Huazhong University of Science and Technology[Med Sei3 华中科技大学学报[医学(英德文)版] Journal of A Bibliometric Analysis of Research and Its Trend 423 on the Behavior Therapy in China 卵箩 Shanming(赵山明)1,NENGChanghua(能昌华)2,WU Hanrong(吴汉荣)3 of Applied Psychology,College of Education,Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450052 2Henan Institute of Medical Infotraction,Zhengzhou 450003 3Tongji Medical College o/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430030 ZHAO 4 Departmem get formed of the status of research and application of the domestic behavior therapy development trend,the time distribution and the subjeet distribution were bibliometrieallly analyzed of the literature on behavior therapy from 198l to 2000 jn the CBMdisc.Our results Sulnmary:To and jts showed that the number of literature of behavior therapy has been inereasing in exponential manner the past 20 years{the behavior modification,the biofeedhack and the cognitive therapy are ex。 tensively used in China.In clinlcal practice,the hehavior modification and the biofeedhaek have been applied in alI departments of medical institutions.especially for treating the cardiovascular and the over neurological conditions.The cognitive therapy has been employed mainly for the treatment of mell。 tal disorders(or dysphrenia),the averslve therapy malnly for material withdrawal,and the system。 atic desensitization for phobia.There was no report found on the clinical use of meditation.It is concluded that the study and application in behavior therapy in China is currently developing very fast. Key wonb:behavior therapyt biofeedback;cognitive carrier of records of scien— change in the amount and of literature can directly reflect the changes The literature is a therapy;bibliometrics;CBMdisc haT)”and its subheadings such as“aversive hera— tific activities and the PY(Ave T)”,“biofeedback(Biof B)”,“cognitive content therapy(ConT)”,“desensitization,psychologic (Desen)”,“modification therapy(BeModd”,im- scientific activities[11.In previous study,the au— thor had analyzed the pattern of change in the total in the psychotherapy and the behavior therapy,the results showed that:the psychotherapy in other countries had been growing linearly over the past 20 years,lying in the third amount of literature on stage of discipline development;that the behavior therapy had entered the fourth stage of the disci— pline development in some countries;the total a— mount of domestic literature the behavior therapy of the discipline development during which the amount of literature increases exponentially¨J. This paper further analyzed the time distribution PY and both psychothera— was in the second on stage and the subject distribution of the literature on the various behavior therapies in a hope to offer relevant information for professionals in psy— chotherapy on status and general trend of the disci- plosive therapy(ImpT)”,“relaxation techniques (RelaT)”and“meditation(Medit)”were used for literature retrieval to from 1981 on 2000 obtain a11 relevant literature the behavior therapy. Data Analysis Curve fitting was performed on the annual cu- mulative amount of literature on the more widely to 1.2 used behavior modification.biofeedback and cogni- tive therapy in the behavior therapy from 1981 to 2000 by using regression analysis to get the infor— marion oil the development and trend of the various behavior therapies in China.The mathematical for— mulas used in this paper are exponential equations. The application of the various behavior thera— pies for different diseases by employing subject a— nalysis in order to get infc}rmation on the applica— tion of behavior therapy. pline. 2 1 2.1 1.1 Source and Data Searching The CBMdisc is a database of medical litera— Literature covers the longest time frame and pos— largest amount of annual coverage.Its relatively standardized subject indexing practice makes it convenient for literature analysis[3“.CB— ture which sesses the Mdisc,as tus RESULTs METHoDS a 1iterature source,could mirror the sta- and level of the medical research in China. The subject headings“behavior ZHAO Shanming,born 万方数据 in therapy(Be— 1956,Associate Professor The Annnal Distribation of the Literature Oll Behavior Therapy in CBMdisc With CBMdisc,the search with the heading “behavior therapy”and its subheadings yielded 402 citations from 1981 to 2000.The annual amount of literature is given in table 1. Table 1 shows that the literature on the be— havior therapy in China increased rapidly over the past 20 years,with most of them being about the behavior modification,the biofeedback and the cognitive therapy.There were also a few reports on the aversive therapy,the systematic desensitiza— 424 Journal of Huazhong University of tlon and the relaxation techniques.Only 3 citations about meditation was available.In this paper,only Table 1 The Annual Year 81 Amount 82 83 Science 85 86 87 88 89 Technology[Med Sci]23(4):423—426,2003 behavior modification,biofeedback and therapy were subjected Therapy from of Literature on Behavior 84 and 90 91 92 93 94 1981 95 96 to 97 to 2000 98 99 regression in the cognitive analysis. CBMdisc Total 00 ”Behavior therapy refel's to the total amount o{literature oll the behavior therapy, including the citations On various behavior therapies under its subheadings. 2.2 The Regression Analysis of Literature Modification,Biofeedback Therapy in the CBMdisc havior and on Therapy”were calculated respectively.X stands for the year number and Y for the annual amount of cumulative literature.The scatter Be—tire Cognitive The study of the pattern of changes in the sci— graphs were plotted of the relationship between the entific 1iterature iS mainly based on the cumulative annual cumulative amount of literature on the a— data[5】.On the basis of the statistical results in ta—hove-mentioned three therapies and the year ntlm— hie t,the cumulative amount of literature on“Be— ber.As havior Modification”。“Biofeedback”and“Cogni— icked the a result,the scatter graphs(fig.1)mim— y 160 80 0 0 8 Fig.1 Scatter graph curve distribution,and can be shown the form of exponential equation。that iS.Y— bn esr.Make a curve fit of the annual cumulative a— mount of literature on the above various behavior exponential in therapies with the statistical software SPSS V10. The results are as follows:Curve fit of behavior modification Independent:X F bo b1 Dependent Mth Rsq d.f. Sigf Y EXP.980 17 829.90.0001.5533.2391 From the above results,the exponential equa— could be obtained:Y一1.55eo“1,R2—0.98, P<0.001.The relationship between the amount tion of literature and the year number iS conspicuous. on the The annual cumulative amount of literature behavior modification in China yielded 万方数据 an 12 4 exponen— 16 20 tim curve with fair goodness of fit. Curve fit of the biofeedback Independent:X Sigf bo b1 Dependent Mth Rsq d.f.F Y EXP.929 19 247.03.0001.7604.2362 From the above output,the exponential equation: Y一1.76e。246x.R2—0.93。P<0.001.The rela— tionship between the amount of literature and the year number is very remarkable.The annual eu— mulative amount of literature on the domestic bio— reveals an exponential goodness of fit. Curve fit of the cognitive therapy feedback curve with fair Independent:X Sigf bo bl Dependent Mth Rsq d.f.F YEXP.957 11 ZHAO Shanming.Bibliometrie Analysis oi the Behavior Therapy Research tion From the above results,the exponential equa— can be obtained:Y=0.0355e。418x,R2—0. behavior therapies.Exclusive of the articles of re— views,theoretic exploration,research on basic sci enees and instrument development,355 Citations 957,P<0.001.The relationshiP between the a— mount of literature and the year number iS very no— from 1981 ticeable.The annual cumulative amount of litera— on curve 2.3 in the CBMdisc The 402 citations Table 2 The are of 2000 Table 2 shows that among the various bebav— therapies,the behavior modification,the cogni— rive therapy and the biofeedback have been more ior clinical application of the domestic behavior BeModi deal with the clinical study.The iS as follows(table 2): widely employed,and that the aversive therapy, the systematic desensitization and the relaxation about various domestic Distribution to subject distribution the cognitive therapy shows an exponential with fair goodness of fit. The Sabjeet Analysis of the Behavior Therapy ture 425 ConT Biofb therapy AveT Desen 1 ¨l from 1901 RelaT Madit to 2000 BehaT’ 8 Schizophrenia 盟1 2 Phobia 9 8 Compulsion 8 5 Depression 2 Anxiety neurosis 4 Hysteria 1 Neurasthenia 2 Neurotie disorders 1 n¨ 3 1 6¨1 4 3 Substance—related disorders 6 Dysomnia 4 Eating disorders 3 Adiposis 9 Juvenile behavioral disorders。 l Childhood autism 1 Stuttering l Encopresis&enuresis 3 Cardiopathy/Hypert/ 2 弛¨弛坫n蜘o 1 Mania &Sexual behaviors 4 1, Melancholia Disorders in sexuality 2¨l 5 M o博。垤粕o 2 3 3 o m l l 1 6 7 Type A Personality Diseases of nervous system 4 5 1 4 4船他5 Diabetes mellitus 2 GastroIntestinaI diseases 3 5 3 o●o,拍拍,u Tumor 2 9 3 H Prostatitis l Gynecological diseases l Skin Diseases l 2 1 2 2 0phthalmic diseases Chronic pains Muscle spasm 8- Muscle training TotaI o;o 5 6 4 3 98 86 1 113 1 o 3 25 19 14 n。o赋 techniques were also reported.The literature of the behavior modification ranks first in terms of a systematic desensitization mainly for phobias.So for,there is n0 reports on the meditation in the do— mount and it has been most widely used.The cog nitive therapy iS still mainly used for mental disor mestic literature. ders(dysphrenia).The biofeedhack iS extensively used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, 3 diseases,只astrointestinal diseases,diabe— mellitus and chronic pains.The aversive thera— Py is mainly used for material withdrawal,and the The change in the amount of literature can di— rectly reflect the change in scientific activities.De— rek de Solla Price,a prominent American scienolo一 nervous tes 万方数据 CONCLUSIoN 426 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology[Med Scij 23(4):423—426。2003 gist and one of the founders of Bibliometrics,upon an extensive statistical analysis of the scientific in— carla and hyperplasia of mammary glands,the cog— nitive therapy for reforming criminals,the biofeed— dicators,proposes the law that the amount of liter— ature increases exponentially and a pattern of logis— tic curve,and put forward the theory that the in— back for relieving the stress of training,relaxation for strengthening memory,and biofeedback for treating graphospasm are not included in the ta— bles.In short,the behavior therapy has been wide— the in crease scientific 1iterature experiences 4 sta— ges。…. In this study.the domestic literature on be— havior therapy from 1981 to 2000 was bibliomet— rically analyzed and the cumulative amount of 1iter— ature displayed an exponential curve with perfect goodness of fit.According to the four—stage theory of discipline development,the behavior therapy in China has entered the rapid development stage dur— ing which the amount of literature increases expo— nentially. On the ture the on basis of the subject analysis of 1itera— behavior therapy,we can have ov:erview of of the application of behavior therapy in China.As shown by table 2,the behavior therapy lY used in a good many clinical departments and for the modification of fl variety of unhealthy behav一 【ors. In the basis of the above analysis,the behavior therapy has reached the stage of great development in our country。but it is still on the initial stage of the discipline development and hasn’t set foot in many fields. 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