How to Enter The BIC Picture 2014

How to Enter The BIC Picture 2014
The competition is open to all UK children aged between four and eleven, and any school, organisation or individual may enter.
Simply ask children in your organisation to draw their perfect magical dragon, with opportunity to name, label or write a poem or
short story about their wonderful creation and the magic and wisdom that their dragon possesses. Send the finished piece along
with the signed consent form (see below) by 30th September 2014 to:
The BIC Picture 2014
BIC UK and Ireland
Chaplin House
Widewater Place
Moorhall Road
Harefield, UB9 6NS
Teachers, parents and organisations can also call 01895 827100 or email to request further
If children from your school or organisation are chosen as a runner up or as the overall competition winner, a representative
from BIC® will contact you to gain parental approval for the work to be used in the media and on BIC®’s Facebook page and the
BIC® Picture microsite.
The BIC Picture School/Club/
Organisation Consent Form
All sections below are compulsory for your entry/entries
Name of organisation …………………………………………………………………..……...........
Name of head of organisation – eg Head Teacher/Brownie leader
Organisation Address .......................................................................................
Organisation Telephone number .....................................................................
Organisation email address ..............................................................................
I, the head of the above named organisation, consent to the use of the organisation’s
name by BIC® UK Limited in accordance with the terms and conditions of the BIC® Picture
Competition in any publicity of the winning entries from the children at this organisation.
Full Terms & Conditions are available at
Date ......................................................................................................