BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION Cyclic 27, 15 9-168 Adenosine Monophosphate-Dependent Human Seminal Plasma: Origin and Characteristics DORIANO FABBRO, ALDO Hormone Department AXEL CAMPANA and Laboratory and of Gynecology and (1982) and Andrology Unit Protein of Multiple Kinases Forms JOCHUM, MARCO URS EPPENBERGER’ BALERNA, Biochemistry-Endocrinology Research, Ospedale University “La Cariti Unit Clinic “, of Medical Locarno, School, Basle Switzerland ABSTRACT It was recently cAMP-independent respective enzyme pools, 2) pendency can due demonstrated (Majumder, activity: be classified to proteolytic the protein kinase However, we have activity of human seminal plasma was been able to show that 90 to 95% of the 1) originates from intra-spermatozoal cAMP-dependent protein kinase as cAMP-dependent protein kinases, and 3) rapidly loses its cAMP deactivities of seminal plasma. that 1978). These findings are supported by the following evidence. seminal plasma by 8-N3-l 32P1 cAMP revealed the presence with molecular weights of 52,000, 47,000, 42,000 and 47,000 polypeptides correspond to the regulatory subunits First, photoaffinity labeling of human of 4 specific cAMP-binding activities 37,000, respectively. The 52,000 and R-I and R-II of the 2 cAMP-dependent isoenzymes, type I and type II. The 42,000 and 37,000 molecular weight polypeptides may represent the functional cAMP-binding activities derived by limited proteolysis from R-l and/or R-II. Quantitative analysis of the photoaffinity labeling of human seminal plasma showed that the 37,000 dalton protein was the predominant cAMP-binding activity. In contrast, the cytosol fraction (100,000 X g) of spermatozoa incorporated only the 8-azido cAMP photolabel into R-I (47,000 Mr) and Rll (52,000 Mr) Second, the presence of cAMP-dependent holoenzymes in human seminal plasma could also be confirmed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) under nondenaturating conditions, resolving 2 protein kinase activities which could not be stimulated by cAMP although they exhibited specific cAMP binding and were inhibited by the rabbit muscle inhibitor. In addition, a cAMP-binding peak could be revealed corresponding to the 37,000 and/or 42,000 dalton polypeptides. Third, damaging the plasma membrane of spermatozoa by freezing resulted in the release of cAMP-binding and protein kinase activities into the seminal plasma, which had the same peculiar characteristics of the protein kinase activity found in the seminal plasma of freshly liquified human semen, i.e. the presence of large quantities of proteolytic degradation products (37,000 and 42,000 dalton polypeptides) and insensitivity towards cAMP. Fourth, neither in the seminal plasma of patients affected by azoospermia nor in expressed seminal vesicle secretion (EVS) and expressed prostate secretion (EPS) were there detectable amounts of cAMP-binding and protein kinase activities. Furthermore, a positive correlation was found between the sperm number and the amounts of cAMP-binding and/or protein kinase activities in the seminal plasma of freshly liquified, randomly chosen semen specimens. Our results strongly indicate that the protein kinase activity of human seminal plasma is not an intrinsic component of this fluid, that it is not produced by the accessory male gland secretions, and that it may originate from the spermatozoa during semen liquefaction. INTRODUCTION Cyclic almost cess. nucleotide every Accepted Received ‘Reprint labor, Dept. Schanzenstrasse systems aspect Adenylate of February October requests: CH-4031 involved in have in (Garbers pro- reproductive activities 5, 1982. 13, 1981. Dr. Urs Gynakologie, are the cyclase 46, described and tozoa been are Basel, motility, the 159 original to sperm In which . 1973; inhibitors Hoskins or and Carbers mammals . al., 1978). spermaexogenous increase protein cAMP-dependent et to respiration 1978; of species addition, respond phosphodiesterase (Garbers et al., The spermatozoa (Garbers Majumder, Schweiz. 1980). known tain hibit Universit#{228}ts-Frauenklinik, Kopf, well cAMP . Hormon- mammalian cyclic nucleotide or to exogenous bolism 1980). Eppenberger, several and mainmeta- Kopf, also cx- . kinase et activities al., 1972; 160 Recent investigations malian tissues that the found the type I can type al., therefore protein kinases proteins appear the for can II suggest that and to the their be most as motility the 1976; 1978). One substrate likely candidates of and various acrosomal reaction. It has seminal ties been recently plasma which contains were 1978). However, dependency reported that human protein kinase activi- cAMP-independent in and the (Majumder, that study origin of activity were not established, whether the protein kinase from ity the spermatozoa the of reasons we started ize the ties of of these enzymes in way for future mechanisms for an the kinase and of be, activia better function sperm could these character- obtain biological elucidation activ- For to to clear derived intrinsic plasma. in order human which male was protein semen kinase it is not an investigation understanding ble was cAMP-dependent human and seminal cAMP- protein activity or human the the in the part, to pave of the molecular responsi- infertility. MATERIALS AND Semen samples healthy donors were and and Seminal Plasma obtained by masturbation from infertile patients. After (30-45 mm at room temperature) the was separated from spermatozoa by filtration through an isotonic Percoll layer (Gorus and Pipeleers, 1981). Semen (0.5 to 3 ml) was applied onto 3 ml of a Percoll solution buffered with BiggersWhitten-Whittingham (BWW) medium with a final denseminal plasma sity of 10 mm cAMP-dependent regulation such activities, al., al., of Spermatozoa liquefaction of endogenous the from isoenzymes et et cAMP-dependent sperm subunits (Fleischer Podesta Preparation quantitatively kinase 1977; mam- activities be protein and et ET AL. demonstrated regulatory cAMP-dependent Walter of cAMP-binding fractions with a variety conclusively affinity cytosol correlated 2 have high in on FABBRO METHODS Materials Bovine serum albumin, benzamidine, cAMP, PyroY, total histone type II A-S, isobutylmethylxanthine and aminophyllmne were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), theophylline, riboflavine and protamine sulfate were bought from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Coomassie brillant blue R-250, Triton X-100, acrylamide and N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide were from nm Serva (Heidelberg, Germany). 7I32PIATP (10 Ci/ mmol) and I3HIcAMP (40 Ci/mmol) were from New England Nuclear (Boston, MA). 8-Azidoadenosine 3’:5’-I32Plmonophosphate (8-N3-I32PIcAMP) (60-120 Ci/mmol) was purchased from ICN (Irvine, CA). X-ray film (Curix RP1) was from Agfa (Leverkusen, Germany). Percoll and the electrophoresis calibration kit (for molecular weight determination of low molecular weight proteins) were from Pharmacia (Uppsala, Sweden). Tissue culture micro test plates were from Falcon (Oxnard, CA). Millipore filters (PHWP 0.45 tm) were from Millipore (Bedford, MA), Instagel from Packard (Warrenville, IL), and RBYdye from Gelman (Ann Arbor, Ml). All other chemicals were of reagent grade. 1.05 (Rogers et al., 1980) and centrifuged for at 1000 X g at room temperature. The seminal plasma remaining on top of the Percoll layer was recovered, centrifuged at 2500 X g for 10 mm (20#{176}C) and assayed for cAMP binding and protein kinase activities not later than 4 h after sample liquefaction. The sperm pellet was carefully resuspended in 20 mM Tris-HCI (pH 7.4) containing 250 mM sucrose, 2 mM EGTA, and 10 mM benzamidine, and centrifuged at 2500 X g for 10 mm (20#{176}C). The resuspension was repeated and the washed spermatozoa were extracted for 10 mm at 4#{176}C with 10 mM Tris-HCI (pH 7.4), 10 mM b-mercaptoethanol, 10 mM benzamidine, and 2 mM EGTA containing 0.5% Triton X-100 (wlv) at approximately 5-20 X 106 spermatozoa/mI. In a few experiments the sperm suspensions were additionally sonicated in the presence of 0.5% Triton X-100 at 45 W for a total time period of 2 mm (in 5 ml plastic tubes cooled in melting ice) with a Branson model B-12 sonifer fitted with a 1/8 in. microtip. Special care was devoted to avoid sample heating during sonication. Following extraction and/or sonication, the sperm mixtures were subsequently centrifuged at 2500 X g for 20 mm at 4#{176}C.Ten to 20% of the total sperm cAMP-binding and protein kinase activities remained associated with the low speed pellet (2500 X g). The resulting supernate was further centrifuged at 200,000 X g for 30 mm (4#{176}C).The final supernate, referred to as “sperm cytosol,” was then analyzed for protein kinase and cAMP-binding activities. It should be emphasized that both extraction procedures (Triton X100 extraction and sonication in the presence of the detergent) yielded essentially similar protein kinase and cAMP-binding activities. Prostatic (EPS) and seminal vesicle massages of men being treated for symptomatic prostatitis and/or prostatavesiculitis. Both EPS and EVS were obtained by the “voiding-bladder” technique (VB1 to VB4, Meares, 1979), collected directly into 1.5 ml conical tubes containing 5 M’ of a 50 mM phenylmethyl sulfonylfluoride (PMSF) solution in 2propanol (James, 1978), mixed and stored at -20#{176}C. Before assay, both fluids were centrifuged at 5000 X g for 20 mm (4#{176}C),and the supernates analyzed for protein kinase and cAMP-binding activities. Protein 32p Kinase Assay Protein kinase incorporation activity from was assayed by y-(32P1 ATP into measuring protamine sulfate (Kuo and Greengard, 1970). The assay was carried out in a total incubation volume of 300 il containing 100 g of protamine sulfate, 25 mM sodium glycerol phosphate, 10 mM MgCI2, 8 mM NaF, 0.24 mM EGTA, 2 mM theophyllmne, pH 6.5, and 16.5 MM -y-E32PIATP (5-lOX iO cpm), in the presence or absence of 3.0 MM cAMP. The reaction was started by the addition of 200 M1 of properly diluted enzyme cAMP-DEPENDENT preparation was carried terminated trichloroacetic PROTEIN KINASES to 100 Ml of the assay mixture. Incubation out for 10 mm at 32#{176} C. The reaction was by the addition of 2 ml of ice-cold 20% acid (TCA) containing 0.5% SDS. After 60 mm at 4#{176}C,the precipitate was filtered on Millipore filters. The filters were washed 3 times with 5 ml of ice-cold 20% TCA and dissolved in 8 ml Instagel and counted for radioactivity. Endogenous phosphorylating activity was determined in the absence of exogenous protamine sulfate and served as blank. The endogenous activity was only slightly stimulated by cAMP and represented less than 5% of the activity measured in the presence of protammne sulfate and cAMP. One unit of protein kinase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme transferring 1 pmol of 32P from 7-132P1 ATP into protammne during 1 mm under assay conditions. Preparation Heat-stable from rabbit of Heat-Stable Protein Kjnase protein kinase inhibitor skeletal muscle and partially Inhibitor OF treatment of the muscle extract followed by a precipitation (Walsh et al., 1971). The inhibitor was obtained in 10 mM Tris-HCI containing 6 mM mercaptoethanol, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.4, at a concentration of 5 mg protein/mI. This preparation did not accept 32P radioactivity when tested as protein kinase substrate. Saturating concentrations of the inhibitor caused a 99% inhibition of purified free catalytic subunit activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase obtained from calf ovaries. Polyacrylamide Photoaffinity Labeling of the Regulatory of cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase Electrophoresis (PAGE) gels were prepared 2% cross- linked with N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide at total gel concentrations of 8%. Stacking (upper) gels were formed at 3.5% total gel concentration and crosslinked with 20% N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide. Polymerization and electrophoresis were performed as described by Chrambach et al. (1976). Multiphasic zone electrophoresis was carried out with the buffer system 398 (B) at 0#{176}C consisting of Tris-chloride-phosphate buffer with an operative pH of 10.2 (Jovin et al., 1970). Gels and cathode buffer contained 0.2% Triton X100 since the recovery of kinase activity was found to be considerably improved in the presence of the detergent (Salokangas et al., 1981a,b). Front moving boundaries were marked with RBY-dye. The gels were sliced into 1 mm sections by the use of the Mickle gel slicer (Mickle Labs., Gomshall/Surrey, U.K.) and eluted overnight with 300 Ml 01 15 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.4, containing 1.6 mM mercaptoethanol NaCI. The eluates were subsequently tein kinase and cAMP-binding activities. Assay of cAMP 161 Subunits The incorporation of 8-N3-[32P1 cAMP into seminal plasma (100-200 g protein) and sperm cytosol (30-50 Mg protein) was performed as described by Walter et al. (1977). The reaction mixture (150 MI) contained 50 mM Mes (pH 6.2), 0.5 mM aminophyl5 mM benzamidine, 10mM MgCI2, 3 mM EDTA, 1 mM ATP and 0.3 MM 8-N3-(32Pl cAMP. Incubations were carried out in the dark, in tissue culture micro test plates, for 240 mm at 4#{176}C.The solutions were then irradiated with a Mmneraleight ultraviolet lamp (254 nm) for 10 mm at a distance of 10 cm. Each sample was finally mixed with 50 MI of SDS-Stop solution (containing: 30 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.6, 50% glycerol, 9% SDS, 3 mM EDTA, 0.02% bromphenolblue, 0.02% Pyronin V and 21 mg/mI dithioerythrit). All samples were boiled immediately for 10 mm and electrophoresis performed as described. Polyaciylamide Quantitation Polyacrylamide PLASMA studies indicated that saturation of binding was completed after 180 mm and remained stable for at least 20 h. The reaction was stopped with 2 ml of ice-cold 10 mM Mes (pH 6.2), 1 mM EDTA, and 2 mM aminophylline. Subsequently, the reaction mixture was filtered by gentle suction through Millipore filters presoaked in the same buffer. The filters were washed 3 times with 3 ml of the above buffer and the proteinbound radioactivity was measured by dissolving the filters in 8 m Instagel. SDS Gel SEMINAL line, was isolated purified by heat TCA Analytical HUMAN and 50 mM assayed for pro- Binding The cAMP-binding assay was performed essentially according to Walter et al. (1977). The reaction was carried out at pH 6.2 in a final volume of lSOMl containing 50 mM 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (Mes), 5 mM aminophylline, 2.5 mM EDTA, 100 g of total histone fraction and 81) nM 13H) cAMP. Binding of cAMP was allowed to proceed for 240 at 4#{176}C. Time of Gel 8-N3-( Electrophoresis and “P1 cAMP Incorporation Electrophoresis of boiled samples was carried out in 10% polyacrylamide slab gels in the presence of SDS (Rudolf and Krueger, 1979). The gels were run at 25 mA constant current, stained with Comassie Blue R-250, destained and dried exactly as described by Rudolf and Krueger (1979). The dried gels were then exposed to an Agfa Curix RPI film with the aid of an intensifying screen. Apparent molecular weights of the cAMP-binding proteins were estimated from a standard log molecular weight versus mobility curve (Weber and Osborn, 1969) using the calibration kit with the low molecular weight marker proteins of Pharmacia. Autoradiographs of the gels were scanned in a Pye Unicam 1800 spectrophotometer. The peak heights of the optical density tracings were used as a measure of 8-N3-(32Pl cAMP incorporation into individual bands. The dried gels were also aligned with the autoradiograms, the bands containing radioactivity were cut out and the gel slices counted directly with 8 ml Instagel. In all instances the peak surfaces scanned autoradiographs were proportional total radioactivity of the corresponding peak mated by liquid scintillation counting. Statistical Analysis Statistical significance was test. Correlation coefficients ing to Spearman (1904). Other of the to the as esti- Analytical analyzed by were calculated Student’s accord- Methods Protein was determined et al. (1951) using bovine by the method serum albumin of Lowry as standard. FABBRO 162 Radioactivity was (Packard Insts.). measured with a Tri-Carb 460 C ET AL. a positive correlation ferent from number RESULTS Cyclic AMP-Binding Activities in Human EPS and EVS As shown in of azoospermia. under nal It our assay plasma, EPS minimal and activity 4 units/mg, were per semi- assay) the cAMP-binding the order of and 80 contrast sured in chosen the sperm numbers Donors and both (EPS) fluids of and 30% 106 X higher units/mg, respectively detection of 1. patients: ml of 300 ejaculate). levels In and cases protein This cally tic be subunit of of complex that human inhibited by inhibitor the heat- et (Walsh inactivates affinity 90 semi- al., specifi- cAMP-dependent a high the activ- 1). protein activity in kinase activity muscle forming seminal activity was the finding inhibitor the kinases the protein inhibitor-cataly- (Ashby and Walsh, 1972). Labeling of cAMP-dependent 8-N3-[32P] samples were donors. An was frozen aliquot of immediately ly Plasma and Kinases cAMP Ten semen spermatozoa/mi) samples Seminal Protein rest were of analyzed. 500 p1 of each sample after liquefaction at fresh the seminal plasma experiments. for the Figure frozen and semen and sperm label- that after photoaffinity 1A were cyto- subsequent- plasma seminal used sperm The 8 days for These were ejaculates and in Methods. stored 60-100 106 from healthy (containing obtained shows photoactivation of sperm presence of 8-N3-[32P1 cAMP, separation of the proteins by cytosols in the followed by SDS gel electro- that phoresis 2 distinct activities in human the 10 above found kinase 1971). in sperm or cAMP- 0.53) = (Table enzyme could the a protein interest plasma rabbit (r 0.49) enzyme ± 0.02 the stable ing showed and times we of cytosols kinase fmoles/mg addition of above protein 2.5 nal 0.95 particular 95% = The separated into sols as described (P<0.01). 32 and to kinase (r exhibited -20#{176}C. The randomly significantly (about cAMP-binding 32 similar these aver- mea- 1) activities than limit). the and per were activities activities of exhibited which only were (donors detectable However, ratio with cAMP- (Table plasma 2-140 patients cAMP-binding TABLE fluids. findings activities samples minimal plasma Sperm 3 patients kinase these both seminal activities the seminal Photoaffinity results prostatic protein to of semen samples. dif- significantly between fmoles/ expressed (EVS) for amounts the of that pg activities. In age emphasized Similar vesicle analyzed binding by respectively. when seminal affected protein in the in (100-200 EVS were obtained be levels mg and should conditions enzyme were patients 5 and be found could the detectable and cAMP-binding no activities plasma seminal 1, protein plasma ity exists, (P<0.O1), activities Of Table kinase protein and binding and Protein Kinase Seminal Plasma, 0 and autoradiography, seminal plasma, prostatic and seminal bands vesicle Protein Protein kinase activity (units/mg protein) Source (5)b Azoospermia Patients and EVS(3) EPS(3) aThe donors protein defined assayed <4 12.7 <4 <4 (32) kinase activity ratio ± kinase 2.5’ reflects 0.95 the degree of dissociation as the protein kinase activity assayed in the absence in the presence of saturating amounts of cAMP as defined bNumbers in parentheses indicate specimens analyzed. cMean ± SEM. activity ratioa (-cAMP/i-cAMP) of ± 0.02 of cAMP-dependent cAMP binding (pmol/mg protein) <80 193 <80 <80 ± 58 holoenzymes cAMP divided by the protein by Soderling et al. (1974). kinase and activity is cAMP-DEPENDENT PROTEIN roi KINASES OF SEMINAL HUMAN PLASMA 163 SHOWINGTIL PHOTOACTIVATED INCORPORATiON tto 2-’ SEMINAL PtASlt’ ‘p A. + 67 43 30 20 FIG. 1. Autoradiograms the showing incorporation photoactivated of 8-N3-132P1 cAMP into human sperm cytosols and seminal plasma. The photoactivated incorporation of 8-N3-I32Pl cAMP was performed under standard assay conditions in the absence (-) or presence (+) of 20MM cAMP. Seminal plasma and sperm cytosols were prepared as described in Methods. A) represents sperm cytosol, B) seminal plasma of fresh and C) seminal plasma of frozen ejaculates. = Mr of 52,000 the 8-azido that 70.5% and label. [32P] cAMP labeled 26.4% ± 3.4% associated with sperm cAMP with a Mr tively. band, ± band bands was cAMP The (Fig. by molecular weights (47,000 and 52,000) correspond II regulatory subunits and type dependent bands of labeled cAMP active kinase protein porates specifically regulatory subunits holoenzymes from et Rangel-Aldao and a!., 1977; Taylor, 1980). of the the cAMP- the photo- It cAMP of et tissues al., 1979; has incor- the R-I and 2 cAMP-dependent a variety I the R-ll (Walter Potter more sperm within and frozen semen the reduced 2A corporation of closely the (20 protein seminal samples seminal in the sperm frozen case the while the of that 2B). the in a of incorpora- to sperm reduced into increase to protein and was even seminal fluids derived 2C). (Fig. 42,000 band a slight decrease also was cross-linked samples samples in- R-l significant label Fig. R-l (47,000) to be signifi- This cAMP of plasma cAMP-binding (37,000) the bands as compared and amount plasma microof is shown to note by the in pronounced apparent 4 8-N3-[32P1 paralleled (P<0.01) the smallest latter specifically distribution (P<0.01) (Figs. bespecies cAMP the 8-azido label into the seminal plasma was found of cytosols the was cold these and distributed binding of of lB protein quantitative cytosols or (Figs. evenly excess pro- plasma ejaculates The an label cantly type holoenzymes. into of The of predomicytosols to that molar). seminal cAMP-binding above. by tion 2 was 4 labeling the frozen label inhibited fresh to 2. It was of interest ex- sperm 8-N3-[32P] analogue be 6). the the demonstrated been recently of 4 could or the azido these micromolar 2, 4, nantly it the photoaffinity applied fresh described bands to since a 20 1, lanes some respec- binding specific 1C), tween 8-azido 37,000, = while In the protein cAMP inhibited of 2A). was either found same the cedure 8-N3- was (Fig. Mr and the SEM) 2 additional 8-N3-[32P1 completely cess 47,000 42,000 = The protein the (mean incorporated into showed of 52,000 When incorporated analysis ± SEM) cytosols (<5%) 47,000 = (mean ± 2.5% only cases Mr Quantitative became of the of more from In the more 8-azido ET AL. FABBRO 164 QUANTITATIVE ANAI.YSIS PROTEIN INTO THE VARIOUS CYTOSOLS OF 8_N3_(2PJcAl1P AND SEMINAL INCORPORATION BANDSOF HUMANSPERM PLASMA 100 a) ‘V 0 0 0 C) 0 75 U C-,’ Co 50 0 C 0 (I, 25 A B C FIG. 2. Quantitative analysis of 8-N3-( 32P1 cAMP incorporation into the various protein bands of human sperm cytosols and seminal plasma. The autoradiographs of sperm cytosol A), seminal plasma from fresh B), and seminal plasma of frozen ejaculates C) of the 10 donors were analyzed for quantitative 8-N3-I 32Pl cAMP incorporation into R-I (a), R-lI (0) and the proteolytic products Mr = 42,000 (.) and Mr 37,000 (0) as described in Methods. Results are expressed as % of 8-N3-I “P1 cAMP incorporation into the various protein bands (means ± SD) of the respective semen fractions. label present noticed. A in as seen label, with obtained by nal plasma during shown). In that recent work their (Potter and Effect Protein Freezing any the samples h at semi- 37#{176}C (data can smaller functional Taylor, polypeptides 1980; Corbin cAMP-binding Distribution human addition of semen of cryopreservative activities (Table from 2). ponding sperm similar to of 1978). by the activity agents re- of fresh measure cAMP- and correswere However, for the seminal of seminal sperm plasma and ejaculates semen. between (activity the distribu- plasma plasma cytosols) and divided was signifi- higher (P<0.01) in the ejaculates stored for 8 days at -20#{176}C(Table 2). A similar distribution with- a activities spermatozoa donors frozen ratio, domain cantly frozen of cAMP- seminal kinase plasma of the cAMP-binding into protein (seminal those of and sperm total cytosol) distribution tion release kinase the The to note R-l and and 10 70-80% protein activities Semen of the binding which et al., in not be proteolytically cAMP-binding suIted dependent 2C), (Fig. prepared it subunits be 8-azido is of interest has shown that both of Freezing on Kinase Activity in Human could of freshly 10 yielding retain subunit frozen storing context regulatory degraded, out this R-II distribution was R-II the similar ratio binding (Table evidence that kinase holoenzymes was 2). the obtained This for finding cAMP-dependent were released the cAMP- gives strong protein during the cAMP-DEPENDENT freezing/thawing seminal An cycle plasma. intriguing PROTEIN from result the was KINASES gametes that the into OF overnight taining protein in the seminal plasma fresh or frozen samples by cAMP, though there kinase was inhibition analyzed kinase a 90-95% activities muscle inhibitor. protein found kinase to protein in be the presence In contrast activity of kinase activity to ratio (mean of of this the system experimental presence of protein is might have been responsible of the protein kinases catalytic subunits, the dialyzed 10 against mM Even the TM protein For dependent. analyze the seminal nondenaturating Seminal Gel Plasma Aliquots or TABLE However, itself formed Human seminal by PAGE human of were protein free and is not (Salokangas et a!., and 2 peaks bind- of protein 2 peaks detected kinase of (peak activities poorly kinase of A B. (Fig. cAMP-binding cAMP- respective could protein ex- 3). 30-50% activity protein the the About per- amounts activities demonstrate of A cAMP. the binding of on were saturating enzyme character and assays and peak by inhibitor, both cAMP of stimulated muscle of findings A sub- kinases with protein cAMP-binding of be holothe total as a recovered (Fig. 3,fBP), devoid of any protein kinase activity representing small 37,000 and/or 42,000 polypeptide(s) detected by photoaffinity labeling (see Fig. C). Only slight quantitative differences could fro- nal 50-fold between the electropherograms from prepared plasma either of fresh the 1B, be semior fro- zen ejaculates. cAMP-binding activities between seminal and sperm plasma in fresh semen.a and sperm Source (10) (10) plasma specific found Activity Fresh ejaculate Frozen ejaculate hibited such catalytic enzyme were presence rabbit activity enzymes under either diluted kinase the the the These of from if in total buffer 3). The recovery of enzyme activities were in the order the total activities applied were dependent render gel the protein B kinase containing Ejaculates plasma ejaculates 2. Distribution aSeminal of plasma cAMPwe decided to Electrophoresis from of fresh and frozen ionic seminal reasons plasma The high 7.4, Fig. 8% Under free coinciding of cAMP the activity, peak 1970). gel slicing, activity, or pH into was not aliquots at protein after B in conprotein multiphasic the Determining activities and conditions. Polyacrylamide zen of these kinase migrate PAGE. and prolonged to 70-80% for the dissociation into regulatory and seminal plasma was buffer, able that 6 mM b-mercaptoethanol. dialysis (24 h) did not Tris-HCI cAMP-dependent cAMP-binding a dialyzed subsequently gels al., et of and by definition enzyme). To exclude the possibility strength (Corbin et a!., 1975) (Jovin cAMP-binding plasma may contain the cAMP-dependent protein kinase holoenzymes in the dissociation form (the catalytic subunit of cAMP- and were the conditions kinase seminal dependent protein kinase cyclic nucleotide-independent using 398 1981a,b). were insensitive to cAMP indicates that human saline of seminal plasma on polyacrylamide unit ing 165 ratio (-cAMP/+cAMP) procedure. Dialyzed concentration was a this by p1) gel rabbit result activity (200 (-cAMP/+cAMP) ± SEM). The RMI-inhibitable kinase activities which stimulation, strongly the PLASMA against Tris magnesium-buffer 50% sucrose (see above). The affected protein sperm cytosols and exhibited cAMP-dependent of 0.18 ± 0.02 large quantities of the SEMINAL phosphate-buffered with kinase activities found prepared from either could not be stimulated always HUMAN was separated of seminal cytosol plasma (total) Seminal sperm plasma cytosol activity/ activity cAMP- Protein cAMP- binding kinase binding Protein kinase (pmol/ml) (units/mI) (pmol/mI) (units/mi) 18.1 22.1 31.5 24.8 1.1 11.9 1.1 10.2 ± ± from of 3.0 MM cAMP and cAMP-binding were 1 ml ejaculate. All values are expressed ratio” are explained in the text. 3.8 2.8 spermatozoa performed as means and ± ± 3.5 3.5 sperm as described ± SEM (n cytosol. = Protein ± ± kinase 0.8 3.5 activity in Methods. Total activities were 10). The terms “total activities” in the ± ± 0.4 1.3 presence calculated for and “activity FABBRO 166 AL. ET PAGE OF SEMINAL PLASMA FROM NORMAL HUMAN EJACULATES 16 20 a) ‘a ‘a 12 15 C) I-) 2 C- C) ‘V = I.’ 0 10 0 U C CIN C, 5 ‘C 2 GEL SLICE of seminal plasma from normal human ejaculates. Aliquots (200 Ml) of dialyzed seminal plasma were applied on PAGE as described in the text. The gels were frozen, sliced and elution was performed as described elsewhere, cAMP binding (o-o) and kinase assays with (A_A) or without (.-.) cAMP and in the presence of RMI (a_a) were performed as described in Methods. FIG. 3. PAGE DISCUSSION The that results 90 found the of the first are the semen supported intrasperma- tic liquefaction. unit by the there plasma the EVS between a positive sperm semen both Third, frozen proteins seminal or semen cAMP-binding their and quantitative the 1978) according that of spermatozoa plasma presence the from demonstrated that proteins are but identical, are the that different. type binding II it pure per sub- R2C2 unit 1974; dissociates 2 C Corbin into sub- its equation: + R2 (cAMP)4 Taylor, 1978). not since sperm ence of with et that range of 1978; only were by the prepared a competitive protype I cAMP35,000Potter R-I and and proteolytic be labeled benzamidine, of functional 1975, respective cytosols that subunits a Mr al., surprising but not their were found to established generate proteins is is well regulatory isozymes (Corbin It or of 43,000 cytofresh samples, distributions of cAMP- (sperm derived and number. of cataly- overall holoenzyme et a!., following 4 cAMP + Furthermore, teolysis chosen the sperm labeling of activities randomly upon cAMP and the to an The Rubin of dimer 2 identical with R2C2. of 1974; iso- found amounts kinase of indicating depends photoaffinity binding sol) al., 2 subunit and (C) of types kinases contain and was protein plasma specimens azoospermia cAMP, of Lincoln, units seminal II a regulatory molecules et R2C2 number seminal by type monomers 4 and cAMPin correlation and/or activities detectable activities affected EPS. cAMP-binding the neither kinase and Second, in was nor protein of patients and composition (Beavo First, I subunit binds follow- evidence. binding type dissimilar subunits: (R2), which binds activity is cAMP-sensitive from protein cAMP-dependent zyme evidence kinase plasma during conclusions good protein originates compartment Such ing The the seminal probably tozoal in 95% to in and provide R-Il, products, 8-azido in cAMP, the inhibitor presof cAMP-DEPENDENT serine proteases and hence PROTEIN also bin et a!., 1978; Stambaugh Zahler and Polakoski, 1977). tion of the azido flect the and subsequently dent isoenzymes label relative of In to contrast always poration R-I lowed by an reduced and indicates that al. the this (1976) found concentrations protein almost would modulate present in Fourth, one has damage the an assumption ity behaved the with by specificity In patterns could be prepared The cAMP-binding of although activities, between either increased frozen samples age of products and/or might the acrosomal in be release enzymes after to for One of the protein nal plasma enzyme plasma and Ashby, R-II fluids of prolonged stor- quantities cAMP ished be activity resolved peaks, conditions by the and heat-stable A of could human on PAGE B, 3). but be rabbit was that the and (Fig. cAMP-independent binding findings of of the in originate native holo- al., 1977, et of reasonably explained can or and RC) Huang, give of damage sperm resulting protein also render in membrane the B the holoen- Therefore, that ejaculates plasma and cAMP-independent evidence the A considering 1975). strong peaks release these liquefaction at 37#{176}C alter of of human cAMP- kinases. Both possessed completely muscle semiinto under non- activities specific abolinhibitor. us with EPS and EVS. REFERENCES freezing/thawing interesting activity could denaturating were most kinase composition which (Salokangas proteolysis supplying ejaculates. cycle. the a Mr This research was supported in part by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Grant Nos. 3.886-0.79 and 3.557-0.79, and the F. Hoffmann-La Roche Stiftung, Grant No. 180. We thank Dr. G. Colpi, Dept. of Urology, Provincial Hospital, Magenta-Milan/Italy, kinase R-I larger one that with ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and seminal due of subunit tissues, (R2C2 the pre- simi- seminal fresh the the demonstrated exist cAMP-insensitivity be dependent differences or RC cAMP- composi- sub- plasma protein the frozen amounts degradation sperms, like quantitative detected from such revealed and a activity a a subunit proteolysis storage and/or labeling plasma and (Salokan- kinase holoenzymes that and specimens. seminal of The after and seminal photoaffinity analysis PAGE represent it was it II type stimulation, shown), of semen addition, PAGE not activity fresh cAMP Recently, (R2C2) (Huang activ- inhibitor, (data kinase from to muscle by study effect, I from protein with mammalian results enzyme might limited fact membranes. released respect rabbit RC. 100,000 could freezing, support B fractionSince the in this type peret 1981a). cryoprotectors, semen The im- protein sieving enzymes la,b). of the on PAGE were pH (Salokangas separate holoenzyme of of a molecular to as various is cAMP liquefaction by 198 enzyme possibly plasma human since inhibition pared sperm of a!., from pM it that of during (-20#{176}C) protein anticipate obtained possible zymes absence to results freezing to was of et plasma. the mainly et because employed system worked not 167 thus limiting the “charge of the PAGE system. cAMP-dependent cAMP- activity enzyme plasma operative dependent human how of seminal at a high tion Such therefore kinases formed was from in understand seminal in strate range. analysis designated Beck completely to an the especially causes levels pM kinases; impossible The cAMP the dissociate dependent lar in that the fol- protein, addition, mentioned solubility gas increased originates In the are an binding R-I. that plasma by R-I be PLASMA proved cAMP-dependent reguincor- closely should SEMINAL electrophoretic plasma of protein of human label and 37,000 latter proteolysis seminal azido HUMAN al., 1981a,b), ation power” R-II degraded that followed in in incorporation closely and seminal reduced increased incorporation limited present fact re- preparation). finding, was may cAMP-depen- proteolytically of distribu- R-I native in The subunits. the OF It (Cor- 1972; cytosol) of intact the this contained latory Thus normally (manuscript acrosin Buckley, (sperm amounts spermatozoa of and KINASES 2 C. 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