^ r 1 KNOW WHAT ABOUT BOOKS V ^ AND -f HOW TO THEM. USE BY GEORGE LORIMER, C. Minister the at Temple, INTRODUCTION WITH -* ^ J BY "" , 1,(?^iiasOf^Slttjltois.;^ " Come, And and so take ^ beguilejthy^^MTipw*'*^ "j ^J*/^ 't,'^hdtfesp --"'j ear". ^ H. 178 a J clioice'of aHliiy library. BOSTON James "ii J, Earle, Washinqton : Publisher, Street. - - COPYRIGHT, ilLt. 1899^ RIGHTS " RBSBRVBD. "" " " " " " " """ " ""; " " " "" " " """" " " ".: V''. !""""./ TH'': I " " " " ."' Are from the Who neither Of the Of a That, A who not Supply world's quick for the day's unwholesome his and such active consumption, food, humor morbid a " an years done crowd; bustling feels nor interests fancy, or the of transactions hears whole exists received benefits *Mid uncaressed pleasures unenlivened; Apart J domestic by And hours whose He, " wish to with need heart, books earth and hath one a hear may and yield air delight." ^ ^ Un livre est iin eipj^q^ji. n"; crj^nge jamais." Pixericourt, * CONTENTS. Charles Lamb London and Stalls Book The Purchasers " of Old Charms Books of Current Library the " " Perils Literature with connected Literary lence Opu- " of Courses Reading " How collect to a " Library Object " of Volume Present Literary " Mental and Fellowship Correspondence. Pages ix-xvi. I. Shakespeare on and Proportion Study lectual Intel- the between " Practical Kingsley, Carlyle, Life and " Arnold Words Warning " Ruskinian The Creed Worthy A " Guild " Exhortation Paul's Rank " of the Bible More " Literature as and Fryth Sir Thomas " of Neglect Bible the Educational in stitutions In- " Catholic Roman Schools Other " to be Paul studied Classics the and The " and Books " Seneca. Apostle " Pages 17-24. II. Heathen Books condemned Gregory the Great Modem Antagonism and " the Bishop Vienna of to " Secular and Intolerance Knowledge Ignorance " " Greek Authors and their Relation to Bible Study " General Literature of Service in expounding the CONTENTS. VI The Hero Foxcar's Scriptures Literature of Answer John " Pages of Idea Sinless a " " Newman. Henry 25-32. III. The True Mind Lord Medicine Opinions of Character Petrarch, Carlyle, Books on " Volumes Price in " in highest " lowest The Others and Books of Multiplication Bacon " of Abundance the " Necessaries of Life Situation of Uses On Selecting " of Life Ruskin Literature Carlyle " of Duty Pastors the to " the on of Art Books of Pages fortunes Mis- tion Discrimina- Choice on Young. Unread Japan the on the on Quincey De " " in in Paper " Books Review Saturday " " 33-43. IV. and Philosophy The Poetry Muses Reflection National of Life Classical Literature A " and On Jules Simon's in Best The Authors an of Literature of Advantage The New Sensational the the School Veracious. ing Read- Movement Pages in Carlyle " of Exponent ship Fellow- " " Decay " Poetry " Goodly " France Humanity Story A " the View Greatest the Scotch Browning commending " M. in Philosophy of and " in cians Metaphysi- the and " 44-51. V. History and Fiction Objections " Pernicious Effect of Base Novels against " Literature The quent Fre- " Falseness of of History, Fiction of Truth Value of " Sidney Method " Pages the Histories 52-60. The " Fiction classified " Study fulness Truth- Sir Philip " " of Possible Historians Prejudiced " Test and Recent " Works Philosophy Best " recommended. CONTENTS. VU VI. and Biography with the Froude Great Characters Modern in lowship Fel- " the on Saints " Some Times ble Nota- " Examples Essays " and Bunyarij Richter^ on Others Influence Their " of Picture A the Burns^ Corn Law Elliott. Milton^ ity Human- on Ebene- Rhymer, " zer the Our Lives " " Heroic Men " Plutarck*s Epochs of Creators Famous Advantages its 61-66. Pages VII. Books and against Rugby of Leo " of Arnold in Good Deleterious Sunday-School A Boys as " Reform Social The on Sociology, in Remedy Volumes Politics, Dynamite on Religion " and Revolution Approaching " Books of List Sociology " Religion on " Subjects Scientific A The " Virtues Works Author an Some of Story Huckstering " Valuable Some Ruskin of Science. Effects " " the on " " Tales Lewes Rome " Bad " Prejudice of Livy Reverence George " The Books and Fairy Domains Religion " Byzantium Religious No Tyndall Science of Hatred Two " of Treatment Darwin Good The " Unscientific of Science and Religion on " Government and " Bullets. and Pages 67-79. VIII. Lord Advice Brougham's Views of Expository on to John Sir of Reading My Lubbock " List A of " of Useful Qerical Friend " and P. A. wisely and Russell and profitably Wings " Works Books Indebtedness Difficulty " Crutches Method Value " The Reading " " John for Herschel Critical and Literature Sir Taste A " " My Aimlessness Own and CONTENTS. Vlll Soul of Homage Irreverence Genius to Other " Desirable " The Qualities of Design Reading " it How be may The Opium Literary " Milton Habit " Perverted Superficial on " Reading. Pages 80-91. IX. Precaution Another olf Lack Moderation What " Sailor for Daily The saw the Press Too " read much " understood Amount Clubs Reading An " Case Extreme Qub " Assistance Cramming dered ren- " " capable by a " Instructors of Importance Self- " Right Reliance Judgment. of Pages 92-97. " X. In Understanding Author an Illustration An Reading a " from the Great Book of Experience Mr. " West Benjamin Morse as " fastening on to Bias a Single Images worth Words" Brain the on Author tion Devo" Few well Books read " Literature in Teacher a to " The avoided be Parson and " Novel following Revulsion Reading Excess tisanship Par" " Books in Ferrara Geese Possibility A Deplorable A " " representative Library of the verse Uni- " Communion with and Books Communion " Self with The Self-Knowledge " Secret " of Soul's Speech " Death A " Worthy End. Pages 98-1 10. INTRODUCTION. said Lamb. habit of London a passing and read, made would mind his up the fascination a book looked, he had it, and is Such to the hundred a or happen life. of be neglected, one and that any one. there counter the it and then the As picked up became down sorbed abwhen until, he contents, other was It is likely all though is happened men. and For have may that one free never place found resolution. its amining ex- beguiled his it he bookseller. anybody, to the ; into he notice, all impatient story stall lay not imbibed the by his did nearly aroused Lamb hesitated, attracted that in for that often so the at much too he usual, arrival upon he thought, tempted had that treasures but ; be halt, occasion he to in was would one as himself allow not him firmly, his curiosities, he On purchase. of on he those where life that business of one book-stall, the appears of place incident an in It his to way read occurred have to Charles the have I OMEWHERE devoted to likely was to other is from to in occur stores serted, de- never customers, the sale of INTRODUCTION. table the books, No displayed. have we are, when considering stand opposite and who the and shelves lowest is in railway really a this rival upon very remarkable the in but wants, extends fascination The clubs. the most are attractive drawing-room, enough to possess does our not in one, and houses the for even the he need. not literary place is perhaps furnished not and passenger that to toward pretence some the latter The book of palace the likely more ture. na- bookstore where a profit human dry-goods of purchase of corner the Shrewd detect to element stand, news the into while arrangement offered slow been old-fashioned finds Boston our the at literature. possess not themselves The not to have merchants led and look to something certainly fascination the the looking terms. There for the typewriter, real and by near - any tables, classes clerical stopped without our represented the of boy up took we loitered or we since, All men, messenger piled books in within mistress the time some be to feel we bookstore. seemed went persons, upon old are book. a subject, Well-dressed portal. even at this wares hurried notion, this an conditions those look to with literary how matter time Impressed which upon out with- property, house those art is tunate for- gallery, INl'RODUCl'lON. the but all and person the but of in is It of same magazines, come without interesting, hence this fascination. leads may contain the society of perhaps of men much contains ; book the " finally, and who book a and perhaps far the of better the is desire to idea bibliomaniac all, the osity curi- volume a into enter the perform simple secret simple what what than great into to the the profitable, securing as first and it can thought craze inquire the of association. wonder to zines maga- appear far by such Perhaps one ; writing without to number of true, suggestive, desirable, that their increase but any the perhaps now is ago attention. increase it which, viting in- ing interest- our corresponding a of some majority and is nal, jour- Years with this with with claimed but great illustrations, all, Atlantic, Along these to periodicals, notices. Review, there books, above a weekly monthly book The to the with journals American legion. the and and North and gorgeous these Harper's is us suggestive two according increased being by contents, and the to ease or eye, paper more to come is daily probably in for the nished, fur- elegantly be economy. by extent that for fascination This it contrivances delight strictest the whether library, with XI wonder publisher, a the of volume owning ; real perhaps hunger a INTRODUCTION. Xll for knowledge, But whatever this of bindings, the of of The its the literary his himself finds the lest and he shall and the finds For him in fail to his without time make his the mental for of mind of ious, anx- tion, selecand time, few books seriously privileges, many of tressed dis- the highest, energies. it is and natural advice. some in opportunity out and a and himself possess also unwise even so dream multiplicity strength, of great who but an of midst the attention, puzzled reason call the by referred. his having by shall purchaser lest, this to he book increased of them, his himself waste the as of have in claim waste so so money, be to afforded we is presence which also, often and perplexed objects the being dreamed has capitals by brain, desire are which to who traveller gratified so act opportunities opulence European fine shape but to the and many, magnificent the from arising are the the made the in any derided folly, and dangers by in stock be in soul. the ownership element books them to power. itself with will not mental show room purchase is helper As a for controlling it contents fascination stripped the whether to or thirst be furnish to as real may fancy, desire long the " courses this Nor will he direction. of for worthy reading be From " have Xlll INTRODUCTION. been given offered that plain his be a is of species We considerable that the saw in the In other not rest may is but only a made were secretary, had It Knowing words, upon had was in him as and the the ambition fact own the a at we the of fact best make secretary's did, of our to the we day the of one we one blanche selection as with of brain shelves man out between to the the came books, relation any on carte more of how a obtained collection of a and volumes correspondence cases most who graduate received in up acquainted a of grown grasp that library influence secret selection. the it the in had the The we library. of experience tmderstand not him. colleges, to that library for an superb a intellectual the his be not characteristic, life, but of between exist when pretty inclination were who had could knew truth recommendation of political He could and We us. person money. in some a highest, here pathway we a worthy reminded prominent but as said may moral the not befell obscure which counsel sage pride. are once told possess and and high it surely be to serve ability very be perhaps, may mental it must to Ambition seen his needs some, liking. when Yet inquirer facts, seeker, literary relieve. to the the to volumes secretary. library books, once but should upon XIV INTRODUCTION. correspondence between heart and brain selection This will the on he allow a those of the he is which of turning for high he but chagrin, no amount too are upon feel proper that which from the of and hand, one to one discovers volumes condition other. contrary when the on the on the pleasure, from away him now, *or looked formerly with approbation. is It precisely become of courses the choice difficulty of Books but suggested, order to make that recognize into there Though historical, certain relationships different of branches and recognized It is the indicated seeking to to forth and comprehensively, us, build to the establish up a as other. must one principles we lying subdivide may etc., after yet that clearly, all between existing without of object mind each to literature set be may the to great scientific, are it selection, are literature. beneath only proper there for course proper in the likely more related are a be needed. not they follow may though are related are many to fault the not even that studies intricate it but it is so endeavor course, follow, to their The a that point reading. that is mind In in discouraged out the this at need to be succinctly, prolixity. present the library minds upon volume, of as those precisely INTRODUCTION. such be not the of and powers For our with to rather but vidual indi- also but out of reading alluded. just attainments we that one did not of abandonment the of part this We others. many so could experience has of has home been that reading on due largely been not idea the venture did we we paths many leisure which this excellent presupposed possess, money that have we be always such to which to review ing attempt- regard to them theory find We of found and command, obtain. in those as the but theory, in experience our suggestions We but help cannot we feelings follow courses the very holding Union, properties, part own dismal not a brotherhood. common in in barriers, own our shall alcoves separated fixed by way States that So countries, foreign as disagreeable like basis. scientific a XV to cause. Now than when this is have we been it affects age, who it is the of the mind fellowship them of enemy there time there and may the be may mental be of If youth. apart to the given a middle to now those reasonable a of improvement of idea correspondence, given tory desul- though amusement money be may especially consider, For setting and magnitude greater young. contemplate amount to apt the reading of disaster a bird's- eye literary if view to of INTRODUCTION. XVI the literary landscape the of courses the of range its of the by Few for becoming fewer have of sources We the the of to heart, and own in Kingdom, for laborer the by truth this which is by public any word which of years of to have been he which the is the of been has faithful a by this volume. he and needs we ours of be may and plans which reflection, introduction, no we permitted the shall be to utter able to M. but dicate in- suggestions are Wm. / his er's Redeem- ripe result happy very this word introduction. Chicago,* ever of advanced be deavor en- interest impulses will years, so and building of unfolded, fruitful tiously conscien- in the appreciation herein of present him generous of the and cares wisely in the many publication To if so opportunities literature, select rising generation, closely well so exacting that served ably allied volume inspiration. feel cause and this and with ability to but cannot of wide so the amid mental unification author. enjoyed acquainted shown plains, come. readers eminent life the public must see may its the contemplated the have men of and good the purpose executed they extent mountains, congratulate upon of its rivers, the territory,great We I its which by Lawrence. of 18 WHAT in is the of if Of we may have we of such methods Labor is It such by not a man perfects its of power what dependent inthe service subdued by able unavail- treasures of instances are alone, becomes man which Lovers *' This is And for work in avail his than without his send any heroical and rather desire advantages." to in a sencj he where him sons recorded has Land, than expresses and true would A man. more gentlemen "I : of the Arnold Dr. bread, luxury, himself is Diemen's Van much : chiefly, a Kingsley worthy conviction to parts Canon Hence : all by writes books by work by warned are Carlyle nor in himself only God." similar we eminence. books sentiment rest, to of reading.** the live familiar been has mistakes authors that boy the value Lost, different of become of it surely Against by have render to as These ! if city, a particular And ! contingencies what sacrificed thought conquest saddest the its accumulates mind " authority with, " the as one BOOKS ABOUT contemplated. ever " affairs ordinary wealth, KNOW I must Oxford his a to mind AND The studious the human into be in unwisdom, the good real reading may withdrawing and word, against warning and serious first ture Cul- the diversion, from My of one for soil, mere a energy obligations. overdone. be may mental native 19 THEM. excessive too degenerate USE TO habit be may of HOW imperative therefore, and extremes of pursuit has against laudable most a to object. I have would creed their kinian the resolution Guild raise of power of duty contention or and honor of my of happiness with others, and small degree That is, reading other means with not on in joy from Lilies^ the one ultimate are peace them not thing, every- according in may attainment. means hand in while being and study delight and that books, its rivalship have realize to higher the valuable to and the Rus- into for as strive will not ; would far Sesame conduce ; to the daily but for I indeed of author And nobly, familiarity the soul and I " : and thus everything, to and others, adopt governing George life." own purposing St. body own my readers young my among to be over- no 20 estimated, nor the " has this when, age, ignored, be to Heine as of dominion intellectual the have doubt no exhorted reference to This is and I expresses individual the of nile the no the the many for its in the that fill his with grandeur Readily in though dramatic and Jeremiah of can in ; of Isaiah not are matched un- can ing suggest- style, of of quence elo- even respects Job of flights of such that spirit metaphysical loftiness simply that as and some writings paramount poetic pages ness. sound- its other magnificent the critics, Viewed instance, Wordsworth; by Browning, all are genuine while Scriptures. questioning prized. claims for composition, Fausty be the eminent before to to exclusive perhaps most when Paul, attendance of the and literature, surpassing and reading reason Bible Apostle "give to of Above ought the special view the see that Timothy had a other " reading," as the BOOKS commenced." I he ABOUT intellectual ceased, has KNOW on in especially it, I WHAT thought pare com- and expression. we comprehend the solicitude of HOW AND Fryth More as set " This : be shall and God, I forth in hath been abroad brother Tyndale promise you while have the the for way as it has it mighty may trees future and so should necessary be is us and spoken as and life, individuals ment enlightenof and forever that the land Eng- in roots this honor nourish of ica's Amer- singers. at a refinement flowers it least at intellectual venerate and words make literatures fragrant not doing few we their we will so national the will and Sacrament,^ the to more and and own have once in many, my be we show activity As go . you should our thinkers should will quickened Germany . If relation culture. soil, that this its always sacred in of and . done, of ardor mental and as in Bible stimulate and it, doth that convinced will and similar may then {Doctrine with And Scripture, more. breath, Scripture some.'* save no condition, we that write to Word have I offered, the tongue I Thomas is you, that of and Sir to offered English our this reply text 2 THEM. Grant the in grant his offered. mean USE TO such present tant Impora word time, 22 when so I many seem the from the of as a of refined Heine sacred while child her as that acquire guide so remarkable legislatures, State be named in in will the a not secular the daily which even his to and purity, influence permit halls at precious very in so of " who statesmen, an a highly; so Bible as prose read morals soul volume whose to Bible the commended cross-roads the Bible the her rejecting, best that aroused Eliot that yea, ; extols to was ; appealed Bible George history Rome." Harrison which the Arnold that from corresponding to regarded ; his from and literature sublimity he book Diderot, to and which and Witely, place, Matthew Frederic Bible that removed composition of that " and in says universities no and Paradise of in whose so been and places many Mulford Greece taste sceptical and of dignity breath has has Bible whose it history literature That as study and academies, simply but Nation^ course in Bible removed been only not the put to schools )n comm The book, the has forbidden, prayer and minded Bible The away. BOOKS ABOUT KNOW WHAT much our as learning AND which to they if me shall we the present find in will which faith, and While is or prohibit us not himself his in famous evinces ingenuity, teachings the his an worse, in the does but, Aratus, and Let Timothy Hill Mars on tion, Revela- volumes. only Not duty preclude to as other as with familiar of is addressed length at Roman a interpret who speech siiDwn has and of he and the Catholic centres scholar. Cleanthes poets, foot a in religion run what clear checked, not Roman construed so that forget is one. perusal the it where long or, know be and is the admonition to 23 especially the in to not ; of anarchical minister it was those Paul's the rear schools only population, atheistical THEM. country, the be USE tendency means Catholic of to this that taught TO voted have Northwest, is HOW he quote the Greek Dr. Light- considerable with acquaintance Seneca contemporary, the Stoic. Paul the assures and world us all that things "the God who therein dwelleth . not writes in temples " : made Temples with must hands," not be made built . . and to Seneca God of 24 piled Stones in I WHAT declares of of that Other for consecrated the each says, with He noted, is but is within." these are Lightfoot (See purpose. one God " thee; be apostle from far not might our be must philosopher is parallels sufficient is the He BOOKS Moreover, God " thee; He : man." while us," near high on heart the ABOUT KNOW on Philippians^ These the and attainments, while place the to familiar from authors. of his young deter therefore the enlightened friends themselves throughout the their honor reading glorious in " laymen liberty to the to urge youth every Republic so uninspired perfect and first be or words spirit, to to at the not with his of scope give ministers feel PauPs inference, would he companionship I enlarge the times all at to as of warrant Scriptures, understood indicate more, character fully would he nothing varied and breadth that if agreements, measure on by distinctive of to my giving field Letters." 26 WHAT While held these renders the layman himself of business his to lecture the meek of pious flocks on the manifest but anything into that of a philosophy, world fast be That critic. that supposed as a unhappily very makes it lacks extent the abstractions are living perdition, in are to is to not, of la)rman constituency up in with incomprehensible horrified large their rhetoricians, they endless dip in abstruse It this the say read to themselves the to should they of to not treasure acquaint or pastors presuming should especially indignant what Bible. hastening of type the gratifications iniquitous the of art undertakes impropriety, flummeries of principles mally abnor- long-suffering the should they has self-assurance, they times Some- candlestick- or success wickedness, the memories baker a and that science, denouncing knowledge. monetary developed preacher by secular " occasionally obscure an longer no leaders, or man, whose maker," are conspicuous acquisition a views enlightened ambitious BOOKS ABOUl' extreme among an KNOW I in virulence and course, is ; and sentative repre- but his mony acri- intelligence. HOW AND It of is They little and extinction what exterminates it were in lore the wise was of in them the evidently was Alexandria, the to taught and claims of all such and infallibility, repeat purgatorius excite the While these alone, it words of altogether be not may would have that with an dispose of air of Ex- Index all-exclusive to as authorities. Vatican be may amiss reach some amusing an of In they reaffirm who, John indifferent not was to unhappily, of left severely address members to the Solomon classics. remonstrance beyond that philosophy incorrigibles contracting I the generation younger and of envy learned in impartially so Useless and themselves, and, cases, run, wisdom, the that long was and heathen to of the Moses Paul that satisfactory way that of their wait survive. to Egyptians, kinds all in unfit rance, igno- operation which, is remind to the men. and patiently must law such with intolerance through precious most 27 THEM. argue in world the USE to use intrenched are slow TO their a of are few the not contracted opinions. them realize how impossible 28 WHAT I it would have been Testament New Greek all treatise unable were for Caesar Julius primitive and from some through are of the of Plato, been there are they knowledge originals or constantly could no be to of cussion. dis- copious the cles, Peri- have Hellenist ? demanded for apart either Helps, the been ture, litera- Hterature translations had Gospels understood that and who not the that the if of days Socrates, But adequate in- so doctrine to had it the people a Bible ous vari- metaphysical due his tongue speech, Christian Homer, that forgotten were in ideas in be Demosthenes. had how of by Epistles penned it vocabulary taught and and and coherence flexible been spiritual statements logical their Latin medium should Nor who Greek the the fected per- eloquence, Gods, the latter the was in the authors the of in them to for remarked, communicate to imparted has any and poetry, skilled deeply Romans their Nature The on been not Greek Cicero philosophy. had developed of with ages it was line have to had all long a I^OOKS them for which language, enriched ABOUT at by and KNOW over, more- interpre- HOW AND of tation TO that Writ Holy USE is impossible and of many is of service great that illustrations with nature, its in all forth " He it may the from all books mingle-mangles Quotes Swift Ezekiel with and, not be he with the verse the sacred Daniel; English human nesses, its weakand he as Book rations, aspi- seeks to Message. he can sufficiency well for while him to learn yet may : and therefore, his from quaint with the ; if meaning. needs and hero, wisdom its Divine earthly supply Foxcar's That the of exposition, analogies him to character respects in of and class, resources, helpful Heavenly of lesson its perceives the its its ambitions force he imitate first student the prove appreciate the the illuminate to genius, the as withdrawn. to it light is furnishing achievements, determine of tend its must Only in familiarizes Whatever of indispensable absolutely not and ; if the passages literature general quarians, anti- significance scholarship contemporaneous Even its from historians the appreciate to of beauty derived are lexicographers, 29 THEM. example as a set " of and Byron books may gain, profane; with Opium-eater; Saint Peter; 30 WHAT with Job, prophet Samuel Landor The and Bunyan King Solomon Esther with With if interest of foster beyond its find sacred on inspired or granted that writings must I am these penned the as have in acquainted not them with than misconceptions by John Henry proceeds the whether somehow Scriptures from the on concerning is must debasing wiser that Newman be God, holy, however Him, any taken from are so mind a even to if that such therein not not tend literature, It contained everything and uninspired. the in that cavilling of to ought answer such character that Bible books must ought least at assumption wrong and the defilement its all But entirely of or John." mind contamination, for enough function for seeking page. an I Saint the religious instructions, if inclined, can purity, own Queene; Donne; Divine reading Racine; Scott, Faerie that ; Pepys; Doctor with John the to Jeremiah Apocalypse; th' Dante, objected its venture with Zechariah; namesake his Spenser's St. is with Shakespeare, Dryden, itself restrict to it Paul Edmund Accomplished with Lamb with with Moses, But Crabbe and Jean BOOKS ABOUT Habakkuk; with Hood KNOW I vated, ele- elements. reply which in to was 1889, AND equally sufficient condemning the "Some not with all if whatever, it be Christian true : Jewish. our You our will We national or of and perhaps me exceptional so and final a " corrupted. literature the as to general fane, pro- discouraging say be and as reading will shall taken not widest one youth a for reason sacred be may 81 THEM. works to which USE TO applicable and a HOW pense dis- literature will we ; as own, as pure, it. have cannot have . From be the made have in sinful have all. that far of as he as man, if have Give so it must is be ; ture litera- not eation delin- the study say for substitute, to be, under but you substituted anything the up higher left have might or thing some- when is it have and had and that of literature together ; simply such, as you advantages. such, will man, find will you You was to tion contradic- a something high, ever is . cannot you sinless gather and great so, It is literature nature, a may literature of as human attempt You done at it, to men. any if case, literature. terms very the of study a Christian a than of nature . of you special man, do as so. 32 WHAT Do not his say his in Education^ life." studying are being of genius, He various in heroic acts, records ercises ex- in great in ful hate- ways, Literature . history, power. in thoughts, great . the a gifts crimes. to is conscience, great his him, you Man intellect, passion, BOOKS when heart, else. something deeds, his ABOUT studying are you and mind, KNOW I them . (Scope and Nature of University all 34 WHAT petual censors judge quaintly without rods words and anger, If money. asleep if ; laugh of has as compared as body a They from being compose our imder of weary who have design in I have " society is the living, nothing their Cicero are none of and our we and may of are age. keep They and men passions repair us help things ; and When asleep. " for ourselves. to disappointments our and Collier, solitude, crossness cares tion collec- entertainment an burden the forget to us a cannot a there Jeremy to and us not soul. according support they ; or are described where a youth they university room without in guide real a a Books," " a them clothes them, has without ferules, ignorant, Carlyle you.** at who masters without are you ... the and approach you bishop English are us without reprove an "These wrote: instruct hard As they manners; and partiality, affection." or BOOKS and men on without fear ABOUT KNOW I lay we the to are dead, pride, peevishness, ; or conversation." friends," extremely remarks agreeable Petrarch, to me " ; whose they are AND of all and ages, of their gain and dismiss them the me the how to live, and drive and restrain to wholly My round in friends Come down spirits Early Since and teach and me by arate exhil- fortitude and to to lesson important desires, to Some, cares give the me my the Angels And others me depend myself." on All my to reveal die. to away teach relate Some how while ; answer others nature. others spirits mind, " of They please. Some while my and immediately them. ages, secrets my how ask past I but at company, my to easy always are to for is It it whenever I vivacity, they them from of events my admit I question their for cabinet honors high sciences. troublesome, never every the them, to access service, are of knowledge the in both obtained have They country. every field, and the in 36 THEM. USE themselves distinguished and TO HOW the friends silent room my every season, and seraphim and murmur of and the sweet come dim, and and low, go late." invention have all skies me, " and bright to wait servants of printing marvellously these servants multiplied, and 86 1 WHAT noticeable them ominous here computed and that the total The if allow is three such Russell Meredith, George reach in cheapened of the The lowest the in are the price. As the fields, stars, as the the most and the most has which has Schiller, Hugo, fairest seas, Melville, Crawford, in but within brought the ture. litera- of character things are the indispensable abundant, son, Emer- Whyte masterpieces highest books and food the people output ful delight- Marion price volumes. Hawthorne, Lowell, and edition, most our Goethe, as king. movable an century, Thackeray, James to vast of the published, been this some wise of origin ing mak- of " million last us palling Ap- fulfil the hundred in the to Dickens, Scott, to thousand activity given just of the been calamitous ! have three during only since still Alas suppose, volumes we authors, has I that greatest prevailed another, has character. and end.'* is million ten types, of books, no prognostic, is not is x\nd fatality. of number there there increase, deterioration some is the BOOKS ABOUT their with unhappily, It KNOW so are in nature, most miliar, fa- kinds it has of been HOW AND ordered the that shall the be The consulted and form To world the shelves the the study the the in the Review Saturday delicious to in proceeds "There operate of abridge this the this entertaining style our being the has in this mate esti- an " spoiling. Paradise prevent he writer situation, told, he views 1878) of are If concerning author we cate indi- fecundity, the 22, without and will ingenious An to or literature. the are, to of (June estimate I cannot alluded life. million Europe which Areopagitlca book of plate contem- a of modified have books Museum, of foreseen have over both growth cost. of to of perusal would expressed the lists be can without multitude British ness great- they sometimes the enormous doubtless the array mere could sanctity of in libraries ought publishers' America, Milton of are Miltons, trifle, or a in bewildering the on idea one They companions for enjoyed an genius procure. their purchased be can human of Shakespeares, Racines,'and Dantes, works to 37 THEM. USE noblest easiest everywhere. in TO Having he Lost, : " causes over-peopled, which but :58 we WHAT nothing see can It the idea the indeed, Something, commercial boasted In Japan there A book that practical It uselessly, for matter is to is transmuted not cumber or, into as our waste take earth, still, useful the by furnish 'padding* some that or allowed worse of. paper. read the of of way thought be to writer some a a cious saga- which thing ceased the have never such no readers Japanese space up has had has never is from for ; as Atlantic. hoped bounds invention Western poetic unavailing the country within literature keeping be Japan that of people if even nowadays against with treaty the a as literature the from than be might and but, matter; besom Partington's Mrs. fathers grand- grocer, more booked. over- our society would of being with the anything tide the against from us protect auxiliaries such fable, to printed ever was save butterman, of inundation BOOKS superstition helped maker trunk- to a was that ABOUT KNOW I articles. form " umbrella, manifold in that or are a the ingenious hat, or great-coat. applications country, of household Nay, papier- an so mach6 furniture, HOW AND and houses, even of it. large endless for uses ready return us in growers just might an and gods unqualified it him, and the is point gives on "the the art enables to is us to to read" as this sympathize and poem.'* ranted war- be parent ap- over-swollen is not Ward's proposed who that that abundance of it is this to discourages cynical with mances, ro- are we importance ; a Artemus very elist nov- protect speak, Like Schopenhauer's paramount not hat the own must to widows It a this "muchness" depresses. his indeed so the by born that men, blessing. Mormon seventeen what to Thus into was tical prac- back suggestions inundation, this stream, it amusing inferring, to moulded which these in sheltered epic an within From be as perhaps into cotton shirting. be and, might of to come and head form the send such doubt manufactured we as with no extended, of output quantity, any portion some shapes, the of us relations commercial annual would made are us, Japanese, paper, relieve to tell our the be, might 39 THEM. travellers so However literature USE TO emphasis acquiring that excess Atterbury in the 40 doleful views written in How " he 1731 of cost I, who squandered husband hours and low, the At their like glass left in left. it begins them spend to run trifles. life the now on of lottery tickets last our wheel, misfortunes the need of not of books have in rise whose thousand a With library trashy some it was of was elimination reduced thirty beasts to of to the the of, burden. perience ex- Oriental vast so one painful the one read that This story " must one dromedaries judicious be to discover to them." the it that life only read recalls magnate declared likewise, Quincey, thousands of the of any valuation." De of of lieve, be- heretofore, days to I They little so the not care have whole when end minutes, I to challenge to in glad trouble. indeed now be late catalogue, much you of should I The ones time, my letter a out come think them. good in Pope to have you not be must part books Name will BOOKS " which peruse? ABOUT expressed : many parts your KNOW I WHAT as to quire re- it. transport useless carrying A and power similar 42 " WHAT Life it being few, of for form vulgar, physically of need ought paper and to be " I do of kinds two any of books, wide division is a a in " kind I am be heard to books, books not For those we the on Choice best of Books) this on of it point. Edinburgh a to and book assume has in reading it take you bad and is are departments most if there man a ciently suffi- been that you find will you of type, " subject, all and students When 'a good of good book. of the whether " sense, : On ( to books. kind on price. printed home brought vile clearly know not of a vile, any smallness at the said he University, within excellent in not books, entitled addressing in be in many also Carlyle eminently them bound." strongly Thomas When of of valuable country, but form need that printed reason us of and price, hours quiet none one, injurious none is every by or, waste civilized a just a the books, in should, reach we to valueless books the ought BOOKS and short, very we reading ABOUT KNOW I that there books, a that in bad you a is a there " kind are of all HOW AND it that is a he book, any all. at I venture and and all at have that of in their to years, literature. seeking meet to ; qualified clear In in and for my to the own the of it this pleasant the of my are the duty students, of those youthful purest degree I in this I attempt am chure bro- better are ability. to and best others task, conscience, safer with be must are know even consideration, obligation I best much measurable some I reflections worthy of nothing them." especially while than these selection wise a reading concern of them people, any is no presumably who reading be have that of view idea question. would some entirely pastors, assist with the man in It doubt no are better that he than and sound in would better I it. deny they rather call entirely you at altogether if doing remind may ignorant an is to books that if that book, I consideration aside casts have people but ; 43 THEM. important very It present. that this with acquainted ill USE 10 to must, its be formance per- 44 WHAT KNOW I BOOKS ABOUT IV. a than the necessary, not to of the study thought that a from the the admirers this of conditional the and the more be the a clearer of human the and comprehensive it I action, its am into and workings, metaphysicians. heresy and unconditional, Hesiod, nnd considered is have I insight and objective But than then subject, soul from and Euripides, a the will relative. and Homer us of than muses Probably the on gain knowledge truer more was Since motives and causes was advantageous, latter. we allied he that former the poetry closely and more say considerably convinced the of study that more supposed, persons persuaded were ago years hearing my philosophy many the in remarked and several educator LEADING absolute apparent supplemented by Aristophanes, idea subjective, the not of by must Greek that cles, Sophogive soci- HOW AND USE TO 45 THEM. " and ety of the of Greek than genius of Dialogues cPArthury similar classics of times, all in than than Descartes, " : listenin' and means, what This he but Dugald from speare Shake- and Lewes. " physics meta- thegither he that's he ; speak- disna speakin' man Moliere describes what that's of than disputin' the ken himsel." means of he the to from more the show more Bums thus ken disna learn Berkeley, folk Twa of common more from blacksmith ** in' Kant, Locke, from Scotch that's from only not they nature the actions legends but immeasurably than A the certainly more and Stewart, the the They wrote, of We ages. Goethe from they and disclose govern or the Tales^ to nations. times, depths innermost race that and which from Nibelungenliedy fail hardly can the derived Canterbury principles reproduce susceptibilities The The individuals of be can Plato? Morte profoundest and peculiarities is course at least esteem, philosophy effective teacher even hardly it shows is not of a fair that tion; representain the always itself. I popular do most not say 46 I WHAT this to .real the create from and their it. it in The that charm great without of As he has ought Ovid, in united not in his in Dryden, already and named, Aristotle, Socrates, Fichte, Hegel, is other we reading. our Schiller, This shrines en- philosophy. productions, poets all like of is, poetry Spenser, Emerson. and he offers altar Hamilton, and goodly a ships fellow- true helpful. mutually of and the with company fellowship, Probably the author intention, Bryant, to Cousin, Coleridge, his Edmund addition keep Spinoza, Robert beholS wonderful them Longfellow, to ordinary divorce Horace, in classes on theili to Virgil, Racine, of we poetry, sacrifice Tennyson, ought this advertising precious a tic; antagonis- fellowship. philosophy as enemies, not works his any poetry. not merit peculiar the is and co-ordinate, in actual there allies, are is that Browning two They is that philosophy mission and BOOKS impression between rivaby Far ABOUT KNOW it will writers readers, be are and suggested beyond that it that the were level better both of to recommend the 47 THEM. USE works. elementary more Simon^ TO HOW AND when Frenchman, eminent Jules M. con. the ferring had to this meet his from can free at Paris select the plays which of What the best you of you them not will great take the three Comeille understand. always was find will world's best this for four or and But understand. in year give intellect education. entertain in ture, litera- greatest will ceptions con- scarcely If public. singly they may the people, is the to to to universal It a greatest persons the in the minds Racine, this asked to the that public. once which is what will desired was with the the once advanced not thing enough given are accessible Take masses? a extract poem of I be have the fine a on It might and be which theatres. who is and programme. those brief a in so poetry; demonstration performances the give impression a did he read to finer, an see Society, " the make always I learning is it simpler You : are and manner. speech "You Philotechnic objection, satisfactory very the of prizes the and give possibly masses, difference 48 between that BOOKS ABOUT and man effort KNOW I WHAT mankind. man The make can is greatest represent to humanity." I through it will the many do not of as him. that which the in profoundly more what and is that nature, nature be untaught, and in able to ; for will be human ture, na- with accord even the noblest with harmony will, ocrity. medi- literature and in who recommend best most cultured those are only grandest of ignorance shallowness I that me the intelligence loftiest, the is the whom with ning run- taught on multitudes satisfied the has presume Consequently, highest, Observation years ordinary be cannot to The public. view with entirely agree when human tively compara- comprehend most readily. Nor this can overvalued. It readers to fellowship means itself, creating is refined dawn school and of of but hope as in naturalism to it eminently the the does cause taste a appears that to at be not only of ature liter- for what Witness spiritual. France, be highest deal, great a themselves, with old the last on the the wane. 50 and erotic of coming which minds have And would it real and of least at the- Christian Thomas and genius he will prevail different to helped to humor was greatest 'drink is really the of set of and from almost Mr. all agent. oratory.' stump as thought. unwise Lecky others he England, in says, by the held that that good teaching, has day, important curses ever, his English an exaggerated will of physical just,' his With his be stress quently fre- too not He And the ing regard- be worshipped. that forth set is mended com- What moral, Universe clearly books cannot was evil. over mould and It " : connection student. work ter mas- mankind. were his has must the this of thoughtful repeated 'the few Commonwealth his in Carlyle a youth of attention if seeking claims prior well be merit to force, the on of the into are teachers the possibility lapsing Frenchmen maintain persistently the prevent themselves, deliver stated, To BOOKS generation from quagmire the ABOUT fantasies. the to KNOW I WHAT so certainly In his this The two said, were much that writings, they distinguished they lay on HOW AND fact the and that Therefore, will lyle here him outrank for in thought and to seems renders alluring, most trend whole the superficial, books ; testimony being the the this highest and to the such are noblest. is, for his truth, veraciousness and of seek he with love the uniformity encouraged and letters, is and subject the the even The despicable. influence importance vast of deceitfulness, mediocre, and on the his grace sincere, own unutterably of the to new his of form every a of grandeur the Ruskin Contact arouse not am and of realm Car- taste, I genuine, the deeper cultivation unmatched. opinion, my the is in honest thoroughly the pertains in that all of Macaulay that but composition; taste in all deepest conditions.** invaluable. style. in the being, our intellectual prove to of educator an always referring of all as is element part than stronger 51 THEM. USE moral important most and the ' TO the against pernicious of vigor as young acquaintance to his cate indi- readers with 52 WHAT KNOW I BOOKS ABOUT V. IT is well that known the entertain persons Romances, novels, little of desolate." They such productions they have not Seven be to Such these that with yet, entering at offenders the front Scottish Robinson or agination im- for society, significant innocent The admitted professes to if The unsanctified be respectable company and with terms of any warned solemnly Warsaw^ to maketh roof; Christendom^ of not into moment And of are tolerate to are creations are that speaking on fiction. them, to their they Thaddeus Crusoe, into beneath Champions Chie/sy like, unwilling children even the of abomination are serious ing uncompromis- works and the " few a most toward antipathy short not especially be godly. invariableness, are door, debarred childish a as from hands HOW AND back the at and Boys they girls, liberty they sacrifice as chain parental their condemnation to their likely to form elevating an and infamous perhaps unmitigated and led have fatal in for flaring trifling with charges. painted candies good and books are be in and witness agencies flashy are are pressed. sup- have filthiness, asylums They they to orgies with colors, are as trashy, criminals, devilish these as unpurgable insane of power reading ought unspeakable to and are Such created with and Penitentiaries the mind the and have They themselves that so. curse, another to romances more discrimina infosters children of those for taste ; saturated habit the a to appetites, acquire corrupting, to Left the they ; merely leads frequently wayward for Moreover, not possibility. appalling but permission ingenuousness. but fewer price a without exercise read not prohibition, dear too pay deceitfulness, welcome and do rule, a of to come the gate. because stories 53 THEM. USE down let surreptitiously them TO at small titles vices. to lished puband times played dis- storeSi and .")4 WHAT make retailed the to and will often lumber discover tardy waywardness, avert for the nothing serious so guardians the more, " all not Charles of Dickens, Thackeray, It be, conscientious ought not evil greater be lies may denied its of to instances fiction I for the it not sure they that is a to not opposition fiction, as am that evil ; the scrupulously modified prevented similar aborted. be object character. of food will against Kingsley, wholesome people some Hugo, others some in Tolstoi, Canon happily if thorne, Haw- Victor and ter bet- tolerate, " Eliot, even far Count that be is it however, do wilfulness, Goldsmith, though, may may that directly be to youth such carrion may of Scott, By for taste calamity George Walter excellence. a Irving, them, niture, fur- of wickedness. stories Washington in hidden of explanation at years, articles heavy downright and of lapse carefully behind casionally oc- desks in the them or the To after parents, " Teachers secreted them closets commodities poisoned unsuspecting. find school; BOOKS ABOUT the of part up KNOW I whatever that any AND words of HOW mine would conservatives who their be to position Evidently that assume That is and they they signifies denied what The are fresh friends usually fiction ascertain is that important department of Qot history be read word primarily It is the not word but ; it that suggest And untrue. question, and general ject. sub- denounce in strenuous is and our strenuously But the feigned or not. or sense or word, whether fashion." unnatural, who false. the to necessarily very of reading interpretation to or equally should to imagined a weakness novel secondary or to me studies. If is unreal, leads a the young necessarily matter or invariably is opens in the ixovafingere, frame "to not this the the tion misconcep- attach pains their in of is they take of of fiction is derived that denotes which haters truth " fiction does these inveterate their and apparent. not these interests made all 55 THEM. pages meaning do the the exposed correct are Well, " the in these peruse ought USE influence but ; may TO novels advocating always because torical his- veracious it ? con- 50 WHAT tains consistently if his uncompromising said, and asserted to volume he has who gard, be Reformation by account a events by the of court model for and Elizabeth is and when Milton and Benjamin of rebellion," portrayed is the to '' as book of and hardly the a that great same When while as the another forth of den referred Franklin is a years would princess, as what forty and set a Lin- writers. is Mary Christian any these by is Dr. account one period same Queen prejudice. as Romanist a were believe an is it People we Take Protestant, described were the penned and authority an ? and both author an credited that suppose such quite was is to ago, if written can it sceptics, era; bias or Hume, the English how but ; ? that the of to Froude, and their history? entitled Freeman present from History notable thus reviewers escape Green's the possible of follow Whigs candid by unable the for Macaulay is we critic, for wrote it reading history Shall is fact, the is, whose it confidence? our is defend to BOOKS than imagination more Arid ADOUT KNOW I as that a of wickedness, a bad man, instigator contains these r)8 WHAT children from chimney the brought them which, if and the their at the highest read, medium is medium the sun ears statement for condemned be benefited have been much poetry. from its by While a be to light not from be to ought be can the as directly charms. said it sense than will and history apart in just neither who those that farther it is fashion, been inferred such As manifold has of to sufficient scientists certain wholesale withheld what From globe. in truth, transmission the our of by deserves and attractive an is affirmed to which that transmission the ether the not fair a they their at ; aloes receive, physic is taste the of nature This fiction, merely for subtle to their mouth." pleasant should they by things a the often is case. The it have as take child wholesome them tell sooner than be such ness wicked- from the most doth more no mind as rhubarbarum would of in one the even take to hiding of the from men pretending winning virtue, to old and and ; BOOKS ABOUT play, corner intend KNOW I doubtless fiction philosophy they certainly are and are entire not all of of the outranks faults, ardent most the ophon, Thucydides, Gibbon's Rome, this in neglected by the is probable those named last rather as is to it that garden is of have I climax its to at of the source, the Eden. to to so alleged Let It special referred such studies for up of the opinion the youth stream head first of them than beginning fountain as tions attrac- to speak, him, Carlyle profound own instead stand under- what my present be actions." any have and to to as Indeed, better, from wade labors will introduction. an time kind a as desires remarkable beginners. for title, same discussions that such History, underlying of tioned men- ought of who person record the " Greece^ Bancroft's Nor Philosophy principles terms not any Xen- already connection. the complete Grote's volumes under work Hegel's its Herodotus, France, other Schlegel's as is Tacitus, the worthy master education Guizot's is to of with history, and endeavors careful and America, other, reading without 59 THEM. fiction man's No content. USE each to strangers its books TO HOW AND in of his the all, read 60 WHAT the his of history is? The of of with grow world that the I long also, of is States, is ill with to recommend by Dr. H. von likely he the the ; good, wicked." the by Fiske History Hoist. of History : same The ; Political the foundations and John on, "that Columbus by so end the with the Christopher and in well the will moral Winsor, Justin America, Constitutional United it likewise by it to reaches Froude on run run desire America author, long the in with built somehow is he and it as explanation an philosophy realize to come may for knowledge, his and until His history. be back answer; era, Then to him fashion and epoch every dawn in scientific in seeking its raneous contempo- age carry for dred hun- a period. this will century of same came for say that the how question preceding read during inquire, BOOKS country, then nations him ABOUT own and years, let KNOW I ; covery Dis- The and of the HOW AND USE TO 61 THEM. VI. important |N of significance supplied is for with and of could of career by varied follow in by a the from differing of his are times more them connecting than of panoramas single facts by with other any me. whom paragraph, each other circumstances of Taine the brings though they by ! stance, in- for events, introduction mere individuals illustrious separated to the mention find, leader famous a all know of age, person- the way I Dates, familiar What I now division him this that all remembered process and in race have prominent some and the I each around environments. easily the of recalls name of annals biography. grouped gather; his and life the have the associated years many history I by the comprehending of means many " gether to- were years Augustus," 62 WHAT he in off Louis XI. dethrone the formed signed and rulers, these yet great civilizations, the exposition inspiration can by forget the to the reading are noted at his Each the once and the flicts con- tion restora- necessitates degree some age. of has its a human highest impression of drove right." and related, was of the the and conspiracies, in of Mazarine These movements, biography executed Protector suggests features starvation. Greve, de the father VII. them chieftains independent history, an his had of he his of died P/ac^ his Charles betrayers reconstruction But and cut than longer France. which with of plots with Witikind made he his Carloman against that from II. Saxons and the treaty a Charles of in block brother revolted poison Richelieu at all it all have to his and Lepidus destroy to him, dread with Anthony and of BOOKS world placed head the sword. so killed then cloister, a ABOUT the Charlemagne own. to divided " says, Anthony, KNOW I Plutarch's value as all worth key a its own and nature as as an Who achievements. made to his on Lives, a book mind of HOW AND the information largest ? qualities doubt have been noblest of It is of hearts, and by Froude on the and the self-sacrifice altogether I too dissent is being us ally continu- decline of biographies change own genius. become may to the with They us. our which glorious worthy attributes biography. of gentle reminding by race that Church, ideal, the to exalt on us and apparent exalt they with place minds and of and indeed, giant sadly men rare spirit the Boswell's works humble and laments Catholic with making producing a of influence even or Such once belong we the book hero. at deficiencies, ruling many compute different very fellowship humble, he no kind appeared Cromwell^ difl*erent terms to Oliver a very have similar of have ancient I a parents impossible Johnson, This of that with time. Carlyle's that volumes lating stimu- most deals heroes. real the the made characters stage a has other that of only not 63 THEM. and It it but heroes, USE TO are the coming be- impossible. in the world's supplanted mercenary fundamentally for by successful from his 64 WHAT views deplores, is artificial be and of of real it out, practical the Sailor as edited and To his model or grief, lin*s that I may Froude is be allowed to like Miller, books are Froude, that all others, varying Walter and a and types Gen. Grant. rebuke to their and ages, are and the from about of equally personal none in justified KostMrs. lating stimuand Carey, phies autobiograof These perusal ours church. various pen the and revised Scotty several forgetting that mention Livingstone, on those not the would I infallible an Irving^ not as Mr. volumes Judson, as Bridget by Edward Oliphant's Mr. St. Lockhart's Luthery Hugh of to mend recom- Sindbad of biography, it sphere soon as of too for the from or he what unnaturalness would I to fanciful, very degree, authorized show of portraitures Aladdin of Saints, too Its utility. Patrick St. its great a life a in value. to the illustration opinion my absurd any rules in in of Lives alludes he BOOKS ABOUT The entirely. which of KNOW I Goethe, and ilar sim- mediaevalism convince must the prolific greatness. of than less in men Essays of 66 Ebenezer Of " I WHAT Elliott would He them in flowers and such with storm from and inspired : the the with them, of when last, with I weary, am I^et I me rest, but done best; my lay the hedge-side "Where the winds the little low, me roses a-Maying daisies and learn softly come rest. me Where Where and conflict, we have let with tired the example, Brothers, of aid perseverance " " ful beauti- most characters, at were in brotherhood our lessons their by He clad By smile And they as of men." innumerable patience. worn thunder. tempestuous them them and of and serene scattering and one ; : after earthquake, recognize we Searle one ^tna; fire walking by things of of rainbows biography, written finest blasts terrible and BOOKS was throat of sort a was sing the about it the utter with another, ABOUT KNOW blow; go; grow." and still to HOW AND 67 THEM. USE IX) VII. is IT have science books There case. that that subjects volumes science on in these and and spirit that to seem us that To ** choir Its boundless cathedral Whose lamps quenchless the winds as and As a intimately very as "The matter the water heavens firmament of fact, allied, and the declare showeth the and sun not almost thunder. sky." the as his glory domains two close, in atmosphere the supply; moon organ the dome are wonder, our its waves, Its the the method in religious Messengers reverence. each to religious on are surprisingly are call there and treatment, be must necessarily not scientific eminently are is volumes are themes supplemental than however, Such, other. that common respective antagonistic rather and religion in little so these on that supposed usually of indeed, nature? God and handiwork," . . . 68 " WHAT and the of law the the splendid letters, words, The inquirer like him of truth to penetrate is the that with at as the intellect that an treatises. in were an the They assists a are sideration. con- are of the opposition treatment fabrication, giant is pretty deal They idle of to defect. their It titles come wel- there child of is tory reposi- to that fatal simpleton. mention who entitled overgrown a thing every- equally religion. proportions of I it as that be most excepting well of exposition scientific the appointed violent a as in in God of say the whose though as. best reached to constitutes everything, short equally to are fall must necessary books hills, literature both be and and divinely and universe Such ever thought stars, knowledge devoted Christianity the sentences. must j hardly physical or and must volumes of rocks either of and It the converting his the of adequate neglectful perfect, embodied has of BOOKS is symbolism hieroglyphics in Lord the He soul." ABOUT KNOW I that with not these has only sary neces- sided one- thoroughly HOW AND advertised, further and neither do I say Tyndall like something that into us of the spite region of the supersede whence this those " in the to the to be " theory for the in letter devoutness forms the very far and from the mind to the " declare " motions anything, reverence, the brain consciousness molecular of and confess that explaining spirit tend in of physics and from sprung, and groupings not Being that of in form has facts that does Divine Materialism from carry tionist evolu- great or universe "unthinkable," be passages his corresponding to those that and quent, elo- they than the of both sublimer where Scientific molecular denials, I times at and Species varied passage truths, thoughtful and primal part are necessity the give to the hostility, they Especially concedes Darwin latter the specific higher physics. Origin of so of on list Christian part honest, in a mere of mocking manifestly is that fair the in them give to perhaps there the on is include while 69 THEM. not it But acceptance an USE prefer not for ; particularly so I publicity. should or TO awe, reader. both and Mr. 70 WHAT Lewes, George there that in There It is not Forthnightfyy of the of and himself people But aversions. in good and more is benefits, the he Philip than though there ; can be is There jungle Much is prolific be much about it. may the deal room sufficiently is found. It did. Athenian there overcome. of more The enough helpful in of Let if church, encroachments him let an singular Indian the warn the but be miasma Demosthenes the enough, they science. against from such are gratulated con- Christian to in even the he blessings. of and religious Philip and even must, above plants true swamp stem large this escape no ; delicate his ought of everything rare the they fruitful are Roman, breathed. always could he accidentally the had he not are They on which atmosphere having of birthplace hatred. prejudices. that Rugby that, itself into for times at regard expresses sharpened Arnold Livy, who which sometimes of complained culture dread accounting no endure visited The vague reported is in BOOKS ABOUT men a dislike, a KNOW are with science I this fairly by world for to is both, each AND Other HOW them for where city for Mrs. in will Then only if But least at disastrous and defend. delivered type. to works some books so called, the are of straitened otherwise and if charity. and, though other's labors some of its are unfavorable religious they cause Christianity piety, its advancement. are Trashy be other, there from science turn, is each scientific religion, to each appreciate some will ! devotees justice, candor, revere human of behalf it But learn will differing, their the by Alas ! disparaging in they, the to enough of consequently, will they Leo advocates way them. contain for of woman, big not religion, similar a said small a ! Leo one he was the and ; was Alas at Byzantium, they or Thus magnitude faith. in ! sneer treated to two. Leo sometimes moral the of lived they contain to wife and respectful Athens at his though 71 IHEM. related when that USE mutually is It Byzantium, the be to sympathetic. people, TO may that aim well professed sentimentalism, superstitious books, equally are interpret to pray be to friends unnatural in cocious pre- scrupulousness, 72 WHAT ABOUT withal and ascetic KNOW I with superficial of unwholesome very nourish the An is for in The to learned former his youth ditches, pies, coasted his no pocket one though very holloed a to money solicitude any Wingless, rich, rode and always do, these not? Is it Heedless hill, was and lad ! in his just the and Naturally he carriage. of to opposite Paradise. that say of in made never gave occasioned An own fell sermons, anxiety. denizens necessary streets, loved nor imitated never the verbial prothe nor nests, beggars, heroes course trees, on less, Heed- the of Of The or^ his advice, climbed never down Harry boys. birds* designed and sought hunted nor to literature ; designs bad never of Vice illustrations as always seniors, mud author and good style and Careful respectively act which especially Virtue Charles of History make on this work entitled children, Redemption, of old an dramatic melo- life. example furnished bined com- almost pabulum spiritual extreme casuistry, and carnal, gross, conceptions up BOOKS this angelic, became They Why Master para- 74 WHAT filled men No one and grateful for long to to call it be to religious to catalogue a of Analogy of the I is too is a exhaustive. Butler's place BushnelPs am furnish to and I I which not important they do can without works Religion best All incomplete, most and best, comprehensive the Among if spiritually be to here. some is library of lications pub- on Christ, is list the given attention he the seek that say of If must ideals time waste name value. he benefited to the in doubtful with women. afford can BOOKS. imagination heroic issued of ABOUT youthful the heroic are KNOW I Natural and ^ Drummond's Supernatural, the Natural World, Geikie*s Thomas Dying, Luther's Table Augustine, tus' Wake's Enchiridion, Christian in Great a Year, Germany, Religions, the with Pascal's James Arnold's of Freeman Light Keble's and Clarke's of Christy Epicte- Ethics, Religion and Pusey's Fathers, Aristotle's Heine's Living Pensees, Apostolic tures, Scrip- Bunyan's Imitation Kempis's Talk, of Bible, Holy Taylor's in Law Origin Rogers's Hours Progress, Pilgrim's Spiritual Asia ophy PhilosTen and AND the of LigA/ HOW Worlds Vaughan's Saidy USE JO 75 THEM. Wilkinson's and Mystics Epic last, of though not ^ Lives Ruskin*s least, the Concerning is not classed religious art" " its preaches without a that Henry with Mr. in classical of the Bible \% One, others." spiritual As short it as it of the is, that as gravest only is his of art mind the ture mix- tion adora- criticism a unapproached who find asserted positive himself of by his masters knowledge experiences is his altogether will the in enriched to he preaches that with therefore, productions and and of that saturated gives which homilist "it ; as distinguished. page, erudition it thoroughly the Likewise writings know I declared been Beecher s is it be to classed " every it.** Ruskin' of it has that not and termed sermon Ward sublimity which it knowing ought have devout him said character. of been of and that the be may and by has and ; it scope, temper Ruskin Mr. of because have, Painters, religion books enough the latter, on with well I work a of vellous mar- only not art, but in well. moment, religious life classics being should as 76 it read, be works on books I have I do of spoken this them in familiar Natural as only accurate name of some such with, Travels^ Nature from I and but though boldt's Hum- as Bacon's Novum SeUcHoii^ Mivart's Gray's I as other, any them Wallace's Organum, Technical department general, and Cosmos second-rate text-books, for myself am that avoided. in to Among I Lessons be recommending information. BOOKS important refer suitable those AliOUT should not not those also is science not am KNOW I WHAT Natural Science ^ and Religion^ Miller's Hugh Testimony of Rocks ^ Winchell's Sketches Correlation various and Haeckel. volumes the to application restricted in its as well facts of of as the any Darwin narrowed have the other, comprehensive the natural tations interpre- laws is universe, have I to There range. as of pen exclusively and wider principles of far and Force^ "science." term nature a society the it thus embraces I Youmans's of the from present of of Creation^ Conservation and the Up of a ; enough as our it of science and were but exact tion inducfor us to their determine to easy from each The and of is theoretically, for distress, the late Of in than humanity beginning own in service greatest not the roofs citizens dwell slaves the : in to for of houses in great Epictetus You " : state houses, better and past, past the the it is small lurk dusty to the what believe to age in and has that rather houses." eradicable in- been amelioration the to from apart attention more ever impeded stubborn are communities chronic always and not Poverty, and have evils if conditions best Christianity, these Christianity society, practically oppression, of them helps. religion. despair more perfect the of and progress given furnish to if but is ology the- divorce to sociology, outrage, wretchedness is religion and growing mutual are advancement the ends is it inquiry permanently of business the of it They business significance. sociology to other. and field indeed and 77 THEM. bearing where difficult more USE special say begins, and real this in Moreover, not TO HOW AND you the great than of leaders are said will shall souls souls for to do his the raise, of the should mean 78 I WHAT Unless times, and I we the the on of men determine its should written commend and Society, Blaine's is MilPs Sociology of pretation Inter- of Inequalities and Poverty, American Bryce's Benton's H. Years I Principles Progress States Twenty do Economic Thomas or proposed in Study Backward, United said earnestly Mallock's George's to-day of the Most ! perative, im- How being and State^ History, Looking in what Rogers's Commonwealth, Years youth the Henry Bellamy's the Spencer's Economy, of that industry versus Political spirit. evils, Herbert Man its existing of undoubtedly and of the revolution, will ignorant about organization it of signs social a to-morrow is be not of eve scope then, the mistake greatly are BOOKS ABOUT KNOW Thirty in G. James Senate, Congress George ^ Jacob Holyoake's These Essays, pouring now which reveal of the indirectly, of government, and Co-operation, only are forth like a of something present disclose hour, the and cataract the and functions suggest drift and plans books the on that, Fabian the of few a the and world, gers dan- directly or limitations for the per- and these ought thorough is present than potent more they of to Ring The Ring Ring the voice the out the in the the want, faithless out of feud redress of to create all of new poet of rich are as the the and mankind.'' are large only as peaceful tion genera- he sin, times; poor, wrongs a and the care, coldness mine deter- they as needs, will the of righting direction the Not Books they endeavors, practical " in inspire thrill in its nature shall future. as and the hope Only only humanity shall the bullets and the reason, oppressions. slaying understood, view of which changes. is but brutality, reforms the in cannot intelligence, not sought. Europe, beneficial any but in a and earnestly anarchy ; and problems be anxiety, effect things world; of society perused, the times our much so dynamite, and with spasm causing of and of of carefully acquaintance legislation The betterment be to 79 THEM. USE and improvement manent the TO HOW AND calls : " 80 I WHAT KNOW ABOUT BOOKS VIII. CLD said, of that ** and in be the the duly what pleasure is have to not find pride is in Horace delight life, in of company Walpole, and wrote be body, bringing The If crude good lust of the profit but have found of eye little more Sterne, Boswell, as instructive the and by modems. or we desires and in the to element. ancients to Steele strength." our shall we reported the the literature should and tivated, cul- be of the to corrected either wisdom caulay so than of is thing." every- must Dick important an of worth Reading health more volumes " everything taste appreciated. exercise with the have to something this : read to inestimable 14'/ pleasure reported well and do to Tatier, mind is it something, But must is BROUGHAM than the Ma- ment enjoy- Fielding, in the 82 and omer, mind genius, they be to elements and of an education that intellectual life, which and distinct desire in this refer only to in discriminating personally Europe^ indebted to Fenton*s Essays f service especially the the be SchlegePs a few to me of of Esthetics, Greece Taine's , those in my later my without who all intelligently books. Sismonde's are of of part choice are direction studied ability to mitted ad- valuable during the on what masterpieces, cannot acquire to of generally Helps advantage in petent com- incomparably of been have years, I estimate and are and gems and numerous, of writings dignified. the a particular conception some their in by cultured by and judges, passages held are of scope. literature, attained idea an more their of is important works in history rank is to critical the what it given the refine discern letters, and the of of which of be with knowledge men world expository Familiarity and readily attention less BOOKS discipline shall the in ABOUT so it due that or to that worthy KNOW I WHAT I am Literature Schiller's English HOW AND and Literature, Workers of Some of author's Shakespeare of English Literature productions, to be craved, I contained Pleasures of sketchy book, in a and the these to of has mere lists liography bib- Lubbock's only bibliography One, by P. A. in of catalogues the are Russell, way, of present the treatise. cited authors of a lished pub- every several the in the to though the in best assistance John furnished names and Sir production incorporated references in and inquirer useful a clever that one Life, Club and witty Even A in is further if hardly can what an These pen. for the refer and Walsh, perused, And poetry. losophy Phi- and same taste a " John the by develop On me! Origin thoughtfully and prose by Language steal," not " Gervinus, by but rower, book-bor- ah it return The volume, shalt "thou preaches Story Sanders, clerical a profit The English forgotten, to with by " failed ture, Litera- Hargreaves, Books name having read Literature who fail by Famous Pleasures French have I Likewise Literary Laun*s Van to 83 THEM. USE TO value to 84 I WHAT the student, and from whose and he what such of the enjoying of work the with this on what we read that says define What method is entitled to for and successful. inquires perplexity, order on the in which digestion " the of yet confidence art, And : and best, and Richter, Does what rules follow ** Goethe tried in Who each can to been not similar depend more meats tl^em? shall had had grow how ? he years this acquire remarkably the eighteen the answered words, the degree arises easily not other our not nodding there In ? is slight satisfied, feeds? of ments achieve- mere a created, it of capable however, be it most are shall how cither, be some question, practical aid the writers. in been has taste very or that admire to worthiest leading assuming wisdom. with to of sit, to appreciation This, or is ought the and day a he and hope may mind. of acquaintance But in grandest the he the who learn to shun, to drilled he is what ought genius, true least helps, feet he lips at him to whose at are indicate They BOOKS ABOUT revealing as minds master KNOW on other tell? logically if at early too disturb seriously might refuse stubbornly harness authors first, then of chapter novel, from or of use is writer buries should I of cult diffi- each and other's and numerous are valuable than their mark all burden opinion sentiments candor in heroes brain my fortunes funereal the marginal in if a not the books notes to for the with lead Then I the highly my it charity. be a what is if the If the why wearisome to I read, of the close, the that manner if volume, at of then impossible? end? an in passages his or table and pen; through foolish, the especially unknown all stupid, read preface, book, an following and my nature. differ in usually the the going climax task I case, own my contents the less of suppose. In last proceedings minds worked but enough, harmless and manifestly as trifling suggestions ; the are be to creanj meats, functions the especially frame, to and in directions Authoritative ice food, soup stage a 85 THEM. of follow to seems taken USE assimilation the in Even TO HOW AND so ous obvi- generally express style my and creditable Moreover, to 86 I the mental poetry, history, or all as pertains the if system, others. on a prove fatal and method, and if a duty pair though of specific I avoid of is his in that one to will crutches, hinder might me. Every to he if his serve it own will least at even enjoin to plans way earnest am own my might me I timately ul- him cannot do wings. as But feel he of neighbors' my a of But called, stumbling-block evolve as be by science, or defects assists carefully must one as department require. may What neighbors, my can speak, to so religion, the it system the may of reading, it to or case conscious too it regard I my pigeon-holing philosophy, or conveniently what to as the on consulting by distribute to what own my remembering. aim process assigning and worth likewise I of publishers mind my and brilliant the with, refresh easily index an covers BOOKS ABOUT which pages line it make frequently blank KNOW I WHAT venture aimlessness I diffident am rules, there make. to and as to the several are And irreverence the in ing formulat- tions precau- first is, reading. HOW AND Be have to sure when Vittori and adds then and home, I make For poverty he desires the worthy benefits to fellowship the they put on with them interview. to full books, a suitable The I just a confer. it is that I was feel no fear immersed." person the authors of recognition While of course my when not hold much too may young they of preparation body the neither recommend dress fitly on I for respect a of outward the on thus hours totally and absurd be friends of put which for grief, am of meet, to would on touch fine a but rustic my feed I four every adorning this is of forget death, nor there for I ; and mine, off resorts received, interval an annoyance In is alone Before cities; antique being where ; bom. the return study. dirt, and or to garden, I I take it, courts enter which food urge for and comes my and mud with I ancients in appearance writes field in be it Machia- country in up let gravity. evening myself adapted habited and the When " : soiled dress in pursuits shut my garb, it his to 87 THEM. becoming visiting as USE purpose, a with approached velli TO be in to mind rags, 88 I WHAT but mind the head should be may attitude an the of the of and who of would is emotion and the a yet, case multitude called diversion. perused in aim particular which purpose It or is as Nevertheless, in is mood, you ages. in taken and unless purpose, though the of other book merely what of becoming surely flippant vault kindred volumes the instances tuary mor- a no delighted as They a presence other. the as of carelessly, be is persons to but noble and reverence one any in distinguishes respect the in thrilled that genius And kindled all, much entering dead, mighty the feelings. on of of many such due show thing some- above are hats of something that to entombed remains in something and There their the rests be something veneration off chapel where should Hazlitt, Lamb, strangers take the ; Sainte-Beuve, of Carlyle. are garb soul needs Spencer, profound Ruskin the of of power the courtier one intuition sympathy analytic in homage. tolerance the BOOKS but profitably gentle ABOUT be covered, of read To KNOW seeks were an to up out withthat hour's saun- 90 WHAT edly do it ought nourish to from mental sloth the the exercise the assimilation of be must of, and is opium. nutrition, the enjoyment This species us. It is oblivion, and enlightenment nor habit is to other qualities of prostration be can it be aimlessness, and or even that and tobacco purposes for or drunkenness. all on around neither produces literary opium honesty, entire of power or than that what is to mental the to the and high to reverence otherwise sight to for precursor memory Without how of This indispensable is lost are going truthfulness, for times, excitement energy. and attainments, At similar for for banquet employed smoking induces us armory intellectual of fatal ends use rather of preserve viands. the not but an purpose by are ought gymnasium royal a these a attained of strengh, choicest serve They kind a and confessed, books which is arms, of and to it doing, life, of generation how us degeneracy. reading for of and show the to us intellectual our BOOKS and us, inspire Wholesome it ABOUT equip to and things, KNOW I flection. re- seriousness, should there worse, a mere AND morbid for craving And in such of the TO HOW sad USE condiments and examples, of truth Milton's A spirit (And Uncertain Deep Crude And As judgment and what he brings The in versed trifles children reading his books, but choice gather he shallow not elsewhere seek?) himself, in toys worth matters, pebbles reads remains. collecting intoxicate, for still by " superior, or need why : who brings equal unsettled and or to tion illustra- an reproach man and stimulants? have we " Incessantly, 91 THEM. the a shore." sponge. 92 WHAT KNOW I BOOKS ABOUT IX. SUGGEST I another moderateness and careful Be much. too of our the thoughts the landscape, particular literature its individual have as the sky Those of above two and that may be smothered likely extended less distinct wider the will receive to more the the our survey be we its to note charms. round been an travel, me, the intelligent that company marvels less will fire, The and reading. fuel of avidity rule, a im- attempt or excess great others. of said Cook," too features, of the thought by in fast too go that own quenched I to extinguish and " not avoid : superficialness Remember sometimes flame precaution and expanses had " world with sailor to gathered all and the were that I Captain an tant expec- to hear saw was beneath water so vast his the me." that they dwarfed The pained so was boundaries these attractions minute Let be us of this when have we literature, of Multitudes and before, which speed, biography, of a magazine and the article, up taste of giants and sinews of the sippets indolent, history." the (See may a the science, bodies Minor a limits narrow immeasurably. of indigent, behemoth. sauce, that steam-engine's a the of and day magazines mincemeat to the What grown "make soup with at within has morning done condenses distribute bones hash that philosophy publications These of a each literature," "railway and abundance. calculation. of was nowadays and pamphlets, disposed be Time but and session pos- unwise our is, in said things range. miss great. print many its by it as compass to may globe, such termed can of rate bookless beyond be fittingly we is danger tracts, multiplied are or newspapers bad and good the a was to within wealth The object. blind came substantial rapaciousness. effort was guard, our on the it that other every by that 93 THEM. USE invisibility into eye TO HOW AND than, leviamade They to of suit the the old Moralities,^ 94 I WHAT mischief The the and Alexandre evident the if But the prevailing institutions These and useful as in ; Frequently too in not but a are usually study they they superficially. few of attempt In a who of to various " Dante, remarkably unalloyed much that mote pro- authors, and are city blame. designed of too for popular our clear instances not not responsible Browning, are of individuals some entirely Shakespeare, or it were part not thorough more such are Muloch, themselves. shallowness, clubs reading been affectation an the of are hand second- history Miss is deceived magazines original, not ridiculous sincerity from gleaned Scott, be cious falla- very Though and there completely so been Walter thing any- instances many Elsmere^ would that of a certainly Dumas, culture have in having Sir things, many omniscience. own Robert from derived of entertain sources criticism is knowledge to that tendency smattering gained from or from for its is reviews, present come in information higher the accurate has belief BOOKS ABOUT a has rarely ; of obtains public and KNOW shall blessings. and be work name- HOW AND less, called lady a a The conversation her as attempted members embraced half, Greek of five a Michael of genius art, Egyptian worship, divided between with what The and review talk fifteen the of the on the minutes of rest Socialism, the hour an minutes* Angelo, finally meeting. minutes' ten a and of single a interrogate club, through running programme, origin at paring pre- Worship. to statement a in Animal her of her her naturally me aims from assist Egyptian led 95 THEM. to me on the to elicited a on paper USE TO to the time and Emerson, Froebel. like altogether but it real value the and go too is probably to table some an of of reading. to and time then for extreme spent determine in club of question and Subtract come but from ordinary whether in Europe, must prove nourishment. case the guilds dinners ture, litera- of podrida diversion, scrappy up opens olla d^hdte for excellent be may this hodgepodge, This This cramming ; the concerning associations the such for time necessary gatherings, social the poses pur- and proprieties, gain derived 96 I WHAT from the gain number same with on the the leading T. are Harris, or received in will of not of especially What own. become a to his hindrance thoroughness temptation to the opinions in to superficiality. judge for of others, he as a help desired the If end our may his of opinion an was in habitue his letters, first what to ment. invest- lose to the at may that ability right ; the his sought was scholarship, come eminent men question to come to platitude, for pay will and Deferring himself. in if but of danger circles individuality, own aid certainly W. son, David- adequate; mediocre reading such Prof. compensation men a are studied. Prof. the men, is depend of or be alone who calibre and there Moreover, the authors the Snyder, doubtless genius return of D. from gentlemen mental ordinary are meagre the Prof. will they the of weigh Out- doubtless Frotheringham, Mr. or the of to yourself by will interpreters they receive spent This character greatly as would hours books. BOOKS such you of your If is speakers the ABOUT KNOW may as prove so-called an a 98 WHAT KNOW I ABOUT BOOKS X. PERMIT that end the thorough into soul. his it and if bathe There be assimilation. read from obtain to definite of work to an related When each such They excellence incident in a the the and of determination and be to a as brush or plodding happily a be remarkable tered mas- great chisel. tion devo- illustrated man, periodical. current Samuel life and should painfully is means in overwhelmed. ought painstaking it, further, impression by the over image settled and very on that clear produced his meditation, books a a ing, mean- skim and a slowly as is art What by with conception. slowly, the receptiveness, line, by obtain to into not immersed are you, concentrated pursue There line author's an it and into be it and must into be dare may in is almost must dive remind to reading and motive, must I of insight mind The page, likewise me F. B. Morse, afterwards famous a HOW AND the as a from Being anxious very master, he drawing, and thought When Mr. it " it is " But " Oh, were week the was said here," Morse to it it well, indeed, perfect. he in back, on and his put saying, it." artist. look " and finish young ; amined ex- this it the the upon here, and finger upon places. out the defects, him, to to much the back, and Then the but and sir; go said, on and he as carried Mr. and at the before, finish they another master. pleased, work; that now devoted them. again evidently upon go ; he remedying drawing it West and opinion drawing the well Mr. saw pointed praises handed " unfinished Mr. made had finished," said ! no and various favorable handed well, sir,very Very Benjamin fortnight a saw then Farnese to critically,commended particular, here, spent West it the he the work. for the of was made he London, offer his of telegraph, cast to example an as that in small a 99 THEM. electric the intending Hercules, of USE painter studying drawing West of inventor young a TO West lavished end he "Very it." ^8.;^'^'-- 100 I WHAT Is " this it all Not " yet the nor have of student and home, work " ; the finger-joints." this it drawing it. retouching satisfied. indeed needed finish the in yet good, very muscle, time. not " cannot took days done but that marked more was good, clever "I it critic was by Morse, not several have the But once spent would Mr. discouraged. you ; asked " ? articulations The He but BOOKS ABOUT finished not time KNOW be to it," said Mr. West, The ably remark- ; finished." " Mr. in Morse, despair. "Well," answered you long this drawing in enough. double the drawings. the than It character by not one Finish a mind masterpiece constantly returning to is have would a accomplished finished half- dozen drawings, numerous makes that but thorough a picture, one by more sir, and you painter." a Read the time of draughtsman. are you learned have You tried have "I the fiowers, after of returning the in literature brief still dissatisfied to this it, like eclipse and spirit, still of beams sun- clouds seeking HOW AND and beauties, new reward will it how sweetness, " have the with thus being fields "So here daily the went His earnings The book While He The at gazed divine the time; able be habit to with pass com- creasing ever-in- stately supply, had he that ; the small what most Milton. to and view mighty nearest to town overplus brought his of away desires, he Among orb measure " tempted read. worth, Words- by the song, be plished accom- worthy a and yet with stall upon will be Excursion expression might that it will and illuminates given passed He the elevated and emphasizes your profit. from with repeated second literature of and be you made the will you darkest highway been ; Stanley of this but facility established, passage have of more ease I conquest complete, fair the A has less the none book great and own, the Let end. like forests traverse re ginning be- the the it, the of grace to reached trodden. already one Return through then and charm through path a much how have way and until wonderful of you " Africa, is 101 THEM. persistence. your blazing USE much when Think TO hills which 102 So the In such foundations yet he Of To so lay like All his Of dimmer An active Some credited exerted or Adam images their have scarcely and admiration. lines pictured they acquired have of from have influence like these In and Homer, surrendered intently to intellect. overmastering a rival have like cases, have they They great one triumphs writers Smith. admitted described been wonderful the unreservedly and attained Their hero, mind forms; and aught inspiration them Wordsworth's supreme genius to over compare shapes, thence till particular. in years dreams." their deriving on even of of men author and brooded, liveliness The the ; received still with fasten to power brain would unsatisfied seemed in thoughts, he mind had grew he power impressed almost He he the had his and as time, portraiture in sense. for his and with that character, Intensely Kant, bodily still his Upon mind, remembrances, being And before feelings substances, free. terror presence distinct, laid were from impressions, these mind deep his gift; precious With been in the haunt A the and BOOKS long and perceived color They his not child, a objects And as of greatness; Great ABOUT communion, While Had KNOW I WHAT to pored a They their over love his HOW AND his composition, habits of thought, joined concentration author single in fresh in the creations good books, yield in not desultory this have as one to special encourage exclusive to your nairow partisanship to prolific of it be in hand, growth, own bestowed will that few a understanding^ profit and and sued purI yet rule of range in genuine multitude a It department. of cannot conceded the such virtues volume fashion; attention of advantage than generally bless the and real increment intellectual and degree Remember more new any thus thoroughly must marriage, and to labor regretted. be have effect the tributary and time never read, it they sprung discipline Conquer it, make the not, mental overestimated. subdue in or of way has charms prove dered pon- spiritual the the on and enlighten to whether But mankind. until there soul the of children in as union the from and him to noted speech, of been and of peculiarities his a 103 THEM. forms his analyzed pages, USE TO is not books, science, would so terpreted in- inquiry intended to cate advo- metaphysics. to 104 WHAT political economy, from Far it. and the far as its on its thinking through serious of publications in literature evident made hardly was Walter reasonable to Scott. For into secluded " weeks on entirely Sunday alienated himself, old from taken, so his meals. the runs his and sermons, it as telligentl in- himself, of stories neglected the judge for the never that could he nounced de- ridiculed examined had look well was A had realizing that he he and and " he entitled bitterly that him against determined days criticised bigotry, unless he cover wholesome. former Being one. point to regards not confessed novels, perused is in who clergyman his by slowly cover it as should it that from carefully that not contracted a haste making fairly attention. Bias on of is to but works, with made itself and claims, dealt be its has subjects point confine way such legitimate The habit the its to lettres. belles or these possible, as BOOKS of and class establish to Each merits. uniform ABOUT biography, should mind and KNOW place appropriate ought, I Sir legend parish, was At peated re- almost the end 10(l WHAT them. and spiritual have of and physicists The with and poetry, of the blind the to been as to of so have altar of the completely no eyes literce delusive. the usually be to of the shrine been matics, matheof the incurably in varied to ble capa- divince. absorbed for ; antipathy, not often and enthusiastic is at has humaniores there mind save excellences worshipper of To man, supposed the appreciating litercB save and if not are special philosophy labors indifference, doubt reality mathematician poets and their the incomprehensible are sibly pos- to importance the thoroughgoing credited idol such could exclusivism. inquiry any with Metaphysicians in them of of man all to of intellectual worthy in nothing outside supernatural. teachers nothing come question to rivalled times at many have everything seductions study have They men infatuated so other no particularly domain, is of reality become that things charm the have and Some the to in repeated reading. themselves science, material the of abandoned have BOOKS frequently departments graver of ABOUT been has mistake His KNOW I They their sole grandeurs HOW AND of the men fashioned others' of their with with those who differ not unfair to famous the of whose liver other of preparation on which such attain. Abnormal consequently to By warped, of who species a this the circumscribed. and hungers for a may comfort special to faculty, to and intellectual is only of possibilities It but tend similarly of defoi ment depart- one particular a fitted not to not process but nourishment a for feed, might must of good were of wretched pdte attachment cultivation organ vitality modem they enlightenment unnatural are the dignity a one were Heliogabalus a beyond of by present they Strasburg, resembling harmonious the their Like magnitude their gained was haps, per- partisans the impoverished organs. successors these to is, It geese, by co-operation them. fatal was and disqualified compare What exhausted and from tolerant in- dogmatic, friendly Ferrara development. grasy for one-sided way hard, opinions, bias unhappy this narrow, ; 107 THEM. In Pantheon. literary are USE TO afford to diet, the acter char- usefulness degree some gourmand the but formity. de- it can never 108 WHAT fulness yield its of wide human as of human ought to represent ought to be BOOKS of or mental life to to never Breadth of permitted the and entirely to of displacement and genuine kind should close and Reading be be must so This excused. The the excellent warning people is have of if the restless horizon. hand be generous of any mind's itself. intellect as trifling preachment shop forget altogether cannot the reflection. ought with communion occupy intense thought, books no not not and so, its execution. hinder to student go of time craved, the should others, allowed intimate may prevent is culture and should books usurp sense ought of vigor of a theme view of the with method definite and kind one the territory, a depth with and narrowing a purpose while then, of necessitate hand to of meagreness in correspondence of be to library universe, of terms illumination sunlike And the ought A Thoroughness signify in interests reading. on part. every to ABOUT happiness circle to KNOW subject. As . I my will intrude. vocation. But Not moment. overlooked I the a fact few that HOW AND needed they know have they of speech of their eloquent many plaintive the in opinion, my devour so recall Sir It ** is not short soul adjust whether God, this shall the impel to visible reading need to lines knowledge man Learning soul my ! the vast itself wills soul it so save its light own to ; show " remembered, be mind the they suggestive when itself. unto never " light no and, volumes friends ! Only perceived Itself itself wisdom it I within. " by by of shines There shall known it not Halts If be to : voice the Arnold's of Death) drowned ignorance, These Edwin Wotteth Is understand the clatter themselves, this to greedily. Secret (see of of to have the ignorance half than more of owing Babel and loar without tongues or oblivious The sweetness continue They in soul. this at the to them own to as bookworms attention rendered has authors Failing mere Their well as written. become bibliomaniacs. 109 THEM. themselves had others what point, know to USE TO to shall universe humanity have or served books if itself, and explore mysterious in and of being, invisible its to in highest 110 I WHAT and function^ soundness teach merely " To back to prophesy words he sweetness." then nor powers, he help person own carry cut studious the increasing to ; "predecessors what lad and give "faintest by music fill the on earth each proof circlet while orb,*' with their with to shall with knowledge as coming " whirligig selfhood, unfolding, the his in God-grand pore worship instead, of logic, chop bull roaring launched may the And his waste and shall shimmering soul not moon, But in honored. motive and sun sphinx." grow and followed, argument, neither and the himself jabber On demonstrated method shall youth BOOKS. have the the of hopeful of shall of sublimity ABOUT KNOW may "wise voyage," " light and
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