/STRU^NI RAD UDK 616.05-006.04-097:577.1 Urinary Prostate Specific Antigen: is the Clinical Use Likely? .............................. Pejcic T, Hadzi-Djokic J, Acimovic M, Topuzovic C, Milkovic B, Janjic A. Institute for Urology and Nephrology, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade rezime Prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test represents the standard procedure in prostate cancer (CaP) diagnosis and follow-up. However, determination of PSA in the urine, where PSA is present in much higher concentrations than in the blood, still remains in the field of research.Objectives:To determine urinary concentrations of PSA (uPSA) in different groups of patients (pts.), and to estimate is it possible to differentiate benign and malignant prostate diseases and to follow-up the results of treatment. Methods: Between january 2001. and November 2003., urinary concentrations of PSA were determined at 142 pts. divided in seven groups: 1. young and healthy volunteers, 2. "BPH-24": pts. with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) who collected the sample of 24hour voided urine, 3. "BPH-I": pts. with BPH who collected the first portion of first urinary voiding, 4. "TRUS-CaP": pts. with CaP which gave the first portion of urine just prior to transrectal ultrasoundguided prostate biopsy (TRUS- biopsy), 5. "TRUSnon-CaP": pts. who gave first portion of urine prior to TRUS-biopsy, but biopsy did not prove the presence of CaP, 6. "RRP": pts. who underwent radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP), 7. "AAT": pts. who underwent androgen deprivation therapy.Results:Average uPSA value in the group of young and healthy volunteers, was 13.8+19.6 ng/ml, in "BPH-24": 38.0+ 44.4 ng/ml, in "BPH-I": 140.8+140.9 ng/ml, in "TRUSCaP": 234.8+277.7 ng/ml, in TRUS-non-CaP: 113.1 +148.5 ng/ml, and in the group "RRP": 4.4+4.7 ng/ml. There was no statistically significant difference of average uPSA values between "BPH-I" and "TRUSCaP" groups. The significant difference was found between the group of young volunteers and "BPH-I". In "TRUS-CaP" group, there was strong correlation between tumour size and aggressivenes and uPSA concentration. Finally, PSA and uPSA decline during androgen deprivation therapy, strongly correlated (up to r=0.95). Conclusions:Determination of uPSA cannot differentiate BPH and CaP. However, in the group of pts. with proven localized CaP, uPSA can provide additional information concerning T-staging. Moreover, simultaneous monitoring of PSA and uPSA response on hormonal therapy, can provide an early recognition of androgen-indiferent CaP (AIPCA) and hormoneresistent CaP (HRPCA). Key words: urinary prostate specific antigen, tumor volume antiandrogen therapy INTRODUCTION P rostate specific antigen (PSA) is the proteolitical enzyme which physiological function is liquefaction of seminal coagulum, the process that allows the progressive motility of spermatozoa. The PSA concentration in seminal plasma is 0.3- 3.0 mg/ml, which makes PSA one of the most abundant proteins synthetised in the prostate. The determination of PSA concentrations in blood is one of the most important tools in prostate diseases detection and follow-up. On the other hand, PSA measurement in urine took place in the sporadic clinical researches. 1.1. PSA in the prostate The concentration of PSA in the prostate is similar in normal, hyperplastic and malignant tissue and counts 0.01- 0.08 mg/ml tissue.1,2,3,4 That means that prostate of 20g contains 0.2- 1.6mg PSA. Major form of PSA in the prostatic tissue is free PSA, that makes more than 98% of total PSA. 4 There is no apparent physiological function of PSA in the prostatic tissue: after the synthesis in the cytosol, PSA molecules are preserved in secretory granules (SG). Prostatic secretory epithelial cells empty the contents of SG into the acinar and ductal lumina. The amount of the synthesis depend on androgens and sexual stimulation, which is under parasympathetical control. From prostatic ducts, PSA molecules arrive in the prostatic urethra, from where are been washed during the micturition. Different to this "basal 70 T. Pejcic et al. PSA leakage", massive acinar and ductal emptying take place during the ejaculation. Central and transition zone ducts enter the prostatic urethra in the sharp angle, lateral to the verumontanum. Peripheral zone ducts enter the urethra perpendicullary, along the distance between verumontanum and distal urethral sphincter. These differencies play an important role in the drainage of seminal fluid into the urethra. 1.2. PSA in the periurethral glands and "minor prostatic glands" The use of new fixative in the pathology, glutaraldehid, enabled the identification of prostatic secretory granules (SG) in epithelial cells out of the prostate. Prostatic SG were identified in all periurethral glands in penile urethra, and occasionally, in the urinary bladder, in more than 50% cases of cystitis cystica and glandularis. These "minor prostatic glands" 5 are made of prostatic cells, or mixed prostatic and mucinous epithelium. Minor prostatic glands are responsible for urethral PSA production after radical prostatectomy and cystoprostatectomy. ACI Vol. LII TABLE 1 THE NUMBER OF PATIENTS IN VARIOUS GROUPS No Group No of pts Average age 1 zdravi 17 33.8 2 BHP-24 22 71.7 3 BHP-1 24 70.2 4 TRUS-CaP 27 69.1 5 TRUS-non-Cap 18 66.2 6 RRP 14 67.5 7 AAT 20 74.4 TOTAL / 142 / Average uPSA (ng/ml) 1.3. PSA in seminal plasma The concentration of PSA in seminal plasma is 0.2-3 mg/ml; PSA concentration in expressate, after prostatic massage, is 1-2mg/ml.6,7,8 The ratio between free and total PSA (f/T) is 0.76-0.81, and is similar in healthy men, and the patients with CaP. 9 High concentration of active PSA forms is the result of low concentrations of extracellular protease inhibitors in seminal plasma, like protein-C-inhibitor (PCI), which has only 5-10% molar concentration of PSA.10 250 200 150 100 50 0 RRP 1.4. Urinary PSA determination in clinical use In one of the first reports about uPSA, in 1992., DeVere White found average uPSA concentration in the group of BPH patients, of 216 ng/ml. Moreover, he found elevated concentrations of uPSA in 77% patients after RRP, and concluded that the majority of patients after RRP has residual prostatic tissue.11 However, next year, from Stanford University came the evidence that PSA in the urine originates from periurethral glands, but not from residual prostatic tissue.12 In this issue, the authors found average uPSA in the group with localized CaP, of 915.1ng/ml in the first urinary stream, and 245.9 ng/ml in the middle stream. In the group with RRP, average uPSA was 21.4 ng/mL in the first stream, and 1.8 ng/mL in the middle stream. Similar uPSA levels were found in patients without CaP, after cystoprostatectomy with bladder substitution: 15.5 ng/ml and 1.2 ng/ml. Similar results were presented by Taka-yama.13 Breul14 found higher uPSA concentrations in BPH, than in CaP group, using Tandem-E test: 748.78+246.3 ng/ml, versus 214.57+121.2 ng/ml. The serum/urinary PSA ratio was 177 +28.17, verus 15.76+5.47. Irani15 collected the 24 hour urinary samples and expressed uPSA concentration in micrograms / mMol of urinary creatinine; he also found higher uPSA concentration in BPH, than in CaP group: 30.7+4.7 microg. / mMol creat., versus 4.6+1.6 microg. / mMol creat. In the group Young BPH-24 T-non-CaP BPH-I TRUS-CaP FIGURE 1 AVERAGE uPSA VALUES IN DIFFERENT GROUPS Average uPSA + 2 SD 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 RRP Young BPH-24 T-non-CaP BPH-I TRUS-CaP FIGURE 2 AVERAGE uPSA +2SD of patients with serum PSA in "grey zone" (4-10 ng/ml) he found average uPSA of 18.5 microg. / mMol creat. In BPH patients, and 5.2 microg. / mMol creat. In CaP patients.16 These results differed significantly. In the recent issue17, the same author found significantly different Br. 4 Prostate specific antigen in the urine: is the clinical use likely? 71 TABEL 22 AVERAGE uPSA values No Group uPSA(ng/ml) PSA(ng/ml) Prostate volume (ml) 1 Young/healthy 13.8+19.6 - - 2 BHP-24 38.0+44.4 1.9+1.1 37.8+19.3 3 BHP-I 140.8+140.9 1.7+0.8 32.8+21.5 4 TRUS-CaP 234.8+277.7 40.3+118.6 35.5+11.4 5 TRUS-non-CaP 113.1+148.5 8.9+4.1 42.7+15.6 6 RRP 4.4+4.7 0.14+0.2 30.3+18.6 TABLE 3 STATISTICAL DIFFERENCIES BETWEEN AVERAGE uPSA values t001 temp Statistical difference 1.684 2.423 3.609 + BPH-24 1.684 2.423 3.245 + Young RRP 1.701 1.791 2.467 + TRUS-CaP TRUS-non0CaP 1.684 1.689 2.423 + TRUS-CaP BPH-I 1.46 1.684 2.423 O BPH-I TRUS-non-CaP 0.602 1.684 2.423 O Group I Group II BPH-I young BPH-I temp t0.05 uPSA / PSA ratio in BPH and CaP group, in 12-hour collected urine: 4.2 versus 1.2. All patients had "grey zone" PSA. Hillenbrand18 found similar results and concluded that uPSA increased total specificity of PSA in the screening of CaP. However, authors from Johns Hopkins Institute reported different results, with no statistical differencies in total, free, and ACT- bound uPSA between BPH and CaP group.19 The concentration of PSA could be measured in the prostatic expressate, as well. Kim20 found different PSA concentration in expressate from BPH and CaP patients: 1.42 mg/ml and 2.25 mg/ml, respectively. Some authors found elevated PSA in expressate in the group of patients with residual disease, after RRP.21,22 Very interesting fact is that female-to-male transsexuals could maintain PSA synthesis after testosterone substitution. The glands of Skene, or "female prostate" are responsible for urinary PSA concentrations, which are comparable with that of young and healthy males.23,24,25,26 METHODS 1. Between january 2001. and November 2003., urinary concentrations of PSA were determined at 142 patients divided in seven groups: 1. young and healthy volunteers, 2. "BPH-24" group: patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) who collected the sample of 24-hour voided urine, temp 3. "BPH-I" group: patients with BPH who collected the first portion of first urinary voiding, 4. "TRUS-CaP" group: patients with CaP which gave the first portion of urine just prior to transrectal ultrasound- guided prostate biopsy (TRUS- biopsy), 5. "TRUS-non-CaP" group: patients who gave first portion of urine prior to TRUS-biopsy, but biopsy did not prove the presence of CaP, 6. "RRP" group: patients who underwent radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP), 7. "AAT" group: patients who underwent anti-androgen, or androgen deprivation therapy.(Table 1). All patients were diagnosed and controlled in the Institute for Urology and Nephrology, Clinical Centre of Serbia, in Belgrade. Control group consisted of young and healthy volunteers. Patients with BPH had minimal voiding problems, or received medical therapy for BPH; all patients had PSA 4.0 ng/ml and no suspect lesions on TRUS and digitorectal examination (DRE). In "TRUSCaP" and TRUS-non-CaP" groups, TRUS- guided biopsy was performed due to PSA 4.0 ng/ml, and/or suspect findings on TRUS/ DRE. These patients gave first 70-80 ml of fresh urine just prior to biopsy. Urine was kept on – 4 C. Ultrasound examinations and TRUS- biopsies were performed on Toshiba- Tosbee machine, with transrectal probe IVE-506S. Prostate volume was calculated on usual manner: a x b x c x pi/6. Biopsy was performed with needles of 160mm/16G, using Gallini biopsy gun. Pathohystological preparations were performed in Institute for Pathology, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade. All PSA 72 T. Pejcic et al. concentrations in serum and urine were determined using IRMA-PSA test, produced in Institute for Nuclear Energy Application (INEP), Zemun, Belgrade. RESULTS ACI Vol. LII uPSA / number of positive cores correlation 7 1200 6 1000 5 3.1. Average uPSA concentrations Average uPSA in control group was 13.8 19.6 ng/ml, in "BPH-24", 38.0 44.4 ng/ml, in "BPH-I", 140.8 140.9 ng/ml, in "TRUS-CaP", 234.8 277.7 ng/ml, in "TRUSnon-CaP", 113.1 148.5 ng/ml, and in "RRP", 4.4 4.7 ng/ml. (Table 2,3)(Fig 1,2) 3.2. Average uPSA Density (uPSAD) 800 4 No + 400 2 uPSA 3.3. Correlations 3.3.1. Correlation between uPSA and prostate volume There was a correlation between uPSA and prostate volume in the group TRUS-CaP, but not in other groups. (Table 6). 3.3.2. Correlation between uPSA level and the tumour size and aggressiveness There was a correlation in group "TRUS-CaP", between uPSA level and tumour size and aggressiveness. Tumour size was estimated according to number of cancer-positive cores and the percentage of infiltration of the matherial. Tumour aggressiveness was estimated according to tumour grade and Gleason score.(Table 7, Fig 3). 200 1 0 0 1 Table 4. Average uPSA Density (uPSAD). Average uPSAD differed statistically between groups "TRUS-non-CaP" and "TRUS-CaP" (p > 0.05 ). 600 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 FIGURE 3 THE CORELATION BETWEEN uPSA LEVEL AND THE NUMBER OF CANCER POSITIVE BIOPSY CORES (NO+NUMBER OF CANCER POSITIVE BIOPSY CORES) 1. PSA and uPSA during AAT 1000 100 PSA 10 uPSA 1 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 juni jul avg avg sep sep okt okt nov dec jan feb apr maj jun avg sep okt 0 CA 300 CA 150 CA 150 CA 150 CA 150 CA 150 CA 150 CA 150 CA 150 CA 150 CA 150 0 0 CA 150 CA 100 Ca 100 CA 100 0.1 3.3.3. The correlation between PSA and uPSA during antiandrogen therapy There is a graduate decline in PSA concentration during antiandrogen therapy, followed by uPSA decline. In some cases the correlation is very strong, up to 0.95 (p 0.01). In other cases, PSA decline does not follow uPSA decline, pointing out different response on therapy. (Fig. 4,5). DISCUSSION Prostate specific antigen is today one of the most frequently used tumour markers in medicine. Together with its use in early cancer detection, i.e. screening of male population older than 50 years, PSA has a major role in preoperative staging, the choice of the therapy, and the monitoring of the therapy. PSA molecules enter the systemic circulation through the rim capillaries around the acini. However, the physiological pathway of PSA is through the prostatic ducts and urethra, from where the PSA molecules are expelled within seminal fluid in the process of ejaculation. Between the ejaculations, prostatic fluid rich in PSA molecules, leaks through the ducts into prostatic urethra, in which is collected untill first micturition. So, the concentration of PSA in the urine is much higher than in serum, but more liable to different influences. Generally, urinary PSA concentration depend on synthesis FIGURE 2 EXAMPLE OF PSA AND uPSA MONITORING DURING INTERMITTENT MONOHROMONAL ANTIANDROGEN THERAPY. TRENDLINES CONVERGE (CA=CYPROTERONE ACETETATE, 0=INTERRUPTION OF THERAPY) 2. PSA and uPSA during AAT 10000 1000 PSA 100 uPSA 10 1 2004 okt 2005 mar 2005 apr 2005 maj 2005 jun 2005 jul 2005 avg 2005 okt FIGURE 3 EXAMPLE OF PSA AND uPSA MONITORING DURING INTERMITTENT MONOHORMONAL ANTIANDROGEN THERAPY. TRENDLINES DIVERGE in prostatic epithelial cells and the drainage through the ductal system. The strenght of the synthesis depend on an- Br. 4 Prostate specific antigen in the urine: is the clinical use likely? TABLE 4 AVERAGE uPSA DENSITY (uPSAD) AVERAGE uPSA DENSITY (uPSAD) / TRUS-non-Cap BPH-I TRUS-CaP X 3.05 4,94 6.08 SD 3,88 4.54 6.59 TABLE 5 CORRELATION BETWEEN uPSA LEVEL AND PROSTATE VOLUME / rtab(0.05) r r2 Correlation BPH-I 0.404 0.092 0.008 0 T-non-CaP 0.468 -0.138 0.019 0 TRUS-CaP 0.381 0.445 0.198 TABLE 6 CORRELATION BETWEEN uPSA LEVEL AND THE TUMOUR SIZE AND AGGRESSIVENESS IN THE GROUP TRUS-Cap UPSA rtab(0.05) rtemp rtab(0.01) r2 N0+ 0.381 -0.431 0.487 0.19 Infiltr % 0.381 -0.448 0.487 0.20 GS 0.381 -0.407 0.487 0.16 Grade 0.381 -0.420 0.487 0.18 drogen level and sexual stimulation. On the other hand, drainage of transition and peripheral zones differs, and it could be obstructed due to presence of postinflamatory scars, simpexions, calcifications, hyperplastic nodes, or tumours. In surprisingly small number of issues about urinary PSA, the differencies were found between the first and middle urinary stream, what could be explained by washing-out of the urethra. Some authors found higher uPSA levels in BPH, than in CaP, and the greater urinary-to-serum PSA ratio in BPH than in CaP, which could be explained with tumourous obstruction of the drainage ducts. However, other authors did not find the uPSA differencies in BPH and CaP. Moreover, they presented unstable levels of uPSA in single patient, so uPSA never gained greater polularity and was never accepted in clinical practice. In our work, we determined average uPSA level in the group of patients without prostates, i.e. patients who underwent radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP), without evidence of residual disease, which was 4.4+4.7 ng/ml and presented urethral PSA production. In the group of young men, average uPSA was 13.8 +19.6 ng/ml, statistically higher than in men without prostates. Patients with BPH that collected 24 hour urine, had lower uPSA levels than patients who gave first urinary stream for analysis, 73 due to PSA instability on room temperature due to bacterial action. Groups with BPH, CaP, and group "TRUSnon-CaP", in which the chronic prostatitis was common pathological finding, had similar uPSA levels which did not differ statistically. This is not completelly clear, but, most probably, other factors influenced the results by compromising ductal drainage. In the "TRUS-CaP" group we found a correlation between tumour size and aggressiveness. The correlation was negative, i.e. with the increase of tumour size and dedifferentiation, uPSA levels were lower. This phenomenon is, most probably, the consequence of tumorous ductal obstruction. In the group "AAT", there was extremely high correlation between PSA and uPSA levels during androgen deprivation, in various stages of the disease. As it can be postulated that uPSA reflects the function of the normal prostatic cells, that drain its content in the system of normal ducts, and serum PSA shows the activity of malignant cells, simultaneous monitoring of uPSA and PSA shows the degree of the malignant cells androgen dependance. So, strong correlation between uPSA and PSA respond means that maligant cell clones are still androgen-sensitive, bad correlation depicts the begining of androgen indifference i.e. the moment for the modulation of therapy. CONCLUSION It is not possible to differentiate BPH and CaP only with urinary PSA, due to numerous factors that take place in benign and malignant prostate diseases. However, in the group of patients with CaP, uPSA levels have correlation with size and aggressiveness of the tumour and can provide additional information for T- staging, i.e. determination of local stage of the disease: very low uPSA means great tumour volume and local spread. Finally, simultaneous monitoring of uPSA and PSA during androgen deprivation, enables early recognising of androgen-indifferent, and further on, hormone- resistent prostate cancer, and prompt change of therapy. SUMMARY Iako se daleko ve}e koli~ine PSA mogu na}i u urinu nego u serumu ispitanika, odrejdivanje PSA u urinu (uPSA) do danas nije na{lo klini~ku primenu. Cilj ovog istra‘ivanja bio je da se odredi nivo uPSA kod razli~itih grupa ispitanika i da se vidi da li je na osno-vu njega mogu}e razlikovati razli~ite bolesti prostate i pratiti rezultate le~enja. Nivo PSA u urinu odredjen je kod 142 ispitanika, medju kojima su se nalazili zdravi ispitanici, bolesnici sa benignom hiperplazijom prostate 9BHP) kao i bolesnici sa karcinomom prostate (CaP) u razli~itim klini~kim stadijumima. Prose~na vrednost uPSA kod mladih ljudi bila je 13,8 ng/ml, kod bolesnika sa BPH 140.8 ng/ml a kod bolesnika sa CaP 234,8 ng/ml. U grupi CaP je na osnovu klini~kog materijala nadjena korelacija izmedju veli~ine i agresiv-nosti tumora i nivoa uPSA. Najzad, kontinuirano pra}enje nivoa uPSA u toku antiandrogene terapije predstavlja kontrolu za kretanje PSA u serumu i pru‘a korisne informacije u vezi androgene senzitivnosti tumora. 74 T. Pejcic et al. Klju~ne re~i: prostata specifi~ni antigen, veli~ina tumora, antiandrogena terapija REFERENCES 1. Vesey SG, Goble M, Ferro MA, Stower MJ, Hammonds JC, Smith PJB: Quantification of prostatic cancer metastatic disease using prostate specific antigen. Urology 1990;35(6):483-486 2. Erickson DR, Hlavinka TC, Rockwood AP, Metter JD, Novicki DE, Fried MG: Prostatic acid phosphatase, beta-glucuronidase and prostate specific antigen assays in fine needle aspirates from benign and malignant prostates. J Urol 1991;146:1402-1406 3. 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