20527 An Zhong San Amomi & Fennel Formula 安中散 Ingredients: Rou Gui Mu Li Gan Cao Gao Liang Jiang Yan Hu Suo Xiao Hui Xiang Sha Ren 肉桂 牡蠣 甘草 良薑 延胡索 小茴香 砂仁 Cinnamomi Cx. Ostreae Concha Glycyrrhizae Rx. Alpiniae Officinarum Rz. Corydalis Rz. Foeniculi Fr. Amomi Fr. 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Warms the stomach, promotes the normal flow of Qi. Indications: Spasmodic pain beneath the heart, nervous stomachache, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, gastroptosis, dysmenorrhea, and toxemia of pregnancy. Acu-Treatment: Ren 17, St 25 to promote Qi Flow, St 36 to warming the stomach. 20211 Ba Wei Dai Xia Fang 八味帶下方 DangGui & Eight Herb Formula Ingredients: Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Fu Ling Mu Tong Chen Pi Tu Fu Ling Jin Yin Hua Da Huang 當歸 川芎 茯苓 木通 陳皮 土茯苓 金銀花 大黃 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Clematidis Armandii Caulis Citri Reticulatae Pc. Smilacis Glabrae Rz. Lonicerae Fl. Rhei Rz. et Rx. 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 Actions: Dispels dampness-heat, nourishes blood. Indications: Sub-acute leukorrhea. Acu-Treatment: UB 20, Sp 10 to nourish the blood. Sp 9 and P 6 to expel dampness. GB 26 the disolve leukorrhea. Remarks: This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. -1- 20210 Ba Wei Di Huang Wan 八味地黃丸【S】 Rehmannia Eight Formula Ingredients: Shou Di Huang Shan Yao Shan Zhu Yu Fu Ling Mu Dan Pi Ze Xie Rou Gui Pao Fu Zi 熟地黃 山藥 山茱萸 茯苓 牡丹皮 澤瀉 肉桂 炮附子 Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Dioscoreae Rz. Corni Fr. Poria Cocos Rx. Moutan Radicis Cx. Alismatis Rz. Cinnamomi Cx. Aconiti Rx. Prep. 8.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 Actions: Warms the kidneys, eliminates swelling, dispels water. Indications: Chronic nephritis, pyelitis, albuminuria, edema, cystitis, neuralgia, postpartum dysuria, senile lumbago, diabetes, nephroatrophia, urinary incontinence, cataract, and keratitis. (Note) This formula should not be applied to those having chronic gastrointestinal weakness, frequent diarrhea, ascites, and flushing-up. Acu-Treatment: UB 23 and K 3 for tonifying the Kidney, moxibustion these 2 points can warm the kidney Yang. Du 4 to produce kidney Qi. BU 18 and UB 20 nourish the liver and spleen, Sp 9 tonifies the spleen and expels dampness. 20208 Ba Xian Tang Eight Immortal Combination 八仙湯 Ingredients: Ren Shen Fu Ling Bai Zhu Gan Cao Chuan Xiong Dang Gui Bai Shao Shou Di Huang Qiang Huo Ban Xia Chen Pi Qin Jiao 人參 茯苓 白朮 甘草 川芎 當歸 白芍 熟地黃 羌活 半夏 陳皮 秦艽 Ginseng Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Atractylodis Alba Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Gentianae Macrophyllae Rx. -2- 1.20 2.00 8.00 0.80 1.40 1.40 1.60 1.40 1.00 1.40 1.60 1.20 Fai Niu Xi Gui Zhi Chai Hu Fang Feng Sheng Jiang Da Zao 淮牛膝 桂枝 柴胡 防風 生薑 大棗 Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus Bupleuri Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 1.20 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.20 Actions: Activates the functions of liver and kidneys, nourishes Qi and blood, expels wind and dampness, stops numbness and pain. Indications: Numbness of joints, cerebral accidents and pains, facial paralysis and spasms. Acu-Treatment: K 3 and LI 2 to promote Qi of Liver and Kidney .Ren 6, UB 20 and St 36 to nourish the Qi and blood. SI 4 and UB 13 to expel dampness.UB 17 and UB 20 to tonify blood local Points for pain. 20212 Ba Zhen Tang 八珍湯【S】 DangGui & Ginseng Eight Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Bai Shao Shou Di Huang Ren Shen Bai Zhu Zhi Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Da Zao Fu Ling 當歸 川芎 白芍 熟地黃 人參 白朮 炙甘草 生薑 大棗 茯苓 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Ginseng Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Poria Cocos Rx. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 2.00 3.00 Actions: Nourishes Qi and blood. Indications: Anemia, debility during convalescence, menstrual irregularity, lack of appetite, generalized debility, malnutrition, and metrorrhagia. Acu-Treatment: UB 15, UB 18 and UB 17 are combined to nourish the blood. Ren 6 nourish Qi. UB 20, Ub 21, St 36 And Sp 6 strenthen the middle Jiao to promote the Qi and Blood. -3- 20209 Ba Zheng San Dianthus Formula 八正散【S】 Ingredients: Che Qian Zi Bi Zai Cao Qu Mai Bian Xu Hua Shi Gan Cao Shan Zhi Zi Da Huang Deng Xin Cao 車前子 筆仔草 瞿麥 扁蓄 滑石 甘草 山梔子 大黃 燈心草 Plantaginis Sm. Pogonantherum Crinitum Dianthi Hb. Polygoni Avicularis Hb. Talcum Glycyrrhizae Rx. Gardeniae Fr. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Junci Medulla 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 Actions: Dispels heat, purges fire, delivers water, promotes urination. Indications: Cystitis, urethritis, urinary infections, acute prostates, and acute nephritis. Reddish tongue with yellowish fur, rapid and solid pulse. Acu-Treatmnent: UB 28 and Ren 3 regulate Qi and dispel dampness from bladder with SP 9 induce diuresis. Liver 2 to clear heat.SJ 5 and LI 4 are used clear heat. K 3 tonify kidney regulatge water passage. 21135 Bai Du San 敗毒散 Notopterigium & Tuhuo Formula Ingredients: Qiang Huo Fu Ling Du Huo Jie Geng Qian Hu Gan Cao Chai Hu Sheng Jiang Chuan Xiong Bo He Zhi Qiao 羌活 茯苓 獨活 桔梗 前胡 甘草 柴胡 生薑 川芎 薄荷 枳殼 Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis Rx. Platycodi Rx. Peucedani Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Menthae Hb. Aurantii Fr. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.50 3.00 Actions: Release the exterior, scatter wind and eliminate dampness. Indications: Common cold, high fever without sweating, stiffness and pain of head, neck, and shoulder, stuffed nose, -4- cough with phlegm. White coating tongue, floating soggy pulse. Acu-Treatment: Du 9 to expel dampness and exterior.Gb 20 for ewlieive the wind. 20602 Bai He Gu Jin Tang Lily Combination 百合固金湯 【S】 Ingredients: Sheng Di Huang Shou Di Huang Bei Mu Mai Men Dong Gan Cao Jie Geng Bai Shao Dang Gui Bai He Xuan Shen 生地黃 熟地黃 貝母 麥門冬 甘草 桔梗 白芍 當歸 百合 玄參 Rehmanniae Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Fritillariae Bulbous Ophiopogonis Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Lilii Bulbous Scrophulariae Rx. 4.00 6.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.60 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.60 Actions: Nourishes the lungs and kidneys, alleviates sore throat and coarseness. Indications: Pharyngitis, hemoptysis due to tuberculosis, coarseness due to coughing. Red tongue, small and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: K 3, K 6 and UB 23 are suggested to tonify Yin. Ub 13, Lung 7 anf Lung 5 to stop coughing and dissovle phregm. Lung 6 clear heat and stop blooding. H 6 for night sweating. 20524 Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang Ginseng & Gypsum Combination 白虎加人參湯 Ingredients: Zhi Mu Jing Mi Shi Gao Zhi Gan Cao Ren Shen 知母 粳米 石膏 炙甘草 人參 Anemarrhenae Rz. Oryzae Sm. Gypsum Fibrosum Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Ginseng Rx. -5- 6.00 8.00 16.00 2.00 3.00 Actions: Dispels heat, quenches thirst, nourishes Qi and blood. Indications: Influenza, pneumonia, initial stage of diabetes, dermal itching, urticaria, pruritus, hemophthalmia, feverish disease manifesting listlessness, thirst, profuse sweating, delirium, and mania. Acu-Treatment: Comply to * Bai Hu Tang. Add St 36 and Sp 6. 20525 Bai Hu Tang Gypsum Combination 白虎湯【S】 Ingredients: Shi Gao Zhi Mu Zhi Gan Cao Jing Mi 石膏 知母 炙甘草 粳米 Gypsum Fibrosum Anemarrhenae Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Preparata Oryzae Sm. 16.00 6.00 2.00 8.00 Actions: Disperses heat, increases secretion of saliva Indications: Common cold, scarlet fever, typhoid fever and meningitis with high fever, thirst, diabetes, pneumonia and measles with high fever, and emotional disturbances. Acu-Treatment: St clear interior heat and harmonize stomach. LI 4 leads the fire outward. LI 11 and Li 1 can sedate the accumulation heat in the Yangming Channel 20526 Bai Tou Weng Tang Anemone Combination 白頭翁湯 Ingredients: Bai Tou Weng Qin Pi Huang Bai Huang Lian 白頭翁 秦皮 黃柏 黃連 Pulsatillae Rx. Fraxini Cx. Phellodendri Cx. Coptidis Rz. Actions: Dispels heat, removes toxin, cools the blood, stops diarrhea. Indications: Acute enteritis, tenesmus, and diarrhea. Red Tongue with yellowish fur, Rapid Pulse. (Note)This formula is only used to treat acute inflammatory diseases. Acu-treatment: -6- 3.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 St 25, St 37 and Li 4 to clear heat and stop Dysentery. Du 14 sedates heat and detoxifies heat and toxin. St 44 clear heat of Yangming. Sp 10 colling the blood. 20505 Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang Pinellia & Magnolia Combination 半夏厚朴湯 Ingredients: Ban Xia Fu Ling Hou Pu Zi Su Ye Sheng Jiang 半夏 茯苓 厚朴 紫蘇葉 生薑 Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Poria Cocos Rx. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Perillae Folium. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 10.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 Actions: Activating the depressed energy, lowering the abnormal rising energy and eliminating phlegm. Indications: For cases of globus hystericus due to the disorder of seven emotions and the stagnation of phlegm, which are manifested as obstructive feeling in the throat,tongue; whitish and greasy fur, wiry and smooth pulse. Acu-Treatment: Liver 3 with Ren 17 to smooth the liver Qi and break down stagnations of the chest. St 40 regulate Qi flow to dissolve phlegm. H 7 calm the Shen and the midn. 20504 Ban Xia Tian Ma Bai Zhu Tang 半夏天麻白朮湯 Pinellia & Gastrodia Combination Ingredients: Ban Xia Bai Zhu Chen Pi Fu Ling Mai Ya Tian Ma Shen Qu Huang Qi Ren Shen Ze Xie Huang Bai Gan Jiang Sheng Jiang 半夏 白朮 陳皮 茯苓 麥芽 天麻 神麴 黃耆 人參 澤瀉 黃柏 乾薑 生薑 Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Poria Cocos Rx. Hordei Germinatus Fr. Gastrodiae Rz. Massa Medicata Fermentata Astragali Rx. Ginseng Rx. Alismatis Rz. Phellodendri Cx. Zingiberis Rz. Zingiberis Recens Rz. -7- 4.50 3.00 1.50 1.50 4.50 1.50 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 Actions: Dispels wind-phlegm, restores normal flow of Qi, supplements the stomach and spleen. Indications: Vertigo due to digestive disorders, headache, compulsive sleeping after meals, hypertension due to gastrointestinal weakness, abdominal discomfort, and gastroptosis, tongue and pulse as "Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang". Acu-Treatment: Liver 2 to relieve vertigo and dizziness by calming the liver wind. K 5 nourish the kidney Yin . Ren 12 hatmonize the stomach to relieve nausea. Sp 9 strenthens the spleen and dispel dampness. An extra Yintang applicable for relieve headache, dizziness and vertigo. 20506 Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang Pinellia Combination 半夏瀉心湯 Ingredients: Ban Xia Huang Qin Gan Jiang Ren Shen Zhi Gan Cao Huang Lian Da Zao 半夏 黃芩 乾薑 人參 炙甘草 黃連 大棗 Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Scutellariae Rx. Zingiberis Rz. Ginseng Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Coptidis Rz. Jujubae Fr. 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 Actions: Dispersing cold-dampness, purging heat, strengthening the spleen and regulating the stomach. Indications: For cases attributive to the attack of dampness-heat to the gastrointestinal, manifested as abdominal fullness without pain, vomiting or retching, increased gurgling sound, diarrhea, thin and yellow, greasy fur on the tongue, wiry and rapid pulse. Acu-treatment: Ren 12 and P 6 to remove heat of stomach and adverse rising Qi. St 25, Ren 6 and St 36 to dispel cold and harmonize the stomach and the intestines. 20902 Bao An Shen 保安腎 Polyporus & Pinellia Combination -8- Ingredients: Fu Ling Zhu Ling Yu Mi Rui Ban Xia Hou Pu Chen Pi Gan Cao Hua Shi Cang Zhu Ze Xie Zhi Qiao 茯苓 豬苓 玉米蕊 半夏 厚朴 陳皮 甘草 滑石 蒼朮 澤瀉 枳殼 Poria Cocos Rx. Polyporus Maydis Stigmata Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Talcum Atractylodis Rz. Alismatis Rz. Aurantii Fr. 3.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Compound formula of Wu Ling San and Er Chen Tang. Indications: Chronic and acute nephritis edema, nephritis granular; nephroblastoma. Acu-Treatment: See “ Wu Ling San and Er Chang Tang” 20904 Bao Can Wu Yu Fang DangGui & Artemisia Combination 保產無憂方 Ingredients: Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Jing Jie Qiang Huo Zhi Qiao Bai Shao Hou Pu Tu Si Zi Ai Ye Huang Qi Bei Mu Gan Cao Sheng Jiang 當歸 川芎 荊芥 羌活 枳殼 白芍 厚朴 菟絲子 艾葉 黃耆 川貝母 甘草 生薑 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Schizonepetae Hb. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Aurantii Fr. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Cuscutae Sm. Artemisiae Argyi Fm. Astragali Rx. Fritillariae Bulbous Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Actions: Stabilizes the fetus, nourishes the blood. Indications: -9- 3.00 3.00 1.60 1.00 1.20 4.00 1.40 2.00 1.40 1.60 2.00 1.00 3.00 Fetal irritability, difficult labor, pain in the waist and abdomen during pregnancy, and habitual abortion. Mainly for cases that have abortive symptoms at first stage of pregnancy, pale tongue with whitish fur, small and smooth pulse. Acu-Treatment is not suggested pregnency . 22080 Bao Fu Jian Forsthia & Lonicera Formula 寶膚健(頭瘡一方) Ingredients: Lian Qiao Chuan Xiong Bai Zhu Jin Yin Hua Fang Feng Gan Cao Hong Hua Jing Jie Da Huang 連翹 川芎 白朮 金銀花 防風 甘草 紅花 荊芥 大黃 Forsythiae Fr. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Lonicerae Fl. Ledebouriellae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Carthami Fl. Schizonepetae Hb. Rhei Rz. et Rx. 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 Actions: Eliminates stagnant Qi and blood, removes toxin. Indications: Eczema on the head in children, dermatitis, boils, and blisters. Acu-Treatment: Ren 17 and SJ 4 to activated the Qi flows special in Shao Yang, and Ren 10 for blood stagnation. LI 4 and St 37 to remove the toxin. 20903 Bao He Wan Citrus & Cratagus Formula 保和丸 Ingredients: Shan Zha Shen Qu Ban Xia Fu Ling Chen Pi Lian Qiao Lai Fu Zi 山查 神麴 半夏 茯苓 陳皮 連翹 萊服子 Crataegi Fr. Massa Medicata Fermentata Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Poria Cocos Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Forsythiae Fr. Raphani Sm. Actions: Removes stagnancy and distention of middle Jiao, regulates Qi, expels internal heat. - 10 - 12.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Indications: Gastric distress, diarrhea, abdominal pain, eructation, acid regurgitation, yellowish & greasy tongue, slippery pulse. Acu-Treatment: Ren 10, St 21 and Ren 21 activate Qi to promote digestion. St 36 harmonize stomach for nausea. Ren 25 relieve epigastric and abdominal discomforts as fullness rigidity, distention, pain, and diarrhea. GB 20 to clear heat that occurred by food stagnation. 20901 Bao Yuan Chai Hu Qing Gan San 保元柴胡清肝散 Bupleurum & Moutan Formula Ingredients: Chai Hu Huang Qin Sheng Di Huang Huang Lian Dang Gui Mu Dan Pi Shan Zhi Zi Chuan Xiong Sheng Ma Gan Cao 柴胡 黃芩 生地黃 黃連 當歸 牡丹皮 山梔子 川芎 升麻 甘草 Bupleuri Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Coptidis Rz. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Moutan Radicis Cx. Gardeniae Fr. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Cimicifugae Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.50 2.50 1.00 Actions: Clearing away heat evil and regulating blood, at purging the liver five. Indications: For swelling pain of the throat toothache and gingivitis. Acu-Treatment: K3 and Li 2 for clearing the heat in Liver.UB 20to regulate the blood and LI 4 to release the pain of upper Jiao, paricularly of head. 21405 Bi Liao Pueraria N. Combination 鼻療(清鼻湯) Ingredients: Ge Gen Ma Huang Da Zao Bai Shao Chuan Xiong Xin Yi Jie Geng 葛根 麻黃 大棗 白芍 川芎 辛夷 桔梗 Puerariae Rx. Ephedrae Hb. Jujubae Fr. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Magnoliae Fl. Platycodi Rx. - 11 - 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 Gan Cao Gui Zhi Sheng Jiang Shi Gao Da Huang 甘草 桂枝 生薑 石膏 大黃 Glycyrrhizae Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus Zingiberis Recens Rz. Gypsum Fibrosum Rhei Rz. et Rx. 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.50 1.00 Actions: Dispels heat, drains nasal discharge, relieves muscular tension Indications: Stuffy nose, rhinitis, and nasal suppuration. Acup Treatment: L7, Li4, Ub12, Du14, Extra2, Li20 dispels heat and drains nasal discharge. 21207 Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin Tokoro Combination 萆薢分清飲 【S】 Ingredients: Bi Xie Wu Yao Fu Ling Shi Chang Pu Yi Zhi Ren Gan Cao 萆薢 烏藥 茯苓 石菖蒲 益智仁 甘草 Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae Rz. Linderae Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Acori Graminei Rz. Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 6.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 Actions: Warms the kidneys, excretes dampness, clears turbid urine. Indications: Chronic cystitis, polyuria, urethritis, turbid urine, and chronic prostatitis. Acu-Treatment: Tonify and moxibustion UB 23 tonify the kidney Yang to reduce urine frequency. Sp 9Strenthen the spleen and dispel dampness. UB 28 with Ren 3 to warm bladder and restore its function. UB 24 and Du 20 promote Yang and clear the turbidity of urine. 21320 Bu Fei E Jiao San 補肺阿膠散 Gelatin & Aristolochia Combination Ingredients: Ma Dou Ling 馬兜鈴 Aristolochiae Fr. - 12 - 6.00 Niu Bang Zi Xing Ren Nuo Mi Gan Cao E Jiao 牛蒡子 杏仁 糯米 甘草 阿膠 Arctii Fr. Armeniacae Amarum Semen Oryzae Sativa Semen Glycyrrhizae Rx. Asini Gelatinum 6.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 1.67 Actions: Nourishes lungs and kidneys, it is effective for weak functions of lungs, clears lung heat. Indications: Bronchial asthma, cough by little sputum, pneumonia and tuberculosis, night sweat, dry cough, phthisis, pulmonary tuberculosis, shortness of breath, uncoated red tongue, small and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 13 with Lung 9 to nourish lung Yin and Qi. K 6 nourish Yin to clear heat. Du 14 and LI 4 dispel wind and heat. Lung 1 smooth thee Qi flow of lung. Lung 8 clear the phlegm from lung and relieve coughing. 21321 Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang 補陽還五湯 【S】 DangGui , Astragalus & Lumbricas Combination Ingredients: Huang Qi Dang Gui Wei Chi Shao Di Long Chuan Xiong Tao Ren Hong Hua 黃耆 當歸尾 赤芍 地龍 川芎 桃仁 紅花 Astragali Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Stamen Paeoniae Rubra Rx. Lumbricus Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Persicae Sm. Carthami Fl. 20.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Actions: Tonifying vital energy, promoting blood circulation and dredging the meridian passage. Indications: For stroke sequela such as hemiplegia, facial deviation, aphasia, slobbering, lower limbs paralyses, incontinence of urine, etc. with white fur and slow pulse. Acu-Treatment: LI 15, LI 11, SJ 5, LI 4, GB 30 GB 34, St 36, St 41 and GB 60 are focus on tonification of the Qi and blood inYangming channel. In additional of the above points, Sj 4 and SI 3 with LI 15 are effective for upper limbs paralysis. UB 12, St 33 and Du 5 for the lower limb paralysis. St 4, St 5, St 1, UB 2, LI 20 GB 1 and LI 4 oftenly use for deviation 0f month and eyes.For speech obstacle - 13 - Ren 23 and H 5. LI 11 for spasms of elbow, P 7 for wrist, Ba-Xie(extra) for fingers. Liver 8 for knee, ankle and toes K 3 and Be Feng(extra). 21381 Bu Yin Tang 補陰湯 DangGui & Rehmannia Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Fu Ling Ren Shen Bai Shao Du Zhong Chen Pi Fai Niu Xi Bu Gu Zhi Xiao Hui Xiang Sheng Di Huang Shou Di Huang Zhi Mu Huang Bai Gan Cao 當歸 茯苓 人參 白芍 杜仲 陳皮 淮牛膝 補骨脂 小茴香 生地黃 熟地黃 知母 黃柏 甘草 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Ginseng Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Eucommiae Cx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. Psoraleae Fr. Foeniculi Fr. Rehmanniae Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Anemarrhenae Rz. Phellodendri Cx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Actions: Tonifies Yin, regulates blood and Qi circulation. Indications: Patients with kidney-Yin deficiency indicated by weak constitution, dry skin, low back pain when arising, slack abdominal and a weak pulse; lumbago, sciatica, deformed spondylitis, chronic nephritis. Acu-Treatment: Ub17,20,23, Ub28, St36, Ren3 tonifies yin and regulates blood and Qi circulation. 21319 Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang 補中益氣湯 【S】 Ginseng & Astragalus Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Bai Zhu 人參 白朮 Ginseng Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. - 14 - 4.00 2.00 Huang Qi Dang Gui Da Zao Chen Pi Chai Hu Zhi Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Sheng Ma 黃耆 當歸 大棗 陳皮 柴胡 炙甘草 生薑 升麻 Astragali Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Jujubae Fr. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Bupleuri Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Cimicifugae Rz. 6.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 Actions: Nourishes Qi, ascends Yang, supplements the spleen and stomach. Indications: Spleen and stomach deficiency indicated by body heat, sweating, headache, chillphobia, lack of appetite, lassitude of the limbs, and a weak puke; rectal prolapse, hemorrhoid bleeding, chronic gastritis, neurasthenia, and retroflexion of uterus. Pale tongue with white fur, empty and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: Tonification: Moxibustion also applicable .UB 20, UB 43, Ren 12 and Ren 6 for tonifying Qi of the middle Jiao. St 36 ascend the Qi in the middle Jiao and relieve diarrhea. Ren 4 strenthen the Yang. To relieve Qi depression and its collapse Du 20 May apply for ascend the Yang Qi. 21402 Cang Er Zi San Xanthium Formula 蒼耳散 Ingredients: Cang Er Zi Bo He Xin Yi Cong Bai Cha Ye Bai Zhi 蒼耳子 薄荷 辛夷 蔥白 細茶 白芷 Xanthii Fr. Menthae Hb. Magnoliae Fl. Allii Fislulosi Bulbus Camelliae Folium Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. 2.50 0.50 5.00 3.00 2.00 10.00 Actions: Disperses wind-cold, drains nasal discharge. Indications: Rhinorrhea, nasal suppuration, and chronic rhinitis. Acu-Treatment: See *Chuan Xion Cha Tiao San. Lung 7, LI 4, Li 20 and Lung 7, LI 4, Li 20 and Yintang(extra) treat stuffy nose, and congestion. - 15 - 20914 Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang 柴葛解肌湯 【S】 Bupleurum & Pueraria Combination Ingredients: Chai Hu Ge Gen Huang Qin Bai Shao Qiang Huo Bai Zhi Jie Geng Gan Cao Da Zao Shi Gao Sheng Jiang 柴胡 葛根 黃芩 白芍 羌活 白芷 桔梗 甘草 大棗 石膏 生薑 Bupleuri Rx. Puerariae Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Jujubae Fr. Gypsum Fibrosum Zingiberis Recens Rz. 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.00 Actions: Resolves the exterior, disperses internal heat. Indications: Common cold exhibiting fever, chillphobia, body pain, headache, limb pains, dry nose, insomnia, pain of the eyes, and thirst. Thin and yellowish fur on the tongue, floating and bounding pulse. Acu-Treatment: GB 20 and LI 4 to dispel extrior factors. Lung 11 and SJ 5 for heat in the interior. GB 43 to clear heat Of the muscle. 20909 Chai Hu Gui Jiang Tang 柴胡桂薑湯 Bupleurum Cinnamon & Ginger Combination Ingredients: Chai Hu Gui Zhi Huang Qin Mu Li Gan Jiang Tian Hua Fen Gan Cao 柴胡 桂枝 黃芩 牡蠣 乾薑 天花粉 甘草 Bupleuri Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus Scutellariae Rx. Ostreae Concha Zingiberis Rz. Trichosanthis Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 8.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 Actions: Relieves chest distention and recurrent mild fever, harmonizes the stomach and spleen. Indications: Common cold, tuberculosis, pleurisy, scrofula, hepatitis, neurasthenia, climacteric disorders, neurogenous - 16 - palpitations, insomnia, and night sweating. Acu-Treatemnt: See * Wu Ji San. Omit Du 14, LI 11, LI 4 and Sp 9. Add SJ 2 and P 6 for harmonizing the interior and warm the Yang. 20908 Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang 柴胡桂枝湯 Bupleurum & Cinnamon Combination Ingredients: Chai Hu Ban Xia Gui Zhi Huang Qin Ren Shen Bai Shao Sheng Jiang Da Zao Gan Cao 柴胡 半夏 桂枝 黃芩 人參 白芍 生薑 大棗 甘草 Bupleuri Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Cinnamomi Ramulus Scutellariae Rx. Ginseng Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 6.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 1.50 Actions: Harmonizes and resolves the Shao Yang; resolves the muscles and effuses the exterior. Indications: Treats Tai Yang and Shao Yang combination disease, with fever, slight aversion to cold, pain in the joints, mild retching, and oppressive distention below the heart. Acup Treatment: P6, Sp4, Li4, Du14, Ren12, St36, Gb34 harmonizes and resolves the Shao Yang, resolves the muscles and effuses the exterior. 20907 Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang 柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯 Bupleurum & D.B. Combination Ingredients: Da Zao Sheng Jiang Ren Shen Huang Qin Chai Hu Ban Xia Fu Ling Gui Zhi 大棗 生薑 人參 黃芩 柴胡 半夏 茯苓 桂枝 Jujubae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Ginseng Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Poria Cocos Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus - 17 - 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 Long Gu Mu Li Da Huang 龍骨 牡蠣 大黃 Dragonis Os Ostreae Concha Rhei Rz. et Rx. 2.00 2.00 2.50 Actions: Regulating Shao Yang, dispersing phlegm, tranquilizing, supporting healthy energy and eliminating evil. Indications: For cases attributive to invasion of heat to Shao Yang (liver and gallbladder), which manifest as feeling of oppression over the chest and hypochondrium, restlessness, delirium, frightening, insomnia, fatigue, red tongue with yellow fur, wiry and rapid pulse, i.e., the simultaneous occurrence of asthenia-and asthenia-syndrome, cold and heat-syndrome, as well as superficies-and interior-syndrome. Acu-Treatment: SJ 4 and P 6 regulate Qi Circulation, remove stagnations and lower the counterflow Qi of stomach. GB 40 sedate heat of Shaoyang and lead the fire downward. Liver 5 combined with GB 40 regulated To relieve heat and stagnationof liver and gall bladder. H 7 and St 25 by tranquilizing the mind may help relieve Shaoyang syndrome and harmonize the interior and exterior. 20910 Chai Hu Qing Gan Tang 柴胡清肝湯 Bupleurum & Rehmannia Combination Ingredients: Bo He Jie Geng Chai Hu Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Huang Qin Lian Qiao Shan Zhi Zi Sheng Di Huang Niu Bang Zi Tian Hua Fen Gan Cao Chi Shao Huang Lian Huang Bai 薄荷 桔梗 柴胡 當歸 川芎 黃芩 連翹 山梔子 生地黃 牛蒡子 天花粉 甘草 赤芍 黃連 黃柏 Menthae Hb. Platycodi Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Scutellariae Rx. Forsythiae Fr. Gardeniae Fr. Rehmanniae Rx. Arctii Fr. Trichosanthis Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Rx. Coptidis Rz. Phellodendri Cx. Actions: Disperses wind-heat, improves physical condition. Indications: Lymphadenitis, chronic tonsillitis, skin disease, and measles. - 18 - 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Acu Treatment: Li4, Sp10, L11, St36, Sj3,5, Gb20,41 disperses wind-heat, improves physical condition. 20911 Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang Bupleurum & Cyperus Combination 柴胡疏肝湯 Ingredients: Chen Pi Chai Hu Bai Shao Zhi Qiao Zhi Gan Cao Chuan Xiong Xiang Fu 陳皮 柴胡 白芍 枳殼 炙甘草 川芎 香附 Citri Reticulatae Pc. Bupleuri Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Aurantii Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Cyperi Rz. 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Dispersing the stagnated liver-energy, regulating vital energy, activating blood circulation and relieving pain. Indications: For cases due to stagnation of liver-energy and vital energy manifested as fullness of breast, hypochondrium pain, or dysmenorrhea, or stomachache, and for cases due to stagnation of liver and gallbladder heat manifested as alternating episodes of chills and fever. Acu-Treatment: SJ4 regulates Qi flow of Shaoyang and ascends Yang Qi to increase its circulation. P 6 and Sp 4 to remove the stagnation and relieve chest congestion. Liver 2 promote Qi of liver. St 36 and Sp 6 tonify Qi. strenthen the spleen, nourish Yin and blood. Liver 14, UB 18, GB 43, Ren 16 to regulate Qi of liver and relieve pain. 20912 Chai Ling Tang 柴苓湯 Bupleurum & Hoelen Combination Ingredients: Chai Hu Fu Ling Ban Xia Huang Qin Sheng Jiang Da Zao Gan Cao Ren Shen Bai Zhu 柴胡 茯苓 半夏 黃芩 生薑 大棗 甘草 人參 白朮 Bupleuri Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Scutellariae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Ginseng Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. - 19 - 7.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Ze Xie Zhu Ling Gui Zhi 澤瀉 豬苓 桂枝 Alismatis Rz. Polyporus Cinnamomi Ramulus 5.00 3.00 2.00 Actions: Relieves chest distention, expels water retention, strengthens liver functions. Indications: Liver and gallbladder disorders, gastroenteritis, nephritis, edema, dysuria; this formula is a combination of Wu Ling San (Hoelen Five Formula) and Xiao Chai Hu Tang. Thin and whitish fur, wiry pulse. Acu-Treatment: See “ Xiao Xhai Hu Tang” and “ Wu Ling San”. 20913 Chai Xian Tang 柴陷湯 Bupleurum & Scute Combination Ingredients: Chai Hu Ban Xia Huang Qin Sheng Jiang Da Zao Gua Lou Ren Gan Cao Huang Lian Ren Shen 柴胡 半夏 黃芩 生薑 大棗 栝樓仁 甘草 黃連 人參 Bupleuri Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Scutellariae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Trichosanthis Sm. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Coptidis Rz. Ginseng Rx. 4.00 6.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 Actions: Disperses heat, resolves phlegm, comforts the chest, relieves accumulation. Indications: Acute or chronic cholecystitis and infectious hepatitis accompanied by alternating chills and fever, chest fullness, pressing pain in the chest, and rapid respiration, pleurisy. Acu-Treatment: L7, K6, St40,36 disperses heat, resolves phlegm,comforts the chest, relieves accumulation 20321 Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San Cnidium & Tea Formula 川芎茶調散 【S】 Ingredients: Chuan Xiong Jing Jie 川芎 荊芥 Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Schizonepetae Hb. - 20 - 4.00 4.00 Qiang Huo Fang Feng Bo He Gan Cao Xi Xin Bai Zhi 羌活 防風 薄荷 甘草 細辛 白芷 Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Menthae Hb. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Asari Hb. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. 2.00 1.50 8.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 Actions: Expelling wind evil and relieving pain. Indications: Affection of exogenous wind evil, manifested as lingering headache which is bilateral or unilateral, or vertical, chilliness, fever, dizziness, nasal congestion. Thin and white fur on the tongue and floating pulse. (Note) This formula should take with tea. Acu-Treatment: GB 20, aka wind pond, to dispel the wind and relieve the extrior symptoms. With SJ 5 are often effective for relieve headache. UB 12 and LI 4 enhance the treatment. Taiyang ( extra) also suggested. 20309 Da Chai Hu Tang Major Bupleurum Combination 大柴胡湯 Ingredients: Chai Hu Ban Xia Huang Qin Bai Shao Da Zao Zhi Shi Da Huang Sheng Jiang 柴胡 半夏 黃芩 白芍 大棗 枳實 大黃 生薑 Bupleuri Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Scutellariae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Jujubae Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 6.00 3.80 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.00 1.50 3.80 Actions: Harmonizes lesser yang, purges internal heat. Indications: Habitual constipation, gallstones, jaundice, cholecystitis, hypertension, asthma, and liver disorder, yellow fur on the tongue, wiry and strong pulse. Acu-Treatment: GB 34 sedate the stagnations of the liver and gall bladder, Clear heat, and nourish Yin. Du 9 smoothes the Qi flow in chest and diaphragm. GB 40 Clear the heat of the liver and gall bladder. UB 25 and St 37 Smooth Qi flow and relieve abdominal distention. - 21 - 20322 Da Chai Hu Tang Qu Da Huang 大柴胡湯去大黃 Major Bupleurum Combination without Rhubarb Ingredients: Chai Hu Zhi Ban Xia Huang Qin Bai Shao Da Zao Zhi Shi Sheng Jiang 柴胡 半夏 黃芩 白芍 大棗 枳實 生薑 Bupleuri Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Scutellariae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Jujubae Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 8.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 Actions: Clear the internal heat, moderate Shao Yang, Usually the persons have symptoms of Da Chai Hu Tang but do not have severe constipation. Indications: Deficiency of gallbladder, acute hepatitis and gastrointestinal disturbances. Acu-Treatment: See “Da Chai Hu Tang”. 20306 Da Cheng Qi Tang Major Rhubarb Combination 大承氣湯 【S】 Ingredients: Hou Pu Zhi Shi Da Huang Mang Xiao 厚朴 枳實 大黃 芒硝 Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Mirabilitum Depuratum 16.00 3.00 8.00 6.00 Actions: Purges heat accumulated in the lower torso. Indications: Febrile diseases, hypertension, beriberi, mania, food poisoning, habitual constipation, and dysentery, yellowish tongue with rough and prickly black fur, sunken and solid pulse. Acu-Treatment: LI 4 and LI 11 to sedate heat in Yangming Channel. St 37 with St 25 to expel stool constipated. Lung 7 to regulate Qi flow of the large intestine. K 6 nourish body fluid and help clear the heat. - 22 - Extra point of Shi-Xuan to be used to clear heat and sedate fire. 20311 Da Huang Mu Dan Pi Tang Rhubarb & Moutan Combination 大黃牡丹皮湯 Ingredients: Da Huang Mu Dan Pi Tao Ren Mang Xiao Dong Gua Zi 大黃 牡丹皮 桃仁 芒硝 冬瓜子 Rhei Rz. et Rx. Moutan Radicis Cx. Persicae Sm. Mirabilitum Depuratum Benincasae Sm. 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Purges heat, eliminates stagnant blood, relieves accumulation and swelling. Indications: Periproctitis, colitis, proctitis, hemorrhoids, perim, appendicitis, and eczema, usually have normal tongue, smooth and rapid pulse etritis, testitis, peritonitis, pyelitis, cystitis. Acu-Treatment: St 37 with St 25 to regulate Qi and blood circulation of the large intestine. Point Lanwei (extra) to relieve abscess and pain of intestine.LI 11 and St 44 to clear interior heat from Yangming. St 8 to relieve abdominal pain. 20308 Da Jian Zhong Tang Major Zanthoxylum Combination 大建中湯 Ingredients: Chuan Hua Jiao Gan Jiang Ren Shen Jiao Yi 川花椒 乾薑 人參 膠飴 Zanthoxyli Pc. Zingiberis Rz. Ginseng Rx. Saccharum Granorum 6.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 Actions: Nourishes yang in the middle burner, dispels cold, descends flushing-up. Indications: Intestinal constriction, peritonitis, abdominal pain due to round worms, intestinal colic, acute appendicitis, and gastrectasis. Acu-Tratment: Moxibustion also may apply. UB 20, UB 21 Sp 6 and St 36 warm the millde Jiao and tonify spleen. Du 4 promote the fire of Ming-Men to help expel cold. Ren 12 with St 36 to regulatethe tomach and relieve stagnation and pain. P - 23 - 6 to relieve chest and abdominal pains and soothing the stomach counterflow Qi to relieve nausea and vomiting. 20310 Da Qin Jiao Tang 大秦艽湯 Major Gentiana Macroph Combination Ingredients: Qin Jiao Shi Gao Dang Gui Bai Shao Chuan Xiong Sheng Di Huang Shou Di Huang Bai Zhu Fu Ling Gan Cao Huang Qin Fang Feng Qiang Huo Du Huo Bai Zhi Xi Xin 秦艽 石膏 當歸 白芍 川芎 生地黃 熟地黃 白朮 茯苓 甘草 黃芩 防風 羌活 獨活 白芷 細辛 Gentianae Macrophyllae Rx. Gypsum Fibrosum Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Rehmanniae Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Atractylodis( Macr) Alba Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Asari Hb. 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Actions: Expels wind, dredging the meridians, strengthens and regulates Ying-Wei. Indications: Deviation of eyes and mouth, tingling of skin, dysphasia, hemiplegia, rheumatic arthritis, wandering arthralgia, chills, fever, cerebral accidents, facial paralysis, multiple neuritis, red tongue with thin and yellowish fur, wiry and floating pulse. Acu-Treatment: GB 20and Du 14 to dispel the wind and clear heat. LI 4 and Sp 6 activate Qi and blood circulation. UB 40 cool the blood. Clear heat and wind. GB 34 and Ren 6 nourish blood, soften the muscle And the tendon . UB 20 and St 36 tonigy the spleen and promote Qi. 20307 Da Qing Long Tang Major Blue Dragon Combination 大青龍湯 Ingredients: Ma Huang Xing Ren Gui Zhi Sheng Jiang 麻黃 杏仁 桂枝 生薑 Ephedrae Hb. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Cinnamomi Ramulus Zingiberis Recens Rz. - 24 - 6.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 Da Zao Gan Cao Shi Gao 大棗 甘草 石膏 Jujubae Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Gypsum Fibrosum 3.00 2.00 5.00 Actions: Induces sweating, resolves the exterior, disperses heat. Indications: Common cold manifesting chillphobia, fever, muscle pain, anhidrosis, thirst, and fidgeting; acute bronchitis, ascites, acute edema, acute arthritis, and conjunctivitis, thin and whitish or yellowish fur on the tongue, floating and tense, rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: See *Ma Huang Tang. Add Du 14 to activate Yang and induce sweating. LI 11 and SJ 5 to clear heat and relieve irritability, and St 36 and Sp 6 to nourish Qi and blood. 20501 Dai Zhe Xuan Fu Tang Inula & Hematite Combination 代赭旋覆湯 Ingredients: Xuan Fu Hua Ban Xia Da Zao Ren Shen Gan Cao Dai Zhe Shi Sheng Jiang 旋覆花 半夏 大棗 人參 甘草 代赭石 生薑 Inulae Fl. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Jujubae Fr. Ginseng Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Haematitum Zingiberis Recens Rz. 3.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 5.00 Actions: Descends flushing-up, disperses phlegm, nourishes Qi, harmonizes the stomach. Indications: Gastritis, gastrectasis, gastroptosis, gastric ulcer, sour stomach, initial stage of gastric cancer, gastric distention, and vomiting. whitish and smooth fur on the tongue, wiry and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: St 40 to dissolve phlegm. Ren 17 Reverse the uprising Qi of lung. P 6 harmonizes the middle Jiao. UB 21 and St 36 tonify the stomach and regulate its Qi. By moxibustiion on Ren 12 to disperse cold and relieve pain. 21309 Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang DangGui Six Yellow Combination - 25 - 當歸六黃湯 【S】 Ingredients: Dang Gui Sheng Di Huang Shou Di Huang Huang Bai Huang Qin Huang Lian Huang Qi 當歸 生地黃 熟地黃 黃柏 黃芩 黃連 黃耆 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Phellodendri Cx. Scutellariae Rx. Coptidis Rz. Astragali Rx. 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 7.00 Actions: Nourishes Yin, clears fire, strengthens superficial resistance, stops sweats. Indications: Night sweat due to Yin deficiency of liver Yin and kidney Yin, leukorrhagia, with yellow, thick and foul discharge, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis leukemia, cervicitis, fire-hyperactivity, hectic fever, small and rapid pulse, yellowish or reddish urine, red tongue, flushed cheeks, dry mouth , constipation. Acu-Treatment: UB 23, K3 and Liver 2 tonify Yin and clear fire. UB 20 and Sp 6 tonify Yin and blodd. UB 13 and St 36 Strenthen Qi to relieve night sweating. Du 14 and LI 4 sedate the fire. 21314 Dang Gui Long Hui Wan 當歸龍薈丸 【S】 DangGui , Gentiana & Aloe Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Long Dan Cao Lu Hui Shan Zhi Zi Huang Lian Huang Qin Huang Bai Da Huang Mu Xiang Qing Dai She Xiang 當歸 龍膽草 蘆薈 山梔子 黃連 黃芩 黃柏 大黃 木香 青黛 麝香 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Gentianae Rx. Aloe Gardeniae Fr. Coptidis Rz. Scutellariae Rx. Phellodendri Cx. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Pogostemonis Hb. Indigo Naturalis Musks 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 0.75 1.50 0.15 Actions: Drains liver fires and frees the stool. Indications: Treats liver-gallbladder repletion fire manifesting in dizziness, fright palpitations, chronic spasm, mania, constipation, dark-colored urine, and high blood pressure. Intestinal constriction, peritonitis, abdominal pain due to round worms, intestinal colic, acute appendicitis, and gastrectasis. - 26 - Acu-Treatment: Comply to *Long Dan Xie Gan Tang. Add St 25 and St 37. Extra Shi-Xuan may apply. 21312 Dang Gui Nian Tong Tang 當歸拈痛湯 DangGui & Anemarrhena Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Qiang Huo Gan Cao Huang Qin Yin Chen Hao Ren Shen Ku Shen Gen Sheng Ma Ge Gen Cang Zhu Bai Zhu Ze Xie Zhu Ling Fang Feng Zhi Mu 當歸 羌活 甘草 黃芩 茵陳蒿 人參 苦參根 升麻 葛根 蒼朮 白朮 澤瀉 豬苓 防風 知母 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Artemisiae Scopariae Hb. Ginseng Rx. Sophorae Flavescentis Rx. Cimicifugae Rz. Puerariae Rx. Atractylodis Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Alismatis Rz. Polyporus Ledebouriellae Rx. Anemarrhenae Rz. 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Actions: Induces sweating, promotes urination, relieves inflammation, stops pain. Indications: Arthralgia with swelling, generalized swelling and pain, acute rheumatism, beriberi, and scabies. Yellow and greasy fur on tongue, soft and floating, slow or smooth and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: Sp 6, 9, Li 11, St 36, K 3, 7 induces sweating, promotes urination Li 11, Sp 10, Gb 39 relieves inflammation, stops pain. 20809 Dang Gui San DangGui Formula 當歸散 Ingredients: Dang Gui Huang Qin Bai Shao Chuan Xiong Bai Zhu 當歸 黃芩 白芍 川芎 白朮 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. - 27 - 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 Actions: Dispels heat, stabilizes the fetus, nourishes the blood. Indications: Habitual abortion, unsecured fetus, and postpartum problems. Acup Treatment: 21311 Dang Gui Shao Yao San DangGui & Peony Formula 當歸芍藥散 Ingredients: Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Bai Shao Fu Ling Bai Zhu Ze Xie 當歸 川芎 白芍 茯苓 白朮 澤瀉 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Alismatis Rz. 2.00 2.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 Actions: Nourishes deficiency-cold conformation with water retention, regulates menstruation. Indications: Edema during pregnancy, nephritis, habitual abortion, hemorrhoids, postpartum weakness, and menstrual problems. Light red tongue with white and greasy fur; soft-floating, small and slow pulse. Acu-Treatment: N/A SP 6,9,10, Ren4, Du 20 nourishes deficiency-cold, regulates menstruation, enriching blood. Liv 3 regulating the liver, St 36, Sp 6,9 strengthen the spleen, eliminating dampness 21310 Dang Gui Si Ni Tang DangGui & Jujube Combination 當歸四逆湯 Ingredients: Dang Gui Gui Zhi Bai Shao Xi Xin Gan Cao Mu Tong Da Zao 當歸 桂枝 白芍 細辛 甘草 木通 大棗 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus Paeoniae Alba Rx. Asari Hb. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Clematidis Armandii Caulis Jujubae Fr. Actions: Warms the channels, disperses cold, nourishes the blood, invigorates pulses. Indications: - 28 - 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 Anemia, lumbago, spasm, pain of the limbs, chill disease, frostbite, hernia, sciatica, abdominal pains, beriberi, nephritis, and intestinal colic. Pale tongue with whitish fur, indistinct pulse. Acu-Treatment: Moxibustion may apply for tonication. Ren 4 should be needled and moxaed to warm the blood and activate its circulattion since Ren 4 Is the intersection point for Liver, Spleen, Kidney and Ren channel. Liver 3 also warm the Channels and dispel vold from Jueyin. Ren 12 and St 36 warm the middle Jiao, promote Yang Qi and dispel cold. 21313 Dang Gui Yin Zi 當歸飲子 DangGui & Tribuli Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Bai Shao Chuan Xiong Sheng Di Huang Ji Li Fang Feng Jing Jie He Shou Wu Huang Qi Gan Cao Sheng Jiang 當歸 白芍 川芎 生地黃 白蒺藜 防風 荊芥 何首烏 黃耆 甘草 生薑 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Rehmanniae Rx. Tribuli Fr. Ledebouriellae Rx. Schizonepetae Hb. Polygoni Multiflori Rx. Astragali Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 4.50 Actions: Quickens the blood and transforms stasis expels wind and clears heat. Indications: Treats chronic itchy eczema in yin vacuity patients with scant secretions. Acu-Trwatment: Sp 6, 10, Ren 6, St 36 quickens the blood and transforms stasis Li 11, Ub 40, Gb 41 expels wind and clears heat 21602 Dao Chi San Rehmannia & Akebia Formula 導赤散 【S】 Ingredients: Sheng Di Huang Mu Tong Gan Cao Dan Zhu Ye 生地黃 木通 甘草 淡竹葉 Rehmanniae Rx. Clematidis Armandi Caulis Glycyrrhizae Rx. Lophatheri Hb. - 29 - 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Actions: Clears heat, delivers water.Indications: Acute cystitis, acute urethritis, difficult urination, oral ulcer, and aphthous stomatitis. Red tongue, rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: P 9, H 9, and SJ 5 clear heart fire. Li 4 clear and detoxify heat and toxin. UB 28 with Ren 3 to regulate Urination and dispel heat . Sp 9 helps regulate water flows and urination. Liver 2 sedate liver and Relieve pain. K 3 tonify Yin and cool the water. SJ 5 and LI 4 rduce the excessive heat. 21601 Dao Shui Fu Ling Tang 導水茯苓湯 【S】 Hoelen Atrac. & Areca Combination Ingredients: Chi Fu Ling Ze Xie Bai Zhu Mai Men Dong Sang Bai Pi Zi Su Ye Da Fu Pi Sha Ren Mu Xiang Deng Xin Cao Bing Lang Mu Gua Chen Pi 赤茯苓 澤瀉 白朮 麥門冬 桑白皮 紫蘇葉 大腹皮 砂仁 木香 燈心草 檳榔 木瓜 陳皮 Poria Cocos Rubra Alismatis Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Ophiopogonis Rx. Mori Radicis Cx. Perillae Fm. Arecae Pc. Amomi Fr. Pogostemonis Hb. Junci Medulla Arecae Sm. Chaenomelis Fr. Citri Reticulatae Pc. 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 1.60 1.60 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.00 1.60 1.60 1.20 Actions: Delivers water relieves edema. Indications: Chronic nephritis, edema with gasping, ascites, and difficult urination. Whitish and thick fur on the tongue, slow pulse. Accu-Treatment: K 2, 4 Sp 3, Li 4 ,P 5 delivers water and relieves edema. 20812 Di Dang Tang Rhubarb & Leech Combination 抵當湯 【S】 Ingredients: Tao Ren 桃仁 Persicae Sm. - 30 - 2.00 Da Huang Shui Zhi Meng Chong 大黃 水蛭 虻蟲 Rhei Rz. et Rx. Hirudo Tabanus 10.00 10.00 1.00 Actions: Expels stagnant blood. Indications: Amenorrhea, menstrual irregularity, uterine myoma, and amnesia due to anemia. Acu-Treatment: Ub 7,18, Liv 1, K6 expels stagnant blood 20802 Ding Chuan Tang Mahuang & Ginkgo Combination 定喘湯 【S】 Ingredients: Bai Guo Ren Ma Huang Ban Xia Su Zi Xing Ren Kuan Dong Hua Sang Bai Pi Huang Qin Gan Cao 白果仁 麻黃 半夏 蘇子 杏仁 款冬花 桑白皮 黃芩 甘草 Ginkgo Sm. Ephedrae Hb. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Perillae Fr. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Farfarae Fl. Mori Radicis Cx. Scutellariae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 6.00 4.00 4.00 2.50 2.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 1.50 Actions: Descends lung Qi, relieves asthma, disperses phlegm. Indications: Bronchitis, asthma, bronchial asthma, common cold, and cough. Yellowish and greasy fur on the tongue, slippery and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 13, UB 12 Lung 5 and Lung 7 open lung to relieve coughing and wheezing.Ren 17 regulate Qi flow In chest and reverses the countflow lung Qi. St 40 dissolves phlegm. Lung 11 to reduce lung heat. 20814 Ding Zhi Wan Ginseng & Polygala Formula 定志丸 Ingredients: Shi Chang Pu Yuan Zhi Fu Shen 石菖蒲 遠志 茯神 Acori Graminei Rz. Polygalae Rx. Poria Pararadicis - 31 - 5.00 5.00 7.50 Ren Shen 人參 Ginseng Rx. 7.50 Actions: Nourishing heart, boost Qi, calming mental. Indications: Palpitation, insomnia, dreamfulness, timidness, short breathe, anorexia, pale tongue whitish fur. Small and smooth pulse. Acu-Treaatment: N/A 21603 Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Tuhuo & Loranthus Combination 獨活寄生湯 【S】 Ingredients: Du Huo Qin Jiao Xi Xin Dang Gui Fang Feng Ji Sheng Bai Shao Chuan Xiong Shou Di Huang Fai Niu Xi Du Zhong Fu Ling Ren Shen Gan Cao Gui Xin 獨活 秦艽 細辛 當歸 防風 寄生 白芍 川芎 熟地黃 淮牛膝 杜仲 茯苓 人參 甘草 桂心 Angelicae Pubescentis Rx. Gentianae Macrophyllae Rx. Asari Hb. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Taxilli Ramulus Paeoniae Alba Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. Eucommiae Cx. Poria Cocos Rx. Ginseng Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Cinnamomi Cx. Scraps 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Dispels wind-dampness, stops pain, nourishes the liver and kidneys, tonifies the blood and Qi. Indications: Chronic arthritis, back and waist pain during pregnancy, sciatica due to degenerative joint disorder. Pale tongue with whitish fur, small and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: Du 4( Wind gate) GB 20 to expel wind and extrior factors. UB 18, UB 23, UB 52 and K 3 nourish the liver and kidney Yin. St 36 and Sp 9 tonify Qi. strenthen spleen , nourish blood, and activate its circulation. Du 3 warm Yang to expel cold and dampness. UB 40 relieve lower back pain with GB 34 to relieve stiffness and cramps of muscle.Local points may apply to activate Qi and blood circulation for soothing pains, - 32 - 21323 Dun Sou Tang 頓嗽湯 Morus & Platycodon Combination Ingredients: Chai Hu Jie Geng Huang Qin Shan Zhi Zi Gan Cao Sang Bai Pi Shi Gao 柴胡 桔梗 黃芩 山梔子 甘草 桑白皮 石膏 Bupleuri Rx. Platycodi Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Gardeniae Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Mori Radicis Cx. Gypsum Fibrosum 5.00 2.50 2.50 1.00 1.00 2.50 5.00 Actions: Disperses lung heat. Indications: Hacking cough, whooping cough, and bronchial cough with less sputum. Accu-Treatment: Du 14, L 8, 5 disperses lung heat 20204 Er Chen Tang Citrus & Pinellia Combination 二陳湯 Ingredients: Chen Pi Ban Xia Fu Ling Gan Cao Sheng Jiang 陳皮 半夏 茯苓 甘草 生薑 Citri Reticulatae Pc. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Poria Cocos Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 Actions: Dries dampness, disperses phlegm, regulates Qi, harmonizes the spleen and stomach. Indications: Retention of dampness-phlegm manifesting cough with profuse whitish sputum, chest distention, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and cardiac palpitations; gastroptosis and bronchial spasm. Whitish and moist fur on the tongue, slippery pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 20 and UB 13 to reduce and eliminate of phlegm. Lung 9 to regulate lung Qi dispel the phlegm and dampness. St 40 and LI 4 strnthen the stomach Qi, harmonize the middle Jiao, also help to dispel phlegm - 33 - and dampnesss. 20801 Er Ke Xing Su San 杏蘇散 Apricot Semen & Perilla Formula (Pedia) Ingredients: Xing Ren Zi Su Ye Qian Hu Jie Geng Zhi Qiao Sang Bai Pi Gan Cao Huang Qin Mai Men Dong Bei Mu Xi Ju Hong Sheng Jiang 杏仁 紫蘇葉 前胡 桔梗 枳殼 桑白皮 甘草 黃芩 麥門冬 西貝母 橘紅 生薑 Armeniacae Amarum Semen Perillae Folium Peucedani Rx. Platycodi Rx. Aurantii Fr. Mori Radicis Cx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Ophiopogonis Rx. Fritillariae Bulbus Citri Exocarpium Rubrum Zingiberis Recens Rz. 0.333 0.333 0.333 0.333 0.333 0.333 0.217 0.333 0.333 0.333 0.117 0.117 Actions: Clears the lungs, resolves phlegm. Indications: Common cold exhibiting mild headache, chillphobia, anhidrosis, coughing with thin sputum, and stuffy nose; influenza, bronchitis, and cough. Acu-Treatment: L 7,8,5, St 36,41, Ub 60 clears the lungs dampness Ub 13, Ren 17 resolves phlegm. 20220 Er Xian Tang 二仙湯 Curculigo & Epimedium Combination Ingredients: Tian Xian Mao Ba Ji Tian Yin Yang Huo Zhi Mu Huang Bai Dang Gui 天仙茅 巴戟天 淫羊藿 知母 黃柏 當歸 Curculiginis Rz. Morindae Officinalis Rx. Epimedii Hb. Anemarrhenae Rz. Phellodendri Cx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Actions: Warming Kidney, Tonify Yin, Purify liver, Expel heat.. Indications: Headache, dizziness and heart pultitation cause by hypertension. P.M.S. hot flush. - 34 - 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.00 3.00 4.50 Acu-Treatment: N/A 20203 Er Zhu Tang 二朮湯 Atractylodes & Arisaema Combination Ingredients: Bai Zhu Fu Ling Chen Pi Xiang Fu Tian Nan Xing Huang Qin Wei Ling Xian Qiang Huo Ban Xia Cang Zhu Gan Cao Sheng Jiang 白朮 茯苓 陳皮 香附 天南星 黃芩 威靈仙 羌活 半夏 蒼朮 甘草 生薑 Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Cyperi Rz. Arisaematis Rz. Scutellariae Rx. Clematidis Rx.( No AA) Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Atractylodis Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 4.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 Actions: Disperses congestion in the upper burner, resolves phlegm, stops pain. Indications: Shoulder bursitis and forearm neuralgia. Acu-Treatment: Si 10,14,15,9, Sj 5, Li 15, St38 disperses congestion, resolves phlegm, stops pain. 20712 Fang Feng Tong Sheng San 防風通聖散 Ledebourialla & Platycodon Formula Ingredients: Fang Feng Jing Jie Lian Qiao Ma Huang Bo He Chuan Xiong Dang Gui Bai Shao Bai Zhu Shan Zhi Zi 防風 荊芥 連翹 麻黃 薄荷 川芎 當歸 白芍 白朮 山梔子 Ledebouriellae Rx. Schizonepetae Hb. Forsythiae Fr. Ephedrae Hb. Menthae Hb. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Atractylodis Alba Rz. Gardeniae Fr. - 35 - 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Da Huang Mang Xiao Huang Qin Shi Gao Jie Geng Gan Cao Hua Shi Sheng Jiang 大黃 芒硝 黃芩 石膏 桔梗 甘草 滑石 生薑 Rhei Rz. et Rx. Mirabilitum Depuratum Scutellariae Rx. Gypsum Fibrosum Platycodi Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Talcum Zingiberis Recens Rz. 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.50 Actions: Expelling wind from the body surface, clearing away heats and promote bowel movement. Indications: For asthenia-syndrome of both the superficies and interior after the attack of exogenous wind-heat and retention of heat in the interior. Obesity, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cardiac asthma, hemorrhoids, alcoholism, chronic nephritis, habitual constipation, and scabies. Red tongue with white or yellow fur, floating and slippery rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 12 and SI 7 disperse the wind and relieve the exterior. LI 11, Li 4 and St 44 clear the Yangming heat. UB 25, St 37 and St 25 regulate the intestines and bowel movement. 20711 Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang 防己黃耆湯 Stephania & Astragalus Combination Ingredients: Han Fang Ji 防己 Huang Qi Bai Zhu Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Da Zao 黃耆 白朮 甘草 生薑 大棗 Stephaniae Tetrandrae Rx.( No AA) Astragali Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 4.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Nourishes Qi, dispels wind, strengthens the spleen, delivers water. Indications: Ephidrosis, obesity, rheumatism, arthritis, muscle pain, and edema in the legs and joints. Reddish tongue with whitish fur, floating pulse Acu-Treatment: Since Wei Qi Deficiency, GB 20 and LI4 to help Wei Qi expel extrior wind factor. St 36 harmonize the middle Jiao and strenthen Wei Qi. Sp 9 strenthen spleen to dispel dampness and promote diuresis. - 36 - 20409 Fen Xiao Tang Hoelen & Alisma Combination 分消湯 Ingredients: Cang Zhu Fu Ling Bai Zhu Chen Pi Hou Pu Xiang Fu Zhu Ling Ze Xie Zhi Shi Mu Xiang Da Fu Pi Sha Ren Sheng Jiang Deng Xin Cao 蒼朮 茯苓 白朮 陳皮 厚朴 香附 豬苓 澤瀉 枳實 木香 大腹皮 砂仁 生薑 燈心草 Atractylodis Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Cyperi Rz. Polyporus Alismatis Rz. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Pogostemonis Hb. Arecae Pc. Amomi Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Junci Medulla 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 Actions: Promotes urination, dispels water, abdominal distention, Tonify spleen. Indications: Peritonitis, nephritis, edema, initial stage of ascites, and cirrhosis. Acu-Treatment: UB 28 and Ren 3 regulate Qi in bladder. Sp 9, Liver 13 and Sp 4 for strenthening Spleen regulate water and dispel dampness. Ren 12, St 36 and Sp 6 tonify the splenn and Stomach and relieve abdominal Fullness and distention. 21082 Fu Ling Yin Hoelen Combination 茯苓飲 Ingredients: Fu Ling Zhi Shi Cang Zhu Ren Shen Chen Pi Sheng Jiang 茯苓 枳實 蒼朮 人參 陳皮 生薑 Poria Cocos Rx. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Atractylodis Rz. Ginseng Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Actions: Strengthens the stomach, disperses phlegm. - 37 - 5.00 1.50 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Indications: Retention of phlegm in the stomach, gastroptosis, gastritis, gastroxia, and gastrectasis. Acu-Treatment: N/A 21024 Fu Tu Dan Hoelen & Cuscuta Formula 茯菟丹 Ingredients: Tu Si Zi Wu Wei Zi Fu Ling Shan Yao Shi Lian Zi 菟絲子 五味子 茯苓 山藥 石蓮子 Cuscutae Sm. Schisandrae Fr. Poria Cocos Rx. Dioscoreae Rz. Nelumbinis Semen 10.00 8.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 Actions: Strengthening the spleen, supporting the kidney and relieving nocturnal emission. Indications: For cases of nocturnal emission, enuresis, leukorrhagia with thin discharge, or prolonged lienteric diarrhea, accompanied with lumbago, fatigue. Pale tongue with whitish fur, slow and weak pulse which are attributive to weakness of kidney-energy and failure of preserving essence by the spleen. Acu-Treatment: Sp 6,9 strengthening the spleen, k 2,6, Ren 3, Ub 23 supporting the kidney. 21301 Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang DangGui & Persica Combination 復元活血湯 Ingredients: Chai Hu Dang Gui Hong Hua Tao Ren Da Huang Tian Hua Fen Chuan Shan Jia Gan Cao 柴胡 當歸 紅花 桃仁 大黃 天花粉 穿山甲 甘草 Bupleuri Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Carthami Fl. Persicae Sm. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Trichosanthis Rx. Manitis Squama Glycyrrhizae Rx. 5.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Invigorates the blood, eliminates blood stagnation, relieves the liver, promotes the channels. Indications: - 38 - Pain due to external injuries and contusion, blood stagnation in the abdomen, and severe pain. Acu-Treatment: UB 17 and Sp 10 ato activate circulation of blood and its stagnation. Liver 14 regulates live Qi to help blood circulation. GB 34 relieve pains of the hypochondriac region. 20811 Fu Zi Li Zhong Tang 附子理中湯 【S】 Aconite, Ginseng, & Ginger Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Pao Fu Zi Pao Gan Jiang Zhi Can Cao Bai Zhu 人參 炮附子 炮乾薑 炙甘草 白朮 Ginseng Radix Aconiti Rx. Lateralis Prep. Zingiberis Rz. Prep. Glycyrrhizae Radix Prep. Atractylodis( Macro) Alba Rz. 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Actions: Nourishes the Qi and spleen, dispels chills, improves metabolic functions, warms middle Jiao. Indications: This formula is modified from Ren Shen Tang by adding Fu Zhi (prepared Aconite) to treat the weak confirmation for gastric distention, toxemia during pregnancy, vomiting, indigestion, chronic or reoccurring oral ulcer. Pale, whitish tongue, submerged thin pulse. Acu-Treatment: Comply to *Li Zhong Tang. Add moxibustion on Ren 6 and Du 4 enhance the interior warming through kidney. 20580 Gan Cao Fu Zi Tang Licorice & Aconite Combination 甘草附子湯 Ingredients: Bai Zhu Gan Cao Gui Pi Pao Fu Zi 白朮 甘草 桂皮 炮附子 Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Cinnamomi Cx. Aconiti Rx. Prep. 4.00 2.00 3.50 1.00 Actions: Dispels wind-cold-dampness, alleviates pain. Indications: Rheumatoid arthritis with aversion to wind and decreased volume of urine; neuralgia, arthritis, periostitis, joint pain due to influenza, lumbago, tenalgia. Acu-Treatment: - 39 - Li 11,4, St 36, Sp 4,6,9,10, Gb 39, 34, K3,7, Liv 2 dispels wind-cold-dampness, alleviates pain. 20581 Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang Pinellia and Licorice Combination 甘草瀉心湯 Ingredients: Can Cao Ban Xia Ren Shen Huang Qin Gan Jiang Da Zao Huang Lian 甘草 半夏 人參 黃芩 乾薑 大棗 黃連 Glycyrrhizae Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Ginseng Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Zingiberis Rz. Jujubae Fr. Coptidis Rz. 3.50 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.00 Actions: Distention beneath the heart, diarrhea, nausea, mental instability and stress. Indications: This formula is modified by increase Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Rx.) Therefore to treat the symptoms as Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang (Pinellia Comb.) with special emphasis on mental instability, hysteria, nervous stress, insomnia, severe stomach Qi deficiency. Thin yellowish fur, wiry rapid pulse. Acu-treatment: Comply to *Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang. Add moxibustion to Ren 6. 20519 Gan Mai Da Zao Tang Licorice & Jujube Combination 甘麥大棗湯 Ingredients: Gan Cao Da Zao Fu Xiao Mai 甘草 大棗 小麥 Glycyrrhizae Rx. Jujubae Fr. Tritici Sm. 6.00 6.00 12.00 Actions: Nourishes the heart, tranquilizes the Shen, mitigates the stomach.Tonify the spleen. Indications: Hysteria, emotional disturbances, neurosis, neurasthenia, epilepsy, infantile night crying, and gastrointestinal spasm. Red tongue without fur, small and rapid pulse. - 40 - Acu-Treatment: St 36, Sp 6 and H 7 can tonifying the Yin and moistenthe dryness to calm Shen. Du 26 sedatively tranquilize the mind. Liver 3 regulate liver Qi and removes stagnation. 20520 Gan Ru Xiao Du Dan Forsythia & Cornus Formula 甘露消毒丹 【S】 Ingredients: Hua Shi Yin Chen Hao Huang Qin Shi Chang Pu Chuan Bei Mu Mu Tong Huo Xiang She Gan Lian Qiao Bo He Bai Dou Kou 滑石 茵陳蒿 黃芩 石菖蒲 川貝母 木通 藿香 射干 連翹 薄荷 白豆蔻 Talcum Artemisiae Scopariae Hb. Scutellariae Rx. Acori Graminei Rz. Fritillariae Blb. Clematidis Armandii Caulis Agastachis Hb. Belamcandae Rz. Forsythiae Fr. Menthae Hb. Amomi Rotundus Fr. 6.00 4.40 4.00 2.40 2.00 2.00 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 Actions: Clearing away dampness-heat evil and turbid evil. Indications: For dampness-heat syndrome and epidemic diseases attributive to attack of dampness-heat evil and turbid evil to Qifen, manifested as fever, soreness of limbs, anhidrosis, irritability, or sweating without subsidence of fever, feeling of oppression over the chest, abdominal fullness, reddish urine, constipation, diarrhea with difficulty in defecation, whitish or thick and greasy or dry and yellow fur on the tongue. Acu-Treatment: Du 14 and Du 9 regulate Qi of Du channel.SI 4 and LI 4 clear heat and its toxin form Taiyang and Yangming channels.UB 39 regulate water to dispel dampness and promote diuresis. Ren 22 regulate lung Qi and soothing sore throat. Lung 10 to clear lung heat and relieve sore throat. 20521 Gan Ru Yin Sweet Combination 甘露飲 【S】 Ingredients: Pi Pa Ye Sheng Di Huang Shou Di Huang 枇杷葉 生地黃 熟地黃 Eriobotryae Fm. Rehmanniae Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. - 41 - 2.50 2.50 2.50 Tian Men Dong Mai Men Dong Zhi Qiao Yin Chen Hao Shi Hu Zhi Can Cao Huang Qin 天門冬 麥門冬 枳殼 茵陳蒿 石斛 炙甘草 黃芩 Asparagi Rx. Ophiopogonis Rx. Aurantii Fr. Artemisiae Scopariae Hb. Dendrobii Hb. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Scutellariae Rx. 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Actions: Dispels heat and dampness, stops inflammation, purifies the blood. Indications: Ulceration of the tongue, stomatitis, pyorrhea, scurvy, gum inflammation, pain of the eyes, constipation, and jaundice. Red tongue with yellow and dry fur, small and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: Sj 5,6, L 7, Li 2,4, St 36, Du 9,14 dispels heat and dampness, stops inflammation, purifies the blood. 21318 Ge Gen Huang Liang Huang Qin Tang 葛根黃連黃芩湯 Pueraria, Coptis, & Scute Combination Ingredients: Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Gan Cao 葛根 黃連 黃芩 甘草 Puerariae Rx. Coptidis Rz. Scutellariae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 10.00 3.75 3.75 2.50 Actions: Clearing away interior heat evil and expelling the superficial evils from the body surface. Indications: For cases with exogenous superficial evil not yet eliminated but the heat evil already attacking the interior, which are manifested as fever, diarrhea with foul discharge, burning sensation over the anus, thirst. Yellow fur on the tongue and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: GB 20, LI 11 and St 44 to dispeerse exterior factors. St 44, LI 1 and SI 1 may be bled to clear heat. If severe fever, prick and bleed Du 14 and Shi-Xuan (extra). - 42 - 21317 Ge Gen Tang Pueraria Combination 葛根湯 【S】 Ingredients: Ge Gen Ma Huang Da Zao Bai Shao Gui Zhi Zhi Gan Cao Sheng Jiang 葛根 麻黃 大棗 白芍 桂枝 炙甘草 生薑 Puerariae Rx. Ephedrae Hb. Jujubae Fr. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 6.00 4.50 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.50 Actions: Induces sweating, resolves the exterior. Indications: Common cold manifesting chillphobia, anhidrosis, stiffness in the neck and back, inflammation, diarrhea, and muscle spasm; tonsillitis, neuralgia, inflammatory diseases, meningitis, lymphadenitis, mastitis, and dermal diseases is typical Tai Yang symptoms. Acu-Treatment: see *Ma Huang Tang. Add UB 10 and GB 40 to relieve neck and shoulder stiffness. 21380 Ge Gen Tang Jia Chuan Xiong Xin Yi 葛根湯加川芎辛夷 Pueraria & Magnolia Combination Ingredients: Ge Gen Ma Huang Chuan Xiong Xin Yi Da Zao Gui Zhi Gan Cao Bai Shao Sheng Jiang 葛根 麻黃 川芎 辛夷 大棗 桂枝 甘草 白芍 生薑 Puerariae Rx. Ephedrae Hb. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Magnoliae Fl. Jujubae Fr. Cinnamomi Ramulus Glycyrrhizae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. - 43 - 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Actions: Relaxes muscles, dilates blood vessels, promotes blood circulation. Indications: Pneumonia, bronchitis, rhinitis, nasal pustules, acute colitis, pararhizoclasia, toothache, conjunctivitis, keratitis, otitis media, otitis external, shoulder aching, rheumatic pain, neuralgia, dysentery. Acu-Treatment: St 36, Sp 9, Du 14, Si 3, Ub 62, Li 4 relaxes muscles, dilates blood vessels, promotes blood circulation . 21316 Ge Hua Jie Cheng Tang Pueraria Flos Awaken Combination 葛花解酲湯 Ingredients: Mu Xiang Ren Shen Bai Zhu Fu Ling Chen Pi Ze Xie Gan Jiang Shen Qu Bai Dou Kou Qing Pi Sha Ren Ge Hua Zhu Ling 木香 人參 白朮 茯苓 陳皮 澤瀉 乾薑 神麴 白豆蔻 青皮 砂仁 葛花 豬苓 Pogostemonis Hb. Ginseng Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Alismatis Rz. Zingiberis Rz. Massa Medicata Fermentata Amomi Rotundus Fr. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Viride Amomi Fr. Puerariae Flos Polyporus 0.40 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.20 1.20 1.20 4.00 1.60 4.00 4.00 1.20 Actions: Eliminates drunk dampness, strengthens the spleen and stomach. Indications: Dizziness, vomiting, feeling of oppression of the chest, fatigue, loose stool, hypochondriac pain, alcoholism, indigestion, chronic cholecystitis, cirrhosis of liver, malnutritional edema. Pale tongue with white and greasy fur, weak and soft floating pulse. Acu-Treatment: P 5, Ren 12, Li 4 eliminates drunk dampness, strengthens the spleen and stomach. - 44 - 21406 Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang Persica & Carthamus Combination 膈下逐瘀湯 Ingredients: Wu Ling Zhi Wu Yao Dang Gui Yan Hu Suo Chuan Xiong Gan Cao Tao Ren Xiang Fu Mu Dau Pi Hong Hua Chi Shao Zhi Qiao 五靈脂 烏藥 當歸 延胡索 川芎 甘草 桃仁 香附 牡丹皮 紅花 赤芍 枳殼 Trogopterori Faeces Linderae Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Corydalis Rz. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Persicae Sm. Cyperi Rz. Moutan Radicis Cx. Carthami Flos Paeoniae Rubra Rx. Aurantii Fr. 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.50 Actions: Boost Qi and regulate blood in liver to relieve the pain below the diaphragm. Indications: Hypochondriac pain, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, and abdominal tumors. Tongue: purple spots on the side. Pulse: wiry/taut and hesitate. Acu-Treatment: See * Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang For removeing blood stagnation under the diaphragm use UB 15, UB 17, Sp 10, Liver 3, GB 34 and Liver 14. 21217 Gou Teng San Gambir Formula 鉤藤散 【S】 Ingredients: Gou Teng Chen Pi Ban Xia Fu Ling Fang Feng Mai Men Dong Ren Shen Gan Ju Hua Shi Gao Sheng Jiang 鉤藤 陳皮 半夏 茯苓 防風 麥門冬 人參 菊花 石膏 生薑 Uncariae Ramulus Cum Uncis Citri Reticulatae Pc. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Poria Cocos Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Ophiopogonis Rx. Ginseng Rx. Chrysanthemi Fl. Gypsum Fibrosum Zingiberis Recens Rz. - 45 - 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 Zhi Gan Cao Fu Shen 炙甘草 茯神 Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Poria Pararadicis 1.00 2.00 Actions: Promotes blood circulation, moves stagnant Qi, tranquilizes the Shen. Indications: Headache and insomnia due to cerebrosclerosis and hypertension; neurosis symptoms such as dizziness, shoulder stiffness, and neck stiffness. Red or crimson tongue, rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: Sp1,9, St 36, Du 20, Li 4, Sj 5, Gb 41 promotes blood circulation, moves stagnant Qi, tranquilizes the spleen. 21083 Gua Lou Xie Bai Bai Jiu Tang Trichosanthes & Bakeri Combination 栝蔞薤白湯 Ingredients: Gua Lou Shi Xie Bai 栝蔞實 薤白 Trichosanthis Fr. Allii Macrostemi Bulbus 8.00 16.00 Actions: Eases the chest, eliminates phlegm, activates Yang energy, dispersing stagnation. Indications: Productive cough, chest pain referring to the back by cold, angina pectoris, intercostal neuralgia, chronic bronchitis. Whitish and greasy fur on the tongue, sunken and wiry pulse. Acu-Treatment: Ren 14 with P 4 to activate the Yanh and warm the heart. Ren 17 regulate Qi flow of the chest and relieve the congestions. Lung 9 dissolve the phlegm. 21802 Gui Pi Tang 歸脾湯【S】 Ginseng & Longan Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Bai Zhu Fu Ling Huang Qi 人參 白朮 茯苓 黃耆 Ginseng Panax Radix Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Astragali Radix - 46 - 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Dang Gui Suan Zao Ren Long Yan Rou Yuan Zhi Zhi Gan Cao Da Zao Mu Xiang Sheng Jiang 當歸 酸棗仁 龍眼肉 遠志 炙甘草 大棗 木香 生薑 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Zizyphi Spinosi Semen Longanae Polygalae Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Jujubae Fr. Pogostemonis Hb. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 Actions: Tonifies Qi and blood, strengthens the spleen, nourishes the heart. Indications: Excessive worry resulting in the spleen and heart deficiency as marked by cardiac palpitations , amnesia, dreamfulness, frightening, fever, lassitude, and lack of appetite; nervous exhaustion, melancholy, menstrual irregularity, and gastric ulcer. Pale tongue with whitish fur, small and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 15 and UB 20 nourish and regulate the blood circulation. St 36 tonifies the spleen Qi and blood. Sp 6 tonifies Yin and blood. H 7 with UB 15 calm the Shen and nourish blood. 21801 Gui Qi Jian Zhong Tang 歸耆建中湯 DangGui & Astragalus Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Gui Zhi Sheng Jiang Da Zao Bai Shao Gan Cao Huang Qi 當歸 桂枝 生薑 大棗 白芍 甘草 黃耆 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Astragali Rx. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Warms middle burner, harmonizes Yin and Yang, recovers from illness. Indications: Gastroptosis, peptic ulcer, leukemia, aplastic anemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, hemolytic jaundice, ancylostomiasis. Swelling tongue with whitish and smooth fur, slow pulse. Acup Treatment: Du 20, Ren 12, Sp 6, Liv 3, Li 4, St 36 Warms middle burner, harmonizes yin and Yang, recovers from illness. - 47 - 21007 Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan Cinnamon & Hoelen Formula 桂枝茯苓丸 Ingredients: Gui Zhi Fu Ling Mu Dan Pi Tao Ren Bai Shao 桂枝 茯苓 牡丹皮 桃仁 白芍 Cinnamomi Ramulus Poria Cocos Rx. Moutan Radicis Cx. Persicae Sm. Paeoniae Rubra Rx. 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Actions: Eliminates stagnant blood, invigorates the blood, disperses swelling and accumulation. Indications: Menstrual irregularity, difficult menstruation, uterine myoma, infertility, ovarioncus, ovaritis, endometritis, climacteric disorders, blood stasis after abortion, contusion, hemorrhoids, dermatitis, and eczema, unsmooth pulse. Caution: This formula is not suitable for stagnation due to blood heat or no blood stasis. Acu-Treatment: not suugested for pregnency if the patient has instability of fetus. 2E38 Gui Zhi Jia Ge Gen Tang Cinnamon & Pueraria Combination 桂枝加葛根湯 Ingredients: Gui Zhi Bai Shao Da Zao Sheng Jiang Gan Cao Ge Gen 桂枝 白芍 大棗 生薑 甘草 葛根 Cinnamomi Ramulus Paeoniae Alba Rx. Jujubae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Puerariae Rx. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 6.00 Actions: As Gui Zhi Tang but with sweating. Indications: As Gui Zhi Tang floating and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: Gb 20,34,39, Du 14, Li 4,11 resolves the exterior, adjusts nutrient and defensive Qi . 2E37 Gui Zhi Jia Huang Qi Tang 桂枝加黃耆湯 Cinnamon & Astragalus Combination - 48 - Ingredients: Gui Zhi Bai Shao Da Zao Sheng Jiang Gan Cao Huang Qi 桂枝 白芍 大棗 生薑 甘草 黃耆 Cinnamomi Ramulus Paeoniae Alba Rx. Jujubae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Astragali Rx. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Same as Gui Zhi Tang but for weak person. Indications: Same as Gui Zhi Tang add yellow sweating jaundice facial numbness special sweating of upper body but not lower body. Acu-Treatment: L 7,10,11, Li 4, K 6,7,19, Liv8 Resolves the exterior, adjusts nutrient and defensive Qi. 21005 Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Nu Li Tang 桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯 Cinnamon & D.B. Combination Ingredients: Gui Zhi Long Gu Mu Li Bai Shao Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Da Zao 桂枝 龍骨 牡蠣 白芍 甘草 生薑 大棗 Cinnamomi Ramulus Dragonis Os Ostreae Concha Paeoniae Alba Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.00 4.50 4.50 Actions: Adjusts the balance of Yin and Yang. Indications: Neurasthenia, sexual neurosis, cardiac palpitations, night sweat, insomnia, amnesia, and infantile night crying. Acu-Treatment: Liv 3, Du 20, Ren 4,17, P 5, St 36, K 3, Sp 6, Ub 43 adjusts the balance of Yin and Yang. 21030 Gui Zhi Jia Hou Pu Xing Ren Tang 桂枝加厚朴杏仁湯 Cinnamon, Magnolia & Apricot Combination - 49 - Ingredients: Gui Zhi Bai Shao Da Zao Sheng Jiang Gan Cao Xing Ren Hou Pu 桂枝 白芍 大棗 生薑 甘草 杏仁 厚朴 Cinnamomi Ramulus Paeoniae Alba Rx. Jujubae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 Actions: Same as Gui Zhi Tang but for weaker person that have been sick without completes recovery. Indications: Cough, chronic bronchitis, asthma, spontaneous sweating. Acu-Treatment: see *Gui Zhi Tang. Add UB 13, Lung 5 and Lung 7 to help relieve coughing and wheezing. 21004 Gui Zhi Jia Shao Yao Tang Cinnamon & Peony Combination 桂枝加芍藥湯 Ingredients: Gui Zhi Bai Shao Da Zao Sheng Jiang Gan Cao 桂枝 白芍 大棗 生薑 甘草 Cinnamomi Ramulus Paeoniae Alba Rx. Jujubae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Actions: Relaxes abdominal muscles, warms the stomach. Indications: Abdominal pains, abdominal distention, pain of peritonitis, and diarrhea. Acu-Treatment: St 36,25, Sj 6, Sp 9, Ren 4,12 relaxes abdominal muscles, warms the stomach. 21003 Gui Zhi Jia Zhu Fu Tang 桂枝加朮附湯 Cinnamon & Atractylodes, Aconite Combinatio - 50 - 4.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 Ingredients: Gui Zhi Bai Shao Da Zao Sheng Jiang Gan Cao Cang Zhu Fu Zi B 桂枝 白芍 大棗 生薑 甘草 蒼朮 焙附子 Cinnamomi Ramulus Paeoniae Alba Rx. Jujubae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Atractylodis Rz. Aconiti Rx. Prep. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 Actions: Expels wind and dampness, activates blood circulation, promotes diuresis. Indications: Rheumatic arthralgia, joint pain, gouty arthritis, edema. Dim tongue with yellow and greasy fur, wiry pulse. Accu-Treatment: Li 11,4, St 36, Sp 4,6,9,10, K 3,7, Liv 2 expels wind and dampness, activates blood circulation, promotes diruesis. 21006 Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang Cinnamon & Anemearrhena Combination 桂枝芍藥知母湯 Ingredients: Gui Zhi Zhi Mu Gan Cao Bai Shao Fang Feng Ma Huang Sheng Jiang Cang Zhu Fu Zi B 桂枝 知母 甘草 白芍 防風 麻黃 生薑 白朮 焙附子 Cinnamomi Ramulus Anemarrhenae Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Ephedrae Hb. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Aconiti Rx. Prep. 4.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 5.00 4.00 2.00 Actions: Expels wind and dampness, activating Yang energy, clears heat mainly for severe and migratory arthralgia, damp heat but not severe heat of thirst. Indications: Dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, emaciation, chronic gouty arthritis, rheumatic arthritis, hemiplegia, anesthesia, quadripolegia. Thin yellow greasy fur, rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: Du 14, Extra 15, Ub 20,40, St 36,41,44, Sp 9, Gb39, K 3 expels wind and dampness, activating Yang energy, clears heat and regulating Yin. - 51 - 21008 Gui Zhi Tang Cinnamon Combination 桂枝湯 【S】 Ingredients: Gui Zhi Bai Shao Da Zao Sheng Jiang Gan Cao 桂枝 白芍 大棗 生薑 甘草 Cinnamomi Ramulus Paeoniae Alba Rx Jujubae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rx Glycyrrhizae Rx 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.00 Actions: Resolves the exterior, adjusts nutrient and defensive Qi. Indications: Common cold manifesting fever, headache, sweating, aversion to wind, and dry heave; primary stage of influenza, and neuralgia. Thin and whitish fur on the tongue, floating and slow pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 64 with GB 20 to dispel the wind and relieve fever . SI 3 and UB 62 to relieve muscle pains and expel wind. St 36 Strenthens the Qi to help harmonize the Ying-Wei. 21080 Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang Cinnamon Five Herb Combination 桂枝五物湯 Ingredients: Gui Zhi Shou Di Huang Huang Qin Jie Geng Fu Ling 桂枝 熟地黃 黃芩 桔梗 茯苓 Cinnamomi Ramulus Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Scutellariae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Actions: Expels fire and relieves pain. - 52 - 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 8.00 Indications: Toothache, gingivitis, pyorrhea, stomatitis. Acu-Treatment: Li 4, Liv 3, Si 3, Ub 19,27 expels fire and relieves pain. 21322 Guo Qi Yin P.M.S.O.S. Combination 過期飲 Ingredients: Shou Di Huang Tao Ren Bai Shao E Zhu Dang Gui Mu Tong Xiang Fu Gan Cao Chuan Xiong Rou Gui Hong Hua Mu Xiang 熟地黃 桃仁 白芍 莪朮 當歸 木通 香附 甘草 川芎 肉桂 紅花 木香 Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Persicae Sm. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Curcumae Zedoariae Rz. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Clematidis Armandii Caulis Cyperi Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Cinnamomi Cx. Carthami Flos Pogostemonis Hb. 4.00 1.20 4.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 0.80 2.00 0.80 1.40 1.60 Actions: Habitual over due of menstruation. This formula is combined with Si Wu Tang for nourishing blood, break blood stasis and remove Qi stagnation. Indications: Abdominal pain cause by past due of menstruation. Notice: If diagnosis of the past due menstruation because of vacuity of spleen do not apply this formula but #20207 Ren Shen Yang Rong Tang. Acu-Trestment: N/A 20980 Hou Pu Qi Wu Tang Magnolia Seven Combination 厚朴七物湯 Ingredients: Da Zao Da Huang Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Hou Pu Zhi Shi Gui Zhi 大棗 大黃 甘草 生薑 厚朴 枳實 桂枝 Jujubae Fr. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Cinnamomi Ramulus - 53 - 2.50 2.00 2.00 3.00 6.00 2.50 1.50 Actions: Dispels heat, improves Qi circulation. Indications: Acute gastroenteritis, tenesmus, peritonitis, abdominal fullness, vomiting, and constipation. Acu-Trearment: See * Da Chai Hu Tang. Omit GB 44, Du 9, and GB 40. Add Sp 14, Gb 20, SI 3, and UB 62. 20905 Hou Pu Wen Zhong Tang Magnolia & Saussurea Combination 厚朴溫中湯 Ingredient: Hou Pu Chen Pi Gan Jiang Cao Dou Kou Chi Fu Ling Mu Xiang Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Da Zao Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Zingiberis Rz. Alpiniae Katsumadai Sm. Poria Rubra Pogostemonis Hb. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 厚朴 陳皮 乾薑 草豆蔻 赤茯苓 木香 甘草 生薑 大棗 4.50 4.50 6.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 2.00 Actions: Warms the spleen and stomach, regulates Qi, dries dampness, removes distention. Indications: Abdominal distention and pain, indigestion, and lumbago. (Note)This formula should not be applied to acute inflammatory diseases accompanied by high fever and thirst. Acu-Treatment: Ren 12 with St 36 to smooth the stomach Qi flow and relieve chest and abdominal congestion. Sp 15 and Sp 4 strenthen spleen to relieve stagnations. Sp 9 drying up the dampness. Moxibustion also recommended.For warming the body and dispel the dampness. 21206 Hua Gai San Mahuang & Morus Formula 華蓋散 【S】 Ingredients: Ma Huang Xing Ren Chi Fu Ling Chen Pi Su Zi Gan Cao 麻黃 杏仁 赤茯苓 陳皮 蘇子 甘草 Ephedrae Hb Armeniacae Amarum Sm Poria Rubra Rx Citri Reticulatae PC Perillae Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx - 54 - 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 Sang Bai Pi 桑白皮 Mori Radicis Cx. 4.0 Actions: Induces sweating, stops cough, clears the lung Qi, resolves phlegm. Indications: Common cold manifesting cough with sputum, chest discomfort, stuffy nose, dizziness, and stiff neck; cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and whooping cough in children. Acu-Treatment: see * Ma Huang Tang. Add Lung 5 and UB 13 to enhance the effect. 21401 Huai Hua San Sophorae Flos Formula 槐花散 【S】 Ingredients: Cao Huai Hua Ce Bai Ye Hei Jing Jie Zhi Qiao 炒槐花 側柏葉 黑荊芥 枳殼 Sophorae Fl. Preparata Platycodi Cacumen Schizonepetae Hb Preparata Aurantii Fr. 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Actions: Clears heat from intestines, stops bleeding, relaxes intestines, circulation of vital energy, cleans toxic materials or dampness-heat in large intestines. Indication: Hematochezia, bleeding from hemorrhoids, rectal polyp, anal fissures with discharges of bloody stool due to dampness-heat in large intestines, red tongue, wiry and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: Du 1 to treat wind of the intestines. UB 32 clear dampness and heat of lower Jiao. UB 57 for disorders at anus and rectum. St 37 clear damp-heat from the large intestine. 21703 Huan Shao Dan Lycium Formula 還少丹 【S】 Ingredients: Shan Yao 山藥 Dioscoreae Rz. 3.0 Chuan Niu Xi Fu Ling Shan Zhu Yu Chu Shi Zi 川牛膝 茯苓 山茱萸 楮實子 Cyathulae Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Corni Fr. Broussonetiae Fr. 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 - 55 - Du Zhong Wu Wei Zi Ba Ji Tian Rou Cong Rong Yuan Zhi Xiao Hui Xiang Shi Chang Pu Shou Di Huang Gou Qi Zi Da Zao 杜仲 五味子 巴戟天 肉蓯蓉 遠志 小茴香 石菖蒲 熟地黃 枸杞子 大棗 Eucommiae Cx. Schisandrae Fr. Morindae Officinalis Rx. Cistanches Hb. Polygalae Rx. Foeniculi Fr. Acori Graminei Rz. Rehmanniae Rx. Preparata Lycii Fr. Jujubae Fr. 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Actions: Tonifies the heart, kidneys, spleen, and stomach supplements blood and Qi. Indications: Improve of libido, impotence, and weakness. Nocturnal emission, fatigue, amnesia, pale tongue with white and smooth fur, sunken and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: Ub 23, Ren 4, Du 4, Liv 5, H 7, St 36 tonifies the heart, kidneys, spleen, and stomach supplements blood and Qi. 21214 Huang Lian E Jiao Tang Coptis & Asini Combination 黃連阿膠湯 Ingredients: Huang Lian E Jiao Huang Qin Bai Shao 黃連 阿膠 黃芩 白芍 Coptidis Rz. Asini Gelatinum Scutellariae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. 10.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 Actions: Clears heart-fire, nourishes kidney Yin, attributive to damage of True-Yin by the heat entering Shao-Yin. Indications: Fresh blood in stool, irritability, hypertension, dry throat, nocturnal emission, praecox ejaculation with dizziness, insomnia, oliguria yellow urine, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, neurasthenia, nonspecific proctitis, tuberculous ulceration f rectum, chronic bacillary dysentery, red or crimson tongue with yellow fur, small and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: St 41, K 1, 3, 7, Liv 3, Ub 23, Sp 10 clears heart-fire, nourishes kidney Yin, attributive to - 56 - damage of True-Yin by the heat entering Shao-Yin. 21216 Huang Lian Jie Du Tang Coptis & Scute Combination 黃連解毒湯 【S】 Ingredients: Huang Lian Huang Qin Huang Bai Shan Zhi Zi Coptidis Rz. Scutellariae Rx. Phellodendri Cx. Gardeniae Fr. 黃連 黃芩 黃柏 山梔子 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Actions: Purges the fire, eliminates toxin, stops bleeding. Indications: Heat conformation exhibiting high fever, dry mouth and throat, delirium, epistaxis, hemoptysis, insomnia, purpura and jaundice due to excessive damp heat; sapremia, hematuria, dermal itching, and urticaria. red tongue with yellow fur, rapid and strong pulse. Acu-Treatment: Jing-well 12 can quickly reduce the excessive heat. H 9 sedates heat in the heart. Lung 10 clears heat Form lung. St 44 and Li 4 clear heat of Yangming level. Liver 2 sedates heat in lower Jiao. SJ 2 clear heat of 3 Jiaos. UB 17 and UB 40 clear and detoxify heat and its toxin, reduce swelling and pain. 21213 Huang Lian Shang Qing Wan 黃連上清丸 Coptis, Phellodendron & Mentha Combination Ingredients: Huang Lian Da Huang Huang Qin Huang Bai Lian Qiao Jiang Huang Xuan Shen Shan Zhi Zi Dang Gui Ju Hua 黃連 大黃 黃芩 黃柏 連翹 薑黃 玄參 山梔子 當歸 菊花 Coptidis Rz. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Phellodendri Cx. Forsythiae Fr. Curcumae Longae Rz. Scrophulariae Rx. Gardeniae Fr. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Chrysanthemi Fl. - 57 - 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Bo He Ge Gen Chuan Xiong Jie Geng Tian Hua Fen 薄荷 葛根 川芎 桔梗 天花粉 Menthae Hb. Puerariae Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Platycodi Rx. Trichosanthis Rx. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Actions: Clears heat, expels winds, reduces fire and soothes bowel movements. Indications: Dizziness, aphthae, gingivitis, gum bleeding, constipation, yellowish or reddish urine, red tongue with yellow fur, slippery and rapid pulse. Aaacu-Treastment: Gb 20, Extra1, Du 20, St 36, Liv 3, 13, K 6, Sj 6, Sp3 clears heat, expels winds, reduces fire and soothes bowel movements. 21215 Huang Lian Tang Coptis Combination 黃連湯 Ingredients: Huang Lian Gan Cao Gan Jiang Ren Shen Gui Zhi Da Zao Ban Xia 黃連 甘草 乾薑 人參 桂枝 大棗 半夏 Coptidis Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Rz. Ginseng Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus Jujubae Fr. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 Actions: Disperses chest heat and stomach cold, descends flushing-up, harmonizes the stomach. Indications: Acute gastritis, acute enteritis, indigestion, hangover, and stomatitis, white and slippery fur on the tongue, wiry pulse. Acu-Treatment: Comply *Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang. For Sedate St 44. Add UB 20 and UB 21. Moxibustion on Ren 6. 21212 Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang Astragalus Combination Ingredients: - 58 - 黃耆建中湯 Gui Zhi Zhi Gan Cao Da Zao Bai Shao Sheng Jiang Jiao Yi Huang Qi 桂枝 炙甘草 大棗 白芍 生薑 膠飴 黃耆 Cinnamomi Ramulus Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Jujubae Fr. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Saccharum Granorum Astragali Rx. 3.00 2.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 Actions: Warming middle Jiao, tonifies, alleviates pain, and harmonizes Yin and Yang, mainly used for consumptive diseases. Indications: Hot drink preference, aversion of cold, cold limbs, sweating, shortness of breath, fatigue, poor appetite, gastroptosis, peptic ulcer, prolapse of gastric mucosa, leukemia, aplastic anemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, hemolytic jaundice, ancylostomiasis. Pale and corpulent tongue with whitish fur, large and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment:Comply to *Xiao Jian Zhong Tang. Add Ren 4 And St 36. 21211 Huang Qi Wu Wu Tang Astragalus Five Herb Combination 黃耆五物湯 【S】 Ingredients: Huang Qi Bai Shao Gui Zhi Sheng Jiang Da Zao 黃耆 白芍 桂枝 生薑 大棗 Astragali Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 Actions: Warming middle Jiao, tonifying, alleviating pain, harmonizing Yin and Yang, and regulating Ying and Wei. Indications: For consumptive diseases attributive to insufficiency of yin and yang (mainly deficiency of spleen Yang),which manifest as abdominal pain that can be alleviated by warmth and pressure, spontaneous sweating, shortness of breath, pale complexion, pale and corpulent tongue with whitish fur, large and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: Du 14, 20, Gb 31, 34, Li 4, 11,St 36, Sp 6 warming middle Jiao, tonifying, alleviating pain, harmonizing Yin and Yang, and regulating Ying and Wei. - 59 - 21210 Huang Qin Tang Scutellaria Combination 黃芩湯 Ingredients: Huang Qin Bai Shao Gan Cao Da Zao 黃芩 白芍 甘草 大棗 Scutellariae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Jujubae Fr. 4.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 Actions: Dispels heat, stops diarrhea, harmonizes the middle burner, stops pain. Indications: Acute enteritis, colitis, indigestion, common cold manifesting fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool or sticky stool, tenesmus, vomiting, and thirst; appendicitis. Acu-treatment: Li 4, St25 and St 37 clear heat, detoxify heat Toxin, and harmonize Qi and Blood of Large intestine. 22001 Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San Agastache Formula 藿香正氣散 【S】 Ingredients Huo Xiang Bai Zhu Zhi Ban Xia Fu Ling Hou Po Da Zao Da Fu Pi Bai Zhi Gan Cao Zi Su Ye Chen Pi Jei Geng Sheng Jiang Agastachis Hb, Atractylodis Alba Rz. Pinelliae Rz. Preparata Poria Cocos Rx. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Jujubae Fr. Arecae Pc. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Perillae Fm. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Platycodi Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Actions: Resolves the exterior, disperses dampness, regulates Qi, harmonizes the spleen and stomach . Indications: - 60 - 3.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 Common cold manifesting fever, chillphobia, headache, chest distress and fullness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and borborygmus; influenza in the summer, heatstroke, acute gastroenteritis, indigestion, sore throat, cough, diarrhea and vomiting.White and greasy fur on the tongue. Acu-Treatment: GB 20 and LI 4 to dispel the extrior wind-cold factor. Liver 13, Sp 4 and Sp 9 strenthen the spleen and dissolve dampness. P 6 and St 36 harmonize the middle Jiao. Ren 12 regulate Qi flow to relieve nausea. St 25 to stop epigastric and abdominal pain. Although SJ 2 mainly for treating malaria yet can use to harmonize the Shaoyang and restore Qi flow in stomach. - 61 - 21806 Ji Ming San 雞鳴散 【S】 Areca Semen & Chaenomeles Formula Ingredients: Bing Lang Chen Pi Mu Gua Wu Zhu Yu Zi Su Ye Jie Geng Sheng Jiang 檳榔 陳皮 木瓜 吳茱萸 紫蘇葉 桔梗 生薑 Arecae Semen Citri Reticulatae Pc. Chaenomelis Fr. Evodiae Fr. Perillae Folium Platycodi Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Actions: -1- 8.00 5.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 -2- With wet type beriberi as edema of legs, numbness and cold pain. Indications: Cardiac beriberi, palpitation irritability, shortness of breath, oppression of chest, nausea. White and greasy fur on the tongue, soft and floating, indistinct pulse. Acu-Treatment: Du 9, SJ 5 and LI 4 regulate Qi and dispel cold from extrior. St 36 and Sp 6 strenthen the spleen and stomach to dispel dampness. GB 34 and Bafeng(extra) to relieve muscle stiffness and pain. P 6 to enhance Qi circulation. 21701 Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan 濟生腎氣丸 【S】 Rehmannia Ten Formula Ingredients: Shou Di Huang Fu Ling Shan Yao Shan Zhu Yu Mu Dan Pi Ze Xie Fai Niu Xi Che Qian Zi Pao Fu Zi Rou Gui 熟地黃 茯苓 山藥 山茱萸 牡丹皮 澤瀉 牛膝 車前子 炮附子 肉桂 Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Poria Cocos Rx. Dioscoreae Rz. Corni Fr. Moutan Radicis Cx. Alismatis Rz. Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. Plantaginis Sm. Aconiti Rx. Prep. Cinnamomi Cx. 8.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Actions: Supplements the spleen and stomach, warms the kidneys, dispels water. Indications: Edema due to kidney problems, chronic nephritis, lumbago, swelling of the feet, and impotence. Acu-Treatment: See “ Ba Wei Di Huang Wan” Disband UB 18. Add St 36 and Ren 6 to tonify Qi and Yang and remove the water retention. 20502 Jia Wei Ping Wei San 加味平胃散 -3- Modified Magnolia & Ginger Formula Ingredients: Cang Zhu Hou Pu Sheng Jiang Da Zao Chen Pi Zhi Gan Cao Mai Ya Shen Qu 蒼朮 厚朴 生薑 大棗 陳皮 炙甘草 麥芽 神麴 Atractylodis Rz. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Hordei Germinatus Fr. Massa Medicata Fermentata 6.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Strengthens stomach, moderates Middle Jiao, releases stagnation in digestive system. Indications: Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and oppression of abdomen after birth, distention of stomach, gastroduodenal ulcer. Thick white and greasy fur on the tongue, moderate or slippery pulse. Acu-Treatment: Sp 5, K 21, St 43, Ren 12 strengthens stomach, moderates Middle Jiao, releases stagnation in digestive system. 20503 Jia Wei Xiao Yao San 加味逍遙散 【S】 Bupleurum & Peony Formula Ingredients: Chai Hu Dang Gui Bai Zhu Fu Ling Bo He Bai Shao Mu Dan Pi Shan Zhi Zi Zhi Can Cao Wei Sheng Jiang 柴胡 當歸 白朮 茯苓 薄荷 白芍 牡丹皮 山梔子 炙甘草 煨生薑 Bupleuri Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Menthae Hb. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Moutan Radicis Cx. Gardeniae Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Prep. Actions: -4- 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 4.00 Nourishes the blood, dispels heat, regulates menstruation. Indications: Climacteric disorders, neurasthenia, leukorrhea, chronic endometritis, hysteria, menstrual irregularity. Acu-treatment: Comply with “Xiao Yao San”. Add Live 3 and SJ 6. 21101 Jian Er Wan 健兒丸 Atractylodes & Pogostemonis Combination Ingredients: Rou Dou Kou Shi Jun Zi Mai Ya Huang Lian Shen Qu Bing Lang Mu Xiang Hu Huang Lian Bai Zhu Shan Zha Zhi Shi 肉豆蔻 使君子 麥芽 黃連 神麴 檳榔 木香 胡黃連 白朮 山查 枳實 Myristicae Sm. Quisqualis Fr. Hordei Germinatus Fr. Coptidis Rz. Massa Medicata Fermentata Arecae Sm. Pogostemonis Hb. Picrorhizae Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Crataegi Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Expelling Intestinal parasite, relieving infantile malnutrition, promoting digestion, strengthening the spleen and clearing heat. Indications: Infantile malnutrition, abdominal pain, sallow complexion, emaciation, abdominal fullness fever, foul fou breath. Acu-Treatment: Ub 20, 22, Ren 12, Liv 3, 13, H 7, Li 4, St 25, 36 expelling intestinal (26101) parasite, relieving infantile malnutrition, promoting digestion, strengthening the spleen and clearing heat. 21102 Jian Ying San 健嬰散 Inphantrans Formula -5- Ingredients: Jiang Chan Gou Teng Shi Chang Pu Shan Zhi Zi Tian Ma Huang Lian Bei Mu Niu Huang Bo He Ju Hong Gan Cao Zhu Sha Bing Pian 殭蠶 鉤藤 節菖蒲 山梔子 天麻 黃連 貝母 牛黃 薄荷 橘紅 甘草 辰砂 冰片 Bombyx Cum Batryte Uncariae Ramulus Cum Uncis Acori Graminei Rz. Gardeniae Fr. Gastrodiae Rz. Coptidis Rz. Fritillariae Bulbus Calculus Bovis Menthae Hb. Citri Exocarpium Rubrum Glycyrrhizae Rx. Vermillion Cinnabaris Syntheticum Borneolum 1.00 1.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 0.10 1.00 2.50 1.00 0.10 0.10 Actions: Clears hung expel heat and sputum calm Shen. Indications: Fever short-breath, eczema bronchitis, cough, sore throat, influenza. Acu-Treatment: Ub 13, Ren 17, St 36,40, L 7, 11, Li 1,4, Du 14 clears lung, expels heat and sputum calm Shen. 21013 Jie Geng Tang 桔梗湯 Platycodon Combination Ingredients: Jie Geng Fang Ji Bei Mu Gan Cao Dang Gui Xing Ren Gua Lou Ren Bai He Yi Yi Ren Sheng Jiang Sang Bai Pi Zhi Qiao Huang Qi 桔梗 防己 貝母 甘草 當歸 杏仁 栝樓仁 百合 薏苡仁 生薑 桑白皮 枳殼 黃耆 Platycodi Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Rx. Fritillariae Blb. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Trichosanthis Sm. Lilii Blb. Coicis Sm. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Mori Radicis Cx. Aurantii Fr. Astragali Rx. Actions: -6- 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 Dispels stagnancy, detoxifies, expels phlegm and pus. Indications: Sore throat, cough with mucus or thick pus with blood, oppression of chest, dry throat but not thirst, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Acu-Treatment: Ren 17,14, St 40, Sj 6, L 9,11, Li 1,Ub 12 dispels stagnancy, detoxifies, expels phlegm and pus. Remark: If patient has weak-cold pancreas, do not use this formula. 20808 Jin Fei Cao San 金沸草散 【S】 Schizonepeta & Pinellia Formula Ingredients: Xuan Fu Hua Qian Hu Jing Jie Ban Xia Gan Cao Ma Huang Chi Shao Sheng Jiang Da Zao 旋覆花 前胡 荊芥 半夏 甘草 麻黃 赤芍 生薑 大棗 Inulae Fl. Peucedani Rx. Schizonepetae Hb. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Ephedrae Hb. Paeoniae Rubra Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 4.50 4.50 6.00 1.50 1.50 4.50 1.50 3.00 1.00 Actions: Dispels wind-cold, resolves phlegm, alleviates cough. Indications: Common cold manifesting cough with profuse yellowish thick sputum, and chest discomfort; bronchitis, trachitis, and bronchial asthma. White and smooth fur on the tongue, floating and tense pulse. Acu-Treatment: Du 14, Ub 12,13, Li 4, Ren 17,12, St36 dispels wind-cold, resolves phlegm, alleviates cough. 20807 Jin Shui Liu Jun Jian 金水六君煎 DangGui,Rehmannia & Herbs Combination -7- Ingredients: Shou Di Huang Dang Gui Fu Ling Ban Xia Gan Cao Chen Pi Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. 熟地黃 當歸 茯苓 半夏 甘草 陳皮 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 Actions: Dries dampness, expels phlegm, regulates and promotes Qi, harmonizes middle Jiao. Indications: Coughing with difficulty, copious focal distention, stifling sensations of chest diaphragm, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, efficient for elderly with chronic bronchitis. Pale tongue with white thick fur, slippery pulse. Acu-Treatment: Du 14, Ren 12,17, St 40,36, Ub 17, Sp 3,6, L 5 dries dampness, expels phlegm, regulates and promotes Qi, harmonizes middle Jiao. 20810 Jin Suo Gu Jin Wan 金鎖固精丸 Lotus Stamen Formula Ingredients: Qian Shi Lian Xu Long Gu Mu Li Bai Ji Li 芡實 蓮鬚 龍骨 牡蠣 白蒺藜 Euryales Sm. Nelumbinis Stamen Dragonis Os Ostreae Concha Astragali Complanati Sm.T 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 Actions: Strengthens the kidneys, astringes the semen. Indications: Kidney deficiency exhibiting spermatorrhea, nocturnal emission, enuresis, lumbago, and tinnitus. Pale tongue with whitish fur, small and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: Du 4 can warm the kidney and consolidate the essence to stop the leaking of the essence. UB 23 nourishes the kidney Yin and essence. Ren 6 to tonifies Qi and warm the Yang to ascend the Qi and relieve the down flowing of body fluid. UB 52 also help to nourishes -8- essence to the kidney. Sp 6 nourishes Yin to clear the deficiency-fire. Ren 3 warm the low Jiao and prevent further leaking of the essence. 21027 Jing Fang Bai Du San 荊防敗毒散 【S】 Schizonepeta & Ledebourilla Formula Ingredients: Jing Jie Qiang Huo Du Huo Chai Hu Fang Feng Qian Hu Bo He Zhi Qiao Chuan Xiong Jie Geng Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Fu Ling 荊芥 羌活 獨活 柴胡 防風 前胡 薄荷 枳殼 川芎 桔梗 甘草 生薑 茯苓 Schizonepetae Hb. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Peucedani Rx. Menthae Hb. Aurantii Fr. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Platycodi Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 Actions: Induces sweating, resolves the exterior, disperses wind-dampness. Indications: Carbuncles, gangrene, mastitis, scabies, urticaria, eczema, allergic dermatitis, and suppurative skin disease. Acu-treatment:See *Rensheng Bai Du San. Omit St 36 and Sp 9, Add Du 10, Du 12 and UB 40. 21028 Jing Jei Lian Qiao Tang 荊芥連翹湯 【S】 Schizonepeta & Forsythia Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Bai Shao Chuan Xiong Huang Qin Shan Zhi Zi Lian Qiao Jing Jie 當歸 白芍 川芎 黃芩 山梔子 連翹 荊芥 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Scutellariae Rx. Gardeniae Fr. Forsythiae Fr. Schizonepetae Hb. -9- 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Fang Feng Zhi Qiao Gan Cao Bai Zhi Jie Geng Chai Hu 防風 枳殼 甘草 白芷 桔梗 柴胡 Ledebouriellae Rx. Aurantii Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Bupleuri Rx. 2.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Suppresses suppuration, dispels internal heat, removes toxin. Indications: Otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, epistaxis, and acne. Acu-Treatment: Gb 20,40, Sj 17, St 36, Li 11 suppresses suppuration, dispels internal heat, removes toxin. 20282 Jiu Wei Bing Lang Jia Wu Fu 九味檳榔加吳茯 Areca Semen Combination Ingredients: Bing Lang Gan Cao Fu Ling Hou Pu Mu Xiang Chen Pi Da Huang Zi Su Ye Sheng Jiang Gui Zhi Chen Pi Wu Zhu Yu 檳榔 甘草 茯苓 厚朴 木香 陳皮 大黃 紫蘇葉 生薑 桂枝 陳皮 吳茱萸 Arecae Sm. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Pogostemonis Hb. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Perillae Fm. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Cinnamomi Ramulus Citri Reticulatae Pc. Evodiae Fr. 4.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 Actions: Dispels water and Qi stagnation, improves blood circulation. Indications: Beriberi, blood and Qi stagnation, palpitations, dyspnea, Basedow's disease, hypertension, neuritis, and cardiac neurosis. Acu-Treatment: Liv 2, St 36, K6, Ub 60,64,40, Sp 6, Gb 39 dispels water and Qi stagnation, improves blood circulation. - 10 - 20202 Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang 九味羌活湯 【S】 Notopterigium Nine Herb Combination Ingredients: Qiang Huo Cang Zhu Xi Xin Chuan Xiong Bai Zhi Sheng Di Huang Huang Qin Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Fang Feng Cong Bai 羌活 蒼朮 細辛 川芎 白芷 生地黃 黃芩 甘草 生薑 防風 蔥白 Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Atractylodis Rz. Asari Hb. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Ledebouriellae Rx. Allii Fislulosi Bulbus 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Promotes sweating, disperses dampness, dispels internal heat. Indications: Common cold manifesting chillphobia, fever, anhidrosis, headache, bitterness of the mouth, and thirst; neuralgia due to common cold. Whitish fur on the tongue, floating pulse. Acu-Treatment: GB 20, Lung 6 and LI 4 ventilate the lung and dispel wind cold-damp. SJ 6 activate Qi flow of upper Jiao. St 36 harmonize the middle Jiao and strenthen the spleen. St 44 sedate heat. K2 cooling the blood heat. 21605 Ju He Wan 橘核丸 Citrus Semen Combination Ingredients: Ju He Hai Zao Kun Bu Hai Dai Chuan Lian Zi Tao Ren 橘核 海藻 昆布 海帶 川楝子 桃仁 Citri Reticulatae Semen Sargassum Laminariae seu Eckloniae Thallus Zosterae Thallus Melia Toosendan Fr. Persicae Semen - 11 - 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Hou Pu Mu Tong Zhi Shi Yan Hu Suo Gui Xin Mu Xiang 厚朴 木通 枳實 延胡索 桂心 木香 Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Clematidis Armandii Caulis Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Corydalis Rz. Cinnamomi Cx. Scraps Pogostemonis Hb. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Action: Regulates Qi, circulates blood, disperses stagnation, leads dampness downward. Indications: Swell of scrotum, abdominal pain, thyroid adenoma. Whitish and greasy fur tongue, wiry pulse. Acu-treatment: Liver14 to activate the liver Qi and relieve stagnation of blood and phlegm. Liveer 1 for treating hernia. Ren 6 to warm the Ren Channel and disperse Qi and blood stagnation. UB 17 also will help to activate the blood circulation and relieve blood stagnation and its caused pain. 21604 Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang 橘皮竹茹湯 Aurantium & Bambusae Combination Ingredients: Chi Fu Ling Ju Pi Pi Pa Ye Mai Men Dong Zhu Ru Ban Xia Ren Shen Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Da Zao 赤茯苓 橘皮 枇杷葉 麥門冬 竹茹 半夏 人參 甘草 生薑 大棗 Poria Rubra Citri Exocarpium Eriobotryae Folium Ophiopogonis Rx. Bambusae In Taeniam Caulis Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Ginseng Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 2.00 Action: Clears stomach-heat, stops vomiting, strengthens spleen, regulates stomach. Indications: Morning sickness, chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis with vomiting, hiccups, hypofunction of the stomach with heat and adverse rising of gas. Red tongue, rapid and feeble pulse. - 12 - Acu-Treatment: UB 21 and Ren 12 are combined to nourish the stomach Qi. St 36 strengthens the stomach and regulates the stomach Qi flow. St 43 to clear the stomach heat. UB 17 To reverse the uprising Qi flow and to relieve hiccups and vomiting. K 3 to help nourish Yin. 22301 Juan Bi Tang 蠲痹湯 【S】 Notopterigium & Turmeric Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Chi Shao Huang Qi Jiang Huang Qiang Huo Zhi Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Da Zao Fang Feng 當歸 赤芍 黃耆 薑黃 羌活 炙甘草 生薑 大棗 防風 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Rx. Astragali Rx. Curcumae Longae Rz. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Ledebouriellae Rx. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.50 3.00 2.00 4.00 Actions: Expelling wind and dampness, benefiting vital energy and nourishing blood. Indications: For rheumatism of wind type attributive to the stagnation of wind-cold-dampness evil (predominantly the wind evil) in the meridians, which is manifested as immobility of the joints, wandering arthralgia, especially the neck, back, shoulder and elbow. Thin and white fur on the tongue, floating and slow pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 12, GB 20, GB 34 Sp6 and St 36. For tonify Qi, harmonize Ying and dispel Wind. Local points also recommended 21121 Li Zhong Tang 理中湯 Ginseng & Ginger Combination Ingredients: Bai Zhu Ren Shen Gan Cao Gan Jiang 白朮 人參 甘草 乾薑 Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Ginseng Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Rz. Actions: - 13 - 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 Warms the middle burner, dispels cold, nourishes the stomach and spleen. Indications: Chronic diarrhea, chronic gastritis, gastroenteritis, gastroptosis, gastric ulcer, and toxemia during pregnancy. Pale tongue with whitish and smooth fur, sunken and small pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 20 and Sp 6 to tonify and nourish Qi. apply moxibustion on UB 21 and St 36 to warm the middle Jiao, disperse the cold and strenthen the middle burner. Also tonify Ren 12 by moxibustion to activate the Qi flow in Middle Jiao and stomach to relieve pain. 21125 Lian Qiao Bai Du San 連翹敗毒散 Forsythia Detoxic Formula Ingredients: Qiang Huo Du Huo Chai Hu Qian Hu Bo He Chuan Xiong Jin Yin Hua Lian Qiao Zhi Qiao Fu Ling Jie Geng Sheng Jiang Gan Cao 羌活 獨活 柴胡 前胡 薄荷 川芎 金銀花 連翹 枳殼 茯苓 桔梗 生薑 甘草 Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Peucedani Rx. Menthae Hb. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Lonicerae Fl. Forsythiae Fr. Aurantii Fr. Poria Cocos Rx. Platycodi Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Actions: Dispels wind heat, releases fever, detoxify. Indications: To treat beginning stage of pustulosis, cold and influenza, usually has strong symptoms of severe chilliness, fever, cough, headache, difficulties of phlegm, pain all over whole body, no sweating. Pale and whitish fur on the tongue, floating and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: See” Zhen Ren Huo Ming Yin” LI 11, LI 4 and UB 40. Addition to UB 12 and SJ 2 to clear heat, dispel wind-heat, And detoxify its toxin. - 14 - 21109 Liang Ge San 涼膈散 【S】 Forsthia & Rhubarb Formula Ingredients: Lian Qiao Shan Zhi Zi Huang Qin Zhu Ye Bo He Da Huang Mang Xiao Gan Cao 連翹 山梔子 黃芩 竹葉 薄荷 大黃 芒硝 甘草 Forsythiae Fr. Gardeniae Fr. Scutellariae Rx. Lophatheri Hb. Menthae Hb. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Mirabilitum Depuratum Glycyrrhizae Rx. 8.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Actions: Purges the fire, promotes bowel movement, clears heat in the upper and middle burners. Indications: Stagnant heat in the body, diphtheria, hemoptysis, epistaxis, constipation and febrile disease with inflammation, red tongue with white or yellow fur, rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 17 and UB 40 clear heat and detoxify the heat toxin, H 8 and Lung 10 clear the heat from chest , SJ 2 reduce the heat of three Jiaos and lead the heat downward, St 25 and St 37 also accompany with SJ 2, Li 4 clear the heat toxin from upper- Jiao, special of the head. 21133 Liang Ge San Qu Xiao Huang Jia Jie Gen 涼膈散去硝黃加桔梗 Forsythia & Platycodon Formula Ingredients: Gan Cao Lian Qiao Shan Zhi Zi Huang Qin Bo He Dan Zhu Ye Jie Geng 甘草 連翹 山梔子 黃芩 薄荷 淡竹葉 桔梗 Glycyrrhizae Rx. Forsythiae Fr. Gardeniae Fr. Scutellariae Rx. Menthae Hb. Lophatheri Hb. Platycodi Rx. Actions: - 15 - 5.00 10.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 This formula is modified from Liang Ge San without Rhubarb (Da Huang) and Mirabilitum (Mang Xiao), add Platycodon (Jie Geng). For the symptom as Liang Ge San but do not have constipation. It is to clear intense heat and fire of upper burner. Indications: Irritable heat in chest and diaphragm region, thirst, face red, lips dry, oral ulceration sore throat, toothache, nose bleeding. Red tongue, with yellow and greasy coating. Aacu-Treatment: N/A 20918 Ling Gan Jiang Wei Xin Xia Ren Tang 苓甘薑味辛夏仁湯 Hoelen & Schizandra Combination Ingredients: Fu Ling Ban Xia Xing Ren Gan Cao Gan Jiang Xi Xin Wu Wei Zi 茯苓 半夏 杏仁 甘草 乾薑 細辛 五味子 Poria Cocos Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Rz. Asari Hb. Schizandrae Fr. 4.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 Actions: Warms the lungs, dispels water. Indications: Chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, bronchial asthma, cardiac asthma, chronic nephritis, asthma, and edema. Whitish and smooth fur on the tongue, sunken and slow pulse. Acu-Treatment: Li 4, Ub 13,20, St 40, Ren 17, warms the lungs, dispels water. Si 4, Ub 28, 22, 27&48, K 3, Gb 41, Liv 3 purges liver and gallbladder fire, disperses dampness-heat. 20919 Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang 苓桂朮甘湯 Atractylodes & Hoelen Combination - 16 - Ingredients: Fu Ling Gui Zhi Bai Zhu Gan Cao 茯苓 桂枝 白朮 甘草 Poria Cocos Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 6.00 4.50 4.50 3.00 Actions: Resolves phlegm retention in sub-cardiac area, and improves metabolic functioning. Indications: Deficiency conformation with water retention manifesting cardiac palpitations, flushing-up dizziness, asthma, headache, cold lower limbs, and difficulty ruination; neurasthenia, conjunctivitis, cardiac asthma, and chronic nephritis. Acu-Treatment: St 36 and Sp 6 to tonify the spleen, harmonize the Middle Jiao and dispel damp. SJ 5 to activate the Yang to move the water with Ren 9 to regulate water passage and induce diuresis. Moxibustion is recommend for tonification. 20408 Liu He Tang 六和湯 Cardamon Combination Ingredients: Sha Ren Ban Xia Xing Ren Ren Shen Gan Cao Fu Ling Huo Xiang Bai Bian Dou Hou Pu Mu Gua Cang Zhu Sheng Jiang Da Zao 砂仁 半夏 杏仁 人參 甘草 茯苓 藿香 扁豆 厚朴 木瓜 蒼朮 生薑 大棗 Amomi Fr. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Ginseng Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Agastachis Hb. Dolichoris Sm. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Chaenomelis Fr. Atractylodis Rz. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 Actions: Harmonizes the stomach and spleen, dispels pathogens from the exterior. Indications: - 17 - Common cold in the summer, gastrointestinal disorders due to indiscriminate diet, hangover, and heatstroke. Acu-Treatment: See “Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San”. Eliminate GB 20, LI $, and SJ 2 since there are no Symptoms of extrior invade. UB 20 added to tonify the spleen and dissolve dampness. 20406 Liu Jun Zi Tang 六君子湯 【S】 Six Major Herb Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Bai Zhu Fu Ling Ban Xia Da Zao Chen Pi Zhi Gan Cao Sheng Jiang 人參 白朮 茯苓 半夏 大棗 陳皮 炙甘草 生薑 Ginseng Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Jujubae Fr. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Actions: Nourishes the stomach and spleen, dispels phlegm, tonifies Qi. Indications: Chronic gastroenteritis, gastritis, gastroptosis, gastric ulcer, indigestion, toxemia during preganancy, vomiting, and lack of appetite. Acu-Treatment: Ub 20 nourishes the spleen Yang. UB 21 and St 36 tonify the middle Jiao and soothing the stomach. St 25 regulate the digestive system. Ren 6 tonifies Qi. UB 13 and St 40 are used to dispel dampness and phlrgm. 20407 Liu Wei Di Huang Wan 六味地黃丸 【S】 Rehmannia Six Formula Ingredients: Shou Di Huang Shan Zhu Yu Shan Yao Mu Dan Pi Fu Ling 熟地黃 山茱萸 山藥 牡丹皮 茯苓 Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Corni Fr. Dioscoreae Rz. Moutan Radicis Cx. Poria Cocos Rx. - 18 - 8.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 Ze Xie Alismatis Rz. 澤瀉 3.00 Actions: Tonifies yin, nourishes the kidneys. Indications: Neurasthenia, spermatorrhea, nocturnal emission, dizziness, night sweat, spontaneous sweat, diabetes, tinnitus, chronic nephritis, nephrophthisis, menstrual irregularity, and heart failure. Acu-Treatment: Ub 18, UB 23 and UB 20 to tonify the Yin of the liver, kidney and spleen. K 3 and K 6 tonify the kidney Yin. Sp 9 strenthens the spleen and dispel dampness. Liver 2 sedates the liver fire and turbidities. 20405 Liu Yi San 六一散 Talcum & Licorice Formula Ingredients: Hua Shi Gan Cao 滑石 甘草 Talcum Glycyrrhizae Rx. 24.00 4.00 Actions: Clears summer-heat, promotes diuresis, resolves dampness. Indications: Fever, restlessness, thirst, difficulty in urination, reddish urine, mioturition pain, urinary stone stranguria, general urinary infections. Thin yellow and greasy fur on the tongue, rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: H 9is used to sedates the heart fire and calm the spirit. UB 39 open the water pathway, regulate urination and lead the summer damp downward. 21608 Long Dan Xie Gan Tang 龍膽瀉肝湯 【S】 Gentiana Combination - 19 - Ingredients: Long Dan Huang Qin Shan Zhi Zi Ze Xie Mu Tong Che Qian Zi Dang Gui Sheng Di Huang Chai Hu Gan Cao Gentianae Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Gardeniae Fr. Alismatis Rz. Clematidis Armandii Caulis Plantaginis Sm. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 龍膽 黃芩 山梔子 澤瀉 木通 車前子 當歸 生地黃 柴胡 甘草 4.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 Actions: Purges liver and gallbladder fire, disperses dampness-heat. Indications: Urethritis, cystitis, vaginitits, cystolith, leukorrhea, endometritis, itching and pain of the genital, nephritis, orchitis, and eczema at the genital area. Acu-Treatment: GB 20 with Du 20 and GB 44 to clear liver heat, GB 34 and Liver 2 sedate excessive fire of the liver, Sp 9 sedate damp-heat, Gbwill also nourish Yin to the liver. (Note): This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. 21680 Long Gu Mu Li Tang 龍骨牡蠣湯 Dragon Bone & Oyster Shell Formula Ingredients: Long Gu Mu Li 龍骨 牡蠣 Dragonis Os Ostreae Concha Actions: Arrests night sweating, tranquilizes uneasiness of mind. Indications: Gastroxia, chronic gastritis, neuralgia, dysuria. Acu-Treatment: N/A - 20 - 5.00 5.00 21130 Ma Huang Tang 麻黃湯 【S】 Mahuang Combination Ingredients: Ma Huang Xing Ren Gui Zhi Zhi Gan Cao 麻黃 杏仁 桂枝 炙甘草 Ephedrae Hb. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Cinnamomi Ramulus Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. 9.00 5.00 6.00 3.00 Actions: To relieving both lung and the extrior cold, Induces sweating, disperses cold, clears the lungs, relieves asthma. Indications: Common cold manifesting fever, anhidrosis, body pain, chest fullness, gasping, and cough; bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and rhinitis. Thin and whitish fur on the tongue, floating and tense pulse. Acu-Treatment: Lung 7 with LI 20 ventilate the lung relieve symtoms cause by the lung Qi uprising. SI 7 with UB 12 to expel extrior cold relieve fever and chills. LI 4 for headaches and the wind cold factor. 21131 Ma Huang Fu Zi Xi Xin Tang 麻黃附子細辛湯 【S】 Mahuang & Asarum Combination Ingredients: Ma Huang Pao Fu Zi Xi Xin 麻黃 炮附子 細辛 Ephedrae Hb. Aconiti Rx. Lateralis Prep. Asari Hb. 8.00 5.00 8.00 Actions: Strengthens Yang to expel superficial evils, mainly for Yang deficiency with fever, chills, fatigue, and sleepiness. Indications: Sudden dysphonia, severe pain and obstructive feel over throat, chronic pharyngitis, emphysema, acute exacerbation, nephritis, shortness of breath, edema. Whitish and slippery tongue, submerged and faint pulse. - 21 - Acu-Treatment: Moxibustion for Ren 6 to rescue the Yang,Du 14, GB 20 and LI 4 dispel exterior factors, St 36 to tonify Qi and nourish Yin to harmonize Ying-Wei and help induce persiration. Remark: This prescription is used for affection of exogenous evil with a slight Yang deficiency. 21129 Ma Xin Yi Gan Tang 麻杏薏甘湯 【S】 Mahuang & Coix Combination Ingredients: Ma Huang Xing Ren Yi Yi Ren Zhi Gan Cao 麻黃 杏仁 薏苡仁 炙甘草 Ephedrae Hb. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Coicis Sm. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. 5.00 4.00 5.00 10.00 Actions: Induces sweating, resolves the exterior, dispels wind-dampness. Indications: Muscular rheumatism, muscle pain, arthritis, edema during pregnancy, asthmatic cough with fever, and corns and calluses of the palms and fingers. Thin and white fur on the tongue, floating and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: See *Ma Huang Tang. Add Sp 9 and UB 113 to dispel dampness and help induce sweating. 21128 Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang 麻杏甘石湯 【S】 Mahuang & Apricot Sm. Combination Ingredients: Ma Huang Xing Ren Zhi Gan Cao Shi Gao 麻黃 杏仁 炙甘草 石膏 Ephedrae Hb. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Gypsum Fibrosum 8.00 6.00 4.00 16.00 Actions: Clears the lung-heat, relieves asthma. Indications: Bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, pneumonia, and asthma in children. - 22 - Thin yellow fur on the tongue, slippery and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: GB 20 relieve the extrior. Lung 11 dispel the heat in lung. Lung 5 soothing and relieve Coughing and wheexing. LI 4 with Lung 7 clear intrior heat and dispel ectrior factor. (Note)This formula is very effective in treating lung heat manifesting asthmatic cough, spontaneous sweat, facial edema, flushing-up, and fidgeting. 21127 Ma Zi Ren Wan 麻子仁丸 Apricot Sm. & Linum Formula Ingredients: Huo Ma Ren Bai Shao Zhi Shi Hou Pu Xing Ren Da Huang 火麻仁 白芍 枳實 厚朴 杏仁 大黃 Linum Sm. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Rhei Rz. et Rx. 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 4.00 Actions: Moisturizes intestines, promotes bowel movements, drains heat. Indications: Habitual constipation for the elderly or weak confirmation, hemorrhoids. Dry tongue with yellow fur, rapid floating pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 25 regulate Qi of the large intestine and lubircate it. St 37 with St 25 to activate Qi circulation in stomach and intestinesa and remove stagnation. SJ 6 moderates three Jiaos. LI 11 and LI 4 clear the heat. 21126 Mai Men Dong Tan 麥門冬湯 Ophiopogon Combination Ingredients: Mai Men Dong Ban Xia Jing Mi Da Zao Ren Shen 麥門冬 半夏 粳米 大棗 人參 Ophiopogonis Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Oryzae Sm. Jujubae Fr. Ginseng Rx. - 23 - 9.00 6.00 2.50 2.50 1.50 Gan Cao 甘草 Glycyrrhizae Rx. 1.50 Actions: Nourishes the stomach, increases the body fluids, descends Qi.. Indications: Bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, and hoarseness. Red tongue, weak and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 13, UB 21, K 7, K 3 and Sp 6 are combined for tonifying the Yin of lung and stomach. Due to its deficiencies. Ren 17 and lung 9 might apply if The patient might show coughing with dyspnea. For nausea and vomiting, add Ren 12 and St 36. 20413 Mu Fang Ji Tang 木防己湯 【S】 Cocculi & Ginseng Combination Ingredients: Mu Fang Ji Shi Gao Gui Zhi Ren Shen 木防己 石膏 桂枝 人參 Cocculi Rx. Gypsum Fibrosum Cinnamomi Ramulus Ginseng Rx. 6.00 12.00 4.00 8.00 Actions: Dispels stagnant water in the chest, resolves phlegm. Indications: Valvular disease, cardiac malfunctioning cardiac asthma, nephritis, edema, bronchial asthma, beriberi. Yellow fur on the tongue, sunken and tense pulse. Accu-Treatment: N/A 20414 Mu Xiang Bing Lang Wan 木香檳榔丸 Pogostemonis & Areca Semen Combination Ingredients: Mu Xiang Bing Lang Zhi Qiao Qing Pi Chen Pi 木香 檳榔 枳殼 青皮 陳皮 Pogostemonis Hb. Arecae Sm. Aurantii Fr. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Viride Citri Reticulatae Pc. - 24 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 E Zhu San Leng Huang Bai Huang Lian Da Huang Qian Niu Zi Xiang Fu Mang Xiao 莪朮 三稜 黃柏 黃連 大黃 黑丑 香附 芒硝 Zedoariae Rz. Sparganii Rz. Phellodendri Cx. Coptidis Rz. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Pharbitidis Sm. Cyperi Rz. Mirabilitum Depuratum 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 Actions: Promoting circulation of vital energy, eliminating stagnancy of food and clearing away heat evil. Indications: For cases due to stagnation of indigestive foods and functional disorder of intestines, manifested as abdominal pain and dullness, difficulty in urination and defecation. Yellow and greasy fur on the tongue, sunken and solid pulse. Remark: This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. Acu-Treatment: Liver 4, St 25 and St 37 for dispeling damp-heat, regulate Qi and blood circulation, And to promote digestion. St 44help clear heat from the Yangming Channel. 21324 Ning Sou Wan 寧嗽丸 Fritillaria & Platycodon Formula Ingredients: Jie Geng Fu Ling Gan Cao Shi Hu Ban Xia Bei Mu Xing Ren Zi Su Zi Bo He Sang Bai Pi Ju Pi Sheng Jiang 桔梗 茯苓 甘草 石斛 半夏 貝母 杏仁 紫蘇子 薄荷 桑白皮 橘皮 生薑 Platycodi Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Dendrobii Hb. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Fritillariae Bulbus Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Perillae Fm. Menthae Hb. Mori Radicis Cx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Zingiberis Recens Rz. - 25 - 2.00 2.00 0.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 2.00 Actions: Clears heat, eliminates phlegm. Indications: Cough, common cold with phlematic cough, trachitis, acute and chronic bronchitis with cough. Acu-Treatment: Ub 13, 18, 20, L 11, Liv 2, Ren 13, Sp 1 clears heat, eliminates phlegm. 20312 Nu Ke Bai Zi Ren Wan 女科柏子仁丸 Biota & Achyranthes Formula Ingredients: Bai Zi Ren Fai Niu Xi Wan Nian Song Ze Xie Xu Duan Shou Di Huang 柏子仁 淮牛膝 萬年松 澤瀉 續斷 熟地黃 Biotae Sm. Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. Selaginellae Hb. Alismatis Rz. Dipsaci Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 Actions: Eliminates blood stagnancy, regulates menstruation, nourishes Qi and blood. Indications: Menstrual irregularity and amenorrhea. Acu-Treatment: Ren 3, Ub 23, Li 4,11, Sp 6, St 36, Sj 6 eliminates blood stagnancy,regulates menstruation, nourishes Qi and blood. 21108 Pai Nong San 排膿散 【S】 Platycodon & Aurantium Formula Ingredients: Zhi Shi Bai Shao Jie Geng 枳實 白芍 桔梗 Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Platycodi Rx. 18.00 6.00 2.00 Actions: Disperses wind-heat, promotes Qi and blood circulation, eliminates suppuration. - 26 - Indications: Suppurative and inflammatory diseases, mastitis, carbuncles, boils, gangrene, and lymphadenitis. Acu-Treatment: Li 11, 4, Sp 6, Gb 40, St 36, Liv 2, Ren 17, P 7, Si 1 disperses wind-heat, promotes Qi and blood circulation, eliminates suppuration. 20532 Ping Gan Liu Qi Yin 平肝流氣飲 Cyperus & Citrus Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Chai Hu Bai Shao Xiang Fu Chuan Xiong Hou Pu Ju Pi Shan Zhi Zi Fu Ling Gan Cao Zhi Ban Xia Wu Zhu Yu Qing Pi Sheng Jiang Huang Lian 當歸 柴胡 白芍 香附 川芎 厚朴 橘皮 山梔子 茯苓 甘草 半夏 吳茱萸 青皮 生薑 黃連 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Cyperi Rz. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Citri Exocarpium Gardeniae Fr. Poria Cocos Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Evodiae Fr. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Viride Zingiberis Recens Rz. Coptidis Rz. Actions: Nourishing blood, clear liver fire, liver opprression. Indications: Chest and lateral pain, hernia, chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis. Red tip with whitish coating on the tongue, bowstring pulse. Aacu-Treatment: N/A 20515 Ping Wei San 平胃散 Magnolia & Ginger Formula Ingredients: - 27 - 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 2.00 2.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 3.00 2.00 Cang Zhu Hou Pu Sheng Jiang Da Zao Chen Pi Gan Cao 蒼朮 厚朴 生薑 大棗 陳皮 甘草 Atractylodis Rz. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. 5.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Actions: Dries dampness, promotes natural flow of Qi, harmonizes the stomach and spleen. Indications: Gastritis, loss of appetite, indigestion, gastrectasis, gastric ulcer, and gastrointestinal weakness. White and thick fur on the tongue, slow pulse. Acu-Treatment: Liver 13 combined with Sp 4 to strenthen the spleen. St 36 to relieve nausea. Combine with Sp 6 for drying up dampness in spleen and stomach 21202 Pu Chi Xiao Du Yin 普濟消毒飲 Coptis Scrophalaria & Forsythia Combination Ingredients: Huang Qin Huang Lian Xuan Shen Chai Hu Jie Geng Gan Cao Lian Qiao Niu Bang Zi Ban Lan Gen Ma Bo Jiang Chan Sheng Ma Bo He Chen Pi 黃芩 黃連 玄參 柴胡 桔梗 甘草 連翹 牛蒡子 板藍根 馬勃 殭蠶 升麻 薄荷 陳皮 Scutellariae Rx. Coptidis Rz. Scrophulariae Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Platycodi Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Forsythiae Fr. Arctii Fr. Isatidis Rx. Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia Bombyx Cum Batryte Cimicifugae Rz. Menthae Hb. Citri Reticulatae Pc. 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.70 0.70 1.00 2.00 Actions: Clearing away heat evil and toxic material, expelling wind evil from the body surface, relieving swelling. Indications: For some epidemic diseases attributive to the accumulation of wind, heat and pestilent evil - 28 - in the head and face, manifested as swelling, redness and pain over the face, chilliness, fever, sore throat. Reddish tongue with white and yellow fur, floating and rapid, strong pulse. Acu-Treatment: SJ 5 with LI $ to dispel and clear both exterior and interior heat. SJ 17 and St 6 sedate and clear heat in the head. SJ 22, SJ 5 and SJ 1 reduce swelling, LI 11, LI 4, and Lung 11 clear the heat toxin. For those patients have severe fever, add Du 14 and the 12 Jing-Well points. For delirium and semi-unconsciousness add Du 26., GB 43 and UB 20 for headache., Liver 8 and Liver 3 for swelling of the scrotum and pain., 20218 Qi Bao Mei Zan Dan 七寶美髯丹 Cuscuta & Lycium Formula Ingredients: He Shou Wu Fu Ling Fai Niu Xi Dang Gui Gou Qi Zi Tu Si Zi Bu Gu Zhi 何首烏 茯苓 淮牛膝 當歸 枸杞子 菟絲子 補骨脂 Polygoni Multiflori Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Lycii Fr. Cuscutae Sm. Psoraleae Fr. 8.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Action: Enrich the kidney Yin and nourish the liver blood. Indication: Regenerate the hair, loose teeth, spontaneous and nocturnal emission, soreness and weakness of lower back and knees. Acu-Treatment: UB 18, UB 23 and K 3 strengthen the kidney and liver. UB 23 and UB 17 nourish the blood And essence. UB 20 and St 36 nourish the middle Jiao to provide more Qi and blood. - 29 - 20705 Qi Ju Di Huang Wan 杞菊地黃丸 【S】 Lycium Chrys. & Rehmannia Formula Ingredients: Gou Qi Zi Ju Hua Shou Di Huang Shan Zhu Yu Shan Yao Fu Ling Mu Dan Pi Ze Xie 枸杞子 菊花 熟地黃 山茱萸 山藥 茯苓 牡丹皮 澤瀉 Lycii Fr. Chrysanthemi Fl. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Corni Fr. Dioscoreae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Moutan Radicis Cx. Alismatis Rz. 2.00 2.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Tonifies the heart, kidneys, spleen, and stomach supplements blood and semen. Indications: Decrease of libido, impotence, and weakness. Acu-Treatment: See “Liu Wei Di Huang Wan” To prove and clarify the vision, UB 1, UB 2 and SI 6 may add. 20201 Qi Li San 七厘散 Musk & Catechu Formula Ingredients: Zhu Sha She Xiang Bing Pian Ru Xiang Hong Hua Mo Yao Xue Jie Er Cha 硃砂 麝香 冰片 乳香 紅花 沒藥 血竭 兒茶 Cinnabaris Musk Bornea Camphor Olibanum Gummi Carthami Flos Myrrha Draconis Sanguis Catechu 12.00 1.20 1.20 15.00 15.00 15.00 100.00 24.00 Actions: Invigorates the blood, disperses stagnant blood, stops pain and bleeding. Indications: External and internal injuries, blood stasis, swelling pain due to fracture and contusion, - 30 - myocarditis, coronary heart disease, rib pain, and hepatitis. Remark:This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. Acu-Treatment: Li 11, 4, Sp 6, Gb 40, St 36, Liv 2, Ren 17, P 7, Si 1 disperses wind-heat, promotes Qi and blood circulation, eliminates suppuration. 21105 Qi Pi Wan 啟脾丸 Lotus & Citrus Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Bai Zhu Fu Ling Lian Zi Shan Yao Shan Zha Chen Pi Ze Xie Gan Cao 人參 白朮 茯苓 蓮子 山藥 山查 陳皮 澤瀉 甘草 Ginseng Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Nelumbinis Sm. Dioscoreae Rz. Crataegi Fr. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Alismatis Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Eliminates food stagnancy, nourishes the spleen and stomach. Indications: Indigestion, chronic gastritis, malnutrition in children, chronic diarrhea, and intestinal tuberculosis. Greasy and yellowish fur on the tongue, weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: St 25, 44, 45, 36, Ub 20, 21 eliminates food stagnancy, nourishes the spleen and stomach. 21607 Qi Wei Bai Zhu san 七味白朮散 Atractylodes & Pueraria Formula Ingredients: Ren Shen Bai Zhu 人參 白朮 Ginseng Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. - 31 - 3.00 3.00 Fu Ling Ge Gen Huo Xiang Mu Xiang Gan Cao 茯苓 葛根 藿香 木香 甘草 Poria Cocos Rx. Puerariae Rx. Agastachis Hb. Pogostemonis Hb. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Supplements the spleen Qi, relieves muscle heat, strengthens the stomach. Indications: Indigestion in children, common cold accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, diabetes. Acu-Treatment: see “Shen ing Bai Zhu San” Add P 6, Sp 9. 20281 Qi Wei Du Qi Wan 七味都氣丸 Rehmannia & Schizandra Formula Ingredients: Shou Di Huang Wu Wei Zi Ze Xie Fu Ling Shan Yao Mu Dan Pi Shan Zhu Yu 熟地黃 五味子 澤瀉 茯苓 山藥 牡丹皮 山茱萸 Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Schisandrae Fr. Alismatis Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Dioscoreae Rz. Moutan Radicis Cx. Corni Fr. 6.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Relieves asthmatic cough. Indications: Coughs, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary tuberculosis. Accu-Treatment: L 9, Ub 13, 42, St 38, Sp 1, H 7, Ren 17, Si 15 coughs, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary tuberculosis. - 32 - 20219 Qi Wu Jiang Xia Tang 七物降下湯 DangGui & Uncaria Ramulus Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Bai Shao Gou Teng Chuan Xiong Sheng Di Huang Huang Bai Huang Qi 當歸 白芍 鉤藤 川芎 生地黃 黃柏 黃耆 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Uncariae Ramulus Cum Uncis Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Rehmanniae Rx. Phellodendri Cx. Astragali Rx. 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Regulates blood circulation, dispels heat and dampness. Indications: Hypertension in patients of deficiency conformation who have renal problems, flushing up of Qi, aching shoulders, tinnitus, and heaviness of the head; essential hypertension, chronic nephritis, arteriosclerosis. Acu-Treatment: Li 11, St 36, Gb 20, Liv 3, regulates blood circulation, dispels heat and dampness. 20806 Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang 羌活勝濕湯 Notopterygium Combination Ingredients: Qiang Huo Du Huo Chuan Xiong Gao Ben Fang Feng Zhi Can Cao Man Jing Zi 羌活 獨活 川芎 篙本 防風 炙甘草 蔓荊子 Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Ligustici Rz. Ledebouriellae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Viticis Fr. Actions: Expelling wind and dampness evil. Indications: - 33 - 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.50 For cases with wind dampness evil located at the superficies, which are manifested as headache, heaviness over the head, general aching, chilliness, fever.Whitish fur on the tongue, floating pulse. Acu-Trestment: Ub 12 and GB 20 for dispelling wind and expel external pathogenic factors. Du 3 warm the Yang to dispel dampness. GB 34 to relieve miscle stiffness and pain. Sp 6 tonify blood and regulate the blood circulation. UB 40 to treat the lower back pain. Local point also be selected. 21106 Qiang Shen 強腎 Rehmannia & Lotus Stamen Combination Ingredients: Qian Shi Lian Xu Long Gu Mu Li Shan Yao Bai Ji Li Jin Ying Zi Wu Wei Zi Shou Di Huang Shan Zhu Yu Mu Dan Pi Fu Ling Ze Xie 芡實 蓮鬚 龍骨 牡蠣 山藥 白蒺藜 大金櫻 五味子 熟地黃 山茱萸 牡丹皮 茯苓 澤瀉 Euryales Sm. Nelumbinis Stamen Dragonis Os. Ostreae Concha Dioscoreae Rz. Tribuli Fr. Rosae Laevigatae Fr. Schizandrae Fr. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Corni Fr. Moutan Radicis Cx. Poria Cocos Rx. Alismatis Rz. 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 3.00 1.50 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 Actions: This is a compound formula of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan and Jin Shou Gu Jin Wan. It treats the symptoms of both formulas. Indications: Nocturnal emission, fatigue, neurasthenia, hypofunction of kidney. Pale tongue with whitish fur, small and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: See “Liu Wei Di Huang Wan and Jin Shou Gu Jin Wan”. 21023 Qin Jiao Bie Jia San 秦艽 Gentiana Macrophlla & T.S. Formula - 34 - 甲散 【S】 Ingredients: Qin Jiao Bie Jia Chai Hu Zhi Mu Di Gu Pi Dang Gui Wu Mei Qing Hao 秦艽 鱉甲 柴胡 知母 地骨皮 當歸 烏梅 青蒿 Gentianae Macrophyllae Rx. Trionycis Carapax Bupleuri Rx. Anemarrhenae Rz. Lycii Radicis Cx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Mume Fr. Artemisiae Annuae Hb. 2.50 5.00 5.00 2.50 5.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 Actions: Resolves heat, supplements deficiency, dispels wind-dampness. Indications: Tuberculosis, pneumonia, generalized debility due to prolonged illness, high ferver accompanied by night sweat, cough, lassitude of the limbs. Reddish tongue, and flushed complexion. Acu-Treatment: UB 23, K 2 and UB 43 nourish Yin and clear heat alos combined with H 6 to relieve bone-steaming sensation and night sweating. Sp 10 nourishes blood SJ 5 and LI 4 dispel the exterior factor and lesd it outward. 21114 Qing Fei Tang 清肺湯 【S】 Platycodon & Fritillaria Combination Ingredients: Fu Ling Dang Gui Huang Qin Jie Geng Chen Pi Mai Men Dong Sang Bai Pi Tian Men Dong Wu Wei Zi Sheng Jiang Gan Cao Bei Mu Xing Ren Shan Zhi Zi Da Zao 茯苓 當歸 黃芩 桔梗 陳皮 麥門冬 桑白皮 天門冬 五味子 生薑 甘草 貝母 杏仁 山梔子 大棗 Poria Cocos Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Ophiopogonis Rx. Mori Radicis Cx. Asparagi Rx. Schisandrae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Fritillariae Bulbus Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Gardeniae Fr. Jujubae Fr. - 35 - 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 0.40 3.00 0.60 2.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 Zhu Ru 竹茹 Bambusae In Taeniam Caulis 2.00 Actions: Clears the lungs, dispels heat. Indications: Chronic cough, chronic bronchitis, chronic laryngitis, bronchiectasis, cough due to pneumonia, and bronchial asthma. Acu-Tratment: Li 11, St 36, Gb 20, Liv 3, regulates blood circulation, dispels heat and dampness. Remark: This formula is very effective in treating lung heat and chronic cough with profuse sputum. 21115 Qing Fei Yin 清肺飲 Platycodon & Citrus Formula Ingredients: Xing Ren Bei Mu Fu Ling Ju Hong Ma Huang Jie Geng Gan Cao Fang Feng Sheng Jiang Wu Wei Zi Bo He 杏仁 貝母 茯苓 橘紅 麻黃 桔梗 甘草 防風 生薑 五味子 薄荷 Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Fritillariae Bulbus Poria Cocos Rx. Citri Exocarpium Rubrum Ephedrae Hb. Platycodi Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Schizandrae Fr. Menthae Hb. 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 Actions: Clearing away lung-heat and promoting diuresis. Indications: For cases of stranguria accompanied with dry throat, extreme thirst, cough, shortness of breath, which are attributive to accumulation of heat in the lung. Yellow and thin fur on the tongue. Acu-Treatment: Ub 13, Ren 17, 22, L 7, 5, 9, St 40, K3 Clearing away lung-heat and promoting diuresis. - 36 - 21113 Qing Kong Gao 清空膏 Scute and Ledebouriella Combination Ingredients: Huang Qin Huang Lian Qiang Huo Fang Feng Chai Hu Chuan Xiong Zhi Gan Cao Xi Cha 黃芩 黃連 羌活 防風 柴胡 川芎 炙甘草 細茶 Scutellariae Rx. Coptidis Rz. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Camelliae Folium 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.80 2.00 6.00 1.20 Actions: Expel wind, clear heat and dampness particular at head. Indications: Migraine headache, sore throat, tinnitus, and eye swelling due to damp heat ascending to the upper. Acu-Treatment: N/A 21118 Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan 清氣化痰丸 Apricot Sm. & Citrus Combination Ingredients: Ban Xia Dan Nan Xing Zhi Shi Xing Ren Gua Lou Ren Huang Qin Fu Ling Chen Pi Sheng Jiang 半夏 膽南星 枳實 杏仁 栝樓仁 黃芩 茯苓 陳皮 生薑 Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Arisaema Cum Bile Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Trichosanthis Sm. Scutellariae Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Actions: Cleans away heat, disperses phlegm, relieves coughing. Indications: - 37 - 3.75 3.75 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 4.50 Cough with difficult expectoration of thick yellow sputum, fullness of chest, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, insomnia, stagnation of phlegm. Red tongue with yellow and greasy fur, smooth and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: Lung 8 and UB 13 to clear lung heat and expel phlegm. St 40 to expel dampness and phlegm. Du 9 and LI 4 to relieve extrior factors and clear heat as well. Ren 17 regulate Qi Circulation and relieves chest distention. UB 20 and Sp 9 strenthen the spleen and expel damp. 21110 Qing Shang Fang Feng Tang 清上防風湯 Ledebouriella Combination Ingredients: Chuan Xiong Huang Qin Lian Qiao Bai Zhi Fang Feng Jie Geng Shan Zhi Zi Jing Jie Huang Lian Zhi Qiao Gan Cao Bo He Zhu Ru 川芎 黃芩 連翹 白芷 防風 桔梗 山梔子 荊芥 黃連 枳殼 甘草 薄荷 竹茹 Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Scutellariae Rx. Forsythiae Fr. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Gardeniae Fr. Schizonepetae Hb. Coptidis Rz. Aurantii Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Menthae Hb. Bambusae Taeniam Caulis 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 3.00 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.50 3.00 Actions: Purges fire in upper burner, dispels heat toxin. Indications: Heat toxin indicated by anhidrosis, oliguria, constipation, flushing of the face, flush-up of Qi, head and facial boils, and a strong pulse; any types of suppurative inflammation or toxin swelling in the head and face. Acu-Treatment: P 7, Sj 6, Si 5, 3, Li 4, 11, St 36, Liv 2 purges fire in upper burner, dispels heat toxin. - 38 - 21180 Qing Shang Fang Feng Jia Yi Ren 清上防風加薏仁 Ledebouriella & Coix Combination Ingredients: Lian Qiao Chuan Xiong Huang Qin Jie Geng Shan Zhi Zi Fang Feng Bai Zhi Yi Yi Ren Zhi Shi Bai Ji Li Bo He Huang Lian Gan Cao 連翹 川芎 黃芩 桔梗 山梔子 防風 白芷 薏苡仁 枳實 白蒺藜 薄荷 黃連 甘草 Forsythiae Fr. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Scutellariae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Gardeniae Fr. Ledebouriellae Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Coicis Sm. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Tribuli Fr. Menthae Hb. Coptidis Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Actions: Dispels heat toxin in upper burner. Indications: Head and facial boils, vesicles, eczema, rosacea, otitis media, gingivitis, lichen albus. Red tongue, and strong pulse. Acu-Treatment: Li 4, 11, St 36, 24, Ub 40 dispels heat toxin in upper burner. 21111 Qing Shang Juan Tong Tang 清上蠲痛湯 Ophiopogon & Asarum Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Qiang Huo Man Jing Zi Gan Cao Chuan Xiong Du Huo Huang Qin 當歸 羌活 蔓荊子 甘草 川芎 獨活 黃芩 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Viticis Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Angelicae Pubescentis Rx. Scutellariae Rx. - 39 - 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 Ju Hua Mai Men Dong Cang Zhu Sheng Jiang Bai Zhi Fang Feng Xi Xin 菊花 麥門冬 蒼朮 生薑 白芷 防風 細辛 Chrysanthemi Fl. Ophiopogonis Rx. Atractylodis Rz. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Asari Hb. 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 0.60 Actions: Dispels wind-heat, relieves pain. Indications: All types of headache, facial pain, trigeminal neuralgia pain due to maxillary cancer. Accu-Treatment: Li 4, Ub 5, Gb 20, P 6 dispels wind-heat, relieves pain. 21119 Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang 清暑益氣湯 【S】 Astragalus & Atractylodes Combination Ingredients: Huang Qi Ren Shen Bai Zhu Cang Zhu Shen Qu Qing Pi Chen Pi Zhi Gan Cao Dang Gui Huang Bai Ze Xie Mai Men Dong Wu Wei Zi Sheng Ma Ge Gen Sheng Jiang Da Zao 黃耆 人參 白朮 蒼朮 神麴 青皮 陳皮 炙甘草 當歸 黃柏 澤瀉 麥門冬 五味子 升麻 葛根 生薑 大棗 Astragali Rx. Ginseng Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Atractylodis Rz. Massa Medicata Fermentata Citri Reticulatae Pc. Viride Citri Reticulatae Pc. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Phellodendri Cx. Alismatis Rz. Ophiopogonis Rx. Schisandrae Fr. Cimicifugae Rz. Puerariae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 3.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 Actions: Dispels summer heat, disperses dampness-heat, nourishes Qi, increases the secretion of - 40 - saliva. Indications: Generalized lassitude accompanied by scanty and reddish urine, loss of appetite, watery stool, body heat, thirst, and spontaneous sweating. Weak and rapidy pulse. Acu-Treatment: Heart 9 with Lung 9 to nourish the body fluid. SJ 5 clear heat in three Jiaos UB 20 and UB 21 nourish Qi and body fluid. Ren 6, St 36, Sp 9 and p 6 to help tonify Qi and dissolve the dampness. 21116 Qing Wei San 清胃散 【S】 Coptis & Rehmannia Formula Ingredients: Huang Lian Mu Dan Pi Sheng Di Huang Dang Gui Sheng Ma 黃連 牡丹皮 生地黃 當歸 升麻 Coptidis Rz. Moutan Radicis Cx. Rehmanniae Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Cimicifugae Rz. 3.60 6.00 3.60 3.60 12.00 Actions: Clears the stomach-heat, cools the blood. Indications: Stomatitis, swelling pain of the throat, toothache, and gingivitis and foul breathing. Reddish tongue with yellowish fur, smooth and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: St 44 sedates heat in stomach. P 8 clears heart fire. LI 4, St 7 and St 6 are combined to treat pain and swelling of teeth, gum, tongue and facials as well. 21112 Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin 清心蓮子飲 【S】 Lotus Sm. Combination Ingredients: Mai Men Dong Che Qian Zi Di Gu Pi Ren Shen 麥門冬 車前子 地骨皮 人參 Ophiopogonis Rx. Plantaginis Sm. Lycii Radicis Cx. Ginseng Rx. - 41 - 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.50 Shi Lian Rou Huang Qin Huang Qi Fu Ling Zhi Gan Cao 石蓮肉 黃芩 黃耆 茯苓 炙甘草 Nelumbinis Sm. Scutellariae Rx. Astragali Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. 4.50 3.00 4.50 4.50 3.00 Actions: Disperses dampness-heat, promotes urination. Indications: Chronic cystitis, chronic nephritis, diabetes, leukorrhea, and pyelitis. Red tongue, submerge and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: Sp 6, 9, Ub 23, 28, 40, Ren 3 disperses dampness-heat, promotes urination. 21117 Qing Yen Li Ge Tang 清咽利膈湯 Arctium Combination Ingredients: Jin Yin Hua Jing Jie Bo He Jie Geng Fang Feng Huang Qin Huang Lian Shan Zhi Zi Lian Qiao Xuan Shen Da Huang Mang Xiao Niu Bang Zi Gan Cao 金銀花 荊芥 薄荷 桔梗 防風 黃芩 黃連 山梔子 連翹 玄參 大黃 芒硝 牛蒡子 甘草 Lonicerae Fl. Schizonepetae Hb. Menthae Hb. Platycodi Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Coptidis Rz. Gardeniae Fr. Forsythiae Fr. Scrophulariae Rx. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Mirabilitum Depuratum Arctii Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Actions: Purges fire in the lungs and stomach, dispels heat. Indications: Tonsillitis and laryngitis. - 42 - 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Acu-Treatment: St 6, Li 4, 5, 2, L11, 5, 8, P 7 purges fire in the lungs and stomach, dispels heat. 21120 Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang 清燥救肺湯 【S】 Eriobotrya & Ophiopogon Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Xing Ren Sang Ye Hu Ma Ren E Jiao Mai Men Dong Pi Pa Ye Gan Cao Shi Gao Ginseng Rx. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Mori Fm. Sesami Nigrum Sm. Asini Gelatinum Ophiopogonis Rx. Eriobotryae Fm. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Gypsum Fibrosum 人參 杏仁 桑葉 胡麻仁 阿膠 麥門冬 枇杷葉 甘草 石膏 2.00 2.00 7.50 2.50 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.50 6.50 Actions: Disperses dryness, moisturizes the lungs. Indications: Pulmonary asthma, trachitis manifesting cough with little sputum, sore throat, and thirst; hacking cough, hemoptysis, pulmonary tuberculosis, uncoated tongue. Acu-Treatment: SJ 5 and LI 4 moisten and ventilate the lung. UB13 and lung 8 to clear heat from lung. Lung 7 and Ren 17 to regulate the Lung Qi. K 6 and K 3 nourish the Yin. St 36 tonifies all three Jiaos for strenthen the Qi. Remark:This formula should not be applied to initial stage of common cold with profuse sputum. 22102 Qu Feng Jie Du Tang 驅風解毒湯 Ledebouriella, Forsythia & Gypsum Combination Ingredients: Niu Bang Zi Lian Qiao Jing Jie Qiang Huo 牛蒡子 連翹 荊芥 羌活 Arctii Fr. Forsythiae Fr. Schizonepetae Hb. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. - 43 - 3.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 Fang Feng Gan Cao Jie Geng Shi Gao 防風 甘草 桔梗 石膏 Ledebouriellae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Gypsum Fibrosum 3.00 1.50 3.00 5.00 Actions: Expels heat, dispels detoxified materials. Indications: Pharyngitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, mumps. Acu-Treatment: Li 1, Sj 5, St 36, Liv 3 expels heat, dispels toxified materials. 20206 Ren Shen Bai Du San 人參敗毒散 【S】 Ginseng & Mentha Formula Ingredients: Ren Shen Qiang Huo Du Huo Chai Hu Qian Hu Sheng Jiang Chuan Xiong Zhi Qiao Jie Geng Fu Ling Gan Cao Bo He 人參 羌活 獨活 柴胡 前胡 生薑 川芎 枳殼 桔梗 茯苓 甘草 薄荷 Ginseng Rx. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Peucedani Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Aurantii Fr. Platycodi Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Menthae Hb. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 0.50 Actions: Nourishes Qi, resolves the exterior, disperses wind-dampness. Indications: Common cold manifesting chillphobia, fever, anhidrosis, headache, stiff neck, body pain, chest distention, stuffy nose, and coughing with sputum; influenza, urticaria, eczema, and eye disorders. Acu-Treatment: GB 20 and Du 14 resolve extrior expel wind. LI11 and LI 4 regulate Qi flow of lung. St 36 and Sp 9 strenthen Qi and dispel dampness. - 44 - 20283 Ren Shen Dang Shao San 人參當芍散 Ginseng & DangGui Formula Ingredients: Bai Zhu Dang Gui Ren Shen Bai Shao Ze Xie Gan Cao Fu Ling Chuan Xiong Gui Zhi 白朮 當歸 人參 白芍 澤瀉 甘草 茯苓 川芎 桂枝 Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ginseng Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Alismatis Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Cinnamomi Ramulus 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.50 1.50 Actions: Promotes blood and Qi circulation, relaxes muscles, tranquilizes uneasiness of mind. Indications: (1)Gynecological disorders: menstrual irregularity, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, abdominal cramping, leukorrhea, endometritis. (2)Nervous system disorders: nervousenss, neurasthenia, amnesia, neuralgia, nervous palpitations, numbness of the limbs, hysteria. (3)Others: frequent urination, edema, albuminuria, renal and cardiac malfunctioning. (Note)This formula in combination with coix has been used to smooth and soften the skin. Acu-Treatment: Du 20 ,9, Li 4, Gb 39, Ub 23, Ren 3, 4, K 2, Sp 4, 6 promotes blood and Qi circulations, relaxes muscles, tranquilizes uneasiness of mind. 20205 Ren Shen Fei Er Wan 人參肥兒丸 Ginseng, Crataegus & Messa Formula Ingredients: Ren Shen Huang Lian Gan Cao Bai Zhu 人參 黃連 甘草 白朮 Ginseng Rx. Coptidis Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. - 45 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Fu Ling Shen Qu Mai Ya Hu Hueng Lian Shi Jun Zi Shan Zha Lu Hui Poria Cocos Rx. Massa Medicata Fermentata Hordei Germinatus Fr. Picrorhizae Rz. Quisqualis Fr. Crataegi Fr. Aloe 茯苓 神麴 麥芽 胡黃連 使君子 山查 蘆薈 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 Actions: Expelling intestinal parasites, relieving infantile malnutrition, promoting digestion, strengthening the spleen and clearing heat. Indications: Infantile malnutrition, abdominal pain, sallow complexion, helminthes, emaciation, abdominal fullness fever, foul breath. Acu-Treatment: Du 20 ,9, Li 4, Gb 39, Ub 23, Ren 3, 4, K 2, Sp 4, 6 promotes blood and Qi circulations, relaxes muscles, tranquilizes uneasiness of mind. 20284 Ren Shen Xie Fei Tang 人參瀉肺湯 Ginseng & Platycodon Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Jie Geng Lian Qiao Zhi Qiao Huang Qin Bo He Xing Ren Da Huang Shan Zhi Zi Gan Cao Sang Bai Pi 人參 桔梗 連翹 枳殼 黃芩 薄荷 杏仁 大黃 山梔子 甘草 桑白皮 Ginseng Rx. Platycodi Rx. Forsythiae Fr. Aurantii Fr. Scutellariae Rx. Menthae Hb. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Gardeniae Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx Mori Radicis Cx 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 Actions: Disperses heat, moistens the lungs, resolves phlegm, regulate Qi circulation. Indications: Pneumonia, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, sore throat, asthma, loss of voice. Acu-Treatment: - 46 - P 5, Sj 6, H 4, L 10, Li 4, K10, 7, 2, St 40 disperses heat, moistens the lungs, resolves phlegm, regulate qi circulation. 20207 Ren Shen Yang Rong Tang 人參養榮湯 【S】 Ginseng Nutri Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Huang Qi Bai Zhu Fu Ling Dang Gui Shou Di Huang Bai Shao Yuan Zhi Wu Wei Zi Da Zao Gui Xin Sheng Jiang Zhi Gan Cao Chen Pi 人參 黃耆 白朮 茯苓 當歸 熟地黃 白芍 遠志 五味子 大棗 桂心 生薑 炙甘草 陳皮 Ginseng Rx. Astragali Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Polygalae Rx. Schisandrae Fr. Jujubae Fr. Cinnamomi Cortex Scraps Zingiberis Recens Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Citri Reticulatae Pc. 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.00 4.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 2.50 Actions: Tonifies Qi and blood, supplements spleen and lung deficiency. Indications: Postpartum and post-illness weakness, tuberculosis, pleurisy, amnesia, palpitations, and general debility due to prolonged external injury.Pale tongue, sunken and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 15, UB 18 and UB 17 combined to nourish the blood. Ren 6 nourishes the Qi. UB 20, UB 21 St 36 and Sp 6 nourish the middle Jiao to increase the Qi and blood. H 7 to calm Shen. - 47 - 21501 Run Chang Tang 潤腸湯 Linum & Rhubarb Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Shou Di Huang Sheng Di Huang Tao Ren Xing Ren Hou Pu Huang Qin Ma Zi Ren Zhi Shi Gan Cao Da Huang 當歸 熟地黃 生地黃 桃仁 杏仁 厚朴 黃芩 麻子仁 枳實 甘草 大黃 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Rehmanniae Rx. Persicae Sm. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Scutellariae Rx. linum Sm. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Rhei Rz. et Rx. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 Actions: Moisturizes the blood, increases the secretion of body fluids, dispels blood heat. Indications: Habitual constipation, constipation due to hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and nephritis. Wiry and small rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: See *Ma Zi Ren Wan. Eliminate LI 11, LI 4 and SJ 6. Add UB 17 and UB 12 to activate the blood circulation and expel wind. 20303 San Huang Shi Gao Tang 三黃石膏湯 Coptis & Scute Combination Ingredients: Huang Qin Huang Lian Huang Bai Shan Zhi Zi Ma Huang Shi Gao Dan Dou Chi Da Zao Sheng Jiang Xi Cha 黃芩 黃連 黃柏 山梔子 麻黃 石膏 淡豆豉 大棗 生薑 細茶 Scutellariae Rx. Coptidis Rz. Phellodendri Cx. Gardeniae Fr. Ephedrae Hb. Gypsum Fibrosum Sojae Sm. Preparatum Jujubae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Camelliae Folium - 48 - 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 2.50 2.00 3.00 2.00 Actions: Cools the heat, relieves inflammation. Indications: Acute febrile disease manifesting flushed complexion, dry nose and tongue, thirst, listlessness, insomnia, delirium, and skin eruption; black measles, epistaxis, and hemorrhages due to inflammation. Red tongue with yellow fur, bounding and rapid or smooth and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: N/A 20304 San Huang Xie Xin Tang 三黃瀉心湯 Coptis & Rhubarb Combination Ingredients: Da Huang Huang Qin Huang Lian 大黃 黃芩 黃連 Rhei Rz. et Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Coptidis Rz. 4.00 4.00 4.00 Actions: Stops bleeding in upper torso, purges excess. Indications: Habitual constipation, epistaxis, hemoptysis and hematemesis, ophthalmia, hypertension, encephalemia, gastritis, and hemorrhoidal bleeding. Red tongue, strong pulse. (Note)This formula is very effective in treating bleeding in the upper torso. Acu-Treatment: Liv14, K 6, P 6, Sp 4, Sj 6, Ren 8, Ub17, 25 stops bleeding in upper torso, purges excess. 20302 San Bi Tang 三痹湯 【S】 Duhuo & Gentiana Combination Ingredients: Xu Duan Du Zhong Fang Feng Rou Gui Xi Xin 續斷 杜仲 防風 肉桂 細辛 Dipsaci Rx. Eucommiae Cx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Cinnamomi Cx. Asari Hb. - 49 - 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Ren Shen Fu Ling Dang Gui Bai Shao Huang Qi Fai Niu Xi Gan Cao Qin Jiao Sheng Di Huang Chuan Xiong Du Huo Sheng Jiang Da Zao 人參 茯苓 當歸 白芍 黃耆 牛膝 甘草 秦艽 生地黃 川芎 獨活 生薑 大棗 Ginseng Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Astragali Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Gentianae Macrophyllae Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Angelicae Pubescentis Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Actions: Tonifies the liver and kidneys, promotes Qi, nourishes blood, expels wind and dampness. Indications: Sinew and bone pain, weak joint pain due to wind-damp obstruction. Pale tongue with whitish fur, thin weak slow pulse. Acu-Treatment: See”Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang” Add Ren 6 and Sp 10 to reinforce the tonifications of Qi and Blood. 21201 San Zhong Kui Jian Tang 散腫潰堅湯 【S】 Forsythia & Laminaria Combination Ingredients: Kun Bu Huang Bai Zhi Mu Jie Geng San Ling E Zhu Lian Qiao Huang Lian Zhi Gan Cao Huang Qin Bai Shao Ge Gen Chai Hu 昆布 黃柏 知母 桔梗 三稜 莪朮 連翹 黃連 炙甘草 黃芩 白芍 葛根 柴胡 Laminariae Seu Eckloniae Thallus Phellodendri Cx. Anemarrhenae Rz. Platycodi Rx. Sparganii Rz. ZedoariaeRz. Forsythiae Fr. Coptidis Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx.Prep. Scutellariae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Puerariae Rx. Bupleuri Rx. - 50 - 2.50 4.00 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.50 4.00 1.00 1.50 2.50 Dang Gui Wei Long Dan Cao Sheng Ma Gua Lou Gen 當歸尾 龍膽草 升麻 栝樓根 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Stamen Gentianae Rx. Cimicifugae Rz. Trichosanthis Rx. 1.00 2.50 0.50 2.50 Actions: Disperses Qi stagnancy, dispels heat-dampness. Indications: Lymphadenitis in the neck, scrofula, and goiter, unknown tumors. Acu-Treatment: Sj 17,5, St6, Si 3, Li 4, Extra 16, 33, Gb 34, Liv 3 disperses Qi stagnancy, dispels heat-dampness. 21011 Sang Ju Yin 桑菊飲 Morus & Chrysanthemum Combination Ingredients: Sang Ye Ju Hua Lian Qiao Xing Ren Lu Gen Bo He Gan Cao Jie Geng 桑葉 菊花 連翹 杏仁 蘆竹根 薄荷 甘草 桔梗 Mori Fm. Chrysanthemi Fl. Forsythiae Fr. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Phragmitis Rz. Menthae Hb. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Platycodi Rx. 5.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 1.60 1.60 4.00 Actions: Disperses wind-heat, clears the lungs, stops coughing. Indications: Common cold, manifesting cough, mild fever, and mild thirst, influenza, headache, dizziness, and trachitis. Thin and whitish fur on the tongue, floating pulse. Acu-Treatment: Li 11 and Li 4 to clear heat and regulate Qi of lung. SJ 5 dispel the exterior wind-heat factor. - 51 - 21012 Sang Piao Xiao San 桑螵蛸散 Mantis Formula Ingredients: Sang Piao Xiao Yuan Zhi Long Gu Shi Chang Pu Ren Shen Fu Ling Gui Ban Dang Gui 桑螵蛸 遠志 龍骨 石菖蒲 人參 茯苓 龜板 當歸 Mantidis Octheca Polygalae Rx. Dragonis Os Acori Graminei Rz. Ginseng Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Testudinis Plastrum Angelicae Sinensis Rx. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Supplements the heart and kidneys, prevents the excessive loss of semen. Indications: Deficiency of the heart and kidneys exhibiting frequent urination, enuresis, turbid urine, and nocturnal emission; chronic cystitis, chronic nephritis, and amnesia due to neurasthenia. Pale tongue with whitish fur, small and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 23, K3 and Ren 4 for tonifying the kidney. UB 15 and H 7 nourish the heart and calmthe Shen. Combined all the five points will harmonize the heart and the kidney. UB 20 can nourishes Qi of the Middle Jiao. UB 28 and Ren 3 are combined to regulate the Qi flow to stop leaking of fluids. 20717 Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang 沙參麥冬湯 Glehnia & Ophiopogon Combination Ingredients: Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Yu Zhu Gan Cao Sang Ye Bai Bian Dou Tian Hua Fen 沙參 麥門冬 玉竹 甘草 桑葉 扁豆 天花粉 Glehniae Rx. Ophiopogonis Rx. Polygonati Odorati Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Mori Fm. Dolichoris Sm. Trichosanthis Rx. - 52 - 6.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Nourishing the lung and stomach, promote the secretion of body fluids. Mostly persons who have Yin vacuity. Indications: Dry cough, fever and thirsty. Acu-Treatment: See “Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang” Add UB 21 and lung 9. Eliminate SJ 5, lung 8, Ren 17 and K 3 since it is weaker than Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang. It is focus on moistening dryness and nourishing the Yin to the lung and stomach. 20417 Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang 少腹逐瘀湯 DangGui & Corydalis Combination Ingredients: Xiao Hui Xiang Chuan Xiong Gan Jiang Rou Gui Yan Hu Suo Chi Shao Mo Yao Pu Huang Dang Gui Wu Ling Zhi 小茴香 川芎 乾薑 肉桂 延胡索 赤芍 沒藥 蒲黃 當歸 五靈脂 Foeniculi Fr. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Zingiberis Rz. Cinnamomi Cx. Corydalis Rz. Paeoniae Rubra Rx. Myrrha Typhae Pollen Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Trogopterori Faeces 0.20 2.00 0.40 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 Actions: Invigorating blood circulation, remove in stasis, warming the channels to relieve pain special in the Lower Jiao (burner). Indications: Abdominal Pain with or without dampness, uterine bleeding, menstruational, lumbago, leukorrhea, habitual miscarriage. Caution: This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. Acu-Treatment: The blood stagnation is located in Low Jiao, therefore UB 15, UB 17, Sp 10 , Ren 3, St 25 and Sp 8 are combined. - 53 - 20706 Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang 芍藥甘草湯 Peony & Licorice Combination Ingredients: Bai Shao Gan Cao 白芍 甘草 Paeoniae Alba Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 4.00 4.00 Actions: Relieves spasm and pain, harmonizes the middle burner. Benefiting Yin, soothing liver. Indications: Muscle spasm, abdominal pain, lumbago, intestinal cramps, sciatica, frozen shoulder, muscular rheumatism, gastrospasm, hernia pain, nephrolithiasis, pain, and cholelithiasis pains, Red tongue with yellowish fur, Wiry and rapid or small and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: P 6 to regulatge Qi and blood. Ren 12, St 25 and St 37 combined to relieve cramps and Spasm. 20707 Shao Yao Tang 芍藥湯 Peony Combination Ingredients: Bai Shao Dang Gui Huang Qin Huang Lian Da Huang Mu Xiang Bing Lang Zhi Gan Cao Rou Gui 白芍 當歸 黃芩 黃連 大黃 木香 檳榔 炙甘草 肉桂 Paeoniae Alba Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Coptidis Rz. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Pogostemonis Hb. Arecae Sm. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Cinnamomi Cx. Actions: Dispels heat, removes toxin, harmonizes blood and Qi. Indications: Acute colitis, bacterial enteritis, diarrhea, and tenesmus. Greasy, yellowish fur on the tongue. Acu-Treatment: - 54 - 7.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 LI 4, St 25 and St 37 have the functions to clear heat and detoxify the heat toxin in the large intestine, Combined with Sp 9 to dissolve dampness, and harmonize the Qi and blood in the large intestine. 21001 She Gan Ma Huang Tang 射干麻黃湯 Belamcanda & Mahuang Combination Ingredients: She Gan Ma Huang Sheng Jiang Xi Xin Zi Wan Kuan Dong Hua Wu Wei Zi Ban Xia Da Zao 射干 麻黃 生薑 細辛 紫菀 款冬花 五味子 半夏 大棗 Belamcandae Rz. Ephedrae Herba Zingiberis Recens Rz. Asari Herba Asteris Rx. Farfarae Flos Schizandrae Fr. Pinelliae Rz.Prep. Jujubae Fr. 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 5.00 2.00 Actions: Warms lungs to dispel phlegm, relieves cough and dyspnea, mainly for cases attributive to retention of cold-phlegm in lungs and adverse rising of lung energy. Indications: Whooping cough, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, adenovirus, pneumonia. whitish and greasy fur, wiry and smooth pulse. Acu-Ttreatment: See * Xiao Qing Long Tang. Add St 40 to expel the phlegm. Remarks: Switch to Xiao Qing Long Tang, if using for cases that have exogenous evil. 21103 Shen Ling Bai Zhu San 參苓白朮散 【S】 Ginseng & Atractylodis Formula Ingredients: Ren Shen Shan Yao 人參 山藥 Ginseng Rx. Dioscoreae Rz. - 55 - 3.00 3.00 Bai Zhu Fu Ling Bai Bian Dou Yi Yi Ren Lian Zi Jie Geng Sha Ren Gan Cao Da Zao 白朮 茯苓 白扁豆 薏苡仁 蓮子肉 桔梗 砂仁 甘草 大棗 Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Dolichoris Sm. Coicis Sm. Nelumbinis Sm. Platycodi Rx. Amomi Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Jujubae Fr. 3.00 3.00 2.30 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 3.00 1.50 Actions: Strengthens the spleen and stomach, nourishes Qi, dispels dampness. Indications: Chronic enteritis, post-illness diarrhea, indigestion, and loss of appetite. White and greasy fur on the tongue, empty and slow pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 20 nourishes the spleen Yang. St 36 strenthens the spleen and harmonizes the stomach. Sp 6 to help relieve diarrhea. Ren 12 dissolves stagnation of damp. St 25 regulates and strenthes the spleen and the large intestine. 21104 Shen Su Yin 參蘇飲 【S】 Ginseng & Perilla Combination Ingredients: Ban Xia Fu Ling Chen Pi Ge Gen Jie Geng Qian Hu Zi Su Ye Ren Shen Zhi Qiao Da Zao Mu Xiang Gan Cao Sheng Jiang 半夏 茯苓 陳皮 葛根 桔梗 前胡 紫蘇葉 人參 枳殼 大棗 木香 甘草 生薑 Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Poria Cocos Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Puerariae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Peucedani Rx. Perillae Fm. Ginseng Rx. Aurantii Fr. Jujubae Fr. Pogostemonis Hb. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Actions: Resolves the exterior, regulates Qi, eliminates phlegm. - 56 - 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Indications: Common cold in elderly or weak persons manifesting headache, chillphobia, anhidrosis, cough with thick sputum, and chest distress; pneumonia, toxemia during pregnancy, and bronchitis. Pale and corpulent tongue with white fur, weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: See *Ren Sheng Bai Du San. Add St 40 and P 6. 20715 Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang 身痛逐瘀湯 Cnidium & Qiang Huo Combination Ingredients: Qin Jiao Mo Yao Chuan Xiong Dang Gui Tao Ren Wu Ling Zhi Hong Hua Xiang Fu Gan Cao Fai Niu Xi Qiang Huo Di Long 秦艽 沒藥 川芎 當歸 桃仁 五靈脂 紅花 香附 甘草 淮牛膝 羌活 地龍 Gentianae Macrophyllae Rx. Myrrha Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Persicae Sm. Trogopterori Faeces Carthami Flos Cyperi Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Lumbricus 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 Actions: Remove blood stasis, resolving dampness, expel wind. Indications: Relieve pain and arthralgia due to Qi vacuity and depression, muscle ache, or impediment due to obstruction of Qi flow, and stasis of blood. Caution:This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. Acu-Treatment: UB 15, UB 17, Sp 10, UB 18 UB 12, UB 20 GB 34 and the local points that pains occurred In general body. - 57 - 21205 Shen Zhuo Tang 腎著湯 Hoelen, Atractylodes , G.L.Combination Ingredients: Fu Ling Gan Jiang Bai Zhu Gan Cao 茯苓 乾薑 白朮 甘草 Poria Cocos Rx. Zingiberis Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Warms spleen, expels damp-heat of kidney and spleen, mainly treats the lower Jiao. Indications: Releases pain of lower waist, bed-wetting, edema below the waist. Accu-Treatment: St 36, 42, Li 4, k 7, Sp 4, Ub 40, 23 warms spleen, expels damp-heat of kidney and spleen, mainly treats the lower Jiao. Remarks: The symptoms are similar to Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang, the person does not feel thirst, appetite is normal. 20522 Sheng Hua Tang 生化湯 DangGui & Ginger Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Tao Ren Hei Gan Jiang Zhi Gan Cao 當歸 川芎 桃仁 黑乾薑 炙甘草 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Persicae Sm. Zingiberis Rz. Carbonized. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. 12.00 4.50 4.50 1.00 1.00 Actions: Invigorates the blood, eliminates blood stagnancy, warms the blood, stops pain. Indications: Postpartum bleeding, such as lochia and retention of lochia, abdominal pain. Acu-Treatment: Ren 3 and St 30 to regulate the Chong and stomach channels. Sp 8 to activate the blood circulation and relieve pains. Moxibution on Ren 4 can dispel cold and relieve pain. - 58 - Caution: This formula should not be applied to blood-heat condition accompanied by blood stagnancy. 20411 Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang 升麻葛根湯 Cimicifuga & Pueraria Combination Ingredients: Sheng Ma Ge Gen Bai Shao Gan Cao Sheng Jiang 升麻 葛根 白芍 甘草 生薑 Cimicifugae Rz. Puerariae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 4.50 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 Actions: Resolves the muscles and skin, promotes the development of exanthema, removes toxin. Indications: Smallpox, measles, purpura, chickenpox, epistaxis, hemophthalmia, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, and dermal disease. Red tongue, floating and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment:: Not suggested. 20522 Sheng Mai San 生脈散 Ginseng & Ophiopogon Formula Ingredients: Ren Shen Mai Men Dong Wu Wei Zi 人參 麥門冬 五味子 Ginseng Rx. Ophiopogonis Rx. Schisandrae Fr. 10.00 10.00 5.00 Actions: Supplements vital energy, promotes body fluid production, nourishes Yin and stops excessive perspiration. Indications: Hyperhidrosis thirst, breath shortness. tiredness, cardiogenic shock, arrhythmia, chronic cough. Pale or red tongue, weak rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 13 nourishes the lung Qi. UB 15 smooths the heart Qi flow and calms the Shen. - 59 - UB 23 nourishes the kidney and Yin. St 36 and Sp 6 nourish Qi and blood. H 6 nourishes Yin. Calms the Shen and astringes the body to stop sweating. 20410 Sheng Yang Yi Wei Tang 升陽益胃湯 Astragalus & Pinellia Combination Ingredients: Huang Qi Ban Xia Ren Shen Gan Cao Du Huo Fang Feng Bai Shao Qiang Huo Chen Pi Fu Ling Chai Hu Ze Xie Bai Zhu Huang Lian Sheng Jiang Da Zao 黃耆 半夏 人參 甘草 獨活 防風 白芍 羌活 陳皮 茯苓 柴胡 澤瀉 白朮 黃連 生薑 大棗 Astragali Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Ginseng Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Poria Cocos Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Alismatis Rz. Atractylodis Alba Rz. Coptidis Rz. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.60 3.00 1.50 Actions: Increases Yang Qi, nourishes spleen and stomach, dispels wind and dampness. Indications: Mainly used to treat the spleen and stomach, indicated for cases attributive to deficiency of spleen and stomach energies and the attack of exogenous wind-dampness, stuffy nose with mucus, chills, sweating, soreness of limbs, tiredness. Pale tongue with thing white fur, floating, large, and slow pulse. Accu-Treatment: Li 4, K 7, St 44, 36, Sp 4, 9, Du 20, Ren4 increases Yang Qi, nourishes spleen and stomach, dispels wind and dampness. 21315 Sheng Yu Tang 聖愈湯 DangGui Four Plus Combination Ingredients: - 60 - Shou Di Huang Bai Shao Huang Qi Ren Shen Dang Gui Chuan Xiong 熟地黃 白芍 黃耆 人參 當歸 川芎 Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Astragali Rx. Ginseng Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Nourishes the blood and Qi, tonifies Yin. Indications: Anemia, oligomenorrhea, loss of blood manifesting thirst, listlessness, sensation of heat, and insomnia. Acu-Treatment: See “Si Wu Tang”. Add UB 43 and Ren 6. 20915 Shi Gan Ming Mu Tang 洗肝明目湯 Gardenia & Vitex Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Chi Shao Huang Qin Lian Qiao Chuan Xiong Sheng Di Huang Shan Zhi Zi Fang Feng Jing Jie Qiang Huo Cao Jue Ming Bo He Man Jing Zi Ju Hua Huang Lian Ji Li Jie Geng Gan Cao Shi Gao 當歸 赤芍 黃芩 連翹 川芎 生地黃 山梔子 防風 荊芥 羌活 草決明 薄荷 蔓荊子 菊花 黃連 蒺藜 桔梗 甘草 石膏 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Forsythiae Fr. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Rehmanniae Rx. Gardeniae Fr. Ledebouriellae Rx. Schizonepetae Hb. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Cassiae Sm. Menthae Hb. Viticis Fr. Chrysanthemi Fl. Coptidis Rz. Tribuli Fr. Platycodi Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Gypsum Fibrosum Actions: Dispels liver heat, brightens vision, relieves swelling. - 61 - 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Indications: Sclerotic keratitis, keratitis, scleritis, iritis, glaucoma, and conjunctivitis. Acu-Treatment: Si 18, P6, Li 3, 4, Si 2, Gb 37, 40, Ub 40 dispels liver heat, brightens vision, relieves swelling. 20213 Shi Liu Wei Liu Qi Yin 十六味流氣飲 DangGui Sixteen Herb Combination Ingredients: Hou Pu Huang Qi Mu Xiang Wu Yao Ren Shen Bai Shao Dang Gui Rou Gui Jie Geng Chuan Xiong Bai Zhi Zhi Qiao Fang Feng Bing Lang Zi Su Ye Gan Cao 厚朴 黃耆 木香 烏藥 人參 白芍 當歸 肉桂 桔梗 川芎 白芷 枳殼 防風 檳榔 紫蘇葉 甘草 Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Astragali Rx. Pogostemonis Hb. Linderae Rx. Ginseng Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Cinnamomi Cx. Platycodi Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Aurantii Fr. Ledebouriellae Rx. Arecae Sm. Perillae Fm. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Actions: Regulates Qi circulation, drains pus, removes hardness and swelling. Indications: Tumors of unknown cause, fibroid disease, breast cancer, thyroma, goiter, cervical lymphadenoma. Acu-Treatment: Gb 44, H 7, K 3, St 36, P 6, Ub 17, Li 4, Si 1 regulates Qi circulation, rains pus, removes hardness and swelling. - 62 - 20214 Shi Quan Da Bu Tang 十全大補湯 【S】 Ginseng & DangGui Ten Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Huang Qi Bai Zhu Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Fu Ling Rou Gui Zhi Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Da Zao Bai Shao Shou Di Huang 人參 黃耆 白朮 當歸 川芎 茯苓 肉桂 炙甘草 生薑 大棗 白芍 熟地黃 Ginseng Rx. Astragali Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Cinnamomi Cx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Improves blood production, increases digestive absorption, tonifies general deficiency. Indications: Post-illness debility, anemia, spermatorrhea, leukemia, leukorrhea, and decreased eyesight after prolonged illness. Acu-treatment: UB 15 UB 18 and UB 17 are combined to nourish the blood. Ren 6 nourishes the Qi. UB 20, UB 21, St 36 and Sp 6 nourish the Middle Jiao to increase Qi and blood. UB 13, UB 23 and Ren 4 may add to nourish Qi and blood. The moxibation On Ren 4 to increase Yang is suggested. 20217 Shi Shen Tang 十神湯 Mahuang & Cimicifuga Combination Ingredients: Ma Huang Ge Gen Sheng Ma Chuan Xiong 麻黃 葛根 升麻 川芎 Ephedrae Hb. Puerariae Rx. Cimicifugae Rz. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. - 63 - 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Bai Zhi Zi Su Ye Gan Cao Chen Pi Xiang Fu Sheng Jiang Chi Shao 白芷 紫蘇葉 甘草 陳皮 香附 生薑 赤芍 Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Perillae Fm. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Cyperi Rz. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Paeoniae Rubra Rx. 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 2.50 Actions: Dispels wind, releases exterior, promotes Qi, smoothes channels and meridians. Indications: Influenza, chills, fever, headaches, stuffy nose, coughing, oppression of chest. Whitish and slippery fur, floating and tense pulse. Acu-Treatment: Ub 18, 17, 11, 62, Du 13, Sj 5,Li 4, L 7, St 44 dispels wind, releases exterior, promotes Qi, smoothes channels and meridian. 20216 Shi Wei Bai Du San 十味敗毒散 Bupleurum & Schizonepeta Formula Ingredients: Chai Hu Du Huo Jie Geng Chuan Xiong Ying Pi Fang Feng Fu Ling Jing Jie Gan Cao Sheng Jiang 柴胡 獨活 桔梗 川芎 櫻皮 防風 茯苓 荊芥 甘草 生薑 Bupleuri Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis Rx. Platycodi Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Pruni Cx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Schizonepetae Hb. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 3.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Actions: Invigorates liver function, relieves suppuration, removes toxin. Indications: Carbuncles, furuncles, boils, urticaria, eczema, acne, dermatitis, mastitis, lymphadenitis, athlete's foot, allergic ophthalmia, tympanitis, external otitis, and suppurative diseases. Acu-Treatment: Ub 18, 40, Li 10, 4, St 36, Sj 4, Si 1, Sp 6, P 7 Invigorates liver function, relieves - 64 - suppuration, removes toxin. 20215 Shi Wei Xiang Ru Yin 十味香薷飲 Elsholtzia Ten Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Huang Qi Chen Pi Mu Gua Hou Pu Bai Bian Dou Fu Ling Xiang Ru Bai Zhu Gan Cao 人參 黃耆 陳皮 木瓜 厚朴 白扁豆 茯苓 香薷 白朮 甘草 Ginseng Rx. Astragali Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Chaenomelis Fr. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Dolichoris Sm. Poria Cocos Rx. Elsholtziae Hb. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Resolves the exterior, disperses cold, transforms dampness, harmonizes the stomach and spleen. Indications: Common cold in the summer exhibiting lack of appetite, indigestion, heaviness of the head, lassitude, profuse sweating, and vomiting or diarrhea. Acu-Treatment: Du 5, 20, L 11, St 36, 21, Ub 25, 22, Sp 6, Ren 10 resolves the exterior, disperses cold, transforms dampness, harmonizes the stomach and spleen. 21203 Shu Gan Tang 疏肝湯 Bupleurum & Evodia Combination Ingredients: Chai Hu Dang Gui Tao Ren Bai Shao 柴胡 當歸 桃仁 白芍 Bupleuri Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Persicae Sm. Paeoniae Alba Rx. - 65 - 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.50 Qing Pi Chuan Xiong Zhi Qiao Huang Lian Hong Hua Wu Zhu Yu 青皮 川芎 枳殼 黃連 紅花 吳茱萸 Citri Reticulatae Pc. Viride Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Aurantii Fr. Coptidis Rz. Carthami Fl. Evodiae Fr. 2.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 Actions: Eliminates stagnant blood in the chest, promotes natural flow of Qi, relieves pain. Indications: Chest pain due to blood stasis, pain of the lower left ribs, intercostal neuralgia, rib pains, costal pain due to contusion, and pancreatitis. Remark:This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. Acu-Treatment: Ub 18, 20, 52, Si 4, 5, Gb 34, 44, Liv 13, Sj 6, Ren 12, P 7 eliminates stagnant blood in the chest, promotes natural flow of Qi, relieves pain. 21204 Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang 疏經活血湯 【S】 Clematis & Stephania Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Sheng Di Huang Cang Zhu Chuan Xiong Tao Ren Fu Ling Bai Shao Fai Niu Xi Wei Ling Xian Fang Ji Qiang Huo Fang Feng Long Dan Sheng Jiang Chen Pi Bai Zhi Gan Cao 當歸 生地黃 蒼朮 川芎 桃仁 茯苓 白芍 淮牛膝 威靈仙 防己 羌活 防風 龍膽 生薑 陳皮 白芷 甘草 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Atractylodis Rz. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Persicae Sm. Poria Cocos Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. Clematidis Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Rx. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Gentianae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. - 66 - 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.50 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Actions: Increases blood circulation, eliminates stagnant blood, dispels wind-dampness. Indications: Neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, numbness and pain of the lower limbs, hypertension, paraplegia, gout, mucoid arthritis, and edema. Acu-Treatment: UB 15 and UB 18 are used to tonify fluid. UB 20 and UB 21 to strenthen the Middle Jiao and promote Qi and blood. UB12, Ren 4 and Sp 9 to dispel wind, cold and dampness. UB 17 to activate the blood circulation. Liver 5 for Qi as well. For pain relieve, local Ah-Shi may apply. Caution:This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. 21280 Shu Jing Li An San 疏筋立安散 Clematis & Carthamus Formula Ingredientsa: Fang Feng Du Huo Qiang Huo Fu Ling Cang Zhu Chuan Xiong Bai Zhi Sheng Di Huang Hong Hua Tao Ren Tian Nan Xing Chen Pi Ban Xia Wei Ling Xian Fai Niu Xi Mu Gua Han Fang Ji Huang Qin Lian Qiao Mu Tong Long Dan Cao Gan Cao Bai Shao Fu Zi B 防風 獨活 羌活 茯苓 蒼朮 川芎 白芷 生地黃 紅花 桃仁 天南星 陳皮 半夏 威靈仙 淮牛膝 木瓜 漢防己 黃芩 連翹 木通 龍膽草 甘草 白芍 焙附子 Ledebouriellae Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis Rx. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Atractylodis Rz. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Carthami Flos Persicae Semen Arisaematis Rz. Prep. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Clematidis Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. Chaenomelis Fr. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Rx.(no AA) Scutellariae Rx. Forsythiae Fr. Clematidis Armandii Caulis Gentianae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Aconiti Rx. Lateralis Prep.B - 67 - 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 0.50 Actions: Relieves pain induced by wind-dampness. Indications: Joint pain, pain of the limbs, swelling and pain of the knee joints, palsy, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, hemiplegia, chronic beriberi. Remark: This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. Acu-Treatment: N/A 21805 Shung Jie San 雙解散 Modified Ledebouriella & Platycodon Formula Ingredients: Fang Feng Jing Jie Dang Gui Bai Shao Lian Qiao Chuan Xiong Bo He Ma Huang Shan Zhi Zi Bai Zhu Huang Qin Jie Geng Gan Cao Shi Gao Hua Shi 防風 荊芥 當歸 白芍 連翹 川芎 薄荷 麻黃 山梔子 白朮 黃芩 桔梗 甘草 石膏 滑石 Ledebouriellae Rx. Schizonepetae Hb. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Forsythiae Fr. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Menthae Hb. Ephedrae Hb. Gardeniae Fr. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Scutellariae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Gypsum Fibrosum Talcum 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 6.00 Actions: This formula is Ledebouriella & Platycodon Formula without Da Huang (Rhei Rz. et Rx.) Mang Xiao (Mirabilitum Depuratum) for expelling superficial evils and nature also promote bowel movement. Indications: For asthenia-syndrome of both the superficies and interior after the attack of exogenous wind-heat and retention of heat in the interior. Obesity, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cardiac asthma, hemorrhoids, alcoholism, chronic nephritis, and scabies. Red tongue with white or yellow fur, floating and slippery rapid pulse. Accu-Treatment: St, 36, 34, Sp 4, Li 4, 11,Ub 17, Ren 17 expelling superficial evils and nature also promote bowel movement - 68 - 20509 Si Jun Zi Tang 四君子湯 【S】 Four Major Herb Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Bai Zhu Fu Ling Zhi Can Cao Sheng Jiang Da Zao 人參 白朮 茯苓 炙甘草 生薑 大棗 Ginseng Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 6.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 Actions: Strengthens the stomach and spleen, restores Qi deficiency. Indications: Qi deficiency, gastroptosis, gastric ulcer, malnutrition, anemia, and gastrointestinal weakness. Pale tongue with white fur, empty and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: Ub 20 nourishes the spleen Yang. UB 21 and St 36 tonify the middle Jiao and harmonize The stomach. St 25 can regulate the stomach and intestines. Ren 6 tonifies Qi. 20513 Si Ni San 四逆散 Bupleurum & Chih-Shih Formula Ingredients: Chai Hu Bai Shao Zhi Shi Gan Cao 柴胡 白芍 枳實 甘草 Bupleuri Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Actions: Dispels stagnant heat, regulates the liver and spleen. Indications: Excessive heat conformation exhibiting cold limbs, abdominal pain, and diarrhea; Cholecystitis, gastritis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis with chest distention, and gastric ulcer. - 69 - White fur on the tongue, wiry pulse. Acu-Treatment: SJ 4 regulates Qi flow of Shaoyang and ascends Yang Qi, P 6 and Sp 4 to relieve chest congestion and remove stagnation. Liver 2 regulate Qi of liver. St 36 and Sp 6 to tonify Qi, strebthen the spleen, nourish Yin and blood. 20513 Si Ni Tang 四逆湯 Aconite & G.L. Combination Ingredients: Gan Cao Gan Jiang Fu Zi B Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Rz. Aconiti Rx. Prep. 甘草 乾薑 焙附子 6.00 4.00 4.00 Actions: Restores Yang, dispels internal cold. Indications: Acute febrile disease manifesting low body temperature, cold limbs, generalized somatic pain, abdominal pain, watery stool, fatigue, and chillphobia; cholera, diarrhea, indigestion, edema, cardiac weakness, and intestinal heat. Sunken and feeble pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 15, UB 20 and UB 26 tonify the spleen, heart, Qi and blood. UB 23 warms the kidney Yang and dispel cold. Ren 12, St 25 and St 36 regulate the Qi flow of the stomach and the intestines to relieve vomiting and diarrhea. 20528 Si Shen Wan 四神丸 Schizandra & Myristicae Formula Ingredients: Sheng Jiang 生薑 Zingiberis Recens Rz. 8.00 Rou Dou Kou 肉豆蔻 Myristicae Sm. 4.00 Da Zao 大棗 Jujubae Fructus 6.00 Bu Gu Zhi 補骨脂 Psoraleae Fructus 8.00 Wu Wei Zi 五味子 Schizandrae Fructus 4.00 Wu Zhu Yu 吳茱萸 Evodiae Fructus 2.00 - 70 - Action: Tonified Spleen and kidney moderately. Indication: Acup Treatment: L 5, Li 4, P 7, 5, H 7, 4, Liv 3, Ub 18, K 3 cools blood, stops bleeding expels heat. 20508 Si Sheng Wan 四生丸 Rehmannia & Lotus Leaf Formula Ingredients: He Ye Ai Ye Ce Bai Ye Sheng Di Huang 荷葉 艾葉 扁柏葉 生地黃 Nelumbinis Folium Artemisiae Argyi Folium Platycladi Cacumen Rehmanniae Rx. 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Actions: Cools blood, stops bleeding, expels heat. Indications: Coughing or vomiting of blood, nosebleeds with bright-red blood, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, peptic ulcer, acute gastritis, hypertension, uterine bleeding. Red or dark red tongue, wiry, rapid or forceful pulse. Acu-Treatment: N/A 20510 Si Wei Xiang Ru Yin 四味香薷飲 Elsholtzia Four Herbs Combination Ingredients: Xiang Ru Hou Pu Bai Bian Dou Huang Lian 香薷 厚朴 白扁豆 黃連 Elsholtziae Hb. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Dolichoris Sm. Coptidis Rz. 10.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 Actions: Expels heat releases the exterior, scatters cold, transforms dampness, harmonizes middle Jiao. Indications: Thirst and irritability. headaches, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, oppression of chest, fatigue.White and greasy fur on the tongue, floating pulse. Acu-Treatment: Gb 20, Du 14, Li 4, St 36, Ren 12 expels heat releases the exterior, scatters cold, transforms - 71 - dampness, harmonizes middle Jiao. 20511 Si Wu Tang 四物湯 【S】 DangGui Four Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Bai Shao Shou Di Huang 當歸 川芎 白芍 熟地黃 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 Actions: Nourishes all blood diseases in women, improves blood circulation, regulates menstruation. Indications: Menstrual irregularity, leukorrhea, uterine bleeding, postpartum blood clots or bleeding, and mild anemia, Pale tongue, small and irregular pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 20, UB 21 and St 36 strenthen the spleen and the stomach to increase the blood volume. UB 15 nourishes the heart blood. UB 17 tonifies blood. Sp 6 nourishes the Kidney, spleen and liver. 22002 Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang 蘇子降氣湯 【S】 Perilla Fructus Combination Ingredients: Su Zi Ban Xia Chen Pi Hou Pu Qian Hu Dang Gui Da Zao Sheng Jiang Gan Cao 蘇子 半夏 陳皮 厚朴 前胡 當歸 大棗 生薑 甘草 Perillae Fr. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Peucedani Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Jujubae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. - 72 - 5.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 Rou Gui 肉桂 Cinnamomi Cx. 3.00 Actions: Descends Qi, relieves asthma, resolves cold-phlegm, strengthens the stomach. Indications: Chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, bronchial asthma, and edema. Whitish and smooth fur on the tongue. Acu-Treatment: To tonify the spleen and lung for eliminate phlegm UB 20 and UB 13 should be applied. Combine with Lung 5 and lung 7 to reverse the up-rising Qi. St 40 to help dissoves phlegm. Ren 7 and Ding–Chuan (extra point) to regulate Qi in the chest. UB 23 and K 3 to tonify the kidney and strengthen its Qi down-flow functiion. 21403 Suan Zao Ren Tang 酸棗仁湯 Zizyphus Combination Ingredients: Suan Zao Ren Zhi Mu Chuan Xiong Fu Ling Gan Cao 酸棗仁 知母 川芎 茯苓 甘草 Ziziphi Spinosae Sm. Anemarrhenae Rz. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 10.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 Actions: Nourishes the blood, tranquilizes the Shen, dispels heat. Indications: Deficiency of liver blood exhibiting fidgeting, palpitations, insomnia, nervousness, night sweat, and anxiety; neurasthenia, amnesia, and anemia. Wiry or small and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 18 and St 36 can nourish Qi and blood as well. Sp 6 nourishes Yin and blood to the liver and the kidney. P 6 and H 7 are combined to calm the Shen. Liver 2 clears the liver fire ffor calming the Shen. - 73 - 21010 Tao He Cheng Qi Tang 桃核承氣湯 Persica & Rhubarb Combination Ingredients: Tao Ren Gui Zhi Da Huang Mang Xiao Gan Cao Persicae Sm. Cinnamomi Ramulus Rhei Rz. et Rx. Mirabilitum Depuratum Glycyrrhizae Rx. 桃仁 桂枝 大黃 芒硝 甘草 2.50 2.50 5.00 2.50 2.50 Actions: Dispels stagnant blood, improves blood circulation. Indications: Stagnant blood, climacteric disorders, menstrual irregularity, endometritis, cystitis, urethritis, hemorrhage, hematuria, neuralgia, rheumatism, habitual constipation. Sunken and solid pulse. Caution: This formula has been popularly used in treating various gynecological diseases. This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. Acu-Treatment: LI 11 and LI 4 to clear interior Yangming heat. UB 40 to sedate heat at the blood level. Sp 10 and UB 17 activate blood circulation and break down the blood stagnation. K 6 nourishes water to restrain fire in body. Lung 7 to sedate the heat within large intestine and Lower Jiao. St 37 to smooth the Qi flow inside the large intestine. St 36 nourish the Qi of Middle Jiao to prevent injuries to the stomach due to tremendous activation of blood inside the body. 21009 Tao Hong Si Wu Tang 桃紅四物湯 【S】 DangGui Four & Persica, Carthamus Combination Ingredients: Tao Ren Hong Hua Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Bai Shao Shou Di Huang 桃仁 紅花 當歸 川芎 白芍 熟地黃 Persicae Sm. Carthami Fl. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Actions: Tonifies and invigorates the blood and regulates menstruation. -1- 5.00 2.50 5.00 2.50 5.00 5.00 Indications: Unlike Si Wu Tang (Dang Gui Four Combination), shortened menstrual cycle with copious bleeding of dark-purple, sticky blood without clots, abdominal distention and pain, menorrhagia. Pale tongue, thin wiry or choppy pulse. (Note) This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. Acu-Treatment: See “ Si Wu Tang ”. Add Sp 10. 22081 Teng Long Tang 騰龍湯 Moutan & Persica Combination Ingredients: Yi Yi Ren Dong Gua Zi Mang Xiao Mu Dan Pi Tao Ren Cang Zhu Da Huang Gan Cao 薏苡仁 冬瓜子 芒硝 丹皮 桃仁 蒼朮 大黃 甘草 Coicis Sm. Benincasae Sm. Mirabilitum Depuratum Moutan Radicis Cx. Persicae Sm. Atractylodis Rz. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 8.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.50 1.00 Actions: Disperses stagnant blood, stimulates blood circulation, removes suppuration. Indications: Periproctitis, testitis, prostatitis, endometritis, peritonitis, uterine tumor, and intestinal abscess. Acu-Treatment: 20418 Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin 天麻鉤藤飲 Gastrodia & Uncaria Combination Ingredients: Tian Ma Du Zhong Gou Teng Yi Mu Cao Shi Jue Ming Sang Ji Sheng Shan Zhi Zi Ye Jiao Teng 川天麻 杜仲 鉤藤 益母草 石決明 桑寄生 山梔子 夜交藤 Gastrodiae Rz. Eucommiae Cx. Uncariae Ramulus Cum Uncis Leonuri Hb. Haliotidis Concha Taxilli Ramulus Gardeniae Fr. Polygoni Multiflori Caulis -2- 1.20 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 3.20 1.20 4.00 Huang Qin Fu Shen Chuan Niu Xi 黃芩 茯神 川牛膝 Scutellariae Rx. Poria Pararadicis Cyathulae Rx. 1.20 2.00 1.60 Actions: To subdue the devastation of evil wind in liver channel. Expel heat in upper burner, calm spirit (Shen). Indications: Hypertension, eclampsia, hemiplegia, trigeminal neuralgia, neck and shoulder stiffness, headache, vertigo, insomnia. Bowstring pulse (Xian Mai) with rapid. Acu-Treatment: Liver 3 sedates the liver Yang and calms the liver wind. GB 20 and Yintang(extra) to relieve headache, dizziness and vertigo. GB 44 also help to relieve headach by Clearing heat from Gall bladder Channel. Sp 6 and K3 tonify the kidney and lifver Yin. H 7 tranquilizes the mind for relieve insomnia. 20412 Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan 天王補心丹 Ginseng & Zizyphus Formula Ingredients: Sheng Di Huang Shou Di Huang Ren Shen Yuan Zhi Shi Chang Pu Yuan Shen Bai Zi Ren Jie Geng Tian Men Dong Dan Shen Suan Zao Ren Mai Men Dong Huang Lian Fu Shen Dang Gui Wu Wei Zi 生地黃 熟地黃 人參 遠志 石菖蒲 元參 柏子仁 桔梗 天門冬 丹參 酸棗仁 麥門冬 黃連 茯神 當歸 五味子 Rehmanniae Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Ginseng Rx. Polygalae Rx. Acori Graminei Rz. Scrophulariae Rx. Biotae Sm. Platycodi Rx. Asparagi Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Rx. Ziziphi Spinosae Sm. Ophiopogonis Rx. Coptidis Rz. Poria Pararadicis Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Schisandrae Fr. 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.875 Actions: Nourishes Yin, blood, and brains. Indications: Neurasthenia, cardiac palpitations, insomnia, night sweat, nocturnal emission, -3- spermatorrhea, amnesia, mental disturbances, and weak constitution exhibiting Qi, blood, and Shen deficiency. Red tongue without fur small and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 23 and K 3 nourish the kidney Yin to clear the deficiebcy-heat. UB 17 and St 36 Nourish Qi and the blood. P 6 and H 7 are combined to calm the Shen, UB 15 nourishes the heart to calm the spirit. 21503 Tiao Jing Wan 調經丸 【S】 DangGui, Eucommia & Cyperus Combination Ingredients: Xiang Fu Du Zhong Chuan Xiong Bai Shao Dang Gui Sheng Di Huang Chen Pi Xiao Hui Xiang Yan Hu Suo Rou Cong Rong Qing Pi Wu Yao Huang Qin Hai Piao Xiao 香附 杜仲 川芎 白芍 當歸 生地黃 陳皮 小茴香 延胡索 肉蓯蓉 青皮 烏藥 黃芩 海螵蛸 Cyperi Rz. Eucommiae Cx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Foeniculi Fr. Corydalis Rz. Cistanches Hb. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Viride Linderae Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Sepiae Os 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Dispels blood stasis, activates blood circulation, nourishes and tonifies blood and Qi. Indications: Regulates P.M.S., impregnation. Acu-Treatment: Ren3,6, Ub23, Gb26, Sp6,10 dispels blood stasis, activates blood circulation, nourishes and tonifies blood and Qi. Remark: Avoid cold drinks or meals during application of this formula. -4- 21502 Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang 調胃承氣湯 Rhubarb & Mirabilitum Combination Ingredients: Da Huang Gan Cao Mang Xiao 大黃 甘草 芒硝 Rhei Rz. et Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Mirabilitum Depuratum 4.00 2.00 2.50 Actions: Mildly purges heat and accumulation. Indications: Febrile disease with constipation, Habitual constipation, constipation accompanied by flushing-up, stomatitis, reddish eyes, gingivitis, and headache; gastroenteritis. Acu-Treatment: LI 4, 11 sedate heat in Yangming Channel.St 37 conbined with St 25 to expel the constipated stool. Lung 7 to regulate the Qi flow in large intestine. K 6 to nourish the body fluid and clear the heat. 22103 Tie Di Wan 鐵笛丸 Gasping Formula Ingredients: Bo He Gan Cao Jie Geng Chuan Xiong Lian Qiao He Zi Sha Ren Da Huang Bai Yao Jian 薄荷 甘草 桔梗 川芎 連翹 訶子 砂仁 大黃 百藥煎 Menthae Hb. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Forsythiae Fr. Chebulae Fr. Amomi Fr. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Galla Chinesis 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Actions: Dispels internal heat, suppresses the flushing-up of lung fire, moisturizes dryness. Indications: Hoarseness, discomfort in the throat. Acu-Treatment : L 9, 10, K 6, 7, Liv 3, 4, Li 4, 6, P 7, St 36 dispels internal heat, suppresses the flushing-up of lung fire, moisturizes dryness. -5- 21181 Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang 通竅活血湯 Persica & Musk Combination Ingredients: Tao Ren Sheng Jiang Hong Hua She Xiang Chuan Xiong Chi Shao Cong Bai Da Zao 桃仁 生薑 紅花 麝香 川芎 赤芍 蔥白 大棗 Persicae Sm. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Carthami Fl. Moschus Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Paeoniae Rubra Rx. Allii Fislulosi Bulbus Jujubae Fr. 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.10 2.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 Actions: Invigorates the blood, opens orifices. Indications: Blood stasis in the head and face indicated by headache, dizziness, deafness, loss of hair, and cyanosis facial complexion; pulmonary tuberculosis, infantile malnutrition, post-concussion syndrome. Acu-Treatment: UB 15, UB 17 and Sp 10 to remove the blood stagnation in general. Add Du 23, LI 4 and Yin Tang (Extra) to enforce the remove blood stagnation in the Upper Jiao special in the head. Caution: This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. 20305 Tong Yong Tong Feng Wan 上中下通用痛風丸 【S】 Cinnamon & Angelica Formula Ingredients: Huang Bai Cang Zhu Tian Nan Xing Shen Qu Chuan Xiong Tao Ren Long Dan Cao Fang Ji Bai Zhi Qiang Huo Wei Ling Xian Gui Zhi 黃柏 蒼朮 天南星 神麴 川芎 桃仁 龍膽草 防己 白芷 羌活 威靈仙 桂枝 Phellodendri Cx. Atractylodis Rz. Arisaematis Rz. Massa Medicata Fermentata Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Persicae Sm. Gentianae Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Notopterygii Rz. et Rx. Clematidis Rx.( no AA) Cinnamomi Ramulus -6- 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hong Hua 紅花 Carthami Fl. 0.50 Actions: Dispels wind-dampness, promotes the natural flow of Qi, stops pain. Indications: Acute and chronic articular rheumatism, all types of rheumatism, and gout. Dim tongue with yellow and greasy fur, wiry pulse. Acu-Treatment: Li 11, 4, L 5, Si 4, Sj 5, 3, Ub 20, St 36, Du 14, Gb 39, Sp 9 dispels wind-dampness, promotes the natural flow of Qi, stops pain. 20601 Tuo Li Xiao Du Yin 托裏消毒飲 Gleditsia Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Chuan Xiong Jie Geng Bai Zhu Bai Shao Dang Gui Fu Ling Bai Zhi Huang Qi Zao Jiao Ci Jin Yin Hua Hou Pu 人參 川芎 桔梗 白朮 白芍 當歸 茯苓 白芷 黃耆 皂角刺 金銀花 厚朴 Ginseng Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Platycodi Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Astragali Rx. Gleditsiae Spina Lonicerae Fl. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 Actions: Strengthens the spleen and stomach, dispels swelling and toxin, regulates blood and Qi circulation. Indications: Carbuncles, cellulitis, periproctitis, suppurative lymphadenitis, gangrene, subcutaneous abscess, and mastitis. Acu-Treatment: Ub 23, 40, 62, Li 4, Ren 6, St 44, 36, Sp 10 strengthens the spleen and stomach, dispels swelling and toxin, regulates blood and Qi circulation. -7- 20713 Wan Dai Tang 完帶湯 【S】 Atractylodes & Schizonepeta Combination Ingredients: Bai Zhu Shan Yao Ren Shen Bai Shao Che Qian Zi Cang Zhu Gan Cao Chen Pi Hei Jing Jie Chai Hu 白朮 山藥 人參 白芍 車前子 蒼朮 甘草 陳皮 黑荊芥 柴胡 Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Dioscoreae Rz. Ginseng Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Plantaginis Sm. Atractylodis Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Schizonepetae Hb. Prep. Bupleuri Rx. 10.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.60 Actions: Strengthens the spleen, dispersing the stagnated liver-energy, eliminating dampness, anti-leucorrhoea. Indications: Leukorrhagia, white or yellow discharge, odorless vaginal secretion, fatigue, loose stool, cervicitis, streptococci, vaginitis, vaginal fungus disease. Pale tongue with whitish fur on the tongue, slow or soft and floating pulse. Acu-Treatment: St 36, Sp 6 strenthen the spleen to dissolve the dampness. GB 26 consolidates the Dai Channel to stop leukorrhea. Ren 6 tonifies Qi, regulate the Ren Channel and disperses dampness. UB 30 assists the UB’s functiion to eliminate dampness from the lower Jiao. Liver 5 smooths the liver Qi to clear Qi and blood stagnations in body. 20916 Wei Ling Tang 胃苓湯 Magnolia & Hoelen Combination Ingredients: Cang Zhu Bai Zhu Fu Ling Zhu Ling Ze Xie Chen Pi Hou Pu 蒼朮 白朮 茯苓 豬苓 澤瀉 陳皮 厚朴 Atractylodis Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Polyporus Alismatis Rz. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. -8- 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Rou Gui Da Zao Sheng Jiang Gan Cao 肉桂 大棗 生薑 甘草 Cinnamomi Cx. Jujubae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 1.00 2.00 3.00 1.20 Actions: This formula is compound by Ping Wei San and Wu Ling San. Strengthens the spleen, harmonizes the middle burner, dispels dampness. Indications: Acute gastroenteritis, gastritis, acute nephritis, difficult urination, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and edema. Acu-Treatment: See „Wu Ling San“ Add Liver 13, Sp 4, St 36 and Sp 9 to assis dispel dampness and harmonize the stomach. 20917 Wei Su Ning 胃舒寧 Galanga & Pinellia Formula Ingredients: Ren Shen Bai Zhu Fu Ling Ban Xia Chen Pi Sheng Jiang Da Zao Gan Cao Rou Gui Mu Li Yan Hu Suo Xiao Hui Xiang Sha Ren Gao Liang Jiang 人參 白朮 茯苓 半夏 陳皮 生薑 大棗 甘草 肉桂 牡蠣 延胡索 小茴香 砂仁 高良薑 Ginseng Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Cinnamomi Cx. Ostreae Concha Corydalis Rz. Foeniculi Fr. Amomi Fr. Alpiniae Officinarum Rz. 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 1.20 1.20 1.20 2.40 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Actions: Dispels cold, strengthens the stomach. Indications: Stomachache, gastralgia, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, gastroptosis, loss of appetite, indigestion, and vomiting. Acu-Treatment: N/A. -9- 21305 Wen Dan Tang 溫膽湯 Bamboo & Hoelen Combination Ingredients: Zhi Shi Zhu Ru Sheng Jiang Da Zao Chen Pi Ban Xia Fu Ling Gan Cao Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Bambusae In Taeniam Caulis Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Poria Cocos Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 枳實 竹茹 生薑 大棗 陳皮 半夏 茯苓 甘草 4.00 4.00 3.00 1.50 6.00 4.00 3.00 1.50 Actions: Dries dampness, resolves phlegm, dispels heat. Indications: Deficiency of gallbladder and phlegm-heat retention manifestation bitter taste of the mouth, insomnia, palpitations, and flushing-up; neurotic disturbances.Yellow and greasy fur on the tongue, wiry pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 20, UB 13, and Lung 9 for strenthening the spleen, dispel damp and eliminate phlegm. St 40 and LI 4 lower the adverse rising Qi, harmonize stomach and expel phlegm. GB 43 And H 9 to clear heat from gall bladder and liver. 21304 Wen Jing Tang 溫經湯 DangGui & Evodia Combination Ingredients: Wu Zhu Yu Bai Shao Mu Dan Pi Mai Men Dong Sheng Jiang Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Ren Shen Gui Zhi Ban Xia E Jiao Gan Cao 吳茱萸 白芍 牡丹皮 麥門冬 生薑 當歸 川芎 人參 桂枝 半夏 阿膠 甘草 Evodiae Fr. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Moutan Radicis Cx. Ophiopogonis Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Ginseng Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Asini Gelatinum Glycyrrhizae Rx. - 10 - 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Regulates menstruation, disperses cold, nourishes the blood, eliminates blood stagnancy. Indications: Climacteric disorders, menstrual irregularity, infertility, uterine bleeding, habitual abortion, leukorrhea, and abdominal pain. Acu-Treatment: Combining Ren 6 and K 13 to regulate the Chong and Ren Channels. Sp 6 nourishes Yin and blood as well. Du 4 and K 3 warm and nourish the kidney to dispel cold. UB 17 and Sp 10 activate blood circulation and remove blood stagnation. St 36 and UB 20 tonify the spleen to strenthen Qi. 21303 Wen Qing Yin 溫清飲 DangGui & Gardenia Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Shou Di Huang Bai Shao Huang Qin Huang Bai Shan Zhi Zi Huang Lian 當歸 川芎 熟地黃 白芍 黃芩 黃柏 山梔子 黃連 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Phellodendri Cx. Gardeniae Fr. Coptidis Rz. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Nourishes the blood, removes toxin. Indications: Dermal disease due to anemia, eczema, metrorrhagia, menorrhagia, urticaria, and leukorrhea. Accu-treatment : N/A. 20404 Wu Ji San 五積散 【S】 DangGui & Magnolia Formula Ingredients: Cang Zhu Fu Ling 蒼朮 茯苓 Atractylodis Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. - 11 - 8.00 1.00 Ban Xia Dang Gui Hou Pu Bai Shao Chuan Xiong Ma Huang Sheng Jiang Chen Pi Bai Zhi Jie Geng Pao Gan Jiang Rou Gui Zhi Gan Cao Zhi Qiao 半夏 當歸 厚朴 白芍 川芎 麻黃 生薑 陳皮 白芷 桔梗 炮乾薑 肉桂 炙甘草 枳殼 Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Ephedrae Hb. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Zingiberis Rz. Prep. Cinnamomi Cx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Aurantii Fr. 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 Actions: Dispels stagnant Qi, stagnant blood, stagnant phlegm, stagnant cold, and stagnant food, this formula reflect in its name by five stagnant formula. Indications: Gastroenteritis, lumbago, sciatica, gastritis, hernia pain, chill disease, menstrual pains, neuralgia, and rheumatism. Acu-Treatment: GB 20, Du 14, LI 11 and LI 4 induce sweating and relieve the extrior factors. Apply the Moxibution on Ren 12 and St 36 to warm the middle Jiao and tonify Qi, Sp 9 strenthens the spleen and dries up dampness. St 40 dissolves phlegm. 20403 Wu Lin San 五淋散 【S】 Gardenia & Hoelen Formula Ingredients: Chi Fu Ling Chi Shao Shan Zhi Zi Dang Gui Gan Cao Deng Xin Cao 赤茯苓 赤芍 山梔子 當歸 甘草 燈心草 Poria Cocos Rubra Paeoniae Rubra Rx. Gardeniae Fr. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Junci Medulla Actions: Dispels bladder heat, promotes urination. Indications: Urethritis, cystitis, cystolith, renal lithic, and urinary disease. - 12 - 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.80 4.80 2.00 Acu-Treatment: See” Ba Zheng San” Eliminate LI 4 Add UB 40 in cooling blood and promote diiuresis. 20402 Wu Ling San 五苓散 Hoelen Five Herb Formula Ingredients: Bai Zhu Zhu Ling Ze Xie Fu Ling Gui Zhi 白朮 豬苓 澤瀉 茯苓 桂枝 Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Polyporus Alismatis Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus 8.00 8.00 11.00 8.00 5.00 Actions: Delivers water, dispels dampness, warms yang, promotes natural flow of Qi. Indications: Nephritis, thirst due to metabolic disorders, difficult urination, vomiting, dizziness, headache, edema, and acute gastroenteritis.White and smooth fur on the tongue. Acu-Treatment: UB 28 and Ren 3 to regulate Qi of the urinary bladder. Combined with Sp 9 to disple dampness and promote diuresis. Ren 9 also regulate water passage to promote urination. SJ 5 to relieve exterior pathogenic factors and balance water in three Jiaos. Remark: This formula is very effective for diuretic and dampness-eliminating for treating common cold marked by mild fever, thirst, headache, dizziness and difficult urination. 21081 Wu Mei Wan 烏梅丸 Mume Formula Ingredients: Wu Mei Gui Zhi Dang Gui Huang Lian Xi Xin Huang Bai Fu Zi B Ren Shen Chuan Hua Jiao Sheng Jiang 烏梅 桂枝 當歸 黃連 細辛 黃柏 焙附子 人參 川花椒 生薑 Mume Fr. Cinnamomi Ramulus Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Coptidis Rz. Asari Hb. Phellodendri Cx. Aconiti Rx. Prep. Ginseng Rx. Zanthoxyli Pc. Zingiberis Recens Rz. - 13 - 3.00 3.00 2.00 7.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 Actions: Promotes blood circulation, warms the middle burner, relieves pain. Indications: Ascaridosis, Gastritis, Gastroxia, Gastric ulcer, Intestinal colic, neurosis, Insomnia and Chronic Diarrhea. Acu-Treatment: For particular treatment of the Parasites infaction, “ Bai-Chong-Wo” (extra) point should be applied. This point is located 1 Cun(Chinese inch ) above Sp 10. Ren 14 regulatye Qi circulation and relieve nausea. St 25 and Ren 12 to restore the function of the intestines to relieve local distention and pain. St 43 to clear stomach heat. St 36 and Sp 6 to strenthen the spleen and stomach. Moxibustion on Ren 8 to warm up interior and expel cold. 20401 Wu Pi Yin 五皮飲 【S】 Hoelen & Areca Combination Ingredients: Wu Jia Pi Di Gu Pi Fu Ling Pi Da Fu Pi Sheng Jiang Pi 五加皮 地骨皮 茯苓皮 大腹皮 生薑皮 Acanthopanacis Cx. Lycii Radicis Cx. Poria Cocos Cx. Arecae Pc. Cx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Cx. 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Actions: Excretes dampness, dispels swelling, regulates Qi, strengthens the spleen. Indications: Generalized edema accompanied by gasping, edema due to nephritis, and cardiac disease. Acu-Treatment: UB 20 and Sp 9 to tonify the spleen for dispelling damp and promote diuresis. St 36 harmonizing the Middle Jiao and strenthen Qi. Lung 1 regulate lung Qi for Controlling the water passage inside the body. Ren 9 regulate water and Induces diuresis. - 14 - 21017 Wu Yao Shun Qi San 烏藥順氣散 【S】 Lindera Formula Ingredients: Wu Yao Ma Huang Chen Pi Jiang Chan Gan Jiang Chuan Xiong Zhi Qiao Jie Geng Bai Zhi Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Da Zao 烏藥 麻黃 陳皮 殭蠶 乾薑 川芎 枳殼 桔梗 白芷 甘草 生薑 大棗 Linderae Rx. Ephedrae Hb. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Bombyx Cum Batryte Zingiberis Rz. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Aurantii Fr. Platycodi Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 Actions: Dispels wind-dampness, increases natural flow of Qi, relieves pain. Indications: Cerebromalacia, apoplexy, monoplegia, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, facial palsy, arthralgia, and trigeminal neuralgia. Acu-Treatment: SI 7 to regulate Qi and UB 12 to diapel wind and disperse cold from the exterior for the treating stroke due to wind attacking Taiyang channel. Sp 8, Ren 17 and LI 4 may activate Qi and blood circulations and remove blood stagnation. Also St 40 and St 36 might consider dispel damp and hatmonize the middle burner (Jiao). 20701 Wu Zhu Yu Tang 吳茱萸湯 【S】 Evodia Combination Ingredients: Wu Zhu Yu Ren Shen Da Zao Sheng Jiang 吳茱萸 人參 大棗 生薑 Evodiae Fr. Ginseng Rx. Jujubae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 7.50 4.50 6.00 9.00 Actions: Warms the liver and stomach, descends flushing-up, stops vomiting. - 15 - Indications: Migraine, habitual headache, hiccup, vomiting, and diarrhea. Pale tongue with whitish and smooth fur, wiry and slow pulse. Acu Treatment: UB 21, UB 20, St 36 and Ren 12 nourish the spleen and stomach and dispel cold. Ren 4 nourish the Yuan Qi and Yin. P 6 regulates the Qi flows of stomach and Descends the abverse rising Qi. 20921 Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang 香砂六君子湯 【S】 Saussurea(Pogostemonis) & Amomi Combination Ingredients: Ren Shen Bai Zhu Fu Ling Ban Xia Chen Pi Sheng Jiang Gan Cao Sha Ren Mu Xiang 人參 白朮 茯苓 半夏 陳皮 生薑 甘草 砂仁 木香 Ginseng Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Amomi Fr. Pogostemonis Hb. 2.50 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Dispels phlegm-water in the stomach, nourishes Qi, stops vomiting. Indications: Chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastroenteritis, and loss of appetite. Acu-Treatment: UB 20 nourishes the spleen Yang. UB 21 and St 36 tonify the middle Jiao. St 25 can regulate the stomach and intestines. Ren 6 tonifies Qi. Ren 12 and Ren 6 enhance the Qi flow of the abdomen and incrrease the appetite. - 16 - 20924 Xiang Sha Ping Wei San 香砂平胃散 Cyperus & Crataegi Formula Ingredients: Cang Zhu Shan Zha Chen Pi Shen Qu Hou Pu Mai Ya Zhi Gan Cao Zhi Qiao Sha Ren Bai Shao Xiang Fu Sheng Jiang 蒼朮 山查 陳皮 神麴 厚朴 麥芽 炙甘草 枳殼 砂仁 白芍 香附 生薑 Atractylodis Rz. Crataegi Fr. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Massa Medicata Fermentata Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Hordei Germinatus Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Aurantii Fr. Amomi Fr. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Cyperi Rz. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 3.60 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 1.20 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 1.20 Actions: Regulate Qi, release dampness in stomach and spleen, stop pain. Indications: Acute gastritis, stomach spasms and pain due to abnormal eating habits, indigestion, ulcer. Acu-Treatment: N/A. 20922 Xiang Sha Yang Wei Tang 香砂養胃湯 Cyperus & Cluster Combination Ingredients: Bai Zhu Fu Ling Cang Zhu Hou Pu Chen Pi Xiang Fu Ren Shen Mu Xiang Sha Ren Gan Cao Da Zao Sheng Jiang Bai Dou Kou 白朮 茯苓 蒼朮 厚朴 陳皮 香附 人參 木香 砂仁 甘草 大棗 生薑 白豆蔻 Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Atractylodis Rz. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Cyperi Rz. Ginseng Rx. Pogostemonis Hb. Amomi Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Jujubae Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Amomi Rotundus Fr. - 17 - 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 Actions: Tonify the spleen, Nourishes the stomach, dispels stagnant food and water. Indications: Chronic gastritis, gastrectasis, gastrointestinal weakness, and loss of appetite after illness. Acu-Treatment: UB 20 and UB 21 to tonify Yang of spleen and stomach. Ren 12, St 36 and Sp 6 restore the normal function of spleen and stomach, also harmonize the Middle Jiao and relieve distention. Ren 6 to tonify Qi. Liver 13 and Sp 4 to regulate spleen Qi flow. 20923 Xiang Su San 香蘇散 【S】 Cyperus & Perilla Formula Ingredients: Xiang Fu Zi Su Ye Chen Pi Sheng Jiang Zhi Gan Cao Cong Bai 香附 紫蘇葉 陳皮 生薑 炙甘草 蔥白 Cyperi Rz. Perillae Fm. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Allii Fislulosi Bulbus 8.00 8.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 Actions: Disperses wind-cold, regulates Qi, harmonizes the stomach and spleen. Indications: Common cold displaying body heat, headache, anhidrosis, chest distress, lack of appetite, and gasping cough; urticaria due to intake of poison seafood, chest distress, and amenorrhea. Thin and whitish fur on the tongue floating slow pulse. Acu-Treatment: SJ5 and LI 4 induce sweating to help release the exterior Evils. UB 13 and GB 43 dispel wind and damp to relieve pains. Liver 5 regulates Qi and blood flows. St 36 tonifies Qi and strenthens middle Jiao. - 18 - 20920 Xiang Xiong Tang 香芎湯 Ligustici & Cyperus Combination Ingredients: Chuan Xiong Xiang Fu Gan Cao Bo He Shi Gao Gui Zhi 川芎 香附 甘草 薄荷 石膏 桂枝 Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Cyperi Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Menthae Hb. Gypsum Fibrosum Cinnamomi Ramulus 5.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 12.00 5.00 Actions: Expels heat and wind. Indications: Migraine headache, headache fever, neuralgia headache, dry mouth, red tongue. Acu-Treatment: Si 4, Ub 64, Li 4, St 42, Sj 4, 23, Du 16, Gb 20 expels heat and wind. 20301 Xiang Ru Yin 香薷飲 【S】 Elsholtzia Three Combination Ingredients: Xiang Ru Hou Pu Bai Bian Dou 香薷 厚朴 白扁豆 Elsholtziae Hb. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Dolichoris Sm. 12.00 6.00 6.00 Actions: Releases the exterior, scatters cold, transforms dampness, harmonizes middle Jiao. Indications: Headaches, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, oppression of chest and fatigue. White and greasy fur on the tongue, floating pulse. Acu-Treatment: GB 20 and LI 4 disperse the extrior factors and relieve the summer heat. St 36 tonifies the middle Jiao and dissolves dampness. Sp 9 strenthens the spleen and eliminates dampness. - 19 - 20313 Xiao Ban Xia Jia Fu Ling Tang 小半夏加茯苓湯 Minor Pinellia & Hoelen Combination Ingredients: Ban Xia Fu Ling Sheng Jiang 半夏 茯苓 生薑 Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Poria Cocos Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 8.00 4.00 8.00 Actions: Harmonizes the middle burner, dispels phlegm and excessive fluid. Indications: Phlegm and water retention manifesting difficult urination, vomiting, sub-cardiac distention, water retention in the stomach, dizziness, and palpitations; vomiting, gastritis, gastroenteritis, toxemia during pregnancy, gastroptosis, and pleurisy. Whitish and smooth fur on the tongue, small and weak pulse. Acu-Treatmant: Si 4, Ub 64, Li 4, St 42, Sj 4, 23, Du 16, Gb 20 expels heat and wind. 20318 Xiao Chai Hu Tang 小柴胡湯 Minor Bupleurum Combination Ingredients: Chai Hu Ban Xia Huang Qin Da Zao Ren Shen Gan Cao Sheng Jiang 柴胡 半夏 黃芩 大棗 人參 甘草 生薑 Bupleuri Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Scutellariae Rx. Jujubae Fr. Ginseng Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 8.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Eliminating the evil in Shao Yang. Indications: Common cold in individuals of medium constitution manifesting alternating chills and fever, chest fullness and detention, fidgeting, vomiting, bitter taste of the mouth, dizziness, dry throat, and lack of appetite; bronchial asthma, pneumonia, pleurisy, gastrointestinal disturbances, liver disorders, tonsillitis, and lymphadenitis. - 20 - Thin and whitish fur on the tongue, wiry pulse. Acu-Treatment: SJ 4 regulate the Qi circulation of three Jiaos and harmonize Shaoyang. P 6 also regulate Qi , remove stagnation and lower the up-rising Qi of the stomach. GB 40 sedate heat in Shaoyang and lead the fire downward. Liver 5 regulate qi flow in liver and relieve stagnation, combined GB 40 and Liver 5 to relieve heat and stagnations that are associated with gall bladder and liver. St 36 strenthen the Qi of the spleen and harmonize the stomach to relieve nausea and vomiting. 20323 Xiao Chai Hu Tang Qu Ren Shen 小柴胡湯去人參 Minor Bupleurum Combination without Ginseng Ingredients: Chai Hu Huang Qin Zhi Gan Cao Ban Xia Sheng Jiang Da Zao 柴胡 黃芩 炙甘草 半夏 生薑 大棗 Bupleuri Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Pinelliae Rz.Prep. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 8.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 Actions: Stronger confirmation than "Xiao Chai Hu Tang". Indications: Refer to "Xiao Chai Hu Tang" usually apply to the person who have Xian Mai (bowstring pulse). Also do not show Qi vacuity. Acy-Treatment: See “Xiaao Xhai Hu Tang”, omitting P 6. 20314 Xiao Cheng Qi Tang 小承氣湯 Minor Rhubarb Combination Ingredients: Hou Pu Da Huang Zhi Shi 厚朴 大黃 枳實 Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Actions: - 21 - 9.00 6.00 6.00 Mildly purges heat and accumulation in the lower burner. Indications: Febrile disease marked by dry mouth and tongue, delirium, constipation, tidal fever, abdominal and chest distention. Acu-Treatment: LI 4 and LI 11 sedate heat from Yangming Channel. St 37 conbined with SJ 6 to expel the constipated stool. Lung 7 to regulate the Qi flow of the large intestine. K 6 to nourish the body fluids and help clear the heat. 21014 Xiao Feng San 消風散 【S】 DangGui & Arctium Formula Ingredients: Dang Gui Sheng Di Huang Shi Gao Cang Zhu Fang Feng Niu Bang Zi Mu Tong Chan Tui Ku Shen Jing Jie Zhi Mu Gan Cao Hu Ma Ren 當歸 生地黃 石膏 蒼朮 防風 牛蒡子 木通 蟬退 苦參 荊芥 知母 甘草 胡麻仁 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Gypsum Fibrosum Atractylodis Rz. Ledebouriellae Rx. Arctii Fr. Clematidis Armandii Caulis Cicadae Periostracum Sophorae Flavescentis Rx. Schizonepetae Hb. Anemarrhenae Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Sesami Nigrum Sm. 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.25 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.25 2.50 Actions: Disperses wind-heat, removes dampness, stops itching. Indications: Eczema, urticaria, athlete's foot, prickly heat, scabies, pruritus, and dermal itching. Whitish or yellowish fur on the tongue and floating pulse. Acu-Treatment: LI 15, LI 5 and Du 14 to dispel wind and clear heat. LI 11 to clear heat at Yangming Stage. Sp 9 strenthen the spleen and di8spel dampness. Sp 6 nourishes the blood And promotes its circulation. H 7 to relieve itching. - 22 - 20317 Xiao Huo Luo Dan 小活絡丹 Lumbricus & Olibanom Formula Ingredients: Zhi Chung Wu Zhi Cao Wu Dan Nan Xing Di Long Ru Xiang Mo Yao 製川烏 製草烏 膽南星 地龍 乳香 沒藥 Aconiti Rx. Prep. Aconiti Kusnezoffii Rx. Prep. Arisaema Cum Bile Lumbricus Olibanum Gummi Myrrha 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.50 1.50 Actions: Expel wind and dampness, eliminate blood stasis, activates meridian sooth pains. Indications: Joint pain, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, cold, phlegm and migratory pain. heaviness of the lower back and legs. Acu-Treatment: LI 15, SJ 14 and SI 10 for Shoulder pain. LI 11, LI 4, SJ 10 and Lung 5 for elbow pain. SJ 4, LI 5, SI 10, and SJ 5 for Wrist. Du 26, Du 12, and Du 3 for back problem. GB 30, GB 29, and GB 39 for Buttock. UB 54, UB 36, and Sp 9 for thigh. St 35, St 34, GB 3 and Liver 7 for Knee. UB 62, K 6, UB 60 and GB 40 for Ankle. Caution: This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. 20324 Xiao Ji Yin Zi 小薊飲子 Cirsii & Talcum Combination Ingredients: Xiao Ji 小薊 Cirsii Herba 3.00 Ou Jie 藕節 Nelumbinis Rz.tis Nodus 3.00 Sheng Di Huang 生地黃 Rehmanniae Rx. 3.00 Dang Gui 當歸 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. 3.00 Hua Shi 滑石 Talcum 3.00 Shan Zhi Zi 山梔子 Gardeniae Fructus 3.00 Mu Tong-Chuan 木 通 (川 ) Clematidis Armandii Caulis 3.00 Dan Zhu Ye 淡竹葉 Lophatheri Herba 3.00 Pu Huang 蒲黃 Typhae Pollen 0.00 - 23 - Gan Cao 甘草 Glycyrrhizae Rx. 3.00 Action: To cool the blood and stop bleeding and promote urination. Indication: Hematuria, Frequent urination with burning and pain, red tonue, repid pulse. Acu-Treatment: Ren 4 to sedate heat in the small intestine and relieve dysuria. P 8 to sedate heat from heart and the pericardium for cooling the blood. K 2 nourishes Yin and clear heat. SJ 5 Clear heat from all three Jiaos. 20316 Xiao Jian Zhong Tang 小建中湯 Minor Cinnamon & Peony Combination Ingredients: Bai Shao Da Zao Gan Cao Gui Zhi Sheng Jiang Jiao Yi 白芍 大棗 甘草 桂枝 生薑 膠飴 Paeoniae Alba Rx. Jujubae Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus Zingiberis Recens Rz. Saccharum Granorum 6.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 Actions: Warms the middle burner, dispels cold, strengthens the stomach, improves constitution in children, resolves exterior conformation. Indications: Abdominal pain, nocturnal emission, sensation of heat in the palms and feet, debilitated constitution in children, anemia, bed-wetting in children, and hernia pain in children. Acu-Treatment: UB 20 and Liver 13 are combined to nourish the spleen, tonify Qi, warm the middle Jiao and disperse the cold. St 25 with St 37 to regulate the Qi and blood flows in the large intestine and relieve abdominal pains. Liver 2 smooth the liver qi flow to help relieve the pain. - 24 - 20315 Xiao Qing Long Tang 小青龍湯 【S】 Minor Blue Dragon Combination Ingredients: Ban Xia Ma Huang Bai Shao Xi Xin Wu Wei Zi Zhi Gan Cao Gui Zhi Gan Jiang 半夏 麻黃 白芍 細辛 五味子 炙甘草 桂枝 乾薑 Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Ephedrae Hb. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Asari Hb. Schizandrae Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Cinnamomi Ramulus Zingiberis Rz. 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.50 1.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 Actions: Resolves the exterior, disperses cold, warms the lungs, eliminates water retention. Indications: Common cold in weak individuals manifesting chillphobia, mild fever, coughing with profuse sputum, asthma, dry heave, chest fullness,and water retention. Pale tongue with whitish and greasy fur wiry and tense pulse. Acu-Treatments: LI 6 with LI 4 and UB 13 to ventilate the lung and relieve the exterior. Lung 7 and Lung 8 are used for relieve coughing wheezing.UB 22 regulates the water pathway, and Sp 9 removes water retention to strenthen the speen. 20319 Xiao Xian Xiong Tang 小陷胸湯 【S】 Minor Trichosanthes Combination Ingredients: Huang Lian Ban Xia Gua Lou Shi Coptidis Rz. Pinelliae Rz. Trichosanthis Fr. 黃連 半夏 栝樓實 3.00 12.00 12.00 Actions: Clearing heat, eliminating phlegm, soothing the chest, dispersing stagnation in thorax. Relieves the oppression of chest with pain. Decreases stagnation of phlegm and heat or dampness-heat in middle Jiao (stomach and gallbladder) Indications: Abdominal fullness, vomiting, difficulty of phlegming, exudative pleuritis, bronchitis, - 25 - pneumonia, acute gastritis, cholecystitis and viral hepatitis. Greasy fur on tongue, floating and smooth or rapid and smooth pulse. Acu-Treatment: Lung 8 and Ub 13 to clear lung heat and dispel phlegm.LI 11 and LI 4 clear heat and relieve chest distention and pain. St 40 to eliminate damp and phlegm. Ren 17 regulate Qi circulation and relieve chest fullness. 20320 Xiao Xu Ming Tang 小續命湯 【S】 Mahuang & Peony Combination Ingredients: Gui Zhi Ma Huang Xing Ren Chuan Xiong Fang Feng Bai Shao Ren Shen Gan Cao Huang Qin Fang Ji Pao Fu Zi Sheng Jiang Da Zao 桂枝 麻黃 杏仁 川芎 防風 白芍 人參 甘草 黃芩 防己 炮附子 生薑 大棗 Cinnamomi Ramulus Ephedrae Hb. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Ledebouriellae Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Ginseng Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Rx. Aconiti Rx. Prep. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 Actions: Dispels wind-dampness relaxes spasm. Indications: Cerebral apoplexy, apoplexy, hypertension, neuralgia, monoplegia, facial palsy, arthritis, migraine, asthma, and edema. Whitish fur on the tongue and tense pulse. Acu-Treatment: Li 4, Du 20, Sj 14, Gb 20, 31, 34, 21, St 36, Li 10, Ub 40, P 5 warming meridians, promoting the motion of yang energy, supporting healthy energy and eliminating wind-dampness, relaxes spasm. - 26 - 21124 Xiao Yao San 逍遙散 【S】 Bupleurum & DangGui Formula Ingredients: Chai Hu Dang Gui Bai Zhu Wei Jiang Bo He Bai Shao Fu Ling Zhi Gan Cao 柴胡 當歸 白朮 煨薑 薄荷 白芍 茯苓 炙甘草 Bupleuri Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Prep. Menthae Hb. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 Actions: Disperses liver heat, supplements the blood, eliminates Qi stagnation. Indications: Tuberculosis, climacteric disorders, neurasthenia in women, insomnia, menstrual irregularity, shoulder and back pain, headache, and dizziness. Reddish tongue, wiry and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: GB 18, GB 34 and Liver 5 to remove stagnations of liver and regulate blood and Menstruation. UB 20, St 36 and Sp 6 strengthen spleen warm the Yang, and tonify Qi and blood. Liver 14 harmonize spleen, liver and promote the circulations of Qi and blood. 21015 Xiao Zhi Wan 消痔丸 Sophora & Scute Formula Ingredients: Huang Qin 黃芩 Scutellariae Rx. 1.80 Jin Yin Hua 金銀花 Lonicerae Flos S 1.20 Zhi Qiao 枳殼 Aurantii Fructus 1.20 Qin Jiao 秦艽 Gentianae Macrophyllae Rx. 1.20 Fang Feng 防風 Ledebouriellae Rx. 2.40 Da Huang 大黃 Rhei Rz. et Rx. 2.40 Dang Gui 當歸 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. 2.40 Cang Zhu 蒼朮 Atractylodis Rz. 2.40 Di Long 地龍 Lumbricus 2.40 Huai Hua 槐花 Sophorae Flos 2.40 - 27 - Sheng Di Huang 生地黃 Rehmanniae Rx. 4.80 Chi Shao 赤芍 Paeoniae Rubra Rx. 2.40 Actions: Indications: Acu-Treatment: 21803 Xie Bai San 瀉白散 Morus & Lycium Formula Ingredients: Sang Bai Pi Di Gu Pi Gan Cao Jing Mi Mori Radicis Cx. Lycii Radicis Cx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Oryzae Sm. 桑白皮 地骨皮 甘草 粳米 4.50 4.50 2.25 6.00 Actions: Purges lung heat, relieves asthma and cough. Indications: Initial stage of tuberculosis, bronchitis, hacking cough, and asthma. Red tongue with yellowish fur, small and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: LI 4 and Du 14 disperse heat in the lung, Lung 1 and Lung 6 smooth the Qi flow of the lung and to relieve wheezing. Ren 17 lowers the up-rising qi from the lung. K 3 with liver 2 clear the heat. 21804 Xie Huang San 瀉黃散 Ledebourialla & Gardenia Formula Ingredients: Fang Feng Huo Xiang Shan Zhi Zi Shi Gao Gan Cao Ledebouriellae Rx. Agastachis Hb. Gardeniae Fr. Gypsum Fibrosum Glycyrrhizae Rx. 防風 藿香 山梔子 石膏 甘草 Actions: Purging the fire in spleen and stomach. Release Halitosis thirst. - 28 - 12.00 2.10 3.00 1.50 6.00 Indications: Acute gastritis with halitosis. ulcerative stomatitis, rosacea , aphthae, dry mouth and lips. Red tongue, frequent protrusion of tongue, rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: LI 11, 4, ascend and dispel the stagnated heat in spleen and stomach. LI1 and SJ 5 clear the excessive heat. St 36 to harmonize the stomach. 20709 Xin Yi Qing Fei Tang 辛夷清肺湯 【S】 Magnolia Flower & Gypsum Combination Ingredients: Xin Yi Pi Pa Ye Zhi Mu Bai He Shan Zhi Zi Mai Men Dong Shi Gao Sheng Ma Huang Qin Gan Cao Magnoliae Fl. Eriobotryae Fm. Anemarrhenae Rz. Lilii Bulbus Gardeniae Fr. Ophiopogonis Rx. Gypsum Fibrosum Cimicifugae Rz. Scutellariae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 辛夷 枇杷葉 知母 百合 山梔子 麥門冬 石膏 升麻 黃芩 甘草 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.50 Actions: Dispels lung heat, increases Qi circulation. Indications: Nasal congestion, nasal polyps, rhinitis, and sinusitis. Acu-Treatment: Du 23, 20, 14, Ub 4, Li 11, 20, 4, L 9, Gb 20, Extra 2, dispels lung heat, increases Qi circulation. 20710 Xin Yi San 辛夷散 Magnolia Flower Formula Ingredients: Xin Yi 辛夷 Magnoliae Fl. - 29 - 2.00 Gao Ben Bai Zhi Mu Tong Fang Feng Xi Xin Chuan Xiong Gan Cao Sheng Ma Er Cha 皋本 白芷 木通 防風 細辛 川芎 甘草 升麻 兒茶 Ligustici Rz. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Clematidis Armandi Caulis Ledebouriellae Rx. Asari Hb. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Cimicifugae Rz. Camelliae Fm. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Disperses wind, opens cavities. Indications: Common cold manifesting stuffy nose or nasal congestion; rhinitis, sinusitis, and polyps. Acu-Treatment: LI 20 and Bi Tong (extra) are combined to open the nasal orifices and relieve its congestion. Du 20 and Du 23 activate the Yang to help relieve nasal congestion. GB 20 and LI 4 dispel the exterior factors. 20704 Xing Su San 杏蘇散 Apricot Semen & Perilla Formula Ingredients: Xing Ren Zi Su Ye Ban Xia Chen Pi Qian Hu Gan Cao Jie Geng Zhi Qiao Sheng Jiang Da Zao Fu Ling 杏仁 紫蘇葉 半夏 陳皮 前胡 甘草 桔梗 枳殼 生薑 大棗 茯苓 Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Perillae Fm. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Peucedani Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Aurantii Fr. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Poria Cocos Rx. 3.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 Actions: Clears the lungs, resolves phlegm. Indications: Common cold exhibiting mild headache, chillphobia, anhidrosis, coughing with thin sputum, and stuffy nose; influenza, bronchitis, and cough. Whitish fur, wiry pulse. - 30 - Acu-Treatment: GB 20 to dispel wind for relieving exterior. Lung 7 and LI 4 to ventilate the lung, Regulate Qi and stop the cough. Sp 9 and St 40 dissolve dampness and dispel Phlegm. P 6 to regulate Qi and relieve chest congestion. 20708 Xiong Gui Jiao Ai Tang 芎歸膠艾湯 DangGui & Gelatin Combination Ingredients: Chuan Xiong Gan Cao Ai Ye Dang Gui Bai Shao Sheng Di Huang E Jiao 川芎 甘草 艾葉 當歸 白芍 生地黃 阿膠 Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Artemisiae Argyi Fm. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Asini Gelatinum 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 2.00 Actions: Stops bleeding, supplements the blood. Indications: Uterine bleeding, abortion, endometritis, hemorrhoidal bleeding, intestinal bleeding, hematuria, menorrhagia, and purpura. Acu-Treatment: N/A. 20780 Xiong Gui Tiao Xue Yin 芎歸調血飲 Ligustici & Rehmannia Combination Ingredients: Chuan Xiong Shou Di Huang Dang Gui Bai Zhu Fu Ling Chen Pi Wu Yao Xiang Fu Mu Dau Pi Yi Mu Cao 川芎 熟地黃 當歸 白朮 茯苓 陳皮 烏藥 香附 牡丹皮 益母草 Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Atractylodis Alba Rz. Poria Cocos Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Linderae Rx. Cyperi Rz. Moutan Radicis Cx. Leonuri Hb. - 31 - 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 Da Zao Gan Cao Sheng Jiang 大棗 甘草 生薑 Jujubae Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 1.50 1.00 1.50 Actions: Nourishes blood and Qi, strengthens spleen and stomach, improves blood circulation Indications: Postpartum headache and fever, nervousness, irregular menstruation. Inadequacy of Lactation. Climacteric disorders, anemia, pale and slippery tongue, week and submerged pulse. Acu-Treatment: Sp 6, St 43, 36, Li 11, 4, Ren 9, 4, 17, Liv 14, Si 1 nourishes blood and qi, strengthens spleen and stomach, improves blood circulation. 22101 Xu Ming Tang 續命湯 Mahuang & Ginseng Combination Ingredients: Shi Gao Xing Ren Ma Huang Gui Zhi Ren Shen Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Gan Jiang Gan Cao 石膏 杏仁 麻黃 桂枝 人參 當歸 川芎 乾薑 甘草 Gypsum Fibrosum Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Ephedrae Hb. Cinnamomi Ramulus Ginseng Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Zingiberis Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 Actions: Relaxes muscular tension, nourishes the blood, dispels wind-dampness. Indications: Apoplexy, speech disturbances due to stroke, cerebromalacia, hypertension, neuralgia, hemiplegia, facial palsy, bronchitis and arthritis. Acu-Treatment: N/A. - 32 - 20604 Xue Fu Zu Yu Tang 血府逐瘀湯 【S】 Persica & Achyranthes Combination Ingredients: Sheng Di Huang Dang Gui Tao Ren Hong Hua Zhi Qiao Chi Shao Chai Hu Gan Cao Jie Geng Chuan Xiong Fai Niu Xi 生地黃 當歸 桃仁 紅花 枳殼 赤芍 柴胡 甘草 桔梗 川芎 淮牛膝 Rehmanniae Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Persicae Sm. Carthami Fl. Aurantii Fr. Paeoniae Rubra Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Platycodi Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. 4.50 4.50 6.00 4.50 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 2.30 2.30 4.50 Actions: Invigorates the blood, dispels blood stagnation, promotes natural flow of Qi, and relieves pain. Indications: Blood stagnation in the chest indicated by chest pain, chronic headache due to blood stasis, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, rheumatic heart disease, angina pectoris, chest pain due to inflammation of costal cartilage, neurosis, headache and dizziness due to cerebral concussion, darkish red tongue, and an astringent or chordal-tense pulse. Caution: This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. Acu-Treatment: UB 21, St 36, Sp 6, UB 15, UB 17, and Sp 10 to activate Qi flow, break the blood stagnation, and nourish Qi and Blood. P 6 and Sp 4 for relieving the congestions of chest. SJ 4 regulates Shao-Yang Qi flow and Liver 2 for liver as well. 21505 Yang Gan Wan 養肝丸 Plantago & Ledebouriella Formula Ingredients: Dang Gui 當歸 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. - 33 - 3.50 Bai Shao 白芍 Paeoniae Alba Rx. 3.50 Fang Feng 防風 Ledebouriellae Rx. 3.50 Chuan Xiong 川芎 Ligustici Wallichii Rz. 3.50 Che Qian Zi 車前子 Plantaginis Sm. 3.50 Shou Di Huang 熟地黃 Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. 3.50 Chu Shi Zi 楮實子 Broussonetiae Fructus 3.50 Rui Ren 蕤仁 Prinsepia uniflora Sm. 3.50 Action: Indication: Accu-Treatment: 21504 Yang Xin Tang 養心湯 【S】 Astragalus & Zizyphus Combination Ingredients: Huang Qi Fu Ling Fu Shen Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Ban Xia Zhi Gan Cao Bai Zi Ren Suan Zao Ren Wu Wei Zi Yuan Zhi Ren Shen Rou Gui Sheng Jiang Da Zao Astragali Rx. Prep. Poria Cocos Poria Pararadicis Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Pinelliae Rz. Fermentata Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Biotae Sm. Ziziphi Spinosae Sm. Schizandrae Fr. Polygalae Rx. Ginseng Rx. Cinnamomi Cx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. 黃耆 茯苓 茯神 當歸 川芎 半夏 炙甘草 柏子仁 酸棗仁 五味子 遠志 人參 肉桂 生薑 大棗 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Actions: Nourishes the heart, tranquilizes the spirit. Indications: Heart deficiency marked by anemia, frightening, palpitations, night sweat, insomnia, fever, and anxiety; neurasthenia, anemia, and neurogenous palpitations. Accu-Treatment: Du 9, 20, Ren 14, Ub 15, H 7, Liv 5, P 6, Sj 2, K 6, 7 nourishes the heart, tranquilizes the spirit. - 34 - 21506 Yang Yin Qing Fe Tang 養陰清肺湯 Rehmannia & Mentha Combination Ingredients: Sheng Di Huang Mai Men Dong Bai Shao Bei Mu Mu Dau Pi Bo He Xuan Shen Gan Cao Rehmanniae Rx. Ophiopogonis Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Fritillariae Blb. Moutan Radicis Cortex Menthae Herba Scrophulariae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 生地黃 麥門冬 白芍 貝母 牡丹皮 薄荷 玄參 甘草 6.00 3.60 2.40 2.40 2.40 1.50 4.50 1.50 Actions: Nourishing the lung and kidney Yin, detoxify. Indications: Sore throat with whitish spots and swelling, diphtheria, chronic laryngitis, tonsillitis, tuberculosis. Red tongue. Weak rapidly pulse. Acu-Treatment: K 3, K 6, and UB 23 for tonifying. UB 13, Lung 10 and lung 5 to clear lung heat. 20702 Yi Gan San 抑肝散 Bupleurum Formula Ingredients: Dang Gui Gou Teng Chuan Xiong Bai Zhu Fu Ling Chai Hu Gan Cao 當歸 鉤藤 川芎 白朮 茯苓 柴胡 甘草 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Uncariae Ramulus Cum Uncis Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Bupleuri Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 5.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 Actions: Tranquilizes the liver disturbances, relieves spasm, dispels deficiency-heat. Indications: - 35 - Neurosis, hysteria, epilepsy, neurasthenia, insomnia, climacteric disorders, excitability, anxiety, and infantile night crying. Acu-Treatment: Sp 10 and Sp 6 may nourish the liver blood. Liver 3 to sedate the liver Yang and combined with GB 34 to relieve muscle spasms. P 6 can regulate Qi and lower the adverse rising Qi. H 7 to tranquilize the mind and relieve insomnia. 20102 Yi Guan Jian 一貫煎 DangGui & Glehnia Combination Ingredients: Bei Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Sheng Di Huang Dang Gui Gou Qi Zi Chuan Lian Zi 北沙參 麥門冬 生地黃 當歸 枸杞子 川楝子 Glehniae Rx. Ophiopogonis Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Lycii Fructus Melia Toosendan Fructus 4.00 4.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 Actions: Nourishes liver and kidneys, regulate Qi. Mainly for deficiency of liver and kidney functions. Indications: Anti-gastric ulcer, hypertension, tension and pain of upper torso, usually showing dry throat and mouth, reddish tongue and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 18, UB 23 and K 3 tonify the liver and kidney Yin. Sp 10 and Sp 6 nourish the Yin and blood to calm the liver. Liver 14 combined with UB 18 to smooth and regulate the liver Qi. 21019 Yi Qi Cong Ming Tang 益氣聰明湯 【S】 Ginseng Astra & Pueraria Combination Ingredients: Huang Qi Ren Shen Ge Gen Huang Bai Man Jing Zi Bai Shao Sheng Ma Astragali Rx. Ginseng Rx. Puerariae Rx. Phellodendri Cx. Viticis Fr. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Cimicifugae Rz. 黃耆 人參 葛根 黃柏 蔓荊子 白芍 升麻 - 36 - 6.00 6.00 3.60 2.40 3.60 2.40 1.80 Gan Cao Glycyrrhizae Rx. 甘草 1.20 Actions: Nourishes Qi, relaxes neurotic system, restores audio-visual ability. Indications: Tinnitus, dizziness, blurring vision due to anemia, achromatopsia and primary stage of cataract. Acu-Treatment: Du 20, Li 4, Si 3, 4, Sj 3, 5, St 36, Gb 39, Ub 60, 23, 18 noruishes Qi, relaxes nervous system, restores audio-visual ability. 21018 Yi Xue Li 益血力 DangGui & Ligustici Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Bai Shao Shou Di Huang Bai Zhu Rou Gui Fu Ling Gan Cao Long Yan Rou 當歸 川芎 白芍 熟地黃 白朮 肉桂 茯苓 甘草 龍眼肉 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Cinnamomi Cx. Poria Cocos Glycyrrhizae Rx. Longanae Arillus 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 Actions: Nourishes blood, calms spirit, promotes blood circulation. Indications: Dizziness and palpitation, tiresome due to insomnia, edema, neurasthenia, hypertension. Pale tongue, weak and submerged pulse. Acu-Treatment: Du 20, Li 4, 5, Sp 10, 4, Ren 17, St 36, H 7 nourished blood, calms spirit, promotes blood circulation. - 37 - 21702 Yi Yi Ren Tang 薏苡仁湯 Coix Combination Ingredients: Ma Huang Dang Gui Bai Zhu Yi Yi Ren Gui Zhi Bai Shao Gan Cao 麻黃 當歸 白朮 薏苡仁 桂枝 白芍 甘草 Ephedrae Hb. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Coicis Sm. Cinnamomi Ramulus Paeoniae Alba Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 4.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 Actions: Promotes blood circulation, dispels fluid accumulated in the joints and tissues, relieves muscular tension. Indications: Sub-acute and chronic rheumatoid arthritis, muscular rheumatism, numbness and pain of the joints. Acu-Treatment: N/A. 20101 Yi Zi Tang 乙字湯 Cimicifuga Combination Ingredients: Da Huang Sheng Ma Gan Cao Chai Hu Huang Qin Dang Gui 大黃 升麻 甘草 柴胡 黃芩 當歸 Rhei Rz. et Rx. Cimicifugae Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. 1.00 1.50 2.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 Actions: Dispels dampness-heat in the lower torso, promotes smooth evacuation. Indications: Hemorrhoidal pain, anal ache, hemorrhoidal bleeding, rectal prolapse, and vaginal itching. Acu-Treatment: N/A. - 38 - 21026 Yin Chen Hao Tang 茵陳蒿湯 Capillaris Combination Ingredients: Yin Chen Hao Shan Zhi Zi Da Huang 茵陳蒿 山梔子 大黃 Artemisiae Scopariae Hb. Gardeniae Fr. Rhei Rz. et Rx. 12.00 4.00 4.00 Actions: Dispels heat-phlegm. Indications: Jaundice, acute hepatitis, urticaria, pruritus, pain of the eyes, beriberi, nephritis, and stomatitis.Yellow and greasy fur, smooth and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: Du 9 and SI 4 for dispel damp and heat. GB 34 and H 9 to harmonize the liver and Gall bladder to relieve jaundice. 21025 Yin Chen Wu Ling San 茵陳五苓散 【S】 Capillaris & Hoelen Formula Ingredients: Yin Chen Hao Ze Xie Bai Zhu Fu Ling Zhu Ling Gui Zhi 茵陳蒿 澤瀉 白朮 茯苓 豬苓 桂枝 Artemisiae Scopariae Hb. Alismatis Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Poria Cocos Polyporus Cinnamomi Ramulus 16.00 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 Actions: This formula is compound of “Wu Ling San” with Artemisiae Capillaris herba. Indications: Jaundice, hepatitis, nephritis, peritonitis, and water stagnation in the stomach. Acu-Treatment: See “ Wu Ling San” Add GB 34 and Liver 3. To help sedate liver heat and relieve jaundice. - 39 - 21404 Yin Qiao San 銀翹散 Lonicera & Forsythia Formula Ingredients: Jin Yin Hua Lian Qiao Dan Zhu Ye Jing Jie Lu Gen Jie Geng Niu Bang Zi Gan Cao Dan Dou Chi Bo He 金銀花 連翹 淡竹葉 荊芥 蘆竹根 桔梗 牛蒡子 甘草 淡豆豉 薄荷 Lonicerae Fl. Forsythiae Fr. Lophatheri Hb. Schizonepetae Hb. Phragmitis Rz. Platycodi Rx. Arctii Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Sojae Sm. Preparatum Menthae Herba 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 3.00 Actions: Disperses wind-heat, dispels heat, removes toxin. Indications: Feverish disease manifesting fever, slight aversion to wind and cold, anhidrosis or less sweating, headache, thirst, cough, and sore throat; influenza, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and initial stage of measles and mumps. Red tip of tongue with whitish or thin yellowish fur, floating and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatmenr: Du 14 to expel heat for exterior. GB 20 ( Wind pond) to relieve wind. SJ 5, LI 11 and LI 4 help dispel wind-heat and regulate Qi flow of lung. Lung 10 and 11 sedate heat in lung and relieve sore throat. 20507 You Gui Wan 右歸丸 Restore Right Kidney Pill Ingredients: Shou Di Huang Rou Gui Fu Zi B Shan Zhu Yu Shan Yao 熟地黃 肉桂 焙附子 山茱萸 山藥 Rehmanniae Radix Prep. Cinnamomi Cx. Aconiti Rx. Lateralis Corni Fructus Dioscoreae Rz. - 40 - 5.60 1.40 1.40 2.80 2.80 Du Zhong Gou Qi Zi Tu Si Zi Dang Gui 杜仲 枸杞子 菟絲子 當歸 Lu Jiao Jiao 鹿角膠 Eucommiae Cortex Lycii Fructus Cuscutae Semen Angelicae Sinensis Radix Cornus Cervi Colla 2.80 2.80 2.80 0.20 0.20 Actions: Warming and tonifying the kidney Yang and blood, replenishing the essence. Indications: Exhaustion from long term illness, aversion to cold impotence, spermatorrhea aching and weakness of lower back and knees infertility, edema. Acu-Treatment: Apply moxibustion on UB 23 and K 3 for warming the kidney Yang. UB 18 and UB 20 Nourish the liver and strengthen the spleen to help tonify the kidney. UB 17 nourishes Blood. Ren 6 tonifies Qi and consolidates the kidney. Du 4 and Ren 4 nourish the Yuan Yang(source) to give rise the kidney Qi. 20582 You Gui Yin 右歸飲 Restore Right Kidney Decoction Ingredients: Shou Di Huang Shan Yao Gou Qi Zi Shan Zhu Yu Du Zhong Fu Zi B Rou Gui Zhi Gan Cao 熟地黃 山藥 枸杞子 山茱萸 杜仲 焙附子 肉桂 炙甘草 Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Dioscoreae Rz. Lycii Fr. Corni Fr. Eucommiae Cx. Aconiti Radix Prep. Cinnamomi Cx. Glycyrrhizae Radix Prep. 7.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Actions: Warming and invigorating kidney Yang. Indications: Manifested as lumbago, cold limbs, shortness of breath, fatigue, impotence nocturnal emission. Pale tongue and small pulse. Accu-Treatment: Du 4, Ub 23, Ren 4, 6, Sp 6, K 3, H 7 warming and tonifying the kidney Yang and blood, replenishes the essence. - 41 - 21302 Yu Dai Wan 愈帶丸 DangGui & Phellodendron Combination Ingredients: Shou Di Huang Bai Shao Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Huang Bai Gao Liang Jiang Chun Pi 熟地黃 白芍 當歸 川芎 黃柏 高良薑 椿皮 Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Phellodendri Cx. Alpiniae Officinarum Rz. Ailanthi Cx. 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 9.00 Actions: Clears and transforms damp-heat and stops vaginal discharge. Indications: Lower back pain, leukorrhea, foul smelling vaginal discharge, vaginitis, cervicitis, scanty yellow urine. Yellowish and greasy fur, soft rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: Du 20, Gb 26, 35, Ren 3, 6, Sp 6, P 5, Ub 23, 30 clears and transforms damp-heat and stops vaginal discharge. 20531 玉泉丸 Yu Quan Wan Jade Springs Formula Ingredients: Tian Hua Feng 天花粉 Ge Gen 葛根 Mai Men Dong 麥門冬 Ren Shen 人參 Fu Ling 茯苓 Wu Mei 烏梅 Gan Cao 甘草 Huang Qi 黃耆 Huang Qi 黃耆 Trichosanthis Rx. Puerariae Rx. Ophiopogonis Rx. Ginseng Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Mume Fr. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Astragali Rx. Astragali Rx. Prep. Action: Indication: - 42 - 4.50 4.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 Acu-Treatment: N/A. 20517 Yu Nu Jian 玉女煎 【S】 Rehmannia & Gypsum Combination Ingredients: Shou Di Huang Fai Niu Xi Zhi Mu Shi Gao Mai Men Dong 熟地黃 淮牛膝 知母 石膏 麥門冬 Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. Anemarrhenae Rz. Gypsum Fibrosum Ophiopogonis Rx. 10.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 5.00 Actions: Clears the stomach, nourishes Yin. Indications: Gingivitis,stomach heat, toothache, epistaxis, and hematemesis. Acu-Treatment: UB 21 and St 44 sedate heat in the stomach. UB 20 and Sp 6 strenthen the spleen and regulate the water metabolism. LI 4, St 7 and St 6 relieve pain and swelling of various parts of head. 20518 Yu Ping Feng San 玉屏風散 Jade Windscreen Formula Ingredients: Huang Qi Fang Feng Bai Zhu 黃耆 防風 白朮 Astragali Rx. 14.00 Ledebouriellae Rx. 7.00 Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. 7.00 Actions: Benefits vital energy, eliminates pathogenic agents, strengthens superficial resistance, sweating. Indications: Common cold, urticaria, neurodermitis, allergic rhinitis special attributed by affection of wind. Pale tongue with whitish fur, floating and weak pulse.This formula is very effective for - 43 - asthenic persons. Acu-Treatment: Ren 6 to tonifies the general Qi of the blood. St 36 tonifies both Qi and blood and strenthen the exterior. H 6 is use to stop sweating. SI 3 can help stop the sweating and warm the Yang, activate as well, of body to provide resistance to the exterior level. 21208 Yue Bi Jia Zhu Tang 越婢加朮湯 Atractylodes Combination Ingredients: Ma Huang Bai Zhu Gan Cao Sheng Jiang Da Zao Shi Gao 麻黃 白朮 甘草 生薑 大棗 石膏 Ephedrae Hb. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. Gypsum Fibrosum 6.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 Actions: Dispels heat, clears the lungs, delivers water, disperses swelling. Indications: Acute nephritis, beriberi, eczema, acute arthritis, acute conjunctivitis, polyps, keratitis, and jaundice. Accu-Treatment: Ub 23, Gb 25, Sp 6, Ren 6, 17, K 22, 3 dispels heat, clears the lung, delivers water, disperses swelling. 21209 Yue Ju Wan 越鞠丸 【S】 Cyperus & Ligustici Formula Ingredients: Cang Zhu Xiang Fu Chuan Xiong Shen Qu Hei Zhi Zi 蒼朮 香附 川芎 神麴 黑梔子 Atractylodis Rz. Cyperi Rz. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Massa Medicata Fermentata Gardeniae Fr. Prep. Actions: - 44 - 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Activating vital energy circulation and dispersing the depressed vital energy. Indications: For fullness and oppression over the chest and hypochondria, abdominal distention and pain, pleurisy, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, acid regurgitation, vomiting and indigestion due to stagnation of vital energy, blood, phlegm, fire, dampness or food. Acu-Treatment: P 6 smooths the Qi Flow in three Jiaos and breaks down the Qi stagnation in chest. Ren 17 regulates the Qi flow and relieve congestions in the chest. Liver 5 regulates the liver to smooths the Qi and blood flows. Sp 9 dissolve dampness to firm the strength of the spleen. LI 11 sadates heat. Ren 10 break the stagnation of blood. 20703 Zhe Cong Yin 折衝飲 Cinnamon & Persica Combination Ingredients: Mu Dan Pi Chuan Xiong Bai Shao Gui Zhi Dang Gui Tao Ren Yan Hu Suo Fai Niu Xi Hong Hua 牡丹皮 川芎 白芍 桂枝 當歸 桃仁 延胡索 淮牛膝 紅花 Moutan Radicis Cx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Cinnamomi Ramulus Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Persicae Sm. Corydalis Rz. Achyranthis Bidentatae Rx. Carthami Fl. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 1.50 Actions: Eliminates blood stagnancy in the lower torso, stops pain, promotes blood circulation. Indications: Menstrual irregularity, peritonitis, ovaritis, and abdominal pain due to uterine inflammation. Acu-Treatment: Ren 3, 4, 12, St 36, 44, P 5, K 6, St 25, Sp 10, 6 eliminates blood stagnancy in the lower torso, stops pain, promotes blood circulation. - 45 - 21022 Shen Mi Tang 神祕湯 Mahuang & Magnolia Combination Ingredients: Ma Huang Xing Ren Chen Pi Chai Hu Hou Pu Zi Su Ye Gan Cao 麻黃 杏仁 陳皮 柴胡 厚朴 紫蘇葉 甘草 Ephedrae Hb. Armeniacae Amarum Sm. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Bupleuri Rx. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Perillae Fm. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 5.00 4.00 2.50 2.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 Actions: Relieves Qi stagnation, clears the lungs. Indications: Bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema, and asthma in children. Acu-Treatment: N/A. 21020 Zhen Ren Huo Ming Yin 真人活命飲 Angelica & Mastic Combination Ingredients: Jin Yin Hua Chen Pi Dang Gui Wei Bai Zhi Fang Feng Gan Cao Bei Mu Tian Hua Fen Ru Xiang Mo Yao Zao Jiao Ci Chuan Shan Jia 金銀花 陳皮 當歸尾 白芷 防風 甘草 貝母 天花粉 乳香 沒藥 皂角刺 穿山甲 Lonicerae Fl. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Angelicae Sinensis Radix Stamen Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Ledebouriellae Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Fritillariae Bulbus Trichosanthis Rx. Olibanum Gummi Myrrha Gleditsiae Spina Manitis Squama 6.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 Actions: Expels heat, detoxifies, regulates vital energy, activates blood circulation, mainly used for initial stage of skin infection, manifested as local erythema, swelling, heat, pain, fever, - 46 - chills. Indications: Pustulosis, cellulitis, mastitis, suppurative tonsillitis, furunculosis complicated by septicemia.Thin and whitish or yellowish fur, rapid and strong pulse. Acu-Treatment: LI 11, Li 4, and Du 9 to sedate fire , clear heat and dispel its toxin. UB 40 and Sp 10 to activate the blood circulation and break its stagnation. LI 7 regulate the stomach and intestines, dispel heat and reduce swelling. 21021 Zhen Wu Tang 真武湯 Vital Energy Combination Ingredients: Fu Ling Bai Shao Bai Zhu Sheng Jiang Fu Zi B 茯苓 白芍 白朮 生薑 焙附子 Poria Cocos Paeoniae Alba Rx. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Aconiti Rx. Prep. 4.50 4.50 3.00 4.50 2.00 Actions: Warms Yang, delivers water. Indications: Common cold manifesting profuse sweating, cardiac palpitations, dizziness, cold limbs, flaccid abdomen, and dysuria; chronic enteritis, edema, gastrointestinal weakness, chronic nephritis, acute febrile diseases, valvular diseases, and intestinal tuberculosis. White tongue coat, deep pulse. Acu-Treatment: UB 23 and Ren 4 are for tonifying the kidney Yang. UB 20 and St 36 for spleen. Liver 13 Tonify the spleen Qi and relieve abdominal pain. Ren 9 to regulate water passage for Promoting diuresis. In addition to apply moxibustion for tonify Yang. 20516 Zheng Gu Zi Jin Dan 正骨紫金丹 【S】 Calamus & Carthamus Formula Ingredients: - 47 - Ding Xiang Mu Xiang Xue Jue Er Cha Da Huang Hong Hua Dang Gui Lian Zi Rou Fu Ling Bai Shao Mu Dan Pi Gan Cao 丁香 木香 血竭 兒茶 大黃 紅花 當歸 蓮肉 茯苓 白芍 牡丹皮 甘草 Caryophylli Fl. Pogostemonis Hb. Draconis Sanguis Catechu Rhei Rz. et Rx. Carthami Fl. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Nelumbinis Sm. Poria Cocos Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Moutan Radicis Cx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 0.60 Actions: Activates blood circulation, removes blood stasis, relieves swelling and pain for trauma and fractures. Indications: Hemorrhage (topical use), angina pectoris, closed fracture and wounds (external and internal), pain caused by stasis of blood. (Note) This formula shall not apply to women in pregnancy. Acu-Treatment: N/A. 20805 Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan 知柏地黃丸 【S】 Anemarrhena,Phellodendron,& Rehmannia Formula Ingredients: Shou Di Huang Shan Zhu Yu Mu Dan Pi Fu Ling Ze Xie Shan Yao Zhi Mu Huang Bai Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Corni Fr. Moutan Radicis Cx. Poria Cocos Alismatis Rz. Dioscoreae Rz. Anemarrhenae Rz. Phellodendri Cx. 熟地黃 山茱萸 牡丹皮 茯苓 澤瀉 山藥 知母 黃柏 8.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Enriches Yin and drains fire. Indications: Treats effulgent Yin vacuity fire with steaming bone fever, seminal emission, night sweats, - 48 - yellow or dark-colored urine. Acu-Treatment: See “ Liu Wei Di Huang Wan” To nourish Yin and clear the fire H 6 and K 10 may be added. 20804 Zhi Gan Cao Tang 炙甘草湯 【S】 Baked Licorice Combination Ingredients: Zhi Gan Cao Gui Zhi Sheng Jiang Ren Shen E Jiao Da Zao Huo Ma Ren Mai Men Dong Sheng Di Huang 炙甘草 桂枝 生薑 人參 阿膠 大棗 火麻仁 麥門冬 生地黃 Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Cinnamomi Ramulus Zingiberis Recens Rz. Ginseng Rx. Asini Gelatinum Jujubae Fr. Linum Fr. Ophiopogonis Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. 3.00 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 3.00 3.00 2.50 12.00 Actions: Promotes Qi circulation, tonifies blood and Yin, restores abnormal beating of pulse. Indications: Cardiac diseases, Basedow's disease, blood and Qi deficiency manifesting cardiac hyperfunction, frighten, insomnia, and constipation or dry stool.Reddish uncoated tongue, slow pulse with irregular intervals or weak and rapid pulse. Acu-Treatment: Lung 9 and UB 13 are combined to nourish the lung. UB 43 for deficiency syndromes. UB 20, St 36 and Sp 6 nourish the middle Jiao to increase the production of blood. K 3 nourishes the kidney Yin. Ub 17 and Ub 44 nourish the blood and heart. 20415 Zhi Li Dao Zhi Tang 止痢導滯湯 Peony , Coptis & Saussurea (Pogostemonis) Combination Ingredients: Bai Shao Huang Qin Da Huang Zhi Qiao 白芍 黃芩 大黃 枳殼 Paeoniae Alba Rx. Scutellariae Rx. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Aurantii Fr. - 49 - 6.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 Mu Xiang Dang Gui Huang Lian Pogostemonis Hb. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Coptidis Rz. 木香 當歸 黃連 1.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Drying dampness and stagnation of stomach and intestines. Indications: Blood and purulent stool, severe thirstiness, tenesmus, bacillary and amebic dysentery, acute enteritis. White and thick fur on the tongue, slow and wiry pulse. Acu-Treatment: N/A. 20416 Zhi Sou San 止嗽散 【S】 Platycodon & Schizonepeta Formula Ingredients: Jie Geng Jing Jie Zi wan Bai Bu Chen Pi Gan Cao Bai Qian 桔梗 荊芥 紫菀 百部 陳皮 甘草 白前 Platycodi Rx. Schizonepetae Hb. Asteris Rx. Stemonae Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Cynanchi Stauntonii Rz. 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.00 5.00 Actions: Stops cough, dispels phlegm, clears the lungs, resolves the exterior. Indications: Cough due to common cold and bronchitis. Acu-Treatment: Lung 7 and UB 13 are combined to regulate the lung Qi, ventilate the lung, and stop Coughing. K 6 is selected to soothing itchy throat. LI 4 and SJ 5 to dispel exterior factors. 20906 Zhi Suo Er Chen Tang 枳縮二陳湯 Auruntium & Amoni Combination Ingredients: - 50 - Ban Xia Fu Ling Xiang Fu Hou Po Yan Hu Suo Chen Pi Sha Ren Xiao Hui Xiang Mu Xiang Zhi Shi Cao Dou Kou Sheng Jiang 半夏 茯苓 香附 厚朴 延胡索 陳皮 砂仁 小茴香 木香 枳實 草豆蔻 生薑 Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Poria Cocos Cyperi Rz. Magnoliae Officinalis Cx. Corydalis Rz. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Amomi Fr. Foeniculi Fr. Pogostemonis Hb. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. Alpiniae Katsumadai Sm. Zingiberis Recens Rz. 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 2.00 Actions: Dispels water retention in the middle burner, stops pain, relaxes gastric muscle. Indications: Gastralgia, gastric spasm, gastrectasis, gastritis, neuralgia, intercostal neuralgia, and water retention. Acu-Treatment: Ub 22, 21, 23, Extra 17, Ren 12, St 36, 45, Sp 4, L 9 dispels water retention in the middle burner, stops pain, relaxes gastric muscle. 20803 Zhi Zhuo Gu Ben Wan 治濁固本丸 【S】 Hoelen & Polyporus Formula Ingredients: Lian Xu Huang Lian Sha Ren Huang Bai Fu Ling Yi Zhi Ren Ban Xia Zhu Ling Zhi Gan Cao 蓮鬚 黃連 砂仁 黃柏 茯苓 益智仁 半夏 豬苓 炙甘草 Nelumbinis Stamen Coptidis Rz. Amomi Fr. Phellodendri Cx. Poria Cocos Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fr. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Polyporus Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 6.00 Actions: Suppresses inflammation, dispels moist Qi. Indications: Polyuria, spermatorrhea, chronic prostatitis, chronic cystitis, and chronic urethritis. - 51 - Accu-Treatment: K 6, 7, Ub 23, 27, Sp 6, Liv 8, 3, Gb 39, Ren 3, 6 suppresses inflammation, dispels moist Qi. 21606 Zhu Ling Tang 豬苓湯 Polyporus Combination Ingredients: Zhu Ling Fu Ling Hua Shi Ze Xie E Jiao Polyporus Poria Cocos Rx Talcum Alismatis Rz. Asini Gelatinum 豬苓 茯苓 滑石 澤瀉 阿膠 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Actions: Delivers water, clears heat, nourishes Yin. Indications: Cystitis, urethritis, hematuria, nephritis, and cystolith. Acu-Treatment: UB 28 and Ren 3 to regulate the kidney Qi. Ren 9 to promote diuresis. Liver 2 to clear heat. K 3 nourish Yin to moisten dryness. 20606 Zhu Ru Wen Dan Tang 竹茹溫膽湯 Bamboo & Ginseng Combination Ingredients: Zhu Ru Chai Hu Ban Xia Jie Geng Gan Cao Fu Ling Ren Shen Chen Pi Huang Lian Sheng Jiang Xiang Fu Zhi Shi 竹茹 柴胡 半夏 桔梗 甘草 茯苓 人參 陳皮 黃連 生薑 香附 枳實 Bambusae In Taeniam Caulis Bupleuri Rx. Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Platycodi Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Ginseng Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Coptidis Rz. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Cyperi Rz. Aurantii Immaturus Fr. - 52 - 4.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 Mai Men Dong Da Zao 麥門冬 大棗 Ophiopogonis Rx. Jujubae Fr. 1.00 2.00 Actions: Dispels heat and phlegm accumulated in the chest. Indications: Febrile diseases indicated by lingering fever, insomnia, fidgeting, and copious sputum; nervous palpitations, insomnia, sputum due to alcoholism. Acu-Treatment: P 5, Ren 12, 14, Extra 16, Gb 39, Sp 4, St 36 dispels heat and phlegm accumulated in the chest. 20603 Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang 竹葉石膏湯 【S】 Bamboo Leaf & Gypsum Combination Ingredients: Zhu Ye Shi Gao Ban Xia Ren Shen Zhi Gan Cao Jing Mi Mai Men Dong 竹葉 石膏 半夏 人參 炙甘草 粳米 麥門冬 Lophatheri Hb. Gypsum Fibrosum Pinelliae Rz. Prep. Ginseng Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Oryzae Sm. Ophiopogonis Rx. 2.00 16.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 6.00 6.00 Actions: Clears heat, supplements the body fluid, nourishes Qi, harmonizes the stomach. Indications: Post febrile disease with lingering heat and the deficiency of Qi fluids as indicated by vomiting, listlessness, thirst, dry lips and mouth, dry throat, dry cough, chest distress, insomnia, and reddish tongue; cough due to pneumonia, bronchitis, influenza, and measles, Re.0ddish tongue, rapid and weak pulse. Acu-Treatment: Lung 5 and P 6 clear interior heat, nourish fluids and relieve irritability. Ren 12 harmonizes the stomach and reverse up-rising Qi of it. St 36 and St 6 nourish Qi, Yin and body fluids. - 53 - 21122 Zi Gen Mu Li Tang 紫根牡蠣湯 Lithospermum & O.S. Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Bai Shao Chuan Xiong Zi Cao Gen Da Huang Ren Dong Teng Sheng Ma Huang Qi Mu Li Gan Cao 當歸 白芍 川芎 紫草根 大黃 忍冬藤 升麻 黃耆 牡蠣 甘草 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Lithospermi Rx. Rhei Rz. et Rx. Lonicerae Caulis Cimicifugae Rz. Astragali Rx. Ostreae Concha Glycyrrhizae Rx. 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 Actions: Dispels blood-heat, supplements the blood, eliminates toxin. Indications: Recalcitrant and chronic swelling of unknown cause, malignant dermal disease, initial stage of breast cancer, lung cancer, and intestine cancer. Acu-Treatment: N/A. 21307 Zi Shen Ming Mu Tang 滋腎明目湯 Chrysanthemum Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Bai Shao Chuan Xiong Jie Geng Shan Zhi Zi Sheng Di Huang Shou Di Huang Bai Zhi 當歸 白芍 川芎 桔梗 山梔子 生地黃 熟地黃 白芷 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Platycodi Rx. Gardeniae Fr. Rehmanniae Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. - 54 - 2.40 2.40 2.40 1.20 1.20 2.40 2.40 1.20 Man Jing Zi Gan Ju Hua Ren Shen Huang Lian Gan Cao Deng Xin Cao Cha Ye 蔓荊子 甘菊花 人參 黃連 甘草 燈心草 細茶 Viticis Fr. Chrysanthemi Fl. Ginseng Rx. Coptidis Rz. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Junci Medulla Camelliae Folium 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Actions: Nourishes kidney deficiency, brightens vision. Indications: Visual defects, asthenopia, and cataract. Acu-Treatment: Ub 18, K 6 Gb 41, Si 4, 2, St 2, Li 4, Sj 1 Nourishes kidney deficiency, brightens vision. 21308 Zi Shen Tong Er Tong 滋腎通耳湯 Scute & Angelica Combination Ingredients: Dang Gui Chuan Xiong Zhi Mu Huang Qin Huang Bai Bai Shao Sheng Di Huang Chai Hu Bai Zhi Xiang Fu 當歸 川芎 知母 黃芩 黃柏 白芍 生地黃 柴胡 白芷 香附 Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Ligustici Wallichii Rz. Anemarrhenae Rz. Scutellariae Rx. Phellodendri Cx. Paeoniae Alba Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Bupleuri Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Rx. Cyperi Rz. 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Actions: Supplements the kidney deficiency. Indications: Tympanitis, otitis, hard hearing, initial stage of drug-induced hard hearing. Acu-Treatment: N/A. 21123 Zi Wan Tang 紫菀湯 【S】 - 55 - Aster Combination Ingredients: Zi Wan Zhi Mu Bei Mu Jie Geng Ren Shen Fu Ling Zhi Gan Cao Wu Wei Zi E Jiao 紫菀 知母 貝母 桔梗 人參 茯苓 炙甘草 五味子 阿膠 Asteris Rx. Anemarrhenae Rz. Fritillariae Bulbus Platycodi Rx. Ginseng Rx. Poria Cocos Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Schizandrae Fr. Asini Gelatinum 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 4.00 Actions: Disperses lung heat, resolves phlegm, stops cough. Indications: Lung abscess, pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic cough with bloody sputum, and hemoptysis. Acu-Treatment: L 9, 5, Ren 17, Ub 23, 12, St 14, Li 4 disperses lung heat, resolves phlegm, stops cough. 21306 Zi Yin Jiang Huo Tang 滋陰降火湯 【S】 Phellodendron Combination Ingredients: Bai Shao Dang Gui Shou Di Huang Bai Zhu Tian Men Dong Mai Men Dong Sheng Di Huang Chen Pi Zhi Mu Huang Bai Zhi Can Cao Sheng Jiang Da Zao 白芍 當歸 熟地黃 白朮 天門冬 麥門冬 生地黃 陳皮 知母 黃柏 炙甘草 生薑 大棗 Paeoniae Alba Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Prep. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rz. Asparagi Rx. Ophiopogonis Rx. Rehmanniae Rx. Citri Reticulatae Pc. Anemarrhenae Rz. Phellodendri Cx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. Zingiberis Recens Rz. Jujubae Fr. - 56 - 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 Actions: Tonifies Yin, clears heat, dispels fire and phlegm. Indications: Acute and chronic bronchitis, nephritis, diabetes, tuberculosis. Acu-Treatment: 20514 Zuo Gui Wan 左歸丸 Restore Left Kidney Pill Ingredients: Shou Di Huang Shan Yao Gou Qi Zi Shan Zhu Yu Chuan Niu Xi Tu Si Zi Lu Jiao Jiao Gui Ban 熟地黃 山藥 枸杞子 山茱萸 川牛膝 菟絲子 鹿角膠 龜板 Rehmanniae Radix Prep. Dioscoreae Rz. Lycii Fructus Corni Fructus Cyathulae Radix Cuscutae Semen Cornu Cervi Colla Carapacis et Plastri Testudinis Colla 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 Actions: Replenishes and nourishing liver and kidneys. Indications: Poor vision, deafness, lumbago sole leg, sweating, Nocturnal emission. Acu-Treatment: UB 23 and K 3 tonify the kidney Yin. Ren 4 nourishes the Yin of the lower Jiao. Sp 6 nourishes the liver, kidney and spleen. Ren 6 and UB 52 tonify Qi and consolidate the essence. RemarK: It’s strongr effect of nourishing liver and kidney but lesser in strengthening spleen and vital energy, It should be carefully applied for those who with hyperfunction of spleen and weaker stamach.] 20583 Zuo Gui Yin 左歸飲 Restore Left Kidney Decoction Ingredients: Shou Di Huang 熟地黃 Rehmanniae Radix Prep. - 57 - 10.00 Shan Zhu Yu Shan Yao Gou Qi Zi Fu Ling Zhi Gan Cao 山茱萸 山藥 枸杞子 茯苓 炙甘草 Corni Fructus Dioscoreae Rz. Lycii Fructus Poria Cocos Rx. Glycyrrhizae Rx. Prep. 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 Actions: Tonifying kidney Yin, nourishing Qi, strengthening spleen. Indications: Lumbago, nocturnal emission, night sweat dizziness dry throat. Reddish tongue, slow and rapid palse. Accu-Treatment: St 36, Sp 6, Liv 3, Ren 4, K 3, Ub 23 tonifying kidney Yin, nourishing Qi, strengthening spleen. - 58 -
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