How to Setup & Sell a Gift Certificate The first step to using Gift Certificates within RoomKey is to create a General Ledger Account that will be used for Gift Certificates. NOTE: A General Ledger Account & Transaction Code only need to be setup once. If you already have a Gift Certificate GL Account & Transaction Code, proceed to page 5. Go to System Configuration -> Transaction Codes -> GL Accounts tab. Select ADD to enter in a new General Ledger Account. Enter in the information exactly as below and select OK to save. 1 Next, proceed to the “Codes” tab and use the drop down menu to your right to select “Payment” Transaction Codes. Select the “Add” button to the top right to create a new Transaction Code. Fill in the General Tab information exactly as below (you may select a different code if you wish). Select “OK”. A message will appear notifying you that you must set up your GL Accounts for this Transaction Code before proceeding. Select OK to continue. 2 Next, proceed to the “Accounts” tab where you will setup the appropriate General Ledger Accounts for this Transaction Code. Select the “Insert” button to the bottom right to input the GL Accounts. The Date From will automatically populate with today’s date, leave the Date To blank. Click on the empty box under Debit and use the drop down menu to find your Gift Certificate GL Account. Proceed to fill out the remaining tabs EXACTLY as you see below. Select OK to save. 3 Now return to the General Tab and make your Transaction Code active by hitting on “Modify” button to the right. Place a checkmark in the Active box. Select OK to save. 4 Selling a Gift Certificate In this example we have a “Gift Certificate” City Ledger Account that is used to help track Gift Certificates. Using the Hotel’s current practice for selling Gift Certificates, go into the City Ledger (Operations -> City Ledger) and located the “Gift Certificate” Account. NOTE: If the Gift Certificate Account has a $0.00 balance, you will need to check the “Show Zero Balance Accounts” checkbox at the bottom of the screen in order to view the City Ledger Account. Select the “View Details” button (or double click on the Gift Certificate account) to open the City Ledger Account Master screen. 5 Go to the “Invoices” tab and select the “New Invoice” button in the top right hand corner of the screen. NOTE: As a best practice, each Gift Certificate sold should have its own invoice. Double click on the invoice that was just created (the name of the invoice will say “Gift Certificates”) to open the Details of Invoice screen. Select the “Change Invoice Name” button. 6 Input the name of the guest purchasing the Gift Certificate (you may also add the Gift Certificate Number if you wish, or this information could be added into the “Notes” tab). Select “Save”. Now select the “Pay Invoice” button at the bottom of the screen to post the payment for the Gift Certificate. 7 Enter in the payment information. In the Reference Area, note the Gift Certificate Number. Enter the amount of the Gift Certificate as the “Payment Amount”. Select OK to post. Select to “Post full payment of $200.00 to Invoice #1021” and select OK to continue with the posting. 8 The balance of the Invoice will now reflect the amount of the Gift Certificate sold. 9
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