FRVTA CONVENTION SHOWS ATTENDEES HOW TO... Brimming with new selling information, market data and innovative merchandising ideas, close to 300 FRVTA members learned about “Taking Care of Business...The RV Way” at the 33rd Annual FRVTA State Convention. Held at the beautiful Sandpearl Resort on Clearwater Beach this past September 5 through 8, attendees participated in several days worth of intensive schooling combined with loads of fun. “Certainly the RV Industry in general and specifically here in Florida has seen great growth over this past season,” said FRVTA Executive Director Lance Wilson. “So our members continue to be successful in their businesses, we strive to make sure attendees learn from the best in the RV Industry.” Featuring a '70s theme, this year's annual confab provided attendees with an in-depth look at national RV trends via a panel stocked with representatives from all aspects of the RV Industry. Each reviewed the successes and strains they experienced as well as what they see their particular industry segment achieving in the coming year. Besides a national RV Industry outlook, members heard from an informative panel of Florida legislators who provided an indepth update on Florida's government and how the dictates from Tallahassee affect RV-related businesses in the Sunshine State. Opening Thursday evening with the “We Are Family” Welcome Reception, members enjoyed a selection of delicious sliders, hors d'oeuvres and cocktails. It was a wonderful way to greet old friends and meet new ones. Afterwards, attendees made their way to the “I Will Survive” Hospitality Room that was located along the beach, making for an awesome nighttime view of the sparkling Gulf of Mexico. FRIDAY MORNING SESSIONS Executive Director Wilson officially opened the 33rd Annual FRVTA Convention beginning with the sessions first “Bee On Time.” Congratulations to Alan Shapiro of Alliance Coach and Paul Graef of Camping World Fort Myers, both of whom won $50 and to John Rockne of M&M RV Rentals who won $100. What a great way to start the weekend! Lance also pulled the winning ticket for a “Rollex” watch donated by Region 5 Director Lyn “The Music Man” Hart. Congratulations to winner Tammy Finci on her new timepiece! All monies raised for this event went to support the FRVTA PAC Fund, so thank you! Lance opened the meeting with a meaningful “Thank You” to all sponsors who made the convention possible. “Without their support we wouldn't be in such a great resort as the Sandpearl,” he said. He also recognized first-time attendees, thanking them for their participation. Lance reminded members to take part in the Silent Auction fundraising effort that benefits the FRVTA PAC Fund. FRVTA President Sam Abdo then took the podium. Welcoming the membership to the convention, he called for a moment of silence as the Clearwater High School Marine Corp Color Guard presented our nation's flag. This was followed by a stirring rendition of the national anthem by Pam Giordano of Circle G Family Benefits. Sam then led all in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. This moving start to the convention was particularly poignant as continued on page 3 Fall is finally here and with it a very busy RV schedule. Both Region 5 and Region 6 will be holding new shows this fall. The St. Johns Fall RV Show takes place October 10-13 at the St. Johns Fairgrounds in Elkton and the Panhandle RV Show runs October 17-20 at the Emerald Coast Convention Center in Ft. Walton Beach. It is really encouraging to see the regions taking on new shows in new venues. I think it says a lot about how the Florida RV Industry is slowly coming back and that dealers are excited about supporting new shows. Here are some of my thoughts coming out of our recent State Convention. First of all, if you missed it, you missed one of the best conventions held at one of the best resorts we've ever used! The food, fun and events were fantastic. I always find one of the best things about our convention is just getting to know the people in the organization who you only get to see once a year. You really get the sense that you are not alone in your struggles. Usually there is someone fighting the same battles you are and they can offer many helpful suggestions. Secondly, I am constantly amazed at the things Lance and his staff come up with, from the Game Show Luncheon to the Photo Booth to the Pirate Ship Trip, they always make the convention a fun and worry-free event and I thank them for that. I would also like to thank the people who participated in the 50/50 drawing and bought items in the Silent Auction. This supports the FRVTA PAC Fund and I believe we set a new convention record of money collected. Finally, I would like to thank the sponsors for their continued support of our organization. Without their financial commitment to the convention we would not be able to go to the places we do and have the activities we enjoy. Fall is a busy time in the RV Industry. With the RVDA convention in Las Vegas, the RV Open House in Elkhart and the Louisville Show, I'm sure your calendars are full. Try to stay active in your regions with everything else that is going on. Your support and participation is what keeps our Association strong! Till next time, SAM ABDO FRVTA State President CONVENTION... we remembered the anniversary of the 9-11 terrorism attacks. Lance then retook the podium and introduced his “serious” staff members. Dancing and shaking all that they had, the superb FRVTA staff members pranced down the center aisle to the '70s hit “YMCA” by The Village People. With “Chief” Lance at the podium, staff were able (mostly) to spell out “Y-M-C-A” as the audience laughed on. Controller Mike Ryan couldn't wait to do more--NOT! Going back to a serious moment, Lance praised staff members for their hard work not only during the convention, but also throughout the year at the many shows and events sponsored by FRVTA. “It's their hard work and dedication that makes the FRVTA the envy of other associations,” he declared. Lance then called FRVTA President Abdo, Vice President Rob Rothenhausler and Treasurer Ryan Hollan to the front to assist in presenting beautiful “thank you” plaques to convention sponsors in recognition of their support. Next, moving to the first of many educational sessions over the weekend, Lance introduced this year's RV Industry Panel. Each of the six speakers represented a different aspect of the RV Industry and shared their insight into what they see happening over the coming year. Ernie Shumacher, RV Executive for Bank of America's Dealer Financial Services, began his remarks by congratulating attendees for their success since the Great Recession. He did stress that he expects interest rates to rise going forward, but that there is still lots of retail money available and at great rates. Ernie believes the RV Industry in general is seeing such great wholesale and retail numbers since so many RVers held onto their units during the recent economic troubles that they now are feeling more comfortable buying again as the economy improves. He emphasized that dealers should continue to get money down on unit sales. Additionally, Ernie said that dealers are doing a great job moving product and keeping their aging levels low. Jeffrey Hirsh, CEO of Campers Inn and current chairman of the Recreational Vehicle Dealers Association (RVDA), remarked that he believes dealer anxiety is up due to the changing business model dealers face. By this he means dealers have changed from “mom and pop” businesses into national and regional multidealerships with online sales activity. Saying dealers can't be all things to everyone, he stressed that there is a vast array of opportunity available and dealers should choose their niche and master it. From his RVDA perspective, Jeff praised the FRVTA for their hard work on a variety of industry initiatives. Tim Hyland, Recreation/Specialty Vehicles Group President for GE Capital-Commercial Distribution Finance, said all indications point toward continued RV Industry growth. He reiterated Ernie by saying he believes dealer unit aging remains at good levels, but stressed there may be additional opportunities in merchandising. continued from page 1 Tim also said dealers should remember the recent past troubles from the Great Recession and work to keep their dealerships healthy. He also warned about rising healthcare costs and regulations in general. Tim revealed that GE's strategy is to be proactive in dealing with the growing regulation of business, saying they anticipate the process for strategic advantage. Next up was Jim Musbach, Chief Executive Officer for Coast Distribution. He said the Great Recession prompted parts and accessories to become a larger part of a dealership's business as overall unit sales fell. That's why he and his business are here to serve the on-time parts delivery needs of RV Dealerships. Manufacturer Derald Bontrager, President and CEO of Jayco, Inc., said RV Manufacturers are quickly approaching the record shipment levels reached back in 2006. In fact, he believes the RVIA shipment numbers may be on the conservative side. However, there are now far fewer manufacturers than before, meaning larger shipment levels and more business for remaining manufacturers. Derald said RV products are now more affordable than ever with new features and floor plans, all while the average RV buyer age has been trending down thanks to the national Go RVing marketing campaign. He did stress industry unity between dealers and manufacturers, and that the challenge is to obtain return customers via superior service, training and highquality products. Final panelist Pat O'Neill, owner of Camp Gulf in Destin and current Chairman of the Florida/Alabama Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (FLARVC), asked the audience what they thought “Taking Care of Business...the RV Way” means to them. He believes it means “adventure” and not only the risk/reward of sales. He said dealers should sell the adventure aspect of RVing--the trip, friends, views, overnights--the total RV experience. Following an anecdote about his travels through an old Virginia-West Virginia coal mine, Pat stressed that attendees should be cautious going forward, watch their numbers, and make sure they have a plan and follow it. After this enlightening session and a short break, RVDA President Phil Ingrassia returned to the FRVTA convention to review the national Go RVing marketing campaign as well as the many programs RVDA provides to dealer members. Phil reported that dealer business for towable sales is better than before with motorhomes increasing as well and that product inventories appear about right. Reviewing RVDA principles that strive to treat all dealers the same no matter their size, he said RVDA is working hard to keep the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) from disrupting the current dealer vehicle lending system. Saying this system saves consumers time and money while encouraging RV sales and creating jobs, Phil said he needs dealers' help in reaching out to their legislators with this message. CONVENTION... Phil reviewed the Dealer Satisfaction Index (DSI) that was established years ago to foster better relationships between dealers and manufacturers. With the same idea in mind, RVDA also offers a Model Dealer Agreement that reviews a variety of manufacturerdealer responsibilities and enables dealers to compare against their own manufacturer agreement. He also plugged the upcoming RVDA convention that will feature a “Partners in Progress” session at which manufacturers will hear about dealer problems as well as successes in RV products. The RV Learning Center, the educational arm of RVDA, provides dealer members with a variety of free seminars, webinars, scholarship programs and other features to assist dealers in their businesses. Part of this program, Phil said, is the partnership with FRVTA's Distance Learning Program, which is free to FRVTA members as part of their annual membership fee. Currently, Phil said RVDA is developing a “Young RV Executive” program designed to train future dealers. Phil stressed the benefits of the Go RVing dealer program that provides sales leads and advertising support all launched to make RV sales. Presently, Phil said there are 355 dealer participants nationally, 18 in Florida. He praised this particular program as one of the best cooperative ventures and campaigns developed. At this point, James Ashurst, Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) Marketing Director since 2010, came to the podium to review the Go RVing program goals. Basically, the idea is to push consumers through a “purchase funnel” to assist them in making a buying decision. James wants to generate consumer leads for dealers to follow-up with and he's seeking to do this by stretching budgeted dollars via copromotions through four sectors: 1) national and local public relations activities 2) advertising partnerships 3) digital outreach, and 4) non-RV specific consumer events. Besides these objectives, James has had the Go RVing web page upgraded and redesigned for ease of use. This has resulted in increased site visits as well as more pages viewed. Finally, James previewed a new Go RVing TV commercial that promotes RV tailgating during the coming football season. The final morning session was the annual Legislative Roundtable discussion moderated by FRVTA General Counsel Marc Dunbar. Marc introduced this year's panel members: Sen. Jack Latvala, from District 16 in Pinellas County and a return speaker from last year; Sen. Greg Evers of District 2 in the Panhandle; and Rep. Jake Raburn of Dist. 57 in Hillsborough County. Stressing that the 2014 elections cycle would be critical since Florida's entire executive leadership is up for reelection, Marc asked participants on their views for the coming year. Sen. Latvala, appearing on crutches due to a recent slipping accident, doesn't expect much change in the overall makeup of continued from page 3 Florida's Legislature with Republicans remaining in charge and most if not all of the cabinet reelected. He believes the key race will be for the governorship with former Gov. Charlie Crist running as a Democrat against incumbent Republican Gov. Rick Scott. He stressed support for Gov. Scott to continue job creation efforts and conservative values in Florida. “Gov. Scott's numbers are not very high,” he explained, “but he's been an outstanding public servant working hard to grow jobs in Florida.” In fact, he pointed out, 370,000 jobs have been added since Gov. Scott took office and the unemployment level has dropped from 11.1% to 7.1%, making Florida #2 in the nation for unemployment drop levels. Sen. Latvala supports Gov. Scott's plan to take some of this year's budget surplus and return about $500 million back to the public via reduced taxes. He believes this will be done by eliminating some of former Gov. Crist's vehicle fees and other tax cuts. Sen. Latvala also spoke on a pending ethics bill that will provide sweeping changes to close a variety of loopholes he hopes will close the “revolving door” of lobbyists and the Florida Legislature. Sen. Evers, a strawberry farmer from the Panhandle, said the state's various “tea parties” and conservative values are still very much alive. He emphasized continued involvement with time and money to keep our probusiness state government. Sen. Evers also spoke on efforts to revise the state's drug charges to place abusers into treatment rather than jail. “This effort will reduce expenses in the criminal justice system while helping people,“ he declared. He also spoke on the problems of how to pay for Florida's burgeoning road system in the face of more fuel-efficient vehicles resulting in declining gas taxes, which pay for road maintenance and expansion. Rep. Raburn, another strawberry farmer but from Hillsborough County, is a freshman legislator and the youngest in Florida's Legislature. He reiterated his support for Gov. Scott saying the governor understands small business and job growth. He also fretted about the media's negative portrayals concerning Florida's $2 billion government surplus and the lowered unemployment levels. After this insightful session finished, members adjourned to participate in the “May the Force Be With You” Golf Tournament, the “Fantasy Island” luncheon/boat trip or just relaxed in the large pool or beautiful Gulf of Mexico. FRIDAY EVENING COSTUME PARTY Of course, no matter what afternoon activity was selected, everyone looked forward to the annual costume/dinner party. The “Boogie Nights” Costume/Dinner Party was everything you could imagine from the '70s, including disco divas, large- CONVENTION... haired hippies in tie-dye, even a cash throwing pimp and his entourage! A variety of TV/movie characters were there, too, including Annie Hall, Fred and Wilma Flintstone and Barney and Betty Rubble, Mr. Spock, Cher and a special appearance by anchorman Ron Burgundy. Great food and drinks, dancing, video singing and a costume contest made for an outstanding evening. A new twist on the musical chair game made for extra fun. Congratulations to little Sarah Kelly who beat out a series of adults to win the $50 gift card prize for the chair game. Congratulations also to the team of Mark Beecher and John Weatherford of Bank of the West, and Tim Wessel and Larry Peter of Camping World who won this year's annual golf tournament. Also to Brian Copley of Copley's RV for the longest drive (again!) and to Marks Andrews of Ally for the closest to the pin shot. Cheers to Ken Prentiss of Leisure Time RVs as winner of the men's best costume and to Brianna Burk of Park Model City for winning the woman's best costume. Also to FRVTA's Michael Slater who won for best child's costume. Afterwards, attendees made their way to the “I Will Survive” Hospitality Room where the fun continued into the night. SATURDAY MORNING SESSIONS The focal point of the convention, education and training, began bright and early at 8:15 a.m. Bee On Time winners were John Anderson of GE Capital and Mark Murphy from Lightening RV both of whom won $50 and to Rob Smith from Fortune Real Estate who won $100. Way to go! Lance again greeted bleary-eyed attendees and thanked all convention sponsors for the wonderful costume party. He reviewed the morning sessions and dismissed the membership to attend their desired seminar. This year's Breakout Sessions offered a variety of seminars selected to appeal to all aspects of the RV Industry. Featured speakers were: Ryan Marlar, specialist with the Florida Department of Revenue who updated tax law; Jerry Mann of Vantage Benefit Solutions detailed how to prepare for Obamacare; Allen Monello of the Automotive Industry Center for Excellence reviewed dealer compliance issues; Jim Musbach from Coast Distribution spoke on establishing a quality parts department; Tom Walworth from Statistical Surveys, Inc. outlined Florida RV Industry trends; and Erick Swinson from Morgan Stanley Smith Barney gave a detailed outlook on economic and financial trends. continued from page 4 SATURDAY LUNCHEON Lunch was up next. Following a tasty '70s meal of mac & cheese with chicken filet, several raffles that benefited the FRVTA PAC Fund were held. Lance congratulated George Grimm of Thor Motor Coach for the winning gumball guess of 352 that won him a gift basket from SunTrust Bank. George and Treyanne Reynolds of Systems 2000 also each won a $25 gift card to Outback Steakhouse courtesy of Dream RV. Tom Walworth then awarded a Dealer Analysis Report valued at $1600 to Ken Gifford of Independence RV. Congratulations to all winners! Lance went on to thank and recognize all regional officers who volunteer their time to make the FRVTA such an outstanding Association. President Abdo and Vice President Rothenhausler presented officers from each region a special thank you plaque. Afterwards, “Disco Dave” Kelly took the microphone and the “Dy-NO-mite” Game Show began. This year's fun-filled activities featured two teams of four people each competing to answer '70srelated trivia questions and name movie/TV tunes. In between sessions, Disco Dave asked the same of audience members. It was a great time for all! Following the festivities, Lance adjourned the luncheon and the annual elections for state officers commenced. After reviewing officer qualifications and with no further nominations from the floor, Lance called for the nominees to be elected via acclamation. Congratulations to the new 2014 FRVTA Executive Board: Chairman Larry Schaffer; President Sam Abdo; Vice President Rob Rothenhausler; Treasurer Ryan Hollan; and Secretary Nelda Iacono. SATURDAY EVENING BANQUET At 6:30 p.m. the membership assembled again, this time enjoying a cocktail party as a jazz guitarist entertained. Formal portraits were made as a memorable keepsake of the weekend. This year the Silent Auction room was not located near the banquet hall, so all bidding had to take place BEFORE adjourning for the evening's meal making for a very crowded room! Items available this year included Disney-area hotel stays, fighting aerial helicopters, a variety of men's and women's watches, luggage, several styles of computer tablets, a drink mixer, a telescope and much more. Deanna Pearce of Elite Marketing and sales coordinator for both the FRVTA magazines and website, staffed a table outside the room selling raffle tickets at the auction room's entrance. CONVENTION... Once members adjourned downstairs to the banquet, Lance asked for a moment of silence to commemorate all members of our troops stationed throughout the world as well as to remember the coming 9-11 anniversary. Thanking all sponsors once again, Lance invited Brad Green of Lightning RV Supply to give the evening's invocation. As a seven-piece combo band played '70s favorites, attendees enjoyed a wonderful evening of great conversation, drinks, dancing and an outstanding crabmeat appetizer, wedge salad and steak filet. Scrumptious! Following dinner, Lance asked the audience to recognize all current and past FRVTA Board members. He also again recognized all FRVTA staff members for their year-round work and efforts on behalf of the Association. He then recognized Nelda Iacono as FRVTA Scholarship Chairman and her committee for their hard work on this important membership benefit. Saying that in over 22 years of existence the scholarship program has awarded over $460,000, Lance recognized all winners who were in attendance that evening. Finally, Lance announced that the auction and raffle tickets sold raised a record $10,250 for the FRVTA PAC Fund. What a great way to end the weekend. Thank you! FRVTA General Counsel Marc Dunbar then came to the podium to direct the evening's raffle. Congratulations to George continued from page 5 “Lucky” Grimm, who won the $1000 50/50 split. George was certainly on a roll this weekend! Lori Beecher of Bank of the West won a $500 Disney gift card and Rob Rothenhausler won a 47” television. Congratulations to all winners! Afterwards, President Abdo thanked all FRVTA staff members and convention attendees for making the convention such a wonderful event. Calling his Executive Committee to the dais, he awarded each with recognition plaques for their hard work and dedication to the Association. Lance next announced the Silent Auction winners. He closed the convention by again thanking all regional officers for their hard work and to the many sponsors that made the convention possible. Guests continued dancing and conversing as the evening rolled on. Others made their way to the “I Will Survive” hospitality room where the party continued into the night. The 33rd Annual FRVTA Convention was now a memory, but those members who made the effort to come, master new ideas, and make new business contacts and friends will now start “Taking Care of Business...The RV Way” in the coming selling season. Mark your calendars now for next year's 34th Annual FRVTA State Convention as we return to Florida's East Coast at the Harbor Beach Marriott in Fort Lauderdale, September 47, 2014. Be there or be square! Remember to View More Convention Photos at Convention Over, But PAC Donations Will Go Far The convention has come and gone and it was good to see so many members enjoying the festivities at the Sandpearl Resort. Once again, we thank Senators Jack Latvala and Greg Evers and Representative Jake Raburn for their participation in the legislative panel and their tireless support of the RV Industry in Tallahassee. They offered great reminders to the value of the grass roots participation that is the backbone of the FRVTA legislative strength and also encouraged our membership to remain vigilant in the political process. Along that line, the FRVTA PAC Fund had another record fundraiser thanks to the donations to the silent auction. With the caps being lifted on political contributions for state candidates, the PAC is in dire need of additional contributions to ensure we are able to make a decent showing in the 2014 election cycle. Please continue to spread the word and stay involved with your local efforts to help legislators to secure reelection while identifying good up-and-coming candidates interested in joining the legislative ranks. One the policy side, Florida's lawmakers and executive branch officials continue to be very responsive to the needs of the industry. Recent successes in the 2013 legislative session for the campground industry were followed by success before DHSMV in clarifying some confusion in the dealer/manufacturer laws. As we look ahead, we will have some items worth considering by the 2014 Legislature and hope to assist Gov. Scott in his efforts to maintain a positive economic environment in Florida for small businesses to grow and new businesses to plant their roots. With a projected budget that will include an additional $1 billion for education and reserves, and more than $800 million in proposed tax cuts, the 2014 session looks to be more of the same, which has led to a resurgence in Florida's economy and the local RV economy. I hope that each of you who participated in the convention came away with some “pearls of wisdom” you can use in your businesses. Until next year's convention, please consider me and the rest of the Association’s staff at your disposal to assist you in helping keep Florida and the FRVTA on top of the nation's RV Industry. The recent FRVTA Annual Convention provided another record windfall for our PAC Fund and just in time to assist with this year’s elections. FRVTA General Counsel Marc Dunbar is a wise steward and knows when and where to spread the good cheer these funds bring to a politician’s heart. If you were among the many who contributed, THANK YOU! Despite a record amount raised, however, now is not the time to relax. Marc informs us that the 2014 election cycle is yet another important time, especially for the governor’s race. If you are able, please send a donation to the FRVTA PAC Fund, c/o Florida RV Trade Association, 10510 Gibsonton Road, Riverview, FL 33578. Call the State Office at 813-741-0488 with any questions you may have about the Fund. Ready or Not–ObamaCare is Coming! As our nation thunders toward full implementation of “ObamaCare,” surveys indicate most small employers that do not have the resources or money to hire knowledgeable Human Resource employees or other employee benefit consultants are poorly prepared to meet compliance requirements. In fact, many are counting on the employer mandate requirements that were to take effect on January 1, 2014 (now delayed until January 1, 2015) as a reason to not be concerned about the law. Sounds to me like “Don't worry, be happy”! What they do not realize is the complexity of the law and, why using the delayed implementation reprieve to explore options and do some strategic planning is a great idea. Most likely, employers have seen the headlines about companies beginning to lay off workers to avoid having to provide benefits. In Florida (and many other states), a company with 50 or 100 employees are subject to the same compliance requirements as IBM, General Motors, Microsoft, et al. Even worse, they think laying off workers is the only solution to ObamaCare. They couldn't be more wrong. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a complex piece of legislation. Over 13,000 pages of law, given to Congress and voted on just days later, before anyone would have time to thoroughly review it much less vote on it. But, it was voted into law by our U.S. Senators and Representatives and immediately signed by the President. Thus, giving him exactly what he wanted and what he promised. In Florida (and some other states), federally mandated health exchanges have not even been set up yet, even though they are to be operational by October 1 whether employers offer group health insurance or not. I wonder how many small employees don't know that. My guess?...A lot. Finally, a few words about compliance and enforcement of the law. Many things are still unsettled about this law, making it difficult to comply. However, an employer should make a “good faith” effort to comply with it, because generally an employer may have fines and penalties waived by the IRS if they do. What is a good faith effort? Well, it's sure not ignoring it. Our “friends” at the IRS have been charged with enforcing the law but, even at this late date, have not disclosed what or how the law will be enforced. I guess we should be grateful that the Department of Labor (DOL) is not involved...So far. I'm sure I don't need to remind you that an IRS audit can always uncover information about other violations (IRS related) or human rights issues (the DOL's main concern). And, know this; they actually talk to each other. Ok, so now what? Don't be foolish, get some help. Whether you are someone without group coverage or an employer that offers coverage. This is serious business. Find an experienced, knowledgeable employee benefit consultant to help you NOW, so you won't be liable for IRS fines, penalties or taxes. I just happen to know one... EDITOR'S NOTE: On September 11, the Department of Labor (DOL) announced that employers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act should provide written notice to their employees about the Health Insurance Marketplace (Exchanges) by October 1, 2013. However, penalties will not be assessed for failing to provide the notice. Since the IRS enforces this rule, it’s not yet been determined how the DOL will be involved. Jerry’s best advice: Act as if penalties will be enforced. Just give your employees the notice. Curtin Forecasts Continued Climb for RV Industry In the fall issue of RVIA’s RV Roadsigns, Dr. Richard Curtin, director of consumer surveys at the University of Michigan, reports the RV Industry continues its strong movement toward reaching the high shipment and sales levels found in the 2004-2007 peak years. The second quarter of 2013 registered RV shipments of 95,500 units, up 14.4% from a year ago and the highest quarterly level in six years. Motorhome shipments jumped 42.9% and type C units were up 50%. In fact, total motorhome shipments were the highest since 2008. For towables, travel trailers and fifth wheels were up by 12.4% when compared to a year ago. This was the highest level since the second quarter of 2006. The only category to decline was folding camping trailers. He expects total shipments for 2013 to be 319,300 units or a gain of 11.7% over 2012. Furthermore, Dr. Curtin is forecasting 2014 RV shipments to rise to 334,300 units or a gain of 4.7% over projected 2013 sales. All these shipments and corresponding sales is anticipated to increase the market share of motorhomes to 11.6% in 2013, up from 9.9% in 2012. This elevated level is expected to remain the same for 2014. Dr. Curtin attributes the strong RV market to restored consumer confidence, rising home and stock values, the improved availability of credit and continued, although moderate, gains in job and income prospects. He gives particular credence to rising home and stock values, which he believes have sparked higher sales, particularly of motorhomes. The biggest challenge to continued marketplace progress, he believes, is the lackluster growth in jobs and wages. That’s why Dr. Curtin stresses that manufacturers must continue with strong product innovations and features/options to reach consumers from a variety of income levels and budgets.–RVIA Fall RV Roadsigns 2014 RVer's Guide to Florida & Florida RV SuperShow Directory By now you've received information concerning advertising in these two important consumer publications. They are an excellent way for you to promote your business to the thousands of RVer's who travel to Florida each year. Deanna Pearce of Elite Marketing is handling all ad sales. She is experienced and knowledgeable about these two important consumer publications, and will be able to assist you in making a cost effective decision. Please notice that all ads are in full color. We are also giving members the opportunity to have a FREE logo next to their listing in the RVer's Guide to Florida when a full page ad is purchased. Advertisers who purchase smaller ads can have their logo listed as well for a nominal fee. Deanna will contact you soon or you can use the Advertising Order Form previously sent to you to place your advertisement. If you have any questions, please contact Dave Kelly in the FRVTA State Office at 813-741-0488 or Deanna Pearce at (863) 318-0193 or by email You can also go to and access the media kit for detailed information. REGION 1 • October 7 • JD’s Bistro (new day & location) • 1951 Tamiami Trl. • Pt. Charlotte • Space Draw REGION 2 • October 16 • Red Lobster • 6638 Lake Worth Rd. • Lake Worth • Space Draw (WPB Feb.) REGION 3 • October 8 • Embassy Suites • 555 N Westshore Blvd. • Tampa REGION 4 • October 9 • Lone Star Steakhouse • 8850 Vineland Ave. • Orlando • Space Draw REGION 5 • No Meeting REGION 6 • October 15 • Copeland’s of New Orleans • 4310 Southside Blvd. • Jacksonville • Space Draw REGION 7 • October 24 • Horse & Hounds • 6998 NW Highway 27 • Ocala • Space Draw All meetings: Cocktails 6:30 PM • Dinner 7:00 PM
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