FEJWLERS 00 oo D O GARDEN CENTER FULL LINE O F GARDEN & LAWN MATERIA FOR EVERY SEASON •House Plants •Firewood •Peat Moss •Seeds •Garden Plantg •Fertilizers .; ^ •Shrubs m m 5 H U X H Large Selection of Flower Pots & Pottery Open 7 Days We Accept Major Credit Cards 1375 South Av©,, Plainlield 753-4071 £$pefot Anthony's made some good with a decisive 9-5 their other game by a 3-2 loud noises also as John victory over St. Louis. Joe score. St. John's did get a Continued from page 10 Valenza laced 3 hits, while Magliocco was tough on well-pitched game from the mound as he gained Mickey Ward as he for Gentleman J o e , Keith Kopin and Bill his 3rd win. Clutch hitting recorded his 5th win. Mike Stephens had two hits however, as he was the was provided by Bob Miehalisin's 3 hits and losing pitcher In the other each, St. Anthony's is beginn- Elmi's 3-3 showing, while Pete filbert's 2 hits showgame when his defense ing to think playoffs and Tom Kucin and Tony ed the way, but it was came up short. had 2 hits and 2 Floyd Roberts' double in St, Edward's reminded did pick up the beat with a Chuffo the last inning that drove RBI each. the opposition of their solid 6-3 win over St, St. Joseph's disposed of in the winning run. power and run producing John's. Keith Kopin's 2 St. Paul's 8-3, behind George Kundrat and capabilities, with a 24-7 RBI and John Valeriza's Rudy Ramella's 6th vic- Larry Szenyi's 2 hits victory over St, triple and 2 runs scored tory. Cleanup hitter apiece kept the game close Anthony's. Ron paced the winners. Tony Ramella helped his own for the Foster Fathers. Pignatello hit his 2nd HR DiFabio notched his 4th cause with 3 hits, and got In a last game, St. Louis and added 5 RBI, while victory, as he held the offensive help from Ed took care of St. Henry's Fred Holm, Norm Erb, losers to a meager 3 runs, Blake and Joe McEvoy 12-6, despite Dave Rogo's and Walt Seebald but he was touched for 2 who had 2 hits each and 4th homerun and 3 RBI. hits apiece by August Rugpulverized the ball with 4 split 5 RBI. St. Paul's was The winners were led giero and Emmet O'Hara. hits apiece. Tom Maher led by Jim Airey's 2 hits by Joe Romash and Ken Manager DiFabio is revlifted his record to 6-2, St. ving up his veteran St. An- and Ken Wegner's double Shively's effective RBI conversions, while Mike thony's squad for the big and 2 runs scored. Unaccustomed to the Cam field and Jim Hughes playoff finish, and rumors •TRIMMING have it that the likes of prosperity of playing .500 each had a double and 2 CLEARING Dick Pierce, Keith Bid- ball, St. Joe's gracefully hits. dulp, John Zarelli, and submitted to St. John's in Fran Lienhard are hitting the pavements for regular 5:00 a.m. jogging and The Scotch Plains- tryouts are held. Players calisthenic sessions. Most Fanwood Junior Raiders are accepted on a firstFREE ESTIMATES likely this is a team that is will begin their regular come basis until rosters FULLr INSURED determined to mold its season in the Suburban are filled. All equipment o%vn destiny. KfVIN REODINGTON Youth Football League on and uniforms are provided St. Lawrence looked September 26th. The by the Junior Raiders. Junior Raiders are formRegistrations should be ing their teams to begin submitted no later than practicing on September August 31st, as another 1st. large turnout is expected. Players who will be in If you need a registration the fourth thru eighth form or further informa(4-8) grades are assigned tion, please call Tom Sherto one of three teams bas- win at 654-3944, Bob ed on their age, size and Madden at 654-4841 or playing experience. No John Anglim at 233-3146. Catch This.,, -REMOVALS TOPPING # UTIUTY UNB 889*8736 TREE SERVICE n Wr'ne C/tmbin<] to the fjop " Raiders Football sign-up GOLF RESULTS Ash Brook How to save a lot ofmoney. There's a huge new reason to do all your borrowing through a home-equity line of credit. Under a new rule (the Revenue Act of 1987) the interest you can deduct on home-equity borrowing (up to a borrowing limit of 5100,000) is based upon the fair market value of your home. Interestdeductibie borrowing is no longer limited to the purchase price of your home plus improvements. In short—as long as your home-equity borrowing doesn't exceed SI00,000 or the fair market value of your home, (whichever is less) even,' penny you borrow is interestdeductible! No matter how you use the money. (For home improvement, for example, or for a new car—it doesn't matter. Interest is deductible.) rm THE NAME OF THE GAME TODAY is to only borrow when the interest is fully deductible. Interest on most personal borrowing is only 40% deductible in 1988 .., only 20% in 1989. But—the interest on home-equity borrowing (we call ours HANDI-EQUITY) is all deductible up to the generous limits described above! You save even more with HAND!EQUITY'S low interest rate—just 1.5% above the New York Prime Rate (.is published in the Wall Street Journal)—much lower than most loan rates. " THE ONLY WAY TO BORROW IS THE HAND1=EQUITY WAY Visit any United National office for an application You can SAVE A LOT OF MONEY! Low Putts - 32 Estelle Hiller and Helen Brown. The Ash Brook Chip-ins - Natalie Pines Women's Golf Associa- #4. tion held a Handicap Nine Holers: Stroke Tournament on A Flight - Pat Bader low August 4, 1988. Results gross and 1st low net are as follows: 51-16 = 35; 2nd Marge 18 Holers: Ruff 5 3 - 1 7 - 3 6 ; 3rd Guillaume A Flight - Kay Fordham Maura low gross 83 and 1st low54-17-37. net 69; 2nd, tie, Anna B Flight - low gross Kathy Chung 84-14 = 70, and Blatt 59; 1st low net "Claire Nancy Bowers 89-19 - 7 0 . Knauss 60-22 = 38. 2nd B Flight - Jeane Privitere Kathy Blatt 39, 3rd a tie 96 low gross and 1st low Jane Brower 61-19=42 and net 69; 2nd, tie, Eleanor Sophia Hildebrand Carpenter 97-25 = 72 and 61-19 = 42. Midge Parrett 99-27 = 72. C Flight - Marian Branditz C Flight - Joyce Baumann low gross and 1st low net low gross 95 and 1st low 59-24 = 35; 2nd Maddie net 66; 2nd Nancy Phares Cochran 61-24 = 37; 3rd 104-33 = 71; 3rd Billie Co Chazotte 70-31=39 Warrington 106-30 = 76. and low putts 15. .....COUPON - - - EXTERIOR BRUSHLESS CAR WASH J^ .L- d l ilIIv I \ | r ; i SuTV i c e $ 50 SAVE 2 REG. $ 4 S0 /. •iJiruh ;n 10 L\i\ ', uick OPIN 8 a,m,.8 p.m. — Mon.-Sat, Sundays 6p.m. Scotch Piains-Piainfield — Terr)II Nd. & E. Second St. • Cartaret — 1560 Roosevelt Ave. Sayrevllie — Rt. 9 3. FED NAHONAL BANK Mi-mk-r F OI L -i' COUPON •tOlI'ON Bjnkinj* O f f i c e : Bj.inihhur>; * !'Miii^'iv.lU'r • l.inivoml t l.rt'tTibriHik • rl.nniu-L! < ^ IIILVIDIkl DIVISION. Hi'lvuirrt' • 1.llliuill\ S 1 -!"? ; i U " HLAIKSIDVVN DIVIMUN- Hl.lli-.li HUNT! RUON DlVlhlr >,v Ann.iml.ili . Huniiv.ili- • I .lhlnn • Lililwnk t ^'-l-l\ 41 TAX INC. I'l.ilMht-lii * IVjurn ^ "5D ^00 ulihli'tvniul • kinivvilmi •S H'l l.i|ujl I '•ppiirtunilv I.IMHII- COUPON-
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