THE SUNDAY PKEGONIAff, PORTLAND, 190f. 12, of the members of the various .unions in rado authorities in dumping the deported LIFE SAVED BY SWAMPiROOT, 'the district, which left the matter en- I minima m tne stale, iso iroume is- ex f tirely in the hands of properly delegated pected, however. authorities for adjudication and settle Th Wonderful Kidney, Liver and W. J.,.. Black, general .passenger and ments ticket agent of the Santa Fe, has been noJ. no Bladder Remedy. twelfths annual convention re tified that the miners will have to depend cently held in Denver, appointed a spe on the farmers for their food. The region cial investigating committee, cons is tin SAMPLE BOTTLE BENX.FRKTS BY HAIL. they were put oft the train is very of Malcolm Crillis, ol Butte, Mont.; EL Kansas Sheriff Will Not Allow wnere sparsely settled, and it will be no easy Colorado Bandits Make Sen B. Seaman, of Rossland, B. C. and R. discovered by the eminent , Swamp-Romatter lor the residents to care for them Kianey ana bladder specialist Coloradans to Cross LinBr- - properly. E. Allen, oi Dillon, Wyo.. which com promptly sational Escape, cures Kidney, liver, bladder and uric .acid mittee made a personal investigation by TneSanta Combined with cow's milk not to Fe be asked will let troubles. a visit to the Cripple Creek district only any more men OK the train at that point. k duplicates the esseazkl Somo of the early symptoms of weak last wee, and reported to the conven they If must come to this state, it is the kidneys are pain or dull ache In the back, Properties of mother's milk tion that the constitution of the ".Vestera of the Kansas people that they be rheumatism, dizziness, headache, nerDELICIOUS Federation of Miners had been observed TRAIN FROM VICTOR STOPPED wish NUTRmni Drougnt rarther east. ARE SEEN . AT TWO POINTS vousness, catarrh of, the bladder, gravel to the minutest detail during the entire The Kansas officials are united in the or calculi, bloating-- sallow complexion, iSotng Food fcr ocr tabr'am prosecution of the contest. opinion that Sheriff Brady made a mis puffy or dark circles under the eyes, sup- - LrUck tia fc: "Absolutely, no deaths have occurred tt$xd. rrc take in sending the men back as there Is Mfes poma&. K Ud or urine, or compelled to pass EIGHT-HOU- R DAY IS ISSUE during. th. contest for, which the Western no law to warrant his action- - If any lawla fad caadBM. water often day and night Ht! Federation of aUnenr can jor ought to be The less mild acts are and extraordinary effect of the committed by the miners, say When Officers Believe They a o toprw ted Uti held responsible. Some 15 men were Men Are Unloaded at an Early Hour Have tne omclals, easily kidney Kilcan the be Kansas laws remedy, Dr. killed in the Strattoa Independence mine "w bew ck tfiy tfcxa. HhJ on the Prairie, Told to Keep Movmer's Swamp-Roenforced, but they cannot be prevented Them Surrounded In Gulch, Train is soon realized. It i tn rough the Incompetency of the men Xit aa and a Ubiffew ing and Shots Fired to Emstands the highest for Its wonderful cures irom coming to the state. employed and the culpable negligence of I Robbers Appear at Farm, and tax. tin litotes caaftdcaM taf of the most distressing you cases. need If phasize tne- management. men Command. were These the un Sasirtjto scptclartn- then 3 kej Colorado" Citizens' Alliances familiar with the work, and were Secure Fresh Mounts. meoicme you. should have the best WIVES SHALL NOT SUFFER. such awamp-RoMn. H. tabr food. is not recommended for as this mine and other mines in-- the diseverything, but if you have kidney, liver, Held Responsible for Grime.' trict have been compelled to employ at x k v Kib ir-- 37IS Fckaa r Federation Will Care for the Loved bladder or uric you will FrtTwtwty find trouble CtL add ScSia tne oenesc or the Mlneowners Employ One3 of the Deported Miners. tne remedy you need. ii ment Agency. DENVER, Colo., June 11. A sp'ecial to T MOMMTS Sold by GLENWOOD druggists SPRINGS, fifty-ce11. Colo., June in and DENVER, June 11. Supplying the wives "We are unfortunately- - forced to abide the Post from Holly, Colo., says: sizes. You may have a sample The bandits who heia un tha ntn by the acts of an unbridled military desWith a parting volley of rifle bul- and children of the union miners in the Grande bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Rotrain at Parachute and a 11 Tuesday S JU5T rte"Modus'Tor FrrBibjSkef! Cripple last Creek potism-thadistrict provisions, with and fired is driving our members from lets over their heads by the FORTITUDE OF MEN IS MARVEL pillar t Book" escaped for the time at least. How pamphlet that tells all about it including to post Their fortitude under militia and deputies to warn them taking care of deported men, are serious nave ot tne t&ousanda of letters received CAXJFOS?ftt before the executive board of the they eluded the large posse which was many tae3e circumstances ia the marvel of tho to "hike" eastward as fast as their problems 5 FOOD from y-sufferers cured, both Rent free bv a?. to surround them Is not known, age, and shows the Western Federation legs could carry them, and never Western Federation of Miners at the supposea malL Write Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blngham- CM. present time. At the meeting of the board and until late this afternoon It was supof Miners is composed of the highest type again set foot on Colorado soil, 91 union today xx. x., ana please be sure to mention ion, posed they were neighborhood still the in was decided that commission! it citizenship. of American miners U Our you attitude from Cripple the Creek that district shall be immediately established at Crip of Divide Creek. read this generous offer in the Explosion at Independence Is Con fully expressed by tho following tele were unloaded from a special Santa Fe ple treeic, Sunday Oregonian. Don't make During the afternoon, however, word victor and Anaconda. Whether gram: nected With the Startling .Preany train on the prairie this morning, lf mistake, was but remember the name. willreceived bv the sheriff tne fmm win or lose in the present " 'Hon. Theodore Ttoosevelt, President of mile from the Colorado-KansSwamp-Rostate line, strike,miners Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Rovious 'Confession of Employe the board is determined that the lams' ranch, just below Rifle, that two and the united States, Washington. D. C. and left to shift for themselves. The exthe address, Blnghamton, N. Y., on navmg men, the annearance of tha mh- little ones shall not suffer. of the- Mlneowners. "A duty devolves upon you. as Presi iles were disembarked In haste and with- wives and deportation of the men to Kansas Ders, naa Deen seen going westward on every bottle. dent of the United States to investigate out ceremony. The guards and deputies is "The a problem that Is still confronting us. norseDacK. the terrible crimes that are being perpe- were tired out and in from their Shortly before 6 o'clock another mas the one of the members today, "but mat trated in Colorado in the name of law long, tedious trip from the Teller County said of the evidence taken at ters would be more comnlicated bv hav sage was received saying the mon were the transcript Inquest Over tha hodv nf Manual and order. We will render every possible gold camp, and were In no mood to ex ing the For the return of that youthful feellnc ot men brought jiicumr8 ranch, three miles east of Cereva, to at Denver.. two a prominent Detroit physician ana DENVER. June 1L The. executive assistance to the proper authorities the bullfighter, tend any special courtesies or kindness to or three weeks threshing will be onIn who was killed by manhood Parachute, they and Is in possession of a receipt savant securing were that in the . ho board of the "Western Federation of Min such investigation, to the end that the their unfortunate charges. western part of Kansas and harvest hands provisions and fresh mounts. A snaalni Wednesday, ftis3. me American mataaor, has himself used in his own eitenulvewhich ptivata country people might up of the the prosecuting attorney di- practice with the most startling success. Jiurry there, you fellows," cried Lieu are always hard to get. The men could train with a large posse at once started ers today Issued a statement regarding realize the Though the years have passed Its equal has rected today to release Bass. hB In stopped In the find plenty of work there during the Sum the situation In Cripple Creek, In reply to outrages that are being inflicted on Inno never been found, and with it thousands oC ior word was sent ahead persons by thoso in temporary off! midst of theWh,1n Tha evidence showed to his satisfaction weak sand dunes that dot mer months, while. In Denver therft jcnulri to have mountswniie men have brought about the statements made by General. Sherman cent cures they to readv and alarm tha power. BaSS that had in In so much longed for. The doctor the aetad the prairie In the vicinity of the eastern De nothing whatever for them.' willingly or M. Bell and. Secretary C. C. Hamlin, of the ciai residents tho locality. Sboothu? entirely free to any man sends Cereva. the formula was who nn him "W. D. HAYWOOD, Secretary." part or Prowers County, near the Kan mshlntr who William" D. Haywood, secrotary-trea- s they It, for writes and Cripple Creek District Mlneowners Asso him will find it a gift with a butcherknlfe when the shot was of lasting value. sas line. urer of the Federation, said the men de. Is good for sexual weakIt Believed to fired. Be Again. elation. It is as follows: Surrounded ness, lost manhood, nervousness, weak back, "We haven't got time to waste out ported to the Kansas line who' are now at ORDERS WRONG MEN AWAY. emissions, varicocele lack of force, prostatio 'Th,e cause of the .strike of the, Western nere, ana no time was wasted. The speLEADVILLE. Colo., June 1L A spetioiiy will he brought to Denver at the trouble, night sweats. Inability and the many Nonunion Men to cial, which consisted of an engine, a com- - expense of the Federation If they wish Attacked. cial the Federation of Miners In Colorado is one of Committee on Safety Puts Parafrom other embarrassing conditions that befall the to of Names NEW YORK, June man. It creates an imive mnatlon baggage-ca- r and smoker, and two come. He sent money to Holly today for chute says that deputies have the Rio long standing and involves the failure on nonunion sexually Imperfect social feeling, warmth and good nav Deputies on List. day coaches, had no sooner come to a their expenses. Secretary Haywood re- trranae bandits surrounded In a cabin men who had been engaged to fill the mediate the part cf mine managers in various ture, forces active blood to the muscular tls- -. places striking of escape ceived standstill firemen on a coastthe car doors were un Information from Victor today to unii mat tneir is impossible. tones the nervous system and arouses bodparts of tle state to live .up. to their pwn CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo.. June. 1L Gen locked andthan wise steamer were attacked and roughly cue, ily confidence. thrown open and the order the effect that members of tha mllitJa hnn It makes the man of 65 as cral Bell was In consultation for two written agreements. As far back as 1SS4, hours good as at S3, and the young man again eager handled by a score or more of the striktoday with the citizens' committee given by Lieutenant Cole for the exiles tq broken Into the Engineers' Club in Victor SAYS WITNESS society SHOW WILL fit UP. marriage and parenthood. and for ers today. as a result of a strike at that time, the that has been Investigating the records of leave the train. The ana tnorougniy wrecked It Tho letter strikers threw the men's Satisfactory resultsfor are produced in a day's baggage Into the river. "Step lively, you fellows. steD llvelv." which contained this news stated that the mlneowners agreed that eight hours tno- imprisoned union men. and unon use, and a perfect cure In a few weeks, reMrs. n Patterson Declares Broth gardless of age. or the cause ot your condition. should constitute a day's work, that the whose recommendations deportations are admonished Deputy Benton, who was in doors had been broken' In with axes and If you need such a remedy eend your namo that these had also been used in smashLaw Will Be on Hand Tomorrow. command or the civil force of the exoedl minimum day wage sbould be $3 and ordered. and address today to the Dr. Knapp Med. Co M0ET0NS DEMAND A DIVORCE. d have decided upon a few who must tion, and in less time than it takes to tell ing numerous 1722 Hull bldg., Detroit, Mich., and in an unmodYORK, NEW 11. that there should be. no discrimination go,"Wesaid June Counsel for marked envelope the doctor will at once send upon leaving the it, the three cars were emptied of their els of engines, built by members of the "Nan" Patterson has Informal a rnnrnagainst union men in the hiring and dis- commutee-roo- Generalat Bell, the receipt; as promised, explaining In unfortunate and unwilling passengers and ciuu. uesKs naa been torn down and de sentatlve of the District Attorney, and Their Daughter Will Allege Count you what tho Alliance headquar ingredients to use and how to comcharging of labor. was airoyea. way lers, out l don't want to send them out pound them so that any weak man can euro started on Its back to La Junta. Her. tne aiso detectives who have been searchIn his own home without being under Tho secretary further said the Enrf ing for him. himself "At the outset of the trouble Manager until we have sifted out all the candidates The men were dumped on the cheer that J Morgan Smith, obligations to anyone. It costs you nothing and MacNelll. of the Standard Mill at Colo- for release and Imprisonment. We will less prairie without food or water, for neers clubroom was one of the law you write the sooner you will ba of .the woman who is fcaM non fl PARIS. June 11. Tha TTlPTTlhpN of tha the sooner clubs in the state, and that the ing Investigation . the soldiers and deputies, in their haste rado City, peremptorily discharged 45 send out all future deportees on one train into the 'Bookof death Morton are familv nnlnad hir tho cured. srraatlv were models probably Sunday. get to used in save will This the forgotten ex home, the had instruction of maKer i?ranK to unload xoung, last Saturday, publicity given to the domestic misfor men, members of tho Westefti Federation pense of more young engineers and had proved of much Will than one special train." tne small stock of commissary sunn II be surrendered next Mnndnv. Af tho tunes or tne uucnesa De Valencay, of Miners, for no other reason than that ocvuiuu in mis way. The committee today made the signifi tne same when carried train Victor left assurance it time was cvcn that curring as it does at the same tlma an tha they had become union: men. All of these cant mistake of recommending for de- yesterday afternoon. appear Smith will then before grand the Of Miss death Morton Lena With th were old employes of from two to six portation some of the men who had been CLUBBED BY MILITIAMEN. jury .to purge himself of tho contempt of view to the avoidance- - of further speculaA Cheerless Lot, Indeed. years standing. Mill men are affiliated sworn In as deputies. Many persons have court wnicn he committed when lie failed tive reports, the following additional The TRUE TO NATURE. changed were exiles sympathies their a In cheerless from unionism lot answer a subpena. with the Western Federation of Miners to the statement comes from the friends of the correspondent and Business Men toSmith gained side now which un- - deed. Without even a' light and miles has he is now outside the state, and is iamiiy: and are entitled to all of the protection per hand during the week. from the nearest habitation, they hudQuite Badly Beaten. saie irom arrest on the warrant of at'Mutual friends of tha twa famlllas had START YOUR BABY ON that goes with such membership. Nearly all the union men remainlner at dled together in groups on either side DENVER, Colo., June 11. A special to tachment issued last Thursday by Judge sought to effect a reconciliation between THE PROPER DIET Alliance headquarters after yesterday's of the Santa Fe track and discussed ujb The Only Question Involved. Newbereer. but It had been tha intantirm tne jjuKe ana juuehess de valencay, and iimes irom L& junta, Colo., says numbering 40. were taken to tneir plight. Warned to move east "Today tho only questions involved are deportation, Deven members of the state militia of the District Attorney to have him ar- - the mother of the Duke had expressed county tne on today. pain Jail ward The of being mlneowners rearrested arid which had accompanied tha minora to restea on another charge and brought her desire to withdraw the application she day, the say they will be charged with various severely handled, and notified enforcement of the eight-hobv the line, missed their train this morning back to this city. The promise to surrennaa maae to tne Vatican for the annulright of men to organize in the unions grave offenses. Kansas authorities that they would not state der him probably will cause AtTint tha family of Fifteen men remain at the old prison, do allowed to seek refuge in that state, un meir reium irom the state line and torney Jerome to abandon District plan, ment Of the marrlaara. and to prevent discrimination against that the Duchess Irrevocably declared a reaia not leave here until noon today. though the police Some will be deported and some released. the spirit of th men broke. union men of all kinds. The responsibilwill continue the search Among Lieutenant-Cninwas conciliation them imnossihla was and thnt tha Is w also a squad at the Victor Ar When the special bearim? the deDort- - Kennedy, tne missing witness. ity for the lawlessness connected with the There THE 70 OD TOR Duchess should secure a legal annulment mory, variously estimated at 23 to S5. ed miners Denver, who was in charge iorCaptain half a mile of tha of the trainoflast Swenev In whnsA ntvtrtt v,n of her marriage. contest rests entirely on the shoulders of awaiting deportation. To that end, proper night One of tho militia- shooting occurred, believes no great difBut few arrests Kansas line it was stopped by Sheriff Infants and invalids steps legal men, the mine operators, the Citizens' Alliance have been made today. In while have In been this city, struck the Santa ficulty will be experienced In persuading taken behalf of .oraciy or Hamilton County, and. 40 the Duchess to secure an annulment The Insures Proper Nourishment Expressmen In this city and Victor are deputies, who notified Lieutenant' and their allies, backed up by the ready Cole Fe ticket agent, Balchrach. over the head omnn to ten an he knows about the death grounds are doing a rushing business In hauling that under no circumstances would without anv al Provides Natural Digestion inflicting a very bad Of Youncr and the causes landlnrr im tn it power of the state government. the witn a trunks to the various depots for the de train be allowed to cross, the Kansas araup u.wouna, ana threatened to kill him There are reports, which as yet are un- legation of scandal." "Tho responsibility has been placed on ported people, and also of people who pro. seeiy M. and M. O'Nell were confirmed, that the attitude of the line, and, futher, that the unionists those persons and organizations by Dis- pose to aeport tnemselves. Much furni Commercial Travelers Elect. were not wanted in the Sunflower Druiany treated by the militiamen when win cnange next weeK. and that defense an ex trict Judge Theron Stevens, who de- ture Is being stored. ujey passea tnroufth ror tho stnto iin SALT LAKE CITY. Utah. Juna 11. Tha Brady State. Sheriff emphatic planation or the tragedy of tho cab will was In nounced tho military usurpation in Tellu-rld- e The mlneowners and Citizens' Alliance nis remarks, and Lieutenant Cole as .oir. seeiy is a newspaper corresnondent be offered bv annual irrand council of tho nmnd T.nAtra the woman urfin and endeavored to get ah Interview with xoungs companion "when he was shot In strong language, from the bench; have rtalned Attorney John M. Waldron. sured him that the train would pro of United Commercial Travelers of Amer by District Judge J. Walter Dixon. Re of Denver, to prosecute the prisoners who ceed no further. Then the order to quit some or tno militiamen, but they walked ica, embracing Montana, Idaho and Utah, will be tried for murder, attempt to kill mo train was given in aliurry. Sheriff him off the platform at the poind of a today elected the following- officers: A Mother's Food for Bahv publican, who openly condemns Governor ana Wife on rioting. Tne plan Inaugurated In Brady called for the leaders of the rifle. Mr. O'Nell, a business man. was Grand counselor. Charles R. Sutton. Wat. Peabody and severely criticises his acts Cripple Creek of refusing employment to unionists and notified them standing on tho platform, when flvo of ena; grand junior counselor, W. D. McAl A Counterpart of Mother's Milk they that Involving the deportation of men from all union men In any branch of trade In the militiamen attacked him. pushing him Colorado Liveryman Also Takes the lister, aait ilkb- - past grand counselor, C. not cross the Kansas line. the state without trial or other chance of any way affiliated with unions allied to must H. McMahon. Salt Lake: erand secratarv Many of them walked back westward and striking him with the points tif their Life of Another Woman. the Western Federation of Miners has on the railroad to Holly, the Salvation guns, ana because he would not run to hearing; by Charles S James G. Evans, Butte; grand treasurer, CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN. 11 Colo.. PUEBLO. xr been to carried Juna Victor, where committees obhot get out way. uscar Ji. teu, uutte; grand conductor, H. of their Thomns, who plainly points to the MineAIX DRUGGISTS SELL IT. he was bpntn Dodge, a llverykeeper, or the Citizens Alliance are obtaining the Army settlement in Colorado, where thrown into shot King, and waiting-rookilled Butte: PREPARED BY A. rrand the Dace. Ttatnid J. charitable inhabitants provided and nut his wife and Mrs. Maud McKInney owners" Association and Citizens' Alliance signatures or nusmess men to boycot the the on grand Ogden; uuuer sentinel, suura. uneers R. were Ball, P. given Salt them. Some breakfast for of for them the tne principal business street this, as being responsible for the many out ting agreement. Milk Co after.untie, viranu executive committee Two later started to walk to Lamar. Colo, miners by the crowd gathered around the ' rages committed on the persons of help The women wore slttine- - in a r. years, George SEATTLE, WASH. A. Jeffrey, Helena, and The miners say they were driven Into the station while a change of engines on the noon. rlage In less and innocent miners; by tho recent front of a fish market. Dodge j&ari Aiurpny, .Butte; one year, Gus MINERS ARE FIRED UPON. cars like cattle. They are expecting military train was being made. aismouniea irom a horse on which he Butte, and S, M. Barlow, Salt Lake. Democratic State Convention, which detransportation from Denver, so that they riding, was shot one woman In the head The next annual council will ha haid in nounced in unscathlng terms the line of Is Emptied Into a Crowd, may return at once. They seemed to be Union Men Fast Leaving Colorado. In and the other the and Butte. heart then The report of the grand treasurer tried policy pursued. well supplied with money and peaceable. DENVER, June 11. A to kill himself, but did not succeed before snowea a membership or 360 In the but No One Is Injured. of mln three "The events of the present week in the oi wem nave xamuies. uney say ers and citizens of Cripple number Deing Creek by police. have states. nr. Mcaisarmea the Mrs. COLORADO SPRINGS. June 11. A spe that their wives and children wished to Cripple Creek district justify every accuIn Denver bound for other points KInney is Said to bfl tha tvifa nf rhn.l.a cial to the Gazette from Cripple Creek come with them, but the militia beat rlved where they can secure work and remain McKInney, of Cripple Creek, who was sation contained above. The following says: Wonderful Discovery of Teacher. them off with their guns unmolested. In one party was unuer arrest on tne cnarge or being one crimes upon citizenship have followed "It is said in General Bell's headquarters- CHICAGO. June 11. A rtisnatah tn thn M. J. Robertson, of men who the was deposed who wrecked the Short from swiftly upon one another: Line 150 tonight that on Monday arrests will from Peoria. 111., says: Miss Adeomce, ana about a dozen others. WILL NOT MOLEST THEM. train bearing nonunion miners some Tribune be made. laide Mlckel, a teacher In the art depart Crimes Upon Citizenship. we are getting out" said one of them, months ago. The case dragged through "The night shift at the Stratton Inde or ment tne Bradley Polytechnic Insti"The resignation of Sheriff Robertson, pendence was fired on by some unknown Kansas Only Asks That the Deported "because we want to keen out of inn the 'courts for soma mnnths tute. In nn attamnt tn rBdlccAuor mori.. Union men are now leavincr as mnMiv Weeks ago the case neainst MnTT?noof Toller County, forced by a mob at the party as the men were going off work. A has disenvararl a rhumlral in Be as possiDie to avoia oeing placed in the was decided In the courts at Cripple PrlntlnC point of a pistol and a coil of rope; the man concealed below the old camn at sistent that, when used on white duck ST. LOUIS, June 1L Governor Willis J. ouiipen. ureeK. with a stenciled into the Bailey, of Kansas, forced resignation ,of Coroner Doran, of Goldfield emptied a makes possible When the men were discharged thv who is visiting the In a statement Dodrra snlri ha mnnt n dyeing In blue anddesign, white. Teller County; of the City Marshal, of crowd, but hit no one. World's Fair, said today in regard to the v.cie uuvibeu 10 remain in the vicinity, kill his- wife and her companion because une Kyner. applied "Editor of the resistent is Victor Record. report that striking Colorado miners were as the Portland mine with a Victor, of various Aldermen and Justices would soon be nis wiie naa Deen untrue, and the woman throuEh the stencil, and tha matariai brush said tonight he would get out his paper to be deported th.i into Kansas, that he knew working again, they were told, with a with her was responsible for leading his designed of tho Poace in the district, the entire under Ic thmim in raststant with tha military protection. He is publish. nothing officially of the matter. force of both union and nonunion men. wiie astray. .official directory of the City of Goldfield, ing only a handbill now, to save his a blue vat removed. when The design Js title. "You may say, however," continued the as heretofore. assault upon and demolition of the union but expects to have his plant repaired In Governor, clear, there being no evidence of running "that If the miners are coming The camp is being deDomilatprt nf it process xne coiors. is to hall in Victor, forcible entrance Into tho two weeks. similar ROBBERS Are to Kansas as peaceful and union labor, said James Baker, It work. "Deputies today found another Infernal citizens, four union stores and de Dr. W. Norton Davis looking for employment, they will win taice it months to get over tho"and blow." machine in the home of W. B. Easterly, be made welcome. Two Men Save $8000, but Horses structlon of the contents, destruction of Many of the men were en routn tn th No Easterly Altman. could at not Free Fireworks be Chicago. at found. "Should, on the other hand, a body of Eastern states to go to work In the mines the Victor Daily Record by an armed Are Shot From Under Them. CHICAGO. June 11. The nrolaat inofi. mob, invasion of Dunnvllie, outside the and it is supposed he Is in Denver. The lawless men seeK to invade Kansas, Kan machine consisted of an electric battery sas wm take care of them. I believe mere. JOHNSTOWN. Pa.. June 11.A tuted bv the Chicaxro Amnsampnt a con- military lines, by an armed force under worked by means of a pumping apparatus. attempt ate was made this afternoon by elation for the celebration of a "sane" we are able to enforce the laws of Asks Rehearing for Moyer. military command, arrest of men at their "General Bell said tonight that a numiour masKea bandits to rob Superintendstate, and If the occasion arises we will Fourth of July by subscription has been DENVER, June 11. An aDDlication ent W. H. C. Ramsav &onMox, work and incarceration within the mill ber of miners had been decided on for de- do so. formally abandoned at a meeting held for Wo treat successfully all private portation, tary lines. Hundreds of men confined in but he would wait until the Later Governor Bailey, after statlnc for a rehearing in the case of Charles Frank" Howard, of the Johnstown Water that nurnose. Tha funds raleo.l ir&n - nervous and chronic diseases of men. also unsanitary bullpens. forcible shutdown of committee bad finished Its work and send he had received no official notice of the H. Moyer, president of the Western company, or about JS00O in cash, which sufficient. The plan included free fire- blood, stomach, liver, kidney and all at one time. He also made the fol- action toward the deported men taken by Federation of Miners, who is a mintarv they were conveying to the new Dalton works by the children under the super- throat troubles. heart, We cure SYPHILIS the great Portland mine, employing union out lowing statement. (without metcury) to stay cured forever. jjriauuer ut leuunae, ana whose peti Run dam. near this city, to nav ntr th vision Of aDDOintees Of the asonaloHr. omciais, ivnnsaa said: men, by order of the military command 30 to 60 days. We remove STRICTURE, "I have Indisputable evidence la my posbelieve Sheriff Brady made a mistaltn tion tor release on a writ of. habeas 400 men employed there. The two men with physicians and the fire department In without operation or ain. in fifteen days. ant, on tho plea of military necessity, and session which will lead to the conviction in"Iturning the out of the state un- corpus was denied by the Supreme made a pluciy run for it and escaped, but near at We stop drains, the result of self abuse, George subsequent deportation of the men therein of a number of union men for the murder less they had miners Fabyan. Colonel nresldant nf th onri committed some unlawful Court last Monday, was made bv At not until two norses bad haan Mll We can restore the sexual association, declared the nonnlo nt m,i immediately. employed. of the nonunion miners who were killed act. Doubtless he believed he had vigor of any man under 50, by means of good torney E. F. Richardson in the Supreme about 25 shots had been exchanged. cago were Illiberal. In The Independence today. peculiar to ourselves. local treatment the depot directors explosion. Court reason his In doing application, 'Concerning for asked explosion We what which he did." tho Mr. Richardson cites the 4th,5th, 6th and Hoodlums Attack Auto From Ambush ior ou.wv. ine amount euDsenbea slightGovernor Bailey stated to the Associ wrorJccd the depot at Independence and have between 35 and 40 men in the bullpen 11 A WEEK WE CURE GONORRHOEA $6000. ly exceeded who will swing for crime. We are only ated Press that he would return homo to. 14th amendments to the Constitution n killed 16 unfortunate miners, waiting to capture this NEW YORK. June 1L From an two or three more men night. He said while he does not fear of the United States, and claims that of this institute are all regThe doctors v It need only be said a shrubbery Pari-wthe in alone Eastern we tell what our evidence it." any serious trouble he has decided to the decision of the court allows tha ular graduates, have had many years exAttitude of Sultan Satisfactory. r, in tho employ of the before Brooklyn, a gang of hoodlums has at- perience, have been known in Portland return to his home state durfnir tha military arm of the Government to tacKea "WASHINGTON. Juna 11 Tho 15 years, have a reputatlonto mainMlneownors' Association, had, a few Special Will a for passing automobile by driven Moyer hold in present violation phase of the Colorado minere of the termsr Dr. H. L. Miller. Tha doctor's wlfa on Take Them to Denver, cablegram has been raaaivar? fmm tain, and will undertake no case unless days previously been released from cusof the Federal Constitution certain cure can be effected. SYRACUSE, Kan.. Juno 11. The 98 troubles. tody nt the behest of the attorney for Mrs. Gunderche. who occunied tha sant nt Admiral Chadwick, dated Tangier: We guarantee a cure in every case wa "The Minister of Foralr-- Arfni nr nx- - undertake tne association, and that this same man deported Colorado miners are at Holly her side, were badly hurt and it is feared or charee no fee. Consultation Deputies Return to District. Advice of Attorney-Genera- l. was observed going down Potts Canyon, tonight, just across the Colorado line. airs. Ciunderche will not recover. Stones, rocco expects- - on June 11 to lay before free. Letters confidential. Instructive BOOK FOR MEN mailed free in plain COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo.. June 11 bricks and tin cans were showered on tha itaisuu wnat nas been proposed. The at- wrapper. in the immediate vicinity of the wreck- They were notified tonight that a speTOPEKA. Kan.. June 1L A .teleCTara titude Of the Moorish aiithnrltloo "I'JJTOtJ onr.An.n age only a short time after tho disas- cial train would be sent to take them was received at the Governor's office to The military and deputies who escorted party as they passed the ambush. Dr. to It you cannot call at office, write for be satisfactory." The miners held a day from Sheriff John Brady, of Hamilton the 76 men to the Kansas line returned Miller's arm was paralyzed by a blow and ter, and that the bloodhounds used, to all to Denver. Question blank. Home treatment successmeeting tonight and discussed the sit- County, apprising the Governor follow the trail of the criminal went diful. of the to this city this evening and left at onm the machine collided with the curb. Both women were thrown Into the driveway, rectly to a house occupied by a 'detective uation with the officials of the Western coming of the deported Colorado miners for Cripple Creek. Office hours 9 to 5. and 7 to 8. Sundays They decided into Kansas. The dispatch was as folOne militiaman, speaking to the renra- - adding to the hurts they had already susin the employ of the Mlneowners' As- Federation of Miners. and holidays. 10 to 12. to wait tained. Several firemen who hatwnsd instructions from the sentatlve of the Associated Press, said: officers of lows: sociation, and was promptly called off. near hy hastened to the rescue, but the tho Federation in Denver as to their This man stated under "Special train, with 140 deported miners dumped tbcm just over the line W. & Co. Dr. They are consider- from Cripple Creek, arrived at Coollden We fired six volleys at the side of the hoodlums escaped. Despite vigorous ac- Means loss during the trial of the union miners who future movements. ing the advisability of returning to at 10:30 P. M." were accused of tho attempted tracK and tney made their getaway. We tion by the doIIcc- attacks unon antomn. No Instructions were asked for. but H. then boarded tho train, and started back blllsts In various sections' of the city are that he and other detectives Cripple Creek, and have not decided and is Offices in Van Noy Hotel. 52 Third BL did agree, for a money consideration, to about returning1 in a body. The Fed W. Brient, executive clerk in charge dur for Colorado, crossing the line a few min reported almost dally. Corner Pine. Portland. Or. Miners eration of has furnished the ing tne uovernor s absence in St. Louis. utes aiter. pull spikes and wredc a train. sick men with sufficient money to pay their referred the matter to- the Attorney-GeStabbed to Death in Duel. Photographs of Marked .Miners. expenses at Holley, and there is no Im- erars omce tor advice. Acting ness. nis is is Troops Leave for Denver. the OGDEN, Utah, June 11. William E- "Photographs of marked miners re- mediate necessity for them to move to advice of that office, Mr. Brientonwired was stabbed at the Hermitage, in serious. Stone best, TRINIDAD, Colo., June 1L Maior TTfll thing ferred to by General Bell, whom, he another town. All tho miners were the Sheriff Brady that "The Attorney-GenerOgden Canyon, last evening, by Harry alleges, were marked for death, must be guests of the Mayor of Holly at dlnuer advises no aggressiveness on your part." and his troop of SO soldiers, who hava Moss, Our Improved Treatdo is and died this morning. Moss Is un on duty in Las Animas County since ment Is a decided and regarded as an Invention of his own today. is the opinion of the lawyers In the been It der arrest Participants In the fight, 23 last left at 10 o'clock tonitrht March Modadvance distinct in Sheriff Brady, notwithstanding' in Attorney-General- 's brain. The photographs. In .question are and office that Kansas has the Rio Grande for Denver, on a spe which ended in the tragedy, assert that ern Medical Science. It tho&o of and were kept structions from Topeka, kept his force no legal right to stop the deportation of via Moss was the aggressor, but It is believed LTUJIl. revolutionized cial baa tho for the purpose of publishing a stab list of deputies at the state line until late miners Into this state. About the only The rumor became current that Jxratnr that both men used knives, as Mos3 is methods. We want ?Q I older this afternoon to prevent any of the thing the Kansas officials can do is to Hill's with the pictures of the men accompanyVftAK every Weak or Undevelwas bound for the Cripple suffering from a number of severe gashes. ing their description, so that members miners from coming across. The Col- exercise their persuasive powers to keep Creek command .Moss took exception to a remark Stone Winch has oped man to write for district but this was danfart hthousands. of organized labor all over the country orado authorities will ndt be allowed the train officials from dumping Oho men the military our profusely illustrated, officials.' All the'mlnes in this made to a companion, and the fight folon Kansas solL would become thoroughly acquainted to dump their deported men into Ham lowed. sep When copyrighted book No. 23. the combatants were are running, an no further trouble with these men who have committed ilton. "Common sense would indicate that it county arated, both men were covered with knife It fully explains our reanticipated. treason to themselves and to their Is a very poor thing to dump destitute is markable and most sucwounds. Stone Is a son of L P. Stone, a cessful Home Treatment. Theso pictures are nothing classes. Peabody Sure They Won't Return. men on a small community to be fed," prominent citizen of Ogden. quickly restores lost It Soldiers In Payday Attorney-Genermore than those havinc charge of the Riot Pestan-au1L When asked what said Assistant DENVER, Strength and Power. strike in the district have publicly used he thought ofJune NEW YORK, June 1L Pavdav at Fnrf "I understand that these men have Flavoring Used with oar Improved protest by and Wlfebeater of Slain tho Daughter. the Kansas but they would, have to be fed Ethan Allen resulted In another rint for many months. Soluble Medicated Cray- Sheriff against the intrusion of deported no money, TOPEKA, Kan., June 11. A special to Spices are Men Alone Can Bring On Strike. Colorado miners. Governor Peabody said: Just the same, and that would be no easy among the soldiers, says a Times dispatch the State Journal from Norton, to apt be coarse sparsely Kan. a Burlington, from" matter in region rettled like Errs Vt It occurred .Kansas cannot prevent a man from that in Western Kansas." "Charges that miners are not allowed coming a trolley-ca- r going from Wlnodskl abnM to the says: into the state, but may throw him to voto on questional of striko are ut- out A. C Jenkins, living six miles east of or weak; Schilling's Best are cures quickly where all else falls, losses. post From some unknown cause If the good he not become does a citizen. Dralna, "Weakness, Seminal Varicocele, terly absurd. As a matter of fact, acmen got into a free fight The guards Norton, while beating his wife today, was Wants Men Taken Further On. as we did. But if those deported men Premature Decay, Prostatitis, cording to tho Constitution of the West- Just daughter. as fine and strong as nature Stricture, their revolvers and used them freely shot dead by his etc-- "We have the best Home Treatment are sent back to Colorado," the Governor TOPEKA, Kan.. June U. Governor drew no was ern Federation of Miners. It is absolutedoubt insane, as he had In the world and send it on 10 days trial continued, "God help them I do not be- Bailey has notified his officers here that on the heads of the fighting; soldiers. The-ca- Jenkins ly impossible for tho executive board to lieve, and approval. No C O. D. fraud scheme. were broken and many, sol- often threatened to kill his whole family. affords. that there are enough Con- he will be back from St Louis tomorrow dierswindows book sent securely sealed free. "Wo call a strike of Its own volition. The stableshowever, were Several, men hurt have been In Kansas to drive "them back to to take charge' of any develoDments thnf placed, no have branch offices and our improvepresent striko Is a result of a direct vote Cripple Creek." Atyonr ureter!; tsautjiaek, Bullfighter Is Released. ments are not sold by others. may. arise from the action from the Colo- - missing inon the guardhouse. Thirty were rollcall. ST. LOUISr June 1L After soinjr overj HEALTH APPLIANCE COMPANY, 6 OTarrell St San Francisco, CaL MINERS KEEPS MINERS BACK N REPLY - ELUDE THE POSSE ; FOOE ot Federation Takes Up Statement of Hamlin. . k bniknb. !" . world-famo- tesh ot . dn-.- - - ot jut nt one-doll- ar ot Q one-ha- as ot ot Makes Mm Vigorous . Herald-Democr- at U.-F- " - er-I- delicately-constructe- de-t- brother-in-- t. SAIN! PURE SAINIPURE ni was-withi- SAINIPURE shoots street. - . - Sanitas Condensed Gal-Hc- k, - - . beaten off. zinc-etchi- IN A WEEK nr non-unio- train-wrecke- t.. No "e - g, - Appetite NoronDavis of vitality, vigor or tone, often a pre cursor of prostrating why it I WEAK MEN CURED The you can to take the n- al great, alterative strike-breaker- s, tonic Hood's Sarsaparilla cared al d. extracts 100-pa-se -
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