N O R T H A M E R I C A N W E T L A N D S C O N S E R VAT I O N A C T : N AW C A What is the source of the funds that NAWCA allocates for wetlands projects? I nasmuch as Ducks Unlimited (DU) is a world leader in wetland conserva- tion, and our mission is to conserve North America’s wetlands and associated habitats for waterfowl and other wildlife, What are “matching grants?” These are grants that require applicants to match the federal dollars they receive. In the case of NAWCA, each federal dollar must be matched with at least one dollar from a non-federal source. Matching funds typically come from state agencies, private foundations, private landowners and non-profit organizations such as Ducks Unlimited. Matching grants are important for generating the partnerships that are genuinely committed to accomplishing the long-term objectives of wetland habitat conservation. DU has been able to help NAWCA be NAWCA IS A FEDERAL GRANTS PROGRAM THAT FUNDS WETLAND NAWCA GREAT LAKES HABITAT CONSERVATION PROJECTS THROUGHOUT NORTH AMERICA. QUICK FACTS NAWCA PROJECTS PROTECT, RESTORE AND ENHANCE HABITAT FOR Acres Conserved: 173,562 NAWCA Funds: $14.3 million Partner Funds: $35.2 million successful in many ways. DU has been What has NAWCA accomplished? WATERFOWL AND OTHER WILDLIFE THAT DEPEND UPON WETLANDS. responsible for designing and carrying NAWCA grants have contributed to the conservation of approximately 23.2 million acres of wetlands and associated uplands in more than 1,100 projects across North America. As of December 2004, more than $630.5 million of federal funds have been invested through NAWCA. Partner matching contributions have totaled more than $1.9 billion. What is NAWCA and what does it do? out many of the wetland conservation projects funded by NAWCA. Perhaps most important, and thanks to our tens of thousands of volunteers and hundreds of thousands of members, DU is proud to have been able to stimulate many of the partnerships that have been most critical to the past and continuing success of NAWCA in restoring, conserving and managing these habitats for waterfowl and other wildlife across North America. Where have all these NAWCA projects been conducted? Congress passed NAWCA to fund migratory bird habitat conservation throughout their entire North American range, and the Council has traditionally allocated 50 percent of the funds for projects in the United States, 45 percent for projects in Canada and 5 percent for projects in Mexico. In the United States, the most extensive impact has been in North Dakota, with over 680,000 acres conserved as of March 2004. In Canada, approximately 70 percent of the funding has gone to the prairie provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Overall, approximately one half of the Act’s non-coastal funds have been used to fund projects in the important waterfowl breeding grounds of the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR). assed by Congress in 1989, NAWCA provides federal matching funds to public-private partnerships for wetland habitat conservation projects in North America. The Act is critical for successfully implementing the habitat objectives of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan and other national and international conservation plans for migratory birds that use wetlands. NAWCA allocates resources for longterm projects that protect, restore and/or enhance wetlands and associated upland habitats on both public and private lands. P The NAWCA grant program is itself a public-private partnership. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service administers the grant program, while the North American Wetlands Conservation Council establishes the policies that govern the grant selection process. The Secretary of Interior appoints the U.S. members of the Council. The following organizations are represented on the Council: four state wildlife agencies (one from each flyway), five non-profit organizations (including Ducks Unlimited), National Fish & Wildlife Foundation and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. • What is NAWCA? • How is it funded and what are “matching grants?” • What has NAWCA accomplished? • Where are these NAWCA projects? • What’s Ducks Unlimited’s role in NAWCA? Every federal dollar appropriated under NAWCA has been matched by at least $3 in state/private dollars! GREAT LAKES/ATLANTIC REGIONAL OFFICE 1220 Eisenhower Place • Ann Arbor, MI 48108 | p: 734.623.2000 • f: 734.623.2035 • www.ducks.org pictures by Al & Elaine Wilson: www.naturespicsonline.com What is Ducks Unlimited’s role in NAWCA? NAWCA funds come from a number of sources, including general appropriations (federal tax revenue), interest earned on various federal accounts, federal excise taxes and Migratory Bird Treaty Act fines. NAWCA is not funded with duck stamp or hunting license sales. NAWCA’s portion of the federal excise taxes may only be used to fund projects in the U.S. Coastal Zone. These coastal funds have made up 35 percent of NAWCA funds awarded to U.S. projects to 2004. ILLINOIS Rollins Savanna Wetland Restoration Project Illinois Total: INDIANA NAWCA $ PARTNER $ ACRES TOTAL $ 50,000 513,060 773 563,060 $50,000 $513,060 773 $563,060 NAWCA $ PARTNER $ ACRES Boot Lake Nature Preserve 50,000 747,240 146 797,240 Elkhart Environmental Center 50,000 94,255 34 144,255 400,000 1,210,000 847 1,610,000 S. Lake Michigan Coastal Wetlands TOTAL $ S. Lake Michigan Coastal Wetlands II 1,000,000 4,239,715 1,238 5,239,715 S. Lake Michigan Coastal Wetlands III 1,000,000 2,310,850 1,169 3,310,850 $2,500,000 $17,686,428 16,696 $23,686,428 NAWCA $ PARTNER $ ACRES TOTAL $ 175,000 333,164 1,454 508,164 35,000 125,000 580 160,000 1,000,000 2,707,289 2,826 3,707,289 Indiana Total: MICHIGAN Crow Island Wetland Initiative Maple River Michigan Upper Peninsula Coastal Wetland Mitchell Creek Preserve 22,000 22,500 125 44,500 North Arm Lake Bellaire Loon Nursery 50,000 272,184 31 322,184 Northern Lake Huron Marsh Protection 498,480 945,000 846 1,443,480 50,000 225,000 210 275,000 Round Island Point Preserve Project Saginaw Bay Wetland Initiative Saginaw Bay Wetland Initiative Ph. II 774,750 2,424,750 2,580 3,199,500 1,000,000 3,315,800 3,223 4,315,800 NEW YORK (continued) 20,000 20,707 18 40,707 242,720 46 292,701 Tug Hill Headwaters Conservation Project 650,000 4,825,000 44,548 5,475,000 Chautauqua Lake Outlet Greenway Project 45,000 47,720 77 92720 Mohawk Pool Wetland Enhancement Project 33,950 1,236,450 1,120 1,270,400 Sink Hole Marsh Enhancement Project 45,000 57,500 1,200 102,500 $3,215,202 $12,092,773 56,489 $15,307,975 NAWCA $ PARTNER $ ACRES TOTAL $ New York Total: OHIO Adam Grimm Wetland Restoration Project Metzger’s Marsh Mosquito Creek/Grand River 32,335 100 50,335 755,000 908 1,455,000 170,000 180,000 850 350,000 5,376,348 3,052 6,376,348 Ohio Private Lands 150,000 353,000 1,700 503,000 Pickerel Creek 300,000 588,000 390 888,000 Pickerel Creek II 450,000 655,000 450 1,105,000 Winous Point Horseshoe Marsh Restoration 200,000 212,050 255 412,050 50,000 1,275,026 877 1,325,026 $ 3,038,000 $9,426,759 8,582 $12,464,759 NAWCA $ PARTNER $ ACRES TOTAL $ NAWCA $ PARTNER $ ACRES TOTAL $ 1,000,000 2,168,800 901 3,168,800 460,000 1,044,341 1,950 1,504,341 69,000 70,000 450 139,000 878,000 3,255,170 14,539 4,133,170 NE Wetland & Native Grassland Project Ohio Total: PENNSYLVANIA 140,074 80 190,074 1,306,550 415 1,356,550 105,000 284,750 1,750 389,750 50,000 171,000 297 221,000 East Grand Traverse Bay Wetlands Initiative 1,000,000 3,050,000 1,104 4,050,000 Door Peninsula Coastal Initiative Lake St. Clair/Western Lake Erie Watershed Project 1,000,000 2,511,672 4,196 3,511,672 Rock River Watershed 833,817 3,258,692 3,309 4,092,509 Sensiba Wildlife Area 50,000 3,616,000 243 3,666,000 Superior Coastal Wetland Initiative Skaff Parcel Protected Forever 18,000 700,000 1,000,000 Northwest Ohio Wetlands Initiative 50,000 Round Lake Headwaters Project TOTAL $ 49,981 50,000 Michigan Upper Peninsula Coastal Wetland Project II ACRES North Tonawanda Audubon Nature Preserve (Klydel Wetland) Superior Township Wetlands Acquisition Wigwam Bay PARTNER $ Catatonk Creek Watershed Silver River Wetlands Restoration Wetlands Restoration in Farm, Urban, & Forest Lands NAWCA $ (No Great Lakes watershed projects) WISCONSIN 20,000 144,500 78 164,500 51,000 292,000 1,102 343,000 850,000 4,792,400 2,717 5,642,400 Wisconsin Glacial Habitat 500,000 2,120,200 4,736 2,620,200 1,000,000 4,711,000 1,418 5,711,000 Wisconsin Glacial Habitat II 50,000 585,000 130 635,000 1,000,000 3,749,534 1,807 4,749,534 Hutchinson Property on Lake Leelanau Narrows 30,500 212,500 43 243,000 Pigeon River Protection Project- Busch Acquisition 50,000 1,450,000 200 1,500,000 St. Mary’s River Bird Migration Corridor St. Mary’s River Bird Migration Corridor II Susan Creek Project Grand River Watershed Project Michigan Total: MINNESOTA Rice Portage Wetland Restoration Minnesota Total $9,744,547 $40,354,359 29,742 $50,098,906 NAWCA $ PARTNER $ ACRES TOTAL $ 268,000 572,901 2,004 840,901 $268,000 $527,901 2,004 $840,901 NAWCA $ PARTNER $ ACRES TOTAL $ Montezuma Water 300,000 1,322,000 1,700 1,622,000 Northern Montezuma Wetlands 410,000 517,000 1,302 927,000 Northern Montezuma Wetlands II 392,271 1,328,978 450 1,721,249 Oak Orchard Iroquois Tonawanda Wetlands 219,500 220,500 849 440,000 Montezuma Wetlands Complex III 999,500 2,028,460 4,972 3,027,960 50,000 245,738 207 NEW YORK Town of Grand Island Open Space Acquisition Project 295,738 continued on next page Uihlein WPA 790,000 1,799,300 2,993 2,589,300 Huiras Lake Natural Area Acquisition 50,000 343,500 143 393,500 Lowney-Rohan Wetland 12,500 45,500 101 58,000 SC Wisconsin Prairie Pothole Initiative 1,000,000 3,333,965 5,825 4,333,965 WI Glacial Habitat III 1,000,000 2,107,500 4,308 3,107,500 50,000 50,000 180 100,000 Glacial Habitat Restoration Area IV 1,000,000 2,133,280 3,494 3,133,280 SC Wisconsin Prairie Pothole Initiative II Shallow Wetland Project 1,000,000 2,440,187 3,329 3,440,187 Superior Coastal Wetland Initiative II 999,800 2,212,948 5,918 3,212,748 Horicon Marsh Headwaters 683,142 1,366,285 1,868 2,049,427 17,500 22,500 100 40,000 1,163,000 2,347,500 7,122 3,510,500 Fox River NWR Wetland Restoration SE Wisconsin Coastal Habitat SE Wisconsin Coastal Habitat Initiative II 648,170 1,301,289 2,563 1,949,459 SE Wisconsin Coastal Habitat Initiative III 995,638 2,112,949 2,642 3,108,587 SE Wisconsin Coastal Habitat Initiative IV Winnebago System- Rush Lake Initiative Wisconsin Total: GRAND TOTAL 998,400 2,043,500 2,041 3,041,900 1,000,000 2,589,816 6,065 3,589,816 $14,366,150 $35,200,530 72,370 $49,566,680 NAWCA $ PARTNER $ ACRES TOTAL $ $33,231,899 $106,842,442 173,562 $140,119,341
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