How to Ensure Failure of a WMS Implementation Where is Your Focus? | 6037 Commerce Court / Mason, Ohio 45040 MAIN (513) 398.2800 / FAX (513) 398.2837 / The evaluation and implementation of a Warehouse Management System (WMS) is mission-critical to any distribution operation. The upside of a successful implementation is a highly efficient operating environment. Unfortunately, we’ve seen and experienced WMS implementations that didn’t live up to their promise. So we felt compelled to share the hard lessons learned. Think of the following list as the opposite of the secrets to success in WMS implementations. Do the following, and we can almost guarantee that you will not be satisfied with the result. FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY, NOT YOUR OPERATIONS Only look at the latest and greatest technology; the latest technology is always better. Assume the more technology used in the system, the better. Don’t worry about how well the technology fits within your organization’s operating environment; trust the technical specifications that state the system is an “open system architecture” and communicates easily across operating platforms. Don’t worry about how much user action is required for executing an action or process; assume that color screens and icons make it easy to enter data. ASSEMBLE A PROJECT TEAM WITHOUT CONCERN FOR THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF THE CURRENT OPERATIONS Don’t worry about the operational objectives; the software is the area you need to be most concerned about. Don’t take the time to document and understand current processes and procedures. Assume that under the new system they will change anyway How to Ensure Failure of a WMS Implementation | 2 6037 Commerce Court / Mason, Ohio 45040 MAIN (513) 398.2800 / FAX (513) 398.2837 / so they shouldn’t be a major concern and you don’t need to worry about them. Don’t include individuals directly involved with day-to-day operations in the design process since they won’t or don’t understand the technology. SELECT AN ORGANIZATION OTHER THAN OPERATIONS TO LEAD THE DESIGN AND MANAGE THE PROJECT Don’t worry about how the WMS software will affect existing business processes not related to WMS; there won’t be any impact since the WMS will only be used in the warehouse Don’t worry about how the new software affects other existing business systems like order management or transportation management; assume the interface between these systems will take care of any problems. If operations staff has concerns about how the system design process is progressing, only allow them to view specific areas they have questions about. Don’t worry about business procedures that haven’t been covered under the system design; any problems not covered during design can be addressed when testing begins since it is so easy to change the software. USE A “FREE FORM” MANAGEMENT APPROACH Just have a rough estimate of the project budget, and only take the time to track the status of expenditures when you have free time. Develop a project ROI based on projections provided by the WMS software sales staff. Don’t worry about having regular project meetings or updates; use email as the primary project communication tool. How to Ensure Failure of a WMS Implementation | 3 6037 Commerce Court / Mason, Ohio 45040 MAIN (513) 398.2800 / FAX (513) 398.2837 / Have many people individually track tasks or issues separately. Expect this to allow broad coverage of issues and tasks, making sure that everything is covered. Allow the design of the system to be continually changed and revised. Assume the latest application development tools are perfect for “on the fly” changes, which can be easily incorporated. Remember the software is easy to change, after all it is “just software”. DON’T WORRY ABOUT HAVING A PROJECT SPONSOR IN UPPER MANAGEMENT WMS projects are simple and easy to manage, with no need for a project sponsor. As the project moves along there will be many individuals who want to align themselves with the project. Trust that these people will be sure to stay on board with the project as the implementation date approaches. The above items are compiled from actual experience acquired from implementing WMS and other software applications over many years. The list illustrates one of the greatest pitfalls we face with the continually expanding capability of technology — too much reliance on software at the expense of basic DC operations and common sense. Approaching a WMS implementation focusing only on the software technology will create more problems in the warehouse, not solve them. When preparing to implement any system, whether a WMS, Transportation Management System (TMS), Application Interface System, or ERP, it is a mistake to design first then review how the design fits current operations and practices. This will result in an over-engineered system that may provide a great deal of designed functionality but that same functionality (and the effort and dollars expended to create it) may not be needed once the system is implemented. You will also miss key competitive differentiators used by the business that are ingrained How to Ensure Failure of a WMS Implementation | 4 6037 Commerce Court / Mason, Ohio 45040 MAIN (513) 398.2800 / FAX (513) 398.2837 / as routine in operations. Before undertaking a WMS implementation, those involved in the process must have a thorough understanding of current operating procedures, what works well for the organization, what needs to be “protected”, and what needs to be improved or eliminated. This can be accomplished by creating flow diagrams for the different operating areas of the warehouse. Once the current processes are defined, you are then in the position to review your methods and design a system based on the areas that can be improved, eliminated, or left as they are. A well-designed system based on a clear functional specification will provide structure to what can be a very complicated process. No matter how you approach designing and implementing your WMS application, never lose sight of the fact that your mission is to get the product out the door and to the customer. Why FORTE Single-Source Accountability Whether we’re helping you develop a strategic plan, design and build a distribution facility, or optimize a distribution operation through performance metrics and analytics, FORTE provides a true single point of contact responsible for the complete performance of your distribution network. No finger pointing. No fragmentation of responsibility. No multiple suppliers for technical support. You have performance goals, and it’s our job to make sure they’re met on an ongoing basis. Total Objectivity We don’t manufacture equipment. We don’t develop WMS software. We don’t have commercial arrangements with any suppliers for expected volumes of business. We’re simply interested in delivering the most efficient distribution solutions at the lowest total cost. Our client-side service approach means our only allegiance is to our customers. So with every engagement, you know we’ll choose the most How to Ensure Failure of a WMS Implementation | 5 6037 Commerce Court / Mason, Ohio 45040 MAIN (513) 398.2800 / FAX (513) 398.2837 / appropriate level and blend of technologies integrated into an effective operational system. Expertise Our team is deeply rooted in the hands-on implementation of distribution center design and warehouse automation. FORTE’s engineers and technicians integrate today’s best practices in supply chain management and distribution center operations while developing next-generation technologies. As a result, our solutions employ the best combination of practical advice, data-driven analysis and technology-enabled systems. With FORTE, you get: More accountability than a consultant More experience than a systems integrator More objectivity than a manufacturer That’s why the world’s fastest-growing companies are making distribution their FORTE. FORTE 6037 Commerce Court Mason, Ohio 45040 (800) 796.5566 Toll-Free How to Ensure Failure of a WMS Implementation | 6
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