PCN Page 1 of 4 Penalty Charge Notice Traffic Management Act 2004 P.O. Box 951, Civic Centre, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 2FY HR_TMASPCN-20121023-1, 24/10/2012, Rec:42 (a) Penalty Charge Notice: HR83991551 Vehicle Registration Number: Vehicle Make: CORFIELD Unknown Date of this Notice: 23/10/12 DO NOT IGNORE THIS NOTICE Details of Contravention This PCN has been served by post on the basis of a record produced by an approved device. The authority believes that a Penalty Charge is payable with respect to the above vehicle for the following alleged parking contravention: 99:STOPPED ON A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING OR CROSSING AREA MARKED BY ZIGZAGS. On: 08/10/12 At: 07:53 In: The Bridge The alleged contravention was seen and recorded by a camera operator who was observing real time pictures from a road side camera at the time stated. ___ To the right is a picture taken from the recording of your vehicle commiting the alleged contravention. The full amount of the penalty charge is £ 110.00 ___ ___ The penalty charge must be paid not later than the last day of the period of 28 days beginning with the date on which this penalty charge notice was served. A reduced charge of £ 55.00 is payable The penalty charge is reduced by 50% to £ 55.00 if it is paid not later than the last day of the period of 21 days beginning with the date on which this notice was served. IMAGE IS REQ RED Please see below and overleaf for details of how to pay and what to do if you think that this PCN should not have been issued. How to Pay Online Payments www.harrow.gov.uk Phone Payments (020) 8424 1220 In person at our Payment Kiosk Harrow Council, POX 951, Civic Centre, Harrow, HA1 2FY Penalty Charge Notice No. HR83991551 Date of this Notice 23/10/12 Vehicle Registration Mark No receipts will be provided, please make a note of the payment transaction number, if paying over the telephone or online. LP 83686 Harrow TMA PCN Jan 12 PCN PCN Page 2 of 4 Challenging this Penalty Charge Notice Making a representation On receipt of this Penalty Charge Notice you may wish to make a representation disputing liability. Representations may be made on the grounds set out below. If you wish to make representations on any of the below grounds, please complete the Representations form on pages 3 and 4 and send it to us. Details of your representations, details of your compelling reasons (if applicable) and any additional information may be set out in Section Three on page 4. • I was not the owner of the vehicle at the time of the alleged contravention. • The vehicle had been permitted to remain at rest in the place in question by a person who was in control of the vehicle without the consent of the owner. • I am/we are a hire firm and the vehicle in question was at the material time hired from the firm under a hiring agreement; and the person hiring it had signed a statement acknowledging liability in respect of any penalty charge involving the vehicle during the period of the hire agreement. • The alleged contravention did not occur. • The penalty charge exceeded the amount applicable in the circumstances of the case. • The relevant designation order was invalid. • There has been a procedural impropriety on behalf of the authority. • The Penalty Charge Notice was paid, either in full or at the discount rate within the discount period. • Whether or not any of the above grounds apply, there are compelling reasons why, in particular circumstances of this case, the Penalty Charge should be cancelled We will consider your representations and any supporting evidence, and serve a notice on you of our decision, within the period of 56 days beginning with the date on which we receive your representations, except where we have decided to disregard your representations by reason of their being received after the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the date of service of this PCN. If we accept your representations, we will cancel this PCN and you will not have to pay the penalty charge. If you have made representations within the period of 28 days beginning with the date on which this PCN is served, or if you have made representations outside that period but we have not disregarded them, and we do not accept those representations, you will receive a notice of rejection.This will state, amongst other things, that you may appeal against the notice of rejection to an adjudicator and it will give information about the time limits for appealing to an adjudicator. If after the last day of the period of 28 days beginning with the date on which this PCN is served no such representations have been made, and the penalty charge has not been paid, a Charge Certificate may be sent to the keeper which increases the amount of the penalty charge by 50%. If the Charge Certificate is not paid, the increased amount will be registered as a debt at the Traffic Enforcement (Bulk) Centre and a warrant may be issued for bailiffs to recover the debt. Challenging this Penalty Charge Any challenge to this Penalty Charge must be made in writing to: Harrow Council, PO Box 951, Civic Centre, Harrow, HA1 2FY General Enquiries To make an enquiry about this notice or for other parking information: Internet: www.harrow.gov.uk You can also view images and make an online challenge In Person At our One Stop Shop, Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2FY Data Protection Statement The London Borough of Harrow will use information, including personal information, collected through the issuing of this Penalty Charge Notice for the enforcement of traffic contraventions and it may also be used for compatible purposes.The information may be disclosed to London Councils, other enforcement agencies, other council departments and third parties where it is necessary and lawful to do so e.g. for the prevention and detection of crime. All information will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Procedural Impropriety "Procedural impropriety" means failure by the enforcement authority to observe any requirement imposed on it by the Traffic Management Act 2004, or the relevant Regulations made under that Act in respect of the civil enforcement of parking contraventions, in relation to the imposition or recovery of a penalty charge or other sum. Entitlement to view a recording (Right to request evidence). There are two ways in which you can arrange to view certain records or images, both of which are free of charge. First, we have facilities to view recordings at the Civic Centre, therefore either you or your representative may come to our offices to view the record of the contravention produced by the approved device which resulted in this Penalty Charge Notice.To request this please write to us at Parking Enforcement PO BOX 951, Civic Centre, Harrow HA1 2FY. Please state the date and time between 9a.m. to 4p.m. Monday to Friday, (excluding bank holidays) that you wish to view the record, and at which of our offices you wish to view it.You may find it most convenient to view the record at Harrow Civic Centre. Secondly we can send to your address such still images from the record of the contravention produced by the approved device which resulted in the Penalty Charge Notice as in our opinion, establish the contravention. To request such still images please write to us at the above mentioned address, stating the address to which you would like us to send those images. If we receive either type of request, we will suspend progress of your case and we will comply with your request within a reasonable time. Once the record has been viewed at our offices or the images have been sent to your address, as appropriate, progress of your case will continue. Penalty Charge Notice Representations PCN Page 3 of 4 This form is for a parking contravention Traffic Management Act 2004 CORFIELD HR_TMASPCN-20121023-1, 24/10/2012, Rec:42 (b) Penalty Charge Notice: HR83991551 Vehicle Registration Number: Making Representations Date of Penalty Charge Notice 23/10/12 In accordance with The Traffic Management Act 2004, the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) Representations and Appeals Regulations 2007 set out grounds (see below) on which you may make Representations. Representations must be made within 28 days as stated on the Penalty Charge Notice. Any Representations made after this date may be disregarded. If your Representation is successful, a Notice of Acceptance will be issued and you will not be liable for the Penalty Charge. If your Representation is unsuccessful, a Notice of Rejection will be issued and you must either pay the PCN in full or appeal to an Adjudicator, who will independently consider your Appeal. An appeal form will be included with the Notice of Rejection, which you should complete and send to the adjudicator at the address shown on the form. Details of the appeals procedure will be sent with the Notice of Rejection. Grounds for Representations Please tick the grounds on which you are making representations. ___ I am not liable to pay the Penalty Charge because: ___ ___ ___ ___ I was not the owner of the vehicle at the time of the alleged contravention. Please complete Section 2. The vehicle had been permitted to remain at rest in the place in question by a person who was in control of the vehicle without the consent of the owner. Please enclose evidence (e.g. police crime report, insurance claim) I am/We are a hire firm and the vehicle in question was at the material time hired from the firm under a hiring agreement; and the person hiring it had signed a statement acknowledging liability in respect of any penalty charge involving the vehicle during the period of the hire agreement. You must include a statement of the name and address of the person to whom the vehicle was hired at the material time. Please also supply a copy of the hire agreement and the statement acknowledging liability. The alleged contravention did not occur. In Section 3, explain why you believe no contravention took place. The penalty charge exceeded the amount applicable in the circumstances of the case. That is, you have been asked to pay more than you are legally liable to pay. Please complete Section 3 The relevant designation order was invalid. You believe the parking restriction in question was invalid or illegal. Please complete Section 3. There has been a procedural impropriety on behalf of the authority. Please complete Section 3 stating why you believe the authority has acted improperly or in breach of the regulations. Penalty Charge Notice was paid, either in full or at discount rate within the discount period. Whether or not any of the above grounds apply, there are compelling reasons why, in particular circumstances of this case, the Penalty Charge should be cancelled (and any sums already paid on account of it should be refunded). You may also explain your compelling reasons further by completing "Section Three" on page 4 of this notice. LP 83686 Harrow TMA PCN Jan 12 PCN Page 4 of 4 Section Two: Ownership Information I was not the owner of the vehicle when the Penalty Charge Notice was issued because: I have never owned the vehicle I ceased to be the owner of the vehicle before the date of the alleged contravention I became the owner of the vehicle after the date of the alleged contravention Name and Address of the Vehicle Buyer or Seller (Complete in Block Capitals) Name ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Address ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... Postcode......................................................................... Date ownership of vehicle ceased Date ownership of vehicle commenced Section Three: Details of Representations Please provide details of your representations and, if applicable, details of any compelling reasons why you believe that, in the particular circumstances of this case, the Penalty Charge should be cancelled. Please supply any supporting evidence. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Section Four: Declaration If insufficient space exists, continue on a separate sheet and write the Penalty Charge Notice number and your vehicle registration number on it. This declaration MUST be signed in order for your representations to be considered. I confirm that all the information given is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that making a false statement may result in prosecution and a possible fine of up to £5,000 Signature......................................................................................................................................................... Date................................................ Name (Block Capitals) .......................................................................................................................................................................................... Please return the completed REPRESENTATIONS form to: Harrow Council, PO Box 951, Civic Centre, Harrow, HA1 2FY Our Preferred methods of payment Internet By Telephone You can pay online at www.harrow.gov.uk. You will be given the opportunity to print/email a payment confirmation (7 days a week) (020) 8424 1220 Credit/ Debit Cards Only This telephone number is for payments only and is an automated payment line. Please have your credit/debit card and Penalty Charge Notice number to hand when you telephone.You may also wish to have a pen and paper ready, to record the payment transaction number, as NO RECEIPTS WILL BE PROVIDED. TF00105657 Task Id: Current Status: Closed Owner: Fdevraj Source: Web Task Type: Representation Reason: Appeal Challenge Module PCN Notice Number Mapping: Origin: Resident Module hr83991551 Reference: Start Date: 05/11/2012 Logged Date: 05/11/2012 Start Time: 08:57 Other Information: Due Date: 15/11/2012 Notice Status: Fully Paid Location: The Bridge - Harrow Town Centre CPZ Balance Outstanding: £0.00 Contravention: 99:STOPPED ON A PEDEST Progression: CCTV Static (CPE) WebFormSubmitted: DATE Integration Codes: PCN002, Name: Mr Phone: Corfield co.uk Address: UPRN: 100021292972 Previously Reported: No PCNno: hr83991551 Q: PCN A: hr83991551 Q: VRM A: yc05uee Q: LocationOfImage A: https://www.harrow.gov.uk/AF3/images/PCN/21f06765-4dde-49a7-a039-adef27d90650.jpg Description: Q: balance A: 55.00 Q: Do you want to pay or challenge the Parking Charge Notice A: PCN002 Q: Is contact address within Harrow A: Yes Q: date A: 08/10/2012 Q: validatePCN A: true Q: Are you the owner registered keeper of the vehicle A: Yes Q: To get the list of mitigating circumstances relevant for your contravention please select the type of contravention you have received A: Static_contraventions Q: Static contravention reasons A: _ The alleged contravention did not occur Q: Please describe why you want to challenge the penalty charge notice A: The regulations are intended to prevent vehicles stopping in the vicinity of the actual crossing point causing a danger to those using the crossing by obstructing the view of pedestrians or other drivers. This did not occur in this case. I stopped at the normal point of the crossing where I would have been were someone indicating they wanted to cross. I cannot remember, or see from the stills, if there was someone approaching the crossing to use it. My passenger took advantage by getting out of the car, a matter of a few seconds. I was not causing an obstruction. The still shots show that there were no cars behind me until after I was moving forward over the crossing itself. No-one approaching the crossing during the still the sequence was inconvenienced or endangered during those few seconds. Q: integrationcode A: PCN002 Q: displayBalance A: 55.00 Corporate Finance Directorate Julie Alderson, Interim Director of Finance CORFIELD 16/11/2012 Dear Sir or Madam Penalty Charge Notice: Location: Issue Date: HR83991551 The Bridge 08/10/12 Notice of Rejection of Representation Traffic Management Act 2004 I refer to your formal representation recently regarding the above Penalty Charge Notice. All aspects of your representation have been considered however, we do not feel that there are sufficient grounds for cancellation of the Penalty Charge Notice or the Notice to Owner. The contravention was that your vehicle was ‘Stopped on a pedestrian crossing and/or crossing area marked by zig-zags’. This PCN was issued for failing to comply with a sign indicating a restriction on vehicles entering a pedestrian zone. The Highway Code states that it is the responsibility of drivers to make themselves aware of any restrictions that are in force and drive accordingly at all times. There is no provision for members of the public to wait in a pedestrian zone. The signage at the location is in accordance with the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002. I must also explain that whilst you claim you were not parked, the CCTV operative observed your vehicle on the zig-zag lines within the approach area of the crossing dropping off the passenger. Stopping to drop off of the passenger or unloading is not allowed; therefore the PCN was correctly issued. I have seen the CCTV images of the contravention and noted that the vehicle was recorded as being stopped on the above location from 07:53:18 to 07:53:31. This letter is issued as a formal Notice of Rejection of your representations. Harrow Council, Parking Enforcement, PO Box 951, Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2FY tel 020 8901 2640 email parking.enforcement@harrow.gov.uk web www.harrow.gov.uk As you wrote to us during the period when you could have paid the penalty charge at the reduced rate, we have decided to offer you a further 21 days from the date of this letter in which to pay the reduced amount of £55.00. After this, if unpaid the notice will increase to the full amount of £110.00. Should you decide to appeal to an independent adjudicator and your appeal is rejected, you will be directed to pay the PCN at the full rate of £110.00. If you decide to appeal the Penalty Charge Notice you have until before the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the date of service of this notice in which to appeal to the independent adjudicator. If you want to pay, please see the ‘How to Pay’ section on the attached payment slip. If you want to appeal further, please read the guidance notes attached to the appeal form enclosed with this letter, then complete the form and send it to the Parking and Traffic Appeals Service, PO Box 279, Chertsey, KT16 6BU. Please do not send the appeal form to Harrow Council. The adjudicator will then consider your appeal in due course and make a final decision. Please note that an adjudicator can not allow an appeal on the basis of mitigating circumstances but may refer the case back to the Authority for further consideration. An adjudicator cannot normally award costs but may do so if he considers that either party has acted frivolously, vexatiously or wholly unreasonably. If you do not pay or appeal before the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the date of service of this notice of rejection, the penalty charge will increase by 50% to £165.00. The Authority will then serve a Charge Certificate seeking payment of this increased amount. At that stage, you may have missed the opportunity to appeal. If the increased charge is then not paid within a further 14 days, the Council will apply to the County Court to recover the charge as if it were a debt payable under a County Court order. If you want any help or more information, please telephone our helpline on 020 8901 2640. Yours sincerely Mr. F Devraj Enforcement Assistant Penalty Charge Notice Number HR83991551 How To Pay Internet You can pay online at www.harrow.gov.uk By Telephone (7 days a week) Credit/Debit card payments only This telephone number is for payments only. Please have your credit/debit card and Penalty Charge number to hand when you telephone. (020) 8424 1220 By Post Harrow Council P O Box 951 Civic Centre Station Road Harrow, Middlesex HA1 2FY All cheques must be payable to Harrow Council. Please write the Penalty Charge Notice number on the reverse of the cheque. Post-dated cheques will not be accepted. Do not send Cash in the post. A receipt will not be issued. From: Corfield Sent: 21 November 2012 09:33 To: Parking Enforcement Subject: PCN HR83991551 Dear sir, I refer to your letter of the 16th November 2012. I wish to see a copy of the CCTV recording of the alleged contravention. This can either be e mailed directly to this address or you may provide a link to where the copy can be downloaded. Your letter says that the PCN was issued for failure to comply with a sign indicating a restriction on vehicles entering a pedestrian zone. Please would you also send me details of the area of the zone in question, the restrictions and the location and content of all the relevant signage. This information is presumably freely and readily available to the public. your sincerely I Corfield Corporate Finance Directorate Julie Alderson, Interim Director of Finance 03/12/2012 Dear Mr Corfield, Penalty Charge Notice: Location: Issue Date: HR83991551 The Bridge 08/10/12 Thank you for your email dated 21.11.12 regarding the above Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). The contravention was that your vehicle was ‘Stopped on a pedestrian crossing and/or crossing area marked by zig-zags’. Your comments were noted; however a contravention has occurred if a motorist parks all or part of their vehicle on a pedestrian crossing or within the approach area of the crossing which is marked out by zig-zag lines. Parking within this area can obstruct the pedestrians’ view of approaching traffic and endanger them whilst they attempt to use the crossing. I note your comments that you would like to see video footage of the alleged contravention occurring and that you are not willing to drive up to Harrow to view it in person. A copy of the video footage can be made and sent, however a charge of £10.00 needs to be received first in order for this to be done. If you would like the video footage to be sent please provide a cheque for £10.00 (made out to Harrow council) and send it for the attention of CCTV Operations Dept. Please ensure that you put the PCN reference number (beginning HR) along with the address you would like the video to be sent to. With regard you comments concerning signage, I must inform you that there is no legal requirement for signage to be erected in an area clearly marked with zig-zag lines. This is also clearly stated in the Highway Code and the onus is upon the motorist to be aware of this restriction. Whilst the authority is not obliged by law to produce photographic evidence, as the PCN itself is considered a witness statement for evidential purposes; the attached photos show the vehicle in question stopped in an area marked by zig-zag lines. Harrow Council, Parking Enforcement, PO Box 951, Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2FY tel 020 8901 2640 email parking.enforcement@harrow.gov.uk web www.harrow.gov.uk I must inform you though that the Councils decision still stands as per out Notice of Rejection that was issued to you on 16.11.12. Your request to view CCTV footage does not halt the statutory process as outlined in our Notice of Rejection as the Council is satisfied that the PCN was correctly issued. Failure to make payment or make an Appeal to the Parking and Traffic Appeals Service, within the notified time frames will result in the PCN progressing. No further correspondence will be entered into at this stage of the recovery process. Yours sincerely Mr. H Theodorou Enforcement Assistant Charge Certificate Traffic Management Act 2004 P.O. Box 951, Civic Centre, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 2FY CORFIELD Penalty Charge Notice: HR83991551 Vehicle Registration Number: Date of Charge Certificate: 27/12/12 DETAILS OF CONTRAVENTION HR_TMASCC−20121227−1 28/12/2012 Rec:186 DO NOT IGNORE THIS NOTICE. You are legally responsible for dealing with this notice. Do not pass it on to the driver. A Penalty Charge Notice was issued in respect of the above vehicle for the following alleged contravention. STOPPED ON A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING OR CROSSING AREA MARKED BY ZIGZAGS. Date of Contravention: 08/10/12 Location of Contravention: The Bridge THE PENALTY CHARGE HAS NOT BEEN PAID IN FULL The Penalty Charge of: £ 110.00 Payment now due £ 110.00 . has now increased by 50% or £ 55.00 . To date you have paid £ 55.00 . A Penalty Charge Notice was sent to you on 23/10/12 , which gave you 28 days to pay the penalty charge or to make representations.This __ Charge Certificate has been served since one of the following circumstances applies: 1. No representations were made in response to the Penalty Charge Notice. 2. We issued a Notice of Rejection of Representations made against the Penalty Charge Notice and we have not been informed of an appeal having been made to the adjudicator. __ 3. We issued a Notice of Rejection of Adjudicator’s Recommendation. 4. An appeal was made to the adjudicator but was either rejected or withdrawn. Full payment was not made by the specified date and the penalty charge has been increased by 50%. If you fail to pay the full outstanding amount before the end of the period of 14 days beginning with the date of service of this Charge Certificate then action will be taken by the Local Authority to register the charge as a debt at the County Court (incurring a court charge). A Warrant may then be issued to Bailiffs to recover payment. __ We strongly advise you to deal with this matter now, as Bailiffs will incur additional costs for which you will also be liable. How to Pay Online Payments www.harrow.gov.uk Phone Payments (020) 8424 1220 In person at our Payment Kiosk Harrow Council, POX 951, Civic Centre, Harrow, HA1 2FY Penalty Charge Notice No. HR83991551 Date of this Notice 27/12/12 Vehicle Registration Mark No receipts will be provided, please make a note of the payment transaction number, if paying over the telephone or online. LP 83689 HARROW CCTVRegs10 postTMA Jan 12 CC Harrow Council, PO Box 951, Civic Centre, Harrow, HA1 2FY General Enquiries To make an enquiry about this notice or for other parking information: Internet: www.harrow.gov.uk You can also view images and make an online challenge In Person At our One Stop Shop, Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2FY Data Protection Statement The London Borough of Harrow will use information, including personal information, collected through the issuing of this Penalty Charge Notice for the enforcement of traffic contraventions and it may also be used for compatible purposes.The information may be disclosed to London Councils, other enforcement agencies, other council departments and third parties where it is necessary and lawful to do so e.g. for the prevention and detection of crime. All information will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Our Preferred methods of payment Internet By Telephone You can pay online at www.harrow.gov.uk. You will be given the opportunity to print/email a payment confirmation (7 days a week) (020) 8424 1220 Credit/ Debit Cards Only This telephone number is for payments only and is an automated payment line. Please have your credit/debit card and Penalty Charge Notice number to hand when you telephone.You may also wish to have a pen and paper ready, to record the payment transaction number, as NO RECEIPTS WILL BE PROVIDED. 29th December 2012 Dear Sir Penalty Charge notice HR83991551 I have received your threatening letter of the 27/12/12 this morning. This letter is somewhat incomprehensible as there seems to be a number of reasons (numbered 1 to 4) all of which are conflicting with no indication of which one applies. I had assumed that the council employs people who are capable of reading their own correspondence but clearly this is not the case. I refer to your letter of the 16th November 2012 which clearly states that the time to pay the £55 charge has been extended by 21 days. As it is impossible to actually speak to anyone about this case with only automated telephone or internet systems available, I used the automated system to pay that amount on the 6th December, within the 21 days. Copies of your letter from Mr F Devraj is included below. I have paid this fine under protest as I have to complain about the action of your enforcement assistant Mr Devraj who has clearly distorted the circumstances to suit his own purpose. He claims in his letter (reproduced below) that my vehicle was stationary from 7:53:18 to 7:53:31. However from your own CCTV images supplied to me by your Enforcement Assistant Mr H Theodorou (in his letter of the 3/12/12 clarifying some of the serious errors in the letter of the 16/11/12 in relation to the details of the offence), the reason I was stationary from 7:53:21 was the emergence from the station entrance and clear intention of a pedestrian to use the crossing. The pedestrian is seen emerging at 7:53:19 and is on the crossing at 7:53:24. If I had moved forward over the crossing after the pedestrian had indicated they wanted to use it I would have been committing a moving traffic offence, one that is far more serious than a 3 second pause that did not obstruct any other road user. I wait to hear you response, and confirmation that no further action for the claimed non payment of this charge will be taken. Yours faithfully I Corfield Corporate Finance Directorate Julie Alderson, Interim Director of Finance 11/02/2013 Dear Sir or Madam Penalty Charge Notice: Location: Issue Date: HR83991551 The Bridge 08/10/12 I refer to your letter received on the 31 December 2012 regarding the above Penalty Charge Notice. I am writing to inform you that your payment of £55.00 was received at the discount rate. I apologise for the inconvenience the issue of the Charge Certificate may have caused you and I can confirm that the Notice is now paid and closed. Yours sincerely Miss. I Iroegbu Parking Enforcement Assistant Harrow Council, Parking Enforcement, PO Box 951, Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2FY tel 020 8901 2640 email parking.enforcement@harrow.gov.uk web www.harrow.gov.uk
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