CURRICULUM VITAE Dr John Daniel Dean Qualifications MB BS (London) 1981 MRCGP (1986) FRCGP (1999) Date of Birth 12th August 1957 Professional Address The Plymouth Nuffield Hospital Derriford Road Plymouth PL6 8BG St Peter’s Andrology Centre 145 Harley Street London W1G 6BJ Telephone 01364 72935 020 7486 3840 Fax 01364-72935 020 7935 9720 e-mail Registration Fully registered with the GMC Defence Body The Medical Defence Union Medical School The Middlesex Hospital Medical School Educated Dulwich College, London Nationality British Civil Status Married, 3 children CURRENT APPOINTMENTS Sexual Physician in private practice (since 1996) St Peter’s Andrology Centre, The London Clinic Consulting Rooms, 145 Harley Street, London W1G 6BJ The Plymouth Nuffield Hospital, Derriford Road, Plymouth PL6 8BG Clinical Director, Sexual and Gender Medicine (since 2000) Devon Partnership NHS Trust, The Laurels, Newton Abbot Hospital, Newton Abbot, Devon. Sexual Dysfunction Service (since 1993) Urology Department, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth. I have been providing care for men, women and couples with sexual problems since 1986. Before the development of effective biomedical interventions for sexual dysfunction, I practiced as a sexual and relationship therapist, primarily using cognitive-behavioural techniques. I have provided the NHS specialist service for men with sexual dysfunction within Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust since 1993. This clinic has gradually developed from a service solely providing care for men with presumed organic erectile dysfunction, to one providing care for the whole range of sexual problems experienced by both men and women. In 1996, I established a private clinic in Plymouth for the assessment and management of both male and female sexual problems. I first established a private office in London, in 1999, and now work at St Peter’s Andrology Centre, at The London Clinic Consulting Rooms. In February 2000, I was appointed as a Locum Consultant in Human Sexuality by South Devon Healthcare NHS Trust, caring for clients with gender identity-related health problems, subsequently becoming Clinical Director, Sexual and Gender Medicine. My expertise in the field of sexual medicine is recognised by professional and corporate bodies, both nationally and internationally. In the course of my work, I have published and presented papers at international symposia, been an invited speaker at many international medical congresses, taught colleagues from a variety of disciplines (including national experts, consultants, GPs, specialist registrars and nurses), and am involved in the planning and delivery of education for medical practitioners on sexual problems. I have been involved in the development of national guidance for the assessment and management of erectile dysfunction in general, the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease and the biomedical assessment of women with sexual function problems. I am particularly interested in gender identity, sexual desire disorders, the physiology of human sexual response, chronic pelvic pain syndrome/prostatitis, drug-induced sexual dysfunction, the role of sex steroids, and in ethical issues associated with sexual medicine. I have been involved in clinical research in the field of sexual dysfunction since 1994, both as an independent researcher and in commercially sponsored studies. I have been involved in the design of several commercial clinical trials and have acted as Chief Investigator for several multi-centre studies. From my Plymouth office, I have conducted a wide range of clinical and epidemiological research activities. I was a member of the Plymouth Local Research Ethics Committee for four years. I have edited, authored or contributed to four books on sexual disorders, one on dyslipidaemia and one on medical education. I have written many articles on sexual problems and their management for both a professional audience and the general public. I am President-Elect of the International Society for Sexual Medicine, Secretary-General of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, and Chairman of the Ethics Committees of both the Journal of Sexual Medicine and the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health. I am an Executive Committee member of the Andrology Section of the British Association of Urological Surgeons in 2004. I was Congress Chairman for the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health Annual Scientific Congress in Lisbon, 2006, and was a Trustee of the British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy for four years. I have participated in numerous national and international committees connected with sexual medicine innovations and developments. Other Appointments Secretary-General European Society for Sexual Medicine (Since 2004) I was elected to this honorary appointment at the Annual Business Meeting of the European Society for Sexual Medicine in 2004, having previously acted as Secretary-General for the preceding twelve months upon the resignation of my predecessor. ESSM has over 2000 members in 25 European countries, with 20 affiliated national societies. I am Company Secretary and a Director of the UK-registered charitable company, the European Society for Sexual Medicine. I have legal responsibility for the conduct of the charity’s business and work closely with our President (Professor Francesco Montorsi, consultant urologist, Milan, Italy), Treasurer (Mr Ian Eardley, consultant urologist, Leeds, UK) and our professional management company, AIM, in Milan. My duties and responsibilities are wide but, broadly, my task is to facilitate the objects of the Society, to promote and encourage the highest standards of practice, education, training and research in the field of sexual medicine. I supervise the administrative processes of the Society, facilitate meetings of its Trustees (Executive Committee) and have oversight of the activities of all its committees. I have specific responsibilities for the development of the European Academy of Sexual Medicine (a joint ESSM–European Federation of Sexology venture) and its Fellowship programme. This body seeks to achieve the establishment of a Europe-wide specialist training programme for Sexual Medicine. I travel widely around the world, teaching on a wide range of Sexual Medicine subjects and representing ESSM on various international bodies. PREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS Principal in General Practice Salisbury Road Surgery, Plymouth. (October 1987 to December 1999) I became a principal in general practice in 1987, taking over a single-handed practice vacancy arising through retirement. Initially a full-time GP, I became a part-time job-sharing principal, working with my wife, Dr Jan Longworth in 1990. Within primary care, I was interested in sexual dysfunction, men’s health, androgen disorders, CVD prevention, asthma, medical education and research. I retired from the practice in December 1999, in order to fully devote my professional life to sexual medicine. I was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners in November 1999. Clinical Assistant in Urology (Urodynamics) Derriford Hospital, Plymouth (1989-1998) I provided clinical and urodynamic diagnostic assessments of men and women with lower urinary tract symptoms within the Urology Department of a busy district general hospital. Royal College of General Practitioners Tutor Plymouth. Appointed in 1991, my duties included the promotion of the aims of the RCGP and the development of medical education in Plymouth. Regional Tutor in General Practice University College London Medical School I provided undergraduate education in primary care for students from UCL Medical School from 1995 to 1999. Between six and eight students each year spent a two-week attachment with our practice. The attachment included work on personal awareness and development, learning skills and basic clinical skills, as well as the principles and practice of primary care medicine. GP Clinical Tutor (University of Bristol) Plymouth Medical Centre. (April 1992 – June 1999) I was responsible for the planning, organisation and delivery of continuing medical education for general practitioners in Plymouth and south-west Devon, a population of around 700 doctors. I successfully completed a GP Trainer's Course and Small Group Leadership Course in 1990, then an Advanced Small Groups Leadership Course in 1993. I am a qualified Myers-Briggs Type Indicator practitioner, with experience of its use in education and team building. I was responsible for the planning and delivery of continuing medical education in Plymouth. I had a particular interest in innovative techniques in continuing medical education. In conjunction with Dr Robert Kneen and Dr Hilary Neve, we developed a system of holistic professional learning need assessment and piloted its use in a self-directed learning programme for GPs. Many aspects of the current system of appraisal and continuing professional development bear striking similarities to the system we developed in Plymouth in the early 1990s. Consultant to Primary Care Decision-making Research Group, Department of Psychology, University of Plymouth. (1993-96) I was a member of a research group (4 psychologists and myself) looking at factors affecting decisionmaking in primary care. This work was funded by a £57,000 grant from the Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council (now the Higher Education Funding Council for England). Fellow in AIDS and AIDS-related problems Department of General Practice, Postgraduate Medical School, Exeter. (1st September 1990 to 31st August 1991) GP Trainee Attachment Trainee in General Practice with Dr A M Royston Connaught Surgery, Chapel Street, St Ives, Cornwall. (1st March 1985 to 28th February 1986) Hospital Appointments General Surgery, Urology & Orthopaedics. House Surgeon to Messrs R Jeffery & B Ribeiro and Messrs W A Hamer & A Gardner. Orsett Hospital, Essex. (1st August 1981 to 31st January 1982) General Medicine, Endocrinology and Neurology House Physician to Dr R Brown, Dr J F Bridgman and Dr C Clarke. Orsett Hospital, Essex. (1st February 1982 to 31st July 1982) Accident and Emergency Medicine Senior House Officer to Dr H Baderman, Accident and Emergency Department, University College Hospital, London. (1st October 1982 to 31st March 1983) General Medicine Senior House Officer in Medicine. Royal Cornwall Hospital (Treliske), Truro, Cornwall. (1st April 1983 to 30th June 1983) Geriatrics and Psychogeriatrics Senior House Officer to Dr J A Evers, Dr P Raj and Dr D MacDonald Department of Medicine for the Elderly, Barncoose Hospital, Redruth, Cornwall. (1st July 1983 to 31st December 1983) Gynaecology Senior House Officer to Miss C E Fozzard and Mr J Cooper Department of Gynaecology, Redruth Hospital, Redruth, Cornwall. (1st January 1984 to 31st December 1984) Obstetrics Senior House Officer to Miss C E Fozzard Department of Obstetrics, Princess Alexandra Maternity Wing, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, Cornwall. (1st July 1984 to 31st December 1984) PUBLICATIONS Printed Media Books (6) Dean J (In Press). Chapters: Prostatitis, Inflammatory Disease and Sexual Dysfunction and Primary Care Evaluation and Treatment of ED: European Perspective, in Textbook of Erectile Dysfunction (2nd edition). Informa Healthcare, London Carson C & Dean J (2007). Management of Erectile Dysfunction in Clinical Practice. Springer Medical Publishing, UK. Dean J (1999 and completely revised for second edition, 2002). Chapter: The examination of patients with sexual problems, in The ABC of Sexual Health. BMJ Publications, London. Thompson G, Dean J, Wilson PWF (2001) Dyslipidaemia in Clinical Practice. Martin Dunitz, London. Neve H, Robbins L, Dean J (2000). Build your own personal learning programme: a toolkit for primary care tutors and clinical governance teams. NHSE, London. Eardley I, Sethia K, Dean J (1998) Erectile dysfunction: assessment and management in primary care. Mosby International Ltd, London. Papers and Articles (60) Dean J (2007). The European Online Sexual Survey (EOSS): Pan-European Perspectives on the Impact of Premature Ejaculation and Treatment-Seeking Behavior. Accepted for publication by European Urology Supplements. Ralph D, Eardley I, Kell P, Dean J, Hackett G, Collins O, Edwards D (2007). Improvement in erectile function upon vardenafil treatment correlates with treatment satisfaction in both patients and their partners. Accepted for publication 19th January 2007 BJU International. Dinsmore WW, Hackett G, Goldmeier D, Waldinger M, Dean J, Wright P, Callander M, Wylie K, Wyllie M, Novak C, Keywood C, Heath P (2007). TEMPE, A novel aerosol delivery form of lidocaine-prilocaine for the treatment of premature ejaculation. BJU International 2007 Feb;99: 369-375 Patrick DL, Giuliano F, Dean J, Kokoszka A, La Pera G, McNulty P, Merchant S, Rothman M (2006). Premature Ejaculation: The Female Perspective. European Urology supplement - in press Buckland T, Dean J, Eardley I, Edwards D & Kirby M (2006). The Pulse guide to erectile dysfunction. CMP Information Ltd, 245 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 9UY Ralph, D; Kell, P; Hackett, G; Dean, J; Collins, O; Eardley, I. Erectile dysfunction effect on quality of life instrument (ED-EQOL): selecting clinical trial populations. Moderated poster presentation, 12th Congress of the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM 2006) Cairo, Egypt. Dinsmore WW, Ralph DJ, Kell P, Wylie KR, Dean JD, Novak C, Wyllie JS & Wyllie MG (2006). Evaluation of the Sexual Assessment Monitor, a diagnostic device used to electronically quantify ejaculatory latency time: findings from three studies. BJU International 2006 Sep;98(3):613-618. Dean J, de Boer B-J, Graziottin A, Hatzichristou D, Heaton J, Tailor A (2006). Erectile Dysfunction and Sexual Satisfaction: New Perspectives. European Urology Supplement 5(13): 759-760 Dean J, de Boer B-J, Graziottin A, Hatzichristou D, Heaton J, Tailor A (2006). Effective Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Treatment Enables Men to Enjoy Better Sex: The Importance of Erection Hardness, Psychological Well-Being, and Partner Satisfaction. European Urology Supplement 5(13): 761-766 Dean J, de Boer B-J, Graziottin A, Hatzichristou D, Heaton J, Tailor A (2006). The Role of Erection Hardness in Determining Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Treatment Outcome. European Urology Supplement 5(13): 767-772. Dean J, de Boer B-J, Graziottin A, Hatzichristou D, Heaton J, Tailor A (2006). Psychological, Social, and Behavioural Benefits for Men Following Effective Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Treatment: Men Who Enjoy Better Sex Experience Improved Psychological Well-Being. European Urology Supplement 5(13): 767-778. Dean J, de Boer B-J, Graziottin A, Hatzichristou D, Heaton J, Tailor A (2006).Partner Satisfaction and Successful Treatment Outcomes for Men with Erectile Dysfunction (ED). European Urology Supplement 5(13): 779-785. Kirby RS, Kirby MG, Amoroso P, Dean J & Gould, D (2006). Steps by which better overall health for men could be achieved. BJU International: 98 (2), 285-288. Dean J, Hackett G, Vincenzo G, Pirozzi Farina F, Rosen RC, Zhao Y, Warner MR, Beardsworth A (2006). Psychosocial Outcomes and Drug Attributes Affecting Treatment Choice in Men Receiving Sildenafil Citrate and Tadalafil for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in an Open Label, Randomized, Multicenter, Crossover Study. J Sex Med; 3(4): 650-661 Kell P, Collins O, Dean J, Edwards D, Ralph D, Eardley I (2006). Efficacy of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibition in severely affected erectile dysfunction patients with an erectile dysfunction domain score of five. Journal of Sexual Medicine 3 (s3), 224-286 - poster abstracts, 8th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine 2005, Copenhagen) Dean J, Collins O, Kell P, Ralph D, Eardley I (2006). The degree of “bother” perceived by patients with erectile dysfunction is subjective and does not predict responsiveness of treatment with a PDE5 inhibitor. Journal of Sexual Medicine 3 (s3), 224-286 - poster abstracts, 8th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine 2005, Copenhagen) Ralph D, Collins O, Dean J, Hackett G, Eardley I, Kell P (2006). The relationship between levels of satisfaction expressed by erectile dysfunction patients treated with a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor, and their partners. Journal of Sexual Medicine 3 (s3), 224-286 - poster abstracts, 8th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine 2005, Copenhagen) Ralph D, Collins O, Dean J, Hackett G, Eardley I (2006). Erectile Dysfunction Effect on Quality of Life instrument (ED-EQoL): How useful is it? Journal of Sexual Medicine 3 (s3), 224-286 - poster abstracts, 8th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine 2005, Copenhagen) Ralph D, Collins O, Kell P, Hackett G, Dean J (2006). Differential treatment responses to phosphodiesterase inhibition in a broad population of men, with severe erectile dysfunction, comprised of pre-defined patient subgroups. Journal of Sexual Medicine Journal of Sexual Medicine 3 (s3), 224-286 - poster abstracts, 8th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine 2005, Copenhagen) Eardley I, Collins O, Hackett G, Edwards D, Dean J, Ralph D, Kell P (2006). Partners of heterosexual men with erectile dysfunction, treated with vardenafil, feel themselves to be more sexually desirable. Journal of Sexual Medicine 3 (s3), 224-286 - poster abstracts, 8th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine 2005, Copenhagen) Eardley I, Collins O, Dean J, Kell P, Hackett G, Ralph D, Edwards D(2006). How does treatment of men with ED using a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor improve their life in general? Journal of Sexual Medicine 3 (s3), 224-286 - poster abstracts, 8th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine 2005, Copenhagen) David Ralph, Philip Kell, Geoff Hackett, John Dean, Owen Collins, Ian Eardley (2006). Erectile dysfunction effect on quality of life instrument (ED-EQoL): selecting clinical trial populations. Journal of Sexual Medicine 3 (s3), 224-286 - poster abstracts, 8th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine 2005, Copenhagen) Stanley Althof, John Dean, John Fitzpatrick, Jeremy Heaton, Raymond Rosen (2005). Could urological questionnaires completely replace physiological testing? BJU International; 96(9): 1210-1212, Dec 2005 John Dean, Ian Eardley, Geoff Hackett, Jeremy Heaton, Roger Kirby (2005).Is premature ejaculation all in the mind? BJU International: 96(3), 234-236, Aug 2005 Althof SE, Dean J, Derogatis LR, Rosen RC, and Sisson M (2005). Current perspectives on the clinical assessment and diagnosis of female sexual dysfunction and clinical studies of potential therapies: a statement of concern. J Sex Med 2005;2(suppl 3):146–153. Dean JD (2005). Epidemiology of erectile dysfunction. Clinical Cornerstone International; May 2005. Wagner G, Bondil P, Dabees K, Dean J, Fourcroy J, Gingell C, Kingsberg S, Kothar P, Rubio-Aurioles E, Ugarte F and Navarrete R (2005). Ethical Aspects of Sexual Medicine. Journal of Sexual Medicine 2005; 2: 163-168. Dean JD, Carnegie C, Redzrilla J, Smith T (2004). Long-term effects of Testim® 1% testosterone gel in hypogonadal men. Rev Urol. 2004;6 (suppl 6): S22-9 Dean J (2004). A practical diagnostic approach to patients with erectile dysfuncton in the oral drug therapy era. European Urology Supplement June 2004. Eardley I, Dean J, Barnes T, Kirby M, Osterloh I, Glasser D (2004). The sexual habits of British men and women over the age of forty years. British Journal of Urology International, February 2004. Dean J (2003). New treatments for erectile dysfunction. Men’s Health Journal. McNicholas TA, Dean JD, Mulder H, Carnegie C, Jones NA (2003). Evaluation of the use of a unique testosterone topical gel formulation at two different dose levels and a transdermal testosterone patch in males with a testosterone level <300 ng/dl (10.4 nmol/l). European Urology Supplement: Abstract of poster presentation at the Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology, Madrid. McNicholas T, Dean J, H Mulder, Carnegie C, NA Jones (2003).A novel testosterone gel normalises androgen levels in hypogonadal males with improvements in body composition and sexual function. British Journal of Urology International; 91: 69-74 Dean JD, Hackett GI (2002). UK Family Physician knowledge of and attitudes towards female sexual dysfunctions (FSD). IJIR: Abstract of poster presentation at the Annual Congress of the European Society for Sexual and Impotence Research, Hamburg. Jackson G, Betteridge J, Dean J, et al (2002). A systematic approach to erectile dysfunction in the cardiovascular patient: a Consensus Statement--update 2002. Int J Clin Pract. Nov;56(9):663-71. Kell P, Dean J, Ralph D (2002). Efficacy and Safety of Apomorphine SL in Men with Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetes or Cardiovascular Disorders. British Journal of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease. Dean J (2002). Medical or Surgical Therapies for Benign Prostatic Disease? Trends in Urology, Gynaecology and Sexual Health, June 2002. Wagner G, Dean J, et al. A shared care approach to the management of erectile dysfunction in the community. Int J Impot Res. 2002 Jun;14(3):189-94. Heaton JPW, Dean J, Sleep D (2002). Sequential administration enhances the effect of apomorphine SL in men with erectile dysfunction. International Journal of Impotence Research; 14: 61-64 Dean J (2002). Sorting out problem with sexuality. Trends in Urology, Gynaecology and Sexual Health, February 2002. Dean JD (2001). Sexual dysfunction and benign prostatic hypertrophy. In “Xatral in the management of benign prostatic hypertrophy – an evidence-based medicine pack”. HealthMedia Group, London. Dean JD (2001). Conference report: The Annual Meeting of the European Association of Urologists, Geneva 2001. Trends in Urology, Gynaecology and Sexual Health. Dean JD (2001). Book review, “The prostate:small gland, big problem”. Trends in Urology, Gynaecology and Sexual Health. Dean J (2000). Five questions answered: sexual problems in primary care. Doctor Magazine, November 2000. Dean J (2000). Conference report: The third meeting of the European Society for Impotence Research, Barcelona 2000. Health and Ageing, April 2000. Dean J, Kirby M (2000) The treatment of erectile dysfunction in older men. Geriatric Medicine, February 2000. Gingell, C, Wright P, Barnes T, Dean J, et al (2000). Guidance on the Management of Erectile Dysfunction in Primary Care. Guidelines, Vol 10, 237-238, Medendium Group Publishing Ltd, Berkhamsted, Herts. Jackson G, Betteridge J, Dean J, et al (1999) A systematic approach to the management of erectile dysfunction in the cardiovascular patient. International Journal of Clinical Practice; Vol 53 No.6. Dean J (1999) Rediscovering a loving sexual relationship: advice for women recovering from impotence. One in Ten; 11 (Autumn 1999), 2-3. Impotence Association, London. Dean J (1999) Rediscovering a loving sexual relationship: advice for men recovering from impotence. One in Ten; 10 (Summer 1999), 2-3. Impotence Association, London. Dean J (1999) EDiPC: teaching primary care physicians how to assess and manage patients with erectile dysfunction. Poster abstract; presented at the 1st International Consultation on Erectile Dysfunction, Paris, July 1999. Gingell JC, Wright P, Barnes T, Dean J, et al (1999): Guidance on the management of erectile dysfunction in primary care. Prescriber, supplement, 5 June 1999. Dean J (1998) ABC of Sexual Health: the examination of patients with sexual problems. British Medical Journal; 317(7173):1641-3. Dean J, Bhudram R (1998) Treatment of men with predominantly non-psychogenic erectile dysfunction utilising intracavernosal VIP and phentolamine mesylate in a novel autoinjector system. International Journal of Impotence Research, Proceedings of the 8th World Meeting, Amsterdam. Presented by Dr Dean at the International Society for Impotence Research meeting, Amsterdam, 1998. Hackett G, Charig C, Dean J, Dinsmore W, Gingell C, Kell P, Sandhu D & Savage D (1998) A 12 month multicentre placebo controlled study of Invicorp in the treatment of non-psychogenic erectile dysfunction. International Journal for Impotence Research, Proceedings of the 8th World Meeting, Amsterdam. Dean J, Hodges M, Osterloh I, Hollinshead M, Dickinson S (1997) Sildenafil (Viagra): a new oral treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED): results of an 8-week double-blind, placebo controlled parallel group study. Brit J Urol 79(4):56. Presented by Dr Dean at the British Association of Urological Surgeons meeting, Bournemouth, 1997. Harries C, Evans J StB T, Dennis I, Dean J (1996) A Clinical Judgement analysis of prescribing decisions in general practice. Le Trevail Humain Vol 59, 1/1996, 87-111. Evans J StB T, Harries C, Dennis I, Dean J (1995) General Practitioners' tacit and stated policies in the prescription of lipid lowering agents. British Journal of General Practice. Vol 45, p15-18. Dean J (1993) The diagnosis and assessment of heart failure in general practice. MIMS magazine. Dean J (1986) AIDS in Primary Care - time to act? Tamar Faculty Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners. World Wide Web Publications Dean J (2001) Uprima a New Agent in the Management of ED in Primary Care. UroHealth. Dean J (2000). Male Fertility Problems. NetDoctor. Dean J (2000). Circumcision. NetDoctor. Dean J (2000). Spots on the Penis. NetDoctor. Dean J (2000). Penis size and penis enlargement. NetDoctor. Dean J (2000). Semen problems. NetDoctor. Dean J (2000). Testosterone deficiency. NetDoctor. Dean J (2000). Peyronie’s disease. NetDoctor. Dean J (2000). Anal sex. NetDoctor. Dean J (2000). Infection risks of oral sex. NetDoctor. Presentations at major conferences and symposia In addition to the posters and papers indicated above, my presentations have included: Invited speaker and chairman of official instructional course “Testosterone Replacement”, 9th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM 2006) Vienna, “Choice of therapy in testosterone deficiency” Invited speaker and chairman of official instructional course “How to deal with the ED patient”, 12th World Congress of the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM 2005) Cairo, Egypt, “Therapeutic options for ED”. Invited speaker, 12th Congress of the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM 2006) Cairo, Egypt. Journal of Sexual Medicine Debate: “Physicians who practice sexual medicine should perform sexual medicine surgical procedures” – speaking against the motion. Invited speaker at the British Association of Urological Surgeons 2006 Annual Congress instructional course: “Hypogonadism”. Invited speaker at the Israeli Society for Sexual Medicine Second Annual Scientific Congress (June 2006): “The role of the primary care physician in FSD”; discussion panel member “Female Sexual Dysfunction” and “Male Sexual Dysfunction”. Invited speaker at the International Society for Men’s Health and Gender “Global Perspectives on Men’s Health” meetings in PR China, Germany, Mexico and Brazil (February - June 2006); presentations included “Hypogonadism”, “Premature ejaculation”, “Chronic disease and sexual function” and “Women’s sexual function and its problems”. Invited speaker and chairman of official instructional course “Androgen Supplementation”, 8th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM 2005) Copenhagen, “Why bother about androgen deficiency?” Invited speaker in Janssen-Cilag official satellite symposium, 8th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM 2005) Copenhagen, “Pan-European perspectives on Premature Ejaculation”. Invited speaker, Sexual Medicine Society of North America (AUA 2005), San Antonio, USA. “Debate: Questionnaires will one day completely replace physiological testing” – speaking against the motion. Invited speaker, 7th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM 2004) London. “Debate: premature ejaculation is all in the mind” – speaking against the motion. ‘State of the art’ lecturer, Congress of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH 2004) Atlanta, GA, USA. “Ethical issues in the management of women’s sexual health” Invited speaker, Congress of the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM 2004) Buenos Aires, Argentina. “Debate: We need more new drugs for the treatment of ED” – speaking against the motion. Invited speaker, Italian Urological Society (SIU) 2004 Annual Congress, Milan. “Sexual medicine” Invited speaker, 6th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM 2003), Istanbul. “Managing women’s sexual problems in primary care” Co-director of and presenter at the Third European Conference on Sexual Dysfunction in Primary Care, La Penina, Lagos, Portugal, November 2003: Presentations: Management of sexual dysfunction in women, Masterclasses in male and female sexual dysfunction, managing complaints and medico-legal problems in primary care Lecture tour of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates (2003). Psycho-socio-cultural factors in the treatment of erectile dysfunction Presentation of report on ethical issues in sexual medicine, Educational, Socio-cultural and Ethical Committee, 2nd International Consultation on Erectile and Sexual Dysfunctions, Paris, June 2003 Chairman and co-presenter of the Pre-Congress Teaching Programme, “Sexual Medicine for the NonSpecialist”, on the occasion of the 5th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM 2002), Hamburg. Invited speaker at the 2nd Mediterranean Congress on Sexual Dysfunction, Amman, Jordan (2002). Presentations: Drug-induced sexual dysfunction; Providing help to couples recovering from sexual dysfunction Lecture tour of hospitals and medical centres in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2002). The treatment of erectile dysfunction Invited speaker at a Special Meeting of the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians, Hong Kong (2002). The treatment of erectile dysfunction in a primary care setting Co-chairman and presenter at the First European Congress on The Management of Male Sexual Dysfunction and other critical issues in men’s health, Monte Carlo, Monaco (2002). Presentation: The value of risk factor management and control for optimising response to ED therapy. Invited speaker at the Korean Andrological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Pusan, South Korea (2002). Presentations: Gender Identity Disorders, The treatment of erectile dysfunction in the era of multiple oral therapies Co-director of and presenter at the Second European Conference on Sexual Dysfunction in Primary Care, Biarritz, France, March 2002: Presentations: Gender Identity Disorders, HRT, sexual function and the ageing woman. European Association of Urology XVIIth Congress, Birmingham, UK (2002). Presentation at official satellite symposium: Erectile dysfunction: the patient and his partner. Invited speaker at British Association of Urological Surgeons Conference, 2001, Jersey. Debate: “This House believes that erectile dysfunction will be managed in primary care” Invited speaker at British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy Conference, Loughborough University, 2001. “The role of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of sexual dysfunction” Co-director of and presenter at the “Innovations 2001” Primary Care conference, Portugal, January 2001: Personal and practice learning plans: a practical guide (5 sessions). Presenter and session chairman at the SIMSED National Symposium, Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre, Birmingham, June 2000: Recent advances in the management of erectile dysfunction, Setting up an ED service in Primary Care, Male and female sexual problems (workshop). Presenter at the British Society for Sexual and Impotence Research Meeting, Commonwealth Institute, London, March 2000: Drug-induced sexual dysfunction. Member of the teaching faculty for the 4th Congress of the European Society for Impotence Research (ESIR 2000), Barcelona: Vacuum tumescence devices; Treating ED in primary care Co-director of and presenter at the Men’s Health 2000 conference, Portugal, February 2000; Osteoporosis in men; Partial androgen deficiency of the ageing male; Male fertility; Circumcision and its consequences Co-director of and presenter at the Inaugural European Conference on Sexual Dysfunction in Primary Care, Portugal (1999); Physical examination and investigations in female sexual dysfunction; Drug induced sexual dysfunction; Setting up an erectile dysfunction service in general practice; vasoactive drugs and female sexual dysfunction. Co-presenter of workshop at the National Association of GP Tutors Annual Meeting (1998); The evaluation of a self-directed learning programme. Co-presenter of workshop at the National Association of GP Tutors Annual Meeting (1997); The Plymouth self-directed learning programme OTHER ACTIVITIES President-Elect of the International Society for Sexual Medicine Secretary-General of the European Society for Sexual Medicine Company Secretary, European Society for Sexual Medicine Ltd (UK-based charitable company) Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the Journal of Sexual Medicine Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health Chairman of the Educational, Socio-cultural and Ethical Committee of the 3rd International Consultation on Sexual Medicine Executive Committee member of the Andrology Section, British Association of Urological Surgeons Council Member of the British Society for Sexual Medicine I review original research papers for The Journal of Sexual Medicine, European Urology, British Journal of Urology International, Trends in Urology, Gynaecology and Sexual Health, The Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, The Journal of Men’s Health and Gender, Medical Education and Sexual and Relationship Therapy, and the International Journal of Clinical Practice. RELEVANT PAST ACTIVITIES Chairman of the 6th Congress of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH 2006), Lisbon Member of the Educational, Socio-cultural and Ethical Committee of the 2nd International Consultation on Erectile and Sexual Dysfunctions Trustee of the registered charity, the British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy Member of the Organising Committee for the VIIth Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, London 2004 Steering group member, Sexual Dysfunction Special Interest Group, Medical Society for the Study of Venereal Diseases CLINICAL TRIALS AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE I have been involved wide range of clinical and epidemiological research activities, both in primary and secondary care. I have experience in study design and conduct and have a record of success in attaining research grants from a range of organisations. As well as personal research, I have been involved in 36 clinical trials, in protocol development, as principal investigator or otherwise. I have worked with several clinical research organisations and sponsor companies, including Pfizer, Pharmacia, Procter & Gamble, Boehringer-Ingleheim, Abbott, Bayer, Ferring, Eli Lilly, Glaxo, Yamanouchi, PPD, Chiltern, ICON, Innovex, Covance, Til Occam-Verum and Quintiles. I have worked on the following studies and clinical trials: MEMBERSHIP OF SOCIETIES President-Elect of the International Society for Sexual Medicine Secretary-General of the European Society for Sexual Medicine Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine Member of the British Society for Sexual Medicine General member of the British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy Member of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health Member of the International Society for the Study of the Ageing Male Member of the European Association of Urology Member of the British Medical Association Associate member of the British Association of Urological Surgeons MEDICAL INTERESTS • • • • • • • • • • • Human sexuality and sexual dysfunction Sex steroids and the endocrinology of sexual function Sexual desire Gender identity Medical Education Prostatitis and male chronic pelvic pain syndrome Dyslipidaemias CVD Prevention and Health Promotion Continence problems and urodynamics Primary Care management of Urological Complaints Quality of Life and Healthcare
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