FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NOBLEBORO Newsletter Adult Bible Studies – 9:00am each Sunday Sunday Morning Worship Service – 10:30am Kid’s Church – 10:30am Dear Friends, God is incredible! In 15 months we have met our neighbors at two yard sales, 3 public dinners, Applefest and a Christmas Craft Fair. Members and friends have exhibited their love and support by giving sacrificially their time, talents and resources. We are about to place a new roof on our sanctuary, the third of three very large projects. May I say it again, “Our God is incredible.” God deserves our thanks all the time for a variety of reasons. (1) It’s God’s world (2) He loves us and exhibited that love in Jesus when we did not acknowledge Him (3) We are learning to give the proper love & respect to Him and His world daily. All created things, including life itself, are from God and for His glory. “Love the Lord your God” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” is what Jesus teaches us to do above all else, so we endeavor to do that not merely through our worship and activities, but in our daily living. In the last 20 months of “fund raising” activities we practiced the love of God and neighbor, and trusted God in the means to get these projects accomplished. He has been faithful. Our God is incredible! This community of faith in Nobleboro is entering its 220nd year. Many generations have gathered here to learn of this incredible God and His love. We invite you to gather at any of our worship services, learning opportunities and activities. And thank you for being an instrument of God’s love! Our God is incredible. For God’s glory! Pastor Bob Pastor Bob’s office hours are generally Monday and Wednesday from 9:00am – 12:00 noon with appointments or drop in. Appointments may also be made for other times. Call or text 380-4365 to contact Pastor Bob. Are you interested in exploring baptism or church membership? Please speak with Pastor Bob or any of the Diaconate. Christian Board of Education The Christian Education Board has voted to welcome newborn babies with a rose and a card from the church. We would appreciate your help by calling Roberta or Iverne if you know of a new baby joining a family. Family Style Worship is starting up again with a Campfire and Hot Dog Roast behind the parsonage (239 Center Street) on Sunday, October 14th at 4pm. FSW is a child friendly, youth inspiring, family encouraging, Biblecentered gathering. The ABW Missionary Society The ABW Missionary Society will hold its first meeting of the year on Monday, October 8th at 1 pm. After a presentation on the theme "In the Potter's Hands", there will be a business meeting to plan for the upcoming year, including preparations for the Women's Day of Prayer which will be held on Monday, November 5th. All women can be a part of ABW, so please invite someone to come with you! FOOD PANTRY Thanks to all who have donated food and cash to the Ecumenical Food Pantry. As of the end of August our church has donated $694.77 in cash as well as many donated food items. Did you know that cans and bottles left in the janitor’s room downstairs in the church are turned in for money to go to the Food Pantry? This has provided a substantial increase in the money we send to the food pantry. Many people in our community are served through this local mission. Please remember the Food Pantry on the last Sunday of each month. Library News It's that time of the year again: time to stock up on books to read!! The library continues to add new titles, here are just a few: -The Little Hickman Series by Sharlene MacLaren: a trilogy: three different women are used by God in a small town in Kentucky. -Nearing Home by Billy Graham: his thoughts on life, faith, and finishing well. -Monday Morning Faith by Lori Copeland: fiction, this story will take you on a spiritual journey filled with humor. This is just a small selection, be sure to check periodically for new titles as well as browsing through some older ones. Each month, the center table will feature different themes of books, some you may not of realized were in the library! The teaching resources are now located in the room next to the nursery, and the children’s books are downstairs. One of the best things? The library is always available and there are no library fines!! A reception area in the Palmer Room has coffee available and is a place for relaxation, conversation and friendship or to peruse a book! There is usually a puzzle on the table for anyone to add a few pieces to! Notes from the Trustees The Trustees are constantly involved in the maintenance of the parsonage and church building. After recommendations by roofers that the chimney be checked before a new roof was installed, Breck Holladay inspected the chimney and found it needed pointing and weather proofing. He also advised that a chimney liner be installed at this time as it would become a requirement when the furnace has to be replaced. The church membership voted to have this work done by Mr. Holladay. On Thursday, Sept. 20th the work was completed. The new metal roof is scheduled to be installed in mid-October. Other tasks have included mouse-proofing the area under the kitchen sink, repairing the crash bar on outside office door, mowing lawns, trimming hedges out front and a street number fastened to the front of the church. The Trustees thank the Flower Committee for providing beautiful, decorative bouquets for worship service all summer and fall. Memorial plants or bouquets are always welcomed by the committee. Many thanks to all who participated in the various fund-raising activities this year. Everyone in our church family has participated in one way or another to make these truly fun efforts. God has answered your prayers! Fund-raising Committee Inflows to Capital Improvements Fund: Baptist History Society Bean Supper Calendars, Puzzles, Cards Cleve Bryant Memorial Gift Damariscotta Benevolent Society Dow Memorial Gift Eileen Gould Memorial Judy Whitney Fund Keith & Arlene Burns Memorial Lobster Stew Supper Mabel Sidelinger Memorial Michael Duncan Memorial Polly Smith Memorial Gift Spaghetti Supper Specified Purpose Donations Transfer from Savings Transfer from Windows & Septic Fund Yard Sale Proceeds Total to date – Capital Improvements Fund $ 86.00 799.00 42.00 200.00 1,000.00 500.00 345.00 50.00 100.00 1,243.00 10,000.00 50.00 3,250.00 646.00 1,560.00 2,930.03 1,617.00 2,026.42 $26,444.45 Coming events are Applefest at Nobleboro Central School on Oct. 13th and a Christmas Fair at our church on December 8th, From Your Mission’s Committee Cally Bartholomae, Janet Yates, Sue Wyand & Pastor Bob Our goal is to support Mission abroad as well as locally. Two missionaries that we chose to continue to support were Kit Ripley and Miss Banaga. This spring Janet obtained a list of Kit’s favorite items and some that are hard for Kit to find in Thailand. The church members donated a large collection of her favorite candies, cooking ingredients, paints, and other assorted snacks. Kit was thrilled with package. We are planning to do a similar gift package to Miss Banaga in the Philippines this fall. Stephen Payne, another missionary that is financially and prayerfully supported by members of our church joined us one Sunday this summer while vacationing here in Maine with his family. He continues to conduct workshops in India and Nepal. He and his team learn their language sometimes having to create a written alphabet and then translating the Bible into their native dialects. Praise God, Laura currently is cancer free! The Mission’s team is looking for a local outreach project. We continue to search for ways to connect with our community through fellowship and ministry. A start was made through the monthly public dinners this summer. Reading Group The Reading Group is open to anyone who would like to discuss books: We gather the first Tuesday of each month at 1:00pm. For car-pooling contact Sylvia Keene or Jean Thurston. Books to be discussed are: Oct. – a book about Gandhi Nov. – “Faith Bass Darling’s Last Garage Sale” by Linda Rutledge Dec. – “What Alice Forgot” by Jane Moriaty Jan. – a Christmas book each has read Feb. – “The Woman at the Light” by Joanna Brady March – “Summoned to Darkness” by Anne-Marie Sheridan April – “When We Were the Kennedys” by Monica Wood May – “Cold Sassy Tree” by Olive Ann Burns June – “Centered” by Steven Powell Baptism By Pastor Bob Wyand There is not a more incredible decision than the choice to be baptized! God commanded it for all followers of Christ, if only for the reason that He knows how often we change our minds. Baptism is a beautiful, intentional decision that is connected to following Jesus and a memorial of that decision. Marriage ceremonies are held for the same reason, that the decision to live together “til death do us part” is intentional and in commitment to God as well as you future spouse. Baptism isn’t merely a way to change a mistake, though the journey will include that. It isn’t a ritual that cleanses you of sins so that you can go “mudding again” only to seek forgiveness again. It’s not even a ceremony that pleases a friend or loved one. Baptism is an individual’s decision to dedicate their life to Jesus, the Son of God. It’s an intentional choice to live in association with Him and to learn obedience to His commands. When the apostle Peter preached his first message to a Jerusalem crowd he ended with this offer, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven. And you will receive the Holy Spirit.” What is truly amazing about this offer is that many in that first century crowd probably shouted “Crucify Him!” at Jesus’ trial. What God is offering to all of us is forgiveness of how we have actively lived our lives without regard for God and His ways. Without Jesus we do not have peace, forgiveness or His power. Our choice is to repent and be baptized in Jesus’ name. God’s choice, which he wants to lavish on us, is forgiveness of sins and His Holy spirit in our lives. Only with forgiveness and the Holy Spirit will we live eternally and abundantly! If you would like to work through the decision to be baptized, call me or drop an email. Classes are intended to help you understand the decision and do not commit you to be baptized. Many people like to be baptized in a lake during the summer, since we don’t have an indoor baptistery. Now is a great time to consider your decision to follow Christ. Contact List Church Moderator: Doug Bibber 691-5470 Church Clerk: Laurie Robbins 832-4675 Diaconate Board: Sue Powell, Chairperson 380-3773 Doug Bibber 691-5470 Lisa Steeves 563-8923 Weston Keene, Rep. to Christian Ed. 563-5153 Francis Caldwell 832-7479 Robin Bibber 380-6025 Trustees: Sylvia Keene, Chairperson 563-5153 Dennis Robbins, Rep. to Christian Ed. 832-4675 Laurie Robbins, Secretary 832-4675 Bob Jackson 563-3964 Al Brosseau 380-2792 John Clark 586-6408 Treasurer: Norma Baldwin 563-5563 Advisory Board, Doug Bibber, Chairman 691-5470 Laurie Robbins, Clerk Sue Powell, Diaconate Dennis Robbins, Christian Ed. Sylvia Keene, Trustees Carroll Schroeder, Finance Missions Board: Sue Wyand 563-5860 Callie Bartholomae Janet Yates Flower Committee: Laurie Robbins, 832-4675 Sandy Miller 563-1832 Madelyn Woodbury 563-3449 Library: Lisa Steeves, 563-8923 Church News: Jean Thurston 563-3436 Madelyn Woodbury 563-3449 Board of Christian Education: Sue Wyand, Chairperson 563-5861 Dennis Robbins, rep. to Advisory Board, Adney Peck, Iverne Peck, Weston Keene, Roberta Drake, Donna Jackson, Lisa Bottero. Finance Committee: Carroll Schroeder, Chairman 563-5522 Hospitality Committee: Pat Winslow, Coordinator 563-8022
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