How to get the most from your video OnScene Marketing and promotions

Marketing and promotions
How to get the most
from your video
Now that you have a beautiful,
custom-made video for your business,
you’ll want it to be seen by as many people
as possible.
Here are a few ideas for putting your
video to work for you.
Add it to your website. Speak to your web developer to find out
how you can imbed your video on your website. Choices include
adding a video player so viewers don’t leave your site after viewing it or
imbedding a YouTube or other video sharing site’s platform on your site.
Ask your friends, staff, coworkers and customers to tell their friends
about it, too. Encourage them to subscribe, like, follow, retweet or otherwise
help share your video. Make it easy for them by providing a suggested post.
“Hey friends, check out our new video on the Tampa Bay Times’ new online
feature, OnScene at”
Tell your in-store customers about it. Do you have a white board, chalkboard,
bulletin board or other in-store communication? You can now say, “As seen on”
Write a press release. Promote your video by placing a press release about it on It’s free to send to the newsroom and costs only $150 to
post it to the public. Include a link to your website, the video on YouTube and other links.
Doing this may boost your website in search results.
Create a contest with your video. Try something like this in your social media, email or
other communication: “Hey fans of Dan’s Steakhouse, if you can identify the beer being
served in our new video on, we’ll enter you in a contest to win a
$50 gift certificate! Send your answer to”
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Marketing and promotions
Create a YouTube channel or add it to an
existing one. Uploading your video to YouTube can
be one of the most effective ways to promote it.
Your video will stand alone in search results and it may
boost your website’s performance. Be sure to include your
website URL in the description of your video on YouTube.
Email marketing. Tell your customers and friends about
your video in an email blast. Let them know your video is on There’s cachet in associating your company
name with the name of one of the most powerful brands in
Tampa Bay. You can imbed the video itself, include a link to your
video on your YouTube channel, or a link to the video on Email service providers like Bomb Bomb
and Streamsend will allow you to imbed your video in the body of
the email. Others will allow you to add a thumbnail with a link.
Social media. Use social media to promote your video. Upload it to your
social media sites and post a comment about it. Tell your followers about it
and give them a link to the video at We recommend
Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram.
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