Discussion paper Why EPA Climate Protection is Good for Labor—And How to Make It America’s Greatest Jobs Producer Labor Network for Sustainability www.labor4sustainability.org Why EPA Climate Protection is Good for Labor As our country is devastated by more and more severe droughts, floods, fires, and superstorms, the public is demanding regulation of the greenhouse gasses that cause climate change. The corporations that profit from coal, oil, and gas fear such regulation will reduce their profits and the value of their investments. They and their political mouthpieces have a solution, however: persuade the public that regulation of greenhouse gasses will destroy American jobs. The truth? Climate change is destroying American jobs right now — but climate protection will produce millions of new jobs. Here’s why. Climate change is hurting the economy here and now Climate change is causing extreme weather. The giant reinsurance company Munich Re, which has gathered the world’s most comprehensive database of natural disasters, concludes that worldwide, “Floods have more than tripled since 1980, and windstorm natural catastrophes more than doubled, with particularly heavy losses from Atlantic hurricanes. This rise can only be explained by global warming.” [1] Climate change is not just something that will happen in the distant future — it is affecting us right now. 2012 was the hottest year on record in the history of the contiguous United States, more than three degrees above the 20th century average. Thomas Karl, head of NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, called it “clearly symptomatic of a changing climate.” [2] Worldwide the ten warmest years since 1880 have all occurred since 1998. [3] Nor is climate change just something that is happening in distant lands. According to Munich Re, 90% of the world’s insured disaster losses in 2012 occurred in the US. [4] Floods, fires, droughts, and storms related to climate change are devastating not only health and the environment, but also the US economy. Superstorm Sandy alone caused an estimated $80 billion in damage. The drought that affected 80% of US farmland last summer destroyed a quarter of the US corn crop, stalled transportation on the Mississippi River, raised food and energy prices nationwide, and did at least $20 billion damage to the economy. [5] Climate change is destroying American jobs right now What does all this have to do with jobs? Consider Sandy. According to Mark Zandi, the Chief Economist of Moody’s Analytics: “Superstorm Sandy wreaked havoc on the job market in November, slicing an esti- Why EPA Climate Protection is Good for Labor mated 86,000 jobs from payrolls.” What kind of jobs? “The manufacturing, retailing, leisure and hospitality, and temporary help industries were hit particularly hard by the storm.” Although the number of jobs was growing nationwide, there were 82,000 new applicants for unemployment in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. [6] But isn’t that kind of job loss just temporary? Consider hurricane Katrina. In 2004 the New Orleans region had 671,000 jobs. Katrina wiped out 129,000 of them — about twenty percent. While practically all sectors of the New Orleans economy lost jobs, the losses were centered in three sectors: Retail trade lost 12,000 jobs, 63 percent of its job base. Accommodation and food service lost 21,000 jobs, 59 percent of its job base. Health care and social assistance lost 14,000 jobs, 56 percent of its jobs base. The public sector was hit particularly hard: 25,000 public sector jobs, 47 percent of all government jobs, were eliminated. The city workforce was reduced by 70 percent. [7] Four years later in 2008, 47,000 of the jobs lost in Katrina had returned — but 82,000 had not, not to mention the tens of thousands of new jobs that would have been expected had there been no Katrina. What about the long run? New Orleans’ modest recovery stalled in the face of the Great Recession. In 2011, the region had 90,000 fewer jobs than on the eve of Katrina. While construction jobs did increase as a result of reconstruction efforts, the loss of other jobs was far greater. According to a 2012 report by Fitch Ratings, New Orleans still faces major challenges remain regarding infrastructure, financial condition, education, and healthcare. [8] The economic threat of climate change isn’t limited to hurricanes. Heat waves increase energy costs and cause droughts, which kill crops and increase food prices. Floods destroy houses, businesses, and infrastructure. Closed businesses and lost earnings represent an economic loss that can never be recovered. The devastating health effects of extreme Why EPA Climate Protection is Good for Labor weather like heat waves and floods not only harm individuals but represent a cost for the whole economy. Michael Livermore, Executive Director at NYU's Institute for Policy Integrity and research scholar at NYU Law School's Environmental Law Center estimates that a 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) increase in the earth’s temperature could permanently cut the US GDP by 2.5%. [9] We’re already well on the way there. EPA regulation promotes jobs Scare talk that EPA regulation will “kill jobs” has a long history, going back to the origins of Federal environmental protection. For example, the US Business Roundtable sponsored a study maintaining that as a result of the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments, “There is little doubt that a minimum of 200,000 (plus) jobs will be quickly lost, with plants closing in dozens of states. This number could easily exceed one million jobs — and even two million jobs — at the more extreme assumptions about residual risk.” In the eight years following the amendments, however, fewer than 7,000 jobs were lost in the entire country, and they were compensated many times over by new jobs in pollution control. Many studies have documented the beneficial effects of EPA regulations. Research by the EPA indicates that as of 2008, environmental protection created a net positive increase of 1.7 million jobs. [10] An Office of Management and Budget study found that, in addition to cleaner air and better public health, EPA regulation under the Clean Air Act has provided four to eight dollars in benefits for every dollar spent on compliance. Another OMB study found that EPA air and water regulations from 1999 to 2009 cost $26-29 billion annually but produced benefits from $82-533 billion. EPA regulation has led to the development of the rapidly growing environmental control industry. It has encouraged technical innovation, such as the development of catalytic converters, which has made the US one of the world’s leading exporters of environmental control technologies. What about the jobs effects of EPA regulation under the Clean Air Act in particular? The Economic Policy Institute examined the probable jobs impacts of the EPA’s proposed toxics rule – vehemently attacked by rightwing EPA critics as a job killer. The results? “The toxics rule would have a modest positive net impact on overall employment, likely leading to the creation of 28,000 to 158,000 jobs between now and 2015.” [11] Why EPA Climate Protection is Good for Labor In 2007, the Supreme Court ordered the EPA to regulate greenhouse gasses under the Clean Air Act. Since then it has issued new fuel efficiency standards for vehicles and pollution standards for new power plants. While right-wing climate deniers and many Congressional Republicans attacked these standards as “job-killers,” they won wide support among unions that represent the workers affected by them. Ten major unions joined environmental groups to issue a statement supporting “the actions by the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act” and urging Congress to “reject efforts to weaken this authority.” Their release on the statement was headed, “BlueGreen Alliance brings Together Unions and Environmentalists in Support of EPA Efforts to Protect Public Health and Safety.” [12] It noted that, complemented by clean energy policies, regulations will create jobs and increase America’s economic competitiveness. Unions supporting the statement included the Steelworkers, Communications Workers, Service Workers, Laborers, Utility Workers, American Federation of Teachers, Transit Workers, Sheet Metal Workers, Auto Workers, and United Food and Commercial Workers. Endorsing the statement, Michael Langford, president of the Utility Workers said, “With the right policies and investments that help America’s industries retool, including the rapid deployment of clean energy and technology assistance for maintaining good jobs, we believe the EPA measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will position the United States to compete in an ever-cleaner and more efficient 21st century economy.” Michael J. Sullivan, president of the Sheet Metal Workers, said “Our members are making buildings healthier and more efficient. They understand the importance of clean air. With responsible action by the EPA on the Clean Air Act, we will make America cleaner and more competitive.” Service Employees president Mary Kay Henry said, “We have to get moving on common-sense solutions to improve the environment and to improve the public health of workers and our communities. Regulating greenhouse gasses, along with these common-sense policies, will do that while also creating good jobs and launching the U.S. to the head of the pack in a race for the global clean energy economy.” Why EPA Climate Protection is Good for Labor The UAW, which represents the workers directly affected by the new fuel efficiency standards, gives a stirring defense of EPA regulation of greenhouse gasses. Legislative Director Barbara Somson testified to a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, “What our experience shows us is that the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles under the Clean Air Act is good for our industries and good for American jobs.” The regulation of mobile sources, she went on to say, “has been a ‘win-win’ that results in greater oil independence for our nation; a cleaner, healthier environment for ourselves and our children; and an increased number of jobs in the auto sector.” The new technology required to meet tailpipe emissions standards “represents additional content on each vehicle” which requires “more engineers, more managers, and more construction and production workers.” [13] According to the UAW, programs that increase the fuel efficiency of vehicles are already creating substantial numbers of jobs. The Department of Energy’s Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Incentive Program, for example, has made five loans that are already responsible for supporting 40,000 jobs. Tens of thousands of additional jobs are expected from the program’s incentives for advanced vehicle batteries, which are expected to help boost the US from 2 percent to 40 percent of the nation’s production. The UAW says such success depends on “the regulation of tailpipe emissions under the Clean Air Act” and that “the continuing recovery of the automobile industry in the United States has as its foundation the regulatory certainty of these tailpipe emission standards.” UAW legislative director Somson concludes, “The members of the UAW are also citizens who are deeply affected by the environment in which they live and raise their families. They are concerned about the effects of human-induced climate change for themselves and for future generations. The benefits to human health and welfare flowing from the regulation of greenhouse gasses under the Clean Air Act are substantial and have decided positive economic effects.” The evidence supports the jobs benefits of EPA regulation of greenhouse gasses under the Clean Air Act. For example, a study by Ceres and the Political Economy Research Institute of the University of Massachusetts titled New Jobs -- Cleaner Air: Employment Effects of Planned Why EPA Climate Protection is Good for Labor Changes in the EPA’s Air Pollution Rules, examines the jobs effects of some of the new regulations — ones that have been harshly attacked by EPA critics. This well-documented study finds that far from being “job killers,” the new regulations will create nearly 300,000 new jobs, especially skilled, high-pay jobs for engineers, project managers, electricians, boilermakers, pipefitters, millwrights, and iron workers. [14] The regulations would lead to net job increases of more than 120,000 job years in Illinois, 123,000 in Virginia, 113,000 in Tennessee, 76,000 in North Carolina, and 76,000 in Ohio. The study points out that regulation will have many other benefits in addition to increased employment. It will ensure cleaner air, improve public health, promote more efficient, more competitive technologies, reduce greenhouse gasses, and increase state tax revenues. And it will stimulate “induced jobs” that result when workers have money in their pockets to buy things made or sold by other workers. A Just Transition All industrial modernization -- whether for protecting the environment, increasing productivity, improving the product or any other reason -threatens to eliminate some jobs in obsolete and less efficient facilities. So while the transition to a new energy economy will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, it will also eliminate some existing jobs. The fact that many states and many workers will get new green jobs provides little solace for the people and communities who have lost theirs through no fault of their own. It is a basic principle of fairness that the burden of policies that are necessary for society -- like protecting the environment -- shouldn't be borne by a small minority who happen to be victimized by their side effects. Unless workers and communities are protected against the unintended effects of the transition to a new energy economy, there is likely to be a backlash that threatens the whole effort to protect the environment -- and to save the planet. Not only that, the beneficial job creation that comes from appropriate environmental regulation will be lost. How can public policy forestall such undesirable side effects? A good model here could be the highly successful process that helped local communities adjust to the disruption and job shifting that resulted from the closing of military bases under the Base Realignment and Closing Commission (BRAC). Those communities were provided a wide range of federal assistance, including, planning and economic Why EPA Climate Protection is Good for Labor adjustment assistance, environmental cleanup, Community Development Block Grants and Community Service Grants. Workers dislocated by base closings also received extensive support. The Department of Defense itself provided advance notification of a reduction in force; pre-separation counseling; a hiring preference system with federal agencies to re-employ qualified displaced DOD employees; financial incentives to encourage early retirement of those eligible. Workers affected by base closings were also eligible for help under National Emergency Grants, "Rapid Response" programs, comprehensive assessments and development of individual employment plans and job training. Communities and individuals affected by energy transition in general and EPA regulations in particular could be similarly targeted for assistance from such existing programs as the Department of Labor's Rapid Response Services and the National Emergency Grants of the DOL's Employment and Training Administration, as well as funding for economic development and industrial efficiency and modernization from the Departments of Energy and Commerce. Because the needed resources are scattered among many different government agencies, the first step might well be for President Barack Obama to establish an interagency task force composed of U.S. agency officials overseeing issues of employment, energy and the environment. Their first task could be to create a transition package for coal miners, utility workers and other affected workers that would provide robust financial and training support and preferential access to the new jobs created by environmental policies. That could be combined with vigorous support for economic planning and investment in the communities affected communities, focusing on the development of new clean energy industries. Think of it as a GI Bill for displaced workers and their communities. Climate protection: A new jobs program? The next item on the EPA climate-protection agenda is regulation of emissions from existing power plants. Predictably, opponents are claiming that such regulation will be “bad for jobs.” The opposite is the case: EPA regulation of greenhouse gas emissions will be positive both for jobs and for the broader economy. Why EPA Climate Protection is Good for Labor The EPA is currently considering various ways such a climate protection regime could work. A proposal from the National Resources Defense Council (NDRC) illustrates one possibility. The EPA would require states to reduce the average emissions of their fleet of power plants. This would provide a strong incentive for energy efficiency, which would also lower power bills for consumers. Utilities would also convert to lower-emission sources of energy. States could comply with their own carbon reduction systems like the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in the Northeast. The plan would cut a quarter of carbon emissions from existing power plants by 2020, leading to a ten percent reduction in total US carbon emissions. The health and environmental benefits are estimated at $25-60 billion, 6-15 times higher than the cost of compliance. [15] EPA regulation of greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act will produce thousands of new jobs. How many and what kind of jobs EPA regulation will create of course depends on the specific rules it establishes. Let’s consider one example. A study by Synapse Energy Economics developed a Transition Scenario for the electric power industry based on reducing energy consumption, phasing out highemission power plants, and building new, lower-emission energy facilities. The study estimated the number of “job years” — one new worker employed for one year — that would be created by the Transition Scenario over a decade. 444,000 job-years for construction workers, equivalent to 44,400 construction workers working full time for the entire decade. 90,000 job-years for operations and maintenance workers, equivalent to about 9,000 full time workers employed over the decade. 3.1 million indirect jobs for people designing, manufacturing, and delivering materials and jobs in local economies around the country induced by spending by workers hired in the Transition Scenario. [16] Of course, this is only one piece of the climate-protection puzzle. A comprehensive program to convert to a climate safe economy will produce tens of millions of jobs. Why EPA Climate Protection is Good for Labor When the US went from the Great Depression to World War II, it created millions of new jobs making the products needed for the war. Faced with the devastating threat of global warming, the best protection for the future of our jobs and our communities is to create millions of jobs making what we need to protect us against climate change. 1. “Number of weather extremes a strong indicator of climate change,” Munich Re, November 8, 2010. http://www.munichre.com/en/group/focus/climate_change/strategy_and_policy/strong_indicator_of_climate_change/default.aspx 2. Juliet Eilperin, “2012 hottest year on record in contiguous U.S., NOAA says,” Washington Post, January 8, 2013. 3. “Long term global warming trend continues,” EarthSky, January 16, 2013. http://earthsky.org/earth/long-term-global-warmingtrend-continues 4. Evan Lehmann, “Risk: U.S. hit with 90% of the world's disaster costs in 2012.” ClimateWire, January 4, 2013 http://www.eenews.net/public/climatewire/2013/01/04/1 5. “US Drought 2012: Farm and Food Impacts,” US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, http://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/in-the-news/us-drought-2012-farm-and-food-impacts.aspx 6. “Superstorm Sandy Wreaked Havoc on the Labor Numbers for November,” The Money Update, December 5, 2012. http://themoneyupdate.com/tag/how-many-jobs-did-hurricane-sandy-affect/ 7. Allison Plyer and Elaine Ortiz, “Regional “Export” Industries,” Greater New Orleans Community Data Center, August 11, 2011 https://gnocdc.s3.amazonaws.com/reports/GNOCDC_RegionalExportIndustries.pdf 8. “Fitch: Significant Challenges Remain for New Orleans Seven Years After Katrina,” Fitch Ratings Press Release, December 17, 2012. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/fitch-significant-challenges-remain-orleans-192900707.html 9. Judy Weiss, “Climate Change: A Bill of Billions” njtoday.net, January 14, 2013 http://njtoday.net/2013/01/14/opinion-climate-changea-bill-of-billions/ 10. Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, Remarks at the 2011 Good Jobs Green Jobs Conference, February 8, 2011. EPA Newsroom. http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/8d49f7ad4bbcf4ef852573590040b7f6/906ad6a150ffd01185257831005dc69a!OpenDocu ment 11. Josh Bivens, “A lifesaver, not a job killer,” EPI briefing paper, June 14, 2011. http://w3.epidata.org/temp2011/BriefingPaper312%20%282%29.pdf For an evaluation of the jobs impacts of regulation in general and EPA regulation in particular, see John Irons and Isaac Shapiro, “Regulation, Employment, and the Economy,” Economic Policy Institute report, April 12, 2011. http://www.epi.org/publication/regulation_employment_and_the_economy_fears_of_job_loss_are_overblown/ 12. “BlueGreen Alliance brings Together Unions and Environmentalists,” BlueGreen Alliance, March 15, 2011 http://www.bluegreenalliance.org/news/latest/bluegreen-alliance-brings-together-unions-andenvironmentalists-in-support-of-epa-efforts-to-protect-public-health-and-safety 13. Testimony of Barbara Somson, March 17, 2011 http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Files.View&FileStore_id=e141ee08-5e35-409d-871d-37da0c98ed32 14. James Heintz Heidi Garrett-Peltier Ben Zipperer, New Jobs -- Cleaner Air: Employment Effects of Planned Changes in the EPA’s Air Pollution Rules, University of Massachusetts Political Economy Research Institute and Ceres, February, 2011 http://www.peri.umass.edu/fileadmin/pdf/other_publication_types/green_economics/CERES_PERI_Feb11.pdf 15. David Roberts, “Obama Can Tackle Climate in His Second Term,” Grist, December 4, 2012, http://grist.org/climate-energy/obama-cantackle-carbon-and-doesnt-need-congress/ 16. “Toward a Sustainable Future for the U.S. Power Sector,” prepared for Civil Society Institute by Synapse Energy Institute, November 16, 2011. These figures include some but not all possible jobs impact of the Transition Scenario. See the study, p.26-28, for details. http://www.civilsocietyinstitute.org/media/pdfs/Toward%20a%20Sustainable%20Future%2011-16-11.pdf
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