How To Reposition From Defense To Commercial Eric Basu

Facilitating Communication, Collaboration, and Commerce
How To Reposition From Defense To Commercial
Eric Basu
CEO, Sentek Global
San Diego Chapter
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
7:00am: Networking 7:30-9:00am: Meeting
Click here to register.
Both members and non-members must
register to attend.
Registration Fees
Free - A&D Forum member
$30 - Non-member until June 17
$40 - Non-member after June 17
$45 - Walk-in
You will receive multiple invitations,
regardless of whether you have already
registered. Please do not register more
than once!
Upcoming San Diego Chapter
Meetings and Tours
A&D Forum members get first opportunity
to sign up for all tours and can attend any
How To Reposition
From Defense To Commercial
Guest Presenter: Eric Basu
CEO, Sentek Global
Sequestration and defense cutbacks have resulted in a
dramatically changed environment for defense
contractors in the last several years. Gone are the
chapter's meetings for free.
- July 22: Tour of the
Fleet Readiness Center on North Island
- Sept 23: UAV Panel (August meeting
shifted to Sept 23)
San Diego Chapter Founder Sponsors
"boom" days of free flowing cash via lucrative and easy
to find contracts. The defense environment now is
highly competitive and many small and medium sized
companies have downsized or shut down.
Some companies have tried to reposition their offerings
to non-governmental customers, for the most part
unsuccessfully. Eric Basu, CEO of Sentek Global, will
describe how his company approached the commercial
market, focusing on several areas:
1. Product offerings
2. Sales force restructuring
3. Marketing and
4. Accounting issues.
About Sentek Global
San Diego Chapter Sponsors
For more than a decade, Sentek Global has led by
example in providing highly technical services to support
government and commercial programs. From defense
information assurance certification training initiatives and
government IT project management support to military
command and control system engineering as well as
commercial network security assurance, the company
can create cost effective solutions that work from Day
The Sentek Global team includes a unique and valuable
mix of IT security and program managers working
alongside retired senior military, government, and
business managers. Doing so provides the company
with decades of detailed technology and proven
leadership experience, along with a reputation for
expertly assisting its clients in meeting their
requirements, expanding their programs and
accomplishing their missions.
Upcoming A&D Forum
Chapter Meetings
June 10: Tour of 161st Air Refueling Wing,
Arizona National Guard, Arizona Chapter
June 11: Where is Defense Heading?, Joint
Meeting w/ Women In Defense - Greater
Los Angeles Chapter
July 18: Brig Gen (ret.) Pete Palmer,
Director of General Dynamics' The EDGE
Innovation Network, Los Angeles Chapter
August 7: Larry Schultz, EPICOR Software
Corp, "Aerospace and Defense Enterprise
Software", Orange County Chapter
August 15: Bob Swelgin, President, Smart
Electronics & Assembly, Inc., Los Angeles
September 4: Panel on Commercial
Aftermarkets moderated by Ken Herbert,
Managing Director A&D, US Equity
Research Canaccord Genuity Inc, Orange
County Chapter
September 19: Tour of Edwards AFB, Los
Angeles Chapter
October 17: "Doing Business with Airbus",
Pierre-Olivier Sadoul, Managing Director,
Spitfire Conseil, Blagnac, France, Los
Angeles Chapter
November 21: John Illgen, Sector
Director/VP of Modeling and Simulation,
Northrop Grumman Information Systems,
Los Angeles Chapter
Recently Available Recordings
on the A&D Forum website
"Legacy Defense Aircraft Sustainment for
the International Market", Chris Celtruda,
The Merex Group, Orange County Chapter,
June 5
The Aerospace & Defense Forum
is a global aerospace and defense
leadership community of over 900
Eric Basu is the CEO of Sentek Global, which provides
engineering and program management support to
government customers around the world.
Prior to founding Sentek Global Eric was Co-Founder
and President of Global Entertainment Security, which
provides security services to the entertainment industry
domestically and abroad, including intellectual property
protection, executive protection and other specialized
security services.
Previously Eric was Managing Director of the Bradbury
Capital Group, a leveraged buy-out partnership, Chief
Portal Architect at Alitum, where he managed various IT
enterprise projects, Senior Consultant at
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Consultant at KPMG
Consulting (now BearingPoint), and a Special Warfare
Officer (SEAL) in the US Navy for 11 years.
June 24, 2014 Meeting
Please check-in on arrival.
Attire is business casual.
Parking is free - located next to both entrances
to the building.
 A light continental breakfast will be available
starting at 7:00am.
 Bring a business card - they will be duplicated
and everyone will get a copy of all attendee's
 Flyers and other material may be placed on the
receptionist's shelf for pickup before and after
the meeting. Please do not distribute anything
during the meeting.
 Introductions will be minimal - your name,
company, industry, and a 5 word "elevator
speech". We encourage you to be creative!
 You are welcome to stay around and network
after the meeting.
Feel free to pass this invitation on to others you
think would be interested.
Event Info
individuals that provides opportunities for
sharing of information, current events, and
analysis, mutual support and
encouragement, partnering, innovation, and
performance breakthroughs.
The A&D Forum website
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Networking and Breakfast: 7:00-7:30am
Meeting: 7:30-9:00am PST
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
12275 El Camino Real
Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92130-2006
San Diego Chapter Steering Committee
- John Tishler (Chapter Chair), Partner, Sheppard Mullin
- Bob Copeland, Partner, Sheppard Mullin
- Ed Lake
- Bill Roper, President, Roper Capital Company,
- Dino D'Auria, President, Opus Bank
- Ken Lowe
- Victor Ramsauer, Shareholder, LevitZacks
- John Gaffney, Managing Principal, Renaissance
Strategic Advisors
- Susan Couch, Senior Vice President, Bank of America
- Pam Holden, Director, Business Development, BDO
- Ivan Rosenberg, Executive Director, The A&D Forum
The Executive Steering Committee
of The Aerospace & Defense Forum
- Michael Coburn, COO, Cadence Aerospace
- Peter Collins, Director, Strategic Planning,
Aerospace Group, Parker Hannifin Corporation
- Alan McIntosh, President, Verify, Inc.
- Michael Boyle, President, BOBsearch
- Paul Weisbrich, Managing Director, D.A. Davidson &
- Robert Jacobson, Desert Sky Holdings
- Ivan Rosenberg, President & CEO, Frontier
Associates, Inc.
A&D Forum Executive Director
Ivan Rosenberg