Table of Contents Board Council Minister Lifespan Faith Development Volunteering o Volunteer Opportunities and Interest Groups o Board Committees o Special Committees o Council Committees o Other Volunteer Opportunities o Community Volunteer Work o Interest Groups Communication/Information Joining and Supporting the Church The UUA and Southeast District Tour of the Church / Where do I find . . . ? Building Use Guidelines Bylaws Introduction Welcome to the revised edition (2012) of “The Big ‘How To’ Book for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Roanoke”. Whether you’re a long-time member or brand new to our community, this booklet will provide you with the information you’ll need to be an active, engaged and informed participant in the church. We hope the contents of this book will answer any questions you have about basic operations and activities at UUCR. If not, please call us at 342-8888 Tuesday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. 1 Board The Board carries out the business of the church. It is tasked with setting policies, making financial decisions and developing and implementing the long-range goals of the church. The Board does not handle the day-to-day tasks of the church; they are the province of the Council. The Board is comprised of ten members who serve rotating terms. They are elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting, held in June. The Board positions consist of: President-elect, President, Past-President, VP CounciI, VP Finance, Clerk and four members-at-large. All members of the congregation are welcome to attend Board meetings. Committees that report to the Board are the Committee on Harmonious Relations, Finance, Fundraising, Shared Ministry and the Special Committees—Endowment, Nominating and Personnel. Council Council brings together the working committees of the church that carry out the programs of the church in support of our shared mission. The committees that fall under Council are Caring, Denominational Affairs, Facilities, Fellowship, Membership, Religious Education, Social Action and Worship. The Council’s primary work is devoted to ensuring that these committees coordinate their efforts and assist each other. The committees keep many church programs running, from ensuring our members in need receive attention during times of illness and loss, to organizing potlucks after church, to keeping the lights on and air conditioning working, and much more. Monthly Council meetings offer committee chairs a sounding board for ideas and a resource group for problem solving. Minutes are available on the church website. Minister The church practices “shared ministry,” in which the congregation works with the professional minister to support, care for and take responsibility for our community and to execute decisions. Lay members offer care through the Caring Committee, and the Worship Committee prepares Sunday services when the minister is out of the pulpit. 2 The minister does, of course, provide a special role to our congregation. In addition to being our spiritual leader, providing us with enriching services and adult religious educational opportunities, he/she is available for pastoral counseling and referrals. The minister is trained in providing warm, spiritually-based care and listening. In addition, he/she is available for weddings and ceremonies of union, memorial services and funerals, baby dedication ceremonies and other significant rituals. Lifespan Faith Development Lifespan Faith Development encompasses educational and spiritual programming for the entire congregation. It includes Adult Religious Education (ARE), Covenant Groups, and Religious Education (RE). Programs range from Sunday RE to monthly intergenerational services and more. Volunteering Volunteering by church members and friends is an integral part of the UUCR’s operation, and is a fun way to get to know other UUs. You might begin volunteering with less time-consuming but crucial tasks that are part of the Sunday service-ushering, handing out the Orders of Service or passing the basket at offertory time. You could welcome church attendees as a greeter, prepare the sacrament of coffee, or bring flowers for the altar. We always need handy men and women who can help maintain our building. The many ways you can assist with this are listed in the description of the Facilities committee on page 7. You can also volunteer to serve on other church committees or join some of our interest groups. A list of numerous ways you can become part of the church community is provided below. See what appeals to you, then contact the chair of that committee or group to volunteer or participate. Contact information can be found on the website (, in the “Church Directory” and in the Sunday Order of Service. 3 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES AND INTEREST GROUPS Board Committees Committee on Harmonious Relations Finance Fundraising Shared Ministry Special Committees Council Committees Caring Denominational Affairs Facilities Fellowship Membership Religious Education Social Action Worship Other Volunteer Opportunities Aesthetics Coffee Flowers Kitchen Memorial Garden Sound Web Page Community Volunteer Work RAM House St. Francis Interfaith Hospitality Network WVTF Sponsorship Interest Groups Adult Religious Experience Choir Heart of the Blue Ridge Sangha Men’s Lunch Group Musicians Non Theists 4 Personal Growth Covenant Group Spiritual Parenting Covenant Group Youth Choir Board Committees Committee on Harmonious Relations The Committee on Harmonious Relations consists of a team trained in conflict resolution skills to assist church members with difficult issues that impact the life of the congregation. It helps members successfully resolve concerns through direct communication and by working together toward cooperative solutions whenever possible. Finance Committee The Finance Committee consists of the VP-Finance, Treasurer, Income Coordinator, Assistant Treasurer and Fundraising Chair, as well as two at-large board members. This "umbrella" committee is charged with the financial operations of the church, including recording and depositing income, paying bills, payroll, budgeting and overseeing fundraising activities. Fundraising Committee Fundraising is extremely important to the operations of the church. The major fundraiser is The Annual Giving Campaign, in which members and friends are given the opportunity to pledge their financial support to the church. Funds from this source account for approximately 65% of church income. Other fundraising activities include the Auction, Jumble Sale and Artisan Fair. Shared Ministry Committee (SMC) The purpose of the SMC is to support and monitor the well-being of the church-wide ministry – a ministry in which all members, friends and professional staff are involved in ministering to each other and the wider community and in affirming the Unitarian Universalist principles. The committee is composed of six members who serve threeyear terms, with the Minister serving as an ex-officio member. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: • Educating SMC members and the congregation about healthy shared ministry. • Coordinating periodic assessments of how well we are fulfilling our mission of ministry to each other and to the wider community, and how we are interrelating. This includes assessment of the Minister and other professional staff. 5 • Reporting assessment results periodically to the Board, the Council and the congregation, as well as to particular groups or individuals as needed. • Following up on issues or disagreements that are identified in the assessments by recommending appropriate avenues for resolution to the parties. • Recommending training sessions, conferences or workshops for lay leaders, continuing education, sabbatical and other professional development for staff. Special Committees The following Special Committees are Board appointed. There are other Special Committees that arise from time to time that meet specific needs, such as a search committee for a new minister. Endowment Committee Four trustees elected by the congregation comprise the Endowment Committee, which oversees management of the UUCR’s Endowment Fund and the Seven Principles Fund. Each trustee serves a four-year staggered term and can serve no more than two full terms. Earnings and gifts to the Endowment Fund, including memorials, are allocated to the Endowment Fund’s principal. This principal is not available for ordinary purposes (unless permitted by original donors or a court of law). However, a one-time cash distribution may be made annually from the Endowment for general church purposes, limited to no more than 4 percent of the total amount of the main Endowment fund. The Seven Principles Fund may be used for capital expenditures, subject to approval of the Board. Expenditures of more than $10,000 must be approved by the Congregation. Donors may choose to contribute to either of these funds. Nominating The Nominating Committee seeks qualified members throughout the year to fill Board, Endowment Trustee, and Nominating Committee vacancies. They recommend candidates for election after apprising the potential nominee of the duties and responsibilities of the position and obtaining his/ her consent to stand for election. The committee presents a slate of officers to the Board to be voted on by the Congregation at the Annual Meeting. 6 Personnel Members of the Personnel Committee are appointed by the Board. At least one board member serves as the chair of the committee. The committee supports the supervision, hiring, compensation, and dismissal of paid staff in conjunction with the Minister and the Board. The Board may direct the Personnel Committee on a specific task as needed. Council Committees Caring Committee The Caring Committee coordinates assistance and support for members and friends of the congregation in times of personal need. Committee members rely on the whole church to assist with meals, transportation, and similar services when the needs arise. The Caring Committee also supports families with receptions and related services when memorial services are held at the church. Denominational Affairs The primary responsibility of the Denominational Affairs committee is to provide a liaison between the congregation and both the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Southeast District. Facilities Committee This committee is responsible for maintaining the church building and grounds. Most small repairs are undertaken by committee volunteers. There is a budget to cover heating and cooling system repairs and to hire someone to plow snow from the parking lot. The committee is responsible for purchasing and maintaining all of the cleaning and lawn maintenance equipment used by the Sexton. It makes recommendations to the Board concerning major capital improvements or repairs to the building and its mechanical and electrical systems. When major projects are approved, the committee solicits bids and supervises the work of contractors. There are two subcommittees associated with the Facilities Committee: 1.) The Aesthetics Committee makes recommendations and undertakes small projects to improve the appearance of the building. 2) The Memorial Garden Committee takes care of the garden area in the front yard. Specialized construction or mechanical skills, while welcome, are not a requirement for being on the Facilities committee or the two subcommittees. People of any skill level can make an important contribution to the work of the church in these areas. 7 Fellowship Committee The Fellowship Committee promotes a sense of community among the members of the congregation by sponsoring social events. Examples of such events are potluck lunches on the third Sunday of every month, coffee houses, church picnics, chili cook-offs, etc. Committee members help plan and organize the events and are open to ideas from the congregation. Membership Committee The Membership Committee welcomes visitors to the church, coordinates New UU classes, helps integrate new members into the church community and maintains the official membership/friends list for the Board. Religious Education The Religious Education Committee meets once a month (with childcare available upon request). The committee is composed of RE teachers and the Director of Lifespan Faith Development. Social Action The Social Action committee supports our shared UU principles through action and service within the congregation, the local community and the broader world. Ongoing activities include: Earth Friendly Fridays, a collaborative effort with the Sierra Club to share information about environmental issues of concern. Quarterly Special Collections at Sunday services for local non-profit organizations. Providing volunteers for local charities, including Interfaith Hospitality Network, Roanoke Area Ministries (RAM) and St. Francis House. Worship Committee The Worship Committee is responsible for maintaining a quality worship service each Sunday morning. Representatives from ushers, choir, youth education, and sound participate on this committee. The committee arranges for a Worship Associate to assist with the service. It also searches out and arranges for guest speakers either from our congregation or the general community to speak when there is not a minister in the pulpit. 8 Other Volunteer Opportunities Aesthetics The Aesthetics Committee makes recommendations and undertakes small projects to improve the appearance of the church building. Coffee The coffee hosts prepare coffee for those who attend coffee hour after Sunday services. They also clean out the coffeepots, load and run the dishwasher, and put away all the coffee supplies after coffee hour. Flowers Volunteers provide flower arrangements for the Sunday services. Kitchen Members of the Kitchen Committee keep the kitchen clean and organized. The main duties are to empty and put away the clean dishes from the dishwasher, make sure all food and supplies are properly stored, and keep the kitchen counters and appliances clean and ready for use. This is a standing committee that holds no meetings. The schedule is sent quarterly by email from the coordinator to committee volunteers who then choose which weeks they prefer-- typically, no more than one week a month per volunteer. The time commitment can be as little as one hour for each week of service, depending upon the amount of kitchen use during that week. Memorial Garden The Memorial Garden Committee takes care of the garden area in the front yard. Sound Sound consists of a team of volunteers who help run the sound system and provide audio and visual support for Sunday services, weddings, memorial services and other church events. Web Page The webmaster maintains the church’s web page. 9 Community Volunteer Opportunities Interfaith Hospitality Network UUCR works in partnership with Christ Episcopal Church in downtown Roanoke four to five times a year to provide food and overnight hosting to homeless families for three days. UUCR provides dinner, food for making sack lunches and hosts for dining and overnight stays. Roanoke Area Ministries (RAM) UUCR members work with Roanoke Area Ministries to serve lunch at RAM House in downtown Roanoke on the fourth Saturday of each month. St. Francis Food is collected by church members throughout the year and delivered to Saint Francis House a couple of times a year. Canned food is collected and delivered for Easter. WVTF Sponsorship Coordinator The coordinator works with counterparts at three other area UU groups (Blacksburg/NRV, Charlottesville, and Lynchburg) to gather funds in support of WVTF public radio around the time of the station's semi-annual fund drives. (Individuals channel their donations via their local UU congregation rather than sending them directly to WVTF, but contributions are still tax-deductible.) The other three groups each send a single check to UUCR marked "WVTF Fund 1050", just as UUCR members' checks should be. The UUCR coordinator then sends a single check to the station and signs a contract on behalf of the four groups. The on-air sponsorship announcements are evenly divided among the four groups. The station has an announcement on file for each congregation. The announcements may be updated by any of the groups by working directly with the station. Interest Groups Choir Anyone age 13 and over who likes to sing is invited to join the choir. Generally, the choir sings twice a month for church services, as well as in special services or events. The 10 choir rehearses Wednesday evenings from 7:15 - 9:00, September through midJune. During the summer the choir does not typically sing at services. If you would like to join the choir please come to a Wednesday rehearsal or contact the Music Director. If you are unsure of your singing ability, you can arrange to have the music director listen to you before you come to a rehearsal. You do not have to be able to read music to be in the choir. Covenant Groups Covenant groups are comprised of people who have covenanted to be part of a longterm relationship group with a focused purpose. Because the long-term close relationship is the core of the idea, such groups aren’t generally open to the addition of more people unless some members drop out. The expansion of opportunity to be in a covenant group is generally achieved by someone calling for formation of a new group around some common purpose. Currently, there are three covenant groups in the church: Personal Growth, Adult Religious Experience and Spiritual Parenting. Heart of the Blue Ridge Sangha Heart of the Blue Ridge Sangha is a mindfulness practice group in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Meetings include sitting meditation, walking meditation, and a Dharma reading. There is also a brief period for sharing. Everyone is welcome, including newcomers to the practice of meditation. A lending library is available to all who participate in the Sangha as well as tea meditation and other special practices, including the reading of the Five Mindfulness Trainings/Precepts. Men’s Lunch Group A men's brown bag discussion group is held weekly at the church. It is very informal with no set format. Discussions include most anything members choose to bring forward that day, from religion and politics to personal issues. Musicians The church welcomes musicians of all kinds. If you play an instrument or sing and would like to share your talents in a church service or in some other capacity, please let the music director know. Non Theists The name Non Theists was adopted to be all inclusive of Atheists, Agnostics, Deists and others who share doubts about traditional religion. Meetings include speakers and/or group discussion. 11 As a group of concerned Realists, the Non Theists: serve as a support group for those desiring serious discussions in a God free environment seek relevant, realistic information on critical social issues and not be limited by common social views or religious doctrines work toward a more positive acceptance of Atheism, Non-theism and Agnosticism, support the separation of Church and State and derive our beliefs from the reasonable assessment of scientific facts, and avoid basing conclusions on such unproven, non-factually based concepts as prayer, ESP, God, myths and mysticism. Youth Choir The Youth Choir is for children ages 5-12. They usually sing at Intergenerational services, such as the Annual Bread Service, Flower Communion and Easter service. The choir generally rehearses four times before they sing. Dates are planned by the Assistant Music Director. Communication/ Information Newsletter and Communication A monthly newsletter is sent electronically to all members, friends and visitors who have requested it. The newsletter contains complete information about activities in the upcoming month. The Administrative Assistant is our newsletter editor. Submissions to the newsletter must be made through a Council representative. The list of Council Committees is contained under Council in this document. Contact information can be found in the Order of Service or at Submissions are edited for content and space. The deadline for newsletter submissions is the 20th of the month. The weekly electronic newsletter goes out on Thursdays. The deadline for the e-letter is Thursdays at 10:00 am. The weekly e-letter contains the most up-to-date information. To un-subscribe, contact our Administrative Assistant. The web site contains a wealth of information about the church. Information about various activities is also found on the bulletin boards in the downstairs hall. 12 Joining and Supporting the Church Membership and Financial Support Membership in UUCR means committing to full involvement in the shared spiritual life and support of the congregation by your presence, talents and financial gift. Before you join UUCR we suggest that you attend Sunday services regularly and that you participate in our “New UU” classes. Whether you are new to Unitarian Universalism, or just new to UUCR, the classes are designed to help you get to know other new members and our church community. When you feel you are ready, the process of joining the church consists of signing “The Membership Book” in the presence of the Minister or a member of our governing Board. We like to welcome you to UUCR through participation in a New Member Sunday, a simple but beautiful ritual to guide you into fellowship with this community. Making a financial commitment to UUCR is an important part of membership. While we do not require a specific amount, we do ask that you give as generously as you can. Your financial support is important to keep the light of liberal religion burning in the Roanoke Valley. Your financial gift not only supports the programs and facilities at UUCR but also pays the annual membership dues of $110/member to the Southeast District and the Unitarian Universalist Association. For more information, see the UUCR Path to Membership brochure or contact someone on the Membership Committee or the UUCR Board. Contact information is available in the weekly Order of Service or at The UUA and Southeast District UUCR is a member of two larger associations of Unitarian Universalist churches, the national organization--the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)-- and the regional organization--the Southeast District (includes UU churches in Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Tennessee). 13 The UUA supports the development of congregations and the presence of Unitarian Universalism as a movement. The UUA is responsible for our yearly democratic gathering, called General Assembly (GA). Each church, based on its size, can send delegates to GA to vote on issues that come before the whole body. Any member of the UUCR may attend GA, but only delegates may vote. The UUA develops religious educational and church developmental materials, manages the system for churches to call new UU ministers, provides financial support to new or growing congregations, administers funds and manages the relationship between Unitarian Universalism and other like-minded groups. Membership in the Southeast District provides access to and the support of our District Executive and staff. The district provides advice, direct assistance (both financial and educational), and many training and development opportunities. The District can provide trained professionals to assist in cases of serious conflict or crisis and is in relatively close contact with our lay leaders and Minister. Our participation in both the UUA and the Southeast District is voluntary. We covenant with them by choice. Although as a congregation, we are free to make decisions about our church independently, the long and broad shared experience and power of UUism made possible by association with these larger organizations provides good reason to covenant with them. Building Use Guidelines The Unitarian Universalist Church of Roanoke encourages members, friends and community groups to use our church space when it is not being used for regular church activities. In order to coordinate scheduling and help ensure appropriate use of our facilities, we have established the following procedures, policies and guidelines: Scheduling Procedure 1. Please contact the church office Tues. - Fri. 9:00am - 12:30pm to discuss your planned event, your space needs, and church space availability, and make your verbal reservation. The church assistant administrator will assign your group the most economical space available that will meet your needs. The church assistant administrator may request information concerning your event in order to determine if the purposes of the event and group are consistent with church policies and principles. If there are any questions or concerns regarding your event, the assistant administrator may refer your proposal to the Minister or Board of Directors prior to confirming your reservation. 14 2. Read these policies and guidelines, then complete the Use Agreement included in this packet. 3. Return your signed Use Agreement to the church assistant administrator. To ensure a firm booking date, the signed agreement must be received within five (5) business days of your verbal reservation. Upon receipt, the assistant administrator will contact you by phone or mail to confirm that your event is scheduled for the requested date(s). 4. The fees are due at least seven (7) business days prior to your event. If you need a loaner church key, you may arrange with the assistant administrator to pick up the key when the key deposit is paid. 5. Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel an event, you must notify the church administrator at least one (1) week prior to the event to receive a refund of your deposits. If you cancel your event within the last seven (7) business days, the scheduling deposit will not be refunded. However, if the event is canceled due to inclement weather, you may choose to reschedule the event or receive a refund of your deposits, minus fees for any services already performed (for example: setup by the sexton). Any further questions you may have regarding scheduling should be addressed to the church assistant administrator who is available at the church Tues. - Fri. 9:00am 12:30pm. Building Use Policies/Conditions The following guidelines apply to the church property at 2015 Grandin Rd: 1. The church reserves the right to emergency use of the facilities in rare cases. If your event is canceled for this reason, your fees will be refunded in full. 2. Scheduled events may take place between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm. The premises must be vacated by 11:00 pm. 3. Selling alcohol on church property is strictly forbidden. Use of tobacco products is prohibited inside the church building. Tobacco use is permitted outside but please use the ash container located outside the church back door. 4. The facilities may not be used for events that may have a negative impact on the neighborhood (for example: loud concerts which can be heard outside of the church), and all activities must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. 5. Our church name cannot be used in any way as publicity or endorsement of a particular political candidate, party or platform. 6. Activities cannot be conducted for financial gain except when the net proceeds raised are donated to the church or other nonprofit groups. 7. Use of the church phones is limited to emergencies only (incoming or outgoing). The church office will not be responsible for relaying messages. 8. Direct adult supervision is required at all times for lit candles. Use of any other fire, smoke or combustible material is strictly forbidden anywhere in the church building or on church grounds. 9. Use of the upright piano is granted by permission only. Groups who are concerned with the tuning of the piano may have it tuned at their own expense and must use our recommended tuners (names provided by church Music Director). The grand piano is not available for use. 15 10. Use of audio equipment belonging to the church is by special permission only. An additional fee will be charged. 11. No equipment or materials may be stored on church property without prior approval. 12. Event sponsors are responsible for the supervision of those attending their activity and for compliance with the policies and conditions of use. Any children in attendance at scheduled events must be properly supervised in accordance with the church’s childcare policy: If any part of the building is used for childcare purposes, the children must be supervised by at least two caregivers, one of whom is an adult. In all such cases, there must be at least two adults in the building, at least one of whom is age 25 years or older. 13. The church reserves the right to amend the building use and policies. Use of Facilities 1. We expect each group to exercise care and respect in the use of church property. 2. If requested in your Use Agreement, the church sexton can set up the chairs and tables according to the arrangement described. The sexton cannot move the choir risers. 3. As part of the clean-up fee, the sexton will vacuum and mop the floors, reset the tables and chairs, and remove the trash. The church will accept up to two (2) large trash bags. All other trash must be removed from the church property. The church encourages the recycling of appropriate materials and the composting of appropriate food scraps. If possible, please take these items with you. 4. Extra fees may be charged to you or deducted from your security deposit for extra cleanup required or any damage noted upon post-event inspection. The use of tacks, nails or tape on church walls is prohibited. Use of Kitchen 1. Dishes, pots, silverware and tablecloths are available for use by groups which have reserved the kitchen area. Groups may not use the church’s disposable materials or other provisions located in the kitchen. 2. Each group using the kitchen must leave it clean and orderly. You must remove all leftover food, beverages, and food preparation equipment. All church items used, except tablecloths, must be cleaned and returned to their proper places before your group leaves. Soiled tablecloths should be left in a neat bundle under the kitchen table. Church members and friends are expected to take soiled linens home for laundering and return them to the church within seven (7) business days after their event. Fee Policies 1. Security Deposit – a security deposit must be submitted for one-time events that are not scheduled by active members or friends. It is due with the balance of the use fees, at least seven (7) business days before the event. This fee will be used to cover any damage that may occur to church property or any cleanup not completed by your 16 group. Refund of the security deposit will be made after inspection of the church property following the event. Your group will be responsible for any cost in excess of the deposit and may not be permitted to use church facilities in the future. 2. Cleanup Fee – required for all events at the church with no exceptions. Paying the cleanup fee does not dismiss your group’s responsibility for all other cleanup procedures. 3. Audio Equipment Fee – Use of the audio equipment is by special arrangement only. Facility Use: The church building may be rented by members and non-members for meetings and ceremonies. Forms and a fee schedule are available in the office or on the website. All rentals should be coordinated through the church office. There is no charge for ceremonies of union or weddings of pledging members. Bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Roanoke (As adopted May 6, 2006 and amended through May 22, 2011) ARTICLE I: NAME The name of this religious society shall be the Unitarian Universalist Church of Roanoke (referred to hereinafter as the “Church”). ARTICLE II: AFFILIATION The Church shall be a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) of North America and of the Southeastern District of the UUA. ARTICLE III: PURPOSES The purposes of the Church are to provide an opportunity for its members to: enjoy friendly communion with open-minded people; explore together religious ideas and experiences; stand publicly in the larger community for a humane, open-minded concept of religion; participate in a program of liberal religious education for children and adults; find encouragement to build for themselves a unique, self-critical, coherent pattern of religious beliefs and practices; and 17 be a supportive part of a larger religious movement that seeks to integrate and affirm humane and ethical qualities of various religious outlooks, basic universal democratic values and insights from the physical and social sciences and the humanities. No Church test or creed or dogma is required for membership in the Church. The Church affirms and promotes the full participation of persons in all activities and endeavors of the Church, without regard to race, gender, gender identity, physical or mental ability, ethnicity or sexual orientation, class, age or national origin. ARTICLE IV: GOVERNING POLICY The Church is constituted in the congregational manner, that is, the active members acting at a legally called meeting are the ultimate authority in all matters. Subject to such authority, these Bylaws and policies and procedures promulgated by the Board of Directors (referred to hereinafter as the Board) shall govern the Church. Section A: The active members of the Church shall elect the members of the Board, the Nominating Committee, and the Endowment Trustees. Section B: The active members of the Church must approve the following: 1) Selection and dismissal of a minister. 2) Adoption of and amendment of the Bylaws, as specified in Article XII, Section A. 3) Adoption of the annual budget. 4) Purchase, sale, mortgage, lease, or other disposition of Church property, other than assets managed by the Endowment Trustees, in an amount exceeding $5,000, or incurring any indebtedness. Transactions under $5,000 may be effected by a majority vote of the Board without a congregational vote, subject to the overall limitation of Article VII, Section D, and state law. 5) Authorization of capital improvements costing in excess of $10,000, and any budget changes equal to or greater than ten (10) percent of the adopted annual budget. 6) Dissolution of the Church, and disposition of all Church assets and debts at that time as provided for in Article XIII. Section C: Either the active members or the Board acting on their behalf may approve the following: 1) Removal of members of the Board who fail to perform their duties as specified in Article VII, Section H. 2) Change in membership status as provided in Article V, Section D. 3) The establishment of policies and procedures as are deemed necessary to carry on the business of the Church. 4) Filling of vacancies that may occur on the Nominating Committee. Section D: The executive power of the Church is delegated by the active members to the Board, which shall provide leadership and conduct the business of the Church in accordance with Article VII. Any ten (10) active members may appeal any action of the Board by petitioning the active membership for a decision, at a special meeting, in accordance with Article VI, Section B. 18 Section E: A resignation of a member of the Board, the Nominating Committee, or the Endowment Committee shall be directed in writing to the President and copied to the Clerk, and shall be effective upon receipt by either. The resulting vacancy shall be filled in accordance with these Bylaws. ARTICLE V: MEMBERSHIP Section A: Any person sixteen (16) years of age or older, who is in sympathy with the purposes of the Church stated in Article III may become a member by signing the Membership Book of the Church. Signing the Membership Book shall constitute the member’s commitment to abide by the governing documents of the Church and the amendments thereto. Section B: An active member is a member 1) Whose signature has been in the Membership Book at least twenty-eight (28) days; and 2) Who participates in the activities of the Church; and 3) Who supports the Church financially. Section C: Only active members are eligible to cast a vote on any matter coming before a meeting of the membership, or to chair a committee. Only active members at least eighteen years of age are eligible to hold a position on the Board. Only active members shall be reported to the UUA or otherwise as members of the Church. Section D: The Board is authorized to change the membership status of any member from active to inactive if the member: 1) Has indicated that s/he does not wish to be an active member of the Church, or 2) Has not participated in Church activities for two or more years; or 3) Has not supported the Church financially for two or more years. Section E: A friend of the Church shall be one who is in sympathy with the purposes of the Church stated in Article III, does not wish to become an active member, financially supports the Church directly or through another member of the household, and indicates to the presiding officer that s/he wishes to be considered a friend of the Church. Friends of the Church are welcome to participate in the activities of the Church. ARTICLE VI: MEETINGS OF THE MEMBERSHIP Section A: An Annual Meeting of the membership shall be held on a date set by the Board each year no earlier than eight (8) weeks and no later than three (3) weeks prior to the end of the fiscal year. The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to adopt the budget, hold elections, and consider other business as set forth in the notice of the meeting. At this meeting any active member present may inquire into any Church business but no business other than that stated in the notice of the meeting may be voted upon. The President, the Vice Presidents, the Minister, the Director of Lifespan Faith Development, the Music Director, and each committee chair shall submit a written report to the Clerk at least one month prior to the Annual Meeting. The Clerk shall see that the reports are compiled and distributed to the membership at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual Meeting. The reports shall include the proposed annual budget 19 and any financial disbursements proposed for a vote. For the Annual Meeting the Nominating Committee shall nominate a candidate for each open position on the Board, the Nominating Committee, and the Endowment Trustees. Further nominations may be made from the floor with the nominee’s consent. Section B: Other meetings of the membership may be called by the Board at its discretion or shall be called by the Board upon the written request of ten (10) active members. The written request shall state specifically the purpose of the proposed called meeting and shall be sent by the United States Postal Service to the church office, the president, and the clerk. Such request shall be honored within twenty-eight (28) days following the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting. No business other than that stated in the meeting notice may be voted upon. Section C: Notice of the Annual Meeting or any called meeting of the membership shall be given to all active members not less than fourteen (14) days before the meeting, unless these bylaws require longer notice for some particular business to come before the meeting. Notice of meetings of the membership shall be given by mail or email. The Notice of the Annual Meeting shall include all nominations by the Nominating Committee. In case of cancellation by the Board of any Annual or called meeting, it shall be rescheduled at the earliest possible date, with reasonable notice of the new date. No changes may be made in the original agenda. Section D: The President shall preside at each meeting of the membership. In the President’s absence the meeting shall be presided over by the Past-President, the President-Elect, or the Vice-President-Council, in that order. The presiding officer may appoint a parliamentarian for the meeting. Section E: Prior to each meeting of the membership, the President shall appoint one or more Board members as tellers, and the Clerk shall furnish the tellers with the current list of active members. The tellers shall establish the number of active members required for a quorum, and verify the active member status of those voting. Section F: A quorum at any meeting of the membership shall consist of thirty percent (30%) of the active membership, except for the call or dismissal of a minister as provided in Article X, Section E. The quorum count shall include active members present by proxy as well as in person. In the event that an active member cannot attend a meeting of the membership, s/he may designate another active member to cast the absent member’s vote on any business coming before the meeting. The designation shall be made on a proxy form, provided by the Clerk, for that purpose; the proxy form shall be signed by the absent member, and shall be signed by the designated member showing consent to the designation. The proxy must be presented to the tellers before the meeting. No active member present in person for the meeting may hold a proxy for more than three (3) absent members. Section G: Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, votes taken at meetings of the membership shall be by written ballot, and carried by a simple majority of the total of active members voting in person and by proxy. Any motion for the adoption of a budget or other disbursement of funds must be carried by a two-thirds vote of active members voting in person and by proxy. 20 ARTICLE VII: BOARD Section A: The executive body of the Church shall be the Board, which shall at all times conduct its activities as prescribed within Article IV. Section B: The Board shall consist of ten (10) active members at least eighteen (18) years of age as follows: 1) A President-elect, President, and Past President. The President-elect shall be elected for a three-year term, with the two succeeding years to be served respectively as President and Past President. 2) A Vice-President Council and two Members-at-Large shall be elected in oddnumbered years for two year terms. 3) A Clerk, Vice-President Finance, and two Members-at-Large shall be elected in even-numbered years for two year terms. 4) All Board members shall be active members as of the date of the Annual Meeting at which their election occurs, and remain active members for the entire term of their office. A nominee for President-elect must have been an active member of the Church for at least two years as of the date of the Annual Meeting at which the election occurs. 5) The President-elect/President/Past President shall not serve more than one consecutive three-year cycle in that office. Other Board members may not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. 6) Each of these Board members shall have one vote in matters before the Board. Section C: The Board shall establish bookkeeping and accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices for similar institutions. Promptly after the close of the fiscal year occurring during each calendar year divisible by two, the Board shall appoint an ad hoc Audit Committee of three active members not currently serving in an office dealing with Church finances. This Audit Committee shall audit the Church’s accounts and report the results to the Board at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Section D: The Board shall authorize the expenditure of budgeted funds or other funds approved by the active members. Any proposed budgetary change equal to or greater than ten (10) percent of the total adopted budget shall require the approval of the active members. Section E: The Board, in consultation with the Minister and the Personnel Committee, shall hire and dismiss all salaried employees and fix their compensation. Recommendations for hiring salaried employees shall be made by the Personnel Committee in cooperation with the Minister and the appropriate Committee (e.g., Facilities would recommend the hiring of a sexton). In the absence of a clear committee relationship, the Personnel Committee shall act alone in its recommendation to the Board. Employees may be discharged, by the Board, for non-performance of duties or for other causes. Section F: The Board shall meet on a regular basis, but not less often than monthly. The Board may hold executive sessions only for the purpose of considering personnel matters, real estate transactions, or possible litigation. Regular meetings of the Board shall be open to all members of the Church. Any member of the Church may present any matter to the Board for its consideration by notification in writing to the President or Clerk of the Board forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting, stating the issue to be considered. 21 Section G: A quorum of the Board shall be five (5) voting members. Section H: Any member of the Board who misses three (3) consecutive regular Board meetings without good cause, or who fails to perform his or her duties, may be considered for removal by the Board at its next meeting. Removal shall be by a threefourths vote of the Board members present. Section I: The new Board members shall take office on the first day of the fiscal year following the one in which they were elected. Section J: In the event of a vacancy on the Board, the Nominating Committee shall nominate an active member to fill that position until the next Annual Meeting. The Board shall vote to approve such nominee at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Any remaining portion of the original term shall be filled by election at the next Annual Meeting. ARTICLE VIII: ENDOWMENT TRUSTEES Four Endowment Trustees shall be active members of the Church who shall be elected by the active membership at the Annual Meeting. They shall be selected on the basis of their personal or professional investment knowledge and interest. Each Trustee shall serve a four year term, with one member being elected each year. Trustees may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Vacancies on the Endowment Committee shall be filled by the Board. It shall be the duty of the Endowment Trustees to manage the assets entrusted to them in accordance with established Endowment guidelines. A representative of the Endowment Trustees shall report to the Board of Directors semiannually in order to inform the Board of the progress and direction of the Endowment. ARTICLE IX: COMMITTEES Section A: The Church Council shall consist of the chairs or designated representatives of committees identified by the Board. The Vice-President Council or his or her designee shall chair the Council, which shall meet at least quarterly. The Council and its members are responsible for executing and managing the programs of the Church, as defined by the Board. Section B: The mission of the Shared Ministry Committee is to support and monitor the well-being of the church-wide ministry – a ministry in which all members, friends and professional staff are involved in ministering to each other and the wider community and in affirming the Unitarian Universalist principles. The Shared Ministry Committee shall consist of six (6) active members selected for three- year staggered terms, with the Minister serving as an ex-officio member. Members of the Shared Ministry Committee may serve no more than two consecutive terms and may not simultaneously serve on the church staff or the Board or, preferably, any other church leadership position. New committee members shall be selected by the following process: Each year the Shared Ministry Committee shall submit a list of at least twice as many names as open positions on the Committee to the Board at its March meeting. The Board shall prioritize the names and approve members for the Committee from the list. The Shared Ministry Committee shall invite new members in order of priority. Section C: The Committee on Harmonious Relations (CHR) shall consist of three (3) to five (5) members appointed by the Board for three-year staggered terms. Consecutive 22 terms are permitted. The CHR shall select its own leader and recommend to the Board each year two or three persons for appointment. The CHR shall have discretion to call upon past members to assist the committee's activities. The CHR shall report to the board its activities. The duties and responsibilities of the CHR are to assist Church members in resolving conflicts through direct communication and by working together toward cooperative solutions. CHR shall establish guidelines and operate according to them. Section D: The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) active members each elected for a two-year, staggered term, with at least two (2) new members elected every year at the Annual Meeting. There shall be no consecutive terms. The Nominating Committee shall work throughout the Church year to find and cultivate active members who are deemed capable and are willing to serve as openings occur. The Committee shall recommend candidates for election to the Board, the Nominating Committee, and the Endowment Trustees at the next Annual Meeting after apprising the potential nominee of the duties and responsibilities of the position and obtaining his or her consent to stand for election. The Committee shall notify the President and the membership of its slate of nominees at least fourteen (14) days before the Annual Meeting by posting the list in the Church and publishing it in the Church newsletter. The nominees shall be listed in the notice of the meeting distributed to the members. Nominations may be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting. Section E: The Personnel Committee shall be constituted by the Board and perform such functions as the Board directs. The chair shall be a member of the Board. Section F: The Board, in its discretion, may from time to time establish such other committees as it deems necessary to carry on the business of the Church. These committees shall be charged with specific duties and responsibilities, and their assignments may be of a continuing nature or for a specific length of time. Those with a limited charge shall cease to exist as soon as their charge is completed, unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws or by the Board. The Board shall provide for the charges, responsibilities, and members of all committees, to be maintained on the Church website. Section G: All committees shall report to the Board, as the Board directs. ARTICLE X: MINISTER Section A: In the event of a ministerial vacancy, the Ministerial Search Committee shall seek candidates for the position of Minister of the Church and recommend a candidate to the active members for consideration. Election of and procedures followed by the Search Committee shall follow current UUA guidelines for the search process. A candidate for Minister shall have, or be actively pursuing, ministerial fellowship with the UUA. Election shall be by at least eighty (80) percent of the active members present at a meeting legally called for this purpose at which not less than forty (40) percent of active members are present in person or by proxy. A contract shall be negotiated between the Board and the Minister and approved by the active members before the Minister assumes his or her duties. The contract shall include duties and responsibilities, and shall specify the term of the contract. 23 Section B: The Minister shall be responsible to the membership of the Church and the Board for the effective performance of his or her duties, and shall be evaluated annually by the Board. The Minister shall render all such reports as the Board may require, and shall make whatever recommendations to the Board as seem pertinent to the general interests of the Church. The final decision in matters of policy or procedure shall rest with the Board or the active members. Section C: The Minister shall be a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Board and all Church Committees except the Nominating Committee and the Ministerial Search Committee. Section D: The Minister shall have the freedom to express whatever opinion he or she wishes from the pulpit, being mindful that he or she is not the official spokesperson for the Church on any matter unless so authorized. In public matters, the Minister shall speak only on his or her own behalf, unless authorized by the Board to speak for the Church. Section E: The Minister may be dismissed by a two-thirds vote of the active members of the Church present at a meeting called for that purpose, at which not less than forty (40) percent of the active members of the Church are present in person or by proxy. Resignation may take place immediately or when specified by the members voting at such meeting, but the Minister’s salary and housing allowance shall be as specified in the contract. ARTICLE XI: FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of the Church shall commence July 1 and end June 30 of the following year. ARTICLE XII: ADOPTION AND AMENDMENTS Section A: Amendment and adoption of these Bylaws shall be by a two-thirds vote of those active members represented at a meeting called for the purpose of amending or adopting the Bylaws, at which a quorum is present. A copy of the proposed changes shall distributed to active members at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting and posted in the Church. All rules and regulations as set forth in these Bylaws for the conduct of such a meeting shall be adhered to in accordance with Article VI, Section A. Section B: An ad hoc Bylaws Committee, appointed by the Board, shall review these Bylaws every year divisible by five. ARTICLE XIII: DISSOLUTION OF THE CHURCH If the Church ceases to function and the members vote to disband, any assets of the Church shall be transferred to the Unitarian Universalist Association or its successor, after payment of all debts. ARTICLE XIV: RULES OF PROCEDURE The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of meetings of the congregation, unless such rules of order conflict with specific provisions of these Bylaws. 24 ARTICLE XV: EFFECTIVE DATE These Bylaws shall take effect May 6, 2006. 25
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