CASH SAME DAY INSTANT CASH LOANS LICENSED TAXI DRIVERS IMMEDIATE VERBAL QUOTATION UPON REQUEST 020 7487 5755 Consumer Credit License No 571041 TAXI LOANS LTD 5 BAKER STREET W1 ISSUE 722 20 November 2013 FINAL TESTING OF NISSAN TAXI IN LONDON BEGINS See page 17 A1 Taxis CALL 020 8525 0050 Find out how to save £££’s off your taxi bills – call today A1 taxis 672.indd 1 18/11/11 12:08:20 Why not... ...Get a quote today? And see how much you can save London Taxi Insurance Quotax Insurance Services, c/o Ascott Cab Co, 1-3 Blackhorse Road, London SE8 5HY Quotax Insurance Services is a trading name of London Taxi Insurance Ltd. Our registered office is Kings Parade, Lower Coombe Street, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1AA. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 0208 127 8420 THE TRUSTWORTHY, FRIENDLY & PROFESSIONAL INSURANCE SERVICE FOR LONDON TAXI DRIVERS would like to wish all of our customers a MERRY CHRISTMAS & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 1-3 Blackhorse Rd London SE8 5HY 0208 692 1122 “Thanks for your continued support” Page 2 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! 20 November 2013 TAXI RANKS UPDATE FROM TFL West Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH EDITORIAL Editor: S. Goodwin Tel: 01707 885439 Fax: 01707 696034 DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Jayne Notley Group Sales Manager Tel: 01778 391189 PUBLISHER Simon Moody DISTRIBUTION DND Transport Services Ltd. Tel 01707 272305 PRINTERS Cumbrian Newsprint, Cumbria PRODUCTION Zonuna Limited Tel: 07922 141379 ACCOUNTS & CREDIT CONTROL Caroline Harris Tel: 01778 391023 SUBSCRIPTIONS To ensure you get a copy of Taxi Globe for 12 months, please send a cheque or postal order, made payable to Warners Group Publication, for £20 inclusive of VAT and post and packing in the UK to: Taxi Globe Subscriptions, West Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH Taxi Globe has been carefully prepared, but articles are published without the responsibility on the part of the publishers or authors for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any view, information or advice included therein. The publishers accept no responsibility for the views or opinions expressed by contributors. Articles published in Taxi Globe do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publishers, nor can the publishers or authors accept any responsibility for any claims made by the advertisers. Finsbury Park TfL has received reports about problems at Finsbury Park Bus Station. The problems involve taxi drivers and the use of the loading bay outside Costa Coffee, mainly from 20:00 onwards and on all days of the week. The problems include: • Taxis blocking the cycle lane which runs alongside the loading bay • Taxis not allowing delivery vehicles on to the loading bay • Taxis not moving up on the loading bay when there is space TfL have been working to try and officially appoint a new night time taxi rank in the loading bay and also a part-time taxi rank in the loading bay in Rock Street. While this work has almost been completed, TfL have now had to suspend it following reports about the above problems. If these problems continue then the additional taxi ranks will not be appointed. Following a significant amount of work and engagement with taxi drivers at Finsbury Park there was an informal agreement to allow drivers to use the loading bay outside Costa Coffee under certain conditions and for a third taxi to use the designated taxi rank after certain times. The actions of the drivers causing these problems risk this informal agreement being revoked, the loading bay being enforced and drivers parked on the loading bay being issued with Penalty Charge Notices (PCN). If taxi drivers block the cycle lane in the bus station this means that cyclists cannot use it, are forced around the taxis parked there and put at risk of colliding with buses coming into the station. Taxis parking next to the loading bay also blocks the entrance to the station causing problems on Seven Sisters Road and St Thomas’s Road. There have also been reports of drivers: • Using their mobile phone while driving through the bus station • Turning left out of the bus station on to Stroud Green Road which is not allowed • Reversing out of the bus station • Not using their lights when it is dark • Being abusive towards bus drivers and police officers These actions are unacceptable and put other road users, including taxi drivers, at risk. Unfortunately problems have continued and the photo shows a taxi parked in the cycle lane next to the loading bay on Wednesday 30 October 2013 at around 18:00, the driver was also observed reversing alongside the loading bay. REST RANKS A list of TfL appointed rest ranks and refreshment ranks can be found in the TfL Taxi Ranks booklet which is available online at downloads/businessandpartners/taxi-ranks.pdf Rest ranks in the City of London, which are free to use, are listed below. Drivers can stop on these for up to 30 minutes. • Aldersgate Street • Angel Street •Cheapside • Gresham Street • Noble Street • Queen Victoria Street • Ropemaker Street • St Andrew’s Street • St Martin’s Le Grand Waterloo Station Taxi drivers using the rank at Waterloo Station must not obstruct or block the entrance to Station Approach Road as this prevents buses reaching the station and delays other road users. Marylebone Station There are ongoing works in Harewood Avenue resulting in the northbound lane being closed between Hayes Place and Harewood Row but the southbound lane is still open and the taxi rank is still working as normal. Turnham Green Terrace taxi rank TfL have recently received a number of calls about which taxi drivers can use the Turnham Green Terrace taxi rank. The rank is in the London Borough of Hounslow and whilst the borough boundary for Ealing is very close to the rank it actually runs along the far western side of the pavement on the northbound side of Turnham Green Terrace, meaning that the carriageway and rank are not in the London Borough of Ealing. This means that only ‘All London’ drivers and those taxi drivers who are licensed for the London Borough of Hounslow are permitted to use the taxi rank. Prior to 2000, the Turnham Green Terrace rank was outside any suburban sector but was designated as an ‘island rank’ which suburban drivers were allowed to use. When the old sectors were converted to the current ones, drivers formerly licensed for Sector 5A who customarily used the rank could no longer do so as their new sector was Ealing and Hillingdon. To address this disadvantage these drivers were therefore allowed to apply to be licensed for the London Borough of Hounslow subject to undergoing a knowledge assessment of that one borough. However, this concession was only available to drivers licensed prior to April 2000 and is no longer available. Any driver first licensed since 2000 for the Ealing and Hillingdon sector only is not permitted to use the taxi rank at Turnham Green Terrace. These drivers would only be permitted to use the taxi rank if they were licensed for the Hounslow, Kingston upon Thames and Richmond upon Thames sector or had become ‘All London’ licensed drivers. Compliance Officers will be conducting visits to the Turnham Green Terrace taxi rank to ensure that only drivers who are licensed to use this rank are using it. Bressenden Place - taxi drop offs Please don’t forget that if you are dropping off passengers for Eland House, Portland House or other buildings in the area please do not stop next to or just in front of the lorry holding area on Bressenden Place. A dedicated taxi drop-off space has been provided on Bressenden Place, before the lorry holding area. Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 20 November 2013 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! Work More, Earn More You can now join the biggest and busiest circuit in London for less than £25 per week Choice of subscription plans starting from just £22.50 pw Higher value account fares Full Chip and Pin credit card facilities as standard Keep 100% of your fares More account work than any other circuit First month free if you drive a Vito or TX4 Major new accounts just secured in EC2 and EC1 We just got a whole lot busier - don’t delay, call us today Call the ComCab recruitment hotline: 0207 432 1600 Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 Page 3 Page 4 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! 20 November 2013 Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 20 November 2013 288 111 – ½ page vertical advert Remember – You saw it firstxin themm Globe! Page 5 GLOBAL TRAVELLERS VOTE LONDON TAXIS AS TOP CABBIES IN THE WORLD L ondon taxis have been voted the best taxis in the world for the sixth year in a row, according to the annual global taxi survey from with London securing 22% of the votes, followed by New York with 10% and Tokyo with 9% in second and third place. Steve McNamara, General Secretary of the LTDA, said: “Once again, the expertise, professionalism and in depth knowledge of our great city has seen London’s taxi drivers voted as the best in the world. Clearly, their friendliness, dedication and pride in the trade, helps visitors not only get to their destination quickly and safely, but enhances the whole experience of a visit to London.” Of the 30 countries surveyed, London topped the list across five of the seven categories, including cleanliness (23%), knowledge of the area (27%) and quality of driving (30%). While London cabs were also voted top for friendliness (23%) it was this category that was deemed the least important to travellers, meaning London’s friendly cabbies could be seen to put some punters off. Almost a quarter of respondents (23%) voted safety their number one priority when travelling by taxi, which London’s cabs also ranked highest on. New York and Bangkok taxis came joint first in terms of value for money (20%); interestingly the latter didn’t quite make the overall top five this year. New York’s recognizable yellow taxis grabbed the top spot when it came to availability (23%). The global taxi survey also revealed the world’s more obscure objects that travellers have admitted to leaving behind, which included a wig and a bird in a cage left behind in a US cab, a prosthetic leg and an exboyfriend in Australia, a trombone in Finland and dentures in Germany. The survey found that people tend to text or email whilst in cab (19%), while sleeping was the second most popular activity (15%), followed by eating (10%) and kissing (9%). When asked which nation was the most amorous in the back of a cab Brits came out with 14% admitting to displaying passionate behaviour – 10% higher than the global average of 4%. Other global findings include: • Over half of us (53%) would choose a taxi as our desired mode of transport from airport to hotel. • While the majority of people would round up to the nearest amount when tipping (38%), taxi passengers tend to choose to not tip over tipping more than 10% for the journey. • The most important feature in a taxi is WiFi (14%) beating both the radio and music. • The biggest pet hate for UK travellers is when taxi drivers take a longer route to the destination. Alison Couper, Senior Director of Communications of the brand said: “Six years running and London cabs are still leading the pack when it comes to travel – it’s great to see! Our iconic black Hackney Carriages and their well informed cabbies can pride themselves on being globally recognised for their expert knowledge and quality of driving, maybe next year we can top the list for all categories!” Taxi insurance cover since 1921 Prompt We understand time is of the essence – that’s why we pride ourselves on providing the most efficient service available. • Instant quotes and documentation • Rapid response claim service • Quick access to replacement vehicles Get in touch today for hassle-free insurance at competitive prices. 0207 446 7675 14-16 Guilford St, London WC1N 1DW Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Terms and conditions apply, excludes Ireland. All facts material to the insurance policy must be given to your insurer, failure to do so may invalidate your policy. LTI Ltd. Reproduced with permission. Fairway and TX shape is registered design. Fairway tm, TX tm, the LTI device, the LTI and the London Taxis International logos are all trademarks of LTI Ltd. Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 14685_ADSx3_AW.indd 1 25/06/2012 16:04 Page 6 T Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! 20 November 2013 HAVE A TASTE OF CHRISTMAS! he time is nearly upon us - we’re already thinking of baubles, turkeys, bright jumpers and alcoholic puddings. If you’re ready to get into the festive spirit, the very brilliant Taste of Christmas at the end of November is just the ticket. We’ve teamed up with our friends at Taste to provide our drivers with special treat. We’ve got 300 pairs of tickets to give away exclusively to Hailo drivers worth £50 per pair. To get your hands on a set, you will need to be a Gold Level Driver in the Driver Rewards Program on Monday 11th November. If you are a Gold driver on this day, simply drop down to the Hailo Driver office at 51 Great Suffolk street to collect your tickets. It’s first come first served until all the tickets are gone. Once they’ve all been given out we’ll text all gold drivers to let you know.* Taste of Christmas takes place at Tobacco click the yellow button and the customer will be charged the £10 only. If the price is above the minimum fare, do nothing differently at all. Dock with an exciting line-up of London’s best restaurants, foodie entertainment and a boutique Christmas food market, the all new Taste of Christmas is set to be the culinary event of the festive season. APP ADVICE: ACCEPTING MINIMUM FARES For those of you who have not taken Hailo jobs since the introduction of our new Minimum Fare structure, here’s how it’s done. Enter the meter fare as you have always done. If the fare is below the minimum, you will be prompted in the app that a minimum is in effect. If this is the case, click the yellow “Charge £10/£15 Minimum” button. Example: If you enter a £7 fare, and there is a 20% tip, the fare will show as a total of £8.40, which is under the minimum. In this instance, Russell Hall, Founder HAILO | The Strand, London, WC2R 1LA Somerset House email: mob: 07740 280018 skype: hall.russell Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 20 November 2013 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 Page 7 Page 8 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! 20 November 2013 GLOBAL NEWS TAXIS REPLACING BUSES IN OZ Do you ever sit in the horrendous bus swamp that is Oxford or Regent Street, following an uncountable number of buses that between them could just about fill up one bus? Well, in that case an experiment in the Australian state of Victoria seems to make sense. Empty buses in some areas of the state are to be replaced with taxis to keep the underutilised service alive. Perhaps not too many London drivers will have heard of Yarrawonga and Mulwala, but these two towns – both situated to the north of Melbourne - will be the first communities to receive a flexible demand response public transport service using existing taxis six days a week. Public Transport Victoria and the Taxi Services Commission have worked collaboratively in the development of the proposed service and will continue to work closely during the evaluation and monitoring of the new service. Director of Operations, Norman Gray, says the organisation is delivering on the recommendations of the taxi industry inquiry by freeing taxis up to deliver more innovative services in regional Victoria. “Currently the town bus services are carrying an average of two passengers per trip on a bus with around 30 seats, which unfortunately means that the service is not sustainable in its current format. “This new flexible service model allows more stops to be placed throughout Yarrawonga and Mulwala, with an additional 24 stops planned. This will mean a shorter walk to public transport for more people, significantly improving access in particular for those with mobility issues.” Normal public transport fares will apply and passengers will be able to purchase a full fare or concession and a one-way or return fare ticket in the cab. The new flexible service is experimental to begin with. If no trips are booked, then the service will not run and outside of the timetable and pre-booked trips, the taxi service will operate as normal. All passengers have to do is to book the PTV FlexiRide service by contacting the taxi company at least 10 minutes in advance of the timetabled departure time from the town centre. The FlexiRide service begins operating on November 25 and will run over the next 12 months. Who knows... perhaps Westminster and Camden will think twice? Naaah! Too much common sense required! ARGENTINIAN MAN CARJACKS TAXI... IN THE NUDE! The Argentinian City of Rosario in the province of Santa Fe is situated 185 miles from the capital of Buenos Aires. To those that take an interest in these types of things, Rosario is famous for its 18th century neoclassical architecture that has been retained over the centuries in hundreds of houses and public buildings. It now has an added attraction in being the first city – at least as far as Global News has heard of – where a naked man has carjacked a taxi! The unnamed man was seen running through the street screaming and being chased by the police. He then avoided arrest by getting into a taxi on a rank that still had the keys in and a puzzled driver standing next to it, starting it up and speeding away! Astonishing video footage taken from a first floor apartment showed the “disorientated” nudist screaming at and threatening police in the middle of a busy road and as the officers closed in on the naked man, he jumped into the driver’s seat and put his foot down hard on the throttle, leaving cops in his wake. However, as the car turned around a corner too fast, the driver had the type of problem any naked man sitting on a hot, plastic seat could come up against – his body went one way whilst other sensitive parts went the other way! Crying out in pain, he smashed into several parked vehicles and mowed down four walkers. Fortunately all four were released from Applicants may obtain on request, a quotation in writing about the terms on which we are prepared to do business. All loans are subject to status. Minimum age 18. Allan Reece Associates for Financial, Mortgage, Investment and Insurance Services. York House, Western Road, Romford, Essex RM1 3LP. Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Licensed under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 Allan Reece.indd 1 24/2/10 12:24:47 hospital after minor treatment. No report was available on the condition of the naked driver other than to say that he was still in substantial pain! He was also arrested and charged with taking away a vehicle, driving while uninsured and causing a public disturbance... EUROPE’S MOST HONEST CABBIE? When an elderly couple in Wurzburg (Germany) left 250,000 euros (£210,000) in the back of a taxi, things didn’t look good for them. But they hadn’t counted on the honesty of German taxi driver Thomas Guntner. Soon after dropping the couple off at their home, Thomas noticed a cloth bag on his backseat. He had picked them up from the bank where they had taken out the extraordinarily large sum. Güntner immediately called his radio office to get the name of the passengers. When he returned to their house, he found the woman already waiting for him at her front door and still with tears in her eyes where she had obviously been crying. “I German cabbie Thomas was in total shock,” she said, “we can but Guntner, who handed back only offer our thanks to Thomas - a real 250,000 euros left gentleman. We wanted to reward him, but he in his taxi refused to take a single euro. What can we say but thank you to him.” Later in a radio interview, the cab driver said that he was just happy to have helped make the couple happy again. “I hated to see the lady crying,” he added with sincerity... Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 20 November 2013 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! Page 9 CRICKLEWOOD CARRIERS CAB COMPANY LIMITED tel: 020 8452 5461 mob: 07866-0-07866 Midland Arches, Edgware Road, London, NW2 6NJ London’s first choice garage COME AND VISIT US FOR A TRULY UNIQUE EXPERIENCE FOR • CAB RENTALS TX1’s - TX11’s - TX4’s • • • BRAND NEW TAXI’S ALL AIR CONDITIONED FULL BACK-UP SERVICE ALL WORK CARRIED OUT FOR OWNER DRIVERS • OVERHAULS - BODY SHOPS - TYPES - MOT’s • • • PROMPT WHILE YOU WAIT SERVICE NON FAULT CRASH REPAIR SPECIALISTS PROFESSIONAL SERVICING using Genuine Filters and Total/Elf or Morris Quality Lubricants • TAXI METERS - TAXI METERS - TAXI METERS CALL NOW FOR OUR BEST OFFERS NEW VIKING 5 TAXI METER - TWO YEARS METER RENTAL £199.00 All inclusive price - you pay no more! PHONE OUR HOTLINE NOW! 0208 208 3600 CABS PURCHASED FOR CASH Cricklewood 714.indd 1 24/07/2013 10:52 One-to-One Personal Service. Martin Cordell & Co. Accountants & Tax Specialists to the Taxi Trade We’re here to help. We want to meet you as we understand your business. Let us take the strain of dealing with your tax obligations. With over 45 years experience of the taxi trade, and more than 40 expert staff members, we are the leading taxi drivers’ accountancy firm in the UK. Our services include: – One-to-One personal service – Annual confidential meeting – Preparation of accounts – Tax enquiries & investigations – Limited company trading advice – PAYE, VAT & company registration expertise – Loss of earnings claim advice – One point of contact for ongoing continuity – Easy payment terms CALL US FOR A FREE FIRST CONSULTATION IN PERSON OR OVER THE PHONE Phone us today on: 020 8980 7161 See us at: 1-5 Alfred Street, Bow, London, E3 2BE / 9 Church Road, Stanmore, HA7 4AS Email: Web: martin cordell.indd 1 Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 19/12/2012 12:02:51 Page 10 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! ROGUE MINICAB DRIVERS CONVICTED OF PLYING FOR HIRE T hree rogue minicab drivers have been convicted of illegal plying for hire and accepting bookings without holding a private hire operator licence. All three drivers were caught illegally plying for hire by Transport for London’s (TfL) Taxi & Private Hire Compliance team in three separate incidents in the West End in December 2012 and January this year. The courts ordered all three drivers to pay fines and costs which totalled nearly £4,500. Two of the drivers, Arnold John-Mensah and Anas Amiri, were both licensed private hire drivers and were ordered by Westminster Magistrates Court to pay fines and costs which came to £1,200 and £1,710 respectively. The other driver, Arif Said Moqiam, was posing as a legitimate minicab driver despite being completely unlicensed. He was ordered by the City of London Magistrates Court to pay £500 for each offence, plus a victim surcharge of £15. He was also ordered to pay £960 in costs. This brings the total up to four successful convictions for illegal plying for hire in recent months with many more cases currently awaiting court dates. Helen Chapman, TfL’s General Manager for Taxi & Private Hire, said: “We welcome the courts’ decisions in these cases. These drivers were blatantly flouting the law by picking up passengers without being pre-booked and one bogus driver was wilfully putting the public’s safety at risk by pretending to be a legitimate driver, fully aware that he had not gone through the thorough criminal and medical checks that we insist on before we licence a driver. “In recent years we have spent time reviewing the law and building some solid cases for illegal plying for hire prior to testing these in court. Clearly the fruits of our labour are now being rewarded and I hope this acts as a stark reminder to all bogus drivers and licensed private hire drivers that breaking the law will not be tolerated and can result in a criminal conviction. “These convictions are a result of the important work carried out by TfL’s Compliance Officers, who are out every night of the week to enhance the safety of the travelling public in London.” Z O 20 November 2013 WITNESS APPEAL n Monday 28th October 2013 at or shortly after 12.52pm, a black cab attempted to pick up a female passenger (white female with blonde hair) from Ludgate Hill, near to the Earl Of Sandwich, 40 Ludgate Hill, EC4M 7DE, close to St Paul’s Cathedral, and took her to an address in the Belmont area of Sutton, Surrey. (Possibly Westover Close, Sutton, SM2 6UB). The fare cost approximately £55.00. The Police need to identify the driver who picked up the above fare. If you were the driver who took this fare or have any information that could assist the police please call the appeals number on 0208 721 4066 or you can call anonymously on the Crimestoppers number of 0800 555 111 quoting Operation JASPERSGREEN. Your assistance is much appreciated. LAW COMMISSION CONSULTATION ON TAXI AND PRIVATE HIRE SERVICES T his consultation closed on 10 September 2012; earlier this year the Law Commission published an interim statement and the project had a deadline of December 2013. This has now been extended for administrative reasons and the report, together with the draft Bill, will now be published by the end of April 2014. On 9 April 2013, the responses the Law Commission had received to the consultation, accompanied by an interim statement, outlining key decisions the Law commission had reached following consultation. It is not standard practice for the Law Commission to publish its policy recommendations in advance of the final report. However many stakeholders expressed concern regarding possible changes to taxi and private hire legislation and the Law Commission appreciated that waiting until the end of the year for their conclusions to be published was a long time. LONDON TAXIS TO BROADCAST PROPERTY AVAILABILITY BY POSTCODE oopla, the UK’s most comprehensive property website, has launched a new Digital Out Of Home advertising campaign with BrightMove Media, to support their current ‘Smart’ search outdoor advertising campaign in London. This will be first use of digital taxi top advertising and geo targeting technology in the world to use postcode location to broadcast availability in an area. The campaign is expected to deliver over 3million ad plays over a nine-week period in the run up to Christmas. TaxiCast from BrightMove Media will be delivering real-time information from Zoopla about properties for sale and to rent in all 127 London postcode locations. BrightMove Media’s proprietary relevance engine, ConnectaCast will use its highly complex geo-fencing and campaign planning technology through which the TaxiCast platform will receive live data from the Zoopla website and auto-create the adaptations for each of 254 advertisement changes. In turn the campaign will change the screen display according to postcode location as the TaxiCast cabs move around London. Charlotte Harper, Marketing Director of Zoopla, commented: “We’re pleased to be trialling this new form of geo targeting technology with BrightMove Media’s TaxiCast. It’s an innovative approach in the digital advertising market space and allows us to show the range in property availability across London.” Over the course of the last 4 months already over 18 million adverts have been broadcasted across the different campaigns. This is a total of over 25,700 hours of screen time spent advertising on London’s black cabs. Piers Mummery, Chief Executive Officer at BrightMove Media added, “We are thrilled to have Zoopla on board as one of our latest advertisers. With the use of TaxiCast’s innovative technology, we are broadcasting the availability of properties to rent and buy according to 127 separate postcode locations in London as our taxis drive around the city. This is just one of the many intelligent and targeted uses of BrightMove Media’s technology that advertisers can utilise to reach Londoners.” Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 20 November 2013 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! Page 11 The biggest but still the best A successful taxi support company which employs 55 people and provides crucial services to London’s illustrious black cab industry has relocated to new, larger premises at Blackhorse Road. Originally founded by Micky Ascott around 1980 the name changed to Ascott Cab Company in 1991 and has enjoyed great success ever since and is now the largest independent taxi service firm in the area. This proudly independent ‘one-stop taxi shop’ caters for drivers of London’s iconic black cabs by providing vital services including Taxi Sales, with the unrivalled Tower Gold Warranty, Specialist Servicing, Diagnostics and Warranty Repairs, MoT’s, Cab Rentals, Digitax Meter Hire and our leading insurance approved body shop. We offer NSL pre-tests, which prepares the vehicle and owner for the stringent government licencing and inspection procedures. Also, Ascott Cab Company has its own Apprenticeship Scheme associated with Bromley College on day release investing in youngsters for the future. On site is Quotax Insurance services tailored specifically for taxi drivers. This family run company, who we are proud to be associated with, aims to offer everything that the professional cabbie needs in the most friendly, economical and convenient manner possible. Over half of Ascott’s 55 dedicated staff is drawn from the surrounding area with 33 employees living within five miles of the new premises, which are located just 200 metres from the former site in Evelyn Street. The move forced upon us due to the redevelopment of the existing site has encouraged the company to invest over a £¼ million in this expansion project, which has enabled the company to increase the number of ramps in the workshop from 15 to 19. This means that the 18 fully trained technicians are able to accept an increased workload whilst operating more efficiently, and that waiting times for customers have been significantly cut. The workshop is also equipped with fully computerised diagnostics systems. Nearby, at 202 Ilderton Road is the location of our full body shop facility, which boasts a further 16 specialist body shop technicians undertaking personal, insurance and non-fault repair work. Its state-of the-art facilities make for high quality workmanship and a rapid turnaround, which means minimum downtime and a hassle-free experience for working cabbies. The Ascott Cab Company has built an unparalleled reputation for customer service and integrity, and enjoys an extremely loyal client base among London’s taxi driving community. For more details call 020 8692 1122 or visit the website at The new premises are located at Blackhorse Road, SE8 5HY Ascott Cab Company would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all our customers for their continued support, present and future. Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 Page 12 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! 20 November 2013 ALLIED VEHICLES WANTS TO COMPETE IN LONDON TA XI MARKET UNITED CABBIES GROUP ORGANISE VETERANS SHUTTLE SERVICE n the outskirts of Glasgow, the Allied Vehicles site has grown considerably over the past few years. It is here that the E7 taxi comes off the production line, now licensed in many parts of the UK. Readers will rec all that there have been attempts in the past to get the E7 licensed for London but so far it has not met the Conditions of Fitness. According to some recent reports in Scottish newspapers, Allied is once again looking at the capital. Reports say that Allied is considering whether to take London to court on the grounds that it is in breach of competition rules and disability legislation. Paul Nelson, Managing Director of Allied since 2007 says: “We are a UK company, selling throughout the UK. We sponsored UK Trade and Industry during the Olympics and were delighted to see our vehicles on London streets. We just want to be able to compete, for drivers in London to be given a choice. The bottom line is – if he [Boris Johnson] digs his heels in, we may have to take him to court.” Taxi Globe asked Helen Chapman, TfL’s General Manager of Taxi and Private Hire, to comment and she said: “Any vehicle put forward for approval as a London taxi must meet our Conditions for Fitness. These lay out the specification for London taxis and include specific accessibility and manoeuvrability requirements. Currently there are two taxi manufacturers, the London Taxi Company and Mercedes Vitos adapted by One80 Ltd, that have a variety of vehicle models that are licensed. There are also some older models of taxis from other manufacturers which meet the Conditions of Fitness and are approved for use in London, such as the Metrocab and Asquith taxi models. TfL is also aware of, and working closely with, a number of other vehicle manufacturers who are developing new zero emission capable taxis that will also fully meet the Conditions of Fitness.” or the fourth year running, the United Cabbies Group was honoured to announce that they would be running a free taxi service for veterans on Remembrance Sunday, 10th November 2013. In conjunction with the British Legion, this taxi service has become an important feature for veterans travelling to ceremonies in Central London. Taxis were ready and available from 8am at most of the major London rail stations, as well as at British Legion locations. London Taxi Drivers assembled on Westminster Bridge to observe the period of silence. Then there was a free shuttle service to ferry veterans to locations in London. Following the interest in vintage taxis last year, members of the London Vintage Taxi Association were delighted to join in the service, bringing their vintage cabs for the veterans to enjoy. This included the Unic taxi which has been seen in the popular tv series Downton Abbey which was on Westminster Bridge after the Ceremonies had taken place. This year saw veterans given the opportunity to see and ride in old London Taxis from the early part of the 20th Century. Taxi drivers were giving their time without any payment whatsoever and Transport for London has no involvement in this service. O T F BE PROACTIVE – NOT REACTIVE he London Taxi Branch of the RMT is running a campaign to help protect the future of the trade. In the last few issues of Taxi Globe there has been a series of articles written by the RMT in response to the Law Commission consultation. Now that the date for this project has been extended the RMT are waiting until the New Year to tell our readers more information. In the meantime, drivers are still being encouraged to have their say and join the RMT. Their spokesperson says: “It’s your job. It’s your future! Calling ALL Taxi Drivers help us to “Put the London Cab back on Point” Text: 4Hire (along with your name and badge number) to 60777. Your details will be treated in confidence” Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 20 November 2013 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! Page 13 Why doRadioTaxis’Drivers think it’s the best circuit in London? David Goldstein B048… 48 Years on Radio Taxis Friendly staff, updated technology and chip & pin credit card facility. I really enjoy working the new system. Malcolm Panners U023… 14 Years on Radio Taxis Chip & pin credit card machine has generated more work and 95% of customers tip you. Terry Rose M135… 3 Years on Radio Taxis User friendly touch screen system and chip & pin encourages customers to tip you. The world’s first CarbonNeutral® taxi company Call Tracey or Sandra on: 020 7272 2626 Or Email: Visit our website: RADIO TAXIS AND XETA CARRIED 1.3 MILLION PASSENGERS LAST YEAR ! Join the Xeta Radio Circuit Free subs – No cost to join! • Pay as you go 10% + VAT per job* • Run-ins / paid waiting time / gratuity on most jobs • Chip & pin as standard • Touch screen PDA with internal Sat Nav • Free replacement cab for no fault accident • Free to join Credit Union *There is a subs alternative of £15 per week + VAT. Call Tracey or Sandra on: 020 7272 2626 and quote Xeta. Or Email: Visit our website: Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 Page 14 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! 20 November 2013 TOYOTA GIVES JAPAN’S THE CARD SHARK SHOW CAB OF THE FUTURE THE by Roy Granville suspect we all have a fascination and LONDON LOOK Iwonderment for the art of the card-shark. A new taxi concept has gone on show at the Tokyo Motor show this month. Described as “tall, black as Newgate’s Knocker and can probably turn on half a yen in the middle of a rush-hour snarlup in Nagoya” the taxi is Toyota’s vision for a new generation of Japanese taxis. Although there’s no “for hire” sign yet shining on the blue display panel above the windscreen, it’s been conceived by Toyota in line with the Japanese government’s programme for designing buses and taxis that are more user-friendly. The vehicle’s proportions and packaging have been tailored to give it the manoeuvrability that’s essential in urban traffic, and to make access easy for passengers, especially children and older people, with a high cabin, low floor and electric sliding door. It also comes with a new powertrain, an LPG hybrid system that offers better environmental performance around town. The cab seats five and is equipped with a large interior monitor showing passenger information including the route to the destination and the fare. What’s not known yet, though, is whether the JPN Taxi will take you south of Tokyo’s Tama River after 10pm…….. OVER 100,000 PEOPLE FOLLOWING TfL’s LIVE TRAFFIC NEWS TWITTER FEED S ince the live traffic information feed went live in March 2012, more than 45,000 tweets have been sent to its followers, providing vital up-to-the-minute information about the status of the capital’s roads to people who are planning to drive or cycle around London. On average, around 70 tweets a day are sent out, warning people of everything from disruption caused by accidents and emergencies to congestion caused by protests, sporting events and concerts around London. As well as providing information to drivers, the feed also takes information from followers, with more than 2,000 recommendations from drivers alerting TfL to issues on the road so far this year. The feed enjoys an unusually high level of customer engagement with a “Klout” social media influence score of 88, and customer feedback has been positive, with 75 per cent giving a satisfaction score of 7-10 (on a scale of 0-10) in a recent survey. Recent customer research also shows that 87 per cent of followers check the twitter feed once a day, with 75 per cent checking it more than once a day. Furthermore, 81 per cent of followers say that, thanks to the information from the feed, they have changed their travel plans, helping them to avoid unnecessary disruption and congestion. Garrett Emmerson, Chief Operating Officer for Surface Transport at TfL, said: “In less than two years, @TfLTrafficNews has gone from humble beginnings to a truly invaluable asset to London’s road users, providing live, regular and vital travel information to help people avoid disruption on the capital’s roads. The feed is now the most followed traffic information account in the country – and one of the most followed in the world. We thank every one of our followers and hello to every new one who joins us in the years to come.” The bottom line, of course, is that the card– shark is a cheat and a thief - but you don’t become a successful one without a lot of practice and a high level of skill. In his show, THE CARD SHARK, which Steve Truglia wrote and directed takes us through the history of card sharps and via film, images and music, brings to life some of the personalities and times of this arcane and dubious world. Steve’s time with UK Special Forces taught him the use of psychological operations to defeat an adversary; skills which are also used by gambling cheats and con artists to this day. Steve has now been awarded the highest degree within the Magic Circle, attainable by examination, that of Associate of the Inner Magic Circle, (AIMC); he is one of only 300 people in the world to hold this distinction. Steve shows us card scams, tricks combined with which will leave you open-mouthed. I particularly liked the two ingenious devices he demonstrated which gave you ‘an ace up your slave’ and transformed a low card into a high card. Another great advantage to have when playing high-stake cards is being able to read people’s minds and the night I went, Steve was spot –on with a 100% success. With his skill and personable presentation he deserves to be around for several more. Oh, and If you play cards with friends, don’t tell them you’ve seen this show – they may decide to exclude you in future! The show is on at the Royal Institute, 21 Albemarle St., W1S 4BS (opposite Brown’s Hotel). The running time is just over 1 hour and the current run is until December 4th. Check the website for further details at THAMES WATER FINED FOR CAUSING UNNECESSARY DISRUPTION TO LONDON ROAD USERS T ransport for London (TfL) has successfully prosecuted Thames Water for a succession of roadwork offences in London, which caused unnecessary disruption to London’s road users. On 28 October 2013 Westminster Magistrate’s Court fined Thames Water £13,600 following a guilty plea to nine offences across the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN). In addition to the large fine, the court ordered Thames Water to pay TfL’s costs and a victim surcharge. Thames Water’s contractor, Options, committed the offences early this year in four locations; Euston Road for breach of permit conditions: £1,600; Millbank for working without a permit and three failures to notify offences: £5,600; Camberwell New Road for breach of permit conditions and a failure to notify offence: £3,200 and Upper Clapton Road for breach of permit conditions and a failure to notify offence: £3,200. The prosecution of Thames Water is one of a number of ways TfL is improving conditions for road users. London’s Lane Rental Scheme, launched by the Mayor of London and TfL on 11 June 2012, is designed to encourage utility companies to avoid digging up the busiest roads at peak traffic times. Following the introduction of the scheme, more than 88% of utility roadworks at traffic hotspots are now taking place outside of peak traffic hours, compared to around 30% before the scheme was introduced. Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 20 November 2013 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! Page 15 Upgraded TX4 from just £19.50 a day. Or put simply, Hammersmith to Kilburn. With a range of improvements including new steering boxes, radiators, check straps, turbo hoses and interior trim panels, you may be surprised to learn that the all-new TX4 Elegance (Automatic) is still available from just £135 per week with a £2,000 deposit, on our 4-year Preferences deal. For complete peace of mind, the deal also includes an extended 4-year, 120,000-mile warranty, unlimited mileage core engine warranty, 12-month’s road tax and RAC cover. And once your term is up, you can either buy, trade-up or walk away. Simple. Book your test drive, and experience all the improvements at The London Taxi Company today. TX4: A taxi from the people who only make taxis. The London Taxi Company, 39-41 Brewery Road, LONDON N7 9QH 0207 700 0888 TheLondonTaxiCompanyUK LondonTaxiCoUK LondonTaxiCompanyUK Terms and conditions: Business users only. Terms and conditions apply. Finance subject to status. TX4 Style (Automatic) is available from £33,995 OTR and TX4 Elegance (Automatic) is available from £35,995 OTR, including 3 year, 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty, 3 year unlimited mileage core engine warranty, 12 month’s road tax and 12 month’s RAC cover. A wholly-owned subsidiary of Fuel economy information: TX4 (Euro 5) in mpg (1/100km): Urban 25.7 (11.0) – 27.7 (10.2), Extra Urban 40.4 (7.0) – 42.8 (6.6), Combined 33.6 (8.4) – 35.3 (8.0), CO2 emissions: 209-222 g/km L0171304 LTC_AAA_Taxi_Globe_338x265.indd 1 Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 09/08/2013 17:05 Page 16 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! Kingston & Wimbledon Taxis Taxi MOT check and testing from March 2013 Fast fit servicing appointments for TXI, TXII & TX4 Mechanical repairs & servicing Lucus & Cygnus meter agents please book & bring your log book Garage services open Mon/Fri- 8am to 5.30pm & Sat 9am-12.30pm Taxis for hire from £170.00, all taxis available from our large fleet. TX2 Battery £85.00 + VAT Tyres £52.00 + VAT Bodyshop for accident repairs. Non fault accident specialists-no excess to pay. We buy all Taxis at top prices. We will beat or match any price on any taxi job We now sell maxxis taxi tyres from £50.00 + VAT The Dell, Clayton Road, Chessington, KT9 1NN Just off the A3, at the Hook turn off 0208 391 1600 WWW.TAXIGARAGE.CO.UK Kington v2_QP-720.indd 1 17/10/2013 10:10:07 SECRETS 1 Hammersmith 62 Glenthorne Road, London W6 0LR. Mon to Sat 8pm - 4am SECRETS 2 Swiss Cottage 309 Finchley Road, London NW3 6EH. Mon to Sat 8pm - 4am SECRETS 3 Holborn 3 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8HG. Mon to Fri 7.30pm - 3.30am 20 November 2013 CABBIES, EVERY TIME YOU BRING CUSTOMERS TO SECRETS YOU WILL RECEIVE THE WHOLE AMOUNT THEY PAY TO GAIN ENTRY on ust days E s n Su ret SecOpen 4am to w No 8pm Follow us on twitter @SecretsclubsLdn LONDON Table and Pole Dancing Nightclubs & Late Night Bars ★ Hundreds of the Best Looking & Hottest Table and Pole Dancers in London SECRETS 4 Tower Bridge 43-45 East Smithfield (Nr Tower Bridge) London E1W 1AP. Mon to Sat 8pm to 3.30am ★ Great Music, terrific atmosphere and friendly, helpful and attentive staff ★ Ladies and mixed parties are always welcome ★ Luxurious VIP Booths SECRETS 5 Euston ★ Dress Code: Smart/Smart Casual 34/38 Eversholt Street, London NW1 1DA. Mon to Sat 8pm to 6am Sunday 8pm to 4am SECRETS 6 Covent Garden 51 Parker Street, London WC2B 5PS. Mon to Sat 7 5pm - 3am Secrets (Wilton).indd 1 10/07/2013 11:47:28 Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 20 November 2013 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! Page 17 FINAL TESTING OF NISSAN TAXI IN LONDON BEGINS O ver the last 12 months, the new NV200 London Taxi has been undergoing an intensive development process by Nissan engineers. At the same time, Nissan’s design centre in Paddington has been applying the finishing touches to an iconic new exterior for the cab. Now Nissan has begun London-specific real-world testing of its new NV200 Taxi, with the aim of making it the most reliable, economical and user-friendly Hackney Carriage the Capital has ever seen. Now in its final specification, the NV200 London Taxi enters the last phase of its testing process - hitting the streets of the city where it will spend its working life. Based on the NV200 compact van, the taxi version has been designed from the inside out for the well-being of passengers, drivers and even other road-users. It complies with all Transport for London (TfL) regulations with a 25ft (7.6m) turning circle and will be more environmentally-friendly than current ‘black cab’ models thanks to its Nissan-sourced 1.6-litre petrol engine. Sliding doors give easy, safe access to the five-passenger rear interior, while other highlights include a glass roof (so that those onboard can enjoy the view of the city), rear air-conditioning and even plug-in ports for charging smartphones. Nissan has also announced that the Glyn Hopkin dealer group has been selected to sell, service and maintain the NV200 London Taxi. “Glyn Hopkin has a long relationship with Nissan, providing expert customer service to new and used buyers,” explained Nissan GB Managing Director Jim Wright. “And with a new dedicated facility to be opened next year; it’s ideally placed to apply that experience to serving taxi drivers.” Nissan will reveal the final look of the new NV200 London Taxi at an event before the end of the year. Designed to be instantly recognisable as a London taxi, it gets a bespoke ‘face’ with distinctive and modern lighting, plus a new grille and bumper treatment over the regular NV200. Sales will begin in the second half of 2014 to allow time for thorough testing and evaluation. An all-electric version is under development which will further reduce emissions of the London taxi fleet. Glyn Hopkin, Chairman of the Glyn Hopkin Group, added: “We’re very proud to be selected to sell, service and maintain the new NV200 London Taxi. It’s an iconic and very exciting vehicle - we’re looking forward to looking after the needs of our new taxi customers.” The NV200 London Taxi joins an exciting global Nissan vision for the taxi industry. Taxi versions of the NV200 have already been unveiled in Tokyo, Barcelona and New York, with the stateside version being launched as the New York City ‘Taxi of tomorrow’ last month. Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 Page 18 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! 20 November 2013 SERVICING/RENTALS Diff Doctor SPECIALISTS IN LICENSED TAXIS VITOS FOR HIRE FROM £240 PER WEEK Taxi for Rent - Cheap! TX1, TX2 and TX4 TXIV’S FROM £220 PER WEEK • Repair Taxi Diffs • Half shaft bearings while you wait 24 hours full back up recovery Contact George Frost 07846 015497 Tel: 0208 5563134 Based in Bethnal Green Call Eric 07766 542798 Unit 11, Period Works George Frost.indd 1 Lammas Road, London E10 7QT 1 28/6/12 10:32:51 FOR SALE & WANTED Contact John on 07956354671 PARTS Fowells.indd 1 FAIRWAYS TX1’S WANTED BREAKING LONDON TAXIS TX1’s/FAIRWAY DRIVERS All parts now available ** STOP PRESS ** STOP PRESS ** TX1 PARTS NOW AVAILABLE OFF THE SHELF LONDON TAXIS BOUGHT FOR CASH CALL IN OR PHONE R/O 1152 London Road, Norbury, London SW16 4DS CALL US ON 01708 553037/07969 522681 FOR SALE FINANCE CANTWELL TAXIS LTD MONTAGU ASSOCIATES YOUR PERSONAL TAX SPECIALIST TEL: 020-8647-8270 (Wallington, Surrey) For further details please ring 07950 811150 FOR SALE TX1/TX2’s PLATED 24/5/11 Cantwell 659.indd 1 Advertise here in Taxi Globe and reach 1,000’s of readers Please contact Jayne on 01778 391189 17/10/2013 11:32:48 5/7/12 15:06:14 TX1-TX2 for sale TX1-TX2-TX4 to rent with full back up facilities Instant Decision Cash Paid 07973 335739 01253 407500 18/5/11 12:16:37 SECOND HAND PARTS FREE AIR FILTER WITH EVERY SERVICE. TX1 TX2 &TX4 SERVICING. RUNNING REPAIRS, OVERHAULS, STARTERS, BATTERIES, ALTERNATORS. SMALL FLEETS WELCOME. DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE. CABS FOR RENT. G&N Taxis 720.indd 1 FOR SALE & WANTED • R Reg TXIs from £2000, TXIIs from £3500 to late TX4s from £12,995 all plated • Cabs also wanted (cash paid) • Cabs for rent from £120 per week - first week free, 2nd week half price plus free Christmas week • Finance arranged FOR ALL YOUR TAXI NEEDS 01/10/2013 10:59:59 Eric Ezel.indd 1 Diff Doctor-687.indd 1 PAUL’S TAXI SPECIALISTS LTD UNIT 10, FORD VIEW IND. EST., NEW ROAD, RAINHAM, ESSEX RM13 8ET R reg to 55 Reg For details please ring 020 7226 7205 0203 0318610 07930 610160 11:52:03 Ensure that your tax liabilities are correct! Accounts prepared & tax returns completed Advice is free Annual cost from £200 + VAT Montagu Associates.indd 1 3/29/07 4:45:00 PM TRANSMISSIONS Tel: 0208 764 3242 E-mail: Taxi Smart.indd 1 15/04/2013 17:12:36 PLEASE TELL OUR ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD IN TAXI GLOBE Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 20 November 2013 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! Page 19 C & S TAXIS (LONDON) LTD 130 Three Colts Lane, London, E2 6JN C & S TAXIS C & S TAXIS (LONDON) (LONDON) LTD LTD (LONDON) (LONDON) LTD LTD STOP AND LET US HELP! HAVE YOU HAD AN ACCIDENT THAT WASN’T YOUR FAULT? LOOK NO FURTHER OUR SPECIALIST ADVICE MANAGEMENT TEAM CAN HELP YOU C & S TAXIS New TX4 loan cab (no fees to pay) C & S TAXIS Low bakes oven for the very best results C & S TAXIS No excess to pay C & S TAXIS All insurance work undertaken C & S TAXIS Lost earnings recouped C & S TAXIS Commission given to all referrals C & S TAXIS Personal injury compensation C & S TAXIS 24hr recovery service AND lots more C & S TAXIS All work guaranteed (LONDON) LTD (LONDON) LTD (LONDON) LTD (LONDON) LTD (LONDON) LTD (LONDON) LTD (LONDON) LTD (LONDON) LTD (LONDON) LTD DON’T LOSE OUT! C&S Taxis London Ltd - have now purchased SIX brand new TX4s, specially allocated for their crash repair body shop - A Class of Their Own C & S TAXIS (LONDON) Ltd Crash Repair Centre NEED TO RENT A CAB? LOOK NO FURTHER! TX4 - replacement vehicle given with every crash repair. Low bakes spray for the best results • TX4 cabs for rent Fairway drivers • TX1s and TX11s • Competitive prices • Full & half flat Full back-up services • All taxi work carried out • Servicing • Overhauls • Running repairs 130-131 Three Colts Lane, Bethnal Green, London, E2 6JN Tel: 020 7613 4442 / Mob: 079 5192 8502 / Fax: 020 7729 1712 c&s taxis.indd 1 Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439 15/12/11 15:56:18 Page 20 Remember – You saw it first in the Globe! 20 November 2013 Website: – To advertise in the most independent newspaper – Telephone – 01778 391189 Editorial – 01707 885439
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