... *L+ **-F$- NOPQ,R--7+,M$&%8S+%- DTUU-"-QCPQP!*+D&CS NOPD&* JI*+, *7-MNJI*+, ""- Leap! Launching a Technology Product 789'%'# 21 !";- 2554 !7$- 09:00-17:00 . • • • • • *566785-9':7;<,-=>?9': @5<<5 66, 5'A S-Curve G,:985'A)66 58H95<,-=>?966)*- 5=,7@ 7I7 5>95-<,-=>?966 6<* 85 ,5<,-=>?97;,- -,@G JIG*@7 5>95K:5G)5 5,H85,(<,-=>?966 ""-!C+DE+F+*- How-To: Launching a Technology Product 78IJ%'# 11 89;K-L" 2554 !7$- 09:00-17:00 . • • • 8+!V;! G(5 <,-=>?9':)<* ,6= LM5NG7I((-O'-(<-<,-=>?9 G> S-Curve G<,-=>?966P(-, 6-'- (875G,: 7I((@:GR(H85,('6587I((8 @ "Crossing the Chasm" Geoffrey A. Moore !"# $%&!'%( 2 *+,*" 4,000 / ( 2 2 ) www.nstda.or.th/tlo '()*+,-, -,- 02-564-7000 - 1313, 1320 • • ! "#$%& '()* (+#,)!!)#$%&'- .') (Lead Users) /- 2011 Leap! Launching a Technology Product April 21, 2011 @ Swissotel Le Concorde, Bangkok Program Time 8.30 – 9.00 9.00 – 10.20 Speakers Registration Session 1: Understanding S-curve of Marketing Technology Products S-curve is a well known project management tool. It can be used as an indicator for many applications related to project management such as: target, baseline, cost, and time. In this session, participants will learn about how the S-curve works for marketing technology products. !"# “S-curve” &'() *+","-. 01 "!2+"34"5 6473809:<2=>*>4?@A5B?"DA!? Dr. Edward Rubesch Director of International MBA Program (IMBA) Thammasat Business School As an entrepreneur himself, his area of interest includes marketing and technopreneur. Working at NSTDA fulfills his passion on overcoming the challenge of encouraging commercializable innovation. Experience in technology licensing at NSTDA complements his academic mission as a full-time lecturer and the Director of the International MBA (IMBA) Program at the Thammasat Business School. 10.20 – 10.35 Refreshment 10.35 – 12.00 Session 2: Strategic corporate plan: launching a technology product 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch 13.00 – 14.45 Session 3: Panel discussion: SMEs Success Stories (-../0/124506078/) Mr. Paijit Sangchai Founder and CEO of Flexoresearch Group Co. Come to hear success stories of the technology based business. The panel consists of two experienced entrepreneurs who found the environmental related technology based business that would change your lifestyle. The panelists will share their experience that you cannot miss! A scientist, who turns to be technopreneur by his curiosity ! V ,# D X!'Y1 "!9 & !7 D &" *0 V7 &0 ? 2@Z 6 40 50 * D"*V7&0?-[ 4"?<X*]^! 7& V"<_",@`*V=75<!7Z,3*]^! 7& `4',@ 4?^ 2 ]-* "!2+ " 34"5647 3 80 9: _BD< _" B?"DA! TBA Mr. Watson Ariyaphuttarat Founder & Industry Pioneer Chief Industrial Ecologist Hi-Grimm Environmental and Research, Co., Ltd. Collaborating with National Center for Genetic Engineering 14.45 – 15.00 Refreshment 15.00 – 16.30 Session 4: What other legal aspects should you need to concern for your company? (-../0/124506078/) Join us to hear and explore a real practice about product liability. In this session, participants will learn about the fundamental principle of product liability from a legal aspect. You will also learn what should be aware of. Selected case litigation will be illustrated. !V,#D=V",!)`4'X!'Y1 "!9&" 6)<.@Z?V."m n[,"?]^ ! 7 & V " ,@ _ B op D !'V0 D B? " DA!1 " D-* "! 5+"<*7*]^! 7&6473809:<2=>*>4?@ 16.30 – 17.00 Intellectual Clinic Property and passion on environment reservation, takes on hard-torecycle laminated paper that later transformed to recycled paper and clean plastic. Named one of 31 "Technology Pioneers" by the World Economic Forum Named one of "10 start-ups that will change your life" by Time Magazines and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) of NSTDA on development of environmental friendly bioremediation agent product, KEEEN, using microorganisms to eliminate hydrocarbons, fat, oil, grease and organic substances from wastewater, oil spill, etc. Positive responses from industry lead to expectable soaring sales of KEEEN. Mr. Chaiporn Supvoranid Partner Dispute Resolution and Labour & Employment Practice Groups Baker & McKenzie, Bangkok, Thailand Long term experiences on various aspects of product liability, as well as labour and general commercial law Scope of clients includes multinational telecommunications groups, international manufacturers and domestic companies. Management NSTDA Technology Licensing Office How To: Launching a Technology Product May 11, 2011 @ Swissotel Le Concorde, Bangkok Time 8.30 – 9.00 Morning Session 2011 Program Speakers Registration How To: Using S-Curve for Your Technology Products Don’t you want to know what to concern and how to prepare before launching your company’s technology products? A principle of the S-Curve was provided in our last seminar in April. Now, join us to learn about how to use the S-Curve in practice. Hands-on workshop will walk you through the process of developing your marketing plan before and after launching your technology products to the market. (1!!?"?<X*8"r"B0D sr) Dr. Edward Rubesch Director of International MBA Program (IMBA) Thammasat Business School As an entrepreneur himself, his interests include Marketing and Technopreneur. at NSTDA fulfils his passion on overcoming the challenge of encouraging commercializable innovation. Coaching IMBA business teams and winning a number of international business plan competitions. Experience in Technology Licensing at NSTDA complements his academic mission at Thammasat Business School. S-Curve =tBB'A! S-Curve &'.V?<3!@?, =V",o!B,1!7r02[!tB[*V?D"*_BD2"* B**+"Y7*=" <2=>*>4?@<_"Y)34"5A5B?"DA! ,"!V,<!@?*!) "!-. S-Curve _BD&!7D 01 !9@up r"<otZB<3!@?,=V",o!B, _BD2"* B*4DY)Y*",&!7D Working 10.00 – 10.30 Refreshment Morning Session (cont’) How To: Using S-Curve for Your Technology Products (continue) 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch Afternoon Session How To: Launching Your Technology Products 7& !!, 4^,3B<*tZBD Join us to hear and explore a success story of how to launch the “Hydro-Tech” innovative garment & apparel products to the market. How innovation help prosperous his garment & apparel business? Before starting the interactive workshop, participants will learn about the impact of S-Curve from our young dynamic guest speaker who has passion in improving the textile industry. (1!!?"?<X*8"r"A2?) !V,#DX!'Y1 "!9&!7D&" *0 ]^! 7&[*^,A#`!D 6) < o7Z , ,) 4 = " -[ 0 1 Y7 * = " <=!tZ B D*^ D [ , 5 V ?*V0 3 !!, -[, & " Y,^ * Ao!>1!"9 ,"<!@ ? *!) 0 * V" <_"-. SCurve 01 product line _BD1!7r02B?"DA! ,@ 4 ?^ 2 ] "!2+ " 34"5<2=>*>4?@ B ? "DA! B *<!7Z , 4D,t B 7& !!, 4^, workshop 8"=YBD Refreshment Afternoon Session (cont’) How To: Launching Your Technology Products (continue) A keen observer of consumer needs with personal interest in innovation utilizes his wit on building his business. His textile business transforms a simple product into the consumer-oriented innovative product. This risk-taker proves that “risks may cost but will eventually be well rewarded”. FG014H4.0/I0.JF/ Mr. Songpathara Snidvongs Mind Dojo Co., Ltd. He is an energetic people developer, consultant and Winning a number of international business plan 7& !!, 4^,3B<*tZBD Intellectual Clinic Mr. Wisan Wanasaksrisakul CEO of Covernant Co. Ltd. entrepreneur. 14.30 – 15.00 16.30 – 17.00 Property competitions himself, he has trained and consulted for both local and international corporations. His interests are Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Corporate Social Responsibility. Management NSTDA Technology Licensing Office X--UP-.L-1YZTP[V8\1-S/41N0.MRI0.QLRR40 ]ZTP- 40RQI^[ (40//40V/40VQ0M) KLMNPQLRR408STUPVI0.1N0.MR ....................................................... ………………....................................... ........................................................ Leap! Launching a Technology Product V0*os[0Y15@2@Z 21 <,r"?* 2554 >!D`!, YV7Y>z<24 <4B =BD=B!5 !^D<2o{ K4M/V04/-.H6L8 .............................. How-To… UG0XK4V .......................................... Launching a Technology Product ........................................................ 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