If you do not wish to make a formal

If you do not wish to make a formal
complaint but still want to raise a concern
or ask for information.
You can contact our PALS officer on:
Freephone:  0800 02 82 037
Voicemail:  (01803) 655838
e-mail: pals.sdhc@nhs.net
what action we will take to prevent the
issue you have complained about
happening again. We will also offer you
the opportunity to talk to a senior member
of staff if there is anything that is not clear
in our response.
What if I am still unhappy?
You can also get free and confidential
support to make a complaint from:
SEAP (Support Empower Advocate
Promote) on  0300 343 5707.
ICAS is not part of the NHS but can give
you advice on how to make a complaint,
support you in drafting letters and
represent you or attend meetings with
We will do everything we can to resolve
your complaint. However, if you remain
dissatisfied, you can ask the Health
Service Ombudsman to investigate your
complaint. They recommend you contact
their helpline first to discuss your
complaint on:  0345 015 4033
What will happen to my complaint?
The Parliamentary and Health Service
Millbank Tower
London SW1P 4QP
We will acknowledge your complaint
within 3 working days. We aim to provide
a full response as quickly as possible and
will discuss the likely timetable with you.
If we need longer than originally thought to
give you a full response, we will keep you
informed of expected time frames.
How will the Trust respond?
When the investigation is complete, the
Trust will write to you. This letter will reply
to the points raised in your complaint and
offer you an apology when things have
gone wrong. If appropriate, we will explain
Complaints/SDHCNHSFT/06.14/reviewdate 06.16
Or write to them at:
If you would like to receive this information
in a different format, such as large print or
braille, or in another language, please
contact the Patient Services Officer on;
 (01803) 655743
South Devon Healthcare NHS
Foundation Trust (SDHFT) values your
comments, good or bad, as these help
us to improve our services.
We want to
know what
you think
Information on how to make
a complaint or comment
our service
We aim to deal with any comment,
concern, complaint as quickly and
efficiently as possible.
If you are unhappy with the service you
have received we will provide you with a
timely and appropriate response to your
If we need to carry out an investigation we
will keep you informed about its progress
and we will let you know the outcome. We
will do all we can to provide support and
information throughout the handling of any
complaint you make. We will ensure we
learn from your feedback and put in place
any necessary improvements.
We can assure you that the fact that you
have complained will not affect your
If your complaint also involves another
part of the NHS or another organisation,
following the appropriate consent we will
work with them to ensure we handle your
complaint effectively.
How long do I have to make a
Normally, this is within 12 months of the
incident being referred to or you becoming
aware of the incident. In exceptional
circumstances, we may consider
extending this time. Our experience is that
it is difficult for staff to recall events a long
time after they occur, so the earlier you
contact us the better.
Is there anything I cannot complain
We cannot handle your complaint if South
Devon Healthcare Foundation Trust has
not provided or funded the service.
Can I complain on someone else’s
Yes, if:
 You have their written permission
 You are a parent or guardian of a
young person under the age of 16
about whose care you are concerned
 You are the next of kin or close family
friend of a patient who is not able to
complain or who has died.
How can I complain?
The easiest and quickest way is to tell a
member of staff involved in your care.
They may be able to put things right
straightaway for you.
If they are not able to help, or if you prefer,
you can ask to speak to the person in
charge of the ward or department.
Failing that, you can speak to the
Patient Services Officer or Experience and
Engagement Lead on;
 (01803) 655743 or 654850.
Alternatively you may email:
Outside office hours you can speak to the
On Call Manager through our main
switchboard number on;
 (01803) 614567.
If you wish to put your complaint in writing,
you should write to:
The Chief Executive
South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation
Torbay Hospital
Lowes Bridge
Torquay TQ2 7AA
You can also use our website feedback
Please be advised that we are unable to
respond to complaints via an unsecure
email address. To discuss this further
contact the Patient Services Department.
What details must I provide?
Please give yours and the patients full
name and address and as much
information as possible about your
concern, including places and times. This
will enable us to investigate your
complaint quickly and thoroughly.
Can I get help with making my
The Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison
Service (PALS) is available to provide
information and support to patients and to
their families and carers.