How to read the transcripts and use the vocabulary It must be said in the beginning that organizing such a vast amount of text from seemingly short, twentyfive minute lessons, though an act of joy, proved to be a quite demanding task. From a few possible approaches I chose the one I found the most comprehensive for the westerner’s mindset. Simultaneously I opted for a transcription and translation method that doesn’t compromise with grammatical accuracy of Sanskrit, the more important language for the learner. In most cases the translation of sentences within lessons is very literal, word-for-word translation from which the meaning of the sentence and the words can easily be deciphered. When such translation proved to be too ambiguous or vague there is a clearer translation in the parenthesis. More information is sometimes given in the vocabulary. Although majority of the word forms are obvious if you follow the lesson carefully, in some cases the additional information proves to be helpful for clearer comprehension. The verse, the saying (or whatever you want to call the subhashita), and the story (katha) are the hardest to follow for a student. For beginner knowing every grammatical form and rule could be more of a burden then help, so I chose not to be too technical in explanations and translations both in the transcript and in the vocabulary part. Bare with the bits you won’t understand completely in the beginning... just listen and pick up the words gradually, the understanding will follow soon. Especially if you try your best to speak as much as possible, no matter how funny your pronunciation, how difficult finding the words and the proper endings, how mind-boggling some sentences prove to be. The lessons are designed intelligently and they provide all the necessary information for learning. For Indians, of course, who happen to know the majority of the words, since they are the same or very similar in their mother tongues. Westerners are often bewildered when they hear many of those basic words. It doesn’t end there... Word orders seem awkward, long compounds take seconds to unravel (if not minutes), many sentences seem grammatically illogical, etc. It takes time to tune into the logic of the language. Then only you get to feel the beauty of Sanskrit. The transcript and the vocabulary are designed for the sake of Western students, who otherwise stumbled on many problems when they listened to the lessons without any aids. As you advance you will get to know how any word is formed, what’s its gender, what are the verb’s tense, number, and person, etc. Some grammatical rules are specific, though, and I’d like to make a comment about them here in order to avoid confusion later on and repetition of extensive comments in the transcription and vocabulary. The first ambiguity is related to verb forms for second and third person (madhyama and uttama purusha) – they happen to be the same. Bhavan and bhavati are followed by the third person verb forms and actually express the meaning of the third person, but are generally used in the sense of the second person (and are translated accordingly). In Sanskrit the verb can stand alone, but it gives only the tense and the number; p. e.: gacchati is a sentence in itself, meaning either he, she or it goes but it can also mean you (sing.) go. So in practice the all-encompassing translation is one person (other then me) goes, the details are clear from the context. In English the verb has to be accompanied by a noun or a personal pronoun (except in vocative), which can have the gender as well, as illustrated above. Though everything is usually clear in the lessons, in some cases it’s hard to decide which translation is more appropriate – did the teacher mean “you go” or “he goes”, “you read” or “he reads”, “You, come!” or “He should come!”. Even if you have no knowledge of declensions, you will quickly grasp the declension patterns for masculine words ending in –a, feminine words ending in –ä and –é and neuter words ending in –m. Just follow the lessons carefully. When the words appear for the first time in the lesson in a different case then nominative, the nominative form is given in the parenthesis in the vocabulary. If later on in any lesson the same word appears again in any other declension (in case of adjectives also in other genders, in case of verbs also in other tenses), it is not included in the vocabulary; for its meaning go back to the previous lessons. The exceptions are some phrases and personal pronouns (when they appear in different declensions, they are still listed in the vocabulary). Word-for-word translation of subhashitas is given in the lesson transcripts, so the translation of those words is not included in the vocabulary. 1 Here are some final notes: • • • • • • • • Words in the vocabulary are arranged in order of appearance. Sections are marked with horizontal lines both in the lesson transcript and in the vocabulary. The sections in the vocabulary with the subhashita and the katha are put in distinct blue and red colors. Sanskrit words have often many meanings. The translations are chosen according to the context. When imperative form is used in Sanskrit it conveys the meaning of request and order. For clarity exclamation mark was used in English translation, but not in Sanskrit unless the stress was intended. Think of Sanskrit imperative sentences (mostly ending in -tu) as if they contained “please”. Usually gender and number of words are not given; it’s not difficult to figure them out from the nominative form of the nouns. In case of exceptions the fourth column gives this information or some other comments. In case of compounds the two (or more) words, or the word and prefix, are written in the parenthesis. Words of praise like samicinam, uttamam, bahu uttamam (good, very good) etc. appear so often I decided to drop them after lesson 4. I also omitted some other very obvious repetitions. For a short description of Indian historical persons, cities and Gods mentioned in the lessons, please refer to the Appendix at the end of the vocabulary. The names, explained in the appendix, are marked in the vocabulary with superscript A. 2 Lesson 1 – vocabulary nmae nm> Svagtm! ATyNtm! srla Éa;a sMÉa;[m! #t> Aip vym! svRe SvLpen àyTnen inTyjIvne %pyaegm! AagCDNtu #danIm! A_yasm! k…mR> namo namaù respects, salutations svägatam welcome atyantam (ati antam) extremely, very much saralä easy bhäñä language sambhäñaëam conversation itaù api (ito ‘pi) even more vayam we sarve all (sarvaù) svalpena by very little (su-alpaù) prayatnena with endeavor (prayatnaù) nitya-jévane in day to day life (nitya- jévanam) upayogam connection ägacchantu come (you all)! idäném now abhyäsam exercise (abhyäsaù) kurmaù (we) do (karoti) mm nam Évt> ikm! ? ÉvTya> %iÄótu p&CDtu %Ämm! %pivztu b÷smIcInm! kwm! pircy> kri[y> #it }atvNt> mama my, of me (gen. sing. aham) näma name (nom. sing.) bhavataù of you (masc. sing. gen.) kim? what? bhavatyäù of you (fem. sing. gen. bhavaté) uttiñöhatu stand up! (uttiñöhati) påcchatu ask! (påcchati) uttamam good! upaviçatu sit down! bahu-samécénam very good! katham how paricayaù acquaintance, introduction karaëéyaù should (must) be done iti thus jïätavantaù have known s> k> ? AiÉnym! k…vRNtu vdNtu ramk«:[> saù he (that) kaù? Who? (masc. sing.) abhinayam kurvantu show! (lit. “do the acting”) vadantu say! rämakåñëaù Ramakrishna 3 (lit. “respect respect”) (lit. “than here also”) (ägacchati) (upaviçati) (of people to each other) (jïätavän) (vadati) A rajeNÔàsad> AMbefkr> räjendra-prasädaù Rajendraprasad A ambeòakaraù Ambedakara A sa ka ? zarda devI sä she (that) kä? Who? (fem. sing.) çäradä devé Sharada devi A tt! )lm! puStkm! k«:[)lkm! ikm! ? tat it (that) phalam fruit pustakam book kåñëaphalakam blackboard kim? what? (neut. sing.) @;> g[ez> lLbhad‚rzaSÇI eñaù he (this) gaëeçaù Ganesha A lal-bahädura-çästré Lal-bahaddur-shastri A @;a @tt! pu:pm! eñä she (this) etat it (this) puñpam flower @km! @km! vStu dzRyaim %Ärm! %pneÇm! k»tm! )enkm p[Rm! ekam ekam one by one vastu thing, object darçayämi (I) show uttaram answer upanetram eyeglases kaìkatam comb phenakam soap parëam leaf krdIp> c;k> "qI srSvtI karadépaù hand torch cañakaù glass, cup ghaöé clock, watch sarasvaté Sarasvati A yutkm! muom! xnm! k»[m! itlkm! krvôm! @tavt! pyRNtm! yutakam shirt mukham face dhanam money kaìkaëam bracelet tilakam face mark karavastram handkerchief etävat this much paryantam (pari-antam) till (now), until 4 (darçayati) zBdanam! k«tvNt> %pyaeg> AiSt naiSt jlm! leonI xnSyUt> buiÏ> çabdänäm of words (gen. pl.) kåtavantaù are made (kåtavän) upayogaù usage asti is nästi (na asti) is not jalam water lekhané pen dhanasyütaù wallet buddhiù intelligence AÇ tÇ k…Ç ? balg¼axritlk> AasNd> k{Qhar> atra here tatra there kutra? where? bälagaìgä-dhara-tilakaù Balaganga-dhara-tilaka A äsandaù chair kaëöhahäraù necklace jvinka vayu> svRÇ Égvan! àkaz> Aakaz> ANyÇ imÇm! vahnm! puÇI pit> soI pué;a> @kÇ %pivziNt mihla> javanikä curtain väyuù air, wind sarvatra everywhere bhagavän God prakäçaù light äkäçaù sky, space anyatra elsewhere mitram friend vähanam vehicle putré daughter patiù husband sakhé friend puruñäù men ekatra in one place upaviçanti sit mahiläù women suÉai;tm! saihTye intram! vEi;ò(m! suóu Éai;tm! vcnm! @v Apar> jIvnanuÉv> subhäñitam verse, saying sahitye in poetry nitaräm very much vaiñiñöyam speciality suñöhu bhäñitam well spoken vacanam speech eva only, certainly apäraù vast jévanänubhavaù experiences in life 5 (puruñaù) (sahityaù) iniht> z&{m> ïutvNt> tSy AwR> @vm! mnu:y> àyÆm! cet! ikm! Aip isXyit kevlm! #CDa> siNt kayRm! blvan! m&graj> twaip is<h> Aaharm! àaßaeit m&g> AagTy Svym! muoe n ptit ikiÂt! Aip nihitaù embeded çåëmaù we listen çrutavantaù have heard tasya his (of that, of him) arthaù meaning evam thus manuñyaù man prayatnam endeavor cet if kim api whatever sidhyati achieves kevalam only icchäù desires santi are käryam work balavän strong, powerful måga-räjaù the king of animals tathäpi despite that siàhaù lion ähäram eating, food präpnoti gets mågaù animal ägatya after coming svayam self mukhe in mouth na not patati falls kiïcit some, little api also kwa l"u ïv[en Éa;a_yas> zIºm! Évit savxanen @k> kak> t&i;t> b÷ ippasa jlm! kathä story laghu short, small çravaëena by hearing, listening bhäñäbhyäsaù the practice of language (bhäñä abhyäsaù) çéghram quickly bhavati (he) is sävadhänena (sa avadhänena) with attention ekaù one käkaù crow tåñitaù thirsty bahu pipäsä a lot of thirst jalam water 6 (çåëoti) (icchä) (tathä api) (“to be”, 3rd p. sing.) (sävadhänam) patVym! ANve;[< kraeit pZyit A¢e A¢e gCDit Ëre "qm! b÷sNtae;> smIpm! %pir ikNtu SvLpm! patum! z²aeit icNtyit buiÏman! izlao{fm! Aanyit pUryit pun> @vmv b÷varm! bih> ipbit AanNden AnNtrm! tt> Ërm! ctur> olu pätavyam should (must) be drank anveñaëam karoti searches paçyati looks agre agre forward, forward (further, further) gacchati goes düre far ghaöam clay pot, jar bahu-santoñaù very happy samépam close (to) upari on (top of) kintu but svalpam very little pätum to drink çaknoti can cintayati thinks buddhimän smart çiläkhaëòam stone änayati brings pürayati throws punaù again evam eva just so, in the same way bahu-väram many times bahiù out pibati drinks änandena with joy anantaram thereafter tataù from there düram far away caturaù smart khalu indeed, isn’t it 7 (lit. in far) Lesson 2 - vocabulary s<Sk«tÉa;aiz][e àaÝVy> pUvRtn paQe A* ANyen ³me[ ANye;am! ntRkI Aam! AiÉneÇI saàskåta-bhäñä-çikñaëe for the study of Sanskrit language präptavyaù was attained pürvatana previous päöhe in lesson adya today anyena krameëa by other ways (kramaù) anyeñäm of others (anyaù) nartaké dancer (fem.) äm yes abhinetré actress iz]k> DaÇ> Aixv´a g&ih[I izi]ka tÙ}> sEink> yuvk> çikñakaù teacher chätraù student adhivaktä lawyer gåhiëé housewife çikñikä teacher tantrajïaù engineer sainikaù soldier yuvakaù young man vaKyÖym! yaejiyTva AtIv suoen ywa ÉvNtu gaiyka vE*a bailka k«i;k> kmRkr> pack> väkya-dvayam pair of sentences yojayitvä after joining atéva (ati iva) very much, greatly, extremely sukhena with happiness yathä as bhavantu (you all) be! gäyikä singer vaidyä doctor bälikä girl kåñikaù farmer karmakaraù worker päcakaù cook va vE*> )enkm! Êó> s¾n> srlm! vä or vaidyaù doctor phenakam soap duñöaù bad man, miscreant sajjanaù good, holy man saralam easy 8 (päöhaù) mxurm! sTym! madhuram sweet satyam true, truth kSy tSya> kSya> @tSy @tSya> kasya whose (masc.) tasyäù (of) her (far) kasyäù whose (fem.) etasya his (of him) (near) etasyäù (of) her (near) naiska k[R> SyUt> ddatu k…iÂka devI AaÉU;[m! k{Qahar> näsikä nose karëaù ear syütaù bag dadätu give! kuïcikä key devé goddess äbhüñaëam ornament, piece of jewellery kaëöùähäraù necklace ïImdœ ÉgvÌIta kaVym! ïIÉagRvra"vIym! ASmakam! dezSy Éartm! saxu saxu êpai[ çrémad bhagavadgétä Shrimad Bhagavad-gita A kävyam (book of) poetry çré-bhärgava-räghavéyam Shri-bhargava-raghaviyam A asmäkäm our, of us deçasya of country bhäratam Bharata (India) sädhu sädhu good, good! (congratulations) rüpäëi forms leok> miNdrm! ngrm! sIta raxa piÇka g¼a ÉartI ndI raoI A»nI lekhakaù writer mandiram temple nagaram city sétä Sita A rädhä Radha A patrikä magazine gaìgä Ganga, river Ganges A bhäraté Bharati nadé river räkhé Rakhi aìkané pencil rämaù Rama A daçarathasya of Dasharatha A putraù son kåñëaù Krishna A ram> dzrwSy puÇ> k«:[> 9 (dadäti) (aham) (deçaù) A (rüpam) vsudev> pit> lúm[> éiKm{ya> devkI id‘I rajxnI lon^ %ÄràdezSy be¼lUé k[aRqkSy vasudevaù Vasudeva A patiù husband lakñmaëaù Lakshmana A rukmiëyäù of Rukmini A devaké Devaki A dillé Delhi A räjadhané capital lakhanaü Lucknow A uttara-pradeçasya of Uttar-pradesh A beìgalüru Bangalore A karëätakasya of Karnataka A vaLmIik> ramay[Sy Vyas> mhaÉartSy izvSy rav[Sy me"nad> lv> x&traò+Sy ÊyaeRxn> AjuRnSy AiÉmNyu> r"uv<zSy kaildas> h;RcirtSy ba[> %imRlaya> sTyÉamaya> pavRTya> mNdaedyaR> rav[> dmyNTya> nl> välmékiù Valmiki A rämäyaëasya of Ramayana A vyäsaù Vyasa A mahäbhäratasya of Mahabharata A çivasya of Shiva A rävaëasya of Ravana A meghanädaù Meghanada A lavaù Lava A dhåtaräñörasya of Dhritarashtra A duryodhanaù Duryodha A arjunasya of Arjuna A abhimanyuù Abhimanyu A raghuvaàçasya Raghuvamsha A kälidäsaù Kalidasa A harñacaritasya of Harsha-charita A bäëaù Bana A urmiläyäù of Urmila A satyabhämäyäù of Satyabhama A pärvatyäù of Parvati A mandodaryäù of Mandodari A rävaëaù Ravana A damayantyäù of Damayanti A nalaù Nala A gaNxI -mhaedySy ihlrI ABÊ‘a re[u AmInbI gändhé Gandhi A -mahodayasya of respected, mister, sir hilaré Hilari abdullä Abdula A A reëu aménabé Aminabi A 10 (mahodayaù) merI -mhaÉagSy -mhaeÉagaya> meré Meri A mahäbhägasya of respected, mister (mahäbhägaù) mahäbhägäyäù of respected, lady (mahäbhägä) yt! laeke iÖivxa> jna> kecn la"umnSka> mhaTmna> %darcirta> jgt! k…quMb> †ò(a sm¢> àpÂ> icNtnm! yat (that) which loke in the world dvividhäù two kinds janäù people kecana some laghu-manaskäù small minded mahätmanäù great souls udäracaritäù broad-minded jagat world kuöumbaù family dåñtyä by seeing samagraù entire prapaïcaù world cintanam thinking 11 (lokaù) (pl. kaçcana, kaù-cana) (dåñté) Lesson 3 – vocabulary oadit pQit iloit hsit ³Ifit SvIkraetu nytu maStu k«pya s'œOya> v´Vya> janIm> khädati eats paöhati reads likhati writes, draws hasati laughs kréòati plays svékarotu here you are! (svékaroti) nayatu take! (nayati) mästu (mä astu) no! don’t! kåpayä please saìkhyäù numbers (saìkhyaù) vaktavyäù should be said (vaktavyaù) jänémaù we know (jänati) @km! Öe ÇIi[ cTvair p ;qœ sÝ Aò nv dz @kadz Öadz iv<zit> iÇ<zt! cTvair<zt! pÂazt! ;iò> sÝit> AzIit> nvit> ztm! ekam one dve two tréëi three catväri four païca five ñaö six sapta seven añöa eight nava nine daça ten ekädaça eleven dvädaça twelve viàçatiù twenty triàçat thirty catväriàçat fourty païcäçat fifty ñañöiù sixty saptatiù seventy açétiù eighty navatiù ninety çatam hundred xNyvad> smy> pÂvadnm ;fœvadnm! dhanyavädaù thank you samayaù time païca-vädanam five o’clock ñaò-vädanam six o’clock 12 k> smy> ? kaù samayaù? spad-@kadzvadnm! sapäda-ekädaça-vädanam saxRsÝvadnm! särdha-sapta-vädanam padaen-@kadzvadnm! pädona-ekädaça-vädanam vatsa! vTs ! @kvadnm! eka-vädanam dvi-vädanam iÖvadnm! tri-vädanam iÇvadnm! catur-vädanam ctuvaRdnm! yid sNtuòa> àai[n> At> v´…m! daÄVym! iàyvaKykwne dirÔm! k…t> What is the time? quarter past eleven o’clock half past seven o’clock quarter to eleven o’clock boy! one o’clock two o’clock three o’clock four o’clock yadi if santuñöäù satisfied präëinaù animals, living beings ataù thus, therefore vaktum to say dättavyam should be given priya-väkya-kathane in pleasent speach daridram poverty kutaù from where kaizngre käçi-nagare mhan! mahän pi{ft> paëòitaù AasIt! äsét b÷;u bahuñu zaôe;u çästreñu par¼t> päraìgataù smIpe samépe AXyynm! k…vRiNt Sm adhyayanaà kurvanti sma Oyait> khyätiù às&t> AasIt! prasåtaù äsét ËrËrt> düra-dürataù ekadä @kda iz:y> çiñyaù Aagtvan! ägatavän guroù gurae> nmSkarm! namaskäram k«Tva kåtvä påñöavän p&òvan! bhoù Éae> (vatsaù) (santuñöaù) in the city of Kashi A great, strong (mahat) scholar was in many (bahu) in scriptures (çästram) has studied near (in vicinity) (samépam) they were studying (sma forms past tense) fame wide-spread from far, far away once disciple came of guru (guruù) obeisances after doing asked "sir", "madam" (an interjection or voc. particle commonly used in addressing another person or several persons = O! Ho! Hallo!) Axenm! adhenam study 13 ktuRm! #CDaim mam! iz:yTven %´van! buiÏprI]am! tan! àZnm! dev> tda svRVyapI àîêpe[ ïuTva jat> h;eR[ tm! Aaili¼tvan! iníyen A¼Ik«tvan! %i;Tva iv*a_yasm! AaizvaRdm! àaÝvan! ikl }at> kartum to do icchämi I wish, desire mäm me çiñyatvena with “discipleship” uktavän he spoke buddhi-parékñäm test of intelligence (parékñä) tän them (saù) praçnam question devaù God tadä then sarva-vyäpi allpervading praçna-rüpeëa in form of question çrutvä after hearing jätaù became, turned harñeëa with happiness tam him aliìgitavän embraced niçcayena by resolution, determination aìgékåtavän embraced uñitvä after residing, staying vidyäbhyäsam lit. practice of knowledge açirvädam blessing präptavän he received kila isn't is so? jïätaù was known 14 (icchati) (harñaù) (saù) Lesson 4 – vocabulary s<Sk«ts<Éa;[Sy maNye AavZykm! k)I caym! ikiÂt! pyaRÝm! cakleh> AavZyk> imóaNnm! mxurm! iz][m! vôm! tafnm! kaelahl> Öe;> saàskåta-saàbhäñaëasya of the Sanskrit conversation mänye respected (lady), madam ävaçyakam it's needed, there is need kaphé koffee cäyam tee kiïcit little, some paryäptam enough cäkalehaù chocolate ävaçyakaù needed, necessary miñöhännam sweet dish madhuram sweet dish çikñaëam study vastram clothes täòanam beating kolähalaù noise, clamour dveñaù jealousy yutkm! Astu kez> Awva %dahr[m! b÷vcnSy dNtkUcR> balka> v&]> isKwvitRka peiqka %TpIiQka kªpI yutakam shirt astu all right! (let it) be! keçaù hair athavä or udäharaëam example bahu-vacanasya of plural dantakürcaù toothbrush bälakäù boys våkñaù tree sikthavartikä candle peöikä box utpéöhikä table küpé bottle s¼[km! cms> @kvcne pirvtRnm! gayk> Aap[> saìgaëakam computer camasaù spoon eka-vacane in singular parivartanam change gäyakaù singer äpaëaù shop @kvcnvaKym! ekavacana-väkyam sentence in singular 15 (mänyä) (masc. sing.) (bahu-vacanam) (bälakäù) (eka-vacanam) b÷vcnêpm! vaKySy pirvtRyiNt te ke ? hStm! ta> ka> ? icÇm! tain icÇai[ kain ? @te @ta> @tain bahuvacana-rüpam plural form väkyasya of sentence parivartayanti (you all) change te they ke? who, which? (masc. pl.) (kaù?) hastam hand (hastaù) täù they (sä) käù? who, which? (fem. pl.) (kä?) citram picture täni those, which (neut. pl.) (tat) citräëi pictures käni? what, which? (neut. pl) (kim?) ete these (masc. pl.) etäù these (fem. pl.) etäni these (neut. pl.) ÉartIya> dezÉ´a> raò+É´> muoR> bhäratéyaù Indian (of Indian nationality) deça-bhaktaù patriot räñöra-bhaktaù patriot murkhaù stupid, fool vnraj> àisx> kae=ip n AiÉ;ekm! s<Skarm! SvsamWyeRn SvàyÆen vnSy AaixpTym! SvmWyRvan! ATyuNntm! pdm! àaÝum! vanaräjaù king of animals prasidhaù famous ko ‘pi na (kaù api na) nothing, nobody, not at all abhiñekam ceremonial bathing saàskäram sacred, purifying ceremony sva-sämarthyena by his own ability sva-prayatnena by his endeavor vanasya of forrest ädhipatyam rulership sämarthyavän posssesing ability, power atyunnatam very high, the highest padam abode, goal präptum to achieve, get Aitsrlam! rMyam! v&Ï> b÷inZa´> zi´> jI[Rm! zrIrm! ciltum! atisaraläm very simple ramyäm nice våddhaù old man bahu-niçaktaù very weak çaktiù strength, ability jérëam old, worn out çaréram body calitum to walk 16 (väkyam) (parivartayati) (saù) (eñaù) (eñä) (etat) (prayatnam) (ati unnatam) buÉui]t> æm[m! kraeit oaidtum! l_yte inZyt> %Út> Aaraeh[m! vanra> %paym! izlaoNdm! i]pit k…ipt> Ax> sNtae;e[ bubhukñitaù hungry bhramaëaà karoti he wanders khäditum to eat labhyate obtain niçyataù down unnataù tall ärohaëam climbing vänaräù monkeys upäyam trick çiläkhandam stone kñipati throws kupitaù angry adhaù down santoñeëa with pleasure 17 (vänaraù) (santoñaù) Lesson 5 – vocabulary AarMÉe kayRktaR àawRna n&Tytu kit ? g[ytu pa{fva> kaErva> v;eR masa> idnain p]e %dhr[m! dNta> ärambhe in the begining käryakartä volounteer, activist prärthanä imperative form (request, prayer) nåtyatu dance! kati? how many? gaëayatu count! päëòaväù Pandavas A kauraväù Kauravas A varñe in year mäsäù months dinäni days (dinam) pakñe in forthnight (pakñaù) udaharaëam example, exercise dantäù teeth d{f> SyUt> kae;> vataR Swailka A¼‚lIykm! A¼‚Lyam! daëòaù stick syütaù bag koñaù pocket värtä news sthälikä (small) plate aìguléyakam ring aìgulyäm on the finger pÇm! ivÄkae;> iv*aly> ihmaly> magR> siÂka patram (a sheet of) paper, leaf, letter vittakoñaù bank vidyälayaù school himälayaù Himalaya märgaù road, street saïcikä file g&hm! ¢ame vaiqkayam! zalayam! msI mIn> zBdÖym! imilTva @kkvaKym! gåham house gräme in village (grämaù) väöikäyäm in garden (väöikä) çäläyäm in school (çälä) masé ink ménaù fish çabda-dvayam two words (a pair of words) militvä after meeting eka-eka-väkyam one sentence each 18 (ärambhaù) (nåtyati) (gaëayati) (varñaù) (mäsaù) (dantaù) (aìgulé) kwyiNt gaepal> devaly> Éartdeze k[aRqkàdeze pÂm-muOymgeR dzm-%pmgeR iÇtIya Évne sarnaw> ibhare Ahae ! kathayanti talk, say gopälaù cowherd devälayaù temple bhärata-deçe in the country of India karëäöaka-pradeçe in Karnataka state A païcama-mukhya-märge on the fifth main street daçama-upamärge on the tenth side street tritéyä third bhavane in building säranäthaù Saranatha bihäre in Bihar aho! oh! kda ? zBdm! %pyuJy dNtxavn< kraeit yaegasnm! pUjam! %pahrm! idncrI õan< kraeit pU[RvaKym! ALpahrm! kadä? when? çabdam sound, word upayujya after using, connecting danta-dhävanaà karoti (he) brushes his teeth yogäsanam yoga postures, yoga exercise püjäm puja (worship) upäharam breakfast dinacaré daily schedule snänaà karoti takes a bath pürëa-väkyam ful sentence alpäharam breakfast ïutSy mhapué;a> ceta<is mna<is kdaict! suÉai;tkar> }atum! çrutasya of the heard mahä-puruñäù great personalities (mahä-puruñaù) cetäàsi the minds (cetaù, cetas) manäàsi the minds (manaù, manas) kadäcit sometimes subhäñita-käraù writer of the subhashitam jïätum to know g¼tIre saxu> svRda praepkarm! dyalu> y> shaYym! õanawRm! Avtrit v&iík> gaìga-tére on the bank of Ganga sädhuù holy man sarvadä always paropakäram (para upakäram) (bhavanam) benevolence, activities for welfare of others dayäluù kind, merciful yaù who, which sahäyyam help snänärtham for bathing avatarati he descends, goes down våçcikaù scorpion 19 (kathayati) àvah> SvÉav> d<znm! ÊòSvÉav> r][Iy> g&Ÿait b÷varm! dzit Tyjit sMyk! tqm! Aanetum! ndItqm! pZyn! ikmwRm! ? r]it ]uÔ> jNtu> SvSvÉavm! twa kI†z> pravähaù current, flow svabhävaù own nature daàçanam biting, stinging duñöa-svabhävaù bad nature rakñaëéyaù should be protected gåhëäti takes up, grabs, embraces bahu-väram many times daçati stings tyajati lets go, abandons samyak good taöam (river) bank, shore änetum to bring nadé-taöam river bank, shore paçyan while observing kim artham? what for, why rakñati saves, protects kñudraù mean, vile jantuù creature sva-svabhävam his own nature tathä so, thus kédåçaù what kind of 20 Lesson 6 – vocabulary Éanuvasr> saemvasr> m¼lvasr> buxvasr> guévasr> zu³vasr> zinvasr> bhänu-väsaraù Sunday (Sun) soma-väsaraù Monday (Moon) maìgala-väsaraù Tuesday (Mars) budha-väsaraù Wednesday (Mercur) guru-väsaraù Thursday (Jupiter) çukra-väsaraù Friday (Venus) çani-väsaraù Saturday (Saturn) A* ñ> prñ> àprñ> ý> prý> àprý> adya today çvaù tomorrow paraçvaù after tomorrow praparaçvaù the day after after-tomorrow hyaù yesterday parahyaù before yesterday praparahyaù the day before before-yesterday pÂ-Aixk-;fœvadnm! païca-adhika-ñaò-vädanam five minutes past six pÂ-%n-sÝvadnm! païca-una-sapta-vädanam five minutes to seven àat>kle imlam> suàÉatm! rÇaE zuÉraiÇ> ANysmye nmSkar> àat> say»ale ANyaiSmn! nmSte ]Mytam! k][m! hir> Aaem! k…zlm! yda Ërva[I Swane prätaù-kale in the morning milämaù we meet suprabhätam good morning! ratrau in the night çubha-rätriù good evening! anya-samaye in some other time namaskäraù Good day! Respects! prätaù morning säyaì-käle in the evening (-kälaù) anyasmin in another (anyaù) namaste Hello! Good day! kñamyatäm excuse me kakñaëam one minute hariù om! Hello! kuçalam good, auspicious yadä when düraväëé telephone sthäne instead, in place of Swapyaim sthäpayämi (I) put down, place 21 (milati) (ratriù) (fem.) (sthäpayati) Aapi[k> nayk> äpaëikaù shop keeper, salesman näyakaù hero, leader vataRpiÇkam! suNdrka{fm! muMbEngrm! itépiwm! Ar{ym! SvgRm! purIm! clnicÇmiNdrm! #NÔlaekm! patalm! ivdezm! mata yanm! värtä-patrikäm newspaper sundara- käëòam sundara-kandam chapter of Ramayana A mumbai-nagaram to city of Mumbai A tirupathim to Tirupathi A araëyam to forrest svargam to heaven purém to Puri A calana-citra-mandiram to the cinema indra-lokam to Indraloka (heaven) pätälam to Patala (hell) videçam abroad mätä mother yänam vehicle danm! kr[Iym! mhadanm! prNtu buÉu]a tavt! itóit AxRidnm! jIvm! dänam donation, giving karaëéyam should be done mahä-dänam the greatest donation parantu but bubhukñä hunger tävat that much tiñöhati stays ardha-dinam half a day jévam life mahäräjaù great king pälayati sma ruled räjä king amätyaù minister, advisor, counselor candraguptasya of Chandragupta A cäëakyaù Chanakya A niùspåhaù dettached, desireless ca and äçä desire, hankering yadyäpi (yadi api) although sarala-jévanam simple life yäpayati sma was leading sämänya-jévanam ordinary life ähvayati calls prajäbhyaù to people, subjects (of the King) (prajä) dätum to give mharaj> palyit Sm raja AmaTy> cNÔguÝSy ca[Ky> in>Sp&h> c Aaza y*ip srljIvnm! yapyit Sm samaNyjIvnm! Aaþyit àja_y> datum! 22 (svargaù) (videçaù) (nom. sing. of räjän) kMblan! ivÄr[m! vStut> k…qIre vas< kraeit nITva raiz> zETykal> zyn< k«tvan! b÷zETym! kMpte Sm ivna caer> mhaxink> ASy xnain caeryam> inÔa< kraeit pañeR x&tvan! @tyae> AaíyRm! AÉvt! twEv suÝvan! pÆI ANt> gTva %Twapyit %Tway mhazy ! k…tUhlen mdwRm! dÄvan! #t> prm! caEyRkayRm! skazat! izi]tvNtaE Ty®va l¾a ]mam! yact> kambalän blankets vitaraëam pass on, grant vastutaù actually, truely kuöére in a hut väsaà karoti he lives nétvä after taking räçiù pile çaitya-kälaù cold season, winter çayanaà kåtavän he lay down bahu-çaityam very cold kampate sma he was shaking vinä without coraù thief mahä-dhanikaù very rich man asya his, of him dhanäni riches corayämaù we still nédräà karoti he is sleeping pärçve besides dhåtavän wore, used for covering etayoù of the two of them äçcaryam surprise, wonder abhavat was tathaiva also, although, like that (tatha eva) suptavän slept patné wife antaù in, inside gatvä after going utthäpayati gets up, wakes up utthäya after getting up mahäçaya ! sir! respected! kutühalena with curiosity mad artham for me, for my sake dattavän has given itaù param from now on, from here on caurya-käryam theft, stealing sakäçät from the presence of çikñitavantau the two (of us) have learned tyaktvä after abandoning, leaving lajjä shame kñamäm forgiveness yäcataù the two (of us) begged 23 (kambalaù) (kuöéram) (eñaù) (kutühalam) Lesson 7 – vocabulary Smr[m! neÇm! àawRnm! smaraëam remembering netram eye prärthanam request XvinmuiÔka saNÔmuiÔka #TyweR ktRrI p*m! smacarpÇm! paQ(puStkm! b&hÖaKym! dhvani-mudrikä cassette sändra-mudrikä CD-rom ity arthe (iti arthe) in the meaning, it means kartaré scissors padyam poetry samäcära-patram newspaper päöhya-pustakam text book båhad-väkyam big, long sentence AÚm! paysm! Aaè)lm! maedkm! pyaeihmm! annam rice päyasam sweet milk dish ämraphalam mango modakam sweet dish payohimam ice cream Aitiw> tya sh Anuj> panIym! s»aec> %:[m! zkRra AavZykI ivze;> pUja hae ? ÉignI kiSmn! punrœ imlam> †òvNt> atithiù guest tayä with her saha with anujaù younger brother pänéyam a drink, something to drink saìkocaù shyness uñëam hot çarkarä sugar ävaçyaké needed (fem.) viçeñaù subject matter, news püjä worship ceremony ho? oh? bhaginé lit. sister, miss., mrs. respectful address kasmin in whose (kaù) punar milämaù See you! Good bye! (Let us meet again!) dåñöavantaù we have seen g[Öym! g[> g&hSw> gaëa-dvayam two groups gaëaù group gåhasthaù householder 24 (sä) Öyae> %½ri[ym! ipta kayaRlym! prI]a smÝa ivSm&tvan! )lrsm! kalm! dvayoù of the two uccaraëéyam should be uttered, repeated pitä father käryälayam office parékñä exam samaptä finished (fem.) vismåtavän forgot phalarasam fruit juice kälam time purt> p&ót> di][t> vamt> vdeyu> AarMÉ< kraetu Aakz> %pir ÉUim> Ax> purataù in front of påñöhataù behind dakñiëataù right vämataù left vadeyuù they should say ärambhaà karotu you begin äkaçaù sky upari above bhümiù earth adhaù below, down iv;ye äüsUÇm! paQyaim Anusr viñaye subject, matter (nom. sing. of pitå) (kälaù) brahmasütram Brahmasutra päöhayämi I teach anusara you follow! %pkarm! Apkarm! ye te;am! saxuTvm! upakäram good actions apakäram bad actions ye which (masc. pl.) teñäm of them sädhutvam goodness suNdrm! sevka> k«i;ÉUim> NyUnta nam inÔa Svg&he %pivòvan! icNtn< k…vRn! tiSmn!! Aagta sundaram beautiful sevakäù servants kåñi-bhümiù farmland nyünatä shortcoming, lack näma indeed nidrä sleep svagåhe in his house upaviñöavän sat down cintanaà kurvan while thinking tasmin in that ägatä came 25 (viñayaù) A (2nd pers. sing. imper.) (yaù) (saù) (saù) mhtI icNta %TpNna gayit icNtiyTva Xvinm! Anusrn! A¢e inxRn> iÉiÄm! AalMBy %½E> gayn! †:yte †:Tva @tavta AanNden kar[m! àk«itm! zaeÉte vsNtkal> ivksiNt æmra> sÂarm! †Zyte ANyt! Ê>om! AnuÉvit suovan! rhSym! }anaedy> mahaté great cintä anxious thought utpannä risen, arose, came forth gäyati sings cintayitvä after thinking dhvanim sound, tune anusaran while following agre further nirdhanaù poor man bhittim wall älambya after leaning, supporting uccaiù loud gäyan while singing dåñyate reflected, was to be seen dåñtvä after seeing etävatä with this much, with such änandena with bliss käraëam cause prakåtim nature çobhate is decorated, beautiful vasanta-kälaù spring time vikasanti bloom, flourish bhramaräù bees saïcäram roaming here and there dåçyate is seen anyat another (neut.) duùkham unhapiness anubhavati experiences sukhavän happy rahasyam joy, happiness jïänodayaù enlightened 26 (fem. sing. of mahat) Lesson 8 – vocabulary #TyadInam! @kvarm! zkq> vsitmiNdrm! k…Š…r> ityädénäm etc. (of the following) eka-väram once çakaöaù cart vasati-mandiram hostel kukkuraù dog àeš;ytu icÇmiNdrm! ¢Nwaly> cNÔlaek> pu<il¼zBde npu<skil¼zBde preñayatu send! citra-mandiram cinema granthälayaù library candra-lokaù Moon planet puàliìga-çabde in the masculine word napuàsakaliìga-çabde in the neuter word %*ant> %½E> znE> ïavyaim É;it gjRit reLyanm! izzu> raedn< kraeit zI¢m! mNdm! udyänataù from the garden, park uccaiù loudly çanaiù quietly çrävayämi let listen (lit. cause to listen) bhañati barks garjati roars relyänam train çiçuù child rodanaà karoti cries çéghram quickly mandam slowly ³Ifam! suxao{fm! tSyE datVym! tSmE smapyit jy> dansmye v´Vym! ɶ> Évet! kréòäm game (kréòä) sudhäkhaëòam chalk (sudhäkhaëòaù) tasyai to her (sä) dätavyam it should be given tasmai to him samäpayati finishes jayaù victory däna-samaye in the time of giving vaktavyam should be said bhagnaù broken bhavet should become kezala»ar> Éaejnm! keçäläìkäraù hairstyle bhojanam meal 27 (iti ädi) (preñayati) (udyänam) (çrävayati) (saù) ÉaejnanNtrm! raeiqkam! lfœfukm! maedkm! sarm! Kveiwtm! lv[m! t³m! bhojanänantaram after the meal roöikäm roti bread laòòukam a sweet dish modakam a sweet dish säram soup kvathitam stew (sambar) lavaëam salt takram butter milk #Tyu´e kóm! Aatpe jnanam! Dayam! kLpyiNt prawaRy st!-pué;a> sMpadyiNt inimÄm! smj ity ukte (iti ukte) it is said so kañöham difficult ätape in the head janänäm of people chäyäm shadow kalpayanti they consider parärthäya for (sake of) others sat-puruñäù holy men sampädayanti carry out, accomplish nimittam cause samaja society savaxnen ivÖan! Aneke;u inîat> àitidnm! AXyynm! AXyapnm! paQnm! paQawRm! mhtI àIit> @kiSmn! idne Vyakr[m! Nyayzaôm! AkSmat! Jvr> AaE;xm! AanItvan! àyaejnm! raiÇsmye m&t> AÉvt! mhat! sävädhanena with attention vidvän learned man anekeñu in many niçnätaù expert pratidinam every day adhyayanam self-study adhyäpanam teaching päöhanam study päöhärtham to study mahaté prétiù great affection ekasmin dine on one day vyäkaraëam grammar nyäya-çästram logic akasmät sudenly jvaraù fever auñadham medicine änétavän he brought prayojanam purpose, cause, use rätri-samaye in the evening time måtaù abhavat he died mahat very 28 (ätapaù) (chäyä) (kalpayati) shjm! sahajam yain yäni kr[Iyain karaëiyäni invsiNt nivasanti Anu][m! anukñaëam SvSwane svasthäne paQyit päöhayati @k"{qapyRNtm! eka-ghaëöä-paryantam s<zy> saàçayaù pUvRidne pürva-dine àv&Äm! pravåttam ASman! asmän @tavNt> etävantaù VywR> vyarthaù xmR> dharmaù etadåçäù @t†za> Aasn! äsan ATyNt-kò-piriSwtaE atyanta-kañöa-paristhitau SvkIym! svakéyam yaiptvNt> yäpitavantaù naturally which (neut. pl.) (yat) what are to be done they live immediately on his place teaches till one hour passed doubt the day before happened us such, this much (aham) (etävat, adj.) waste dharma, duty such were even in the most difficult circumstances own continued, lived on 29 (lit. spent time) Lesson 9 – vocabulary hadRm! ¢Nwm! iv}anm! km! ba[icûm! yÇ Aanyaim ivp[It> àvhit m&galym! àvasm! härdam heartly grantham book vijïänam science kam whom bäëa-cihnam arrow yatra where, wherever änayämi I bring vipaëitaù from the market pravahati flows mågälayam to the ZOO praväsam travel }anawRm! ippasa invr[awRm! AanNdawRm! n&Tym! zNTywRm! gayaim paQnawRm! AaE;xawRm! AaE;xalym! XyanawRm! ËrdzRnm! icikTsalym! ÉaejnawRm! %paharmiNdrm! jïänärtham for knowledge pipäsä thirst nivaraëärtham for quenching änandärtham for pleasure nåtyam dance çantyartham for peacefulness gäyämi I sing päöhanärtham for study auñadhärtham for medicine auñadhälayam to the hospital dhyänärtham for meditation düradarçanam television cikitsälayam to the hospital bhojanärtham for meal upähära-mandiram restaurant naqkm! tafyaim àTy]> iv*am! twa Astu näöakam theatre play, drama täòayämi I beat pratyakñaù visible vidyäm knowledge tathä astu so be it @eñyRm! sm&iÏm! AiÉv&iÏm! sMpdm! dae;an! aiçvaryam oppulence samåddhim fortune abhivåddhim prosperity sampadam success doñän mistakes 30 (kaù) (vipaëiù) (mågälayaù) (vidyä) (doñaù) ËrI k…yaRt! ke @te ? kr[Iya tNÔa Éym! AvSwayam! ³aex> kaep> AavZykta dzRnIy> AalSym! tu iv*aiwRn> jIvne svRiSmn! ]ne Asmasu kdaip n dI"RsUÇta ivlMb> A*tnkayRm! düré kuryät is to be kept far away, given up ke ete? which are these? karaëéyä should be done tandrä laziness bhayam fear avasthäyäm positioned, posture krodhaù anger kopaù rage ävaçyakatä necessity darçanéyaù should be shown älasyam idleness tu but vidyärthinaù learners jévane in life sarvasmin kñane in every moment asmäsu in our (aham) kadäpi na never (kadä api na) dérgha-sütratä procrastrination vilambaù delaying adyatana-käryam todays work Aaïm> xaEMy> mhi;R> paQyit Sm b÷izZya> v&ió> ]eÇm! jlàvah> Aaþyit k«i;]eÇm! jlbNx> nò> Syat! invarytu m&iÄkam! Aixk> #it kar[t> SvSy Svizr> smIkr[m! smyanNtrm! Aagt> äçramaù ashram dhaumyaù Dhaumya A maharñiù great sage päöhayati sma was teaching bahu-çiçyäù many disciples våñöhiù rain kñetram field jala-pravähaù flood, flow of water ähvayati calls kåñi-kñetram field jala-bandhaù dam nañöaù syät might be destroyed nivärayatu correct, remove the fault måttikäm soil adhikaù great iti käraëataù due to the cause svasya his svaçiraù his body samékaraëam correction samayänantaram time later ägataù come back 31 (måttikä) zEnm! AanNd> Aail¼it smIk«Ty pirpaln< k«tvn! ktRVym! smaiptvan! Aprm! ktRVya prta çayanam lying down änandaù bliss, joy, happiness äliìgati embraces samékåtya after repairing paripälanaà kåtavan he followed kartavyam should be done samäpitavän completed aparam other kartavyä duty consciousness paratä supreme 32 Lesson 10 – vocabulary àîawRka> ikmwRm! d{fdIp> AixkarI suyaeRdy> sUyaRSt> n&Tya_yasm! bNxu> àkz> iz][m! AaraeGym! SvaSWym! pakzalam! vsit pak< kraeit inÔa< kraeim àclit mEsUéngre praçnärthakäù interrogatives kim artham what for, why daëòadépaù tube bulb adhikäré officer (authority, superintendant) suryodayaù sunrise süryästaù sunset nåtyäbhyäsam dancing exercises bandhuù friend prakaçaù light çikñaëam lesson, the act of teaching, instruction ärogyam health svästhyam health päkaçäläm kitchen vasati lives päkaà karoti he cooks nidräà karomi I sleep pracalati proceed maisüru-nagare in the city of Mysore A gtvan! piQtvan! iliotvan! k«tvan! pItvtI iliotvtI gtvtI AagtvtI piQtvtI ³Iiftvan! ³IiftvtI %´van! %´vtI Swaiptvan! SwaiptvtI Xyanm! gatavän I, he went paöhitavän he read likhitavän he wrote kåtavän he did pétavaté she drank likhitavaté she wrote gatavaté she went ägatavaté she came paöhitavaté she read kréòitavän he played kréòitavaté she played uktavän he said uktavaté she said sthäpitavän he placed sthäpitavaté she placed dhyänam meditation kiít! caEyRm! gim:yaim kaçcit someone cauryam theft gamiñyämi I will go 33 (päkaçälä) piQ:yaim paSyaim ³Iif:yaim vid:yaim leio:yaim Ôúyaim kir:yiNt ]Irm! }aSyaim ne:yaim paöhiñyämi I will study, read päsyämi I will drink kréòiñyämi I will play vadiñyämi I will say lekhiñyämi I will write drakñyämi I will watch kariñyanti they will do (pl.) kñéram milk jïäsyämi I will know neñyämi I will take sMbaexnm! yaejyNtu sambodhanam vocative yojayantu join! gte zaekm! k…vIRta gtiv;ye àv&Ttiv;ye Éiv:y ÔòVy> Svß> Éute vtRmankale Vyvhr[Iym! SwatVym! ivc][a> gate in past, in that, which has passed çokam sadness kurvétä should do gata-viñaye in the matter of the past pravåtta-viñaye in the matters that had passed bhaviñye in the future drañöavyaù should be seen svapnaù dreams bhute in the past vartamäna-käle in the present vyavaharaëéyam should be acted, performed, conducted sthätavyam should stand vicakñaëäù the learned, intelligent, proficient, skilful men kaict! v&Ïa cTvar> zura> mt&ÉUim> ïavyit Sm rò+iv;ye b÷ïÏanv> zÇU[am! A³m[m! @kEk> yuÏawRm! àwmpuÇm! itlkm! xaryit käcit some våddhä old woman catväraù four çuräù brave men matå-bhümiù motherland çrävayati sma told rañöra-viñaye in the matter of country bahu-çraddhänavaù very faitful (pl.) çatrüëäm of enemies äkramaëam aggression, attack ekaikaù (eka-ekaù) one from each, one by one yuddhärtham for fighting, to fight prathama-putram first son tilakam mark dhärayati put on, cause to wear 34 (3rd p. sing.) zaEyeRn yuÏm! vIrSvagRm! iÖtIypuÇm! iÇtIypuÇm! àITya r][m! ÉIkrm! ¢amSta> r[r¼I ctuw¡ puÇm! AiNtmasmye r][awRm! ktRVypalnawRm! ma vIritlkm! ivxeym! àaPy matu> AïUi[ AixkarI àe;iytum! pÂm> bildnm! suri]t> çauryena bravely yuddham fight, war, battle véra-svärgam paradise of heroes dvitéya-putram second son tritéya-putram third son prétyä with affection, love rakñaëam protection bhékaram bravely, ferociously, causing fear (adj.) grämastäù inhabitants of the vilage raëaraìgé on the battlefiled caturthaà putram fourth son antimä-samaye in the last hour rakñaëärtham for protection kartavya-pälanärtham ??? for protection mä no (emphasized) – don't! véra-tilakam heroic mark vidheyam duty präpya after attaining mätuù mother's, of mother açrüëi tears adhikäré the elder preñayitum to send païcamaù fifth balidanam offering, sacrifice surakñitaù protected 35 (gen. sing. mätä) Lesson 11 – vocabulary ´vtuàTyayaNtanam! àaÝvNt> àit yaega_yasm! Aals> Sm&tvan! ôIil¼e ktavatu-pratyäyäntänäm the words ending with the ending “-vat” präptavantaù (they) got, attained prati towards yogäbhyäsam the practice of yoga älasaù an idle, lazy person småtavän he remembered stré-liìge in feminine (gender) gItvtI leioka nqI gétavaté sang (fem. sing.) lekhikä writer (fem.) naöé dancer (fem.) AyR æata ke ke A¢j> A¢ja iptamh> matamhI iptamhI Anuja ikm! ikm! kdlI)lm! arya respected teacher (voc.) bhrätä brother (m. sing. nom.) ke ke who among all (kaù kaù) agrajaù elder brother agrajä elder sister pitämahaù grandfather (father’s father) mätämahé grandmother (mother’s mother) pitämahé grandmother (father’s mother) anujä younger sister kim kim what of the various things kadalé-phalam banana kam! kam! kÚdÉa;am! ihiNdÉa;am! ANGlÉa;am! #it ïv[m! ³Ifnm! paQnm! g*m! nmaim ceÚEngrm! %¾Einngrm! †òvan! k…bilngrm! xgvrngrm! käm käm to whom among all kannada-bhäñäm Kannada (the official language in Karnataka – India) hindi-bhäñäm Hindi angla-bhäñäm English iti thus çravaëam listening kréòanam playing päöhanam studying gadyam prose namämi I respect, I pay obeisances, homage cennai-nagaram Chennai A ujjaini-nagaram Ujjaini A dåñöavän (I, he, she) saw kubali-nagaram??? dhagavara-nagaram??? 36 (fem. sing. acc.) kaeLktngrm! kolkata-nagaram Kolkata A At> #Nxnm! clit iv}anI s<zaexnm! pirïmm! A»an! mým! Aasi´> }anm! s<padyaim @tdœ ANym! éG[> pUryiNt bir??? gItam! mÙI kyaR³m> jnsMmdR> Aar]k> isÏ> ANya ka sÉa¼are dEvÉ´m!??? Aixkm! %Tsv> %Tsuka> nvvôm! xriNt pcit pUjyaim ataù thus, so indhanam fuel calati goes vijïäné knowledgable (clever) person saàçodhanam correction pariçramam endeavor aìkän marks mahyam to me äsaktiù diligence (devotedness) jïänam knowledge saàpädayämi accomplish etad this anyam another rugëaù ill pürayanti finish na[km! @v dezsevm! Aa}am! palyaim iv*akle prI]akale (acc. sing.) bari??? gétäm song (acc. sing. fem.) mantré minister karyäkramaù function, programme, festival jana-sammardaù gathering of people ärakñakaù policeman siddhaù promoted, perfected anyä kä who else, which else sabhäìgäre in the auditorium daiva-bhaktam??? devoted to God adhikam a lot utsavaù festival utsukäù restless, anxious nava-vastram new clothing dharanti (they) wear, dress pacati cooks püjayämi I worship näëakam coin eva only deça-sevam patriotic activity äjïäm commands pälayämi I observe, protect, follow vidyä-kale in the time of learning??? parékñä-käle in the time of the exam 37 (fem. sing.) mXyaûe madhyähne at noon k…Çaip n kuträpi na nowhere ïutvan! nUtnm! saxytu ivnZytu çrutavän heard nütanam new sädhayatu heed vinaçyatu perish àdzRyaim †òœva zrIrma*m! xmRsaxnm! jE jvan! iksan! shsa ivdxIt i³yam! Éariv> pirÇa[ay saxUnam! ivnazay Ê:k«tam! xmRs<SwapnawaRy sMÉvaim yuge yuge pradarçayämi I show dåñövä after seeing çaréra-mädyam through the body dharma-sädhanam religious duties jai victory javän soldier kisän farmer sahasä rashly, without thinking vidadhéta may, should perform, do kriyäm must do bhäraviù Bharavi A pariträëäya for the protection sädhünäm of the good vinäçäya for the destruction duñkåtäm of evil-doers dharma-saàsthäpanärthäya for reastablishment of dharma sambhavämi I appear, am born yuge yuge from age to age g&hkayRm! zuÉm! ÉUyat! gåha-käryam homework çubham good, beautiful bhüyät should,must be %ÄmkayRktaR Vyvharm! Éiv:yTkale gu[a> Avgu[a> siÚihtm! Anu][m! in[Rym! izòm! uttama-kärya-kartä very good worker vyavahäram bussiness bhaviñyat-käle in the future guëäù virtues avaguëäù vices sannihitam (placed) near anukñaëam momentarily nirëayam decission çiñöam remaining 38 (3rd pers. sing.) Lesson 12 – vocabulary SvraJym! jNmisÏ> Aixkar> @ka¢tya Öarm! ipdxatu Jvalytu %dhr[awRm! Aàyaejk> kóm! vd izZym! xEyRm! saxnm Jyeóa> ïaNta %pin;dœ cr k«yazIl> padm! à]alytu svaräjyam independece janma-siddhaù adhikäraù ones birthright??? ekägratayä with (one pointed) concentration dväram door pidadhätu shut! jvälayatu light! udaharaëärthaà for practice aprayojakaù good for nothing kañöùam difficult vada Speak! (verb. 2nd p. sing. imp.) çiçyam pupil (çiçyaù) dhairyam courage (patience, fortitude) sädhanam means jyeñöhäù elders çräntä tired upaniñad UpanishadA cara practice! kriyäçélaù active pädam foot prakñälayatu should wash! clnicÇm! Aip }atm! raegI calana-citram movie api also jïätam understood rogé sick person ³Ifapqu> rciyÇI kréòä-paöuù athlete racayitré authoress (writer, compositor) kitcn rcyiNt vE}aink> calk> AXyapk> ym! icÇkar> Êòa AiSm katicana few racayanti complete, construct, compose vaijïänikaù scientist cälakaù driver adhyäpakaù teacher, instructor yam whom citrakäraù artist, painter duñöä bad woman asmi (I) am 39 (verb 3rd p. sing. imp.) (verb. 2nd p. sing. imp.) (yaù) Sm> ÉrtIy> Éaepalt> k…ziln> ËrÉa;m! @vm! smaù (we) are bharatéyaù Indian bhopälataù Bhopala A kuçalinaù fine dürabhäñam on the phone evam really yid tihR Évaim Vyaº> tda xavaim ñasnm! ïavyaim sMpadyaim àisx]eÇm! àcar< kraeim %Út-AXyaynm! tjRyit Aazyaim vaKyÖym! àvatRytu sSyain Aaraepytu ziNtm! vedm! yadi if tarhi then bhavämi I am vyäghraù tiger tadä then dhävämi I run çväsanam sleep çrävayämi recite sampädayämi I acquire, attain prasidha-kñetraà famous place pracäraà karomi I spread, propagate unnata-adhyäyanam the highest study tarjayati scolds äçayämi I retreat väkya-dvayam a pair of sentences pravärtayatu turn on (set in motion) sasyäni crops äropayatu grow çantim peace vedam Vedas v[Rmalayam! t†;m! mÙay yaeGym! AhRiNt varëa-mäläyäm in the alphabet tadåñam that kind manträya for a mantra yogyam use arhanti useful iÉ]aycnm! jIvn< kraeit suv[Rk»[m! Aþyit "ae;n< kraeit siNmilta> "ae;yit inxRn> àÉUtm! bhikñäyacanam begging jévanaà karoti earns living suvarëa-kaìkaëam golden bracelet ahvayati calls ghoñanaà karoti makes a speech sanmilitäù gathered ghoñayati says nirdhanaù the poorest person prabhütam immense 40 ySy y*ip É %pir Aa³mn< kraeim @eñym! }anaedy> l¾ya yasya whose yadyapi although räjyasya of kingdom äkramanaà karomi I make aggression aiçvaryam oppulence, wealth jïänodayaù increase of knowledge, enlightenment lajjayä with shame 41 (yadi api) Lesson 13 – vocabulary A<zm! ??? tp> mae]m! ATyuÄmm! aàçam ??? part ??? tapaù penance mokñam liberation atyuttamam very good, excellent jlpan< kraeit ANy ANy )eäirmast> meYmaspyRNtm! "mRkal> ìtm! ka]a SpxaR kNyk…marIt> kiZmrpyRNtm! ihNÊmhasagrt> ihmalypavRtpyRNtm! jalapänaà karoti drinks water anya anya some other febrari-mäsataù from the month of February mey-mäsa-paryantam till the month of May gharma-kälaù hot season vratam vow käkñä lesson spardhä competition kanyakumärétaù from KanyakumariA kaçmira-paryantam to KashmirA hindu-mahä-sägarataù from Indian ocean ïImn! #yt! tv ??? Aaist Aasam! bih> Agtu ??? SvCDta< k«tvan! tt> pirzIiltvan! tÚam Éaejnivram> he ivharm! nEv A*ara_ya pidzIliyZyaim??? pir]aya< kraeim dzRyis %*aegt> in:kazyaim çréman mister iyat tava ??? from then to now???? äsit It was äsäm I was bahiù outside (acc. sing.) himälaya-pärvata-paryantam to the mountains of Himalaya agatu ??? svacchatäà kåtavän (I) was cleaning tataù from that (time on) pariçélitavän checking tannäma so bhojana-virämaù break for the meal he oh vihäram leisure naiva ceartainly not adya äräbhyä beginning from today padiçérayiçyämi??? I will ???? paricayaà karomi I will get familiar darçayasi show udyogataù from (your) job niñkäçayämi I will fire 42 (ati uttamam) ÉvTsu AvZym! ñ> Aar_y Tyjaim StaeÇm! @kvrm! bhavatsu who of avaçyam certainly çvaù ärabhya from tomorrow on tyajämi I give up stotram hymn ekavaram once AjuRnSy k«te kayaRnm! yCDiNt iqPp[Im! sUcnam! %paynm! sNdezm! vaTsaLym! nvnItm! "&tm! õehm! ³Ifnkm! àItIm! É´Sy k«te @k-@k> AazIvaRdm! vrm! #òawm! k«pam! paÇm! )lpu:pm!??? padk{fUkm!??? sOya> k«te arjunasya kåte to Arjuna kär-yänam car yacchanti give (pl.) öippaëéà note sücanäm instruction upäyanam present sandeçam message vätsalyam tenderness navanétam butter ghåtam ghee (clarified butter) sneham love kréòanakam toy prétém affection bhaktasya kåte to the worshiper eka-ekaù each of you, one by one äçérvädam blessing varam blessing iñöärtham anything desired kåpäm grace, mercy pätram vessel, pot phalapuñpam??? (loc., lit.: who in) flowers??? päda-kaëòukam ??? football ??? sakhyäù kåte to the friend ywa twa izr> Sp&ztu k{fªyan< kraetu ÉIm> yathä as tathä so çiraù head spåçatu touch! kaëòüyänaà karotu! Scratch (yourself)! bhémaù Bhima A taTpyRm! ÊjRna> ivcar> va[I AacriNt tätparyam meaning durjanäù bad people vicäraù thoughts väëé speech äcaranti they behave, act 43 smana> l]nm! samänäù same lakñanam symptom, characteristic 44 Lecture 14 k…MÉk[R> bIj> A»‚r> An"a AasIt! jvhlRl! neheé àxanmÙI SvtÙs'œ¢amkale k> k> suÉíNÔ baese ÉgiTs'œ"> HNsIra[IlúmIÉE vlÉÉE ptel! itturi[ cNdm laekm{y itlK izvijin %pjuJy kincn k{yk…marayam! ivvekanNd> mwurayam! ïIk«:[> AayaeXyangre xarangre Éaejaraj> mdte dyalu> gtsÝahe ivvah> vi;RkaeTsv> iv³m> Éaejraj> Aasn! Öapryuge kiv> nq> kumbhakarëaù Kumbhakarna A béjaù seed aìkuraù sprout anaghä inocent äsét he, she was javaharlal neheru Javaharlal Nehru A pradhäna-mantré prime minister svatantra-saìgräma-käle in the time of the battle for independence kaù kaù who (of )? subhaç-candra bose Subhash Chandra Bose A bhagatsiìghaù Bhagat Singha A jhanséräëélakñmé bhai Jhansirani Lakshmi Bhai A valabhabhai patel Valalbha Bhai Patel A tituraëi candama??? Titurani Candama ??? A lokamaëya tilak Lokamanya Tilak A çivajini Shivajini??? A upajujya using kanicana some kaëyakumäräyäà in Kanyakumari vivekänandaù Vivekananda A mathuräyäà in Mathura A çrékåñëaù Shri Krishna äyodhyä-nagare in Ayodhya A dhärä-nagare in the city of Dhara A bhojäräjaù Bhoja A madate??? in Madata A dayäluù mercyful, kind gata-saptähe last week vivähaù wedding varñikotsavaù anniversary celebration vikramaù Vikrama A bhojaräjaù king Bhoja A äsan they were dväpara-yuge in Dvapara-yuga A kaviù poet naöaù dancer (masc.) mNtk> ntRk> mantakaù ??? nartakaù dancer (masc.) 45 kIta> Aitwy> b÷jna> Çetyuge guék…lain jlazye vne g&ta> kétäù worms atithayaù guests bahujanäù many people treta-yuge in Treta-yuga A gurukuläni gurukulas (tradititional schools for young boys) jaläçaye in the ocean vane in the forrest gåtäù ??? zunk> ivdezIy"qI rajtpaÇm! suv[Rhar> xenu> pUjag&hm! kpaiqka> yÙai[ pi][> kMbla> çunakaù dog videçéya-ghaöé foreign watch räjata-pätram silver vessel suvarëa-häraù golden necklace dhenuù cow püjägåham prayerhall kapäöikäù wardrobes, cupboards yanträëi devices pakñiëaù birds kambaläù blankets Aasm! mhraò+e gtvzeR äsam I was maharäñöre in Maharashtra A gata-varñe last year vtRmankale ÉUtkale %iÎZy buiÏmtI cqula cÂl> SwUl> vartamäna-käle in present tense bhüta-käle in past tense uddiçya after saying buddhimaté inteligent (fem.) caöulä kind caïcalaù restless sthülaù fat AaSm praxIna Ê>iota in>z´> ÊbRl> äsma we were parädhénä subservient duùkhitä sad niùçaktaù weak durbalaù weak %drvedna dI"Rm! ñsaeCDœvasm! SvSw> ApraŸe udara-vedanä stomach pain dérgham long çvasocchväsam breathe in and out svasthaù healthy aparähëe in the afternoon 46 (atithiù) àarBxm! guilka> Éva†za> pramzRm! AaE;xsevnm! Apay krm! prärabdham began gulikäù pills bhavädåçäù like you parämarçam prescription auñadha-sevanam application of medicine apäya danger, injury, harm karam done iÉn iÉn maipka ibfal> g[kyÙm! bhina bhina different mäpikä liner biòälaù cat gaëakayantram computer sMpU[R}anàaiÝsmye àkarctuòyen pun> pad Éagm! Sv AXyaynen stI ivcarivinmyen icNtnen sMpU[Rm! sampürëa-jïäna-präpti-samaye in the thime of acquiring perfect knowledge raygfÊgRm! izvij mharaj> palnm! ]Iriv³y[m! ANxkarat! smaPy k…vRtI Aaist! ivlMb> jat> ANxkar> jat> ÖarsmIpm! ipihtm! AasIt! r]kaÉq> %˜aqytu inrak«tvan! àaiwRtvtI dÄVym! idGæaNta jata ANve;[m! AiqtvtI izitla AaêFvtI prakära-catuñöayena by four types punaù-päda-bhägam the next part sva adhyäyanena his own study saté ??? vicära-vinimayena by exchanging thoughts cintanena by thinking sampürëam full räya-gaòa-durgam fortress of Raya Gada çivaji mahäräjaù by King Shivaji pälanam protection kñéra-vikrayaëam sell milk andhakärät from dark samäpya after finishing kurvaté äsét she did??? vilambaù jätaù delay arose, happened andhakäraù jätaù the night, darkness arose dvära-samépam to the gate pihitam äsét was closed rakñakäbhaöaù watchman udghäöayatu open! niräkåtavän denied prärthitavaté begged (fem.) dattavyam needs to be given digbhräntä??? jätä perplexion arose anveñaëam search, investigatino aöitavaté roamed, walked çitilä slack, loose, unfastened ärüòhavaté climbed 47 (lit.: was born) pñeR zakam! g&ihTva k…Lyam! %iÄyR ÊgaRt! Aa÷tvan! k[Ryae> ³Ndnm! ïUyte Sm pairtae;km! parçve near by çäkäm branch gåhitvä after holding kulyäm the ditch, channel uttirya after climbing, crossing durgät from the fortress ähutavän called (masc.) karëayoù in the (two) ears krandanam crying çrüyate sma heard päritoñakam gift, reward 48 (dual. loc.) Lesson 15 – vocabulary viqkayam! ³Ifa¼[e ngyaRm! SpzRm! vaöikäyäm in the garden kréòäìgaëe on the playground nagaryäm in the city sparçam touch k»qm! kezàsaxnm! mjRn< kraeim k{fukm! bala> kaìkaöam comb keça-prasädhanam combing the hair marjanaà karomi I wipe kaëòukam ball bäläù children cuirka ktRyaim mapnm! tal> mala Al»ar< k…mR> curikä knife kartayämi cut mäpanam measurment tälaù lock mälä garland alaìkäraà kurmaù we decorate dvIR pirve;[< kraeit majRnI majRyam> Ôae[I darvé ladle pariveñaëaà karoti serves märjané duster märjayämaù we wipe droëé bucket klz> mStkm! dNtxvn< kraeit AcRk> Al»raeit laekyanm! iÖci³ka iÇci³ka sÂar< k…vRiNt sicva> ivmanm! naEka kalaçaù water pot mastakam head dantadhavanaà karoti brushes [his] teeth arcakaù priest alaìkaroti decorates lokayänam bus dvicakrikä bicycle tricakrikä autoriksha saïcäraà kurvanti they travel saciväù ministers, conselors vimänam airplane naukä boat dezaNtrm! kªcR> deçäntaram abroad kürcaù brush 49 (fem. nagaré) %”»nyÙm! %”»[< kraeim kagdm! A]rai[ àya[< kraeim tUla taelyaim uööaìkana-yantram typewriter uööaìkanaà karomi I type kägadam paper akñaräëi letters prayäëaà karomi I travel tülä scale tolayämi I weigh Vyax> ba[> maryit laehkar> muÌr> sÂriNt saEick> velnI gda zÇum! v[Rkar> ijþa éicm! AaSvadyiNt vyädhaù hunter bäëaù arrow märayati kills lohakäraù blacksmith mudgaraù hammer saïcaranti travel saucikaù tailor velané rolling pin gadä club çatrum enemy varëakäraù painter jihvä tounge rucim taste äsvädayanti relish Ky bNxva> Aaluken VyÃnm! ku:ma{fen Kviwtm! mrIicka> kqu> ÉjRnm! dalm! "&ten mya sh kya ???, what bandhaväù friends älukena with potato vyaïjanam side dish (curry) kuñmäëòena with pumpkin kvathitam sauce (sambar) marécikäù peppers kaöuù pungent bharjanam frying dälam dhal soup ghåtena with ghee mayä saha with me VyvhatRVym! ATyixkm! mULym! vyavahärtavyam behaving atyadhikam very much mülyam worth kil¼dezm! Azaekmharaj> ivharawRm! kaliìga-deçam land Kalinga açoka-mahäräjaù king Ashoka vihärärtham for relaxation 50 (bandhuù) (ati adhikam) bih> kiÂt! baEÏiÉ]um! padarivNdyae> Aaraect c³vtIR maEnm! kaincn AtItain AjSy m<sap[m! Zmzanm! m&t> iv³Iy m<sÉ]k> ³Itvan! Al»ariày> inrazya inveidtvan! danêpe[ yavdœ tavdœ mhTvm! jIvÉave VywRm! jIivtkale ïeóanam! AaizvaRdm! sawRkm! smaiht> AÉvt! bahiù outside kaïcit some baudha-bhikñum Budist beggar pädäravindayoù lotus feet (dual) ärocata appealed cakravarté emperor maunam silence känicana some atétäni passed ajasya goat’s maàsäpaëam meat store çmaçänam cemetary måtaù dead vikréya after selling maàsa-bhakñakaù meateater krétavän bought alaìkära-priyaù who liked such decorations niräçayä with hopelessness niveditavän reported däna-rüpeëa by the form of donation, gift yävad as long tävad so long mahatvam greatness jévabhäve in continuity of life vyartham useless jévita-käle lifetime çreñöhänäm of the best äçirvädam blessing särthakam meaningful samähitaù abhavat became convinced 51 (acc. sing. kam cit) Lesson 16 – vocabulary tafyit zakam! oadnm! sSym! gufen täòayati punishes çäkäm vegetable khädanam food sasyam plant guòena with sugar candy k[aR_yam! neÇa_yam! pada_yam! hSta_yam! sNgItam! ved"ae;m! karëäbhyäm with [two] ears (dual) neträbhyäm with [two] eyes (dual) pädäbhyäm on [two] feet (dual) hastäbhyäm with [two] hands (dual) sangétäm music vedaghoñam recitation of the Vedas palyit shnya pae;yit É´> ÉTya nmit k«;k> kòe[ dya ké[a %Tshen ¬ezen gidtm!??? vynm! ïÏya s¼Ita_yasm! klh< kraeim pälayati defends, protects sahanayä with patience poñayati rears, raises bhaktaù devotee bhatyä with devotion namati pays respect kåñakaù farmer kañöeëa with difficulty dayä compassion karuëä mercy utsahena with enthusiasm kleçena with trouble gaditam??? speech??? vayanam weaving çraddhayä with confidence saìgétäbhyäsam musical practice kalahaà karomi I quarrel ken sh ? ccaR bNxug&hm! kena saha? with whom? carcä concern bandhu-gåham relatives’ house tElen ivna dIp> Jvlit tailena with oil vinä without dépaù lamp jvalati shine 52 Aahre[ AzKym! jIivtum! Jvalyam> ähareëa with food açakyam impossible jévitum to live jvälayämaù we light yda tda AnaraeGym! ivram> iv*ut! sUyaeRdy> kmlm! "{qanadm! vpiNt vxRNte #CDa kayR³m> naq(m! saihkal>??? oed> Aaßaeit sUyRSt> yadä when tadä then anärogyam sickness virämaù holiday vidyut electricity süryodayaù sunrise kamalam lotus ghaëöänädam bell vapanti they sow vardhante grow icchä desire käryakramaù festival näöyam dance sähikälaù??? ??? khedaù saddness äpnoti gets süryastaù sunset mhTvm! kiSm<iídœ ivzalÉUim> Apara-jns'œOya smwRm! mahatvam importance kasmiàçcid in which viçäla-bhümiù huge land apära-jana-saìkhyä inumerable population of people samartham ability g&hSw> pÆI taE ÖaE klh< k…ét> Sm @ten pñRg&hSwa> yaegIñr> às&ta %phsiNt inmILy ÉÔe ! icNta< n kraetu pirharm! idVym! gåhasthaù householder patné wife tau dvau the two of them kalahaà kurutaù sma the two of them quarrelled etena by this, due to this parçva-gåhasthäù nearby housholders yogéçvaraù yogic master prasåtä (she) spread upahasanti they ridicule nimélya after closing bhadre! Gentle lady! cintäà na karotu don’t worry parihäram avoid divyam divine 53 Aagmnat! patum! zKyte AnuÉviNt Sm Svaimn! mNdhaspUvRkm! mya samNyjlm! pUriyTva krtafnm! ïeyan! ägamanät before pätum to drink çakyate can be done anubhavanti sma were pleased svämin lord manda-häsa-pürvakam mildly smiling at first mayä by me sämänya-jalam ordinary water pürayitvä after filling kara-täòanam clapping çreyän superior 54 Lesson 17 – vocabulary Ameirkdezm! nyagjRnpawm!??? me"a> myUra> xavit kaeikl> jNmidnm! tEldIpm! amerika-deçam America nayägarjana-pätham??? ??? meghäù clouds mayüräù peacocks dhävati runs kokilaù cuckoo bird janmadinam birthday taila-dépaà oil lamp izraevedna A*tn àxanmÙI ñStn paEra> ýStn g&hpaQm! çirovedanä headache adyatana today's pradhäna-mantré prime minister çvastana tomorrow's pauräù citizens hyastana yesterday's gåhapäöham homework AyRvtR> aryavartaù Aryavarta A (India’s previous name) narendraù Narendra A (Vivekananda’s previous name) nreNÔ> gautama buddhasya Gautama Buddha's A gaEtm buÏSy siddhartaù Siddharta A isÏtR> bombai Bombay A baeMbE madras Madras A mÔs! #danINtn idänéntana present svR]eÇe;u sarva-kñetreñu in all fields rajzasnm! räja-çäsanam kingdom, rulership of a king VyyIk…vRiNt vyayékurvanti they spend äraëyanäçaù deforrestation Aar{ynaz> yÙSy yantrasya mechanical device zuÏvayu> çuddha-väyuù clean air s<Sk«tiz][pQit??? saàskåta-çikñaëa-paöhati??? ??? Aaxuinkiz][m! ädhunika-çikñaëam modern teaching gt shaedr> y]gnm! ihÔbdœ-ngrm! Aagaim Éiv:yit gata last sahodaraù brother yakñaganam yakshagana A hidrabad-nagaram Hyderabad city A ägämi next bhaviñyati will be 55 dIpvil cNÔlaekm! gim:yit ÊgaRpUja invaRcnm! s<Sk«tpi{fta AiSmn! jNmin dépavali Dipavali A (one of a few New Year’s celebrations) candra-lokam moon planet gamiñyati will go durgäpüjä Durgapuja A nirväcanam election paëòitä scholar (fem.) asmin in this janmani in life Sm gta spRm! i³yapdm! baLye xarngrm! zasnm! %pdez< kraeit sma indeclinable participe expressing past tense gatä passed, went sarpam snake kriyäpadam verb bälye in the childhood dhära-nagaram the city of Dhara çäsanam rule upadeçaà karoti explains ASmaiÉ> cNdnlepnen Éaejnkr[en AiÉmanen??? àaPyte asmäbhiù by us candana-lepanena sandalwood ointment bhojana-karaëena with food abhimänena??? good measure??? präpyate attained Ah»arI sENym! AavZykta v&wa xnVyy> yuÏkale pae;nawRm! hain> dXm> bhv> dÄm! Aivvekm! ahaìkäré egocentric sainyam army ävaçyakatä need, necessity våthä futile dhanavyayaù expenditure yuddha-käle in the time of war poñanärtham for maintaining häniù waste dadhmaù we give bahavaù many dattam is given avivekam imprudence 56 (sarpaù) Lesson 18 – vocabulary %pir k…vRNtu %paharg&he Éa;n< kraeit Sm vÂn< kraeit Sm upari kurvantu rise! upähära-gåhe in the restaurant bhäñanaà karoti sma he was speaking vaïcanaà karoti sma he was cheating sevk> AÉvt! ]t> sevakaù servant abhavat was kñataù scar raJyaeTsv> SvatÙ(idncr[m! SvtÙ> dzxa??? Ap"at> Plitkdn> ??? píaÄap> àyaeg> kr[Iy> tv räjyotsavaù state formation aniversary festival svätantrya-dina-caraëam independence day celebration svatantraù independent daçadhä??? tenfold??? apaghätaù accident platikadanaù ??? ??? paçcättäpaù regret prayogaù karaëéyaù use tava your kadMbrI %pNyasm! leom! #Tyaid kvlm! ??? kivtam! kädambaré Kadambari A upanyäsam novel lekham article ityädi etc. kavalam ??? ??? kavitäm poem caeirtvan! nItvan! É&tvan! àei;tvan! naiztvan! coritavän stole nétavän took bhåtavän carried preñitavän sent näçitavän lost gTva piQTva k«Tva %®va ilioTva oaidTva ³IifTva pitTva gatvä after going paöhitvä after reading kåtvä after doing uktvä after reciting likhitvä after writing khäditvä after eating kréòitvä after playing patitvä after falling 57 (imp. pl.) ïuTva çrutvä after listening mhapué;> ÊguR[m! Ty®va mahäpuruñaù great man durguëam bad qualities tyaktvä after giving up dyapU[Rm! inrtm! ihte ta†zSy kle> àÉav> dayä-pürëam full of mercy niratam engaged hite for benefit tädåçasya such kaleù of time, age prabhävaù influence ïÏpUvRkm! iÉ]uk> iÉ]qn< kraeit iÉ]am! deih puratnvôm! xmRzalayam! vasn< kraeit taèpaÇm! kalanNtrm! ivñnawSy dzRnm! pu{ym! àvaskr[t> milnm! àwmm! ivñas> iskta> gtRm! àsaryit v[R> %paym! izvil¼m! iniíNttya icNta naiSt yaiÇk> pxtI inmaR[m! smaÝm! Sven k«tm! çraddha-pürvakam faithfully bhikñukaù beggar bhikñaöanaà karoti wanders around begging bhikñäm alms (bhikñä) dehi give (voc. 2nd pers. sing.) purätana-vastram old clothes dharma-çäläyäm home for mendicants väsanaà karoti lives tämra-pätram copper pot kälänantaram later viçvanäthasya Vishvanatha’s (Shiva’s) darçanam darshana, audience, seing puëyam piety praväsa-karaëataù due to traveling malinam dirty prathamam first viçväsaù reliance sikatäù sand, dunes (pl.) gartam hole prasärayati spreads varëaù colour upäyam remedy çiva-liìgam Shiva lingam niçcintatayä by so deciding cintä nästi nothing to worry about yätrikaù pilgrim padhaté custom nirmäëam forming samäptam over svena kåtam made by himself 58 nòm! laek> gtanugitk> parmaiwRk> sEkt> nañöam lost, destroyed lokaù public, world gatänugatikaù the one who goes and follows päramärthikaù ultimate reality saikataù dune 59 Lesson 19 – vocabulary Éjn< kraeit $†z t†z s¼It! Éaejnaly! AapiyTva nIljn< k«Tva nTva àsad! bhajanaà karoti worships édåça such tadåça that kind saìgétam song bhojanälayam restaurant äpayitvä after obtaining nélajanaà kåtvä natvä bowing prasädam prasadam, sanctified holly food bNxuvackzBdan! jnkSy da]ayin pvRtrajSy puÇI liúm> smuÔrajSy #iNdra kaEzLya pa{fumharajSy paEÇ> "qaeTkc> paEÇI ÉrtSy yuixiór> zUpRnoa Ê>zla bandhu-väcaka-çabdän words expressing family ties janakasya Janaka's A däkñäyani Dakshayani A parvata-räjasya Parvata's A lakñmiù Lakshmi A samudra-räjasya Samudra's A indirä Indira A kauçalyä Kausalya A päëòu-mahäräjasya king Pandu's A pautraù grandson ghaöotkacaù Ghatotkaca A pautré granddaughter bharatasya Bharata's A yudhiñöhiraù Yudhishthira A çürpanakhä Shurpanakha A duùçalä Duhshala A puratn nUtn har> purätana old nütana new häraù necklace ikiÂtœ b÷ smuÔe kiïcit a little bahu a lot samudre in the sea ÿSv> dI"R> r¾u> ve[I hrasvaù short dérghaù long rajjuù rope veëé braid of hair 60 gjSy zu{fa zaiqka gajasya elephant's çuëòä trunk çäöikä sari SwUl> k«z> bkasur> sthülaù stout kåçaù lean, thin bakäsuraù Bakasura A icNtnixkœ??? icNtn³m> cintana-dhik??? thinking??? cintana-kramaù manner of thinking icÇklam! p&nait ivze;t> àak«iÄkicÇm! #òm! pvRtSy pirt> leonsam¢I> suNdritya #tae=ip AavZyk> lepyit Ôòum! pdm! †Zym! oat> me;pal> #t> pr< pit:yit àTyuTpÚmitTvm! naiztvan! ÉIt ÉIt ANtr¼e xEyRm! ta†zàs¼e ASmakm! ]aMytu samaNy> purSkarm! AiÉniNdtvan! AaSwanm! sTk«tvan! citra-kaläm painting pånäti (he) is fond of viçeñataù in particular, especially (indecl.) präkåttika-citram images of nature iñöam was liked parvatasya of the mountain paritaù on all sides lekhana-sämagréù painting equipment sundaratiyä beautiful?? ito ’pi wherever ävaçyakaù necessary lepayati pastes, applies drañöum to see padam step dåçyam view khätaù ditch meñapälaù shepherd itaù param after that patiñyati will fall pratyutpannamatitvam quick witted action näçitavän he destroyed bhéta bhéta with a lot of fear antaraìge within dhairyam resolution, firmness, courage tädåça prasaìge in that occasion asmäkam our kñämyatu excuse me! sämänyaù ordinary puraskäraà award abhinanditavän congratulated ästhänam assembly room sat-kåtavän hosted 61 (itaù api) (gen. pl. aham) tyae> àaeTsahnm! àeirtvan! tayoù of the two of them protsähanam encouragement preritavän urged 62 Lesson 20 – vocabulary ibNËnam! %ÄrIym! paQzala bindünäm of points uttaréyam scarf päöhaçälä classroom %Út> vamn> unnataù tall vämanaù small v[Rvackanam! zuk> hirt> pIt> semNtIpu:pm! k«:[> ñet> r´> SvaÊ)lm! r´m! nIl> iÉÄe> raò+Xvj> kazay> c³m! h<sSy nIlk{qSy zIlSy varëa-väcakänäm words expressing colors çukaù parrot haritaù green pétaù yellow semanté-puñpam white rose kåñëaù black çvetaù white raktaù red svädu-phalam apple raktam blood nélaù blue bhitteù of the wall räñöra-dhvajaù national flag käçäyaù brownish red cakram wheel haàsasya swan’s nélakaëöasya Nilakanta's (Shiva’s) çélasya stone’s $†z ta†z kI†z kip> kSyaip mkRq> édåça this kind tädåça that kind kédåça what kind kapiù monkey kasyäpi who else’s markaöaù monkey pÂailka A]re k[Rk…{flm! païcälikä doll akñare in Aksharam karëakuëòalam earring ikmwRm! ³Iiftum! piQtum! kimartham what for kréòitum to play paöhitum to study 63 oaidtum! }atum! v´…m! patum! gNtum! AagNtum! %Twatum! %pveòum! ktuRm! ïaetum! datum! Ôòum! ANyivxa_yasm! calyit caliytum! AaÉr[m! xtuRm! àdzRyit àdzRiyyum! gatum! khäditum to eat jïätum to know vaktum to say pätum to drink gantum to go ägantum to come utthätum to stand up upaveñöum to sit down kartum to do çrotum to listen dätum to give drañöum to look anya-vidhäbhyäsam another kind of practice cälayati drives cälayitum to drive äbharaëam ornament dhartum to wear pradarçayati shows pradarçayiyum to show gätum to sing %dar†ò(a matr> #Tyev baønam! sMpdœ kya pre;m! #v Vyvhar> m&Êtya ïeótya svRàai[iÉ> †iò> ivzala ta†z> %Cyte udära-dåñöyä by broad vision mätaraù mothers ityeva just like bähünäm of arms, hands sampad riches kayä with what pareñam of others iva like vyavahäraù behaviour, acting mådutayä with gentleness çreñöhatayä with excellence sarva-präëibhiù with all the living entities dåñöiù vision viçälä broad tädåçaù such ucyate wise sTpué;> s'œ¢hm! iÉ]at[v&Åya tp> kraeit satpuruñaù holy man saìgraham collecting bhikñätaëa-våttyä by collecting alms tapaù karoti he does austerities 64 tda tda mns> s<Skar> kar[t> zuxm! siÅvkm! Aagta àÉaven ANySya> Éav> Aays> k…qIrm! Svaimnm! yjman> Tvra< kraeit SvamI Aa¢h< kraeit g&Ÿit Aa¢hkar[t> ivxSpNdnm! nyit k{Qe bNxnm! bih> gmn ÉvdIya k…tiít! caeirta Mlan< Évit ivkar> smapn> "aeóm! caEyRm! mhtI sNdÉeR buiÏ> %TpÚ SvaTmn> A¼Ikraeit àTypRyaim tadä tadä in all those times manasaù of the mind saàskäraù impression käraëataù from the cause çudham pure sattvikam sattvic ägatä (she) came prabhävena by the impact anyasyäù of other people bhävaù disposition äyasaù weary kuöéram hut sväminam householder yajamänaù person who performs the sacrifice tvaräà karoti hastes (away) svämé owner, master ägrahaà karoti insists gåhëati takes ägraha-käraëataù because of insistance vidha-spandanam pulsation nayati leads kaëöhe around neck bandhanam rope bahir outside gamana going bhavadéyä your kutaçcit somewhwere coritä stolen (fem.) mlänaà bhavati withers vikäraù change samäpanaù took place ghoñöham shed cauryam theft mahaté great (fem.) sandarbhe in this context buddhiù utpanna thinking sprang up svätmanaù his own aìgékaroti accepts pratyarpayämi I give back 65 Appendix Personalities: AMbefkr> (ambeòakaraù) Ambedakara – (April 14, 1891 — December 6, 1956) was an Indian jurist, scholar, Bahujan political leader and a Buddhist revivalist AiÉmNyu> (abhimanyuù) Abhimanyu – a character from Mahabharata, the son of Arjuna AjuRn> (arjunaù) Arjuna – a character from Mahabharata, one of the five Pandavas, hero of Bhagavad-gita #iNdra (indirä) Indira – the name of Nehru’s daughter %imRla (urmilä) Urmila – the wife of Rama's brother Lakshmana kaildas> (kälidäsaù) Kalidasa – probably the most famous Indian poet and dramatist k…MÉk[R> (kumbhakarëaù) Kumbhakarna – Ravana’s brother, character from Ramayana k«:[> (kåñëaù) Krishna – the speaker of Bhagavad-gita, the most recent incarnation of Vishnu, God kaEzLya (kauçalyä) Kaushalya – Rama’s mother, the eldest wife of Dasharatha, character from Ramayana g[ez> (gaëeçaù) Ganesha – elephant headed divine personality, son of Shiva, protector, lord of the gaNxI begining and giver of opulence; a deity very much favoured all over India (gändhé) Gandhi – (October 2, 1869 – January 30, 1948) major Indian political and spiritual leader of India and the Indian independence movement gaEtm buÏ> (gautama buddhaù) Gautama Buddha – Buddha, the historical founder of Buddhism "qaeTkc> (ghaöotkacaù) Ghatotkaca – Bhima’s son, ferocious warrior on Kurukshetra war ca[Ky> (cäëakyaù) Chanakya – (c. 350-283 BC) sage, known for political and moral sayings, advisor to the cNÔguÝ> first Maurya emperor Chandragupta (candraguptaù) Chandragupta – (c. 340-293 BC) the emperor who brought together most of the Indian subcontinent, the first unifier of India jnk> (janakaù) Janaka – Sita’s father, character from Ramayana jvhlRl! neheé (javaharlal neheru) Jawaharlal Nehru – (November 14, 1889 – May 27, 1964) political leader of the Indian national congress, a pivotal figure in the Indian independece movement, the first prime minister of India HNsIra[IlúmIÉE (jhanséräëélakñmé bhai) Jhansirani Lakshmi Bhai – one of the leading warriors of the India's first struggle of independence; she is a symbol of bravery, patriotism and honor itturi[ cNdm (tituraëi candama) Titurani Candama ??? – ## dmyNtI (damayanté) Damayanti – character from Mahabharata, the wife of Nala dzrw> (daçarathaù) Dasharatha – Rama's father, character from Ramayana da]ayin (däkñäyani) Dakshayani – Daksha’s daugther and Shiva’s first consort Ê>zla (duùçalä) Duhshala – Duryodana’s sister, daughter of Dhritarashtra, character from Mahabharata devkI (devaké) Devaki – Krishna's mother, character from the Puranas and Mahabharata xaEMy> (dhaumyaù) Dhaumya – ?preceptor of the Pandavas x&traò+> (dhåtaräñöraù) Dhritarashtra – the blind king of Kauravas, Duryodhana’s father, ÊyaeRxn> character from Mahabharata (duryodhanaù) Duryodhana – threcherous chief of 100 sons of Dhritarashtra, character from Mahabharata 66 nreNÔ> (narendraù) Narendra – Vivekananda’s previous name nl> (nalaù) Nala – ## pa{fu (päëòu) Pandu – Second son of Vichitravirya and Ambalika who succeeded to the throne of Hastinapura on his father's death, father of the Pandavas, a character from Mahabharata pvRtraja (parvata-räjä) King Parvata – king of mountain pavRtI (pärvaté) Parvati – Shiva’s second consort, daughter of Parvata, king of Himalaya bkasur> (bakäsuraù) Bakasura – a voracious demon killed by Bhima balg¼axritlk> (bälagaìgä-dhara-tilakaù) Balaganga-dhara-tilaka – (Bal Gangadhar Tilak, July 23, 1856 – August 1, 1920) Indian nationalist, social reformer and freedom fighter, ba[> the first popular leader of the Indian independence movement (bäëaù) Bana – (also Banabhatta) 7th century Indian writter, court poet of King Harshavardhana, ÉgiTs'œ"> Ért> the author of Kadambari (bhagatsiìghaù) Bhagat Singha – (September 28, 1907 – March 23, 1931) Indian freedom fighter, one of the most famous revolutionaries of the Indian independence movement (bharataù) Bharata – legendary king in Hindu mythology, the first to conquer all of Greater India, which was named after him as Bharatavarsha Éariv> (bhäraviù) Bharavi – (6th century CE) Sanskrit poet known for his epic Kiratarjuniya ÉIm> (bhémaù) Bhima – second of the five Pandava brothers, character from Mahabharata mNdaedrI (mandodaré) Mandodari – Ravana's wife, character from Ramayana me"nad> (meghanädaù) Meghanada –Ravana’s son, character from Ramayana yuixiór> (yudhiñöhiraù) Yudhishthira – the eldest of the five Pandava brothers, rajeNÔàsad> characther from Mahabharata (räjendra-prasädaù) Rajendra Prasada – (December 3, 1884 – February 28, 1963) the first President of India, independence activist with prominent role in Indian independence movement ram> (rämaù) Rama – hero of Ramayana, incarnation of Vishnu and the greatest and most righteous king ramk«:[> (rämakåñëaù) Ramakrishna – (February 18, 1836 – August 16, 1886) Indian religious teacher and an influential figure in the Bengal Renaissance of the 19th rav[> century, whose main disciple was Swami Vivekananda' (rävaëaù) Ravana – principal antagonist of Rama from Ramayana, king of Lanka who kidnapped Rama's wife and took her to Lanka rivvmaR (ravivarmä) Ravivarma – (1848 - 1906) a world famous Indian painter éiKm[I (rukmiëé) Rukmini – Krishna's most favoured wife lúm[> (lakñmaëaù) Lakshmana – Rama's brother, the eldest of the remaining three liúm> (lakñmiù) Lakshmi – Goddess of fortune, Vishnu’s wife lLbhad‚rzaSÇI (lal-bahädura-çästré) Lal Bahadur Shastri – (October 2, 1904 - January 11, 1966) the third prime minister of independent India and a significant figure in the Indian independence movement lv> (lavaù) Lava – Rama's son laekm{y itlk! (lokamaëya tilak) Lokamanya Tilak – othe name of Bala Gangadhara Tilaka vlÉÉE ptel! (valabhabhai patel) Valabhabhai Patel – (Vallabhbhai Patel, October 31, 1875 – December 15, 1950), a political and social leader of India who played a major role in the 67 country's struggle for independence and guided its integration into a united, independent nation. vsudev> (vasudevaù) Vasudeva – Krishna's father, character from Puranas and Mahabharata vaLmIik> (välmékiù) Valmiki – the author of Ramayana iv³m> (vikramaù) Vikrama – legendary king of Ujjaini ivvekanNd> (vivekänandaù) Vivekananda – (January 12, 1863 – July 4, 1902) famous Indian filosopher and spiritual leader of Vedanta and Yoga, disciple of Ramakrishna and founder of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission Vyas> (vyäsaù) Vyasa – accredited as writer of the Vedas and the Puranas as well as Mahabharata zarda devI (çäradä devé) Sharada devi – (1853 – 1920), also known as the Holy Mother, wife and izv> spiritual counterpart of Ramakrishna (çivaù) Shiva – also known as Mahadeva, Great God, and by many other names; he is worshipped all over India and favoured by many as powerful Divine personality izvijin (çivajini) Shivajini??? – ## zUpRnoa (çürpanakhä) Shurpanakha – Ravana’s younger sister, important character from Ramayana srSvtI (sarasvaté) Sarasvati – goddess of knowledge and learning, Brahma's wife sTyÉama (satyabhämä) Satyabhama – Krishna's second wife smuÔraja (samudra-räjä) King Samudra – king of ocean isÏtR> (siddhartaù) Siddharta – Buddha’s previous name sIta (sétä) Sita – Rama's wife, kidnapped by Ravana, character from Ramayana suÉíNÔ baese (subhaç-candra bose) Subhash Chandra Bose – (January 23, 1897 –August 18, 1945), generally known as Netaji (lit. "Respected Leader"), one of the most prominent and highly respected leaders of the Indian Independence Movement Books: %pin;dœ (upaniñad) Upanishad – philosophical Vedic scriptures, they form the core spiritual thought of Vedantic Hinduism kadMbrI (kädambaré) Kadambari – one of the best romantic fictions of seventh century by Banabhatta äüsUÇm! (brahmasütram) Brahma-sutra – also known as Vedanta-sutra or the conclusion of all the Vedas ÉgvÌIta mhaÉart> written in extremely short aphorisms or sutras (bhagavadgétä) Bhagavad-gita – probably the most famous book from the entire Vedic corpus, the Song of God, Krishna, a part of Mahabharata (mahäbhärataù) Mahabharata – the biggest eppic of India about the history of the family of Bharatas it includes Bhagavad-gita r"uv<z> (raghuvaàçaù) Raghuvamsha – a famous Kalidasa's book ramay[> (rämäyaëaù) Ramayana – the wellknown epic telling the story of Rama ïIÉagRvra"vIym! (çré-bhärgava-räghavéyam) Shri-bhargava-raghaviyam – Kalidasa’s book suNdrka{fm! (sundara-käëòam) Sundara-kandam – the chapter from Ramayana that is considered as h;Rcirt> very auspicious to recite and read (harñacaritaù) Harsha-charita – one of the most famous writings by Kalidasa Geographical units: 68 AyRvtR> (aryavartaù) Aryavarta – India’s previous name AayaeXya (äyodhyä) Ayodhya – a town in north east India, Rama’s ancient capital %¾Ein (ujjaini) Ujjaini – the capital of Madhya Pradesh in central India %Äràdez> (uttara-pradeçaù) Uttar-pradesh – one of India's northern states that covers the major part of Ganges walley k[aRqk> (karëäöakaù) of Karnataka – one of India's southern states kNyk…marI (kanyakumäré) Kanyakumari – the souternmost tip of India kiZmr> (kaçmiraù) Kashmir – one if India’s northernmost states kaiz> (käçiù) Kashi – famous Shiva's city in Uttar-pradesh, also known as Varanasi kaeLktngrm! (kolkata-nagaram) Kolkata – the capital of West Bengal, formerly Calcutta g¼a (gaìgä) Ganga, river Ganges – probably the most famous river that flows from Himalaya through the Ganges walley to the Bay of Bengal in the East ceÚEngrm! (cennai-nagaram) Chennai – the capital of Tamil Nadu in South India, previously Madras itépiw> (tirupathim) Tirupathi – famous pilgrimage place in Southern India; 20 kms away is Tirumala the home of Venkateshvara, Balaji id‘I (dillé) Delhi – New Delhi, Dilli, Nava Dehali are all names of India's Capital city purI (puré) Puri – famous pilgrimage city in Orisa state on the Eastern Coast, 500 km south of Kolkata, the home of Jagannatha, the Lord of the Universe be¼lUé (beìgalüru) Bangalore – The Capital of Karnataka South India state baeMbE (bombai) Bombay – old name for Mumbai Éartm! (bhäratam) Bharata, India – the name for the country of India after king Bharata Éaepal> (bhopälaù) Bhopal – a city in central India, the capital of Madhya Pradesh mwura (mathurä) Mathura – Krishna’s birthplace close to Agra in Uttar Pradesh mÔs! (madras) Madras – old name for Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu muMbEngrm! (mumbai) Mumbai – one of the biggest cities in India, previously Bombay, lying on the western coast in Maharashtra mEsUéngrm! (maisüru) Mysore – the old capital of Karnataka, nowadays still culturally important city lon^ (lakhanaü) Lucknow – the capital of Uttar-pradesh ihÔbdœ-ngrm! (hidrabad-nagaram) Hyderabad city – the capital of Andhra-pradesh in central India Other terms: Çetyuge (treta-yuge) in Treta-yuga – the second age Öapryuge (dväpara-yuge) in Dvapara-yuga – the third age, it ended till approximately 5000 years ago when the present age, Kali-yuga began dIpvil (dépavali) Dipavali – one of a few New Year’s celebrations ÊgaRpUja (durgäpüjä) Durgapuja – festival dedicated to worship of Durga y]gnm! (yakñaganam) yakshagana - classical folk art from Karnataka, a kind of opera 69
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