THE SAN FRANCISCO 24 BOYCOTT ENTRIES LEAGUE More Than Ninety Crack Act of Players' Three-Year-Olds TOD SLOAN GOVERNOR WILL STOP ENGLAND THE FIGHT JOCKEY SLOAN TACKLES BURLY NATIONAL FOR DERBY AT CHICAGO CALL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1901 GOING TO TRADUCER IN THE PALACE HOTEL Pro- Will :Cross the Ocean Jeffries and Ruhlin Not to Meet in ComDuring Next March. bat. tective Associa- to —tion. Start / •y. Champions of the Pacific Must Be Recognized or Coast Among the WillFight to a String. Finish. Hopes to Regain Favor Ohio's Chief Executive of the Present. Makes Positive Statement CLEVELAND, Ohio, Feb. 2.—The opinion prevails to-night that a boycott CHICAGO. Feb. 2.— Secretary James against the National League is the result Howard of the Washincton Park Club, of the meeting of the Players' Protective Special Dispatch to The Call. •who has b»en busy during the past two weeks straightening out the tangle of entries for the great American Derby, to be run on Washington Park track June 22. has completed the list and will announce •Special before sailing:. He has engaged passag? from New York to Liverpool. The sudden death of Queen Victoria and the accession that nothing- of a,n Improper nature can be proven against* him in his conduct on the race course or paddock. He was somewhat broken in health on his return from England in December, but by roughing it in tha West he has built himself up and Is as strong and .rugged as ever. . Anderson Files Affidavit. Charles J. Anderson has filed an affidavit in opposition to a motion made on behalf of his wife. Grace M. Anderson, for alimony pending the disposition of her action for divorce on the s^ound of cruelty. Anderson says his wife left him Wall Guesswork, Red Signal. Bengal. Wins an Easy Game From the Al Handyman. Wild Pirate. Harry HeioI*evys Iburgr Batted Out of <S«en. Proposal, Sllverdale. Commando act! Lady £chorr. the Box. SAX DIEGO. Feb. 2.-By .defeating the COLD WTNTJ SWEEPS OVEB Al Levys to-day and because the San team was defeated in Los PB.ESIDIO GOLF IAN KS Bernardino by the Maier &. Zobelein team, Angeles place take first In the Several Interclub Contests to Shortly the San Diegos Southern League with ten games won to Take Place Between Oakland five lost. San Bernardino have won eight and City Teams. and lost five. Levys have won six and Though there was a good attendance at lost seven, and Maier & Zobelein have the Presidio links yesterday, the strong won four and lost eleven. The same started out to be the same northwesterly wind made play far from sort of a pyrotechnic display that Los pleasant, and few felt Inclined under euch Angeles was treated to a week ago. Sun adverse conditions to engage in round Diego batted out nine runs in the first . Results at New Orleans. ICETV ORLEANS. Feb. 2.—Results: One mile, F'-lllng—Trebor ¦won. Jockey Joe third. Time, 1:43^. •econd. Jim Conway Three and a half furlongs— Lena. A won. third. Time, :4J. Blue TU4re second. Ardll Kteepl«>cha»e. ehort course Donation ¦won, Raaeorn eecond. Isen third. Time. 3:04>i. SJIsb Handicap, cae mll« and & Blxteeath— Aloha II wen. Anile* second. Intrusive third. Time, — Ownera* bandicap. alx furionge—Tom Klng»- ley won. Buanaer second, Time. 1:1X fieUlng, Oallopin USJfc. L.. Pilct Jr. third. f'.x furlong*—Gertrude Elliott won, aecond. Claude Welter third. Time, GUINATTO CASE DISMISSED.— The case of .Antonio Oulnatto. bootblack, charged with Caman*lau»rhter. vh dismissed by Ju<1t» yesterdajr. toaulsa On New Tear'a morning GuiRatto came out of a saloon at Green and Kearny street* and firfd five shots from Ms revolver at the crowd. One of the bullet; rieochetted and etrack Francisco Duneco In the eye. bis de&tb three wwks later. — STA2TFOE.D VICTOR. Defeats Fireman's Fund Nine in Close Contest. a STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Feb. 2.— The first baseball of the season here was played to-day by the Fireman's Fund and Varsity teams, went to the coland lege men by a score of 10 to 9. With the exception of one inning the game was in- teresting throughout, the evenness of the score tending to add interest to the work of the two nines. From the standpoint of college athletics the game was Important, as it gives a line on the probable strength of the Stanford aggregation. It was shown that Stanford has an abundance of material and will turn out a strong team as soon as a battery is developed. Traeger seems to be a find as a backstop, while Bennett and Parker are good, steady twirlers. ... .... pulled off without coming In conflict with the whole power of tha State, as well as with the opposing elements in this city. is not believed that Mayor Fleischmann. will go any further than he has gone in issuing the permit. The brother of Mayor la on Governor Nash s staff, FIeisch.mana and both Fleischmann brothers are close frlenda of tha Governor, personally and politically. George B. Cox. the Republican leader in thi3 city, has oeen opposed to the fight from the start on politcai grounds, and other Republican leaders, including tha senior Ohio Senator, have been opposing the event under a Republican city admin- istration, so that great political forces have been against the fight, whilo tha commercial interests generally and thosa In sympathy with the Saengerfest board and went to Sacramento, but returned to have been in favor of it. solely for tha the city and took rooms at the Knicker- .relief of those v/ho are responsible for tho deficit. Notwithstanding ail bocker lodging: house. He visited her Saengerfest developments here and at Columbus there, he continues, but she refused to the to-day no official action toward declaring return to him unless ho deeded her his the fight eft willbe taken by the Saengerproperty at 721 Ashbury street. This he fest Athletic Club until after th« proceeddid, he says, and furthermore lntrustei ings in th'e case are heard before Judgo her with stocks and bonds of gTeat value, Holllster next Tuesday. The directors of the Saengerfest Athletwhich are still in litigation. He further Association have been in constant sesstates that the value of his Klondike ic sion to-day, and to-night gava out tha . — for a ten-round bout between Childs and of his friend and patron, the Prince oi M^yor Fleiachmann has persistently r«Wales, to the throne may mean much to fused permits for local fights or boxinff Although the former prince, aa contests of anv kind, but, In sympathy Sloan. the result of public clamor, canceled his with the old Saengerfest Association, he contract with.him for the coming season, promised a permit for their benefit on*. he yet remains a friend and' admirer of February 13, and kept his word, notwiththe American Jockey. Sloan ls certain standing: the storm of local opposition. It of th^ "Members who last year played in the Allcrack three-year-olds of the country •will be here, among them the champion American League are authorized for the pick coming season in that league only, the Coast, us well as the of the Pariric of the etriiiRT from Kastern etablos. Sec- new contract agreed upon between However,said leagrue and our association. all to-day there retary Howard announced their had been larger entry lists In the past such members are advised to send but never have the nominations been of contracts to the association at once for inspection before signing. such a high grade. • Some of the entries for the Derby event "So member shall sign a contract to Garry are: His Eminence, J09 play in the National, the Eastern League FTer, Alard Hermann. or the American Association until further Scheck. Itobert WaddeJI, Ar- instructions," ticulate, Rolling Boer. Canmore, William Ack. Beau Gallant, Ballyhoo Bey, Brutal, Thompson's Bros.' entry, TVr, Al Brown. SAN" DIEGO TEAM LEADS Sad Sam. Silurian. Kenilworth. Krarkfort. THE SOUTHERN LEAGUE Rio de Altar, Kazan, Azim, Lord Roberto, Bencart, Bonnie Lissak, Royal Victor, rac*s — 2.-Jockey Tod but will spend a week at his old home cannot be It to-xnorrow. Over ninety "names have that. league exists and that the National will cither have to recognize been handed in for the Derby and over Association 1400 horses entered for the different the Players* Association or fight to a fintwenty-five days' meeting'. ish. The resolution says: - 2.—Although thm Mayor of Cincinnati has issued a permit who is California, has writ- Martin and a iwenty-round bout between ten a letter to his parents statihe that Jeffries and Ruhtin in thia city on Februn© will return to England early in March, ary 15, it is evident now that the events this afternoon. TTae IAmerican League was not represented at the meeting, but from the resolution adopted it is evident that a distinct understanding between the Players" Association and robin tournament matches. One very three innings partially because Ham close match, however, was played be- Iburg's arm was not in good shape. He relieved in Gayby was the fourth Hartwell Wcrthington tween Ames and R. H. lord, the former winning 1 up on nineteen of Arizona, who was able to hold the holes. Hardly one-fifth of he sixty-six locals down. Doyle, who was In the box matches la the tournament have eo far for San Diego, was takun illin the fourth been played, the points won being as fol- inning and was retired. Devereaux iinout the game. The two umpire syslows: H. B. Goodwin, 2 from J. \v". ished was Byrne and 2 from Worthlngton Ames, tem tried with great success, almost total 4; J. TV*. Bryne. 3 points from II. ail the kicking which has become a men<3olcher; L. O. KeJlogg. 1 from J. "W. ace to popular baseball being eliminated. Byrne and 1 from R. II.Gaylord;.H. The score was as follows: BAN DIEGOS. Golcher. 1 from S. L. Abbot Jr.; R. H. • AB R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Caylord, 1from Captain D. J. Rumbaugh; "Worthington Ames. 1 from R. H. Gayloru. Devereaox. as, p... 5 0 1 1 0 2 U H. Golcher and R. H. Gaylord tied in Donlln. lb 3 2 1.0 9 0 1 Eagan. p. es the!r match. 4 1 1 1 0 1 1 c. f 2 2 0 0 10 0 Itis proposed to get up a match over Drenr.aa. Artllanes, £b 4 1 thirty-six holes between teams represent2 0 1 S 0 3 2 2 4 4 10 ing class B of the San Francisco and Oak- Bowman. 1. t r. t., 8b... 4 1 0 0 3 1 0 land Golf Clubs. Vice Captain P. E Klauber, Work?, c 5 2 3 18 0 0 Bowles will confer with Warren Gregory Doyle, p 1 0 0 0 0 10 early in the week and the match Is likely Taylor, r. t 0 1 1 10 2 0 to begin next Saturday. It -will be a homeand-horae tournament, eighteen holes ca Totals S3 11 11 T 27 11 the Presidio links and the same number AL LEVYS. on the Point Adams course. Vice Captain • P. E. Bowles of the Oakland Club willbe AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. asked to pick out ten of the best Ss.n Harrey. 1. t :... 4 1118 0 1 Francisco golfers, who will be barred Hart. 2b • '. 4 0 1 0 12 0 Jb « 12 0 111 from the teanu and the representative of Stemfeldt, Durban, e. f 4 players will select the 1 1 1.00 0 city the same num5 0 1 0 7 ber of Oakland men,, who will be inellg1 Lohmao, c 2 0 Decker, lb 4 0 0 1 0 13 0 play. ble to Franrkf,. 8 0 0 0 1 3 0 A match over seventy-two holes, thJrty- Little, r. f«f 3 1 « 1 2 0-0 thirty-six Elx on the Presidio course and Iburp. p 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 en the Oakland links, will shortly ba Hartwell. p 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 played between Oakland and San Francisco teams consisting of one professional .V..25 A 7 3 27 Total* "' V X 2 and one amateur. Robert Johnstone and RtJKS BY IXXING3. B. D. Adamson will represent the city 2 2 6 10 10 0 e—11 golfers, while Horace Rawlins and TV. P\ San Diegos....' 2 10-000001—4 Johnson will be the champions of the Al L«vy8 SUMMARY. .< Oakland Golf Club. To-morrow morning, at 9:33. there will Earned runs— San Dleg-oe'l. Al Levys I. b« Women's foursomes, ¦with handicap, run Donlln. Three-base hit Arellanes. SHome over eighteen holes, on the links of the base hits Bowman, Works. Struck outTwoBy Ban Francisco Golf Club. The following Doyle Z, by Devereaux 4, by Iburg 3, by Hartcouples will compete: Miss Morgan and well 4. Bases on balls— By Doyle 1. by DevMiss Drum, Mi!=s Crockett and Miss Ha- ereaux 3. by Iburg 4, by Hartwell 3. Passed ger. Mies Maud O'Connor and Miss Jos- balls— Works 1, Lohman 1. Hit by pitcher— Frlyn, MIfs Rowe and Mrs. R. G. Browi. Drennan, Stemfeldt, Dungan. Missed third t. Left on bases— San Diegos Mrs. Scott and Mi?s Carolan. Mrs. Green strike— Lohman S. Time of game— 2 hours and 5 has also entered, but as yet has no part- 7. Al Levy" Umpires— L. C. Works and Charles minutes. ner. Van Horn. CIXCINXATT. Feb. Dispatch to The Call. RICHMOND,' Ind.,- Feb. Sloan, Association — > properties is purely speculative and that following correspondence: outside of $3000, which he need3 to develop Ohio, Feb. 2.— To h!« Exc«lCINCINNATI. Nash, same, he has nothing. Henca ha lency the Governor Governor of Ohio, Copraya that hex motion for alimony be lumbus: The undersigned believe themselves ju3t aa law-abiding citizens of Cincinnati aa those who telegraphed on January 29. Eminent attorneys assert that there Is noth- proper ing Illegal in the proposed boxing contest and we are satisfied that there la nothing prejudicial to good order or the standard of morais Both the box- in it. We believa this plan for ralslnsr money fought to pay the deficit Incurred in extending tb« nevertheless. In the first hospitality of our city toward visiting stranground Danziger had a slight advantage, ers Is entirely proper. The Saengerfeat waa but in the second Leonard crossed stiffly neither- a private enterprise nor was th« reSELF-STYLED "LEAD TRUST KING" RECKLESSLY ACCUSES JOCKEY "TOD" OP BEING CROOKED WITHOUT of due to any negligence or bad busiright, jarring with his sult It Danziger heavily. BEING AWARE THAT THE SUBJECT OF HISREMARKS IS WITHINHEARING. THE FIERY LITTLE-RIDmanagement. 03 has been erroneously or The third rountl increased in intensity ness ER IMMEDIATELYGOES ON THE WARPATH. Th<» debt concern* tbs . from start to finish. Little Danziger maliciously charged. 1 fought all the way, landing on Leonard city*a honor, which should stand equally aa in the world aa its morals. The Sarageroften and hard, winning favor with every high fest board are entitled to the sympathy and blow. Leonard did not fight with his old- support people they of the and should not ba time cleverness, but this does not lessen every man thy ear, but few and from his personal experiences the turned round and with a condescending Danziger's victory, on account of which assailed and hampered by legal proceedings. thy voice," would be a splendid conversation drifted to the subject of the smile encouraged midget Jockey the to he will wear a handsome medal and a The above dispatch was signed by tho John C. Roth Packing Company and 10O) quotation for one R. J. Preston, big horserace that was to take place at approach him. belt. developed that yesterday. "Do you know who Iam "elr," sa'.d handsomer leading business men and firms of It other a guest occupying room 482 :ln Tanforan' Then came lightweights, Britt, the J. horseraclng Preston's pet fad, and he Sloan, peering up as far as Preston's and the autograph signatures the Palace Hotel, to have framed immediately was the Olympic Club terror, and J. A. Rock Cincinnati, commenced to enlighten his watch chain. . . . and list were sent to Governor Xaab, by. also Olympic fought Club. Britt in his mail. "No, sir, I don't," replied the man from and hung up in a conspicuous position. In listeners to the fact that they were talkusual crouching style, delivering his powIng to the man. who had at one. time raced Colorado Springs. C his home. Nash and from The news from Governor erful left and rightshort-arm blows when- the "Well, sir, I wish to inform you that I meeting of the Saengeriest Club soon Preston arrived from Colorado Springs the biggest stablq that ever happened. the opening showed. He was alert reached training quarters of Jeffries as the conversation drifted Into these am Mr. Sloan and I wish to have an ex- ever the ready. on Thursday, and was very modest in his Just cautious and ever The end came in and Ruhlln and caused consternation channels Tod Sloan walked Into the bar planation for your remarks In regard to the third round, when Britt delivered a pugilists. No estimate could demeanor until, early yesterday morning, unobserved by Preston, and thereby my crooked riding for you. I never rode couple, a • right, on the head. among the from left and fact, sir, I Manager Madden or Runwhen he oozed Into the Palace Hotel bar hangs a tale. for you in my life, and in ; have be learned Rock back, went dovn on his • slang before;" you of the never seen where he about 2 o'clock. .K. O.'. McCormlck of the Preston's tongue, in the as to how much thoy would stand losremained for several seconds. As he was lin racetrack,, "running was a In remark not ruffle ers, Company then mile The last did Preston's but it was Manazer and Southern Pacific Railroad for all fighting purposes Referee Brady would be estimated that in the mud." His stable, he claimed, composure at all, in fact, he followed out out about $10,000 on ac"Jack" Wilson, the pet of the Bohemian 1:46 large as Whitney's, Lorillard'a Polonius' injunction to Laertes, "Beware Smith marked Britt as the winner. Jim- count of the engagements was canas he had Club, were Indulging in a nlghtbap. when and- Daly's put together. On being asked of entrance into quarrel, but being, in. my now has another chest ornament. and the expense he haa The middle-weight championship fight celed for Jeffries for past two months. •Preston decided to let the good people of why he retired from the turf. Preston ex- bear it that the oppressor may beware of was the been under here between F. Wegener of the Olympic Harry Hoffmeier, who was a member up to that time plained' that he , was disgusted with all thee." San Francisco know that, ' and J. Milieu of the San Francisco of the last Legislature and who thl* matters. With. a knowing wink Preston emiled at Club Wegener aa a fighter is distinctly he had been hiding his light under• a racing Club. Sloan, "Why, month assumed the d-itlea of Prosecutlns: you know this fellow Tod . most sul generis . Sloan and said: think you .• . bushel. and he lost nothing of his la out here now,'* he explained, "he of thi3 county, to-night received that I' don't are the ' "Well^ sleepy manner last night. As the first Attorney Preston's Introductory remarks to Mc- can't beat a carpet: He used to ride for honest' man in the world.'* . the following letter from Governor Xaat: nearing round was completion Milieu Cormick and Wilson were somewhat fa- me at Washington Park and all those laEt remark made Sloan furious. This thought Wegener was ready to go to bed, I have watched with some degree of anxiety miliar,, but by no means offensive. . He places, but I got on to his. crooked work With a threatening gesture, he shouted; the developments la Cincinnati in an effort to not wisely, for Wegener came close bring paid him off I just told him of February next, a modestly shouted that he was the presi- and when I "You are not responsible for your ac- but oft. on the 15th known the fight with a right on Miltrust syndicate and that what Ithought of him." tions to-night, sir, but to-morrow, sir, you to ending or what is aa a boxing exdent of the lead$1000 chin. The second round was full of prize-fight,I lett's Sloan, Yes, sir, fully so was a to believe that the proposed afday; plexus salary was a that he had This solar blow. for shall answer me. to me." hibition. his fury. Wegener caught opBound and prize-ficrht his and not a boxln* fair Is to be a did .not know how he who had been listening to the conversaWhat the result of the altercation be- ponent with some very heavy Jolts and exhibition. much money he The enly way by which men's could cremate it. He then requested the tion, and . the . little jockey's eyes wero tween Sloan and Preston will be is hard Milieu fought back in good style. the future b« Judged Is by In the motives as to can to imagine. Should Sloan- call his oppo- third round Wegener's open two gentlemen to have a nlghtcad with nearly popping out of his head. go-to-bed act3. Judging the promoters of this afAfter this broadside Preston decided nent out they may decide to fight with style proved his undoing.andMlllett got their him. After -liquid refreshments Preston done and la now beby what has been fair became more communicative. The feats that what he had told the good people of broadswords at fifty paces. there with several on tne chin and Weg- ing done. 1 can reach no other conclusion than Lato yesterday afternoon Preston wa« ener of the- late Steve Rrodie. the bridge Frisco "would- hold them for a while" Two of tha most went down on hl« haunches. HU the one indicated above. country Jumper, paled into insignificance by the and started to", walk out of the bar. still confined to his room. There was n seconds threw been a wet sponge In the rins noted prlae-flehters In the bunch of mall and telegrams In his box bo Mlllett got the engaged followed him to the corridor. the stars. A man has been aeside of the thrilling experiences that Sloan as medal and the belt. "Say, stop a minute!" .shouted whose sole fam« consists Sloan. at the office, but he was too Indisposed to lected as a referee light Preston had encountered. heavy-weight The championship reputation as a Judge of prize-fights. McCormlck managed to flag Preston, Preston, who is nearly Bix feet tall. read them. was in the hands of Charles Uallivan of his brought to Cincinnati have been principals Tee Club, Athletic Pacific and W. Sutherland for th« being prepared witH West Oakland Athletic Club. Galllvan and areskill and care which men contest ara> prepared the was nervous in the first round, but other- all prixe-flghta. A large prize is offered to for wise comported himself well in avoiding the contestants, to wit: a percentage of th« Sutherland's swings. In the second round gross receipts, a much larger percentaga to th« both men piled -straight lefts with fair ¦winner than the loser. The hall whers th« execution, Gallivan dropping Sutherland contest is to take place is prepared Jnat as once by the use of this blow. The third halls are prepared for prlze-flshta. Seats an to £5 each. It Is •was Gallivan's. left pokes in the face and being sold at from $5 up belief that ordinary m«n would right lashings on the body doing: the trick. beyond that, brought with It pay these large prices to witness an uninterestthe decision got He ing boxing match. These are only a portion a medal, a belt and the championship. what ttoa afof the earmarks which indlcat* The last of the championship battles think that every promoter to be. I is was between A. J. Gallagher of the San fair * when he solemnly asserts and finds & person Athletic Club Francisco and Thnmas who believes that the affair Is to be a boxing Bantam W. Snailham, . San Francisco Athletic Middleweight J Millett, San Francisco Athletic. Lynch of the South End Rowing Club, match must smile in his sleeve. I sea that a Light heavyweight—Charles Gallivan, Pacific Ath* Club. who moved up from the light heavy into proceeding has been brought before a Justice heavy-weights. Gallagher under section 7117 of the brought D. Danziger, Olympic Club. the of the Peace revised Featherweight ; letic Club. . ' * all his soft weight and cleverness with statutes of Ohio for the purpos* of arresting Lightweight James Britt, Olympic Club. Heavyweight— A. J. Gallagher, San Francisco him and for two rounds fought in scien- the persons Intending to engage In tha coming tific fashion. In the third he Improved prize-fight. Welterweight>-H. W. Pink*, Olympic Club. Athletic Club. and used his left on Lynch's jaw conTo-night the following was received: tinuously. Gallagher was an easy win• COLUMBUS, Ohio, Feb. 2.—To th« Saenserner. Athletic Association. Cincinnati: You ar* H. W. Klnke and James Pallas fought fest unfortunate In your preparations II til*affair of Market street and south a special match. Pallas refused to meet is to be simply a boxing contest. The aigzm of Market street divided the am- Finke on Friday evening because Finke all point unerringly to a prUe-flffht. Iwill a bye. Pallas was therefore be governed by this evidence, and tisa affair ateur boxing championships of had drawnfrom the tournament. Without will be permitted. It yon persist yoa will the Pacific Coast at the Olympic ejected any caviling? Finke demonstrated his su- find not yourselves in conflict -with all tlio power* Club last' night. By far the periority by hammering Pallas all over of the State. GEORGE K. NASH. Gorernor. best fighting of the tournament was seen the ring. Finke got the decision. in the finals, and every championship was honestly and fairly woi). ADVEBTISEMEETTS. With one exception the medal and belt spirit for the fight ers are Olympic Club men, but they determinedly . QIVE - .... * . - •¦ - _ * AMATEUR BOXING CHAMPIONSHIPS ARE SETTLED AT THE CLUB ROOMS OF THE OLYMPIC CLUB — — PACIFIC COAST AMATEUR BOXING CHAMPIONS. —— NDRTH -¦ winners represented the Olympic and the San Francisco ! Athletic clubs, and the Caused by over-work! Over-eating! Over-drinking! "No part. of the human body receives more ill treatment than the bowels. Load after, load is imposed until 4he intestines become clogged, refuse to act, worn out. Then you must assist nature. Do 'it, and see how easily you will'be cured by CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Not a mass of mercurial and mineral poison, but a pure vegetable compound that acts directly upon the diseased and worn out intestinal .canal, making it strong, and gently stimulating the liver and kidneys; a candy tablet, pleasant to take, easy and delightful in action. Don't accept a substitute for CASCARETS. Bowel Troubles: -.^Ba^C»*™^»5^^>w ir LatflR^^^^^k -XSSiZPySk. VHb\ >^5»»r J&Q ,&&!£$? SSA J&gny j«Tgg«gg»Mft iffi? aBBJ^HSI {my MSitear /©?**£# FZmlSff A£ggS3 jr.•¦^'-**£j*-.u« *^ laP &«ST SS&f TgSL Wjpgft - YK*£?k fSfiS»- a ¦ ¦ iS»5& ESSIES ££%SmF — • to I*iibring a surgeon. u eweler's Weekly. hav* Vld -IhaT « rone 14 day* at a time without n)*~ t s -"" : On • " * ln \-A »on- jnCT^ty "'T ¦ movement of the bowels. Chroulc constlpaOon for Mjven years placed mo In this terriDlo Idid eTerTtfains I conditions beard or but nrrer any rellefiinunbPKanurinaCASCARETS. found bow hare trom ooe to tlire» paiiueMa day, and I «f I was rtch Iwould pive JIOO.OO for each morement; ItUeach a relief." aylmerL.Hcnt, 1(589 Unssell St., Detroit, Mlcfa. J oniDciy^~* ¦ *hxix do !¦*****out* "™%ip* *i^ ™. !"• time, Eaying many nice and pleasant things. .Oelrichs' speech was a sensation, calling for as much applause as the hottest iistlc bout on the programme. « Oel- richs, by the way, has promised gold belts for the Eastern- Western championships in March. . For this Interest In the sport Introduced by Greer Harrison as a patron saint, and then he made 'his speech, very much like his postprandial Pacific-Union efforts when wine has cheered and stomachic delicacies have reddened the blood. He said he would ln<dulge in "hot air," and he did. There was no mistaking It.. He confessed aloud that he would rather be president of the Olympic Club than any old president, even of the country or the -Stanford University. •• J.- Fields of the Olympic Club and W. Snailham of the San Francisco Athletlo Club opened the programme with a warm '*8^m$£§•<-,-. a aB car Oelrichs, donator of belts, and Greer Har- j rison occupied the oratorical seat. for a pugilistic he was _* chau struggles for the first honors many instances | between these two organizations. But the boxing did not furnish the only amusement of the evening. Herman lliPlsiil • ' u«** * ci" iffiHtico fight for, the bantam championship. Eager for the mix-up, both men fought In giveand-take fashion throughout the 1 round. Snailham swung a •right cross ,on IFields' chin and scored a temporary advantage, ' but at the end '. of the round both were The second spell -rt-aa as Ifierce, Snailham forcing matters fighting fiercely. Just ¦ and administering severe * head .punish- ment upon his adversary. Fields' strength enabled -him to take the medicine, and he fought -back gamely and strongly. The third round took the crowd off its BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. rfdtr feet and unloosened every throat horn In the building. 'After grilling, battering ; - • work Snailham 'caught Fields on a vulnerable « spot of the chin > and then peppered away at body and- head until the' gong sounded, the only thing that could save him from going out. Snailham re- J^6^yifllwiyill11% *ftTlQl \Z3Sy THE TABLET »f«". «.d i£ul^« P *K>«* "»-er trouble, »U<m eon- ¦Imllar metUdne In th* world. ' NEVER SOLDINBULK. DRUGGISTS Xlila la «b«olnte proof of fcreaC merit, pwnd k a "»««•»• «"»»>*. hoaegt trial, *a per ample direction*, amdUyon mn aotwitlifliS tt>am^*to<l»y»«"«»' iii^VS^\^L^J^^Tt^ u^V V^ lF* T\^fT&^S^ B t'«mCjWCARBT arter u«lnjt one ftOe box. return the nnuied fiO« box «nd the enpty box to S£^^i?^K^S^wriWh!tti!^l^?i r 1 S^r 1 et^ 11 T°a •?•' *Ottr »»*w*U p« by jmall,or ike dmmrlst from whom yoa pmchiued It,and *«tyour money . ru*u 'r^J"a^a7u}} i'5 i^A «lSVl^*. »«l«y, u.dtr AWABETi mm kbMlat* Wk for both boi«. Take oar adTleerjio m«tter what atlla yoa-atart today. •^£^U^tle«^^»ke^r?ftT d^ - ofCAJ»C AKET8. JSowk. frc« by Mall. Addi eTKMiliellCkKUT . . / > MS,. t B •• . . . . CO., InlwtirCWMi*. ceived the medal from Greer Harrison, amid the plaudits from a. 'wildlyenthusiastic and up-standlngr, crowd. The second fight was for .the welter" weight championship,' M. J. Breen and - W..J. Finke, both .Olympic Club, men, behig 1 the ;contestants. • For one round and the better, part of the , second Finke was cautious, allowing Brfen to ; few,points, but then there came ,a some mix-up and it; was all .day, with: Breen. whoi received- a' stiff jolt:on the Jaw. ? He did :not care ,to get up. so the medal and . . score Why the Frightful Tension of Stricture is Dissolved Like Snow Beneath the Sun— IN FIFTEEN DAYS. Why Weak Men Are Restored by the Magic St. James Treatment Applied Locally and Directly to the Affected Parts. ' V__ tlons flP**-v~-~f -ssF!X / '^CW»*i^m / «V^^M / *5^ tia^ra 'x^iisaS V\ m\X 6/JSWl ™ SJ «Sw«W^ T lllarly when the ureF* VNfe«< thral ducts become j!m /<\SYm^^. weakened is and relaxed it rldlcu<4&7 \/VPwffi^iSr •w*F*mX-J-&IIMW. joug to tajjp internal treatment, which must pass through the •tornach and urine before it reaches the aeat of 3SS • Strictlirt* JUItlUlC Ifyou cut an artery In In15 days, -without pain. Injury or lneoayour arm you do venlence. The bougies ar» Inserted at not tnkp internal ni?ht and act while you Bleep. "Granevery symptom of mtH3lcine to stop the Solvent" removes flow of blood. YOU stricture. leaving the canal as healthy APas when nature USE LOCAL. formed it. NO BRUTAL, PLICATIONS. Sim- CH'TTIXG OK DILATING. NO INJEC- W« answer the quesbriefly. ' TIONS TO IRRITATE THE MEMJJRANE. NO INTERNAL DRL'GGINO TO RUIX James live. TIIK STOMACH. treatment is local, direct The St. and poai- T ai IwUCClC. . Vorirnr^lA disease. The seminal ducts project Varicocele la tin accumulation of sluglnto the urethral canal through -the Pros- grf»h blood In tho veins of the scrotum, tate Gland, and are easily reached by U> due solely to imperfect circulation, and •CAL ITiEATMENT.The St. Jamescrayons. treat- has its origin in a diseased anrf torpid ment Is prepared In the form of Prostate Gland. Operations in this disv*ry narrow. smooth, flexible and wholly ease are only temporary, mesoluble. which are inserted Into the water, chanlcal device yet discoveredandhasnocured passage at night, where they dissolve a single case. Gran-Solvent heals tha and deposit th« medication' in its full Prostate and restores healthy circulation. strength upon the .*. Varicocele disappears ami the Klussrfsh u on ls replaced by pure h«*»^y Gland Contracting and strenRthenlnR the fiuets. 13.S46 men strictured, weak, wasting ¦ Prostate . - , -- -. ?^ bioodV -- EVKR STOPPING 'drains and >misS?i•Ions, and eurinff^wlillc the patirat.sleepi. T*£i^—Ca J?i? rJi pran:,solventV gsoluble v despondent . and were cured and restored by va/t the St. James method last year. A army of men In whom tha light of Ufa 9 ot — i&^^StiS^?**"* Every iWan Should Know Himself, permit a Space will not complete' description of the incompar- icm ypp> rmj - ¦ Every sufferer B able St. James treatment in urethal diseases. flg Hi from Stricture and its offsprlnfr. Prostatitis and Seminal Weak- K tl 3 3 U ness, should write to the St. James Association. N. \V. cor. Fifth 8L_ Bf*f Pg, &¦ Ohio, and Elm streets. Cincinnati. for the'.r wonderful illustrated §f" H*ft K^ W3 championship ;went to the' incumbent. work showing: the parts of the human system invol^d In urethal i « 3 J| t\ Finke won the championship of the United ailments, which they willsend securely wrapped in plain pack- m H H fl^, g^ -._-., , - -This last year. Harrison -•...:...;¦; States * and ,';Oelrichs is where pattemtas roa broke :in on the fistic entertainment. -«-> ,.- HOME TREATMENT CA2r B1E T!!S:T> -BT XH1! ,v D. Danziger and W.: J. Leonard' skirted Oelrichs' speeoh," which But the crowd In j St. Elm St:, ¦ James Assn. 250 Clncirinatl, 0.
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