Awaken the love that God has placed within us, awaken it to the world! A 5 day journey in learning how to see the Holy Spirit at work in your life Awaken the love that God has placed within us, awaken it to the world! Awaken a new sound that will rise up, and bring a new song! A generation that will rise and stand for justice! The awakened life: why is it necessary? What if you could ask the most important question you can think of in your life right now, and it would be answered with compassion, depth of wisdom and unconditional love? We are people of the Spirit of truth, being lead by the Spirit in a life of inescapable authenticity. Each one of us is being pulled to awaken to whatever still lies sleeping within, and there is no better time to receive the guidance we need to lift us out of anxiety and overwhelm and into our unfolding joy. To awaken to life, is to become aware of the Spirit's dynamic movement that's always been there. The finishing line is the beginning of the next race. The dry bones are the very nostrils of new breath. Reaching the foot of the mountain is stepping into a new path. The light at the end of the tunnel is the beginning of a new tunnel. Growth in your personal life, be it personal as well as spiritual, invites a life style of noticing God at work with us, in us, in our past, now and in the future. These new beginnings and dead ends are the work of the Spirit. To awaken is to take notice. To take notice is to become aware of the other. For a relationship to grow, attention is needed. − The other might be your own life story, the characters in it, past events that may have formed your understanding of God love, of relationships, suffering and joy. − The other might also be the inner side of yourself. Your gifts, passion, emotions, your reactions towards life, your views on things, your darker shadows, your passions, and they way you connect and relate with God. - The other might as well be the outward side of yourself: the things and events that happens to you and have a profound on your concious and unconscious functioning. There is me world, but also 'n us world (family), a them world (work, social networks) and an it (the news and global forces.) - The other may be a future decision that you'll need to make: be it a career change, the choice of undergoing an operation, a change in mental mind shift, leaving behind a life of addictions, a business enterprise, etc. for the believer, these three areas all happens in relationship with God. To become aware of how these “others” unfold in your life, you need to develop a life with the Spirit in awareness. An awakening heart means becoming aware of the working of God through his Holy Spirit in these three areas in your life: past, present and future. 1. The Spirit is a co-partner in travel Another way to describe the awakening of the heart is by analogy of a traveller. Every traveller needs to reflect on their journey, where they have come form, where they are now, and where they are in need of healing. By reflection you become wiser and you start noticing the God question: what is God up to in my life? God is the co-traveller who reflects with us on our journey. The ultimate companion and pilgrim-partner. To ignore this practise is an adventure in missing the point. We must become aware how God engages with us. Where we were in our lives, what we were looking for, what we care about, how we feel about life and where to we want to go, is all related to the ultimate Source of life. 2. The Spirit is a Translator of life's events Another analogy of an awaken life is to see the Holy Spirit as a link between us and God. As life happens to the believer, God connects to us as well, because God is in this life. Life is the bridge between us and God, and the Spirit is the Translator of the events. We can be raging against God, we might be angry at life, at people, full of resentment, feelings of unworthiness, resistance on various levels towards change, experience profound dislocation, disillusionment, undergoing mild depression with a colourless prayer life, avoiding feelings, or a life stuck in a machine-like routine. or we might feel the sacrifice that God asks of us is unfair and too much. Underneath our reactions to life's impact, there is often confusion and frustrations that we wrestle with but never reflect upon. 3. The Spirit is like an archaeologist An awaken life can also be compared with the science of archaeology. What we normally see is a stone in ground, vested for centuries in grass and hard soil. But as the archaeologist starts chipping away the soil, he stumbles upon a fascinating new discovery: the stone in the ground has layers underneath that when fully skinned, we see a new image of a huge statue settled in what looks like to be an ancient temple. The archaeologist gives us access to a better understanding of what lies beneath. To give us access to this world “underneath” or inside ourselves, we need to engage in a new process of trusting and being led by the Spirit of God who is inviting us in a new chapter, a new life and a new way of being in this life. The Spirit reveals our sins and guilt and shadows. With God, no weak heart, no negative feeling or emotion, is unwelcome. But God does not give us permission to abuse Him to cover up what lies beneath, rather god invites us to trust Him as he peals of the stone hard layers we've learned to put in place through the years since childhood. God show us through his Spirit, how to enter it in a way that is healing and refreshingly new. Thus We need to learn to see with new eyes. Jesus called the eye the lamp of the body. If the lamp is bad, the hole body is dark. If the lamp is good, the eyes see good. Paul says in Eph. 1:18-19 we need to develop the eyes to see the good works of God in our lives. The Spirit entitles us as children of God, a very close relationship with the Ultimate Being of Love. This journey of being fully aware, is the development of an Awaken Heart inside all of us. How we will develop an awakening heart: Dwelling in The Word. Dwelling with the Holy Spirit. Dwelling in Community Dwelling in the world Awaken Heart A five day journey in learning to see the movement of the Holy Spirit in your life. INDEX 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Your life Story: Learning to see how the Spirit has moved with you (past) Your Life: Learning to See how the spirit is moving to you (present) Your Person: Learning to See how the Spirit is moving through you ( present) Your Shadow: learning to See how the spirit is moving within you (present) You Future: learning to see how how the Spirit is moving out before you. (future) Sunday Evening Learning to see how the Spirit has always moved with you The power of story We start this journey by framing our lives , by telling our stories. Story telling is very powerful wat of letting the spirit prayer fully companions us through the maps, chapters, old endings and new beginnings of our lives. Like the blind man in Jesus' story, we are also in a certain sense blind. We cannot see wisdom in our blind states. We need an awakening. Our lives are composed of stories and songs, each an extravagant artwork worthy only of its creator. And they don't need to be perfect to be beautiful. The most exquisite pieces of art often are made more exquisite and valuable by there supposed flaws, the slips and unexpected turns of the brush or potting wheel. Again and again the spirit breaks through and suprises everyone with the unlikely and the unforeseen. God often works through initiatives that, when they first appear, trigger the response, nothing will ever come of this, or even, nothing good could possibly result form that. God's being born as an infant in a stable was certainly not what the world expected. Neither was Jesus' death on the cross or his resurrection. And yet without those unexpected events, we could not have the gift of salvation or the hope of an incarnate life. God became human, then died and rose gain to bring humans closer to God. The more we learn to walk with the spirit, the more we learn that the unexpected voice of the Spirit is the only voice we can totally trust, our future is in good hands... 1. Dwelling in the Word John 9 New International Version (NIV) Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind 9 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. 4 As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” 6 After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. 7 “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. 8 His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging asked, “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?” 9 Some claimed that he was. Others said, “No, he only looks like him.” But he himself insisted, “I am the man.” 10 “How then were your eyes opened?” they asked. 11 He replied, “The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see.” 12 “Where is this man?” they asked him. “I don’t know,” he said. The Pharisees Investigate the Healing 13 They brought to the Pharisees the man who had been blind. 14 Now the day on which Jesus had made the mud and opened the man’s eyes was a Sabbath. 15 Therefore the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. “He put mud on my eyes,” the man replied, “and I washed, and now I see.” 16 Some of the Pharisees said, “This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath.” But others asked, “How can a sinner perform such signs?” So they were divided. 17 Then they turned again to the blind man, “What have you to say about him? It was your eyes he opened.” The man replied, “He is a prophet.” 18 They still did not believe that he had been blind and had received his sight until they sent for the man’s parents. 19 “Is this your son?” they asked. “Is this the one you say was born blind? How is it that now he can see?” 20 “We know he is our son,” the parents answered, “and we know he was born blind. 21 But how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, we don’t know. Ask him. He is of age; he will speak for himself.” 22 His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, who already had decided that anyone who acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue. 23 That was why his parents said, “He is of age; ask him.” 24 A second time they summoned the man who had been blind. “Give glory to God by telling the truth,” they said. “We know this man is a sinner.” 25 He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” 26 Then they asked him, “What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?” 27 He answered, “I have told you already and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his disciples too?” 28 Then they hurled insults at him and said, “You are this fellow’s disciple! We are disciples of Moses!29 We know that God spoke to Moses, but as for this fellow, we don’t even know where he comes from.” 30 The man answered, “Now that is remarkable! You don’t know where he comes from, yet he opened my eyes. 31 We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will. 32 Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. 33 If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.” 34 To this they replied, “You were steeped in sin at birth; how dare you lecture us!” And they threw him out. Spiritual Blindness 35 Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” 36 “Who is he, sir?” the man asked. “Tell me so that I may believe in him.” 37 Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.” 38 Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshipped him. 39 Jesus said,[a] “For judgement I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.” 40 Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, “What? Are we blind too?” 41 Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains. 1. Notice People's different versions of the blind man's healing: The Disciples: He is blind because he sinned or his parents sinned. The Community: we have known him all these years. The Pharisees: he is blind because he is a sinner Parents: We don;t know, it's just the way it always was. Jesus: Through his condition God will display meaning Questions to reflect? What is the image of God portrait by the community and by Jesus in this story? What different versions are available to you about your own life story? 2. Notice how the process of being blind to seeing unfolds. I) Jesus is a prophet II) Jesus is a man III) Jesus is Lord! IV) I am a follower 2. Dwelling in The Spirit: How the spirit has moved with you in your own life story Draw your story line: Make a summary of all the big occasions Write in the names of the people that impacted on your life-filled What was in a negative way defining moments in your life. What was in a positive way God's grace-moments in your life 3. Dwelling in community: Share your story-line with others Monday evening B. Learning to see how the Spirit moves all around you all the time With every breath I take, I am reminded that we are all only one breath away from eternity. Breath need not mean breathlessness if you're breathing God's breath, which is both breathtaking and breath giving. True followers of the way of Jesus are always aware of their breathing. They are not only in touch with the external sounds of life breathing around them and inside of them. All of creation is alive with the holy breath of the creator. Breathing Yahweh breath is breathing the holy breath of life. Yahweh our breathing and heartbeat are in tune with the name. Breathe in yah and breathe out weh... Life in the spirit involves not only breathing but also moving seeing and listening. The spirit breathes within us, moves among us, reveals to us. As God moves through life and history, we sail as pneumanauts (pneuma = spirit; naut = traveler) on the edges of the wind. And in life, as in sailing, we are always moving into new horizons. 1. Dwelling in the Word Ezekiel 47 The Message (MSG) Trees on Both Sides of the River 1-2 Now he brought me back to the entrance to the Temple. I saw water pouring out from under the Temple porch to the east (the Temple faced east). The water poured from the south side of the Temple, south of the altar. He then took me out through the north gate and led me around the outside to the gate complex on the east. The water was gushing from under the south front of the Temple. 3-5 He walked to the east with a measuring tape and measured off fifteen hundred feet, leading me through water that was ankle-deep. He measured off another fifteen hundred feet, leading me through water that was knee-deep. He measured off another fifteen hundred feet, leading me through water waistdeep. He measured off another fifteen hundred feet. By now it was a river over my head, water to swim in, water no one could possibly walk through. 6-7 He said, "Son of man, have you had a good look?" Then he took me back to the riverbank. While sitting on the bank, I noticed a lot of trees on both sides of the river. 8-10 He told me, "This water flows east, descends to the Arabah and then into the sea, the sea of stagnant waters. When it empties into those waters, the sea will become fresh. Wherever the river flows, life will flourish—great schools of fish—because the river is turning the salt sea into fresh water. Where the river flows, life abounds. Fishermen will stand shoulder to shoulder along the shore from En-gedi all the way north to En-eglaim, casting their nets. The sea will teem with fish of all kinds, like the fish of the Great Mediterranean. 11 "The swamps and marshes won't become fresh. They'll stay salty. 12 "But the river itself, on both banks, will grow fruit trees of all kinds. Their leaves won't wither, the fruit won't fail. Every month they'll bear fresh fruit because the river from the Sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing." Are you in the temple? The source? Are you in the water? How deep? Are you on the side? Is it blossoming? What have you learned about salt? 2. Dwelling in the spirit. Exercises in noticing the spirit in my present life Me: …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ Family/Friends …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ Work/Social Networks/Club/Groups …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ World (News) …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ …............................................................................................................................................................ Tuesday Night: C. Learning to see how the Spirit moves through you 1. Dwelling in the Word Romans 12:3-8 New International Version (NIV) Humble Service in the Body of Christ 3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. 4 For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and eachmember belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your[a] faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,[b] do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. Footnotes: a. Romans 12:6 Or the b. Romans 12:8 Or to provide for others 2. Dwelling in the spirit. Learn to know yourself better through the Enneagram For now, read the following type names and brief descriptions to see which two or three strike you as being most typical of yourself. TYPE ONE: 1 THE REFORMER The Rational, Idealistic Type: Principled, Purposeful, Self-Controlled, and Perfectionistic TYPE TWO:2 THE HELPER The Caring, Interpersonal Type: Demonstrative, Generous, People-Pleasing, and Possessive TYPE THREE: 3 THE ACHIEVER The Success-Oriented, Pragmatic Type: Adaptive, Excelling, Driven, and Image-Conscious TYPE FOUR: 4 THE INDIVIDUALIST The Sensitive, Withdrawn Type: Expressive, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed, and Temperamental TYPE FIVE: 5 THE INVESTIGATOR The Intense, Cerebral Type: Perceptive, Innovative, Secretive, and Isolated TYPE SIX: 6 THE LOYALIST The Committed, Security-Oriented Type: Engaging, Responsible, Anxious, and Suspicious TYPE SEVEN: 7 THE ENTHUSIAST The Busy, Fun-Loving Type: Spontaneous, Versatile, Distractible, and Scattered TYPE EIGHT: 8 THE CHALLENGER The Powerful, Dominating Type: Self-Confident, Decisive, Willful, and Confrontational TYPE NINE: 9 THE PEACEMAKER The Easygoing, Self-Effacing Type: Receptive, Reassuring, Agreeable, and Complacent 2 digit Code Type AX 7 AY 8 AZ 3 type Name and key Characteristics The Enthusiast. The Challenger The Achiever Pp. 22 23 18 BX BY BZ 9 4 5 The Peacemaker the Individualist The Investigator 24 19 20 CX CY CZ 2 6 1 The Helper The Loyalist The Reformer 17 21 16 To see which describes you best, and answer the following questions The quick Enneagram sorting test select one paragraph in each of the following two groups of statements that best reflects your general attitudes and behaviours, as you have been most of your life. Group I A. I have tended to be fairly independent and assertive. I've felt that life works best when you meet it head-on. I set my own goals, get involved, and want to make things happen. I don't like sitting around – I want to achieve something big and have impact. I don't necessarily seek confrontations, but I don't let people push me around either. Most of the time I know what I want, and I go for it. I tend to work hard and to play hard. B. I have tended to be quiet and am used to being on my own. I usually don't draw much attention to myself socially, and is generally unusual for me to assert myself all that forcefully. I don't feel comfortable taking the lead or being as competitive as others. Many would probably say that I am something of a dreamer – a lot of my excitement goes on in my imagination. I can be quite content without feeling I have to be active all the time. C. I have tended to be extremely responsible and dedicated. I feel terrible if I don't keep my commitments and do what is expected of me. I want people to know that I am there for them and I'll do what I believe is best for them. I've often made great personal sacrifices for the sake of others, whether they know it or not. I often don't take adequate care of myself – I do the work that needs to be done and relax 9and do what I really want) if there is time left. Group I code: …............ Group II X. I am a person who usually maintains a positive outlook and feels that things will work out for the best. I can usually find something to be enthusiastic about and different ways to occupy myself. I like being around people and helping others to be happy – I enjoy sharing my own well-being with them. (I don't always feel great, but I try not to show it to anyone!) However, staying positive has sometimes meant that I' have put off dealing with my own problems for too long. Y. I am a person who has strong feelings about things – most people can tell when I am unhappy bout something. I can be guarded with people, but I am more sensitive than I let n. I want to know where I stand with others and who and what I can count on – it's pretty clear to most people where they stand with me. When I'm upset about something, I want others to respond and to get as worked up as zI am. I know the rules, but I don't want people telling me what to do. I want to decide for myself. Z. I tend to be self-controlled and logical – I am uncomfortable dealing with feelings. I am efficient – even perfectionist – and prefer working on my own. When there are problems with personal conflicts, I try not to bring my feelings into the situation. Some say I am too cool and detached, but I don;t want my emotional reactions to distract me from what's really important to me. I usually don't show my reactions when others “get to me.” Group II Code ….............. Overall 2 digit Code …........... Go back to the previous page and see where your code leads you to... Complete the following questions: TYPE ONE : 1.... not all the time 2.....seldom true 3.....somewhat true 4......generally true 5......very true 1...... Most people see me as a serious non-nonsense person – and when all is said and done, I suppose I am. 2...... I have always tried to be honest and objective about myself – and I'm determined to follow my conscience no matter what the cost. 3...... While there is some part of me that can be wild, generally speaking that hasn't been my style. 4...... It seems that I am living with a judge inside my head: sometimes the judge is wise and discerning, but often it is simply stern and harsh. 5...... I feel that I have paid a great price for trying to be perfect. 6...... I like to laugh as much as anyone – is should do it more often! 7...... My principles and ideals inspire me toward greater achievements and make my life feel meaningful and worthwhile. 8...... I don not understand why so many people have such lax standards. 9...... So much depends on me getting things done that I have to be more organized and methodical than others. 10...... I have a personal sense of mission, maybe even a calling to something higher, and I believe that there is something extraordinary that I may accomplish during my life. 11...... I hate mistakes, and so I tend to be extremely thorough to make sure that things are being done properly. 12...... Much of my life I have believed that right is right and wrong is wrong – and that's all there is to it. 13...... I have had a hard time leaving well enough alone. 14...... Many responsibilities have fallen on my shoulders: if I hadn't risen to the occasion, God only knows what would have happened. 15...... I am deeply moved by human nobility and grace under pressure. Total................ >15 > 15-30 > 30-45 > 45-60 > 60-5 You are probably not a compliant type (No a One, Two, or six) You are probably not a type One. You most probably have One-issues, or had a Type One parent You most likely have a One component You are most likely a One Type Two: The Helper 1.... not all the time 2.....seldom true 3.....somewhat true 4......generally true 5......very true 1...... My genuine concern for others makes me become deeply involved with them – their hopes, dreams and needs. 2...... It feels natural to be friendly: I strike up conversations easily and am on a first-name basis with everyone. 3...... I found that people respond warmly to me when I give them some attention and encouragement 4...... I cannot see a stray dog in the street without wanting to bring it home. 5...... I feel good about the fact that I am thoughtful, generous person. 6...... It's hard for me to take credit for the many things I've done for people, but it bothers me a lot when they don't seem to notice or care. 7...... It is true that I often do more for others than I should – I give away too much and do not think of myself enough. 8...... I often find myself trying to win people over – especially if they initially seem indifferent to me. 9...... I take special joy in entertaining and hosting my friends and extended family. 10...... I can be warm and supportive, but there is more steel in me than others think. 11...... I am able to express my feelings for people more openly than most. 12...... I make special efforts to know what's going on with the people I care about. 13...... I see myself as something af a “healer of broken hearts.” 14...... My health and finances have frequently suffered because I have put other people's needs and interests before my own. 15...... I love to knock myself out and make people feel welcomed and appreciated. Total.............. >15 > 15-30 > 30-45 > 45-60 > 60-5 You are probably not a compliant type (No a One, Two, or six) You are probably not a type Two. You most probably have Two-issues, or had a Type Two parent You most likely have a Two component You are most likely a Two TYPE THREE: THE ACHIEVER 1.... not all the time 2.....seldom true 3.....somewhat true 4......generally true 5......very true 1..... I see myself as a highly competent person: it really bothers me when I am anything less than effective and efficient. 2...... when things are going well for me, I virtually “glow” with a kind of inner joy in being who I am and having the life that I have. 3...... I try to present myself to others in the best possible light – but doesn't everyone? 4...... My feelings have tended to be foreign to me – I feel things strongly for a little while, and just get on with things. 5...... It's important to me to feel successful, even if I am not yet the success I want to be. 6.......for better or for worse, I am good at covering up my insecurities – people would never guess what I am really feeling! 7....... I want to make a good impression on people, so I am usually polite, well mannered and friendly 8....... I am aware of how well my friends and colleagues are doing and I tend to compare myself with them. 9....... I often strive to be the best at what I am doing – if I can't be outstanding at something, but generally don't bother with it. 10...... Sometimes I've had to cut corners a little to achieve my goals. 11...... when I am insecure, I can be rather aloof and cool with people. 12...... it really bothers me when others don't acknowledge the excellence of what I have done. 13...... I'm more adaptable than most: if things aren't working well, I know how to change my behaviour to obtain the results I want. 14......I always have a goal in focus and know how to motivate myself to achieve I. 15......I have a workaholic streak – I feel adrift if I am not accomplishing things. Total.............. >15 > 15-30 > 30-45 > 45-60 > 60-5 You are probably not an assertive type (No a Three, Seven, or Eight) You are probably not a type Three. You most probably have Three-issues, or had a Type Three parent You most likely have a Three component You are most likely a Type Three Type Four: The Individualist 1.... not all the time 2.....seldom true 3.....somewhat true 4......generally true 5......very true 1..... Many people see me as enigmatic, difficult and contradictory – and I like that about myself! 2...... I tend to brood over my negative feelings for a long time before getting free of them. 3...... I often feel alone an lonely, even when I'm around people I'm close to. 4...... If I'm criticized or misunderstood, I tend to withdraw and sulk. 5...... I find it difficult to get involved with projects of I don't have creative control. 6.......I tend to follow rules or to go along with expectations because I want to put my own special touch on whatever I do. 7....... By most standards, I'm fairly dramatic and temperamental 8....... I tend to spend quite a bit of time imagining scenes and conversations that haven't necessarily happened. 9....... I long for someone to rescue me and sweep me away from all this dreary mess. 10...... When things get tough, I tend to crumble and give up- perhaps I give up to easily, 11...... I can forgive almost anything except bad taste 12...... generally , I don't enjoy working too closely with others. 13...... finding myself and being true to my emotional needs have been extremely important motivations for me. 14......I don't like either to take the lead or to be a follower. 15...... I am acutely aware of my intuitions, whether or not I have courage to act on them. Total.............. >15 > 15-30 > 30-45 > 45-60 > 60-75 You are probably not a withdrawn type (No a Four, Five, or Nine) You are probably not a type Four. You most probably have Four-issues, or had a Type Four parent You most likely have a four component You are most likely a Type Four Type FIVE: The investigator 1.... not all the time 2.....seldom true 3.....somewhat true 4......generally true 5......very true 1..... I like to get into things in depth and pore over details unit I'e figured something out as completely as possible. 2...... I am extremely private person who doesn't let many people into my world. 3...... I do not feel very big or powerful – more small and invisible: I'd make a good spy! 4...... Other people would think I'm crazy if they knew what I was thinking most of the time 5...... Only by getting accurate information can you make a rational decision-but then, most people aren't really rational. 6.......My family thinks that I am somewhat strange or eccentric-they've certainly told me that I need to get out more. 7....... I can talk a blue streak when I want to; most of the time, though, I prefer to just watch all the craziness around me. 8....... If you need a problem solved, let me work on it by myself, and I'll come up with the answer. 9....... When you really think about it, you can't get much stranger than so-called normal behaviour. 10...... I tend to take a long time fine-tuning projects I'm working on. 11...... Most people are so incredibly ignorant, it's amazing that anything works at all! 12...... I know a lot about a lot of things, and in a few areas, I consider myself an expert. 13...... I am extremely curious and enjoy investigating why things are the way they areeven obvious things are not really so obvious when you really look at them. 14...... My mind is so intense and active that I often feel like it's on fire. 15...... Often I lose all track of time because I'm concentrating so completely on what I am doing. Total.............. >15 > 15-30 > 30-45 > 45-60 > 60-75 You are probably not a withdrawn type (Not a Four, Five, or Nine) You are probably not a type Five. You most probably have Five-issues, or had a Type Five parent You most likely have a Five component You are most likely a Type Five TYPE SIX: THE LOYALIST 1.... not all the time 2.....seldom true 3.....somewhat true 4......generally true 5......very true 1..... I am attracted to authority but distrustful of it all at the same time 2......I am very emotional, although I don't often show what I feel – except to those I'm close with- and even then, not always. 3...... If I make a mistake, I fear that everyone is going to jump on my throat. 4...... I feel more secure doing what's expected of me than striking out on my own. 5...... I may not always agree with the rules-and I don't always follow them-but I want to know what they are. 6.......I tend to have strong first impressions about people that are difficult to change. 7.......There are a few people I really look up to-they are sort of my heroes. 8....... I don't like making big decisions, but I certainly don't want anyone else to make them for me! 9....... Some people see me as jittery and nervous-but they don't know half of it! 10...... I know how much I mess up, so being suspicious of what others are up to just makes sense to me. 11...... I want to trust people, but often find myself questioning their motives. 12...... I am a real hard worker: I keep plodding along until the job gets done. 13...... I sound out the opinions of people I trust before I have to make a big decision. 14...... It's really weird: I can be skeptical, even cynical, about all kinds of things, and then turn around and fall for something hook, line and sinker. 15...... Anxiety seems to be my middle name Total.............. >15 > 15-30 > 30-45 > 45-60 > 60-5 You are probably not a compliant type (Not a One, Two, or Six) You are probably not a type Six You most probably have six-issues, or had a Type six parent You most likely have a six component You are most likely a Type six TYPE SEVEN: THE ENTHUSIAST 1.... not all the time 2.....seldom true 3.....somewhat true 4......generally true 5......very true 1..... I love travelling and discovering different kinds of foods, people, and experiencesthe whole fabulous whirlwind of life! 2......My calender is usually full, and I like to keep it that way: no grass is going to grow under my feet! 3...... What's important to me is excitement and variety rather than comfort and playing it safe - although I'll take my comforts wherever I can find them. 4...... my mind is always chattering – sometimes it seems like I'm thinking about ten things at once. 5...... One thing I absolutely cannot stand is being bored – and I make sure that I am never boring myself. 6.......I'm pretty committed when I'm in a relationship, but when it's over, I move on. 7.......I am curious and adventurous and am usually the first one of my friends to try whatever is new and interesting. 8....... When I no longer enjoy doing something, I stop doing it. 9....... I'm not just a fun person- there is a serious, even dark side to me, although I do not like to go there very much. 10...... I'm good at the big picture, not so much the little details: it's more enjoyable for me to brainstorm a lot of new ideas than to get involved with implementing them. 11...... when I really want something, I usually find a way to get it. 12...... things get me down once in a while, but I quickly pop up back again 13...... One of my main problems is that I am easily distracted and can get too scattered. 14...... I tend to spend more money than I probably should 15...... other people are great to have along- as long as they want to go where I'm going. Total.............. >15 > 15-30 > 30-45 > 45-60 > 60-5 You are probably not an assertive type (Not am Eight, Three, or Seven) You are probably not a type Seven You most probably have Seven-issues, or had a Type Seven parent You most likely have a Seven component You are most likely a Type Seven TYPE Eight: THE CHALLENGER 1.... not all the time 2.....seldom true 3.....somewhat true 4......generally true 5......very true 1..... I am extremely independent and don't like having to rely on others for what I really need 2......I feel that you have to break some eggs to make an omelet. 3......When I care about people, I often begin to think of them as “my people” and feel like I need to watch out for their interests. 4...... I know how to get results: I know how to reward people and how to put pressure on them to get things done. 5...... I do not have much sympathy for those who are weak and vacillating-weakness just invites trouble. 6....... I am strong willed and do not give up or back down easily. 7....... I am never prouder than when I see someone I've taken under my wing make it on their own. 8....... I have a tender, even somewhat sentimental side that I show to very few people. 9....... people who know me appreciate the fact that I talk straight to them and tell them exactly what is on my mind. 10...... I've had to work hard for everything I have-I think struggle is good because it toughens you up and makes you clear about what you want. 11...... I see myself as a challenger, as someone who pushes people beyond their comfort zone to achieve their best. 12...... My sense of humor is earthy, sometimes even crude, although I think most people are too prissy and thin-skinned 13...... I can get into a towering rage, but it blows over. 14...... I feel most alive when I do what others think is impossible: I like to go to the edge and see if I can beat the odds. 15...... Somebody usually has to come up on the short end of the stick, and I don't want it to be me. Total.............. >15 > 15-30 > 30-45 > 45-60 > 60-5 You are probably not a assertive type (Not an Eight, Three, or Seven) You are probably not a type Eight You most probably have Eight-issues, or had a Type Eight parent You most likely have a Eight component You are most likely a Type Eight. TYPE Nine: THE PEACEMAKER 1.... not all the time 2.....seldom true 3.....somewhat true 4......generally true 5......very true 1..... what People seem to like about me is that they feel safe around me 2......I don't mind being around people, and I don't mind being alone-either way is fine as long as I'm at peace with myself. 3......I've found a certain balance in my life, and I don't see no reason to mess with it. 4......Being comfortable in every sense of the word appeals to me a lot. 5...... I would rather give someone else their way than create a scene. 6.......I don't know exactly how I do it, but I don't let things get to me. 7.......I'm pretty easy of please and usually feel that what I have is good enough for me. 8....... I've been told that I seem distracted and absent minded - the fact is I understand things , but I just don't want to react to them. 9....... I don't think I'm particularly stubborn, but people say that I can be hard-headed once I make up my mind. 10......Most people get themselves worked up too easily: I'm much more even-keeled. 11...... You've got to take what life brings, since there's not much you can do about it anyway. 12...... I can easily see different points of view, and I tend to agree with people more than I disagree with them. 13...... I believe in emphasizing the positive rather than dwelling on the negative. 14...... I have what might be called a philosophy of life that guides me and gives me a great deal of comfort in difficult times. 15...... During the day, I do everything that needs to be done, but when the day is over, I really know how to relax and take it easy. Total.............. >15 > 15-30 > 30-45 > 45-60 > 60-57 You are probably not a withdrawn type (Not a Nine, Five, or Four) You are probably not a type Nine You most probably have Nine-issues, or had a Type Nine parent You most likely have a Nine component You are most likely a Type Nine. Wednesday Night. Learning to see the spirit within us. “ 26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:26-28 Each person, have developed since childhood dark patterns, shadows that is underlying habitual responses to life. The Holy Spirit bring the destructive influence of these underlying patterns to our attention so that we can be released from the negative aspects of our personalities. 1. Dwelling in the word John 16:5-15 New International Version (NIV) 5 but now I am going to him who sent me. None of you asks me, ‘Where are you going?’ 6 Rather, you are filled with grief because I have said these things. 7 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will sendhim to you. 8 When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 about sin, because people do not believe in me; 10 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned. 12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth,comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.” 2. Dwelling with the Holy Spirit. Discovering the “shadows” beneath Please read through your profile. Let the Spirit guide you in the truth. Type One: The Reformer Basic childhood message It's not ok to make mistakes Deepest unfulfilled need You are Good Basic Fear Fear of being a bad person, corrupt, evil, that their ideals are wrong and counter productive Basic Desire The desire to have integrity (critical perfectionism) Manipulate others by By correcting others or insisting that others share their standards. Making others feel Point out evil, corruption and defectiveness in others Wake up calls Feeling a sense of personal obligation to fix everything themselves Spiritual growth From condemning yourself and others to a profoundly wise and discerning heart, open mindedness and self acceptance. Type One: Levels of develoment healthy Level 1 Accepting wise Let go of the belief that you are in a position to judge anything objectively and are able to approach life without emotionally reacting to it. Being led by the Spirit the become wise, discerning, accepting, hopeful and often noble healthy Level 2 Evaluating Reasonable Rather than focussing in your superego to guide you in life and defend it from the disordered parts of yourself. Through the Spirit you are sensible, moderate. healthy Level 3 Principled Responsive Highly ethical and self disciplined and possess a strong sense of purpose and conviction. Truthful and articulate, they teach by example, putting aside desires for the greater good. average Level 4 Obligated Striving Begin to fear that others are indifferent to their principles, so you want to convince others of your rightness of viewpoint. You become serious and riven, debating others and remedying problems, while evaluating the world and pointing out what is wrong with things. average Level 5 Self Controlled-Orderly Worry that ohers will condemn you for any deviation from their ideals. Having arued their point of view, ones are now obliged to live up to it at all times, so they try to rigorously orginiaze themselves and their world. You become punctual and methodical but alos irritable and tense average Level 6 Judgemental Critical You become afraid that others will mess up theorder and balance that they have achived and they get angry that others do not take their ideals as seriously. They react by correcting others for not living up to their own standards. unhealthy Level 7 Selfrighteous inflexible You fear that your ideals may actually be wrong. They attempt to justify yourself and justify criticism. Closed minded and allow no compromises or negotiations in their positions. Becomes bitter and highly self-righteous. unhealthy Level 8 Obsessive Contradictory Becomes desperate top defend yourself fro irrational desires and impulses and become obsessed with the very parts they want to control. They began to act out all of their repressed desires while publicly continuing to condemn them. unhealthy Level 9 Condemnatory Punitive The realization that they have lost control of themselves and are doing the very things they cannot tolerate in others is too much. They try to rid themselves of the apparent cause of their obsessions in themselves, others, or the environment, possibly resulting in self mutilation, murder or suicide. Type Two: The Helper Basic childhood message It's not OK to have your own needs Deepest unfulfilled need You are wanted, you must give in order to get Basic Fear Fear of being unworthy or not being loved so you earn a place in affection for others Basic Desire The desire to be loved (the need to be needed) Manipulate others by Finding out other's needs and desires and creating dependencies Making others feel Unworthy of their love attention and kindness, drive loved ones away Wake up calls Believing they must go out to others to win them over (collecting needs) Spiritual growth From feeling unloved and unworthy to accepting that God's love is always in you and in others. If you accept this you will not have to get anything from anyone. Type two: Levels of development healthy Level 1 Self nurturing unconditional loving Let go of the belief that you are not allowed to are for yourself. You can own your feelings and needs and are free to love others without expectations. Experience unconditional love of God for self an others, are joyous, gracious and humble healthy Level 2 Empathetic and caring Focus on the feelings of others with loving concern as a defence against “I am loving, thoughtful and selfless through the Holy Spirit.” healthy Level 3 Supportive and giving Reinforce their loving self-image by doing good for others. They are generous with their time and energy and appreciative, encouraging and supportive of others. They are emotionally expressive and enjoy sharing their talents with others. average Level 4 Well intentioned people pleasing Whatever they have been doing Is not good enough – others do not really want them around. They want to get closer to others and get reassured that they are liked. You try to cultivate friendships and win people over by pleasing, flattering and supporting them. average Level 5 Possessive and intrusive You worry that the people you love will love someone else more than you, so you want to be needed. They put the need of others before the needs of their own. Proud, but needy, they do not want to led others out of their sight. average Level 6 Self important and overbearing You are angry with others that they have taken you for granted but are unable to freely express your hurt. Instead they complain about their health, draw attention to good deeds, and remind others of how much they owe them. Repressed feelings begin to cause physical problems unhealthy Level 7 Self justifying and manipulative You fear that you are driving people away 9and this may be true). To rationalize their behaviour they see others as selfish. You try to elicit pity as a substitute for love and keep others dependant on them to prevent them from leaving unhealthy Level 8 Entitled and coercive You become desperate for love that you begin to pursue it obsessively. You feel entitled to whatever you want because you have suffered so much, and you may act out your need for affection recklessly and inappropriately unhealthy Level 9 Feel Victimized and burdensome The realization that you have been selfish or harmed others are too much for unhealthy two's. You fall to pieces, physically and emotionally, playing out the role of victim and martyr. Others are obliged to step in and care for them. Type 3: The Achiever Basic childhood message It's not ok to have your own feelings and identity Deepest unfulfilled need You are loved for yourself Basic Fear Fear of being worthless or without inherent value. Basic Desire The desire to be valuable (chasing after success) Manupilate others by By charming others and adopting whatever image will work Making others feel Make others feel valueless by treating them arrogantly and without contempt Wake up calls Beginning to drive themselves for status and attention Spiritual growth Let go of the belief that your value is dependant upon the positve regard of others or a relentless pursuit of self-esteem through achievement but pursue with freedom in the Spirit God's unique calling for you. Type Three: Levels of development healthy Level 1 Inner Directed and authentic Let go of the belief that your value is dependant on the positve regard of ohers, thus freeing you to discover your true identity that god gave you and the calling he has put in your heart to become self accepting, genuine en benevolent healthy Level 2 Adaptable and admirable You are attuend to what others value and adapt yourself to become a person to be more valuable according to your own sopiritual gifts. healthy Level 3 Goal oriented and self improving Participating in god's kingdom work, you develop your gifts and yourself. You are competent, confident and persistent, becoming a popular role model and inspiration for others average Level 4 Success oriented and performing You begin to fear that you will be overshawdowed by the accomplishments of others, that your efforts will not bring the attention you desire. You need to distinguish yourself fromothers by overachieving. You continually drive yourself and strive for more. average Level 5 Image conscious and expedient You worry that you will lose the poisitive regard of others, so you wish to impress people. You strive and cultivate what you believe will be most attractive image possible. Ambitious but self doubting, you want to be admired and desired. You create intimacy problems for yourself average Level 6 Self promoting and grandiose You are afraid that others will not notice you unless you are hugely successful or outstanding; thus you convince yourself and others of the reality of your grandiose claims. You become self-promoting, competitive and arrogant as a defense against secret neediness. unhealthy Level 7 Unprincipled and deceptive You fear tat you are failing and that your claims might be empty and fraudulent (which may be true). You begin to decieve yourself and others, saying whatever will impress people or get them off the hook. Inside you feel epty and depressed. unhealthy Level 8 Duplicates and opportunistic You become desperate for attention that you will concuct any story or scheme in order to cover over your deterioration. You do not want anyone to know how troubled you are and are willing to go to great lengths to keep your emotional illness and misdeeds hidden. unhealthy Level 9 Monomaniacal and relentless You feel there is nothing you can do to win the positive attention of people whose approval you need, and may lose your repressed hostility and rage. You may seek revenge on real or imagined tormentors, attempting to bring down whoever you feel has rejected you. Type Four: The Individualist Basic childhood message It's not OK to be functional oor too happy Deepest unfulfilled need You are seen for who you are Basic Fear Fear of being without identity or personal significance Basic Desire The desire to be oneself (self-indulgence) Manipulate others by Being temperamental – and making others “walk on eggshells.” Making others feel Disdainfully, as if others were “nobodies” and had no value or significance Wake up calls Holding on to and intensifying feelings through imagination Spiritual growth From feeling insignificant or labelled, to discover that who you are is someone who is always open to be touched by life's experiences and grow from it. Participate in God's ongoing creativity because you are, a piece of His artful creation as well. Type Four: Levels of development healthy Level 1 Life embracing and life enhancing Let go of the belief that you are more flawed than others and be freed by the holy spirit from your self-absorption. Your basic desire, to find significance, is also achieved and thus problems with your identity and it's stability are solved. You sense renewal, redemption and God's revelation of the big picture in your life healthy Level 2 Introspective and sensitive You focus on your own feelings and preferences to establish a clear sense of personal identity. You become sensitive, accept who you are and self aware of what you experience. healthy Level 3 Self-revealing and creative You express your individuality through creative action. You are eloquent and subtle, exploring your feelings and impressions and finding ways of sharing them with others. Your creativity is highly personal, but through it you make a huge difference and bring transformation. average Level 4 Romanticizing and individualistic You begin to fear that your changing feelings will not sustain you and your creativity, so you use imaginations to prolong and intensify your moods. You live in a fantasy and style to bolster your individuality and begin to dream of someone who will rescue you. average Level 5 Self absorbed and temperamental You worry that others will not recognize or appreciate you and your uniqueness, so you play hard to get – testing others to see if they are really interested in you. You start to belief that your fragility will attract a rescuer and keep others away. average Level 6 Self-indulgent and decadent You fear that life's demands will force you to give up your dreams, and you despair that those dreams will not be rescued. You feel you are missing out on life and envy stability in others, so you exempt yourself from the rules, becoming sensual, pretentious and unproductive. unhealthy Level 7 Hateful and alienated You fear that you are wasting your life (and this may be true). To save their self image, you reject everyone and everything that does not support your view of yourself o your emotional demands. Your repressed rage results in depression, apathy and constant fatigue. unhealthy Level 8 Self-rejecting and depressed feelings You have become so desperate to be the individual of your fantasies that you hate everything about yourself that does not correspond to it. You loathe yourself and hate others for failing to save you. You may sabotage what is good I your life. unhealthy Level 9 Despairing and life denying The realization that you have wasted your life pursuing fantasies is too much to bear. They may attempt to elicit rescue through self destructive behaviour or simply end their lives to escape their negative self consciousness. Type Five: The investigator Basic childhood message It's not ok to be comfortable in this world Deepest unfulfilled need Your needs are not a problem Basic Fear Fear of being incapable, useless or incompetent Basic Desire The desire o be competent ( useless specialization) Manipulate others by Staying pre-occupied – and by detaching themselves emotionally from others Making others feel Helpless, incompetent and incapable Wake up calls Withdrawing from reality into concepts and mental world Spiritual growth By moving from detachment from others or your own feelings to participating in the community of the Spirit with God and with others Type Five: the Investigator healthy Level 1 Participating and visionary Let go of the belief that you are separate from the environment or the community of Christ or family – an outside observer – and are thus able to confidently engage in life. They also paradoxically achieve their basic desire, to be competent and capable and able to live in the world with a calling. They then become clear minded, knowing, profound and compassionate. healthy Level 2 Observant and perceptive Fives focus' on the environment so they can feel confident to function in it and develop their skills and spiritual gifts against their basic fear that they are incapable. healthy Level 3 Focused and innovative They reinforce their self-image by mastering a body of knowledge and skills that will make them competent and strung. Not wishing to compete with others, they prefer to explore new ideas and forms. Their tinkering can result in profoundly original ideas, inventions and art. average Level 4 Conceptualizing and preparing They begin to ear that their skills are insufficient and they need to prepare more before they can take their place in this world. They feel unsure of themselves in many areas, preferring to inhabit the safety of their minds. They study, practise and collect more knowledge, resources and skills. average Level 5 Detached and preoccupied Fives worries that the needs of others will distract them from their projects, so they shut out intrusions by intensifying their mental activity. They minimize their needs, becoming highstrung, cerebral and secretive. They spend more time alone, speculating and elaborating on alternative realities average Level 6 Extreme provocotive Fives fear that others will threaten their niche they have been creating, so they try to fend people off. The resent apparent confidence and calm of others and enjoy subverting their beliefs. Their own ideas can be bizarre and disturbing, and they are so scornful of those who cannot understand them. unhealthy Level 7 Nihilistic and eccentric Fives fear that they are incapable of finding a place in the world and this may be true. To gain some security, they cut off all connections with the world, retreating into an isolated and increasingly empty world. They reject all but the most basic needs but are still plagued with fears. unhealthy Level 8 Horrified and delirious Fives feel small and helpless that almost everything becomes ominous to them. They are filled with dark fantasies and strange perception. They resist all help, shrinking away from people into feverish nightmares and insomnia. They cannot stop their overheated minds. unhealthy Level 9 Seeking oblivion and self Feeling they can no longer defend themselves fro their pain and annihilating terror, fives want to escape from reality. Type Six: The Loyalist Basic childhood message It's not OK to trust yourself Deepest unfulfilled need You are safe Basic Fear Fear of being without support or guidance Basic Desire The desire to be secure (an over-attachment to beliefs) Manipulate others by Complaining and by testing other's commitment to them. Making others feel Trying to isolate others by undermining their support system Wake up calls Becoming too dependant on something outside the self Spiritual growth From moving form feelings of insecurity and being afraid to a grounded faith that God support them and grace is always available to them. Type Six the Loyalist healthy Level 1 Belief in calling and Courageous Sixes let go of reliance on others outside themselves for support to discovering their own inner calling and belief in God's presence and guidance. They achieve their basic desiresecurity and support in their own faith. healthy Level 2 Engaging and reliable Sixes focus on the environment for support and to alert themselves from fears. They are friendly, trustworthy and engaging, seeking to built connection and stability in their world. healthy Level 3 Committed and cooperative They work responsibly to create and sustain mutually beneficial systems. They form alliances with others, bringing hard work, thrift an attention to details. They are well disciplined and practical, often foreseeing potential problems before they arise. average Level 4 Dutiful and loyal They begin to fear they will lose their independence but also that they need more support. They invest themselves in people and organizations that they believe will help them, but they are uneasy about it. They seek reassurance and guidance in procedures, rules, authorities and philosophies. average Level 5 Ambivalent and defensive Sixes worry that they cannot meet conflicting demands of their different commitments, so they try to resist having more pressure put on them without alienating their supporters. They become anxious suspicious, leading to greater caution, impulsiveness and indecision. average Level 6 Authoritarian and blaming They fear they are loosing support of their allies and they are extremely unsure of themselves. They become embittered, cynical and reactive, feeling that their good faith has been betrayed. The blame others and get into power struggles. unhealthy Level 7 Panicky and unreliable Sixes fear that their actions may have harmed their security (and this may be true). Their reactive behaviour may have caused crises in their lives so they trust themselves even less. The feel panicky, depressed and helpless and so looking for something to save them from their predicament. unhealthy Level 8 Paranoid and lashing out They become so insecure and desperate that they begin to believe that others will destroy whatever safety is left. They harbour paranoid fears and delusional ideas about the world. They rant about their obsessive fears and may strike out at real or imagined enemies. unhealthy Level 9 Self abasing and self destructive The realization that they have committed acts for which they will be punished is too much for Sixes. Guilt and self hatred lead them to punish themselves, and bringing down all that they have achieved. Type Seven: The Enthusiast Basic childhood message It's not Ok to depend on anyone for anything Deepest unfulfilled need You will be taken care of Basic Fear Fear of being deprived or trapped in pain Basic Desire The desire to be happy (frenetic escapism) Manupilate others by Distracting others and by insisting that others meet their demands Making others feel Causes pain and make others feel deprived in various ways Wake up calls Feeling that something better is available somewhere else Spiritual growth Fulfillment is not the result of getting anything or persuing happiness, and allow the richness of the present moment given by the Spirit as holy moments, to touch us. Type Seven: Levels of development healthy Level 1 Joyful and satisfied Sevens let go of the believe that they require objects and experiences to feel fulfilled so they are able to fully assimilate their experiences and be nourished by them. They become appreciative, deeply grateful and ecstatic. healthy Level 2 Anticipating and enthusiastic Sevens are focus on the world of possibilities and are excited by thinking about all the things they will do. They are great encourager and hope givers. healthy Level 3 Realistic and productive They are optimistic and bold and also practical and accomplished. average Level 4 Acquisitive and consuming Sevens begin fear that they are missing out on other, more worthwhile experiences; thus they become restless and interested in having more and more options available to them. They stay busy, juggling many different tasks an plans and trying to keep up with the latest trends. average Level 5 Distracted and scattered Sevens worry they will get bored and frustrated and that painful feelings will arise, so they try to keep themselves excited and occupied. They pump up the energy around them by talking, joking around and pursuing new adventures, but they are often distracted and unfocused. average Level 6 Self centred and excessive They are afraid there will not be enough whatever they believe they need, so they become impatient, seeking instant gratification. They are very demanding and seldom satisfied when their demands are met. unhealthy Level 7 Insatiable and escaping They fear that their action will bring them pain and unhappiness 9which may be the case.) they panic, ry to avoid their pain at any cost. The are highly impulsive and irresponsible and do whatever promises temporary belief from their anxiety, but they become joyless in their pursuits. unhealthy Level 8 Depressive and reckless Sevens becomes so desperate to escape their anxiety that they fly out of control, recklessly acting out of pain rather than feeling it. Hysterical activity alternates with deep depression as they become increasingly unstable and erratic. unhealthy Level 9 Overwhelmed and paralysed They might have ruined their health, lives and capacity for enjoyment is too much. Feeling that they no longer have options and ways out, they are panic stricken and feel trapped. Type Eight: The Challenger Basic childhood message It's not OK to be vulnerable or to trust anyone Deepest unfulfilled need You will not be betrayed Basic Fear Fear of being harmed or controlled by others Basic Desire The desire to protect oneself (constant fighting) Manipulate others by Dominating others and by demanding that others do as they say. Making others feel Make others fear that they will be harmed or controlled by their intimidating threats. Wake up calls Feeling that they must push and struggle to make things happen Spiritual growth Moving form controlling everything to open up in tolerance, kindness and let the spirit work understanding and love in your heart. Type 8: levels of development healthy Level 1 Self surrendering and heroic Eights let go of the belief that they must always be in control of their environment, which allows them to let down their guard and heal their hearts. They become forgiving through letting the spirit work understanding and love in their hearts and are empowered to do new things healthy Level 2 Self reliant and strong Eights use their energy and willpower to become independent and in control of their lives. They are vigorous and actionoreinted. healthy Level 3 Self confident and leading They take ion challenges. They prove their strength through action and achievement, trough protecting others and providing for them, and through bringing out other’s strengths. They are strategic and decisive and enjoy realizing constructive projects average Level 4 Pragmatic and enterprising Eights begin to fear they do not have enough resources to succeed with their projects or to carry out their roles as provider. Thus they become more shrewd and expedient about getting the resources they want. Business -like and competitive, they are more guarded about their feelings. average Level 5 Self glorifying and dominating They worry others will not respect them or give them due, so they try to convince others of their importance. They boast, bluff and make big promises to get people aligned with their plans. They want others to know they are in charge. average Level 6 Confrontational and intimidating Eights are afraid that others might not be backing them up, and they may loose control of their situation as a result. They try to pressure others to do what they want through threats and oppression. They are also bad tempered and defiant of any demands placed on them, pushing others to the limit. unhealthy Level 7 Ruthless and dictatorial Eights fear that others might turning against them, and this may be true. They feel betrayed an unable to trust anyone, so they become determined to protect themselves at any cost. Seeing themselves as outlaws, they feel they are beyond the pale of society and can be very vengeful and violent. unhealthy Level 8 Megalo-maniacal and terrorizing They becomes so desperate to protect themselves and so fearful of retaliation for their actions that the begin to attack potential rivals before they can threaten them. The respect no boundaries an rapidly overreach themselves. Delusions of invulnerability lead them to endanger themselves and others unhealthy Level 9 Socio pathic and destructive The realization that they have created powerful enemies who are capable of defeating them is too much for them. They try to destroy everything rather than let anyone triumph over them. They can go on rampages, remorselessly ruining everything in their path, possibly others in the process. Type Nine: The Peacemaker Basic childhood message It's not OK to assert yourself Deepest unfulfilled need You're presence matters Basic Fear Fear of loss of connection, of fragmentation Basic Desire The desire to be at peace (deteriorates into stubborn neglectfulness) Manipulate others by “checking out” - and passive aggressively resisting others Making others feel Make others feel they have lost connection with the nine by “tuning” out people I various ways Wake up calls Outwardly accommodating themselves to other Spiritual growth From moving from a fear of loosing connection or disengagement with love, towards A Spirit filled search for unity and wholeness, a life of reconciliation with God and others, peace and where everyone's voice will be heard and appreciated Type Nine: Levels of Development healthy Level 1 Connected and Indomitable Nines let go of the belief that their participation in the world is unimportant or unwanted; thus they can truly connect with themselves and with others. They have a clear focus and calling to a live of reconciliation. They become serene, present and dynamic. healthy Level 2 Unselfconscious and peaceful They focus on the environment or on relationships as a whole, desiring to maintain a harmonious stability within them and in their environment. They are steady, easygoing and kind. healthy Level 3 Unselfish and comforting Nines create and maintain peace and harmony I their world. They use patient, level headed approach to mediate conflicts and to soothe others. They are often imaginative, inspiring others with a healing positive vision of life. average Level 4 Self efacing and agreeable Nines begin to fear that conflicts in their lives will ruin their peace of mind, s they begin t avoid potential conflicts by going along with others. They consider many matters no worth arguing about, but will also begin to say yes to things they really do not want to do. average Level 5 Disengaged and complacent Nines worry that significant changes in their world will disrupt their fragile peace, so they set up their lives in ways that will prevent things from getting to them. They lose themselves in comforting routines and habits, punter around and tune out problems. average Level 6 Resigned and appeasing Nines are afraid others will demand responses from them that may arouse anxiety and ruin their inner peace, so they downplay the importance of problems and try to deflect others. They suppress their anger. unhealthy Level 7 Repressed and neglectful Nines fear that reality will force them to deal with their problems and this may be true. They may react by defending the illusion that everything is ok and stubbornly resisting all efforts to get them to confront their problems. The get depressed, ineffectual and listless. unhealthy Level 8 Dissociated and disoriented Nines are so desperate to hold on to whatever shred of inner peace they have left that they fear acknowledging reality at all. They try to block out awareness anything that could affect them through disassociation and denial. They appear desolate, numb, and helpless, often experiencing amnesia. unhealthy Level 9 Self-abandoning and disappearing Very unhealthy Nines feel unable to face reality at all. They withdraw into themselves and become completely unresponsive. They may attempt to eliminate their awareness to save their illusions of peace through fragmenting themselves into sub personalities. Thursday evening Learning to see the Spirit moving me into the future Awaken new hope within us, ignite our hearts with a fresh awareness of your opportunities, call us beyond our comfort seeking, nostalgic notions, and set us ablaze with passion for your purposes, lead us in your dance of possibilities, and rekindle our desires to seek you, to know you, to share you, to be freed by you… Come Spirit. A note on future planning and living in the Spirit When all of life becomes a mission trip, you are a pilgrim on life's greatest journey. Life with Jesus is a ticket to the ride of your life. Followers move more from spirit than from strategy and structure. As followers of Christ, pilgrims on his way, and sharers of his Spirit filled life, we must always be willing to feel our way along, to see and hear in new ways and never to judge a mountain by its size or rocky slope – to trust in the reality that there is nothing Christ can't do. Paul put it like this: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me or in a better translation “all things I have the power to do in the strength of the empowerer of me.” Trusting that the empowerer of me we can be open to changing our planned routes and to following Jesus' path as it appears before us. That openness makes the journey not only more interesting but also more life-filled and joyful. The truth is, all of us just make it up as we go along. We delude ourselves into thinking that we can rule our lives, but the random keeps breaking down our carefully reinforced control castles. Our efforts at planning really don't pan out. The more we try to plan, in fact, the more the unexpected mocks us in the face. That is not to say that everything in life is hit or miss that we are at the mercy of a whimsical fate, or that it is pointless to even attempt to order our lives. There is a place for thoughtful planning, and there are certainly reason to trust God hold our lives in capable hands. However, followers are aware and open to the breezes of the Holy spirit that bring fresh air into sometimes stale predictability, not to mention our control addictions. Jesus told his disciples that the sheep always know the Master's voice. To follow Jesus is not to demand road signs but to respond to the voice of the spirit along the way. When we do that, we discover that life is not a blue print but a blue sky of possibility – filled not only with order and ordinances but also with over-the -rainbow-potential. When we embrace the wings of he spirit, we can soar to unlimited heights. When we try to capture or tie the wings down and paste them into our rule books and strategic planners, all we are doing is moulding butterflies in a glass case. The spirit will not be pinned down. Nor can we tame him with our theology or chide him in our churches. The Holy spirit of life is the breath that drives the world to sing and change. He brings hope to the hungry and power to the powerless. Strengthened by prayer and lifts on the wings of the spirit, as followers open to the reverberations of Christ's voice, we can be change agents in and to the world. To sing the song of life that is in touch with the culture but in tune with the Spirit, we need to allow the music to come forth spontaneously, worshipfully, freely, symphonically. When we do, an originally scored tune arises from our throats. 1. Dwelling in the word Acts 16 New International Version (NIV) Timothy Joins Paul and Silas 16 Paul came to Derbe and then to Lystra, where a disciple named Timothy lived, whose mother was Jewish and a believer but whose father was a Greek. 2 The believers at Lystra and Iconium spoke well of him. 3 Paul wanted to take him along on the journey, so he circumcised him because of the Jews who lived in that area, for they all knew that his father was a Greek. 4 As they traveled from town to town, they delivered the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for the people to obey. 5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers. Paul’s Vision of the Man of Macedonia 6 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. 7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. 8 So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. 9 During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedoniastanding and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” 10 After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospelto them. 2. Dwelling with God. The calling of the Spirit has two dimensions: I) The heart (intuition and emotion): II) The head: (the four dimensions of Jesus' life) * His incarnation / Sy Menswording: He became part of our reality as it is. - Future Question: What facts do you have to take in account making this decision? * His community / Sy gemeenskap: Hy starts a new community that bears the signs of God's kingdom. Future Question: How will this decision impact community? * His sacrifice / Sy offer: Hy gee homself as offer sodat mense gered kan word Future Question: What sacrifices/commmitments will be made by the people involved? * His new ressurection life / Sy nuwe Opstandings Lewe: Hy bring nuwe hoop, nuwe visie Future Question: What new life or hope will result from this? Enneagram personality types
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