What is the ADR programme? The primary purpose of the ADR is to give all interested parties an overview of European airspace data, which is updated in real ADR is an essential ena- time throughout the day of operation. bler of SESAR concepts (e.g. trajectory manage- What are the benefits? e-AMI/EAUP A consistent and up-to-date ADR will provide quicker access allocations. It has been available for operational purposes since early January 2011. The European to pertinent information, providing two direct benefits: AUP/UUP is also accessible through the Network Operations Portal, and is used intensively. n Through e-AMI, authorised users can query and compare CDR6/route availability and airspace AUP reduced safety risks: potential hazards can arise from in- To this end, the ADR Programme will make available a virtual ment) by providing conso- consistencies in airspace information, difficulty in interpret- Airspace Data Repository providing a common and consistent lidated, common and ing multiple sources and out-of-date airspace information; RAD source of airspace information combining both static and quality airspace data for improved productivity: single data entry and retrieval AIP dynamic elements into a coherent picture that will support the ATM operations. n avoids duplication of effort and time. This will improve ASM1/ATFCM2/ATC3 collaborative process. The ADR is currently already delivering the first benefits, with the enabling of optimised flight plan- NOTAM ning through e-RAD and e-AMI publications. View on stand alone strategic and pre-tactical Data The main objective of the e-RAD and e-AMI is to facilitate flight planning. They will lead to a higher acceptance rate of flight plans sent to the IFPS7 through an integrated flight-planning system. productivity particularly for ANSPs, AMCs and for NM services. The ADR offers its users: Difficulty in interpreting various and inconsistent publications and out of date airspace information, leads to inefficiencies in flight planning and capacity shortfalls for a better airspace allocation. The ADR will provide access to AIPs NOTAM The ADR is a key enabler for other benefits: n information on the past, present AUP and future status of airspace for n which a recognised authority Airspace users Help Needed!!! improves airspace planning prior to the Day of Operation so as to enhance available capacity availability through: and reduce the need for airspace restrictions, allowing civil and military airspace users to adjust n electronic Airspace Management Information (e-AMI) and electronic Route Availability Document (e-RAD) publication (with automatically processed data); their seasonal plans in order to improve flight efficiency or reduce costs; has taken a decision in terms of RAD optimised flight planning, by informing them of changes made to airspace usage and route the publication of European RAD and European AUP8/UUP9 in pdf/html format; improves the chance of putting in place the best possible airspace organisation for the Day n cal Information Publication (AIP) of Operation thereby reducing the need for airspace restrictions and reducing the levels of n data), allocation (e.g. allocated ATM-specific delay; implementation (e.g. Aeronauti- airspace), activation, etc. The need for a consolidated view to Airspace users. n making all other restrictions available via B2B (e.g Flight Profile Restrictions, EU/EURO restrictions, FRA/DCT restrictions…); n improves the ability of aircraft operators to take advantage of airspace availability; n facilitates consistent trajectory management between all actors, by providing the the provision of access to the consolidated airspace status and route availability informa- n tion, superposing static and dynamic airspace information in one coherent picture. essential common denominator of airspace information (e.g. pre-requisite for Flight Object This will allow aircraft operators to identify and select their preferred route option based on the and SESAR trajectory management). How is the Airspace Data Repository organised? latest airspace management decisions. Although the Airspace Data Repository will be presented to its users as a single source of What ADR offers you - Available services n improved pre-validation and validation process, resulting in consistent data management e-RAD e-AMI contains information on the throughout the ADR data flow from data origination to publication: is already available within existing EUROCONTROL systems such as the European AIS Database The e-RAD service is made available via ftp and will also allocation of airspace and condi- n (EAD) and the Central Airspace and Capacity Database (CACD). be available via B2B with NM 17.5 Users downloading tional route usage, while e-RAD information, the data itself will not be stored in one single physical database. Most of the data 4 5 CACD in AIXM 5.1 and by establishing and implementing a common procedure for data e-RAD information will receive the following data in covers route-availability data. AIXM11 format: Through consolidated and vali- n dated electronic e-AMI and e-RAD n provision between AIS-ATC OPS; data completeness in EAD/SDO to cover the specific ADR requirements; improved digital data provision to CACD (e.g. AUP/UUP). full set of TFRs (e-Restrictions) within the NM Area of messages, users can therefore Operations; make full use of the benefits offered 5 n required static data referenced by the TFRs; by automated data processing. 7 n dynamic updates to the TFRs. n Airspace Management 2 Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management 3 Air Traffic Control 4 Aeronautical Information Services improved data consistency between EAD and CACD by downloading from SDO data to 1 Aeronautical Information Exchange Model Conditional Route Initial Flight Plan Processing System 8 Airspace Use Plan 9 Updated (Airspace) Use Plan 6 n an improved ASM/ATFCM coordination process, by: updating ADR with AUP and UUPs via Collaboration Interface for Airspace Management n Downloading of EAD/SDO data in CACD (FB 569, FB 604 and FB 511) n ADR NM contribution to SESAR WP 7.5.2 VP016 Exercise n Enabling of interoperability with ASM tools - Prio 1 (FB432) allowing interoperability with local ASM tools; n AIS-ATC common procedure for non-AIP data provision downloading the required static n SDO and CACD data alignment for aerodrome, points, routes and airspace n Harmonisation of ADR data to ensure data consistency n ADR extension to AIXM 5.1 model n ADR Safety Case development & Regulatory compliance n Developments for the electronic provisions of FPR, EURO, EU, restrictions (CIAM); n n data in particular for the ASM Airspace Requests tools; Requested giving AMC10 the possibility to Confirmed retrieve information from the Earmarked n Accepted In Queue ADR on the planned utilisation 3 ETFMS AMC RAD Airspace Request IFPS eUUP ASM Tool Airspace Allocation/ Route Opening&Closure 5 eAUP Reference supporting real-time airspace Allocated n NOTAM: CDR 1&Airspace Availability Updates 2 AIRAC: Base definitions + Airspace Availability 1 activations/deactivations. eAMI AUP EAUP support for strategic simulations, including the extension of the ADR CACD EAD The following topics are considered within the scope of SESAR (i.e. not implementation as in ADR Phase 1 but R&D): 6 ADR enabling ASM Process data to several Aeronautical Infor- EUROCONTROL ADR Allocated of airspace; n n Network Manager nominated by the European Commission n ADR Phase 2 (distribution of real-time airspace data, airport and ATFM tactical data); n enabling essential SESAR concepts ( e.g. trajectory management) and usage of common airspace data for ATC Airspace Data Repository, ADR mation Regulation and Control (AIRAC) cycles; A common and consolidated view of European airspace data Latest developments in ADR The ADR Programme is currently in Phase I. It is establishing the core ADR by addressing some key operational requirements. AD Need more information? You can find more information on the Network Management public website and in the Cata- One of the major milestones for the next ADR Phase 1 developments is to publish live updates logue of Products, Services and Activities. of operational data to serve FPL/ASM and ATFCM processes, including all restrictions in AIXM 5.1 format via NM B2B. RAD AIP NOTAM Support Team. ADR Phase 1 Achieving interoperability with ASM Digital RAD AIXM AIXM You can also contact Ms Nil Agacdiken (ADR Programme Manager) or the NM Customer AUP Tools and between EAD and CACD are other important milestones in fu- Digital NOTAM CACD EAD Digital ASM AIXM 5.1 extension ADR ture ADR developments to ensure the consistency of the data provided via ADR services. Following the successful SESAR VP16 ( WP 7.5.2) validations of e-RAD and e-AMI and referred static data Download of static data Access to consolidated and coherent picture Consolidated view to airspace users 10 Airspace Management Cell October 2012, ADR gave the first fruits EUROCONTROL © January 2013 - European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) This document is published by EUROCONTROL for information purposes. It may be copied in whole or in part, for enabling interoperability with ASM provided that EUROCONTROL is mentioned as the source and it is not used for commercial purposes (i.e. for financial Tools. gain). The information in this document may not be modified without prior written permission from EUROCONTROL. www.eurocontrol.int
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