Presented Friday, February 7, 2014 1 ©2014 The Payroll Advisor 2 RCH Credit 3 Once approved, to earn RCH, you must Stay on the webinar for the full 60 minutes Be watching the webinar using your unique URL Certificates delivered electronically, to email address with which you registered Certificates delivered no later than March 7th ©2014 The Payroll Advisor About the Speaker 4 Vicki M. Lambert, CPP, is President and Academic Director of Vicki M. Lambert, LLC, a firm specializing in payroll education and training. Known as “The Payroll Advisor,” Ms. Lambert is Founder and Director of, a website that provides unique and expert services for anyone dealing with the complexities and technicalities of the payroll process. As an adjunct faculty member at Brandman University, Ms. Lambert is the creator and instructor for the Practical Payroll Online payroll training program, which is approved by the APA for recertification credits. What We Will Cover Today 5 Purpose and types of forms Review Form W-4 line by line Effective dates for new and expiring forms What to do if you don’t have a form Invalid or questionable forms Processing the forms in payroll Submitting and retaining forms Electronic forms Nonresident aliens and the Form W-4 ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Purpose and Types of Forms 6 IRS Form W-4 Actual Name: Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate Purpose: To know how much income tax to withhold from the employee’s wages Also Form W-4s for third party sick pay New in 2006 Form W-4(SP) Spanish version State equivalents ©2014 The Payroll Advisor 7 ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Let’s Talk About the States 8 Employers must verify if the state has an equivalent form ► The States may: ► Not have their own form and use the Form W-4 ► Have their own form but allow Form W-4 to be used ► Require only the state form be used ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Examples 9 Arizona: Form A-4 is required California: DE4 required if withholding is different from federal withholding No state form: Idaho—Use Federal Form W-4 ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Form W-4 Equivalents WA MT ME ND VT MN OR NH ID WI SD WY RI CT MI PA IA NE NV OH IL UT MD WV KS MO NJ DE IN CO CA MA NY VA KY NC TN AZ OK NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA FL AK Must use state form May use federal Form W-4 No state form must use federal Form W-4 Restrictions on using Fed Form W-4 No state income tax HI States That Require/Recommend Use of Their Own Certificate Include… 11 Alabama: Form A-4 Arizona: Form A-4 Arkansas: Recommends AR-4EC but allows modified Form W-4 California: Requires DE 4 if withholding is different than federal Connecticut: CT-W-4 District of Columbia: D-4 Georgia: Form G-4 Hawaii: Form HW-4 Illinois: IL-W4 Indiana: WH-4 ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Our First Polling Question 12 Before we continue our discussion let’s take our first polling question of the day… ©2014 The Payroll Advisor States That Require/Recommend Use of Their Own Certificate Include… 13 Iowa: Iowa W-4 Kansas K-4 Kentucky: Form K-4 Louisiana: Form L-4 or L4E should be used but accepts (mutually agreed upon) modified Form W-4—employer responsible to determine number of correct allowances Maine: Form W-4ME Maryland: Form MW 507 Massachusetts: M-4 required if state exemptions differ from fed Michigan: MI-W4 Minnesota: W-4MN Mississippi: Form 89-350 Missouri: MO W-4 New Jersey: NJ-W-4 or Form W-4 may be used ©2014 The Payroll Advisor States That Require/Recommend Use of Their Own Certificate Include… 14 New York: Accepts W-4 recommends Form IT2104 North Carolina: Form NC-4 or NC-4EZ Ohio: Form IT-4 Rhode Island: Form RI W-4 Vermont: Form W-4VT is recommended Virginia: Form VA-4 West Virginia: WV/IT 104 Wisconsin: WT-4 if state exemptions differ from fed ©2014 The Payroll Advisor States That Have No Form Include… 15 Colorado Delaware: Has Form SD/W4 for calculating only use Fed W-4 “For Delaware Purposes Only” Idaho Montana ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Nebraska New Mexico North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina Utah Possible Other Forms on State Level 16 Special forms for employee to claim exempt from state income tax Special form for military spouse to use to claim exempt from state income tax Forms for nonresidents of the state Reciprocal agreement forms ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Example of Exempt Form-NY 17 Completes the form if the employee is claiming exempt from state income tax Also used by Military spouses ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Example of Nonresident Form-CT 18 Completes the form if the employee is a nonresident who performs services partly within and partly outside of Connecticut for same employer Must also complete Form CTW4 ©2014 The Payroll Advisor One Form Mostly Fits All 19 Use the same form for most purposes Example is Georgia Use the G-4 to claim exempt from withholding if owing no tax and for military spouse exemption ©2014 The Payroll Advisor States That Use Special Form 20 Example: Pennsylvania Local Earned Income Tax Residency Certification Form: DCED-CLGS-06 For more info on tax go to 7 ©2014 The Payroll Advisor For Example: 21 IL has agreement with WI Resident of WI works in IL but does not want IL tax taken out—completes Form IL-W-5-NR—NO IL tax is withheld Employer may but IS NOT required to withhold for WI ©2014 The Payroll Advisor For Example 2: 22 WI has agreement with IL Resident of IL works in WI but does not want WI tax taken out—completes Form W220—NO WI tax is withheld Employer may but IS NOT required to withhold for IL ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Useful Links 23 s.htm ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Review Form W-4 Line by Line 24 New Forms must always be current year First name, middle initial and last name always must appear on the form ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Address must be on the form Line by Line 25 Goes without saying… must have this one! Just mention to employee ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Must designate marital status Line by Line 26 Must have the number of allowances No Percentages ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Dollar amount only and it can not stand alone. Must be with allowances and martial status Line by Line 27 Employee claims exempt here Employee signs here ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Dates goes here Line by Line 28 If sending to IRS fill these boxes in ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Effective Dates for Forms 29 All new employees need to complete form All forms except exempt forms remain in effect until a new form is received Exempt forms expire 12-31 of each year No form? Use single and zero until received Have until 2-15 to submit new form Use single – zero if new form not received Up to 30 days to input new forms ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Practical Point 30 Employers should not accept any withholding or estimated tax payments from employees in addition or instead of the withholding based on their Form W-4 ©2014 The Payroll Advisor What Makes a Form Invalid 31 Any unauthorized change or addition makes a form invalid Includes taking out any language Employee indicating either verbally or in writing that the form is false An incomplete form ©2014 The Payroll Advisor How To Handle an Invalid Form 32 Do not use the invalid form to determine withholding Inform the employee the form is invalid Request new form from employee Use a previously submitted form to determine withholding No previous form? Use single/zero ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Questionable Forms 33 Employers are not the Form W-4 “Police” (on the federal level anyway) and are not responsible for verifying the number of allowances claimed by the employee. As long as it is a valid form, the employer accepts it. ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Processing the Forms in Payroll 34 Each form should be reviewed to ensure validity before processing Filled out completely and correctly Signed and dated Invalid or incomplete forms should never be processed Return to employee Template letters are an easy method to use ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Our Second Polling Question 35 Before we continue on with our webinar and submitting forms to the IRS let’s do our second polling question of the day focusing handling invalid Forms W-4 ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Sample Memo for Missing Information on the Form W-4 36 From: The payroll department To: Insert employee’s name here Re: Incomplete Form W-4 Dear: Insert employee’s name here. The payroll department has received your Form W-4, dated (insert date of form here). However, we are unable to complete the processing of the form due to missing information. Please provide the required information where we have highlighted the form in yellow. When you have finished providing the missing information, please return the form to the payroll office. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Sample Memo Invalid Form W4 37 From: The payroll department To: Insert employee’s name Re: Invalid Form W-4 submitted to payroll Dear: Insert employee’s name here It is necessary for the payroll department to return your Form W-4, dated (insert date of form here). We are unable to process the form. IRS regulations do no allow us to accept and/or process any Form W-4 that claims a fixed dollar amount only or a percentage. According to the IRS: The amount of income tax withholding must be based on marital status and number of allowances only. You may specify any additional dollar amount as well. If you still wish to change your withholding please complete a new Form W-4 and submit it to payroll at your earliest convenience. ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Submitting Forms W-4 to the IRS 38 As of April, 2005, no longer required as a routine function by IRS When requested by the IRS, you must make original Forms W-4 available for inspection by an IRS employee You may also be directed to send certain Forms W4 to the IRS. Send the requested copy or copies of Form W-4 to the IRS at the address provided and in the manner directed by the notice. ©2014 The Payroll Advisor IRS Review of Forms 39 After submitting a copy of a requested Form W-4 to the IRS, continue to withhold federal income tax based on that Form W-4 The IRS also uses information reported on Form W-2 to identify employees with withholding compliance problems ©2014 The Payroll Advisor IRS Review of Forms 40 In some cases, if a serious underwithholding problem is found to exist for a particular employee, the IRS may issue a letter to the employer specifying the maximum number of withholding allowances and marital status permitted for a specific employee Commonly referred to as a "lockin letter” ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Lock-In Letters 41 You must furnish this notice to the employee within 10 business days of receipt if the employee is employed by you as of the date of the notice Begin withholding based on the notice on the date specified in the notice. ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Use Lock-In Letters for Terminated Employees If… 42 You are paying wages for the employee's prior services and the wages are subject to income tax withholding on or after the date specified in the notice. You reasonably expect the employee to resume services within 12 months of the date of the notice. The employee is on a leave of absence that does not exceed 12 months or the employee has a right to reemployment after the leave of absence. ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Modified Lock-In Letters 43 The IRS may issue a subsequent notice (modification notice) that modifies the original notice The modification notice may change the marital status and/or the number of withholding allowances permitted. You must withhold federal income tax based on effective date specified in the modification notice. ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Accepting New Forms from the Employee 44 If the employee with an active lock-in letter provides you with a new Form W-4 claiming complete exemption from withholding or claims a marital status, a number of withholding allowances, and any additional withholding that results in less withholding than would result under the IRS notice or modification notice, disregard the new Form W-4 ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Submitting to the State 45 State may still require a Form W-4 to be submitted For example Connecticut requires the form to be submitted if the employee claims three times the maximum personal exemption amount available to an employee. So the employer should multiply the maximum personal exemption amount for the taxable year by a factor of three to determine if the Form CT-W4 of an employee must be sent to DRS. ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Retaining Form W-4 46 Current form until replaced Expired or replaced forms— minimum four years plus current tax year ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Electronic Forms 47 May establish system that allows employees to submit their initial form or change existing form electronically Paper form must be available as well Paper form can be required for some employees if business reason justifies Must be able to provide questionable forms to IRS electronically ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Final Polling Question of the Day 48 Let’s pause before we begin discussing the specs of electronic Forms W-4 to take our final polling question of the day… ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Tech Specs for Electronic Forms 49 Electronic version must contain exact same info as the paper version-no exceptions Must be PIN or verified system Lock-in letter compliance must be available Perjury statement must be there Employees must understand that it is signed under penalty of perjury just like the paper form ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Tech Spec Continued 50 Electronic signature required Must be able to print hard copy All other regulations apply the same as paper form Practical Point: Good to have a system that requires employee to acknowledge perjury statement in order to submit as a separate step ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Form W-4 Nonresident Aliens 51 Cannot claim exempt Request only single regardless of marital status Claim only one allowance If from Canada, Mexico or Korea may claim more than one allowance Write “nonresident alien” or “NRA” above dotted line on line 6 of form Electronic version must provide this field ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Add Nonresident Alien or NRA 52 Nonresident Alien Put nonresident alien here ©2014 The Payroll Advisor Are There Any Questions? 53 ©2014 The Payroll Advisor How Can Ascentis Help Me? 54 Relax with Ascentis Tax Service Convenient and cost-effective solution for managing your payroll taxes Never pay another payroll tax penalty again for late filing Compliant with the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) for all tax payments Electronic filing of your monthly and quarterly tax returns Ascentis stays up-to-date on all the tax law changes so you don’t have to Knowledgeable tax operations staff available to answer questions and help avoid problems Eliminate the hassle of year-end preparation and filing of W-2s and 1099s Customized and detailed tax summary statements RCH Credit 55 Once approved, to earn RCH, you must Stay on the webinar for the full 60 minutes Be watching the webinar using your unique URL Certificates delivered electronically, to email address with which you registered Certificates delivered no later than March 7th Download Slides? Watch again? 56 On-Demand Webinars? 57 The ABC’s of Payroll Frequencies Form 941: All You Need to Know Going Paperless in Payroll Handling Unclaimed Wages Travel Pay Fringe Benefits Third Party Sick Pay And many more Watch from anywhere, at anytime, at no cost to you! Contact Us 58 800.229.2713
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