Defining Citizen Engagement: A Discussion on How to Assess Government Site Performance September 15, 2011 Government Site Visitation has declined in total unique visitors since July 2010 despite growth across the Total Internet in most categories. Change vs. July - 2010 Total Internet Visitation to Online Categories 250,000 +0% +7% +2% +6% Total Unique Visitors (000) 200,000 +16% +9% +16% 150,000 +4% +11% -2% 100,000 50,000 0 Jul-10 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Jul-11 2 Source: comScore Media Metrix Media Trend, July 2010 – July 2011 Visitation and engagement to government sites has declined since July 2010 despite an increase in Internet users. July 2010 Government Sites July 2011 Government Sites Avg. Daily Visitors 10.96 MM 10.12 MM Avg. Minutes / Day 9.0 8.3 Avg. Pages / Day 13.5 12.6 Category Avg. Visits / Day 1.3 1.3 Avg. Days / Visitor 3.8 3.6 Avg. Min / Visitor 34.4 29.7 Total Internet +10% Since Jul-09 213,584 215,054 Jul-10 Jul-11 195,538 Avg. Pages / Visitor 51 45 Jul-09 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 3 Source: comScore Media Metrix Key Measures, July 2011 Government sites reach a higher percentage of women across nearly all age brackets. Women users of government sites between the ages of 45-54 spend 6.6 hours per month on government related sites, the highest of any age and gender bracket and 2 hours more than men of the same age. – Women across all ages spend over 5 hours more on government sites than men. Government Government Males %Reach by Age & Gender Males Time Spent (Hours per Visitor) Females 60 7 50 6 Females 5 40 4 30 3 20 2 10 1 0 0 12-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 © comScore, Inc. 55-64 Proprietary. 12-24 65+ 4 25-34 35-44 45-54 Source: comScore Demographic Profile, July 2011 55-64 65+ .gov Reform Effort Part of President Obama's Campaign to Cut Waste, identifying unnecessary websites that can be consolidated into other websites to reduce costs and improve the quality of service to the American public. Requires federal agencies to take specific steps to strengthen customer service, including how they deliver services and information on federal ".gov" websites. Improve Customer Service Delivery Advance Customer Service through Innovative Technology Solicit Timely Customer Feedback Improve Online Services © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 5 Assessing Citizen Engagement across Government Sites © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 6 What is Engagement? The number of visitors to a site? Growth in visitation from year to year? The amount of time spent on a site? Reach of specific population or location? Accessibility via portal search? Relevance among comparable sites? © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 7 The number of visitors to a site? July 2011 Unique Visitors (000) July 2010 Unique Visitors (000) July 2011 Unique Visitors (000) Two Year Change 9,082 8,183 9,082 46% 7,831 8,672 7,831 12% 4,651 4,349 4,651 10% 4,007 4,135 4,007 21% 3,553 4,075 3,553 -5% 3,226 3,614 3,226 11% 3,128 4,243 3,128 -4% 2,397 2,760 2,397 5% 2,105 1,853 2,105 -28% 1,819 2,170 1,819 -31% Site © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 8 Source: comScore Media Metrix Long Term Media Trend July 2009 – July 2011 Growth in visitation from year to year? July 2009 Unique Visitors (000) July 2010 Unique Visitors (000) July 2011 Unique Visitors (000) Two Year Change 6,235 8,183 9,082 46% 7,008 8,672 7,831 12% 4,226 4,349 4,651 10% 3,308 4,135 4,007 21% 3,728 4,075 3,553 -5% 2,909 3,614 3,226 11% 3,254 4,243 3,128 -4% 2,277 2,760 2,397 5% 2,933 1,853 2,105 -28% 2,632 2,170 1,819 -31% Site © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 9 Source: comScore Media Metrix Long Term Media Trend July 2009 – July 2011 Growth in visitation from year to year? Change vs. July - 2010 Fastest Growing Federal Government Sites Total Unique Visitors (000) 10,000 9,000 9,082 8,000 7,831 7,000 7,008 6,000 6,235 5,000 4,000 3,000 4,007 3,308 2,000 1,000 +46% +12% +21% +18% +160% 1,462 1,234 1,016 391 0 Jul-09 © comScore, Inc. Jul-10 Proprietary. 10 Jul-11 Source: comScore Media Metrix Long Term Media Trend July 2009 – July 2011 The amount of time spent on a site? Measuring a site’s content by unique visitor’s isn’t the only important metric – understanding repeat visitation and UV’s to visitors is crucial as well. 25,000 21,669 20,000 16,497 14,735 15,000 13,186 9,082 10,000 5,000 9,542 7,831 7,309 4,651 3,553 3,128 3,226 0 Total UV’s (000) © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Total Visits (000) 11 7,272 4,007 The amount of time spent on a site? Page Visitation Measurement Minute Measurement 198 135 105 69 102 69 66 63 58 49 47 26 25 15 47 58 49 32 19 17 16 6 Total Pages Viewed NIH.GOV 5 Avg. Pages per Visitor ED.GOV IRS.GOV © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Total Minutes SSA.GOV 12 WEATHER.GOV 10 16 14 20 18 Avg. Minutes per Visitor OPM.GOV NOAA.GOV Reach of a specific population or location? Presence of Children in Home Gender Males 52% 48% Yes 30% No 70% Female Visitation Demographics 25% Females 20% 15% The Office of Women’s Health is a prime example of a government agency that engages their target demographic with their online presence. 10% 5% 0% 2-11 12-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 © comScore, Inc. 45-54 Proprietary. 55-64 65+ 13 Source: comScore Media Metrix, February 2011 Reach of a specific population or location? NIH WebMD Health Everyday Health Everyday Health tends to attract a larger amount of older visitors, whereas the NIH attracts the largest amount of high income households. Females are much more frequent visitors making up 2/3 of all visitation. © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 14 Source: comScore Marketer, May 2011 Accessibility via portal search? Destinations for FLU Destinations for Tornado Destinations for Government Jobs Search optimization is key to drive traffic to a website. How often users click on a your site when it appears in a search engine is also a good measurement to determine whether a site is providing the content that is useful to an internet user. © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 15 Relevance among comparable sites? Government Site Visitation 89,052 91,074 87,555 Jul-2010 Jan-2011 Jul-2011 Weather Category Site UVs Career Category Site UVs Shipping Category Site UVs 16,799 42,918 12,494 12,359 14,841 9,032 26,380 10,726 2,903 3,553 © comScore, Inc. 642 Proprietary. 16 962 From the .gov Reform – Web Inventory Guidance B) Use metrics to determine the value of each .gov domain • How much visitor traffic is the site generating? Could more people access the content if it was housed on another site that is already generating a high volume of traffic? • What is the user performance? How well can people accomplish their top tasks on this site (not just starting at your site, but also from a commercial search engine)? Is user performance improving, declining, or staying steady? Are you measuring task completion rates, time to complete tasks, other user performance metrics? • Is the site fulfilling its intended purpose and reaching its intended audience? What metrics do you have to demonstrate that? • What is the level of customer satisfaction with the site? Is satisfaction increasing or decreasing? • Does the value of delivering the content (volume of visitors + performance) exceed the cost of maintaining the site? © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 17 What is Engagement? The number of visitors to a site? Growth in visitation from year to year? The amount of time spent on a site? Reach of specific population or location? Accessibility via portal search? Relevance in among comparable sites? © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 18 Thank You. About comScore: comScore is publically traded, NASDAQ: SCOR comScore averaged 375 media citations per day in 2010 Gillian Heltai Senior Director, comScore O 703.438.2013 M 703.307.9513 comScore was the first and only market research firm to be recognized as a Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum. comScore is now recognized as a Global Shaper organization comScore was the first organization to measure: e-commerce, video streaming, and online search © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 19
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