S AV E U P TO U S $ 2 5 0 O N E A R LY B I R D B O O K I N G S B E F O R E 1 s t AU G U S T If you are interested in Switch, you can’t afford to miss this conference! Book 3 places GET A 4th PLACE FREE THE PALACE AT SOMERSET PARK The venue is The Palace at Somerset Park, an exclusive conference and meeting venue. 5% OFF A: 333 Davidson Avenue, Somerset, New Jersey, NJ 08873, USA T: 00 1 732 302 9922 W: www.palacesomersetpark.com credit ca paymen rd ts Nicholas Hall & Company offers the world’s most complete OTC marketing support service DEFINITIVE REPORTS A wide range of authoritative reports and special studies by internationally respected authors provide in-depth information, analysis and guidance for strategic planning. DEDICATED OTC GLOBAL DATABASE Nicholas Hall’s unique DB6 database goes far beyond traditional audit data to provide market intelligence, analysis and insight. It complements Nicholas Hall reports to give you the platform for effective planning – allowing you to create your own reports from over 120,000 pieces of stored information. DB6 On-line offers the essential features as before except with even more convenience. It provides vital background information and gives essential insight, with a host of other features. At the same time it is concise, accessible and easy to use. Subscribers receive our muchloved weekly email news bulletin, with the usual mix of news, editorial comments and insight, and our own brand of quirky humour, direct to their desktop each week. For more details visit www.NicholasHall.com – or email info@NicholasHall.com Rx-to-OTC Switch CONFERENCES AND ACTION WORKSHOPS Book before 1st August SAVE UP TO US$250 Nicholas Hall’s programme of conferences and action workshops picks up on the topical questions of the day – broadening understanding by sharing experiences. CONSULTANCY AND PRODUCT BROKERAGE Nicholas Hall provides confidential strategic advice and purposedesigned solutions to specific challenges, working across the globe with local, regional and multinational companies large and small. We also offer a dedicated OTC product brokerage service, helping marketers to achieve wider distribution speedily and cost-effectively. The Atlantis Group has 16 years of success studying the future of continuously changing healthcare systems and helping leading Health Care companies, Rx and OTC, to identify and develop new businesses and market spaces. The Atlantis Group uses unique process and future scenario learning content to help you develop a blueprint for leadership, identifying and creating new business opportunities with future relevant value for your consumers and healthcare professionals. Nicholas Hall’s INSIGHT PAY BY CREDIT CARD ENJOY A 5% DISCOUNT Five editions cover the world’s OTC markets: Western Europe, Central & Eastern Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia. They evaluate the OTC market by category, company, brand and geographic area, to show all the latest developments both nationally and internationally. Nicholas Hall’s Insight On-Line offers the latest editions of all five publications plus a searchable archive, electronically at the click of a button. OTC.newsflash.extra A subscription-only service that gives you exclusive access to the OTC.newsflash.extra website and its treasure house of information and news, which has built up weekly over the eight years since its September 2000 launch to become the OTC industry’s most comprehensive archive. It keeps you and your company informed about the world of OTC but without information overload. PINNEY ASSOCIATES Pinney Associates is an interdisciplinary public health consulting firm with unique scientific resources for strategic communications, issues management, risk management, research, and data analysis. Pinney Associates work closely with clients' marketing, business development, research and development, scientific and regulatory affairs, government affairs, and legal divisions, throughout all stages of a product's lifecycle. They provide support for prescription products, existing consumer health care brands, and potential Rx-to-OTC switches. HOW TO SUCCEED A crucial Rx-to-OTC Conference 15th & 16th September 2008 The Palace at Somerset Park, Somerset, New Jersey, USA As a strategic partner, Pinney Associates offers clients responsiveness in the short term, and coherence, consistency and coordination in the longer term. They seek to exceed clients' expectations and, in doing so, contribute to their success. Please visit www.pinneyassociates.com for more information. in association with... Nicholas Hall & Company, 35 Alexandra Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 1BW, UK T: +44 (0) 1702 220 200 F: +44 (0) 1702 220 241 PRIORITY ORDER FORM Fax back to +44 (0)1702 220 241 08.00 Registration 08:30 Opening Address Topics to be discussed: Prospects for the next generation of Switches. What the next generation of switches might be – the big opportunities • Is the Third Class of drugs an opportunity? Speaker: Mitch Zeller, JD, VP for Policy & Strategic Communications, Pinney Associates, USA We’re holding our first ever Switch Conference in New Jersey,15th & 16th September. It’s an event you can’t afford to miss! Breakout Topics to be discussed: A review of the stakeholders we need to work with and the data and arguments we will need. 10:30 Coffee Break 11:00 Breakout Speakers: Nicholas Hall; Jeff Neely, Managing Partner, The Atlantis Group, USA Speaker: Cindy & Jim DiBiasi, Partners, 3D Communications, USA 12:00 The Regulatory Environment Surrounding Switch – Barriers and Opportunities Topics to be discussed: Risk management approaches • The role of behavioural science • Issues management Lunch including Speaker discussing “Insights on the Future of Healthcare” Speaker to be confirmed Topics to be discussed: How can we collectively help the FDA? Including AdCom members’ prep & orientation • AdCom process • Methods development Speaker: Eric Brass, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, USA (Formerly Chair of FDA Non-Prescription Drugs Advisory Committee) Rx-to-OTC Switch is increasingly a key driver of OTC growth. Right now, it’s at an all-time high, with groundbreaking Switches like GSK’s Alli, J&J’s Zyrtec, Schering Plough’s MiraLAX and the recent submission for OTC approval of Zegerid leading the rush. So the importance of this conference, organised by Nicholas Hall & Company in association with the Atlantis Group, can hardly be overstated. Never before has there been such an in-depth event: a vital guide to Switch success. Topic to be discussed: How can individual Switch projects be more successful? Speaker: Doug Bierer, PhD, President, Douglas Bierer Consulting LLC, USA (Formerly Chief Scientist & VP of CHPA; Director for Global Regulatory & Toxicology – PHC, P&G) Coffee Break 11:30 What Can We Learn from Past Switches? John O’Mullane, Ph.D, Group VP – R&D, Schering-Plough Consumer Healthcare, USA Nicholas Hall Chairman & CEO Speaker: Saul Shiffman, PhD, Senior Scientific Advisor, Pinney Associates, USA and Professor of Psychology & Pharmaceutical Science, University of Pittsburgh 14:30 Coffee Break 15:00 Breakout Session chaired by: Mitch Zeller, JD, VP for Policy & Strategic Communications, Pinney Associates, USA 16:00-17:00 Closing Reception: An opportunity to network and/or ask questions Discussant: Linda Suydam, DPA, President, CHPA, USA The four breakout sessions are as follows (each person will rotate and participate in all four sessions, in varying orders): 16:00 Creating a Brand You Can Sell Creating a Compelling Consumer Product Speaker: Ted Haverkost, Medicus, USA Defining the Claims Speaker: Steve Hellebusch, PhD, Hellebusch Consulting, USA The Role of the Healthcare Professional in Switch Speaker: Brian Doherty, CommonHealth, USA Building Claim Support, Answering the Issues in the Clinical Program Speaker: Dave Bradford, Ph.D. MPH. Pegus Research, USA Topics to be discussed: • Successes and failures: creating a compelling consumer offering from an Rx drug • Dual status – 1 drug, 2 opportunities • A public health case for Switch • Satisfying an unmet need • Getting a competitive edge in a crowded market Speakers: Rohinish Hooda, VP Upper Respiratory, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, USA Breakout Coffee Break Session chaired by Mike Weintraub, MD, President, Weintraub Pharmaceutical Consulting, USA (Formerly Director, FDA Office of Drug Evaluation 5, USA) 11:00 13:30 15:30 Discussant: Linda Suydam, DPA, President, CHPA, USA I look forward to greeting you in New Jersey in September. Managed Care • Drivers of Success Speaker: Mary Alice Lawless, Everything Health, USA Session chaired by Joe McGovern, Consultant, The Atlantis Group, USA 17:00 Summary & Close 17:15 - 18:30 Cocktail Reception Day 2: 16th September Eve Del Rio, M.D. PhD, President, Rio Pharmaceutical Services / Practising ER Physician (Formerly Director of Clinical Research for Novartis Consumer Health, USA) Nicholas Hall & Company Session chaired by Joe McGovern, Consultant, The Atlantis Group, USA Discussant: Mitch Zeller, JD, VP for Policy & Strategic Communications, Pinney Associates, USA 13:00 Forecasting a Switch Opportunity Speaker: Marc Rovner, Managing Director, SmartAnalyst Inc, USA 09:30 Topics to be discussed: Global OTC Review • Consumer needs • The role of Switch • Third Class • US Healthcare at a tipping point: who will drive self-care and expand it to OTC? 09.30 Speakers: Joe McGovern, Consultant, The Atlantis Group, USA; Rohinish Hooda, VP Upper Respiratory, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, USA Lunch 08:00 Coffee 08:30 Orientation 08:40 Opening Session: Planning a Switch Topics to be discussed: • Where to start • The Switch core team / resources / timing • The Switch extended team / alignment / training The appropriate fee covers attendance at all sessions, conference / breakout documentation, and lunches and coffee breaks during the meetings. It does NOT include hotel accommodation or items charged to your room account, or transport to and from the venue. Bookings may be transferred to a colleague, at no extra charge, if notice is given in writing. Notice of cancellation or transfer of bookings must be given in writing. For cancellations received by 15th August 2008 fees will be refunded in full, less an administration charge of US$150. For cancellations received by 29th August 2008 there will be a 50% refund. There will be no refund for cancellations received after 29th August 2008, or for cancellations where no written notice is received. If you have any questions about this conference, please contact Stacy Wootton or Melissa Archer: T +44 (0)1702 220 204/224, F +44 (0)1702 220 241, E: stacy.wootton@NicholasHall.com or melissa.archer@NicholasHall.com BOOK 3 PLACES GET A 4th PLACE FREE I would like to book ….. places at the conference and breakout sessions on September 15th & 16th 2008. Discounted fee US$2,000 (for all bookings before 1st August) Regular fee US$2,250 Tick this box if you do not want your Email address published on the delegate list given to meeting attendees Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr Breakout A: Switching Successfully the First Time Topics to be discussed: • Regulatory strategy • Actual use trials and how to get them right Speaker: Dave Bradford, Ph.D. MPH. Pegus Research, USA Bob Kohler, McNeil, Global First name Family name Job title Company/Organisation Address City Breakout B: Working with Stakeholders for a Win Topics to be discussed: • Developing the case for OTC • Issues management and answering issues • Identifying the stakeholders, their issues and strategies to build their support Speaker: Pinney Associates, USA; Steve Hellebusch, Ph.D. Hellebusch Consulting, USA; Cindy & Jim DiBiasi, 3D Communications, USA Breakout C: Switching the Patients as well as the Drug Topics to be discussed: • How to maintain brand loyalty throughout the Switch • Managed care strategy • Professional sales & marketing • Day 1 patient communication strategy Speaker: Mary Alice Lawless, Patrick Beers, Everything Health Breakout D: Communications Strategy Topics to be discussed: • Communication to the consumer at Switch • Targeting and communication to the healthcare professional • Development of new OTC brand equity Speaker: Brian Doherty, CommonHealth, USA (HCPs); Ted Haverkost, Medicus USA Nicholas Hall & Company Guernsey reserves the right to make changes to the conference agenda. Post/zip code Country Tel Fax email Payment details A cheque is enclosed/follows under separate cover for US$ Please invoice my company quoting ref/order no. I would like to take up the 5% discount offer for credit card payment. Please debit my: Visa Mastercard American Express Other Card no: Expiry date 3 digit security number I accept the terms and conditions above, and understand that Nicholas Hall & Company (Guernsey) reserves the right to amend the agenda. Signed Date Nicholas Hall & Company and the Atlantis Group Inc are not liable for any incident or injury which may occur during the course of the meeting or at any related social function. For bookings and further information, contact Stacy Wootton or Melissa Archer at the conference managing agents: Nicholas Hall & Company 35 Alexandra Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 1BW, UK ✂ Day 1: 15th September 14:00: The Next Generation of Switches T: +44 (0)1702 220 204/224 F: +44 (0)1702 220 241 E: events@NicholasHall.com S AV E U P TO U S $ 2 5 0 O N E A R LY B I R D B O O K I N G S B E F O R E 1 s t AU G U S T If you are interested in Switch, you can’t afford to miss this conference! Book 3 places GET A 4th PLACE FREE THE PALACE AT SOMERSET PARK The venue is The Palace at Somerset Park, an exclusive conference and meeting venue. 5% OFF A: 333 Davidson Avenue, Somerset, New Jersey, NJ 08873, USA T: 00 1 732 302 9922 W: www.palacesomersetpark.com credit ca paymen rd ts Nicholas Hall & Company offers the world’s most complete OTC marketing support service DEFINITIVE REPORTS A wide range of authoritative reports and special studies by internationally respected authors provide in-depth information, analysis and guidance for strategic planning. DEDICATED OTC GLOBAL DATABASE Nicholas Hall’s unique DB6 database goes far beyond traditional audit data to provide market intelligence, analysis and insight. It complements Nicholas Hall reports to give you the platform for effective planning – allowing you to create your own reports from over 120,000 pieces of stored information. DB6 On-line offers the essential features as before except with even more convenience. It provides vital background information and gives essential insight, with a host of other features. At the same time it is concise, accessible and easy to use. Subscribers receive our muchloved weekly email news bulletin, with the usual mix of news, editorial comments and insight, and our own brand of quirky humour, direct to their desktop each week. For more details visit www.NicholasHall.com – or email info@NicholasHall.com Rx-to-OTC Switch CONFERENCES AND ACTION WORKSHOPS Book before 1st August SAVE UP TO US$250 Nicholas Hall’s programme of conferences and action workshops picks up on the topical questions of the day – broadening understanding by sharing experiences. CONSULTANCY AND PRODUCT BROKERAGE Nicholas Hall provides confidential strategic advice and purposedesigned solutions to specific challenges, working across the globe with local, regional and multinational companies large and small. We also offer a dedicated OTC product brokerage service, helping marketers to achieve wider distribution speedily and cost-effectively. The Atlantis Group has 16 years of success studying the future of continuously changing healthcare systems and helping leading Health Care companies, Rx and OTC, to identify and develop new businesses and market spaces. The Atlantis Group uses unique process and future scenario learning content to help you develop a blueprint for leadership, identifying and creating new business opportunities with future relevant value for your consumers and healthcare professionals. Nicholas Hall’s INSIGHT PAY BY CREDIT CARD ENJOY A 5% DISCOUNT Five editions cover the world’s OTC markets: Western Europe, Central & Eastern Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia. They evaluate the OTC market by category, company, brand and geographic area, to show all the latest developments both nationally and internationally. Nicholas Hall’s Insight On-Line offers the latest editions of all five publications plus a searchable archive, electronically at the click of a button. OTC.newsflash.extra A subscription-only service that gives you exclusive access to the OTC.newsflash.extra website and its treasure house of information and news, which has built up weekly over the eight years since its September 2000 launch to become the OTC industry’s most comprehensive archive. It keeps you and your company informed about the world of OTC but without information overload. PINNEY ASSOCIATES Pinney Associates is an interdisciplinary public health consulting firm with unique scientific resources for strategic communications, issues management, risk management, research, and data analysis. Pinney Associates work closely with clients' marketing, business development, research and development, scientific and regulatory affairs, government affairs, and legal divisions, throughout all stages of a product's lifecycle. They provide support for prescription products, existing consumer health care brands, and potential Rx-to-OTC switches. HOW TO SUCCEED A crucial Rx-to-OTC Conference 15th & 16th September 2008 The Palace at Somerset Park, Somerset, New Jersey, USA As a strategic partner, Pinney Associates offers clients responsiveness in the short term, and coherence, consistency and coordination in the longer term. They seek to exceed clients' expectations and, in doing so, contribute to their success. Please visit www.pinneyassociates.com for more information. in association with... Nicholas Hall & Company, 35 Alexandra Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 1BW, UK T: +44 (0) 1702 220 200 F: +44 (0) 1702 220 241 S AV E U P TO U S $ 2 5 0 O N E A R LY B I R D B O O K I N G S B E F O R E 1 s t AU G U S T If you are interested in Switch, you can’t afford to miss this conference! Book 3 places GET A 4th PLACE FREE THE PALACE AT SOMERSET PARK The venue is The Palace at Somerset Park, an exclusive conference and meeting venue. 5% OFF A: 333 Davidson Avenue, Somerset, New Jersey, NJ 08873, USA T: 00 1 732 302 9922 W: www.palacesomersetpark.com credit ca paymen rd ts Nicholas Hall & Company offers the world’s most complete OTC marketing support service DEFINITIVE REPORTS A wide range of authoritative reports and special studies by internationally respected authors provide in-depth information, analysis and guidance for strategic planning. DEDICATED OTC GLOBAL DATABASE Nicholas Hall’s unique DB6 database goes far beyond traditional audit data to provide market intelligence, analysis and insight. It complements Nicholas Hall reports to give you the platform for effective planning – allowing you to create your own reports from over 120,000 pieces of stored information. DB6 On-line offers the essential features as before except with even more convenience. It provides vital background information and gives essential insight, with a host of other features. At the same time it is concise, accessible and easy to use. Subscribers receive our muchloved weekly email news bulletin, with the usual mix of news, editorial comments and insight, and our own brand of quirky humour, direct to their desktop each week. For more details visit www.NicholasHall.com – or email info@NicholasHall.com Rx-to-OTC Switch CONFERENCES AND ACTION WORKSHOPS Book before 1st August SAVE UP TO US$250 Nicholas Hall’s programme of conferences and action workshops picks up on the topical questions of the day – broadening understanding by sharing experiences. CONSULTANCY AND PRODUCT BROKERAGE Nicholas Hall provides confidential strategic advice and purposedesigned solutions to specific challenges, working across the globe with local, regional and multinational companies large and small. We also offer a dedicated OTC product brokerage service, helping marketers to achieve wider distribution speedily and cost-effectively. The Atlantis Group has 16 years of success studying the future of continuously changing healthcare systems and helping leading Health Care companies, Rx and OTC, to identify and develop new businesses and market spaces. The Atlantis Group uses unique process and future scenario learning content to help you develop a blueprint for leadership, identifying and creating new business opportunities with future relevant value for your consumers and healthcare professionals. Nicholas Hall’s INSIGHT PAY BY CREDIT CARD ENJOY A 5% DISCOUNT Five editions cover the world’s OTC markets: Western Europe, Central & Eastern Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia. They evaluate the OTC market by category, company, brand and geographic area, to show all the latest developments both nationally and internationally. Nicholas Hall’s Insight On-Line offers the latest editions of all five publications plus a searchable archive, electronically at the click of a button. OTC.newsflash.extra A subscription-only service that gives you exclusive access to the OTC.newsflash.extra website and its treasure house of information and news, which has built up weekly over the eight years since its September 2000 launch to become the OTC industry’s most comprehensive archive. It keeps you and your company informed about the world of OTC but without information overload. PINNEY ASSOCIATES Pinney Associates is an interdisciplinary public health consulting firm with unique scientific resources for strategic communications, issues management, risk management, research, and data analysis. Pinney Associates work closely with clients' marketing, business development, research and development, scientific and regulatory affairs, government affairs, and legal divisions, throughout all stages of a product's lifecycle. They provide support for prescription products, existing consumer health care brands, and potential Rx-to-OTC switches. HOW TO SUCCEED A crucial Rx-to-OTC Conference 15th & 16th September 2008 The Palace at Somerset Park, Somerset, New Jersey, USA As a strategic partner, Pinney Associates offers clients responsiveness in the short term, and coherence, consistency and coordination in the longer term. They seek to exceed clients' expectations and, in doing so, contribute to their success. Please visit www.pinneyassociates.com for more information. in association with... Nicholas Hall & Company, 35 Alexandra Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 1BW, UK T: +44 (0) 1702 220 200 F: +44 (0) 1702 220 241 PRIORITY ORDER FORM Fax back to +44 (0)1702 220 241 08.00 Registration 08:30 Opening Address Topics to be discussed: Prospects for the next generation of Switches. What the next generation of switches might be – the big opportunities • Is the Third Class of drugs an opportunity? Speaker: Mitch Zeller, JD, VP for Policy & Strategic Communications, Pinney Associates, USA We’re holding our first ever Switch Conference in New Jersey,15th & 16th September. It’s an event you can’t afford to miss! Breakout Topics to be discussed: A review of the stakeholders we need to work with and the data and arguments we will need. 10:30 Coffee Break 11:00 Breakout Speakers: Nicholas Hall; Jeff Neely, Managing Partner, The Atlantis Group, USA Speaker: Cindy & Jim DiBiasi, Partners, 3D Communications, USA 12:00 The Regulatory Environment Surrounding Switch – Barriers and Opportunities Topics to be discussed: Risk management approaches • The role of behavioural science • Issues management Lunch including Speaker discussing “Insights on the Future of Healthcare” Speaker to be confirmed Topics to be discussed: How can we collectively help the FDA? Including AdCom members’ prep & orientation • AdCom process • Methods development Speaker: Eric Brass, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, USA (Formerly Chair of FDA Non-Prescription Drugs Advisory Committee) Rx-to-OTC Switch is increasingly a key driver of OTC growth. Right now, it’s at an all-time high, with groundbreaking Switches like GSK’s Alli, J&J’s Zyrtec, Schering Plough’s MiraLAX and the recent submission for OTC approval of Zegerid leading the rush. So the importance of this conference, organised by Nicholas Hall & Company in association with the Atlantis Group, can hardly be overstated. Never before has there been such an in-depth event: a vital guide to Switch success. Topic to be discussed: How can individual Switch projects be more successful? Speaker: Doug Bierer, PhD, President, Douglas Bierer Consulting LLC, USA (Formerly Chief Scientist & VP of CHPA; Director for Global Regulatory & Toxicology – PHC, P&G) Coffee Break 11:30 What Can We Learn from Past Switches? John O’Mullane, Ph.D, Group VP – R&D, Schering-Plough Consumer Healthcare, USA Nicholas Hall Chairman & CEO Speaker: Saul Shiffman, PhD, Senior Scientific Advisor, Pinney Associates, USA and Professor of Psychology & Pharmaceutical Science, University of Pittsburgh 14:30 Coffee Break 15:00 Breakout Session chaired by: Mitch Zeller, JD, VP for Policy & Strategic Communications, Pinney Associates, USA 16:00-17:00 Closing Reception: An opportunity to network and/or ask questions Discussant: Linda Suydam, DPA, President, CHPA, USA The four breakout sessions are as follows (each person will rotate and participate in all four sessions, in varying orders): 16:00 Creating a Brand You Can Sell Creating a Compelling Consumer Product Speaker: Ted Haverkost, Medicus, USA Defining the Claims Speaker: Steve Hellebusch, PhD, Hellebusch Consulting, USA The Role of the Healthcare Professional in Switch Speaker: Brian Doherty, CommonHealth, USA Building Claim Support, Answering the Issues in the Clinical Program Speaker: Dave Bradford, Ph.D. MPH. Pegus Research, USA Topics to be discussed: • Successes and failures: creating a compelling consumer offering from an Rx drug • Dual status – 1 drug, 2 opportunities • A public health case for Switch • Satisfying an unmet need • Getting a competitive edge in a crowded market Speakers: Rohinish Hooda, VP Upper Respiratory, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, USA Breakout Coffee Break Session chaired by Mike Weintraub, MD, President, Weintraub Pharmaceutical Consulting, USA (Formerly Director, FDA Office of Drug Evaluation 5, USA) 11:00 13:30 15:30 Discussant: Linda Suydam, DPA, President, CHPA, USA I look forward to greeting you in New Jersey in September. Managed Care • Drivers of Success Speaker: Mary Alice Lawless, Everything Health, USA Session chaired by Joe McGovern, Consultant, The Atlantis Group, USA 17:00 Summary & Close 17:15 - 18:30 Cocktail Reception Day 2: 16th September Eve Del Rio, M.D. PhD, President, Rio Pharmaceutical Services / Practising ER Physician (Formerly Director of Clinical Research for Novartis Consumer Health, USA) Nicholas Hall & Company Session chaired by Joe McGovern, Consultant, The Atlantis Group, USA Discussant: Mitch Zeller, JD, VP for Policy & Strategic Communications, Pinney Associates, USA 13:00 Forecasting a Switch Opportunity Speaker: Marc Rovner, Managing Director, SmartAnalyst Inc, USA 09:30 Topics to be discussed: Global OTC Review • Consumer needs • The role of Switch • Third Class • US Healthcare at a tipping point: who will drive self-care and expand it to OTC? 09.30 Speakers: Joe McGovern, Consultant, The Atlantis Group, USA; Rohinish Hooda, VP Upper Respiratory, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, USA Lunch 08:00 Coffee 08:30 Orientation 08:40 Opening Session: Planning a Switch Topics to be discussed: • Where to start • The Switch core team / resources / timing • The Switch extended team / alignment / training The appropriate fee covers attendance at all sessions, conference / breakout documentation, and lunches and coffee breaks during the meetings. It does NOT include hotel accommodation or items charged to your room account, or transport to and from the venue. Bookings may be transferred to a colleague, at no extra charge, if notice is given in writing. Notice of cancellation or transfer of bookings must be given in writing. For cancellations received by 15th August 2008 fees will be refunded in full, less an administration charge of US$150. For cancellations received by 29th August 2008 there will be a 50% refund. There will be no refund for cancellations received after 29th August 2008, or for cancellations where no written notice is received. If you have any questions about this conference, please contact Stacy Wootton or Melissa Archer: T +44 (0)1702 220 204/224, F +44 (0)1702 220 241, E: stacy.wootton@NicholasHall.com or melissa.archer@NicholasHall.com BOOK 3 PLACES GET A 4th PLACE FREE I would like to book ….. places at the conference and breakout sessions on September 15th & 16th 2008. Discounted fee US$2,000 (for all bookings before 1st August) Regular fee US$2,250 Tick this box if you do not want your Email address published on the delegate list given to meeting attendees Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr Breakout A: Switching Successfully the First Time Topics to be discussed: • Regulatory strategy • Actual use trials and how to get them right Speaker: Dave Bradford, Ph.D. MPH. Pegus Research, USA Bob Kohler, McNeil, Global First name Family name Job title Company/Organisation Address City Breakout B: Working with Stakeholders for a Win Topics to be discussed: • Developing the case for OTC • Issues management and answering issues • Identifying the stakeholders, their issues and strategies to build their support Speaker: Pinney Associates, USA; Steve Hellebusch, Ph.D. Hellebusch Consulting, USA; Cindy & Jim DiBiasi, 3D Communications, USA Breakout C: Switching the Patients as well as the Drug Topics to be discussed: • How to maintain brand loyalty throughout the Switch • Managed care strategy • Professional sales & marketing • Day 1 patient communication strategy Speaker: Mary Alice Lawless, Patrick Beers, Everything Health Breakout D: Communications Strategy Topics to be discussed: • Communication to the consumer at Switch • Targeting and communication to the healthcare professional • Development of new OTC brand equity Speaker: Brian Doherty, CommonHealth, USA (HCPs); Ted Haverkost, Medicus USA Nicholas Hall & Company Guernsey reserves the right to make changes to the conference agenda. Post/zip code Country Tel Fax email Payment details A cheque is enclosed/follows under separate cover for US$ Please invoice my company quoting ref/order no. I would like to take up the 5% discount offer for credit card payment. Please debit my: Visa Mastercard American Express Other Card no: Expiry date 3 digit security number I accept the terms and conditions above, and understand that Nicholas Hall & Company (Guernsey) reserves the right to amend the agenda. Signed Date Nicholas Hall & Company and the Atlantis Group Inc are not liable for any incident or injury which may occur during the course of the meeting or at any related social function. For bookings and further information, contact Stacy Wootton or Melissa Archer at the conference managing agents: Nicholas Hall & Company 35 Alexandra Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 1BW, UK ✂ Day 1: 15th September 14:00: The Next Generation of Switches T: +44 (0)1702 220 204/224 F: +44 (0)1702 220 241 E: events@NicholasHall.com
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