How To Become a MRSA Hero 3 Life-Changing Secrets About MRSA and Whether YOUR Doctor Is a MRSA Dummy I dedicate this book to Aimee Copeland who is, at present, a media sensation. She is a sensation not because of talent or skill but because of the tragedy of her story. Aimee, an amazing and intelligent 24-year old, probably had no idea of how her life would change after her small zip-lining accident led to a gash in her leg. The bacterial infection that followed was shocking enough to be reported on CNN. Her infection spread so quickly that in fear for her life the doctors amputated her leg from high on the hip and Aimee remains in critical condition. As of this writing it is still unclear what else the doctors will need to do or if Aimee's strong will to live will carry her through this. The harsh reality is that Aimee's situation is played out thousands of times per day worldwide! The truly tragic part is that in just a short time from now, I strongly feel that Aimee would not have lost her leg because of advances in chemistry and new understanding in bacteriology. Mankind now has the tools and knowledge to stop sepsis and the low oxygen condition that accompanies sepsis. If these tools were available to Aimee it's likely that things would have turned out much differently. Millions of amputations and untold long-term suffering can and will be avoided as the medical community wakes up to the information that is already known. What I want to show in this book is the principle behind a specific variety of bacterial infections and Aimee's infection fits that variety, although not MRSA. You see, most bacteria don't stand a chance if they make their way into our blood stream. Our immune system slaughters them in the blink of an eye because they have no way of protecting themselves. Other bacteria have defenses that wage an epic battle with our immune system. Aimee is in the middle of this battle. The doctors are not the enemy; they are good people with children and families of their own with a strong desire to help others. Pharmaceutical companies are not the enemy. But our body runs on fine balances that are sometimes disregarded in common medical practices. As you will see in the pages of this book the balance of acidity or the concentration of hydrogen is severely off in Aimee's body, as it is in many other victim's body, causing the low oxygen condition and causing her limbs and flesh to die from lack of oxygen. Chemically speaking we can now bind the hydrogen (acidity) liberating the oxygen using concentrated Hydroxide. Concentrated Hydroxide is a new invention and simply hasn't been around long enough to be studied and accepted by the medical community. All things take time and I hope this time is short because lives are at stake. But this book is not just for those who are critically ill, it's also for anyone who cares about the fine balances of their body and enjoys having good health and energy. I truly believe millions of people are going through their lives with bacteria in their blood and they don't even know it. A few months from now people may not remember the news of today or who Aimee Copeland is, but I hope you do. And what is more, I hope you remember that she is just one of many that need the science contained in this book. So read on and we can work together at spreading this knowledge and saving lives. I hope the best for Aimee and I wish the best for you. Shannon Brown 1.800.620.3365 by Shannon Brown 1 “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is John Gormley; I am a Firefighter/Paramedic in Sacramento, California and have been for over 20 years. Though the majority of our medical aid calls involve emergency medicine (meaning an injury, heart attack or stroke for example) I also see a lot of chronic illness as well. One that has become more of a concern in recent years is MRSA--I have seen countless patients with this infection. Most have been on and off of antibiotics for months or even years with little to no improvement, many actually became sicker. I never paid that much attention to MRSA until I contracted it from one of my patients. At first I was shocked and scared. Because it was work related I was directed to a doctor and was prescribed antibiotics. On my own I usually do not see doctors or take prescription drugs; I prefer natural medicine simply because it works. I’ve seen western medicine fail over and over again with chronic illnesses. Nevertheless, I took the full course of antibiotics as prescribed. In less than a month, my MRSA returned. If you have been unfortunate enough to contract MRSA, I strongly suggest you try pHenomenal water. If you follow the directions, it will rid you of MRSA permanently.” John Gormley May 2012 The content of this book is derived from a tele-seminar with a group of people who have lived through the MRSA nightmare and who gathered to discuss the logic of the cutting-edge science that has released thousands of people from the grip of MRSA. Let’s dive into the 3 Must-Know Secrets! I delved into more research and found and began listening to Shannon explain exactly what MRSA was; it sounded too simple and too good to be true but it all made sense. I decided to try Shannon’s program which included two simple things: a temporary diet change, and drinking pHenomenal water for a few months. I was amazed. It worked just like Shannon said it would. He is right. None of the other therapies get to the root of the problem of MRSA. pHenomenal does. 1.800.620.3365 The second time I decided to try the natural medicine approach: I tried manuka honey, colloidal silver, and several other things. The MRSA cleared right up, I was so proud of myself: I had healed my MRSA without doctors or antibiotics. Several months passed and I thought I was cured for sure until one morning I felt an itch where my old sore was. That was a depressing morning. I couldn’t stop beating myself up: Where did I go wrong? I thought I was well-educated on natural medicine but I had failed. 2 So it looks like we are on time now, so Shannon are you ready to make history, buddy? I am ready Good stuff. Well, I would like to welcome everyone on our call today, our tele-seminar on Friday, March the second. I am glad everyone could be a part of things. Just really quick, an explanation of the format today, we have quite a bit of information to cover and we want everyone’s input. We are going to go through 3 specific subjects; we will explain them here in a minute. But first, we have some special people on our panel that are participating today, Shannon could you introduce them? Absolutely! And in no particular order, first Diane, are you there? I’m here. I remember the day you ordered. You came to the site, you read everything over, you ordered all the products, you got the message, and the day you got it in the mail you found out that you were MRSA positive. Isn’t that right? Yes, in fact I went to my doctor after reading everything that you taught me, I told her that I thought I had MRSA and that I wanted her to test the abscess for it. And you’re right, on the day I got the package of pHenomenal in the mail, I went back to see her and she said, “Diane, you have MRSA” and I said, “I thought so.” The day you got your results is the same day you got the stuff to handle it, that’s awesome, I love that story. Then we have Ken, are you there? Yes. 1.800.620.3365 Oh, it was very timely, thank you! Oh, major knees, got two metal knees in and out and all that expense wasted, I am on another plastic insert. Was it just last week or today that you got your results back and everything was fine? I have been to 4 different doctors, for the different situations, for the diabetes, primary, for this and I just a got a blood report back, couldn’t be any better. I have my diabetes under control, I have lost over 45 lbs and as I told you no more blisters and sores, I have had the worst sores and So 6 years and major knee problems, right? 3 burns over the last few months that you could dream of. That’s awesome, thanks so much for being here Ken. Then lastly we have Deborah, you there? I am here. You all know Deborah, she is a MRSA hero, and she has spoken to thousands of people about it. She has been through the whole nightmare with her daughter Jennifer and her ankle. It’s a blood born pathogen. Well, I have struggled for a long time with what is the first thing people should know about MRSA. There is a lot to cover today and if you have never heard this message before, you might want to get a pencil and take some notes. I am trying to make this first part interesting. Really stopping MRSA has two sections. First understanding the problem and then taking the appropriate steps to stop it. I think of MRSA in many different ways, I have lots of different illustrations to explain MRSA, but let’s say it’s like a big fire breathing dragon. A dragon is a big scary monster and that’s how people see MRSA. If you were going to be a hero, if you were going to go up and battle this dragon, you would have to know something about this dragon. What do dragons eat, where do they sleep, do they like it hot or cold. And it is the exact same thing with MRSA, there are basic fundamental things you need to learn about it and you need to study the bacteria itself. YOU NEED to know it, as a Chinese proverb says, KNOW THY ENEMY. Let’s take the first few minutes getting to know everything we can about MRSA or specifically the bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus. I don’t’ know why, but I have been obsessed with MRSA for years; it’s just kind of stuck in my mind. There is an answer and there are simple things you can do about it. And it seems to me, I don’t know about you, but I think you will agree with me that the world is crazy, the way it’s going about treating it. Anyone who is new, if you have MRSA or if anyone you know has it, this information is going to ease the pain and the suffering, so let’s get on with it. As Joey mentioned, there are 3 different possible outcomes when MRSA enters the blood, anybody want to take a stab at the first one? 1.800.620.3365 Well, we want to welcome everyone that is part of our panel as well as those calling in to be part of things. People will continue to filter in here and as I said, we are going to be talking about 3 things today: First, there are only 3 possible outcomes when MRSA gets into the blood. The second part, we entitled this part: Knowing Thy Enemy. Right, we want to know what it is, how it works, and how to kill it. And then the third section, which makes me cringe a bit, as you know Shannon, 3 things you need to know in order to find out if your doctor is a MRSA dummy. We will present this information and then we will allow people to be queued up and you can actually ask questions of Shannon. We will also get insights from people on our panel today and that’s how we are going to get into things. You will be hearing things that present a totally new understanding on MRSA and how it comes to be. Shannon, could you tell us, why is it so important that people understand this? 4 You go on for a while and you don’t even have a fever, do you? It was literally 24 hours of incredible pain all over my body….felt pain in every bone and muscle, rapid breathing and just felt like I had the flu. 24 hours later, it was over, the pain was gone and I thought, “Huh, I’m fine.” But then, about a week later, a rash on my arms, an abscess began to grow, and other bad things started rearing their head. That’s a perfect example. So you no longer have those immune reactions because your immune system has given up. The bacteria is allowed to run amuck, boy it’s going to have a party, Yes, a very important job. It’s not willing to submit, it’s saying, I am going to fight this thing. There are really only two ways someone dies from MRSA. One is fever. When someone goes to the hospital and has a fever of 103, that’s the doctors first job is to get that fever down and he knows that there is something the immune system is doing. So he has to get that fever down by shutting down the immune system or literally bringing the temperature down by ice and cold water. That’s the one thing, the other thing that could happen that as this battle rages on and the immune system won’t give up and the bacteria won’t give up then that person could become septic. This battle is just like any war, you have a lot of junk and garbage. If that junk and garbage fills up the blood stream then a person can go into sepsis. This is a well known term, it means your blood is full of dead bacteria, lactic acid and other things and your kidneys and liver, which usually clean your blood out, are overwhelmed. This is when people get really sick and they can’t get out of bed. This is when you are in ICU in the hospital and this is how people can die, from septic shock. Sepsis is a very specific amount of lactic acid in the blood and your blood can’t carry oxygen anymore. Happily, that second scenario doesn’t happen that often. The third one is the most common. At some point, it could be a small battle or a big battle, the bacteria enters the blood, your immune system fights and the bacteria fights back, but then your system says I can’t win and it gives up. It literally rolls over like a puppy, shows its belly, and gives up. That is what happened to me, Shannon. 1.800.620.3365 That is exactly right, that is where we are starting. No matter what it is, a bug bite, a scratch, or surgery, the bacterium has to enter the blood stream. And at that moment our immune system knows something happened, it’s on red alert. And there are only 3 possible outcomes. The first is the immune system attacks it and kills it and your done and you didn’t even know it, maybe you had a slight fever. This could have happened to all of us hundreds of times and no one can argue with that because there is no way to tell. Because this is what our immune system is for and if it’s strong and hot it attacks germs and virus and kills them. The second is the serious one. The bacteria gets in the blood, and this particular form of Staph has an amazing ability to protect it, but we aren’t going to cover that here. That’s why it is such a successful pathogen. For example, Staph epidermis, if it entered the blood, your immune system would kill it immediately; it wouldn’t even have a chance. But Staphylococcus Aureus has some very specific devices to protect itself. So our immune system fights and the bacteria fights back, there is this epic battle happening inside the body. We have an immune response, a fever, the tiredness, the swelling and all these sorts of things, that is an immune response because your body is pulling energy to fight this battle. As you probably know, your average person that gets sick and gets a fever, this is the immune system doing its job. A very important job. 5 because it is a blood born bacteria and no one is messing with it. And like I say, that is what happens 95% of the time. Like Ken, you had 6 years with this bacteria, your immune system wasn’t fighting it. It was fighting other things and you dealt with the swelling and you still felt sick. Like you said, there were no fevers and I was just putting up with things, the swelling and the blisters. Exactly, and the swelling, which is inflammation that slows down and hurts everything, and the blisters and these are symptoms of MRSA. But, for now the point is that most people find themselves here, where their immune system has submitted. Shannon, may I share just one thing? Sure. And my comment is this; each time that I came up with a problem it was automatically the swelling in the hospital. Because it didn’t take long after the knee was inserted for it to swell up as big as a house. And that was my main problem back in the hospital. But I did this for some great time and I was never told that I have MRSA, and I was never told about what it eats and how it lives. So I am very happy to be part of this group. Thank you, Ken. And I just wanted to add, Shannon that we are doing two important things, and let me know if I got this right. We are liberating people from this common misconception that there is this modern day group of lepers that should be shunned. And obviously, number two, we are freeing people from all the fear that has been perpetuated in the media and on the web that basically condemns people to suffer hopelessly with the idea that once you get MRSA you have it for life. Now is that true? Yes, you don’t have to have it for life. So Shannon, I just want to recap on our first section here as far as the 3 possible outcomes when MRSA enters the blood. 1 The immune system wins and you don’t even know about it. 2 The immune system loses by fighting to the death. 3 The immune system submits and that is where most people find themselves today. Absolutely, and as Diane said, most people that I talk to, don’t realize that this third option happened. Their immune system rolls over and gives up without them knowing. 1.800.620.3365 All that you explained is what I read on your website back in 2010 when I was going through my bout with MRSA - and as I was reading I was just elated. And all you newcomers out there, you should be going bonkers with learning the science behind what causes MRSA, because no doctor ever gave me this explanation, as I’m sure no doctor out there can. Just hearing the science behind it, I knew this would help me before pHenomenal ever arrived at my doorstep. I just want to put that out there, this science is really so sound and it gave me peace of mind. I agree; nobody has ever given me that information. 6 Tim did you have something to share with us? I wanted to thank you for inviting me to speak a little bit. This program is wonderful and it worked for me when I was going thru my time of trouble with MRSA. The doctors knew absolutely nothing about it, they knew what it was, but they had no idea on how to treat it. I asked my doctor right up front when he wanted to put me on the second round of treatments if he had anything that could kill this stuff and he said, up front, no! How long ago was that? Well lets back up a little, let me introduce you, this is Officer Tim. And I remember the day you ordered, because we were emailing back and forth and you were in the hospital room, I guess… They put me in for IV treatments, two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening for two weeks straight. I had to be off work; once I called in they told me not to come back to work until I got cleared by the doctor to do so. So I was off work for 4 weeks two different times. By the time I finished the second round, I had had enough of antibiotics and that is when I found pHenomenal. It worked wonders. And if I remember, your outbreaks would come at about 6 weeks? Well, they came out two weeks after I stopped antibiotics the first time and every time after that. It seems like people are on a cycle, like this guy 2 months and this one is 2 weeks, this one 3 days or just constant. So your days were every two weeks, and how long has it been now? I think the summer of 2009. Awesome! The doctors, they sent me to a specialist, you see, after the first outbreak I asked to be sent to a specialist and so he sent me to one. And that doctor told me that MRSA is not a blood infection. Well, I already knew that it was because I had it on my hands and all the way down to my legs. So I knew it didn’t’ just go from my skin down to there and I have that figured out now. Hey that is great to hear, knowledge is fantastic! So how about we move on to our second section here, Joey? Sure and we worded it, know thy enemy; we need to know exactly what this creature is. Basically, at the end of this next section folks, you are going to gain a proper understanding of who this formidable foe is. For the most part it is immune to most of the traditional methods out Yes, around 3 years of no outbreaks. 1.800.620.3365 It’s 2012 now and no outbreaks, right? 7 there today, as the name suggests, being antibiotic resistant and all. So Shannon, what do we need to know and why is it important? Well this is cool, because I get to geek out on the technical part. This is the part I love; I hope I don’t bore anyone. I love the technical. Well, ok. First thing the bacteria itself, Staphylococcus aureus, and so many others fit into a group of bacteria called LAB (Lactic Acid Bacteria). Lactic Acid bacteria, if you look them up, have a certain personality, and they are pretty much all the same. They mainly eat sugar and as a byproduct, they primarily produce lactic acid and they also produce uric acid. So that is why people with MRSA after a while are sore and their joints are hurting, because of the acidity. So with that understanding, to back this up a little, a brilliant guy, in efforts of lowering the amount of infection in hospitals, figured out that you could test people’s lactic acid levels coming thru the door of the hospital. There are just hundreds coming thru and if they come up as having high levels of lactic acid then they are set aside as having an infection, it’s just that obvious. If they have low lactic acid, then they are fine. It proves the point. One of things that got me obsessed and going on MRSA was seeing my first MRSA open wound. This was years ago, it was my wife’s cousin, he had had it for about 6 years and I didn’t really know anything about it. We were going down there for dinner, it was a few hours away, and he showed me his leg. There was one particular wound he had, he had others, but this one was right on his calf, it was about 8 inches long and 2.5 inches wide and about 3/4 inch deep. It was huge and he told me it had been there for over 2 and ½ years. I mean come on, it’s not healing. That is exactly what I had. Yep, no progress. So we drove home that night, I already knew that MRSA was an LAB. But what got me is that it eats sugar, it’s not a flesh eating bacteria. How could you possibly have an open wound like that? I got really hung up on it, I went to bed thinking about it, woke up thinking about it, I was in the shower thinking about it and after about a week…it’s one of those things were your brain say, by the way, here’s the answer you are looking for…it’s an acid burn! So that is exactly what was going on with you Ken. Yes it was. People say their skin itches and it’s on fire and everything hurts. You are literally being eaten up with acidity. Technically, it is a flesh eating bacteria, but it’s eating it because of acidity. If you bring down the oxygen level of the skin with acidity, it’s called necrosing, and it’s going to die. Yea, everyday, topical antibiotics, treating it, dressing it, and it makes no progress! Maybe it’s not getting worse, but no progress. 1.800.620.3365 Ouch! 8 That is what a MRSA wound is. I did believe that MRSA could do this because I have a friend who has holes in his lungs because of MRSA. He is in real bad shape. Yea, that is bad. Man, that isn’t good. Yea, sugar is everywhere. Even just the other day, I learned that a lot of spices are sweetened with brown sugar. Either in the form of sugar or carbohydrates, it’s a hard one to avoid. Alright the three parts to defending yourself, first off: lowering acidity. That is the biggest key, if there is one, that’s it. If you don’t lower your acid levels, your immune system can’t operate. The bacteria are strong and the body is weak. So that is the first one and I will go thru these briefly. Secondly, remove its food source. In other words, stop eating sugar and get control of your diet. There are lots of diets to try: a low-carb diet, the Atkins diet, a raw diet, etc. Diane, I think you are a bit of a diet expert? You are right. It has a vicious kick. Anyone with MRSA has a sweet tooth. I have a client and a friend and she never eats sugar. But when she was in the middle of MRSA, she was in the grocery store just grabbing sweet stuff and putting in the cart. And she was wondering, what’s happening to me, I never do this. But you know sugar cravings get us all. But as soon as you eat sugar, the wicked backlash comes, it takes quite a while for carbohydrates to go to your blood stream, like 4-6 hours, but something like a soda is instant. So when that sugar hits, it causes an acid bloom and you feel horrible. But, by that time, you have probably forgotten what you ate and you are on to something new. It is a terrible vicious cycle. Anyone here ever have sugar cravings? Yes, and I was telling my doctor who was getting ready to perform my surgery that I crave sugar, and I asked: “Does craving sugar have anything to do with this?” And he just gave me a deer in the headlights look and I thought, “I guess not…” Go on to the surgery. I don’t eat sugary things a lot, like candy. But I was eating a lot of corn during the summer and I didn’t realize how much sugar was in that. 1.800.620.3365 Really no matter where it is and what it looks like, it comes down to the same core things, MRSA is a LAB, and it’s producing copious amounts of lactic acid. It is lowering the oxygen level to the skin, the lungs, the bone, or wherever it happens to be and the human body is not designed to be that way. Another technical point about this bacterium is that it is an anaerobic bacterium; it survives and lives better in a low oxygen environment. So if you have a low oxygen environment that means it is highly acidic. MRSA is floating around in your blood, its gobbling up sugar, its producing acid, but the sicker you get, the stronger that bacteria gets. That is the evil little thing doing its job. And it’s the reason to stop eating sugar, right Shannon? 9 I’m no diet expert, but I learned very quickly how a good diet affects the body, especially when you’re trying to fight off an infection. You taught me to eat high alkaline foods and to completely avoid sugar, which was fueling the MRSA! The original diet on your website was a Candida diet, I stuck to that verbatim and it worked wonderfully, sped my progress along with the pHenomenal. Now you had that one too, right Tim? Yes Shannon, I stuck to it perfectly, to the T. Knowing what to eat and what to stay away from is critical in healing from MRSA. We now have the new MRSA diet, and unlike the Candida diet, it loosens the reins, because there is no magic food combination and it is just a matter of knowing your foods and watching your carbohydrates. In fact, Diane named that drink in the new diet, the MERSAnator, and as far as I am concerned, it is the number one immune booster. What is it you are talking about? It’s a drink called the MERSAnator that has kale and spinach and it’s great for you. And like I said the plan that we had to start out with for food was tough to begin with, but also everyone here knows the consequences of not being strict with that stuff. And that’s worse than being strict on my diet. As far as I am concerned, it’s not forever, once we hit the end goal of your immune system hunting down and killing the bacteria, you can go back to a normal life. You know this reminds me of what Deborah said the other day, it’s not just about diet, it is about a new life and about lifestyle change. And it’s absolutely necessary because the unavoidable truth is that we are amazingly resilient creatures that can adapt to anything because of our mind. We will adapt to all sorts of adversity in an attempt to keep us alive and survive and because of that our mind will continue to accept acidity until we die from it. So the first part is lowering acidity, then remove its food source, and the last part is boosting your immune system, like drinking the MERSAnator. Things like B vitamins, D vitamins, staying clean inside, lots of fiber etc. But the lowering of acidity is absolutely critical, back when I had the first diet, lots of clients called in with questions about it thinking that it was the magic bullet, and it’s not. I have had clients who eat all raw organic and haven’t beat MRSA. You have to force down those lactic acid levels and you can’t do that by eating big salads, it helps, but it won’t do it alone. See all those other things like garlic are great, they are immune system boosters, but they don’t bring your lactic acid levels down. You have to address the acid. 1.800.620.3365 I got you. 10 Good job, Deborah. It’s horrible, but that is it. It has to be a lifestyle change. Especially if you hear of a 3 year old that has just been diagnosed and maybe it’s had MRSA since it came into the world. That child hasn’t even developed its immune system and it’s going to have to really fight acidity. Lifestyle change... it’s a good thing; you don’t want to eat that junk anyway. Well, I have something to add or maybe you, Shannon, can elaborate on it, is fermented food. Food that is high in probiotics…go for it. I have researched and read some of the patents related to Staphylococcus Aureus. There are hundreds and I have read around 20 of them. I love reading patents because you never know what the guy is talking about, it’s a strange pleasure read in your spare time. But oddly enough most of the patents for Staph Aureus are for other Lactic acid bacteria. I will give you an example. Like someone patented Kimchi, they call it the world’s healthiest food and it’s a Korean dish and it is fermented cabbage. So some people eat a spoonful of Kimchi every day and it’s basically a probiotic. There is something in cabbage that when you ferment it properly, it’s like yogurt, but cabbage style. It’s an aggressive lactic acid bacterium that moves into your intestinal tract and pushes out other bad bacteria. That is great and Staphylococcus Aureus can live in your intestinal tract but that is usually not the problem, it is usual in the blood. Diane were you talking about after antibiotics? Anytime really… I am two years past healing and I am really into traditional foods, fermented foods. And what a difference in health, for my whole family and for myself! What is a probiotic? But most the time, these probiotics are lactic acid bacteria, like yogurt. But if Lactic Bacillus found its way into our blood, it would be killed instantly. It doesn’t have a defense system to protect itself from our immune system. And that is what makes Staphylococcus Aureus special, it can protect itself. So it’s not that Lactic acid bacteria are bad, we need them, they digest our food and break down protein. After rounds of antibiotics we have to replace them. May I inject a thought? I had someone ask me the other day, “Well, why don’t you just eat more alkaline foods?” And I know we already covered this a bit, but I couldn’t express enough the fact that alkaline foods can’t remove lactic acid. So, to simply just eat alkaline foods is not must also drink pHenomenal to remove the acidity in your body. Exactly, and the reason why is that the amount of lactic acid produced is massive, gross amounts. And it doesn’t sleep…24 hours a day its eating sugar and producing lactic acid. You can go to the gym and drive up your lactic acid levels, but they drop back down. If you are a healthy person, within 15 or 20min they will come back down. But when you are sick, you are producing so much acid and eating alkaline foods is just a drop in the bucket compared to what it has to neutralize. Ok, I understand 1.800.620.3365 An antibiotic means anti-life, probiotic means for life. Probiotics are the actual bacteria and flora you can put back into your intestinal tract. There is a full range of probiotics, yogurt is a common one. 11 We all know French fries are unhealthy, but why? We know there is nothing wrong with a potato, but what makes French fries from a fast food restaurant bad is the hydrogenated oil or hydrogenated-oil. Oil has no pH, like the oil in your car, because there is no water in it. They heat oil to a couple hundred degrees and they literally bubble hydrogen gas thru it and some of that hydrogen holds on and that is how they create hydrogenated oil. And it is beautiful, an incredibly intelligent thing from a preserving food point of view. Everyone knows that that Twinkie will last forever; there is no kind of mold that can grow on it. So from that standpoint it’s great, but those hydrogen atoms bind with oxygen in your body and then you are low on oxygen and then you are susceptible to germs virus etc. To wrap up the section too, we were talking about what this does for us, when we have taken the mask off of the bacteria, what it is, what it does, how to beat it. I think we eliminate fear when we do this; people have fear of the unknown. This seems to be the big issue with MRSA, is that no one knows. To give it a metaphor, it’s a storm of uncertainty that is going on and it’s blowing everyone around and no one can find a clear way out. And that is the beauty of what we are talking about here, not only have we defined that yes there is a path, but there is also an end to the path. If you are willing to fight for your life, there is a way to end the battle. Absolutely! So on to section 3 and I am squeamish about this one because it was Shannon’s idea, and his title is “How can you tell your doctor is a MRSA dummy”, so I will let you go with that. I have nothing against doctors, and I sincerely mean this. I read a statistic the other day that by 2020 the U.S. is going to be 90,000 doctors short, they are a rare breed. I think Deborah can back me up on this, that there is some major doctor hating from the people who call in. Oh yeah, like 80% of those who call in. You can’t blame the patients, but you can’t blame the doctor, it’s a bad situation all the way around. Please understand I am not trying to beat up on doctors. They have a really hard job to do. People come to them with all kinds of stuff and they are trained to use their judgment. But there are specific things to look for. If you had the chance to relive this experience and go to the doctor again, I want to put some red flags that say: wait this guy doesn’t know what he is talking about. And that is how you know if your doctor is a MRSA dummy. Number one, this one really bugs me, if you are a doctor and want to know if someone is positive or negative for Staph (it doesn’t always have to be Staphylococcus Aureus), he does a nasal culture. For those of you who don’t know, they take a 6 inch q-tip and swab the inside of your nose, way up there, and send it in to be cultured, that means they grow what came out of your nose and then they are able to identify what bacteria it is. But here’s the kicker, 30%of the population comes back positive for MRSA. Deborah, I am sure you have heard this a hundred times when people call in all freaked out that they had a nasal culture come back positive. 1.800.620.3365 Oh yeah! 12 If 30% are positive, then why do they not all have MRSA in their blood? In other words, that would be an epidemic. Right now, it’s around 1% of the population who actually have a MRSA infection. My friend Sean, who is a bacteriologist, says it’s a normal part of the bodies’ flora, it lives in the nose and it’s not doing anything bad and the body keeps it in check. Did anyone here get a nasal culture? My specialist wanted me, too. But once he said that it wasn’t in the blood, I didn’t go and do anything else. Mine came right from the abscess itself. And that is proper, that is how you find out if you have MRSA. They pulled the juice out of my knee to test mine. Exactly, as long as something is living in it, they will culture it and grow it. So that is the number one way you can find out if your doctor is a dummy, if they give strong credence to the result of a nasal culture. In my humble opinion, once again not a doctor, blow it off, it doesn’t mean anything. Drop that fear, its normal. Well Ken, let me ask you a question, your doctor took a culture properly, and a couple days later he called you up and told you it was positive? No, that‘s not how it happened. It happened approximately 3 years later. Of all the doctors that I had, I couldn’t stand it no more, I couldn’t get an answer. Then a new doctor came and stuck a big needle in that knee and pulled it out and cultured it. Then she said you have MRSA. Ok so when she drew that out and had it cultured, how long until she called you back and said it was positive? 1.800.620.3365 How did it happen? Wow! That’s a long time. She didn’t do it right away. Probably a couple months. 13 How about you Tim? He took a few days and then they came back to me. And so he told you positive or negative? They did the first one in 3 days and came back and told me that I had MRSA and then they said they were going to do another one and about 3 days later they called me back again. But they didn’t give me the details of the test, if they tested antibiotics or not. Yeah, I was over at my friend, Sean’s, lab and we were looking at this test. We were growing Staphylococcus Aureus with different antibiotics. And we will post some pictures of these and it’s amazing stuff. It’s so obvious, you have these little piles of antibiotics, and they are all labeled, and the Staph is this brownish stuff. For some of the antibiotics, the Staph grows right up and over it, obviously you don’t want to use that antibiotic. Others have this big clear ring around the antibiotic because the Staph can’t get close to it. So you want to use the antibiotic with the largest clear ring around it. It was funny, because I was standing there talking to a young guy who worked there, and he was saying that doctors have some pretty good broad spectrum antibiotics now a days. So, I said if you had MRSA, would you want this test done or do you want a broad spectrum antibiotic? And he said I want the test. Okay so here is my point, I understand if you have a patient and he has a problem and a fever, it’s perfectly normal for the doctor to put him on The Kirby Bauer method is a laboratory antibiotics. But here is where the doctor can go wrong. The technique used to determine the efficacy of doctor should decide which antibiotic to use after doing a a given antibiotic or antimicrobial agent. second test, and it only takes about 72 hours. It is called the Paper disks containing specific Kirby Bauer Method. concentrations of the antibiotic or This test involves taking your Staphylococcus Aureus, that antimicrobial agent are placed on the agar surface containing a lawn of bacteria. The they cultured, and putting it in a Petri dish and growing it chemotherapeutic agent then diffuses out, among a few different antibiotics. So if your strain grows up forming a concentration gradient. If the and over one antibiotic, that antibiotic is not going to work agent kills the test organism, there will be a well; if it doesn’t grow around another antibiotic then that zone around the disk where no growth particular antibiotic will do the best job. occurs called the zone of inhibition. So then they can see which antibiotics work best for your strain. See, you have Staph and then all the sub species, but with Staph Aureus, it’s like a dog, there are variations in dogs, you can have a Chihuahua and a Great Dane. You have a particular strain in your body that is resistant to some things or not. And there has to be this narrowing down of which antibiotic will do it, otherwise your body just gets worn out with round after round of antibiotics that aren’t actually going to hurt MRSA. Does anyone here know if there doctor did this test? 1.800.620.3365 Yes he just came back and said you have MRSA. 14 The first time, my doctor said he was going to put me on the best and newest antibiotics, which was Vancomycin. And I felt better for a little while, but then two weeks later it came back and it was worse. See what is happening, is it works a bit, maybe it cuts down 90% of the population of MRSA. But if there is a small percent left, your immune system already rolled over and submitted, it’s going to come back. At least getting the right antibiotic… I am not trying to beat up on doctors, but there are right and wrong ways to do something and you should insist on this test. At some point in time, it is totally proper for that doctor to take his best guess, but this isn’t it. I mean, we have people call in who started on this and then this and they have been on about 15 antibiotics. Start on the right one. And with doctors, they have a way to start off, that they were taught, and you can’t blame them for their training, they went thru a lot of it. But the problem I have is if a doctor knows that he has nothing to kill it, why is he giving me something that is so expensive and so bad for me? I was recommended to go to a doctor that was known to take on hard cases and infections. Now those specialists will definitely do those tests. Yes she did, it took her a while. She took all the info from me about pHenomenal and she said she was going to start recommending it to patients because of the improvements she saw in me. I love it; that is fantastic. Soon she can hear this recording. It’s nice she listened, because I tried bringing it up to my doctor and he didn’t want to give me the time of day. 1.800.620.3365 A MRSA doctor hero! And I am thrilled about that because it’s not a conspiracy theory. But on to the third way to see if your doctor knows anything about MRSA, this one is more subtle, is that they have no clue about the relationship between sugar and MRS. I wouldn’t be surprised if up to 90% of doctors have no idea. In fact Deborah, you were on the phone with an infectious disease doctor, and he said MRSA does not eat sugar. Yeah, he asked, "Where did you get that information?" I said, "Why don’t you look it up on wiki." He said, “Really?” And this is one of the top MDs in the US. It was alarming. All my doctors said go for it, it won’t hurt you. 15 So you identified a MRSA dummy. So Mr. infectious disease, knows how to do these tests and things, but the thing about sugar wasn’t part of his education, they just saw no reason for it. Oky Doky, so knowing is half the battle. We have really clarified a lot of the misinformation that has really been the root cause of so much pain and suffering that so many people are living thru right now. We are arming people with the key knowledge to lead them down the path to recovery. Deborah brought up another thing the other day that I really liked and that is that there are 3 distinct areas on the path. First, you have just learned that you have MRSA; you’re new to that path. Or number two, you are in the thick of it and you are trying to conquer this creature. Or number three, you are already a hero, you have beat MRSA. The amazing truth that I love, is when you have learned something important, we almost feel obligated to share it with others. And that is what being a MRSA Hero is all about. They can have the greatest reward of all, not only feel the accomplishment of reaching the end of the path themselves, but empower others to do the same. Now to wrap up these three sections, I think this is an appropriate time to open up to a final Q and A session, and we have one on the line. Alright caller, can you hear us? Yes, it’s a question I have had answered already, I called in and spoke with Deborah the other day, my name is Cynthia. But it had to do with the Alkaline gel or Spencer’s gel and its ingredients. Did you want to mention anything about that B-pHree and how you use it on your face? Yes, I have struggled primarily on my neck and around my temples with boils. I have never had boils, I am 60 now, and after turning 50 they started. I have been using pHenomenal and BpHree for maybe 3 months now? Yeah, maybe going onto 4 months… The gel has come a long way since then. It is pretty difficult to make and we try to make it smell good. I could probably put organic on the label, but I don’t want to go through the process. We use organic lemon oil to make it smell good, we use a natural thickener, xanthum gum (a corn derivative), and I use as little alcohol as possible as a preservative. It’s a natural product and that alcohol is there to keep it from going bad, but sooner or later it happens. 1.800.620.3365 Yeah, and I should explain where that gel comes from. You know, I have mentioned before about the first MRSA wound that I saw, my wife’s cousin. Once I realized what he had was an acid burn, I realized the way to stop it is to neutralize the acidity and that led to a lot more. So a few days later, I made up this batch of stuff, it was lumpy and it didn’t smell good, and I sent it down to him. Five days later he calls me up, now keep in mind, that he had this open wound for over two years, and says “Shannon in three days of using that gel, I have grown a two inch patch of new skin” It’s just amazing. Wonderful! 16 Faithfully every day, I mix up my water; I’m staying on a new diet and everything. You know, the two years prior to my separation, of eating gummy worms everyday as meals did not help. Now I am getting on the right track. I came to realize, that if I put the B-pHree on my face and let it sit on 5 minutes it worked much better. But one evening, I put it on, and then I got sidetracked watching a TV program, then I got really tired and went to bed and totally forgot about the gel on my face. Then the next morning, my face looked so clear and I realized that I hadn’t washed the gel off the night before. I debated if it was just on my skin or in my system, because it has a different pH then the Alkaline gel right? Yes, the B-pHree is on the acidic side. And Staph Aureus, like any living thing, can only grow in a certain pH window. It can’t live above a 9pH or below a 4pH. So B-pHree is very acidic to kill Staphylococcus Aureus but not hurt anyone. But I have made stronger batches, and it’s funny you bring this up, because my wife does the exact same thing. She always wants it stronger, she puts it on until it burns, wash it off and then immediately put on the Alkaline Spencer’s gel on and it’s a face peel. You have stripped off the old skin and the oxygenated the skin and saved a trip to the spa. I only leave it on 5 minutes when I shower. Yes, for liability reasons, we have to tell people not to leave it on too long. I am glad you brought this up; I found this interesting that her face is totally clear now since she left it on so long. Because of the cautions on there I was worried about hurting myself, but I saw benefits when I didn’t follow the directions. That is a great question. To get rid of acidity, acidity is hydrogen, plain and simple. The pH means parts of hydrogen. Anyone who has MRSA, gout, diabetes or whatever, they are too acidic, they have too many hydrogen atoms. So the way pHenomenal is made is with heat, magnetism, and alkaline buffers. Using that combination we have been able to create hydroxide, it’s an H2O molecule missing a hydrogen atom, it’s a normal part of water. By itself it has a bit of a taste to it. You know, Tim, how you can put baking soda in the refrigerator to absorb smells? Well it is the same sort of thing, we tested a lot of different things and we decided to use calcium as a taste buffer. We put it in and then we filter it, but after a time passes or temperature change, some of the calcium falls out of solution and falls to the bottom. Does that answer it? Alright, that makes sense. Yeah, some of mine had that problem, but I knew it didn’t make any difference. I got a question. When you get down to the bottom of your pHenomenal and there is that white stuff in there, what is that? Some kind of filler? 1.800.620.3365 Well, there are a lot of things I can’t say. So with B-pHree some people are more sensitive to things, everyone has different skin and everyone is going to have different results. So if you are getting better results from leaving it on longer, then go for it. 17 We are getting a lot better at solving that problem. It’s really cool, from a chemical point of view. Hydroxide is unstable, not in a ka-boom kind of way, but that it is so hungry for another hydrogen atom. You see an oxygen atom has two valences, a spot where another atom can glob on, and they are positively charged; the hydrogen atom is negatively charged and opposites attract. On a hydroxide molecule with an empty valence, this is positively charged (which is an antioxidant) and it’s dying to be filled. Let’s say you take a kitchen plate and you put an ounce or two of pHenomenal and spread it out on that plate, you will see a film form on the top of it after a few minutes. What you are seeing there, is it's taking carbon dioxide atoms out of the air and converting them to carbolic acid and it is basically neutralizing itself. If you leave a glass of pHenomenal sitting there, it would neutralize over time with the air. I like it cold, in the refrigerator. Yes, that is fine. Is that it Joe? Yeah, that wraps things up. Many years ago there was a lot of misinformation and we take that for granted. Back then it was pretty important that you accept that the world was flat, you didn’t argue with that. It took a lot for people to accept the idea that it was round. Then with disease, we thought, well we better drill a hole in your head because you have bad spirits. We now know, even with things like scurvy, it’s just a vitamin C deficiency or with epidemics of polio and small pox, we know about vaccinations. So our mission is to expel the mysticism that surrounds MRSA today and discover the fastest possible way to heal this disease that is causing so much pain and suffering in our society today. So we would like as many people as possible to join us and become heroes. So Shannon how can they do that? That’s right. For everyone else that has been able to be a part of this, we appreciate your time. We hope you found some answers today. For more information you can go to and Shannon, do you have anything else to add? No, just thank you to everyone for being here today. I have wanted to get this message out for such a long time and I think that what we did today is going to answer a lot of questions for a lot of people. So we are in the company of heroes even now. 1.800.620.3365 Well, one of two ways: You can overcome MRSA with the help of pHenomenal and tell other people how pHenomenal can help them get rid of MRSA. And everyone on the phone today has done both. 18
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