MODELS AND RADIATION MEASUREMENTS FOR DELOCALIZED PV MODULE PERFORMANCES ESTIMATION S. Brofferio Dipartimento. di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano (Italy) Tel. +39 02 23993577, Fax: +39 02 23993413, email: Abstract – Energy rating measurements of PV modules at their actual installation location are the best assessment for reliable design and/or monitoring of PV plants. A methodology for the estimation of maximum power for on-the-field conditions has been investigated and implemented. It is based on a PV maximum power standard model and a power error correction model derived from an adaptive artificial neural network. The on-the-field measurements of direct and diffused radiations without shadowing ring, and the power correction model have been implemented in a system for the estimation of the maximum power of any module in any place. The system consists of two major parts: the local training and estimation station and the self powered remote measurement system. The complete system can be upgraded for other applications in photovoltaic plants and in remote monitoring stations. Keywords: PV module modeling, PV energy rating INTRODUCTION Energy rating measurements of PV modules at their actual installation location are the best assessment for reliable design and/or monitoring of PV plants. As this approach is too awkward due to PV modules size and weight an alternative solution based on PV module performance models and on-the-field environmental measurements is suggested. On the other side the current maximum power models, based on data sheet or indoor laboratory measurements, are not satisfactory in most operating conditions. In this paper a performance correction model using actual environmental measurements is proposed. In the next section a simple maximum power model is reviewed and the power correction model is introduced. In section three the basic simulation and experimental results are discussed. In section four a new algorithm for the indirect measurement of diffused solar radiation without shadow ring is presented. The last section presents the architecture of the system implementing the proposed methodology. THE MAXIMUM STANDARD AND CORRECTION POWER MODELS The scientific and technical literature offers a large variety of maximum available power models PM(G,Tm) as a function of global solar radiation G and module temperature Tm. We use the One Diode Model (OMD) [1] as Maximum Power Standard Model (SMPM): PM(G,Tm) = IscoG(Voco+VTolnG).FF(G,To).[1+(Tm-To)]. It needs only the Standard Test Conditions (STC) parameters: the short circuit current (Isco), the open circuit voltage (Voco) and the maximum power temperature coefficient the maximum power Proceedings of the Solar Energy Tech 2010 ISBN 978-1-4467-3765-1 point current (IMo) and voltage (VMo) to determine the module thermal voltage (VTo). From the I(V) curve of the ODM we have: VTo= (VMo-Voco)/ln(1-IMo/Isco). Moreover: FF(G,To) ≈ [voco-ln(0,72+ voco)]/(1+ voco) where voco = Voco /VTo >10 The module temperature is Tm=Ta+ (NOCT-20)G/800 where NOCT is the Normal Operating Cell Temperature, given by data sheets, and Ta the environment temperature. This model is a first approximation; if the data sheets or laboratory measurements give more parameters better models can be introduced [2], [3]. An experimental setup for the validation of the MPSM in operating conditions (Fig.1) consists of the PV module under test, a Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) for measuring its actual maximum available power (PMm), G,, the diffused radiation Gd, Tm and Ta. The environmental measurements allow the computation of PM(G,Tm), so that the power error PM of the MPSM under test is: PM = PMm - PM(G,Tm) Ta _ PM(G,Tm) MPPT Gd PMe(G,Gd,Ta) StandardMaximum Power Model (MPSM) I,V Tm Training error + _ PMm G PV PM + Power Correction Model (PCM) G,Gd,Tm,Ta PMm= PM(G;Tm)+PMe(G,Gd,Ta) Figure 1. System for the validation of MPM, the definition and the training of the Power Correction Model (PCM) T raining mode PM M atching L ayer (M L ) IF(|P M - P S |/ P M > ) Pe H+1 = P M E stim ation mode P M e (G ,G d,T a) = P S PS O utput Layer (O L ) P S =F(x, z ji; i= 0÷2) see 1) in Appendix j,i Pe 1 C om petition L ayer (C L) j 0 =argm in(|x-w h | h= 1÷H ) P e h 1 Pe H PM H H +1 h wh x Input layer (IL) Input vector: x = (G , G d ,T a ) G Gd Ta Figure 2. The PCM layered architecture Different values of PM for the same (G,Ta) conditions have been found, this is due to the influence of other factors as the diffused radiation, wind, etc; in this research we focus on fist one only. 26 The error PM is used to train the Power Correction Model (PCM). It based on a supervised adaptive artificial neural network (Fig.2) for optimal piecewise linear interpolation of PM whose number of nodes depends on the desired precision; this is obtained by the adaptation threshold ( =0,05÷0,9) [4]. The PCM input are the operating environmental conditions G, Gd, and Ta its output is PMe(G,Gd,Ta), so that the estimated maximum available power at the actual operating conditions is: PMe(G,Ta) = PM(G,Tm)+PMe(G,Gd,Ta) SIMULATIONS AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A specific thin film module technology was selected to validate its MPSM and to train the corresponding PCM. As we are interested in the impact of the diffused radiation we experimented with a micromorph module MCPH 105W of PRAMAC SWISS [5]. Its MPSM has been verified in two conditions: the laboratory tests of the producer and at the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione (DEI). First the maximum power PM of the producer tests has been compared with the MPSM with parameters at STC with the well known result that the MPSM is valid with constant radiation in the whole range of temperatures but is not valid at constant temperature with different values of radiation. Table Ia. Environmental conditions at DEI G Mean val. Gd Ta; Tm [W/m2] [°C] 795,2 177,3 25,6 45,0 210,0 99,6 0,7 3,7 Then, in order to evaluate the impact of the actual operating conditions on the validity of the MPSM we performed 34 measurements at different environmental conditions (Table Ia), in spring 2010 on the terrace of our Department, using the MPPT3K monitoring system of ISAAC [6] and a shadowing ring for the measurement of Gd. The measured (PMmeas.) and the modelled performances given by th MPSM (PMmodel) show the necessity of the PCM (Table.Ib). Table Ib. PV module performances at DEI Mean val. Voc [V] 113,8 1 Isc [A] 0,87 0,19 VM [V] 83,7 1,7 PMmeas. PMmodel IM [W] [A] [W] 78,7 0,74 61,6 23,8 0,17 13 err% 27,8 83,1 Results of the experiments with PCM The neural network has been trained using the MPSM with parameters at STC to estimate the actual performances at DEI conditions. Table IIa shows that each PM is corrected by a PCM with =0,2 and 12 hidden nodes which represent the vertex points of the piecewise linear interpolation. Moreover Table IIb shows, for different values of the number of nodes and the corresponding mean error. 27 Table IIa. Benefits of the PCM implemented by the PCM with =0,2 Mean power St. dev PMmeas 78,7 23,8 PM -17,5 11,2 PMest 61,2 12,9 %err 0,55 1,83 Table IIb. Effects of threshold on the number of nodes and on estimation error N.of nodes %err 0,01 27 0,035 0,05 18 0,20 0,1 14 0,34 0,2 12 0,53 0,5 8 0,88 Modelling the diffused radiation The previous experimental results confirm the necessity of using the diffuse radiation for a satisfactory power estimation. We verified the model of the diffuse solar radiation (God) proposed by Liu-Jordan [7], it assumes that Gdo is a function of the global radiation only. The daily diffuse 2 energy solar radiation (Wh/m .day) given by the Liu-Jordan model is: Gdo=G(1,39-4,037 K+5,331 K2-3,018 K3 ) and K= G/Go. 2 where G (Wh/m .day) is the global energy radiation, Go= r.Io.H is the theoretical energy radiation without atmospheric scattering attenuation; r and H account respectively for the current day EarthSun distance and sunlight hours [8]. We compared this model with the measurements of the Osservatorio Meteorologico Duomo of July 2009 at their facility at Politecnico di Milano. The very poor results (Table III) show that direct diffused radiation Gd measurements are always necessary. Table III. Daily measured radiations G and Gd and estimated by Liu-JordanGdo Radiations Mean St. dev.. Gd Gdo |Gd-Gdo|/Gdo Wh/(m2d) % 7319,59 2277,03 1106,07 51,24 854,27 576,10 414,66 16,25 G AN ALGORITHM FOR SOLAR RADIATION COMPONENTS MEASUREMENT The current methods for diffused radiation measurement require a shadowing ring that has to be periodically tilted to track the sun; they are expensive, bulky and not suited for remote measurements. We propose a method based on radiation measurements on a set of differently oriented surfaces. The global radiation G is the sum of the direct radiation Gdir and the isotropic diffused radiation Ghdif so that only two measurements of the global radiation on two differently oriented planes are necessary for indirect measurement of Gdir and Ghdif (Fig.3). Using a vertical plane southward oriented and an horizontal plane respectively capturing the global radiation GS and 28 GZ we have (Fig.3): Direct radiation: Gdir =(2GS –GZ)/(2nx-nz): Diffused radiation on the horizontal plane: Ghdif = 2(nx GZ – nz GS)/(2nx-nz). More complex estimations are based on up to five measurement planes [4] Gdir. nS z nm y x Gm= nm.nSGdir.+ Gmdif. Sun direction: nS=(nx,ny,nz); normal vector: nm Figure 3. Relationships of solar radiations components: global (Gm), direct (Gdir) and diffuse (Gmdif) THE SYSTEM The PCM and the radiation measurement algorithm allow the definition of a system for the estimations of the PV module performances (Fig.4) consisting of two parts: a) the Local Training and Estimation Station (LTES): it includes the Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT), the measurements equipment and the personal computer (PC). b) the Remote Measurement System (RMS); it is handy and includes a photovoltaic power supply, the environmental data sensors, GPS and GSM. The measurements of solar radiation components without shadow ring and of temperatures are transmitted to PC which handles also status and alarm communication. Ta Application Sensors G1 G2 C GPS/ GSM PV Charger & Battery Remote Measurement System (RMS) Ta PV G Telecom Network Gd MPPT& Measurements System Training & Estimation PC Local Training and Estimation Station (LTES) Figure 4. The System architecture 29 The system operates in two modes: a) Training mode: evaluation of MPSM and training of the PCM; b) Estimation mode: computation of the maximum module power by the LTES using the data received from the RMS. Suggested system expansions The RMS can become the kernel of two applications in the sector of the photovoltaic industry: 1) An Antitheft System consisting of the RMS and a pulse transceiver located at the end of a chain of PV modules. The pulses monitor the continuity of the PV modules cables and immediately detect the theft of a module, of coarse during night; 2) A Handy Monitor System of the module efficiency in an operating PV plant. The system measures the current and the voltage at the terminals of the module and computes its efficiency using its MPSM and the trained PCM. CONCLUSIONS The paper has presented a model for upgrading maximum power standard models suited for actual operating conditions using an adaptive algorithm for power error correction. The prototype of a remote measurement device for direct and diffused radiations, based also on a new algorithm, is being completed (Gallo fotovoltaico). Its precision and industrial costs have to be evaluated. A system for delocalized PV module performances evaluation is also being implemented. The remote solar radiation estimation system could be manufactured as a consumer product suited also for applications beyond the photovoltaic sector as a general purpose monitoring system. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author warmly thanks: PRAMAC SWISS for laboratory experimental data, ODM for the radiations data, QSD for implementing a system prototype and Ing. Federico Mariotti for useful discussions modules performances models. REFERENCES [1] M.A. Green: Solar Cells, Operating Principles, Technologies and System Applications Prentice Hall (1982) and The University of South Wales Press (1998) [2] W. Heydenreich et al.: Describing the World with Three Parameters: a New Approach to PV Module Power Modelling, 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 1-5 September 2008, Valencia, Spain [3] G. Friesen et al.: Energy Rating Measurements and Prediction at ISAAC, 22th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Sept. 2007, Milano (Italy) [4] S. Brofferio, G. B Galimberti, L. Trollo, F. Mariotti: Models, Measurements and the “Gallo Fotovoltaico: A System For The Estimation Of On-The-Field Pv Module Performances, 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf. / Wcpec-5, Valencia (Spain), September 6-10, 2010 [5] LUCEMCPH Technical Data Sheet: [6] MPPT3K: [7] B.Y., R.C. 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