INTERVENTION ORDERS GUIDE LIST FOR EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT DOCTORS possible to increase the contractility of the heart. The Asytole: 1mg adrenaline (“1 adrenaline”) every 3 minutes underlying causes of the APO also need to be treated eg: + 1 mg atropine x 3 Acute Myocardial Infarction Hypertensive Emergency. VT/VF: defib on pads, align apex. Clear. 360J, check Ix: ECG, FBC, BUSE + Creat, PT/APTT, CE, GSH, Prop up pt, calm the pt, give 100% O2 through HFM, rhythm, 360, check, 360 then adrenaline 1mg, Bedside TropT (to d/w senior Dr), ABG, CXR titrate morphine (up to 0.1mg/kg) + Maxolon/phenergan, Amiodarone 300 mg IV push ECG: ST elevation +/- Q waves. R sided leads if consider IV Lasix titrate according to BP, max dose 120 mg. KIV IV PEA/EMD: Tx as for K+ ↑. Give Excl pneumothorax, Inferior AMI (changes II, III, aVf) Lasix infusion 0.1 mg/ Start IV GTN or Isoket cardiac tamponade esp trauma / post-op. 6H/6T. Rapid Rx: O2, CRIB, Aspirin 300mg chewed stat, then 100mg accordingly. Starts inotropes preferably Dobutamine if USS. If still no response & no help: Check premorbid om [CI: Bleeding GIT, anemia ?cause], else Ticlopidine patient in cardiogenic shock. status, case sheet or ask family. 250mg (d/w Cardio), GTN S/L, Clopidogrel 4 tabs stat. Call in Cardio MO Intubate: Preoxy. Wear mask. ETT: Males: Size 7.5 to 20 - CARDIOLOGY 22cm. Fem: Size 7.0 to 20 cm. Visualize, intubate, check Major MI: add Morphine 5mg i/v + maxolon. S/C Clexane 0.1 mg/kg or IV Heparin 5000 u. Discuss with Cardio. Chest pain both lungs, SaO2, anchor (if difficult, use device). IF AMI confirmed and no C/I to start IV Stretokinase, to Causes: cardiac / pleuritic / musculoskeletal / lung IV HCO3 50mls after 5 mins of resuscitation. give IV Streptokinase 1.5 MUnits in 100 ml NS over 1 PMHx, recent ECG / CE. hour. Close monitoring of Streptokinase complications Ix: ECG (ST elevation, Q waves, then T inversion), CXR and sequelae of AMI. (Hypotension / Vent Arrhythmias) Rx: Analgesia depending on the pain score. Rx according Refer to Cardio MO. to cause of chest pain. Observe and repeat ECGs in Obs Ward if necessary. Time taken to first ECG+interpret must be < 10 minutes. Decompensated CCF Inx: FBC (infection), BUSE + Creat (renal failure), CE (ACS), ABG (severity of gaseous exchange) , ECG GENERAL MEDICINE Alcohol intoxication Ix: FBC, BUSE, alcohol toxicology level on police request (document no alcohol swab used). Look for signs of trauma. If suspected head trauma to consider CT scan if RESUSCITATION GCS low or presence of neurological deficit. (ACS), CXR (infections and condition of heart / lungs); Rx: Fluid maintenance , Valium 2mg, 2mg, 5mg for Rx: Prop up patient, O2 to achieve SpO2 > 95%. Collapse / CPR Delirium tremors. IV Lasix 40-80mg x 1. CBD and I/O chart. For admission. A/B : 100% O2 BVM, Dentures, Oral airway. Synchronize Folate 10mg, Vit B Co, Thiamine 30mg with breaths if breathing. If violent / dangerous, police assistance required. Acute Heart Failure (Ac Pulm Oedema) C: No pulse = pump 30:2. IV access + Blood Inx. Monitor Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, CE, PT/APTT, ABG, CXR, ECG continuous rhythm monitoring. BP on Auto 3 minutes. IV Rx : Aim is to redistribute the fluids peripherally as well as N/S 1Θ fast. Blood for ABG baseline stat. reducing load to the heart by reducing the fluid volume. If EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT RESOURCE BOOK Valid until next review Jan 2011 INTERVENTION ORDERS GUIDE LIST FOR EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT DOCTORS Allergic reaction (acute) Hypotension Potassium - High Stop offending medication / substance / food (if known), Ix : FBC, BUSE+Creat, PT/APTT, CE, ECG, ABG, GXM Ix: ECG(Tall T,wide QRS, small P), BUSE+Creat, VBG secure airway if pending obstruction, Neb Ventolin 1:3 if Treat the hypotension according to perceived cause More leeway(add ≈0.5) in: ESRF, recent AMI, “lysed” wheezing. If Anaphylactic shock, IV Adrenaline 1 mg Fluid resuscitation: Rx: > 5.0: Find reversible causes and treat diluted to 10 ml; give 3 mls watch for response. Repeat. Order 1Θ N/S(no K+) fast (1L in 15 minutes). You can > 5.5: Dext 10% 500 mls with 10 U Insulin over 30 mins Oral Rx: Piriton 1st dose stat, predisolone 10-30mg choose to mix crystalloid and colloid. > 6.0: Neb Salbutamol 5 mg; NaHCO3 50 mls if [H+] ↑ IV Rx: Promethazine 25-50mg or Piriton 10 mg and Only start inotropes when fluid is optimally resuscitated > 6.5 or ECG changes: CaCloride 10ml 10% slow IV over Hydrocortisone 100-200mg stat. Observe patient until (around 2 L for adult pt without CCF) 5 min first; followed by Dext / Insulin, Neb Salbutamol stable and discharge with advice Piriton 4mg tds and Bedside Ultrasound (Abd, Aorta, Heart, IVC, Lungs) Repeat ECG, continuous Cardiac monitoring. Refer Med. Neutropenic sepsis Sodium - Low (<125): Anemia Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, ECG, CXR, UFEME Ix: BUSE, Reflomet, Hx: Diet, Gastritis, NSAIDs, Menorrhagia Admit patient to the ward for antibiotics True Na+ = Na + gluc/4 (esp in DKA) Prednisolone 0.5 mg dly X 3/7 to prevent relapse. PE: PR, Postural BP, identify possible area of blood loss Dry: 0.9% N/S [(125-Na+)*0.6*wt÷154] litres/24h Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, ECG if hx of IHD Poisoning, ingested Repeat BUSE Aim Na = 125 slow increase Rx: RIB, O2. Ix: BUSE, LFT, toxicology screen, urine for drugs, ABG, Stop Diuretics Admit if Hb < 8.0 for KIV transfusion (Salicylates), levels(PCM/salicylate/etc) Euvolemic: Hx and P/Ex to look for cause eg :SIADH Prescribed haematinics if Hb > 8 with minimal symptoms Rx: Lavage [<1h], NG aspirate [< 2h], Act charcoal. 50g (malig, CNS, chest, metab, drugs), iatrogenic and no risk of IHD. stat [<4h], protect airway, give O2 [unless paraquat], IV - Ix: According to suspected cause fluids. Admission required unless accidental, confirmed - Fluid restrict 1L/d +/- Saline +/- Lasix . Stop D5% drip. non-toxic dose, single poison. Discuss with EP. Overloaded: CCF, CRF, hypoalb. Diuretics. Rx: < 38.0: sponge, paracetamol Potassium - Low: Sodium - High (>160): 38+, already on antibiotics: Paracetamol Ix: +/- ECG(Inverted T,U wave, PR ↑, ST ↓) Encourage plain water intake else D5% drip 3-5L/24h. 38+, no source, no antibiotics: Hx, P/Ex, Rx: <2.5 or < 3.0 with digoxin tox/AMI/IHD for op: Large amt urine: ?DI. Low K+, high bicarb: ? KIV septic workup in ward & IV antibiotics. Infection Sites: lungs, urine, gut, plug site, op site, DVT, Potassium Chloride 10% 10 mls in 100ml N/S inf over 1hr Aldosteronism. Do NOT double dose or exceed rate; do NOT flush line bedsores, cellulitis, viral fevers, URTI / sinuses Stop diuretics or add Mist KCl. Treat cause (eg vomiting) Fever Ix: FBC, BUSE, UFEME, CXR, VBG Continuous monitoring, repeat K+ 1h post EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT RESOURCE BOOK Valid until next review Jan 2011 INTERVENTION ORDERS GUIDE LIST FOR EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT DOCTORS ENDOCRINE GASTROENTEROLOGY INFECTIOUS DISEASES Newly Dx DM Abdominal pain Dengue Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, RBS, ECG, CXR, Urine or blood Causes: GI, KUB. Cardio, Lung / Pleua, AAA, DKA, GB, PE: Bleeding, Postural BP, DSS presentation ketone if reflomet > 16 mmol Ca+, Dengue, Psych reasons Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, PT/APTT, Dengue Sero, CRIB, Rx: SC/IV. Short acting insulin accordingly PE: +/- PR. Exclude acute abdomen. KIV Bedside USS Notify. No i/m injection (if platelet low) D/W senior MO if there is a need for admission in regards Ix: FBC, BUSE, amylase, Ca+ (ABG), AXR supine / erect Rx: Paracetamol and fluids. Admit if WBC < 3,000, PLT < to blood sugar control and patient’s education. 50,000, HCT > 55%, worried, poor care at home CXR, +/- CE & ECG, +/- Urine Dipstick, UPT. Rx: According to cause. DKA/HHNK (Sugar “HI”, Acidotic, patient sick/drowsy) NBM. MMT/Ranitidine/ analgesia eg tramadol. Malaria Ix: To confirm the diagnosis and to look for precipitating Ix: FBC(Hb < 8), PT/APTT, Reflomet factors and disease complications Bleeding GIT Admit medical ward for treatment. Notify. FBC, BUSE+Creat, ABG/vBG, CXR, RBS, Urine ketones On iron tabs? PR (stat dipstick) or blood, ECG, CXR, UFEME. Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, LFT, CE, GXM, KIV Bedside USS, Sepsis unknown source Rx: NBM, I/O +/- catheterize. +/- head chart if drowsy. +/- ECG in IHD prone patients. AXR if ?perforated viscus Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, CXR. Urine dipstick Fluids resuscitation and replacement by NS 1L stat. organ, signs of CA, KIV emerg OGDS or proctoscope. Rx: Paracetamol stat. KIV IV antibiotics after Blood C/S Caution in elderly and heart failure or renal failure. Rx: NBM, IV drip, Off NSAIDS. IV Omeprazole 40 mg Guidelines on antibiotics (d/w EP) IV Actrapid(SI) 10U stat then infusion: 50U SI in 50 ml NS Cellulitis: Cloxacillin 0.5-1g 6h 6mls/hr then change NS infusion above to D5% at 3mls/ Gastroenteritis GE, severe: >6x, fever, toxic: Ciproflox 500mg bd po hr once BSL<12. Continue IV N/S 2L/2h + add K+ 0.5 gm Ix: FBC, BUSE, AXR Pneumonia, mild: Amoyxcillin/Augmentin po + EES. each 500 mls if urinate or K levels < 4. CVP. Admit. NBM->Clear feeds->Non-milk diet. Pneumonia, CAP: ceftriaxone 1g om + EES 800mg bd po Reflomet / ABG or VBG every 30 minutes. Rx: IV Dext Saline 1 L in 2 - 3 hrs. IV Maxalon 10mg Pneumonia, CAP, severe: Admit Resp ward Ciprofloxacin if septic (EP approval required) Pneumonia, nosocomial: Admit Resp ward Hypoglycemia Pneumonia, aspiration: Admit Resp ward FBC, BUSE+Creat, reflomet 1-2 hourly Acute Hepatitis / Hepatic Encephalopathy Septic arthritis: Admit Ortho ward Reflomet: <2.5: IV D50% 20-40mls (dilute with N/S). add Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, LFT, PT/APTT, ABG Septic shock: Admit ward IV thiamine 100mg if alcoholic. Requires admission if jaundiced, feverish, ill Thrombophlebitis: cloxacilln 500mg 6h x 2/7, dressing Reflomet <3.0: Glucose drink. Recheck reflomet 2h later. UTI: IV Ceftriaxone or Augmentin 375 MG TDS (d/w EP) Then: IV D5 drip esp if NBM. Off OHAs & insulin. or Oral Bactrim 2 tab BD EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT RESOURCE BOOK Valid until next review Jan 2011 INTERVENTION ORDERS GUIDE LIST FOR EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT DOCTORS Giddiness, postural hypotension Hemoptysis Causes: CNS, Vestibular, Cardiac, Metab/drugs Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, CXR (Bronchiectasis) GXM Bell’s palsy (not admitted unless to exclude stroke) PE: Nystagmus, cerebellar s/s, postural BP, gait KIV Emergency-bronchoscopy (refer Chest) Ix: KIV CT scan if cannot exclude stroke Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, PT/APTT, reflomet, ECG, Rx:. If massive(die from asphyxia, not blood loss): Lie on Rx: Prednisolone 40mg om x 2/7 -> 20mg om x 5/7. Rx: Stugeron ‘/’ tds/prn, Stemetil 10mg tds/prn, IVD 1O affected side (see CXR). 100% O2. Suction. Intubate (KIV Eyedrop /shield. NS if severely hypotensive. double lumen ETT - refer Anaes). CVA NEPHROLOGY PE NEUROLOGY NBM / NG tube / check gag reflex Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, PT/APTT, CE, ABG [A-a gradient] FBC, BUSE+Creat, PT/APTT. ECG, CXR, CT brain (plain) Renal Failure Rx: 100% O2, Refer Medical Team Rx: Aspirin 150mg stat + IV ranitidine after exclude bleed Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, ABG, Urine Dipstick BP up to 160/100 normal post-CVA: don’t treat. Rx: watch infusion fluid amount. Admit for dialysis if Pneumonia acidotic, [K+] raised or fluid overloaded. Ix :FBC, BUSE, ABG Rx: Nasal Prongs O2 2L/min. Drowsy/Confusion Causes: Structural, infective, metabolic, drugs, any organ Pyelonephritis In ward: EES 800mg bd/tds, paracetamol failure, hypoxia / hypercarbia, overdose Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, UFEME/ dipstick Hosp Acquired / High Risk : Admit Ix: reflomet stat. Off sedatives. Admit ward for IV antibiotics Aspiration: Metronidazole Allergy to penicillins: EES / Doxycyclin / Clarithromycin Struc: CT head + CVA workup. Infective: septic workup Metab/drugs: FBC, BUSE+Creat, PT/APTT, SpO2, ABG, RESPIRATORY MEDICINE Pneumothorax toxicology screening. Ix: FBC, BUSE, SpO2/ABG, CXR (in full inspiration), ECG Asthma (Reversibility) / COPD Epilepsy/Fits Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, ABG(on x l/min), CXR, PEFR Ix: reflomet stat. 100% O2 FBC, BUSE+Creat, PT/APTT, Rx: Oxygen supplements. Off β-blockers. ECG, ABG, CT head if new onset of fit or fit of different pattern from usual or fit associated post trauma. Rx(Pt fitting): Diazepam 5mg slow bolus max 15mg. 2nd line: phenytoin loading 20mg/kg in 500 mls NS with BP Rx: 100% O2(even if not SOB) -> Chest tap -> Chest tube (consent, repeat CXR post tube); 22 - 28 Fr Spont Neb Vent:NS 1:3(asthma) or vent:atrov:NS 1:1:2(COPD) 2-6 hourly, i/v hydrocort 100mg 6h or pred 10-30mg x 3/7. Rx any pneumonia. Pn; 32 Fr Traumatic Shortness of breath No clear cause Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, PT/APTT, SaO2/ABG A-a gradient, +/- CE & ECG, +/- CXR. +/- PE Ix, D dimer and cardiac monitor in Resus area Rx: O2 (keep Sp02 > 95%), Treat cause EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT RESOURCE BOOK Valid until next review Jan 2011 INTERVENTION ORDERS GUIDE LIST FOR EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT DOCTORS GENERAL SURGERY Intestinal Obstruction (IO) Septic arthritis Acute abdomen Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, reflomet. ECG, AXR, CXR(sitting/ Admit orthopaedic ward Ix: PR. FBC. BUSE+Creat, amylase/lipase, CE. UPT, erect/L lat decub AXR). Hourly V/S, NBM. I/O chart. KIV Ix: FBC, X ray of the knee Urine Dipstick, ECG, AXR, CXR(erect or lat decub AXR), CT abdo. PFO esp if large bowel(haustra incomplt cross) Rx: Analgesia Bedside USS. Vital Signs Monitoring, NBM. KIV CT abdo- >8cm , RIF tender, BS ++. Rx: IV fluids. NG tube intermittent suction. Admit ward pelvis. NBM. Cellulitis Rx: i/v fluids. Pain relief. Refer Surgery Ix: FBC, X ray at the affected area EYE EMERGENCIES Refer Ortho for abscess, osteomyelitis, necrotizing Acute retention of urine Redness + Pain + decreased visual acuity = glaucoma / fasciitis, wet gangrene. Ix: UFEME Dipstick, FBC, BUSE+Creat, Bedside U/S keratitis / iritis [Eye review required] Rx: Admit ward if condition is severe or if pt has KUB TRO hydronephrosis. Blindness(sudden) + RAPD + white fundus & pale disc = premorbid condition such as poorly controlled DM. Rx: Catheterize if pain/UTI/ARU. 12 small, 16 big. CRAO [Eye Emergency !] Mild cellulitis can be discharged with Cloxacillin 500 mg Replace foreskin. C/I: Pelvic #, prostatitis. Peripheral vision loss +/- “curtain” +/- floaters = retinal QID X 10/7 and analgesia. Give a review appointment. “In-out cath”: Cath, measure, if < 300mls, remove cath detachment [Eye Emergency !] Suprapubic cath falls out: Use normal foleys, insert through track as per normal ASAP before track distorted. TRAUMA / ORTHOPAEDICS Call Urology ASAP if can’t cath. Head injury(Stable)/”Patient fell down” Cholecystitis / biliary colic / cholangitis. Hx, PE: VS, Scalp, pearl, GCS, joint ROM, bony pain. Ix: FBC, BUSE+Creat, amylase, LFT, CE, AXR(10% Ix: Xrays / CT head Hourly VSM & Head Chart. Need gallstones). Bedside USS. incident report? Need police case? Rx: IV fluids. Pain relief. Admit ward if confirm stone, Fractures feverish and jaundice for IV antibiotics. Xrays. ABG for long bone # to excl fat embolism. Testicular torsion D/dx: Epididymitis(>30yrs old usu), UTI, tumour, trauma. Dislocations Ix: FBC, BUSE+ Creat, PT/APTT +/- urgent U/S testes. Splint then Xrays. Reduce after procedural sedation. Surgical Emergency! Rx: Pain relief. Repeat X-rays post reduction. EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT RESOURCE BOOK Valid until next review Jan 2011
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