Document 225705

Your bathroom is perhaps the hardest of
all the rooms in your home to keep clean.
Everywhere you look in your bathroom is a
potential breeding ground for germs and bacteria.
And if you aren’t cleaning it regularly and the dirt
and germs are allowed to build up, you’re going to have to use some pretty harsh
cleaning products to make it clean and sanitary again.
Rather than using these harsh products that may not get the job done entirely or spend
hours on your hands and knees with a toothbrush and elbow grease, you may want to
consider using a high-pressure water vapor machine.
This machine, which is steam-powered, can not only get all of the nooks and crannies in
your bathroom clean and sanitary, it can also reduce the reappearance of mold, mildew,
dust mites, bacteria and viruses and if you have an asthma or allergy sufferer in your
home, this type of deep cleaning can be extremely beneficial.
Handheld, tank and mop models are priced starting under $100. You can search online
or at Amazon or QVC for starters.
How to Stand Out At Work
Everyone wants to shine at work and be rewarded
for it, but in order to really stand out there are a number
of sometimes surprising things that you can do.
One good tip is to know the difference between being
productive and being busy. This is crucial for an
employee to genuinely be a success in a work place. At
the end of the day your employer is not going to care
how many hours you work but they will all care about the results that your work
It is more important to use systems rather than setting goals. A goal is just something
that you would like to be able to achieve, but a system is the method by which you reach
those goals. Goals can often actually hold you back in the long term, while systems
generate real results and cause you to be much more successful.
Issues should also be confronted directly. If you make a mistake or a project falls
through, you should highlight it straight away and suggest how to deal with the problem
rather than procrastinate and hope no one notices.
MAY 2014 Hello! You’ll love this monthly
issue of The Tidy Times.
What we do: we provide
hassle-free office cleaning and
building maintenance services.
…Serving manufacturing,
telecom, healthcare and many
other sectors. We also help
colleagues with their marketing.
Monthly Joke
Computer Quips
-How do trees get on the
* They log in
-What do computers like to eat?
* Chips
-What is an astronaut’s favorite
key on the computer keyboard?
* The space bar
-What kind of doctor fixes
broken websites?
* URLogist
-Why did the chicken cross the
* To get to the other site
-What is a computer’s first sign
of old age?
* Loss of memory
Monthly Quotes
“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” -­‐Mark Twain “I’d rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate.” -­‐George Burns Kevin’s Corner: Nobody
Can (or should) Shield
Kids From Every
Do you remember a childhood
disappointment? If you remember it, some might say that you
never got over it. But most
likely you recovered to be a well-rounded
adult. I’m not talking about serious trauma
that requires counseling. Rather, things
happened that seemed to you as a child to
be tantamount to the end of the world, but
adults thought they were no big deal.
Improving Your Heart Health
Some risk factors for heart diseases are out of your
control, such as health problems inherited from your
parents, or simply your age, but many others relate to
your lifestyle, including having an unhealthy diet,
being overweight and smoking.
Your health can therefore be improved by adopting a
healthier lifestyle and a heart-healthy diet.
The only really healthy solution for smoking is to quit. This can be difficult,
but it is far from impossible and will eventually lead to success. It can also be a
good idea to discuss with your doctor medications that actually cut down your
craving for nicotine.
Well, it WAS a big deal to a kid with little
experience in life. Parents or adults may
have tried at the time to help us reason that
in the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t
that big of a tragedy. Sorry, life goes on.
Within days of stopping smoking, your blood pressure will begin to go down,
the carbon monoxide and oxygen in your blood will go back to normal levels,
your blood flow and breathing will improve and shortness of breath and
coughing will decrease.
In my wife’s case, she had a Barbie doll,
not multiple dolls, just one. And her
parents who had very little money bought
a Barbie outfit that cost $1.99. Being the
little perfectionist that Sharon was even as
a child, she thought the outfit needed
ironed. So without supervision, she
attempted ironing it. Big mistake. The
clothing instantly melted on the iron. And
there wasn’t extra money or parental
inclination to purchase another outfit.
Losing weight, even as little as just five to ten percent of your current weight,
can also cut down your risk of having heart problems.
In my case, after a family vacation out
west to Yellowstone, my one souvenir was
a drinking glass, yes, made of glass. One
day after the dishwasher was just finished,
I took my then favorite glass out, still hot
from the drying cycle. I thought it would
be cool to watch an ice cube melt in the
hot glass. So I plopped it in the glass and
the cube started to melt and crack. But the
glass cracked too, and then promptly broke
in half. I was devastated. No replacement.
Making sure that a project stays on track,
sometimes in the face of continual additions and
requests for changes can be the greatest challenge
faced by a project manager.
So what’s the lesson in this? Life includes
disappointments, and not just rewards. If
parents or adults try to shield kids from
every bad thing or resulting consequence,
it does the child no service. As an adult,
will he think the rest of the world is meant
to intervene on his behalf to prevent
disappointments? Life isn’t like that.
One good tip for project managers is to get involved early on. Senior
management often sets expectations with no real consideration of the details
involved in delivering, so it is crucial to take the time to work with senior
management in the planning process in order to define vital measurable
objectives on which everyone is in agreement with.
Example: I think it’s sad to see the days of
sandlot baseball have given way to kids’
organized sports where some “helicopter”
hovering parents want to intervene in
every questionable call or every perceived
slight. It’s training kids to cry “No fair!” at
every turn. Kids: Life isn’t fair. You’re not
entitled. Stuff happens, but you’ll be fine.
How to Set and Manage Expectations in a
New Project
If expectations have not been properly set from the
very beginning with the client, the team and senior
management, and there are no strategies in place to
cope with last minute changes or requests,
deadlines can end up suffering.
If issues should arise, then at least project managers can go back to those
objectives and check with management to see if delivering on them will be
affected by these issues.
The more aware you are of what the goals of the project are really supposed to
be, the better the chances are that a project manager will be able to assist their
team to achieve them.
Tips for Learning a New Language
Financial Fitness Tips
There are various methods to help you learn
a new language. One good trick is to simply
try and learn one new phrase every day.
There are around two thousand basic words
and phrases that need to be learned in order to
understand a new language.
The trick is to turn this into something that is
enjoyable, by using just five to ten minutes of memorizing every day.
Just one new phrase per day can help you to broaden your language skills
surprisingly quickly.
These days you can have language learning apps installed free on your smart
phone. This helps you to keep learning a new language no matter where you
are at any point in the day when you have a few minutes of spare time. Good
apps to try include Busuu and Memrise, which are available on both Android
and iPhone.
Practicing with a friend can also be a big help. The ultimate point of language
is to be able to communicate so learning through conversation just makes
A real world partner with whom you can interact will help you to develop
skill and confidence and increase your motivation.
Hosting a Child’s Sleepover
The age-old child’s slumber party creates some
great memories for kids, but as a parent you
soon become aware that a lot of time and effort
has to go into these seemingly carefree
Fortunately there are some helpful tips to
follow to make sure you keep your sanity
while your child still has a memorable sleepover.
You need to control the numbers of kids allowed at the sleepover and
make sure you have talked to all of the parents involved. Go over the house
rules with all of the children and plan a menu for them. Put the phones away.
You also need to make sure they have some kind of activity to participate
in to ensure they can keep themselves entertained without getting up to too
much mischief.
However it is also important to avoid going overboard with adult
supervision - kids need to be given their space during a sleepover so that they
can create a memorable bonding experience without too much adult
Sometimes people who seem to have
a healthy income find themselves in
shock when they realize what they
owe at tax time, but the good news is
there are a number of tips to help you
get your personal finances into shape.
More than fifty percent of businesses
are based out of people’s homes, yet
many people fail to take a home
office deduction even when they are
eligible for it.
Previously that may have been partly
because of the overwhelming
paperwork, but these days there is a
much simpler alternative – just deduct
five dollars per square foot for a
home-based office, to a maximum of
fifteen hundred dollars.
In order to qualify, a home office
should be vital for a business and
used exclusively and regularly for the
purpose, although it does not need to
sectioned off or in its own room so
long as it remains a clearly defined
space in the home.
There also needs to be enough income
in order to offset the deduction.
Kevin Carter
PO Box 135
Jasper, IN 47547-0135
MAY 2014
Strange but True
Smelling bananas or green apples can help you lose weight.
Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.
Every lunar day lasts for an entire month on Earth because Earth always faces just the one side of the moon.
Humans blink over 10,000,000 times a year.
An 1811 earthquake caused part of the Mississippi River to flow backwards.
Human beings have as much hair on their bodies as primates, such as monkeys and chimpanzees but it’s mostly light and short.
A person uses about 57 sheets of toilet paper a day.
Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women.
You Could Win an iPad mini
From the desk of Kevin Carter, CIO (Chief Icky Officer) text b April’s trivia answer was that at the highest price during the tulip bulb mania, prices hit 10 years’ wages for just ONE tulip bulb. Winners for the April trivia contest are: 1st: Martha Niehaus; 2nd: Theresa Showalter; 3rd: Suzie Thrall. For May trivia, consumers often check online reviews. The May drawing is 5/20/14 at 5pm and you could win $10, $15, or $25. (Or an iPad mini 7/31). See insert and Mary Trivia Question: says what percentage of
consumers research products/services online?
a. 10% b. 45% c. 65% d. 80% E-­‐mail your answer to CleaningConsultantsUS or phone 800-­‐897-­‐5516 by 5pm May. 20 to have a chance in st
the winner’s drawing. 1 place $25, 2 is $15, 3 is $10 Or leave an online review for us and you could win an iPad mini on 7/31, when using our link COPYRIGHT 2014
and Boost Our Online Ratings
About 72% of consumers trust online reviews
as much as a personal recommendation,
according to Local Consumer Review Survey.
And Dimensional Research says that 90% of customers say their
buying decisions are influenced by online reviews.
But even when people have a positive experience, they’re
often too busy to review a product. To illustrate, my wife likes
QVC. But she’s noticed that of the tens of thousands of products
sold, perhaps only 1 person in 100 leaves a review online.
It’s similar with us. Our customers and business associates tell
us they love dealing with us, but we need more online reviews.
So I’ve made it easy for you to leave an online review for us!
See the enclosed insert. Or follow this shortened url link
It takes about 30 seconds to post a review. And you’ll have the
opportunity to easily leave the feedback on different review sites
(Please start with Google). You’ll automatically be entered to
win an iPad mini on July 31 when you post a review through
this easy system. And you get one entry for each review!
So please start now and best wishes in the drawing!
Online, enter this: