MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE FOR VETERINARIANS Equine Point Mini-Manual 2013 Equine Mini Manual Table of Contents Lung (LU) Large Intestine (LI) Stomach (ST) Spleen (SP) Heart (HT) Small Intestine (SI) Bladder (BL) Kidney (KI) Pericardium (PC) Triple Heater (TH) Gallbladder (GB) Liver (LR) Conception Vessel (CV) Governor Vessel (GV) Extra Points 2-3 4-8 10-14 16-18 20-21 22-23 24-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-44 47-47 48-51 52-56 57-59 ©2013 IAVMA, Inc. and Narda G. Robinson, DO, DVM, MS. All rights reserved. 1 Lung (LU) 2 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations LU 1 (Zhong Fu, “Central Treasury”) In the center of the descending pectoral muscle, medial to the humerus, directly medial to the cephalic vein, in the 1st intercostal space. LU 7 (Lie Que, “Divergent Branch”) On the medial surface of the radius, in the crevice at the proximal end of the styloid process of the radius. LU 11 (Shao Shang, “Lesser Merchant”) On the caudomedial aspect of the front foot, just proximal to the coronary band. NOTE: Though misnamed from a transpositional standpoint, coronet points nonetheless have neuromodulatory value. Cervicothoracic spinal nn Local pain, reduced shoulder mobility (LU-1, restricted locations); respiratory disorders (LU1, BL-13, BL-12) Musculocutaneous n Skin disorders (LU-7, LI-4, ST-36, SP-10); neck pain (LU-7, SI-3, local neck points); carpal pain (palpate for tender points); dental pain (LU-7, LI-4) Laminitis, ringbone (LU-1, local points); reduced shoulder mobility (LU-1, restricted locations); respiratory disorders (LU-1, BL-13, BL-12) Median n Nervi vasorum of coronary venous plexus 3 Large Intestine 4 5 6 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations LI 1 (Shang Yang, “Metal Yang”) On the craniomedial aspect of the front foot, just proximal to the coronary band NOTE: Though misnamed from a transpositional standpoint, coronet points nonetheless have neuromodulatory value. LI 6 (Pian Li, “Veering Passageway”) 2 cun distal to LI 7 between the extensor carpi radialis and common digital extensor mm. LI 7 (Wen Liu, “Warm Flow”) Between the extensor carpi radialis and common digital extensor mm, level with the musculotendinous junction of the common digital extensor m. LI 10 (Shou San Li, “Arm Three Li”) 2 cun distal to LI 11, between the extensor carpi radialis and common digital extensor mm. LI 11 (Qu Chi, “Pool at the Bend”) At the lateral end of the cubital crease of the flexed elbow, just cranial to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. Median n Ulnar n Problems of the hoof and fetlock, ringbone, tendonitis, laminitis, navicular disease (LI-1, local points, proximal trigger points) Nervi vasorum of coronary venous plexus Radial n Local or regional pain (LI-6, LI-7, LI-10, tender and trigger points) Radial n Pain or restriction along the LI channel or forelimb (LI-7, LI10, LI-11) Radial n Lateral elbow pain (palpate for extensor trigger points; other sources of local or referred pain); radial n injury (LI10, LI-11, LI-6, caudal cervical spinal n roots) Radial n Lateral elbow pain (palpate for extensor trigger points; other sources of local or referred pain); radial n injury (LI10, LI-11, caudal cervical spinal nn); immune modulation and anti-inflammation (LI-11, GV-14, ST-36); fever (LI-11, GV-14, GV-20); hives (LI-11, BL-17, SP-10) 7 LI 15 (Jian Yu, “Shoulder Bone”) Craniodorsal to the greater tubercle of the humerus. LI 16 (Ju Gu, “Great Bone”) In a depression on the cranial border of the scapula. At the intersection of the cranial margin of the supraspinatus m and the dorsal border of the brachiocephalicus m group, cranial to the subclavius m. LI 17 (Tian Ding, “Celestial Tripod”) Craniodorsal to LI 16, between the transverse processes of C5 and C6, on the dorsal border of the brachiocephalicus m group. LI 18 (Fu Tu, “Protuberance Assistant”) Dorsal to the jugular v, on the ventral border of the brachiocephalicus m group, in a depression between C2 and C3. LI 20 (Ying Xiang, “Welcome Fragrance”) In a depression just caudal to the medial accessory nasal cartilage, on the dorsal border of the caninus m. Suprascapular n Cervicothoracic spinal nn Shoulder joint pain (LI-15, TH-14, local trigger points); Sweeny (LI-15, TH-14, caudal cervical spinal nn, SI-11, SI12, local points with myofascial restriction) Anxiety (LI-16, HT-7); local pain (LI-16, local points) Midcervical spinal nn Throat and neck problems (LI-17, LI-18, LU-7, CV-23) Cranial cervical spinal nn Throat and neck problems (LI-17, LI-18, LU-7, CV-23) Trigeminal n Facial n Nasal congestion(LI-20, Yintang/GV24.5), sinusitis (LI-20, points pertinent to the involved sinuses) 8 9 Stomach (ST) 10 11 Stomach (ST) 12 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations ST 1 (Cheng Qi, “Tear Container”) Superficial location is at the intersection of the medial and middle thirds of the lower eyelid, with the deeper location between the infraorbital ridge and the orbit. ST 2 (Si Bai, “Four Whites”) In the depression at the infraorbital foramen. Trigeminal n Facial n Ocular pain, conjunctivitis, keratitis, recurrent uveitis (ST-1, TH-23, GB-1, BL-2, other points depending on location of pain), facial n paralysis (ST-1 if facial n injury affects lower lid, follow injured n brr) Infraorbital n (CN V) Maxillofacial pain (ST-2); nasal congestion (ST-2, LI-20); head-shakers (ST-2, BL-10, painful points) ST 4 (Di Cang, “Earth Granary”) Caudodorsal to the commissure of the mouth, on the caudal border of the orbicularis oris m. ST 7 (Xia Guan, “Below the Joint”) In a depression on the masseter m, cranioventral to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). ST 10 (Shui Tu, “Water Prominence”) In the brachiocephalicus m, just dorsal to the jugular groove, cranioventral to the junction of C5 and C6. Often sore with lameness problems. ST 25 (Tian Shu, “Celestial Pivot”) 1.5 cun lateral to the umbilicus. Trigeminal n Facial n Facial n injury affecting labial function (ST-4, TH-17); orofacial pain (ST-4, ST-2) Trigeminal n Facial n TMJ pain (ST-7, SI-18, local and cervical points), dental pain (ST-7, LI-4, LU-7), ear pain (ST-7, GB-2, GB-20), facial n paralysis (ST-7, TH-17, follow involved branches of the facial n) Difficulty breathing or swallowing, laryngeal hemiplegia (ST-10, CV-22, LI-18); stiff neck (ST-10, LI-16, LI-17, SI-16, and/or local tender or trigger points); shoulder pain (ST-10, LI-15, TH-14, SI-9, trigger points) Midcervical spinal nn Caudal intercostal nn Abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, intestinal cramping, motility dysregulation (ST-25, ST-36, BL-20, BL-21) 13 ST 35 (Du Bi, “Calf’s Nose”) In the depression below the patella and between the middle and lateral patellar ligaments; together with the medial Xiyan, these two points make up the "eyes of the knee". ST 36 (Zu San Li, “Leg 3 Miles”) Just lateral to the tibial crest in the body of the tibialis cranialis m, 2 cun distal to the proximal edge of the tibial plateau or 3 cun distal to ST 35 (Some suggest locating ST 36 in the groove between the tibialis cranialis and long digital extensor mm). ST 45 (Li Dui, “Strict Exchange”) On the cranial midline of the rear foot, just proximal to the coronary band NOTE: Though misnamed from a transpositional standpoint, coronet points nonetheless have neuromodulatory value. Femoral n Stifle pain (ST-35/Xiyan, ST-34, ST-36, SP-10, SP-9 along with points contributing to pain referred to the stifle joint) Fibular n Stifle pain (ST-35, ST-34, ST-36, SP-10, SP-9); gastrointestinal problems and motility issues (ST-36), immunomodulation/anti-inflammation (ST-36, LI-4, LI-11, GV-14); pelvic limb dysfunction (ST-36, relevant neuromuscular, peripheral nn, and spinal segments) Tibial n Fibular nn Anxiety (ST-45, HT-7, LI-16, BaiHui), laminitis, ringbone, local hoof problem (ST-45, local points) Nervi vasorum of coronary venous plexus 14 15 Spleen (SP) 16 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations SP 1 (Yin Bai, “Hidden White”) On the caudomedial aspect of the rear foot, just proximal to the coronary band. NOTE: Though misnamed from a transpositional standpoint, coronet points nonetheless have neuromodulatory value. SP 6 (San Yin Jiao, “Three Yin Intersection”) 3 cun proximal to the tip of the medial malleolus, just caudal to the tibia, where the caudal branch of the saphenous v crosses the caudal border of the tibia. SP 9 (Yin Ling Quan, “Yin Mound Spring”) In the depression caudodistal to the medial condyle of the tibia. Tibial n Fibular n Laminitis (SP-1, local points), uterine bleeding (SP-1, BaiHui, BL-27, SP-10) SP 10 (Xue Hai, “Sea of Blood”) 2 cun proximal to the proximal, medial border of the patella, in the depression in the belly of the vastus medialis m. Femoral n Saphenous n Nervi vasorum of coronary venous plexus Tibial n Pelvic problems, voiding dysfunction, or reproductive dysfunction (SP-6, KI-3, relevant lumbosacral spinal segments); diarrhea (SP-6, ST-25, ST-36, BL-21); edema (SP-6, SP-9, SP-21) Saphenous n Tibial n Stifle pain (SP-9, ST-34, ST-36, SP-10, consider Xiyan, BL-40, or other points producing pain or dysfunction); edema of the hind limb (SP-9, SP-6); genital pain (SP-6, SP-9, BL-23, BL-31, BL-32, BL33, BaiHui); edema or "stocking up", (SP-9, SP-6, SP21), abnormal estrus (SP-9, SP-6, ST-36, BL-22, BL-23, BaiHui) Stifle pain (SP-9, ST-34, ST-36, SP-10); reproductive disorders (SP-6, SP-10, BL-23, BL-31, BL-32, BL33, BaiHui);erythematous, pruritic skin conditions (SP-10, LI-4, LI-11, ST-36, GV-14) 17 SP 20 (Zhou Rong, “Encircling Glory”) In the 4th intercostal space, 2 cun (about 4 finger widths) ventral to the level of the scapulohumeral junction, under the triceps brachii m. The olecranon often coincides with the 4th intercostal space. SP 21 (Da Bao, “Great Wrapping”) On the lateral thorax, in the 10th intercostal space, at about the level of the scapulohumeral junction. th 4 intercostal, long thoracic, and pectoral nn th 10 intercostal, long thoracic nn Cough (SP-20, LU-1, BL-13, LU-7), thoracic wall pain (SP-20, palpate for other tender or trigger points), esophageal spasm (SP-20, CV-22, CV-14, BL-18, BL-19, ST-36) Thoracic or chest wall pain (SP-21, palpate for tender or trigger points), respiratory ailments (SP-21, LU-1, BL-13, BL-23, ST-36, GV-14), heaves/COPD (SP-21, BL-20, BL-23, LU-7, GV-14, BL13, LU-1, CV-17),excessive urges to stretch (SP-21, palpate for trigger points, especially within the latissimus dorsi m and along the back 18 19 eart (HT) Heart (HT) 20 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations HT 1 (Ji Quan, “Summit Spring”) In the center of the axilla, medial to the axillary a. Brachial plexus Brachial plexopathy (HT-1, follow injured nerve pathways and muscular destinations) HT 7 (Shen Men, “Spirit Gate”) On the caudal lateral aspect of the radius, proximal to the insertion of the flexor carpi ulnaris m onto the accessory carpal bone. HT 9 (Shao Chong, “Lesser Rushing”) On the caudolateral aspect of the front foot, just proximal to the coronary band NOTE: Though misnamed from a transpositional standpoint, coronet points nonetheless have neuromodulatory value. Ulnar n Emotional stress/anxiety (HT-7, ST-36, GV-20) Median n Ulnar n Inflammation of the heel, laminitis (HT-9, local points), fever (HT-9, GV-14, GV-20, LI-11, ST-36); coma (HT-9, GV-20, Yintang) Nervi vasorum of coronary venous plexus 21 Small Intestine (SI) Small Intestine (SI) 22 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations SI 1 (Shao Ze, “Lesser Marsh”) On the craniolateral aspect of the front foot, just proximal to the coronary band NOTE: Though misnamed from a transpositional standpoint, coronet points nonetheless have neuromodulatory value. SI 3 (Hou Xi, “Back Stream”) In a depression, distal to the end of the 4th metacarpal bone and proximal to the fetlock, on the caudolateral border of the 3rd metacarpal bone. [Point location not transpositionally accurate and will be relocated.] SI 9 (Jian Zhen, “True Shoulder”) In a large depression caudal to the proximal humerus, along the caudal border of the deltoid m, between the long and lateral heads of the triceps brachii m. SI 16 (Tian Chuang, “Celestial Window”) Between the 2nd and 3rd cervical vertebrae, in the groove that exists between the splenius m and the dorsal border of the brachiocephalicus m. SI 19 (Ting Gong, “Palace of Hearing”) Dorsal to the temporomandibular joint, ventral to the intertragic notch, in the depression at the rostromedial corner of the ear base. Ulnar n Median n Laminitis (SI-1, other local points), poor milk production (SI-1, ST-36, CV-17, LR-14, PC-6) Nervi vasorum of the coronary venous plexus Ulnar n Median n Axillary n Radial n Cranial cervical spinal nn Trigeminal n Facial n Neck pain (SI-3, BL-62, BL-10, local tender points); fetlock pain, carpal pain, "shins"/metacarpal periostitis (SI-3, local tender or trigger points); tendinitis (SI-3, follow involved tendon(s), associated trigger points, nerve supply) Shoulder or thoracic limb pain (SI-9, treat source of pain (TH-14, LI-15 for joint pain; trigger points for soft tissue pain, consider spinal n contribution)); paresis (SI-9, pertinent spinal n points, involved peripheral nerves, add distal points) Cranial neck pain (SI-16, TH-16, BL-10, other involved painful locations) Otitis media and externa (SI-19, TH-17, TH-20); TMJ pain (SI-19, SI-18, temporalis trigger points, BL-10), facial n injury affected the rostral auricular m (SI-19, TH-17, other appropriate nerve-related points) 23 Bladder (BL) 24 25 26 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations BL 1 (Jing Ming, “Bright Eyes”) Just dorsal to the medial canthus of the eye. BL 2 (Zan Zhu, “Gathered Bamboo”) In a depression at the medial end of the zygomatic process of the frontal bone, over the supraorbital foramen. BL 10 (Tian Zhu, “Celestial Pillar”) Approximately 2 cun lateral to the dorsal midline, in a depression caudal to the dorsal aspect of the cranial border of the wing of the atlas, between the brachiocephalicus and the splenius mm. BL 11 (Da Zhu, “Great Shuttle”) In a depression just cranial to the craniodorsal border of the scapular cartilage, 1.5 cun lateral to the dorsal midline, over the cervical part of the trapezius m. Trigeminal n Facial n Epiphora, lacrimal duct dysfunction (BL-1, ST-2) Trigeminal n Facial n Eye pain, ocular problems, keratoconjunctivitis sicca (BL-2, TH-23, GB-1; add points for referred pain; consider ST-36, BL-10 for additional vagal input) Cranial cervical nn Cervical pain, tension (BL-10, local trigger points, GV-14, BL points on the back, ST-36); headache (BL-10, GV-20, local trigger and tender points); vertigo (BL-10, GB-20, TH-20, GB-34, GV-20, local tender points); nasal obstruction (BL-10, LI-20, Yintang); head shaking and pain near the poll or upper cervical region (BL-10, TH-16, GV-20, ST-10, trigger points) Cervico-thoracic spinal nn Tension and pain locally or regionally (BL-11 and local tender/trigger points 27 BL 12 (Feng Men, “Wind Gate”) 1 cun lateral to the spinous process between the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae, at the highest point of the withers. BL 13 (Fei Shu, “Lung Shu”) Lateral to the dorsal midline, at the caudal edge of the scapular cartilage in the 8th intercostal space, between the longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis mm. BL 14 (Jue Yin Shu, “Reverting Yin Shu”) Lateral to the dorsal midline in th the 9 intercostal space, between the longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis mm. BL 15 (Xin Shu, “Heart Shu”) th Same as BL 14 but in the 10 intercostal space. BL 16 (Du Shu, “Governing Shu”) th Same as BL 14 but in the 11 intercostal space. Cervico-thoracic spinal nn Early upper respiratory illness or lung problem (BL-12, BL-13, LU-1, LU-7); tracheal irritation (BL-12, CV-22); neck pain (BL-12, GV-14, BL-10, BL-23, relevant trigger points) Midthoracic spinal nn Respiratory problems and congestion (BL-13, LU-1, GV-14, ST-36); local pain (address trigger points; thoracic limb pain (BL-13, painful and trigger points) Midthoracic spinal nn Heart palpitations (BL-14, BL-15, PC-6); local pain Midthoracic spinal nn Heart problems (BL-14, BL-15, PC-6); local pain; anxiety (BL-15, CV-17, HT7, GV-20, LR-3) Midthoracic spinal nn Local pain (use in conjunction with other trigger points or areas of myofascial restriction); diaphragmatic restriction (BL-16, BL-17, CV-22, CV15) 28 BL 17 (Ge Shu, “Diaphragm Shu”) th Same as BL 14 but in the 12 intercostal space. BL 18 (Gan Shu, “Liver Shu”) th Same as BL 14 but in the 13 th and 14 intercostal spaces. BL 19 (Dan Shu, “Gall Bladder Shu”) th Same as BL 14 but in the 15 intercostal space. BL 20 (Pi Shu, “Spleen Shu”) th Same as BL 14 but in the 17 (last) intercostal space. BL 21 (Wei Shu, “Stomach Shu”) Same as BL 14 but caudal to the last rib, between T18 and L1. BL 22 (San Jiao Shu, “Triple Burner Shu”) Same as BL 14 but caudal to the last rib, between L1 and L2. BL 23 (Shen Shu, “Kidney Shu”) Same as BL 14 but caudal to the last rib, between L2 and L3 Midthoracic spinal nn Hiccoughs, spasmodic coughs (BL-17, CV-15, CV-22); local pain (use in conjunction with other trigger points or areas of myofascial restriction); blood disorders (BL-17, SP-10, ST-36) Midthoracic spinal nn Hepatobiliary problems (BL-18, LR-14, ST-36); local pain (use in conjunction with other trigger points or areas of myofascial restriction) Mid- to caudal thoracic spinal nn Hepatobiliary problems (BL-19, GB-24, GB-34); local pain (use in conjunction with other trigger points or areas of myofascial restriction) Caudal thoracic spinal nn Thoracolumbar spinal nn Digestive problems, poor appetite, or diarrhea (BL-20, BL-21, BL-25, ST-36, CV-12); TL pain (BL-20, BL-21, paraspinal or midline areas of tenderness to palpation; check LS/BaiHui region as well) Digestive problems, poor appetite, or diarrhea (BL-20, BL-21, ST-25, ST-36, CV-12); TL pain (BL-20, BL-21, paraspinal or midline areas of tenderness to palpation; check LS/BaiHui region as well) Thoracolumbar Abdominal distension with fluid accumulation (BL-22, CV-5, KI-16); adrenal problems (BL-22, BL-23, BL-52); TL pain (BL-22, BL-21, paraspinal or spinal nn midline areas of tenderness to palpation; check LS/BaiHui region as well) Thoracolumbar Kidney problems (BL-23, GB-25, KI-3, GV-4); genitourinary disorders (BL-23, BL-28, BL-31, BL-33, CV-3, KI-3, SP-6); lumbar and pelvic pain (BL-23, BL-25, spinal nn BaiHui, SP-6, local pain or trigger points, BL-60, KI-3) 29 BL 24 (Qi Hai Shu, “Sea of Qi Shu”) Same as BL 14 but caudal to the last rib, between L4 and L5. BL 25 (Da Chang Shu, “Large Intestine Shu”) Between L5 and L6 (or between L4 and L5 if L6 is absent), usually on a line that extends from the dorsal midline to the dorsal borderof the tuber coxae. BL 26 (Guan Yuan Shu, “Pass Head Shu”) 3 cun lateral to the dorsal midline, between the spinous processes L6 and S1, or between L5 and S1 if L6 is absent. BL 27 (Xiao Chang Shu, “Small Intestine Shu”) 3 cun lateral to the dorsal midline, between the spinous processes S1 and S2. BL 28 (Pang Guang Shu, “Bladder Shu”) 3 cun lateral to the dorsal midline, between the spinous processes S2 and S3. Mid-lumbar spinal nn Local pain (BL-24, areas tender to palpation, trigger points, BaiHui, BL-27) Mid-lumbar spinal nn Intestinal pain, distension, poor digestion, constipation, diarrhea (BL-21, BL-20, BL-25, ST-25, ST-36); lumbosacral pain (BL-25, BaiHui, other tender points) Caudal lumbar spinal nn Back or pelvic limb pain (BL-26, BaiHui, other tender points, address myofascial dysfunction and peripheral nerve involvement); genitourinary disorders (BL-26, BL-28, BL-23, SP-6, LR 1) S1 spinal n Genitourinary problems, including incontinence, cystitis, prostatitis, impotence (BL-27, BL-28, BL-23, BaiHui, KI-3, SP-6, CV-3); small intestine issues (BL-27, CV-4, ST-36), sacral pain (BL-27, local tender points, BL-25) S2 spinal n Genitourinary problems, including incontinence, cystitis, prostatitis, impotence (BL-27, BL-28, BL-23, BaiHui, KI-3, SP-6, CV-3); small intestine issues (BL-27, CV-4, ST-36); sacral pain (BL-27, BL-28, local tender points); anorectal disorders (BL-28, GV-1, GB-30) 30 BL 29 (Zhong Lu Shu, “Central Backbone Shu”) 3 cun lateral to the dorsal midline, between the spinous processes S3 and S4. BL 30 (Bai Huan Shu, “White Ring Shu”) 3 cun lateral to the dorsal midline, between the spinous processes S4 and S5. BL 36 (Cheng Fu, “Hold and Support”) In the muscular groove between the biceps femoris and semitendinosus mm, 2 cun distal to the tuber ischii (ischial tuber). BL 37 (Yin Men, “Gate of Abundance”) In the muscular groove between the biceps femoris and the semitendinosus mm, 5 cun distal to the tuber ischii (ischial tuber) or 3 cun distal to BL 36. S3 spinal n Genitourinary problems, including incontinence, cystitis, prostatitis, impotence (BL-27 to BL-29, BL-23, BaiHui, KI-3, SP-6, CV-3), sacral pain (local sacral points, lumbosacral, distal pelvic limb points); anorectal disorders (BL-29, GV-1, GB-30) S4 spinal n Genitourinary problems, including incontinence, cystitis, prostatitis, impotence (BL-27 to BL-30, BL-23, BaiHui, KI-3, SP-6, CV-3), sacral pain (local sacral points, lumbosacral, distal pelvic limb points); anorectal disorders (BL-30, GV-1, GB-30) Sciatic n Sciatic neuralgia or nerve injury (BL-36, BL-26, BL-27, BL-40, BL-39, KI-3); hamstring mm tension/myofascial restriction (BL-36, myofascial tender points) Caudal cutaneous femoral n, sciatic n Sciatic neuralgia or nerve injury (BL-37, BL-26, BL-27, BL-40, BL-39, KI-1); hamstring mm tension/myofascial restriction (BL-37, myofascial tender points) 31 BL 39 (Wei Yang, “Outside of the Crook”) At the ventral end of the muscular groove, between the middle and caudal divisions of the biceps femoris m(Note: This point location differs from the canine point location). BL 40 (Wei Zhong, “Middle of the Crook”) At the midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa between the caudal division of the biceps femoris and the semitendinosus mm. This point is found more easily with the stifle flexed. BL 54 (Zhi Bian, “Sequential Limit”) Midway on a line connecting BaiHui and the greater trochanter of the femur. Fibular n Pelvic limb pain or paresis (BL-39, relevant trigger points or points related to the neurologic or spinal cord injury); urinary retention (BL-39, KI-3, SP-6, BL-28, BL-23) Tibial n Pelvic limb pain or paresis (BL-40, relevant trigger points or points related to the neurologic or spinal cord injury); urinary retention (BL-40, KI-3, SP-6, BL-28, BL-23); stifle pain (BL-40, ST-36, ST-34, SP-9, SP-10) Cranial gluteal n Dorsal rami of sacral spinal nn Hip or gluteal pain (BL-54, GB-29, GB-30); sciatic n. dysfunction (BL-54, GB30, BL-36, BL-40, BL-39, BL-60, KI-3) 32 BL 60 (Kun Lun, “Kunlun Mountains”) In the middle of the flat depression caudodorsal to the lateral malleolus, cranial to the calcaneal tendon at the level of the tip of the tuber calcaneus. BL 62 (Shen Mai, “Extending Vessel”) In a depression just caudodistal to the tip of lateral malleolus. BL 67 (Zhi Yin, “Reaching Yin”) On the caudolateral aspect of the rear foot, just proximal to the coronary band NOTE: Though misnamed from a transpositional standpoint, coronet points nonetheless have neuromodulatory value. Fibular n Tibial n Spinal or pelvic limb pain (BL-60, local points and myofascial trigger points related to the pain problem) Fibular n Tibial n Tarsal pain (BL-62, local points and myofascial trigger points related to the pain problem) Fibular n Tibial n Malposition of the fetus (BL-67); placental retention (BL-67, BL-31, BL-33, BaiHui); hoof, back, and hock problems (BL-67, local points, BL-60) Nervi vasorum of coronary venous plexus 33 Kidney (KI) t 34 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations KI 1 (Yong Quan, “Gushing Spring”) On the caudal midline of the rear foot, in the depression between the bulbs of the heel NOTE: Though misnamed from a transpositional standpoint, coronet points nonetheless have neuromodulatory value. KI 3 (Tai Xi, “Supreme Stream”) In the middle of the flat depression caudodorsal to the medial malleolus, cranial to the calcaneal tendon at the level of the tip of the tuber calcaneus. KI 27 (Shu Fu, “Storehouse Transport”) Over the descending pectoral m, 1 cun ventral and lateral to the tip of the manubrium. Tibial n Fibularn Heel pain (KI-1, local points); pain or swelling of the pes (KI-1, SP-6); neurologic dysfunction of the pelvic limb (KI-1, ST-36, related peripheral nerve problems and spinal segments) Nervi vasorum of the coronary venous plexus Tibial n Cervicothoracic spinal nn Urinary problems (KI-3, SP-6, BL-23, BL-28, CV3, BaiHui); reproductive problems (KI-3, SP-6, SP-10, BaiHui, BL-27, BL-28, GV-20) Fear, anxiety, irritability (KI-27, LI-16, HT7);esophageal disorders (KI-27, ST-36, CV-17, CV-14) 35 Pericardium (PC) 36 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations PC 1 (Tian Chi, “Celestial Pool”) On the lateral thorax, caudal to the tip of the olecranon, th in the 5 intercostal space, in the ascending pectoral m. PC 6 (Nei Guan, “Inner Pass”) Enter just cranial to the cranial border of the chestnut; needle is placed under the chestnut. PC 9 (Zhong Chong, “Middle Rushing”) On the caudal midline of the front foot, in the depression between the bulbs of the heel. Cranial thoracic spinal nn Anxiety (PC-1, HT-7), thoracic discomfort or sensation of fullness (PC-1, SP-20, SP-21), axillary swelling (PC-1, SP-21), foot pain with biomechanical compensation and tension (PC-1, PC-9, local tender and tense points), "girthiness" (PC-1, intercostal trigger points, SP-20, other areas of tension, paraspinal trigger points, address poor-fitting tack, consider digestive problems) Nausea and vomiting (PC-6), cardiac arrhythmias (PC-6, HT-7), disorders of the cranial GI tract (PC-6, ST-36), agitation (PC-6, HT-7, LR-3, GV-20) Median n Median n Ulnar n Foot pain (PC-9, local points) Nervi vasorum of the coronary venous plexus 37 Triple Heater (TH) 38 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations TH 1 (Guan Chong, “Rushing Pass”) On the cranial midline of the front foot, in a depression just proximal to the coronary band NOTE: Though misnamed from a transpositional standpoint, coronet points nonetheless have neuromodulatory value. TH 14 (Jian Liao, “Shoulder Crevice”) Caudodorsal to the caudal aspect of the greater tubercle of the humerus, on the ventral border of the musculotendinous junction of the infraspinatus m, opposite LI 15. TH 15 (Tian Liao, “Celestial Crevice”) In the depression along the dorsal edge of the scapula at its junction with the scapular cartilage. This point overlies the cervical part of the trapezius m. TH 16 (Tian You, “Celestial Window”) Between C1 and C2 on the dorsal border of the brachiocephalicus m. TH 17 (Yi Feng, “Wind Screen”) In a depression between the mandible and the cranial border of the wing of the atlas. Median n Ulnar n Foot pain (TH-1, points related to sources of foot pain) Nervi vasorum of coronary venous plexus Suprascapular n Axillary n Spinal accessory n Cervicothoracic spinal nn Shoulder pain (TH-14, TH-15, LI-15, local tension or pain points); suprascapular n injury (TH-14, LI-15, SI11, SI-12, caudal cervical ventral nerve root points) Shoulder pain (TH-14, TH-15, LI-15, local tension or pain points) Cervical plexus Neck pain (TH-16, BL-10, trigger points) Facial n Cranial cervical spinal nn Facial n injury (TH-17, relevant facial n branches/associated points) 39 Gallbladder (GB) 40 41 42 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations GB 1 (Tong Zi Liao, “Pupil Crevice”) In the depression just caudal to the lateral canthus of the eye. GB 20 (Feng Chi, “Wind Pool”) In a depression caudal to the occipital condyle, cranial to the wing of the atlas. GB 21 (Jian Jing, “Shoulder Well”) Along the cranial edge of the scapula, halfway between BL11 and the point of the shoulder, cranial to the subclavius m. GB 24 (Ri Yue, “Sun and Moon”) th In the 14 intercostal space, just caudodorsal to LR 14 (Some authors th place the point in the 13 intercostal space). GB 25 (Jing Men, “Capital Gate”) Midway on a vertical line drawn from the caudal border of the th costochondral junction of the 18 rib to the ventral border of the iliocostalis mm. Trigeminal n Facial n Eye pain, dry eye (TH-23, GB-1, BL-2, BL-10, ST-36); facial n injury (TH17, GB-1, relevant facial n branches/associated points) Upper cervical spinal nn Early URI (GB-20, GV-14, LI-4, LU-7); head/neck pain (GB-20, BL-10, tender and local points), eye problems (GB-20, GV-20, local eye points), vertigo (GB-20, BL-10, GV-20, GB-34, TH-17, Yintang); wobblers (GB-20, local cervical points, GB-21, GV-14, SI-3, BL-23 Local or regional muscle tension (GB-21, local tender or trigger points); thoracic limb dysfunction (involvement of local mm identified via palpation) Cervicothoracic nn Lateral thoracic Hepatobiliary problems (GB-24, LR-14, ST-36); intercostal neuralgia (GBth n, 14 24, tender local points); regional pain (GB-24, local tender or trigger intercostal n points) T/L spinal nn Kidney problems (GB-25, BL-23, BL-52, GV-4); regional pain (GB-25, local points) 43 GB 29 (Ju Liao, “Squatting BoneSacral spinal nn Hip problems (GB-29, GB-30, BL-54, local tender or trigger points) Hole”) Caudal gluteal n In a depression halfway between the tuber coxae and the greater trochanter of the femur (Alternate location: craniodorsal to the head of the femur). GB 30 (Huan Tiao, “Jumping Round”) Sciatic n Hip problems (GB-29, GB-30, BL-54, local tender or trigger In a depression caudoventral to the Caudal gluteal n points); sciatic n dysfunction (GB-30, BL-54, BL-36, BL-37, BLgreater trochanter of the femur, in the 39, BL-40); sciatic pain (GB-30, BL-26, BL-27, BaiHui, BL-37, STbiceps femoris m. 36, BL-60) GB 34 (Yang Ling Quan, “Yang Mound Fibular n Stifle pain (GB-34, GB-33, ST-36, SP-9, SP-10); Spring” musculotendinous pain or tension (GB-34 plus local tender In the interosseous space between the points); hepatobiliary disorders (GB-34, GB-24, LR-14, BL-19, tibia and fibula, between the long and BL-18); lateral pelvic limb or hip discomfort (GB-34, regional lateral digital extensor mm, craniodistal points) to the head of the fibula. GB 39 (Xuan Zhong, “Suspended Bell”) Fibular n Pelvic limb pain, movement problems and/or stiffness (GB-39, 3 cun proximal to the tip of the lateral local points, regional points, tender points); bone marrow malleolus, caudal to the tibial border, disorders (GB-39, ST-36, BL-17) cranial to the deep digital flexor m GB 44 (Zu Qiao Yin, “Yin Portals of the Fibular n Local foot pain (GB-44 plus local or tender points) Foot”) On the craniolateral aspect of the rear Nervi vasorum of foot, just proximal to the coronary band. coronary venous NOTE: Though misnamed from a plexus transpositional standpoint, coronet points nonetheless have neuromodulatory value. 44 45 Liver (LR) 46 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations LR 1 (Da Dun, “Big Mound”) On the craniomedial aspect of the rear foot, just proximal to the coronary band. Tibial n Fibular n Foot pain or dysfunction (LR-1, other appropriate points depending on distribution of pain, neurologic impairment, circulatory deficit, etc.) NOTE: Though misnamed from a transpositional standpoint, coronet points nonetheless have neuromodulatory value. LR 4 (Zhong Feng, “Mound Center”) Over the saphenous vein, at the level of the medial malleolus of the tibia. LR 13 (Zhang Men, “Screen Gate”) At the distal palpable end of the th 17 rib. LR 14 (Qi Men, “Cycle Gate”) th th In the 13 (some say the 12 ) intercostal space at the level of the elbow, between the external abdominal oblique m and the internal and external intercostal mm. Nervi vasorum of the coronary venous plexus Saphenous n Fibular n Local pain (LR-4 plus related points according to problem); genital inflammation or pain (LR-4, SP-6, BL-25, BL-27, BaiHui); endocrine and metabolic disorders (LR-3, LI-4, ST-36, appropriate visceral spinal segmental points) Caudal thoracic spinal nn Abdominal discomfort and digestive disorders (LR-13, ST-36, Back Shu points according to problem, CVC-12, SP-6) Mid- to caudal thoracic spinal nn Digestive problems, vomiting, abdominal swelling, borborygmus, diarrhea (LR-14, ST-36, SP-6, CV-12); hiccups (LR-14, CV-15, CV-22, BL17 (consider acupressure at these sites); hepatobiliary problems (LR-14, GB-24, BL18, BL-19, ST-36) 47 Conception Vessel (CV) 48 49 Conception Vessel (CV) 50 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations CV 1 (Hui Yin, “Meeting of Yin” On the midline, midway between the anus and vulva (females) or anus and ischial arch (males). CV 3 (Zhong Ji, “Central Pole”) 4 cun caudal to the umbilicus on the midline. Sacral spinal nn Emergency resuscitation of a drowned patient (CV-1, GV-26); Genitourinary problems (CV-1, CV-3, BL-23, BL28, KI-3, SP-6) Genitourinary, especially bladder, problems (CV-1, CV-3, BL-23, BL-28, KI-3, SP-6) CV 4 (Guan Yuan, “Gate of Origin”) 3 cun caudal to the umbilicus on the midline. Cranial to midlumbar spinal nn Cranial lumbar spinal nn Uterine problems (CV-4, BL-31 to BL-33, SP-6, LR-8); caudal abdominal pain (CV-4, SP-6) Caudal thoracic spinal nn Peri-umbilical abdominal pain and digestive disorders (CV-12, ST-25, ST-36) Mid- to caudal thoracic spinal nn Anxiety (CV-14, HT-7, LR-3, GV-20); palpitations, emesis, or emotional problems upsetting the stomach (CV-14, PC-6, LR-3) Anxiety, stress, or cardiac problems (CV-17, BL-14, BL15, GV-20, HT-7); coughing, chest discomfort (CV-17, LU-1, BL-13, LU-7; consider LI-4, LU-5) CV 5 (Shi Men, “Stone Gate”) Midway between the pubic symphysis and the umbilicus. CV 12 (Zhong Guan, “Middle Cavity”) Midway between the xiphoid process and umbilicus. CV 14 (Ju Que, “Great Tower Gate”) On the midline at about the level of the xiphoid. CV 17 (Shan Zhong, “Chest Center”) On the ventral midline, in a large depression at the level of the caudal border of the olecranon. Midlumbar spinal nn Cranial thoracic spinal nn Caudal abdominal pain (CV-5, ST-36); ascites (CV-5, BL22, ST-25, SP-9) 51 Governor Vessel (GV) 52 53 54 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations GV T (Wei Jian, Tip of Tail) Directly at the tip of the tail. Caudal nn GV 1 (Chang Qiang, “Long Strong”) In the depression between the anus and ventral tail base. BaiHui (Hundred Convergences) A depression on the dorsal midline in the LS space. Sacral spinal nn Caudal nerve damage (GV-T, points related to injured spinal and peripheral n injury); spinal cord injury (GV-T, BL points associated with impacted spinal cord segments, associated peripheral nn); fecal incontinence (GVT or points at lateral aspect of tail where spinal nn exit) Diarrhea (GV-1), fecal incontinence (GV-1, BL39, GVT), rectal prolapse (GV-1, BaiHui), ejaculatory problems (GV-1, BaiHui, BL-27, BL-28) GV 4 (Ming Men, “Life Gate”) Between L2 and L3, level with BL-23 on the midline. Cranial lumbar spinal nn GV 14 (Da Zhui, “Great Vertebra”) Between C7 and T1 on the dorsal midline. Cervicothoracic spinal nn Lumbosacral spinal nn Back pain, lameness, weakness, colic, reproductive problems (include in a variety of caudal body protocols); lumbosacral pain (BaiHui, local tender or trigger points, BL-40, BL-60), pelvic limb pain or neurologic dysfunction (BaiHui, relevant points for pain or neurologic dysfunction), pelvic organ or reproductive problems (BaiHui, BL-27, BL-28, SP-6, KI-3) Lumbar pain (GV-4, BaiHui, BL-23, local lumbar tender and trigger points, BL-40, BL-60), acupuncture analgesia for pelvic region (GV-4, BL23, BL-25, BaiHui, SP-6), genitourinary and reproductive dysfunction (GV-4, BL-27, BL-28, SP-6, BaiHui) Neck and back pain (GV-14, spinal segmental and tender or trigger points), thoracic limb pain and weakness (GV-14, pertinent points according to neurologic injury or pain), respiratory problems (GV-14, BL-13, LU-1, LU-7, ST-36), epilepsy (GV-14, GV-20, ST-36, LR-3, HT-3), fever (GV-14, LI-4, LI-11, GV-20), immunologic dysfunction (GV-14, LI-4, ST-36, SP-10) 55 GV 20 (Bai Hui, “100 Convergences” On the dorsal midline, at the highest point of the poll, rostral to the nuchal crest. Trigeminal n Cranial cervical nn Da Feng Men [= GV 24 plus 2 auxiliary points] “The Great Wind Gate”. Trigeminal n Facial n Agitation (GV-20, HT-7, LR-2), epilepsy (GV-20, ST-36, HT-7, PC-6, local head and neck points), headaches (GV-20, local points), dizziness (GV20, BL-10 or GB-20, GB-34, LR-3), cerebrovascular accident (GV-20, pertinent points related to neurologic dysfunction and brain area(s) affected) Anxiety, seizures, encephalitis (GV-24 or Da Feng Men, ST-36, ST-10, BL10, BaiHui) Trigeminal n Facial n Cardiopulmonary collapse (vigorous stimulation of GV-26), status epilepticus (GV-26) GV 24 (Shen Ting, “Courtyard of the Spirit”) At the rostral base of the forelock where the left and right ridges of the external sagittal crest of the parietal bones meet at the midline Auxiliary points 1 cun ventrolateral to GV 24 on the left and right ridges of the sagittal crest GV 26 (Shui Gou, “Water Trough”) On the upper lip, midway between the ventral border of the nares. 56 57 Extra Points 58 Point Name & Location Relevant Anatomy Indications & Point Combinations Er Jian (“Tip of the Ear”) [vs. LI 2, Er Jian, “Second Space”] Overlying the caudal auricular vein on the external (convex) aspect of the pinna. Facial n Vagus n San Jiang (“Three Rivers”) Rostroventral to the medial canthus of the eye, dorsal to the bifurcation of the angular vein (angularis oculi). Xue Fu (“Blood’s Residence”) This point is found on a vertical line drawn from the L2-3 level to the caudal aspect of the last rib, 1 cun distal to BL-52. In the company of GV-4, BL-23, BL-52, and GB-25, Xue Fu falls in line with the “kidney tiara”. Medial Xiyan (“Medial Eye of the Knee”) In the depression below the patella, between the middle and medial patellar ligaments Xiyan actually describes a pair of points referred to as medial and lateral Xiyan. (Lateral Xiyan = ST-35). Qian Ti Men (“Hoof Gate”) On the medial and lateral bulbs of the heel of the front foot, on the caudodorsal border of the bulb of the heel, in a depression at the caudal corner of each hoof cartilage. Trigeminal n Nervi vasorum of angluar v Cranial lumbar spinal nn Colic, fever, seizures (add to treatments for additional autonomic neuromodulation or vagal stimulation) Colic (San-Jiang, ST-36, Er-Jian, BL-21, BL-25, BaiHui, CV-12) Ovarian disorders (Xue Fu, BL-23, BaiHui, BL-25, SP-6) Femoral n Saphenous n Stifle joint pain (Xiyan, ST-36, ST-34, SP-9, SP-10) Median n Ulnar n Foot problems, navicular disease (Qian Ti Men, other involved points) 59 60 61 62
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