e ews SPRING / Spring SeUles Upon Us Acupuncture News Acupuncture helps relieve prostatitis symptoms Spring brings with it warmer weather and renewed physical and mental energy. For many people, however, the transition from winter to spring isn't always easy, The cold winter months are a nalUraltime for rest and introspection so it can be a challenge to get moving again. Almost 10% of adult men suffer from Chronic Prostatitis (CP) and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (epPS). Unfortunately. the available therapies have had IiUle or no proven benefit. The School of Pharmaceutical Science in Malaysia conducted a 1O-week study to test the efficacy of acupuncture as a natural approach to relieving the symptoms 0/ CP/CPPS. The study concluded that after 10 weeks of treatment, acupuncture was almost twice as likely as sham acupuncture to improve CP/CPPS symptoms. In addition, participants who were treated with acupuncture were 24 limes more likely to report long-term beneflls than those who received sham acupuncture A""punct"", ""fSUS sham IllCUpUrJCIUflI "" c.hroroc pros/8!w$lchronlC psIIIic pain LeeSW,et ai, Am J Med 2008 Jan; 121 (1 );79.81·7 Acupuncture an effective allergy treatment A study was recently conducted in Australia 10 determine the efficacy of acupuncture versus sham acupuncture in the treatment of persistent allergic rhinitls. Subjects received acupuncture twice a week for 8 weeks, with a follow·up after 12 weeks. Findings suggest that acupuncture is effective in treating the symptoms of persistent allergic rhinitis. Acupuncru,. Irx P'JIsiSllHl11JHIJ1IPC rhmills 9 f8ndomi~ed. $ham..r;onlt'l)ll&d tna/ XueCC,etai MedJAust2007Sep 17; 16716):337-41 Traditional Chmese Medicine (TCM) tells us that selliing into spring can be even more difficult if there is an imbalance in the Liyer. which is responsible for the now ofQi (Life Energy) throughout the body. An imbalance or lack of Qi can cause a whole range of emotional and physical symptoms such as anger. depression, mood swings. abdominal pain. menstrual problems. and even allergies. If you suffer from any of these ~ymptoms. then you are av.are that they can be barriers to moving forward and living in harmony with the seasom. The good news is that you ctln take charge of your health and kick-start your ~rring. ~iN. talk \0 me about how to address any underlying imbalances that might be affecting your energy levels. ['II have some suggestiom for you, and may even talk about dietary changes. supplements. herbs or excrcises that can help. NpxL decide how to tackle lin) slrcssors at work or home that might be keeping you from feeling your best. Consider acupuncture. acupressure. meditation. yoga. massage. or talk therapy to help you handle stress and keep from becoming overwhelmed. Lastly. plan to get moving. Exercise is an lInpoJ1ant way to boost your energy and kecp your Qi nowing. Keep these lips in mind: • Take it slow. especially if you hayen·t exercised o\er the winter. Use common sense to avoid overdoing it and IIlJuring your~elf. • Set small goals for yourself sueh as walking for 15 minutes each day. Set new goab as your fitness level improves. • Warm up before exercising and ah\ays remember to stretch. • Do something you enjoy. so your workout doesn't feel like work. With a little planning and some assistance from TCM you can shake off those winter blahs and enjoy all the wonderful benefits of spring. Reference, H,,,,/v. .kl, G,.,,,,", Conno"" C fj<ldy & Ilm'" ",osa/ine f).,. /.i1'I" ",,,/ U,'u Qi S'''~I\,,'i''l\, ,\curtnde, Map/me Spnng 200~ hnp:'''\\ "".acurtnJe'_~,,'" Food for (((I ro Tips for Spring Cleaning (-jill! Spring is a season of awakening and of new beginnings. Making healthy choices that will carry you through the seasons is important this time of year. Here are a few ideas to get you started Meridian Exercise - Side Bend Stretch If youhave ever practiced yoga, you may be familiar with this pose. The side bend stretch helps open up the free flow of Qj 1. Embrace yourself honestly. Assess the various aspects of your life, see where the stressors and weaknesses exist. Are they in your diet, exercise program, work or relationships? Focus on the ones that need improvement, and begin moving away from the ones that detract from your life. along the Liver and Gallbladder meridians. It's a simple way to move your body's energy and to stretch both body and mind. Here's how to do it: 1) Sit on the floor with both legs extended out to your sides. Keep your knees straight. 2. Examine personal relationships. Include your significant other, friends, or relatives. Think about how you effect each other and what you can do to make each relationship more meaningful. 2) Clasp your hands up over your head with your palms turned upwards. 3) Inhale and stretch your arms up as high as they will go. 4) While exhaling, bend toward the right side at the waist as if you are trying to get the right elbow to touch the right knee, while keeping your 3. Choose to change habits. Perhaps you want to be more positive, exercise more, or give up junk food. Do you need help or can you do this on your own? II may be easier to make changes with support from others. left elbow pointing upward to the sky_ Stretch as far as you can without causing discomfort. S) Inhale into the side of your body that is facing up, and exhale sinking deeper toward your leg. 6) Inhale, return to center and stretch your arms upward. Upon exhalation, repeat for the opposite side. - I 4. Clean and organize. Clearoul the old and bring in the new. Take a look at your possessions and give away or recycle anything that doesn't serve a good purpose. You may be surprised at how much lighter and happier you feel when you've cleaned and freshened up each area of your home. 5. Get active. Work more exercise improve your health stress Walk around neighborhood, try a dancing, or ride your new. into and your yoga bike your day to reduce class, go someplace 6. Make positive choices. Think about what you take in every day with your eyes, ears, and heart. Consider the things that make you feel your best such as beautiful music, energetic friends, and inspirational art. Consider taking a break from TV, news, violent movies, and stressful people. 7. Feel your best. Assess your emotional well-being. Take an honest look at your moods and emotions. Find the cause of the disharmony, and make a conscious choice to change. Many factors, from diet and digestive health to learned behavior, can have an influence on mood and energy level. 8. Try a Detox Program. You may want to try a 1 to 3 week detox program during the spring. Choose a program that works for you whether it's a juice cleansing, fasting, cutting out dairy or refined sugars, or a more in-depth detox diet. Talk to me, I may be able to give you helpful information about how to approach the detoxification process. 9. Consider nutritional supplements. You might find supplements helpful for boosting your immunity and overall health. Consider taking an age and gender appropriate multivitamin and mineral daily, as well as additional antioxidants such as Vitamins C and E. Also remember to drink plenty of water and green tea. 10. Commit to a plan. Consider what you want out of life, from your health, habits and relationships to your career and work. Create a plan to achieve these goals. Most importantly, remember to be nurturing and kind to yourself as you commit to making positive changes in your life. pLClII\, fOY Cl H-eClLtVtkj L~Vey ClII\,Iii C1ClLLbLClliiliiey Have you ever woken up with a great idea in the middle of the nighl? WelL there's a reason! Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) tells us Ihat each organ has a specific time when it is the most active. The Liver and its pal1ner the Gallbladder arc most active between 11 1'.111. and 3 a.m. These organs. when functioning optimally. control our <lbility to plan. organiL.c. make clear decisions and take decisiyc action. When these organs arc out of balance. we can become disorganized. ~tan demonstrating poor planning and time management. or cOll\'erse!y, cXfX:rience stress from tlying to plan \00 much. One way to addrcs~ this imbalance is to take charge of your life and become more organized and less stressed. These (ips from Stephen R. Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" are a great place to stan. Be PmClct~ve Rccognize making your responsibility 111 BEANS (sprouted) Adzuki Garbanzo Fava Lentils Mung FRUIT Avocados Blackberries Dates Grapes Grapefruit Jicama Lemons Limes Loquat Olives Oranges Strawberries Tangelos Tangerines GRAINS things happen Begi"" wit~t~e 5vcd i"" Mivcd (sprouted) Barley Buckwheat Corn Rice Create with your mind what you Rye cannot at present see with your eyes Wheat HERBS Pl-tt F~t'"st TVt~Vv9s FLYSt Focus on whm needs to be accompli..,hed. visualize using your mind 10 Here are a few books that may help you make sense of your life and the desired result , Anise Basil Bay leaf Cardamom Chickweed Chicory Chives Cilantro Cumin Dandelion root Dill Fennel Green tea Hawthorn berry Marjoram Milk thistle Mint Nettles Parsley Peppermint Raspberry leaf Rosemary Rosehips Sassafras Celery Chard Collard greens Comfrey Dandelion Fennel Garlic Green onions Green peas Kale Leeks Lettuce Mushrooms Mustard greens Pickles Radishes Rhubarb Scallions Sorrel greens Sauerkraut Spinach Sugar peas Watercress SEEDS (sprouted) Alfalfa Clover Sunflower VEGETABLES Alfalfa Artichoke Asparagus Beets Beet greens Bok choy Brussels sprouts Cauliflower become more organizcd. T11LV'v~ WLi'\r-WLV'v Seek mutual benefit in all human interactions seeR. FiYSt to cwwIeYStovcd, The"" be cwwIeYStooct Li..,ten with the intcnt 10 understand StJ """"g ize Develop unity and creativity conjunction in with other human "Life IIi-IS Nel'er Meant to Be a Struggle" by SlUan Wilde "Time MClI1agelllelllJor the Cremil'e Person: Right-Brain StrategiesJor Stoppillg Procrw·tillmioll. GetTing COli/rot oj the Clock alld Calellc/w: and Freeillg Up YOl/rTillie alld YOllr Life" by Lee Silber being.., s~0Yf>e"" t~e sow Never stop improving yourself UThe PmaostillC//ors Halldbook: Masterillg fhe Art oj Doing It Now" by Rita Emmett Reference; 1l,e 7 1I"l>il' of Ifi.~"'\rJ[<"<-"'-e P'·"fllt'. S'cphcn R CO\-cy_$irnu" & Schu,ler.:!OI.'l6. Points Toward Health Rubbing acupuncture points with your finger for seconds can stimUlate and promote the circulation of Qi within your own body. restoring 30-60 health and well-being. Here is a useful acupuncture point that promotes health in spring The Liver 3 point can be located on the tops of both feet. DO NOT USE THIS POINT DURING PREGNANCY. LOCATION. On the top of the foot, in the depression between where the first and second metatarsal bones meet. It is usually tender for most people. FUNCTIONS: Used for dizziness, headaches, vertigo, epilepsy, painful and/or blurry eyes, irregular menstruation, depression, uterine bleeding and prolapse, urine retention, genital pain, frequent sighing, and insomnia iii G II I
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