THE COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL. NEWS The weather yestercay was very" unfavorable for business In the dtr. but country orders vert quite nurae-ou-s, and no complaints were heard. The weather has shortened the supply of mall fruits this week, and according to report the cherry crop Is about ruined, the rain havlnp cracked nearly all of the best varieties of the fruit. The California steamer arrived yesterday, but had a much smaller consignment of fruit and vegetables than usual. There was not much change in the price situation. The wheat markets .were steady, and flour advanced another 5c per barrel. Poultry 1$ doing a little Tetter this week, and the egg market Is higher. Butttr Is steady, stocks cleaning up as fast as' they are received. Effect. Crdp-Daxaa- July wheaMn Chicago touched 70c soon after the opening yesterday, wobbled unsteadily for awhllp. and on. proflutaklng slid off to 77&e. recovering: later lo 78. and then closed steady tT7e bid. These figures are quoted to show the excited condition of the wheat market at the present, time. The close yesterday was at a net gain of. lO&c per buthel over the close two weeks ago. Walla Walla xargoes In Liverpool were quoted Ihen at 27s Od per quarter, and yesterday at 2Ss Od, thus showing that. "hlle wheat had advanced over 10c per bushel In a fortnight In Chicago, tt has advanced but Sc per bushel during the Fame period In Liverpool, which Is the world's market. The fact that the Chicago market has held Its advance and scored gains almost uninterruptedly for rwo weeks, may be. taken as conclusive evidence of the perlous natura of the crop damage throughout America's greatest wheat dis- tricts. rat. 812c; unk. 503S0c; otler (land). $4 68; panther. - with head and flaws perfect, $163; raccoon. 25SS0c: wolf, mountain, with head perfect. $3 50 5; wolverine. $2 5033; beaver, per skin, large. $07; do medium, per skin, $4S; do small, per akin,, $102; do kits, per skin, $13. Tallow 55V4c; No. 2 and grease, 2QMc per poubd. Hides Dry hides. No. X. 16 pounds and upward. 14015c; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 10 pound's. 15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1, under S pounds, less than dry 1516c; dry salted, one-thi(lint; salted hides, sound steers, 00 pounds and CO over, 73 Se; do 50 to pounds, 7Kc: do under 50 pounds and cows, Tc: kip, 13 to 30 pounds. TVtSc; do veal. 10 to 14 pounds, TUc; do calf, under 10 pounds, 7c; green funsalted). lc per pound less; culls (bulls, sues, moth-eate- n; badly cut. asored hair slipped, weather-beate-n or grubbj), one-thi-rd leas. Meat sad Provisions. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, sheared. $3 5033 75; dressed, TffTHc per pound; Spring lambs. &5VrC per pound gross. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5; light, $4 50; dressed, 5Cc per pound. Veal Large, 6iC7tte per pound; small, SQ 8c. Beef Gross, top steers. $404 50: cows, $3 50 dressed beef. eQ"itc per pound. Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand)' Hams, smoked, are quoted at 13c per pound; picnic hams. OJic per pound; breakfast bacon. 13Hc: bacon, Oci backs. 014c; dry nalt sides. 87wc; dried beef. 174c per pound; lard. pails. 10c: 10 -- pound pails, oc: &0". J56c: tierces. SHfec per pound. Kasem pacK (Hammond's)Hams, large. 12?ic; medium, 13c; small. picnic hame. 9J4c; shoulders, breakfast bacon. 12c; dry salt side. Si 9c: OVic; bacon side, OiiSlOe; backs. 0?ic; butts, ic; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, 5s, 10!sc; Cf4. 13: The action of the Lherpool market, however. Indicates either that the foreign buer It taking these damage reports with a grain of salt, or else that he In willing to admit 10s. them to be fully as bad as they are painted, and still is not fearful about securing all of the wheat needed from the carry-ovstocks NEW YORK STOCK 3IARKET. of this country, or from the apparently Liquidation Checked and Outside Argentine crcp. The regular market report from Chicago printed in yesterday's Demand Caused a Rally. Oregonlan was about the most "bullish" affair NEW YORK. June 10. The liquidation ot that has yet happened, but Liverpool, In cloe stocks was checked today, and, after the detouch with" the situation, ftlll held off, and cline of and Saturday, there was a refused to advance quotations. The close proxsufllclent demand from outside to acimity of ChlcoffO to the affected districts has complish a rally in rrices. xhreshorts was no evi'undoubtedly given he outlook a gloomier view dence of any buying outside this narrow prothan it presents to the operator who views It fessional clrcl, and the demand dwindled irom afar. Admitting that the American crop away to practically nothing as prices roso lias been cut down to 500,050,000 bushels, as over last night's level. The room traders asserted, tbero Is still recesity for a shortage turned to the long side, and attempted to bid elsewhere In the world, in order to force the up prices against the shorts, they met European market to folio? to It limits the with very slight success, and a but late break In advance in Chicago. Ac a matter of fact, the New Tork traction .stocks caused a reaction all .American crop for the past 10 years has averarourd and wiped out pretty much all of the aged but 503.000.000 bushels ranging down early gains. The slllny through commission from the record crop of 075,000.000 bushels In houses. wIil'lLwas the striking evidence of 180S to 39n.O00.000 burbels In 1S03. weakness in yesterday's market, indicating, as A recod of the quotations ' tor the "short-crop- " it did. the letting, gd of stocks, by tired investyears does not show any sharp ment holders, was'on a' small scale today, selldue to the smallness of the crop in ing orders of this character causing a re-- " 'this country, tor In 1S93. O0"4c was the top action the opening. In sympathy with 'figure on July wheat In Chicago. The rmall London, after and the sellers started put out ed by one of short lines. But they soon detected tothe cessayield of that year 4Cft.00O.O30 In 1891, and that of 1S05 was but tion of liquidation. 4C7. 000,000 bushels, while in 1S90 it dropped Tho large borrowing demand for stocks last July wheat was night served as a warning back to 427.000.003 to the bears that OOc In 1S04. a year later It was 74c while the short Interest was becoming unears, it wieldy, and tliey followed London'srather In 1800, the last of four "short-crop- " example liad fallen to C2UC Then, with the 1807 crop and Btartea to cover. Tho market then fell of 530 000.000 bushels, the price shot up to back into its purely, professional character, 71)?c. ahlle the record-breakof 380S was not and drifted aimlessly for the rest of the day. weighty enough to prevent the price going to The steel group was Inclined to weakness, with SSc atho exception StceL which was firm It Is apparent from these figures that the on expectationofofFederal on the common a dhldend American farmer !s dependent on pomethlng Ihls Union Bag. common and besides crop damage in this country to enable preferred, and Pacific Mall both showed notable 2ilrn to secure the best possible prices for his strength. liquidation The seems cessation of A heat. It la also apparent that Liverpool's to have caused by revised estimates of apathy at the present, time Is duo to the be- the motivebeen strength In the wheat martho of lief that enough of the shortage in the Da- ket, additional Importance bMng given to the kota. Minnesota and Ohio will bo mads up fears of European complications over China by Kansas, Oklahoma, the Pacific Northwest and less apprehension being felt over the crop and other localities where a bumper crop is Tho fact that foreigners were selloomlng along. If tho Fren-- h crop should provo situation. ing romewhat in this market did not eeem to a. failure, as it did in 1S07. the response In affect this feeling. Growing attention Is being Liverpool to the present strength in this counto the money market outlook. In view of try would be moet emphatic Until this con- paid the shipment of gold to Germany today, and tingency arises, or same other unfavorable die Intention to mako 'further shipments to factor presents itself. Liverpool will continue Franco on Thursday. to follow our advances wlth.haltlng footsteps. It Is felt that this drain on New York's low The mos,t unprofitable feituro of the situation level of surplus reserves, joined to domestic irom the Pacific Coast growers' standpoint Is conditions, must have an early effect on the the Tact that ocan freights are about Sc per local money market. The demand from Bertoushol above the average rate for the past Is said to be for the purpose of meeting lin seven years, and So added to present .quotations the need of the semiannual settlements on July In Portland would move considerable wheat. 1. This would leave a short period for the contlnuMico of the demand. The Bank of TSnulc Clearings. England lost gold td Germany today, and a Exchahgea. Balances. sjmptom of Its dissatisfaction was the rais$301,700 30.70 Portland ...-- . f 3S.4SJ ing of the price of gold &id an ounce. The 156.01G Tacoma price of American eagles was at the same time 2O0.KO0 47C524 , 8eattlo 1 an ounce, raising the question Spokane 194.S30 57.431 advanced whether the British institution Is to Join in being tho demands made on New York for .PORTLAND MARKETS. gold. The Subtreasury Just now Is making heavy "Grain, Flour, Etc. disbursements on account Of pensions, which The failure of the Liverpool market to rehave been sufllclent slneo Friday to offset the spond to the strepgth in Chicago has a depayments made by the banks for the gold excidedly unsatisfactory effect on the local market, and business Is of small proportions. There ported. But the $5,000',O30 Government depos called In by the Government are due next 3s a variety of prices quoted, but 50c for Walla Walla seems to bethe best figure that Monday, and no part of the installment has yet been paid by the banks. Meantime. New can be traced to a reliable source, with some of the exporters declining to go above 55c, York exchange at Chicago fell from 30 to 20 premium. Indicating, a decline of the flow of which is about all of the advanco that has been Justified by the course of the European currency from the Interior to Now York. Tho bond market was dull and prices went snarket. Valley is easy at 55c, with reports lower. Total sales, par value. $1,275,000. from tho country that more has been offered. Wheat Walla Walla. 5Tff5Cc: Valley. 53c; United States new 4s declined i per cent, and old 4s and 5s i& per cent in the bid price. bluestem, 57c per bushel. BONDS. Flour Best grades. $2 7003; graham. $2 S3; superfine. ?2 10 per barrel. U. S. 2s, ref.. reg..l03 ID. & R. G. 4s 09 do coupon Oats White. 3435c; gray. SZQXic per bushel. .,103'SJGen- - Electric 5s...ll7 i.IOO IN. Y. Central lsts.lliu do2s,,reg Barley Feed. $14(15; brewing, $10 per ton. - do 3s. reg.,.....109 (Northern Pac 3s.. 0CI4 Mlllstuffs Itran, $12 50 per ton; middlings, 109 j do 4s do coupon 1U3' 518i?10: shorts. $13; chop. $14. do new 4s, rcg...l34H:Oreson Nav. l6ts..l09 Hay Timothy, flOQll; clover. $77 50; Ore-so- u 134141 do 4s do coupon 102 do old 4s, reg,..114. Oregon S. L. 0s..127'4 wild hay, $07 per ton. do coupon 113H do con. 5s 114U do 5s. reg....,.113 IRIoGr. We3t-- lsts.100 . Butter, EgTKft, Poultry, Etc do coupon 113 1st. Paul consols... 170 ; & P. IstsllOU (St. P. Butter I"ancy creamery, ctorc. 25c Dist. Col. Atchison adj. 4s.. 83Vi do 5s 120U per roll. , C. & N.W. con. 7sl43 (Union Pacific 4s. .100 Eggs per doren. do S. deb. Cent. lsts.... 00 5s.U7iWls. Poultry Weak; chickens, mixed. $33 50 per D. & R.F.G. lsts. .103 I dozen; hens. $& 50; spnnss, $1(3; ducks, $3 STOCKS. 04; geese. $4Q5 per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12&l3c: Young The total sales of stocks today wcro 291,490 America, 14d per pound. shares. The closing quotations were: 24 Union Pac pref... 717i Atchison 70Si! Wabash do pref .... Vegetables, Fruit, Etc. do pref & Ohio.... 74vsi Bait. Vegetables Parsnips, $1; carrots, 75c$l; Can. Pacific .... 90 I Wheel. & L. E.... turnips, 75c per sack? onions, ltfHjc per pound Can. Southern . 40 do 2d nref 2381 Wis. Central for new; cabbage. $1 50 per cental; potatoes. 40 dies. A Ohio.. P. C.. C. & St. L GO Chi. Gr. Western. 10 50c per sack, peas, 45c; beans, 10f12c; ascm., u. tc j 124 iniru Avenue 10!54 paragus. 4 ffOc; new potatoes. $1C1 10 per cenEXPRESS nn k uni., ina. & l,... 20 tal. do pref 117 r'rfc Adams oranges. 23 $2 50$?3; Chi. OS P373 American & Lemons. East. Ill Fruit .isn 45 per box for Valenclas, ?2 per box. for seedlings; Chicago & N. W .1574 United States .. IIO pineapples. $4 5O05 per dozen; bananas. $2 54 Chi..u..R. L & P.104H i"5"'frr"e0 so a st. c. MISCELLANEOUS. i &3 per bunch: Persian dates, 7&SJSc per pound, Colo. Southern ... 0 Amer. Cotton Oil.. 30 utraw'berries. WTCc per pound; peaches, 75cl 42 do pref o do 1st pref. 1G Amer. Malting ... 3 do 2d nref $1 per box; cherries. 4c per pound; apricots. Del. & Hudson... 110U do pref ......... 20 "SJTflOe; apples, $1P1 33 per box; raspberries, Amer. Smelt. & R. 30 el.. Lack. & a ..js Cc per pound. Jz Rio Gr. 1" n do nref Dried "fruit Apples, evaporated, 7 Q$e per Denver C3Vi Amer. Spirits do pref 2 d, pound: sacks or boxes. 45c; pears, Erie 11 do rref it S29n (Amer. Steel Hoop.. 1& pun and evaporated, 5STGc; plums, pltlces, 4Cf do 1st pref North, pref.150 do CC pref Great 5&o: prunes, Italian. 33Vc: silver, extra (Amer. Steel & W 31 Hncklne Coal ...-1- 3 Cc; Acs. Smyrna. 2V4c; California' choice. 5 Hocking Valley ,. 3"l do pref .. 714 black. OCcrdo white, 10c per pound. Illinois Central ... UHlAmer. Tin Plate... 18U .... do pref , 73 Iowa Central 17j 15 (Amer. do pref Tobacco ... 834 Groceries, Nuts, Etc. , 129 Kan. C. P. & G... 1(5 j do,pref Coffee Mocha, 232Sc: Java, fancy. 23332c; Lake Erie & W... 2S 'Anaconda Mln. Co. SOU 61 do pref .....,.r. M Brooklyn R. T Java, good. 2044e; Java, ordinary. lS02Oe; 20S41Colo. Fuel & Iron. 30H Costa Tllca. fancy. 18g20e; do good. 1G1&: do Lake Shore ordinary. 10S?12c per pound; Columbia, roast, $12 $3; Arbuckle's. $13 13; Lion. $12 03 per its a u cape. Sugar Cube. $5 00: crushed. $5 00: powdered, .$5 00; dry granulated, $5 40; extra C. $4 00; golden C, $4 80 net; half barrels, c moro than barrels; tnapl" sugar, 15TlGc per pound. Bean Small white, 3c; bujou. 4c: Lima. Cc per pound. Salmon Columbia River. tails, $1 23 tails, $2ff260: fancy. 1 C5; -pound fancy flats, fcSSTOc: flat. $1 G5Q1 75: tails, $1 201 30; tails, Alaska, COLUSON&CO. Stock, Grain and $1 JXff2 25. Grain bags Calcutta. $0 374 per 100 for spot. per pound for raw. I0o Nuts Peanuts. for roasted; cocoanuts, 90c per dozen; walnuts, nuts, 15c; hickory pine per 10 pound; lie nuts. 7c; chestnuts, 15c; Brazil, llc 'filberts. 15c; fancy pecans. 1214c; almonds, XoQlVa per pound. Coat oil Cases. 21tc per gallon; barrels. 17c; tanks. lotto. Rice Island. 6Vic; Japan. 5c; New Orleans, 4!i$W&c: fancy head. $7f7 50 per sack. 67c Hops Hops, Wool, Utiles, Etc 2$c per po'ind Wool Valley. 1213c for coarse. 1501Cc for best; Eastern Oregon, 1015c; mohair, 20e per pound. ' Sheepaklno Shearllngn. 15320c: eacrt-woo- l. 25 35c; medium-woo- l. 30350c; long-woo-l, 60cC$l each. Pelts Bear Kkins. each, as Xo size. $3?15; cub, each. $193; badger, each. 50c; wildcat. 25875a; housecat. 54725c: fox, common gray. 4Oc0$l: Bo red. $17533 50: do cross. $2'503; lynx. 12" 50; mink. 40e6 1 75; marten, dark JCortacra, KJ10; do pale, pise, $2-i- ; inusS- - ; Direct .Wires NewJork Chicago Board of Trade 214-21- v 5 Room , Chamberof Commerce Portland, Oreflan ' 11 TRAYEX.BHS & UbIob Depot, Stxxa and .... Dues per Annum (payable Forelam FIbrrcIcI IVevrs. NEW YORK. June 10. The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram says: The Chinese situation continued to depress all the markets here, though In the afternoon there were some signs ot a recovery on a the .powers had asked Japan to undertake the task of dealing with the Chinese. bought American stocks on thfs reLondon Copper shares were weak on selling port. by Berlin and Paris. Discounts were firm at Money was easy. The Bank of England 2 sold 199.000 gold in German coin, also 7000 for a destination not stated. There was a strong demand for gold from Germany .and What But supplies were France. there was of It was offered at 7'Js 10d. P. O. BOX 723. FOR ALL POINTS EAST "CHICAGO-PORTLAX- Will Special -- 19. Consols 100 f SAN FRANCISCO. June 19. Wheat, firm on call and quiet In the spot market. No sales, of barley: spot barley, quiet. Oats, quiet. Spot quotations were: Wheat No. 1 shipping. 37$ic: milling. $1 1 024. Barley Feed. G55?C74c: brewing. 774?S0c Oats Gray. Oregon. $1 QtV& 10; milling, $1 10S?l 124: red. $1C1 20. Call board sales: Wheat Firm; December, $1 0S?i: cash. 074c Barley Nomina!. Com Large yellow. $1 1521 174. June 19. The wheat market opened today nervously, and remained la that condition throughout the .lay. In the Nortb-we- t, while there were earns rains, the situation was unchanged. Southwestern sections sent In some favorabln adlccs, and the bears called attention to the unresponsive attitude of foreign markets to the advances. The French crop was also reported to have derived some benefit from seasonable weather. July wheat opened 40&c under yesterday, at 7bc to 78?. and rallied sharply to 79lc under tho Influence of good Fains at Minneapolis and Duluth. Qer 70c, however, there were millions of burhels for sale, and under enormous prwsure from longs, combined with some slackening Jn the demand. July broke from the, top to 77c On the dip sold-obulls and others bought, and the outside demand showed something of its old form, causing a rally to 7S4c Again the bulls were unable to hold their position, and July broke to 774c, closing 's l'ic under yesterday, at 77c Corn, while quiet, was steady. July closed WrUc lower, at SSSic In oats, trade "was largely a matter of changing July and September. The close was largely V,c for July. Provisions were dull. The market opened steady, but eased oft On moderate liquidation. Hog receipts were light, but tho market felt the wheat break. July perk closed 24c down, and lard and ribs each lost 5c The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opened. Highest. Lowest. Closing. o itrju juns ......... July 77V $9 7S $0 70' $0 77 August ij tirfs ,yi is CORN. 39- - 40M 4014 40 40H OATS. 23 234 June July 23Vi 23Hi 09J 304 89, 40 39ft 4U4 ZIU 23 23 2U& 24 MESS JH Z.J?i ZJJ. PORK. July 1150 11524 11424 11 474 11 CO September ...1170 1170 1103 LARD. July C70 0 70 0 C24 0 C24 September ... 6 SO GS0 0 724 0 73 CSO October 0S0 073 6774 RIBS. SHORT July CC74 CC74 0724 073 September ... 0 89 0S24 0 72$ 0 73 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 3, 72Q75c; No. 2 red. $0$nic Corn No. 2, 40ff40c; No. 2 yellow, iOQ AUgUSl. 4C?4c Oats No. 2, 23Jc: No. 2 white. 2551327c: No. 3 wlilte. 2349204c Barley Good feeding, SSc; fair to cholco malting, 41vl5c No. 1. $1 SO; No. 1 Northwestern, Flaxseed $1 SO. Timothy seed Prime, $2 53. Mess pork Per" barrel. $10 35311 50. Lard Per cwt- -, $0 5240 C3. Short ribs Sides, loose, $0 SSffO S3. Dry salted shoulders Bated. CUCic Short clear sides BoxM, $7 15?7 25. Butten Firm: creamery, 14619c; dairy. 120 104c Cheese Stradv, S4694C Eggs Slow: fresh, 10c Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels Com. bushels Oats, bushels Rye. bushels Barley, bushels Xew Yorlc Grain S. S. GEO. W. ELDER Sail About June 30th. ' ' r. P; -8AUMGARTNE5. tr W. A. Mitchell & Co., tQeseral Aacnt,.'253.,Wasfc!natOH.3t.. r. . " 'Fracled.' Asnt:- SanAV:1" 13.000 13,000 308.000 273.000 1.000 1,000 and Produce. CHINA &, t riffliS SiISe For the "Senator" SA & Cape Nome Gold Fields THE NEW PAUATIAL. STEEI STE.VMSHIP sail from Seattle dlrecrJune 21, July 21 and August 20v of 2303 tons. Her second cabin and steerage accommodations ias a capacity accommodations of most of the steamers advertised for Nome. The "Senator" flrst-clas- B nicaiiicra io .iinrjui wimer ana luat The Pacific Coast Sieamsn;p V.O. nis iKn f uiuuuk jlo&euxie ireigncura passenger rates ap-r- lr line, mer for 25 years; and la the pioneer facme i.ossi of GOODALL. PERKINS & CO., General Inquire from Portland. I"or further lnforrratlon . 2VJ Washington wt.. Portland. Or. Agent. X. cr Francloco. Arents 10 Market. Sun large receipts. The cioie was easy At $30 150 35. Spelter ralcd weak and partially lower ?2"4. Lead was unsettled but unat 3 changed-', at 4L -- '$ Lake copper ruled very dull at unchanged prices, $10 CO. Tho brokers price for lead was $3 CO. and for copper $10 50. Bar Ellvcr. CQHc SAN rKANClSCO. June 19. Bar silver. G0yc per oimc. "'v LONDON,-Jun- e 10. Bar silver. 27?id. K: tilfalfa, VV5" : stock, ?3 compressed wheat. $7J10 per ton; per balo. straw, s. Potatoes Early Rose, COffCSc; Jtlrer SMjG5c; Oregon Burbanks, CSSic per cental; new potatoes. 70$1 25. Vegetables Onions. SSSOOc per cental; garlic. 283Mr: green peas. G0cB?l per sack; string beans, 243le: dried okra. S2JJc per pound: asparagus. 5101 75 per tox; egg plant. 6310c per pound. Oranges, navels, $1 Q 1 23; Citrus fruit Mexican limes, $434 00; common California lemons. $1 2581 60: choice. $1 25Q1 CO pet 10; best barley, ?7 ;30 DO; :!!: inI Coffee EASTEUV LIVESTOCK. . , June 10. Cattle Receipts. S500. Steers generally steady, butchers' stock active at steady prices; natives, best on sale today, 4 carloads at f3 50; good to prime steers, $5 10 5 SO; poor to medium, $4 505; selected feeders, choice firm, others firm, $4 255; mixed and stockers, slow, $3 f04; cons. $n 4 50; heifers. $3 lf35 10; canners, firm, ?2 35 3; bulls, slow, 10Sl"o lower, $3g4 SO; calves, 25c lower than last week. $50 50. Texans Receipts, 700; best on sale. 2 carloads at $4 70; Texas fed steers, active; Texas bulls. ?35J3 M- Hogs Receipts, 15,000; tomorrow, estimated. 33,000; left over. 2500. Market active and top, $5 30; mixed and .butchers, $5j$ 5 30; good to choice heavy, $5 20S'5 30; rough heavy. $5 055 15; light, fo 105 30; bulk of sales. $3 2035 23. Sheep Receipts, 12,000. Sheep and lambs, good to cholco steady, cotrimon and medium slow; good to choice wethers, f4 55; fair to choice mixed. $3 0035 50; Weetcrn sheep, $4 CO o 15; yearlings, $5 40J?r. 90; natlvn lambs, fOfM 73; 'Western lambs, $5. 75; clipped' Colorado lambs, $7; Spring lambs, 27 25 June 10. Cattle Receipts, 2300. strong: native beef steers, $4 503 and heifers. $3 754 C3; canners, CO; stockers and finders, 43 5035. Receipts, 1900. Market higher; sales. $4 0535 07. Receipts. SlOd. Market steady. 5 40; cows obstruction. June' 18, John S. Collins, ao S3 years 2 roohthe, Damascus, Or.: old age. June 17. Curtis D. Sutherland, age n years, Salem, Or.: tuberculosis. June 16, Daniel Collins, age 57 years, city; drowned. June 1G, Treasa Openhe'mer. age 33 ycara. 170 North Twenty-secon- d etreet: e,ndocardlti3. Juno 18. Xathanlel Holman, age 54 years months. Good Samaritan Hcspltal; disease of spleen. 2 2c KANSAS CITY. Jane 19. Cattle Receipts. 8000. Market steady: Texas cows, $2 50 3 25; nattvo steers, $4 2335 40; natlvo cows ' 5 03. Sheep Receipts, 4400. Market steady; lambs, $4 5033 75; muttons. $3 2533 CO. Boston "Wool Market. June 19. The demand for wool continues, slow, with prices nominal. .Bids of lots' of line territorial, with staple out, were mado during tho week on the sconred basis of 50c. but tho offers did not tempt holders. For choice lots of fine medium and fln. with staple in, the price Is about r.t3S5c. while staple lots are "now quoted at 5703Sc scoured. Fleece wools continue slow and sales meager, with prices nominal. BOSTON. FttAXCfSCO MARKETS. 10912c: mountain, lambs', SglOc; San Joaquin plains. SplOc: Humboldt and Mendocino. ZZQ 14c per pound. . vHops 1SO0 crop. ll?13o per pound. Mlllstaffs Middlings. $17629; bran, 13014 K per ton. Har-IVh- eat, fj OOtflO W; what and cat, $3 The Direct Llneto Denver, Oniahs, Kansas City, St. Loujj Portland to Chicago Less Than Thres Days. Only Four Days to Netv York and Boston. Through Palace and Tourist Sleeper, Buffet Library Cars (Barber Shop) Dining Cars. (Meals a la carte) Freo Reclining: Chair . Thxouuh tickets, baggacc check3, and elecplns car accommodations con be or. ranred at 1 CITY TICKET OFFICE Portland, Or eg 03 33 Third Strl: J. II. LQTHROP. IL'I C. H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Aft. Passenger Gsa'l Azcat. WHITE COLLAR LINE HTVER A PUGET SOUND HXVS. OATIOK CO. PORTLAND AND ASTOIUA. COLUMBIA CANADIAN to Paul and return $71.50 Chicago and return First class, for sale June good for passage on the 2 2 P. IX. L'Q'OQ Dep3t, 61!) J SlS and Arrivo I orth Coast Limited. For Tacorca. Seattle. uo- rsortn laKima. Kane, Mos I'uuraan. cow. Levi lstos, IJos-lanB. C. Buttpj Helena. St. Paul. Min neapolis, Chicaso. JJ03-toNew York and all points East and Southeast. iTnln City Express, fcr Tacoma. Seattle, Spo- i"jkane. Ifelena, Butte. ,OU 1UUI, .illUU. li'3- ton, rvev lork, gmana. ICansa! City. Council Bluffs. St. Louis, ard nil points east and No. 1 7 A.M. No. 3 - For lnforrnaU'jiii ticket, sleeping-ca- r vations, etc.. call on or wrlto reser- GO EAST VJA """ rw eaTi oiki cv Kzzr frfn iwftp lr r -- r- . : 1 ON THE FAMOUS "Portland-Chicag- Special" o OR THE H. and 22. Dlnlnjr Cars. Service a Ja Cnrte. Librnry-BniT- et Snioklnff Cara. Palace and Ordinary Sleeping Cars. Free Reclining Clialr Cars. Arrives. ..4:00 P.M. Ltavc3. rm.'." PORTLAND.': ."s:4o a." m. 0.00 CITY TICKET OFFICE F. B. OLIN. Cltz Tlckat Arr. E. COMAN. General Arnt. All Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co, LEAVES UNION DEPOT. .Phone Main 5S3 142 Third St. SHREATNORIHERN Tlckt Oilier, LEAVE. No. 4 C:00 P. M. S33 . asA 4ll points KajU 7:00 A. II. Through Palace and Tourlet Sleeperi. Dtalcx Cara. and Buffet SmOklng-Llbrar- y - LINE AMERICAN STEAMSHIP IDZUMI MARU For Jcpaa, and all Asiatic points will leave Seattle China About June 201h. Tcr Mayjerj. Rainier. ARRIVES Wcatjxjrt. UstaiC&nte, UNION Astoria, Clifton. War DEPOT. renton. Flavel. Haaa- mond. Fort Steven. Gearhart Pnrk. Seasid 11:18 A.M. Astoria and deaiixor. Ezprsu. Dsllx. Astoria Express. 0:0 P. it. Dsllr. roRCape Ticket office. 23 Morrison it. nj Un'on dtpor. J. C MAYO. Gen. Pass. Art-- . AstorU. Or. S. S. "OHIO," it. ' Thgoe Horrlsoa Street, 2S3 Th Flyr, dally to aoI from St. Paul. Hlnn-apoll- i, ARRIVE. Xo. JL Duluth, Chicago JAPAiN Pacific Coast Steamship Co. FOR ALASKA. Prrldnt. iSST"CUPIDEME'T m& No. W- - For particulars, call on cr write to 6:55 P. dock) CA1LEV OATZERT (Alder-streLeaves Portland dally every morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves Astoria every nljht at ? o'clock, except Sunday. C re con 'phone Main 351. Columbia 'phone 351. Leave "OVERLAND LIMITED" Calling at Dutch Harbor. and freight reservations apFor passencer DOUWELTj & COMPANY. Ltd.. ply to 252 Oak st Tclepbono Main 90. The Pioneer Dlntnjr anil Observation Car Ronte. The only trains running through solid from Portland and Chicago. Every car Illuminated with Plntsch gas. Two trains dally. Imperial Limited Sail From Tacoma on or About JUNE 30TH, for DOUEXIJ 'DAILY TUAIX SERVICE. GEORGE LANO. CUr Paso. U Tkt. Act. THE COMPANY'S elegant steamers. Queen. Cottage City, City of Topeka and Al - Kl leave TACOMA 11 A. M.. 3 T b U P This preat Vegcta- -. M.. Juno 4. a, wevltallser.thopTescrlptlonafafaraonsFrcachpbyBicIan.wni quickly curb yon ofall 14. 10. 19. 24, Si; July 1. 4, nervosa or dls&ssof tho generatlre organs, such as JLioat Mcuhood, lanomala, . 14, 1C, 10, 24. 20, 31; Aus. ,a lt9 Itrvclc.ttciuiual Kuilxaloaa. Jfrrara Debility, Jfimple " 3. and every fifth day there, Mr4 after. For further Informa Ititopaall Iineesbydayoriilpht. Prevenw quickness of diacbarre.whfchlf notcbecked tion obtain company's foider. leSCI IO Snermitnrrhcftft an.1 nil 'httinmn nl Imnnttnnr. SrPl lT!V7,.iUltnMtlii fKm liver. company reserves the right to change The HT.V1C thA lr!dnpr nrul Ih nrfnjnrn,riih. n,ll MmfMhn. ntPI calling dates and hours of sailing, steamers, and restores small weaic orcans. without previous notice rTJ5.1S'52n.aafferer, " "Otcarwl by Doctors h because SO per cent aro troubled with Prostatitis. AOKNTS N. POSTON, 240 TYashlnston sL. CuPinE2,E the cmly known remedy V cure wlUipnt rn operation. SW0 tcstimoiitala. A wrltirn Portland. Or : F. W. CARLETON, N. P. R. ft. paranteeclTon and nwiiy retnrned If Chores dotanot effect & permanent cure. UOaUax,OXoi5iCO, by mall. Bend for n:EK circolar and lesUmoulnia. Dock. Tacoma; IL IL LLOYD, Puget Sound Supt.; C. W. MILLER. Asst. Supt. -- Ocean Address JO A VOX. XJcBiICUfK CO.. p.'O. Cos 207C Ban I"rand3CO. CaL Dock. Seattle. - For sale by AlCrlch Pbartaacy, Slstb ana "tfTaj nlagtca strccU, rortlano. Or. I GOODALL. PEKKUSS & CO.. Gca. Agts., S. IT. y R. KOEHLER. Manater. SOLID VESTIBULEP TRAINS. PAC3F1C Tho Metal niiiTketa. rv Ticket Agent. 140 Third St. TAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leavo for Oswego dally ot'T.SO 'SMO A. M-- : 12:S0. 1:65, 35, 4:40, 0J5. .ao, lltiSO P. M.; and 0.00 A. M. on Sundays onty. 4rriv at Portland dally at 6.Jo. t:20. t!0:50 A. M.; M., 12.4tt 15. 3:10. 4:30., U115. 7.40. 10.00-A. M. dally, except Uouuuy. 3:20 and 10.03 A. M. on Stlndays only. Leave for Dallas dally, "except Sunday, at 6:06 P. M. Arrive aVPcnlarul at 0:30 A. M. Passenger train Ieaea Dallas for Alrlle Mon-i- a, Wednesdays and Trldays at 3:43 P. M. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday; A. D. CHARLTON Chicago and Other Eastern Points Assistant General Pa3engcr Agent, 233 Morrison St.. Cor. Third. Portland, Oregon. TWO DAILY U. H. AtlEOTT. Azeat. 14a. Third St., Portland. j E. J. COYLE. A. O. P. A. Vancouver. B, C WlaKl a.WM'k' IJa'c - ThrouEh train jenice via NorChem Pacific and Burlington line from Portland to Omaha, Kansas City. St. Loul":. Quick time and nccommcdatlcns. Take North Coast Limited Train No. 2, for South Bend, Olympla and Gray's Harbor points. Sfo tho North Coast Limited. Elegant Upholstered Tourist Sloping- Cars. Pullman Standard Sleepers, Dining Car shd Observation Car. all electric- - lighted. Solid vostlbuled trains. Tickets sold to all points- - In the- - United Stales and Canada, and baggago checked to destination of tickets. 4PRrrpv " TACOMA " U. B. SCOTT. japan, china. Honolulu sad 'btaiaed frpm J. .cai, southeast- TRAVELERS' GDIDE. ' Also VSElHy- 13 THE ot and heifers, $1 5033; stockers anC feeders, $3 5034 90; bulls. ???4. Hogs Receipts. 15.000. Market Cc higher; bulk ot sales. J55 15; heavy. $5 JI7435 10; packers. $405 17; mixed lots. $4 37t5 10: light, $4 53S 05; Yorkers, ?55 03; pigs, $4 73 IDalty except Sunday. KHUCLAND. EASTANOSOUTHEAST May 25, Girl to the wife of Samuel Clifford, 245 Engene street. June 8, girl to the wife of A. R. Francis, 380 Hall street. , $60 Contnprions DlMcanes. George O. Shea, 478 Page street; scar-lSt. fever. JS5.75 to Kanca City and return, And Master Olphonso, age 5 years, 335 Front first class, for sale June 29 and SO. street: typhoid fever. Will rope. v a nt3(v TO THE BIrtlii. The Favorite Trans-PacIH- c Steamer 10:10A.3L :50 P. M. t3 :25 A.M. Rebate tickets en sale between Portland, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rate J17 Crst class and $11 second clus. including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Ea DIRECT LINE Sugar. Xi CHICAGO, P.M. MOST FASTEST AND THE N73W YORK. June 19. Corree Options closed 10 points decline: 'cales, 14,750 bagsr. Including July at $7103 7 13; August. $7 15; October. $710. Spot, Rio? Eanacas. f 1 5033 per bunch. . Butter Fancy creamery. 19920c; do seconds, easy; mild, quiet. Sugar Raw, firm; refined, steady. lSQISHe: fancy dairy, 17018c; do seconds, 1581 Otfc Cheeser-Callfomnew. 7SV4c per pound; DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Young, America. 3ff0!c; Eastern. ,lO017e. Eggs Store. U15c; fancy ranch, lS&c; per dozen. Eastern. HillOc Iter:! Entnto Transfer. Poultry Turkeys, gobblers, 10(llc; do hens, J. "W. Cook and wife to Lucius W. per I2gil3c per pound; old roosters, $3 Moody, block 4, Chelsea; Junft 1G..5 1 dozen; young roosters, $33?G; small broilers, Alice J. Mann and husband to Lu1 $.T2 23; large broilers, $23 CO; fryers. $3 50 cius Wr. Moody, same: June IS Q4 Wl; hens, ?4H 50 per dozen; geese, ?11 S3 Ballillnfr Permit. per pair. s, one-stobuild-Instore Gus Rosenblatt, Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 3553; do Ore"Washington, between Sixteenth and 6115; barlej. cengon, 10.C10; wheat, cental Seventeenth: $23X1. tals. 1715; oats, centals, 840; do Oregon. 450; dwelling, Kearney 1L Zan, two-stobeans, Facks, 272; corn, centals, C30; do Easterfreet. and Twenty-sixt- h; between Twenty-fift- h ern, COO; potatoes, sacks, 2500;" do Oregon. 187; 00. "500; Oregon. 2C70; hay. tons, do bran, sacks, Mnrrlnpre Llcennes. 324; wool, bales, 185; hides, 1C3. Emit Schield, aged SO, Llda. P. Chl-vlll- e, SO, 20; John A. McGdvern, aged Stocks In London. Mrs. E. Jessup, SO; Leo S. Ball, 25, Ada LONDON, June 10. Atchison. 25; Canadian 23. Pacinc. 93; Union Taclflc preferred, ,74V: P. 'Sail, Dcntlin. Northern Pacific preferred, 75; 'Grand Trunk, June 17. Jessie Marshall, age 27 years. P; Anaconda, SH. fat, Vincent's iOzpitai; acute intestinal f2 2533 Hogs bulk of Sheep ' ' change): ' Steamer. Due to Leave Portland Juno 21 "MONAiorTHSHIRE" July 13 "BRAEMAR" Aug. 5 "AhGYLL" For rates, accommodations, etc.. apply t& DODWELL & COMPANY, Limited, General Agents, Portland. Or. To principal points In Japaa and China. steadr and unchanged to box. Albany passenger Corvallte passenger Sheridan passenger A. M. Dally. eo p. ac. NAVIGATION will re superior to the QC AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND, OREGON RAILROAD CO. Schedule. 1U00 (subject to la connection with THE Pacific Coast Steamship Co. YORK. June 10. The market for metLIVERPOOL. June 19. Wheat Firm; wheat alsNEW developed considerable weakness today Unand flour in Paris, firm; French country mardecliningwarder a abroad. Plg-Iro- n kets, firm; Spot. No. 1 North-Spring. Cs ftd. rants eased off tendency some .25 points. In sympathy Futures, firm; July. 0s 4d; September, Cs jd; with nomcables, closing lower unsettled and December, nominal. inally quoted at $li 25. Tin was again easier Corn Spot, firm; American mixed. 4s Cd. selling, pressure, due to tho- Futures steady; July, 3s lljid; September, under continued SAN FRANCISCO. June 19. Wool Sprlns Nevada, 13&lGc; Eastern Oregon. 10S15c; ValOregon. lSi20c Fall Northern mountain. ley. TOHTLAND AND DAYTON. OR. Steamer Elmore, for Dayton and xva points. leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satt urda9 at 7 A. M. P.sturrdce, leaves Dajtcn for Portland and way points Mondays. WednesdayJ and Fridays at C A. M. SXAICE IlIVER TIOCTE. RIPARIA. WASH. AND LEWISTON. IDAHO Steamer Spohane or vitamer wMon leavs lllparla dally at 355 A. M.. arrlvlne at Lewis-to- n at 3 P. M. Returning, tho Spokana or Leulston leaves Levrjston dally at 0 A. M., arrivinc at Rlparla same evening. Wi H. HUP.LBUP.T. General Paneer Agent. V. A. SCHILLING. Cttv Ticket Asrent. Telephone Main 712. 0 Third street, cor. Oak. "40 P.M. 14:50 1M A.3L UewSteamsliip Line to the Orient ' u-i. OMAHA. NEW YORK. June 19. Flour Receipts, 21.-4barrels: exports. 39,000 barrels. Market 15c to 20c apart. Minnesota patent, $4 109 4 40; Winter straights. $1 C53 80. Receipts. 173.500 bushels; exports. Wheat Spot, easy: No. 2 red, 8Sl3C 233.000 bushels. Options opened weak f. o. b.; 85c elevator. under foreign selling and unsatisfactory cables, covering on rallied and Northwest crop news, but later- 'broke a rain under general outside covering, supplsmcnted by rumors of moro liberal new" wheat arrivals at St. Louis and good rains In the Northwest. Closed weak, at lMic net decline. July closed at 82c; September. SSc; December, S34c Wool Dull. Hops Quiet. . COAST S. S. CO: OREGON & division. yamhiltj niVER Rcrurn. XPVVT TT FOR UATE3 A5D IXKOHMATIO?! Market Receipts. Shlpm'ts. 17.000 105.000 C0 1.000 370.000 7.000 27.000 A. M. river Arrlvo TRAINS for Salem. Rose-bur- g. Ashldnd. Sacramento, Oiden, e, San Francisco, Lcs Angelea. JSt Paso,: New Orleans and the East At Woodiura (dally except Sua-- . day), morning train connects with train for Mt. Angel, olBrowne., ive r Springneld vllle. and Natron, and evening tmln for Mt. Acgel and ' 9 PORTLAND AND ASTORL. Steamer Hassalo leaver Portland dally, except Sunday, at 8.00 P. M.; on Saturday at 10.00 P. M. Returning; leaves Astcrla dally, except sua, day. at 7:00 A. M. 1VILLA3IETTn UlVmt DIVISION. PORTLAND AND SALEM. OR. Steamer Modoc, for Salem and way points, Mondays, Wednesdajs and Fri-daleaes Portland at C 00 A. M. lteturnlne, leaves fcalem Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 0:00 A.M. This is the only exclusive livestock steamer, in the ' Nome trade, Bookings now being made. Chlcngo Grnin nail Produce. 3VJ SU10 comainrA Sails on Her SecondTrip About July. 10, J800 CHICAGO. June July August For Spokane, Eastern Washington. nd Great Northern points, leaves at C P. 11.: arrives at THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST . SLEEPERS. Water lice schedule, subject to ehanve 'withl out notice: OCa,VX AND IUVKR SCHEDULE. OCEAN DIVISION Steamship sail from Alnswcrth dock at 8 P. 11. Leave Portland Cofumbla, Friday. Juno 1. Monday. June' 11; Thursday, June 21; Sunday. July 1; Wednesday, July 11. state of California, Wednesday. June 0; Saturday. June 10; Tuesday. June-2ti- ; Friday. July 6. From San. Francisco Leaving Spear-S- t. Tier No. 24. San Francisco, at 11 A. M., as follows. State of California. Satu-da- y, June 2; Tuesday. June 12; Friday. June 22; Monday, July 2;. Thursday. Julv 12. Columbia. Thursday. Juno 7; Sunday, Juno 17; Wednesday, June 2T. Saturday, July 7. p CALIFORNIA THE GRAIN MARKETS. Prices for Cereals'In European-anAmerican Ports. P. M. . 844 June. SUS0 ATLANTIC EXPUCSS, Leaves for'fhe East; via Uuntington, at P. M.. arrives at 8.40 A. iL Excursion Tickets Sold on These Elegant Passenger Steamers. S. S. DESPATCH Round-Tri- SPECIAX." D 7 A. AL S. S..N0ME CITY, hCtpat fifth snJl Streets Leaves for the East, via Huntington, at 0:13 P iL, SPOItASB FLYER. Manager. . Leave OVKRLAND A. XL; arrives. 4 CAPE NOME EXCURSION oh NEW YORK. Juno 19. Money on call. 1&2 per cent; last loans. 1 per'cent; prime mercantile paper. 3404 per cent; sterling exchange, easy, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 8j54 87 for demand, and at 81 $4 for 00" days; posted rates. $4 85 64 8S4; commercial bills, $4 S3i4fl4 84. Sliver certificates COgOlc. Mexican dollars I73ic Bonds Government, weak; state. Inactive; railroad, easy. LONDON, 50 C. L. PAH.KEH, Every safeguard placed around dealings in this EXCHANGE. Money, Exchange, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. June 19. Sterling London. CO days. $4 34: do sight. $4 8SU- Mexican dollars 4Si949a Drafts Sight, 10c; telegraph. 12c. quarterly). Address. Vvvl THREE TRAINS DAILY uh.uu. Offered. J Streets. 01 'fcurcs WnA SOUTH j5dMEMa Chamber of Commerce Ground Floor TRAVELERS. GTJIDB.. GTUEE. iAST'vu THE PORTLAND MINING STOCK EXCHANGE 126 First Street Location: 44d. ; 1900. Co. DDhlITDC June 19. Wheat Cargoes oft coast, sellers at advance of Is; cargoes No. 1 standard California. 29s Cd; cargoes Walla Walla, 2$s 9d; English country markets, firm. . Steck LxcHinge 20, Downing, Hopkins t...'. Earopenn Grnin Market. tt JU2H3 Louis. & Nash.... 55 IConL Tobacco .... 23 Manhattan El .... SO i do pre ?7?t' 3H Met. St. Ry.. 12i.Federal Steel Mex. .Central .... liu, no pref , ....... G3V Minn. &. St. Louis 434 General Electric ..130 4C do pref .....'.... 8S 1 Glucose Sugar . OS Missouri Pacific .. 4&VI do pref Mobile & Ohio 23 26 ilht. Paper . .Chicago Board of TraHe ' I M.. K. &T 10 do pref M'i 73 Clede Gas do pref 295La NewJVork'Stocfc Exchange DlX-UIVlItVNew Jersey Ccat..l20 (National Biscuit .. 2S 70 New York Cent...l2SVi do pref 19 Norfolk & West... 31? jNational lead K 70 do pref-do pref 4, Nrothern Pacific .. 51KINatlonal Steel .... 24 72V-- 1 do pref SlU do pref BOTI TELEPHONES Ontario & West.. 1S N. Y. Air Brake..,lZ6 42 INorth American .. 15 O. R. & N 4H4 do pref Pacific Ccast 82 Pennsylvania . .127 I dolstp-e- f . 16 685 do 2d pref Reading U, 27J . 53 Pacific Mall do let pref.... do 2d pref..... . irt4! People's Gas 0bi Rio Gr. Western. 50 iPrcssed Steel Car. 4S No. 4 SS I do pref Aa nref St. Louis A S. Fr. OJSiPuHinan Pal. Car.ITU OKFJCERS AND DIRECTORS: or istana. ope st 1.. : do lst'pref .11514. 31VSugar do 2d pref TYLER WOODWARD, Presh TJ. S. National Bank. President. s 00 prei .......n--CM St. Louis & a V a L. B. COX. Esq.. ..... 22MTenn. nn nrpT Ceal & Iron. S1 J. FRANK WATSON, Prest. Merchants National Bank, Trearurer. fit v!ii lPi.U. S. Leather P. Ii. WILLIS. Esq., Secretary. . CON, 171 j do pref do pref " 118 XV. S. Rubber SENECA SMITH. RTIFTIS MALLORY. St. Paul & 0 aAJiui.ij FRANCIS I. il'KENNA. Southern Pacific .. ni?: do nref w. h. GRINDSTAFF.. feO . Union lffi.1 Western Southern Ry Registrar of ancj Stocks Bonds: Security Savings and Trust Company Republic Iron & b. i"l4 do pref b w;3 Texas & Pacific. 14W. do pref I Cost of Membership $100 5015! Union Pacific Charge for Listing Stocks. . . . 50 LONDON. BROKERS WEIHSESDAY, MOCKING OEEGONIAN, And Yukon River Poinb 3500Tons Sails from Seattle on or about June 30 Reservations can not? bo made upon applicaof the Intertion to any railroad or national Navigation Company, or to CO., TltANSPOItTATlOX raiPIKE SEATTLE. WASH. PiUi li. Nome Ble Sua remedy for Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Spermatorrhea. dis Whites, charge, or any lnnatatna tlon of mucous meat unnatural ccottjun. TrfEtYAMSCrfCaiC.ii.C0. LCmowxin.o.r--"" I "j brane. sow by Drugs. or ent la plain wrapper, hy oiprew, prepaid, for Si ca. or 3 bottlM. 12.73. Clrcolar at oa riwrt. r
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