Educational Services and Support Division Career Development Program 475 East Waterfront Drive Homestead, PA 15120 Transition Times A publication of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit’s Career Development Program CAREER DEVELOPMENT STAFF Susan L. Grant – Supervisor, Career Development (412) 394-5966 or (412) 779-4262 Transition Consultants Charlynne Donovan.................................... (412) 689-9094 Districts Collaborating O n April 11, 2012, Ms. Sue Navarro took students from the Mt. Lebanon School District’s Mellon Middle School Best Buddies group to South Fayette for the UPMC Center for Inclusion’s 8th Grade Initiative: 8th Grade Make Me Whole – Body, Mind, and Soul Nutritional Fair. South Fayette School District hosted the event, which included guest speaker Franco Harris. Mr. Harris, a retired Hall of Fame football player, is now involved with food services in the city of Pittsburgh. The students attending had a sweet time! After listening to Mr. Harris speak about healthy eating and living a healthy lifestyle, students walked around sampling various healthy foods from different vendors in the area. The field trip was highlighted with increased opportunities for students to interact positively and learn about healthy living. Sue Graham................................................. (412) 491-8041 Christine Martin............................ (412) 461-2551, ext. 24 Dan Morgan................................................ (412) 779-0137 Walt Zofcin................................................. (412) 398-7431 TRAINING AND CONSULTATION Erin Grimm – County-wide Transition Coordinator (412) 394-5818 Districts and interested persons are welcome to submit articles. Please send to Susan Grant at The Allegheny Intermediate Unit is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, handicap, or limited English proficiency in its educational programs, services, facilities, activities, or employment practices as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Section 504 Regulations of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1975, Section 204 Regulations of the 1984 Carl D. Perkins Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, or any other applicable federal or state laws. Any person who believes that s/he has been subjected to discrimination shall report all incidents of such conduct to Patricia Connolly, Title VII/IX Compliance Officer, Allegheny Intermediate Unit, 475 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120 (412) 394-5951 or Dr. Michael Brinkos, Director of Human Resources, Allegheny Intermediate Unit, 475 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120 (412) 394-5957. AIU Program Teaches Students How to ‘Ace’ Interviews By Margaret Smykla A s mistress of ceremonies of the fashion show during the Allegheny Intermediate Unit program on job interviewing, Haley Gerdes, 16, said she got a real education. “I learned that you can’t dress like you’re going out with friends, and you don’t wear jean shorts, track suits or tight dresses,” she said, referring to interview apparel. Such know-how will come in handy as the Carrick High School student, who interns at Allegheny General Hospital’s ultrasound services, plans for a career in the medical field. Besides fashion do’s and don’ts, the Monday event, First Impressions: Tips and Practice for Acing an Interview, included a presentation on workplace etiquette and mock interviews with employers and human resources personnel. The first-time program for 70 special needs students in their last two years of high school was sponsored by the Allegheny County/City of Pittsburgh Transition Coordinating Council at the AIU in Homestead. Statewide transition coordinating councils are consortiums of educators and agencies that work with youngsters with disabilities. May, 2012 The mission is to develop activities to improve independent living skills and chances for employment and secondary training. Students -- some of whom have jobs or internships or are enrolled in vocational programs -came with their resumes and were dressed for success. After interviewing, they received critiques of their performances. The 15 students who agreed to model then took to the “runway” in two outfits they selected at Macy’s on the Waterfront, sponsors of the show. Some of the clothing was appropriate for interviewing; some were outfits that would make an interviewer cringe. “They have been attentive, wellbehaved, and taking this very seriously,” teacher LeeAnn Wagner Cica said of students. Among the participants was Maggie Mackin, 18, of Sheraden, who will begin studies to become an occupational therapist assistant at Community College of Allegheny County. The Langley High School student learned that she increases the likelihood of landing a job if she looks the interviewer in the eyes, firmly shakes hands and asks about benefits and scheduling. Antonio Hardin, 18, of East Liberty, who interns as a barber, has his long-term sights set on that as a career. Watching the fashion show, the Westinghouse High School student said he learned suits are best in interviews -- and never sneakers as footwear. Ebony Johnson, 18, who works at a sandwich shop at the University of Pittsburgh, said her future “dream job” would be one that “gives back.” Monday, in her critique, she learned that while she has strengths -- good work experience and motivation -- her body piercings may be a problem. Still, she is determined to succeed. “I want to help kids who never had the chances I had,” the Langley High School student said. Margaret Smykla, freelance writer: suburbanliving@ First Published May 10, 2012 5:22 am on Providing current information to promote effective practices in the area of transition. Gateway School District…moving forward! disABILITY Mentoring Day October 17, 2012 N ew technology has arrived! Gateway’s Special Education teachers received a huge surprise on their first day of in-service for the 2011-12 school year. Mrs. Heather Bungard, Director of Special Education, purchased iPads for each Special Education teacher as well as some classroom sets. The teachers were excited to explore the multitude of apps that could be used in the classroom. Student learning and motivation had just gone up a notch. In the Life Skills classroom, we see Mrs. Kristi Dietrick working with Christian, using an app called “iReconcile” that has the student practicing electronic banking skills. Another app Mrs. Dietrick uses for transition purposes is “K12 Counting Bills and Coins”, to help students prepare for spending their paychecks. In conjunction with Mrs. Sue Matcuk, Transition Coordinator, a new app is being introduced to the students called, “Public Transportation Signs and Words”. Check them out! Volunteering at Moon Area T he Life Skills Support (LSS) class at Moon Area High School has been thoroughly enjoying a series of volunteer work experiences. The local food pantry welcomed the assistance of four students in late February, and four more students offered a hand in food distribution in mid-March. One student collected plastic grocery bags to be donated to the food pantry as part of her senior project. The class has also been involved doing a volunteer experience at Christ Alliance Church in Hopewell Township. The students travel to the church and spend two hours a week doing general cleaning. A few months ago, volunteers helped with a large-volume mailing at the American Cancer Society offices in Kennedy Township. The students worked hard, completed their task accurately, and much faster than any of the adults expected. They have been invited back to assist with wrapping vases in bubble wrap to be shipped out and used for the Daffodil Days fundraiser. The LSS class is scheduled for another new experience as they will be folding and sorting clothes to ready them for shipping to overseas and domestic disaster sites, at World Vision in Sewickley. One date is scheduled so far, and they plan to coordinate more work dates in the future. By participating in the experiences, the students learn soft job skills including things like coming back from a break on time, proper on-the-job behavior and voice control, starting to work immediately upon arrival to the worksite, as well as keeping track of what work has been done and what needs to be done. They are also honing their clerical and custodial skills in these great opportunities. Parkway West Career Exploration Summer Camp T his summer Parkway West CTC is hosting their third annual career exploration summer camp. Students in grades seven and eight have the opportunity to try out two of the following programs: Automotive Technology, Auto Body Repair, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Digital Multimedia, Health Assistant, Public Safety Technology and Welding. Additionally, a student interested in Robotics Technology can spend the full program exploring robotics. Information including an application is available at Space is limited; students will be selected on a first come first serve basis. Parkway West CTC is also pleased to announce the results of the recent Skills USA State Competition held in Hershey PA. The school’s first place winners were from the following program areas: Collision Repair Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Health Portfolio. Students from these programs will be representing Pennsylvania at the National Skills USA Competition in Kansas. The school is proud of its first place winners and all of its Skills USA competitors. Anyone wishing to make a financial contribution to offset the cost of the trip for these students to attend Nationals is asked to contact Lisa Love or Todd Kieffer at 412-923-1772. D isability Mentoring Day (DMD) is an excellent opportunity for students of transition age that have competitive employment goals to begin to understand the world of work and explore career options through hands-on experiences. If you are unfamiliar with the event, please check the website: Employers in our area, including Bayer, Highmark, FedEx, UPMC, Mellon, Glaxo Smith Kline, Nova Chemical, MedRad, Leeds, Phillips Respironics, PNC, and the Penguins, to name a few, have set aside time and resources to make a difference in the lives of students with disabilities both at the secondary and post-secondary level. They are dedicated to promote career development through handson career exploration and one-on-one job shadowing at their sites. Pittsburgh was the first city in the nation to participate in DMD in 1999 because employers in the area were excited about the opportunity to share with young people. Take advantage of the resources being offering and get involved with DMD by sending students; last year 300+ T students from Allegheny County participated in the event. DMD usually begins at 9:15 with arrival between 8:45 and 9:00 AM. At most sites the format of the day includes a continental breakfast, opening remarks, career exploration experiences, lunch, and closing remarks with departure around 1:00. Additional information about this year’s event will be sent to districts as details become finalized. Our business partners are putting forth great efforts for our benefit, they want to support schools and make a difference in student lives; get excited about this event, bring your students to Disability Mentoring Day! Please register your interest in participating ASAP by contacting: Susan Lynn Grant - Transition Coordinator, Allegheny Intermediate Unit, 412-394-5966. GROWING PLANTS AND SKILLS his spring the Green Thumb Growers of Pine Richland High School sold seedlings of various plants, which they grew from seeds, to the public. Included were spinach, kale, lettuce, snow peas, sweet basil and tomatoes. Three inch seedling pots sold for the bargain price of one to two dollars each. After the sale at the high school, remaining plants were available for purchase at Soergel Orchards in Wexford.
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