How to deliver your Questionmark Assessments via Blackboard This document will take you through the steps for re-adding links to QMP assessments into your BB modules (or organisations). STEP 1) SYNCHRONISE USERS FOR THIS MODULE First, you need to synchronise users between Blackboard and Questionmark. This will add the instructors (including yourself) and the students to the correct QMP group. If you omit this step you will find that you may not be able to deploy your assessment when you come to the later steps in the process. To synchronise users, go into the BB module where you want to add QMP test. Make sure Edit Mode is “On” (top right) On the left of the screen you will see the menu for the Control Panel. Click on “Course Tools” to open the menu. Then click on "Questionmark Perception Connector". Just clicking on this link will cause a synchronisation between QMP and BB users for this module. You should see a message, showing how many users were added or removed. (Note - if the module has already been “synched” in the past, it may say that zero users have been added or removed.) There is a "Synchronize Users Now" button, but there is no need to click on this again – you have already synchronised the users. STEP 2) CONTROLLING COURSE SETTINGS While you are on the “Questionmark Perception Connector” page, select the box "Hide schedules from students in course tools view" and click Submit . Ticking this box means that students will have to access your QMP tests via a link in one of your Blackboard Content Areas, which is our preferred way of delivering assessments. (If you do not tick this box you may find that students might be able to come across your assessments, and even assessments from other modules, by exploring the tools menus in Blackboard – not to be recommended). STEP 3) SET SCHEDULING PERMISSIONS FOR YOUR ASSESSMENT If you omit this step, you may find that you cannot see your test in the list of available tests when you come to add it in a later step below. From the Questionmark Perception Connector screen (you should be here already after synchronising users and ticking the hide schedules box in steps 1 and 2), click on "Log in to Enterprise Manager" . You should see "Browser based authoring" (BBA) as the top option - if you do not see this, contact and your permissions will be re-set to enable BBA. Click on "Browser based authoring", then click on "Assessment manager" and navigate through your assessment folders to find the assessment you want to add to the module. Highlight the assessment name by clicking on it (you can select multiple assessments in the same assessment folder if you wish). Then click on "Set Scheduling Permissions" in the Assessment options list on the left. Select the group which corresponds to the BB module you want to add the assessment to (eg ABC1234D_2011-2_SEM1_A). You can either select this group from your list of groups, or you can search for it if your list of groups is very long. (NB: If you can’t see the group you need in this list, it may be because you skipped step 1 above.) Click on the "Add" button and the group will move to the “Groups assigned” list on the right. Click Finish. You can now close QMP Enterprise manager . STEP 4) ADD THE QMP LINK TO YOUR BB CONTENT AREA In your Blackboard module, go to the content area where you want the link to appear (you can use an existing content area, or create a new one as you wish). Important Note: Do not try to add your assessment using the form on the Questionmark Connector page (i.e. the Control Panel > Course Tools page which you accessed to synchronise users). The way we use QMP at the University of Bradford, assessments scheduled using this form will not be visible to students. Instead, you must add a link to a BB content area as explained below. Click on the correct content area in the BB course menu. Make sure “Edit mode” is ON. Select the "Add Interactive Tool" button and click on "Questionmark Perception Assessment Schedule" from the drop-down list which appears. You now need to fill in the "Schedule an Assessment" settings as follows: Schedule Name Schedule Description Grade centre Settings Which QMP assessment you are using Number of Attempts Availability dates/times Schedule name: students will see this as the assessment link in the BB Content Area. (This should be unique within this module, so that the BB Grade Centre knows which assessment is which; also, avoid unusual symbols £$%^& in schedule names). Schedule description: students will see this text in the BB content area below the schedule name. This is optional, but it is recommended, because this is how you can give students instructions which they will see before they actually take the test. Specify how you want to store results in the Blackboard Grade Centre (per cent, raw score or not at all) Specify which student result you want to be displayed in the Grade Centre, when students are allowed multiple attempts (e.g. last attempt, best score etc) IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to specify the assessment from the from the drop-down list (see step 3 above if your assessment does not appear in this list). Do you want to limit the number of attempts? (If you do not, there is usually no need to create an individual schedule for each student). Start and end dates/times (if necessary). This will limit the availability period of the QMP assessment. (But it will not hide the link in your BB content area when the test is inactive: if you want to hide the link as well, you can use Blackboard adaptive release, see step 6 below). Click “submit” to save your settings. You will see a confirmation message – then click “OK” The link has now been added to your content area. The students can immediately see the name and the description in the BB content area. STUDENT VIEW When students click on the Schedule name, they are taken to the test launch page, which shows them the schedule name, number of attempts, start/end times and a “Take assessment” button, which they click on to start the test. STUDENT VIEW (for an available assessment with an active schedule) If the assessment schedule is inactive, either because the student has used up all their attempts, or because the test is not available, the table will be empty and there will be no “Take Assessment” button. STUDENT VIEW (for an assessment which is not available or inactive) STEP 5) PREVIEW YOUR ASSESSMENT As an instructor, you cannot preview the test with Edit Mode = ON. There is no active hyperlink in Edit Mode. You must turn Edit Mode OFF to preview. With Edit Mode = OFF, you can click on the link. You will see the Instructor Preview page (NB this is slightly different from the STUDENT view shown above). The instructor can see information about the test: number of attempts; start/end times; active or inactive i.e. can the students see the test or not?). Click on “Test Assessment” to preview/ try out the test. Note: ignore “Show URL” – this does not do anything useful in our set-up. STEP 6) USING ADAPTIVE RELEASE (optional) With the current version of the BB-QMP connector, the link from a BB content area to a QMP assessment will always be visible to students, regardless of the availability dates of the test. When a test is not available, the “Take assessment” button will not appear on the next screen, but this first link will be visible at all times. If you think this may confuse students, you can hide this link using a feature of BB called Adaptive Release. This will not affect the availability of the actual test, it just hides the link to the test. To use adaptive release, make sure “Edit Mode” is ON. Click on the “Chevrons” next to the assessment name From the drop-down menu, click on “Adaptive Release” Then just set the dates and click the “Submit” button. (Obviously, you need to make sure that your adaptive release dates tally with your QMP assessment schedule dates.) Now the link will only be visible to students according to the adaptive release dates. If you set up adaptive release in this way, this will affect how you can preview the assessment. Because you need to be in “EDIT mode = OFF” to preview your assessment, you will not be able to preview the test, because you have hidden the link. You will have to use the other way of previewing the test, via the BB Control Panel. In Control Panel > Course Tools, click on “Questionmark Perception Connector”. This takes you to the QMP Connector page. In the section “Schedules” you will see your QMP test schedules for this module (active and inactive). Click on the “Test Assessment” link to preview your assessment.
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