July 4th Outlaw Event Set For

Phoenix Chapter - American Singles Golf Association — June 2009
July 4th Outlaw Event Set For
Green Valley
This summer’s Fourth of July weekend
outlaw event has been set for Green Valley, south of Tucson. Headquarters will be
the Inn at San Ignacio. Members should
make their own reservations through the
hotel; the phone number is 888-450-5444.
Most people will be checking in on Thursday night, July 2, and will depart after golf
on Sunday, July 5. A standard room will
cost $89, double occupancy, or $44.50
each, if you share a room. A suite will cost
$110, double occupancy, or $55 if you
share. Sign-up deadline is June 26. To
learn more about this first-rate hotel’s
many amenities, check out its Web site:
The courses and schedule are as follows:
July 3
Canoe Hills
8 a.m.
$28 per
July 4
8 a.m.
$47 per
July 5
San Ignacio
8 a.m.
$28 per
Anyone thinking of attending should
sign up soon on the Web site. If you
cannot sign up right away, please send
a quick e-mail to John Tuel, the event
planner, to tell him if you plan to come.
John really needs to get a sense of how
many people will be attending before the
final deadline. John’s e-mail is: proudpol@cox.net. His phone is 623-3987576.
How to Enjoy Golf More
During the Summer
By Jim Montague
On May 17, our group played in the
hottest weather of the year out at Whirlwind Golf Club. It got up to 107 degrees,
and some of our people struggled with
the intense heat. Since summer is now
upon us, I wanted to discuss playing golf
in the often-brutal conditions of an Arizona summer.
If you don’t know how to deal with the
heat, it can take the fun out of golf or
other activities. Some of you might be
wondering what makes me an expert on
dealing with the heat. In my job, I do a
lot of cold calling, which means I walk
from business to business, stopping in to
80 to 100 places a day. I start by parking
National Website: www.SinglesGolf.com
E-Mail: ASGANational@aol.com
Office Hours: 8:00am to 4:00pm, M-F (Eastern)
National Office: 704-889-4600 or 1-888-GOLFMATE
To join ASGA or renew your dues, contact the National Office
at above number or go to www.SinglesGolf.com/join
Play golf with singles from other chapters - - for a complete
list, go to www.SinglesGolf.com/events
my car, and then I walk about four or five
miles a day out in the sun until I find a
prospect. I have been doing this a few
years, so I have learned a few things
along the way.
Getting back to golf, even when we drive
in carts, we all still walk quite a bit. The
most important thing you need to do to
keep control of your heart rate and nervous system is to be hydrated at all times.
A ballpark estimate on how much water
that you should drink is one half your body
weight, in ounces. For example, if you
weigh 180 pounds, then 90 ounces of
water is about right. At WeKoPa Golf
Club, they have water available on every
other hole. I easily drink nine big cups of
water during a round in the summer. It
isn’t a great idea to drink a lot of coffee
before a round, or alcohol the night before, because those drinks will dehydrate
you quickly.
In addition, a lot of playing golf in the
heat is mental. When I first played here at
the Raven at South Mountain in July,
2002, it was very hot and sticky, with a
temperature of about 115 degrees. One of
my playing partners said he felt a bit of
wind, and thought that he felt a touch of
fall. When he said that, I joked that it may
be a touch of fall in Guatemala. Neverthe-
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, June 11th, 2009
Meeting Location: TBA—check Website for location
Our Website: www.phoenixasga.com
Our Hotline: 1-888-465-3628
(See next page for list of officers and board members.)
To join, renew dues, make a change of address, phone, etc., call
National Hotline at left.
Phoenix Chapter
of the
American Singles Golf Association
Jim Montague
Phone # 480-220-5721
E-mail: jmontague@ikon.com
Jandy Hughes
Phone # 480-239-7018
E-mail: Jandy@jandyhughes.com
Membership Chairman
Linda Jacobson
Phone: 602-524-6495
E-mail: Mai1996@aol.com
Assistant Membership Chairman
Elisa Stahl
Phone: 623-869-6012
E-mail: Elisarn2@msn.com
Golf Chairman
Dennis Cain
Phone: 602-828-2246
E-mail: dcain@cox.net
Assistant Golf Chairman
Sylvia Klemke
Phone: 480-584-6726
E-mail: sklemke@cox.net
Social Chairman
Gail Despain
Phone: 480-783-9098
E-mail: gdespain2@cox.net
Communications Chairman
Mike Schwanz
Phone: 480-656-8454
E-mail: mschwanz@cox.net
Outlaw Events Chairman
John Tuel
Phone: 623-398-7576
E-mail: proudpol@cox.net
Handicap Chairman
Van Ellen Patrick
Phone: 623-936-8430
E-mail: vanellen.patrick@adesa.com
Assistant Social Chairman
Debbie Gill
Phone: 480-292-8378
E-mail: dgill@larsonallen.com
less, he did not let the heat bother him,
so I asked him what he did to combat
brutal conditions. Of course, he said that
he drinks a ton of water constantly. He
also said that before he goes to bed he
drinks two full glasses of water to help
him feel hydrated in the morning. My
buddy is a coworker who is a plus 2
handicap. He has won the club championship at Club West, so I took his advice. Another way to help deal with preparing for the heat is to buy a cloth wrap
that you can soak in water and wrap
around your neck. You will instantly feel
cooler, and doing this will help ease the
psychological stress of mentally dealing
with the heat. If you feel at all thirsty
when you play, it is too late. If you can’t
think calmly while you are out on the
course, then your heart rate goes up,
you get nervous and you don’t have as
much control of your body and mind to
make good golf decisions to play the
game of which you are capable.
The apparel you wear can make a difference as well. Golf has improved the
technology of golf shirts; many models
on the market today are made to deal
with the heat. If you haven’t invested in
wearing these shirts, then you may be
surprised with how comfortable these
shirts feel when it gets over 100 degrees.
I realize that everybody isn’t into this
information as much as I am, but if you
try one or two or all of the above you
may find yourself having more energy to
do other things after your round is done.
Finally, I just wanted to thank everybody who has participated in our golf
outings this year. I know that this has
been a very tough year for all of us in the
club regarding the economy. I know that
everybody has a lot of choices on how
they spend your money. We have averaged between 24 to 40 people in our
events this year, and I think a very high
percentage of us have had a lot of fun.
The “Lone Ranger” Returns
To Coyote Lakes
The first golf outing in May was held at
Coyote Lakes Golf Club in Surprise. It
featured a different game—the “lone
ranger.” In this format, one person from a
foursome is the designated lone ranger
on each hole, and that person’s score
(low net) was required to be counted. A
second member of the foursome’s low net
score was also counted. Each person rotated from hole to hole, in order, so that
every player in a given foursome was the
lone ranger at least four times.
This outing had six foursomes, or 24
players. First place (with a score of 118)
went to Joe Rayo, Paulette Motyll, Ray
Trojanowksi and Nancy Eddy. Secondplace honors (122 score) went to Randy
White, Kathy Willis, John Tuel and
Jeanne Tillman. The third-place prize
(125 score) was earned by the group of
(125) went to Sandy Cable, Jim Montague, Kristi Schrank and Mike Schwanz.
The closest-to-the-pin titles went to Joe
Rayo for men. No woman got a ball on the
green of their par 3 hole; as a result, no
prize was awarded that day.
Ping Tour Planned for June 17
The Social Committee has organized a
walking tour of Karsten Manufacturing
Company, the makers of Ping golf clubs,
for Wednesday morning, June 17. Phoenix
ASGA members will enjoy a 1½ hour walking tour of our “hometown company,”
which happens to be one of the bestknown golf equipment manufacturers in
the world. The tour begins at 9 a.m. The
plant is located in northwestern Phoenix.
The tour is limited to only 20 people, so
sign up early. For more information, contact Social Chairman Gail Despain at
gdespain2@cox.net, by Monday, June 1.
Chapter Members Match
Experts at Derby Party
A few ASGA Phoenix chapter members
experienced the “bizarro world” opposite of
a quiet, pristine golf course when they
gathered for a Kentucky Derby party on
Saturday, May 2. The venue was the Upper Deck Sports Bar in downtown Scottsdale.
The raucous, two-level bar had several
hundred people in it by post time, and is
one of the few bars in the Phoenix metro
area that has Off Track Betting (OTB) windows right in the facility.
The members of our group who attended
placed a few bets…and did just as well as
all the so-called experts. In other words,
no one selected Mine That Bird, the 50 to
1 shot who won the Derby. (As it turns out,
this horse wasn’t a fluke at all; it came in
second at the Preakness Stakes in Baltimore two weeks later.)
Although nobody from our group won
anything, everyone had a great time, especially whooping it up as the horses headed
to the finish line, and the underdog winner
came out of nowhere to win.
Whirlwind Tourney Features
Hot Golf and Weather To Match
After a pleasant eight-month period of
wonderful weather, members of the ASGA
Phoenix chapter faced their first scorching
day of 2009 on Sunday, May 17. A group
of approximately 28 players braved 107
degree heat at Whirlwind Golf Club, part of
the Wild Horse Pass complex.
The event, held on the beautiful but challenging Cattail course, was a Stableford
format, in which the higher score is best.
Each group’s two best low net scores were
counted. Points were awards for bogey (1
point); par (2 points); birdie (3 points) and
eagle (4 points).
The winning team, with a score of 89,
was Debbie Flickinger, Neil Monick,
Pam Wendt and Mike Schwanz. Second
place, with a score of 87, was earned by
Paul Gordon, Jan Courtney, Dennis
Cain and Jeanne Gransbury. The thirdplace team was comprised of Jim Montague, Marge Bilinski and Debbie Jenkins.
The closest-to-the pin awards went to
Jim Montague on Hole 6, and Paulette
Motyll on Hole 15.
After the golf, the group retired to the
beautiful air-conditioned clubhouse for cool
air, cool drinks and some lunch.
Members Urged To Bring
As we enter the second half of the year,
the Board of Directors would like to encourage all members to bring a guest to an
event. As with any social organization,
getting new people to join is always a good
thing, from both a fun and financial standpoint.
We would like to thank Paulette Motyll
and Joe Rayo for being especially diligent
in inviting some new people to our last few
outings. Thanks, guys!
Happy Birthday to these members:
Marlene Barczynski - 07/04
Margrit Bilinski - 06/23
Sandra Cable - 06/25
Jan Courtney - 06/06
Debbie Flickinger - 06/20
Judy Lawrence - 06/27
Carolyn Sandoval - 06/09
Cari Souma - 07/04
Lyn Warder - 06/27
These members are up for renewal:
(date shown is last day of membership)
John Alexander - 06/30/2009
Donn French - 06/30/2009
Jeanne Gransbury - 06/30/2009
Elaine Grill - 06/30/2009
Bob Haley - 06/30/2009
Larry Mann - 06/30/2009
Mike Schwanz - 06/30/2009
Cari Souma - 06/30/2009
Janet Sullivan - 06/30/2009
Bruce Vail - 06/30/2009
Welcome newest members:
Connie Allen - Joined 04/28/2009
Marlene Barczynski - Joined 05/18/2009
Cinda Beach - Joined 05/11/2009
Margrit Bilinski - Joined 04/15/2009
Ted Carr - Joined 05/11/2009
Melissa Kallett - Joined 04/20/2009
Carolyn Ottesen - Joined 05/07/2009
Phyllis Rankin - Joined 04/14/2009
These members recently renewed:
Elisa Stahl
These members did not renew their
(date shown is date membership expired)
Kathy Fiakas - 04/30/2009
Jim Montague - 04/30/2009
Betty Olivier - 04/30/2009
Edith Ross - 04/30/2009
Tom Short - 04/30/2009
Our chapter currently has 93 members.
Summer Golf Events Finalized
The Phoenix chapter’s golf committee has added several more events through the
summer. Here is the updated schedule through August.
Golf Course
Saturday, June 6
SunRidge Canyon
Sunday, June 21
Golf Club of Estrella
Friday —Sunday,
July 3-5. July 4th
Outlaw event.
Green Valley
Saturday, July 11
Foothills Golf Club
Saturday, July 25
Troon North
Saturday, August 9
Sun City Grand
Saturday, August 22
Club West Golf Club
As always, please check the Phoenix ASGA Web site for further details. All of these outings will be morning shotguns.
Rules and More Rules
Larry’s ball was several feet behind a
hard packed bunker that butted up to the
green. There was no lip and almost a level
path from his ball to the bunker then only 8
feet across what looked like hard packed
sand to the green. Larry tested the sand in
the bunker with both his hand and his club
to check if he could putt over it?
What is the correct ruling?
A. He‘s not in the bunker. No problem,
test away.
B. You have got to be kidding. Of course
he can not test the condition of the
bunker. One stroke penalty.
C. You have got to be kidding. Of course
he can not test the condition of the
bunker. Two stroke penalty.
The answer is A. Larry's ball is not in the
bunker. No problem, test away.
The Rules do not prohibit Larry or any
other player from testing a hazard except
when the ball lies in or touches the hazard.
Rule 13-4a, prohibits the testing of a hazard under a penalty of two strokes if your
ball lies in the hazard.
If the testing improved Larry’s line of play
(example he smoothed out the sand),
Larry would have been in breach of Rule
13-2 which prohibits under a penalty of two
strokes Improving a Lie, Improving an
Area of Intended Stance or Swing, or Improving the Line of Play.
Don’t Let Your
Lapse. . .
Be sure to renew so you
won’t miss
receiving a newsletter.
Call 1-888GOLFMATE
chapter. Details posted at www.SinglesGolf.com/renoroundup
Show of Hands Convinced Us
We’ve had a few members ask “when will we do a trip to Scotland again?”
Well, at our final dinner at The Homestead / Memorial Day
Weekend Event with 212 members present, we did a show of
hands to determine if there was anyone else interested. Without
question, at least half of the audience raised their hands.
So now we’re at work preparing for such a trip which will most
likely be during July or August, 2010. We are working through
an association of tour operators which will help us prepare an
agenda. From that, a request for proposal (RFP) will go out to a
number of the association’s member-tour operators.
We’re not looking for the internet special of the week. ASGA
will only work with tour operators who’ll take care of our members and provide what we want.
So stay tuned. We’ll send out a national survey soon to determine your thoughts and wishes and will develop a web page to
keep you updated: SinglesGolf.com/scotland
♦ Mountain Fall Weekend - Asheville, NC (area) - October 16-18, 2009.
Hosted by the
Asheville chapter. For complete details, registration form and contact info, go to
www.MountainFallWeekend.com This event sold out last year so please sign-up
early as space is limited.
♦ Myrtle Beach Weekend - Myrtle Beach, SC - November 19-22, 2009.
Hosted by the
Myrtle Beach chapter. Details to be posted soon.
♦ The Big New Year's Golf Event Somewhere South - We will again head to a warm
spot down South to celebrate New Years. Details will be posted in August. Save the
dates: December 29, 2009 - January 1, 2010.
You Can Update Your Listing on Your Roster
For about a year now, you’ve had the ability to update your
information on the roster yourself. This updates the national
database. Got an address or phone change? Want to add your
cell number, change your handicap? Go to the MY ACCOUNT
button at our website, SinglesGolf.com and log-in. Forgot your
log-in? It’s real easy; just follow the simple instructions and we’ll
send to you your log-in information.
A Mid-Year Report
Meet More Singles at Multi-Chapter Events
ASGA, through its member chapters, offer other events which
allow you to meet singles from other chapters. All members are
invited and encouraged to attend these Multi-Chapter Events.
There’s nothing like meeting up with a bunch of other singles for a
weekend of golf. Each package is basically the same but there are
differences, so we suggest you visit the website for the event.
And, if you’re chapter’s interested in hosting one of these events,
prepared to put a lot of work into it. But the reward of having singles
play in your city and play your favorite courses is a life experience,
well, hopefully! Contact ASGA to clear the date and then get your
Board of Directors to give local approval. Then, start putting it
The website for all events is really, really simple:
Here are our multi-chapter events for the rest of the year:
♦ Tampa Bay Invitational - Palm Harbor, Florida (Innisbrook Resort) - June 26-28,
2009. Hosted by the Tampa Bay chapter. Click here for website and registration
form. For more info, contact Manus O'Donnell at ManusOD@aol.com.
♦ Amelia Island Weekend - Jacksonville, FL (area) - August 21-23, 2009.
Hosted by
the Jacksonville chapter. For information go to www.jacksonvillesinglesgolf.com and
scroll down to Amelia Island link. For the registration form, click on http://
www.jacksonvillesinglesgolf.com/jaxreg2.doc Sign up now as space is limited. For
further info, contact Dorothy at darn@bellsouth.net
♦ Labor Day Weekend - Santee, SC - September 4-6, 2009.
Hosted by the Upstate,
SC chapter. Details at www.SinglesGolf.com/laborday
♦ Reno Roundup - Reno, NV - September 11-13, 2009.
Hosted by the Sacramento
As we reach the middle of our calendar year, we look behind
and we look forward. For chapter presidents, your job is halfway
done! For most members, it’s simply time for more golf.
We value our membership in ASGA. We’re all single and if we
haven’t done so already, we look forward to the potential of a
great relationship. Many members have said they’re not interested in meeting anyone, they just want to play more golf. But
as the saying goes, we all have the word “SINGLE” on our foreheads. When you show up for a meeting, people know you’re
single. If you don’t show-up for your membership meeting, think
of your potential loss. Just about every member who’s become
“attached” with another member didn’t expect it to happen that
way, or right away. But unless you show-up in life, life won’t
show-up for you.
In spite of the economy, we’ve grown this past year primarily
because you, our member, have taken a little time to spread the
word about our organization. Our display stands have been a
big reason for our growth, but they don’t do us any good sitting in
a closet. You have to request one and if you do, we’re happy to
ship one to you. So let us know simply by calling or e-mailing us.
In October of each year, each chapter elects a new president
for the term beginning January 1. So be thinking about who
might best fill that position down the road.
- - Tom Alsop, President / Founder, ASGA
Phone 704-889-4600 or 1-888-GOLFMATE