How To Make Money & Get Rich

How To Make Money
Get Rich
Find simple ways and methods to make more money, multiply money; set
traps for money; know where money is hiding and quit the job you hate.
(Be The Next Multi-Millionaire)
Okpubigho Mercy (Ms.)
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This book will change your life forever. This is a free society; you are
free to read the whole book or toss it aside and not bother at all to
read it. But if you are sick and tired of been broke all the time, if
money controls you- making you wake up whether you like it or not in
a rush for money then you need to read this book!
If you have made money but have no time to enjoy the money
because you are too busy to keep your success and you are tied
down because if you stop for a while your income will stop coming
you need to read this book.
This book will show you ways to make lots of money and still have
time to enjoy your success.
Here is the fact of life; some of what will be mention in this book might
affect you. Don’t take it personally, this write up is not met to snub
anyone but to challenge and open anyone’s eyes so as to know
which route they are on. No one wants to associate with poverty and
so what you will read here is for you to move to the other side. If
what is mentioned here affects you, don’t take offense use it to make
a 180 degree turn around to change your life. You deserve to be rich.
Some of us reading this book might be doing well. But what is your
standard? Do you compare yourself to broke people around you? If
you compare yourself to poor people around you, you might feel you
are okay. But what about raising your standard to excellent? What
about living the way you really want to live instead of being control by
time and money? What about total financially freedom? Read on if
you want more out of life.
If you do the same thing you did for money for the past 5 years and
yet broke, don’t you think the same thing will happen if you continue
for another 5 years? Of cause, if you are not making enough money
where you are, nothing will happen unless you look for new ways.
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The Naira is met to continue to lose value every year, so making the
same amount of money or a little higher is not enough.
Imagine paying off all your debts!
Imagine you driving your dream car instead of a Junker!
Imagine you travelling abroad free to have fun!
Imagine training your children in the best school around!
Imagine living the way you have always wanted!
Imagine sacking that your boss because you are now making 7 times
what he pays you now!
Imagine going anywhere you want and having enough money to
Stop Imagining! Start doing what will bring in the kind of money you
Have you ever experience poverty or hardship caused by lack of money?
Lack of money is the cause of 98% quarrel in the home. Some people have
forgotten they are married due to the quest to get enough money and lose
their wonderful marriage. Many people don’t have time to stay with their
children due to pursuance of money. I remembered one of my store’s land
lords told me that many years ago he and his wife were attending school
and working at the same time in London. They had no time to care for their
son; they drop the son at a very good day care centre, paid the cost for the
5 years the child stayed there. When they graduated and wanted their son,
the London government refused; why? That the child is used to that centre
and where were they all these time? They were not there for the child so
they cannot get their child back. Can you imagine that? My land lord said
they had to pretend to take the child to see Nigeria and return; it was the
only way to get permission to take the child. Your guest is right, they never
return the child. Too bad, just because of poverty. You must eradicate
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In Nigeria it is common for fathers to abandon their children and run into
hiding due to lack of money. Many mothers and fathers run in different
directions in the morning and come late due to pursue of money. Who care
for their children when everyone is running after money?
Lack of money have driven many people to do all type of jobs including
prostitution and armed robbery. Though these two activities can produce
money no one of them really want to boast about it. Who would do a
celebration of how much he made from prostitution or arm robbery and
invite the society to their party? If you ask those in this type of money
making business they will tell you that they want to quit.
At popular junction in Warri I heard a man waits daily to receive the wife
who has gone the previous night to prostitute so they can feed. Am told he
stayed with the children at night so the wife can go and prostitute to bring in
money. Can you imagine allowing your wife to sleep with different men and
still come to your home? Poverty knows no bounds and Robert Kiyosaki
puts it this way: Poverty causes people to lie, cheat, steal and even kill...
I remember a woman dealing in palm oil was killed by a husband and wife
due to inability to pay the woman’s debt. The woman used to stay at their
home and collect palm oil from that environs for few days and return to her
station to sell. On one occasion they promise to pay her with palm oil if she
lent them the money which she agreed. But after several attempt to get that
promised palm oil, the woman threaten that on her next trip she will not
take no for an answer. When she arrived on that faithful day, the wife
reminded her husband of what that woman said and plans this evil art. To
cut a long story short, a next neighbor who saw the woman the previous
evening heard terrible shout at 2p.m. and alerted others and they were
caught. The husband blames the wife for suggesting the act, while the wife
was begging the police to release her to her 3months old son.
Many have died from lack of money to eat or treat themselves when they
were sick.
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Can you imagine due to lack of money a senior son of a woman was not
invited to the mother’s burial. The other children knew that their senior
brother have no money and so did not bother to call and inform him of his
mother’s death. When the man discovered and ask why, the junior ones
said “we realized it will cost us less as we will have to contribute money to
transport you and provide money for your clothes and food.”
Poverty is meant to exclude anyone from the good things and the best part
of life. Lack of money exclude you from your peers, you hide when you
hear them coming and makes you pass a longer road instead of a short
cut. Can you imagine, due to the debt you owe in that short cut road suffer
and sweat by passing through the long distance road?
Lack of money will make anyone loose respect of wife, husband, children
and relatives. Your name changes when you have money. Clubs of any
kind will not accept you if you have no money. In fact many have joined the
wrong type of clubs just to acquire money. I say wrong because some of
these clubs may take more than they give as money. There is price to
acquiring money.
Above are some of the scenarios’ of lack of money. Poverty is opposite of
Would you like to live the way you want? Would you like to drive the car or
build the house of your dreams? Would you like to pay off your debts and
have enough saved for your retirement?
If yes, read on. This little book will show you ways and methods to make
more money; multiply money and have the ability to find money in its hiding
The truth is the world is sweet when you have enough money to enjoy it. I
have vowed and prayed that God will never allow me face poverty again.
This is what l experienced in the days of poverty that l cannot forget. I owe
a lady N150.00; it was a long time ago when N150 has value and can buy
so many things in Nigeria. I bought wool for knitting baby sweater from the
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lady and paid some part with a promise to pay the other part. At the time l
got the money and wanted to pay the lady and her husband has moved to
unknown destination so l spent the money and forgot about it. After many
years say five years the lady saw me at one of the market in Warri and
seize me for refusing to pay her money for so many years and that l will
never leave her sight until l pay her. She held my blouse very tight to my
neck. Do you know l was speechless and with two full hands l cannot do
anything to her? I was just standing there begging her to release me. Do
you know right there as l was standing, l don’t even have N50.00? God
came to my rescue and send a man that saw her using my blouse to move
me anyway she want and shout louder and louder telling anyone who will
listen that l ran with her money for many years that God made her see me
that day. Till this very day, l don’t know the man but he paid the N150 cash
and ask her to leave me to go. I ran and never look back. I was so
embarrassed and vowed never to be poor again neither to convert
anyone’s money to be mine. I also learnt that no matter how long some
people will not let go of their debt.
You too might have experience poverty in one way or another. The
question is how have you decided? Do you plan on managing poverty? Do
you plan on eradicating poverty in your life? Or do you plan on just
accepting poverty, saying everybody cannot be rich anyway and you are
the one that should be counted poor? James Allen said in his book ………
Why are people poor?
1) Excessive use of resources
2) Gluttonic habits (some people’s personal home are in their stomachthey eat too much)
3) Overspending- buying on credit and never want to go without
4) Poverty mentality-always rushing into deals to grab without
considering the risk (the idea of what is in it for me, when, how soon
is poverty mentality).
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5) People are unwilling to pay the price to get rich. They want free
things. Free things are not the best. Quantity instead of quality. Pay
and you will value and keep it.
Top 10 Ways Test To Find Out If You Are Poor Or Not
Test yourself by going through these test questions or statement. If you
discover you are poor; plan to get out fast by taking action immediately.
Poverty respects no one, deal with it and it will disappear from your life
forever. Never be a victim of denial and accept poverty, saying “it is not my
fault”; laying blame on conditions, circumstances or people. Kick poverty
out of your house.
· You are poor if you can’t pay your bills and owe people everywhere.
· You are poor when you buy food and clothes on credit-probably pay
at end of month
· You are poor when at 40 or 50years, you still live in rented house and
don’t have a personal home in where you live now or at your village.
· You are poor when you use second class of everything and calls first
class a waste of money.
· You are poor, when in family meeting, you have no say.
· You are poor, when you always beg neighbors, relatives, and
church/club members to come and help you with money. (everyone
needs help but in your case- it is a habit so as to survive).
· You are poor when no one is benefiting from you. You can’t give
anybody anything, always telling those looking up to you; “I have no
money now” “l am expecting money” which never comes.
· You are poor if you use the following language frequently: Do I pluck
money? come and use me as money, everything is too expensive,
the government is not helping, no body agreed to help me etc.
· You are poor if you don’t have a bank account and does not have
saved money.
· You are poor if you are afraid of wealth (yes, some people are afraid
of abundance, they fear something will happen to them if they are
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rich, believe it or not- that is why they avoid anything that will bring
abundant and sabotage every chance of increase).
There was this story about a man who left his village and travel in
search of money. After many years he return with lots of money and
wanted to help his king’s men. He the chairman of his village the plan.
The chairman inform the town crier to announce this good news, he told
the announcer to ask everyone to gather at the town hall on particular
day. When that day came, everybody gathered at the town hall, in fact
the hall was overflowing with all ages to get this help money from the
man. The man told the announcer that he will like to give money to
widows first before moving on to others. The announcer quickly inform
everybody that today is the day to give widows money to start their own
business. He said: if you are a widow please stand at my right hand and
widows in the town headed to his right hand.
A young woman whose husband was poor quickly jump in the right hand
too. When the husband saw this, he told the announcer to make the
announcement again and really clarify it to everyone’s hearing. The
announcer repeated the announcement: If you are a widow please move
to my right hand. It was at this moment that the wife went further into the
widow’s group. The husband cannot understand, he went and tap on his
wife’s shoulder and said: Did you not hear the announcement? Widows
are those whose husbands are dead. The wife responded" l heard it
quite well". Is it not better that you are dead? Are you a husband?
You’re being alive and not alive to your responsibility wants to rob me of
my blessing here if l allow it. Can you imagine that? The wife wants the
husband dead because of lack of money.
Women don’t like to marry poor men. These days men don’t want
unproductive woman. It is time to get rich whether you are a man or a
woman. Money gives respect.
You got this book because you will like to make more money.
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The first step to making more money is to stop comparing yourself to broke
people. Take action to make enough money instead of managing and
scratching to survive like your neighbors. Find ways and methods to
multiply money and know where money is hiding. Get a mentor or a coach
to coach you out of poverty. Be involved in vehicles of wealth creation and
develop the perseverance in combination with determination to face
obstacles and overcome them. When all these are put in place plus the
readiness to pay the price of success, money has no choice but flow
helplessly towards you.
The following has become the other of the day.
1. People work and do not receive their salary on time or receive half
2. People are either sacked; retrench or force on premature retirement
due to companies emerging or downsizing etc.
3. Many companies now use electronic means to replace staff to save
money e.g. electronic doors or gates which has taken over many
security jobs
4. The unemployment market is increasing yearly as more people
graduate and no new industries are open to meet this increase.
5. Jobs are no longer secured. People are afraid of losing their job daily.
Jobs has never been secure but if you are ready to stay in your job
faithfully, you can retire and receive your gratuity but these days
retired people die due to delayed payment of benefits/pension
screening process and most never get their entitlement.
The fact is it is harder to get rich or make lots of money working to achieve
another person’s dream – the owners of the company you work for. If you
think your job is well secured, take a 2 months off and never tell anyone
where you are going and when you are coming back to see if your job is
really secured. Your guess is as good as mine.
Build your own business part time so that if something unexpected
happens, you will not be affected. The bottom line is that most people
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either resign, retire or are retrench before the age of 65. Jobs are for young
people, this is the reason you see many old people who have no relatives
or children to care for them still work at menial jobs. Can you imagine at
age 65 looking for a job? No job for young people not to talk of old people.
Would it not be better to learn how things work in your present job and start
your own?
6. Small business owner who have no access to enough fund and does
not know the power of network marketing to acquire more money so
as to invest in their business. Many people open business and close
within 5 years due to lack of funds and mismanagement. Owners of
such business may not retire rich. What do you think will happen if
something happen to your only source of business or you become too
old to run your small shop and have not invested into other business
opportunities that bring money whether you work or not? A better
suggestion is to use network marketing business opportunity that can
be run together with your present business so you can make more
money to invest in REAL WEALTH. Ask the person who gave this
book to connect you to a network marketing company.
If your job or business brings money 24/7 without you attending to the
job or business, l mean if you can make lots of money from your shop
whether you are there or not and have stored enough money towards
your retirement then don’t bother to look into another opportunity of
making money.
Don’t bother to look for another way of making money if your
business is set up in a way that you still make more money even if
you travel for 60 days to enjoy. But if this is not the case, read the
methods and ways of making money in this book and add another
stream of income today.
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If money will stop as soon as you stop working or did not attend to
your shop, switch off all disturbing gadgets and sit tight to read all the
methods that will help you make more money written in this book.
The truth of the matter is that most business owns the owner and not
the other way. They have to be at the shop or business place before
money can be made. Those in salary jobs and are very successful
have to maintain that status or else money will stop flowing. The job
has enslaved them without knowing it. They must be at the job place
or the money stops. How can they maintain their lifestyle? Beautiful
home and flashy cars (most cases are bought with loans). They must
be present daily to be able to pay for them and enjoy these gadget
because it is their hard earned money that is providing these luxury
not their business or networks. This is the reasons when most
successful executive lose their job they are always too confused and
their sight is very bad. One would thought they would have saved for
the raining days. This was not possible because most time,
everything they were enjoying were given to them by the company or
bought with loaned money. They have spent their whole time settling
those loans.
This little book is about those who want to eradicate poverty from their life
and pass on wealth to their children and community. Why work so hard on
a job you cannot hand over to your children?
“time an money eh eh Time na money
Do better thing,
Do better thing money go come.
Money no dye fall from heaven, do better thing money come
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Use your time well. No waka, waka. Na true word l dey tell you so oh yes
oh!”… Mike Okri
Reading this book can be the beginning of a new life for you. It is all about
focusing on what counts; that can bring you financial freedom.
It is an introduction to finding ways and steps to follow that will give you the
wealth you have being seeking. Read the following stories and find the
plans that you can stick to and become rich.
You need a vehicle that will take you from poverty station to arrive at
Wealth Empire.
There are two ways to become rich. One way is to earn more money and
the other is to desire less and wait to win lottery. This book is about those
who desire more and are looking for a way to earn money in other to
become rich instead of waiting for a lottery.
Saving money and living by being stingy or pinching kobos cannot lead to
great wealth.
You need to invest in a vehicle going your way –riches. The difference on
arrival depends on the vehicle (investment/businesses) you involve
yourself. You can get to some places by road while at other places by air
or sea.
Great wealth is not just having some few millions in the bank. It is planting
a tree or trees (a source(s) of income yearly that bear fruits every year call
“money”. So to earn more is a step you must take. The next step is to
invest the extra money in the investment that brings wealth. Read more
about investing from the book “A guide to investing” by Robert Kiyosaki
and” Multiple Stream Of Income” by Robert Allen.
To become a billionaire, you have to first become the kind of person who
can manage billions of Naira responsibly. You must be providing a great
value to a great number of people, who are willing to trade some of their
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hard-earned money for that value.”You can get whatever you want if you
can help enough people get what they want”….
Right now read some success stories of people whose lives changed
because they desire more out of life and look for a way to earn more. Then
relate your situation to them and find the methods of making that extra
money you will love. Why chose methods used by others? It is because
you need to know their secrets, so the first step to riches is getting closer to
rich people and learning their secrets to wealth. You need to know them in
where you live.
Start today by connecting yourself to them. How? Go and introduce
yourself to them. Don’t be afraid, they are always ready to show the ways
when you ask. But most people don’t ask, they rather judge the rich and
condemn their riches but in their heart they wish they wish they could be
rich too. They also wanted the good things of life; since they can’t get them
they become bitter against the rich. Brace yourself and befriend at least five
to ten rich men and women in your area.
So how do you make more money if you don’t know where to start? Can
you start when you don’t even have any saved money in the bank? How
can you make more money when you don’t have the time due to pursuing
the only job that cannot give you that extra money and to make it worst you
have refused to learn new trade or business?
Read on if you want to break the chain of poverty, living by borrowing and
become financially free. Just follow the winners’ step and become
financially free yourself.
To become rich is simple. You may ask, if it is simple why is everyone not
rich? Everybody is not rich because it is too-o-o simple. The system to
getting rich is like walking, lifting your right leg and then the left leg, keep
repeating this and soon people become tired and feel it is boring. Many
people stop lifting their legs because it is boring just repeating.
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The only system that has helped people get rich in the past is still on today
and if you jump into the system you too will become rich. If you know the
system all you need to do is add focus, determination, be persistent and
then allow time to deliver your wealth.
You want to know the system? l know you said “yes” but do you think you
can follow it? Can you pay the price of time and persistence? Okay, this is
the system.
Work To Earn Money ---Save Money --- Invest Money Wisely
So how much have you earned or made for the past 5 years? How much
have you saved and invested? May be you have saved but did not invest.
How can you be rich? May be what you earned was not enough not to talk
of saving and investing. Since you have lived like that for the past 5 years;
worked hard to make money or not earning enough and not saving or
investing, don’t you think the same thing will happen for the next 5 years if
you continue in the same part? Yes of course and it might even be worst
as inflation will eat deep into your salary (the normal happening is that your
salary increase with 25% and inflation increase goes 100%).
Do you want to be rich but don’t know how to make more money than you
spend each month? Would you like to do something else to get the extra
money to invest in businesses, such as in stock, bonds, treasury bills, real
estate and your network of business etc. and probably still maintain your
present job or whatever you are doing right now? If yes read on!
A story was told of a man in America that had one beautiful daughter, the
daughter was confused with many suitors coming to ask for hand in
marriage. One day she told her father that she did know which to choose
as she like all of them. The father told her that he will do something about
it. The father made an advert in the newspaper that read: Get One million
dollar and marry my beautiful daughter if you can be the young man that
can swim across my swimming pool. Date for the swimming is the next
Saturday 10am. The very day, all the handsome young around and far
gathered. The father of the girl took them to the swimming pool side and
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address them as follows: This is the swimming pool, the first person to
cross to the other side will marry my daughter and l will add a $1million to
it. So get set to go when l count up to 3, you start swimming. All the young
men were anxious; the professional swimmers were saying to themselves,
this is easy. The father had a plan at heart that they are not aware off.
Immediately, the father shout, get ready, 1….2... just before he could
mention 3 crocodiles came out of nowhere and with wide mouth daring
anyone to enter the pool and become their next meal. This made everyone
itching to jump into the swimming pool stop automatically with questions in
their mind, what does this man want to do to us, send us into his swimming
pool so his crocodiles can eat us? Amidst these questions as they were
standing, from nowhere a young man jump into the swimming and started
swimming and before anyone can notice it he was already at the other end.
They went over the other side of the pool to congratulate him but he refuse
the greetings and ask: “who push me into the swimming with fearful looking
crocodiles”? Please kindly show me the person who push me. The father of
the girl said, no one push you, your desire to get either the money or marry
the girl was too high that you did not notice the crocodile or the obstacles.
The truth is those crocodile were plastic and have no teeth. The other
young men that did not jump blame themselves for not trying.
lt is your turn. Will you start your own business? Still thinking about
obstacles? Those obstacles are like the crocodile without teeth, if your
desire to get out of poverty is strong enough you will not notice those
obstacles but see them as a challenge to overcome.
The young man marries the girl with a million dollar gift. Are you afraid of
starting your own business? Everyone needs support and push in life to
achieve great things. Get a mentor or a coach today.
In other to make money and get rich you need the following in place.
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You will get lots of money making opportunity from this book. You can
also attend seminar so you can be well groom in preparation towards
making money.
1. Investment mentality: Ability to multiply money, use resources in a
way that it duplicate itself. You have to use the law of planting and
2. Financial intelligence: Use money wisely, manage money and know
where money is hiding. You got to know the different between
liabilities and assets, cash flow, profit and loss. You have to learn
accountability and have the ability to detect what will appreciate and
what will not.
3. Financial planning: Ability to plan, determine the right vehicles to
wealth creation, choose the right vehicles and forecast the period of
such vehicle producing the desire returns.
There are three vehicles of wealth creation that never fails; they are:
Real Estate, Businesses and Money market. Use them with proper
training from a good coach or mentor and you will make lots of
money. Do you know that rich people use less than 30 percent of
their earnings? Yes 30 percent is more than enough to enjoy their
luxurious lifestyle.
How do you know you are making enough money? When you are
saving over 70% of what you make and still maintain your desired
dream lifestyle.
In this book we are going to mention some sub vehicles under
businesses that can help you make lots of money.
To make money you need a vehicle that can help you achieve your desire
amount and within a time limit. Any business is not enough. A business that
can make you rich within 2-5 years is the best. Businesses mentioned here
meet those criteria.
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The first business you can start and is helping many people create
wealth yearly is network marketing business.
How will it be like if you can build 200 stores in different places and receive
N5, 000 to N10, 000 in rent money monthly from each store? Wouldn’t you
be achieving your dream already?
How would it be like if you have 5 supermarkets that market your desire
items and bring inN250, 000 to N500, 000 after overhead expenses as
profit? Wouldn’t you be financially free within 2 to 5 years?
How would it look like if you owe a bank with others that has 15 to 25
branches all over the country and brings in profit not less than N50millions
each at the end of the year? Wouldn’t you be free to do anything you like,
travel the world having fun and become patriotic or even dream of become
a governor of your state?
Can you imagine how much money is made by cable TV owners, gsm
companies, fuel filling stations, manufacturer with branches everywhere?
Oh no, you can’t. How are these companies able to operate? It is call a
system- network marketing system. This system brings money from
different locations 24/7 and 365 days a year.
If you are to build such system, it will cost fortune and you will need many
smart people to help you achieve it. This is where network marketing
companies come to your rescue.
Have you heard of network marketing? Oh yes most people have attend
one seminar organized by network marketing companies or might have
tried it but did not know the power of making fortune through it.
Network marketing business is an opportunity where you can plug into an
already established network system and spread your money making
chance as fast as you want. Imagine you make N5,000 from each person’s
purchases that join your network every month. Imagine getting people
sponsored into your network marketing company all over the country. The
company pays you part of the profit made in those peoples’ purchases. If
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you have 200 persons in your network, wouldn’t you be on your way to
prosperity already? 200 persons multiply by N5, 000 equals N1million. Can
you decide to get that number (200 persons) in your network within 25years, is it worth the wait? Of course yes! Come to think of it, how many of
such 5 years have passed without such income showing up! This is easy;
all we need is check our current earning after the last 5 years.
If you have not got enough money to start building stores to rent, filling
stations, cable TV, banks etc. then join a network marketing company. Ask
the person who gave you this book. Learn how money is made through
their network marketing company.
You should join any network marketing company for two reasons only.
1. To make money
2. To use the money to build REAL Wealth or your own network
business and become financially FREE. Get to the place where your
network brings the money whether you work or not while you enjoy
life. Fill the form here
When you decide to join, forget “my company is better” issue. If you
have the mentality of which company will pay me more, then you
have just joined the co-operate organization rat race-looking for fat
salary so they can live better not rich. You are not planning to be
financially free. The truth is money is made only when the company
products moves. This is because the companies share their profit
with you as you move their products to consumers. No company will
make a profit of N1000 and pay it all out. Therefore do not be
deceived that one company is better ( this has made some people
move from one company to another searching for the highest paying
network marketing company and waste time of learning what matters
and do what it takes to make enough money), go learn how to build
network, make enough money and start your own period.
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You own network marketing company might not be nutritional but the
type of business you have always wanted to build. The reasons
nutritional/cleaning products work best is that they are consumables.
They get finished every month and people will like to replace them. It
is better to join what moves faster so as to create profit and bonus at
the same every month.
If you must join network, forget those intangible type-the
pyramids(invest N100 today and tomorrow get N2million-money
exchange money type or rob Peter to pay Paul type) they soon get to
where the circle becomes too large and collapse- which create loss
instead of money if you are not on the first floor.
Many items or products are using the network marketing idea
including communication and travel opportunity. Join the type you
like. Ask the person who gave you this book.
One of America’s bestselling Author of Rich dad poor dad by name
Robert Kiyosaki said: “one of the reasons l recommend network
marketing is that the company will help you build the required
business skills, it is not money that make you rich but business skills.
The other part while this business is good is that, it is cheaper to
start, where else can you start a business with less than $500?”
If you want to be financially free and you have not got enough money
to build your network business start a network market business by
getting sponsored into an already established company. Learn the
skills to building a successful business.
Don’t continue to work in a co-operate organization all your life. This
type of business is the cheapest you will ever find that still bring
wealth and does not require all your attention or time.
Get Your Fortune In Network Marketing
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There are many people out there who will say you can get rich with no
effort (sleeping or just sell one cup of their products and money comes), no
work and no investment. There are even some who will try to sell you getrich-quick plans, pyramid schemes, and every other kind of
scam you can imagine. And people actually buy them. At the first sign
of a chance to pick up fast cash, people actually whip out their wallets and
give away their life savings. You’re smarter than that, right?
If you want real wealth building opportunity and have not got enough
money to pay rent office/shop and stock the place before ever making a
living through that shop or office, grab the network marketing business.
Most network marketing business can be run from home and with little
What is network marketing?
Network marketing is an equalizer, an opportunity that is available for all
who care to use it. It is a marketing opportunity that anyone can participate
in and make fortune. Anyone can succeed, if he or she has the desire and
perseverance to work it until it works. Young and old have done it. Women
have obtained vast wealth with it. Men have built large bonus checks with
it. Fortune is not invisible in this marketing set up; you can create your
fortune in it.
Now what is network marketing? A business of asking people to use what
you have used and see the benefits you also experienced. At one time or
the other, everybody recommends whatever they used to their friends and
relatives or even to people they met that need what they have used with
result; but in network marketing business, the company whose
products/services you recommended share their profit with you in
Do you know of any company that you bought some products and at the
end of the month they issue you a check telling you that the figure you see
in the check is part of the profit made when you purchased your desire item
from them? Yah that is the concept, get paid part of the profits made from
what you bought and from those you referred that bought too.
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One of America richest men Donald Trump on interview was asked if he
lose everything he had now what would he do? He said “I will find a
network marketing company and get to work”. The audience did not believe
him and started to hoo and boo him; then he said “that is why l am sitting
up here and you are down there”-meaning that is why am one of the richest
man in America while you are still struggling financially. Fill the form here
Timing is everything, people want good health and others want to get
to rich. You can capitalize on this timing to create wealth.
How much would you like to make? Would you like to make additional
N50,000 to N500,000 a month or N1.5million a month?
Many people are making that kind of money through their network
marketing business. With a network marketing business of your own,
you decide how much to make and how much time to spend on
running it. You promote yourself to any level you want, no office
politics. You are rewarded for your efforts. You make instant profit
and you earn bonus through many levels of people that join your
network. You can earn free travel round the world or brown new cars.
Where else can you find people without education or sales
experience make such money? With little capital, you can start right
now. Have you thought of building your own home, buy the car of
your dream and train your children in the best school around? Take
the advantage of this network marketing, start part time or full time.
Henceforth everything you want depends on you. You are the BOSS.
1. You can now make as much money as you want
2. You can promote yourself anytime you want
3. You can now enjoy your family time instead of running in
different direction just to make ends meet. Most people as they
succeed in their profession or business, they don’t have time to
enjoy their wealth. They are everywhere just to keep success.
But in this network marketing business, if you follow the training
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and skills pass on to you by sponsor/company, you gain time
and financial freedom.
4. You can fire your boss and stop working at that job you hate.
5. You can plan your retirement and invest in other businesses
6. You can spend money as you like.
Meet the person who gave you this book and join his or her company. Why
spend many years building another persons’ business when you cannot
hand it over to your children? You cannot hand over your co-operate job to
your children but you can hand over your business to them. Fill the form
Benefits Of Network Marketing Business
1. It is a business you can start with little capital (money)
2. You can run it from home and on part time 10 hours a week of your
spare times (many people are tired from their normal job just like you
but are able to spare 10hours week to build their our business part
time and become wealthy, why not you? ) Age is knocking, time is
running out fast and you will be too old to do so many things.
3. You make money whenever anyone you introduce buy, unlike other
recommendation you make daily.
4. You pay less tax as most of your profit can be use to acquire what
you want without any high tax (except VAT). This means you can use
your profit without being taxed. And most governments encourage
citizen to start their own business by giving them tax relief.
5. You can become rich faster than when you work in the co-operate
world(company) or trade without enough capital.
6. You can have more time to enjoy with your family and friends during
and after building your business. But in so many self employed
businesses like the lawyers, doctors etc. the more you are successful
the less time you have for yourself and your loved ones.
7. You will travel round the world as most network marketing company
has incentives that help you enjoy travelling for FREE.
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8. You make lots of friends instead of enemies as in the co-operate
world and competitive businesses
9. You can help many people with money opportunity unlike working for
a company. Most members of your family cannot all be employed in
where you work. You give relations and friends the opportunity and
they feed themselves for life.
You can handover your business to your children when you
retire or pass on instead of leaving debts for them to pay.
Education, age, location, religion etc. has nothing to do with this
type of business.
Change your life and become financially FREE in network marketing
business today!
Another Method to make money
Read Richard Story and See How You Too Can make money
Name: Richard Age 23
Occupation: Taxi Driver
Income:N1,300,00 a year
Retires wealthy: Age 43
At age 23, Richard was broke and at age 43, Richard stopped driving and
retired wealthy!
What happened?
Did Richard win the lottery? Did a rich aunt leave a large inheritance? Did
he find buried treasure? No.
Becoming wealth and retired wasn’t luck. Richard had a plan. Just a simple
change in Richard’s work habits turned him from a Taxi driver into a fulltime, wealthy retiree a full 22 years before the “normal” retirement age of
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Richard will be playing a lot of golf.
We’ve all heard that knowledge is power. Well, Richard learned that saving
just a small amount of money each day would change his life. The money
he saved would grow and grow through the magic of compound interest.
Is this the only way to become wealthy? No. Its one method, the method
Richard chose.
Other methods or ways are mentioned in this book. You can pick or choose
which method is best for you.
Back to Richard.
Richard has read that if you could save at least 10% of your salary and
invest it wisely, you would accumulate wealth through the magic of
compound interest.
Only one problem.
Richard couldn’t save 10% of his earning. Between him and his family, they
used 100% of his taxi driving earnings every year. There wasn’t a penny
left over for savings.
If you are in this condition right now, no problem just follow how Richard
was able to solve his shortage of money for saving.
So Richard did the next best thing. He decided to earn more money so he
could build his savings nest egg. Most people get salary increase and
expand their expenses, buy luxury this is their problem. Any way Richard
decided that from now on he would make sure to work a bit longer each
day until he had earned an extra N1,000 in fares. This is another problem
with most people, they cannot stretch themselves past their daily job and
so remain poor. Do you know how the Russian won the war they were
fighting? They woke up earlier than plan for the fight, while the opponent
was sleeping they pounce on them and conquer.
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Richard story continues, some days he would get a N1,000 fare by working
just 30 minutes longer. Other days he would have to work an extra hour or
But every day, five days a week, Richard earned his extra N1,000 to put
into his savings. As his savings grew, Richard invested in mutual funds.
The average yearly return from his fund was about 10%. This is what
At N1,000 a day, five days a week, Richard accumulated N5,000 a week in
savings. That’s N260,000 a year? Can you imagine that without touching
his present income he was able to save this amount? Saving is the first
step to wealth, learn the process or die poor period. But can you get rich
saving N260,000 a year? Let’s see what happen when you invest that
money at 10% return which Richard did.
Yea Amount
Total Saving &
savings &
1,241,266.0 15
260,000.0 7,363,254.70
260,000.0 1,625,392.6 16
260,000.0 8,359,580.02
260,000.0 2,047,931.8 17
260,000.0 9,455,538.22
260,000.0 2,512,725,0 18
260,000.0 10,661,092.04
260,000.0 3,023,997.6 19
260,000.0 11,987,201.24
260,000.0 3,586,397.3 20
260,000.0 13,445,921.40(interes
t has risen to 17%)
At the end of just 20 years, Richard’s N5,000 a week contribution without
fail have grown to N13,445,921.40!
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You might say the above figure when divided per month will be too small,
ask those who have worked 35 years and you will find out what they are
receiving as pension or from their small business. Only few will be higher
some will be none. After working hard for 20-30 years they still find job as
watch night or gatemen job at old age. Don’t be one of them. Time is
running out, compare your age to when you will be receiving that amount or
more from your investment whether you work or not. Set the amount and
go for it. Many people saved but can’t resist the temptation of meeting up
with their neighbor’s bragging of their newly acquired gadgets. They used
their saved money to buy luxury in competition with their peers instead of using it to start a business or build real wealth –which is real estate that
appreciates with time.
Anyway, at 17% interest, that is N2,745,678.84 a year for Richard and his
family, slightly more than Richard’s original yearly earnings. Now with this
new N2,745,678.84 incomes from his investments, Richard never has to
work for money again, if he chooses but his money now work hard for him.
He has just joined the ranks of the rich and retired at the age of 43!
At this age, some people have lost their not enough funded business
(many small business close due to lack of enough money) or their only job
and don’t even know what else to do. It is either they have been retrenched
or they have decided to leave a job without regular salary.
You can use the power of compound interest with time to make money and
become rich. You can even invest while waiting for increase of your money
with the help of expert in money management. Pay the right money
managers and you can make more money than Richard in a short time –
use the money market.
What about the future for Richard?
Richard plan to enjoy life 24 hours a day, seven days a week! His proceeds
from his investment is enough; which is more than what he use to make
when working.
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When people retire, they usually earn ¼ of their salary (some people don’t
even know this-it is in your employment agreement in small tiny letters so
you don’t border to read them-what you will receive as monthly salary when
you retire), which is far less than they have been surviving on. Why wait for
20 or 35 years and start to earn less when you could build a business to
add to it? The choice is yours, you are the one that will be receiving ¼
salary, do something now or be like those around that instead of retiring,
they just change job to a more demeaning type. Many retired people work
as gardener, gatemen or as watch night,(when they should be resting in
their bed from many years of work, they are working at night- a job they
may not like to do when they were young-check where you heading very
well or else you may end up where you don’t want) if they can find such
job. Others become a burden to their children-living with them. It is either
pension is delayed or not enough to live their usual lifestyle.
Who want that kind of life? It is definitely not you, right? This is not the plan
you have, that is why you are reading this book. Right? If yes, don’t
postpone your action; choose a method of making that will bring addition
money that can help you create wealth today. Meet the person who gave
you this book and find out what profitable business you can run in addition
to what you are doing now.
Why Some people Will Never Be Wealthy
I have a good friend who won’t become wealthy. He says he’d like more
money in his life, but here is how our conversations go:
Me: You know that if you invested in real estate you would have paid off
properties in ten or twenty years. Then you could quit that job you hate and
go fishing.
Friend: “No way do l want to own a rental house or a couple of apartments.
I don’t want to deal with tenants, repairs, or collecting rent. That’s not for
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Me: Did you ever think about getting a part-time job? You could invest the
extra money in some mutual funds and let them accumulate. After a while,
your stocks could give you enough dividends so you wouldn’t need to go to
that job every morning.
Friend: “No way could l work a part-time job. I need time to relax and enjoy
that new big screen television l bought for the kids. l am so burned out at
the end of the day from my regular job that l can barely make it to my
bed.”And part-time jobs don’t pay as much as my full-time job. Why should l
work for less? And the stock market might go down and l will lose money.
plus l can’t wait years to retire. I want to retire right now.”
Me: Did you ever think of going to night school? You could get the training
that will take you to the next step and get pay raise in your regular job.
Then you’d have extra money to invest and start creating your wealth nest
Friend: “Night school? Are you kidding? Once l finished high school l told
myself I’d never have to study or learn again. I can’t stand classrooms.”
Me: Why not start a small part-time business? You could gradually grow
the business to become a full-time earnings and invest the money you
make into your retirement. Ever think about that?
Friend: “No. That’s too risky. What if l couldn’t get any customers or
someone didn’t pay me? Then I’d have to work for nothing just to get it
started. I want to be paid for every hour l work. I deserve it. Plus, l don’t
want to be tied down to rent or employee problems. That’s all too much
stress and bother.”
And so the conversation goes.
No matter what is suggested, my friend has a reason why it won’t work for
him. Nothing will work for this kind of person not even a business where all
you have to do is watch cable television all day. This type of person would
say that all that television watching would be too hard on the eyes.
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This type of excuse-driven person will never be wealthy. Sure, he might say
he wants to be wealthy, but only if becoming wealthy was a worry-free,
guaranteed proposition that required no work, no effort, no risk, no input or
no investment on his part.
Good luck finding that kind of deal in today’s world.
This book is not for my friend, or people like my friend.
Another Method That Can Set You Free Financially
A Serious Trader Used It And Got Rich
If you are a serious and a committed trader, you can become very wealthy
A lady was used to borrowing money each year to fill her store of provision
from co-operative loan. Though the interest is low and the term of pay back
was okay, she must take it every year to keep business going. For her
store to be filled and attract customers she repeats the borrowing process
every year.
She started to think, “how do l break this practice and l will not need to
borrow again?” She thought of many other businesses that can add extra
money to what she is doing presently. She saw many businesses but they
all need more money and time to operate so as to get the full benefits.
Luckily she ran into a friend that showed a business that she can do part
time and she can run it from her store. She was told she does not need
huge capital to start it and only few hours will be okay to run it. She carved
out time to do the business to get an additional income one hour every day
and two hours the day customer used to be few.
She used to return the loan by paying N30,000 every week. She continue
to pay but this time she planned how she can get half of that amount from
her part time business. Six months in the new business, she was making
N70,000 every month as an extra profit. She promised herself to break the
cycle of borrowing each year to fill her store in other to attract customers.
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Next, she decided to save the amount to reach her target in 18 months
making 2 years plan to stop borrowing to do her business.
At the beginning of the 3rd year into her part time business she had saved
N1,260,000 and the first 12 months’ saving attracted additional N42,000
interes paid by her bank plus total savings for the 18 months. At the start of
the 3rd year, she stopped borrowing and withdrew the whole money, which
now total N1,302,000 and fill her store. She started to build houses to rent
by investing her returns from part time business including her weekly
payment of N30,000. Every week instead of paying loan back she buys
cements and mould blocks. Within 10 years she has gotten 4 houses that
bring her money whether she work or not. She is financially free today and
training her children without stress.
Do you pay debts every month? Start a part time business that will bring
the amount you pay every month and enjoy your full salary. Ask the person
who gave you this book to show you a part time business you can start.
Don’t enslave yourself, if you continue to pay debts with your salary when
would you saved enough money that will help you get out of poverty? The
choice is yours.
Another Way To Wealth
A Company Worker Can Also Get Rich
If He Knows What To Do
Voke struggled through the university education, as his father was not rich.
He vows that he will never be like his father. First he decided he will never
have the same number of wives and children his father had. Voke believed
that his father was poor because of the number of wives and children he
He paid his way through the university with occasional help from his father
and relations. It was not easy but he finally graduated. When he finished
school, jobs were not easy to come by, in fact companies were downsizing.
But luckily he got a job in one of the oil companies. He decided to settle
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and so he hired a self contain apartment and move in. Not long he
discovered that he was lonely and so desired a wife. After two years, he
was able to marry with his two years’ saving and help from
Now that he is married, he needed some comfort at home and so Voke did
what his friends did. He also took company loan to equip his home with the
necessities of life. He doesn’t want to wait any longer to pacify his
gratification seeing his colleagues enjoying good things of life, he wanted to
be like them so he could be recognized too.
But he discovered that after the company withdrew the monthly payment of
the loan; his salary was no longer enough to care for his wife, pay rent and
other bills. He did the next thing; worked over time to cover the difference.
He even worked on weekends to recover but at this time the wife became
pregnant. That brought additional financial burden, as he has to get
prepared for the arrival of their baby. His boss was kind and recommended
him for promotion. He got a pay rise and the promotion but relief was short
lived as the baby arrived. He has to accommodate the extended family that
came to care for the young mother and baby. He found out that their
accommodation was too small and they had no privacy.
He quickly arrange for a three bed rooms flat so he could be comfortable
and have the needed privacy with his wife. To achieve that he again took a
loan to help meet this new life style, caring for his wife, extended family
who visits to help, and buy baby food etc. Voke discovered that though he
has been promoted with more money but withdrawal of the loan has taken
back the money. Again he had to work harder to get the difference.
One night he sat down and asked himself, when is it going to end? Taking
loan to meet financial burden and working harder but going now where? He
found out he cannot ask for another promotion so soon. He wanted more
out of life but how? He needed extra money. How is he going to get it? He
remembered his poor father; he doesn’t have enough not to talk of sending
something to his father and mother. He said “l must not be old and poor like
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my father; l have not started educating my children and yet l have no
money saved in the bank, l live from one pay cheque to another.”
He continued to mediate and thinking on his next line of action. “if l allow
my wife to work, we will pay a day care center service or employ a househelp with all the associated problems. She will have to dress well to meet
co-operate demand, she will transport herself to work, all those expenses
will almost consume her earning and soon l will be complaining like my
colleagues whose wives are working and yet their family still struggle
There must be a way out; he decided to start a business that will bring the
extra money. He opened a store that will market baby things and provision
(confectionaries) with loaned money from friends and relations. He asked
the wife to man it with his occasional supervision. This she did until her
second pregnancy. She hardly goes to the store. Voke quickly employed a
sales girl but soon the time to return money has come and there was not
enough profit to cover the sales girl’s salary not to talk of pay of the loan.
The pressure was much on retuning money so he sold all the goods left
and added some of his little savings to be able to return loaned money. He
closed up the business. He now has 2 children and one is about starting
school. He became desperate. He needed extra money. He is working in a
good company. He has a car he bought with company loan-though he has
paid it in full; he needed to maintain the car.
One day he said, “I must do something else to bring the extra money that
will help me to invest.” The only way l can be rich is to get more than l
spent each month. I don’t want to pretend that all is fine because l dress
well, smell fine, drive a car and live in a flat, have 2 kids and a beautiful
wife but yet broke.” He kept on looking for an opportunity to earn extra
money and one day visited a find whose life style had changed. He asked
the friend to find out the secret and the friend introduced him to a part time
home-base-business that can give him any amount of extra money he is
looking for. He was told that he does not need to hire a store or office,
neither pay any staff to run it. He only needed to use his spare time. Voke
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decided to give it a try and within 24 months he was making 5 times his
salary per month. First thing he did was to start investing in stocks.
Within 6 years he was now receiving N1,000,000 per month as profit from
his part time business and collecting rent from his commercial houses
including dividend from his stock investment. He became financially free.
He recommended that people should start any business that will give the
extra money to invest. Investment leads to financial freedom.
If you drive a car; live in a big apartment; wear fine clothes and smell nice
or have all the latest gadget in your home but bought most of them on loan,
then you on a poverty time bomb. What happen if the job sudden ends?
That is how one man many years ago was fully equipped by his company
with every luxury and plenty of cash for running his part of the company
and huge salary. He drives company car and has his personal car,
personal secretary, cook etc. This man thought things will continue like that
forever, he lavish his money, did not bother to build a personal house or
save money for the future. Guys he was living rich but on another man’s
wealth. One day his company caught fire and everything went down. The
insurance company use some of form excuse and did not pay any
compensation to the owners of the company. The white men who owed the
company had nothing to do but go back home. They left this man stranded
with nothing. Everyone was surprised and blame him for not thinking about
himself. This story is cull from the book: Be your Boss by Joe C. David
If you think opening stores or offices without supervision will bring the extra
money you need, you will be enriching sales boys/girls and nothing might
be left for you but debts to pay. Many company workers think this is
business and a lot of them loose money yearly. You need an opportunity
that require minimum supervision/time to run it and can still bring money to
invest in money market or real estate. Money management is required on
your part to become wealthy.
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Get the manual “list of 30 Businesses You Can Start With Little Capital”
and select any business you like and start making the amount of money
that will help you get rich.
A struggling Father Found A Way To Wealth
Mr. & Mrs. Okekowhe had 3 children entering into the university. Before
now they find it difficult to make ends meet. Mr. Okekowhe worked in one
of the big companies but whatever he is making cannot meet the family
demand. This led the wife to starting a restaurant business, which took all
her time, not enough time for the children as she closes 11pm every night.
Still after paying her staff there was little money left for her to support her
husband in running the home.
Now the children are entering university. The company has help them build
a house which was still being paid back monthly. The little rent plus their
efforts did not still meet their increased financial need. Mr. Okekowhe
thought of starting a part time business. The options were many but they
also demand many hours and attention to succeed, so he was confused
but finally took a home-based business option that will not require paying
staff or rent and does not require many hours. He decided to start working
when he had the time on his part time business. He drew up a plan that if
his new business can bring the extra money to pay for the children
education in the university, he would begin to build commercial houses in
other to retire rich. He vowed never to retire and become a burden to his
children as some of his colleagues have done.
He calculated what it will cost per semester for the three of them and
decided to earn that from his part time business.
It was not easy to see the spare time to do the business but he kept to his
plan. He was able to carve out 15hrs every week to run this part time
business and within one year he hit his target. His wife joined him in the
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second year of his part time business. By this time his payment on their
home to the company has stopped. That brought relief. In addition to the
effort of the wife they were making N400,000 extra money monthly from
their part time business. With that amount coming in every 30 days, they
had more than enough for the children education. They started their first
dreamed commercial house. They bought a land and build room and
parlours, as that was the more marketable commercial house at the time of
building. They finished it within 8 months and 6 years after they become
very rich collecting rent from their commercial houses and receiving
bonuses from their part time business.
The reason people are poor, is simple, they are impatient with any plan to
make money that takes 2 to 5 years or more. Most of them want the money
now and like to enjoy luxury with the little they make. They are not ready to
work with focus on activity that increase their finance. They pursue money
instead of setting trap for money. If you pursue, it will ran away from you
but if you set many traps money will come to you endlessly. This is what
the rich do daily- setting traps for money. Start to set traps for money. Get
up to 5 or more streams of income from the manual “list of 30 businesses
You Can Start With Little Capital” or meet the person who gave you this
manual to show which business you can start. The person will be kind a
enough to show you at least one business he can share the secrets with
If You Love Automobiles, You Can Make Money and Become Wealthy
Harry loves cars. He dreams about cars. And he loves to go to car shows.
His hobby and passion is to purchase used cars, do minor repairs, clean
and shade the car for sale, and then resell the car for an N80,000 profit. It’s
nice to make a profit on your hobby!
So what is Harry’s goal for his part time hobby/business? He wants to resell
two cars a month, ten months out of the year. The other two months are
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reserved for holiday trips. That’s a total of 20 cars cold a year at N80,000
profit each for a grand total of N1,600,000 of extra yearly income.
What does Harry do with his extra money?
He invest it wisely in stock, his own house, and reinvests in his
hobby/business by purchasing more expensive cars that can give him
higher profits.
Harry knows that the only way to retire wealthy is by setting trap for money
that will keep coming whether he work or not. He also knows that if he
continues to give excuses due to family pressure, extended demand on
him, he will never be rich so he looks for a vehicle that will bring the money
that will help him saved towards retiring rich. He looked for a good money
manager and deposited for a plan of 10 years.
Is this you? Always complaining of why you can’t save money? Who will do
it for you if you can’t? The only way to wealth is by saving and investing; so
how are you going to be rich?
Is this you? Always complaining that you have no money to start a
business? Use the few ways mention in this book to raise money and start
any business of your choice. If you feel it is too much to go through this
process of raising money to start business that is going to do it for you?
Know it today, the best way to wealth or making money is through starting
your own business, saved money and let money work for you while you do
nothing but supervise and enjoy life. So who is going to run a business,
saved the money and give it to you to enjoy or solve your problems? If this
is the way you want to make money, you may wait forever. Rich and
wealthy people are business owners.
Now see what happens if Harry averages a 10% return on his nest-egg
fund (actually, he earns much more because he makes tremendous profits
when he reinvests in cars), here is what would happen in just 10 years:
Year Amount Saved Total Savings & Interest
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The idea here is for you to know what happens when you continue to save
and allow it to multiply. In 10 years with just few Naira set aside and living
your life (remember Harry enjoy holidays, build his home and uses his
remaining profit to meet his kind of lifestyle) he still amount over N2million
which can bring him closed to N10millions for the next 10 years. If
something happens and he now survive on that monthly with an interest of
10% from his money manager, Harry can still have N1million in his life
instead of retiring and staying with children or relatives as a burden to
them. Since it is his personal business, he can still decide to fix up a car or
two a year to bring in additional money if he wants.
If you say these figures are too small, then set yours very high. Make sure
you don’t deviate from it for 10 to 20 years. This is what the co-operate
organization do for their staff and call it benefits. The moment a
government or a company cannot keep this, you will see pension and
benefits payment delayed(or they wait until many of those die in process of
collecting their benefits) In fact most government are no longer interested in
retirement benefits and some people may be sacked very close to their
retirement and so lose their retirement benefits.
Can you set up this type of system for yourself and not use any part of it
for any reason? Or can you invest it in real wealth-houses that bring you
money whether you work or not? If yes, there is nothing stopping you from
being wealthy. If you have not got money to do this, start a business for
yourself, it is the fastest way to plug into this plan.
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Have you written down your dreams and goals? The things you want to
achieve should all have dates and plans. From this book you have learnt
how people set date, focus and achieve whatever is their dream. Start
today, write your plans and dreams down, no matter how big they are, let
them have date of achievement else you would have no sense of urgency.
The sense of urgency is what will help you focus and remain determined to
get to where you are going in-spite of obstacles on the way.
Spend less than you make or earn and invest the difference. If you do this,
it doesn’t matter what you do. You may work or do any type of business,
you will be rich.
This is the only way you can accumulate the money for your investment.
Your money can’t work for you if you don’t have any money to put to work.
Sure, it takes a bit of sacrifice to put away N13,000 a month, N26,000 a
month or 10% of your salary/profit or whatever amount you decide is right
for you. But by sacrificing a little bit every month, you’ll have all the money
you want for years and years and years.
It is said: “A kobo saved is … not very much” the practice can create a
That is probably true. Look at this, saving Ten Naira a day in pocket
change will add up to tens of thousands of Naira over time.
Consider this. It’s almost impossible to become rich by spending more than
you make or earn. Many people spend more than they earn or make, that is
why they aren’t rich. Excuses will not help here. Everybody has the same
24hours to make money and the same economy, unless you are not
healthy (incapacitating health problem e.g. madness; blindness etc), no
excuses will help. Excuses are met to exclude you from wealth. That is why
you see a lot of people have plenty of excuses. They say things like “l don’t
have time”, I don’t have money to start a business, “my children are too
many or too young” My sister or brother refuse to help” nobody agreed to
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help me” I did not go to school” my mother or father refuse to help me or
train me” and many other excuses. You don’t hear such excuses from the
rich and wealthy. They rather use such excuses to forge forward. They say
things like “ since l have nobody to help me, l will help myself. “since l have
many children, l have to a plan to make more money” l know no one will
help so l must learn from any sources and help myself”
The next thing to do to get rich is start additional money making
opportunity. If what you make now is not enough, your next best option is
look for another way to bring in extra money. Add another stream of
income. If you are not yet in a business, start one. If you already have a
business, add another item that will blend with your present business and
bring in additional money.
By adding this extra income, you’ll cut years off your personal plan to
wealth. Getting rich quicker is good. Right?
Use people leverage to add more money to your investment account. Don’t
do everything yourself. Use people’s help. You can turbo charge your
journey to wealth by employing other people in your business or by taking
advantage of network marketing.
Buy things that appreciate. Don’t buy only things that depreciate. Stocks,
mutual funds, and real estate appreciate over time. That means your
money is working for you. Stereos, fancy clothes, cars, and big screen
televisions depreciate over time. That means you are going backwards;
that you are losing money. That’s not the way to get rich.
Another thing you must do if you want to get rich is build your own home.
Renters and homeowners both make payments every month. You won’t get
rich collecting rent receipts. You get rich by owing real estate.
To progress on your way to wealth, get a good tax accountant.
You want to minimize your taxes so that you’ll have more money working
for you in your investment account. Your tax accountant can show you
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ways to reduce; defer or eliminate taxes on your investments. You can
reduce the effects of taxes on your extra income by investing through IRAs
and other tax-favorable investment vehicles. If you are really worried about
paying high taxes start a business for yourself, most government
encourage business owners with lower taxes.
Another way to get rich is to avoid debt.
Some types of debt are good. Business debt that help the business grows
are okay. Another type is debt on a mortgage on your home (assuming
you’ve bought a home within your means). This is debt on an appreciating
asset. Most debts are bad because you are paying interest on that debt.
Paying interest is having your money work against you. It is robbing your
investment fund of valuable capital that could be used to work for you.
Worst of all is paying interest on a depreciating asset such as a car or
stereo. Not only are you losing money by paying interest, but the item you
are paying for is also losing value at the same time. That is what is called
:”double wahala.”
If you have a lot debts siphoning away your salary or profit, may be the first
place for you to invest your money is in reducing your debt. This will
ultimately free up more money in your monthly budget that you can put into
your investment program. Make a strong determination to offset debts
refuse to add more debt. You can do this as soon you stop the urge to buy
whether you have money or not. Go without that thing for a time and your
debts will be reduce to zero. This is what the rich do; they do without
temporarily and when profit money start coming in fast speed, they buy the
things they want. You do the same, you will be rich, and no excuses will
help you get rich.
Start A Plan To Get Rich As You As Fast As You Can
That means start now. Let time work for you, not against you. The idea of
saying “am young and still have time” will delay your wealth. The reason is
that you will never be serious with anything you do and time will work
against you. If you set a long time goal and never deviate you will get rich.
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Starting today, set aside an investment fund. The longer your investment
fund grows, the more money you’ll have. Even if you invest very
conservatively, time and the magic of compound interest will serve you
Don’t be someone who says,”Oh, l wish l started ten years ago". Look
where l would have been today!.” “I should have invested in Linkage
Assurance and First Bank stock back in 1972.”
The past is past. You can’t redesign your past. However, you can design
your future. So start designing your future today. Ten years from now will
arrive whether you start saving and investing or not. The choice of what
you’ll say ten years from now depends on what you do today.
Learn To Reduce Risk On Your Investment
What good is it to save your money, only to lose it later on a speculative
risk? It’s better to have a lower return and your entire investment fund than
a higher return with sleepless night worrying about your money. This idea
of fast returns on investment has made a lot of people lost their saved
money in fast and quick rich investment.
Certainly all investment have some risk. You’ll want to keep your risk to a
minimum while looking out for good returns.
You can invest your extra money in a mutual fund, in real estate, to reduce
your personal mortgage, or even in your own part time or full time business.
Your investment risks decrease with knowledge. Get more knowledge
about investing, pay for it if required.
Learn To Have Patience
Your investment fund won’t grow rapidly overnight. Consistent investing will
give you good returns in the long term. For example, when is the best time
to invest in stocks? The obvious answer is to invest at the beginning of a
long dull market (rising prices). Since no one can accurately tell the future,
the best time to start investing for most of us is right now. Obviously stock
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prices go down also. But stock portfolio that goes down in price is worth
much more than never investing or saving a penny. When stocks start
heading down be on the look out to sell so you don’t lose all your
investment especially in stocks. This is just one investment vehicles that
can bring money over time.
Investors who have become rich in stocks have invested over a long period
of time. That includes up markets and down markets. For more vehicles of
investment get the book” A guide to Investing by Robert Kiyosaki.
Resist The Temptation To Spend Any Windfall of Cash
May be you run into some fast cash, resist spending it in luxury instead of
funding your investment.
How do you handle money? Don’t handle money as children handle their
allowance. When children receive any money, what do they do? They rush
to spend it, usually same day. Saving or creating multiplication of money is
the furthest thing from their mind. If you handle your money like a child,
you’ll have the savings account of a child. Nothing saved.
Don’t worry about inflation. Inflation will occur whether you save money or
not. So why not save money? You’ll like inflation a lot better when you have
a large savings account. Remember only have money saved in banks
when all your investment vehicles are running smoothly.
Learn To Budget Properly.
Can’t seem to find any money to start your investment program?
Try this. Now l’m not asking you to follow rigid budget. I’m only going to ask
you to keep track of where your money goes for one full month. Here is
what you should do.
Simply record every expense, every Naira you speed for one entire month.
Life is boring without a little bit of fun but just write down what you do with
your money. Record when you bought a pack of gum and soda. Record
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when you pay the light bill or when you buy that sandwich, video DVD or
movie ticket etc.
At the end of the month, review your expenses. Look at all the
miscellaneous expenditures you made that could have been turned into
investment Naira. Will you do this? Yes if you are serious about becoming
I have seen people who earn N130,000 make regular contribution to their
investment fund. I’ve also seen people earning N13,000,000 a year spend
N14,000,000 a year and go bankrupt. Saving money has nothing to do with
how much money you made. It has everything to do with personal
commitment. And now it’s up to you.
Learn To Give
Do you know that the greatest secret to getting rich faster is giving? Give
what you are looking for and you will receive it back bountifully. What do
you think when Banks, network companies, etc. give bonanza; sponsor
programs; build some community utilities? When they do this, they get back
plenty. Learn to give, don’t be stingy and always want to grab. Give to your
communities; give in business to get more. It is a law-sowing and reaping
and it doesn’t fail. If you want to get rich; give free things to attract more.
e.g. to attract more sales or customers.
Now that you know the rules, your personal wealth is not dependent on
chance or luck. You can make the choice to be rich, retire wealthy, and to
have the best time of your life! You can raise money from what you earn
now, start a part time business. Network marketing business is one of the
cheapest business opportunity that can produce result within 30 days. Start
your own network marketing business part time.
Say you joined one of the company around and starts to make N20,000 to
N100,000 every 30days, this amount can be use to invest in any
investment vehicle you choose and you will not bother to try to save money
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from your already enough salary or profit. Keep investing all the money
made from your part time business and in no time you will be rich.
10 Ways To Raise Money And Start Your Business
1. Borrow from relations/friends without interest but with a promise to
return on an agreed date. Or beg your relatives, a small amount of
money instead of asking one person to give you huge amount. Say
you are looking for N20,000 to start your business, beg your relatives
and friends to help you with N1,000-N2,000 instead of just asking of
them to raise the N20,000.
2. Sell an idle item in your home. Whatever is valuable that can be
repurchased at a later date can be sold to raise money. Do you really
need three Telephone lines, two mobile phones and a beeper? Do
you need the deluxe extra channel package on your television cable
service? Many luxuries are just necessities in our minds or we are
trying to show off when in fact we are still struggling financially. Look
closely at your “must-have” expenditures. Cutting out unnecessary
extras will not only save money, but may make your life simpler and
more enjoyable.
3. Join a temporary manual labour or seasonal trade or periodic
business (xmas good etc.). Do this for just the extra money to invest
in your real business. Don’t stick to plans that will only give you
money to take home. Such money can only be used in the home and
cannot go anywhere else. This is why most salary earners say my
take home; because it cannot carry them to any other place.
4. Join money contributing local group and ask to be the first to pack
what is contributed. Most time people get into this type of contribution
only to use what is realized to buy perishable things like, households, clothes, furniture, cars, renting new accommodation etc.
instead of delaying their gratification a little to get a better reward in
the future. Learn to use such money to build your investment, after
which you can buy anything you want.
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5. Offer yourself to work with your friend for fee at any trade you will like
to learn. After learning the trade, start your own business operating
your learned trade. If time is a problem, just do this part time.
6. Take your lunch to work. If you pay N300 for lunch, that is N1,500 a
week or about N78,000 extra a year. You can make your personal
lunch healthier and with more variety. Can you imagine N300 saved
daily will become N78,000 in your bank at the end of the year? Most
people can’t save that-N300 a day. Break the chain of not saving
7. Ask for an empty plot not yet build and plant vegetable and herbs that
will be harvested with a short period. Do this only when you have
spare time, like weekends, including Sunday after church service.
People don’t get rich on a comfort zone (I work hard during the week,
l need to rest-resting on all Sundays evening may not help you, since
money is challenging you), be ready to go the extra mile. I remember
l church l attended and the pastor said: God will be more happy if you
can pay all your bills and not disgrace him for lack of payment. He
doesn’t want to serve him and forget your duty-paying your bills on
time” I was surprise when the pastor ask if there is anybody in the
church that is not running a business or at least have an income
making opportunity, only one two persons stood up. You can sleep in
the church all the time in pretends of being faithfully serving God and
when your land lord comes for rent, you start to complain of not
having his money and think that will honor God. People don’t die from
overwork but from heart attack due to stress and lack of money-a lot
of people have worries of how they can use N2,000 to cover their
expense of N20,000. This worry cause sleepless night than overwork.
Balance play and work. Monitor your farm and harvest to sell with the
mind to use the proceeds to start your business.
8. Stop all status purchases, “status” is expensive. Designer clothes,
designer options on your car and other designer purchases mean that
you are paying extra for “status”. Certainly many designer items have
exceptional quality, but must every purchase be for status? Your true
friends will love you for who you are, not for what you purchase. Stop
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buying because others bought. This will help you set money aside to
9. Take control of your investment. Don’t leave all your investment
decisions in the hands of others. You have a special knowledge or
talent that can give you extra money, 10%,20% 50% or even 100%
return on your investment use it.
If the above proposal fails use what you have as collateral to
get money from the bank.
You never too old and you are never too young that you can’t build your
own business that will create wealth for you. All you need to be successful
Vision-the ability to see what others over look
Courage-the ability to act despite tremendous doubt
Creativity-thinking above your situation
Ability to delay gratification –denying yourself immediate gratification
in other to achieve long time reward.
Become a business owner today! Rich people are business owners. You
might have started some other businesses and failed but to succeed is
to keep trying and only one breakthrough is all you need to become rich
beyond your wildest imaginations.
May be you were afraid of starting your own business. After reading this
book you learnt how business works, meet the person who gave this book
and be ready to learn from him or her.
If people can do all sort of things to make money and you don’t have plenty
cash saved for business, you can at least find a network marketing
company and start your own journey to wealth creation. Decide today to
start your wealth creation, use some of the methods or ways mentioned
here or build your own network if you already have the money. You can
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start learning how it works from a network marketing company. Getting
started into an old network marketing company is easy because it takes
little capital and all structure that makes it work is already in place.
Set a date to start your own personal network company or real estate. The
date can range from 2 to 5 years, even if it is 10 years it doesn’t matter as
long as you break free from poverty and let money become your slave
working 24 hours daily, 7 days a week and 365days a year for you while
you do nothing but enjoy life.
A journey of a thousand mile starts with one. Start today, forget the time
wasted, the reason there are no eyes behind is because it is not necessary.
If you look at the past it will stops you from moving forward. Have you ever
seen a person moving forward and is looking at his back? It is dangerous,
he might walk into danger and kill himself.
Start with a step, call the person and sit down to plan how you can start
your own network marketing business training through his or her company.
You may wonder why l keep recommending you start a network marketing
business of your own. It is the easiest of all the methods mentioned and
have enough support for new people in business that is the reason l keeps
encouraging you to start there. No one tells you the secret of their business
but it is not so with network marketing. If you are not too proud to learn,
your sponsor will usually show you where the money is hiding in this
if you are still confuse by now why not choose a business from the “list of
30 businesses You Can Start With Little Capital”. Ask the person who
gave you this book the current price for this manual. You can select up to 5
or more businesses to start and run them even on part time from this
manual. what matters is that you are making money to invest into your
future and to retire rich.
Draw some lessons from this final story, it is culled from “Richest man in
Babylon. A man earned some money from the King of his clan. He was
worried because if he did not take care of it he will soon lose the money.
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Due to this fear he could not sleep. But the next day he quickly went to see
a money lender in town that is very rich and told him his problems. That
now that he has gotten money many people are begging him including his
sister whose husband is poor. He felt sorry for his in-law and wants to give
him the money but want his (the money lender) advice.
The money lender told him of his experience with people’s promises. Many
time people don’t keep their promises and he has collected some
properties from them in place of the money taken. Some never came back
to redeem their property. He showed our friend some of the abandoned
properties. After that he told him a story of the Ass and the Ox.
There was a farmer who has servants working for him on his farm and has
an ox that helps to till the ground every day. The farmer has the ability to
hear animal language. He makes it a habit of listening to the animals’
conversation every evening. There was this particular evening, the ass and
ox was having their gist; he quickly sat close to hear them as usual. He
heard the ox tell the ass:”Ass you are lucky, all you do is carry the master
and when he rest you also rest; as for me l must work till dawn” then the
ass made a suggestion and said “do you know what? Tomorrow pretend
that you are seriously sick and when the servants come to take you to work
they will tell the master that you are sick and leave you alone” The Ox was
happy for the suggestion but main while the master kept it at heart. The
next day came and the servants actually complained that the Ox is
seriously sick and cannot work.
The master having heard their conversation past evening now instructed
the servants to take the Ass to do the work of the Ox for the day. The Ass
worked all day long and when evening came, the Ox said: “my friend you
are kind to have help me out” but the Ass who was tired and worn out
returned and told him that you better get well because l overheard the
master telling the servants that if you are still sick tomorrow they should
butcher you”. The Ass realized that he had made a big mistake by putting
out his neck and they never remain friends again.
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Many of us have suffered because we have helped other people, even
members of our family and today we are suffering because we helped
when it was not time to do it. What do l mean? I mean we did not follow the
holy book that said before you help anyone, you must have a reserve for
yourself. If you have two coats, give one out and use the other. If you do
not follow this advice you might die in the cold. At the time of writing this
book, a man my village just died from lack of money and care from those
he had sponsored in political terrain. The man became poor from his
candidate not achieving their dream. After a time the candidate was called
back to take an important position – a political post but he didn’t give his
former sponsor any help rather, he instructed his wife to tell him each time
he visits that he is not at home. If this man had gotten enough money for
himself before helping his kinds man run for the political seat; today he
could have been alive enjoying his other part of wealth that he has
reserved for himself.
The above situation might happen to someone you know or yourself.
Forget the past, you can still make it, if you change your mind set to that of
an achiever. Take a bold step. Meet people who want to achieve wealth. If
you continue to sit with tenants what advice will you receive? You will only
hear my land lord is greedy or mine is kind, which will add nothing to your
life. Connect yourself to investors today!
Above all, as you start the journey to wealth, do not forget your creator and
be fair in all your dealings. Remember, no one will live forever; no amount
of money will keep you on earth forever. Therefore, be careful as you begin
to accumulate wealth. You will depart one day and leave everything behind,
enjoy your wealth, let others benefit from you and pass the rest to your love
ones. Do not focus on wealth creation and forget your health thereby suffer
chronic health problem that will not allow you enjoy your wealth. Rest and
eat a balance diet with the right exercise to can give you sound health. This
means, balance everything in your life-Your spiritual life, health and wealth.
Go ahead choose any business of your choice and if you don’t have any on
your mind, meet the person who gave you this book.
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Good luck.
Okpubigho Mercy(+2348035394569)
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