Optical Society of America Ann Arbor Local Section osa.braveline.com/aaosa/ aaosaindex.htm www.facebook.com/ AnnArborOSA AA OSA OFFICERS President David M. Shindell Data Optics, Inc. Ypsilanti, MI 734-483-8228 Shindell@me.com Past President Dr. Bodo Ehlers Rigaku Corp. Auburn Hills, MI President Elect TBD Treasurer Glen Bolling Kaiser Optical Systems 371 Parkland Plaza Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Bolling@kosi.com Corporate Sponsors L-3 Comm / EOTech Rigaku Corp. Corporate Members PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Tuesday, 13 November 2012, 8:00-9:45 pm Location: U-M EECS Room 1005 Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Building North Campus, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109 How to Make Your Own Color Holograms Mr. John Nees, U-Mich CUFOS (Ann Arbor, MI) Abstract: Mr. Nees will review a few of the basics of holography and some distinctions between monocolor and color holography. Then Mr. Nees will help some members of the audience to make their own holograms using the LithHolo KickStarter kit (see below). Please bring a somewhat bright and colorful object you would like to holograph, and we may have a chance to send you home with your own hologram! (In December of 1997, Paul Christi formed Liti Holographics to bring holography to the masses. Several years ago Litiholo, a division of this company, began selling a do-it-yourself mono-color holography kit for less than $100. The kit uses a small red laser diode to provide object and reference waves without a beamsplitter, and it records holographic images on photopolymer film. While an exposure typically lasts about 4 minutes, the system can record a stable image of the “Hot Wheels” car that comes in the kit. More recently, Mr. Christy launched an effort in crowd sourcing to develop a color holography kit. You can check out the LitiHolo KickStarter page at: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/752525344/diy-full-color-hologram-kit-from-litiholo?ref=card.) Bio-sketch: Mr. John Nees came to the University of Michigan in 1988 where he is now an Associate Research Scientist at the Center for Ultrafast Optical Science. He first became fascinated with light and holography in 1978 through a long-distance telephone course, offered at his high school in Wichita, Kansas by T. H Jeong of Lake Forest College in Illinois. After earning a Bachelor's degree in Physics at Kansas State University, Mr. Nees went on to study Ultrafast Science at the University of Rochester where he was awarded a Master of Science in Optics in 1985. Map to seminar site: www.umich.edu/~newsinfo/umnc.html (or see AA OSA website). Free parking after 6 pm east of the Lurie Engineering Building (at intersection of Beal & Bonisteel). All attendees are invited to join the AA OSA officers for dinner with the speaker at Paesano's Restaurant, 3411 Washtenaw Avenue (near US-23) in Ann Arbor at 6:00 pm, prior to the seminar. A map to the restaurant location can be found online at the link http:// osa.braveline.com/aaosa/VisitorInfo.doc. Next AA OSA Section Meeting: Tuesday, 11 December 2012 New Frontiers in Non-Linear Optics, by Dr. Stephen C. Rand, U-Mich EECS PLEASE POST
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