LOS ANGELES HERALD SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 15, 1894. ABOUT HAVEMEYER'S HELLS. These Are What Congress Furnishes a Protective Duty. How the Snrrar Trust Treats Its Workmen. Mtsrder Dudsr the of Business ? Details of Terrible Condition of Affairs. Systematic Qulsu In view of the extent to which tho trust now figures in national politics, tbe following abstract of an article in tbe Chicago Times, concerning the Havemeyera at their refinery in Brooklyn (where some 125 men are annually roasted to death) may be of interest: The brothers, Frederick C. and Wm. F. Havemeyer, came to New York from Schaunburg-Lippe, Uermany, in 1802. The present Henry P. Havemeyer's father and son uf the above F. C. H., was bofn in Vandam street, New York, in 1807, and died in 1891. The whole family were sugar manufacturers from the start. When F. C. H. died ho left an estate worth $3,000,000 and four sons, of whom Henry O. H. is the present financial head of the trust, which was formed in 1887; it has no competitor in producing refined sugar and, as H. 0. H. testified in Washington, can and does regulate prices in the whole country at its pleasure, as it is "protected" by the tariff of half a cent a pound ou refined euear, to which must be added an eighth of a cent for natural protection. Thus the truet can raise prices fl7e-eights of a cent above that of sugar refined in foreign countries, before tbe latter can \u25a0agar come on. Tbe trust was finally completed when Olaua Sprockets' Philadelphia refinery wan brought into it and then, aa today, Included what had been formerly seven- teen distinct companies, having a daily capacity of 41,800 barrels. Three other companies, including Bpreckels' California company aud Havemeyer & Klders' American refinery in this city, are practically in the trust, and there are no companies outside of if. The combined daily capacity of these 20 eoncerna is 49,400 barrels a day. Wo do not know tbe average weight of sugar in each barrel, but think it will not average less that 200 pounds, which would bo equal to 9.880,000 pounds. Call it 10,--000.000, and at half a cent a day that represents a possible extra profit by the tariff of $6,000,000; but as the refineries are not worked to their full capacity, we cannot definitely fix the amount of the plunder from present data. It is certain, however, that its purchasing power has been sufficient co far to buy all the congressman they require, including two Populist senators. The truet is capitalized at (85,000,000, being 175,000.000 catiital stock and $10,--000,000 of bonds. The actual valne of The anthe plant is about $40,000,000 nual profits are stated at $25,000,C00, but must be much more. The lUvomeyers are worth $50,000,000, aud will probably (if the present system is continued) run it up to a round billion within 10 or 20 years. There are 2500 employees in the Havemeyer refineries at Brooklyn, and tbeir hours are 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. If the leust late in coming they are liable to be discharged, and are sure to be docked half a day to a day. The men in the steel mills work eight hours. The unloading of the casks and bass is done by contract with a stevedore, who pays his men 25 cents an hour wben he hits work fur them. Workingmen in the refinery are principally Germans, and are paid $145 a day for tbe first year, and may afterwards be raised 5 to 10 cents a day. 11l some rooms the temperature is that of t.u oven, and tho man can only stay 10 minutes at a time. Nearly all tbe windows in the buildings are closed, to save tbe heat. At8 o'clock they have breakfast, and look "more like men who have been in a shipwreck than men who are ready to return to some hours more hard labor." "Last summer tbe men droppsd like dogs and were carried out by dozens. As many as 02 men have been laid out in a day. Sometimes a man is killed, but it does not get into the newspapers unless there ia some slip in tbe discipline of the company. Many of the men who are prostrated by tbe heat die, bat there, are more to take tbeir places, and the fate oi tbeir predecessors ia not known to the uewoom?ra. Even when men are killed and newspaper men learn oi it, they are not allowed to enter tbe buildings. One enterprising fellow got as far aa tbe third etory before be waa headed off. There ia a guard armed with a club for every building, and his especial business is to \u25a0cc that no one croaces tbe threshold and to answer no questions etrangers pot to him." The trust sells beer tiokets to tbe men, 26 for $1; bat three of these drinks (12 cents) are only equal to what they can bay at any saloon (carrying a pint) for 7 cents. Bat if they are discovered baying outside of the trait tbey are discharged. There was once a labor \u25a0organization of tbe men, but the traat throttled that, and now a laborer in that refinery "only knows that if he works long enough, he may bosome an under superintendent, at $20 a week, and bo may be roasted to death. Tbe chances are that he will be roasted to . . . death." Last Jane, Dick Crawford brought his 12-montha-old child. safTering from infantile diarrhoea, to me. It had been weaned at 4 months old, and being sickly everything ran through it like water through a sieve. I gave it tbe usual treatment In such cases, but without benefit. The child keptgrowing thinner, until it weighed but little more than when born, or, perhaps, 10 pounds. I then started the father to giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy. Before one bottle of tbe 25--cent aize had been used, a marked improvement was seen, and ita continued use cared the ohild. Its weakness and pany constitution disappeared, and its father and myself believe tbe child's life wae saved by this remedy. J.T. Mariow, M.D., Tamaroa, 111. For sale by Off & Vaughn, Fourth & Spring atreet; 0. T. Heinzeman, 222 North Main street, druggists. For a good table wine order our Sonoma Zinfandel at 600 per gal. T.Vacbe & Co., Commercial and Alameda. Tel. 309. 309 8. Main street, Is where A. A. Eokstrom, to go looking for good wall piper at right jou want Iho price, 250 envelopes, 50c; Krm writing paper, 250 !Langstadter, 214 w. Second, Holienbocs. hotel wall paper dealer of the city is Uckstrorp ?SS? 809 B. Main street. Wall paper houio of the ooast, 328 8. Sprfng. Dr, .Parker, dentist, 129; j west Plrat street. THE BLACK DEATH IN Fears FINANCE AND TRADE. CHINA. That It WW Sweep Over Eastern Asia Before It Disappears. "Black death," that mysterious disease whir-h has been creating such havoo among the natives at Canton, seems destined to sweep over oastern Asia. Hong-Kong has been attacked by this insidious ami fatal enemy, and already hundreds havo succumbed to It. Tho oolony is almost shut offfrom communication, save by telegraph, with other Asiatic port?, and every effort is being made to cheek the spread of tho plague. Strict quarautino regulations have been made, and outgoing steamers on oriental linea carry neither freight nor passengers. But the germs of tho diseaso seom to be in tho air, for latest news is that deaths by tho plague have already occurred In Jupao. Tho natives aro panic stricken. The plague made its appearance in Hong-Kong about May 10, when many dead rats wero found iv tho streets. This is tho first sign the disease makes. Usually other animals arestrieken boforo human beings aro affected. Tho sproad of tho diseaso was most rapid. In a few days llio victims claimed numbered nearly 50 daily. It was oven moro fatal tlicro than in Canton, fully fiO per cent of thoso seized dying in about 48 hours. Ono cause that led to this result was that there had been no rainfall for a long period, and all streams and sources of drainago wero foul. Vigorous steps Were taken to secure artificial flushing of all drains, and a thorough cleansing of tho entire city was had, but there was no docroaso until about the 20th, when sevoral heavy rain storms oocurrarl. Health officers made a house to house canva3s of tho district of tho city where the disease seemed to center, and all Eick persons were removed to the Hygeia, tho hospital ship iv the harbor. Tho dead wero taken la chnrgo by the same officials and buried at once in a place especially selected. When the diseaso was at its worst, tho deaths in the hospitals numbered about 30 daily. Iv Bomo cases wholo families were exterminated ia a few days. Europeans scorn to bo almost proof against the disease, although in some eases their surroundings wero the same as those of tho Chinese. An exception to this is tho death of several Portuguese in Houg-Kong. Tho causo of tbo strange malady is a mystery, but it is undoubtedly a filth disease. A physician who had largo experience with the black plaguo in Pnkhoi somo years ago said in an interview that it was duo to foul smells. The plague's symptoms, as described already, aro as follows: With or without premonitory warning in the shapo of chill thcro is a sudden fever rising to 105 degrees or over. Tiiero is much headacho and cerobral disturbance, accompaniod by stupor. In from 13 to 24 hours a glandular swelling occurs in the neok, armpit or groin, rapidly enlarging to the size of a fowl's egg. It is hard and exceedingly tender. With or without a decline of tho fever tho patient sinks deeper into a condition of coma aud dies usually at the end of 48 hours or sooner. Ho declared that animals were affected first, becauso the germs wero near the ground. Native reports from Canton say that tho epidomio is somewhat decreasing thore, but many new cases aro still reported. It is said that fish are also stricken, and fishermen in some districts have been forced to ceaso operations.?San Francisco Chroniole. HOT DAY HINTS. . Bugfrestlorn For Tliose Who Become Warm null Weary nt Tills Season, When tired, warm and weary after a day's outing, do not plunge tho faco in ocld wator expecting to bo rofreshed, or yon will bo more than disappointed. After tho first cooling contact with tho water the flesh will smart and burn more uncomfortably than ever. Instead of soothing tho overheated skin cold water aots as an irritant, whereas tepid or hot water produces a contrary and desirable effect. After removing the dust and cleansing the pores thoroughly a buttermilk rub will heal, whiten and keep the skin tissues in a healthy con The Itny'm Business ou the New York Stock Exchange. New York, July 14.?Shore (peculation dull d 11 '1 uninteresting to.lay, tbe sales ol only ono Block?Sugar?exceeding 10.0UO share*. The changes in the list were merely fractional, anil tho market was leported fairly firm. Government Donds wtre strong; slate bonds Inactive. QUOTATIONS. MONEY Ni:w York, July 11.?Money on call, easy, at 1 par cent; lasl loan at 1 per cent: closed at 1 per oent. Prime mercantile par.er?Ms)S per cent. Sterling exchange?K:eady, with aclua! business in bsnkers' bills at lor demand, and If-l-HTyi lor 00 dayr. Posted rim..; 1\u25a0\u25a0;.-<?\u25a0\u25a0/. 1 83. Commercial miio fl 86*4. Silrer cerliDcates? G4(#uoc. San FaANCisco, July 11,?31 ght drafts on New York, per ¥100, 10,1. tierllng in.is oa Ljndon, baafcen' 60-day bills, .H.BB. London, July 14.?Conauli. 101K. Sauk of Kngiaud discount rate, '2 per cent stocks and bonds. New York, July 14.? The closing quotations were: U. s. 4b reg U3» a !sTashville Chatt.. 05 do. coup Cordage '-!>.» U. o. Si ret aot, US'..'! do pld do coup 11BK M. J. central 10t>.'4 TJ. S. 2s rag 00 Korf. A Wst'n p!d 10 Pacific Os, '05....101 IN. American Co. BJj Atchison Pac 3U Ailmui Is 147 do pfd Alton, Tern Hio. 89 U. P. D. & Uulf... l-l-'J dopfd 105 Northwestern 105 American fx 10:1 do pld..; 140 Bulto. Si Ohio. 71 N. Y. Central.... 86W Can. Pac 041, N. Y.it K. Eng... B'j Can. South'n 4!>l.s,'Outario Si Wost'u *.% HUiOre.lmp Central Pac 11 Cms. & Ohio ... )7'Ore.Nav 12 Chicago Si Alton 140 Ore. bhort I.lue & Burlington 75 TJ. Northern 4U 14) J Chi iago Gas '// P«c Mail Con. (las "J i'jPeoria, 1). d; X.... 8 C.C.:;. ,t at. Lou., :it. Pittsburg 150 Col. Coal Si Iron.. 0 Puilmau Palace. .158 Cotton Oil So}< Reading. IV,i Del. & HudMin 11 1.0;, Richmond Ter Del., Lacaawiii.ii do pfd 17 4 Western \n> R.OrandeWestern 14^ R. <K. G. pi t -it 42 do pfd liV, Distillers M% Rock island SBjlZ Kaat leno fl' St. Paul 14;ij do pld Brie 119 do pid 37 St. Paul A Omaha Mti',4 18!) 11l Ft. Wayne do pld Qt. Northern pfd. 100 Southern Pacific. 17-V 9!)'ri Chicago Si R.tv.ru Sugar Illlnoiß aid 98'vi Term. Coal Si Iron mt Hockinj Valley.. 15 lexas PaclSo SJ» MiuoKCentrai... 90 Toledo Si O. C. pld 00 Bt. faul Si Duluth Union Paoiflo '0% Kan. Si Texas pfd 3tU(7.f.it 50 Lake Rrie<Si West, lftM Wsbash, St. Louis do pld 6 05U it Pacific 14}j Lake Shore 130 do pfd Wells-Faigo tx... 10H L'adTrnst 3»'i Louisville Si N... 40 Western Uulon... MH L. Si New Albany, li'/j, Wheeling 4L.8 10U do old Manhattan Con .115 8m Mem. Si Chsrt'ton 5 Mluo. Si St. Louis 41'^ Mich. Cen !':r . D. Si H. Si 9 37Jj Miisourl Pao Gen. Blootrle 26? ? Mobile Si 0hi0... Is Linseed July 14 ?I allowing are closing Boston, .. - ... . a quotations: Atchison Cent SHlMsx. Bell Telephone... 191 Ban Dlogo Burlington V,i 0 74Jsl MININII SHARKS. San Francisco, 'uly 14 ? The official closing quotations for mining Blocks today were as lollows: Alta 23 Hale Si Nororosi. .'i'2 Belcher 7ti Mexican SO Best Si Belcher... 110 Mono < ?? l.ioophlr llodle Con 1.85 49 Bulwer '20 Po:osl Chollar 31 daTAga 3t> Con. Cal. Si Va... 3.20 Sierra Nevada .70 74 Dul'in Uon 40 Crown Point Bureka Con '25 Utah 04 40 Gould Si Curry... .55 Yellow Jacket .. . Silver Bullion. Sam Francisco, July 14. ?Silver 02>a c perounoe. Uexlcan * bars, 62© dollars. 51'itM','. London, July 14.?Silver bars, .025 fine, 28 Jij'd per oz. Nkvt Yoax, July 14.?Bar silver, 02' ii per ouuce. Mexican dollars, 51c. San Francisco Grain Markets. San Francisco, July 14.?Flour quoted as follows: Net cash prices for Family Extras, $3 40.43.50; Bakers' Extras, $3.30,93.40; s purtinu, $2.50@2.75 por bbl. Wheat?Prtcea show fair steadiness, though the volume of bu-dness is llgtii. quotable at 90(a921aC per cental for good to choico shipping and $l.oo*l «.7' 2 for millinggrades. Barley?New crop 1» coming forward In quantity enough to give an easier tone to vaults all round Quotations are: Feed, S2Ja@S3; ic for new and h5@S7 for old; brewing, new, nominal. uninteresting. Miillng,* 1.22.. Oats-Dull and @1.32>4: Surprise, $1.37>i®1.42;> 1; fancy feed, $1 30(91.32}5: good to choice, #Lls(j}l,2S; poor to lair, .*!.t»2 .(«{ .12',: black, uoininal; red, nomiual: ray, $1.15(81.28. , , , Chicago Grain and Provisions. July lv.?The board of trale markets were very dull today, aud September wheat Chicago, closed !fic lower. September oorn closed '8o lower, oats Wo lower, and provisions practically unchanged. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat, No, 2? July sfl!^ September S7 3 4<§57; 8 December OOfi Oorn, No. 2? July 42«f, September 42 i1!i42J B October 4.', Oats, Mo. a? July .....35 .....29;^ AUtUSt feptember 21 , ~ Mar Cash 32J^ quotations were as follows: Hour?Steady. Winter patent, $2.40@2.t>0: straights, $2.30(82.40, spring patent, $3 10@ 3.00. Wheat-No. 2 spring, s(i@s7?ic; Mo 3 spring, No. 2 red, sU>,c. The sun glaring on hot brick and mor- nominal; Coin?No. 2, 41<!i@44e; No. 3, yellow, 42!ic. tar and hot, dusty pavements is very Oats?No. 2, nominal; No. white, 40(rtllc: No. 3 white, 38!<<838Kc tho eyes. Bathing the oyes lief and induce nature's doctor, "balmy sleep,'' to woo tho weary brain and tirod eyes in restful ropose. The same result is obtained by using crushed plantain leaves in a similar manner. Tho clammy moisturo so annoying may be alleviated by dropping a half teaspoonful of dissolved alum in the water or a few drops of sulphuric acid to render it sour. Lemon jnico is also very excellent, removing stains and discolorations as well, and frequent use, with an occasional application of glycerin and rosewater mixed, gives a v;lvety whiteness to the skin.?Philuflolp] \.i Times. The interna: :< artl Donf pace. Why should Yale col lego usud a crew to Oxford this year or any other year? Such international raoing as there has been hitherto has taken placo on the Thames. It is tho Englishmen's turn to come to America. And they would come fact enough if they wanted to?if, in other words, thoy valued tho trophies to be won on this side of the Atlantic They do not, nor care a fig for victory or defeat at tho hands of any American collegians, nor know wbother Yale college is in California or tho state of New Haven. Whioh faots ought to deter any self respecting American collegians from seeking the sort of recognition in England that some Yalensians seem to desire so ardently. Anglomania and honest sport aro queer bedfellows. Chicago Times. ? Buoklen'e Arsjioa Salve* The best salve in the wor'J for cuts, braises, sores, ulcers, saUrheum, foyer sores, tetter, chapped hands, obilblalns, corns and ail skin eruptions, and posltlvoiy cures piles or no pay required. Itis guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by 0. F, Helnzeman, 222 N. Main street \u25a0 Xckstrom does the wall paper business of tbe city. He has a large stock, good taste and lowest prices. SOU B. Mala st. Rye-No. 2, Barley?No. 45*»470. 2, nominal; 6t,-c: dairy, iif..(i^7c. »iutton-i",V,i..i; Poaa?sgH'^c. spring lamb, 7@7' 3'3. nriad rrult. ArPLKS-Snn drieJ, sscks, per lb,, ovaporaled, boxes, per lb., Ai'atcoTs-Faucy, Is the Great Life Giver. aac^-. Jwf per lb., 11912)4*91 pooled, 14l»l0::. Pka<:iies?Fancy, unpseleti, 7(99ei peeled, 144J1100. I'iiu.sKs?(lholco, heies, per lb., 7® 9c; sacks, sCfj7e; fancy, OOiOc. sTtvali Fruit*. AriLE,?Per box, Ha.naxap?]'er biiucl.. $2,0u(!T.2.25. f1.70M.00. LaKons--Cured, p;r box, 5>1.75(!«2.00; jincured, 81.00191.85. OaaMnß.?Ravels, p;r box, Ifl..")OS2.00; sefdUngt, $1.0091.85. Nets. Ai.monds?Paper she!!, per lb.. 15tai7c: soft shell, llalSc; hardshell, 10311 PbaMUTs?California, raw, per lb., s(soe; tosited, 7isßc; easieiti, raw, U(s7c; roasted, 85} Oc. c. exhausted organs oi tho body. It is the great vegetable vitaUzer thut destroys the genus of naiy \_ tiiat uisfdio*! dltekat which lias waited tbe " jWaffii t.'AKßors? Pur 100 lb*. 50.?. o.vioNS-Per 100 lb»., $4.00. Vfn " ttt bi.B?Ml Cauufloivee?Per doz., -There ? .(/ (ioc. Per doz. bunt ho«, SOc. ORti is?Dry, per lb., sjt)c; green, sc. Ga ri.ic? Per i h>. 3tfsle. 1. Enticx?Pot doz., 15c. Onions?Green, pesOos. bunchcg, 20c. Kaijisiies?l'er «frz. bunches, 20c Pars.vii>?Per 100 Isal,, fl. Potatoes-Pel 100 lbs.. !)tiitsl.lo. Tlrkil's?Per 100 lbs., 73c. Hamiy .nil Iti.i.Bl. IIoNEv-Comb, per lb., IOJJIS'.Jc; extracted, s:aiic. Beeswax?Per lb., 21@25c. I'onltry aud X;,., Poultry?Per doz., hens, $5.00@5.7.V old roosters,s<.so.<i. i.oO: innng r.iost.rs, $4.50; 5.5 D; broilers, $3.00(94>00; turkeys, 11 \u25a013u, ducks, per doz., $0.5047.50; geese, per head, $1. Eugs?California ranch, 12®13 per doz. r a» nr.* y*-::;it; and \u25a0 JrVl three weeka. bvHndr?dsof middle aged -- - l?sv\ \w P. O. Box 2076, FOR SALK BY Saturday, July 14. I Ott et con to E W Py!c?Lot 18, Mlcheaer's üb, Pa.edeua; $500. r£ Wilson to 0 Ketih?Lot 17, sub Reeve trtj $3050. X L Clough et al to Jao Conrad Ebert?Lot 4, Myerh' sub, Mourovla; $75. Cordelia A Borotott to A R Brown?Lots 25 and 20, blk SO, Long Beach: $2000. A Sproul et, ux to W U Smith?Lot 13, blk 10, Norwalk; $100. J A >i lllingto A \V Trultt?Lot 27, Mappa trt; $700. Chas J Fox et ux to C H Adams?Part of lot 9, blk Vt, .Molt trt; ifouUO. E W Parson et ux to X N R.ce?Lots 5 and 9, sub blk 81, Azusa; $1000. 0 J Fox et ux to CIIAdami?Lot 3 and 4, blk 21, East Los Angeles; $3000. Congregation Buhl Brith to Joo w Herman Synugogue property on Broadway; $37,000. T J Harris et ux to U A Moore-Lot 10, H C Thomiis trt; $1100. C A Moore to T J Harris et ux?Lots 39 and 40, Plummer sub SA 1 Sec 9, TIS,R 14 W; $1;>00. Thus M Clsrke et ux 10 Jas S Eckhs?Lot 21, blk 2, sub lot 8, bik 3!), H Bl «3000. W A Brophy to Geo Easton?Brie oil placer mining claim, San Fernando district: $10. name to same?Hed Hills oiatni: $10. C H Adams 10 0 J Po-?Lot7, blk 3, Beaudry trt: $12,500. Jno Wilson et ux to E L Edwards-Lot 24, blk 3, Old Clapp Orchard trt: $700. R U.-aham 10 Je»s c Uatiord?Lot 30, blk A, Dankelberaer trt; $10. Chas S <lliristyet ux to Frank A Weir?N 85 feel lot 18, Xl Moliuo trt, Pasadena; $1700. E A Mill,ret ux to Mrs S A Bennett?Lot 60, Miller & Herrlott'.i sul.tl Fl'/gcrsld trt; $1000. Jno s Mailman to Rebecca PfelH'er?Lot 2, blk 21, Elysiau HeilihtH Irt; «l. J a AuJersou to H X WHhlte-Lots 2 and 3, Peck's cubd blk 41, San Pedto; $175. J C Wi.lmore to W H Townaeud?Lot 33, Claiemont trt; $5. 8 X Dudley «t uv to Geo Mason?Lot 137, Connor's subd Johattasen trt; $10. WmG'.Ueetux to A X Muusey?Lot 2, Whittakcr, Kichatdson & Ernst's subd Griffin trt; $500. Thos E Beattr et ux to N B Norfolk?Lot 14, blk '-'!>, Electric Ry Home A«soclattoii trt; $400. B li Lehman et con?lot 50x111.0 ieet In blk 42. West Glendale: $150. Jon Peischi 10 M VV Bynum-Lot 3, bik 10. Uiinkton trt; $(100. M GBben et v m to J A E.dridge-Lot 20, bik 5, WLUaiusuu trt: $1700. JH Bo d< «t ox to Emma J Lattln?E 40 feet 01 lot 4, and VV 10 leet ol lot 5, bik 2, Plater's sub, Measlck trt; $1. John H Nevtn et ux to A J Kail?Lot 11, blk 1, Wolfskin Orchard trt; $275. B E Windc 10 Mary C Forrester?Lot 5, blk D, Maln-streel trt; $10. E F Huudcr*ou et ux to Robert C Smith?Lot 4, blk B, Mor.lll trt; $3000. C E Berry to heirs of Jeßse Ross?W 5 acres of the li l-j of lot 34, Northeast Pomona trt: - . 81. Los Angeles Terminal ffy Loa Angeles depots: East end First at. and Downey aye. bridges. Leave Los Angeles for Leave Pasadena i'asadena. Lso Angeles. ? li:3r> t? 7:10 a.m 8:00 a.m ? !> 00 a m ?10:30 a.m p.m ?12:25 ? 1:40 p.m ? 3:00 p.m ? 4:00 p ra ? s:2ti p.m ? 0 20 p.m tl2:lsam 1 9:30 p.m 110:15 p.m avenue leaving time 7 minutes later. Leave Los Angeles for Leave Altadena June Altadena Junction. tion for Los Angeles. Downey ? mOOfcrn 110:30 a.m ? ? ?10;10a.m $1.22. Sugar?Cut 1 af, $5 43; grauulated, $4.62; slaudard A, $4.49. Ou the produce exchange todsv the butter market was steady; cresmtry, 12@16o; dilry, U@ls. Eggs -Steady, 9@loc. OTIUiK URAIN MARKIT3. San Franckco, July 14.?Wheat, firmer; December, $1 OUy,; new eeller, 97>-$e Barley-Very dull; December, 92}<c Corn?sl.4s. Bran?s 17.00 per ton. Livaarooi., July 14.?Wheat; No, 1 Califor4s nia, red western winter, 4s ~ -1; red llc(rsss; western spring. 4s lldfgos. Market 1 quiet bin steady; demand moderate; holders offer moderatelrCorn?Firm, demand moderate; new miexd spot, 4s. Barley-California brewing, 23s Od@2ss Od. F.our?Spring patent, 5s 9d. Petroleum N.iv '.'offr, 14 -~l\itro"eum, steady; Po iv y v.iuia iVI *n niriie: Autrust option sale, .lone; ul >*ed ~t »- b.J. Lima oil sates, ? LOS ANGELES LOCAL MAKETS. & CO. X *ROBT.N.L.MainGARRETT Los Angeles, St., 330 X \u26 6 fU.NEKAL DIKECIOBS AND KIBAUUKS, \u2666 Large and well X S First class equipment Reasonable lair 2 selected stock. una prices. Careful and siiillful treatment, b> X attention given to ouibalmlug X end shipping oodles lo distant parts of X the country. AWi'ightialls promptly attended to. «> 4) No. 75X o 1 \u25a0 1 tl'! ?>\u2666\u2666*\u2666 4 4 e> 4> e> X X A \u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666\u2666>\u2666 \u2666 WAGON MATERIAL, HARD WOODB, 0:55 a.m 5:15 p.m 8:00 s.m Saturday Saturday Sunday I:ospm Monday Tuesday 1:05 p.iu l:Csp.m Wednesday .Thursday 1:05 p.m Friday.. 1:05 p.m l 'Daily. fDally except Suudays. only. 4v\f 8:00 p.m 12:25 p.m 12:75 p.m 12:25 p.m 18:25 p.m 12:25 p.m Honoluln . an(lre " The'volcano usually I I . ' ''' (NEW) St., English railway and tha discomfort of crossfug the channel In a small bout. La Bretagne. Jon ; 10. La Touraine, Juue 23. I.a Rourgogne, juue 30. La N ormaadie, July 7, La Champagne, Ju y 14. La Tonralne. July 21. New York to Aloxaudria, Egypt, via Paris, flrst-clats $100, second-clus $1IS. For freight or passage apply to A. FORGET, Agent, No. 3 BowlingGreen, New York. J. F. FUGAZI & CO., agents, 5 Montgomery aye., San Francisco. Branch otliee, 10 Montgomery st. Tickets for sale by all railroad and steamship offioos. | Railway i 1t COOKTTOURS 111 li,rorn,.»^« i«:-l c m I *10:10r,in ..Chino Monrovia 8:15 p.m 4:sHp.m| 7:55 a.m j 00:20 a. m ] Monrovia : I t p. m Menrnria Monrovia 7:30 a in Santa Baihau 2:00 p.m Santa Barbara.... ,Saniu A9:02 a.ll, A iv .Sr'Arrahrlii \u25a0 >\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0> i>.."; -r.M .'.'ii a Anaheim 4 52pm' Tuatin . Ai»:4o«.m! 4:15p.m . 9:08 a.m A4:olp.m B:43a.in Wttiltler A1:45 p.pi s7:lsp.tn eToOp.ru 12:i2p.m ! 53:55 p.m 4:25 p.m t 85:05 |.in ! As.2 Up.in tO 12 p.m .... and : '; . . <(North ;1 Silo a.m '\u25a0 li:.iln.m 4:15 p.m S:ooa.m \ B:sa l.m | ... »7:20p.m 810:35p.m 8:55 am 4:25 p.m 12:12 p. in 4:25 p.m [ '1 so:l2p.m Beach Stat'iO I'ark.. i as:soa.in from I 1 River station (Sin \ Fernunoo st.i only-J sSundajs ouiy. AKundays excepted. BSaturdays only. CATALINAISLAND. Southern PaciOc Company s trains connect at 8 in Pedro with Wilmington Transportation Company's .Chatsworth fI Trains start Hue > Arcad Depot. 8:30 a-m 5 :00 p.m 12:50 pm 12:50 p.m 12:50 p.m 12 :.-.<) p.m 12.50 p.m o:2ft a.m 5:00 p.m Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday.Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Arrive. 7:15 pm . I. 11:55 s.m 11:54 a.m 11:54a.m I ;54 a.m 11:54 a.m 11;54u.m Allot the seaside and local inteiior trains of First and Alameda streets. Tne trains arriving from Santa Monica at 8 a.m. and 5:27 p.m. atop only at The Palms and University, between Santa Monica and Arcade stop at the new station, cor. SON, Los Ahgej E3, June 9, 1893. ?'"or over dTe years 1 bare nervoU) stele headache aad liver complaint I didn't seem 10 find any boi» from the m my doctor* and ined.Rine* that I ined unt 1 I tried Dr. Won* Hioa, C 39 Upper truly, Main slreet. ?am now wel'. Your* MISS M. 0. BROCK, 43 Einton eva., Los Auge:e i Cal. lo . ... .. . t <t:t)sa.m a.m tl 1:00 p.m > Rtversideaud..".o:ls am { San Bernardino...> * 3:55 p.m ( ) *7:00p.m via Orange ** 4:40 7:00a.m (Kedlsnds, Mentonoi, * «:50r m * 9:00a.m I ....and Highland. .. I t l:3op'm vfa }* 0:30p.m p.m < Pasadena * 4:0 i)p,m [ J *t 5:15 0:05 a.m \u25a0 Redlauds, Mentonei *10:lfla.m fll:0Oa.m ?4:10p.m 3:55 p.m via.S {and Highland (Orange & Riverside) *7:005.m * 9:00 a.m f ! ... [ 1 " 7:35 a m **S:43a.m Pasadena.. ?1:30p.m a.m I and Jp.n 4:0 I \u25a0 *I 1:30 a.m Intermediate.... Stations I * 4:16 p.m t' 0:30 pm ..Azusa, .... I ~ 7:05a.m ** 7:00 a.m (10:50 a. m Pasadena Pasadena Pasadena Santa An? Santa Ana SantaAns SantaAns Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica * 5:15 0:05 a.m 8:15 a.m p.m ( *( 1 50 p.m 4:40 p.m ** 7:52 a.m ?1015 a.m 4 :45 p.m *?10:00 a.a Redondo . c LOWT MANHOOD Ea3ily, Quickly and Permanently Restored, Celebrated JSnqlibb Ukmebt ? It is sold on a positive J 1 trationpr any disorder of of the geoita l caused either sex. w aTmft Twlal £ u«e of by excessm V. After* t" tiacco. Alcohol or Opiam, or on accoool t \outhful indincrotion or over induigence Wakefulness, Headiiche. .uipp. Convulsions, Softening of the Brain, Weak '~ tiifllDepresßiiin, Memory, Hearing Down Pains, Seminal Weakness, iyttteria. Nocturnal Kmissions, tSpermatorrhosa, .'.?'SB of Hownr and Impotency. which if neglected, miiy Jesd to preraatnreold ago an** insanity. Positively g>,uranteed. Price. $: .00 a box: 6bona .irjo 00. Sen. tjv mail on receipt of price. A written (piarantee furnished irita every $5.00 order received* to refund 4Kc nmney it a permanent cure is SOS ? 'ffected For sale by GEO. H. FREEMAN CO., 102 N. Bpring street Q DR. JORDAN & CCS Sc» GREAT MUSEUM OF ANATOMI jj 1051 Market St., San Franctaoo asa \i\ : ] 6thnowand 7th you r ° tnadc and ' "how to''avoid stcknetti mv if jlr|> $ ( (Between ir a;HI Sts.) Ol<derfnlly ar>: \u25a>0 'VjL II/ discaHe. Museum enlarged with tliousaiala of new objects. Admis- 2ii cts. * ** eion Private Office?same Bulldtnff 1051 Market Street?Diseases of men: stricture, loss of manhood, diseases of tbe skin aud kidneys quickly cured without tbe use ot mercury. Treatment personally er by lotter. Send ior book. When visiting the mldwinte fair, be sure and Bee Jordan's museum. Kerekhoff-Cuzner MILL AND LUMBER COMPANY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Main Office, Los Angeles. Wholesale Yard at San Pedro. Branch Yards: Pomona, Paadeua, Lamanda. Azusa, Burbsnk. Planing Mills: Los Angelea and Pomona. Cargoes furnished to order. (blood p^son? in 20 to 60 days by a lVtajrlc Remedy, QHicured under guarantee, backed by fcoo.ooo capital. m Positive proofh and 100 page book, illustratRE ed from life from people cured, free by mail. When Hot Uprings and mercury fall, our R \u25a0 Magic Remedy will cure. EDY CO., CHICAGO, ILL. t 8:50 a m * 1:15 p.m * 7:00p.m a.m ** 9:45 3:50 p.m p.m ** 6:34 8:29 a.m ? 3:50 pm 1 S. B. Corona, July si, 15, 24; August 28. 3. Eurek., July 2, 11, 20, 29: August 7, LEAVK PORT I,os A.SOH.I s AMD BEDOHDO. For? B. a Bants Rosa, July 7,15, 24; August 2. San Diego 3. S. Mexico. July 1, 10,19, 26; Angust 6. For? B. S. Santa Roia, July 9, 17, 2ft; Augusta. San Fraaclsco..... S, S. Mexico, Jaly 3, 12, 21, Port Harford. 30: August 8. Santa Barbara, For? East Sac Pedro... San Pedro and way ports ~ ? (11:59 a.m ( 1:30 p.m jpACIFIO COAST STKAMSHIP CO. Diego. 0 to cure any @J aY wl Runrantee nervoua proe- i irra of 6:30 p.m J *? 9:00 a.m H -dondo ?14:45 p.m t 9:00 a.m lan Jacinto vviaPasadena ( 1:30 p.m (ll:00a.a San Jacinto Orange ( 9:00 a.m Temecala via Pasadena ( 1:30 p.m (11:00 a.m ..Teme ula via Orange | 6:15 p.m Esoyndlde v Coast Line ( 1:15 p.m Trains via Pasadena line arrive at Dewney avenue stetlen 7 mlnutss earlier and leave 7 minutes later. ?Dally. (Dally except Sunday. /Sundays onfy K. W. McOKE, City Pass. & T. Agt. 129 N. sprint st., Los Angeles, and La Grande Station. ban thk t*ußiai»j: 1r \u25a0 11 tronbiea with depot. : thk ?ÜBi,ic: piiej ' steamers. Leave. Los An(,ielkb,Cal,, June 17, 1899. 1 liato beeu auffrniig witfc und kivliivy tioub c for ofer flTe rears, r.nd hhve tried several remedies, bnt ail fsltra to re icvfi m». A \u25a0 \u25a0?..t timu gluce I tried at, ndneHim,o3o Upooc Matn street, and Iant i.ow well and sir ilif, and con'lder blm a first* ii'.a>s doctor. Yours truiy. */. ii. HILLYEB, S3Q b. X ii st, Los Angeles, Cal« To B:L3ain! Whitller 4:52p.m| aB:3Ja.m! San Pedro I BVu .iilitacj 9:25 v.ia Long Baa Pedro 12:50 p.mjSan Pedro A Long B'ch 5:00 p.mil.onjK'cn & an Pedro \u25a09:20 a. m 1 Santa Moiilaa Santa *>oulca ol3oa.tn 10:30*.in Souut Monica sl:oop.m Santa Monica l:10p.m .Santa Monica 5:15 p.m Santa atoiilc-i \u25a05:30 p.m Bantu Mailca (>: :.') p.:.-. fanta Moulca nil: 15 p.r.i Sanla Monica Santa Monica 10:30 a. m Soldiers' Home ... «flf* p.m .Soldiers' Home 9:30 a. m r.. Port Los Angeles, i 10;;)'>a.m HIM DR, WONG HERB DOCTOR i 1:18 t.m j Upper Main Street, Loa Augeleau 8:45 p m c:J9 s:lsp.ttf , SALE. ?OTP mi < .' a 850 a.in Is Blaoksmi bs' Coal, Tools, Eto. - p.m[ TiOOp.at ? Goodsl I, Perkins & Co., General Agents, Ban Francisco. unNorthern routes embrace lines for Portland. active now, Ore., Victoria, B. C, aad Puget Sound, Alaska atld hundreds visit it and all coast points. Ri i''*tß'~wft i?Wr** every weeli. Now Is UtZx* IT gtM^s4j>WV-tne time to to to tbat SOUTHERN ROUTES. country. ? wonderful Kong via Hono.ulu Hong TIMITABLI FOR JOLY, 1894. Yokohama and and China lines. m I.r.AVE SAN FRANCISCO. Cape Town, 8. Afrloa, via Sydney tor $145! Round-the-world. Ist class, $«10: 2d class, For? i $350 from San Francisco. ? Mexico. July 8, 17, 26; 'S. 8.August Apolv to HUGH B. BICE, agent Ooesnlc 3. B. Port Harford 4, 38 Santa Barbara....! Co.. 184 W. Second st? Los Aateles. Redondo Port Lot Angeles. :S. S. Santa Rosa, July S, 13, Newport 22,31; August 9. Redondo IRON, ST E E L, ~ 4;3t Chino .Chino am * 5:15 p.m...Chicago Limited * 9:00 a.m Overland Express * 0:30 p.m * 7:00sa.m *S ..Hau DtecoCcastLlnc.. * 1:1ft p.m 4:40 p.m. ..San Diego Coast Line.. * 7:00 p.m 00 s.m a.m f 1| * 9fl:soi.m ** 07:00 * 00a.m Ii ...SanviaBernardino... *t 1:30 p.m Pasadena 4:00 p.m I * 5:15 * 0:30 p.m p.m i. J * 7:00a.m ufverside via.... i t.1:30p.m ** 9:00o.m i San Bernardino. ..fa ? ti:3op.m Grain aad Mill Staffs. Ba*l«y?Per Dental, $1.40, Winter Time Card No. 11. Conn?Par uaocai. $1,10. IN EFFECT 5 A.M. MONDAY, SEPT. 25, 1893 Wiir.it-per oentafi, $1.15. Angeles Depot, earner Grand avenu* Los AND NAILS, HORSE SHOES and Jefferson street. Flour-Loosl excra family, per lib., ?4.00: northern and eastern, $1.15. Take Ors iiJ aye. cable cars or Main street and Agricultural Part borse cars. MillFnan-«r*u, per ten, $21; shorts, $23; leave Trains leave mixed feed (corn aad barley), per ewt., $1.10; Traini H; 1 WIQMORE, J Redondo cracked corn, $1.20; feed moil, $1.10; rol.oi Los Angeles Angelee. for Los barley, $1,30. lor Redondo. Angeles 117, 119 uud 1 1 smth Los Street DAILY. D.U.V. Dairy Products. 7:45 a.m. 9:15 a.m. Botter?Fancy California creamery, per roll 11:00 a.m. p.m. 1:35 lbs.). i't'vVS.,.-; fanfv dairy, per roll 3-Ao p.m. [ 5:10 p.m. lbs.), 3»Q87"»o; cnolcc 30@33}ic. Running tlmo between Los Angeles and Re* OnKKsa?Oaltforaia, nail c earn, per lb., low BY Tilt 1. I "tt v 'HE, In Colegrove, Caminutes. Beach, dondo 50 lie; do full oream, 14u; Voting America, 15c; huenga va '\u25a0 v, tt »it t .übnrbpf Los abioCity ticket oßce at A. B. Qreenwald's Cigar email (3-lb. bead), a tie; WftHt'Mi. full cream. 15 (m, on tbe U A. & ¥ Xplace like It for Store, corner First and Spring streets. \u25a0 NoTne <o-10c; domestic Swiss, oih, h-v Oo: new, 15® a home. Lota..nub >v iful. best of soil, GEO. J. AINSWORH, Pr»Bl«lent. ioc; imported Bw's*. kK&B.". imburger, dofrostiesa Go and R. 11. THOMPSON, Vice-President. water, climate, seen, .y mestic, 14@15c; imporlcu. IS n.;.':hr.see foryoUDself; 11 short drive out. or take tho J. N. BUTTON,Bn-pt, Kedundo Beach. --|"|..»1«1i,.i.. Cahueuga dummy railroad. For iurther lntor* \u25a0nation apply to c. COL , 232 N. Main street, Hams?Res, local i molted, pc lr. ! sc; Corn I.os Angeles, or ts SEWARD COLE at Colej3'.-iu; Bimeic", -, 12c; Wilt 1 .> c. cob, 11-19 tf grove. Bacon-Bbs, b-.li se tjalf.st, loo; lieft10c; ance other trader. DSMtHO. Special parlies to Europe, leaving May 2d Dried Beck?Bet., put .8., 14,"c; inside, and 20th, June 13th. 27th, 30th. Inde181*0. pendent tickets at lowest rates. Bend for proDry Bali Pork? JJ I lit, clear, per lb., Bi-ie; *<'tr.U<lrrM.<-«l nt.mnr4 on- grammes, etc.. 'o BM?l!^KhS'' l S ;uln short clear, 3Uc l.'r valuable THOS. COOK & Pia PORS-Half bbl., ssi J ..iO. Larp?Tierces. Ivory couirc.Kitid, per lb., 7c: 081 Market st.. Palace Hotel. Rex, pure ie if, Be. 4-6 3m Ban FrsnciwW, Oil At D FOR , t 8,00 a-m t 7:?5 a.m ? 0:55 a.m 1 7:50 a.m ? 1 :t'6 p.m ?11:205.m t 5:15 p.ra »!'0 p.m J 0:00 p.m t 7:00 r.m Between East Ban Pedro and Long Beach 10 minutes. AND ECHO MOUNTAIN. rTTbio CANTON Angeles Los st 0 a. m., 1:40 aud Trains leave 4 p. m. dally, and !> a. m., 10:30 a. in., 1:10 p. in. and 4 p. m. Sundays. Fine pavilion and hotel. CATALINA ISLAND. Los Angeles Terminal trains connect at San Pedro with the flnesteamer Falcon. Leave. Arrive. First st. depot. Comiugnie Generale TraQsatiaittique FB.KNOH LINE TO HAVRE. NO. *2, NORTH PIISR X COMPAN\"9 New York. Kiver, foot of Morton travel by J Travelers by this ilue avoid both \u2666 \u2666**\u2666*>\u25a0(>««> ao:2ta.ml ilO;lutmI OODTBKRN CALIFORNIA RAILWAY Fe Route.) k5 *iO. (Santa IN EFFECT FED. 11. 1894. Trains leave aad are due to arrive at Los Angrins (La Grando station), First et. and Santa Fe aye. Arrive Leave Los ANtii:i.ES DeVAN & RUTLEDGE, \u2666 *«>?»«>«\u2666» 7:00 p.m t 7:26 c.m t 6:40a.m 1 9:l2am 1 8:20a.m l:ao P m } p.m J? 18:35 ? 0:13 p.m 5:25 p.m Angeles for Leave Bast San Pedro Leave Los Long Beach and East tor Ban Pedro. Los Angeles. OCEANIC i I CO. We receive continuously over special wtre to our office the Chicago grain and provision markets. New York stock markets, Van l-r.nciscograin msrkets. Orders executedsinstautly, aflordlng speculators the best of opportunities. Margin accounts ou boit ter.vs to be had. Our bcok of statietic* mailed on application. I Chino stroe', of women, men md children. The doctor claims that lie hat rem'dies that are superior t<s all others ass ipecillc for troubles of women and men. 'A tilal alone will convince tbe aioc that Dr. vYong Iflm'a remedies ar<. mole efficacious than -ait be prescrib' dT Dr. Wong Him Is a Chinese physician cf promin'-nce aud a gentleman ol responsibility. * da reputation li more than needing his iveii ctabllahe't. and tiil 'crvicesoan rely ou his r-klll and ability. A cure is guaranteed in every case In which a rattovery ia possible. Herb mejlctnes for sale. treat by medicines ail diseases 1:40 p.ei 4:00 p.m All trains start lrom First st. depot. Leave Lus Angeles Ml Leavo Glendale for Los Angeles. G.endsle. ? IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS 12'A}4 W. SBCondst., Bnrdick Blk. Telephoue 157. Angelee w;;os>- 4:;>*p.m Local and through tickets sold, bargage cheesed, Pullman sleeping car reservations made and general information given upoo application to J. M. ORA«LE V, Assistant Passenger Agent, 141 8. Spring St., cor. Second. CHARLES BhVLER, agent al depots. RICHARD ORE t. General Traffic Manager. T. H. GOODMAN, Gen'l Pass. Agent. 118:00 m. ? 2:40 p.m ? 6:00 p.m Mount Lowe R'y. Grain and Stock Brokers, ...sau laraardlad as:;sp.mj t 8:05 a.m. »:of> a.m *?10:35 a.m *12:30p.m ? 145 p.m ? 3:05 p.m ? 4:05 p.m ? 5:2S p. m 7:05 p.m * * 8:05 p.m fll:Hop.m HIM, who has practical medf. DR.elc«WONG in Lo< for IB years, and office Is at 039 Upper Main will 4lotloa.li 4 6S p.ra ! 70<>pm jean ean r.ernardtuo.... si*;2l a ni I«:3oa.ra ?Sau Bernardino tto:lo..ru I 10 30 a m Ban Ucrnar -mo 4:58 p. m * 7:l* a m , a.in tor 7:30 a.vi 1:48 p.lu 7:30 a.m 1:48 p.in 7:3o n.ui 7:00 p.m 7:00 p.m 7:00 p.m s9 21a.m *10:10a.m 4:55 pm 7:00 p.m p»:21 a in (riverside 1-lOp.is A4:osp.m C H. Hence, Agt, 177-170 N. Spring it. J X McComss et ux to same?Land as last above; $5. Heirs of Amelia Pierce to John Way?Land as above; $5. tSuudays C SSprcchor to Thos G Brißton?Lot 41, Finney Hotel trt: $1. p. States meet the 8 a. m. and 12:25 m. trains comuany Development Arno'd to Oeo LArnold-Biks4, subdlvsoc 20, T 6 N, L 12 W ; at Pasadena for If. Wilson on new trail. Passenter' leaving Los Angeles on the 8 a. $100. return same dcv. Geo L Arnold et ux to L G Parker?Land as m. train lor Mt. Wilson nan and pirn I,; parties. Sp«ctßl rates to excursion above; $400. Depots end of First st. and Downey aye. east Campbel Kate, 65, Geo W to his wife?Lot bridge*. Workman di Hollenbeck trt; gift. City ticket office at A. B. Green wald's cigar G A uortelyou el ux to 8 R MoCreery?Lot 14, store, corner First and Spring sts. blk 4, City Center trt; $10. General offices: First st. depot. ft E-yen to Wra F Nordholt?Lot 13, Reyes T. B. BURNETT, General Manager. Vineyard Irt; $500. W. WINCUP, Gen. Passenger Ag't. N p Campbell to same?Land as last above; $5. Reyes?Lot 7, trt as Wm F Nordholt to R above; $500. SUMMARY. TIME TABLE BEE LOB ANOELBB TERM47 FOR « Deeds.. ? 5-20 tt INALRAILWAY CO. Nominal 17 9) 82,709.00 Total \u25a0 B:3oa.ra 10::in a.m 4 30 p m 8:30 a.m Man Francinro, Cat to It*dniuds Co t>n Colton Oolten Colloi Riverside Dlveralde Rlveralde 4:30p.m DAVOL MEDICINE CO. .v Sacratn Redlauds Redlauds .Redlauas 8:30 a.m 10:30 a. in 4:30 p.m " cures I.o»t. 5! ank\ hood, Toss of Brain Power. Conf V ) svimiition of the Bruin parents), fileeplewncsß, Lack of Power, dli, J zinesi Pains in tlm Back, Nervous A Utf&Mßr Proatrannn, Nervous IMiiiry. &Mk4W> Varicocele,Constipation and will W*WW*r Btirely bring back the lost power cJ*J i " cf ir.au. Prostatitis earrlos off our young ana mi'ldle-i'.gcd me}i. Wnfi Enlai'ired prostata gland Deed I quieting yet powerful remosdfsS****. adial agent. Mich is (M'PIDENE. Uso CUPIDENKand av,,ifl 11 dmi-v-rous operation. ihj Guarantee iv writing gireu \u25a0F7 ano WOhey returned if per /7 JValCm W \ Al manent curs is not effected » Aj) / / \u25a0w / Guarantee bent / (fP six boxes. mail orders just the f / with the same. ftl.OO a box, tt by ma:.. fi.OOO Testimo:\nxo« for nials. Send for J rec clrcularsund testimonials. Address all mail orders to REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. \u25a0 8:30 a.m "" j'j /U] t: ; i :o ''''?i^"/Vl\ . 19-30 a.m I..).?!\u25a0.iv. linpoteuey, sterility, mental inrapaeltieH are qukkly cured i j Fran -ho 7:4 5 pin l'ortlaud. Ore 8:30 a.m... EiPaso and Hast ... Dealing aud Eaat .. 8:30 a.m Kr3oß.m Banning willgive you back your life. You will be as powerfully struug after Us use as you aro now pr.riently weak. Are you iv a premature coi( i'iim;\f, will; &L aniont stop this \u25a0waste lv a fortnight cr sJi7\ < i, 7:4sp,m|san Fr.u .v. rtacrr.nr'to 2:00 p. nr Ogden ,t Eat', 2d class 7:4.">|'.in Ogden ,v Itaat, latclaaa fITH)K\K < Celery? 2 00 p mcffiyhoia jforve fore are declining, who snflerrirom dreams find these ills whiett follows frgm excesses and over iuduhjc-neeti fil early life. V/Ag.tnblnit. BEiNS-PerlOO lbs., Mack-eyed. $2.00(0)2.25; pink, $2.25; Luns, M 5098.00; navy, $.'.253 8.50; small white, $2.<i0(!!)2.75. BaSjTl? Per 100 ocr lbs., 00c. CAniiAGX?rer 100 lbs., 50(r$"5c IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIMS.'. JUNE 24, leOl. Trains leave aud are dv» lo arriTe at LOi «Nlll£l,eS lAUADIt DEPOT', Fifth street, dally aa lullowt: L°ave for Arrive. Destination. /v^.>? No. 3. nominal; No. no sale..'. Flax seed?No. 1. $1.31. Tia.»thy-$4.9c@5.00. Mess pork?Per bbl.. *12.52>,'@12.59. Lard?Per 100 lbs., St>.77!jj'a6 SO. Short ribs-'ldes, loose, $6.05(9U.67>^. Ehoolders?Dry salted, Boxed, $ti.ooasS.l2Ji. Short clear sides?Boxed, *ti.S7! a ®7.oo. Whisky?Distillers' finished goods, per gal. none. CU PI DENE Sontbero Pacific Compaoy FrftßD Itl.ats. Wholesale bmchtra' prices f whole car. cases: HnEF?First finality. 5£5JaC; do,, light, 4';,® 4»ie: third, 4's)4 Veil? Uaure ifn.vy, i\\,@b)i<:; do., light, 5@ . dition. hard on in tepid rainwater and opsom salts or diluted oxtract of witch hazel will allay inflammation and rest them wonderfully. A linen cloth moistened* in either of tßese lotions and laid upon the eyes while taking a short siesta will give re- . 15 LEAVE SAM PBCKO AND BAST BAH PEDRO. S. 8. liureks, July 5, 14, 23; August 1. 3. 8. corona. July 9, 18, 27; I Augnst 5. Cars to oonuect with steamers via san Pedro leave S. P. R. R. (Arcade) depot at 5 p. in., and Term ual R. R. depot it 5:15 p m. tiers to connect via Redondo leave Santa Fe depi t at 10 a.m., or from Kedendo Railway depot at 9 a.m. ttars to connect via Port Los Angeles leave S, P, R. R. depot at 1:10 p.m. lor steamers noit bouud. I nils of Kramers' cabins at agent's office, where berths may bo secured. '1 he company reserves the right to change llicKramers or their days of sailing. #m«J~Foi passage or freight as above or for tickets lo and from all Important points In Europe, apply to W. PARRIB, Agent. Office No. 121 W. Second et., Los Angeles. J. M. Griffith, Pres't John T, Qrlffltb, V.-Pres. F. T. Griffith, Becretary and Treasurer. E. L. Chandler, Superintendent. San Francisco aad way ports J. M. GRIFFITH COMPANY, LUMBER DEALERS And Manafaeturersof DOORS, WINDOWS. BLINDS AND STAIRS Mill work of every description. ? 1-B U »£4 N. Alameda st* Lp« Angeles. Notice of Hearing ofPetition for tha Vacation of Certain Streets in tho Haclay Ranche, Ex-Mission of Sao Fernando. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE petition of H, L. Macnetl et al., for th, NOTICE vacation of those portions of Pierce avenue. Buchanan avenue, Tejunga avenue, Lincoln avenue. Grant avenue, Hayes avenue, Garfield avenue, Twenty-first street, Twenty-second street, Twenty-third street, Twenty-fourth, slreet, Twenty-fifth street and Twenty-sixth, street, bounded by the north line of seotiona 27 and 28, township 2 north, range 15 west, 8. B. M., has been tiled with the heard of super* visors of Los Angefes county, and the hearing: of ihe same has been fixed by said board for July 26th, 1894, at 2 o'clock, p. m. By order of the board of supervisors of Log Angeles county, passed July 10th, 1894. T. H. WARD. County clerk and ex-offlcio clerk of the board of supervisors. By C. W. BELL, Deputy. 7-12 15t Notice for Publication of Timiji Proving: Will, Etc. toi THE SUPERIOR COURT, STATS OF CAJja of Los Angeles?ss. INInifornia, the matter of the estate of John Maskell, county deceased, Notice is hereby given that Tuesday, th, 17th day of July. 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the court room of this court, De* p.rtmeut No. 2 thereof, in the city of Los Angeles, county of Los Angeles, and state of Cal. ifornia, has been appdinted as the time and. lava for hearing tha application of Ellen nakell, praying that a doenmeat new on file In this court, purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, hi admitted to probate, and that letters testa mentary be ltsued thereon to your peulloaep at which time and place all persons interested thereiu may appear and contest the same. Dated July 2, 1894. T.6. WA»D, County Clerk, By C. W. Bi-aks, Deputy. Wellborn A Hutton, at.orneys for petitioner. 7-3 15t a Notice to Creditors. THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Antonio F. Coronel, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersignod, executrix of the last will aud testament uf Antonio F. Coronel, deceased, to the credilors oi, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit the same with the necessary vouchers within ten months after the first publication of thiß notice, to the said executrix, at the office of Lee & Scott, room 103, Phillips block. No. 1, in the city of Los Angeles county of Los Angeles, state of California, said office being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate. Dated this 11th day of July, A. D. 1894. MARIANA W DE CORONEL, Executrix of the last will and testament of 7-11-lmo Antonio F. Coronel, IN Stockholders'' *tiug. IS HEREBY GIVEN THATA SPECiaI meeting of the stockholders uf the Be* curity Savings Bank and Trust Company will be held at the office of said company. No. 148 B. Main at., in the city of Los Angela's, state ol California, on the 20lh day of July, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. in. T. W. PHELPS, Secretary.. July 10, 1894. 7-10 111 NOTICE
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