INCUBATORS D -AN TO HOW USE THEM. I BY- C. F. PETERS {.Containing All the Instructions Necessary Needed be to Successful Hatching and in Rearing Chickens ! Based on the Author's for PRICE CENTS. PHILADELPHIA, PUBLISHED BY C. Experience Years. FIFTEEN F. PA. PETERS of Artificially. Practical Ten the " CO. .'T4-8 THE it is the Perfect offering machine. A perfect In Hatcher a machine HATCHER. to the public,we know that in every detail versal thoroughlycalculated to give uniits perfectreliability satisfaction, under all circumstances,and its entirely automatic in the world. in are it at construction,render of its kind that PERFECT use do we that is the most once complete the best machine and Out of the many hundreds of the Perfect Hatchers know of one that is not givingperfectsatisfaction, and not daily in receiptof letters of thanks and testimonials from our patrons, expressingnot only satisfaction but delight,they are so well pleased. Some will say My last hatch was so and so, I would not have believed it possible," I have so many chickens out of so many or Your machine does far eggs." are we " " " than more learned claim you for anxiety enough it,it is so *' I have easy to run, "c.," others will say, in running other incubators,to appreciate the ful wonder- of yours,"and so on. These letters are all on file at our reliability office, and are open to the inspection of all interested parties. The Hatcher is made of wood, paper, galvanizediron, iron gas pipe, copper, brass,glass,silver, rubber, steel,etc. material is used in its construction,each has ; all the above and and is of the greatest importance in its place, function, place and each article is the very best of its kind and for which we pay the highest price. There is no second class material used in any part of the machines, the its proper labor in employed branch, and we is the building them spare no expense in Tlie The highestgrade we can obtain in every perfect. making our Hatchers absolutely Case. Case is made of wood thoroughlykiln dried,and combined with paper, This combination inch one enveloping the entire machine. space offers the greatest resistance to heat and cold of any method, and its non-conducting a dead of power is so temperature averages or great that the Hatcher 50" and 90", and the Hatcher this great change chamber, notwithstanding go up to egg does can in contact be placed in a outside. The where room the temperature may then will maintain uniform a perfectly regulated; fall to the zero heat in the heat and moisture the wood, therefore does not affect it. We will here state that the regulating is attached the to wooden not apparatus part, but is firmlyattached to the iron part, which the it whether answers fully question be thrown out of adjustmentby the possible o f the can wood. shrinkingor swelling not come with In is by means only correct this Incubator claim be to the is deflected heat the hen. The tank from is so tank of hot in water method and arranged that in imitation be heated to sides,edges uniform a we ; the and centre, is temperature if it does boilingpoint and the which nature top heat as applied by circulation of the water, perfect a thereby insuringa perfectlyuniform heat in the corners, circulation is obtained a good Unless all parts alike. Water impossible. may of givingthem have we galvanizediron tank, a nearest top of eggs, to lieat of Application late circu- not not impart its heat ; an egg placed within two inches of the tank will remain of them have cold. We surpassed all of our rivals in this respect ; none have yet obtained circulation the that of result some a good parts being water, it will of their chamber heat. in the Perfect tank and to cold too are shift their eggs from one These facts beyond are and dispute. Hatcher passes The complete downward We but have checking the that only agent sensitive. is where When a caused heat by has could pull the It is or mechanical are the box is reliable ; it positively all inventors of incubators, friction to our there as overcome, operate the three to six degrees before to very always is used. friction ventilator,and the thermostat the can weight or spring. There is also this ; they are, of necessity, very complicatedand with the use of electricity the active agent, as release the device It is true we use construction and own to device any other mechanical is used, the thermostat has to overcome Regulatoris as regulatingscrews, Nos. 1 of the the clock work and a clock movement is strong and heat in the egg chamber follows and 2, : on as motive a is always plain,and reaches By reference the righthand, with lever connected containingthe battery,and strikes the by its action. action notice the hand a but it is of The will two with this instrument, it is so in connection decline objection are subjectto derangement, but device is simplicity itself. our power, the other so springthat is used or lever off the clutch in positive for long sought contrivance advance to the tank, back three distinct below pipesserve a regulatorthat perfecting been be used weight the to inches lower Heat. of there is no By usingelectricity and of levers or weights system mechanical a through the circulating through pipesat the back end, circulatory system, the stantly con- favor the to exceedinglysensitive that every variation affect it,and its action is at once positiveand prompt, effectually the We found that electricity advance decline of the heat. was or will of heat ; it has obtained. before never in succeeded fails to work to another after fourteen These Regulation never water obligedto they are part of the egg chamber again through a gang of pipeslocated the boiler thus completingthe circuit. is to of which one purposes, be explainedfurther on. hot, and too some the to the cut and In lamp. the in front of it is the ventilator. 102, you lever,thereby completing the turn up the left screw. the magnet circuit ; you will the left on is center When No. the 1, until it pullsdown the releasingthe clock, which instantly moves, opens the ventilator and down turns the lamp flame, thus effectually checking the heat by allowingthe hot air to escape and shuttingoff the flame which is the source of the heat. When the heat falls one No. 2 until it strikes the lever degree,you turn screw before. The opposite circuit is completed, and the ventilators close again as armature and the and will continue is lamp flame is turned operated by two up. This action Attention indefinitely. occurs every and the to open circuits, one is to save When batterypower. the clock as again, or as soon electrical objectof which it is instantly broken the is instantaneous; hence the five to fifteen minutes is called to the fact that consumption of batterypower other the wheels is our to regulator close lators, venti- circuit is move, only for pleted com- which a second, ventilator opens the time each machines, without a the circuit is connected battery continues be from ten of the time will last two years electrical apparatus number with of eggs. constant use, by of the means be evaporated in beneath a given too of moisture ease requiredin this machine. and of the machine perfect. are alike. The here cut This which doors as outside If the pipes of water has been develop to atmosphere an ing surround- the shell tougheningof the heated given is of size has two that open into the nu'-sery, and ventilator which is alwaysto be kept open. lower the (hick to cause the T^eiitilation Tlie complete batteries of the Perfect the superiority establishing liningresults air is always of the proper the chicks are naturallydeveloped,making their escape from the time arrive^;. No the proper when of the eggs is sprinkling shells with Is The thus the shell. eggs is too dry, the consequent Hatcher In the Perfect also in failure. humidity,and the M^oistnre will its exit from unnatural the consumption of from open pans, placed on water the egg drawers. The proper amount in time and a given temperature, space much carefullystudied, size,and prevent as Therefore, when evaporationof mentioned, previously to the all other. over Application Is opened, are electrically regulated circuit. v/eather will so, wliich in warm Thus the batteries are liable to lose their operator, with the expensive and vexatious of the entire other one they remain hours. two to absence during power result of spoilingthe Hatcher All the ventilators and during minutes the closes. or singleexception,have only before stated it does every rushes in at these bottom a 0 Hatcher No. ; both sides glassdoors, four egg drawers ; two is a in each of these lower drawers the ventilator When five to fifteen on top opens, pure air from the the hot pipesand is minutes, the ventilators, passes over throughthe eggs and out of top ventilator;thereby upward of air every few minutes, and supplying entire volume the completely changing with the oxygen the growing chick requiredto purifythe blood and give the is generatedby the acid gas, which chick a carbonic The development. warmed ; thence and strong in other animals,is disolaced as rapidlydevelopingcirculatory system the same of the machine, falls air to the bottom and being heavier than by the oxygen, air of that are always passing it is carried out by the cross currents whence through bottom ventilators when the top ventilators are closed. which is twoinches in depth,the objectof of a pure be kept the air can which allows a largeair space by We pare comchamber. shallow egg not being vitiated so rapidlyas m a two "-uPa^ contammg with a largesleepingroom its capacious; Is large and fold Oliamber Egg The Is^ It^ i^in effecf it is fourteen quality; ceiled low small verv with room the occupants, two much pu^e the m air into It 2d. will large one practice an puts longer than in the small one. Ihe viz: machine other in before adopted any principalnever important of heat in the different drawers, but biU y of maintainingdifferent degrees be placed can The advantage of this plan is that eggs chamber. the he feature is of This time. in every day, and chickens hatching at the same remain pTt ^iTin s'ame incubators. Uportance all who wtth ir the makers machines ^oTsefs all other use to mmost There or three days, begins to germinate animal heat, this time forward to maturity. The heat of the chick that other machine no drawers direct all the egg most, within two or, be filled up at pnce, must in the heat ten been of this is,after the eggs have at blood is ^he and The days. circulat this heat on reason of mcreases t^^^^^ ten days must of eggs m be impossibleto at that point it would be kept at 102", and if it is maintained will not germinate. at which degree they new eggs above 98", keep the heat degree, to the same fresh the heat raise on eggs made to if an attempt is Then The inevitable result, chicks. the kill and 109 to will run up heat on older eggs while the perplexedoperator strives therefore, is eggs are all destroyed, this have completelyovercome We maintain an equal temperature. in vain he from and to and our adjustabledrawer deep egg chamber defect by our value the three times of This feature alone renders our incubator of heat. source if it did not possess any other pomts of superiority. of any other made, even rapidly from oi thaTthe ti Are the and strongest made, lightest once to in constructed they are as all our a Dravs^ers Egg Tlie new and and an are feature especial peculiarmanner that of our commends machine them at patrons. Eggs the Tiarning and vigorous chick, and healthy germination tedious and slow is process to carefuy a of eggs hatched ; it a large percentage furnish We care. the with and necessary 500 eggs twice a day by hand, turn be turned can or more 100 of drawer eggs an extremely simple device, whereby a or with the fingers, jarredin the least. in ten seconds and not an egg touched marvel. a is and its simplicity is no There machinery about it, Is of the utmost importance to Management The Of Hatcher our It is not one a understood by every extremely easy and simple ; it is easily beautiful piece of is a made, yet fearfullyand wonderfully is Ihe existence. m the best steam engine and its appearbe obtained, ance that best can the very material and workmanship are to The time it. required who all see minds of in the confidence inspires the and and ten in the evening, in the morning operate it is about ten minutes cents to three down per cents ten day is about size per for our largest expense be left with perit can fect attention the it After proper giving day for the No. 1. feel the least anxiety about need never and one security, all day or all night, those disagreeable things. it becoming too hot or too cold, or any of machinery and it is as perfectas Success The is the best evidence fact that many we of can our of giveof customers Hatching. the of our complete reliability have bought their second machines, and third machine to trying the after 100 per obtained of cent, at every first one; which 75 hardlybe said of any other, stock of according vigor laying them, is fertile eggs to hatching. Tlie Of We them. results obtained. qualityand that $25, and out or profitsof of the net The We earn. of the claim value of made, cheap one accomplished considering kind that costs that will night,and times,is the incubator an Hatchers our be can are of five cut once money that most pensive ex- is in tion proporfor themselves will pay from market hatches poultry fancy stock. " Tlae Of machine whether hatchings, two what cheapestthat egg good hatch, say in existence. it will what to it is considered tlie personal attention day and requires machine 100 A constant occasional only give an [Prices are very low, when claim them to be Hatchers our with can Hatcher Perfect the perfectuniformityof of IPoints all other incubators over The 2. heat. Superiority absolute are control follows: as the The 1. heat. Its 3. 4, Its perfectly resistance to extreme automatic change of heat or cold. 5. Its perfectand thorough ventilation, 6. Its applicationof moisture, The advantage of placingeggs and air 7. chamber large space, capaciousegg of 8. different degrees of heat for to have The ability in at any and all times, Its under all circumstances. 9. incubation. different stages of perfectreliability The 11. of smallest expense and ease Its simplicity of oil 10. management. The 12, of eggs set. for the number largestpercentage of vigorous chicks perfectand Its L5. with attachment can 14. as thorough construction, a very of sleeping room Its nursery for temporary use. it is built to endure a lifetime. important improvement, viz batteries and thermostat,extra extra placedin be chicks. deformed recentlyadded have We No 13. hatched. attendant, matter no be set so that liPundred feet away ; the thermostat can will continue will and one ring degree,the alarm bell is attended to. This apparatus is not a but necessity, An : alarm bell. the alarm The if the if the machine heat rises bell bell is five or falls to ringuntil the machine it adds additional safety; the safetyvalve protects the steam boiler. it protects the eggs in the same manner is careless and neglects to wind the clock or fillthe lamps, or If the attendant whatever, the heat gets too high or too low, this faithful if,for any reason is $15 extra The priceof this attachment at once. the alarm sentinel sounds for each machine of any size. I^rices. CAPACITY No. Discounts No The boxed owx and lowest above pricesgiven are delivered cash on prices,etc., that exactly as printedabove. and Our at cars Full person can any intelligent can supervision personal on Order. one for Hatchers factory. complete We are so in desire to state that our printedinstructions accompany we start successfully be obtained in particular, to give sellingpricesare every frequently asked the machines all and Hatchers, operate them. lishments. planningand startinglargeestab- 8 of Dimensions Outside Floor Hatoliers. Space. from [Quoted P. H. Co.'s Ciicular.] ERFEr Brooder, with itslatest improvements,we our offering In its is in every respect what plans of brooders defects. We do itswork THE upon come the were ground they are should She legswarm, seem which have long ago claim astray. But we be based must upon been now the our all their know it will we she under and around the brooder : " She sits body, with which they are surrounded on all and thus keeps their ground slightly, of the utmost importance. It would the mother of teachings devised,but strange as to have solved of principle her her feathers and earlier develop to all how find to be we time rival of the natural broods her chicks,viz warms the confident it and successor enveloped in even that from run are advancing, until now steadily is the by are conscious that it took but success; been ; the chicks sides by warmth. feet and a have It is well kuown in contact; therefore not therefore implies. We name and successfully, HEN. (S)/y the the hen, a it may seem, The problem. hen, viz : successful brooder A have all gone we successful brooder comfortable warmth floor but not too warm and a comfortably chick,a warm chick. the The chick needs warm to lie down and atmosphere surrounding other like animal. lie dovvn it cold on sleep a They cannot floor; must be any v/ill huddle then and the warm or mischief is to pay. The they together, or atmosphere must be warm they will suffer. There must be good ventilation, and constant, or they will be poisonedby their own carbonic gas, the same as would result from a dozen peoplesleepingin a small room with all the doors and windows closed. The brooder must be portable; it must be placed on the ground,so the chicks can run in and out at their pleasureon pleasantdays ; it be storm must proof, cold proof, and proofagainstall animals dangerousto chickens ; it must have ample room be keptinside on for the chicks,so theycan all rainyand cold days; it must have a glassrun, so that when the wind is sharp surrounding the in March and April,November bid defiance " " and December, the chicks can bask in the shine sun- the cold, shivery winds. It must be of that adjustable character to circumstances and seasons, that it can be placed in a buildingof any suitable character, or out on the lawn, or in the field,at the pleasureand convenience It must of its owner. be so arranged that a person can raise the and number largest spot of to of chicks ground. in possible, a state of health,on the smallest possible 10 Such brooder a with its merits and offer to the we good common Defects shall make however, that our is proven, Incubators now on copyingour system forth,are copiesof give our now readers a few should not of any which rheumatic, to as of brooders have we the as exclusively, and stomachs feet,legs ; the keep are successful of air underneath chicks,causingthem effect of chicks put now A cold currents of the The warm. youngest and weakest that abandoned. top heat have morning ; when a chick A flock of 100 chickens our largenumber a method old our to in fact ; and togetheris well known so Brooders, in the chicks will chill the mass together in their effort to to appeal to judge it upon competitors.We have no doubt, copied,when its system of brooding will be as universally has been our as majorityof the system of hatching. The it by at all,only obtained the market, that have any success allusions no success brooder We sense. we will the pointsupon But whom public,to massing this found are dead every the others get on top and he is smothered. dwindle and to 25, and these will be crippled gets down once will soon This creatures. unsightly become massing togetheris one those in the center held of the mass are causes leg weakness, prolific immovable for hours vice ten or more in as a perfectly ; the ; they are firmlyas their and when r eleased in around blood stops circulating finally they totter legs, of of the like from which cripples, as A they reallyare. with all bottom brooder heat is a heated at that the floor is quiteliable to be over crooked toes and causes great distress. It makes injurious the fact very and calloused which joints is another of form leg weakness failure, times,which is and enlarged bad as as the first. that has to be elevated on legsso the chicks cannot get to the merits it is other what successful not matter a have, may ground every day, no chicks the of hot over current a brooder that brooder. A air,is not a places this stand hour doubts for hot air who an a over successful one. Let any one A brooder of compelland see how they feel ; then think of the absurdity ing register A brooder a hot air register. little chicks to obtain all their comfort over when it is much better to have it out that requires you to placeit in a bililding, that can be placed out of the year, is not as desirable as one doors six months furnace of doors. of than when all there the this hole fillswith hole dug sun water in the ground and to very puts rain in order the ments requiremay at as imsatisfactory one, out the lamp ; this will occur storm, which is as likelyto meet more you need the heat for your chicks much above comprise The classes of brooders enumerated shines. is legion. The their variations, and their number great day time, in the absolute frauds ; others have and and much care expense. great obstacle to obtain do a reasonable measure "Weakness. Leg The a that the brooder annoying,as duringa is very with great success have so with are majorityare of to heatingapparatus, bringingthe chicks to the ground,is a night as at has its every rain storm at any time and occur that brooder A accommodate in artificialpoultryraising comes success of which from and is To avoid we of causes, some a variety be adopted ; firstof which must this great evil two most important preventatives is a perfectbrooding system ; an imperfect broodingsystem causes legweakness, first,by all top heat, leavingfeet and legs exposed to the cold ; second, all produced by bottom heat, which crooked toes, Artificial commercial can be at times is excessive and have enumerated. swelled and causes calloused joints, etc. chicks rearingof business,as any easilyascertained. can other The now be conducted business market is upon as in the world. The judged as readilyas secure cost for a basis for of the plant butter, corn, 11 beef production is of cost other reliable. feeding is simple and system business a subject of thorough study of is the great problem, This a and earnings and the remain at home solved by feet, can to put up wife care Any with one raise and space. " whom most sum comfort Absolute 2d. Mild 3d. Thorough 4th. It is 5th. It has 6th. It lamps are Thus ample space under scarcelyany 1 section in one, holds hold chicks made are Each 2, or PRICES will WITHOUT of be the he 00 No. No. 2, 50 00 No. of ground ease in air is drawn out in on rain the on lawn. rainy days. wind and storms ; required be sections,with separate glass more can space No. No. 0, 3x4 ft. ; 2, 3x11 ft. and The and with can be easilycleaned v/hich if decent get filthy care it can three out, is out. be ground " feet wide. and is also accessible Brooder his brooder cleaned given. a by One out of with space The in every This run. 00, 80 00, three two runs. 0, 4x9 No. 2, 11x9 runs. with of Brooders : saves RUNS. one 60 runs ft. ; No. ft. glasssash is hinged can person the glass door admirable 00, age. for run purchaser the us. GLASS $38 1, 7x9 ft. ; No. long and opened is six feet run ft. ; separate a accord Dimensions of five weeks or and 0, 1, 2, without Brooders : four to prices 40 is the be three RUNS. 1, reached to and What buys No. platform others loss. glass run, No. interior. chicks or different ages, with 00 1, 3x7 home always dry. chicks 150 $28 Each the and two 0, Dimensions No. of at out. violent most the interior is and and glass to keep No. " host of current a in doors be used can give priceswith and without if the privilegeof making the glassrun of and glass. breakage freight runs a remain unquestioned. will say it comprises: them over We each. per month, from with a growing surrounding them. proof, standing the out average Portable an our ? Brooders No. a air passes and put each. for and ground never of age 2,200 on use widows and 125 we ventilation, as constant the on is storm brooder Our runs and is can in market closed, and system warm It raises itschicks with 7th. of any heat and bottom they lightwork, do product our by now the chick. to tubes, warmed the of advantages 1st. through its the up for this market The independent. To of avenues 60 month, per itself to commends people who can employment are old family clergymen, problem months three to still and is good, ordinary citylot, say a will hold business also This This assist to her share do house. the with man a young is ambitious she can " and to almost than ease can who half a it what you like. of the this branch made " for the children building that a have chicks at least 800 chicks, and place in the market in the year; each, eight months l)rofitof 20 cents if upon Brooder a rented spot, and place 400 chicks same four and be to for the last five years. before solved how never a system. our We growing family,and a support of the family how income moderate in known now The profitcan be figured with greater per pound. business ; it is so entirelyunder make control you can eight cents any Our The wheat. or enter and feature part. of There and clean every our is part to the can Brooder nothing to How of Production the time same it largebusiness,and be followed be can sewing machine, but they can make are seekingemployment will do a first and The most and failure, throughout a as the with perservance need as men. their lives away over all others living. And slave not nice and a quitea on well easy to leads not only to loss,but absolute poor machine hundreds is condemed the business ; yet there are consequence b ut are making fortunes. Country who are not only successful, possessionof the person, any the poultry thoroughlyinvestigate bator, in is have essential point a good Incustarting,to who business. by at of the nineteenth being sufficient capitalto carry carried on by women justas successfully straightenedcircumstances left in Widows and interesting most dollars hundred few the of one businesses profitable most it can perfected, now a energy, of the easiest and one As century. and Poultry. artificialproduction of poultry is The Artificial in the Successful be to a be a perfect self-regulating ; there must control of the heat; a regularand perfectlygraduated evaporationof moisture, circulation of fresh air. constant Again, a great and a positively pure and in be much do not all a hurry to put novices spoil precipitation ; by too many until fmd three Machine two or in your eggs, but run everything days you your then go ahead. running perfectly, Incubator An You be cannot less your or they should more and breeding,which also be taken also be used no two old year not hens ten over iii feedingthe birds to cocks so mated as to with with run obtain one one on this will should old week Eggs good strong healthy stock from come that than more success. is selection of eggs, in the careful too reasonablyexpect more be be first-class must to be set, age for of the proper Care year old hens. cock ; discrimination produce good strong good depend never germs, ill fed fowls results from must must you can than you as Again you expect a strong healthy child from a weak half-starved woman. in and in too much, that is to say bred be careful that the fowls are not must of a introduced fresh blood that they have every year by buying up cocks will here say, that as it is as cheap to keep pure bred different strain. And we can fowls as As all mongrels, by regards the means different keep breeds them best as will you always get calculatedfor market, better there results. are many found opinions; in all the wflTeF's experience however, he has never hens crossed with a white Leghorn cock, which anything to equal lightBrahma fine flavored and makes and boniness of the Brahma a very reduces the leginess different yellow legged bird. the first mentioned be careful to keep The Plymouth Rock are also excellent an give the be:.t satisfaction. 102 and heat always between lay so as to give the largeend will the After market bird,but puttingyour eggs in, ^ degrees Farenheit, and X slightelevation,the object 103 that the eggs a where the chick will then is to allow the germ to float to the largeend have never known a form ; this is a very important feature,for in ten years we At the expiraout. chick which formed at the small end or pointof the egg to come tion done by be taken out and tested (which is easily of the fifth day the eggs must also see of which and all infertile eggs taken out, these with a first-class egg tester,) person be taken Care must be replaced by fresh eggs thus economizing space. bulb rests on a live egg or you will get the wrong that the thermometer heat, of this is that an egg with a growing chick will generate a certain the reason any can amount of animal remember, Machine heat you want is. You want and the will be hotter heat of the your than an doii't egg, you thermometer layingon infertileor care the what eggs bad egg. the heat and Now of the registering 13 102 103, and it will to do not much too to vary that you can vary 4 or 5 degreeseither way is not so, the result is invariably weak and therefore any, Machine do buy good Incubator. cheap, you will a so. THE handle to twice be turned must the writers claim this; some doing any damage, but it crippledchicks,if indeed you get Do inferior not be led into buying an be if you the in the looser end certainly it is because from without your carefully, eggs you can shell, which the 5 to 10 minutes. At each turning, is no hammering or jarringabout that there see Incubator, and break aired from and day a EGGS expect they hatch. good a should disturb them, except to put them in the dried. They should remain partially do When the on 19 of the Nursery or the chicks 20th day, Machine begin do not after they get in the Nursery 24 hours, and during that period they requireneither food or drink. Nature has provided sustenance for the little fellows during this time, in the yolk of the egg, which is in the bowels of the chick justbefore it comes absorbed of the shell,and is out by the young chick,this takes about 24 hours and during that slowlydigested time it would not only be unnecessary considerable to feed, but might cause trouble. of that period,the chick can At the expiration be placed in the And the little orphanswill need all now Brooder, and will be ready to eat. it be impressedon your mind, that the utmost attention must be ; let your care will endeavor full and compreto make rules,which we paid to the following hensive. First in order comes THE BROODER. for your little downy tribe,a mother It is necessary that to have a mother make the all the necessary thrive. chicks to and requisites grow there are many pointsto be followed in order to make a first-classBrooder, will combine Now few of which some suppliedin such a will touch we that way here on it does not First you have a proper heat of the chick, (as belly young time legweakness)and at the same : touch this will must the and create indigestion invariably be a certain amount prevent all crowding. Again, 'here must the heat ; this is following nature exactly,as there is alwaysmore off thrown fresh should be constructed it must point,and The the hen. by introduced air,so There also be must into the Brooder so as be born cleaned, easily be to in mind a that the utmost circulation of pure constant that there as of moisture to less humidity or will be this is a no most cleanliness must draught. It important be observed. and House other day or twice a a day ; every vitist be cleaned once it will week be cleaned every day. must not do, is from heat for the Brooder The proper 75 to 95 degrees, 95 when the Brooder chicks firstcome It is a chick. time should out, and mistaken Brooder your warm that so writers claim that you not it as all up be over drink, gets after runs and exercise, no growing weaker that do survive around and weak are they are ready for with market. plentyof all the time, in 6 or for the market flesh and 95 the as around and at no fortably com- get exercise. outside of the Many Brooder, but it will chick is chilled as the young few mouthfuls, cramps its body picksa It does not get satisfied with food or the consequence is its growth is stopped, finally the reason that out of the Brooder, it back into the Brooder. comes and the feathers begin to cover requireso much heat,and degrees. The House must also be the chicks will run need no heat whatever restilts for give"Satisfactory soon and reduced gradually idea that the chicks at onre weaker, it givesup puny On things,and are the battle and at dies,and the least four months old few before is warm the other hand, if the House and comfortable, chicks are eating, and scratching running sunshine,the as a consequence, 8 weeks ; theyare bringthe best they never stop growing and are ready and plump meaty with brightyellowlegs pricewhen sent to market. 14 neglectthis point,and let it be impressed suppose that they can that it will not do to slight anythingfor the sake of savinga few This is a mistake too frequentlymade. Many persons think that they Let on no one mind your dollars. the savingof that expense, but let me improvisea Brooder, and thus cause that will the market here say that there are at this time but two Brooders on Yet and it has taken the inventors years to perfect them. work satisfactorily, would but I not a the think are that a great many are ask, people high, prices can brains worth man's as more, We have that men the space not in this line much as it is to these we here to charge will we with accordance rear the of will furnish The us. of chicks without requirednumber plans deal industry. Our crowding. estimates and should House free of in constructed be of sufficient size to be well ventilated and should situation, the good HOUSE. idea,and buy Machines other? of description and BROODING brief givea all who to owe givecuts THE But yes ! and a this wonderful of perfection in any as the House own has only felt befween. one in all The front is 9 feet high and the rear 7 feet,thus allowingstandingroom in and parts. The front slopesback 3 feet,thus givinga greater sun exposure, every 6 feet 3 feet of sun layersof inch is built of two floor,and have we 3 feet of dimensions The tarred brooding compartment each glass,thus givingin 3 feet of shade. and with boards bottom on feet in 15 are extends the whole up for a passage way which in for t hus 12 feet width the of brooding building, leaving length space, making each brooding space 6x12 feet,this is calculated to brood 200 chicks up to 4 feet of which width, 3 5 weeks or is taken The of age. capacityrequired. The plan will after this go near only not the will of House should face due depend course south. A the built will not proof but rat proof,as the rats comes proof. And now be weather on House the most it will also be vermin tarred paper, particular part length of front of House of all, THE FEEDING. at the As before stated,for the firsttwenty-fourhours theyrequireno feeding, that time you will beginto feed,and thereafter food and drink must always at hand. Many breeders advocate feedingevery hour, "c., but of expiration be although the theory is rightkind) before them very good, all the time the the they more market, adopt the and ; grow faster that method givesthe The experience bears out us in as that we are they are ready for working for,by all means sooner all cabbage, under some up grass or know boiled egg at this period. We this best learned men on subject,and our are we method. the they grow best result. with minced is the best this is the grand result as that to keep food {ofthe The more they eat, practiceproves firstfeed will be bread no here circumstances from differing crumbs feed one hard of the but nevertheless severlycritisized, much that feedinghard boiled know as 7ve produce indigestion.If you are invariably will be newly hatched chicks will can a cityyou near buy stale bread to advantage, this you break up and mill will do if you have no other) dry hard, then grind it fine in a mill,(coffee loose when must be mixed wet, never moisten this slightly feeding,dut it never if feed that take be of must so a this, moistened, sight only slightly you your eggs to located handful and facilitiesfor follows: one a part it, it will crumble buying bread, you will have squeeze Take corn little salt,now one meal part sweet and one take some and to not make stick. If you have not the it ; A good bread is made as middlings,one part flour,one part barley meal, part chopped oats, mix these thoroughly and add cheap meat it up fine and mix it all through your then take the the bread rise, to make and stew grain,then broth it well, when add it is done chop sufficient baking powder off of the meat and mix with the 15 whole sufficient to make it well in the oven, it back in the oven and stiffbatter,when good a bake when it is done let it dry hard, now you get the whole well mixed it up into small pieces and put grind it up fine and feed slightly break moistened. This will be the only feed you meal. bone cabbage and a .little wheat also give a at nightand mixed with mixed with a until after the a After little barley meal, but third little ground the the first week, first week week unless charcoal must no of any cooked. corn of until fed corn feed can it is well be mixed with the last two littlebone A all soft foods weeks or cracked potatoes fine and be must description in different shapes, such as week, feed a little corn chick and the meal, cracked as "c., corn, grows the amount you exceptinggrass littlevariety of food, such as mashed with a littlesalt,or wheat ground up seasoned bran requirefor meal after the fed and third Johny cake, scalded corn older, graduallyincrease before when killing, notliing be fed ; this will make prime market stock and your birds will be superfluously be a not There must fat,but will be nice and meaty. never lack of green food, grass is the best,in fact grass' is the one ive conductmost thing but should corn health good to and in chicks ; if you cannot get grass, cabbage will fine it. Now that the chicks eat so can up young this if chicks do not get sufficient on point,for your growth be minced do, but it must be careful too you cannot reaction after food, they get constipatedand green constipationinvariably diarrhoea,and we will here state that if you ever do have any cases in proporof diarrhoea, of camphor in the drinkingwater a few drops of spirits tion will soon of five drops to the pint, bringthem all right; but you need have no blame disease whatever, and if you do you must negligence,as it your own bringson from comes nothing else. growing chicks need The all the give them bone meal " bone they in bird needs considerable the young much the more rapidlythan others,) fledge fed cooked, results in frequently givealso sweet milk not Mixture," likely too The old an answers every purpose. morning in the House nail *" or or two kept Brooder they should earlyas possible, and before lettingthem in out in the should Chickens as their first meal and case be, may be let out in the wet morning always be nice and your feed must of the meat it also makes and the chick grow in mind, that '"'" drinking fountain all the time the as never the good, and frequentlyhas a be always at hand and once in the shape of Doughlas' always have Now born they require;it is best meat more to so does no milk, it may do no harm but it certainly deleterious effect. Pure fresh drinkingwater must in a while a little tonic can to the water be added but Therefore bone. much blood, which produce off the should be broth meat givenfor drink, apoplexy. if you can it skim milk or butter but 7io sour or milk, give get this is then as make shape to some will eat, when the feathers begin to fledge, meat and the faster they fledge(some breeds that see sweet, much on more produce certain it should be in the given grass at any time, the dew is all dried up. this depends the flavor rapidly. It must be the requisite methods, results you must use matter, feed charcoal ; to produce bone, feed bone meal ; to produce husk or fibre,feed bran, oats, or wheat ; to produce combination of blood, feed meat, and to produce vigorouschicks,a judicious therefore the whole to will chickens up to produce to carbonatious give the requiredresults. standard the best possible Now your object is to bring your possible space of time, at the outside eightweeks in the shortest in six,or and directions carefully ard this is the standfrom to twenty ounces, chicks twelve weighing your such is feed It useless but as to not oatmeal, custard, only things folly weight. beer, etc., etc., the chicks do not need it,and it is a useless outlay of money. follow the above you will have Feed I you your brood on good thoroughlyunderstand them up ; once substantial food and do not pamper the routine of feeding,you will find that young 16 chickens a do in lime little much so care all. best accomplished is this shape, some much cut and and will chicks young also need feeding granulated by no you be all lucrative work right. and require much to 2100 House Brooding give and figures k\v a all returns broilers, @ 160 . . $1000.00 oil Feed for 10 Rent of Cost of 3000 each, lbs. 3000 lbs." 15 cts. cts. $32.00 doz., per each cts. . . 1.50 gallon, per 10 weeks, . . chicks, 1500 for 150.00 25.00 ground, .50.00 marketing, that of $600.00 " loss Any 20 @ @ lbs. . . . Ih, per eggs gals, 10 results, figures : . ... . 2 weeks, cts. doz. the to as minimum the at 200.00 10 20 eat 500.00 chicks, 5000 Total, at use .... for . chicks can will of amount Incidentals, 1500 you chicks the $300.00 Machine, Egg will we maximum, the at House, as REQUIRED, but ; space all outgo charging the sand, use the also CAPITAL Would never and care good indigestion. Finally, use the above follow or slipshod management ; To give a thorough explanation of the large them points, of floor ajid Brooders chaff, but or give half-way will many of hay it will have and directions bottoms straw, it, and of judgment, profits the covering For earth, gravel, etc., The after shells. oyster too require not 50.00 occur, may . . . . . . . $308.50 Total Tlie coming, not cts. lb per bring75 estimate. than more admit, but gives amount work it by. the and them 5 chickens out of 2100 is lower $1.00perpound. attain a weight of also gallons. the charged On above the is 2 10 lbs., they the only the a of we to most fair, but being have go ; hand, say oil, th^ $291.50 weeks, eggs ever other which gallons 600 ; and eggs On whole, not for than even have that allowed have we broilers, which to We that see 1500 or for cts. for weeks will reader 3 profit every the only and we 10 haveallowed a light very will alive .skepticalperson a practical estimate, burn not cannot and can a Now, profit of nearly $100.00 showing of a per with in results of capital invested business other so yield such any Therefore and ? hardly ! give a careful investigation before you worry a clear week. 20 estimated they frequently least, is Machine and infertile it like little pass 18 Take however, care, kill them to not moulting time, near all as poultry then The is very inferior. operationfails principally,by burstingthe testicle,so remains in the bird,and the testicle that the skin which encloses the soft matter again. grows Birds of five operationthan those of from six months or less liable to are fowls, but also they are younger three to four months have the testicles burst apt more bleed to in the death, than to old. to three months two skillful operator will always choose fowls from ; the blood will not prehe will preferalso to take off the lower testiclefirst, as then vent is taken off him from proceedingwith the other ; whereas, when the upper one A " if there should first, bleeding,he -be any has to wait the intestines with largevein that supplies is t here testicles; danger that a young The blood There so not neighborhood pierceit with passes in the in which case testicle, issue out. would body is which which be smaller veins must two avoided, or very easy blood If properlymanaged, no ever difficult to see. appears takingoff the for all instantly, die would one are they are until take off the can skin of the loiver in pointedinstrument the chicken as he beginnermay of the the before testicle. lower the blood in its off,except on the outside where the incision is made that he has done any appear before that, the operator will know testicleis taken a that should ; somethingwrong. it is as die,it is during the operationby bleeding(of course seldom its death throat cut to they ;) by having very proper the fleshof the thigh internal injury, die after, unless they have received some or back from the last two has been cut through, from not being drawn ribs,where which with is be the made ; all of the incision are case practitioners. apt to young before letting it run has been to put a When cut it is necessary a chicken it from be impossible to distinguish mark upon it ; otherwise it would permanent If chciken a for others not mode is use as if bled It is customary cut. adopted,the fowl the loss of blood because should punch to the web occasioned of the left foot. Whatever before performingthe operation, makes the fowl less likelyto by cutting, be marked during the operation. internally after the operationfor the chicken to get wind in It is very comon soon the side when is healing, be the wound between the flesh and the skin,it must relieved by making a small incision in the skin,which will let the wind escape. which are hatched earlyin the Spring, Those the finest capons fowls make they can be cut before the hot weather comes, which is a great advantage. Never cock ; it is a useless and cruel piece of curiosity.It attempt to cut a full grown bleed is seldom Be is known one not ; every dozen season fowls before It may instruments. to live. discouragedwith be well A raw to are with practicethey difficulties; will disappear cuttingof give a warning againstbecoming dissatisfied with hand in fault,and it is only himself that lacks instruments the first expert, until the }'0u will find yourselfmore breakfast,will be a small matter. when sets he meets about which skill, with a Ihe is apt to think the difficulties, invent others; but them or improving alone practice can give. " The We The best market markets in round, for be must the nor should day after and it is of are large loss no is dressing them attached it, to slim knife back part bleed ; brain. be the touched, once twice or all control of of tearing the in plucked The vein, the to several best killing. it dies moment Finally, but never sell In mix each then it for knife the ridge hook long a the across bird the causes the there, that bird will the around slowly and without loose danger any chick to into up spot condition tenderest string with as stick a a fasten a mode put with blade easily very the proper it, comatose a plucked young, mouth know your in be experience, will dark be found birds be can easily or in, dark cold be and be no skin it water have to must end whiten and let chickens out remain and up to trouble with kill it, will your be hours twenty-four not of jugular will plumpened fasted careful the through and death, very must you right knife your to All bird, legged run into then the off, bleed thrown harden separate. all slowly market. sticking any to be feathers lot you run be feathers bird hours, the spot little the get shape the will price and particular a they on minutes. the should touched then can a five cause It very after ; you wilt for before stock, skin is is there eyes the than kept Now, this and ; be only the bill, of May market. hook, from back less weight small the the immediately it of not for legs pendant. mouth end the it feathers, three beautifully. there the behind will the the pound a be the through strike you moment this inch bird the ; to back moment when loudly, scream knife half one out fasten of roof the five a weight the ; by fat best ready are scalded up have string the the bird the now let clear the ; and open mouth run About must cut the now of nostril blade, a hang open end the to bird's of them keep to the through must be plump, not never the bring they after chicken of should They they as middle the and is May, year properly, nice meaty, of from pair. day be the dressed be must ; ' ?' good had be be market however are can must must best the there middle the kill, I find prices type they and one First follows: as leg the to them keep to prime to to enough circumstances be but ounces; pounds City; good yellow first will where bone, twenty three dead a between in than 'Where ' to and breast January about they Under skin Poultry. York Chickens from more weigh New pretention, the over asked, is stock any yellow weight proper all of question broilers. prime broadly twelve the for city any of rounding the have frequently of Marketing as the ensue. yellow TESTIMONI^VLS. Chester Sadsburyville, " C. F. PETERS Sirs Dear to say how to manage, : In " orderinganother the first Machine satisfactory uniform in 90 per cent, incubators,to find Perfect Hatcher, I must make it the occasion claim it to be, simpleand easy It is all you extraordinary degree,and producing the best results, of fertile eggs. I have learned anxietyenough in the management the greatest comfort in the perfect of reliabilityyours. to temperture averaginghatchingsof of other Co., Pa., June 6tli,1885. CO., has been. an Truly, Yours WILLIAM F. PRICE. Lansdale, Pa., June 2Itli,188'). C. F. PETERS " 221 Gentlemen the North For " following:My 96 chickens 107 : out eggs, 102 of 119 if they St.,Phila. last four hatches perfectin its automatic welcomed Ninth the benefit of those of 107 out chickens CO., from regulation.Any and come see and me, purchased worthless eggs, 108 credulous they will persons see chickens 15 minutes gets about who 87 per cent., viz desire to of 124 out daily,and attention fine chickens some incubators,I submit averaged over Llatcher of 123 out Hatcher My have Perfect my chickens eggs. who be also. W. out H. of 110 ROBINSON, eggs. r)2d and You make Hamilton claims no simply convinced, will be Respectfully, Yours A. eggs is : and Streets,writes for your Machine : My " whatever firsthatch in M. PACKER. 104 was comparison to chickens the work it does." Mr. S. K. SHEDAKER, Perfect Hatcher. Hatcher, when We further could I it is am of erectinga Fairville,Pa., writes new and : "I satisfied with perfectly am house, and commodious shall want thousand 2 egg completed." show we information, hundreds extend such a but have letters, cordial invitation Yours to not the visit any space or here. all of our To desiring parties establishments. Respectfully, C. Store and a No. my F. PETERS " CO. 221 U. 9tliSt.,Phila., Pa. Office, Yards,Benezet,Pa. Incubating Pa. Yards,Stroudsburg, Breeding DESCRIPTIYE PEIGE IIST OF C. R PETERS AGENTS SOLE " THE FOR AND EASTERN NORTH NINTH This only is our fountain that per " Perfect meets and that tester Price " per meeting cannot universal of the be upset favor. The ple, Sim- poultry keeper. polluted. or $8.00 _ .75 _ _ Tester. Egg; ever}' delineation of the egg - - _ witli _ Magnetic dozen, each, is easily cleaned, clearlyshows Fountain. requirements _ Our A ADJUSTED. _ each, PA. PHILADELPHIA, Drinking all the dozen, THE IN FOUNTAIN latest invention, and cheap, durable, Price DEALERS ST., DRINKING The FOR BROODEll, AND 221 SECTION CO., - - _ on the third day. $25.00 3.00 A " legs with Price, grinding bones, oyster shells, etc. for device perfect without per Price combines of danger no (Cold Medal) This crowding. Brooder. of perfect system a $3.00 - - Champion brooder with market. the - The Chopper. Meat on .50 - - Enterprise satisfactory cutter $5.00 ._ _ - each, This vermin. to dozen, most Eggs. _ The The death sure gross, " " and Nest 5.00 _ _ _ Medicated Price $7.00 _ _ _ legs, Indestructible, Miil. Bone Wilson The and heating brooder is a perfect lation venti- the adjustable to size of chicks. Prices: St3de " "1" platform, "2" Style "3" with Price per brooding full 35.00 and Feeding Troughs" The prices these on Send price. wire 2c. stamp Adjustable. _ _ for superior grade very Price per " " Netting. Prices fluctuate so will that We of a " per " 100 ton, are unable on make to application. a standard bone. - bone but prefer to. Shell. - - - . 3 00 50.00 _ not Oyster lbs., $ - _ _ cheaper furnished Bone. granulated Ground Price we - ton, sell can be information. lbs., 100 1.00 _ Cranulated A $10.00 _ _ netting. goods 45.00 use, brooder. each _ of for out-door pi'oof coop, rat with dozen, line $25.00 - instructions each, excepting _ platform Wire A complete houses, _ _ platform with printed " in use _ Style Full for - - $1.25 20.00 Choice Thorough-Bred These packed in " stock, by set, per is the stock, ; but state to is if you $3.50 - of Poultry," by published. Price per Egg Foods, Tonics, Roup no necessary needed, very - Production practicalwork handle We .50 _ best and arc to $5.00 dealers. to Artificial most the $3.00 Instruments. - Special pwces "The - from us to patent carriers. our Capon Price $2.00 - dozen, all selected are eggs Hatching. stock, per sitting, selected Good for Eggs will furnish we the will state Maurice copy, and Strong. enclose Thii .50 - Pills,etc.,etc.,for free,a recipe trouble H. for not reasons compounding what stamp. wrTajftA-^'i"iajSifxt DRINKING DETACHED. FOUNTAIN VICTOR. The great America, York oflfered was of merit " a the at Medal were to be Heat, Construction, Mechanical This consider Gold is the Medal our was of merits 4th to rivals for the 11th, all the held 1885. leading in Madison This test The and Incubators Square best viz den, Gar- complete, was First competitors. in operation. Incubator of Premium The points : so points judging Fowls, many automatic control. 2d. under all Ventilation, Accuracy and Capacity according to price. awarded "Perfect to our Hatcher," which we scaled,the Moisture 1st, for the Feb. disputed by Gold on great Poultry Show City, from be cannot final test made was New and and same as and crowning triumph of (Continued our on system. next Paige.) display of This Premium was $15.00 Incubators and Brooders 2d The settles points of excellence most incubator Baker, whose the world, and is considered judge in all that expert an also we W. was known relates won contains market selected experiments inartificial hatching are extensive who the on now superiority.The and attractive most operation,which in active beyond dispute which and for the best Gold in C. all over this branch to of science. Our competitors in this test as were follows : THE'RMOSTAriC. THE THE ECLTPSE. THE MONARCH. THE PACIFIC. SUCCESS. THE HALSTET) THE system, and our We have the now macliines the above of least four At the world as Farms following foreign countries Panama, New Zealand,Gibraltar Paris (France),Mexico, Sandwich this in addition Union. the every System Hatching, and we if proper see the can fill all orders can old customers, our incubator have is known during California,besides which the others is out throughpast year for export to Japan, Constantinople, (Turkey),Brazil, : and Barcelona Islands,and domestic our (Spain),Sweden, England, by other parts of the world. many trade,which testimonials furnish Our infringers upon imitation. extends the to every hundred " they of part in come mail. Our " to in from We incubator. the standard for the Ostrich We and they obtain is by their only success completed arangements by which we the All imitators are promptly,and can guarantee satisfaction. The largest part of our trade to-dayis proof positiveof the merits of our s,ystem. filled orders CEjNTENNIAL. our care is of Brooding can show given. Factory, our chickens themselves. is that respect equal in every a loss of five per cent, in invite all who We Brooding House, We can are which prove what interested holds we to our System of large, raisingis too to call and see 3,500 chickens,and claim. All us see information free. C. F. PETERS ci CO., 221 North Ninth Street, Pi Philadelphia, AMERICAN THIS CHOPPER. MEAT The complete Chopper manufactured, most to the and indispensable poulterer. :E=":Eeio:E]S: No. No. I. $7.00 $5.00 We have recentlytaken hens and their eggs for 5000 No. A. 2. we are farm able now at hatching, a a $12.00 to and send reasonable have all rate. stocked our We it with customers have also Wire Netting, Capon Instruments, Egg Testers, Bone Mills, Medicated Nest Bird Eggs, Cages, Dogs Pointers, " And a Full Line of Poulterers' Supplies. MAURICE H. BROODER CHAMPION Of tVTo. 1^ World $23. STRONG'S wide Reputation. OO No. 2. $35. OO No. 3^ $45. OO Instruments, Capon Testers, Egg Thermometers, Stamps, Dating Rubber Fountains, Drinking Eggs, Thoroughbred Incubating Choice Fishing Eggs, Tackle, Bone, Ground Meal, Bone Oyster Granulated Shell, Charcoal, Poultry Meat Tonic, Choppers, Bone Medicated PRESS OF TH08. A. LUMPKIN, 208 N. SECOND ST., PHILA. Nest Mills, Egg, etc. The Our Papers and we Our Material Roofing are can best offer to low feet, this ply, rate includes and of a to guarantee is 3 grade Lining for patrons, our can we remarkably square Tarred and specially manufactured material, that the Brooder, Champion us, of class give isfaction. sat- sell it at we $2.75 per Caps, Tacks, 100 ".C., for roofing complete. We have figure. Try it from this down, at almost any it I C. F. PETERS 221 OT. " MINTH CO., ST.^ PHILADELPHIA, PA. desire to We fact store. that We TACKLE, call the attention of our to customers the departmentto our recentlyadded a new have a most complete line of FINE FISHING will be pleasedto furnish our patronswith any have we now and thingthey desire. Respectfully, C. F. PETERS 221 North " CO., ninth PHILADELPHIA, Street, PA. K^ "bv^r "^ ""I".i ^^^'. O " 0 ^ :" c^' V A-^ A^ " " s " '^C^ - 0^ ^#. ^oV^^ "^ 0 .-^^ vO 0 - O " ""$" O - '"' aV * 0^ . . "1^^% w ^C ^0 O . V "^LA^'^ N 0 .0 ' aO "^ f\'"' -"" "^' ^P" -^^ '-^ ^ ^ fi" aiNDINQ .FEB " --.^v- DOBBS BROS. liailARV f^cy .s^., ^'^ * "^r^ " -^^ '.''i^^ ST. AUGUSTINE "^.*'^^h. FLA. .# 32084 "^o^ LIBRARY 0 002 OF CONGRESS 857 338 8
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