IN THIS ISSUE: FOCUS ON CUTTING- EDGE RESEARCH SUMMER 2008 Innovations in Clinical Trial Design Adaptive Designs That Are Both Flexible and Rigorous BY STUART POCOCK N ERI has successfully carried out many major randomized clinical trials across a wide range of diseases and types of intervention. This wealth of experience means NERI excels in the rigorous planning of trials based on protocols developed at the inception of a project. One major issue in the development of any trial protocol is how many patients must be followed over what mean period of time for the results to have statistical validity. For some trials a track record of previous research exists which provides the information needed for performing sensible statistical power calculations that yield the answer: the trial needs X patients. Other randomized trials are more radically innovative so that (dare one say it) quite a lot of guesswork goes into such power calculations. Lack of prior research on the disease, on possible interventions and/or on outcome measures means you simply don’t know what will happen to the control group nor what magnitude of treatment difference is achievable and clinically relevant. This is just the circumstance where Adaptive Designs can come to the rescue. They are gaining in popularity, but still need rigorous planning. NERI has put together a plenary session on Adaptive Designs for the DIA conference held in Boston in June 2008. continued on page 19 STUART POCOCK has been a visiting chief scientist at NERI since 1996. He is professor of Medical Statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and is an internationally recognized biostatistical expert in the practice and methodology of randomized controlled trials. On each of his frequent forays to the US for trial collaborations, conferences, or lecturing, he visits NERI to consult on the whole range of NERI public health research, both trials and observational studies. Stuart has a current research focus on adaptive designs, both in practical experiences and methodological insights. “My collaborations at NERI are always enjoyable because we are delivering high-quality studies of great public health importance,” Stuart says. “We are covering a wide range of major health issues, maintaining rigorous standards and stimulating useful improvements in methodology. NERI has a ‘can-do’ philosophy, especially in nurturing collaborations and networks.” McKinlay is Honored New England Research Institutes 9 Galen Street Watertown, MA 02472 (617) 923-7747 FAX (617) 926-8246 John McKinlay, NERI’s Senior Vice-President and Scientific Director, is to be honored in multiple ways this year for his many contributions to the fields of epidemiology, sociology, and public health. This June he will deliver the Matilda White Riley Lecture at the National Institutes of Health. His topic: “Upstream Determinants of Downstream Health Disparities.” This lecture, which honors No research without therapeutic or policy benefit the noted NIH sociologist, is awarded annually in recognition of outstanding research. • Institute for Clinical Trials and Registries • Institute for Studies on Aging • Institute for Health Policy and Services Research In August at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in Boston, he will be honored by colleagues with a prestigious award for “Lifetime Distinguished Contributions to the Practice of Sociology.” He has also been invited to participate at the 40th anniversary meeting of the Medical Sociology • Institute for Community Health Studies Group in Brighton, England. McKinlay was instrumental in founding this important professional • Institute for New Media and Communications Research Although such honors are often bestowed on scientists after they have ended their full-time research, group more than 40 years ago, while he was a student at Aberdeen University in Scotland. this is not the case here. McKinlay continues to work on multiple research projects simultaneously— • Center for Scientific Integrity as he had done throughout his career—and continues to produce an impressive output of publications. • Center for Data Systems Technology He remains a scientific leader in the fields of epidemiology, endocrinology, urology, clinical decision • Center for Statistical Analysis and Research making and health services research. • Center for Qualitative Research • Survey Research Center New Leader of Clinical Research • Center for Health Economics and Outcomes Research NERI’s work as a Contract Research Organization servicing pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies has grown Editor: Stephen Braun Designer: Carol Dirga rapidly. In order to better focus and direct this key business unit, NERI in February announced the promotion of Rebecca Li to Vice This issue’s contributors: Andre Araujo Karen Barzilay Joanne Gormley Rebecca Li Carol Link Lisa Marceau Sarah McGraw John McKinlay Sonja McKinlay Patti Nash Stuart Pocock Ray Rosen Sandi Siami Lynn Sleeper Sharon Tennstedt To order additional copies, or obtain further information on NERI projects and scientists, please contact President of Clinical Research. Li and her team will work to expand NERI’s role as a private-sector CRO, while building on NERI’s 20-year reputation as a leading public-sector research organization. Reporting directly to NERI President, Sonja McKinlay, Li will manage clinical research operations and all aspects of the company’s clinical trials, registries, and related initiatives. “We are thrilled that Dr. Li will have a direct impact on our next decade of growth,” McKinlay says. “As a scientifically-driven organization, we conduct clinical research with integrity and passion.” Prior to her new VP role, Li served as Principal Research Scientist and Clinical Director at NERI. She continues to lead, as Principal Investigator, a global Phase III clinical trial on a potential treatment for heart failure. The trial involves thousands of patients and more than 200 clinical centers worldwide. Before joining NERI, Li spent 14 years in the private sector, most recently at the Director level at Wyeth Research working in the Translational Research Department. In that position, Li coordinated efforts to incorporate pharmacogenomics into clinical trials. Prior to that work at Wyeth, Li led a preclinical lab group in the Discovery Department focused on orthopedic tissue engineering. Li is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at Brown University in the Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biotechnology. Li has a doctorate from Johns Hopkins University in Biomolecular and Chemical Engineering. NEW RESEARCH Dental Disease in Children A New Study Finds Much Room For Improvement Quick: What’s the most common chronic childhood disease? Asthma? Allergies? Attention Deficit Disorder? Answer: None of the above. T ILLUSTRATION: DAN FREY he true culprit is dental caries— the demineralization and erosion of teeth caused by bacteria. This disease is five times more common than asthma. If not treated, caries results in cavities, pain, and infection that can have serious consequences for a child’s overall health. NERI recently completed a large survey of dental health—including the incidence of caries—in young children in order to get a clearer picture of the extent of the problem. NERI researchers collaborated with the Boston University School of Dental Medicine to complete the study, commissioned by the Catalyst Institute of Delta Dental of Massachusetts. The goal: to assess the oral health status of children in kindergarten, third, and sixth grades in Massachusetts. Data were collected via open-mouth examinations of almost 6000 children by BU dentists and dental hygienists using a standard protocol for school age children. These data were supplemented by parent report by questionnaire. Using complex survey sampling methods, schools and classrooms were randomly selected to provide reliable estimates for the state as a whole as well as for each of the state’s 14 counties. Results of the study were released in a well-attended and well-received presentation at the Massachusetts State House in January 2008. A significant portion of Massachusetts children suffer from dental caries, and many children start school with this Between 4% and 5% of school children are in pain from caries, which may impede their learning. disease. One-quarter of kindergarten children, 40% of third-graders and one-third of sixth-graders were found to have caries. The study found that between 4% and 5% of children in continued on page 4 3 NEW RESEARCH Dental Disease is a Serious Health Issue for Massachusetts Children Percent and number of children 50% 41% 40% 30% 29,114 34% History of cavities Untreated cavities 24,575 28% 19,130 20% 17% 15% 12,375 10% 9,942 11% 7,949 0% Kindergarten 3rd Grade school are in pain from caries, which may impede their learning. Although the rates have declined in third graders since the state’s last oral health survey in 2003, substantial disease remains. 6th Grade sixth graders had received dental sealants, with wide variability across the 14 counties. Further, significant racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities exist within all oral health indicators, at each grade level, and across the state’s 14 counties. In general, the rates of dental caries, untreated decay, and pain were higher in children from low-income families and families without a regular dentist as well as in racial and ethnic minority children. The results of this study show that more needs to be done in Massachusetts to prevent oral disease, reduce untreated disease, and eliminate oral health disparities. The Catalyst Institute will collaborate with other stakeholders to use these study results to provide a framework for improviing dental care and access to care for the state’s children and to monitor statewide progress toward Healthy People 2020 oral health goals. Dental caries and resulting cavities can be prevented and easily treated with access to timely dental care. The results of this study indicate that although some progress has been made in the past 4 years, children with the most oral disease are the least likely to receive dental sealants, a safe and effective preventive measure. Only about half of third and For more information about the Catalyst Institute and this study: NERI investigators: Sharon Tennstedt and Anne Stoddard. BU investigators: Michelle Henshaw and Corinna Culler. Catalyst Project Directors: B. Alex White and Michael Monopoli. 4 Is The Doctor-Patient Relationship Obsolete? S ociologist Talcott Parsons provided a theoretical perspective on the doctor-patient relationship (D-P relationship), reflecting the situation in the U.S. around the middle of the 20th century, and his view influenced thinking for the remainder of the century. The Parsonian view is depicted in Figure 1 (on next page) and several features should be highlighted: • The spotlight of analysis was generally on the doctor, who enjoyed high social status and a dominant role as the repository of medical knowledge and expertise; • Only two actors were involved in the interaction, with the doctor acting professionally and altruistically to serve only the patient’s interests; • The patient occupied a subordinate and reciprocal role and was expected to trust the doctor’s judgment and follow (his) clinical recommendations. Credat emptor (“let the buyer trust”) was the prevailing ethos. Some researchers and decision theorists still employ this idealistic perspective, even though the D-P relationship today (within which clinical decisions occur) bears little resemblance to earlier formulations. The world of health care in the U.S. has shifted beneath decision theorists’ feet, producing theories with little policy relevance and educational efforts that are unlikely to produce desired NEW RESEARCH FIGURE 1 CARTOON: MARK TONRA changes in clinical practice. Some indication of the magnitude of the transformation of US health care is evident in the words used to describe the once special D-P relationship: the doctor has become “a provider,” the patient is now a “client,” and the relationship is now considered “an encounter.” Some of the major new influences affecting clinical decision making within this new client-provider encounter (C-P Encounter) are illustrated in Figure 2 and include: FIGURE 2 • Physicians are increasingly forced to specialize (generalists are in short supply) and most are full-time salaried employees in large and increasingly concentrated organizations; • Corporate doctors are required to go along with clinical guidelines and pay-for-performance schemes if they want promotions and salary increases; • The spotlight is now on a knowledgeempowered patient/client who occupies center stage and is the ultimate object of all revenue in the U.S. profit-driven health care system; • Insurance companies increasingly dictate what any clinician can actually decide for any given case (test ordering, referrals, prescriptions and follow-up); • Pharmaceutical companies advertise directly to consumers and suggest that they should ask their providers for specific medications. “Doctor knows best” is no longer the prevailing viewpoint; continued on page 6 5 NEW RESEARCH • Widely publicized reports of financial kickbacks and clinical malpractice, and recognition that doctors may now serve several masters, appear to have eroded trust in the profession of medicine (as with car repairs, caveat emptor is the emerging ethos). Popular media no longer portrays doctors as cultural heroes—compare “Marcus Welby MD” with today’s “House” or “Green Wing.” U Unlike the one-on-one, closed system relationship of the past, clinical decision making is now required to occur on an ever more crowded stage. The spotlight is now on the patient as an object of revenue (client centered care for an objectified condition). The patient is digitally empowered and activated by private (mainly pharmaceutical) interests. In the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) study, a random sample of community-dwelling residents, we obtained information on urologic symptoms as well as information about medication use (both prescription and over the Treatments Available, But Patients Don’t Use Them rologic symptoms such as incontinence or bladder pain are very common. A number of medications have been proven to help alleviate such symptoms, but data from a large NERI study show that these medications are not being used by most of the people suffering from these symptoms. People who take medications for these conditions may have no symptoms, mild symptoms, or they may still have some symptoms (though presumably less severe than they would be without the treatment). Our data show that for these conditions, about half of those on a medication are symptomatic, while the other half have mild or no symptoms. The prevalence of pharmacologic treatment by condition, gender, and level of symptoms is given 100% MEDS NO MEDS 80% PERCENT 60% 40% 20% LUTS/BPH OAB UI Moderate/Severe Symptoms Mild Symptoms No Symptoms Moderate/Severe Symptoms Mild Symptoms No Symptoms Moderate/Severe Symptoms Mild Symptoms No Symptoms Moderate/Severe Symptoms Mild Symptoms 0% No Symptoms While supposedly making decisions solely in the interest of the patient, doctors are now required to also serve their corporate employers (and there is no guaranteed coincidence of interest). The possible range of clinical actions and costs are dictated by a patient’s health insurance (assuming that they have such); the government is now essentially an onlooker, unwilling to protect the prerogatives of doctors and concerned to reduce the burden of ever increasing health care costs. Surveys reveal high levels of physician dissatisfaction with their workplace and complaints about administrative encroachments on clinical autonomy. counter). We looked at symptoms suggestive of four conditions: lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH), urinary incontinence (UI), overactive bladder (OAB), and painful bladder syndrome (PBS). PBS Figure 1: Prevalence and Use of Pharmacologic Treatments for Urologic Symptoms: MEN 6 NEW NEWRESEARCH AWARDS in Figures 1 and 2. The prevalence of each set of symptoms and level of symptoms is the total height of each bar, while the proportion taking (effective) medications for those symptoms is the portion in dark red at the top of the bar. Less than ten percent of those with current symptoms are taking medications known to be at least somewhat effective for alleviating their symptoms. Possible reasons for not taking the medications include: 1) for LUTS/BPH, the symptoms may not be due to BPH so the medication would not be appropriate; and 2) for UI, the medications available at the time of the BACH survey were addressing urge incontinence (leaking urine when you needed to get to the toilet but couldn’t get there fast enough) rather than stress incontinence (leaking urine with some physical activity such as coughing or sneezing). For most of the men, the type of incontinence (urge, stress, mixed (both)) could not be assessed. It should also be noted that the most commonly used medication for painful bladder syndrome is an anti-depressant and thus is not specific to PBS. In summary, it appears that many people with urologic symptoms are not taking medication known to be effective (to some extent) for their symptoms. This unmet need could be addressed by increased levels of consumer education. This research is supported by NIDDK grant #: BACH DK56842. 100% MEDS NO MEDS PERCENT 80% 60% 40% 20% OAB UI Moderate/Severe Symptoms Mild Symptoms No Symptoms Moderate/Severe Symptoms Mild Symptoms No Symptoms Moderate/Severe Symptoms Mild Symptoms No Symptoms 0% PBS “Lumping” v. “Splitting” Urological Symptoms T here’s a widely accepted dogma in urology that although clinically distinct syndromes have been identified, they often appear to be the same thing. Urologic conditions like prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia/ lower urinary tract symptoms (BPH/LUTS), urinary incontinence, and interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS) are commonly thought to be distinct clinical entities. Continuing to study each one in isolation, without regard for the possibility that each one may contain aspects of the others, has tended to perpetuate the dogma of separate syndromes. This kind of diagnostic “splitting” has been the modus operandi in everyday clinical practice. If a patient presents with continuing pain when his or her bladder fills, which is relieved upon emptying, they may be diagnosed with prostatitis (if a young male), BPH (if an older male), or with IC/PBS (if a female). And some physicians may even diagnose a urinary tract infection. With each of these diagnoses, different treatments may be recommended. An alternative approach would be “lumping,” in which it is acknowledged that symptoms often overlap and that a given patient may be suffering from more than a single urologic ailment simultaneously. continued on page 8 Figure 2: Prevalence and Use of Pharmacologic Treatments for Urologic Symptoms: WOMEN 7 NEW RESEARCH WHAT IS BACH? The Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey is investigating a broad range of symptoms suggestive of eight different urologic conditions in a large (n=5503) random sample of communitydwelling adults. Attempting to move beyond the prevailing urologic dogma, NERI researchers have been pursuing two distinct lines of research. Working closely with Michael Barry (Massachusetts General Hospital) and using data from the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey the researchers have found that overlapping patterns of lower urinary tract symptoms and pelvic pain are actually quite common. “These findings have profound implications for clinical trials and other studies of supposedly distinct urologic conditions,” says John McKinlay, BACH Principal Investigator. “How do we know what we are actually studying? While we are focusing on patients with x, they may perhaps equally have y and z. Studies of a particular condition obviously must eliminate the overlapping effects of other related conditions.” urologic syndromes,” Rosen says. “The BACH data are permitted to speak for themselves.” Interestingly, distinct symptom clusters were obtained for men and women, suggesting different gender-specific pathophysiologic pathways to urologic disease. The BACH team is currently building on this work and investigating the hypothesis that urologic syndromes once thought to be clinically distinct may actually have a common underlying inflammatory basis. C reactive protein data are available for most of the BACH sample and the results of these exciting analyses (performed on both men and women) may indicate that “lumping” rather than diagnostic “splitting” should be the preferred modus operandi in clinical urology. For further reading: Barry MJ, et al. Overlap of different urological symptom complexes in a racially and ethnically diverse, community-based population of men and women. BJU Int. 2008;101(1):45-51. Cinar A, et al. Cluster Analysis and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in Men: Findings from the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey, British Journal of Urology. In press. Complementary analyses of the BACH data, led by NERI’s Chief Scientist Ray Rosen, have employed clustering techniques to empirically derive complexes of symptoms which fall into statistically distinct groups. Hall SA, et al. Do urologic symptoms cluster among women? Results from the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey, British Journal of Urology. In press. “This work is unique in that it makes no prior assumptions about distinct This research is supported by NIDDK grant #: BACH DK56842. 8 Methods in Qualitative Research: How many people do I need in my qualitative study? R esearchers increasingly value qualitative methods as a legitimate form of scientific inquiry into human behavior. With this interest comes the benefit of increased attention to the rigor with which these methods are applied. Guest and his co-authors1 note, for example, that theoretical saturation, or data saturation, is commonly referenced as a strategy for determining study sample size; however, the specific approach to data saturation is infrequently documented. NERI has been applying the methodological example described by Guest et al for determining data saturation in its Center for Qualitative Research. Theoretical saturation is the point at which additional data fail to add new concepts or themes to the existing data. This signals the point at which the investigators can stop data collection.2,3 Quantitative researchers typically determine sample sizes using statistical probability theory to project the number of observations necessary to yield estimates that are as accurate as possible. In contrast, samples in qualitative research typically are nonprobabilistic and purposive. The intention in qualitative research is to select a sample that will yield rich information or insights NEW RESEARCH TABLE 1. THEMES IDENTIFIED INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT BATCH No. of sub-themes added at Batch 1 (n=5) No. of new sub-themes added at Batch 2 (n=5) No.of new sub-themes added at Batch 3 (n= 5) Physical signs and symptoms 13 5 2 Emotional/behavioral concerns 9 5 2 Cognitive function 3 0 0 Sexual function 6 3 5 Sleep function 5 2 2 Relationships 4 2 0 Domains of Interest about a topic through an intensive examination of each study case. In this approach, researchers select the study sample to include individuals with characteristics that suggest a specific awareness of, or experience with, the topic. The sample is comprised of individuals who are willing to talk about their experiences. In these studies, the respondents are the experts; they describe, in their own words, their experiences and their thoughts about their experiences. The goal is to extrapolate as much of this information as possible to identify the full range of concepts or themes elevant to the topic of interest. To assess saturation, researchers review the data (most commonly by reading transcripts of interviews or focus groups), listing the concepts or themes they identify. They continue to generate a list of concepts that emerge with each successive reading, adding new themes to the NERI developed a method for assessing sample size that is replicable and broadly appropriate in the field of qualitative research. list. After each reading, the researchers compare the lists, counting the number of new concepts identified. Data saturation is determined when the number of new themes identified falls close to zero. Adapting the method described by Guest et al, researchers within NERI’s Center for Qualitative Research examined data saturation in a study of sexual dysfunction in men. In the study, men were asked questions about their physical health, emotional concerns, sexual functioning, sleep, and social relations. Three coders reviewed an initial batch of five interview transcripts (Batch 1) listing the number of sub-themes that emerged. The coders then reviewed a second and third batch (comprised of five transcripts each), noting new themes that were not already on the list with each successive batch. As shown in Table 1, after a review of the Batch 3 transcripts, new themes continued to arise within some domains (particularly around the topic of sexual functioning). As a result, we concluded that data saturation had not been reached and that at least one more batch of interviews should be conducted and analyzed in order to exhaust all possible themes. This is an example of how NERI researchers are continuing to advance their relative fields of expertise. In this case, an adaptation of a method for assessing the “sample size” for a qualitative study yielded a method that is replicable and broadly appropriate in the field of qualitative research. References 1. Guest, G, Bunce A, Johnson L. “How Many Interviews Are Enough? An Experiment with Data Saturation and Variability.” Field Methods. 2006; 18(1): 59-82. 2. Morse J. “The significance of saturation.” Qualitative Health Research. 1995; 5: 147-149. 3. Patton M Q. Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods. 2002. Thousand Oaks, CA., Sage Publication. 9 NERI Leads in Clinical Registries R egistries were developed in the mid-20th Century to keep track of people with specific medical conditions—typically tuberculosis or cancer. The use of registries evolved into deliberate efforts to carefully monitor disease states and then, in more recent years, to track the outcome of various 10 medical treatments. Registries are now among the most important sources of information supporting medical progress —and NERI is a leader in the development, operation, and analysis of national and international registries. In recent years, registries have been used for a variety of reasons, such as regulatory mandates, reimbursement requirements, and quality improvement (i.e. benchmarking or outcomes associated with standard of care). Patient registries are also viewed as an alternative to randomized trials in evaluating outcomes of surgery or other medical treatments. And registries continue to be vital in answering important scientific questions, such as the natural history and progression of disease. NERI scientists and statisticians have extensive experience designing and implementing prospective registries, ILLUSTRATION: DAN FREY NEW RESEARCH NEW RESEARCH collaborating with a diverse group of stakeholders ranging from government agencies (e.g. FDA, CMS, and NIH), industry (e.g. pharmaceutical, device, and biotech), and the clinical community (e.g. professional societies, academic health centers, and clinicians). The high-quality clinical registries developed by NERI for its clients have proven to be valuable resources for understanding natural disease progression, assessing drug/device performance, long-term treatment evaluation, quality of life changes, and healthcare use. One criticism of registries is they sometimes lack monitoring or source document verification. This is usually due to the lack of available resources. NERI, however, has developed new ways of ensuring data consistency, reliability, and accuracy through remote monitoring and costeffective auditing strategies. With these kinds of innovative techniques, NERI believes that registry data serve very important functions: • Registries are able to rapidly enroll a large number of “real-world” patients in order to better understand natural disease progression; • Registries provide a cross-sectional perspective on demographic and clinical variables; • Registries give investigators insight on designing future clinical trials and a potential network of clinical investigators; • Registries allow for benchmarking: comparing performance of individual sites to the national average (or, for international registries, comparison of one country’s outcomes with those of other countries in disease-specific management); • Registries provide estimates of outcomes such as mortality, morbidity, quality of life, and health resource utilization for a particular disease or condition; • Registries help “standardize” diagnostic criteria by drawing a clinician’s attention to specific aspects of a particular illness. Standardization is essential in order for the data collected in registries to be comparable with other datasets or databases. Examples of standardization include outcome or endpoint definitions, standardized sampling or evaluation techniques, standardized training for participating sites, and active monitoring of data by a central coordinating center. NERI has developed a variety of technological tools for rapid and effective registry implementation. For example, the Advanced Data Entry and Protocol Tracking (ADEPT) web-based, electronic data capture system is customizable for both clinical trials and registries. The Site Management component allows for tracking of regulatory documents and alerts for expiring documents. The Data Management component manages the Analysis of registry data can be challenging, but NERI statisticians employ a wide range of advanced statistical methods for interpreting data from registry studies. case report forms and database with built-in validation procedures and realtime queries. The Visit Control module allows sites to track patients and required procedures at each visit. The Adverse Event Manager organizes AEs and SAEs for prompt review, reporting, and management. The Report module can provide enrollment, outcomes, and benchmarking reports as each project may require. In addition, NERI statisticians employ a wide range of advanced statistical methods in analyzing data from registry studies. Analysis of registry data can be challenging due to incomplete or missing data, potential confounders etc. Registry statisticians have extensive experience in managing these types of problems and employ a range of statistical methods and procedures to address these issues. NERI offers a full range of registry services including patient registries, post-approval studies, post-market surveillance, patient -reported outcomes, health resource utilization studies, CMS-mandated, patient education, and market research. 11 NEW RESEARCH A National Registry to Help Understand Women and Sexual Desire E xperiencing decreased sexual desire can be bothersome and distressing, so much so that it has become an established medical diagnosis called “hypoactive sexual desire disorder” (HSDD). HSDD is very common, affecting 10% or more of adult women during the course of their lives. The potential impact of HSDD includes reduced quality of life, impaired mental health, and problems with interpersonal relationships. Soon to be published results from the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) study show that the problem affects women from all three major race/ethnic groups about equally. Despite the prevalence and impact of the problem, little is known about the natural history of HSDD, such as how it develops, progresses or resolves. Screening and diagnostic tools for this problem have not been evaluated in large, representative groups of women. While current treatment approaches include hormonal, pharmacological, and psychosocial therapies, research has yet to describe exactly how these treatments are used in actual practice, or what the outcomes of different treatments tend to be over time. NERI, under the sponsorship of a private pharmaceutical company, is taking the lead to shed light on the mystery of HSDD. To find out what HSDD means in the real world, NERI is conducting a multi-site, clinical registry study of women experiencing this condition and undergoing treatment in specialized or general practice settings. The HSDD Registry will include over 500 pre- and post-menopausal women, tracking them through time to follow changes in their levels of sexual desire. In addition, the study will assess other sexual functioning factors, physical and emotional health, relationship factors, treatments received, satisfaction with treatments, and health care use. “This study will break new ground in our understanding of women’s sexual problems and the role of current treatment practices,” according to Dr. Ray Rosen, the Study PI. Despite its prevalence and impact, little is known about the natural history of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. 12 NEW RESEARCH By providing a real-world view of clinical practice and patient outcomes, registry studies are increasingly becoming appreciated for their ability to offer data about disease impact and outcomes that are not addressed by randomized trials or traditional survey studies. For the women distressed by HSDD, the Registry may offer understanding and a better sense of which treatments are likely to help. This study will also advance scientific understanding of female sexuality by establishing a national patient registry for the most common sexual problem in women. An International Registry to Explore Male Androgen Deficiency I f a man’s testicles produce belownormal levels of male sex hormones (androgens) he may be at risk for a variety of health issues, ranging from a reduced or absent sex drive to an increased risk for prostate cancer. Below-normal levels of sex hormones— primarily testosterone—is termed Androgen Deficiency or hypogonadism. It may be caused by genetic malfunctions, chronic illnesses (including HIV/AIDS), or normal aging. Population-based studies at NERI have shown that about 1 in 5 men over the age of 50 have abnormally low testosterone levels. These men also have signs or symptoms of hypogonadism, including mood changes, irritability, sleep disturbance, and loss of sexual potency or libido. Despite the rapid increase in sales and availability of both prescription and non-prescription products for androgen deficiency in men, few long-term studies of the benefits or safety of hormonal therapies have been performed. In addition, little is known about the natural history and progression of male hypogonadism —whether the problem gets better or worse over time (progression or remission), and what effects androgen deficiency in men may have on other aspects of physical or mental health. With funding from a private pharmaceutical company, NERI is conducting the first large-scale, multi-national patient registry study of male hypogonadism. RHYME (Registry of Hypogonadism in Men) is a long-term registry of men with hypogonadism, which will include 500 men in North America and 500 men in 5 European countries who will be studied for at least 2 years. Men who are receiving various forms of hormonal therapy will be included in the registry and compared to men not on any treatment. “This is the biggest current barrier to men with hypogonadism seeking help for their problem,” according to Dr. Ray Rosen, the study PI. Recent studies have suggested that, contrary to previous beliefs, androgen deficiency itself may be a risk factor for prostate cancer, and this important question will be addressed. RHYME will also investigate the longterm effects of hormonal therapy on overall health and quality of life in carefully diagnosed and medically treated hypogonadal men. For the large population of men with androgen deficiency, the RHYME study will provide much-needed information about “real world” experiences and outcomes of this common disorder in aging men. A major focus of the study will be on the effects of hypogonadism and testosterone therapy on prostate health in older men. In particular, does testosterone therapy increase the risk of prostate cancer or benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) in aging men? 13 ONGOING RESEARCH Tracking Pain: Does it Matter? F or the past decade NERI researchers have looked for ways to improve the medical evaluation of patient symptoms using digital technologies such as electronic note pads and personal digital assistants (PDAs). It’s been widely reported that patients prefer to keep track of their own symptoms using electronic diary tracking rather than pen-andpaper diaries. And the benefits of electronic symptom tracking in terms of data quality are well known. But does this kind of tracking actually improve quality of care? NERI recently completed a study that explored this question. The research compared a PDA-based tracking system for symptoms of chronic pain with a pen-and-paper system. The study goal was to determine if the mode of tracking had any effect on the actual experience of pain by the patients or to the way the patients responded to pain in their lives. A unique aspect of this study was the incorporation of qualitative interviews to gain insight into how users felt about the type of tracking system they used and whether it helped or hindered their pain management. Although previous quantitative results indicated that users felt it was easier to enter data on the paper diary, the qualitative aspect of the study revealed an interesting perspective on how patients and physicians viewed electronic tracking and pain perception. Physicians, although reluctant to add a new tool to their already busy practice day, indicated that if such a tool were part of their practice (rather than a study) it could be helpful for tracking symptoms and understanding changes over time. Patients similarly reported that being able to visualize changes 14 PHYSICIANS ON THE IMPORTANCE OF TRACKING PAIN: “I think it helps me better understand the symptoms.” “It gives me an idea over time of whether or not the patient’s condition is improving, getting worse, or staying the same.” THE PATIENT PERSPECTIVE: “It helped me face my pain a little bit more.” “A lot of times I have trouble accepting my pain. This makes me stop and at least be happy that I can do what I can do.” “I’m getting better at handling this…what used to be a 9 I now consider a 6…” over time helped them better understand their pain and accept it as a part of their life they must learn to live with. In particular, they commented that although their pain status may not have changed, their approach to coping with it had. Several papers are planned to report important findings from this study, for example: • Whether tracking impacts patients’ perception of care. • What psychosocial components of tracking contribute to pain management • Does electronic tracking using the pain body drawing improve patient’s or physician’s understanding of pain? • How does reporting symptoms infrequently (monthly) compare to daily data capture? • Does electronic data tracking impact medication management? This research is supported by NIDCR grant #: DE014797. D I SC O V E R I N G R A C I A L D I F F E R E N C E S I N M A L E B O N E ST R E N GT H The NERI team of Andre Araujo, Thomas Travison, Gretchen Esche, and John McKinlay was joined by colleagues Michael Holick and Tai Chen from Boston University School of Medicine. Participants were given bone scans and were assessed for various measurements of body size (height, weight, lean and fat mass, etc.), gave blood for assessment of bone-related measures (hormones, calcium, vitamin D, etc.), and answered questions about things related to bone health (nutrition, fracture history, etc.). The overarching aim of the study was to obtain a better understanding of osteoporosis and bone health in men, particularly with respect to racial and ethnic differences. In the past 2 years, the NERI BACH/Bone staff have published numerous papers in top-notch peer-reviewed scientific journals. We highlight some of the main findings here. Clarification of the influence of lean vs. fat mass on BMD. Data clearly show that black men had greater BMD than Hispanic and white men. The differences between Hispanic and white men were restricted to the hip, and dependent on age. Age-related declines in BMD were significantly steeper among Hispanic than among black or white men, and this applied to almost all skeletal sites in the data base. BMD does not directly quantify bone strength, however, since it measures material but ignores aspects of the way that material is arranged. There is a long-running controversy concerning the relative importance of fat and lean tissue in stimulating bone formation in adults. While many studies suggest that fat mass is the prime determinant of BMD, others suggest that lean mass plays a greater role. The BACH/Bone data show that body mass index (BMI) was associated with bone density only up to certain thresholds (see Figure 2). Thus, we examined age trends in hip bone geometry, measures that consider the arrangement of bone material. These measurements were provided by Thomas Beck from Johns Hopkins University. Results revealed comparable age trends in a measure of the bending strength of bone, by race and ethnic group—results which mirrored the BMD results (see Figure 1). Lean mass displayed strong and consistent associations. When the variable of lean mass was statistically controlled, the positive associations between bone density and other body composition measures (BMI, fat mass) disappeared. (Results did not vary by race/ethnicity.) The data therefore support the view that it is the lean mass component of increased body size that exerts a protective effect on bone mass and that maintenance of lean mass is the most promising strategy continued on page 17 NARROW NECK INTERTROCHANTER 1.15 1.15 Z (cm3) Between 2002 and 2005, a study of bone health was conducted among male participants of the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey. Called BACH/Bone, the study included 1,219 racially and ethnically diverse men between the ages of 30 and 79 years. Racial and ethnic differences exist in bone mineral density and bone geometry. Z (cm3) A verage male bone mineral density (BMD) varies significantly between racial and ethnic groups, and these differences are not due to differences in hormone levels or measures of body composition, according to groundbreaking new research by a team of NERI investigators and their collaborators. 1.00 0.90 1.00 0.90 0.75 0.75 30-39 50-59 70-79 30-39 Age (y) Black Men 50-59 70-79 Age (y) White Men Hispanic Men Figure 1: Proportionate age trends in geometric indicators of proximal femur strength in the narrow neck and intertrochanter. Source: Travison et al., Osteoporos Intl, 2007. 15 ONGOING RESEARCH Pediatric Heart Network I Childhood Heart Disease An Ongoing NERI Focus n 2001, the Pediatric Heart Network (PHN) was formed to promote medical advances in the treatment of childhood heart diseases. Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the PHN is a group of eight hospitals in the United States and Canada that conducts research studies in children with congenital or acquired heart disease. NERI is the data coordinating center for the network. Led by Lynn Sleeper, NERI’s PHN team has guided many aspects of epidemiologic and clinical trial design and implementation including: • Statistical design and analysis • Protocol development and execution • Database management system design and implementation • Quality assurance • Regulatory approvals and reporting The PHN has three studies in analysis phase, two studies completing subject follow-up, two currently recruiting patients, and one study set to launch in mid-2008. (The studies completed were described in detail in NERI’s 2007 newsletter.) In addition to conducting research, the PHN takes seriously its mission to be a resource to patients with heart disease and families. NERI and the 16 NHLBI have jointly developed a public educational website to provide information to families about participating in clinical studies and to describe ongoing PHN research: The site offers a wealth of information that helps parents with the sometimes-difficult decision about whether or not to enroll a child in a clinical study. Marfan Syndrome: Finding Answers The most recent PHN Trial, which began enrollment in February 2007, is randomly assigning patients aged 6 months to 25 years with Marfan Syndrome (a connective tissue disorder) to the angiotensin receptor blocker losartan vs. the betablocker atenolol. Marfan Syndrome affects many body systems including the eyes and musculoskeletal system, in addition to leading to dangerous enlargement of the aorta. Recent animal studies have shown dramatic prevention and regression of aortic dilation when losartan was used. This FDA-regulated, Phase III trial was launched by the PHN in direct response to the promising animal studies and has been featured in popular magazines such as Readers’ Digest and Women’s Day. The site offers a wealth of information that helps parents with the sometimes-difficult decision about whether or not to enroll a child in a clinical study. The trial will follow each patient for three years. Ancillary studies involving these patients, funded by the National Marfan Foundation, are also underway, and involve genetic analysis and a detailed assessment of musculoskeletal state and function. If successful, the new treatment may delay aortic surgery and provide hope to children and young adults with Marfan Syndrome. As of late February, the trial has enrolled 216 of the target 604 patients at 19 pediatric and adult cardiac care medical centers. In 2008, eight additional medical centers will be joining the trial in order to reach target enrollment in 2010. Single Ventricle Hearts Normal hearts have four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. Some children, however, are born with only a single functional ventricle, which greatly reduces the efficiency of the heart. The ongoing Single Ventricle Reconstruction Trial is a landmark research effort in the field of pediatric cardiology. Newborns are randomly assigned to receive one of two different types of shunt in the surgery, which must be performed within days of birth to prevent death. The target enrollment is 554 and as of late February 503 newborns have been enrolled, with accrual expected to be completed by mid-2008. Patient follow-up will continue until mid-2009 to assess the trial’s primary endpoint, death or heart transplantation by age one year. Secondary endpoints of interest are cardiac function, measured by echocardiographic imaging, and neurodevelopment. In addition to the question of survival, a compelling question is how well these children can function after an early childhood of hospitalizations and recovery—a critical developmental period in which their circulatory system has been providing suboptimal blood oxygenation. This trial is unique because most other surgical studies have not obtained long term follow-up of these patients, and it is hypothesized that the timing of adverse outcomes may differ according to the type of shunt used. Because the long-term follow-up of children born with a single ventricle is so important, the PHN has developed and received approval to conduct the Single Ventricle Extension Study, which will follow all survivors from the randomized trial through their third stage of surgery, called the Fontan procedure, which typically occurs at age 2, and continue contact and assessment of these children up to at least 6 years of age. The study, therefore, will continue until 2014. The earliest enrolled child from the original trial will be followed up to age 9. The parents of the children participating in the extension study will complete annual assessments of their child’s abilities, behavior, and health-related quality of life. Echocardiograms performed at age six years will reveal how the heart is functioning relative to earlier in life as well as relative to normal children, and a device to monitor heart rate and rhythm will also be used for a 24-hour period to capture information on possible abnormalities such as heart arrhythmias, which are of interest particularly in the children who received one of the two types of shunts. Lastly, a biologic specimen repository is being established to store a blood sample from participating The Single children as well Ventricle as their parents, to be used in Reconstruction Trial future research is a landmark on the genetic research effort. bases of congenital heart disease. This research is supported by NHLBI grant #: U01 HL68270. DISCOVERI NG RACI AL DI FFERENCES I N MALE BONE ST RENGT H continued from page 15 for preserving bone health with age. Further analyses in the BACH/ Bone cohort have shown that while black men had the greatest total and proportionate lean mass values, these differences in body composition do not completely explain racial and ethnic differences in measures of bone density. The role of hormones in bone density. The relationship between hormones and BMD in men has received considerable attention. However, most studies have been conducted in homogenous populations, and it is not known whether differences in hormones impact race and ethnic differences in BMD. We examined Femoral Neck 8.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 15 25 35 BMI (kg/m2) 45 35 40 50 60 70 75 Lean Mass (kg) Figure 2: Bone Mineral Strength in the Femoral Neck as it varies by Body Mass Index (BMI) and Lean Body Mass. Source: Travison et al., Osteoporos Intl, 2007. testosterone (T), estradiol (E2), and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) to determine their association with BMD. Evidence for race and ethnic variation in the association between hormone levels and BMD was very weak. We examined 25 interactions and found only one to be significant. Total/free E2 levels were positively and significantly correlated with hip BMD even with statistical adjustment for age, lean mass, fat mass, physical activity, self-rated health, and smoking. However, estradiol levels failed to account for race and ethnic differences in hip BMD. These data suggest that while E2 exhibits a modest correlation with hip BMD, differences in hormone levels are not a major contributor to the observed differences in BMD between black, Hispanic, and white men. This research is supported by NIA grant #: BONE AG 20727. 17 ONGOING RESEARCH TESTING A TREATMENT FOR Heart Failure W hen a person’s heart is chronically weakened and cannot pump hard enough to supply the body with the oxygen and other nutrients it needs, they are said to have heart failure. Heart failure is the number-one discharge diagnosis in the US today. It accounts for over 3 million hospitalizations annually—a figure likely to rise as the population ages. NERI is the coordinating center for a new clinical trial testing a drug treatment that may significantly improve the health of a specific subset of those with heart failure. The left ventricle, one of the 4 chambers of the heart, pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body. Each pump, or contraction, “ejects” blood from the ventricle. A healthy left ventricle typically ejects about 60% of its total blood volume with each contraction. This is called the “ejection fraction.” Studies have found that about half of patients with heart failure have an impaired ejection fraction due to damage to the left ventricle. A number of studies have focused on this sub-population of those with heart failure. But the other half of the population has intact left ventricle function and normal or near-normal ejection fractions. Despite this, they, too, suffer a range of problems and have a reduced survival rate. This population has not been well-studied…until now. A new clinical trial called TOPCAT is testing the effectiveness of a novel therapeutic approach to treating heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction. Specifically, the study is looking at whether administration of spironolactone (an aldosterone antagonist medication) will improve survival and reduce hospitalization in the target population. TOPCAT stands for Treatment Of Preserved Cardiac function heart failure with an Aldosterone anTagonist. Funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the trial started enrolling patients in the summer of 2006. It is a Phase 3 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 4,500 patients at about 200 U.S. and international clinic sites. The study currently has subjects recruited in North America (US, Canada), Latin America (Argentina) and 18 Eastern Europe (Republic of Georgia and Russia). In the coming year, the trial will expand its reach to Brazil. As of this writing, the study has already reached the milestone of 1000 patients enrolled. The study is prospective and will last about 4.5 years. It is one of the largest clinical trials of heart failure ongoing today. In addition to the primary objectives, the study will also determine whether treatment with the drug produces any clinically meaningful reduction in the diagnosis of such conditions as diabetes; atrial fibrillation; heart attack; stroke; kidney impairment; or sudden death. If successful, the trial has the potential to reduce individual risks of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in this understudied population, as well as have major public health implications—reducing mortality and costly hospitalizations. The NERI team is led by Principal Investigator Rebecca Li and co-PIs Drs. Marc Pfeffer (Brigham and Women’s Hospital) and Sonja McKinlay. The team includes the following key members: Carol Assang, Susan Assmann, Sue Blieden, Patrick Compton, and Heather Cronin. This research is supported by NIH grant #: N01-HC-45207. Innovations in Clinical Trial Design Adaptive Designs That Are Both Flexible and Rigorous ADAPTIVE DESIGNS ARE GAINING IN POPULARITY, BUT STILL NEED RIGOROUS PLANNING. continued from page 1 So how does it all work? When the trial is well-advanced—typically when more than half the patients have some outcome assessment and recruitment is still ongoing—one performs an interim analysis focusing on the current results for the trial’s primary outcome. An Expert Panel looks at the unblinded results to see if they are sufficiently favorable for the trial to have a good hope of a positive result (i.e. new treatment wins!) upon trial completion at the pre-agreed target sample size. This requires calculating the conditional power. For example, if the observed results to date were actually the true treatment effect, what’s the probability of getting 5% significance (P<.05) at the end? If the conditional power is high (i.e. >90%) then no problem, just proceed as planned. But if it’s lower, you will need to increase the trial size to improve your chances of success. You’ll usually need to set some realistic maximum on trial size for reasons of cost and time. So what’s the catch? Well, interim results of ongoing trials are usually kept top secret, so you need tight control to ensure that only the Expert Panel (and their assisting statistician) see the unblinded data. Much recent statistical research has been done on methods to ensure that a trial’s type 1 error (risk of any false positive claims) is not inflated by “going adaptive.” In a nutshell, such adaptive sample size re-estimation requires rigorous planning and documentation to make sure it achieves its goals and is not a recipe for a sloppy trial. • Enrichment design (where you focus in on a certain type [subgroup] of patient that seem most responsive to the new treatment) • Play the winner rule (in which you adjust the randomization ratios to increase the proportion of patients on the treatment that’s doing better to date) As of this writing, however, the most commonly used Adaptive Design is for adjusting (increasing) the target number of patients as you go along. Adaptive designs have aroused suspicion amongst clinical trial experts, who suggest that such designs introduce an element of inconsistency in approach. But as Oscar Wilde said “Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.” Other types of adaptive design include: • Seamless Phase II/III trails (in which you drop some arms in a multi-arm trial, which may be useful in drug dose selection) 19 NERI welcomes new staff Jamie Bartkiewicz has been hired as a Human Resources Representative. She previously worked as a Human Resources Coordinator at Children’s Hospital. A graduate of St. Anselm College, Jamie completed her BA in Psychology. Megan Connor recently completed her MPH from Boston University with an emphasis on Epidemiology, and has a BA in Biology from the University of California/Davis. At NERI she works as a Project Manager on several private industry projects with Ray Rosen. Prior to joining NERI, Megan worked at Beth Israel Hospital where she served as Project Manager in the Urology Department. Meghan Coughlin has joined the Proposal Development Department in the role of Coordinator. Meghan previously worked at Brigham & Women’s Hospital where she worked as an Administrative Coordinator in the Venous Thromboembolism Research Group. Meghan received a BS in Biology and Chinese from Union College. Heather Cronin is now working at NERI as a Clinical Research Associate on the TOPCAT project. She has an MSc, Environmental & Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and a BS in Psychology and Biology from Mary Washington College. 20 Anne DiLauro joins NERI Chris Kenwood graduated as an Associate Project Director on the Pediatric Heart Network. Anne received her MPH from the University of Southern California and her BS in Chemistry from Boston College. Anne previously worked at the University of Southern California as a Project Specialist on a pediatric start-up project. from UMass Amherst with a MS in Biostatistics and now works at NERI as a statistician. At UMass, Chris worked on a graduate-school research project on the quality of heath care with a professor and physicians at Bay State Medical Center. Meena Doshi recently completed her MPH in epidemiology at Tufts University. She also has an MS in Applied Statistics from the Ohio State University, and a BS in Statistics from the University of Pune, India. Meena worked previously as a data analyst and marketing analyst. completed her PhD in Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill where she also earned an MS in Biostatistics. Hae-Young completed an MA and BA in Economics at Ewha Womens University in Seoul, Korea. She previously worked as a statistical analyst at GlaxoSmithKline and the CDC. Emily Elstad. Prior to joining NERI as Project Manager on the Beneath the Urologic Iceberg study, Emily worked as a Research Associate for the National Center on Family Homelessness. She completed her MPH at Brown with a major in Qualitative Research and International Health. At Brown, Emily spent a term at the Tafuna Family Health Center in American Samoa as Field Director. Hae-Young Kim recently Additional New Hires Sherani Amarasinghe Clinical Research Associate Hayley Arnett Data Manager Cheryl Browne Associate Research Scientist Michela Carlson Receptionist/Office Assistant Jennifer (Jenna) Erickson Administrative Coordinator Xiang (Bill) Kong Eric Gerstenberger completed his MS in Statistics at UMass Amherst, and has a BS in Mathematics from Drexel University. Prior to joining NERI as an Associate Research Scientist, Eric worked with Fortelligent as a consultant/analyst for a major wireless corporation. Network Administrator Zenaida Ramos Bilingual Data Collector Tehudis Salcedo Data Collector/Field Tracker Maria Sanchez Data Collector Glenda Singer Senior Systems Analyst LIFE AT NERI NERI Presents at Drug Information Association Meeting in June NERI’S INFLUENCE NERI scientists will chair two 90-minute speaking reaching impact of NERI’s scientific sessions and one poster presentation at the 44th work, two papers published by NERI Annual Drug Information Association (DIA) Meeting staff are in the Top 10-most-frequently In a vivid illustration of the wide- in Boston on June 22-26. These NERI thought lead- cited papers in the past 25 years on ers will moderate and present in three different the subject of sickle cell disease. DIA tracks: statistics, clinical research and development, and regulatory affairs. NERI will also exhibit at the conference and formally launch its specialized clinical research services to the private sector. NERI President, Sonja McKinlay, will conduct a discussion titled, Selecting the Optimal Sample Size: Initial Realism or Adaptive Re-estimation. In partnership with Stuart Pocock of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Janet A 1998 paper published in the journal Blood titled “Cerebrovascular accidents in sickle cell disease: rates and risk factors,” was the 2nd-most-frequently cited paper. A 2000 paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine titled “Predicting adverse outcomes in children with sickle cell disease,” was the 6th-most-frequently cited sickle cell reference. Wittes, Statistics Collaborative, Washington DC, McKinlay will explain ways to estimate appropriate sample size, as a key factor in optimizing design efficiency (and ultimately minimizing study cost). Rebecca Li, NERI’s Vice President of Clinical Research, will lead a session titled, Forging Partnerships with NIH-sponsored Clinical Trials and Networks. In collaboration with Michael Domanski of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute and Dean C. Winter, Vice President of Scientific and Clinical Affairs for AtCor Medical Inc., Li will provide attendees with a perspective on how partnering with the NIH can be a cost-effective path to furthering drug and device development in the private sector. Leveraging NIH-sponsored clinical trials and networks is an underutilized tool for biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Finally, Flora Sandra Siami, NERI’s Director of Regulatory Affairs, will present a poster titled, Ensuring Compliance and Quality in Global Clinical Giving Back to the Community In 1999 NERI employees started what has now become an annual tradition: the “Snow Kids” project. Each year NERI contacts the local Department of Social Services and is given information about families in need. This year NERI “sponsored” 5 families including: a single mom with a 4 year old child; a single mom and teenage daughter who had been homeless due to a job loss; and a family with 6 kids struggling to make ends meet. At holiday time, NERI staff sign up to buy something from the “wish list” of gender and age-appropriate gifts for each family member. Present requests usually include both utilitarian things like pots, pans, dishes and warm boots, as well as fun things for the kids, such as IPods or bikes. This year NERI staff gathered about 130 presents and gift certificates— and DSS had to send three vehicles to collect it all! Trials. The poster will provide attendees with diagnostic tools that can be incorporated into the management of global clinical trials. Attendees will be able to better evaluate the compliance and adherence of an international clinical research site. In a Thank-You letter sent to NERI, DSS wrote: “We only wish that you could see for yourself how gratefully each gift was received. Your support provided to families over the holidays not only helps to ease their financial burden but reassures them that many people in the community care about their wellbeing.” 21 LIFE AT NERI Administrative Coordinators new to NERI From left: Amanda (Mandi) Cass, Anne (Patti) Muehter, Diane Barrios New Team Members Three of the largest groups of employees at NERI are Administrative Coordinators, Data Collectors, and Programmers/Data Managers. The dedication to quality work that these teams exhibit is one reason for NERI’s sterling international reputation for the development and implementation of clinical trials and other kinds of scientific research projects. Data Collectors new to NERI From left (front): Journel (Jean) Joseph, Luz Morillo, Felecia McCray. From left (back): Manuel Burnias, Maria Carrera Programmers and Data Managers new to NERI From left: Patrick Compton, Nathan Li, Elliot FletcherSananikone, Jessica Brewer, Shaili Puligari 22 LIFE AT NERI Data Management at NERI N eri’s web-based ADEPT system provides a secure, cutting-edge platform for all data-management activities. It is optimized for multi-site, international studies, greatly simplifying data management. Maintaining ADEPT’s position as a state-of-the-art tool requires constant improvements. To that end, several features have recently been released: • Case Report Form (CRF) Authoring Tool • Online CRF Library • Study Metrics Report Generator • Updated look and feel The CRF Authoring Tool will allow data managers to develop Case Report Form content, specifications and instructions concurrently. An integrated environment will allow immediate testing of data items, validations, skips, and help text. ADEPT’s online CRF Library contains more than a hundred CRFs and metadata, all categorized by subject. Data managers can browse by category and select either an entire previously validated CRF or just sections of interest. This CRF library is accessible from within the new CRF Authoring Tool, enabling very rapid CRF development. A study metrics report generator allows data managers to define custom reports built upon a core set of study metrics. These metrics cover CRF data entry status, QC double data entry, late and early visits, electronic signatures and basic accrual. In addition to an initial 20 standard metrics, calculated metrics can be derived from existing metrics. It is also possible to easily add project specific metrics. Any metric report can be described by up to 3 graphical locations (i.e. continent, country and region) as well as site, study event, and or CRF. In addition to these significant improvements, all ADEPT reports have a new look and feel including new icons, and a simpler, cleaner table layout. Keepin’ It Green at NERI Here are a few of the things NERI is doing to reduce its “carbon footprint” and conserve natural resources: • Recycle all paper and paper products • Recycle printer cartridges • Recycle old computers and printers • Encourage employees to use public transportation by providing discounts on MBTA passes • Use the “energy saver” mode on all copiers and fax machines 23 Organized Around Excellence NERI is a plural noun. NERI is not an “institute” but a group of institutes, each dedicated to a specific area of scientific expertise, such as clinical trials, gerontology, or epidemiology. Each institute is staffed by a wide variety of research scientists: biostatisticians, statisticians, epidemiologists, clinical research monitors, data managers, programmers, network analysts, and other workers with advanced degrees in scientific disciplines. Although not obvious to those outside the company, the institute structure at NERI provides many benefits, both to NERI itself and its clients. The institutes allow NERI to provide a full service approach to clinical trials (both NIH and private industry sponsored), social and public policy research, and medical and policy studies of a wide range of patient populations. NERI’s world-renowned scientists are available across all projects to provide consultation and expertise. In addition to the institutes, NERI has established centers for statistical analysis and study design, data management, and data technology that provide service across projects and institutes. This allows NERI to be nimble in shifting priorities, and cross-training staff to meet the demands of an ever-expanding client base. The company was purposely designed to promote this sharing of knowledge and expertise. Not only does it provide benefit to our customers, but also provides a stimulating and challenging work environment for NERI employees to expand and develop a wide knowledge base. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #56435 WATERTOWN, MA 02472 9 Galen Street Watertown, MA 02472 Please send all address corrections to
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