on shipments better shape complete a are to dozen a for thinking and easier and of the reader's have you from back to go be delayed will hold ness 'busi- trying a when There sources. showing an is equipment parts some what buying your by know you supply for what Just at you we that complete equipment demands exacting most ready are hour's an notice will meet In economy " day-in-and-day-out to a " your of eration"in op- wearing quality. And Argument with backed need, by proof in specific to because we go it over Brand" tanned tion proved over on we quality plant Prospect given know our Fill up price form particulars cost Note made outwear at in you cannot afford for of the our three of supplies entire the enclosed post Our prices today. come will by ritura fect per- own oak it has the same is just idea an a Please ularly partic"Star on quoted give complete. worth and something sign is this you could simply You sovereign's you of choicest very In actual tests And give your suasion This the market. to you that minimum a stock. to ability its belting other any the and at special from --just Per it belting. factory Explana- equipment carefully. prices very the pricecited of enclosed is catalogue of equipment. plant The you. directory article and to do can furnish can we item every times price one item the price in ing furnish- to until buy a you equipment. cation specifiand full of post. Very Next argument comes he the trouble and money Proof follows in to arouse can save citinga truly yours. his desire by showing him by orderinga complete equipment. and In article. specific price and is offered inducement in at once urged to service by return of post. And he completepricesand particulars is given something to do at once, bringingthe letter to a strong ending. the close he " is act POSSIBILITIES 28 how He THE LETTER inducement. You know specific the clever salesman manipulateshis talkingpoints. extra reason alwaysholds back tillthe last some why do must man OF should you offer " a accept his offer. plays in inducement This the letter. is the And part that it culminates in whether As you hesitate,undecided not or salesman shoots at you one last to order, the shrewd advantagewhich he has held in reserve. the climax. he follows And, you will also recall, by placingbefore signature.He has to order. immediately order form ready for your the secret of making it easy you an learned that is what And it up you, do in your last inducement too, must gettingletter follow up your and your "Act to-day by givingthe man somethingto sign a post card, a coupon, somethingthat is ready to Make it so plainto him what he is to do that return. there can be no possible misunderstanding.Say it in so You do this and we will do that." Try words many to make your climax so direct,so strong and simplethat resist the temptation to reply. the reader cannot business " " " " " The New EVERY every is novel machine or plan,scheme tool in the hands a Letter of process, principle, to-day's or builder. success And new Sales the or originalthought,the letter that abandons formalities,that that hews to the line of for to-morrow's tower day's yester- hits " graph para- straight, you," is stone of business. II Part OF ELEMENTS THE LETTER BUSINESS Single Aim The SOME in hit they And getting anywhere ing, particular. Aiming at nothmark. their letters some close. salutation to ink that marks without talk men take rambling so They are go plea. He selects in order, drives them vital always at one his his points, them end many space. up listen to the skilled counsel But from home, " the making marshals aiming verdict. letter has a good business singledesign. Attention, interest, desire, essentials are route, but they all lead en And to the terminal one Plan one turn order letters your end in desire " now. action. " view to " logically,but keep to crystallisewants, decision, get results, the CHAPTER How MOST of items He is " just as Company I'm not That's they are ? " we'll A the what your man's sales-letter,and " be needing busy have you to very information he From Jones thusiasm. en- and their business? some pretty we " soon bought He's enough. favourablyimpressed with be what with the last lot with attitude to " he says, ? what's often does he get stereotyped opening. pointlessproposal that probably A a even interest, " entirelysatisfied and Company." anxious ready, willing, A Even into hundreds runs read to with this ? What's who " Smith your dailypost anxious sheet the books, eh from letters. your " opens blank whose man Attention you are to have him. he can't he simply can't. " and a " Letter" a to read want men man say as But Start to V ? does not contain wants. grovelling,beseeching, spinelesssuperscription. The bucket first acts of cold upon water his interest about the second would : the same as irritates him a ; GETTING the last if he " the to gets that far ever with fillip ATTENTION which he 31 simply adds speed drops it in the adjacent " waste-paper basket. If your letters do bring results,do not not console yourselfwith the false belief that all sales-letters are scrappedby the clerk or boy who opens the post. Once in a hundred times possibly. The other ninety and " nine failures due to are some fault with the letter or the it presents. argument understand NOT, give in every returns letter will that me, invariablyleave Your case, the I claim any letter will rightsort of a rightsort of an impression. but the may not be in the market, he may not the immediate investment, he may be man feel able to make engrossedwith matters of such importance as not to be able to study your proposal. But if the letter is right, it will do A bad What does not not turn its work. will kill an passablesales-letter. is a bad start ? I should say any opening which nail attention with the first phrase,which does this attention to vital,personalinterest. start otherwise Attention ! Study that word carefully.There are as many ways of attracting attention colours in the rainbow. as there are A few primary rules may be evolved, but these are tions. subjectto an infinite number of shadingsand variaPersonal attention in taste will determine different best to attract letters ; conditions, moods and the exigencies will govern the of the moment exact colouringand tone of the individual letter. Your start should at his make classes how of the reader feel desk, making your talk. as if you yourselfwere ELEMENTS 32 OF THE LETTER As you hope to do this by all means the stereotypedopening. You will attention " : way 18th I beg to state." There honour involved in why man a asked " of man's a common-place In replyto or is no particular " earth on informingme and no reason beg to state something I have " should him. from away get never if you begin in the same old / have the honour to inform you" of the yours steer " that he got so sick letters that he threw them all into the A business " begging told man me waste-paper basket. Why I write for ? When you have to say at once for example, why should a man catalogue, say what not a begin his letter "Answering your in reply with preamble a like this : favour addressed to our office, wish to state that under separatecover we we are posting and trust you may find 1917 catalogue you a copy of our such a lamp as you requireillustrated therein" The catalogueyou asked Why not break rightin : for the other day is being forwardedto you by this post recent " and we are so that confident will you justthe kind of a lamp you want that through it very carefully."What's I want we on instinctively reading the that catalogue as sending me the other gets my made to and attention feel there is a difference in that ? they The favour. a because interest lamp to go you first that feel are in it finddescribed I am cataloguethat I want. After all,the easiest and to be natural. perfectly with "Agreeableto enclose our booklet,"he best way to start When a tailor answers requestof recent your not only fails to makes impression,but he actually that way necessary. simply But in because doing he so a he a bad thinks make one. letter is quiry my indate we a He good begins formalities flies wide of a are good ELEMENTS 34 beginningbecause it impliesthat he OF THE LETTER the sentence is is not condescendingto only stilted,but do me a favour. letters consider writers of success-bringing SOME that the problem of gainingattention solved best is of several words, sometimes by use or underlined,as the " Dear " " " This CLERKS ! " : Sir to-day." act : I GIVE YOU "250 ? " successful advertising upon practice. catch-line is to an sales-letter what a plan is based It is to a advertisement. of your of words with all the Used " YOUR OF TWO MUST MAY ! : Sir You Dear " Sir YOU FOR DISCHARGE Dear " : PROFITS BIG Dear " " Sir displayedin capitals thus : first paragraph of the letter, with You proposalinto and the most summarise the hurl them emphasis at your at feature striking smallest possiblenumber buyer your prospective command. discretion,the idea is excellent. It makes the reader sit up. The human mind is so constructed that it requiresa positive and conscious mental effort to anythingwhich has aroused curiosity. The normal operationof the mind is to satisfy osity, that curitells him even though the reader's cold reason that he is not likelyto be interested. An admirable the letter of a magazine example of this scheme was renewals publisheraddressed to subscribers from whom of subscriptions were beingsolicited. The letter opened with the singleword Expired ! turn aside from " " " ATTENTION GETTING few Very of those received who read further to learn who, is that of instance had collections,and the what, had or circular brought the argument clients opened that letter failed to other An- expired. collection agency. This concern letters designedto facilitate a series of form a 35 letter the to through which of attention it possible " "YOU SIR ! DO NOT PAY YOUR BILLS PROMPTLY, " the Naturally, man face did not toss the The who received such slap hi the letter aside without learning more. the displayline opening is that it a advantage of virtually compels the reader to continue into the second paragraph of your letter. The danger is that you may arouse interest which an the of your communication, proposal,does not justify. of your This styleof opening is like the catch-line of or the merit rest or the headline ad writer who " a newspaper article. The " Slaughtered and then lists staplegoods at prevailing pricesmisses fire. The which habituallyemploys lurid headlines newspaper and six-inch type to set forth the ordinarydoingsof a dull day has nothingin reserve when an event ing warrantthe shrieks of tisement adver- an headline scare Prices occurs. and only when sparingly The other method is one use fail. means importance the display-line NEXT of rivetingattention, stands the word, in to to as a " means You." as himself Nothingis so important to a man ; there is no subjecton which he would rather talk or listen. Some amounted to ever say this is vanity. It is not. No man anything who did not consider himself, his methods, plans,judgment, accomplishments,to be thoroughly " OF ELEMENTS 36 THE LETTER This is not smugand worthy of emulation. practical ness attitude of a or self-complacency.It is the normal It is,if you entitled to sit at the manager'sdesk. man attitude the attitude of self-respect. please,your own The intelligent writer of sales-letters will employ the " " word " You the open with tact and man's used A Before convictions. three views (inwhich it is is the very be carefully guardedand sparingly to every sesame attention why it should at all times. for business-getting sales-letter is designedto lead a change a man's point of view reason Because discretion. he must case a terest, in- new alter his past he reads the letter he holds one of either he : to man or of your business be enlightened) fied ; or he is satisheard never present goods or methods ; or he has an active prejudiceagainstyou. be respected, In any case, his opinion must though to alter it. you are writinghi an endeavour with TO his OPEN a letter with, " You realise, of course, that " is losingmoney by not buying our him that customer to insult your prospective by telling he is deliberately throwing away money. "You" is the second most important word in the vocabularyand the second oldest. As an attention-rcomit is without peer, but it is a word with which one peller you not may remember are take liberties. The writer of sales-letters must that he is generally addressinga stranger,and that while a friendly, attitude is natural, man-to-man will be familiarity upon is familiar. It will,without doubt, desirable,nothingthat verges tolerated. " You " get the reader's attention. gets the rightsort Therefore, be of attention. When a sure that certain eminent it ATTENTION GETTING asked was surgeon part of the human what crude sales-letter is addressed your is Men intent a are to whom individual as was Even attention. the purse will win The to make money. appeal to in business body pocketbook." he replied,"The sensitive, most 37 ting money-get- on yourself.These, then, are pointsupon which we the display we can gain instant attention may be sure You and the appeal to the pocket. line,the word It is easy enough to attract attention : the rub conies as " " to vitalise that attention you endeavour undivided interest. when The first is within man " Cry hearingwill turn uttered word trick of words. a make must loss,for something of That, writer a no man its call. But And I believe,is the most of sales-letters the He told a letter which absolute it was me the attention lost is a tage the failure to take advan- " one. the next attention writers stop half way. They at school always able to get a to hold every pausingto hear not be tricked again. of the treacherous pitfall employment of shrewd interest will gain a hearingand of the opportunitywith persuade,and finally carry many knew and personalappeal or to means " tricked into once " Stop ! to your gained is again lost. double " into personal, will interest, conviction. are like job but because the a fellow I never " Too able giltwore off." You have your man's attention that SUGGEST reader of your his attention. have are can you letter and Tell him his interest. likelyto : now have for his interest ! help you how, and Prove it,and his order. the have you you CHAPTER How to Arouse human interest Interest and the writers newspaper of successful short fiction is the magazine AMONG acknowledged form " VI " dealingwith primitive passions,the incidents of which are common experience. Your office boy and the director of a great railway are equally though perhaps differently affected by it. It deals with fundamentals. It ignores non-essentials. Human interest it is which packs the playhouse, which makes possiblea halfpenny press, which sells millions of magazines and journals. Properly handled, it may be story " one " " the made basis of nine-tenths of your successful sales- letters. Human define interest and even more is term ; one vague difficult to apply to difficult to a a cold mercial com- proposition. Perhaps the easiest and quickest to arrive at an understandingis to cite examples way taken from widely different industries. at random Let us the we are on writing to a woman presume subject of her boy's clothing. This is a subject that lends itself readilyto the displayline at the opening and described in the preceding chapter for a sample we so " will use it thus : INTEREST AROUSING " Madam. Dear "About At 39 boy of yours." that the letter has secured once attention ; of that there ject subinteresting he be a quiet in the world to his mother, whether littlechap or the terror of the neighbourhood. scholarly be can Now doubt, for the boy is the most no what statement can into interest and attention littlefact of human nature next we lead up will open that make to turn to offer. What our her mind, enlist her sympathy,gain her confidence and unconsciouslybring her to that pointwhere she will consider our offer from the rightstandpoint? his spirit ness of manliHe is arriving at the age when his father's find him imitating asserts itself. You he is no longerambitious to be a policeman manners he has his eye on the Premiership.Among the serious problems with him to-day is this : he is beginningto clothes. He is no longer want manly cut grown-up satisfied with ordinaryboys'clothes. He wants thing some" " " ' ' * like father's.' " sampleit contains human interest. humorous It touches up that pathetically period of childhood transformation between and youth in order to gentlybring the reader to the subjectof her boy's clothes from the boy's own standpoint. While this is only a MAY take " Dear "I hit was Sir on as an example letter written by the manufacturer of an electric motor-controlling device who wished to persuadeelectrical contractors to his goods. use WE a : board H.M.8. by a Whitehead high explosive. 'Queen Adelaide' when she torpedo containing 200 was pounds of " " ' OF ELEMENTS 40 THE LETTER 1A ticklish position,' you will say ? The water-tight Not at all. compartments Adelaide ' of the by Ajax Automatic the torpedohit us the Ajax Automatic Switches. When closed the bulkheads. I felt safeand secure because entirely I knew the Ajax would not jail." Here we have war, dynamite,and sudden death as ths Queen of human elements controlled are interest. The writer referred to He added subjectthat had had wide publicity. personal experience gave his readers some inside historyof an important event. might say : Again, a maker of eye-lotion " " Dear " " Sir a a bit of of the : trouble with your eyes ? Five thousand peoplewent blind last year in Lancashire Over 100,000 pairsof eye-glasses sold. alone. were Have you " your eyes in danger? Here we appeal to fear Are primitivepassion. The whole interest objectof employing the human idea is to lead the reader naturally to the pointof view from which we desire him to consider our proposal. This is important. In the stern competitionof to-day,any successful be given a peculiar, individual twist. must an sales-plan We must accentuate some point of superiority.And then must we bring our prospective buyer to view the proposition from that angle.This,in cases where one deals with people unfamiliar with the technicalities of our business,can be done best by the introduction of the " a " interest element. human of THEwho problem understands we have to securingthe interest of a man thoroughlythe generalproposition present is somewhat more difficult. OF ELEMENTS 42 THE LETTER are service,and profit Quality, price, looks at. Human his attention. interest But such a seldom, be invoked can there is what a way buyer to hold " "technical interest " will call it for convenience. we Scattered it-alls" the world about to whom there remain technical advances are a few "know- a fallacyand the march men of progress a stampede to ruin. But most provemen ready and eager to take advantage of every imwatch development in closelyevery new are " their trades. machine, a In new going to a attachment with manufacturer for use on his a new product or be attention can staple material, immediate to his notice at once gainedby attracting your leading cally. techniand explaining it tersely, point of superiority a even If you of writingto are a incandescent new get rightdown " Dear Sir an to man electric-light lamp for use on on the subject his circuit, cases. : of one halfwatt per candle is guaranteed efficiency is maintained for the Hilight Lamps, which efficiency throughouta guaranteedlife of 1,000 hour ft. The attached report of tests by the Electrical Testing Laboratories ivill give you exact, detailed and judiced unpreinformationon this neio unit." unfamiliar with To the generalpublic,or to anyone the technicalities of the incandescent lamp business, such an appeal would who be unintelligible. To men "An " know it is the surest excitinginterest. The danger of an the more and as well as the most direct method of appeal to technical interest lies in fact that we sometimes give our readers credit for knowledge than they actuallypossess. Another liable to lapse into are graver danger is that we INTEREST AROUSING 43 jargon in dealingwith everybody,instead of and reservingit for the few people who understand appreciateit. technical THERE real ofinterest are, course, create " of other ways to any number the kind of interest that will carry the reader through your and lead him to the favourable descriptive paragraphs consideration of your bit of trade news, proposal. An appealto the pocket,a which the citingof a difficulty is worrying him and which your product or service is designedto overcome " all of these that that your appeal is to his interest making the rightkind of a personalappeal,just But be are you available. are the sure " high collar tries to get the interest of humble his more working neighbour. is to ramble The common error along on a subject which is of interest to yourself, not to your prospective as in the man customers. " We have just finishedour tory facforty-acre finenew be news, but it doesn't touch a vital spot in the man who has been buying for ten years from your competitor with four acres of floor space, who givespersonal "may attention to each order and delivers the goods promptly. tion, attenyou have your prospectivecustomer's follow your advantage by appealingto his interest When and by talkingabout yourself, your factory, product. Hit him where he lives,"is slang,but to the writer of sales-letters. a grim significance " not " " him him Hit him where he lives " and his interest will carry will lead paragraphs of description, through your straightto your proposal,will put of mind to say your it has " " yes when him he reads it. in a frame VII CHAPTER How Hold to have YOUinterest says the attracted now : has one to to Explanation attention : explainyour of writer amateur All thing. Interest" do have you won proposal. "This," " sales-letters, is is to tell about the a sure goods." that many tellingabout the goods it seems correspondentsget mental paralysis their brains rebel and refuse the task, similar to a horse making a one-foot They merely get one-fifth jump at a five-foot fence. sellingtalk into the letter in trying to tell about the goods. That's all tell about the goods. But in " " This sounds a terselya easy, does word-picture of service than which it not a you ? definite offer. that of One has but object or Yet if there to produce describe is a gift article into a concrete translating words, it is the abilityto see that article in the mind's when Both are necessary one begins to "tell about eye. the goods." Holman, Talks to Salesmen," says hi his "it takes a long time to tell something you don't know," and similarly, it takes a good many words to picture in another's mind something which you see only vaguely more rare " in your own. EXPLANATION 45 theoryof successful letter-writing may be learned tricks of the trade assimilated at a easilyand the glance,but the abilityto form a mental picture and make others see it vividly of words is something by means which comes with patientlabour. And it is something The " which " be cannot taught " it must be learned. Wrap your mind about the thing you have to sell. Analyse it study it fingerit over with the tentacles of the brain. Concentrate upon it so long and with such that the product and all its parts will swim singleness plainlyinto view before your closed eyes. visualises each point Watch a man a story. He telling and situation for his listener. You can profit by his art. Eliminate non-essentials or the points in your product which are common to all similar goods. Centre upon the in details of superiority.Then draw your word-picture a few simple,strong,definite phrases. Easy ? The best minds in literature have staggered ing before that problem. It is what raises sales-letter writIt is the and advertising to the plane of a fine art. reason men ability possessinga high degree of literary to be found to-day as business correspondents. are " " INof " about telling two classes this class of " the goods,"one peoplewho know product or peopleto speak to one something about must whom the whole ness busi- and strange. In the one case, the writer aims in his proto bring out only the pointsof superiority duct be made must matter ; in the other, the whole is new plain. in a staplegoods are frequently superiority for whom of opinion.The proprietor a matter you write of parental be given credit for a certain amount must of his babies, bias. Like the cleverness and amiability Points of OF ELEMENTS 46 THE LETTER the of his productsmay consist merely in superiority less justifiable more or pride in his own abilityas producer. IS best look ITstandpoint always and to to that and the the at to matter from a a user's the tion present it in its final rela- To describe the details of manufacture user. high grade,expensivematerials is the maker's that this pen never that it does not idea ; the user leaks,is easilyand clog and requiresno used in a tain-pen foun- to know wants quicklyrefilled, specialsort of writingfluid. Nor is it enough that these vital facts be stated they be put in such phrasesas will attract, humour, and must " convince A " the reader. of bathroom manufacturer Porcelain Enamelled Ware equipment says : is a perfect unityof iron durable the strongest and most porcelainenamel combination ever produced in a sanitaryfixture, having the indestructiblestrength of iron with the showy elegance of fine china. Their extraordinarywearing quality is only one of the reasons why these beautifulfixtures service per pound of affordmore years of satisfactory cost than any other varietyof plumbing equipment in and " the world." In some cases consist in high pointsof superiority material,exceptional grade of labour or the qualityof raw The common peculiar sions expresprocess of manufacture. used to qualifythese pointscarry no conviction. "Best on earth," "above competition,""secret process doned of manufacture," such stereotyped phraseswere abanwriters long ago. by intelligent " If Robinson earth " Crusoe had been written it would styleof generalities, never in the have " best on reached EXPLANATION print. The is that as of can the part iAKE, for instance, say about made, of the best steel can one who wrote ever the same a or sincere description little specific points a or emphasis on scarcelyimagine,but actuallylives thingin tale true a unconscious an man a he earmark 47 is touches to notice sure the goods. simple a tool as a tap. All it,apparently,is that it is well and. carefully tempered. Everybody so letter on words, until tried his hand. a That these tools said the North letter " In same of facturer England manua masterpiece. was You could forgea describingthe goods he said : class razor from one of our taps and the razor would first and clean for the same that the tap cut smooth reason it would have the rightstuffin it." does steel from razor He does not say that his tap is made (which would be commonplace), but that you could make a razor from one of his taps (which is distinctive). And then instead of a lot of hackneyed phrasesdesigned " to convince he states the reader that this steel is the best that succinctly his tap has " the on earth, rightstuff hi it." simply takes a fresh standpoint has the courage to use unexpected words. The same vagance, principle applieseverywhere. Avoid extraaggerati superlatives.Exvague claims, generalities, gain nothing.The world to-dayknows that for every high grade product there are a dozen "justas good." It may be true that yours is the best on earth, but it will take either a good presentationof that fact or of at least one pointof superiority a detailed explanation He to make " a Sometimes stranger believe it. whole into crystallised a be paragraphs of description may singlesuggestionof comparison. ELEMENTS 48 OF THE LETTER Perambulator," says one letter writter,"is as finelyfinished as the most expensivemotor-car." A furniture maker givesthe reader a distinct impression he says, of the qualityof his goods when There difference between is as much the oak used in ordinary furniture and the selected quartersawn white oak we use there is between in ours as laundry soap and a cake of And still another scented Pears." puts a wealth of Nothing will suggestioninto his letter by saying: take the place of the good old cedar chest, effectively with its clean, sweet, pungent aroma dear to the so "The Blank " " heart of the old-fashioned EXPLAIN TO nothing of it, housewife." proposalto one who knows must one naturallybegin with general statements must begin with something ; also one with which the reader is familiar. A pieceof art nouveau for example, is almost impossibleof definite jewellery, French word-picturing, yet reference to the modern school of design and allusions to a popular Parisian jewellerwould call up in the reader's mind a picture which would satisfy. The objecthere is to stimulate the imagination rather than attempt to portray an actuality.A pieceof silk might be said to resemble in of a rare old Japanese print,which tone the colourings is whollyambiguous but leads the mind back to a vaguely The result of such suggestion is exquisitememory. a almost as definite as new if we show the article, while a series " harmonious most superlativeadjectivessuch as colouring,exquisitedesign,and charming ensemble than one of admiration leave no other impression for the of " writer's command of words. or explanation, specific general,it should be the writer's idea to so describe his goods that the reader In any CHAPTER How VIII Create to Desire "Argument Proof and IS is innocent principlein law that IT proved guilty. It is principlein business a a until man that a sales-claim is false and conservative proving a is case a true. In hard one, either and knowledge of human Cold, hard logic,and cold, and wide a until exaggerated or it is event, the calls for keen a proved work of thought nature. hard facts these " alone will win. " Brag, claims, When must you have you your that is not enough testimonials. a words. please,spellfailure. offer in It is not personal convictions own to say explained your your prove if you swank," million to You Of course, many article is all that buy it,try it,and buying a mattress of your devices give hearsay must the you use and it. But the it is not have claim suppose dealer been to prove it I writes to press ex- enough sold ; it second-hand or claims, and only way and say enough evidence your prove times ; sales-letter, a quickly. that is, is for am to me an to thinking of " me, This ARGUMENT will mattress it is further, proof, and me " to on to say, PROOF pack, get Jiard 61 lumpy, and non-absorbent, dust proof,vermin absolutely Now if all practicallyindestructible." mat, never is the kind this is true, that to prove AND of Remember, sell we mattress a that these claims or are on I want, and the writer goes the complete understanding, true is not perfectly if the mattress satisfactory, better still, turned or completelyto your liking,it can be rewill be promptly at our expense, and your money that if the writer of that refunded." I reason instantly letter wasn't able to prove his arguments by delivering dare make the goods as exploited, he would never an I know offer like this. from experience that a plain truth. talk like this means hard-hitting chairs proves his goods A manufacturer of easy of good qualitywhen he says : are If I could only take you through our factoryso that what kind of material is put into the you could see chairs and how it is put in the care and pains we take to make a chair that will last a lifetime, you would not " " " " hesitate to send in your The wants average man offer. This holds wheels same order." proof,first,of the values you good whether you are selling emery or elephants. It must either be better at the price,or priced lower, than similar goods purchased elsewhere. Even where the article for sale has the customer, competitor,it is necessary to assure than that he is gettinga bit more or indirectly, directly his money's worth. no does that talk cheapness THIS claim offer extravagant values. It does not mean we must or to that we must not talk priceat all. It means mean simply that ELEMENTS 52 show must we OF THE the customer LETTER where he the purchase. gainsby Gain! That is the foundation-stone word of all success in salesmanshipby mail. Show the prospect how he gains by purchasing and not alone in money, for financial advantage is not always the keynote ; but in solid comfort, complete satisfaction, personalwell-beingand happiness. lasting Show the prospective his gain and prove customer " " it. fact that The hot-water a other householders of a that will needs nor in my salesman. save me supply other hot-water ideas An being used by But town if I lookingfor am heater a this argument doesn't fillmy money demands. However, if the man my writing about heaters says, by burning from 30% money my is be a sound argumay ment to the popularityof this neater, or the good as work geyser " to This heater 60% less gas saves heater,"this line of argument you than any fits into exactly. agent of my acquaintancesent out four letters describing the beauties of his plotsof land, the select neighbourhood,the excellence of the houses sold estate easy payments fifth letter was a on ; and success, business. The all those letters failed. The and brought inquiries, secret of that success was veloped de- in the followingparagraphs : " that You pay rent, do you not ? Suppose home of your you applied You own. cheque towards a would and at the not be paying out any more money, end of a few years, instead of being the owner of a pile be the owner of musty receipts, of a finehouse you would and grounds. same ARGUMENT " Here, the are AND : figures prove PROOF to 53 yourselfthat it can be done" farther. go BUT and the prospect he cannot lose, that also. Where involves a proposition prove a over few figurethe Show the shillings, chances. He believes he has, which in the transaction chance A with you " well-known man you has is the prove for worse him you) that which receive this evidence understand or (or similar a takes no manufactures photometriccurves, preparedby the most to establish its claims. authority, read " it to him. glass company who had on he scientific reflectors for all classes of interior half of those " probablybeen Show past. to sell beginsto want a uses lighting pendent inde- eminent Perhaps not are able to photometriccurve, rectly cor- but the fact that impartialevidence is offered as proof is customer's confidence. enough to win the prospective small encloses a Similarly,a paint manufacturer folder with his sales letter showing how to test the explainshow purityof paint ; a clothingmanufacturer to distinguish all-wool goods from the half-cotton product offered hi substitution ; a maker of acetylenegas outfits proves the simplicity and safetyof this lighting which is popularlysupposedto be dangerousin the gas extreme by describinghow anyone may make acetylene and common clay gas with an ordinary tumbler pipe. Such proof,sometimes appliedin a most indirect is wholly convincing.Not the least part of its manner, very " " value lies in the fact that it is instructive. feels that he is learninga trick of the The other reader fellow's trade. " Do not cigarsare price is small, that my or of cheap tobacco" writes carelessly think made because the ELEMENTS 54 OF THE LETTER " mail-order Order a sample.100, cut open cigarman. any fiveof them from end to end, and if the leaves are I will refund your money.'1'' not all good long filler, A varnish manufacturer sends along a sample panel finished with his varnish and writes : Give this panel the most thorough test possible stamp on it with your heel or hit it with a hammer. Then hold it to the light. You will find that althoughyou have dented the wood, a " " the varnish A has not been cracked" manufacturer paper he says, " You can second : just tear a is successful more even the excellence prove of our offthis sheet corner ; when goods in then tear a a ner cor- fying offone of your present letterheads ; now get a magniboth torn edges. You glass and examine find long fibres linen threads on ours, while on yours the who reads this learns are short,woody." The man fibres He learns how to judge it something new about paper. the writer and learning, he learns what intelligently wished him to know about his product. Another for corroborasimpleexpedientis referring " " " tion to standard reader, or will tellyou your broker to " as works of reference,to friends of the in any specialists ," is effective. Or carry the matter merely because There As you are Consult we sell you, times in ten farther chemist any " preferto failto endorse these." Nine disinterested " may say : to the solid value of these securities have others he would never line. he may but he will not : the reader will he accepts your ment statewillinghe should take : advice. weight,too, in a sweeping reference to one's neighbours. An umbrella maker scores when he writes : drop them a line and // you have friendsin Sheffield, ask about Bronson umbrellas. They will tell you they have used our umbrellas for years generations,often is " " ARGUMENT AND PROOF 55 and " OF ELEMENTS 56 and DIRECT proof,but trickeryand them is the of name complete testimonials are also strong the use of these by patent medicine advertisers,and the unfair stories current numerous means used to secure to the as them, makes which be must two-"dged weapon monial testito be effective. A made-to-order skilfully testimonial handled LETTER good. Such in his native city." always found Bronson the THE or a hi which one and names addresses omitted are prima facie evidence of insincerityor worse. "John Hays Smith, publisher ofthe 'News,' 138 Westchester Street, is sincere. says : We are permitted to quote the following from a Utter League, by Mrs. Albert Ross, presidentof the Woman's Glendale, Melton Abbey" ringstrue. The name should be well-known if any, expressed ; the title, the addresses given in full. Not only at length, that, but the very words and phrasesshould be such as the testimonial stand out with separate individuality to make is " " " that of the sales-letter writer. from a even piece with from most that appears to monial, testi- be of a of your letter,as though it ran the same fountain pen, defeats its purpose. The that ever successful printed testimonial came under the the bona-fide one, The rest writer's notice was one in which both the expressionof approvaland the customer's replywere used together. This scheme could hardlybe used in a letter, yet it suggeststhat the most important point in this whole problem of proving your claims is sincerity. which LETTER is irredeemablybad in construction, and transcription will get profitable grammar, request for an A returns if it is sincere, and those returns will be CHAPTER IX Persuasion word " " persuasion suggests and actuallyinA volves a certain intimacy at which it is difficult to Before we arrive in business. dare employ the arts of that our know persuasion we must standing with our is such that he will not resent our prospectivecustomer placing a paternal hand on his knee and talkingto him have presented our for his own we case good." When in support proof of every and adduced which statement is not self-evident,we employ persuasion to gain may " our end. But hope for results ! employ it sparingly and with diffidence. Put into it all the ingenuous indirection that you know. Appeal to the other man's springsof action, keep yourselfand your will far in the background. Nothing is better calculated to stir the ire and call forth the contempt of a busy, self-sufficient business than to be asked, Can you affordto be without this man day ? will you let your prejudice great boon another stand between you and future wealth ? and similar exhortation. Nothing will so quickly freeze your prospective client into glacialindifference as Will your share" as you " " " " " PERSUASION 59 this dividend-producing holders approve of your rejecting Yet these phrasesand dozens from the same ? " offer box have with their and used has work own familiar with The used been by whose men allowed familiarity them become to their customers. of suggestionhas many phases. Scientific suggestionis forceful persuasion. But forceful persuasion without suggestionlacks effectiveness. The best way to persuade a friend to take a tripin the country with you is to say, Come Bill,don't stick about on, science " here all the time all your come " in the time on city " what's " liven up the for of use once wasting come " on, " won't you ? The weak-willed man There men to such give in persuasion if he has no for not going. But the good reasons puts up his back againstsuch tactics. average man may " are many who when your business even and want to stay in town. the matter take can ought you But such a from away to stay in town " will approach man will start with He tactfully. you sigh,"Whew a I'llbet it is pretty in the country justnow. long about this time of the year to get out the grass to tramp through the woods " " along the banks pipe ? I'd just like " water-cress. stream and some to get on a brisk walk home to a on your gather fresh smoke good country ? I tellyou, Sunday Never back lie smoke old clothes and some you wander or tramp along some you ever afterwards lieunder a shady tree and old man, off business and take a and and and Did then take dinner " and little stream of Don't ! mind " it would run up be a greatidea to the Glens for to knock Saturday just exactlythe place up there. I've got business, too it will business I know " " ELEMENTS 60 only be the day OF THE LETTER gone, and you do twice as let's be happy and have one day one after " much work of the good old-fashioned times." Which man make would act ? you That's applied. persuasionscientifically First make the customer the goods then show want him how easy it is to get them then gentlylead him " " the line. over Here the a Think future of those when " that life when whom you " a way idea : same " a is seem you correspondenceschool when times have you uses largely yearned for riers you have grown impatientwith the barto hold you to such a narrow sphereof hear of the of career some acquaintance inwardlyknow is no more capablethan you ! It is a matter of developedopportunity. Our instructions perfectyou in a profession that is golden with opportunity. It fits you for success where. anyWould you like to make your residence in bus}7 cosmopolitanLondon ? Or would you like to live in some quaintold southern town like Winchester ? Or a bustlingnorthern city like Manchester ? will train you to will enable you The profession we to choose your own mand livingplace there is unlimited defor it everywhere. Will you not let me show you how you may reach out and grasp this opportunity? " " " " touch of persuasion necessary IFrounding of letter,endeavour a seems out dilute it with See how for such another a to the proper to hide it or ingredient. his percleverlythis silversmith disguises suasion, instance,how he suggeststo me my need of goods as he offers : PERSUASION 61 table equipment as fairlyrepresent your and far-sighted taste and means prudenceas the rest of Why not ? Your family's your household furnishings? happiesthours are spent there. Your friendsgatherthere. associations The finest of your household centre about the table. A sterling silver service helpsto perpetuate these associations in recollection, and if your selection is a work credit upon of true art, it reflects you, through succeeding generations." how No matter sincere you may be, and no matter "Does your how reallyimportant your offer may be to your prospect, that you in his office bear always in mind are and perhaps unwelcome and that you uninvited may to the slightest not presume intimacy. Here, if anywhere, of good breeding enter into does the element business correspondence. Persuasion of the exhortation type, as practised by the dominie who prefixes every phrase with "O,Brethren," is too dangerous for an ordinarymortal to attempt. ABOVE your If a man all,don't try letters writes to persuade a by assuming to you man attitude an about for information to of answer injury. the article you have for sale,or requests the sample or booklet you offer to give away free,don't think you can make him by causing him to feel that he is indebted for sending him what to you you agreed to, free of all charges. Don't dictate,or attempt to force writes him to do business with you. Any letter a man send you you money because he thinks he has to isn't worth the stamp that carries it. Here, for example, is the way one which they expect to win customers " Did you ever have the firm beginsa letter : unpleasant experienceof OF ELEMENTS 62 addressinga THE LETTER without even being subject, accorded the courtesy of a reply or worse did you still, to the best of your ability, ever answer any one's questions, without receivinga word in return for your time or trouble ? If you have had either one or both of these how we feelbecause you experiences, you will understand person a upon " haven't answered That letters" our is only the this beginningof letter. ing-of-teeth wailing-and-gnash- received first thingthe young this letter said was, '* Good heavens the these row accepted their The fellows are invitation I didn't find it what who man ! Look at kickingup, simply because I their article. to investigate I wanted, so what the was use of " writing? Antagonism is the of going after a to profitable letter showingthat wrote prospect a sin, it would more Another first product of such have have as been continued the article was though letter. a he had stead Inmitted com- hundred per cent the follow-upwith a a what he needed. correspondenceschool gets this idea when it : " Nearly every man either for most of us can look back " and not so farback If I had taken that chance I would be much That is what better offnow. day not far off,if you failto consider you will say some seriouslywhat we have offeredyou in our courses, for our ing proposalmeans justwhat I have, said a biggerearnbetter positionand standing,and brighter a capacity, prospects in life" " and say, " BUT there is another and subtler form in which the suggestionis employed,which may be used frequentlyand with good results. A prominent ladies' tailor used this idea effectively when he wrote : art of PERSUASION Dear Sir: Agreeable Too prospectus a formal regarding to our in that trust decide We give action and shall your trusting of copy you of after enroll to Prompts no a you which what we hear a pectus, pros- plete com- teach. this, We will you us. further to we latest our find with wish we cover will perusing inquiries for request information courses, separate description value recent your school and under posting sales to of our business that state are Lacks 63 be pleased best our from Youra you to attention again, wa are truly. in ifyou could see yourself one of these costumes, you would acknowledge its perfect finish." fitand exceptional Here is only a suggestion. The active persuasionis left to the imaginationwhich, picturinga desirable result, the objections of be counted can upon to overcome " the A / am madame, sure, that reader. watch in this way manufacturer " : You makes probablydo good use not buy a of suggestion watch with the of sellingit again ; yet that is a prettygood test of value. If you want to know the standingof Sheerness Abbey watches try to buy one second-hand." And even so simple an article as a patent window fastener is given a strong appealwhen it is placedbefore and effect hi the reader on the basis of suggestedcause the followingmanner : shut Why sleepor try to sleepwith your windows ache tightand awake hi the morning with a dull,sick headout will give you fresh air with? The Walker Lock security,and you will get up refreshed sacrificing and ready for a big day's work, healthy and happy. idea ' ' " ELEMENTS 64 Another done OF is that of case largebusiness in the letters written by the head presentedwas : " a Please business matters. talk man this over a THE which has piano company, North, chiefly through salesof the firm. with he will be able to The LETTER your One argument husband. guide you choice of the instrument can As a in business be left to safely." you that hinges upon PERSUASION equallyproductiveof results,but much writingand letter as strong in your endeavours self-interest is in the stress of to make each possible, you are prone to overdo it. Can you affordto permit a competitorto gain control is persuasion to a merchant. line ? of this profitable is a strong Certainlyyour boy should have the best / On the other hand, to tell a man appeal to a mother. that he is losing to tell a money every day he hesitates, that she is not treatingher offspring woman rightby refusingto equip them at Jones' Emporium, is both and lackingin tact. untrue Insurance, correspondenceinstruction, buildingand instalment and other lines where the prospropositions perity as " " " " and sale comfort of clients is at issue,lend themselves of daily business by persuasion. Commodities best presentedwithout it. are To sum ideas on the persuasiveelement of a up our the importantthingis to eliminate every business letter, Do possiblethingthat will put up the reader's back. chance of hitting not give your prospect the remotest back, and the active rather than the passiveelement of suggestionshould be employed. to CHAPTER X Inducement hardest THE was been sent tripwith a on lesson in which from out the Naturally a bad customer " " ? letter I should I ? " have trade was The why. in first we sent you last replied. the to There answered day to this no being given the I ? he point. that without find out that letter answer got back the saw should From I to the stolid baker. a should when office decided sent was didn't you I asked. " Why And I was Why week and way a I ever learned letter-writing yeast salesman. A letter had there were no turns. repractically " office and was no there reason was sales-letter has test of that acid no re-read that why anybody inducement. passed my desk phrase, Why " " how description of goods, no matter skilfully sufficient inducement to constitutes phrased, seldom this description when has been pull a direct reply,even tised cunningly worded so the prospect sees the article adverA in direct relation letter without an to himself inducement may or his business. convince a man The that INDUCEMENT 67 the goods for sale are desirable and his personalneeds, but it leaves that to a And is procrastination time." booked Your than more It is the thief of countless and they are suited loop-holefor procrastina the " thief of orders that should be but aren't. filled, experienceis proofof this. You have probably determined to buy mesh underwear, a dozen time. some magazines,a piano playerand a motor car You are convinced of their good points, that you know them, and you have the price. All that is you want the galvanicspark necessary is the proper inducement which will quicken into life this latent desire. own " " And so with customers. your various INDUCEMENTS the bottom of them all. Gain are action. as as sunsets. is at Gain is the root of all business But gain is not always a matter of pounds and pence. Besides the gain in Specialpricefor a few days ; the gain in the Specialreduction,if you send and the gain in the free sample, ; your dealer's name there is always the subtle suggestionof gain in This of your life ; mation Inforin may change the entire course that may and save you hours of uncertainty; dozens of others that do not representanythingtangible but mean gain,just the same. The letter that can suggesta possibility fully of gainso art" " " " " " " " that the reader fear of is almost afraid not to answer for missingsomething,is a genuine masterpiece. The inducement of prompt and careful service is one which will always win trade ; or you may advertise a limited quantity of a certain article or style; you may dwell on the seasonableness of the product ; you may ELEMENTS 68 have real a bargain " inducement which question, Why it, You will gain." " answer I ? A book the author come B " are that " I ? an cold, And you " Or to the question Why " you In six weeks book should " the number on figures is able to supply. of copiesof certain books more," he writes, expires. Three times " been have have we that he with contract our we this contract, three times renew include will lose." will answer, You publisherdoes this effectively by givingexact shouldn't to LETTER in any case, you must will definitely answer " indifferent " THE OF forced ceased all and stillthe orders have continued to advertising in so heavilythat another arrangement with Mr. was imperative. there Of the 10,000 sets we have printedaltogether about now 149 in the stock room, and 1,000 more are going through the bindery. If you had seen the orders streamingin on our previouscontracts,you would realise how quicklythese 1,149 sets will be sold. While far as poswant to go to our as we regularcustomers sible, ers. we cannot, of course, discriminate againstoutsidWe are bound in. to fillin the orders as they come now But I urge you to write for your In writingthe sales-letter a common that can set now." error seems to be of over-laudingthe value of what is offered. One brilliant sales-manager whose firm dealt in mine customers stant machinery and supplieswon by conmany he reference to a loose-leaf cataloguefor which The issued new sheets and revised priceseach week. sheets so valuable system was so thorough and the new that many used it simply because it was customers easy to handle. Another sales-managertried usinga bound catalogueof huge the same dimensions. inducement, He failed. INDUCEMENT 69 ELEMENTS 70 In both serviceable LETTER were remarkable,but catalogues and the other clumsy one constituted " and real inducement a THE the instances was one OF inducement the other feature was a deterrent. sales-letter must of the JL always stand the most searchinginquiry.To fool mark into respondingto your letter may customer a will clever, but that customer as exceptionally you neither forgive nor forgetif he finds it out. For example : sent broadcast A certain dictionary an nouncement anpublisher statingthat holders of his dictionaries who would send him the printer's imprint of the several volumes would doubtless learn something to their advantage. The bait took and those who respondedby naming the imprintof the printerfrom whose press had issued the firstedition,were immediatelyimportuned to buy an appendix to bringthe work up to date. It was a shrewd but scheme too " made certainly it because I was is wide a enemies It may have sold books, I know, for that house. of the victims. one Yet, while such there shrewd. brazen latitude means within are to be which the eliminated, man mail-sales- ing priceslaughterwhich will pull repliesfrom other inducements the labour of landing the interested people and make order easy. A case of this is seen in the following, written by the commercial pany agent of a largepower commay without work beingreduced to " : " Dear as Sir per Will you kindlysupply us with information attached form ? We are gettingstatistics : " and would apprecoveringthe power situation in L ciate your co-operation." The form enclosed was providedwith spaces for very INDUCEMENT Dear 71 Sir: You have not sent yet YOUR us subscription SYSTEM. to Why? It be cannot prioe--12/- the gladly --for would you tines that for the amount issue of single will SYSTEM give ideas many that a brir.g. It cannot the be of the be cannot heard a your stroke SYSTEM'S mere name on a , be cannot written the So write interested"for are not business you of business It time--for place list. mailing It of want would pen his who nan efficiency, who did his not ever hla want income GROW? to need of havs we opportunity"for five five letters, giving you and have as not sponded reopportunities, yet you to of them. one any we yourself you for vant ttako YOUR series We do want choice of to OFB any annoy of of described is it you; we sincerity, our the in plishing accom- keeping ars you not give you SYSTEM and evidence as unusual offer: HOW-BOOKS of what while even desk? your help to you, the following from learn to you Will again. once chance a remarkable the enclosed! folder! correct, business worried printed paper, pages, every USABLE size 5 idea 1/4" business man's the Run your circular. finger in your TODAY. next twelve We solutely BOOK" thank YOU hcvr us and at down out send only choose. 1/2 "--worthy but the place a nine the a you also will titles listed need. remittance for book with send YOU SYSTEM This is the advantage Yours for forward prepaid, postage Take make. leisure. your to of desk. Pick will not months, even free, that know we choice 7 x any 12/- every written " on Mark in volume is specific, Here by experts. are detailed for all solutions definite, those that have vexed and long so problems in the whole book series Every is you. clear dull-finish in book on type large vellum de bound in richly luxe. 128-172 And practical, the "H07- fairest of the ?ab- it offer HOW and faithfully, follow-upletter that bas been very successful in of orders. Note how, without the slightest getting largenumber of it condenses the arguments that have suggestion apology, then offers an inducement climax not only of as a gone before An actual a the letter,but of the entire series. OF ELEMENTS 72 LETTER THE complete information regardingthe addressee's power, cial equipment and requirements,and placedin the commeragent'shands exactlythe facts he needed in order to definite proposition.About 33 make a complete and per cent, of the letters sent out broughtback the desired information. This is an exceptional case, but it represents to which the extreme " designatedas IT is is not It that " the inducement necessary part of may sales-letter a be carried. "somethingfor nothing." a appear to be givingyour man to offer not necessary to sary, halfpenny postage stamp. But it is necesand always, to incorporatein a sales-letter ever that eternal : something which will answer Why should I ? It may be simply an offer that is eminentlyfair and that you cannot refuse as, for so squarelyput up to you manufacturer writes : instance, when a sewing machine Remember, an order is simply an opportunityfor the There is no sale Morton to sell itself to you. no tion obligato keep it until you have used it in your home for 60 days and are satisfied. Just let us send it." seem Always make the inducement easy to take hold of. Have nothinginvolved nothingthat will force the reader to doubt as to the correct thing to do. tainty Unceris the mother Your of inaction. proposition should be clear as day Do this and you get that florin for a " " " " " " " " " and indefinite you leave "that," you "this" specific and simple. This is the real matter no make must " how the coupon in advertisements and of orderin circular letters. Coupons and order-cards are strengthof cards not so much look easy. customer easier to use than a short letter,but They condense the procedureand exactlywhat to do. show they the OF ELEMENTS 74 But the suppose boot THE LETTER manufacturer had saying:"Simply mark the size and styleyou enclosed form, sign and post it to-daywith convenient form and the boots will come to all charges paid" Suppose he had said chances and now And that a are I would he would one wearing his the and or a two your close that lets him Let him ? wait day your competitorcomes strikes home. slides from Then the want the on 15 /- in any at you that ! have my once The money the vital essential when centrate you conargument and then is the use of making energy goods ifyou wind feel he might as and by boots. hi your your strength desire into action. What "prospect"want letter with day wasting time are fail to turn next be to there you have in a nutshell makes kills a sales-letter. or YOU a hundred closed the chances alongwith a up your well wait are that letter that he gets the business and your letter hold-over file into the waste-paper basket. but to order, of course, your prospect want don't stop there. Make it easy for him to order and make Make him do it now. That is what is meant by real climax tells the " it prospect what to do and when to do it it all that goes before into the successfully crystallizes act " itself. has two sists parts. The firstconof what we have termed persuasion and inducement all the precedingstrong pointsof the it summarises the loss it shows the gain that is mine in ordering, letter, that is mine by delay. It emphasisesreturn and minimises Think It is the paragraph that says : cost. what you are getting this and this and this,all for the think what it means small sum to you, to your of Every successful climax " " " , CLINCHER THE future. And Every penny remember, you 76 do risk not one penny. will be returned to you of your money if ? Why delaya singlemoment you are not satisfied. he reads that, your man When is almost ready to act. But not quite,for your climax lacks the clincher. What is he to do to get all the thingsyou offer ? Tell him. it so plain and so easy that he will have not a Make in the world for not ordering. If you don't, you reason haven't finished your letter,and lackingthe effect of that clincher your prospect is going to lapsefrom his almost ready attitude back into indifference. " " " NOW how star can salesman. somethingto sign. complete save he has made you get him you How He only for it for you to act ? Go back does he do it ? He to the givesyou lays before you an order-form your signature. Note how easy to order : he does not ask that hunt up a letterhead and draw up an order of your He has the order all printed and there within own. your easy reach. Just apply his idea to your letter. Give the man to sign. A post card filled out, addressed thing some- and ready to mail, a coupon that simply awaits his name little easy-as-lifting-your-finger act to do that some or makes answering almost automatic. There about is something marvellous the tempting " of the little blank form that power when it is rightly employed. No man another awaits your name likes to be coerced signinganything. He balks when the tactless salesman shoves the order before him literally and attempts to force his signature. Force instantly finds the touch-button of his antagonism. by But subtle watch into the clever salesman influence of the who has waiting order-form learned the itself. He ELEMENTS 76 Dear Weak OF have We received too formal as prices our Princeton as you ready advise reply the of pleasure the to letter ing havdressed ad- we and about weeks two ago, if received that ter, letyou the which ed mailcatalogue we tine. same If trust we so, and of superior quality the at that had not a to you to ask well as pause you Lacks interest LETTER Sir: and we THE Piano have interested so Player insure to order when are your you to the purchase. alogue catIf, however, and letter did reach not kindly you, and will we post duplicates. ue, We anxious to secure order, your want to continually annoy you with a of letters such stereotyped as sent are generally out by factories selling their other words by post--in products we do not conclude that cause beabruptly simply kind write were to enough us you Apology do yet injures and weakens appeal are not lot relative obligations to to after that matter our and Why as regret we have you Player is when you favour will you the over will decide best that the for ready are never ever, how- trust, gone the us under are you We us. with your have any to chase, pur- order, cause to no jections, ob- it. In More the we weakening apology that of you that will you know thould I? buy carefully very Princeton money, goods our meantime, will post if you you have now and of illustrations then and each of descriptions as styles we them the place on that market, will feeling be ed interestyou in the latest, up-to-date styles, even not be in though immediate may you an our new need of then Again yourself. thanking you Very This is an actual letter used because up series. It is poor as for the truly the fourth and is it inaulry, yours, last in a follow- not only entirelylacking in qualityor price,but throughout it takes entirely that of a continual attitude the wrong apology for taking the prospect'stime, for annoying him, for followinghim up at all. This invariablyplaces the writer in a bad position,for instead want reader to it makes him of making the feel that his buy, order is asked merely as a personal favour. Now the rewritten follow-upletter on the same note tion. proposiWithout a suggestion of apology, it goes straightto the argument as to " THE CLINCHER 77 OF ELEMENTS 78 LETTER THE placesthe order before you but he tempting. He talks not the order and pen signyour because so goods he you the want you do name but when And needs. but your name your lets it do on own the goods,not pickup your you your its initiative own sells. beauty of all this is that the clever salesman's fitperfectly ship. methods into the scheme of paper salesmanBuild up your interest, argument, persuasionand the Now then, when and inducement you have your prospect " I will buy," do as the convinced, almost ready to say salesman does, make it easy for him to decide, literally lay a waitingorder-form Refer him the form " to your before little business-getting supplement Simply tell him card, or coupon. or him. what to the result will be ; say, " You do this and And with perfectself-assurance that will do that." what do and we whatever he makes move will be of his choice,your he easy that he can't resist, will find man will own orderingso sign and post to-day." " for example, how simple NOTE, makes Merely sign the last ordering page the booklet enclosed to an act one firm " : and this kind and pin a 15 /- postalorder it " post to-day." There and " of two are : it must essentials to a successful clincher of givethe reader somethingeasy to do, clear. Virtually your offer is a contract should be so simple,its conditions so it must be its terms for eminently fair,that the reader can find no reason not acceptingit. These peopleexemplifythe idea perfectly when they Simply pin a 15 /- postalorder to this letteras a say : and we will send the book by the return of post. deposit, " 79 ELEMENTS 80 Look the. book " There this are LETTER the you don't see every page, write a post card in almost will return we THE carefully.If over money's worth and OF 15/-. your conditions attached no restrictions, no to offer.It is open to every reputablebusiness man the first edition of the book is exhausted. acts before your 15 /- to the letterand post to-day" who Pin Could find anythingbe plainer? And could a man for not acceptingthat offer ? one good sound reason Here is another : Simply send 12 /- with this letterand not afterlunch, for thingsto be done after post it now " " lunch beforeyou, risk. my way go, by set Of the hundreds " and me at the sure goods of your to such unnumbered variations are uses the idea admirably : factoryis working behind this letteris post it to will be but you typewritercompany it says The when now prepaidcarriage." there course when " by A But enclose your money in it and And then the orders may come immediate closes. done at all. oftennot are to the limit at this time and going to hold the machine have reserved foryou a few days longer. we After that we may have to use it to fillanother order. Sign and send us the enclosed form to-dayand let us placethe machine where it will be of real service to you. it is covered by a guarantee that protectsyou Remember turn against disappointment.If you dorit like it,simply reit and we return your money" we are orders on But now. be simplerthe order THEcoupon of dozen words to a story. If no money post card we are signed the can is to accompany better. A often tellthe whole the reply,an bearinga printedrequest dressed ad- is best of ELEMENTS 82 OF THE LETTER you can't givethe reader something to sign,do the next the man easiest thing. Note, for example, the way winds for typewriterribbons solicits my who up re- hiking: " trial will convince A them you'llsave. shippedat once ? the and up A him not in motion. reach sooner have you them send packed " is the antithesis of climax gets the reader the and Why more good makes you, It procrastination. It telk him for his pen, what to do. sign,seal,and stamp It his order. The clincher is the only kind of close that makes a something to bringresults. Give your man signor at least givehim something so easy to do that he can't helpdoing it. Tell him how and what to do and to do it to-day. Try it and you will find your salesThe letters picking up the shekels like a magnet. the propositionto clincher's purpose is to nail down sales-letter the prospect, here and The PUT now. Present into your Task letter,every your undivided graph, para- and focussed force. Concentrate your thought upon it,undiluted with the worries of the past, unaffected by anticipations. Give it " and each then problem your forgetit. best. Finish J HI MAKE A TO HOW A Part PERSONAL MESSAGE "The Man-to-Man WRITING Message letters isn't mulas reciting for- conjuring talking on paper. nor It is LETTER with words. catch- follow the old precedents can Anyone of correspondence. Anyone load letters can with the useless phrases and sions expresof antiquity. can string Anyone and courtesies together custom-bound conventionalities. But the who jolts himself out of the rut, who puts things straight from the shoulder, who dares to be original makes his letters pull. man " Don't stick tradition. Give to sales. Be your carry to moss natural. letter and a grown usages Be alive. man-to-man watch the of sage mes- result in CHAPTER XII News Value impression that you want your letter -"it to appear a as invariablyto give you want to-day product, a strictlylive, up-to-the-minute is npHERE one " " " from communication one that way any other What the If you can that attention world tell a has a and has business better is than wanted world is since the ginning be- exception. man something something new, particularly relation to his business, you can get his interest. letter,give it it this liveness and wants The news. there And value. give it news " is give can you to another. man one a Put sales-twist the and no information into your of it a make can you correspondence asset. News used hi sales-correspondence is of two kinds. as take some live public topic a good piece of You can " newspaper man that addressed, and help to letter news sell your news and up-to-dateness. own you know give it goods. it makes must an to the application that That's your be familiar paper one brand talk will of sales- bristle with VALUE NEWS 86 Or you can tell your prospect something that is primarily of interest to him and to you. Ordinarilysuch is pretty close to your own business it is news news " that originateswith because you or with your trade, and it about approach a man tactfully his business you responsivechord. The sources that you can of news limited only use are by the keenness of your eyesightand ingenuity. The first kind you will naturallydraw mostly from daily and trade publications. Often some local event can be exploited. scores when you wake a manufacturer, for example, used WATCH A idea when the he wrote something like this : One of the last things that Commodore Peary did beforesailingon the expeditionthat found the Pole was Could you imagine, watch. to purchase a as a a stronger testimonial to the perfect timekeeperunder all climatic conditions ? " " There human is news, interest,and an abundance of proof in a reference like that. It makes the letter live conviction to quality as primarily,but it carries more than could volumes of argument. be pressedinto service by any News of this kind can is the who sells his goods through letters. Here man way a retailer with local disaster : a "Dear last Sir Monday : " a clever turn of mind made use ' doubt you read in the Evening News that the residence of Mrs. Findlay, No of ' on destroyed by fire. The firewas caused by the explosionof an oil stove which Mrs. Findlay was In attempting to extinguish the using in her work. flamesMrs. Findlay ivas badly burned on the face and Chester Street, was MAKING 86 Everythingshe hands. wiU reach "We a gas TALK LETTERS owned was burned and the loss "400. simply want range to say this would not Findlay had had happened. A gas range this: If Mrs. have is Now safer,and much cheaper than an oil stove. the time to buy your wifea gas range and make her work a pleasureand eliminate all chances of such an accident Mrs. Findlay" as befell Accounts of injuriesand deaths through accidents be used to good advantage in accident and life can letters. Burglaries, local ones, assurance particularly ware make strong appealsin letters from locksmiths, hardbank and safedealers,burglary-insurance men, News items regardingimpure water can be depositmen. sand made of by the dealer in filters. There are a thouuse for the retailer or any other man to opportunities Use the opportunities make his letters live. which other peopleneglector overlook. this man who wants to sell a corNotice how cleverly respondence makes of a subjectthat is on the use course public mind : During the recent labour troubles that have thrown the country into a turmoil,many have published newspapers statistics on the estimated number employed in the various classes of business affected.But nothing was In said about the mail-order business being affected. this branch of business there seems to be no set backs is " " it thrives under mail-order the most business adverse circumstances. The to of the most profitable fields is in the air The mail-order spirit enter. almost can we to stand idlyby and allow the feelit. Are you the man opportunityto learn this business pass without finding out what the mail-order business has in store for you ? is one " It is not a hard business to break into and the remunera- NEWS VALUE tion is much largerthan book-keeper.The course telling your will have you something about man interest to him. puttingon dealer news It may the market, the be model new a of matter goods that your a as to be your reporter. After all,it is simply a own newsy you could hope to make I have, etc.,etc." other kind of THE ON 87 is of are you service you can give the be simply advice as to it may a new Again coming fashions or a suggestionas to the best method turn handlingcertain goods. If it is given the news or user. gets the interest. Here, for instance, is a newsy of him sackingto Dear hours few retailer. business to spare, wouldn't coal dealer in your forcoal and coke sacks ? Next " will need is Please write sizes. you with whatever with his customers followingup can not to know use. try to get his order She or in this line." uses the post to for the manufacturer his trade, it is every-day work wants and telephone to you a catalogue,showing all patterns us if your dealer cannot supply want you the retailer who need it pay have you sacks. new latest our and You quietand before delivered supply of fuelwill be largely and of the summer, during the remainder men Here For it gives winter's to residences the coal is town, every " It is good because probably has not thoughtof value : all,it has practical Sir :"When it turer manufac- a idea that he an and, best of " a letter from of far to go or your what the is news find it. that Pick keep or grocer most. of your housewife it out paper. Every shops have that is new a wholesaler counts trade glad when in touch writes that she her this : MAKING 88 " LETTERS TALK consignment of that delicious white plumed first it and althoughit came a long way, celeryarrived to-day, beds. it leftthe celery is just as crispand freshas when Please 'phone 72 Gerrard and we will be pleasedto supply all your requirements at 5d. per head." Advance notices of coming stylesare especially good The for news-items she will be far her than she a if she gets them in a letter impressedwith the shop that writes and woman, more would ever through reading them advertising. newspaper One store managed this matter very in its effectively by of lady customers to its Paris sending a list of names buyer and having styleletters sent from there direct. The novelty of getting these personal letters from abroad combined with the actual news-value brought results. WHAT you to other news way a doing " Dear " laundryman work Sir You'll that some consider is,unless just common thingsmay be people. For instance,here is the makes news out of his methods of : : oftenfindamong are scratched or your new blistered on laundered the seam. collars, (That do your laundrywork.} It is not a necessary evil,either. The explanationis simple. The seams of we or double-fold wing point should be evenlydampened We beforefolding. Otherwise they blister or crack. have a machine to dampen those seams. It must dampen evenly,for it does it with mechanical precision. So you will get no cracked collars back from us. Please 'phone Holborn 427, and your laundry will be readyfor use whenever you want it" a " MAKING 90 LETTERS TALK comparativelylittle to buy ? Such an ideal home can local thoroughlyrespectable only be obtained from some to lose and nothing to gain by firm who have everything and where cheaptakingadvantage of your inexperience, ness hand-in-hand goes with honest value and lasting workmanship. " Such firm (and I a it because say I know it is true) is the Blanktown* logue Furnishing Company, whose cataFurnishingGuide I have the pleasureto enclose If you would take the precautionof paying and herewith. a visit to our what much a than money very much showrooms any better home London obliged ifyou In your at enclosed, and terms interest will you Yours keep this matter throughthe letters Althoughyou may run for your reallybe would with do this ? respectfully, of news-value that in mind to your come have never E. DASH."* when desk information live-up-to-now " you row. to-mor- stopped to analyse who tells you it before you will find that the man who throws into his message the man new, bit of call, our compare those of other A. Just ' intended your our for yourself see sell you We should ' and once can we house. using the invitation card our prices,and furniture, firms. would you that man thing somesome gets your interest. an Every business appealfor the has man consideration The of news-items. medium the value of this method cuttingbureaus In the smaller *Mr. Dash the opportunityof making of his wares throughthe big citystore is realising of introduction and the Press the direct result. as benefiting it is possibleby means of the towns are trades as the Blanktown Furnishing Co. NEWS " VALUE 91 " Local Happenings column in the papers to keep in all local movements touch with practically whether it is a wedding, a concert, a birth or a death ; each item can be utilised by the business man cateringto the nature of the event. Put yourself. You will find news making your dull, dry correspondencesparkle with life. You will find it givingnew pullingpower to letters that have been going to the discard. element into a business letter does Putting the news not necessarily mean introducingtopics which appear in the dailyor weekly newspaper. It justmeans putting into the communication something which you could not It means possiblyhave put in yesterdayor last week. giving the recipientsomething to think about that would not have been thought about yesterdayby any of your the idea to use rivals. Human Interest great result is only the fusion But all perfections. the rightelements of a good letter make only conglomerate,unless they be fused in the fire of universal living. They of many small fall short,until ground of your they touch day's work the common and mine. CHAPTER XIII Personality YOU if as all the good to a your salesman well entrust might And have may such it is the a proposalthat speaks for itself,but has a colourless personality, you to your message pale individual in the same into sales-letter. letters your you If you must expect put egotism, but not " for man will do. magnetise your prospect'smoney touch straw a a sonal peryour honest, personal conviction, interwoven thoroughly into your customer's personalitythat own feels that you. This It you understand him that is the subtle effect of successful unties letter goes the wallet strings where into the basket. exaggerationbreeds It creates distrust. the cold, serious,matter-of-fact deaf and ears. And this is true " It he he understands letter-personality. the custom-made confidence gets the business communication because so the where where falls letter with on a from different." It stands its out personality is in a crowd. stereotypedcompanions like a strong man Letters that really have a personality are orderinto gettersbecause of the two elements that are woven PERSONALITY them the " 93 attitude man-to-man thought and expression.And in of originality these elements part of the letter every and found are salutation, body, close, " signatureand postscript. be remembered, however, in this matter IT SHOULD of approach,that sales-letters of two distinctly are kinds the " unsolicited letter and In the firstyou audience own ; your must the reply to an yourselfand announce in the second at come you quiry. en- win the buyer'sinvitation. Naturallythe winning " before firstsituation demands can you the reader's attention get down the other instance you make once. your But offer at though even first time, there is and there is him about Look Talk his would. and at about own no no surer to a reason What of " proposal. In the preludeand want you for the take the is his interest, gettingit than talkingto himself. propositionfrom his point of view. your the thingshe is interested in. Talk to him in words, his phrases. Express your ideas as he Make your letter a personaltalk, full of life action. If you are tryingto sell a man talk about your boots until you too, how NOTICE, gets your attention this way : " Dear Sir " interest approachinga man why you cannot are way and inaries prelim- business glideover can you attitude. man-to-man certain a pairof boots, don't have manufacturer a mentioned his. of motor-cars from the start when he writes : I wonder how near your ideas and mine would agree MAKING 94 in the selection of would year year'stime, last year'scar one less than " it cost I built finished " to not I As this Every out always able am a to firm here for little business runabout two over took car that I car suit you. because I wear this year, which was ago, and I used it for car weeks day when a friend offered regularprice,and I let him the a would because a if me. new little a just one than a but and car, " sell my TALK runabout a build for my own use I build a car for myself in car LETTERS so well and "20 me have everyone for it more it. seemed to like I it so much, immediatelyarrangedto get out a number of special and they jobs under the same specifications, are now nearingcompletion. One I am going to use myself,and I am going to give you an opportunityto get of the others." one Thus the proposalgoes swinging along naturallyto close that strong a so in the market for I must the letter if I answer am at all. He compels my interest, a quickappreciation attention,and inspires has to sell,by talking if I were in to me as excites my of what he a car his office. Of course, be to qualified You same kind of the appeal to another of this man-to-man element co-ordinate wouldn't with calibre. The tions. condi- Green,of Camberwell, the ton, preparedfor J. C. Chester- Manor, Ashford. man the necessary write Bill of letter that you one of the letter must The letter which well annoy a class of trade,first, and the might very be would man of manner weighed in the writer's mind. In some businesses it is a good thing to put into a letter ; in others,the first thing snap to be avoided is the possibility the susceptiof offending bilities of prospective those customers, more particularly prospectivecustomer, second, must " " PERSONALITY who customers with to regard all trader's epistles suspicion. Don't the world employ language any business letter in few touches, be made adaptableto abasement. Almost by a capacity of a working man of and to the other extreme run savouring of the apt are 95 can, or the culture and ing breed- suggestionof familiarity when dealingwith a good class of buyer, but do not allow this precautionto stultify arguments. your selling It is not necessary and it is not good business. aristocrat. an Avoid element letter unconventional personality expression usually follows if the writer reallyestablishes his man-to-man relationship. But there are certain divisions hi the letter where positive efforts must be made to avoid a slavish following second THE of the " " of custom. is this true when an Particularly enquirysolicits your reply. State your case from the start and, as you hope and strive to be natural,avoid the old formalities. " introduction with its " We beg and average " " Pursuant is as useless as a third leg. to your request herewith " take up the Such expressions Enclosed as lutely reader's time, detract from the main idea,and are abso- The " might just as well attach stickers, This is a sayinginanely, This is an envelope and sheet of paper." If you ask a salesman for priceson his best hurdythat he would clear his gurdy or what-not, it isn't likely foolish. You " " throat, hitch up his trousers, and into a teenth seven- he wouldn't. century prelude. Of course snap out something like this,and skirmish would sale launch " " : We have three He for one stylesof hurdy-gurdys, a at MAKING 96 LETTERS Dear Sir: door only when it TALK Opportunity Use of out worn knocks figure drudge, pittance, be must his at otherwise ready; he 'but himself his opportunity. man's a prepared door, and answer is largely along daily trudging the awaiting to blame. a to cones He once. a failure; on with end, did He not a mera no one grasp Get out and of the rut into field of and thus greater knowledge, be to prepared inaura command, even yes income. Business larger a men are ing comthe to value recognise of better a of knowledge existing of conditions, ganisation orand systematisation. The without factory fear expert safely may of contradiction be said the to be ness BusiAdviser of He assists today. in the of and much, a organising business, if the not of the of success greater part Too a general Directness entirely lacking the manufacturer wisdom and the of the tion business. argument cost. book is is expert an Till just out on book has not ths of scope of the writer. desired will char Weak be Awaiting close we is Here a letter that personalitythat then in an been work and Very truly our get Organisation". ly complete- latest and explains' Qualifications further Any information, cheerfully given on quest. rethe of ply, rea courtesy are is full of is not incidental yours. and generalities entirelymisses it offered proposition and the and fully prospectus to nominal a "Factory the you extant. giving to -day work Our Offer at order your published necessary for conducting your opportunity yourself This up- outsider an your rewritten most to foresight longer no upon and Here become or it depend organising to you in help explana- attributed business accountant. But for No be must the mentioned so lacking in individual appeal. The until the third paragraph the way. ten propositionis handled in the rewritthe letter opposite a letter as personal as a call over placed disand axioms In this second are sheet, proverbs phone. why the chance to buy is worth real cash to by reasons is of his factory day. He hour the particularreader every dissertaoffered a particularproved opportunity,not general Note how the book same " MAKING 98 much, another so LETTERS at this much," and is interested in sales and a lesson from TALK so him, then, and so on. The man sales- Why not take you. chop off the hackneyed are preface? What is the sense of obscuringthe real issue useless apology,a request to write, by a lengthyprelude, to bedto advise ? Get down or beggingfor permission rook and catch your prospect's attention from the start. this manufacturer Note how to the goes straight point in his opening : " Dear " Sir Your : goods may leave,the factoryin the best dition. of conBut how do theyreach their destination ? Any goods station is likelyto be over-crowded any day, and platformsand wharves piled high with freight. open Your goods are not favoured they are justas likely to be left And lutely absooutside as any. rain may a sudden " ruin them. " Why not insure your shipmentsagainstrain, snow, do it You can fog againstrust or warp or mildew. with Andrews' absolutely WaterproofWrapping. Andrews' Waterproofis made of three things: heavy and tough paper, perfectwater-proofing, reinforcing cloth,giving extra toughnessand strength.No matter how awkward or irregularthe shape of your product, will not poke through. And or projections sharp corners your goods will reach their destination as dry and sound when theyleft as your shippingdepartment." Like a good salesman, this writer launched into his subjectwithout prelude or apology. " " of thoughtand expressionis really ORIGINALITY than in the shown in the body of the letter more salutation and close,for there the opportunitiesare PERSONALITY almost limitless. For of this tiresome " Our where connections we instance,observe the stilted style long drawn-out such are order with placeyour to you you the cars, and we show can 99 of our efficiency receive the sentence to make : for possible us righthere in the City, goods and demonstrate the hope that justas soon as will look it over carefully as it catalogueyou and make it a point to call at our sales-room and give us connected with our generaloffices, you to show then turn And this from a what you our to the local tailor which an is tunity oppor- will do" cars of ease refreshing expressionin : cuttingclothes for the last ten for some of London's best-dressed men in from run of our old customers years and that many out of town justto get that perfection of fitthat theyknow only Henry can givethem ? This is justan indication to give men of taste have in our ability of the confidence comfortand satisfaction" referred to his cutter by the writer has even Here the cutter The ordinarywriter,if he mentioned name. would have spoken of him simplyas an employe1 at all, "Do you know that Henry has been . letter. A writer all there is is BUThas this into his salutation injectedpersonality not to half-waythrough his phrase as, "Hoping we are" is as bad as a letter ends in some such who and trite from you by return of post, typed correspondentwho uses stereo- to hear the expressions throughout.Both blunt their effect the prospect. on The closing paragraphshould force the prospect into action pressions not put him to sleepwith such hackneyed exand as trustingwe shall hear from you " " " MAKING 100 " remain." beggingto loads down knows LETTERS Such letter and a that you he will answer " hope TALK conventional nothing.The prospect means " for his business " and trust " your letter. demands your communication IPsomething typicalof life, post the order Sign and a distinct close,say as, for instance new, " baggageonly : beforeit slipsyour now, mind." " " Just say the word and the samples are yours" Can you afford to overlook this when it means pounds to you ? " Millions of unread basket paper " trust From ginning bethey lack personality. they look alike. They beg this and " that. the reader is as It's " bored as " do we " " and you above paper all,the " "D that are on the element and razor edge. hit it with ripeput to prospect,that it is, " it to work ! is buy Don't a until strained the office talk gets the orders. ESOLUTION don't lost man-to-man " with talkingmachine. learningthat hackneyed salutations complimentary closes don't your neighbour's Successful correspondents are you one-record are tossed to the waste- are because to end " letters a whetted overstrop it ; brick. When it's on XIV CHAPTER The "You" Element would probably leap up in burning wrath if, YOUto-morrow, ling could your sales-letters kindsee you hundred a morning fires. At least you would want why your sales-letters interest only the man who empties the waste-paper basket. You might bring your correspondentsto the carpet, you might question shot that and you might threaten, but it is a ten-to-one when they couldn't answer you had done. vious If you are to solve the most perplexingand yet obto know fault of your sales-letters, you sit down must and pick apart your paper salesmen. As you analyseyour correspondence you will be impressed with one fact that there is too much in the beginning of the we into the sales-missive. If you push your investigation as we body of your letters,underscoring each you will find that the writer has literally to it, you come peppered his story with the objectionableword. There is the answer to your question. From beginning to end, the average letter consists of, We have We to offer ; contemplate so and so " " " " " " " " " " " MAKING 102 this,and " We " what about by " intend " We LETTERS TALK to do that. But do ? How " to you, is and " my to concern is me " do / care interests affected " ? The regarding ours you" The never-endingsource statement a are what closest thing of attraction me" thus the And correspondentmisses a hearingbecause he begins talking about himself instead of you." For We are showing example,a clothier writes me a letter : the most attractive line of springand summer woollens in the city. The cut of every garment is the latest in styk." " " NOWwantedthat the woollens have may the kind of I fact that is hi this for me ? How will it affect ? if they had But what me they are showing doesn't particularly interest me. They attractive line in the city. What I most balance bank my The to know. about is,what care letter hasn't told a written " : Mr. Smith, you spend "3 of clothes than you should. How can we and as wearable prove it ? By making you justas stylish a suit for"4 as you have been paying "7 for. You will look better and feelbetter in the clothes, and at the same time you will be saving money." If they had said this ah ! that would have been a fora more suit " different matter. to me as For here is a letter that gets as close desk, that touches my pocketbook,my my own business instinct. " We have Again, a manufacturer writes me to-day : perfectedand are now prepared to supply our new, excelsior gas double-rimmed, rust-proof, patent-lined, the peer of them all." burner " When of I receive that letter how production? I hold no does it affect my stock in the gas burner cost indus- "YOU" THE ELEMENT 103 the discoveryof a new try. He might as well announce Street so far as my interests mud puddle in Lombard concerned. are But spend he had said : " Mr. Gas Burner, you suppose 10 1- a month more forgas lightthan you should, yet in spiteof this and brilliantillumination uxiste you gettingthe not are paying for. I can cut your gas bills in two, give you better,clearer,brighter And the whole outlay and save light, you 10 1- a month. to you will be simply the priceof one of our new gas you are burners" the writer had Suppose different,and somewhat been said that ? to the letter-box with I It would have probably would have order. Forget and talk about needs, profits, yourself at your desires. Look propositionfrom his point of view and he will readilysee it from yours. hurried a money the other man's DON'T with begin your letter and " We." every be the You may world, but your reader your own himself he is the king of his own has so other sentence rulingpower doesn't know it. To little kingdom. He thingsto think about, he isn't are doing. And yet he is the man many in what in you close to if you interested you must He expect to get any of his money. is interested only when he is sure of gettingsome money get himself. I at once became I received interested when this letter : Retailer: "Mr. " Why lose other " more man the retailer is it that you good hard cash throughbad " " are compelledto debts than any in business ? Every month you have scores of good fat accounts to charge up that debtors to bad refuseto debts, pay. Dear Sir: just received. to forward Accept Formal" "our" the stock BOOB Our " styles thanks our We for ready it course all the the season's the and leading fifty styles favour your of this glad tunity opporcatalogue showing are a you which we carry for iamediate styles Of " TALK LETTERS MAKING 104 in Stock our use. impossible la which we styles shown, simply show illustrations to Bake. The of some represent selected as sellers retailers from test hundred two our designed by toy selling our force. Our boots are correct in word. Our the oxfords possess fitting qualities. do They the close and fit ankle; they of "Our" qualities at slip for the at Tan, We Black and Our 11 Our " of rital be assured " you can fail catalogue present catalogue is coolest Green, boot Red, something if you full to value to make any style just time. find for you your that is cars to money in desire you forward the of order your the boot We will prepaid receipt upon and will strive price to most satisfactory Banner. robs a the "you" element. particularlywell an required illustrated Toure Nothing in Patent. Guarantee of the are them importance We if Our they have sense superior net gap do not spent. guarantee " heel; summer. every in a truly, Tory letter of directness Here is an actual absence of direct you serve our the at boots with so much as letter which a because appeal lack of illustrates of this fault. This man tries to sell a pair of boots,not by talkingabout the prospect and his needs, but about himself and his product. Note the prevalenceof "our" in every paragraph. and "we" Half the words of this are mere machinery antique variety, through which "we accept, are glad,make, strive,"and so on. The real meat the specificwords that catch the eye" could be compressed into two short paragraphs. Then the same note how written propositionis handled in the reletter. The dealer comes to the customer's side, over " just as a " fit. clever a " That What you stock of boots So the entire salesman *s would, and ' ' right, he says , in to help him ' ' get calampoor fit is a real ity. turns " a Js this and this and this and here is a which you'll find those very things." among letter shows an understanding of "your" boot want " Mrs. puts you off; Mrs. Jones and it goes so start through bad " Now we Smith afterseason. season with shop new a " TALK LETTERS MAKING 106 the money lost tdls you to wait ; You could almost by local retailers debts. pose suppose we could tellyou how to stop this ; supcould tell you of a simplecollection scheme used by one retailer in Birmingham that enabled him to make up pay thirtyof his hardest and slowest customers the many pounds they owed him. for penny penny Wouldn't you jump at the chance to get it ? closed, Now, then, in the book described by the circular enplest, get this very collection system ; the simyou can devised collection system ever a most successful sive system that does not requirethe assistance of an expencollector ; a system that you yourself can operate,and the only expense is two or three penny stamps" from my That is the kind of letter that pullsmoney cash drawer. The guns of attractive argument and I effective salesmanshipare levelled directly at me. either get out of the way or stand and take the must I buy because shot. "you and your collections has " " " " " the been attitude of the letter. pointed their shot somewhere interests,there would budge AM I inch,and an not shown never make have been had concern in the air of no reason why foreign I should I wouldn't. interested in your affairs until you have And interest in mine. some can you believe that you are really interested in me by everlastingly harpingon me up If this we. inquirywith this : We have your favour of the fourteenthstatingthat advertisement of Wonder tires. you are interested in our A " tire manufacturer answers my "YOU" THE We describes and Wonder our 107 booklet which Wonder enclosingour are ELEMENT tread. We illustrates would be very glad to give you any furtherinformationand our best tires, price. Trusting that you will insist on Wonder we are, yours very truly." Now there I continue having on to be Wonder manufacturer " " What I wanted obvious. was sale. is we tire talk that interest in the deal a advertisement, but spottedletter why interested,why I should "insist" tires ? was essential to in the in that reason single one I should interested was And that appliedto It was from that me. His that mine letter killed what was little I had. it with this from Contrast sell me a would what a nuisance it is You know engine: to equipa boat and findthat you haven't got this haven't got that. Beforeyou finish, it has cost you quarter or " who manufacturer an to set out and a " a third have Customers than you estimated. What oftenasked us : more ' does your ' don't make it Why complete? you we're going to do in future we are equipmentinclude ? justwhat That's going to goingto ' " put in everything?And what's more, we're the carriage." He That is talkingto me. knows boat man my troubles. He's talkingto me in my own boat-house, and and sales-argument I read on through his description with an interest approaching fascination,because I feel from pay the firstword my TO that the writer of that letter understands needs. successful writer you must talk about your and his affairs. See that you get the customer word letter. BE " a " you For in the example : opening sentence of your next MAKING 108 " You make can LETTERS a TALK largerprofit ifyou sett Duffs Sugar Duffs Sugar than Your customers want if you don't. and theyare going to get it somewhere. You bigprofits by earlyapplication"and so on. can make The grocer is interested in this because it offers to There is no more hi his cash-drawer. esting interput money he reads propositionto him than that. When this letter he must decide whether he will order and make stand idlyby while the other or good profits, fellow gathershi the benefits. And when of the ment elesome you have injected you cultivate the ability into your letters, to get over the buyer's side and look at your proposition on through his eyes. A good salesman the selling mentions never point he emphasizesthe buying point. " " " You think it selfish, but I repeat that the nearest The nap hand theme with you is subjectto me is me. trait as infallibleas a physicallaw. you. It is a human may " Personal Will machine-finished THE sale is passing. Buyers preferto The man. future letter Good successful deal dealer man to of the approach his sales,his the writing problems, from must - customer's It is not side. enough to collect to-day's for your competitoris collecting profits, to-morrow's good will. IV Part r COMPLAINT, COLLECTION, ROUTINE AND LETTERS Sell Satisfaction OUCCESS ^3 in sold. goods mean simply selling doesn't It ers custom- means satisfied. It bills means paid outside of court, on square-deal complaints handled principles.It means treating a man after and the sale as well as you do Irritating back-talk before. and aggravating threats never got a good-will settlement tomer a nor disappointed cusbrought back tude attia slap-on-the-shoulder ; " " drives But " Be your trade away. courtesy, tact, open-minded disarm antagonism, bring back fair. Aim goods will melt ness fair- tion, opposi- business. to sell and satisfaction, sell themselves. CHAPTER XV Collecting Accounts ia IT that thing one induce to he wants give up something to vital difference that between to man a quite another it is ; by Letter he something to induce sales and him lies the Therein wants. the take collection the letter. The sales-letter writer article in such an reader is writer He willingto part a man to he he has pleasant task of alluringway that the an his money to of the collection letter,on the other persuade which has would knowledge of do human his money give up in his already has already,in part who with at hand, an must article possessionand from which least,derived his profit. this must nature it. The own for presenting the that bring into play will enable him a wide to use rightplace. The common division of debtors into three classes good, slow, and bad payers" is true enough so far as it goes, but the the two problem is not so simple as that. Between of good and bad paying debtors, there are a extremes thousand of many differgradations,representingmen the wise argument in the " characteristics ent an Each circumstances. presents individual problem. Recognising this, collection and more to more strict adherence of house a or are commercial cases to the where of small the course an business there of form use to selling one are no if any account is not forms, the wise collection the forms, and letters. In the handling in mail order accounts, as consumer on economic necessity; and always be used also But discard are coming managers element of danger in a too the see great many plan,they a and a the instalment they will specialconditions fullycovered by manager to in be met. the will not in regular hesitate give personal attention to to the or the account. kind of letter is used" the form WHATEVER individual letter the writer's first is care " to give the right tone, dignifiedand firm, yet considerate and friendly. Getting this right tone into the letter is of getting the right perspective on largelya matter what customer's relations and his obligationto your you reallyare. It is a mistake to look upon a just debt as anything but the strictest business obligation.The customer has bought the goods on certain terms and has agreed to Especially bad is according to these terms. pay the practiceof asking for payment on the ground that your firm is hard up. The moment you write to a man in this way thereby put yourself in the same you class with debtor, and you suggest to him your new excuse that he may put it this way : Prompt payment " possiblefor us of to sell our not have used before. a Rather makes by our customers cheaply. When goods more it bills our COLLECTIONS 112 AND COMPLAINTS the date due, we don't on regularly make allowance for extra interest chargesand an pricesto cover the amount. percentageto all selling by the low prices." benefit have to add a You while it is necessary that you regardthe debt as strict business obligation, it is equallyimportantthat But a in comes money consider the debtor you first of all as a A customer. trade is valuable to you until he has shown ignoringof your requests for settlement persistent customer's by a that he cannot Under does not intend or those circumstances in making justified a sterner his billsvoluntarily. his business in the future, and desirable to you Keeping the to pay demand is not you are perfectly for settlement. ing goodwillis a matter of selectthe proper arguments and using the righttone. It week-kneed does not mean collection policyor an a attitude. It means ness making him see the fairapologetic of your positionand your readiness to give due consideration customer's to his difficulties. The of little personal for the use opportunities give it the tone of friendlyinterest in the offers many touches that debtor's affairs. If you idea that you well as you causing resentment. conciliate a Now let when man us can make interested are own, your collection-letter your letter convey the in him and his welfare,as insist upon payment without It is these intimate touches that can formalities mere that not remember antagonisehim. all of these elements letter ; but they represent in every of situations with methods of handlinga number appear the collection writer completed letter elements given case. that is proved which constantlyconfronted. will consist of will best meet a the combination The of these requirementsof any AND COLLECTIONS 114 notification is made succeedingletter " and more emphatic with more each of the collection series. letter of the second followingis from The COMPLAINTS The chequeyou were to send bill of March 12th, has not series a due for "18. 5s. me " : on arrived. No doubt you your have overlooked the bill, or have it pigeon-holed forearly settlement." this letter In such oversightis again suggested,but suggestionis usuallyfar-fetched after the first a letter has been This opening an unanswered. from later letter is still more a phatic em- : " I have sent you the ".18.5s. on your past due. answered Yet account, which have paid not this sentence introductory the notification of how letter is now lettersabout months two the account even or letters." my After you and frequentstatements proceeds with or taining paragraph con- the account stands, the This the collection talk proper. the different classes of debtors and with will vary with the positionof the letter in the series. would not write the to the same and bad-paying customer, suitable for the second Naturally,you good-paying and the the letter would not be the is received from response WHEN letter requestingpayment by return, no in is justified force should is ones are to in the fourth. use to that arguments no payment. to a creditor takingany steps that be littlemore need urgent an The than explainwhy next a may seem necessary letter to the customer notification of this. you are placingthe There account ACCOUNTS COLLECTING in the hands of We have LETTER solicitor ; that should a the face of it. Write " BY tnade a short and note 115 be evident on imperative: (three) requestsfor payment of the ignored. The is long past due, and yet you have not even account given us a reason why you have delayedpayment. enclosed " We Each account. cannot carry paid by it we to over have some with this any longer,and unless it is shall,without furthernotice,turn you have reason valid reason He payment. have you solicitors for collection." our Sometimes may one be may the treatment to believe that the debtor which prevents immediate dissatisfied with the goods or his order received,but has not sent complaint. Or he may be in temporary difficulty owing to sickness,to unexpectedand unforeseeable local in any conditions which the customer make his collections slow, etc. If own the writer invites him to dissatisfied, this his complaint known, and also seizes upon make is opportunity to impress upon him always to givecompletesatisfaction In the second case, the desire firm's to every customer. the collection writer asks for a frank to make willingness any reasonable arrangements to help him. Here is the way one tion correspondenthandled a situa- and explanation, of this kind declares the firm's : " // there are any valid reasons why you are unable to meet this obligation at the present time, letus know at once When knoiv justwhere you stand,some what theyare. we settlement satisfactory be made." to us both can When next such sent to are inquiries procedure will depend upon If he answers with response. that is adjusted, the chances some are the customer, your the nature of his justcomplaint,and that he will settle the COLLECTIONS 116 bill and thus he has met AND COMPLAINTS close the transaction. If he writes that with that he could not temporary reverses have foreseen,the next step is to suggestsome way out of the difficulty, such as to take his note with interest ; ments instalto ask for part payment or payment in regular ; or to offer to take back the goods and cancel the bill. A typicalparagraphoffering of these one follows : suggestions " we Since you will let you unable to pay the whole settleforthe rest with your are bearinginterest at 6%. can pay now. at the same Send us ofyour billnoiv, personalacceptances, the "75 which you For the remainder, "150, you can send us time one bill payablein sixtydays ; or two bills three equal in amount, payable respectively ; or and in thirty, equalin amount, payablerespectively sixty, ninetydays. Choose the plan which suits you best. This arrangement will helpyou over your presentdifficulty." appealthat will reach many debtors AN suggests the bad effectof non-payment on or, In other is one that ness, their busi- the good effect of prompt payment. conversely, words, it makes the man think of his own loss gain. In this case, the suggestionof loss is usually more emphaticthan that of gain. His guiltyconscience unless it is hardened will reinforce by long misuse the appeal. The loss that is suggestedmay be refusal of future credit by our firm, the damage to his credit with other houses, the loss of financial standingin his community, and similar matters of vital importanceto or " a " business " You One man. firm writes : clear. The keep your credit perfectly onlysure way to do this,as you know, is to pay your bills promptlyas theyfalldue. Any delayis liable to cause\ want to ACCOUNTS COLLECTING bad a rid which impression, you will BY LETTER 117 to get findvery difficult of later on." Another " firm uses this : settlement of this account in an a effect to it would not Giving publicity easy and amicable way. helpus, but itmould certainly bringdiscredit to you among your friendsand neighbours." This last letter contains not only an appealto his loss in his business relations,but also one to his personal pride. that by Then, again,the suggestionmay be made himself annoyance and trouble. paying he can save of gettingmore This may be the annoyance "dunning We desire to " or the trouble and letters, expense of a lawsuit. this suggestion becomes In the final letter of a series, definite a that statement legalproceedingswill be promptly begun, as : This is our finalnotice,and should we failto hear from you within ten days,the matter will be placedwith " solicitor with instructions to take any to effect a quicksettlement." our A NOTHER "*^up at which once. element of the collection letter is that urges the debtor "to do it now," to pay Some themselves with an writers content urgent request for prompt payment this matter your immediate letter. Just to " " " ; or give Send us to-day." Others go for making the act of " example, Don't bother pin your cheque to this note ; for Please ; as, attention cheque or postal order your further and suggest some means paying easy stepsnecessary to write and a post it me." The " " easy-to-pay methods have the advantage of COLLECTING 118 ACCOUNTS BY LETTER minimisingthe actual physicaleffort needed to make the payment. They are effective because they forestall man's easy taken inclination to put off a task unless it is made very In this respect the collection writer has to do. over of the devices of the advertisement one sales-letterwriters,who return and coupon long recognisedthat the return valuable aids in most have post card are the their among gettingreturns. letters instalment COLLECTION from commercial letters chiefly in on is and differ accounts that the chase puris frequently singletransaction and there little probability of future business. For this reason the sales element is largely ment lacking.Reason for settleand must two points the buyer'shonour run on his obligation to abide by his contract. The prime aim is to prevent the debtor from getting a " behind hi unpaid,the three than more one When is doubly difficult to amount accumulate, some offer is almost instalment. action summary remain and if collect, " or to make absolutely necessary two cash up the account " profitable. Because all instalment buyers on are propositions uniform a basis usuallysold to payment, form-letters or be used far more may work. In fact,debtors may be so will meet extensivelythan in commercial and their degreesof indebtedness classified that a series may be preparedwhich almost any objectionand apply to nearly every situation. One collection three been classes " those made, those made, and those has man on on divided which on which which stiJUoutstanding. For only more one than payment half have into has been is very small amount class he has prepared a only a each his accounts ACCOUNTS COLLECTING BY LETTER 119 series of five letters and they have been so carefully developed through experiencewith instalment buyers that they are in a vast majority of instances as well suited as a personally dictated letter. It is customary among houses doing an instalment business on a monthly basis not to begin a strictly lection colseries until a copy of the monthly statement has failed to bringa response. marked Second Notice If fifteen days pass after this second notice without a the debtor's reply,the first letter should be sent calling has probablybeen attention to the fact that the amount It is immediate attention. overlooked and requesting not a bad plan to pointout in this letter hi a courteous the importance of keeping these instalments paid way One house follows its request with a up promptly. paragraphsomething like this : Perhaps you have overlooked the factthat in signing this contract you agreedto send us a remittance regularly has been paid until your account each month without fail, the agreement, and we have in full. This, however, was naturally planned on receivingthe payments in this " " " manner. " convenience certain that foryour own feel to adhere to findit more satisfactory We allow two instalments more or to send the whole us this plan,for ifyou to accrue, amount in you will and are pelled com- remittance,it one it if you We shall appreciate prove inconvenient. will settlethe overdue payment at once, and see that future may instalments reach us promptly each month as theyfall due." If a a reply as within more letter like this does not courteous ten why to or fifteen urgent in tone the payment has days,a second should be sent. bringat not letter been least made considerably AND COLLECTIONS 120 COMPLAINTS Beyond this stage, your procedure should be guided Before ing proceedby the surrounding circumstances. to is called what discount to force collection many attempt an or " a Cash-up article free for an " firms use inducement, that is, a immediate an settlement. writes one lector colgoing to make one more effort," for a publishinghouse, to reach an amicable If you will send me at once a cheque agreement with you. coveringthe balance due on your account with us, I will send you at absolutely no expense to you and as evidence tract of my appreciationof your fulfilling your part of the conwithout unpleasantness, mercial Coma copy of Wood's should Law,' a volume which every business man have on his desk. Only an exceptionalcombination of enables me circumstances have only a to do this,and we tage few copiesof the book available. If you wish to take advanof this offer, you should let me hear from you at once. Simply enclose your chequewith thisletterand post to-day." If your delinquentaccepts this offer,well and good. If he does not, your only open road is to go to court. But usuallyit is wise to make effort to touch one more the debtor's sense of respect. Remember always that most want to pay their debts, and do not consider men dishonest until he has proved himself so. The any man has been harried and aggravated by the debtor who letter will have ordinary give-me-my-money a standing pleasantsurpriseif you show him a personalunder" / am " ' " " of his case. And your reasonable will get your money to earlythreats waits for his. Then do when the time comes cordial to be willingness while the to threaten bluntly and positively.Give definite number of days in which to pay, so account over to your solicitoror man a who flies legalaction, the then debtor turn a the collection agency. AND COLLECTIONS 122 Good ters, complaints,like good collection let- to answers of attitude. a matter largely are a COMPLAINTS There positionand then show reallysees thingsas you do minded Nor is there to become a anythingto aroused over write you. the customer instead grumble the may grievancefarther And use high and mighty positionand tryingto conform all your customers to your square deal is. It is better to assume he is no what is more from you thing,do when cause that fair but opencomplainant that each after all. be gamed by allowing yourself that with a man anything For back talk simply aggravates of pacifying him and leaves settlement ought not to than it was give the comes be too before. able unreason- over that most that most of every Remember The customer to plaint com- that your desk. his letter, he believed he had peoplewant are he did have. to be square peopleare honest, and that by the complaintsyou get have a bottom. he has suspiciousof wrote your customer for doing so, and that the chances Remember share not a a grumbler the satisfaction of knowing that stirred your temper. ONE make of what ideas suming as- with you, far the greater real cause at fault may not be yours, but that is no for telling reason why you should snap up a man you about it. If you are not to blame, the proper thingto do is to find out where the trouble lies,and help the And even out straighten though a man the seems difficulty. to have no cause for complaint,be just as good-naturedabout showing him where he is wrong would if he had a real grievas you ance as againstyou. Everyone else feels about the same you do when you get a complaintthat appears unjust ANSWERING 123 firstimpatienceprompts you to "Oh, I'llshow this fellow. I'lllet him say to yourself, that he can't talk that way to me. I'llwrite him a know and unwarranted. COMPLAINTS letter that And Your he won't suppose you forgetin do. He hurry." reads it,lays gets the letter, hearingdistance and sends a within you out to everyone back your goods. And the remotest chance of ever ing makout of him is gone. a good customer But suppose you say to yourself when you get a letter like that : "Now, if this I do he wouldn't as man make knew will happen much about ness busi- complaintlike this. He he's ignorantof propriety a writes this way either because and business courtesy or because mistakes as he doesn't realise that in the best regulatedbusinesses. So I'llwrite him a letter that will wake him up, maybe, is. And I'lldo it to what a business transaction really by givinghim an example of cordial business courtesy." Then carry out justthat idea, and you'll not only feel better about it yourself, but the chances are your attitude will bring back a customer who was ready to slip at the slightest provocation. away genuinecomplaintscan pretty nearlybe traced real grievances and misunderstandings, to two sources : the latter often due to ignoranceof business it is to your methods or requirements. In either case and retain interest to settle the complaintsatisfactorily the good will of the customer. And to do this there are certain pointsthat you must consider. In the firstplace, answer promptly. invariably An immediate replygoes a long way toward impressing ALL a man with he isn't to answer your sincere desire to see him satisfied. If enough in his complaint to enable you specific fully,write at once for further information. 124 COLLECTIONS If it is going to write him day that hard to a AND COMPLAINTS take you several days to investigate, first and tell him what you are doing. Every complainthangs over it becomes increasingly handle, while quick attention will preclude of future unpleasantness and will be possibilities many appreciatedby the customer. Second, take the complaintseriously.For instance, of paper from you and on orders twenty reams receiptof it writes that it is not like the sample he if a man " Dear Sir : Your eyesight say : The paper be defective. must you ordered is certainly stock as the sample you named. the same Take identically ordered from, don't it to the window If you but you there's stock do may and look again." that you not only insult his intelligence be gettingyourselfin a bad position, for justa chance or shippingroom and a mistake was made that the customer in the is right. something like this : Dear Sir : We are surprised to learn that the Golden bond does not seem to match exactlythe sample from which you ordered. Could you by any chance have got this confusedwith Gordon bond which is next to it in the sample book? These two lines are very similar in in the finishand the factthat there is also a similarity has given rise to errors names of this kind once or twice before.I wish you would refer to the book and see whether this might be the cause of the discrepancy. If it is not and you will send us a sample of the order will have the trouble looked up here immediate we you received, We are always very careful going to check over outstock and see that it is justwhat is ordered,but we realise that an error might have been made somewhere in the process of packing and shippingand we will be than gladto correct it." See the difference ? That more Better " " write him that ANSWERING COMPLAINTS onlyprotectsyou but it shows the interest in puttingmatters right. not 125 man your serious vitally important point is that you take customer's viewpoint. Look at the trouble next THEthe throughhis eyes. Just as in a sales-letteryou can win a confidence by openingwith a statement that prospect's he recognises of fact and then from that a matter as in so point graduallyleadinghim to your proposition, answering a complaint,you can start out by agreeing with him and graduallylead him around to your way of lookingat the question. If you don't first and try if you state your position to drag him to it,you are sure to antagonise. way A publisher sold a business book to a clerk in a railoffice and the young on plained man receivingit comthat while the volume might be all rightfor a of no practical in an established business,it was man " value to him. Now the publishermight after this fashion man " Dear Sir : have answered that young : think that because Don't the book seems going to take it back and refund understood the nature You of certainly your money. this book beforeyou ordered it and if you didn't want the time to say so instead of now afterwe it,that was have gone to the expense of sending it to you and after of no use to you, we the deal is closed. take the book are the circumstances, Under just the i man tone in he which every day. But in this manner : answered cannot back" Understand, that's what that's we he might have said,because a complaint is many actuallywrote the young 126 COLLECTIONS " Sir Dear / " COMPLAINTS AND : believe I understand about the book. You perfectly just how you feel feelthat because your positionis a detail one, because your work is limited in its scope, the book is too comprehensiveto help you very much just that would And now. seem, at thought,a first very just is limited because your work reality, and because the book is comprehensive, aren't you now, that very man the book will helpmost ? wants to get out of the rut, to grow, to Every man who developinto somethingbetter. Yet who is the man wins promotion? Is it the clerk whose work is limited to his own who knows routine of details ? No, it is the man above him. not only his own work, but that of the man And that is justwhat this book will enable you to learn. For it givesyou the experiencesof the most successful objection.But in " in the country, it describes in detail their methods the results." men and And it so he could ran put in NOW the he would instance either of those letters the young have kept the book ; but in the first have the second he did that difference and " is the a good exactlyhow replyto would man showing the customer book to profitable use. on, kept keep it because it because between a he he wanted poor had to. to, in And complaintletter one. Messrs. Bordens, Ltd. Liverpool. Gentlemen The : consignmentof Flor de Majesta cigars I received from you have arrived in very poor condition. It is evident that these cigarshave been exposed to the damp and as they were ordered on behalfof a special last ANSWERING COMPLAINTS 127 customer, I feelvery annoyed about it. This firstcomplaint goods and the care I have I to its the, make concerning your house is not taking afraidthat your stock as formerly. My am over had is not customer quires re- the cigarsurgentlyand as matters stand I am in danger of losinghim ifa consignment of the old quality is not quicklyforthcoming.I am returningthe last lot carrier. by v Yours Here " and " is .. " " effective reply: an Dear . faithfully, Sir : " We have have since received the your letter of the 26th inst. cigarscomplained of. We in your reallycannot see that you are justified that these goods have been exposed to damp. allegation Our precautionsagainstsuch a possibility made with are too much and method to admit an care occurrence of the is kind, and we can only conclude that your customer one of those individuals who must have his occasional grumble. " Complaints against the qualityof goods are indeed and when investigated covered are usuallydisvery rare to be either altogether unfounded,or of the most trivial description. Nevertheless,althoughwe cannot honestlyadmit the signment justiceof your claim, we are forwardinganother conof Flor de Majesta and trust these will give our " satisfaction. Trusting that they will arrive without delay and promisingyou that this will not happen again, we are, " Yours These three trade may and used. The letters be lost how are " faithfully, examples of howplaint handlingof a com- excellent through untactful it may first letter be saved was sent when skill and by retail tobacconist a care are to his wholesale house. just complaint. the house " COMPLAINTS AND COLLECTIONS 128 But answered It was to his mind how observe a at least a at correspondent it. complaintabout the condition of our Flor de Majesta cigarscomes to us as a distinct shock. Coming as it does from an old and valued customer makes it the stillless agreeable. Dear " Sir A : " realise that your customer would not smoke de Majestas unless he were keen judge of what a We Flor stitutes con- good cigar. It may be then that for once our elaborate precautionsagainst possibilities of exposure have to damp have broken down, althoughhow theycan a done so, " we are at a loss to understand. concerned with is to make matters chiefly right with the greatestpossiblespeed. On receipt of your letter we forwardedby rail a consignment of will enjoy as cigars which we feelsure your customer he has enjoyed the previous lots. We assure you that our care of stock is justas keen What we are " it as ever was, to say this to you the execution of your to prove the least,and we shall be anxious in by the ex"rcise of extra vigilance futureorders. Yours faithfully" important point do vitally argue ANOTHER the with anybody. If the is hi wrong, not " customer show him where courteously he is wrong, but do explain, that goods he If a customer writes you argue. ordered of you to be sent two weeks before,have not been received and that he doubts whether you ever sent not them, don't replyby saying: " // the goods you ordered have not reached you, it is due to no faultof ours. We sent them promptly certainly AND COLLECTIONS 130 COMPLAINTS to the Railway Co. However, we goods are despatched as more always consider the interests of our customers important than a technical privilegeof this kind and consider a transaction closed until the goods never we received and found to be entirely are satisfactory. So we are having a duplicateshipment packed and forwarded to you to-day. We are confidentthat these and in goods will reach you almost as soon as this letter, perfectcondition. The matter of delay in the previous shipment we and shall ask shall take up with the Railway Co. at once them to trace the goods. In the meantime, should they the " " to reach chance will thank we you you to return them to chargesforward." us, There have you realise that you talk about your that not answer point,but in every customer value an are more service that the customer only satisfies the it is bound than fair,and to make him the incidental gives the letter a little salesisn't likely to forget. the best way POSSIBLY answering complaint get the rightattitude in is to stop and consider how a to handle the customer if he came personally you would into your office. Certainly you wouldn't pick a quarrel with him, you wouldn't let yourself be other than courteous and take him demonstrate giving him politethroughout his call. And you would all through the house if necessary just to how of sincerelydesirous the firm was a Remember square deal. that the next Picture the customer time you answer beside your desk. talk to him. a plaint. com- Then tive You'll find your old time itch to be vindicgraduallydisappearingand the results vastlymore to satisfactory you and the customer alike. XVII CHAPTER Routine " Letters Paragraph and System the " complaint letters these make most important parts of a business's there of are scores correspondence. But letters issuingfrom office every an day which are not rather letters routine of these ; they are any ness arisingout of the commonplace details of doing busiwith the actual conduct of intimately connected of general trading, developing into affairs. Letters and collection, SALES, by far the up " " " , between contracts merchant, manufacturer, and tomer cus- market ; for Letters quests quotations, repliesto inquiries,reledgments. information, purchasing letters,and acknow- regarding inquiriesare varied that they reply should answer each part of the inquiry separately. It is not sufficient he to send a pricelist and tell the inquirer to find what direct the the attention wants to reply should ; be written, moreover, the and on specificinformation principlesof all good sales letters. The letter orderinggoods usuallyhas three elements : the list of goods, instructions for forwarding,the inticannot fit into definite rules. The so ROUTINE 132 of mode LETTERS of payment. The details of goods be precisein quantity,style,size, price,and should number, if any, being set forth, and with identifying each item in a separate line. A longlist can be put on a separate sheet. A letter should state how delivery is to be made by parcelpost, carrier,or rail. The route is sometimes and the expected date of delivery.When specified, cash is enclosed with the order, the fact should be mation " mentioned. letters,orderingfactorymaterials PURCHASING goods for stock, fall general classes. Some or into letters ask for quotations,statingwhat is wanted, and often enclosinga sample. Here is an culated example calto gain attention : We expect to be in the market shortlyfor 150,000 statements printed exactly like the enclosed sample. for producing Knowing that you have specialfacilities this kind of work, we, believe you can giveus a satisfactory ask you to submit a quotation priceon the joband therefore We shall supply the paper. at your earliestconvenience. actual order for goods required for stock or The factoryis often on a printedform and an accompanying letter is only needed when departure from the any " ' ' usual routine is involved. in technicalities. For Such instance letters often abound : " "Please furnish us, subjectto the followingprices, and conditions, your best qualityopenspecifications, hearth steel boiler rivets,all button head "This material Qcwt. I" 2$" 4:CWt. I" : 2f" l"d. per Ib. net Rugby, terms 30-2-10 is to be invoiced f.o.r. your mill,carriageallowed to at ROUTINE LETTERS 133 in your as you can you to quotationNo. 8643, of August 20. We note deliver two days after receipt of order and count on dispatch these rivets not later than Thursday of this week" Besides the order letter quotation and letter may be needed. This letter may mistake in filling the order, such some of inferior quality,or adjustment give notice of an the as stitution sub- in quantity and it suggests some method of adjustment. or price, Purchasing letters,which are in realitycontracts, formal and less personalthan letters which may be more seek to persuade or satisfya customer. Brevity and clearness distinguish them. Y AVER order. has been This received A sense. error routine letter isthat common an an and courteous tells the customer completesthe expression of incorporated. If the order and explanationsare reasons cannot the order. be that acknowledging that the order contract thanks be in a legal should be filled entirely, given. If the goods are will do two things: not sent as ordered, the statement for not carryingout First,it will give you the reason The discontinued not the may must was money until the cash or In case be taken the line has goods are temporarilyout of enclosed enough held up received. care ; reason cash further is to base stock ; order is credit information is ; or the been required before shipment, ness your request on strict busi- consideration. Secondly, the letter will tell or suggest how the be is to be adjusted. The customer difficulty may notified that the money is being returned, and a revised cataloguesent to prevent future order of dis- LETTERS ROUTINE 134 continued lines ; cash, or pay money, demands. The letter further is to be requestedto send he may give credit references,as the frequentlycloses touch with few words a more case inviting of this part of the letter ledgment. of personalinterest to the acknow- The orders. give a or purpose Sometimes, however, this personalclose is omitted. letters and barometers, LIKE least take part of the our also speech of our feelings. feel right, write right.We put into When we we hold in our mind. letters the cheeryoptimism we our at tone a and our tenor inside are courteous, considerate, tactful,suave. If we We a asks of customer do not tell him fact in the sugar inform him we so us an unreasonable point-blank; of tact. We we inform concession, of put the pellet " him No ! " but of the little none slighting pleasantly, velvet, cordial kid-glovecourtesies that give a warm, to the letter of rejection. touch, even tired But we do not always feel right.When we are when and discouraged, to thingshave not gone entirely our liking; when aggravation after aggravationhas prickedour mind and goaded our temper to the end of endurance, it is hard customs, cordial gentle word, style. brain." That the indeed We How are can sour we to still use the kindly inside,we the kid-glove the manner, have the " gar vine- stillwrite in the treacle vain ? extremelydifficult problem to set and to for our correspondence, a certain high standard keep every letter keyed up to this standard. And in a each house where there are numbers of correspondents, is why it is an ROUTINE LETTERS of different temperament, all different,is that whose concern and day wonder it any 135 shade perhaps feelinga seldom find large evenly good, day in we correspondenceis a ? out Now, then, suppose we had always on tap, for use hi fair weather and foul, in good times and in bad, the best thingsthat the affairs of have been ever written said about or business,the best paragraphs on our terms, our credit,our methods, our integrity, our our policy, our goods, each Could that paragraph a every of in the very acme we were in three figures or put down when written you would adequately represent the masterpiece, good nature. four value a sum of such a ? to you system and every business house there INbusiness questionsthat are are a number certain asked and over of over day. There are certain kind of handling that requirethe same classes of inquiries certain classes of slow-payingcustomers ; there are again, a who of times number have to There are could all start a be written hundred a hi to letters we just alike,and about send many the out same each of them vein. day that give the throughout. Compare your letters and note how Why take nearly identical they run. separate time for each ? Why not choose the best ? If we had a complete set of paragraphsto answer every same information question asked us in our post, it would be an to pickout the different paragraphsneeded easy matter the desired information, to convey to each correspondent then fit them and discriminately, together,judiciously into a perfectletter. The great trouble with most paragraph letters," instead of machine-made however, is that they seem business " ROUTINE 136 human-dictated. LETTERS When the author of them sat down to put into permanent form the thoughts of every-day dictation,he lost his natural, easy, personaltone, and straightwaybecame formal. But this can be overcome by the method of formation as described in a succeeding paragraph. Our firststep in compilingour paragraphbook should be to determine exactlywhat paragraphs are needed. the No man in his mind do this by running over can him kinds of questions that are asked frequently, because the fact of the matter is,no man reallyrealises material he does constantly dictate over and how much over again. When the writer started to put hi his paragraph it was to whether as sceptical system, he was reallyworth while to bother with it. He thoughtthat unusual letters," and required most of his letters were specialdictation. But when he finallydissected and he found that there was analysed his correspondence, scarcelya singlequestion or point brought up in any letter that had not been brought up a number of times before. And to-day,with the exception of his personal and important letters, his entire correspondence, averaging seventy-fiveletters a day, is answered whollywith form paragraphs. " to find out THEis way have to letter answered you at least one received in the an extra for about what paragraphs are needed carbon two of every copy made That should give weeks. sample of nearly every sort of letter generalrun of correspondence. It is well to set aside a goodly half -day to go through these carbon them to their as copies. First classify generalcharacter, puttingall inquiry letters together, all complaint letters together, all generalletters,etc. ROUTINE 138 each the " of class of paragraphs,such plaints as Terms," Prices," Don't like quality," Comconditions," Wants on specialconcessions," Is buying of competitor," Buys cheaperelsewhere," and all the other classifications suggestedby your work. As you paste a paragraph on a given page, be sure to number it both according to its placeon the page and the number of the page itself. The third paragraphon 8-3. Thus, page 8, for example, should be numbered when this paragraph to your typist, she can you name turn to the paragraph at once. page with LETTERS name a " " " " " " both quantityand qualityof work, THEthatresults, good paragraph system will accomplishin in a correspondencedepartment are almost beyond belief. With its use even the dullest correspondent be made can to produce letters that rank in brilliance and tone with those of the best-paidadvertising writer. Moreover, there is no varying of your correspondencewith your moods. You of the paracan growl out the numbers graphs will still or laugh them out, but the customers paragraphs. You may feel dull or bright, get the same it matters not to your correspondence, or alert, sluggish for you answer it with paragraphs that are always the same, always your best, always your strongest argument, the smoothest or posed diplomacy that could be comthrough hours of previousthought and study. From the standpoint of timeand labour-saving features it does not need much explanationto show that the paragraph system will provideinnumerable tages advanwith for both correspondentand typist. One man the paragraph system and three typists has been known work than three men and four typists to handle more without "the automatic correspondent to aid them. a " CHAPTER Developing " XVIII If bite, keep changing the bait. bite then, change your fishing-hole." TF the fish don't A they don't This is sound any grey-haired philosophy for sellingby mail, as sound salesman The a for every amateur angler will tell you. your sellingcampaign class of prospects buy your be to same which It is as equally successful every object of series of letters directed the fisherman, advice knows. certain may Series Follow-up a pull orders list by means convinces a at that from many of be to make may goods through a class. Or the object one classes of prospects in series of letters each a different class. In both of one cases the campaign is due essentiallyto the fact that the salesman approaches his project each time from different angle. He a changes his bait. He presents This is his propositionfrom a different point of view. of He hopes that one the heart of the whole matter. of the success his arguments orders from will them an arouse Another . from are to another not class,and all alike,and keep trying to so will result in argument will get a response He recognisesthat men on. that it is a waste reach that interest them all of time by the and same money appeal. DEVELOPING 140 Then if A change a FOLLOW-UP SERIES of bait doesn't work, he changes his fishinghole. A singlesales-letter cannot be expected to exhaust of a list. It will get orders or the selling possibilities from peoplewho are alreadyfamiliar with the inquiries article and are easily convinced that they want it. Just will respond will depend on the nature how many of the proposition upon the kind of article and the special that is offered. If the goods are of universal inducement attractive or price is generalvalue, and an especially made, the percentage should be comparativelylarge. the expenditureof If the article is new or if it involves " the customer considerable money, less graduallyto see be led must that it is worth more or to him. the money letter after letters hammer away, FOLLOW-UP line of goods. A follow-up article letter, on on and that a appealsto " until the sales them until the of the continuation returns campaign letter in the series should Each and varied exhausted are one or of selling for the purpose a certain article line of goods to a list of prospects,and it makes tinued con- is carried or one present a new point. Other small so are will not bilities possi- pay. appeal argument. Each should emphasize talk points supplementaryselling make a new " be added, but these may main argument. Also,as " to be are subordinates to the the series progresses, the preceding be re-stated briefly from time to arguments may time, but these, too, should enough to to which The distract the attention be made from prominent main point the this letter is devoted. arrangement follow-upletters " are not sent out " is of the arguments in a that is,the order in which an important matter. series of the letters It has been DEVELOPING FOLLOW-UP A SERIES 141 proved by tests that a change in the order affects the pullingpower of the series. The most effective arrangement cannot always be determined a priori.The most that you can do when you map out a letter campaign is the letters tentatively in a certain order, to arrange which is based upon the experiencegained from previous campaigns, or upon the testimony of salesmen as to the arguments they have found most effective. hi posting this However, don't spend your money series to your full listof prospects until you have tested it on a small list. Send it out to, say, five hundred or a thousand names, the number depending upon the scope of your campaign. returns from each selected that it is should of returns list. Then keep letter. a a If the careful record list has been test representativeone, about be Consequently the same know now you stronger letters and which which first letter on the the if necessary make the this arrangement do not IN using all your stronger arguments in The are Then and basis of this test rearrange your series, less successful letters. re-write your letters of the series. so the percentage the large from the weaker. are of the mistake the should, of of earlier course, only get orders from as and thus save largea percentage of prospects as possible the expense of a further campaign, but it should also be a arouse strong one, for it must not sufficient interest, among yet ready to buy, to letters. Then insure one reserve the readers who attention or two for the of the more are not succeeding effective for otherwise arguments for the latter part of the series, you will close with will be requiredto have resisted the an anti-climax. Good talk selling bring into line the prospects appealsof the earlier letters. who ;DEVELOPING 142 The series FOLLOW-UP A SERIES arrangedis ready to be sent out to the completemailinglist. Each letter will bringorders from some prospects, inquiriesfrom others,and from still others no reply at all. The first class are transferred as now from list. The your prospect to your customers' last will be retained to receive the followingletters of the series. The second class,those making inquiries, will requirea different procedure. A prospect has indicated interest in some phase of the proposition and perhaps has made inquiriesabout special points. To him, a new letter,not included in the original series,will be This sent. will, of answer course, his and perhaps present new question fully, points. The will depend upon subsequentprocedurewith this man the nature of his question. Perhaps his is a special case which requiresindividual attention throughout. But if it indicates a field of interest not covered by the such a proseries and broad enough to warrant original cedure, a will draw THE enough series of letters will be sent new their arguments from first letter of a the series is new to him, which field of interest. frequentlymore prehensive com- than information contain the later ones, for it must to givethe reader a definite idea of tion proposition.Hence in this one the descripof the article or explanationof what it will do is,in sales series,made full and complete. The later many and will letters usuallycontain less generaldescription, layemphasison persuasion show the reader the benefit the article or " he will derive These from are, of course, and, likewise,a fresh or points in the the article important statement is description and " on inducement. in the first letter also ; of not an out important point of placein any DEVELOPING letter. Each letter has the sale and than more and more be may to make " has indicated reader write have been effective. In pages said that a first letter in a series his interest,and ordinarycare detailed a safelybe made inquirymay an uses to purpose to pave even general it answering The two-fold 143 the ideal lengthwould be not Theoretically, letters of one typewritten page, but many cases. twTo a SERIES the way for the followingletters. for lengthof the letters cannot be set arbitrarily The all FOLLOW-UP A and letter fairlylong. if the spondent corre- he should be able skill, without that sacrificing The interest. length varies, too, with the class of readers ; as, for example, a letter to a farmer may usually be made longerthan one to a hurried business if you are in doubt to the proper as don't guess make test. Then a length of letters, you shall have definite information which to base your on However, man. " judgment. have WE spoken of both series, the value of to the as testinga follow-up lengthof the letters and the pullingpowers of the different arguments. How an experimentconducted ? Send your series of five hundred or thousand a names, is such to selected localities which you think represent average In this selection you will be possibilities. a list from business guided by campaigns, by the your experience in previous selling reports of salesmen, and by your generalknowledge of field. But remember your don't select the best localities or the poorest ; select the business conditions If you average. do should you in this,your represent about will get from your are the same. " returns from the test proportionof repliesthat ditions complete mailing list if con- the " 144 DEVELOPING This of matter campaign under three most when FOLLOW-UP conducting the the similar conditions if the conditions, local prospect receives SERIES and the complete is important. The to keep in mind are conditions,and the test essential considerations general business time A the letters. during a period of test is made the test and in the interim between prosperity, event occurs mailing to the complete list some stance, in- business and the which business men, the results among agree with those of the largerlist. retrenchment a causes For of your test will not The same will be true if local condition or other cause produces hard times in any locality.Also the number the letter reaches of replies will vary with the time when the prospect. Here again you can test to find out the best day to post your letters. A test is easy to conduct, and its results are tive indica- later of the returns high degree of accuracy from the complete list. With such a convenient and of findingout the weak and strong points cheap means in your follow-upseries,there is no excuse for the reckless paigns. on expenditure of money expensive,untried camto a the follow-upis BUTWherever there is not a confined shillingto to selling goods. be spent, or a to be collected,information to be gathered,or a shilling there is a place for the followpublic to be educated of the follow-upare infinite and applicable up. The uses activities of business to nearly all departments and interest. The recurrent a appeal on follow-upmeans until the object the same subject to the same person " aimed at is attained. THE SYSTEM "HOW-BOOK" . SERIES ^ of books, .HOW and intenselypractical each covering completely subject of business definite one TO LETTERS WRITE THAT WIN SERIES giving usable the ideas that latest and methods branch Every plan is taken and out and most ing regard- of business. method described of actual successful experience : methods are so clearly and specifically plained exthat they can at once be in applied daily work. your own the The volumes and printed good cloth, Price, 2/6 How to Organise uniform to 160 net pages by bound paper, in colours. cover size jjj inches, readable type on from book each 128 inches 5 of are ^binding, each, ideas and postage, 3d. ; in full extra. Business elementary explanation of organisation princifor the whole field of business. pies and operating methods Analyses and describes the elements of organisation,division into and authority. 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