The Challenge: How to attract more people sign the Greenpeace online campaign Our approach It is our aim to motivate people differently – with a focus on new target groups that so far did not respond to animal-based communication strategies. At the same time we asked ourselves: How to create a direct connection to this geographically far distant region, that is not very tangible for most people, e.g. in Germany? A concept by Our Solution Piece by piece Summary. The concept consists of an online and offline approach. All participants in the petition receive geographic coordinates of their personal “Arctic piece” and are able to display it in an online map. Furthermore, they can track their individual contribution to a real, physical artwork that will at the same time attract local attention in the cities where this ArtWall is set up. All of this can be shared in social media through a variety of ways. For concept details see next pages. 2 A project proposal by What Would Harry Do (2013). Making it personal. 84.764379 51.830292 The Arctic The planned Sanctuary Some of the greatest characteristics of the Artic: It is mostly uninhabited, white and vast – and this is what makes it difficult to build up an emotional connection for people here. The Arctic belongs to all of us – this free white space that can be an inspiring projection surface for imagination, for art, for a better society, for international collaboration, for a great future. 3 A project proposal by What Would Harry Do (2013). The piece of the current ArtWall The piece you saved! And it lies in everybody’s hand to preserve this great blank “nothingness” – piece by piece. We want to motivate people to take care of one little piece of white Arctic (e.g. 1 sq cm) – a specific piece of land with geographic coordinates that becomes “your own piece to be saved” and is symbolically appointed to you upon signing the campaign petition. Making it physical. Your signature, the piece of the Arctic that you helped to save, is made tangible – through its immediate effect on the ArtWall. ArtWalls are set up as temporary, collaborative artworks in a series of cities around the globe: On a black wall that represents a defined geographic region of the Arctic (a part of the planned Sanctuary) one square piece is painted white for every new signature at Exemplary development of an ArtWall in a participating city. The size of the wall as well as the duration of the event can be chosen ambitiously to set intermediate goals for the campaign. 4 A project proposal by What Would Harry Do (2013). Making it viral. Search Peter Lustig I just contributed to with my piece here in Berlin - that is MY PIECE! You should also come by and have a look, great idea... #piecebypiece Online, everyone can follow the occurring events in a web livestream, and share “piece by piece” in social media in several ways to motivate others to join the campaign. Besides sharing the “piece of Arctic you saved” (geographic coordinates/photo of map), you also get the possibility to complement your profile picture in Facebook/Twitter with an individual badge that refers to the “piece by piece” ArtWall. 1. S haring “Arctic piece” you helped to save 2. B adge/campaign frame for profile pictures offered 3. Twitter Hashtag #piecebypiece 5 4. Photo postings with the physical ArtWalls from local participants and Greenpeace volunteers 5. F urthermore: Timelapse videos of “growing” ArtWalls in several cities distributed on video platforms A project proposal by What Would Harry Do (2013). Like ∙Comment ∙Share July 12, 2013 in Berlin Making it local. start: attention Through offline and online means and media, we created a closed loop concept. The public ArtWall events allow the respective citizens and Greenpeace volunteers to participate, and it adds a local offline component to this global online initiative. At the same time, the event is regionally attracting attention and raising awareness; it allows people passing by to participate. With local press and individuals reporting (news, social media) this may potentially create a momentum. 6 A project proposal by What Would Harry Do (2013). access/ encounter sharing online/offline A circular idea. feedback online/offline signing online/offline A multi-dimensional motivation to sign. I contribute to a public live artwork! I can show my engagement via social media – in an unusual way! 7 A project proposal by What Would Harry Do (2013). Qualities of the campaign I get a direct visual feedback for what I personally contributed! I help save the Arctic! ■ tangible ■ immediate ■ personalized ■ visualized ■ participatory ■ local ■ offline ■ cultural / art event ■ multi-channel ■ involving existing Greenpeace volunteers / info stands Piece by piece is a concept by What Would Harry Do is a creative collective, bound together by friendship and the objective to trigger the Harry in everyone. We are an international group with backgrounds in many disciplines, and all trained in humancentered innovation. As soon as we find a piece of passion, we jump on it and just do. And who the **** is Harry? Find him on our website. Email Web Facebook Twitter @wwHarryDo // #harryism Project team Florian Strenge Chinh Duong Hanna Martus Vanessa Pedroso Johannes Puschmann Sebastian Mährlein Philipp Breil Next steps & details. 9 A project proposal by What Would Harry Do (2013). Campaign elements. OFFLINE: physical wall ■ ■ ArtWall events in different cities Possibilities to further actively involve people passing by include: ■children can help to paint white “pieces” ■have local artists contributing: an allocation of signatures (white square pieces) can be used for artworks within the ArtWall; e.g. with a local reference (skyline of the respective city) ONLINE: website for signing the petition ■ livestream to ArtWall event (if any is taking place at the moment) ■ ■ map illustrating collectively claimed future Arctic Sanctuary (including personal coordinates) ■ ■ offer: special branded badge/frame for profile picture (Facebook/Twitter ■ ONLINE: piecebypiece (new) ■ ■ 10 ONLINE: for/in Social Media explaining the new campaign component and the ArtWalls documentation of past ArtWall events in different cities (timelapse videos, photos) A project proposal by What Would Harry Do (2013). ■ ■ ■ sharing options (directly after online signing process) sharing option: “The piece I saved” (map) photos taken in front of wall (being shared) livestream/recordings of the creation of ArtWalls going viral twitter hashtag: #piecebypiece Resources Themes ONLINE STAFF ■ ■ The visual language of the ArtWall refers to different themes connected to the Arctic. – what is needed to make “piece by piece” reality. ■ ■ IT-infrastructure (website incl. livestream) mapping tool to coordinate and distribute “personal pieces” and ArtWall (city) “pieces” profile picture generator (like e.g. IN THE RESPECTIVE CITY - walls (of a reasonable size, in an attractive location) ■ ■ paint and brushes (or: powerful projector) volunteers to organize and implement the ArtWall (painting) actions in various cities add-on: Artists for wall activity ■ ■ an art/cultural event in public space ■ square piece resembles a floe ■ Centralized: management for ArtWall tour/ events ■ IT staff: organizing the mapping/”piece management” ■ ■ ■ professional documentation & PR (e.g. prepare local bloggers ahead) ■ stable internet connection (for the real-time transmission of submitted signatures) 11 – why “piece by piece” makes sense. A project proposal by What Would Harry Do (2013). ■ ■ reflecting the impermanence of the Arctic sea “whiteness”/”nothingness” to protect making it “white again”, in contrary to human economic activity in Arctic everyone is equal (no nationalities) “Let’s all be citizens of the Arctic” – collective ownership and responsibility What’s new about the concept? Piece by piece. New: A variety of sharing options, especially designed for Social Media (so much more than “I just signed ...”) New: Through the several channels covered, a much greater audience is reached. Additionally, it expands the typical “Greenpeace milieu” and attracts others with streetart events. start: attention sharing access/ encounter online/offline The greatest difference is that you now get a feedback other than just be listed in the petition. New #1: A dedicated location in the Arctic for that you are called responsible for (ONLINE). New #2: With your signature, you contribute to an artwork (PHYSICAL). 12 feedback online/offline A project proposal by What Would Harry Do (2013). New: An offline access point is created through the public ArtWall events. signing online/offline New: At the information stands present next to the ArtWall events, offline signatures are compiled.
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