What is the Summer Education Academy?

What is the Summer Education Academy?
Launch is Tempe Union High School District’s Summer Education
Academy (formerly Summer School). The program is focused
on helping students in the District recover and/or gain credits
toward graduation. Summer Education Academy engages
students during the summer months while preparing them for
academic excellence during the traditional school year.
The Summer Education Academy is open to any incoming ninth
grade (freshman) through twelfth grade (senior) student. Students may take
one campus-based class per Summer Education Academy session and earn
1/2 credit for the class. In general, courses offered during the 1st session are
equivalent to the first semester of the school year, and courses offered the 2nd
session are equivalent to the second semester of the regular school year.
Students who do not attend, or will not be attending, a TUHSD school are
welcome to participate the Summer Education Academy. An additional fee
of $25.00 will be added to tuition to cover additional administrative costs.
Please be sure to complete the “home school” information on the registration
form. To insure the student takes the appropriate course, please have the
registration form signed by the student’s “home school” high school counselor.
Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Summer Education Academy Leadership
Session I
May 29th — June 14th
Session II
June 17th — July 3rd
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Stephen Heiser, Director of Innovative Student Programs
Michael Griffith, Principal
Suzanne Pachuta, Asst. Principal
Bridget Wesloski, Asst. Principal
Who attends the Summer Education Academy?
Students in the Summer Education Academy attend for a multitude of reasons
and the Academy serves students in the areas of credit-recovery and creditadvancement.
Credit-recovery students may be looking to
- gain credits they are lacking
- replace a grade earned in
Credit-advancement students may be looking to
- get ahead so they may take
more rigorous classes later in
high school
- create flexibility in their
schedule for electives, early
release or religious release (seminary)
- earn college credits toward an AA, spending less time/money in college or
starting their career
How do students launch?
Students may take Summer
Education Academy classes
in person or online. Campusbased classes for 2013 will be
held at Marcos de Niza High
School. Marcos de Niza High School is located at 6000 S. Lakeshore Dr. in
Tempe (On Guadalupe Road between Rural and McClintock). Campus-based
classes are scheduled from 7:30 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. Class on the final day of
each session ends at 10:00 a.m. SUMMER EDUCATION ACADEMY CAMPUS
Launch online is the Virtual
Summer Education Academy
that allows students to work at
their own pace from anywhere VIRTUAL SUMMER EDUCATION ACADEMY
with internet access. Online
classes must be completed during the session they are taken.
Please note that these classes are not currently available to incoming freshmen.
Summer Education Academy tuition
• Tuition for the Summer Education Academy is $175.00 per session, plus any required
lab fees. Tuition must be paid in full at the time of registration; partial payments cannot
be accepted.
• Bookstores are not able to accept credit or debit card payments. Payment should
be made by check, money order or cash. Checks should be made payable to TUHSD
Summer Education Academy.
• Online credit card payment is available at http://tiny.cc/tempeunion.
Please note that payment online does not register a student.
• Students who do not attend, or will not be attending, a TUHSD school will be charged
an additional $25.00 administrative fee.
• Tuition assistance will be granted if the student qualifies for free or reduced-price
meals at TUHSD. Information regarding the student’s eligibility will be used by TUHSD
solely to determine eligibility for reduced tuition and will not be shared with any
other entity or program. Students requiring financial assistance will need to pay at the
bookstore and present the student aid paperwork they obtain from their site principal.
• The TUHSD office has contracted with CCM Enterprises to collect any insufficient
fund checks received by schools. Should a check be returned for insufficient funds, the
writer of the check is giving authorization to electronically debit their account for the
amount of the check plus an NSF fee of $25.00. If you have questions regarding this
process, please contact Roland Carranza at (480) 345-3730.
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Refunds: No refunds will be granted after May 17th, for Session I and June 7th for
Session II. There is a $30 processing fee for any refunds requested. Fees of $30 or less
are non-refundable. Requests for refunds for courses must be made within the first ten
(10) days following registration.
• Refunds are only made to the individual making the original payment. Requests must
be accompanied with an original receipt. Refund checks are mailed within four to six (4
to 6) weeks of receipt of the request in the District Business Office. All refund requests
must be made to the TUHSD District Office.
• No refunds will be made if a student is dropped from a class for attendance or
disciplinary reasons. There will be no refunds for online students once they have
logged into their class.
• A full refund will be made to those students enrolled in classes that are cancelled due
to low enrollment.
Summer Education Academy attendance
The typical Summer Education Academy student accomplishes the same amount of
work in one day that would be completed in one week’s time during the regular school
year. Therefore, a student may only be absent two (2) days during a session. Tardies or
early departures in excess of 15 minutes will constitute one (1) absence. Students will
be withdrawn from their class, receiving no credit for the course, on their third (3rd)
absence. There are no excused absences in Summer Education Academy. If student
conventions, workshops, tournaments, camps or vacations would delay a student’s
reporting for the first day of a session or cause a student’s departure from the session
before its conclusion, he/she should enroll in an alternate session.
Class work and final exams
All class work must be completed and turned in to the teacher by the last day of the
session. There will be Synergy access for parents during Summer Education Academy.
Progress reports will be sent home the second week of each session to the parents/
guardian of those students in danger of failing a course. Final exams will not be
administered early by any teacher, nor will exams be administered after the session
is over. To provide the best testing environment for students there will be no early
release of students on the last day of each session. An “Incomplete” grade will not be
issued for a course. All students completing a Summer Education Academy course will
receive a letter grade. Course transcripts and grades for students who do not regularly
attend a TUHSD school will be forwarded to their home school the week of July 29th.
Please provide the address of the student’s school where indicated on the registration
Launch lab exam schedule
Session I: Friday, June 14th, 7:30 to 10:00 a.m.
Session II: Friday, July 3rd, 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Launch online exam schedule*
Student must schedule and take final exams on dates listed below at Marcos de Niza.
Session I: Thursday, June 13th or Friday, June 14th from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Session II: Wednesday, July 2nd or Thursday, July 3rd from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m.
*Students must complete their coursework before requesting their final exam
Second attempt finals for online students that do not pass on their first attempt will be
Session I
Session II
^Fr. English I...........................EN01A ^Fr. English I........................... EN01B
Soph. English I.......................EN06A Soph. English II...................... EN06B
Jr. English I...............................EN34A Jr. English II............................. EN34B
Sr. EnglishVIRTUAL
Sr. English II.............................
^Spanish I.................................FL20A ^Spanish II............................... FL20B
^Spanish III..............................FL21A ^Spanish IV.............................. FL21B
^Art & Design I...................... FA02A ^Art & Design II......................FA02B
Math Standards I..................MA30A Math Standards II................MA30B
Math Standards III...............MA32A Math Standards IV...............MA32B
^Algebra I...............................MA07A ^Algebra II.............................MA07B
*Algebra II..........................MA07MB
Algebra III...............................MA11A Algebra IV...............................MA11B
^Geometry I..........................MA09A ^Geometry II.........................MA09B
*Geometry II......................MA09MB
Pre-Calculus...........................MA13A Pre-Calculus...........................MA13B
Functions of Math...............MA40A Functions of Math...............MA40B
AM/AZ History I......................SS01A AM/AZ History II.....................SS01B
Economics................................SS04A Economics................................SS04B
US/AZ Govt..............................SS03A US/AZ Govt..............................SS03B
Wld His/Geo I..........................SS21A Wld His/Geo II.........................SS21B
^Comp. Applications..........BU20A ^Comp. Applications..........BU20B
Health Ed................................. PE26A Health Ed..................................PE26B
^Phys Ed 1............................... PE06A ^Phys Ed 2................................PE06B
Phys Ed 3.................................. PE07A Phys Ed 8...................................PE07B
Driver’s Ed............................... PE27A Driver’s Ed................................PE27B
^Chem.-Phys I........................ SC04A ^Chem-Phys II........................ SC04B
Biology I................................... SC07A Biology II.................................. SC07B
Basic Fr. English I...................EN74A Basic Fr. English II.................. EN74B
Basic Soph. English..............EN75A Basic Soph. English II........... EN75B
Basic Jr. English I...................EN76A Basic Jr. English II.................. EN76B
Basic Sr. English I...................EN77A Basic Sr. English..................... EN77B
Basic Math Standards I......MA60A Basic Math Standards II.....MA60B
*Session I — Algebra II and Geometry II classes: Registration for these two classes
only will be accepted for those students receiving a “D” or a failing grade on their May
report card.
^Classes open to incoming freshmen.
Registration for both sessions begins on Monday, March 4th and continues through
May 30th for Session I, and through June 18th for Session II. There are two ways in
which to register and
pay for the
Education Academy.
Payment for campus-based classes at any TUHSD bookstore
1) Meeting: Please see a TUHSD guidance counselor. Bring two copies of the
registration form to the site bookstore.
2) Payment: Visit any TUHSD bookstore which will provide copies of your payment
receipt and will forward a copy of the registration form and receipt to the Summer
Education Academy office.
3) Registration: Complete the process by submitting information online at: http://
tinyurl.com/launch-reg. Computers will be available at each school site for your
convenience. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis and are determined by
the order in which this form is submitted.
Online payment and registration for campus-based classes
1) Meeting: Please see a TUHSD guidance counselor. A signed copy of the registration
form will be sent to the Summer Education Academy office.
2) Payment: Visit http://tiny.cc/tempeunion, select class(es), and follow instructions to
pay. A receipt will be e-mailed to the address provided. (Print a Copy)
3) Registration: Complete the process by submitting information online at: http://
tinyurl.com/launch-reg. Computers will be available at each school site for your
convenience. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis and are determined by
the order in which this form is submitted.
No registration confirmations are mailed home to the student.
Teacher and room assignments will be made available on the first day of each session.
If you have questions please contact Marnie Wright at mwright@tempeunion.org or
Algebra III-IV
American/Arizona History
Earth Science
Freshman English
Geometry I-II
Junior English
Senior English
Sophomore English
U.S./Arizona Government
World History/Geography I-II
Can take Session I or II
All online classes are offered through the Mesa Distance Learning Program (MDLP) with
the exception of Health (PE26). MDLP courses have particular hardware and software
requirements. All software needs to be installed before the start of the session. Please
visit www.mldp.org/tuhsd for more details or call 602-402-8451 for support.
Students new to MDLP must complete an Academic Integrity unit before beginning
online coursework.
To register for an online course, please schedule an appointment with a TUHSD
guidance counselor. During the meeting the registration form will be completed and
signed by both the parent/guardian and guidance counselor. A copy of the registration
form will be forwarded to the Summer Education Academy office for processing.
Online courses in the Summer Education Academy require a strong commitment from
students. Just like campus-based courses, the timeline for completion is condensed
and requires significant time dedicated to coursework each day. To successfully
complete and gain mastery of subject matter, students should plan to spend a
minimum of five hours per day on online coursework to finish their course and take
their final exam before the last day of the session.
Incoming freshman are not eligible to enroll in Summer Education Academy online
Registration for both sessions begins on Monday, March 4th and continues through
May 30th for Session I, and through June 18th for Session II. There are two ways in
which to register and pay for the Summer Education Academy.
Payment for online classes at any TUHSD bookstore
1) Meeting: Please see a TUHSD guidance counselor. Bring two copies of the
registration form to the site bookstore.
2) Payment: Visit any TUHSD bookstore which will provide copies of your payment
receipt and will forward a copy of the registration form and receipt to the Summer
Education Academy office.
3) MDLP Process: (A) Please visit http://www.mdlp.org/tuhsd/ and select “Register
Today!” to begin the enrollment process. Print the Statement of Awareness form
at the end of the process. Computers will be available at each school site for your
convenience. (B) Please provide both the payment receipt from the bookstore and the
MDLP Statement of Awareness to your guidance counselor. The counselor will send all
paperwork to the District Office and complete their portion of the MDLP registration
process. (Note: Students taking Health do not need to do step 3.)
4) Registration: Complete the process by submitting information online at: http://
tinyurl.com/launch-reg. Computers will be available at each school site for your
convenience. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis and are determined by
the order in which this form is submitted.
Online payment and registration for online classes
1) Meeting: Please see a TUHSD guidance counselor. A signed copy of the registration
form will be sent to the Summer Education Academy office.
2) Payment: Visit http://tiny.cc/tempeunion, select class(es) and follow instructions to
pay. A receipt will be e-mailed to the address provided. (Print a Copy)
3) MDLP Process: (A) Please visit http://www.mdlp.org/tuhsd/ and select “Register
Today!” to begin the enrollment process. Print/save the Statement of Awareness
form at the end of the process. (B) E-mail payment receipt and MDLP Statement of
Awareness to their Guidance Counselor (May also provide a printed copy at their
school site). The counselor will complete their portion of the MDLP registration
process. (Note: Students taking Health do not need to do step 3.)
4) Registration: Complete the process by submitting information online at: http://
tinyurl.com/launch-reg. Computers will be available at each school site for your
convenience. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis and are determined by
the order in which this form is submitted.
If you have questions please contact Marnie Wright at mwright@tempeunion.org or
Additional information
Course pace
Students are completing approximately one week’s worth of school work in one class
day. With most of the classes, students will have daily homework.
It is the goal of the Summer Education Academy staff to maintain the high educational
standards endorsed by the District throughout the summer program. Achieving this
goal is a team effort involving the student, teacher and parent.
TUHSD is unable to provide medical insurance coverage for Summer Education
Academy students. The parent or guardian is responsible for any medical fees related
to a Summer Education Academy injury or illness.
Bus passes may be purchased at the time of registration for $25.00 per session. Round
trip bus service is available from the student’s home school to Marcos de Niza. Bus
schedules will be available in the bookstores at the time the bus pass is purchased. By
riding the bus long waiting times and traffic congestion can be avoided.
P.E. (Physical Education) class
The Summer Education Academy P.E. class is co-ed. Uniforms are not required.
Appropriate dress would be comfortable shorts, T-shirt and athletic shoes. Water
stations and activity breaks are provided throughout the class period. The activities
students participate in are scheduled to be both indoors and outdoors. Seldom will a
student spend the entire class day outdoors.
Driver’s Education
Instruction, and up to half the class period, will be spent on a driving simulator.
The Summer Education Academy office is NOT able to provide information about
the applicability of this experience to insurance discounts, please check with your
insurance company regarding any discounts.
Student Conduct
Summer Education Academy students are expected to conform to the TUHSD
Student Conduct - Policy JIC and the policies and regulations outlined in the Student
Handbook. This information covers “standards of behavior” and “dress code.” No hats,
smoking, drugs, alcoholic drinks or weapons will be allowed on campus. The use of
electronic devices such as cellular phones, iPods, etc. is prohibited during instructional
time. Students are governed by the same rules and policies as the students enrolled
in any TUHSD school. Copies of the Student Handbook will be distributed on the first
day of Summer Education Academy classes to students who do not normally attend a
TUHSD school.
Frequently Asked Questions
My student does not attend a TUHSD school. Can he/she still attend Summer
Education Academy?
Yes. Students who do not attend, or will not be attending, a TUHSD school are
welcome to participate the Summer Education Academy. An additional fee of $25.00
will be added to tuition to cover additional administrative costs.
Do classes fill up or get canceled?
Yes. Many classes have limitied availability while others may have limited interest. If
a class is at capacity, or does not reach a minimum enrollment, we will communicate
with the parent/guardian regarding other opportunities or refunds.
My student is an incoming freshman. Can he/she take an online course?
No. Incoming freshmen are not eligible to take online courses.
Do online classes have any special computer requirements?
Yes, please visit www.mdlp.org/tuhsd for more details on specific requirements.
Can my student take their final exam early?
No, early exams cannot be scheduled and students are required to stay until the 10:00
dismissal. To provide the best testing environment for students there will be no early
release of students on the last day of each session.
If my student has an absence but it’s school or sports related does it still count
toward their two allowed absences?
Yes, all absences count, whether they are school or sports related. There are no
excused absences in Summer Education Academy.
Will my student receive confirmation prior to the start of Summer Education
Academy informing them of their teacher’s name and room number?
No, the receipt you received from the bookstore is your confirmation and each student
will find out their room number and teacher on their first day of class.
A family of schools — A community of learning
Do I need to get a book from the bookstore?
No, books are provided for the class by the teacher on the first day of school.
Tempe • McClintock • Marcos de Niza • Corona del Sol
Mountain Pointe • Desert Vista • Compadre
5 0 0 W. G ua d a l up e R o a d
Te m p e, A Z 8 5 2 8 3
Do I need to arrive early on the first day?
Yes. Parking and traffic, in particular, cause delays on the first day of each session so
students not riding the bus should arrive early.
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