I How to Save a Failing Proiect: chaos to Control by Ralph R. Young, Steven M. Brady, and Dennis C. Nag/e The values of a plan are presented clear- ot everyone is a certified project manager who has led many ly and precisely: to provide direction, instill confidence, enable corrective action, and varied projects and has deep experiences from which to draw. Many project managers are general control deviations. The authors explain that a plan enables fact-based rather than emotional management. The process for devel- managers, supervisors, or subject matter experts who have been handed a project to be performed alongwith their'day job." If you are parr of this oping a project plan (and eventually a project schedule), including the various breakdown group, this book is for you. It could save you a lot of pain and fast-track the development of structures and organizational and process models, are contrasted with the value of each discussed. A unique idea of"inch-stones" is Control your professional skills as a project manager. presented to enable smaller', more manageable parts to be detailed and planned. Failing to address the basics ofplanning, execution, and control can lead to chaos. To show this, the authors begin their exploration with a list of why projects fail and a list of indicators that a project is out of control. These are countered by a list of the traits of a Jr. Through all of this, the team is not forgotten. Coaching is provided on choosing team members based on role and expertise nrrrrt-ã'nManagement Concepts, 2009, ISBN: 9781567262391, paperback, well as skills and ability. Readers are urged to allow cost to be a secondary or tertiary factor. Tþam development must involve sharing as successful project and several critical prac234 pages, $42.75 Member, tices and processes for successful projects. As $45.00 Nonmember. a clear vision for the project and making the it turns out, "¡þs characteristics of successful stakeholders' expectations known. projects are components ofthe strategy that can be used to save The remaining text covers execution. The information prea failing project." Such an overview suggests valuable questions sented is valuable after the fact for project. It could a troubled such as, Arc we getting estimates or commitments frorn our softalso keep the reader's project from needing to be saved in the ware deuelopers? and, Are our tneffics prcdictíve or retrcspective? first place. Readers are reminded that there are many sources of Project awareness-being alert to the true state of a project and project expectation, demanding a central role for communicadetermining ahead of time to respond appropriately-is a key tions. Documenting truly good requirements is the first and most trait of a successful project manager. effective step to initiating sound communications and controlReading such information, the question quickly arises, Is my ling scope creep. The authors note that quality must be planned project, or are any ofthe projects in my portfolio, out ofcontrol? in from point of initiation. The project manager must implethe A second chapter addresses concern for measuring the health of ment processes to surface and correct issues early and effective our projects, looking at the right metrics, and using metrics that often, being a champion for quality and "providing a thorough lead to sound and intentional decision making. It also deals with approach quality." to defining success in terms that match that of key stakeholders. The book concludes with useful tools, such as a list of the How then, does one begin to go about saving a failing projcharacteristics ofa strongproject manager and a one-page chart ect? How is control regained? The answer is through analysis outlining project-saving the process. and making necessary corrections. Success is most assured Imagine what expert skills at spotting and rescuing a trouthrough clearly documented and communicated project goals, project could bring to your project portfolio. Industry data bled objectives, and requirements. If any of these are missing, state declares that many projects need saving. This book provides a the authors, stop execution and go back to planning. Analyze the comprehensive foundation for project managers and organizaproject culture. Create an environment that encourages proactional leaders to hone their skills so that they can confidently tive commitment to peer review management involvement, and gap and efficiently and effectively recover the value step into the defect prevention. they are expected to deliver. Project Management rournal,Vol.4l, No. l, 89 @ 2010 by the Project Management Institute Prlb_lish4 online in Wiley InterScience (wwwinrerscience.wiley.com) DOI: r0.1002/pmj.20l5B i.r""' I Revlewed bg David J, Marsh, PMB Senior project Manager, Covance Central Laboratorg Services, lndianapolis, lN, USA. $wtLEY lnterScience' c¡r., ¡o,rr,,ro o,.ao"," Morch 2010 Project Management Journal D1l: 10.1002/pmj gg
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