Payampersa Preparation for the TOEFL iBT test Steps for TOEFL Preparation Version 5 Thursday, October 18, 2012 Authored by: Payampersa English Language Institute (PELI) PAYAM PERSA 366 Valiasr St. • Zarrinshahr • Isfahan • Iran Phone (+98) 0334 2220048 - 9 • Fax (+98) 0334 2220048 Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 Part One For Payampersa students in Pre_ intermediate Part 3 Study Skills in Learning English Language 1 The Table of Contents 2 3 An important Note 4 Payampersa Preparation for the TOEFL iBT test 5 Preparing for the TOEFL (PBT) or (iBT) test 6 Anxiety and public speaking 7 Effective presentations 9 10 Hints for Learning Vocabulary 11 10 Hints when Listening in a Foreign Language 13 Listening in a Foreign Language 14 Ways to develop speaking skills 15 10 Hints when Reading in a Foreign Language 18 Reading in a Foreign Language 20 How to Write a paragraph 22 Writing in a Foreign Language 37 Understanding paragraph organization 40 Watching films on video 54 TV/Radio News 56 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test Introduction Thursday, October 18, 2012 Page Introduction Welcome to pre-intermediate part three. This pamphlet is the first part of the Payampersa Preparation for the TOEFL (PBT) or (iBT) test. You will study the second part in pre intermediate part four in Payampersa English Language Institute (PELI). In order to be successful in any TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, GRE, TOLIMO or any other standard Proficiency Tests students are advised to have a sound basic knowledge of English before taking a TOEFL Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 test. In Payampersa, you will acquire this advanced knowledge of English if you continue to advanced terms in Payampersa. Pre intermediate part three and four classes and these Preparation materials are designed to help you improve your scores through reviewing English and becoming familiar with the testing procedures and format esp. in listening, speaking, reading and writing although you need to continue to intermediate, upper intermediate and advanced levels to acquire a full knowledge of English language. The TOEFL test is a standardized test of English. To do well on this test, you should therefore work in these areas to improve your scores: 1. You must work on improving your knowledge of English Language that is covered on the TOEFL test. In Payampersa, you have started improving this knowledge since term one and you need to continue to intermediate, upper intermediate and advanced levels to acquire a fuller knowledge of English language. 2. You must work on improving your knowledge of English Language skills that are covered on the TOEFL test. In Payampersa, you will be familiarized with English Language skills in Pre intermediate part three and four classes. However, you still need to practice these skills in other levels such as intermediate, upper intermediate and advanced levels to acquire a fuller knowledge of English language Skills. 3. You need to understand the test taking strategies specific to the version of the TOEFL test that you are taking. In Payampersa, you will be familiarized with test taking strategies in Pre intermediate part-four class. Nevertheless, you still need to practice these skills in other levels such as intermediate, upper intermediate and advanced levels to acquire a fuller knowledge of English language Skills. 4. You must take practice tests with a focus on applying the appropriate language skills and test taking strategies. 5. You must work on Computer skills if you are taking the computer version of the TOEFL test. 3 An important Note: While you are studying this pamphlet in Pre-intermediate, part three and the next pamphlet in Pre-intermediate, part four, you may consider them very wordy and some times very difficult to understand, but DO NOT really worry. You are still a Pre-intermediate level student in English language learning and you need to continue to intermediate, upper intermediate and advanced levels to acquire a full knowledge of English language to be able to understand the difficult English language of TOEFL. In Pre-intermediate part three and four, you will be only familiarized with English Language skills and test taking Pre-intermediate part three and four classes. You need to practice these items in higher levels for a perfect result. It is interesting to say that even Advanced English language Students will not be able to pass any TOEFL tests successfully, if they do not practice English Language skills and test taking strategies of TOEFL. Therefore, it is necessary to know that Payampersa English Language Teaching Institute has especial steps for Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test Preparation for the TOEFL (PBT) or (iBT) test. Thursday, October 18, 2012 strategies and it does not mean you can pass a TOEFL test successfully immediately after 4 Payampersa Preparation for the TOEFL iBT test Payampersa English Language Teaching Institute is trying to prepare the students for the internet - based - TOEFL (iBT). The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is an examination that is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and is used to evaluate a nonnative English speaker’s proficiency in the English language. Many North American colleges and universities, as well as a large number of institutions, Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 agencies, and programs, ask for official TOEFL test scores during the admissions process. An acceptable score on the TOEFL test depends on the specific requirements of the particular institution or agency involved. Requirements vary from institution to institution. You should check with Payampersa institute for their specific requirements. To be admitted to a North American college or university, you will probably need a TOEFL iBT score of 53 to 80 (a TOEFL paper-test score of 475 to 550 or a TOEFL computer-test score of 153 to 213). Although some colleges will accept students with a score under 45 (a paper-test score of 450 or computer-test score of 133), usually those students are required to enroll in remedial classes or in ESL classes as part of their course of study. Other colleges and universities will require a higher score of 100+ (600+ on the paper test or 250÷ on the computer test). This score is frequently required for students who wish to work at the graduate level. So we recommend you to take English language courses before taking a TOEFL test preparation course. Payampersa Preparation materials are designed to help you improve your scores through reviewing English and becoming familiar with the testing procedures and format. A few colleges and universities do not require nonnative English-speaking students to take the TOEFL test. They may, however, have their own English proficiency exam that students are required to take. Because these exams test the same skills as the TOEFL test, preparing yourself for the TOEFL test is a good way to prepare for any English proficiency exam. Until the TOEFL iBT test has become available worldwide, whether you take the Internetbased, computer-based, or paper-based TOEFL test will depend on where you live or the circumstances under which you are taking the test. You should find out which test you will be taking so that you can become familiar with that particular test format and requirements. For practice test materials and information about the paper-based and the computer- based TOEFL test, see Payampersa Preparation for the TOEFL® Test. 5 Preparing for the TOEFL (PBT) or (iBT) test 1. If you do not have a sound basic knowledge of English, it is best to take English language courses before taking a TOEFL test preparation course in Payampersa. Payampersa Preparation materials and classes are designed to help you improve your scores through reviewing English and becoming familiar with the testing procedures and format esp. in listening, speaking, reading and writing. 2. Begin your Payampersa test preparation as soon as you decide to take the exam. It will be useful to try to learn everything a few years or months before the exam date. amount of material daily is more effective than studying a large amount in one sitting. 4. All English practice is helpful. Watching a movie or listening to a radio program in English is good for building your listening comprehension skills. Reading English newspaper or magazine articles will improve your reading comprehension skills. Speaking English, even with a nonnative speaker, will help you improve your speaking fluency. Systematically add new words to your vocabulary. Even though these activities are not directly related to the Thursday, October 18, 2012 3. Study on a regular basis with your Payampersa partners or Teachers. Studying a small 5. Work carefully through Payampersa books and exercises in Payampersa Preparation for the TOEFL Test in the skill areas that the Diagnostic Test identifies as your weak areas. Once you have mastered the skills in your weak areas, you may want to choose other exercises to improve your strong skills even further, however, it is best to concentrate the most effort on your weaker areas. Payampersa level tests can help you in this respect. 6. Practice budgeting your time. The TOEFL test is taken under strict time limits. Effective time management is a key to doing well on the test. Learn to use your time wisely so that you can complete each section. 7. Use the CD-ROM tests or the information at the beginning of the Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections of this book to become familiar with the test format and how to answer the kinds of questions and respond to the kinds of tasks in each section, 8. Know your goal. Visit Payampersa web site or write to the administration office of Payampersa and ask for their entrance requirements. They will confirm the minimum TOEFL score required for admission. 6 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test TOEFL test, they will help you. Payampersa Study Skills in Learning English Language Anxiety and public speaking Introduction Many people feel anxious about giving a formal talk or presentation in public. Christine Stuart in her book, 'Effective Speaking' cites a survey in the USA where 3,000 Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 adults were asked to list their ten worst fears. Speaking in Public came out as the number one fear - above even fears of financial ruin and death! Why do so many people feel anxious in this situation? The main reasons appear to be: Unfamiliar Situation: because most people speak formally only rarely to an audience the novelty of the situation is a cause of apprehension. Lack of Confidence: This stems often from a feeling that others are better speakers than us, or that they know more about the topic in question. Sense of Isolation: The speaker is alone, the centre of attraction - and vulnerable. Self-Consciousness: about our accents, grammar, voice and image generally. Fear of looking Foolish - we may worry that we will forget what we wanted to say, and will stumble over our words, will say the 'wrong' thing, etc. Another issue that particularly affects students is: Fear of the Consequences - for example being 'judged' by others, particularly tutors, as lacking in ability or insight because of a poor public presentation. At least with an essay mistakes can be made in private! How 'Nerves' affect you physically The signs of anxiety are all too painfully familiar to those affected: increased heart and breathing rates, increased adrenaline, over-rapid reactions, and a tension in the shoulder and neck area. These bodily changes can affect the voice, making it sound tremulous, or disjointed by over-rapid breathing. 7 What can you do about it? There are five things you can do: Relax your Body Take a deep breath, hold it, and then breathe out slowly. At the same time try and relax your arms, shoulders and hands - let them go floppy. Repeat this as often as you can before you start to speak. Relax your Voice Loosen up your vocal cords by humming up and down the musical scale or going through vocal sounds: AEIOU. Try and 'Defuse' the Situation Anxiety can be increased if you have to talk to people who appear threatening or intimidating to you in some way. If you are faced with individuals like this imagine them in a ridiculous or deflating position or situation - like sitting on a potty, or with a daffodil growing out of the top of their head! Practice! There is no doubt that gaining experience of Public speaking will certainly help to overcome normal or moderate degrees of apprehension. Deliberately avoiding situations will only make you feel more anxious when you are finally confronted by the situation you dread. Thursday, October 18, 2012 can practice on each other in small informal groups, or listen critically to themselves speak on tape. Another effective way of gaining confidence is to telephone a local live radio phone-in show with your opinion on a current event. Success at putting your views succinctly and clearly over the air waves will give your confidence a real boost! Prepare Above all you must prepare for the session. Much of the fear and apprehension can be considerably lessened by a thorough preparation of the material to be presented, and by organizing your ideas into note form. As Jack Valenti, speech writer for ex-USA President Lyndon Johnson said: "The most effective antidote to stage fright and other calamities of speechmaking is total monkish preparation". January 1992 8 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test Speaking in public is the best antidote to 'nerves'. Easier said than done? Yes, but students EFFECTIVE PRESENTATIONS Introduction Some of the fear experienced when we have to speak in public can be overcome by following the three Ps: Planning, Preparation, Practice. Time spent on these activities means that you are really thinking through the whole process - from what to say, to how to say it. Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 Being prepared is half the battle to overcoming anxiety. 1) Planning This involves setting your objectives; considering the purpose of your presentation and the message you are trying to get across to your audience. Know your audience: How many will you be speaking to? Why will they be there? What is their prior knowledge? What are their expectations? Brainstorm to get your ideas down on paper and then select and order the points you want to make. Consider the time you have been allotted and how much you can reasonably say in that time. Decide how you are going to structure your presentation. Basically you need an introduction, middle and a conclusion. (This is often referred to as, 'Tell them what you're going to tell them; tell them; then tell them again.') The first four minutes are the time when you are likely to have the attention of your audience, it is important to make an impact with your introduction. Make your notes: Unless you are reading a speech/paper, your notes should consist of key words and phrases. Just enough to jog your memory and remind you of points you want to make. You can use cue cards, mind maps or ordinary notes on paper depending on your preference, but make them stand out. 2) Preparation Prepare any visual aids you want to use. These can be transparencies for an overhead projector (OHP), slides, flip chart or black/white board. Make sure any equipment you need is available and that you are familiar with it. Check your venue and familiarize yourself with it if possible. 9 3) Practice Practice your presentation out loud, either on your own or in front of friends who will give you helpful feedback. Use a tape recorder so you can listen to yourself. This will identify: how much you vary the tone of your voice; any points you might want to emphasize; and the amount of enthusiasm you communicate. You could practice in front of a mirror to identify any mannerisms or gestures you might want to change. Not everyone advocates doing this, for the simple reason that you will be giving your talk to other people not to yourself. Practice smiling. By smiling you are conveying the message that you are pleased to be speaking to your audience. This makes them feel more Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test comfortable, which in turn affects how you relate to your audience. Thursday, October 18, 2012 10 10 Hints for Learning Vocabulary New vocabulary 1. When you come across a new word in reading, listening or seminar work don't rush straight for the dictionary: a) try to deduce its meaning from the context: keep a record of the whole sentence in which you encountered it Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 b) try to deduce its meaning from the structure of the word - it may contain familiar elements. c) try to find other sentences or phrases containing the same word: does its meaning change in different contexts? d) notice what part of speech it is, and how it behaves grammatically (see Grammar Hints) a range of sentences will help this. e) note the other words around it (some verbs take specific prepositions for example): can you read the word in isolation or does it have regular 'collocations'? f) note who is using the word and in what style or register of discourse (spoken, written, formal, informal, vocabulary pertaining to a particular age group or social context etc) g) check its pronunciation (using a dictionary, asking a native speaker, listening to it in use on a tape) and for longer words mark its stress point to remind you. You are more likely to remember something you have worked out for yourself 2. Use a dictionary to check meaning - always use a good dictionary, preferably monolingual. See Dictionary Skills help sheet 3. Compile lists of new words as follows: a) divide your page into two columns and either i) write the foreign language on one side, your mother tongue on the other or ii) write the new word on one and a definition in the same language on the other b) start a new sheet for each topic area e.g. have a sheet for vocabulary related to the environment, another for education etc . c) use color (highlight pens or colored biros): e.g. all feminine words in one color, masculine in another, verbs in another etc... - When you think of the word later, you will envisage its color and this will help you use it correctly. 11 4. Do not write down every new word you come across. Do you really need to know this word, or only to understand it at this moment? Limit yourself to 10 new words per text, which you will list with a view to learning because you feel they will be really useful. Learning vocabulary there are three things you must learn: 1. meaning 2. pronunciation 3. use Using lists cover up one column and work your way down testing yourself, first from the foreign language to the definition, and then reverse the process. Work with a friend to test each other if possible. Always read aloud. If you are unsure of the pronunciation of the word, check it in a good dictionary, which provides a phonemic transcription. 6. Write words out on pieces of paper/card and put the definition (translation or target language definition) on the reverse. Spread them out in front of you, choose one at a time, test yourself, and check on the reverse. OR: write the word on one card and the definition on another. Spread them out upside down and play memory games pairing them up. Each Thursday, October 18, 2012 5. time you're right, collect the card(s). Both of these are best played with a friend. Choose words from your list and write 3 different sentences in the target language using each word to illustrate its meaning. Make them humorous or silly if possible then read them aloud. You'll remember words better when you've used them in context or, preferably, a variety of contexts! 8. Try the Internet - there are vocabulary tests and other language learning tools to be found. See our Language Centre Links Pages for locations. 9. Choose yourself a 'word of the day' every day and think up as many ways of using it as possible. Try to use it with your conversation exchange partner, in class or in open access activities. 10. Repetition is the best way to remember - copy sentences containing the word, write your own out, tape yourself repeating words rhythmically e.g. write your own raps - then play the tape back (in the privacy of your own room!!). 12 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test 7. 10 Hints when Listening in a Foreign Language 1 - Listen to a video or audio cassette or streamed video/audio from the Internet whenever possible Although live viewing of satellite TV can be fun and helps to train your ear, for effective Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 language learning the use of recorded material presents 2 major advantages: You have a much greater choice of subject You can PAUSE and REWIND (it is surprising how many students forget this!) 2 - Think about the subject before you start. Make a list of words and phrases you expect to hear, and tick them off as they come up. 3 - Listen actively. Do not just let the language wash over you. Always have a pen and paper with you to note interesting vocabulary, language points etc. 4 - Take your notes in the target language. When listening to normal speech you do not have time to translate everything. Working only in the target language will train your brain to THINK in that language. 5 - Don't worry if you cannot understand everything. Concentrate instead on what you DO understand. 6 - The first time, listen to the whole item without stopping. This will give you a better understanding of the overall context before concentrating on the detail. 7 - For more work that is detailed concentrate on quite short sections e.g. a single news item. 8 - Use the PAUSE and REWIND buttons when using a cassette 9 - If a transcript is available, DO NOT look at it until the end of your activity. Your last step should be to listen again, reading the transcript simultaneously. You will normally understand the transcript more easily than the tape, and this exercise helps you link the written word to its spoken form. You should not however study the transcript as a written text. 10 - Try using a monolingual dictionary when checking vocabulary. Often a definition is more useful than a translation, especially for items which are difficult to translate directly, and it is good practice to work entirely in the target language. 13 Listening in a Foreign Language When you listen to authentic broadcast material it can be quite difficult to understand. You may not be accustomed to the specialist vocabulary and level of language. But you can train yourself to listen and through listening improve your language level. Listening material is on live satellite TV, video cassettes or audio cassettes. Increasingly, listening material is available over the Internet from the home pages of broadcasting companies. See the Language Centre Links Pages for some suggested sites. For some recorded material, transcripts are available which should be used late in the process. Live but it is less appropriate for training your listening skills than recorded material which can be replayed. At home, you could make your own recordings of radio programs (e.g. news bulletins). The following activities can, however, be adapted to single viewing of live TV. 1. Choose the listening material well Whether you are researching a particular topic or just listening out of interest or pleasure Thursday, October 18, 2012 TV is a good test of your skills and useful for a quick update on news or other information, 2. Predict the content before you start playing the material, based on catalogue entries, titles or TV listings; make a list of the topics or subject areas you expect to be covered. Make sure you know all these terms in the relevant language - use a dictionary if necessary. 3. Skim through the material Listen to it through once without pausing, ticking off the categories or specific items on your list as you hear that they are covered. At the end, from memory, add any extra areas covered which were not on your list, or any additional details you can remember from the first time. 4. Scan the material in more depth Pieces of material serve different purposes. Decide whether this piece presents information For and against an argument Putting forward a point of view Informing in documentary manner using evidence (historical, scientific etc.) 14 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test scan the catalogue lists of materials well to choose what to listen to. Recounting events As an interview with one person By interviewing a number of people Choose the appropriate worksheet by clicking on the relevant line. Listen again scanning just for the information you require completing your grid. Remember to summaries the points made on tape. 5. Work on the language Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 Listen once again and list topic-specific words and phrases which can be useful when you are speaking or writing about a related topic. Note also ways in which speakers: *persuade* *argue for* *argue against* *balance views* *link points* *cite evidence* *ask questions* *narrate* etc... Use the transcript where available and a dictionary as necessary. With your notes or the transcript in front of you PAUSE and repeat certain phrases to increase your spoken fluency and work on intonation. If you are using video material with subtitles, note some spoken phrases and the relevant subtitles to enable you to comment on the quality of the translation. 15 Ways to develop speaking skills Languages are all about communicating with people and most communication is through speech. Yet curiously, speaking is often the one skill which is neglected, both in the classroom and when working independently. There are however various ways that you can improve these skills. Face-to-Face Clearly the best way to improve your speaking is to talk with a native speaker of the language, and the presence of native speakers of a range of languages in the University conversation in the language you are learning. This will greatly improve your fluency, although this should not be at the expense of accuracy. Make sure your partner corrects your mistakes, or you could develop bad habits. See the Face-to-Face page for information about joining the scheme. Other ways to develop speaking skills Listen actively to authentic speech. Note in particular the little words and expressions that Thursday, October 18, 2012 presents an ideal opportunity to exchange conversation in your mother tongue with are used to link ideas, start sentences, give opinions, change the subject, etc. Try to think Repeat phrases or whole sentences, attempting to imitate exactly the pronunciation, intonation and the speed of the original. If possible, record yourself using the tape recorder or an interactive CD-ROM so you can compare and try again as necessary. When there is a transcript available mark the stresses, then after listening to the passage several times read the whole script aloud, again trying to mimic the original. Time yourself and compare this with the duration of the tape. Many course books include controlled drills or one-sided dialogues where you have to provide appropriate responses. HINTS: Do not be afraid to talk aloud, either to yourself or onto a tape. Many people feel self-conscious about this, but you must overcome your inhibitions. You will find everyone else is too involved in his or her own work to listen to you. 16 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test "how would I have said that?" and analyze any differences with the actual speech. Pronunciation "I understand OK but I'm embarrassed to speak because my pronunciation is so bad" Although it is important to work on your pronunciation in order to be understood, never be ashamed of your accent. Remember that a foreign accent is often considered to be quite attractive! You need to make sure that the basic sounds, especially vowels, are correctly pronounced. Beyond that, most problems of understanding are actually caused by poor intonation, fall of the voice. Which syllable is stressed in each word? Which words are stressed in the sentence? Your Face-to-Face partner can also help you with your pronunciation. Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 misplaced stress, etc. When listening and repeating, pay particular attention to the rise and 17 10 Hints when Reading in a Foreign Language Before reading 1 - Look at the title and introduction. What do you think the text is about ? Try to find a topic you are interested in. You are more likely to persevere with it. 2 - Make a list of any relevant vocabulary you can think of. First reading 3 - Read the text once without stopping - some of the meaning will become clearer as you Second reading 4 - Underline words and expressions you are not sure of. Don't look them up immediately. 5 - There should be one main idea per paragraph. Summarize each paragraph in one sentence. Vocabulary 6 - Don't look up every word! Thursday, October 18, 2012 read through it. 7 - First look at the CONTEXT. Do you NEED to know this word to understand the overall an adjective meaning good or bad) 8 - Can you guess the meaning? What part of speech is it? (Verb, noun etc.) If it's an adjective, what noun does it agree with? Is it similar to a word in your own language or another language you know? Can you recognize the origin or root of the word? 9 - Select a maximum of 10 words or expressions to look up in a good dictionary (use a monolingual dictionary to get a definition in the target language) Try to select vocabulary with a common theme. This will help you remember it. 10 - Instead of simply writing the translation, include the word in a sentence which demonstrates its use in this context (remember the same word may have several different meanings). 18 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test meaning? (Often a rough idea is enough e.g. a type of tree, a positive or negative emotion, Reading in a Foreign Language When you read an article in a magazine or newspaper it can be quite difficult to understand. You may not be accustomed to the specialist vocabulary and level of language. But you can train yourself to read authentic articles and improve your language level generally. HINT: if you stop and look up every word which you don't recognise, you will get frustrated and miss the point of the text. Use the dictionary SPARINGLY and follow Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 the stages below, you may need to use it less than you are expecting. 1. Choose the article well Whether you are researching a particular topic or just reading out of interest or pleasure, scan the index of the magazine, the headlines of the paper, or the chapter titles of the book carefully. If you are looking for passages on the Internet, think carefully about the key words you want to use as you search. From the available clues, choose an article or passage to read. 2. Predict the content Before you start reading, on the basis of the clues you already have, make a list of the topics or subject areas you expect to be covered. E.g.: you know from the magazine index that the subject is Environment and the title is "No clean air for our children". Your list might include traffic, fuel emissions, industry, health issues, ozone layer, energy resources etc. Make sure you know all these terms in the relevant language - use a dictionary if necessary. 3. Skim through the article Read the article through quickly, skimming over the lines looking for the words/phrases you have on your list. Tick them off and underline them in the article (if you have your own copy!!). Read more carefully the sentences and/or paragraphs in which your words/phrases appear to check to what extent you were right about the article's subject matter. 4. Scan the article in more depth Pieces of writing serve different purposes. Decide whether this one presents information For and against an argument Putting forward a point of view Informing in documentary manner using evidence (historical, scientific etc.) Recounting events As an interview with one person By interviewing a number of people 19 Choose the appropriate worksheet by clicking on the relevant line above. Read through the article scanning just for the information you require to complete your grid. Remember to summaries the points made in the article - USE YOUR OWN WORDS - DO NOT COPY INCLUDE ONLY INFORMATION IN THE ARTICLE, NOT YOUR OWN VIEWS. 5. Work on the language You should not have used the dictionary much by this stage. This is, however, a good moment to make a list of topic specific words and phrases which will come in useful when you are speaking or writing about a related topic. Write translations if you feel you need *persuades* *argues for* *argues against* *balances views* *links points* *cites evidence* *asks questions* *narrates* etc... You might be noting actual phrases or tenses used. These are particularly useful to you when you need to write in that language. 6. Write a letter to the editor This could be a real letter - send it to the relevant magazine. Or write it to include in your Thursday, October 18, 2012 them. Note also the ways in which the writer : reactions to it. Refer to the content (see your activity 4. grid), your expectations from activity 2. And your own personal views on the subject matter. 20 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test independent learning file. It should pick up on the article you have read and show your own Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 How to Write a Paragraph Steps for paragraph Writing Green Yellow Red 21 Steps for paragraph Writing Each paragraph in an essay should contain one idea or cover one aspect relevant to the main point. Follow these steps to build a paragraph of your own. Then look at the example following. It has been adapted from a journal article. Use P-O-W-E-R: You should do the P-plan, O-organize and W-write components; now you will finish with E-edit and R-revise. You will do this for every type of writing. Reread your work. Look for spelling, grammar, and content problems. Use your computer spell and grammar check but use your own wisdom also. Writing paragraphs is similar to writing lists. The headings you use for lists e.g. shopping Thursday, October 18, 2012 Introduction: Step 1 – Outline [P-plan and O-organize] When writing a paragraph, first write a plan that is called, an outline of the paragraph and it includes: • The topic A topic sentence gives the main idea of the paragraph • supporting information. Supporting sentences support the topic sentence (main idea) 22 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test list, going away on holiday list, could form the TOPIC SENTENCE of your paragraph. Example Topic – Using eggs in cooking Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 Supporting information – _ lightly boiled eggs _ Hard-boiled eggs _ Fried, poached and scrambled eggs _ Exotic touch, eggs used in sauces such as mayonnaise _ Added eggs for Lightness and substance Step 2 — Topic sentence Write a topic sentence. Example There are many different ways of using eggs in cooking. Step 3 — Supporting sentences [W-write] Next, write a supporting sentence for each point. Use facts or examples to support your points. Example They can be boiled lightly and eaten with toast. Hard-boiled eggs are good for picnics, sandwiches or use in salads. Fried, poached and scrambled eggs are commonly eaten at breakfast, while an omelet provides a light and nourishing meal 23 at any time. For an exotic touch, eggs can be curried or used in sauces such as mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce. To give lightness and substance, eggs are usually added to cakes and pastries. Step 4 — Concluding sentence Then write a concluding sentence to sum up. Concluding sentence/s sum up the paragraph and tell the reader that you have Example There are few foods that are as nourishing and versatile as eggs. Step 5 — Final paragraph Write the final paragraph. Notice how this paragraph has a topic sentence, Thursday, October 18, 2012 finished your discussion Example There are many different ways of using eggs in cooking. They can be boiled lightly and eaten with toast. Hard-boiled eggs are good for picnics, sandwiches or use in salads. Fried, poached and scrambled eggs are commonly eaten at breakfast, while an omelet provides a light and nourishing meal at any time. For an exotic touch, eggs can be curried or used in sauces such as mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce. To give lightness and substance, eggs are usually added to cakes and pastries. Few foods are as nourishing and versatile as eggs Now: [E-edit and R-revise] 24 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test supporting sentences and concluding sentence. Here is another example: Step 1 – Outline When writing a paragraph, first write an outline of the paragraph and include: • the topic Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 • supporting information. Example Topic – Effect of coercive leadership style Supporting information – effect on work climate – flexibility lessened – no initiative, little accountability – erodes pride, alienation Step 2 — Topic sentence Write a topic sentence. Example It is easy to understand why of all the leadership styles, the coercive one is the least effective in most situations. Step 3 — Supporting sentences Next, write a supporting sentence for each point. Use facts or examples to support your points. Example Consider what the style does to an organization’s climate. Flexibility is the hardest hit. The leader’s extreme top-down decision making kills new ideas on the vine. 25 People feel disrespected. Likewise, people’s sense of responsibility evaporates and they lose their sense of ownership and feel little accountability for their performance. The coercive style erodes pride in work well done and diminishes workers’ clarity and commitment, leaving them wondering if their jobs really matter in the scheme of things. Step 4 — Concluding sentence Example Clearly if the coercive style is relied on in a workplace to the exclusion of the other styles the long-term impact on morale and feelings will be ruinous. Step 5 — Final paragraph Thursday, October 18, 2012 Then write a concluding sentence to sum up. supporting sentences and concluding sentence. Example It is easy to understand why of all the leadership styles, the coercive one is the least effective in most situations. Consider what the style does to an organization’s climate. Flexibility is the hardest hit. The leader’s extreme top-down decision making kills new ideas on the vine. People feel disrespected. Likewise, people’s sense of responsibility evaporates and they lose their sense of ownership and feel little accountability for their performance. The coercive style erodes pride in work well done and diminishes workers’ clarity and commitment, leaving them wondering if their jobs really matter in the scheme of things. Clearly if the coercive style is relied on in a workplace to the exclusion of the other styles the long-term impact on morale and feelings will be ruinous. 26 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test Write the final paragraph. Notice how this paragraph has a topic sentence, Here is another example: TOPIC SENTENCE: 1. There are many different kinds of footwear. SUPPORTING SENTENCES: Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 2. Sporting footwear includes running spikes, climbing shoes and football, ice skating and diving boots to name but a few. 3. There is also footwear for differing types of weather e.g. galoshes, snowshoes and sandals. 4. In addition, fashion and culture have combined to influence footwear design, bringing us the platform sole, clogs, the stiletto heel and the moccasin. CONCLUDING SENTENCE: 5. Footwear has been designed to cater for all tastes and circumstances. Exercise: In each of the examples below, there is a topic sentence. write three supporting sentences in the blank spaces under each one and one concluding sentence. (1). TOPIC SENTENCE: 1. There are several things that irritate me about travelling on public transport. SUPPORTING SENTENCES: 2.……………………………………………………………………………………… 3.……………………………………………………………………………………… 4.……………………………………………………………………………………….. CONCLUDING SENTENCE: 5.……………………………………………………………………………………….. 27 (2). TOPIC SENTENCE: 1. London offers several places of interest to visit. SUPPORTING SENTENCES: 2.………………………………………………………………………………………. 3……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4.……………………………………………………………………………………….. CONCLUDING SENTENCE: 5.……………………………………………………………………………………… TOPIC SENTENCE: 1. There are several things to consider before getting a pet. SUPPORTING SENTENCES: 2.…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3.………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4.…………………………………………………………………………………………………. CONCLUDING SENTENCE: Thursday, October 18, 2012 (3). (4). TOPIC SENTENCE: 1. There are a number of ways to keep fit. SUPPORTING SENTENCES: 2. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4. ……………………………………………………………………………………… CONCLUDING SENTENCE: 5. ……………………………………………………………………………………… (5). TOPIC SENTENCE: 1. Come to the City Lit and choose from a huge variety of courses on offer. SUPPORTING SENTENCES: 28 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test 5. ………………………………………………..……………………………………………….. 2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… CONCLUDING SENTENCE: Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 5. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29 Tips: 1. A starting topic is usually broad, stimulating many ideas. 2. A limited topic is narrow, connecting a few selected ideas. 3. A topic sentence makes a statement about the limited topic. For example, study this progression: Starting topic: Football Limited topic: The role that football has played in my education Topic sentence: If it had not been for football, I might never have taken school seriously. Note: A topic sentence is always a complete sentence expressing an idea about the limited topic. It is not a title (What football means to me), or an explanation of the writer's plan (I am going to tell you about the role football played in my education.) The more clearly it focuses the reader's attention on the points covered by the paragraph that the writer wants to make, the better. 30 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test A paragraph is a sequence of sentences that cooperate in supporting one main point. Sometimes that point is so obvious that it does not need to be stated, but often a paragraph begins with a topic sentence that states the main point directly. Before you can write a topic sentence, you must decide what you want to say and what you do not want to say in your paragraph. In other words, you must first explore your starting topic and then select your limited topic. The next step is to make a statement about the limited topic. Keep these points in mind: Thursday, October 18, 2012 Writing Topic Sentences for Paragraphs Writing Techniques Writing is an important form of communication. Good writers use different writing techniques to fit their purpose for writing. To be a good writer, you must master each of the following writing techniques. Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 1. Description Through description, a writer helps the reader use the senses of feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling, and tasting to experience what the writer experiences. Description helps the reader more clearly understand the people, places, and things about which the writer is writing. It is the most common form of writing. You will find descriptive writing in newspapers, magazines, books, and most other forms of written communication. 2. Exposition Through exposition, a writer informs, explains, and clarifies his/her ideas and thoughts. Exposition goes beyond description to help the reader understand with greater clarity and depth the ideas and thoughts of the writer. Expository writing, like descriptive writing, is commonly found in newspapers, magazines, books, and most other forms of written communication. 3. Narration Through narration, a writer tells a story. A story has characters, a setting, a time, a problem, attempts at solving the problem, and a solution to the problem. Bedtime stories are examples of short stories while novels are examples of long stories. The scripts written for movies and plays are further examples of narrative writing. 4. Persuasion Through persuasion, a writer tries to change a reader's point of view on a topic, subject, or position. The writer presents facts and opinions to get the reader to understand why something is right, wrong, or in between. Editorials, letters to the editor in newspapers and magazines, and the text for a political speech are examples of persuasive writing. 31 5. Comparison and Contrast Through comparison and contrast, a writer points out the similarities and differences about a topic. Comparison is used to show what is alike or in common. Contrast is used to show what is not alike or not in common. Describing living conditions in 1900 and living conditions today would allow for much comparison and contrast. By using the writing technique that fits your purpose, you will be able to communicate your A Very Important Tip: “The impulse to write is almost always fired by reading" Thursday, October 18, 2012 ideas effectively. Critical reading can help you become a more creative writer. Reading another writer's work can teach us other ways of thinking about the world, and other ways of writing. Using examples from well-known fiction and discovering many different approaches to using literature as raw material for your own writing can make you a successful writer. A Very Important Tip: A good paragraph has the following characteristics: 1. It has a clear topic sentence. 2. The idea presented in the topic sentence is well developed. 3. All the sentences in a paragraph contribute to the development of the idea presented in the topic sentence, i.e., it has unity. 4. All the sentences in a paragraph are somehow related to one another, i.e., it has coherence. 5. It usually has a concluding statement. 32 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test Susan Sontag How do I write a paragraph? How can I begin? It is important to know how to write a paragraph. There are certain rules you should follow in order to write a paragraph and to know how to write term papers. Your first sentence should be a topic sentence and should contain the topic and an opinion on the topic. It should strictly not contain any supporting ideas which MUST feature in the next sentence. You should write at least three sentences supporting your ideas, with facts, reasons, Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 examples, statistics, comparison, or an anecdote. Last, you should have a concluding sentence which reasserts your opinion, but does not have the same wording. Going by these helpful rules will lead to good paragraph writing. There are also four stages in which we have categorized paragraph writing so as to make it a lot easier for you to learn the art. The four stages are: 1. Prewriting Paragraphs 2. Writing Paragraphs 3. Editing Paragraphs 4. Publishing Paragraphs 1. What is the prewriting stage? The prewriting stage is when you think carefully and organize your ideas for your paragraph before you begin writing. Six Prewriting Steps: 1. Think carefully about what you are going to write: Ask yourself: What question am I going to answer in this paragraph? How can I best answer this question? What is the most important part of my answer? How can I make an introductory sentence from the most important part of my answer? What facts or ideas can I use to support my introductory sentence? How can I make this paragraph interesting? Do I need more facts on this topic? Where can I find more facts on this topic? 33 2. Open your notebook: Write out your answers to the above questions. You do not need to spend a lot of time doing this. Just write enough to help you remember why and how you are going to write your paragraph. 3. Collect facts related to your paragraph topic: Look for and write down facts that will help you to answer your question. 4. Write down your own ideas: 5. Find the main idea of your paragraph: Choose the decide which most point important is the point most you are important, going just to present. choose one If point you and cannot stick to it throughout your paragraph. 6. Organize your facts and ideas in a way that develops your main idea: Once you have chosen the most important point of your paragraph, you must find the best way to tell your reader about it. Look at the facts you have written. Look at your own ideas on the topic. Decide which facts and ideas will best support the main idea of your paragraph. Once you have chosen the facts and ideas you plan to use, ask yourself which order to put them in the paragraph. Write down your own note set that you can use to guide yourself as you write your paragraph. 2. What is the writing stage? The writing stage is when you turn your ideas into sentences. Five Writing Steps: 1. Open your notebook and word processor. 2. Write the topic sentence, supporting sentences and closing sentence. 3. Write clear and simple sentences to express your meaning. 34 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test in this topic? Why is this topic important? Thursday, October 18, 2012 Ask yourself: What else do I want to say about this topic? Why should people be interested 4. Focus on the main idea of your paragraph. 5. Use the dictionary to help you find additional words to express your ideas. 3. What is the editing stage? The editing stage is when you check your paragraph for mistakes and correct them. Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 Grammar and Spelling 1. Check your spelling. 2. Check your grammar. 3. Read your assignment again. 4. Make sure each sentence has a subject. 5. See if your subjects and verbs agree with each other. 6. Check the verb tenses of each sentence. 7. Make sure that each sentence makes sense. Style and Organization 1. Make sure your paragraph has a topic sentence. 2. Make sure your supporting sentences focus on the main idea. 3. Make sure you have a closing sentence. 4. Check that all your sentences focus on the main idea. 5. See if your paragraph is interesting. 4. What is the publishing stage? The publishing stage is when you produce a final copy of your assignment to hand in. The three most vital publishing steps are: 1. Make a paper copy of your paragraph. 2. Show your work to your teacher, tutor or parents. 3. Ask them for hints on how to improve your writing 35 Writing in a Foreign Language: Suggested development activities Your long-term aim should be to write in the target language in a way that doesn't make a native speaker smile (or wince). This aim can be achieved, by developing both grammatical accuracy and style. To improve your speaking skills you need to listen and imitate. To improve your writing skills you need to read and imitate. Good, modern bilingual dictionaries (e.g., for French, the Collins-Robert or the Oxford Hachette) give useful guidance on writing, in their centre-pages. But it is far more fun and, feeling for usage. Choose a newspaper/journal article, which interests you, and try the following activities. 1. Acquiring forms of expression Start by underlining useful phrases by function e.g.: introducing a concept/argument linking paragraphs/ideas contrasting one idea/argument with another proposing an alternative disagreeing with or correcting a previous statement being persuasive Build up your own database of these phrases and use them when writing yourself. Remember to continue adding to your lists and to vary usage when writing essays, reports or presentations. Whenever you do use a phrase from your lists, put a tick beside it so you can keep a running record. 2. Avoiding repetition Choose a key concept or word in an article and find out how many different words or expressions are used to convey the same essential meaning but avoiding excess repetition. Repeat this exercise listing the alternatives each time. You could use colored pens to underline the various groups of equivalent words. Note how sometimes an alternative single word is used, sometimes a totally different part of speech and sometimes a phrase. 36 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test way you see how language is used in a real context. You can compare styles and develop a Thursday, October 18, 2012 ultimately, more useful, to develop your own style by reading authentic materials. In this Apply these same principles when writing yourself, by using a monolingual dictionary or creating phrases in a similar way. Keep records of synonyms and other phrases you have developed for yourself. 3. Learning to summaries Select 3 or 4 paragraphs and write: a) a title of no more than 3 words for each one When planning your own writing, you could work from a series of 'titles' to develop the Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 content of each paragraph. Or when rereading your work, try to write a title for each paragraph. If you find it difficult it could be because the content is not defined clearly enough. b) a single sentence to summarize the content of each one When writing conclusions and referring to or summarizing points you have already made, this skill is a useful one to acquire. 4. Developing a sense of style a) Think about the whole article and decide who its intended readership is. Is it directed at a particular intellectual level, subject interest group, professional interest group or even gender group? b) How does the writer ensure that the reader remains interested in the subject matter? c) How much background information is provided for the uninitiated? d) What range of technical or subject specific vocabulary is used? e) How simple and straightforward is the sentence structure? Or alternatively, how complex is it incorporating additional relative and subordinate clauses? What effect does such a choice create? f) What tenses are used and what effect do they have? Note particularly which past tenses are used and why. When quoting, note the use of direct or indirect speech and why. Applying the principles you have deduced in this way, write 3 versions of a film review after viewing a video: i) Directed at an 8-year old child ii) As if in a letter to a friend iii) As if for a newspaper/TV listings magazine 37 Show all three to a friend or to your Face-to-Face partner and ask them to identify the intended readership and then how they came to that conclusion. Note their comments and how you can develop your sense of style further as a result. Keep copies of any articles used and of your notes and conclusions in your independent learning file. Remember to consult them whenever you are writing Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test Thursday, October 18, 2012 essays, reports, presentations, letters etc 38 Understanding Paragraph Organization Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 Pay attention to the meanings of the following words. Word coherence component consequence contribute convince demonstrate diary illustrate opinion possess quality scramble sequence significance smooth succeed tie unity utilize vice-versa Meanings sticking together part what is brought about as the result have a share in make someone feel certain show clearly by giving proofs or examples daily record of events, thoughts, etc. explain by examples, pictures, etc. belief; view have; own degree of goodness mix confusedly order of events, thoughts, etc. importance flowing easily come next after and take the place of fasten arrangement of parts to form a whole make use of; find a use for the other way round 39 Passage 1: Reading and Writing Reading is one of the most important skills in college education. In fact, a considerable part of our knowledge is obtained through reading. There is a close relationship between reading and writing. Therefore, understanding the rules and regulations of the written language will help one to read more quickly, more economically, and more efficiently. For example, a language student who is familiar with the components of the language that he learns and the principles upon which that language operates will be a more effective learner than the one who is not familiar with those components. Similarly, a reader who is familiar with the know the structure of the written language. Because of the significance of the structure of a text, then, this unit focuses on the different methods of organizing ideas in the written text. In a text, words are arranged into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, and paragraphs into longer texts. However, in most cases, university students are required to read texts longer than a single sentence and even longer than paragraphs. No matter how long a given text is, it is composed of one or a certain number of Therefore, understanding paragraph organization— the ways in which sentences are put together in a paragraph—is considered an important factor in understanding a text. Moreover, mastering the techniques used for paragraph organization and the development of ideas in a paragraph will serve as a useful tool to improve your efficiency in reading texts. 40 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test paragraphs. Thursday, October 18, 2012 structure of the written language will be a more efficient reader than the one who does not Passage 2: The Structure of a Paragraph A paragraph is a unit of thought. It may consist of one sentence or a group of sentences dealing with a single idea. A paragraph usually starts with a topic sentence which is the statement of the central idea of that paragraph.. The topic sentence is the essence of the information in a paragraph. It is usually a generalization developed through a number of sentences providing specific ideas. These sentences—representing reasons, examples, Thursday, October 18, 2012 It should be mentioned that putting correct sentences together does not necessarily make a Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language arguments, etc. — are to support the topic sentence. The second characteristic of a good paragraph is unity. Unity means that all the sentences good paragraph. For a paragraph to read smoothly, it should have certain qualities. These qualities are coherence and unity. The first characteristic of a good paragraph is coherence. A paragraph is coherent when the sentences in the paragraph hold together. Each sentence is in some way tied to the preceding and the succeeding sentences. In fact, the sentences are so carefully arranged that if they were scrambled, they could be reorganized into their original forms. in the paragraph serve to develop the topic sentence. In other words, every sentence should contribute to the development of the central idea included in the topic sentence. Consider the following paragraph: There are three reasons why Reza is not going to university. In the first place, his family is quite poor, and, since he has four young brothers and sisters still at school, he feels that he should help his family financially’. Secondly, if he went to university, his mother would be left alone to look after the young children. Of course, this would make it difficult for his mother to take care of the young brothers and sisters. Finally, he has been offered a good job with excellent chances of promotion2 which would help his family to live comfortably in future. Consequently, although he wants to go to university very much, Reza is going to take the job instead. In this paragraph, the topic sentence is “There are three reasons why Reza is not going to university.” This means that the whole paragraph should focus on the development of the idea presented in this sentence. In addition, there should not be any sentence which does not contribute to the development of this idea. As stated in the topic sentence, the 41 paragraph presents three reasons for Reza’s not going to university. Through these reasons, the idea is developed fairly convincingly. Thus, the paragraph has unity. Furthermore, words and expressions such as “in the first place’, second’, “thin!’, and ‘finally” are the elements which tie sentences together. Such words and expressions, which help the writer to achieve paragraph coherence, are called “transitional words and expressions”. In fact, coherence is achieved in this paragraph through the use of transitional words and expressions. Finally, the last sentence, starting with “consequently”, states a conclusion about the paragraph. The concluding statement is often based on the significant pieces of information presented in the paragraph. 1. It has a clear topic sentence. 2. The idea presented in the topic sentence is well developed. 3. All the sentences in a paragraph contribute to the development of the idea presented in the topic sentence, i.e., it has unity. 4. All the sentences in a paragraph are somehow related to one another, i.e., it has coherence. Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test 5. It usually has a concluding statement. Thursday, October 18, 2012 It can be concluded that a good paragraph has the following characteristics: 42 Passage 3: Logical Methods of Organization There are different methods of organizing ideas in a paragraph. Through using these methods, one may develop coherent and unified paragraphs. These methods are called logical methods of organization. Every method of organization has its own devices. The following sample paragraphs are to illustrate some frequently-used methods of organizing Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 ideas in a paragraph. Narrative One of the frequently-used methods of organizing ideas in a paragraph is to order the ideas according to the time they occur. Consider the following paragraph: A few years ago, I joined seven other boys on a trip to some caves. We hiked for several hours to the site of the caves. It became dark, and we were frightened: furthermore, we felt hungry. First e built a fire and roasted some chickens over the fire. They tasted very good with our hot tea. After the meal, we sat around the fire and told stories. Then we moved our equipment into one of the caves. Finally we unrolled1 our sleeping bags and crawled into them. We felt warm and safe there. This paragraph tells a story or narrates a visit to some caves. Notice that the events are organized in accordance with the time they occurred. This kind of organization, sequencing the events according to time, is called chronological order. It allows the reader to follow the events in the order they occur. Chronological order is a common technique in writing. Students have a lot of opportunities to read passages in which certain events are narrated. For example, narration is found in diaries, journals, newspaper reports, history texts, biographies, and autobiographies. Therefore, readers should try to master the elements of this method of organization in order to read such passages efficiently. One of the elements of a narrative paragraph is that there is little or no mention of detailed information. Readers should not spend much time on trying to figure out the details. Rather, they should pay attention to what happened and when. 43 Another element of a narrative paragraph is that there are certain transitional words and expressions. As mentioned before, these words and expressions are used to sequence the events and thus establish paragraph coherence. The words such as “first”, “second”, “then” and “after” used in the sample paragraph are to sequence the events in the order they happened. The most common words and expressions used to establish the chronological order of the events in narrative paragraphs are as follows: Now, former, latter, prior to, Now a days, formerly, previously, When, while, as at the turn of (century, decade, etc.), before, after first, second, etc., in (year) subsequently Passage 4: Description As mentioned before, there are different methods of organizing ideas in a paragraph. One such method is chronological order in which the events are arranged according to the time they occur. Another commonly - used method of organizing ideas in a paragraph is Thursday, October 18, 2012 at last, in conclusion, finally, since at the same time, Later, earlier next, then, a scene. Consider the following paragraph: The twentieth - century people are very restless. They never really relax. They do everything quickly. They walk rapidly and talk quickly and eat hastily. They work hard and they play vigorously. Time is very important for the 20th-century people. They always look at clocks or watches and are never unaware of the time or date. Rest is a great luxury4 in the modern world. This is a descriptive paragraph which emphasizes the characteristics of common people living in the 20th-century. The topic sentence, i.e., the first sentence, clearly states that a 20th-century man is a “restless person”. This idea is developed through sentences following the topic sentence. Every sentence emphasizes the idea of “restlessness” by employing words such as quickly, hastily, and vigorously, all of which contribute to the development of the main idea of the paragraph, i.e., “restlessness”. Furthermore, attention should be paid to the frequent repetition of the word “they”. “They” refers to the 20th-century people. This pronoun is repeated several times in order to keep the sentences in the paragraph 44 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test description. Through description, the writers try to describe a person, an object, a place, or interrelated. As discussed before, one way to achieve coherence is through the use of transitional words and expressions. Another way, however, is the repetition of the previously mentioned words in the paragraph. Thus, repetition is a helpful device for the purpose of achieving paragraph coherence, especially in descriptive paragraphs. Unlike the narrative paragraphs in which details are not emphasized, descriptive paragraphs focus on details. Reading descriptive paragraphs, then, one should pay attention to the organization of detailed information utilized to describe a scene, a person, an object, or any other concept. In addition, one should focus on the use of words influencing senses) in such Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 paragraphs. The adjectives, nouns, adverbs, and verbs which influence our senses, are often used in descriptions to impress the readers. Passage 5: Illustration So far, two methods of organizing ideas in a paragraph have been discussed. Another method of organizing ideas in a paragraph is called ‘illustration’. Illustration refers to the explanation given through examples and pictures. Thus, one would expect to find explanations and exemplifications in such paragraphs. Consider the following paragraph: An educated man is a tolerant1 man. He respects the opinions of his friends. For example, Dr. Irani likes old things. He likes old paintings. He enjoys old hooks. He owns old furniture. Some people, on the other hand, do not like old things. They do not like old paintings; they do not enjoy old hooks. They like modern furniture. Dr. Irani never criticizes them. He respects people’s ideas. He understands human nature. In this paragraph, the first sentence, i.e., the topic sentence is a clear statement of an idea. This idea is explained in the second sentence. Succeeding sentences illustrate the idea through examples. This sequence of statement, explanation, and examples is the structure of a paragraph which is developed through illustration. This method of organizing ideas is used when the writer wants to argue a point and convince others to agree with him. In order to read such paragraphs efficiently, one should pay attention to the organization of the ideas. If it follows the order of statement, explanation, and example, the paragraph is most likely the one in which illustration is used. Thus, in reading paragraphs developed 45 through illustration, the reader should look for the point of argument and the way it is carried on. Furthermore, as in descriptive paragraphs, coherence is achieved through the repetition of previously-mentioned nouns rather than the use of transitional words and expressions. In illustration the frequent use of pronouns is a common technique to achieve coherence. _Read the following paragraph and answer the questions. The sentences are numbered for easy reference. (1) Every line in a drawing is significant. (2) Each one contributes to the work of the artist. dominate2 drawings of urban3 life with tall buildings. (5) What is the reason? (6) Can you guess? (7) City buildings are often simple, cold, and functional4. (8) Space is not at all plentiful. (9) Every part of space is important. (10) Architects plan urban buildings efficiently and economically. (11) Thus, straight lines reflect this rigidity and need for economy. 1. Which sentence a. is the concluding statement? b. is the topic sentence? Thursday, October 18, 2012 (3) For example, straight lines suggest rigidity1 and economy. (4) These straight lines 2. Underline the pronouns which are elements of coherence. 3. Which sentences provide examples? Passage 6: Cause-effect Chronological order, description, and illustration are three methods of organizing ideas in a paragraph. Of course, there are some other methods. Another method which is probably the most frequently-used method of organizing ideas in a paragraph is cause-effect method. This method of organization is very useful for college students because it is often used at college level texts. Consider the following paragraph: Eight out of ten students who go to English speaking countries succeed because of their hard work. In spite of their eagerness, they know very little English or ho to go about learning it. Student life is difficult. Such students have few friends and few social opportunities. Neither their parents nor their relatives protect them from loneliness. Many of these students suffer1 from homesickness2 46 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test c. provides an explanation? consequently, loneliness3 is a more serious difficulty than the language problem. Regardless of these difficulties, foreign students try to succeed in their studies through hard work. This paragraph presents a cause - hard work - and an effect - success. In such paragraphs the topic sentence sets the “cause” and its “effect”. The succeeding sentences attempt to explain the cause and its effect. Understanding cause-effect method of organization will help the reader to identify “the Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 what”, “the why” and sometimes ‘the how” of a cause—effect relationship. In such paragraphs, the reader should pay attention to the relationship among sentences to determine the cause and its effect. When the cause and its effect are identified, one will easily follow the writer’s line of argument through the paragraph. Otherwise, it may take a long time to understand such paragraphs. Notice that the relationship among the sentences is established through the use of words such as “because”, “therefore”, “consequently”, and “as a result”. Some other words and expressions used to achieve coherence in cause-effect paragraphs are as follows: So for this reason Therefore have an effect on Thus Accordingly Hence in conclusion Since consequently Thus If due to unless Passage 7: Classification As mentioned before, a paragraph consists of one or more sentences in order to develop an idea. The idea in the paragraph may focus on a subject. When the subject is too large to be developed, it would be helpful to divide [he subject into its components. In order to divide a subject into certain categories, a logical method should be used. The method through which a subject is classified into its components is called classification. Classification can be carried out in different ways. For example, the parts can be classified according to their similarities, differences, size, color, or some other characteristics. It should be kept in mind, however, 47 that classification must have clear bases such as the ones mentioned above. Furthermore, when a subject is classified, there should be at least two categories of that subject. Otherwise, classification cannot be used. Consider the following paragraph: People often misunderstand sportsmen. They are not a separate race of people. They rarely live alone. They do not withdraw3 from civilization. Sportsmen generally have good marriages, healthy children, and happy homes. They do have certain qualities, however. First. they have active and well-trained bodies. Second, they are physically strong. And third, they love sports. normal human beings by showing the common characteristics they share with ordinary people. The second part, however, enumerates distinctive characteristics which separate sportsmen from other people. Thus, sportsmen are classified first as normal human beings and second as sportsmen. Reading paragraphs of classification, the reader should pay attention to the logical order through which certain characteristics are classified. Understanding the structure of classification technique is helpful in reading effectively. It is also helpful for taking notes from materials one reads or listens to. That is, it will enable the reader or the Thursday, October 18, 2012 This paragraph is an example of classification. The first part classifies sportsmen as expressions such as “first’, “second”, etc. are used to show the order in which the ideas are explained. Furthermore, they serve to achieve coherence. Some of the transitional words and expressions used in classification are as follows: First Major kinds of Significant Second classify, Categorize third divisions types main kinds of Fundamental Important clearly distinguishable Divide Groups primary secondary according to Passage 8: Comparison and Contrast So far, several methods of organizing ideas have been presented. Another major method of organizing ideas in a paragraph is called comparison and contrast. In fact, comparison and contrast are really two methods, but they are so closely related that they are usually 48 Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test listener to get the main points of the text. Notice that the transitional words and considered together as one. Comparison is a statement of likenesses and similarities, while contrast deals with differences and dissimilarities. Consider the following paragraph: All social animals need some method of communication to exchange information. Human beings communicate in many ways. One of these ways is the gesture. Men communicate approval by clapping their hands, by smiling, or by laughing. They communicate disapproval by holding the nose with the fingers. And they Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 indicate direction by pointing towards a point. Similarly, lower forms of life also use different methods of communication. Bees, like human beings, live in orderly communities. They communicate location of food by carrying odor samples back to the hive. They communicate the distance and direction of the food by dancing. However, the major difference in the communication systems of man and other animals is the word. Only man can combine sounds into words and words into sentences. That is, man alone can communicate complex ideas. Thus, social communities of higher and lower animals depend upon communication. Nevertheless, only the human community has verbal language. This paragraph shows similarities and differences between higher and lower forms of animals regarding communication. The similarities include having a form of communication, and the differences include the use of word by human beings but not by lower forms of animals. This kind of paragraph illustrates similarities and differences between two or more people, objects, concepts, or groups of peoples, objects, and concepts. If contrast and comparison are used in a single paragraph, it should not mean that these two methods of organizing ideas are always used together. They can be used independently. However, the transitional words and expressions used to show the relationship among the sentences are clues to indicate the type of the method of organization. For example, notice the words “similarly’ and “however” in the paragraph. The first indicates the similarity, and the second shows the difference. Some of the words and expressions used to achieve coherence in paragraphs of comparison are as follows: 49 Similar to correspondingly in the same way at the same rate as Like the same as alike resemble likewise in comparison to have in common follows: still Unlike more/less than differ from nevertheless in contrast dissimilar however while in opposition although otherwise at a different rate from on the contrary on the other hand Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test Different from Thursday, October 18, 2012 The words and expressions used to achieve coherence in paragraphs of contrast are as 50 Passage 9: Composites In this unit, several methods of organizing ideas in paragraphs have been introduced. Familiarity with these methods of paragraph organization will help readers to comprehend what they read easily. However, it should be kept in mind that paragraphs are not written in order to use a certain pattern of organization. They are, nevertheless written in order to convey ideas. To transmit ideas and to communicate effectively, these methods of Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 organization serve as devices to facilitate the task. Therefore, in most cases, several methods of organization are employed in the same paragraph to convey a message. Such a paragraph, in which more than one method of organization is used, is called a “composite paragraph”. In reading composite paragraphs, the reader should concentrate on the different methods of organization utilized in those paragraphs. He should also notice the transitional words and expressions which show the shift from one method of organization to the other. Most college texts include paragraphs in which more than one method of organization is used. In fact, readers should master the different methods of organization in order to be able to read composite paragraphs efficiently. Consider the following passage as an example: The science of high-frequency sound, called Ultrasonics, is one of the newest and most exciting techniques of the space age. The prefix ‘ultra’ means “beyond”; and “sonic” means “sound”. So, the word means “beyond the range of hearing”. Ultrasonics is the process that enables the navy to detect submarines, and fishermen to detect schools of fish. Ultrasonics can be used in many branches of science. Penetrating flesh and bone harmlessly, ultrasonic waves are a subject of research the findings of which have contributed to medical science in several ways. The ultrasonic process enables physicians and psychiatrists to make quick diagnosis. In contrast to the ten minutes that the X-ray process demands, the ultrasonic process sends out echo patterns that can be read within ten seconds. Unlike X-rays, the ultrasonic process is not dangerous, and, therefore, it can be administered to a patient repeatedly. Doctors use ultrasonic devices to detect fatal heartbeats, to sterilize instruments, to clean teeth, and to detect blood clots. Similarly, Ultrasonics contributes significantly to industrial technology. Cleaning processes, vegetable and fruit cultivation, milk homogenization, 1 mechanical dishwashers, burglar - alarm system, and air purifiers have been revolutionized by this new science. Within a very short time Ultrasonics will be as essential to human life as the telephone is today. This passage starts with a definition and proceeds to show the present and future of Ultrasonics. There are many examples of the use of Ultrasonics. There is also a discussion of differences between Ultrasonics and the X-ray. Furthermore, similarities between the uses of Ultrasonics in medicine and in industrial technology are mentioned. In short, in this passage illustration, contrast, and comparison methods of As mentioned before, composite paragraphs are very frequent in college textbooks. Therefore, one should focus on the patterns of organization used in the paragraph or the passage one reads. One should also pay attention to the transitional words and expressions in order to figure out which method of organization is used. Of course, not all methods of organizing ideas in a paragraph are mentioned here in this unit. However, the methods presented are among the most frequently-used methods. In short, understanding the methods of paragraph organization will help readers to read Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test more quickly, more effectively, and with a higher degree of comprehension. Thursday, October 18, 2012 organizing ideas have been used. 2 Watching films on video CORE ACTIVITY Individual/group viewing When you watch a film, on a sheet of paper write the following information (in the foreign language of course). You may need to use a dictionary or other reference materials. Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 If the film is subtitled include comments on the 'translation'. 1. Note the name of the film, name of the director, principal stars, date made. 2. Classify it (thriller, comedy, romantic, historical, science fiction etc.). 3. Write a summary of the plot/situation/scenario. 4. Write a review of this film. plot acting script pace cinematography music special effects target audience other aspects you can think of ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES 1. Discuss the film with friends and/or your Face-to-Face partner (in the foreign language of course) exchanging views on it 2. Make notes of other people's opinions and contrast them to your own 3. Use a tape-recorder and microphone or video camera to interview each other about the film 4. Record yourself on a tape recorder doing a film review as if for the radio (in the relevant language, of course). 5. Watch and/or listen to any (video)tapes you have made as a result of 3. Or 4. Above. Use this to evaluate your own communication skills. You and your friends can comment on each others' performances if you are comfortable doing so. You may find the Communication Skills Analysis Grid useful for this process. Your Face-to-Face partner (where relevant) can 3 also help provide feedback to you. Use all comments constructively to improve your spoken skills. Notes, written reviews and recordings should be kept in your independent Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test Thursday, October 18, 2012 language learning file. 4 TV/Radio News: (Suggested Activities) The following is a suggested schedule to assist you in getting the most out of watching or listening to the news from the internet or using a current news video from the Language Centre. For information about internet delivered audio and video look at the Links pages for the language you are studying. Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 Before viewing Make a note of what stories you expect to find included in this bulletin. Think about what you know is going on in that country at the moment or of the major international stories you would expect to see covered. When you watch/listen to the news you can check how far you were right. Make sure you make a note of the date this bulletin was broadcast and the channel. Viewing 1. Initially just watch/listen to the headlines. They tend to go very fast and be difficult to grasp. Stop and rewind at the end of the headlines and listen to them several times before moving on to the main news stories. Use the Grid: complete it vertically, filling in one or two columns for each time of viewing. Work on the headlines first and then on the full stories to complete the final columns. i.e. watching news headlines only: fill in Type and Who column for each story, repeat for Where and When etc. What, Why, How and Comments will need further viewing including the main stories. Type Politics International Who Chancellor Schröder Where Moscow French students Paris When yesterday at weekend What visit to .... demonstrations about.... You will find that you understand the material better by following this process of scanning for particular information each time rather than trying to understand it all at once. 5 2. Then choose one of the headlines which has caught your imagination and speculate as to the content of the full report. Write notes (in the foreign language of course). 3. Watch the rest of the bulletin rewinding as necessary to understand each story better. Concentrate particularly on the story you chose at 2. and note as much information as you can. After viewing 1. Re-write your chosen story as if for a newspaper/magazine, including a headline. Take into account the type of newspaper you are writing for, target readership etc. correspondents, interviewers etc.. Comparing them to news presentation in your own language/country. 3. Write your own script for your chosen story. With friend/friends, borrow a video camera or a tape recorder and record yourselves acting as newscasters. If your course requires you to produce evidence of independent learning, the video/audio cassette could be included Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test with your dossier. Thursday, October 18, 2012 2. Make some general comments about the news presentation by the anchor person, 6 Payampersa Professional Vocabulary Activator Software "Payampersa Professional Vocabulary Activator Software has been designed for only Payampersa English Language students and teachers to learn more than 70,000 fundamental academic words. It helps students and teachers to add, organize, review, and activate their vocabulary power in a very short time. It is a learning software for English vocabulary, through many learning methods, including Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 test and game, the hard memorization will be much easier and more efficient, especially lots of fun. If you are preparing for some English examinations, such as, TOEFL, GMAT, GRE or SAT, or if you are just mad about vocabulary learning like me, Payampersa Professional Vocabulary Activator is right for you, or if you just want to improve your vocabulary in a charming way, Payampersa Professional Vocabulary Activator is also very useful. (Contact Us) Vocabulary Activation Rate (VAR) Vocabulary Activation Rate (VAR) is a computer based mark given to students who activate their vocabulary through this productive software. Nowadays Many students compete to increase their vocabulary Activation Rate in a short time. Some students now have Vocabulary Activation Rates more than 7600000 VAR. A runaway success Payampersa teaches Headway because it is the world’s most successful English course, used today in over 127 countries. But when it was first published, classrooms were very different. The world of ELT had accepted the ‘communicative approach’ and grammar had become a dirty word. Skills work had to be truly ‘authentic’, which meant that even at beginner level, listening texts were of actual native speakers chatting in bars, trains, or restaurants, with distracting background noise. Students were not expected to worry about understanding everything and 7 were supposed to be happy with just understanding one or two words. Yes, it was ?‘authentic’, but was it the best way to learn English Headway took an alternative view and gave us a different approach to teaching English. نرم افزار ياگيری واژگان شما را دعوت به فراگيري واژگان زبان انگليسی از طري ق این نرم افزار مي كنيم .هم اكنون تعداد زيادي از ن عالقه مند ،مشتاقانه منتظرند تا واژگان زبان انگليسی را به بهترین شيوه ،با جذابيت خاص و با سرعت دانشجويا ِ زياد فرا گيرند .اگر شما نيز مایليد به بهترین شكل ممكن لغات انگليسي را در مكالمه هاي خود به كار ببريد ،لحظه اي درنگ نكنيد و به ما ملحق شويد. Thursday, October 18, 2012 این نرم افزار سرگرم کننده می تواند شما را مثل یک ( )Native Speakerنابغه در صحبت كردن نشان دهد و حتی انگيزه شما را در صحبت كردن به زبان انگليسی صد برابر کند و از طرفی شما را روی صندلی های خود ميخ کوب کند به طو ری که با انگيزه و اشتياق زیاد زودتر به کالسهاي زبان انگليسی بياید و دیرتر از کالس خارج شويد. هنگامی که این نرم افزار اجرا می شود تا زمانی که اجرای آن به پایان می رسد در حقيقت می تواند بهترین دوست و همکار قدرتمند شما باشد و شاید همين مسئله باعث شود تا شما با اشتياق و حوصله فراوان واژگان خود را به تنهایی با آخرین روشهای آموزش زبان انگليسی فرا بگيريد. برای این کار الزم نيست که مهندس نرم افزار کامپيوتر باشيد این نرم افزار آنقدر راحت و آسان است که ميتوانيد در مدت زمان یک یا دو ساعت یک سخنراني و يا مكالمه حرفه ای را طراحی کنيد و با لغتهاي خود تاثير Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test شگرفي بر شنوندگان بگذارید . اهميت استفاده از نرم افزار ياگيري واژگان زبان انگليسی Payampersa Professional Vocabulary Activator Software ( -)1بهينه سازی يادگيري الف -فراگيري و دوره واژگان زیاد در مدت زمان کوتاه ب -عالقه مند کردن دانشجویان و دان آموزان به افزاي واژگان زبان انگليسی ج -باال بردن سرعت فراگيري واژگان زبان انگليسی د -باال بردن سرعت مكالمه دانشجویان بصورت سليس و شيوا ه -راحتی آموزش برای اساتيد و-راحتی یادگيری واژگان برای دان پژوهان (-)2یادگيری تهيه و به كار گيري واژگان با شيوه هاي نوين ( -)3کمک به اساتيد به ارزشيابی واژگان دانشجویان در كمترين زمان ( -)4کمک به اساتيد در اداره و کنترل کالس ( -)5کمک به اساتيد برای ارزشيابی خودشان 8 ( -)6خالق کردن اساتيد و دانشجویان در آموزش و يادگيري واژگان فعال ( -)7يادگيري و تدریس زبان انگليسی درمتن ()Context (-)8تمرين تلفظ ،ديكته لغات و .... ( -)9پس از كامل شدن با دادن كپي اين نرم افزار به افراد ديگر مي توانيد از واژگاني كه دانشجویان (مورد اطمينان شما) آماده كرده اند استفاده كنيد و سرعت يادگيري را باال تر ببريد. ویژه گيهای نسل جدید دانشجویان فارغ التحصيل زبان انگليسی در موسسه پيام پرسا نسل جدید دانشجویان فارغ التحصيل زبان انگليسی در موسسه پيام پرسا بعد از اتمام دوره های خود کامال می توانند با لغات و الگوهای صحيح زبان انگليسی با شيوایی به زبان انگليسی صحبت کنند ،درک کنند و انگليسی دارند .هم اکنون این افراد می توانند به راحتی به خارج از کشور سفر کنند ،از اینترنت استفاده نمایند و در هر دانشگاهی در دنيا ادامه تحصيل دهند. نسل جدید دانشجویان فارغ التحصيل زبان انگليسی در موسسه پيام پرسا دیگر نيازی به خواندن دروس زبان انگليسی مدرسه یا دانشگاهی خود ندارند و می توانند وقت خود را برای فعاليتهای دیگر تنظيم نمایند .این دانشجویان با داشتن آینده ای تضمين شده و کامال موفق و با دان فرا شناخت خود به دنبال جذب فرصتهای کامال تنها برگزارکننده سيستمهای مدیریت یادگيری در منطقه روشــهای مدرن مدیریت یادگــيری و فنون عملی مطالعه دیدگاهها و روشهای نوین در مدیریت یادگيری و مطالعه در سال 2008 موفقيت در تحصيل دیگر غير ممکن نيست حتی برای شما دنيای آینده پيام خوشبختی ،رفاه و موفقيت برای کسانی دارد که خوب و سریع یاد بگيرند .همه ما در حال تحصيل و تا آخر عمر در حال یادگيری می باشيم و باید خود را به طور موثر برای یادگيری ،مطالعه و تحقيق ،مدیریت نمایيم. بعضی از مهارتها (مانند فنون م دیریت یادگيری و مطالعه) را به آسانی و به تنهایی نمی توان کسب کرد و با آشنا نشدن و تمرین نکردن این مهارتها ،به تدریج باعث ضعيف شدن یادگيری می شود .مدیریت یادگيری باعث افزای انگيزه شما برای یادگيری می شود و هرچه انگيزه بيشتری برای بهبود مطالعه داشته باشيد به همان اندازه در رشته تحصيلی خود موفق تر خواهيد بود. بسياری از دانشجویان فقط با تکنيکهای ظاهری فنون مطالعه آشنایی دارند و هيچگونه شناخت و فرا شناختی نسبت به یادگيری صحيح و عميق خود ندارند و همين امر سبب می شود تا یادگيری با کيفيت و %100تضمين شده انجام نشود. بنا به گفته ارسطو "یادگيری بدون زحمت غير ممکن است" بنابراین صرف وقت برای فراگيری مهارتهای شناخت و فرا شناختی مطالعه و مدیریت یادگيری بسيار الزامی می باشد و در این راه باید تالش بسيار داشته باشيد .در عين حال منافعی که از این راه برای شما فراهم می شود به مراتب بيشتر از زحماتی است که متحمل خواهيد شد. 9 Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language طالیی که خارج از درک مردم معمولی هستند ،می باشند. Thursday, October 18, 2012 بنویسند به زبان انگليسی ب ا افراد خارجی ارتباط صحيح داشته باشند .این افراد کنترل کاملی از خود در زبان نظرتان نسبت به مطالبی که می خوانيد چيست؟ کاربرد فنون بهترِ مطالعه و مدیریت یادگيری ،مطالعه را لذت بخ خواننده نسبت به مطالعه افزای ،آسانتر و سریعتر تر می سازد .در نتيجه ،عالقه می یابد و سبب می شود تا او به مطالعه بيشتر بپردازد ،از خواندن مطالبی که باید بخواند دوری نکند ،و در زمان کمتر مطالب بيشتری را بخواند .مطالعه ثمر بخ از دو عامل متاثر است :یکی کاربرد ماهرانه فنون مطالعه ،و دیگری عالقه نسبت به مطالب خواندنی .عالقه نسبت به مطالب خواندنی سبب می شود تا شخص به مطالعه بيشتر بپردازد .فراگيری فن مطالعه و مدیریت یادگيری منجر به افزای عالقه و حجم مطالعه و بهتر شدن فنون مطالعه می شود. با تکنولوژی مدرن در این دنيای پيشرفته دیگر هيچ کاری برای انسان غير ممکن نيست یکی از نگرانيهای عمده دانشجویان و دان ب با اهميت است. آموزان رشته های مختلف درس خواندن ،مدیریت یادگيری و یادگيری مطال ِ سيستمهای مطالعه و یادگيری قدیمی ،اگرچه در بعضی از جهات با اهميت هستند اما دیگر کافی نيستند .همگی ما نياز داریم سيستمهای کنترل مطالعه و یادگيری جدید عصر خود را به طور جدی بشناسيم و ب ا نق اصلی آنها در Thursday, October 18, 2012 زندگيمان آشنا شویم .شما نيز می توانيد با داشتن دیدگاههای نوین نسبت به مطالعه و یاد گيری و با فراگيری تکنولوژی مدرن ،مطالعه و مدیریت یادگيری ،آینده خود را متحول کنيد. . به همين منظور موسسه پيام پرسا آمادگی خود را برای آشنا کردن شما با مطالعه ثمر بخ ،به همراه عالقه مند کردن شما به مطالب خواندنی و آموزش فنون مطالعه و مدیریت یادگيری موثر برای خوشبختی ،رفاه و موفقيت آینده شما اعالم می دارد .با شرکت در این کالسهای جذاب نظرتان را در مورد مطالبی که می خوانيد تغيير دهيد و به سبک جدی تری به خواندن بپردازید... دنيای آینده پيام خوشبختی ،رفاه و موفقيت برای کسانی دارد که خوب و سریع یاد بگيرند Payampersa English Language Institute: Preparations for TOEFL Test با مدیریت یادگيری بيست گرفتن دیگر غير ممکن نيست. دیگر چه انتظاری دارید ،فقط یک بار تجربه کنيد Payampersa English Language Institute Payampersa offers intensive and extensive English programs that prepare students for using English in the real world. Our programs are based on many years of second language teaching experience and research. We offer English instruction that prepares you for using English in an academic context. Our goal is to give you the skills today that are necessary to accomplish your plans tomorrow. Our intensive classes are taught by professionally trained and experienced instructors using the most modern methods and materials 10 available. Classes are set in a comfortable atmosphere to accelerate learning. PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration which complies with The Quality Management System requirements of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as A foreign / Second Language Payampersa English Language Institute: Study Skills in Learning English Language Thursday, October 18, 2012 Contact Us Payampersa email: Payampersa Group: Payampersa Group email: Managing Director (Ahmad R. Beigi) My Personal Web site: My Email: Postal Address: Payampersa Language Institute No.366, Valiasr St, Zarrinshahr, Isfahan, Iran Tel: (+) 98 334 2220049 Fax: (+) 98 334 2220048 Work hours: 8-12 am and 14-21 pm Payampersa Quality Manager Thursday, October 18, 2012 11
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